English Newsletter - May 2011 Design by ear2hear Ministries - website: resources.ear2hear.co.za

Asia2000_ may2011

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English Newsletter - May 2011

Design by ear2hear Ministries - website: resources.ear2hear.co.za

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The work in the Philippines are progressing wonderfully! The next photo was taken at a meeting where some of the old folks were treated. The hosts were Virgie and her husband Joe. We are quot-ing from Virgie’s report: “We have just conducted a gift giving to the senior citizens with the help of sis Ely Sebiano and they are very happy for the blanket we have given them because it’s now very cold in Baguio. Our theme for this month is ‘Growing Together in Christ.’ I am so happy that even though we are few the members bring their food…

Right: Virgie, Joe, Ely with the outreach to the elderly

“...and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in His name to all nations…” Luke 24:47

Dearly Beloved The Lord is so gracious and kind. Especially if we delight ourselves in His work, then you will find this great truth again and again. We are just astounded to see how the King of kings builds His Kingdom through us who are such weak vessels. Many times we are even more surprised to see what the Lord is doing in Asia. When we see this we can only bow down in humble adoration. We are also full of appreciation for the work you do, dear missionary friends and espe-cially the way you are giving of yourself in offerings and intercession. We realize, dear friends, that we cannot make it without you. Thank you, thank you for the wonderful blessing you are, not only to us, but to the missionaries and to the missionary work that we are involved in. We know that we will rejoice in this for a whole eternity. Thanks again!

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….and we all ate together. We are very happy and have the joy in serving God because God is anointing us every time we minister to people around us. They are now starting to understand that God loves them and that God wanted them to enjoy their lives not only here but have eternal life. The fruits of our cell group is that they are now starting to lead in singing and praying and sharing the Word of God with our guidance because they are just starting. We have again a new Bible study, pray that would touch their hearts and accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. We have 15 adults and young people who are attending our Sunday service and 15-20 during the evening service. One in our cell group testifies that when we prayed when she had body pains, God healed her.” On the photo we see Virgie in an orange top standing by the door and Joe is seen at the far right wearing a blue shirt.

We received a very special report from Sharon Cosalan. We can only quote part of it because it was almost four pages. She writes as follows: “Prayer pays: About a month ago Rhoda, one of the drug representa-tives came to visit my clinic to pro-mote her drugs.

Right & Above: Dr Sharon and the Drug (Pharmacy) representatives.

But she was obviously very dis-tressed because she was having trouble with another drug represen-tative who insulted and badmouthed her in public for no reason. Rhoda attends the R C church but knowing that I was involved in missions, she gathered the courage to say: ‘can you pray for me’. Right then and there I prayed for her and led her to ask forgiveness from Jesus and ask Him to be her Saviour after explaining what Jesus did on the cross. She prayed with me and right after that she said she had relief and peace in her heart. She left with much gratitude and with a big smile on her face. The next Friday Rhoda came with an egg pie (this is more or less like our milk tart) to tell me the good news that when she met her enemy, she felt no more remorse and anger for her unlike the past when she felt so much anger for her enemy that someone had to physically restrain her from doing her physical harm. It fills my heart with joy and encour-agement to know that God answers my prayers and uses me right where I am in my humble clinic. (We thank the Lord for another soul which was rescued from darkness, and we know for sure that Sharon will do some good follow-up work with the discipleship bible studies.) She continues: Maries started to come very irregularly since December last year, although she was so keen to start making disciples herself, and was hoping that we could have bible studies twice a week to prepare her. But then she did not pitch

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up between January and March and I became discouraged. This week she came back to give me insight in what is happening namely that the pastor of the church she was at-tending announced that they will have a ‘Bless Baguio City Movement’ in March and those who wanted to join need to go through 21 days of prayer and fasting and then 3 weeks of teachings and then a week of prayer before they all go out to knock on the doors of people’s houses in designated areas. She came to share that she was so blessed with joy by the harvest of souls which was the result of their labour.

Further Sharon also gives more details about the bible study in their own house where she lives together with her parents. She continues: “At home, my sister Shirley now joins us for Bible Study she is in Baguio. She used to stay by the sides and not participate. Now She joins in the discussions. I praise the Lord! My Parents, Joel, Imelda, Brayden, Princess, Amy, Champion, Yani, Jazzy, Kenneth, Bunjo and the other children enjoy learning and worshipping together on Saturday evenings in Tuding. Please continue to pray for our Bible Studies. Brayden now assists Joel in reaching out to the children in the Feeding Programs in the Irisan (dumpsite area) every Saturday lunchtime. They bring their laptop to show bible stories and teach praise and worship songs to the children and their mothers! As a family, they help me do the Bible Study in Tuding on Saturday eve-nings with the rest of the family. Please pray for Kelly Jr and Charmaine who live sepa-rately now. Jazzy, their daughter is now four years old and is torn between her parents. Please pray for God’s grace and mercy upon them.” We see Jazzy sitting on Sharon’s lap. Jazzy is Sharon’s grandniece and they are very fond of each other. In the back-ground we...

Main insert: young Jazzy singing praise songs

with Dr. Sharon Cosalan

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We would also like to report that Ricardo is doing very well in the school where he has the opportunity to share the Gospel and also other Bible truths in the Old and New Testament. The princi-pal of the school allows him to teach the children two full days of the week. That is

...see Joel, Sharon’s brother, playing the guitar. This was taken during the family Bible Study that takes place every Saturday evening. Sharon has a very hectic life as a family physician, but she never misses a chance to share the Gospel to everyone who comes into her clinic. She is a real star in the service of the Lord.

This month we would also like to share something about the work of Mila Victor. She sends her report to us on a regular monthly basis, but this time, our co-ordinator went to visit the church where Mila attends, and she gave us some more insights on what Mila is doing. Ely writes as follows: “The attached picture shows how joyful Mila is with teaching the kids. Very soon the kids will grow up and Mila is trusting the Lord that His Word will not return to Him void but it will accomplish what the Lord desires in the lives of these precious little ones. There are kids that Mila ministered to before and now are teenagers but are continuing in the Lord. Many times Mila feels she is not doing a lot of discipleship due to her ailment but she spends a lot of time in prayer. Sister Mila is an anointed lady and we pray earnestly that God will bring healing to her body. Most of the days of the month she has been ill. She was telling of her wanting to quit the team because she feels that she cannot go to her Bible Studies in Trinidad and other homes due to her pain. Sometimes she gets very discouraged.” Well, on the photo we see Mila together with her children/young people to whom she ministers every Sunday. She does excel-lent work among the youth as you have read in the pre-vious passage, and we are so blessed to hear that there are still of the teenag-ers who are following the Lord diligently, even when they are already out of Sun-day School. Please pray for Mila. She has excessive pain in her joints and even walks with difficulty. She cannot attend to her Bible Studies at this stage, but at least she is with her young people in church regularly every Sunday.

Main Insert: Mila and the young children she teaches

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truly remarkable, because this doesn’t happen easily in any school, in the Philippines or any other country. He isn’t a trained teacher, and that makes it even more of a miracle. This is a real rough and tumble school, and although they are still very young, many of them are addicted to drugs and alcohol.


There has been large crackdowns on Christian’s in The People’s Re-public of China. Some major arrests have been made of late and it has been reported that approximately 1000 pastor’s have been ar-rested and jailed in the past month.

Pray for these innocent Christians in China!

Main insert: Ricardo and the school children he reaches out to.

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We thank our God the we, (Gatmens) Below: Karana Monk & Perlito are doing good through in His Loving Arms. Our kids (Roshan Joy and Ashirah) are really growing well that makes us busier throughout the day. Thus, they are real inspiration and joy to us parents. Ashirah is beginning to explore his new environment and speaking almost clear words espe-cially the safari animals. She likes also to follow some of our words when we are conversing in the house. Roshan is also doing well in her stud-ies at a Filipino Missionary founded school here in Poipet except a bit low in Math. Next month would be our second year in Poipet pioneering an-other Church. Indeed, the Lord is good despite of many challenging situations we are passing through! His enabling Grace sustains to run the race. One per-son at a time, we are now beginning to see disciples responding to the call of Jesus! This year we’re praying for at least 3 Faithful, Available, Committed, Teachable and Submis-sive (FACTS) disciples. Out of those 5 young people we baptized, there are only two of them left which we’re now discipling. While we are establishing our base at the heart of Poipet City, we continue to expanding in three different villages where we conduct wor-ship service to two different families in the villages. We pray that as we disciple them, they shall soon reach out their neighborhoods. There are three levels of people that are hard to penetrate with the gospel at least here in Cambodia; rich, old folks and Buddhist monks. However, not by might nor by power but by His Spirit we are moving. We con-tinue to pray for these levels of people especially before we moved to Poipet two years ago. And behold, few months ago, Karana a Buddhist monk approached us and ex-pressed his desire to study the Bible. Without hesitation, we have accommodated his re-quest. Now he wanted to believe in Jesus! “Faith comes by hearing the Word…” He stopped monkhood and promised us to come back to Poipet after Khmer New Year (April 14-16) but even before Khmer New Year he already want to come. I told him and really praying hard that I’m going to disciple him to be used by God in His Kingdom. Honestly, I can see a great potential in him. However, we’ll depend on Holy Spirit’s perfect dealing and leading. He is now under training under Bro Perlito. He learns the Bible everyday, joining prayer devotion every morning, and going with us in village ministry. All glory to our God! (Please open attachment for his photo) We covet your prayers for him.

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General news We would just like to mention that our books has again been audited by a professional auditor, and any-one who would like to view this may come to our office in 811 Tom Street Waverley. Prayer points We are sure that you can see from this newsletter what wonderful things are happening. And these things are happening because you and we are praying. God honours prayer, and we know that we will have the victory on our knees, hal-lelujah, keep it up! Please pray for an abundance of funds for many new projects that we are planning. Once again we want to thank eve-rybody who has given of their time, their offerings and also just encour-aging us by an e-mail or a phone call. One day, when we are up there, we will rejoice forever and ever, and especially if we get in-volved in God’s work and see the results when we are up there. With all our love in the Lord Jesus Christ Yvonne, Ely and the two teams.

Telephone: (012) 332 3665 (Fax) (012) 332 2601 (012) 332 2602 Postal Address: P.O. Box 31192 Waverley 0135 E-mail: [email protected] (South African Mission Office) E-mail: [email protected](Philipines Mission Office)

Support Mission Work Today! Standard Bank: Montana Branch Account No: 020175876 IBT Code: 015945 ABSA Bank: Kempton Park Branch Account No: 9064970731 IBT Code: 50444244

Design by ear2hear Ministries - website: resources.ear2hear.co.za