ASSESSMENT CENTRE Visit hrmba.blogspot.com for more

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It is a technique which is used for measuring certain dimensions of a person’s competency. The technique consists of a mix of separate techniques for measuring psychological dimensions such as traits, qualities or competencies of people.

The technique consists of a group of people undergoing a series of work related exercises and simulations along with some standard psychometric instruments. Their behaviourbehaviour while undergoing the exercises and simulations is observed by a set of trained and experienced observers who record their observations and integrate these to arrive at a measurement of the competency of each of the participants.

Assessment centres are well-integrated sets of tests, exercises, simulations and instruments which are designed to cover all aspects of a group of dimensions (personality qualities or competencies) so as to provide as valid a picture of the participant as possible

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Any set of Psychometric tests or instruments used together do not constitute and qualify as an assessment centre.

Assessment Centres are not :

Multiple- interview processes.

Psychometric test batteries (paper-pencil tests).

Individual assessments of all sorts.

Work Sample Tests.

Multiple assessment techniques without integration of the data.

A building labeled ‘Assessment Centre’.

It must measure multiple factors (qualities or competencies).

It must use multiple techniques.

It must have multiple observers or assessors.

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Every organisation wants people with the competencies that are in consonance with the objectives of the Organisation.

Therefore the organisation’s aim would be to find such people and if necessary, to develop the required competency in the existing people.

This strategy along with the obvious benefits, has the added advantage of motivated people who would participate enthusiastically in the advancement of the organisation, as this would inherently imply their own advancement too.

Thus Assessment centres are not only a very accurate means of gauging the competency of people, they also have an added advantage that they are eminently introspective and give rise to an internal need for development in the participants who undergo these assessment centres.

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Pre-requisites Before Initiating An Assessment Centre ?

1. Clear and Stated Objectives.

2. Total Commitment on the part of the top management.

3. Open Channels of Communication in the organisation.

4. Employee trust and faith in the organisation.

5. Management clarity about the objectives of the programme.

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Decision to set up an

assessment centre

Identification of


Data Collection

Exercise and Assessment

Centre Design

Exercise validation

pilot assessment


Assessors’ Training

Design Assessment

/ Developmen

t Centres

Review of Design

Follow-up Action Plan

Review Follow-up

Action Plan

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Commonly Occurring Competencies in Organisations


- Comprehension

- Analytical Ability

- Innovation

- Decision Making

- Planning & Organising

- Strategic Perspective


- Communication

- Adaptability

- Ability to Influence Others


- Initiative

- Drive

- Resilience

- Stress Resistance

- Result Orientation


- Business Understanding

- Customer Focus

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Assessor’s Training

Assessor Attributes

• Desire to be an assessor.

• Knowledge of target organisation and job.

• An average or better manager in terms of normal managerial criteria.

• General high level of maturity.

• Interest in people

• A perspective observer who listens well.

• Ability to learn.

• Systematic and well organised.

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Assessor’s Training

Assessor Attributes

• Articulate in group and individual situations – able to take a position and defend it verbally.

• Independence – the ability to take a position in opposition to others.

• Generally free from biases.

• High personal work standards.

• Adaptability – willingness to change position when appropriate and when the weight of evidence is such that a change should come about.

• Energy to work long days at a good speed.

• Has a track record of counseling and developing staff.

• Is able to spare himself for the time necessary.

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Assessor’s Training Programme

Duration : 3-5 days.

Schedule : Introduction, Course & History.

Techniques, Competencies,

Behaviour Classification & Generation Exercises,

Instruments to be used,

Observation & Recording Methods

Interviewing Skills,

Integration Sessions,

Report Writing,

Feedback & Counseling Skills,

Career Counseling,

Management Feedback.

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Process of Assessment Centre

1. Briefing

2. Observation

3. Recording

4. Classification

5. Writing of rating sheets

6. Rating

7. Integration

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Assessment Centre Report

It is the most important outcome of the Assessment Centre. The report should contain the following elements :

1. Brief Personal Profile

2. Summary of General Performance & Behaviour

3. Description of Performance by each Competency

4. General Strengths and Weaknesses

5. Developmental Advice and Action Plan

6. Organisational Actions.

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Assessment Feedback

Feedback is the process where the participants are made aware of their observed behaviour in controlled circumstances and how they measure up to a set of competencies, which are relevant to the organisation.

Feedback is in two parts ; The organisation receives feedback about the competency of the people therein and the participant receives feedback on his performance in the assessment centre.

1. Covers Strengths and Development areas.2. Behavioural observations and change of behaviour3. Explain the effectiveness of the behaviours.4. Examples of behaviour to be highlighted.5. Participant can also comment or elaborate.6. Alternate or corrective behaviour to be suggested.7. The esteem and secrecy about the participant must be maintained.

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Life after the Assessment Centre

Follow-up is also very essential.

The suggested changes in the participant should be maintained and therefore the Developmental Plan is necessary.

A developmental plan for the participant consists of :

Competency-based Workshops Job Rotation or Enrichment Project-based learning E-learning programmes Open university programmes Counseling for problem areas.

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