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  • Understand how to handle information in social care settings.

    1 Understand the need for secure handling of information in social care settings.

    1.1 Identify the legislation that relates to the recording, storage and sharing of information in social


    The main piece of legislation is the Data Protection Act 1998. This covers the medical, social, credit

    information and the local authority. There are eight principles. The data must be:

    - Fairly and lawfully processed

    - Processed for intended purposes

    - Adequate, relevant and not excessive

    - Accurate

    - Not kept for longer than necessary

    - Processed in accordance with the data subject rights

    - Kept secure

    - Not transferred to countries without adequate protection.

    1.2 Explain why it is important to have secure systems for recording and storing information in a

    social care setting.

    To ensure the necessary safeguards and appropriate uses of personal information are in place. For

    example, any issues relating to human rights, the duty of confidentiality as part of duty of care, accuracy.

    The information is permanent once it has been written down. The information is very personal for

    example, bank details, medical history and family background. This needs to be kept as confidential as


    2 Know how to access support for handling information in social care setting.

    2.1 Describe how to access guidance, information and advice about handling information.

    You would go to your line manager. Then you would ask the main supervisor if the line manager

    cannot answer your enquiry. Any general information can be found at the administration office.

    2.2 Outline what actions to take when there are concerns over the recording, storing or sharing of


    You would put your concerns in writing and be clear about dates and times, and what steps you

    have already taken and any responses you have had. You would first talk to your senior or manager. If it is

    not dealt with then you would go to the next person in charge. You may also need to involve the trade

    union or a professional organisation in order to support you.

  • Understand the role of the social care worker

    1. Understand working relationships in social care setting

    1.1. Explain how a working relationship is different from a personal relationship

    A working relationship is when you keep a professional distance between the people you are working

    with, so you would only see them when you are at work, when you working with those people as part of a

    team within the work places policies and procedures. You would be accountable and responsible for any

    mistakes made. A good working relationship is built on respect and understanding.

    A personal relationship is made through choice; it allows you to share interests and feelings with the

    people you like. There are no polices or rules to abide by with a personal relationship , it's still built around

    respect trust and understanding but it's formed because you like that person and choose to have that

    relationship with them.

    1.2. Describe different working relationships in social care settings

    The different working relationships in social care settings are between the carers and the service users,

    aes ad pofessioal odies suh as GPs, psholog, dentists et., Caes ad the seie uses fail members, and also between colleagues and management. For each of these you would develop a different

    type of working relationship and maintain a professional manner.

    2. Understand the importance of working in ways that are agreed with the employer

    2.1. Describe why it is important to adhere to the agreed scope of the job role

    It is important to adhere to the agreed scope of the job role when you appointed for the position, you

    have been agreed with the job description as part of a contract with the employer. so it is your legal

    responsibility to adhere in your defined role. It is your duty to understand the expectations of your job as

    well as understand professional boundaries. In order to be successful in your job, it is essential to be a

    respectful and accountable.

    2.2 Outline what is meant by agreed ways of working

    B folloig ou opas poliies ad poedues ased o seto stadads ad guidelies, following our individuals' care plans, and reading the code of conduct it's all about protecting the


    2.3 Explain the importance of full and up-to-date details of agreed ways of working

    Important to have up to date agreed ways of working as there may be changes in policies within the

    law. Your company may have to implement them to help protect the vulnerable.

    3. Understand the importance of working in partnership with others

    3.1 Explain why it is important to work in partnership with others

    It is very important that you work in partnership with your colleagues and all other people. This will

    include carers, families, advocates, doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, other health professionals,

    social workers, voluntary organisations and other people.

    Others people may be able to provide useful information to support you in your work and you may

    be able to provide useful information to support them in eig pat of the idiiduals lies. This is good partnership working. If there are communication difficulties with service users. A carer or family member

    can share information with you about how you can best communicate with an individual.

  • 3.2 Identify ways of working that can help improve partnership working

    To learn from other and working in partnership is important. It will help you to understand the aims

    and objectives of different people and partner Organisations, as they may have different views, attitudes,

    ad appoahes. It is ipotat that eeoes fous is o poidig the est ae to idiiduals. B supporting the individual to achieve goals and to be as independent as possible, to respect and maintain

    the dignity and privacy of individuals. Making sure you promote equal opportunities and respect diversity

    and different cultures and values. By making sure you report dangerous, abusive, discriminatory or

    exploitative behaviour or practice. By Communicating in an appropriate, open, accurate and straight

    forward way. Treat everyone as an individual. You must share knowledge and respect views of others, help

    to achieve positive outcomes for individuals.

    3.3 Identify skills and approaches needed for resolving conflicts

    You should try to handle conflict situations by remaining calm, ending the conflict before it

    Escalates and remaining respectful of others. However, there are times when this may seem impossible

    and the following skills are required: Openly discuss - differences in a calm and rational manner. Demonstrate active listening skills 3.4 Explain how and when to access support and advice about

    - Partnership working

    - Resolving conflicts

    To access support and advice about partnership working and resolving conflicts, refer to the

    employment care plan that has been agreed upon. If there is no care plan, talk directly to a


  • Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care

    1. Know how to recognise signs of abuse.

    1.1. Define the following types of abuse:

    - Physical abuse - is an act of another party involving contact intended to cause feelings of

    physical pain, injury, or other physical suffering or bodily harm including hitting, slapping,

    pushing, kicking, or inappropriate sanctions

    - Sexual abuse - is a statutory offense that provides that it is a crime to knowingly cause another

    person to engage in an unwanted sexual act by force or threat. Including encouraging relevant

    individuals to look at pornography, harassing them by making sexual suggestions or comments,

    or sexual acts where the individual has not consented, or could not consent or was pressured

    into consenting

    - Emotional/psychological abuse - is subjecting an individual to bullying tactics such as threats.

    These bullies can take away the self-confidence of their victim and sometimes render them

    brain washed into believing they will never make a go of it on their own or they are ugly; fat;

    the opposite sex wouldn't want them; they are stupid because they may have not got high

    enough marks in school; or, in the elderly threatening to put the elderly person in a home if

    they do not conform to the abuser's wishes. Mental and emotional abuse can be between

    couples in a relation; siblings; elderly abuse or abusing one's peers. Including emotional abuse,

    threats of harm or abandonment, deprivation of contact, humiliation, blaming, controlling,

    intimidation, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse, isolation or withdrawal from services or

    supportive networks

    - Financial abuse - is a form of mistreatment and fraud in which someone forcibly controls

    another person's money or other assets. It can involve, for instance, stealing cash, not allowing

    a victim to take part in any financial decisions or preventing a victim from having a job. Including

    theft, fraud, exploitation, pressure in connection with wills, property or inheritance or financial

    transactions, or the misuse or misappropriation of property, possessions or benefits

    - Institutional abuse - is the maltreatment of a person (often children or older adults) from a

    system of power. This can range from acts similar to home-based child abuse, such as neglect,

    physical and sexual abuse, and hunger, to the effects of assistance programs working below

    acceptable service standards, or relying on harsh or unfair ways to modify behaviour.

    - Self-neglect - is a behavioural condition in which an individual neglects to attend to their basic

    needs, such as personal hygiene, appropriate clothing, feeding, or tending appropriately to any

    medical conditions they have. Extreme self-neglect can be known as Diogenes syndrome.

    - Neglect by others - is failure to provide the necessities of life to the individual with the intent to

    coerce or physically harm the individual and the unlawful expenditure or wilful dissipation of

    the funds or other assets owned or paid to or for the benefit of the individual.

    1.2. Identify the signs and/or symptoms associated with each type of abuse.

    - Physical Abuse

    Multiple bruising Fractures Burns Bed sores Fear Depression Unexplained weight loss Assault (can be intentional or reckless)

  • - Sexual Abuse

    Loss of sleep Unexpected or unexplained change in behaviour Bruising Soreness around the genitals Torn, stained or bloody underwear A preoccupation with anything sexual Sexually transmitted diseases Pregnancy Rape e.g. a male member of staff having sex with a Mental Health client (see Mental Health Act 1983) Indecent Assault

    - Emotional/psychological Abuse

    Fear Depression Confusion Loss of sleep Unexpected or unexplained change in behaviour Deprivation of liberty could be false imprisonment. Aggressive shouting causing fear of violence in a public place may be an offence against Public Order Act 1986, or harassment under the

    Protection from Harassment Act 1997

    - Financial Abuse

    Unexplained withdrawals from the bank Unusual activity in the bank accounts Unpaid bills Unexplained shortage of money Reluctance on the part of the person with responsibility for the funds to provide basic food and clothes etc. Fraud Theft

    - Institutional Abuse

    Inflexible and non-negotiable systems and routines Lack of consideration of dietary requirements Name calling; inappropriate ways of addressing people Lack of adequate physical care an unkempt appearance - Neglect

    Malnutrition Untreated medical problems Bed sores Confusion Over-sedation Depiatio of eals a ostitute ilful eglet

  • 1.3. Describe factors that may contribute to an individual being more vulnerable to abuse.

    - They may be less aware of their rights.

    - They may be socially isolated.

    - They may need help with personal care and daily living.

    - They may not be able to express themselves clearly.

    - They may have limited sex education.

    - They may have to share a home with people they have not chosen to be with.

    - They may live in poor housing.

    - They may need more care than their carer can give.

    - They may have difficulty understanding requests or actions.

    - They may not know how to complain.

    - They may receive support from several different carers.

    - There may be a history of substance misuse.

    - They may be in a relationship of unequal power.

    - They may by in unsuitable housing with no aids or adaptations.

    - They may have limited life experiences and so not recognise risky situations.

    2. Know how to respond to suspected or alleged abuse.

    2.1. Explain the actions to take if there are suspicions that an individual is being abused.

    If you have a suspicion or are aware that the individual in a vulnerable situation is being abused you

    must act quickly but appropriately and professionally.

    To assist in the reporting procedures ensure that you:


    - Be accessible and receptive listen carefully.

    - Listen carefully.

    - Take it seriously.

    - Reassure the individual in a vulnerable situation

    that they are right to tell.

    - Negotiate getting help.

    - Find help quickly.

    - Make careful records of what was said using the

    individual i a uleale situatios o ods as soon as is practicable following the

    disclosure. Date, time and sign the record. This

    record would be used in any subsequent legal


    - Jump to conclusions.

    - Directly question the individual in a vulnerable

    situation or suggest words for him/her to use.

    - Try to get the individual in a vulnerable

    situation to disclose all the details.

    - Speculate or accuse anybody.

    - Make promises you cannot keep.

    - Give your opinion; just state the facts as

    reported to you.

    If you suspect abuse has taken place or abuse has been brought to your attention you are obliged

    to take action but you must also ensure at all times that the welfare of the individual in a vulnerable

    situation is paramount and the interests of the person against whom the allegation has been made are


  • 2.2. Explain the actions to take if an individual alleges that they are being abused.

    A company or agency there should be policies and procedures already in place to follow most would

    state to report to the appropriate person; record the facts on appropriate paperwork; listen and do not

    judge. Always establish what it is that has occurred and report any suspicions to the appropriate manager.

    Reassure the individual at all times and take every allegation seriously. Always date the paperwork and

    have it signed by any witnesses (if any). Take photographs of evidence if possible. Speak clearly and precise

    and avoid any leading questions.

    2.3. Identity ways to ensure that evidence of abuse is preserved.

    The best way to preserve evidence is to report the matter as quickly as possible.

    However, there may be occasions when it is important to follow certain rules

    Make a written record of messages (e.g. answer-phone) to ensure they are not lost. Include the date and time and sign them Ensure written records (notes, letters, bank statements, medication records etc.) are kept in a safe place Dot tid up, ash lothes, eddig o othe ites. Do not try to clear or tidy anything up Try not to touch anything unless you have to for the immediate wellbeing of the victim if you have to try to make a record of what you have done If any sexual offence is suspected try to discourage the victim from washing, drinking, cleaning their teeth or going to the toilet until the police are present Preserve anything used to warm or comfort the victim e.g. a blanket Try to ensure that no one else enters the premises or alleged scene of crime until the police arrive If you can, try and ensure that the alleged perpetrator does not have any contact with the victim Record any physical signs or injuries using a body map (click here) or hand drawing. Write a description of any physical signs or injuries including size, shape, colour etc. Always remember to sign and date your notes and any other records you have made

    3. Understand the national and local context of safeguarding and protection from abuse.

    3.1. Identify national policies and local systems that relate to safeguarding and protection from


    - Care Quality Commission (CQC)

    - Court of Protection

    - Housing organisations

    - Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)

    - The Coroner

    - The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS)

    - The Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA)

    - No secrets (Adult Protection)

    - The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG)

    - The Mental capacity Act 2005

    - Care Home Policy

  • 3.2. Explain the roles of different agencies in safeguarding and protecting individuals from abuse.

    - Care Quality Commission (CQC)

    The CQC must always be made aware of a Safeguarding Adults concern within a regulated service. If

    the concern is reported to the local authority, the local authority must notify the CQC even though the

    requlated service also has a duty to do so

    The CQC will be directly involved with a Safeguarding Adults process where:

    - One or more registered people are directly implicated

    - Urgent or complex regulatory action is indicated.

    - A form of enforcement action has been commenced or is under consideration in relation to the

    service involved

    - Court of Protection

    The Court of Protection deals with decisions and orders affecting people who lace capacity. The

    court can make major decisions about health and welfare, as well as property and financial affairs. The

    Court has power to:

    - Decide whether a person has capacity to make a particular decision for themselves.

    - Make declarations, decisions or orders on financial and welfare matters affecting people who

    lack capacity to make such decisions.

    - Appoint deputies to make decisions for people lacking capacity to make those decisions.

    - Decide whether a lasting power of attorney or an enduring power of attorney is valid

    - Remove deputies or attorneys who fail to carry out their duties.

    - Housing organisations

    Staff of housing organisations are in position to identify tenants who are vulnerable and are at risk

    of abuse, neglect and exploitation. Supporting People housing has become a major provider of housing and

    support services for adults with a wide range of needs. The quality of their services is regulated through

    the Quality Assessment Framework, which includes standards that they must meet with regard to

    safeguarding adults from abuse. In addition to recognising the risks of abuse of adults to whom they

    provide accommodation and in many cases care, staff of housing organisation have an important part to

    play in establishing protection plans.

    - Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)

    The CPS is the principal public prosecuting authority for England and Wales and is headed by

    Director Public Prosecutions. The CPS has produced a policy on prosecuting crimes against older people

    which is equally applicable to adults at risk, who may also be vulnerable witnesses.

    The CPS has a key role to play in making sure that special measures are put in place to support

    vulnerable or intimidated witnesses to give their best evidence. Special measures were introduced by the

    Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999 and are available both in the Crown Court and in the

    magistrates outs. These ilude the use of taied iteediaies to help ith ouiatio, sees and arrangements for evidence and cross-examination to be given by video link.

  • - The Coroner

    Coroners are independents judicial officers who are responsible for investigating violent, unnatural

    deaths or sudden deaths of unknown cause, and deaths in custody, which must be reported to them The

    Coroner may have specific questions arising from the death of an adult at risk.

    - The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS)

    The DOLS, implemented April 2009, provide a legal protection for those vulnerable people who are,

    or may become, deprived of their liberty.

    Safeguards exist to provide a proper legal process and suitable protection in those circumstances

    hee depiatio of liet appeas to e uaoidale, i a pesos o est iteests. - The Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA)

    The Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) as eated folloig the goeets adoptio of the recommendations set out in the Bichard Report. The report stemmed from the inquiry in to the

    tragic deaths of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman in Soham in 2002.

    The IAs ole is to help peet usuitale people fo okig ith hilde ad uleale adults. They will do this through a system of registration on which aims to ensure that every person who

    wants to work or volunteer with children or vulnerable adults is cleared to do so before undertaking the

    role. They will also be responsible for barring people from working children.

    - No secrets (Adult Protection)

    No secrets (Adult Protection) is a UK Government publication guidance on developing and

    implementing multi-agency policies and procedures to protect vulnerable adults from abuse (Adult

    Potetio Lik to UK Depatet of Health No seets Guidelies - The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG)

    The OPGs is a eeutie age of the Ministry of Justice, with responsibilities that extend across England and Wales (separate arrangements exist for Scotland and for Northern Ireland).

    The OPGs eit is to suppot ad eale people to pla ahead to pepae fo thei health, elfae and finances to be looked after they lose mental capacity in future, and to safeguard the interests of

    people who may lack then mental capacity make certain decisions for themselves.

    - The Mental capacity Act 2005

    The Mental Capacity Act 2005 provides a statutory frame work to empower and protect people

    who may lace capacity to make decisions for themselves and establishes a framework for making decisions

    on their behalf. This applies whether the decisions are life-changing events or everyday matters. All

    decisions taken in the safeguarding process must comply with the Act.

    - Care Home Policy

    The person in Charge should be aware of the general and sometimes specific whereabouts of their clients

    and employees. Clients are given a Complaints Procedure in their contract with the Home, this includes

    who to contact outside the Home if they are dissatisfied with a particular issue

  • 3.3. Identify reports into serious failures to protect individuals from abuse.


    On the top floor of a special hospital, locked away from their families and friends, a group of men and

    women are subjected to a regime of physical assaults, systematic brutality, and torture by the very

    people supposed to be caring for them.

    The victims are some of the most vulnerable in society - the learning disabled, the autistic, and the

    suicidal. In a Panorama Special, Paul Kenyon exposes the truth about a gang of carers out of control,

    and how the care system ignored all the warning signs.

    Peter Connelly (also known as "Baby P", "Child A" and "Baby Peter")

    was a 17-month-old British boy who died in London after suffering more than fifty injuries over an

    eight-month period, during which he was repeatedly seen by Haringey Children's services and NHS health

    professionals. Baby P's real first name was revealed as "Peter" on the conclusion of a subsequent trial of

    Peter's mother's boyfriend on a charge of raping a two-year-old. His full identity was revealed when his

    killers were named after the expiry of a court anonymity order on 10 August 2009.

    The case caused shock and concern among the public and in Parliament, partly because of the magnitude

    of Peter's injuries, and partly because Peter had lived in the London Borough of Haringey, North London,

    under the same child care authorities that had already failed ten years earlier in the case of Victoria

    Climbi. That had led to a public enquiry which resulted in measures being put in place in an effort to

    prevent similar cases happening.

    Peter's mother Tracey Connelly, her boyfriend Steven Barker, and Jason Owen (later revealed to be the

    brother of Barker) were all convicted of causing or allowing the death of a child, the mother having

    pleaded guilty to the charge. A court order issued by the High Court in England had prevented the

    publication of the identity of Baby P; this was lifted on 1 May 2009 by Mr Justice Coleridge. An order

    sought by Haringey Council to stop publication of the identities of his mother and her boyfriend was

    granted but expired on 10 August 2009.

    The child protection services of Haringey and other agencies were widely criticised. Following the

    conviction, three inquiries and a nationwide review of social service care were launched, and the Head of

    Children's Services at Haringey was removed by direction of the government minister. Another nationwide

    review was conducted by Lord Laming into his own recommendations concerning Victoria Climbi's killing

    in 2000. The death was also the subject of debate in the House of Commons.

    3.4. Identify sources of information and advice about own role in safeguarding and protecting

    individuals from abuse.

    - A Guide to the Police Available from Voice UK. Telephone 0845 122 8695

    A leaflet to explain to people with learning disabilities the role of the police and how they

    support vulnerable and witnesses.

    - Abuse in Care? A practical guide to protecting people with learning disabilities from abuse in

    residential services.

    - Abuse in Bad. Action against Abuse. Recognising and preventing abuse of people with learning


  • - Blowing the Whistle on Abuse of Adults with Learning Disabilities. Reports on research

    findings about whistle blowing, and offers information about the experiences of whistle blowers

    and suggestions with regard to the development of whistle blowing policies.

    - Care Homes for Adults (18-65) and Supplementary Standard for Care Homes Accommodating

    Young People aged 16 and 17. National Minimum Standards. Care Home Regulations. Details

    the standards of care which should be met within residential services, and against which care

    homes are inspected.

    - Facing the Possibility supporting managers in preventing handling abuse allegations against staff. Information for service managers about appropriate responses when staff members are

    alleged to have carried out abuse.

    4. Understand ways to reduce the likelihood of abuse.

    4.1. Explain how the likelihood of abuse may be reduced by:

    - Working with person centred values. - Abuse is reduced by person centred values because

    institutional abuse often stems from things being done to people because it's convenient for

    the staff. The individual's feelings and preferences are not considered. So, for example, a

    person requesting pain relief is left to wait because it isn't time for the medication to be

    administered or reviewed.

    - Encouraging active participation. - Encouraging active participation builds self-esteem, and the

    person will refuse to tolerate abuse and will be inclined to report it, [ they're also around other

    people which will help to build friendships in which they can share things they may tell one of

    them if abuse may happen and one of them may pass it on to help.

    - Promoting choice and rights. - is all the above that says in working with person centred values

    ad eouagig atie patiipatio. Epoeet is aout takig otol of the idiiduals life even if this is in a small way by deciding what they want for breakfast that morning. we all

    make our own decisions in our own homes so why not in a residential home by including a

    resident in their care it allows them to still be an individual to have rights + wishes recognised

    even if they do not verbally contribute to be included is good practise

    4.2. Explain the importance of an accessible complaints procedure for reducing the likelihood of


    - Complaints are good way of considering how well the services are provided, it also helps us to

    identify if there are any weaknesses e.g. potential for abuse and neglect.

    A complaints procedure should be simple to follow because it encourages people to raise their

    concerns and it indicates that organization will respond to those concerns rather than ignoring

    them. If it's too difficult to make a complaint the abuse is likely to continue. If it's easy to make

    a complaint the abuse is likely to be dealt with sooner. On a bigger scale complaints make

    government to bring changes in their policies according to people demand.

    5. Know how to recognise and report unsafe practices.

    5.1. Describe unsafe practices that may affect the well-being of individuals.

    This could include:

    Staff shortages

    Staff are too tired to do their job correctly taff cut corners due to lak of time Agency staff not knowing service users correct needs

  • Lack of training

    Iepeieed staff atig up i a seio ole Staff not trained in their role correctly Lack of correct equipment

    No Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) available Equipment broken or unavailable 5.2. Explain the action to take if unsafe practices have been identified.

    - All unsafe practices need to be reported to your immediate supervisor so the person can be

    retrained or the condition remedied to prevent further damage.

    5.3. Describe the action to take if suspected abuse or unsafe practices have been reported but

    nothing has been done in response.

    After you have reported the incident you still have a duty of care to your patient. If you feel that

    your patient is still at risk then speak with your line manager regarding your concerns. If you feel your line

    manager is not taking appropriate action, or you suspect your line manager of abusing a patient then most

    company policies would state that you would need to contact the regional manager. You would also need

    to contact an inspectorate body such as Care Quality Commission or else organisations, as part of the

    process for reporting abuse is to contact the local care standards inspectorate, the person you reported

    this abuse to should have done this and if they have not, this in itself may be considered abuse (neglect) if

    it should be the case that abuse or dangerous practice is being carried out.

  • Understand health and safety in social care settings

    1. Understand the different responsibilities relating to health and safety in social care settings.

    1.1. List legislation relating to general health and safety in a social care setting.

    - Health and Safety at work Act 1974 is the primary piece of legislation covering occupational

    health and safety. Under this Act, the employer, the workers and the individuals being

    supported have responsibilities to ensure safety is maintained in the workplace.

    - Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulation 1999 Emphasize what employers are required to achieve under the Health and Safety at Work Act.

    - Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulation 1981 include amendment on 2009

    - The Electricity at Work regulations 1989

    - Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 Sets out requirements for manual handling and moving and handling of people.

    - Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995- sets out what

    needs to be reported.

    - Communicable diseases and infection control

    - Working Time Regulations 1998

    - Care Standard Act 2000

    - Control of exposure to Hazardous to Health 1999

    - Food Safety Act 1990 and Food Hygiene Regulations 2005.

    - Environmental Protection Act 1990.

    1.2. Describe the main points of health and safety policies and procedures.

    All of the above mentioned legislations are crucial part of health and safety. Every piece of

    legislation describes not only clear guidance of responsibilities but also how should we maintain health and

    safety to eliminate risks for the people using social care settings. Let alone, Food hygiene regulation 2005,

    which explains the responsibilities, involves handling food safely in order to avoid contamination and food

    poisoning. Environmental protection act 1990 which describes the responsibilities involves handling clinical

    wastes in order to prevent harm to the environment. Control of exposure to hazardous to health act 1999

    explains the responsibilities involve handling hazardous substances such as reduce using hazardous

    substances or using less hazardous substances and reducing exposure level as much as possible. So, it is

    very important for us to follow health and safety policies and procedures to eradicate risks from workplace

    and maintain safe working environment.

    1.3. Outline the main health and safety responsibilities of:

    a) The social care worker

    - Take care of their own health and safety as well as others.

    - Co-operate with their employer by following policies and procedures.

    - Must use personal protective equipment as necessary.

    - Must adhere to achieve training and follow instruction.

    - Not to misuse or tamper with anything provided for health and safety or welfare.

    b) The employer or manager

    - Provide safe and risk free working environment.

    - Provide equipment.

    - Deal with hazardous substances safely.

    - Provide information, instruction, training and supervision as necessary.

    - Ensuring equipment are safe to use and safe system of work are set and followed.

  • c) Individuals.

    Such as visitor, supporters, volunteers and contractors

    Respect and obey the rules and legislation imposed by authority. Follow the instruction and guidance as provided (Such as not to use lift in the event of fire, not to block the fire exit etc.) Co-operate with employer and workers if anything has been noticed may cause harm to others or concern to others health and safety.

    1.4. Identify tasks relating to health and safety that should only be carried out with special training.

    Maual hadlig Ifetio otol Fie poedues Fist aid Basi hgiee Food pepaatio, stoage ad hgiee Dealig ith eege situatios

    1.5. Describe how to access additional support and information relating to health and safety.

    You should seek additional health and safety assistance when you do not have the knowledge or

    training to deal with a condition or circumstance that could impact health and safety, or if you have a

    question you are unable to answer. Know the limits of your knowledge and seek help if something

    takes you outside those limits.

    2. Understand the use of risk assessments in relation to health and safety.

    2.1. Defie hat is eat hazard ad risk - Hazard is any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on something or

    someone under certain conditions at work.

    - Risk is the chance or probability that a person will be harmed or experience an adverse health

    effect if exposed to a hazard. It may also apply to situations with property or equipment loss.

    2.2. Describe how to use a health and safety risk assessment.

    Step 1: Look for and identify hazards by visually inspecting the workplace, consulting employees and

    their representatives, looking at manufacturers' instructions or data sheets, and considering records

    relating to accidents, near misses and ill health.

    Step 2: Decide who might be harmed and how - consider everyone at the workplace, not just


    Step 3: Evaluate the risks arising from hazards, and decide whether the existing precautions are

    adequate, or if more should be done. If something needs to be done, take steps to eliminate or control

    the risks.

    Step 4: Record the findings and state how they can be controlled to prevent harm. Most importantly,

    employees must be informed about the outcome of the risk assessment, as they will be the ones who

    will need to take action. (Site-specific forms can be produced. However, in order not to make risk

    assessments too complicated, the HSE suggests using the headings in the 'five steps' process.)

    Step 5: Review the assessment from time to time and revise it if necessary, eg if work activities or

    processes change.

  • 2.3. Explain how and when to report potential health and safety risks that have been identified.

    Potential health and safety risks must be reported immediately to oes supervisor. It is up to the supervisor to use the chain of command and as needed it will even be reported to government offices.

    2.4. Desrie ho risk assesset a help address dileas etee a idiiduals rights ad health and safety concerns.

    A risk assessment can help address dilemmas between rights and health and safety concerns as the

    risk assessment supports the individuals to have their choices met in the safest possible ways.

    3. Understand procedures for responding to accidents and sudden illness.

    3.1. Describe different types of accidents and sudden illness that may occur in a social care setting.

    Different types of accidents that may occur in work setting, falls , slipping over, burns, cuts and


    Sudden illnesses that may happen, stroke, heart attack, sickness and diarrhoea.

    3.2. Outline the procedures to be followed if an accident or sudden illness should occur.

    - Assess the situatio ad eioet. Nee ush i. Dot touh a idiidual ho appeas to have been electrocuted. If the casualty is obviously conscious, talk to them and find out how they

    are. If they are in water at the risk of drowning, do not jump or dive in to attempt to rescue them

    unless you are a trained lifeguard. Check for gas fumes, chemical spillages, broken glass, bodily

    fluids, if there is an attacker possibly still close, if there is fire in an enclosed space.

    - Mare area safe. Remove any hazards where it is safe to do so and take control of the situation.

    - Emergency aid. You should only attempt emergency first aid if you have been trained to do so.

    - Get help. Shout for assistance, call a first aider. If you have been trained in emergency first aid,

    what is needed and your action will depend on the result of the primary survey.

    - Aftermath. Get some support for yourself as you may go in shock or be stressed afterwards.

    Report and record what has happened as soon as possible before you forget the details. Clean up

    any mess. Replace first aid kit items.

    3.3. Explain why it is important for emergency first aid tasks only to be carried out by qualified first


    - First aid is e ipotat to e taied i as its a eege atio i hee fist aid a allo more time for medical help to come and also save a life.

    4. Know how to reduce the spread of infection.

    4.1. List routes by which an infection can get into the body.

    - Eating contaminated food, for example, resulting in salmonella.

    - Water, for example, resulting in cholera.

    - Contact with body fluids.

    - Airborne through coughing and sneezing.

    - Physical contact.

    - Contaminated laundry.

    - Insects, for example, mosquito bites could result in malaria in some countries.

    4.2. Describe ways in which own health or hygiene might pose a risk to an individual or to others at


    - Wash yourself and your hair regularly and tie long hair back.

    - Do not wear personal jewellery, particularly when undertaking personal care tasks.

    - Keep your clothes and shoes clean.

    - Do not go to work if you have a health problem that can be passed to others. For

    example, a heavy cold or stomach bug.

  • - Wash your hands regularly and always before and after undertaking personal care.

    - Wash your hands after blowing your nose, coughing, sneezing and smoking.

    4.3. Explain the most thorough method for hand washing.

    Step 1 Wet your hands thoroughly under warm running water and squirt liquid soap onto the palm of one hand.

    Step 2 Rub your hands together to make lather. Step 3 Rub the palm of one hand along the back of the other and along the fingers. Then repeat with the other hand.

    Step 4 Rub in between each of your fingers on both hands and round your thumbs. Pay particular attention to your nails. You may need to use a nail brush.

    Step 5 Rinse off the soap with clean water. Step 6 Dry hands thoroughly on a disposable towel. 4.4. Describe when to use different types of personal protective equipment.

    - Always wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) like gloves and aprons when

    supporting individuals. Always wear a different set of aprons and gloves when you are working in the

    kitchen. Never wear aprons outside of the working environment or to training courses as you could

    spread infections to other people you come into contact with.

    5. Know how to move and handle equipment and other objects safely.

    5.1. Identify legislation that relates to moving and handling.

    - The Manual Handling Operation Regulations 1992 (known as MHOR) are sedigned specifically to eliminate or reduce a manual handling risk to an acceptable level.

    - Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (known as LOLER_ Hes

    specific requirements relating to work equipment which is use for lifting and lowering

    people or loads. It requires an employer to ensure that lifting equipment is positioned

    or installed to prevent risk of injury and sufficiently strong, stable and suitable for


    - Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (known as PUWER) Ensures

    that the equipment employers provide is suitable for the intention, safe for use, only

    used by people who have been trained to do so, and maintained in a safe condition.

    - The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 (known as WHSWR)

    ensure employers provide suitable working conditions for their employees.

    5.2. List principles for safe moving and handling.

    - Think before you lift

    - Keep the load close to your waist

    - Adopt a stable position

    - Ensure a good hold on the load

    - At the start of the lift, moderate flexion (slight bending) of the back, hips and knees is

    - preferable to fully flexing the back (stooping) or the hips and knees (squatting)

    - Don't flex your spine any further as you lift

    - Avoid twisting the trunk or leaning sideways, especially while the back is bent

    - Keep you head up when handling

    - Move smoothly

  • - Don't lift more than you can easily manage

    - Put down then adjust.

    5.3. Explain why it is important for moving and handing tasks to be carried out following specialist


    Moving and handling is a key part of the working day for most employees; from moving equipment,

    laundry, catering, supplies or waste to assisting residents in moving.

    Poor moving and handling practice can lead to:

    back pain and musculoskeletal disorders, which can lead to inability to work moving and handling accidents which can injure both the person being moved and the employee discomfort and a lack of dignity for the person being moved 6. Understand the principles of assisting and moving an individual.

    6.1. Explain why it is important to have specialist training before assisting and moving an individual.

    The principles to be followed for safe moving and handling are that there needs to be risk

    assessments and procedures done to minimise the risk of injury to the employee. This may include

    recommended amount of people required to move an object, specific equipment needed and

    training to safe about handling equipment safety.

    6.2. Eplai the iportae of folloig a idiiduals are pla ad full egagig ith the he assisting and moving.

    It is important to follow the care plan and communicate with each individual when assisting

    and moving as moving them incorrectly may cause them to be injured or discomfort. You need to

    inform and discuss with the person in concern about how to be moved, provide help and

    equipment when required.

    7. Know how to handle hazardous substances.

    7.1. Identify hazardous substances that may be found in the social care setting.

    - Injuries from falling resulting from:

    o Poor housekeeping.

    o Worn carpets.

    o Badly lit stairs.

    o Inappropriate footwear.

    o Slippery floor.

    - Fire can be caused by: o Poor housekeeping (storage of combustible/flammable materials)

    o Poor electrics

    o Smoking

    o Dust build up

    o Hot surfaces (portable heaters, irons, etc.)

    - Electric shock

    o Poor electrics o Water/electric mix

    - Back injury

    o Lifting objects/people.

    o Poor posture

    o Awkward reaches

    - Chemical burns.

    o Storage and use of bleaches, etc.

  • - Medicines

    o Improper use

    o Insecure storage.

    7.2. Describe safe practices for:

    - Storing hazardous substances when storing hazardous substances, in any working environment, consider:

    Is the room ventilated?

    The safe quantity you are able to store

    Fire precautions

    - Using hazardous substances When using hazardous substances, in any working environment, follow safety precautions:

    Correct use of personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

    Always work from dirtiest area to cleanest when cleaning up spillages.

    Use warning signs if necessary to warn others.

    - Disposing of hazardous substance. When disposing of hazardous substances, in any working environment, note:

    Biological waste must be incinerated.

    Hazardous waste needs to be disposed of in yellow or orange bags.

    Hazardous waste needs to be disposed of separate to household waste.

    8. Know environmental safety procedures in the social care setting.

    8.1. Outline procedures to be followed in the social care setting to prevent:

    - Fire

    You can prevent fire by first identifying hazards and who could be at risk. Evaluate them and

    take action to reduce them. Record findings and actions and develop a plan. Train staff so they

    know what to do in an event of a fire and keep this under assessment and reviewed regularly. In an

    event of a fire you should raise the alarm, dial 999, find the nearest fire exit or if safe to do so tackle

    the fire and use a fire extinguisher, go to the assembly point and do not return into the building.

    - Gas leak

    You can prevent a gas leak by ensuring all equipment/pipes are in good working condition

    and have regularly checks via the gas company. In an event of a gas leak raise an alarm, stay calm, if

    so to go so turn off any gas appliances eg gas cooker, do not run, organise people quickly to the

    nearest exit and direct to safety. Do not return into the building, turn off the gas mains and contact

    the gas company.

    - Floods

    You can prevent a flood by ensuring that drains and pipes are clean from obstruction and

    have them regularly checked via the water company. In an event of a flood raise an alarm, find the

    nearest exit or if so to do so find the source of the flood e.g. turning a tap off, turn off the water

    mains and contact the water company. If you have time, take photographs before you leave. This

    may help with later insurance claims. Turn off the mains power and water, and take mobile

    phones and chargers with you. Put sandbags in toilet bowls to prevent sewage back-flow. Shut

    windows, lock doors take pets.

  • - Intruding

    You can prevent an intrusion by implementing security measures such as CCTV, security

    lighting, locks and restricting areas. In an event of an intrusion you should raise an alarm, dial 999,

    try to defuse potentially aggression, however if unable to, then leave or if the intruder has gone

    search the area of potential damage/thief.

    - Security breach.

    You can prevent a security breach by ensuring personal information are stored safety,

    locking areas and restricting access. In an event of a security breach you should raise an alarm,

    inform the manager, try to defuse potentially aggression, however if unable to, then leave or if the

    person has gone search the area of potential seen access and if necessary inform the police.

    8.2. Outline procedures to be followed in the social care setting in event of:

    - Fire

    Raise the alarm

    Dial 999

    Go to assembly point

    Move self and others from danger area if safe to d

    o so

    Inform manager/fire safety officer

    Do not use lifts.

    - Gas leak

    Leave the area immediately and call National Gas Emergency number: 0800 111 999.

    Do not use any electrical device, such as light switches, telephones or appliances such as

    garage door openers. They could spark and ignite the gas.

    Do not use an open flame, matches or lighters

    Do not try to locate the source of the gas leak

    Do not try to shut off any gas valves or appliances

    Do not start vehicles

    Do not re-enter the building or return to the area until a Consumers Energy employee

    says it's safe to do so

    If the natural gas ignites, let it burn. Do not put out the flame; burning gas will not


    If you are digging and think you may have damaged a natural gas pipeline, leave the

    area immediately. If you are using motorized equipment and can turn off the motor

    safely, do so to prevent the ignition of any leaking gas. Then abandon the equipment

    and leave the area. Never restart equipment until the surrounding environment has

    been checked and declared safe.

    - Floods

    Call 999 if you are in danger, or people have been injured Check in on vulnerable neighbours Move people and pets upstairs or to a higher place with means of escape Remain calm Follow the advice of emergency services if they tell you to evacuate - they will take you to a centre run by the local council and give you food and bedding Bring clothing, medication, and baby care items

  • Bring pets in a secure carrier and pet food Tell someone if you intend to stay with friends or relatives instead of the evacuation centre - Intruding

    Dial 999, you should report any intruders in the workplace or grounds, immediately to

    the Police.

    Remove yourself and others to a safe area

    Report to your manager/safety officer

    Record the incident.

    - Security breach

    Dial 999, you should report any trespassing in the workplace or grounds, immediately to

    the Police.

    Remove yourself and others to a safe area

    Report to your manager/safety officer

    Record the incident.

    9. Know how to manage stress.

    9.1. Identify common signs and indicators of stress.

    - Emotional symptoms

    Negative or depressive feeling Disappointment with yourself Increased emotional reactions - more tearful or sensitive or aggressive Loneliness, withdrawn Loss of motivation commitment and confidence Mood swings (not behavioural) - Mental

    Confusion, indecision Cat concentrate Poor memory - Changes from your normal behaviour

    Changes in eating habits Increased smoking, drinking or drug taking 'to cope' Mood swings effecting your behaviour Changes in sleep patterns Twitchy, nervous behaviour Changes in attendance such as arriving later or taking more time off. 9.2. Identify circumstances that tend to trigger own stress.

    1. Financial Problems This is the number one source of stress these days. You and your family are not be able to do what you want to due to lack of money. Debts are piling up. Credit Card

    payments, pending mortgage instalments, rising costs of education, mounting expenditure on

    health concerns. Financial matters top the list of stressors.

  • 2. Workplace Stress Stress at workplace is another of the main causes of stress. You may be worried about your next promotion. You might be facing the negative or bullying behaviour of your boss. You

    might not be reaching your well-deserved career goals; you might be worried due to office politics. You

    might be stressed about some major change that is taking place in the organization, or, you might be

    under stress because of the prospect of losing your job.

    3. Personal Relationships Studies of children, attitude of relatives, arguments with spouse or children, change of place due to requirements of your job, illness of a family member, moving in of

    parents or moving out of elder children are all main causes of stress.

    4. Health Heart diseases, hypertension, problems with eye sight and sugar afflict many people becoming a major cause of life stress for them. Maintaining good health, reducing weight, increasing

    weight, being able to lead a healthy life-style: all of these and a few more are the main causes of stress

    due to health concerns.

    5. Irritants - Besides the ones that I have mentioned above there are those annoyances and irritations

    that you encounter in your daily lives which go on to become biggest sources of stress for you.

    Problems in commuting to workplace, balance of work and famil life, PTMs at hildes shools, workload, visit to doctor, not enough sleep, no time to relax, no time to discuss some nagging problems

    who is not aware of these stresses and strains of our lives? You fight with them every day. 9.3. Describe ways to manage stress.

    - Count to 10 before you speak.

    - Take three to five deep breaths.

    - Walk away from the stressful situation, and say you'll handle it later.

    - Go for a walk.

    - Don't be afraid to say "I'm sorry" if you make a mistake.

    - Set your watch five to 10 minutes ahead to avoid the stress of being late.

    - Break down big problems into smaller parts. For example, answer one letter or phone call per

    day, instead of dealing with everything at once.

    - Drive in the slow lane or avoid busy roads to help you stay calm while driving.

    - Smell a rose, hug a loved one or smile at your neighbour.

    10. Understand procedures regarding handling medication.

    10.1. Describe the main points of agreed procedures about handling medication.

    There are many persons who may handle medication, such as pharmacists, doctors, and nurses.

    First, it is important to know how the medication is supposed to stored and administered. Second, the

    medication should come with a written prescription detailing the amount of the medication, how often

    it should be taken, and for whom the medication is for. Last, medical professionals are required to be

    certified in the handling of the medications.

    10.2. Identify who is responsible for medication in a social care setting.

    - Everyone involved in the care of a service user is responsible for ensuring that his or her

    medication is managed appropriately where the service user is not self-medicating. However the primary

    responsibility for the prescription and medication review rests with the prescriber in consultation with

    other members of the primary care team and his/her patient.

    - Medicines prescribed by a Doctor/Nurse/Pharmacist prescriber and dispensed by a

    Pharmacist become the property of the person to whom they have been prescribed.

  • - Care Workers will only provide help with taking medication, or administer medication, with

    the informed consent of the service user or their relative or representative who may give consent on the

    seie uses ehalf. 10.3. Explain why medication must only be handles following specialist training.

    Medication must only be handled by people with the specific training to ensure that the

    medication is handled properly that the correct dosage is given and to make sure that the medication is

    only given to the person it is intended for. also a person who is not trained will not know what side effects

    can occur or the signs of an allergic reaction. this could lead to disciplinary action and could also lead to

    legal action which would give the service provider a bad reputation and could end up with the suspension

    of the providers licence or even the closure of the care setting.

    11. Understand how to handle and store food safely.

    11.1. Identify food safety standards relevant to a social care setting.

    The five key principles of food hygiene, according to World Health Organization (WHO), are:

    1) Prevent contaminating food with pathogens spreading from people, pets, and pests.

    2) Separate raw and cooked foods to prevent contaminating the cooked foods.

    3) Temperature to kill pathogens.

    4) Store food at the proper temperature.

    5) Do use safe water and cooked materials.

    11.2. Explain how to:

    - Store food

    Fridge storage

    Some foods need to be kept in the fridge to help stop bacteria growing. These include foods with a

    "use-by" date, cooked foods and ready-to-eat foods such as desserts and cooked meats.

    Here's how to prevent bacteria from growing:

    keep your fridge temperature below 5C when preparing food, keep it out of the fridge for the shortest time possible if you're having a buffet, keep the food refrigerated until you're ready to serve it cool down leftovers as quickly as possible (within 90 minutes), store them in the fridge and eat them within two days store eggs in their box in the fridge never put open cans in the fridge, as the metal may transfer to the can's contents place the contents in a storage container or covered bowl instead

    'Use-by' dates

    No food lasts forever, however well it is stored. Most pre-packed foods carry either a "use-by" or a "best

    before" date.

    "Use-by" dates appear on foods that go off quite quickly. It can be dangerous to eat foods past this date. "Best before" dates are for foods with a longer life. They show how long the food will be at its best quality.

  • Storing meat

    It's particularly important to store meat safely in the fridge to stop bacteria from spreading and avoid food


    store raw meat and poultry in clean, sealed containers on the bottom shelf of the fridge, so they can't touch or drip onto other food follow any storage instructions on the label and don't eat meat after its use-by date keep cooked meat separate from raw meat

    Freezing and defrosting

    It's safe to freeze meat and fish as long as you:

    freeze it before the use-by date defrost meat and fish thoroughly before cooking lots of liquid will come out as meat thaws, so stand it in a bowl to stop bacteria in the juice spreading to other things defrost meat and fish in a microwave if you intend to cook it straightaway, or put it in the fridge to thaw so it doesn't get too warm cook food until it's piping hot all the way through


    Never re-freeze raw meat (including poultry) or fish that has been defrosted. It is possible to re-freeze

    cooked meat once, as long as it has been cooled before going into the freezer. But if in doubt, don't re-


    Frozen raw foods can be defrosted once and stored in the fridge for up to two days before they need to be

    cooked or thrown away. To reduce wastage, divide the meal into portions before freezing and then just

    defrost what you need.

    Cooked food that has been frozen and removed from the freezer must be reheated and eaten immediately

    once fully defrosted. When defrosted, food should be reheated only once, because the more times you

    cool and reheat food, the higher the risk of food poisoning. Bacteria can grow and multiply when food is

    cooled too slowly, and might survive if food isn't reheated properly.

    Re-using bags

    With more and more people re-using carrier bags, whether for environmental reasons or to avoid paying

    for new ones, the following tips will help prevent bacteria spreading to ready-to-eat food:

    keep raw meat and fish separate from ready-to-eat foods in separate bags if you use re-useable bags, keep one or two just for use with raw meat and fish and don't use the same bags for ready-to-eat foods re-useable bags (and single-use carrier bags) should be disposed of if there are spillages of raw meat juices

    - Maximise hygiene when handling food.

    - food handlers must wear headgear that confines the hair

    Hai ets, hefs hats ad aseball caps are acceptable headgear. The hair must be confined to prevent hair from falling into the food and to stop food handlers from touching their hair to

    move it out of their face. Hair has also been known to cross-contaminate food.

  • - food handlers must wear clean clothing and change aprons as often as necessary

    - Do not wear uniforms outside of the establishment. Always change and hang clothes in the

    change room, never in the kitchen or food storage areas.

    - food handlers are not to handle food if they are ill with Diarrhoea, coughing or sneezing

    - food handlers must not handle food if they have open cuts on their hands or are wearing Band-


    - food handlers must have trimmed nails and wear no jewellery when preparing food

    - food handlers must be aware of their bad habits such as biting nails, touching their face

    especially around the mouth, nose and eyes

    - Dispose of food.

    - Waste disposal bins are to be placed around the working area of food preparation rooms and

    positioned conveniently to staff and operations

    - Waste disposal bins are clearly distinguishable from other storage bins

    - Waste disposal bins in food preparation rooms need not be covered if they are in frequent use

    and are regularly emptied. Preferably, use bins with a pedal

    - A defined area is to be allocated for the storage of waste pending disposal

    - When food waste is removed from food preparation rooms pending disposal, it must be placed

    in a tightly covered waste storage bin

    - Plastic liners are to be used in waste disposal and storage bins

    - Waste disposal and storage bins are to be emptied when full or on a regular basis

    - Waste disposal bins are to be cleaned and sanitised daily and placed upside down and off the

    floor to drain overnight

    11.3. Identify common hazards when handling and storing food.

    A biological hazard - There are a number of different types of biological hazards that can be present

    within food. These are typically microorganisms and include bacteria, viruses and parasites.

    Chemical hazard - There are different types of chemical hazards associated with food: naturally-

    occurring chemicals intentionally-added chemicals unintentional or incidental chemical additives.

    A physical hazard- is any potential harmful extraneous matter not normally found in food. They are

    different to biological or chemical hazards: they generally cause problems for relatively few consumers per

    incident. The result of personal injuries is usually not life-threatening but can cause considerable personal

    distress to the consumer. Typical examples are broken teeth, cut mouths, and choking.

    In food safety management systems, hazards refer to conditions or contaminants in foods that can

    cause illness or injury. It is important to understand that hazards do not refer to undesirable conditions or

    contaminants such as

    presence of insects spoilage hair or dirt Violations of regulatory food standards not directly related to safety.

  • Principles of personal development in adult social care settings

    1. Understand what is required for good practice in adult social care roles.

    1.1. Identify standards that influence the way adult social care job roles are carried out.

    The standards which influences the way the work role is carried out are:

    Codes of Practice, minimum standards, Regulations, national occupational standards.

    Regulations are: Health and Safety at work Act 1974

    Care Standards Act 2000

    Manual Handling operations regulations

    NHS & Community Care Act

    Food Safety Act

    Management of Health and Safety at work.

    Codes of Practice are: Codes of Practice for Social Care Workers and Employers;

    General Social Care Council;

    Standards of conduct;

    Standards of Conduct Performance & Ethics: Health Professionals Council

    National Occupational Standards: Health and Social Care; Children's Care Learning and Development

    1.2. Explain why reflecting on work activities is and important way to develop own knowledge and


    Reflection on your own work activities is important because it allows you to assess what you are

    doing well, identify areas where you might like or maybe need more training or guidance in to ensure you

    are performing to the best you can, and are meeting all standards and expectations within the caring

    policies and procedures. It helps you think about what you are doing in the setting and to always be

    aware of how you work with the client and your colleagues.

    1.3. Describe ways to ensure that personal attitudes or beliefs do not obstruct the quality of work.

    Find out about individuals their history. Understanding the individual may challenge your own attitudes and values. Find out about their attitudes and beliefs ignorance can often be a barrier. Understanding may promote tolerance. Be professional at work. Even if you fundamentally disagree with

    aothe idiiduals attitudes ad eliefs, the hae the ight to hold them, the same right as you have 2. Understand how learning activities can develop knowledge, skills and understanding.

    2.1. Describe how a learning activity has improved own knowledge, skills and understanding.

    There are many ways that a learning activity can improve your own knowledge and skills. A good

    learning activity will do an effective job of presenting the information in a way that can be clearly

    understood. It will also provide opportunities for review of this information to check that a person has

    obtained the desired skills.

    2.2. Describe how reflecting on a situation has improved own knowledge, skills and understanding.

    Reflective practice is a process which enables you to achieve a better understanding of yourself,

    your skills, competencies, knowledge and professional practice. Although most of us engage in thinking

    about experiences either before, during or after an event, we need to document our understanding in

    order to clearly identify and demonstrate the components of our learning. Identifying what we have learnt

    requires us to think about our experiences, and consider the outcomes, in order to evaluate the

    experience, and identify our thoughts, feelings and understanding of the relevant issues.

  • 2.3. Describe how feedback for others has developed own knowledge, skills and understanding.

    Feedback from other people can be a very useful way for you to learn more about yourself and

    can help you to improve your practice. Feedback can be formal or informal for example, your manager may

    give you formal feedback during a supervision or appraisal. Informal feedback often comes from friends

    and work colleagues, when you talk about work events. Service users can also give you valuable feedback

    on how you have a job for them.

    3. Know how a personal development plan can contribute to own learning and development.

    3.1. Defie the ter persoal deelopet pla Personal development planning is the process of creating an action plan based on

    awareness, values, reflection, goal-setting and planning for personal development within the context of a

    career, education, relationship or for self-improvement.

    3.2. Identify who could be involved in the personal development plan process.

    - Every employee should have a personal development plan (PDPs) senior employees benefit from PDPs that help them to develop their roles within the business. Managers are and

    employers also benefit from PDPs, which keep them motivated and stop them resting on their


    - Eploees lie aage should e espod fo idiidual eploees PDP

    Managers may need appropriate training to ensure they can manage PDPs effectively.

    Developing these skills can be built into the manager's own PDP. Courses to develop the relevant

    skills of counselling, coaching and mentoring are widely available. For further information, contact

    your local business support organisation or the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

    (020 8612 6200).

    The most senior employees - and those whose performance has the most impact on the

    performance of the business - may benefit from an external mentor.

    - Get the involvement of all your people by encouraging a learning culture.

    For example, senior employees may be involved in mentoring others.

    Provide support and training to enable mentoring.

    3.3. Identify sources of support for own learning and development.

    Askig olleagues ad othe pofessioals questions. Accessing internal and external training. Spending time working alogside olleagues ad othe pofessioals. Team meetings and discussions. 3.4. List the benefits of using a personal development plan to identify on-going improvements in own

    knowledge and understanding.

    improving self-awareness improving self-knowledge building or renewing identity/self-esteem developing strengths or talents improving wealth spiritual development

  • identifying or improving potential building employability or human capital enhancing lifestyle or the quality of life improving health fulfilling aspirations initiating a life enterprise or personal autonomy defining and executing personal development plans improving social abilities

  • Principles of communication in adult social care settings.

    1. Understand why communication is important in adult social care settings.

    1.1. Identify different reasons why people communicate. To express needs; to share ideas and information; to reassure; to express feelings; to build relationships; socialise; to ask questions; to share experiences People communicate in order to establish and maintain relationships with others, to give and receive information and instructions, to understand and be understood, to share opinions,

    knowledge, feelings, emotions, to give encouragement and show others they are valued. Communication is an essential tool a carer can use to meet the needs of the individual. It is a basic requirement of my job role to communicate with individuals and their families, other

    members of staff on a daily basis. Communicating with other staff members ensures effective

    team working and continuity of care. It also ensures any health and safety issues are

    recognised and reported. All carers attend hand over at the beginning of each shift and also

    complete communication books after attending an individual, thereby keeping other staff

    informed and aware of current situations within the workplace. Individuals communicate with carers to express their needs and preferences and to ensure they are met. As a carer I would discuss the options and choices available to the individual to

    allow them an informed choice regard their care.

    1.2. Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of working in adult social care settings.

    Effective communication is important as it ensures that information is: clear, concise,

    accurate, non-judgmental, and informative. This reduces the possibility of mistakes being made, and

    ensuring appropriate care service delivery. It is important to work as a team with your colleagues, so

    that you all work to achieve the same outcomes and targets.

    1.3. Eplai h it is iportat to osere a idiiduals reatios he ouiatig ith the. Oseig a idiiduals eatio, ou a asetai if the ae happ, satisfied,

    comfortable, sad, worried, agitated etc. This will tell you if everything is ok with the service you are

    providing and with the individual in general or if there might be a problem.

    2. Understand why to meet the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of an


    2.1. Eplai h it is iportat to fid out a idiiduals ouiatio ad laguage eeds, wishes and preferences.

    Recognising the strengths and abilities that people have, rather than what they have lost, is

    key to supporting them to communicate and make good relationships with those around them.

    We all communicate in different ways and as we cannot always rely on verbal communication. If

    we are to understand the communication abilities and strengths of the individual so we can find

    the methods to communicate with them.

    2.2. Describe a range of communication methods.

    Verbal communication

    - Vocabulary, words and different


    - Tone of voice

    - Pitch (high or low)

    Non-verbal communication

    - Eye contact

    - Signs, symbols or


    - Writing

    - Using objects

    - Touch

    - Physical gestures

    - Body language

    and emotions

    - Lip reading

  • 3. Understand how to reduce barriers to communication.

    3.1. Identify barriers to communication.

    - Hearing Loss

    - Loss of Sight

    - Language Barriers and Accents

    - Dementia and Confusion

    - Dysphasic

    - Physical Disabilities

    - Cultural Differences

    - The Environment

    - Confidence/ Self-esteem

    - Autism

    3.2. Describe ways to reduce barriers to communication.

    - Choose a quiet place with few distractions, background noise and more than one person

    speaking at the same time can make it very hard to follow a conversation.

    - Esue that ou hae the pesos attetio efoe egagig i a ouiatio. - Ensure that any communication aids are working properly

    - Gain and maintain eye contact before starting to speak

    - Talk with a normal voice but at a slightly slower speed that usual.

    - Allow plenty of time for person to absorb what you have communicated and to give a


    - Use non-verbal cues to help make points. Have a pen and pater handy as some people car

    read or write better than they can speak.

    - Use familiar words and phrases, rather than words that the person may find difficult to


    - Think about visual and hearing impairments, there may be time when alternative methods of

    communication may be required.

    3.3. Describe ways to check that communication has been understood.

    By monitoring feedback This refers to monitoring the other persons reaction to what is being said and adjusting communication accordingly. E.g. by watching facial expressing to try and

    determine whether or not the individual has understood what has been said, what they feel about it, and

    to be aware of when they want to say something etc.

    3.4. Identify sources of information and support or services to enable more effective communication.

    - Translators

    - Interpreters, sing language and lip speakers

    - Speech and language specialists

    - Advocacy services

    4. Understand confidentiality in adult social care settings.

    4.1. Defie the ter ofidetialit Confidentiality means not sharing information about people without their knowledge and

    agreement, and ensuring that written and electronic information cannot be accessed or read by people

    who have no reason to see it. Confidentiality is important because:

    - The individual may not trust a support worker who does not keep information confidential

    - The individual may not feel valued or able to keep their self-esteem if their private details are

    shared with others.

  • - The individual's safety may be put at risk if details of their property and habits are shared


    4.2. Describe ways to maintain confidentiality in day to day communication.

    - Do not leave personal information on individuals you support, like medical records,

    care/support plans or risk assessments, family contact details etc. Unattended in an office

    working environment. Records should be locked safely away or kept in a safe, easy to access

    plae i ad idiiduals oo o hoe - Do not leave computers on or allow other people to use your passwords.

    - Do not conduct conversations (including telephone conversations) about the individuals you

    support to any aspect of your works, in a public place or anywhere you can be overheard.

    - Do not disclose information to anyone unless you are sure that they have a right to see the

    information. Always check with your supervisor/manager if you are unsure.

    - Do not name the individuals you work with in front of other people during training sessions

    when talking about examples.

    - Do not leave personal records or information unattended in public places.

    4.3. Describe situations where information normally considered to be confidential might need to be

    shared with agreed others.

    Sometimes confidential information disclosed by a client may need to be passed on to


    If there is a risk of danger or harm to the client, or other people, if abuse is suspected, or if

    there is suspected misconduct of a colleague, in respect of care of a client, (Whistle-blowing).

    You must inform the client why the information needs to be passed on to others, and that it

    is your responsibility to do so.

    4.4. Explain how and when to seek advice about confidentiality.

    You will form working friendships with the people you are supporting as well as with

    colleagues and carers.

    People will tell you personal things about themselves and because of confidentiality, you

    will have to decide whether to keep information to yourself or report to your line manager or a more

    senior manager. If you work for a large employer, you may have a Human Resources team or specialist

    or trainer who can give you advice.

    Discuss confidentiality with you supervisor/manager. Make sure you are aware of your

    eploes poliies aout ofidentiality and information sharing.

  • Understand person-centred approaches in adult social care settings.

    1. Understand person-centred approaches for care and support.

    1.1. Define person-centred values.

    Person-centred care is a philosophy of providing care that is centred on the person, and not

    just their health needs. We are all individual, no two people are the same hence it is not

    appropriate to say that because two people have dementia that they both have the same care and support needs. The values which one person feels are important in their life may not be so to

    another. To provide the best support to a person, their values must be taken into account and by

    doing so you will be empowering that person, increase their self-determination and improve their

    idepedee. A pesos alues ill ilude thei idiidualit, ights, hoies, pia, independence, dignity and respect.

    1.2. Explain why it is important to work in a way that embeds person-centred values.

    The care you carry out on a day to day basis should always be centred around the person

    you are caring for. You are not there just to meet their physical needs but to maintain their sense

    of being a person and their identity. This involves you establishing a supportive relationship with

    the person, involving respect and trust. You should be listening to the service user, despite any

    difficulties, understand their emotional needs and preferences and learn about their history. By

    doing this you help maintain the service users identity, independence and self esteem

    2. Understand how to implement a person-centred approach in an adult social care setting.

    2.1. Describe how to find out the history, preferences, wishes and needs of an individual.

    One way to find out about a client is to talk to them. Learning about their history will help

    you build a picture of their life and how they have and would like to live. If they are capable they

    will be able to tell you how they would prefer to be treated, and what their personal needs are. If

    they are unable to communicate with you, you could talk to their family; they could provide

    information about the history and preferences of the client. Another way that would also be useful

    is to talk to social workers, doctors or any other professional involved in the clients care, as they

    will be able to give you information on any medical conditions and needs etc. that you need to be

    aware of.

    2.2. Describe how to take into account the history, preferences, wishes and needs of an individual

    when planning care and support.

    The person is at the centre is rooted in the principles of shared power and self-determination. Power is an

    issue because many people are limited in their power in comparison to others. Others control their l ives.

    They direct how people spend their time, what they eat, how they behave, even what they say. In this

    context, planning can become just a further indignity.

    The person is consulted throughout the planning process If the person has been involved in planning

    before then it makes sense to talk to her about how s/he wants to plan, if s/he wants a meeting, and if so,

    what kind of meeting, and how she wants to be involved. If the person is new to planning, it is important to

    spend time with her explaining the purpose of planning and looking at different options.

    The person chooses who to involve in the process unlike traditional models of planning, it is for the

    person to decide who she wants to include in the planning process, and how. This is easy to say, but within

    services this is highly counter-cultural to the way

    meetings are typically organised. If the people around the person cannot find a way to help her make and

    communicate that decision for herself, then they have to decide in good faith who they think the person

    would want to involve. A good starting-poit is people ho ko ad ae aout the peso. This a ell ield a diffeet list fo people ho poide a seie to this peso

  • The person chooses the setting and timing of meetings If a meeting does take place it is at a time

    convenient to the individual and those she wishes to invite and it is in a place where she feels at home. The

    planning is carried out in a way that is accessible to the individual as far as possible. Graphics, tapes, video

    or photos are often used.

    Family members and friends are partners in planning - Person centred planning puts people in the context

    of their family and their community. It is therefore not just the person themselves that we seek to share

    power with, but family, friends and other people from the community who the person has invited to

    become involved.

    2.3. Eplai ho usig a idiiduals are pla otriutes to orkig i a perso-centred way. Using an individual's care plan will ensure that the person's own needs and wishes are being met,

    rather than offering them a 'choice' of what is available. Using their care plan, you can build on what they

    want and see where there are gaps that need to be addressed.

    3. Understand the importance of establishing consent when providing care or support.

    3.1. Defie the ter oset. Consent is the principle that a person must give their permission before they receive any type of

    medical treatment. Consent is required from a patient regardless of the type of treatment being

    undertaken, from a blood test to an organ donation

    3.2. Explain the importance of gaining consent when providing care or support.

    Seeking consent is part of a respectful relationship with an individual and should usually be seen as

    a process, not a one-off eet. Whe ou ae seekig a pesos oset to teatet o ae, ou should make sure that they have the time and support they need to make their decision. People who have given

    consent to a particular intervention are entitled to change their minds and withdraw their consent at any

    poit if the hae the apait ae opetet to do so. iilal, the a hage thei ids ad consent to an intervention which they have earlier refused. It is important to let the person know this, so

    that they feel able to tell you if they change their mind.

    3.3. Describe how to establish consent for an activity or action.

    It is not a legal requirement for someone to sign a form to show they consent. They can show they

    consent by telling you directly or in a non-verbal way such as holding out an arm for an injection. It is good

    to record who witnessed the consent, an how and where this happened.

    Consent mush be gie olutail; the deisio ust e the pesos o deisios ad ot influenced by other or out of a desire to please. Some people wit learning disabilities are very complaint,

    especially to people they see as authority figures such as support workers or managers.

    You ust esue that ou dot aipulate, oee, pessuise, istil fea i o lakail a peso into consenting to a decision or plan.

    For example, you must never suggest a bribe, a reward or a penalty to get someone with a learning

    disability to consent, even if you think they activity or treatment is in their best interests, such as having a

    tooth out. It ould e og to sa, fo eaple, If ou oe to detists ou a u a DVD o the a hoe o, Look o oe else