Assignment 12 - Individual Film Research Jack Gathern

Assignment 12 Individual film research

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Assignment 12 - Individual Film Research

Jack Gathern

Page 2: Assignment 12   Individual film research

Film1 Name: World War Z Sub-genre: Zombie

After watching the film World War Z I have picked out various key points and techniques which are used for different reasons. The first is that the Mise en scene used is very effective in what it is trying to portray. The Zombies are very convincing and I was able to establish whether they were a Zombie or part of the public. Also, at points the editing speed increases. This is done to an extent to show that the character is in danger. This affected me as it kept me involved and I was wanting the protagonist to survive. Their is rumoured to be a second film within the next few years due to the popularity of the first film.

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Film 2 Name: Zombieland Sub-genre: Zombie/Comedy

The idea around the film Zombieland will give us as a group another alternative in to how to create our OTS. The film consists of a group of people trying to survive in a Zombie apocalypse. However, one of the main characters does a voice over throughout the film. This is done in a way as if he is giving advice to the audience who are watching. Our idea can implement aspects from this through its Sound. Zombieland is known for how it puts the fear of zombies into a comedy situation and its voice over by Jesse Eisenberg. Due to high demand and popularity there is a second film on the way in the future.

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Film 3 Name: Paranormal activity Sub-genre: Paranormal/Possesion

This film is based around a family who have recently moved into a new house. However, during the nights they realise strange things are happening. This film interests me mainly through the way the film is filmed. The characters in the film, film themselves and create a video diary to record the goings on. Another feature I like is how the titles are presented. They are almost presented through a black and white pallet. This helps create the effect of a mystery and horror. This film is known for its actors filming the film themselves. The film is created in first person. Paranormal activity is an incredibly successful film which has 5 films to its name.

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Film 4 Name: Dawn of the dead Sub-genre: Zombie

The film is featured around a family who's young girl gets infected with the zombie virus. The reason that this film interested me was through how they portrayed the transformation from girl to zombie. Again this was done through the Mise en scene. There is lots of blood involved and the clothes the Zombies wear are very old and miss used. This can be used in our OTS and it will help the audience recognise the protagonists and antagonists are. The film itself has two versions to its name. The first was created in 1978 with another version in 2004.

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Film 5 Name: The Dead Sub-genre: Zombie

This film is built around a plane crash that takes place in an area that is roaming with Zombies. After watching this film I realise that the film itself is quite intense through its themes as something big can happen at any time. Also, the main idea of a plane crash I what mostly attracted me. This idea can keep the audience involved as they will be wanting to know what will happen next. This could be included in our OTS through a car breaking down for example. The Dead has two films to its sequel. The first was released in 2010 with the second in 2013.