Assignment 1.3 FSCC 100 2011

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  • 8/14/2019 Assignment 1.3 FSCC 100 2011


    Andrew Collins


    Innate Abilities

    In David Foster Wallaces speechIn His Own Words, Wallace asserts that it is essential

    to, make a conscious decision about how to think and what to pay attention to,(4) in order to

    overcome our inert default setting(4). Based on Wallaces speech I can formulate that this

    intellectual process requires a great amount of disciplinary thinking and a commitment towards

    an elevated mindset; thus illustrating that a defining moment in a persons lifeis a forced

    experience that invokes a constructive disciplinary state upon ones mind continually over a long

    period of time so that self-discipline leads to personal success.

    In the book,The Other Wes Moore

    , by author Wes Moore, Moore states that after his

    mother sent him off to military school he realized that this new environment held, a real

    respect (96), that was further supported when he witnessed, a peer, demand that much respect

    from his people (9). The respect that Moore observed had a huge impact upon him in a way that

    began to force him to reshape the way he thought about the definition of respect and what it truly

    meant. Obviously, the military school was extremely disciplinary in a physical aspect; yet, it

    pales in comparison to the effect that the rigid lifestyle had upon Moores mental state.This

    situation, although forced upon him initially, ultimately brought out an inert leadership ability in

    Moore that was only previously touched upon by the death of father at a young age, when he was

    forced to become the man of the house. Thus his passive ability to lead was forced to emerge

    until it eventually became a permanent part of Moores attitude and overall mindset.

    In the story of Frank McCourts life, titledAngelas Ashes, McCourt is forced into a

    situation where he finds it necessary to leave his family after his mother seemingly neglects him

    for his uncle who is taking of advantage of her. Departing and embarking forward, McCourt is

    forced to depend solely on himself in order to survive on his own. This struggle in a new

  • 8/14/2019 Assignment 1.3 FSCC 100 2011


    Andrew Collins


    environment of independence forced McCourt to evolve his thinking in a way that allowed him

    to succeed without others. Over the course of many years this revelation in his life proved to

    reshape McCourts mindset in aself-sufficient, positive manner, which ultimately transformed

    him into a young man bound for America.

    Personally, third grade year, my parents forced me to begin taking piano lessons from a

    strict elderly lady; where success meant countless hours of practice a week. Forced into this

    situation, I dreaded practicing, I dreaded lessons, I dreaded the piano in general; yet, I

    subconsciously absorbed the discipline and perfectionism my teacher, Mrs. Han, displayed to me

    each week. This sense of discipline engaged my mind in a way that allowed me to excel through

    school in a rapidly self-sufficient way. My mindset on life rapidly evolved to a perfectionist style

    that has remained with me all throughout life. I have spent over a decade in forced musical

    situations, yet my process of thinking has now evolved from a timid, passive process, into a self-

    driven and motivating outlook on life that has allowed me to have enormous self-assurance in


    As illustrated, a defining moment in an individuals life is not a simple process or

    undergoing. It is the result of an initial forced situation that leads to contamination, and only

    later, possibly as long as decades, allows redemption and an inner self-perseverance to attribute

    to a persons success, confidence, and highly evolved mindset.This forced situation allows an

    inert, or passive, quality in a person that they most likely excel at to evolve and be brought out

    through rigorous discipline, demanding that through self-discovery they realize this innate


  • 8/14/2019 Assignment 1.3 FSCC 100 2011


    Andrew Collins



    Angelas Ashes. Dir. Alan Parker. Paramount Pictures, 1999. DVD

    Moore,Wes. The Other Wes Moore.New York: Spiegel & Grau, 2010. Print

    Wallace, David. 2005 Kenyon College Commencement Address. Kenyon College. Gambier,

    Ohio. 2005