Assistive Technology for Literacy By: Crystal Campbell

Assitive techology for literacy

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  • 1. Assistive Technology for Literacy
    By: Crystal Campbell

2. Assistive Technology Considerations for Literacy
There are several factor to consider when choosing AT devices for individuals with reading difficulties. Students may struggle with vocabulary, word decoding, comprehension, physical access, and fluency. It is important to identify the specific need before choosing a device or strategy.
3. Low tech assistive technology for literacy
There are some low tech ideas that can help students find success in reading. Students are explicitlytaught reading strategies to use while reading. However, some students may need reminders of these strategies while decoding text.Something as simple as a bookmark can provide students with a visual reminder to apply word attack strategies.
4. Low tech Foldables
Foldables can be used to help students retain and understand vocabulary. The Foldables are a fun way to define and illustrate new vocabulary. The following websites shows tons of ways to use Foldables in the classroom.
5. Some Low tech ideas for physical access
Page up
The Portabook and Page Up can assist students by holding books in paper in the an upright position.
6. Low tech color overlays for decoding
Colored Overlays or Reading Helpers can impact some students reading abilities.Some students have shown improvements when using overlays of contrasting colors.The overlays and Reading Helpers come in a variety of colors. Students preferences vary. Students claim the words seem brighter, still, and in some cases bigger, when using colors other than the standard white.
7. Using Color for Comprehension
Low tech for Comprehension
Highlighters, highlighting tape and post its can be used to identify key information in text. Students can be taught to use highlighting techniques to identify important people, places, vocabulary, and key words.
8. Visual Modifications
Software programs such as Boardmaker Plus and Picture It can add pictures to text. The pictures can help strengthen vocabulary and aide in comprehension. Software such as these are considered to be mid tech assistive technology tools.
9. High tech solutions for physical access
Flip It-This is a page turner that can be used with a switch. The Flip It provides individuals with a way to independently turn pages in their books. This is very expensive and can be purchased through Enablemart.
With the move towards digital text there is not as much need for a page turner for printed material. Its still good to know there is one out there.
10. Electronic Text
Digital text is more accessible than ever before!! There are so many sites and vendors to choose from, its almost overwhelming. I have included some of the digital text formats that I found to be reliable and more geared toward students.Digital text can be modified easily with computer software programs.
Below are some strategies to modify text to meet individual student needs. All of the following changes can be made in Microsoft Word Applications

  • Enlarge text or change font style

11. Change background color of screen (Very similar to colored overlays) 12. Change font color or highlight important words 13. Autosummarize text and highlight key points and decrease the amount of text to be read