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Astro Tarot - November 2013.pdf

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Renae and Paul Metaphysics Academy Address: 135 Middle Road, Byands Building #05-09 Singapore 188975

Contact: +65 9366 0272

Email: [email protected]

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1 Aries - 21 Mar to 20 Apr: Nine of Cups

Work/Career As November begins, you'll find that your attitude toward work is a lot more positive than it has been in

the last several months. Aries can tend to be a bit moody when things aren't going his or her way, but

this month you'll be able to keep your chin up even when small mishaps arise. Your easy-go-lucky

attitude will be infectious, and it will be easy to get coworkers to go along with you, making for even

more camaraderie. Enjoy it while it lasts, Aries.

Single This month you'll continue to crave something more than just a fleeting romance or a quick affair. The

desire for true kinship will be strong with you. While November isn't particularly guaranteed to bring

such a person into your life, you will be on the search for a true partner and it isn't out of the question

that you will meet that partner this month. 2014 will almost certainly be a year in which you are

engaged in a long-term relationship, but it doesn't preclude the idea that the relationship may start

slightly before the new year begins.

In Love You may harbor the slightest bit of suspicion toward your lover this month, as you question whether or

not they truly care for you as much as they claim. You might feel the inclination to try to “test” your

partner during this phase, but this is definitely not a good idea. The reason behind these dubious

feelings is that you're gradually learning how to trust others, and it can be a very daunting feeling indeed.

Try to refrain from bombarding your partner with suspicious questions and actions and it's almost

guaranteed that the two of you will have a stronger relationship by the end of November.

Finances This month may bring with it the need to depend on others for financial help. This doesn't necessarily

mean that you'll have to borrow money from friends and relations, although that can't be ruled out

entirely. More likely, you'll need help with consolidating your bills or handling other important monetary

matters. We all can use a little help every now and then, and this isn't anything to be ashamed of;

besides, you're on your way to greater financial independence in 2014 and this is just one of the

stepping stones you'll have to traverse.

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2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 21 May: I The Magician

Work/Career Though your work life will continue to be productive and efficient, you'll want to keep an eye on your frustration levels. It will be easier for you to become irritated this month, even at the slightest provocation. This snippiness will be wholly contained within your place of business, though, and it won't manifest itself in other areas of your life. Still, nobody likes a coworker who's testy, and you must do your best to keep your temper under control from the time you clock in to the time you punch out. And let that be the only “punching out” you do this month, Taurus.

Single After a couple months of feeling lonely and confused about what you want out of a partner, you'll regain plenty of confidence and clarity in regards to love. You won't treat every night out as a quest to find that special someone, and instead you'll be able to just sit back and enjoy yourself, having a good time with friends and acquaintances. After all, many a love affair begins when you least expect them, and the laid back demeanor you display this month will surely attract interested parties into your presence.

In Love You'll be more likely to treat your partner with kindness and affection, mostly owing to the fact that you'll see him or her as a source of warmth and comfort apart from the stress that you may experience in other parts of your life this month, particularly at the work place. This is a good time to be honest and up front about your emotions, which can help build a stronger, more close-knit relationship between the two of you. Do try to avoid being overbearing with your partner, however, because you do stand the chance of becoming a bit too clingy if you depend on them fully for your happiness.

Finances This month will find you much more dedicated to ridding yourself of unnecessary expenses in your life. You'll tear into your bank statement with a hatchet, trying to cut back on costs in every way conceivable. This is typically always a good thing, since we can all use a little extra money at the end of the month. But you'll also run the risk of getting excessively angry at your partner, children, or both if they contribute to wasteful spending. You might scold your wife or husband for their excessive credit card bills, or punish the kids for hiking up your wireless bill. If you must talk to your family about spending, try to do it in a friendly, non-confrontational way.

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3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun: Page of Wands

Work/Career Expect to have a higher energy level at work going into November. You'll be better able to cope with pressure at the job site, and your mental acuity will be firing off at all cylinders. What's more, you'll even ENJOY the higher workload that will likely be placed on you this month, and as you finish it with aplomb, you'll be thinking “what else do ya got?” To be sure, this is a great time to be a Gemini. Just make sure that you don't become overconfident and pile your plate too high, lest you run the risk of burnout.

Single As Uranus squares Pluto this month, you'll feel a slight bit of unrest when it comes to romantic entanglements. This may be a very confusing time for you, when you begin to question what it is you really want out of love and companionship. Don't be surprised if you aren't inclined to go out and actively search for partners. The need for any kind of immediate physical companionship will be virtually nonexistent, as you focus more on the deeper issues that are related to love, and your feelings toward them.

In Love You may run into conflict this month with friends and relations, and your partner will be more essential to you than ever in these circumstances. He or she will be the person who you vent your problems and frustrations to, and you in turn will feel closer to this person by the time the month is out. One caveat: Try not to throw TOO much at them when they serve as your soundboard, lest they might begin to grow weary of your unending tirades and begin to resent you for them.

Finances If you've been considering taking a trip related to business, such as taking a look at a possible piece of property or attending meeting for an investment opportunity, this is not a preferable month for such an endeavor. Complications can arise relating to the journey, and travel in all forms is not as positive as it has been for most of the year. It is recommended that you explore other options if possible, like rescheduling for December or requesting a meeting on your home front.

4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 20 Jul: X Wheel of Fortune

Work/Career This month's Solar Eclipse will have a great effect on your ability to handle any stress or negative

emotions that come your way. Earlier in the year, the Water Trine that occurred gave you a boost in

your emotional willpower, and its remnants are still being felt by you even now. The Eclipse will further

bolster your ability to remain strong in the face of difficulties at the job site, and as such November is

expected to be a very profitable and productive month for you.

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Single In addition to the Eclipse, November also brings with it plenty of aspects that might smile upon your love life. Expect deeper, more meaningful romantic attachments to form between you and the people you meet around this period, especially other Water signs. There will be more pure, unadulterated joy flowing within you at this time as well, and this will help make you even more alluring to others. If you've been looking for that special someone, the holiday season just might have a great gift in store for you.

In Love Cancers in a relationship will most likely start to experience a desire for self-improvement. If your partner is in better physical shape or has a higher mental acuity than you, you'll feel this urge even more imminently. It's quite likely that you'll try to make yourself better in all aspects of life, but you run the risk of spreading yourself too thin. Don't jump right into a complete and total makeover, but let it happen at its own pace. This way, you won't start to make your partner feel neglected, suspicious, or worse.

Finances You'll most likely experience a nice boost in income thanks to your more productive work life and your increased luck in all circles. Normally it would be recommended that you hold on to this money and allow your income to accrue, but you've had a really uneven year financially speaking, Cancer, and this must have hurt your ability to bestow gifts upon your loved ones, which is one of Cancer's favorite activities. So if you feel like you ought to splurge on friends and family, we aren't going to stop you.

5 Leo - 21 Jul to 21 Aug: Seven of Swords

Work/Career This month will be one of duality, wherein you'll have more positive results in your professional life but problems may arise in your private life. At any rate, you can expect your time at work to be a lot more level and productive than it has been in the past couple months. You'll have more focus and mental acuity and part of it will be because you will see your job as a respite from some of the problems you may have at home and with friends this month. It's rare for a Leo to prefer work to play instead of the other way around, but we all flip the script every now and then.

Single Expect your social life to take quite an interesting turn this month, and it probably won't be for the better. You may lose one or more friends from your social circle, either from a disruption in their living situation or an argument between your group of comrades. You also may find that some of your so-called friends aren't as faithful and true as they made out to be. But keep your head up, Leo, and

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push through. Sometimes a shakeup can be a good thing, and it may herald a more positive 2014 for you.

In Love Leos in a relationship may also feel some forms of disruption. If you have children, there might be some disciplinary issues that could cause discord between you and your mate. There will be a bit more tension between the two of you whenever disagreements arise, and you will be much less likely to express your true feelings during this period, preferring instead to hide away in your shell like a Cancer. Just do your best to get through November and everything will become much more peaceable afterwards.

Finances One of the several factors causing some of these personal issues has to do with Mercury's retrograde during this month. And while domestic issues may make you flee to your job, your hobbies, and your tasks, try to avoid making any major financial decisions this month. A big part of this retrograde has to do with communication troubles, and it's quite likely that you can make mistakes in investing or bookkeeping during this period. It's better to hold off on these matters if it is at all possible.

6 Virgo - 22 Aug to 22 Sept: Five of Cups

Work/Career You'll feel a comforting sense of calm prevailing throughout the month while at work. You're still firing

on all cylinders and making great strides in your career, but gone is the nervous energy that permeated

your productivity in the last couple months. Now you can see to all your tasks with aplomb and energy

to spare without having any negative jittery feelings or obsessive compulsions. This should be a very

smooth, very enjoyable month for you at the workplace, Virgo, so make sure that you enjoy yourself.

Single November will bring some surprises your way as far as love is concerned. There is a good chance that you will be attracted to somebody who won't necessarily be reciprocative of your advances. Some Virgos will have only a passing fancy for this person and thus not feel too bad when they're jilted. Other Virgos, however, will be quite a bit more enamored of this potential mate and will have a much harder time dealing with the rejection. But just remember those words from the classic Rolling Stones song: “You Can't Always get what You Want.”

In Love Virgos in a relationship may feel as if their partner isn't as supportive of them as they ought to be, and this can certainly lead to problems. But rather than bottling this frustration, as is a Virgo's wont, try to

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express your feelings to your lover and let them know that you feel as if they aren't giving you enough attention or support. There's a good chance that your emotions will be unfounded and, after a frank talk, you will likely see that these feelings are somewhat unfounded.

Finances This month will most likely kick off a period of financial independence for you, wherein you start taking on more of your monetary responsibilities alone. This may arise from a benefactor cutting you off, or a breakup with someone who was a breadwinner in your relationship. Either way, it can be scary to be on your own in regards to finances, but this is just the beginning of a phase in which you will become much more self-reliant. It will help you to grow as a person and challenges that come your way in the future will be much easier to topple.

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct: XXI The World

Work/Career Try to avoid being too rash in your decisions at the workplace this month. You'll be more likely to make spur of the moment decisions and acting on gut instinct. This can sometimes be a good thing, but not for Libras in November. Any choices you make that aren't thought through at all can come back to bite you in a big way. This doesn't mean that you should keep mum and be mute for a month, but rather that you shouldn't leap into any decision without giving it at least a little consideration.

Single The same old urges to date somebody outside of your usual circle, and different from your past mates, will come to the fore again in November. You'll be more attracted to people who stray from the herd, who follow the beat of their own drum. In a word, you'll find yourself more interested in people who are quirky. There's nothing wrong with this, so long as the person you're interested in is in every other way respectable, barring his or her abnormal style. As such, there's nothing wrong with you taking a little dip in the counterculture pool.

In Love You may be a bit too obliging to your partner and family this month, and it has the chance of causing some friction between you and your loved ones. You'll be more of a pushover, more willing to let others have their way, and instead of voicing your outrage, you'll let it fester into a passive-aggressive disdain. This is of course not a good recipe for a healthy relationship, so you must do your best to be direct and up-front about your feelings and wishes. Compromise is the key to a happy kinship, and this month will bring some challenges in that arena.


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Tests are likely to arise for you this month in the financial sector. You may have to deal with bank errors that can hurt your bottom line and issues with rebates and overcharging. There may be bills that, while sent on time, are delayed en route and bring surcharges and penalties your way. Don't let this get you down, though: You're going through a trial phase right now that will allow you to have a greater grasp on your finances in 2014. Stick with it and your problems will be settled and you'll be all the better for having weathered this minor storm.

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 22 Nov: Ace of Wands

Work/Career You'll most likely be more careful and cautious around the workplace, and it's quite possible that you'll take a “wait and see” approach to some issues rather than jumping in with both feet. This is perfectly fine, and it will actually help you in your career during this phase to be a little more reticent to just go with the flow. Your analytical nature, indispensable to a Scorpio, is sending you clear signals that things aren't always what they seem. Go ahead and follow your trusty senses, Scorpio.

Single One of the defining characteristics of Scorpios is that they have a very low threshold for stupidity and silliness. This makes them quite entertaining in a sardonic way, and it's just something you'll have to deal with if you want to be friends with someone of this sign. This month your tolerance of asinine behavior will be extremely low, and you'll most likely be turned off by the behavior you witness in social settings where courtship is high. As such, you probably won't be very receptive to others who might be interested in you in a romantic way.

In Love Scorpios in a relationship will also be a bit more critical of idiotic behavior, and if your partner is sometimes guilty of such actions he or she may take the full brunt of your insults. Try to be a bit kinder to them even when they make you want to scream to the heavens. But if your partner doesn't stir up your ire with foolish behavior, you will likely be venting to them ad nauseum about the moronic people in other areas of your life. This, too, can have negative effects, as your partner may start to chafe at the pent up anger and dissatisfaction within you. To avoid this, try to still your tongue when you feel as if your rants are becoming a bit too numerous.

Finances This month provides a strong likelihood that you will be handling the finances of other people on top of yourself. You may be helping out a partner or in-law with something related to taxes or debt, and might even help them learn how to do it on their own. It might also be something more direct, such as close friends needing to borrow a bit of money. Either way, the traditional Scorpio concern for the well-being

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of their loved ones will coerce you into helping out in these matters, as well you should.

9 Sagittarius - 23 Nov to 20 Dec: King of Pentacles

Work/Career This month will bring with it the desire to get your work life more ordered and organized. You might be seen as fastidious or anal by your coworkers, but don't let them deter you; this inner yearning for more clarity and focus in your career is the beginning of a cycle that will see you master your field in ways you haven't yet even realized. Cutting down on the clutter in your work life and getting a better sense of the obstacles in your way is only the beginning of this journey.

Single This month you won't be as focused on finding a partner or looking for love. Instead, you'll be turning inward and trying to improve yourself. You might find fault with your physical appearance, and dieting or a change in wardrobe is quite possible for you. Similarly, you may feel as if you aren't putting forth your true self and instead you're playing along to a part that was written for you by society. This will cause you to want to shed the skin you're living in and just be yourself.

In Love Sagittarians in a relationship will also crave honesty and truth in their dealings with others, and it's quite possible that you might irk your mate with your increased dedication to trying to find the person beneath the veil. This is really more about a yearning for soul-searching within yourself, and your attempts to learn more about your mate is related to what loving him or her says about YOU. There's nothing wrong with discovering yourself, but try to avoid using other people as means to that end, and instead remember to treat everybody in your life as human beings in their own right.

Finances A big purchase will likely be undertaken by you this month, and it has a strong chance of being related to travel in some capacity. You might be leasing or buying a new or used car, for instance, or you might be taking a trip with friends or family. A vacation to somewhere exotic is also in the cards, and this would certainly fall under the category of big purchases, especially when you take into account the cost of plane tickets to locations of even relatively close proximity.

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10 Capricorn - 21 Dec to 19 Jan: Nine of Wands

Work/Career The beginning of November should provide you with a boost in your income, and this will help to make work a bit more tolerable than it might be otherwise. Though a Capricorn loves few things more than getting lost in his or her work, sometimes the daily grind can become tedious and wearisome even to someone as industrious as you. Fortunately, this extra bit of money coming your way will help to remind you why you go to work in the first place, and it should keep those feelings of ennui from interfering with your career.

Single As with October, it isn't very likely that you'll meet someone this month with whom you'll start a long-lasting relationship. Instead, the romantic interests you'll come across in November will serve the purpose of keeping you entertained, providing you a bit of harmless fun. But there's the chance you might become infatuated with one of these people who aren't interested in more than a passing fling. Try to avoid succumbing to their wiles, or else you might suffer a bit of heartbreak when they decide to put an end to the fun.

In Love Capricorns in a relationship will find much to be happy about in November. You'll have a more positive outlook on life, which is very refreshing for your sign, because Capricorns are often guilty of being overly moody and pessimistic. Your lover and/or kids will reciprocate your good mood and there will be a general mood of happy tidings that will prevail over the month. Enjoy this halcyon period of your life, as it should help you to remember that it's the little things in life that make it worth living.

Finances As mentioned above, you should come into some money through some channel that you weren't expecting. This could be a bonus or raise from work, although it is more likely that this little boon will come from something related to investments. If you don't have any active investments, though, don't be too concerned: In such a case, the money will quite possibly come in the form of a gift from a family member or close friend. Also, if there are people who have owed you money for a while, there's a great chance that they will finally pay you back this month.

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11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb: Knight of Swords

Work/Career This should prove to be a very productive and prosperous month at the workplace, Aquarius. Uranus has drifted in and out of your sign throughout the year, and now things are finally starting to pay off. Your generous nature is one of the best traits of your signs, but sometimes it may feel as if you're giving more than you're getting. This month, however, you'll finally start to reap the good graces that you've sown, and you can expect plenty of advancement within your career as well as an overall sense of well-being and happiness.

Single You will likely feel that your schedule doesn't allow for many social pleasures; between a likely boost in your work life and other domestic issues to tend to, you probably won't have the time to go out very often and seek love and companionship. But this isn't so bad a thing, because the truth is that you won't really be craving any intimacy. You'll be more happy just spending time with the friends that you love on the rare occasions that you do get to have a night out this month.

In Love Aquarians in a relationship will probably feel a bit overwhelmed by their partners, who will be seeking more intimacy and might even test you on your love for them. This can be a very shaky month indeed if you don't keep a cool head. To be sure, some Aquarians may find that they simply can't live with their partner anymore, while others might be a bit more proactive and try to talk frankly with their partner before things come to a head. Either way, try to proceed with caution.

Finances Your finances will be blessed this month, thanks to the extra prosperity that is coming your way at work. That being said, you might run into some unforeseen expenses that might take a little chunk out of your nest egg. Don't be too concerned, these expenditures should be quite minor. Other than that, you can rest easy knowing that you'll have plenty of money left over to pay for things that are related to the holiday season, such as gifts, food, and items that are required for entertaining.

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12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar: Ace of Pentacles

Work/Career Be on the lookout for fakes and phonies at the workplace this month. There is a good chance that someone will try to take advantage of you in some capacity. It might be a coworker who continually asks you to fill in for them when they're supposedly feeling ill. You may also run into a superior who tries to pawn off all of his or her work upon your shoulders. Stand up for yourself and don't let them use you as a means to an end, Pisces.

Single You'll have quite a bit more confidence in your love life heading into November, and this should stick with you into 2014. You won't be so shy or nervous when meeting new people, and you'll feel good about your appearance and personality. If somebody you take a liking to isn't interested in you, it won't affect you. Your feelings won't be hurt and you'll simply say that it is their loss and not yours. Confidence is one of the most attractive traits to both men and women, so don't be surprised if you find that more people are interested in you this month.

In Love As for Pisceans in a relationship, you'll be a bit more combative with your mate if you feel that he or she isn't treating you the way you deserve to be treated. Standing up for yourself is almost always the right thing to do, but you run the risk of overreacting to these issues this month. Try to look at the situation from your partner's perspective. If it's clear that you have a right to be angry, then by all means be angry. If you can kind of see where they're coming from, however, try to dial down your belligerent side.

Finances Beware of any claims that promise a “quick fix” or “untold riches.” Basically, anything that sounds too good to be true will indeed prove so. Don't invest in any risky gambles that can net you a big fortune. It won't go down the way you like it. If you must make investments or big purchases, try to refrain from doing it on the spur of the moment and only go through with it if you're sure that everything is completely legitimate. This will keep you safe from the snake oil salesmen who are trying to separate you from your hard-earned money.