Atestat Lingvistic ppt model

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  • 8/10/2019 Atestat Lingvistic ppt model




    Coordinator teacher: Student:Coran F!orentina Tere"!e# Diana

    The Su$erior Schoo! o% Co&&erce ' Nico!ae Kret(u!e)cu*

  • 8/10/2019 Atestat Lingvistic ppt model


    Ta!e o% Content)Ta!e o% Content)

    Why John F. Kennedy?

    Early life

    1. Childhood and education2. Family

    Carrier and Presidency

    The life behind the presidency des !iblio"raphy

  • 8/10/2019 Atestat Lingvistic ppt model


  • 8/10/2019 Atestat Lingvistic ppt model


    Ear!, !i%e/ Chi!dhood and educationEar!, !i%e/ Chi!dhood and education

    John Fit*"erald Kennedy 'as born on 2+ ,ay)1+1-) in !rooline) ,assachusetts%

    e 'as the second son of Joseph Kennedy and/ose Fit*"erald. e had three brothers andfi$e sisters%

    &n 0eptember 1+) Kennedy enrolled atar$ard Colle"e. 3urin" colle"e) he 'ored atthe 4merican Embassy of 5ondon.

  • 8/10/2019 Atestat Lingvistic ppt model


    Ear!, !i%e/ Fa&i!,Ear!, !i%e/ Fa&i!,

    Kennedy#s life has been $ery contro$ersial)

    such as his marria"e 'ith

    Jac6ueline 7Jacie7 5ee !ou$ier Kennedy% They 'ere married on 0eptember 12) 1+8)

    at 0t. ,ary9s Church in (e'port) /hode


  • 8/10/2019 Atestat Lingvistic ppt model


    Career and 0re)idenc,Career and 0re)idenc,

    :n January 2) 1+;) Kennedy initiated his campai"n

    for President in the 3emocratic primary election.

    John F. Kennedy 'as s'orn in as the 8th Presidentat noon on January 2;) 1+1. &n his inau"ural

    address he spoe of the need for all 4mericans to be

    acti$e citi*ens) famously sayin") "Ask not what your

    country can do for you; ask what you can do for yourcountry."

  • 8/10/2019 Atestat Lingvistic ppt model


  • 8/10/2019 Atestat Lingvistic ppt model


    . Peace Corps

    4s one of his first presidential acts) Kennedy ased Con"ress

    to create the Peace Corps. is brotherBinBla') 0ar"ent 0hri$er)'as the first director. 0ince 1+1) o$er 2;;);;; 4mericansha$e oined the Peace Corps) ser$in" in 1+ countries.

    . &srael

    Kennedy initiated the creation of security ties 'ith &srael) andhe is credited as the founder of the A0B&sraeli military alliance.

  • 8/10/2019 Atestat Lingvistic ppt model


    8. &ra6

    &n 1+) the Kennedy administration baced the coup a"ainst the"o$ernment of &ra6 headed by 4bd alBKarim Dasim

    . (uclear Test !an Treaty

    &n July 1+) Kennedy sent 4$erell arriman to ,osco' to ne"otiate atreaty 'ith the 0o$iets. Altimately) the Anited 0tates) the Anited Kin"dom)

    and the 0o$iet Anion 'ere the initial si"natories to a limited treaty) 'hichprohibited atomic testin" on the "round) in the atmosphere) or under'ater)but not under"round.

  • 8/10/2019 Atestat Lingvistic ppt model


    -. 3omestic policy

    Kennedy called his domestic pro"ram the 7(e' Frontier7. &t ambitiouslypromised federal fundin" for education) medical care for the elderly)economic aid to rural re"ions) and "o$ernment inter$ention to halt therecession. Kennedy also promised an end to racial discrimination.

    . The contro$ersial relationship 'ith ,arilyn ,onroe

    :n ,ay 1+) 1+2) ,onroe made her last si"nificant public appearance)sin"in" 7appy !irthday) ,r. President7 at a birthday party for PresidentJohn F. Kennedy at ,adison 06uare

  • 8/10/2019 Atestat Lingvistic ppt model


  • 8/10/2019 Atestat Lingvistic ppt model


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