THURSDAY, 30LY M, 1948 TORRANCE HERALD, Torrinet, California PAOt 4-A LARGER TlUN BAD CottipBrison of Army clothing es today with those of World ar I disclosed the World War soldier is taller, slimmer and is larger feet and a larger 'ad. A friend should be one In whose understanding and virtue we can equally confide, and whose opinion we can value at once for Its Justness and Its sincerity. Robert Ha Buy on Easy Terms GOLDEN TONE 5-PIECE BEDROOM SET Drop center vanity, with large 44" tarnish-proof mirror. Roomy five-drawer chest and full-size double bed. Attractive match- ing night stand with drawer, and upholstered bench. All five pieces, feature priced at only ........... 167 50 Special Friendly Credit NATIONAL HOME APPLIANCE GO. HARRV M. ABRAMSON 1317 Sartori Phone torrance 78 DISCUSS PROBLEMS . . . Madamc Aurora Quezon, widow of Manuel Quezon, ,the former president of the Philippines, and Hon. Frank Murphy, Associate Justltce of the United States Supreme Court and national president of Philippine Relief, discuss measures being taken to aid countless Filipinos who ire near starvation, with all possessions destroyed. Local contributions to the War Chest helped make it possible before the Islands were retaken from the Japs to build up supplies of medicines, clgthirig, concentrated foods and other vital needs. This help is continuing and is being steadily increased. Tree Wood From Eucalyptus Being Offered Would you like some euca- lyptus logs, FREE, for your fireplace next winter? The City of Torranec Is of- ring to give rnvuy the tlni- ..3T from trees It Is now fell- tag uloilff El Prado and Cren- shaw Wvil, according to Glenn M. Jatn; city engineer. How- rer, you'll have to do your AII hiutling mid sawing to ngtli, us the city Hasn't suf- ficient manpower to prepare the logs for sale. Piles of the eucalyptus logs ..lay be found at the corner of Crenshaw and Scpulveda birds., itl also at the city dump, ,_rner of Plaza <iel Amu and Abalone ave. No permits are required, according to -lain, (list pome ami help yourself, is long as the supply lasts. HILK BOTTLES Truckloads of milk bottles arc [ ginning to roll back to dairies, ut the number still falls far t of the 10,000,000 glass con- FAMOUS CALIFORNIA MADE' ATLAS Paints 100% PURE OUTSIDE PAINT. ALL COLORS INCLUDING WHITE. Several colors. ...... Gal. $2501 White & Ivory, only . . . Gal. GAL. Close-Out Sale S H E R WIN -MIL LIA tS P A1UT&- REGULAR $5.35 BRIGHT GREEN CORONA BtuE Trim Colors REGULAR $1.29 REGULAR $3.45 MODERN BROWN GALLON CAN . . PORCH AND . . DECK PAINT I Trim Color 300 Gallon $ Can':. . . REGULAR $3.70 TRACTOR AND* Red or Black. GALLON REGULAR $3.90 Implement Paint s^oo I Interior Gloss Several Colors. GALLON And Many Others to Choose From None Sold to Dealers! HOSE WASHERS Ring of 20 .... WRECKING BARS 18-inch. ....... COMPLETE LINE OF MODERN ELECTRIC WALL and FLOOR FURNACES SHOWER and SHAMPOO SPRAX TfkC With 6-ft. Hose . f 3 50C | LIGHTING FIXTURES GOOD STOCK OF Thermostats Water Heaters OF QUALITY PLUMBING FIXTURES AND SUPPLIES WHITE TOILET SEATS... $4.00 Lomita Plumbing Shop Plumbing, Furnaces, Day & Ni g ht Water Heat, Hardware, Electrical Supplies C. H. HUNT 24412 Narbonne Ave., Lomita Phone Lomita 676 Torrance Man Dies Leaving Cash iii House Morris G. Fay, 52, died at his chicken ranch home at 17506 Ar lington ave., Tuesday, and po lice upon investigation found icarly $2500 in cash, bonds and avings certificates in his home Fay and young Richard Friz- ell, 15, of Gardena, had been working together on the chicken ranch stocked with some 60QC fowl. After lunch, Fay decided to take a rest, and when he failed to 'reappear, Richard in- stigated. Finding Fay dead in bed, he called police, who sum- loned Stone and Myers ambii- mce. It was found that Kay died of natural causes. A niece, Mrs. Edward Pallatz, Milwaukee, is en route to Tdr- ;e to arrange for funeral ser 'S, according to Stone and Myers. Softball League Here Enters Playoff Stage Torrance Industrial Softball League was thrown intoatnerry melee this week as the member teams were attempting to round out their play to make way for he 30-day Southern California la.seball tournament which starts m August 4 in Torrance Ball 3ark. Finally breaking the four-way first-half tic, Doak Aircraft de- feated Shepard Brothers in ,ight 1 0 nine-inning game, and Bohn Aluminum defeated Nation- al Supply by a long 12 to 3 score. _!__ "Doak a'nd Bonn were battling it out last night as the Tor- rance Herald went to press, lo lecide who the first-half champs iro. Meanwhile, 1DECO was meet- ing Shell Chemical in the final league game last night. Tonight, Doak will meet Bohn n a playoff at 6:30 p.m., and Dow Chemical will meet Gobd- ar Rubber to decide the teams enter the playoff in the sec- id half which will be featured Friday night. The final playoff date for the ason's championship will be welded later. Ralph Branton Assigned to African Post Sgt. Ralph II. Branton, 23, son if Hrv. and Mrs. Harry Bran- on, has been assigned to Gazes Air Base In the Norlh African Division of Air Transport com- mand. Sergeant Branton is orie of the nen brought down from the Eighth Air Porco in England to assist in ATC's "Green Project" the movement by air to the United States each month of 50,000 European war veterans for redeployment. At Gazes Air Base he will be working in a .special heavy equipment section. Sergeant Branton left to enter the Army in September, IK-12, lie was .sent to KiiKlaml and served there 'J'.' months lore his re- cent a.sMKHinrnt to Casablanca. Bob Johnson .-sleeps beneath this lid, He always claimed lie couldn't 1 LOWLY TIN CAN Ninth Service Command I stallations salvaged 13,000,00 pounds bf detinnablb cans du Ing the 1044-48 fiscal yeah "Public Notices" NOTICE OF AWARD OF CdNTRAfcT Pursuant to statute and to th resolution of the City Council c the City of Torrahco, dlrectln this notice, notice is hereby gl' en that said City Council, i open session on the tenth day c JUly, 1945 did p'Ublicly open, e: amine and declare all sealed rjro posals or bids for doing the fo lowing work, to-wit: The Improvement of 203r Street and certain other street and rlghts-of-way in the City o Torrance, by the constructio and installation therein of a sar lary sewer system as describe n He-solution of Intention Ni 1723, adopted on the eighth da of May, 1945 by the City Coui cil of the City of Torrance. And, thereafter on the 17t. day of July, 1945, the said Cltj Council did award the contrac 'or said work to the lowest r< sponslble bidder, to-wlt: Bo Boshyak, at trie prices named 1 lis bid, to-wit: 21" Standard Strength VC pipe with cement joints, Incliidiir wyes in place & $5.50 pe lineal foot. 21" Extra-Strength VC pipe with cement joints. Including wy in place & $6.00 per line foot. ' Standard Strength VC pipe with cement Joints, Includiri wyes in place & $2.60 per lit eal foot. " Standard Strength VC Chim ney Sewer <0> $5.00 per vortica foot. Standard Brick Manhole Struc turcs, complete «f $200.00 bach Standard Lamp holes, complete <W $50.00 each. Breaking into the existing jimc tion chamber at Sta. O + OO fi1 $100.00. lock and Oil Repaving (8> $0.20 per sfj. foot. " Promlx on 6" DG Repaving $0.60 per sq. foot. Concrete Bed in place © $20.00 per cu. yard. The owners of lots or parcel; f land within the assessment (strict are hereby notified thai vlth'Ih ten days following th( ate of the first publication 01 he notice of this award of con ract, the owners of three oUrths of the frontage of said ots or parcels of land, or their gents, may elect to take th vork and enter Into a' writte onfract to do the whole work t the price at which the sami as been awarded; and that thi wner of any of said lots o: arcels of land may, if he sc vishcs, file a written notice with he City Clerk, claiming th ny or all of the previous i ons or proceedings relating to ic work are irregular, defective rroneous or faulty. A. H. BARTLETT, City Clerk, City of Torrance, California uly 19-26. (71941) IVQTICK OF HEARING OF PE- ITION TO EXECUTE TKUST DEED No. 107,830 In the Superior Court of the tale bf California ih and for ic County of Los Angeles. the Matter of the Estate f Robert Y. Ueda__and Calvin Notice Is hereby given that obcrt S. Ueda, Guardian of the state of said minors, has tiled erein his verified . petition for ive to execute a deed of trust pon certain real property in aid estate; and that Aug. 9, 945, at 9:30 o'clock A.M., in the iperior Court of the State of alifornla in and for the County Los Angeles, Department 24 teOf, has been fixed as the me and place for the hearing said petition, when and where ny persons Interested in the lid estate may appear and \ow cause, if any they have, hy the order should not be lade. Reference is hereby made i the said petition for further irticulars. ated July 14, 1945. J. F. MORONEY, Cpunty Clerk By H.. L. DOYLE, Deputy T. Rippy ttoniey-at-Law 131 Post Avenue lephone 423 irrancc, Calif, uly 26-Aug. 2 NO SUPPING To keep scatter rugs fro slipping on a highly - polish fiber, put an old rubber jar Hh uhdcr each corner. 71424 Tort-unco Herald Torrance, .California NOTICE OF SALE OF PROP ERTY OF THE STATE OF CAL FORNIA PURSUANT TO DIV SION 1, PART 6, CHAPTER 7 O THE REVENUE AND TAXATIO CODE (Sale No. 39A) Offlrp of tho Tiuc Cnllretnr lie Cimnty of j.os Angclcx, HI if California. WHKKKAH, {ho Jlnnrcl of Sm ^Isor-H of tho County nf I^w . Kules adopted a resolution until clnj; tlii- »nl«' of property hen fti-r drNcrlhcd: nncl WHBHKAS, tlim-o Is filed ni-ordi-il in my oftlcn wrlt,tcn tlmrlzatlon for Balil siilo unrti-r ti mnd nnd seal of Iho Httito Cot rollqr. fo sell .said property: fi-lERKFOnfe. if ri>ik>iii|>tlnA nlil HI: till ut In munch of ]nw, imlill, iN-cljy Riven Hint I. II. ],. Uyrnl fax Collector uf tho County o '.«» AiiKnles, will, 17111 day of AuBUst, 1045, a he hour of nine o'clock A.M., ' onllmilmr from day to day, In Ih irricc ,,r MIC County Tax Colleclo hinl floor. Unit of. Justice, In tl ity "i l,os AnRcle», offer- for sn mil sell ut public auction to tl ilKhrat Wilder, for cash In luwfi nonoy of tlic United States, th 'allowing described property: 1'urccl No. D98. Tract No. 158 21/3S-39 M. Ixit 12 Block 30. A.' ns.wd in 1930 to 1810 Incl., 19-1 nil inn to Annlo SkoRi i Annie Sconem Minim 37.36. PLUS COST OK PU1JL1CA 'ION. Locution N. side of 255t St. but. Normandlo Ave. und r. F Parcel No. 682. .Tract No. .2546 li/r. M. I/it 39 lilock 24. Asscsse n 1936 to lilll to I'aulliiR F. Ho Us. Minltnilin bid, J55.94, I'LU '(1ST OF PUBLICATION. Ix)i-a ion N. Hide of Ave. C bot. Juitnlt Parcel' No. 701. Tract No. 3341 0/S9 M. Lot 0 Ulock 7. .......... 1930 (o 19S7 Incl.. 1S42 to 194 I., to John .1J. Justice.. Mlnlmiin 111, »123.in, 1'LUS COST OK PUH .ICAT1ON. Location S Hide u "3rd Ht. bet. Dcnkcr and Hallrtal Parcel No. 782. Tract No. '4D2H 0/GI-G8 M.. I MI 17R. Assessed .li to Minnie Slooro D. Morn ; 1937 to 1939 inc,!.. to Mlnnli looro l)e Mornbron; 1941 to Mln ie Moore ])o Mornbrow; 1944 tc illnnle M. IVMornbrou. Mlnlmmi d, S'JL'.IO, PLUS TOST OK PUn CATION". Locution N. side a =3i-d St. bet. Uenltrr Ave. urn arvarU nivil. . Parcel No. S03. Tract No. 1671 fi/SO-Kl. M. N. i.-i.ll! ft. of S. 75.9. if VS. 110 ft. of I,ot 60. A- e.iHed in 193G to 1939 Incl., to He- ra. Wolf; 1911, 1942 and 1914 Gertrude \Volf. Mlnlmn 10.01, PI.US COST OK PUIiWCA- 10N. Location K. sld .._ .. lout Avis.' but. Knox and 13011 ts. Parcel No. SOI. Tract No. 47R2 '/95 ,M. U.tH 42 nnd 43, Excep ie followliiR described property !>t 43. Assessed In 193R, 1930 t. 93i Incl., 1938 and 1944 to Mail >,l)e Iliuiff; 1929 to Maurltj! De atf. Mlnlniiini bid, 122.10, PLUS OST OK PUHLICATION. Lo i W. side Normanillc Ave. bet SSril and lS4tli st-s. Parcel No. 1174. Tract No. C88F K/49-5S M. U)t 24 Illock 1611. As- ssed In 1930 to A. R. Monaco 131 to 1934 incl., "and 1938 t Kirls Sjnltli; 1944 to Arinund Mn iieo. Tr. Minimum liid. JMO.r.O I.US COST OK PUBLICATION .oration N. Bide of Palos Verde, irlvc West bet. V: lit del Pilcnte. Parcel 'No. 1273. Tract No. 7330 0/37-39 M. Lot 3 Illock 183S. As- sscd In 1931 to 1933 incl., am i:ir> to Hank of America; 1934 t. k. of America: 1930. 1937 an. Jll ta Palos Verdcs Kstutcs .lilt linlmuni bid, UJ8.61, PLUS COST K PUHLICATION. Ixication S de of Via dol Monte bot. Mnntc- uilnBil nrive and 1st WalK VV. The forritalnK desciil.wl properly i located In the C'ounty uf Los nudes. State -of Calif AI-'I-'IOAVIT TO TAX COU.KCTOIl I'un-liiiser.s of tax dellmnlent prupi'i-lv will l»- rcqulreil to fllrnlNli tin- Tax CiHIcetoi- with an :ilfhl.i\il lh:it. piirsiianl to tin; Solilicrs nil.I Sailors Civil Itclii'f Ai-t ill' linn anil anii-iul- ts. the property is not all,. tin to redeem or lo piiy the llii'im'iit taxes In iiiMtallincnln, ijily to II. I., llyram, c'ounty Tax illcctor. third floor. Hall of Ju«- e. I.os AiiKl-les 1-', California. Iteit this 20th day of July. I'Jlfi. 11. I.. IIYItAM. Tax Colli-ctor of County of Ixi.i Angeles, State of California, ily 20-Aill,-. 2-U. COURTESY and FRIENDLINESS Isn't Rationed at > Wall's Market -COMPLETE GROCERY DEPT. FRESH VEGETABLES COLD MEATS And Every Week-day Until 6 P.M. Saturday, 7 P.M. 2323 Cabrillo Torrance MEAT PROBLEMS More than 200 Los Angeles meat markets may be foraec out of business .when dbWiiHdi are made fdr legitimate, rfcH point coupons In blacc bf botfUs coupons banked by the oper* tors. Whole blood, flown from thb United States to theaters of op oration, Is kept In condition for transfusions for 2i days by new refrigeration techniques Inaugu rated by the Army. "Public Notices" (71643) NOTICfc TO No. 244841 Estate of Mary Ellen Mill, do cease.d. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned Administrator of the Estate with the Will an ncxeU of Mary Ellen Mill de ceased, to the Creditors of, and ll persons having claims against the said deceased, to present them with the necessary vouch- rs, within six rrldrilhs after the first publication of this notice, to the said Administrator at the office of Otto 3. Willctt, 1318 Sartori City of Tbtidncc, County of Los Angeles, State of Call- :ornla, which said Office the un del-signed selects as a place of business in all matters connected with said estate, or to file them with the necessary vouchers, within six months after the first publication of this notice, in the office of the Clerk of the 8u- icrior Court of the State of California, in and for the Coun- y of Los Angeles. Dated July 18, 1945 FREDERICK McKINLEY MJLL, Administrator of the Estate with the Will annexed of the said deceased. Otto B. Willett Attorney at Law 313 Sartori, Torrance, Calif, fuly 26-Alig. 2-B-16. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOB REGISTRATION Notice is -hereby given that ipplicatlon for the registration if the .following; described (or llustrated) containers Brand as irovldea by Section 701 of the LGRICULTURAL CODE QV CALIFORNIA has been filed k'lth the'Department bf Agricul- ure of the State of California: Majfalr Creamery RtBR. fcSl. It Is Intended that said brand 111 appeal- on cans, cases, hot- les, cartons owned by us/me ml all containers so branded nust not be used By others without our/my written pcrmis- Ion. By EARL R. BRUNNER. uly 26-Aug. 2-9 WAG SHOE SIZES O. I. Jane hud At least on<w thing In comrrtbn with her brothJ crs IH liriirdrhH blM frtt! slxly seven per «!nt of the Women's Army Cttf^S HiehMbert toear shoes ranging from size 6 to 8 as cbrtipared to Army n^feh's most tfcmrrton shbe sli»s, fib to 9D. "PuBllij Nbtlc'es" NOT'ICK op sAtift OP REAL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE No. 244390 In the Superior Court ot the State, of California, ,!rt and fdr the County of Lds Angeles.. Ih the Matter of the Estate of Mary Adfeilrie Alvcy, De- ceased. Notice Is hereby given that under and pursuant to the law made arid provided, IHe Urider- signed Isabella McCormlck, Ad- ministratrix *lth-the-wlll-annex- rW of tr\e es'tat? of Mary Adellr "\ Alvcy, deceased will sell at priv- ate sale, to the Highest and best bidder, subject to confirmation bf said Superior Co'uH on or after MOtiday the fllh day Bf Augxlst, 1945 at the office of Chas. T. Rlppy, attofHey for. Ad- ministratrix, 1831 Post Ave., Torranee County of Los Ange- les, State of California, all the right, t tie and ihte'r'i'si of saMd decease)! at Oie' time of death and all tHe r'igh't; title ahd IHter- cst that the' estate tit said de- ceased has acquired by opera- tion bf law or otherwise, other than br In adtlitlbn tb that df Mary Adellrie Alvey deceased, at :he time-of death, in and tB all that certain Wal property par- Icularly described as follows, t'Sta ,df Tract 866g In Los Angeles County, , Cklthjrrtla, ak ier Wap. rtcdrdSd in Book i( 1 page's 1 tb 4 tit Mips, Ih the &Vy 'Ice of thb Recorder of said county if, Terms of sale Cash In laiffm money of the United States oh confirmiitlon of sale, o/ part cash ahd balance evidenced bjr ndte stc'ured by mortgage dt- IVust Deed on the. property sb sold. Ton per ccrlt of amount bid to lie dbfioslted With bid.' Bids or offers to be In writing Mid- will' Be ' fedetved at the ifdt-esald, office at any time dtter thb tlrat p'uBllcatlorf heredf ahd before date of sale. Dated this 25th day of July, 945 ' , ISABELLA MCCORMICK, ASmlhlstratrlx , wlth-will- almexed of Estate df Mary Adeline Alvey, De- wased. Chas. T. RljJpjr; 331 Post AVe., 'orrancD, Cal. s-± Attorney, fdf Administratrix. 11 uly 2*AUg 2 . LET US HELP YOU SELECT THE BEST ARE YOU IN DOUBT about what brand of a certain product you should bUy? then ask us. We've been handling drug) for 10 many years that we can recommend the brands that will best answer your individual needs. PRESCRIPTIONS Be Scleiitifiiisilly Safe ptittte td Us Ne Untiecfessary Waiting Fresh, Potent Stock BEACON DRUG CO. REXALL STORE ^jUJJ^P 1519 Cabrillo iWpaifce Agents for Greyhound & Torrance Bus Lines

ATLAS Close-Out Sale...Manuel Quezon, ,the former president of the Philippines, and Hon. Frank Murphy, Associate Justltce of the United States Supreme Court and national president

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Page 1: ATLAS Close-Out Sale...Manuel Quezon, ,the former president of the Philippines, and Hon. Frank Murphy, Associate Justltce of the United States Supreme Court and national president

THURSDAY, 30LY M, 1948 TORRANCE HERALD, Torrinet, CaliforniaPAOt 4-A

LARGER TlUN BADCottipBrison of Army clothing es today with those of Worldar I disclosed the World War soldier is taller, slimmer and

is larger feet and a larger'ad.

A friend should be one In whose understanding and virtue we can equally confide, and whose opinion we can value at once for Its Justness and Its sincerity.

Robert Ha

Buy on Easy Terms


5-PIECE BEDROOM SETDrop center vanity, with large

44" tarnish-proof mirror. Roomy

five-drawer chest and full-size

double bed. Attractive match­

ing night stand with drawer,

and upholstered bench. All

five pieces, feature priced at

only ........... 167 50Special

Friendly Credit



1317 Sartori Phone torrance 78

DISCUSS PROBLEMS . . . Madamc Aurora Quezon, widow of Manuel Quezon, ,the former president of the Philippines, and Hon. Frank Murphy, Associate Justltce of the United States Supreme Court and national president of Philippine Relief, discuss measures being taken to aid countless Filipinos who ire near starvation, with all possessions destroyed. Local contributions to the War Chest helped make it possible before the Islands were retaken from the Japs to build up supplies of medicines, clgthirig, concentrated foods and other vital needs. This help is continuing and is being steadily increased.

Tree Wood From Eucalyptus Being Offered

Would you like some euca­ lyptus logs, FREE, for your fireplace next winter?

The City of Torranec Is of- ring to give rnvuy the tlni-

..3T from trees It Is now fell- tag uloilff El Prado and Cren- shaw Wvil, according to Glenn M. Jatn; city engineer. How-

rer, you'll have to do your AII hiutling mid sawing to ngtli, us the city Hasn't suf­

ficient manpower to prepare the logs for sale.

Piles of the eucalyptus logs ..lay be found at the corner of Crenshaw and Scpulveda birds.,

itl also at the city dump, ,_rner of Plaza <iel Amu and

Abalone ave. No permits are required, according to -lain, (list pome ami help yourself, is long as the supply lasts.

HILK BOTTLESTruckloads of milk bottles arc [ ginning to roll back to dairies, ut the number still falls far

t of the 10,000,000 glass con-



Several colors. ...... Gal.$2501

White & Ivory, only . . . Gal. GAL.

Close-Out SaleS H E R WIN -MIL LIA tS P A1UT&-


Trim Colors





300Gallon $ Can':. . .


Red or Black. GALLON


Implement Paint s^oo I Interior GlossSeveral Colors. GALLON

And Many Others to Choose From None Sold to Dealers!HOSE WASHERS Ring of 20 ....

WRECKING BARS 18-inch. .......




SHOWER and SHAMPOO SPRAX TfkC With 6-ft. Hose . f 3


ThermostatsWater Heaters



Lomita Plumbing ShopPlumbing, Furnaces, Day & Nig ht Water Heat, Hardware, Electrical Supplies


24412 Narbonne Ave., Lomita Phone Lomita 676

Torrance Man Dies Leaving Cash iii House

Morris G. Fay, 52, died at his chicken ranch home at 17506 Ar lington ave., Tuesday, and po lice upon investigation found icarly $2500 in cash, bonds and avings certificates in his home

Fay and young Richard Friz- ell, 15, of Gardena, had been

working together on the chicken ranch stocked with some 60QC fowl. After lunch, Fay decided to take a rest, and when he failed to 'reappear, Richard in­

stigated. Finding Fay dead in bed, he called police, who sum-

loned Stone and Myers ambii- mce.It was found that Kay died

of natural causes.A niece, Mrs. Edward Pallatz,

Milwaukee, is en route to Tdr- ;e to arrange for funeral ser 'S, according to Stone and


Softball League Here Enters Playoff Stage

Torrance Industrial Softball League was thrown intoatnerry melee this week as the member teams were attempting to round out their play to make way for he 30-day Southern California la.seball tournament which starts m August 4 in Torrance Ball 3ark.

Finally breaking the four-way first-half tic, Doak Aircraft de­ feated Shepard Brothers in ,ight 1 0 nine-inning game, and Bohn Aluminum defeated Nation­ al Supply by a long 12 to 3 score. _!__ "Doak a'nd Bonn were battling it out last night as the Tor­ rance Herald went to press, lo lecide who the first-half champs iro.

Meanwhile, 1DECO was meet­ ing Shell Chemical in the final league game last night.

Tonight, Doak will meet Bohn n a playoff at 6:30 p.m., and

Dow Chemical will meet Gobd- ar Rubber to decide the teams

enter the playoff in the sec- id half which will be featured

Friday night. The final playoff date for the ason's championship will be welded later.

Ralph Branton Assigned to African Post

Sgt. Ralph II. Branton, 23, son if Hrv. and Mrs. Harry Bran- on, has been assigned to Gazes

Air Base In the Norlh African Division of Air Transport com­ mand.

Sergeant Branton is orie of the nen brought down from the

Eighth Air Porco in England to assist in ATC's "Green Project" the movement by air to the United States each month of 50,000 European war veterans for redeployment. At Gazes Air Base he will be working in a .special heavy equipment section.

Sergeant Branton left to enter the Army in September, IK-12, lie was .sent to KiiKlaml and served there 'J'.' months l» lore his re­ cent a.sMKHinrnt to Casablanca.

Bob Johnson .-sleeps beneath thislid,

He always claimed lie couldn't


LOWLY TIN CANNinth Service Command I

stallations salvaged 13,000,00 pounds bf detinnablb cans du Ing the 1044-48 fiscal yeah

"Public Notices"


Pursuant to statute and to th resolution of the City Council c the City of Torrahco, dlrectln this notice, notice is hereby gl' en that said City Council, i open session on the tenth day c JUly, 1945 did p'Ublicly open, e: amine and declare all sealed rjro posals or bids for doing the fo lowing work, to-wit:

The Improvement of 203r Street and certain other street and rlghts-of-way in the City o Torrance, by the constructio and installation therein of a sar lary sewer system as describe n He-solution of Intention Ni

1723, adopted on the eighth da of May, 1945 by the City Coui cil of the City of Torrance.

And, thereafter on the 17t. day of July, 1945, the said Cltj Council did award the contrac 'or said work to the lowest r< sponslble bidder, to-wlt: Bo Boshyak, at trie prices named 1 lis bid, to-wit:

21" Standard Strength VC pipewith cement joints, Incliidiirwyes in place & $5.50 pelineal foot.

21" Extra-Strength VC pipe withcement joints. Including wyin place & $6.00 per linefoot.' Standard Strength VC pipewith cement Joints, Includiriwyes in place & $2.60 per liteal foot.

" Standard Strength VC Chimney Sewer <0> $5.00 per vorticafoot.

Standard Brick Manhole Structurcs, complete «f $200.00 bach

Standard Lamp holes, complete<W $50.00 each.

Breaking into the existing jimction chamber at Sta. O + OOfi1 $100.00.

lock and Oil Repaving (8> $0.20per sfj. foot.

" Promlx on 6" DG Repaving?« $0.60 per sq. foot.

Concrete Bed in place © $20.00per cu. yard.The owners of lots or parcel;

f land within the assessment (strict are hereby notified thai

vlth'Ih ten days following th( ate of the first publication 01 he notice of this award of con ract, the owners of three oUrths of the frontage of said ots or parcels of land, or their gents, may elect to take th vork and enter Into a' writte onfract to do the whole work t the price at which the sami as been awarded; and that thi wner of any of said lots o: arcels of land may, if he sc

vishcs, file a written notice with he City Clerk, claiming th ny or all of the previous i— ons or proceedings relating to ic work are irregular, defective rroneous or faulty.

A. H. BARTLETT,City Clerk,

City of Torrance, California uly 19-26.


DEEDNo. 107,830

In the Superior Court of the tale bf California ih and for ic County of Los Angeles.

the Matter of the Estate f Robert Y. Ueda__and Calvin

Notice Is hereby given that obcrt S. Ueda, Guardian of the state of said minors, has tiled erein his verified . petition for

ive to execute a deed of trust pon certain real property in aid estate; and that Aug. 9, 945, at 9:30 o'clock A.M., in the

iperior Court of the State of alifornla in and for the County

Los Angeles, Department 24teOf, has been fixed as the

me and place for the hearingsaid petition, when and where

ny persons Interested in the lid estate may appear and \ow cause, if any they have, hy the order should not be lade. Reference is hereby made i the said petition for further irticulars. ated July 14, 1945.

J. F. MORONEY,Cpunty Clerk

By H.. L. DOYLE,Deputy

T. Rippy ttoniey-at-Law 131 Post Avenue lephone 423 irrancc, Calif,

uly 26-Aug. 2

NO SUPPINGTo keep scatter rugs fro

slipping on a highly - polish fiber, put an old rubber jar Hh uhdcr each corner.

71424Tort-unco Herald


CODE(Sale No. 39A)

Offlrp of tho Tiuc Cnllretnr lie Cimnty of j.os Angclcx, HI if California.

WHKKKAH, {ho Jlnnrcl of Sm ^Isor-H of tho County nf I^w .

Kules adopted a resolution until clnj; tlii- »nl«' of property hen fti-r drNcrlhcd: nncl WHBHKAS, tlim-o Is filed

ni-ordi-il in my oftlcn wrlt,tcn tlmrlzatlon for Balil siilo unrti-r ti mnd nnd seal of Iho Httito Cot rollqr. fo sell .said property: fi-lERKFOnfe. if ri>ik>iii|>tlnA

nlil HI: till ut In

munch of ]nw, imlill, iN-cljy Riven Hint I. II. ],. Uyrnl fax Collector uf tho County o '.«» AiiKnles, will, h« 17111 day of AuBUst, 1045, a he hour of nine o'clock A.M., ' onllmilmr from day to day, In Ih irricc ,,r MIC County Tax Colleclo hinl floor. Unit of. Justice, In tl ity "i l,os AnRcle», offer- for sn mil sell ut public auction to tl ilKhrat Wilder, for cash In luwfi nonoy of tlic United States, th 'allowing described property:

1'urccl No. D98. Tract No. 158 21/3S-39 M. Ixit 12 Block 30. A.'

ns.wd in 1930 to 1810 Incl., 19-1 nil inn to Annlo SkoRi i Annie Sconem Minim 37.36. PLUS COST OK PU1JL1CA 'ION. Locution N. side of 255t

St. but. Normandlo Ave. und r. F

Parcel No. 682. .Tract No. .2546 li/r. M. I/it 39 lilock 24. Asscsse n 1936 to lilll to I'aulliiR F. Ho Us. Minltnilin bid, J55.94, I'LU '(1ST OF PUBLICATION. Ix)i-a ion N. Hide of Ave. C bot. Juitnlt

Parcel' No. 701. Tract No. 3341 0/S9 M. Lot 0 Ulock 7. ..........

1930 (o 19S7 Incl.. 1S42 to 194I., to John .1J. Justice.. Mlnlmiin

111, »123.in, 1'LUS COST OK PUH.ICAT1ON. Location S Hide u"3rd Ht. bet. Dcnkcr and Hallrtal

Parcel No. 782. Tract No. '4D2H 0/GI-G8 M.. I MI 17R. Assessed .li

to Minnie Slooro D. Morn ; 1937 to 1939 inc,!.. to Mlnnli

looro l)e Mornbron; 1941 to Mln ie Moore ])o Mornbrow; 1944 tc

illnnle M. IVMornbrou. Mlnlmmi d, S'JL'.IO, PLUS TOST OK PUn CATION". Locution N. side a

=3i-d St. bet. Uenltrr Ave. urn arvarU nivil. . Parcel No. S03. Tract No. 1671

fi/SO-Kl. M. N. i.-i.ll! ft. of S. 75.9.if VS. 110 ft. of I,ot 60. A-

e.iHed in 193G to 1939 Incl., to He­ ra. Wolf; 1911, 1942 and 1914 Gertrude \Volf. Mlnlmn

10.01, PI.US COST OK PUIiWCA- 10N. Location K. sld .._ .. lout Avis.' but. Knox and 13011 ts.Parcel No. SOI. Tract No. 47R2 '/95 ,M. U.tH 42 nnd 43, Excep ie followliiR described property !>t 43. Assessed In 193R, 1930 t.

93i Incl., 1938 and 1944 to Mail >,l)e Iliuiff; 1929 to Maurltj! De atf. Mlnlniiini bid, 122.10, PLUS

OST OK PUHLICATION. Loi W. side Normanillc Ave. bet

SSril and lS4tli st-s.Parcel No. 1174. Tract No. C88F

K/49-5S M. U)t 24 Illock 1611. As- ssed In 1930 to A. R. Monaco 131 to 1934 incl., "and 1938 t Kirls Sjnltli; 1944 to Arinund Mn iieo. Tr. Minimum liid. JMO.r.O I.US COST OK PUBLICATION .oration N. Bide of Palos Verde, irlvc West bet. V: lit del Pilcnte. Parcel 'No. 1273. Tract No. 7330

0/37-39 M. Lot 3 Illock 183S. As- sscd In 1931 to 1933 incl., am i:ir> to Hank of America; 1934 t. k. of America: 1930. 1937 an. Jll ta Palos Verdcs Kstutcs .lilt linlmuni bid, UJ8.61, PLUS COST K PUHLICATION. Ixication S de of Via dol Monte bot. Mnntc- uilnBil nrive and 1st WalK VV. The forritalnK desciil.wl properly

i located In the C'ounty uf Los nudes. State -of Calif


I'un-liiiser.s of tax dellmnlent prupi'i-lv will l»- rcqulreil to fllrnlNli tin- Tax CiHIcetoi- with an :ilfhl.i\il lh:it. piirsiianl to tin; Solilicrs nil.I Sailors Civil Itclii'f Ai-t ill' linn anil anii-iul-

ts. the property is not

all,. tinto redeem or lo piiy the

llii'im'iit taxes In iiiMtallincnln, ijily to II. I., llyram, c'ounty Tax illcctor. third floor. Hall of Ju«- e. I.os AiiKl-les 1-', California. Iteit this 20th day of July. I'Jlfi.

11. I.. IIYItAM. Tax Colli-ctor of

County of Ixi.i Angeles,State of California,

ily 20-Aill,-. 2-U.

COURTESY and FRIENDLINESS Isn't Rationed at >



And Every Week-day Until 6 P.M. Saturday, 7 P.M.2323 Cabrillo Torrance

MEAT PROBLEMSMore than 200 Los Angeles

meat markets may be foraec out of business .when dbWiiHdi are made fdr legitimate, rfcH point coupons In blacc bf botfUs coupons banked by the oper* tors.

Whole blood, flown from thb United States to theaters of op oration, Is kept In condition for transfusions for 2i days by new refrigeration techniques Inaugu rated by the Army.

"Public Notices"

(71643) NOTICfc TO

No. 244841Estate of Mary Ellen Mill, do

cease.d.Notice is hereby given by the

undersigned Administrator of the Estate with the Will an ncxeU of Mary Ellen Mill de ceased, to the Creditors of, and ll persons having claims against

the said deceased, to present them with the necessary vouch­ rs, within six rrldrilhs after the

first publication of this notice, to the said Administrator at the office of Otto 3. Willctt, 1318 Sartori City of Tbtidncc, County of Los Angeles, State of Call- :ornla, which said Office the un del-signed selects as a place of business in all matters connected with said estate, or to file them with the necessary vouchers, within six months after the first publication of this notice, in the office of the Clerk of the 8u- icrior Court of the State of California, in and for the Coun- y of Los Angeles.

Dated July 18, 1945 FREDERICK McKINLEY MJLL,

Administrator of the Estate with the Will annexed of the said deceased.

Otto B. Willett Attorney at Law 313 Sartori, Torrance, Calif, fuly 26-Alig. 2-B-16.


Notice is -hereby given that ipplicatlon for the registration if the .following; described (or llustrated) containers Brand as irovldea by Section 701 of the LGRICULTURAL CODE QV CALIFORNIA has been filed k'lth the'Department bf Agricul- ure of the State of California:

Majfalr CreameryRtBR. fcSl.

It Is Intended that said brand 111 appeal- on cans, cases, hot- les, cartons owned by us/me ml all containers so branded nust not be used By others

without our/my written pcrmis- Ion.

By EARL R. BRUNNER. uly 26-Aug. 2-9

WAG SHOE SIZESO. I. Jane hud At least on<w

thing In comrrtbn with her brothJ crs IH liriirdrhH blM frtt! slxly seven per «!nt of the Women's Army Cttf^S HiehMbert toear shoes ranging from size 6 to 8 as cbrtipared to Army n^feh's most tfcmrrton shbe sli»s, fib to 9D.

"PuBllij Nbtlc'es"


SALENo. 244390

In the Superior Court ot the State, of California, ,!rt and fdr the County of Lds Angeles..

Ih the Matter of the Estate of Mary Adfeilrie Alvcy, De­ ceased.

Notice Is hereby given that under and pursuant to the law made arid provided, IHe Urider- signed Isabella McCormlck, Ad­ ministratrix *lth-the-wlll-annex- rW of tr\e es'tat? of Mary Adellr "\ Alvcy, deceased will sell at priv­ ate sale, to the Highest and best bidder, subject to confirmation bf said Superior Co'uH on or after MOtiday the fllh day Bf Augxlst, 1945 at the office of Chas. T. Rlppy, attofHey for. Ad­ ministratrix, 1831 Post Ave., Torranee County of Los Ange­ les, State of California, all the right, t tie and ihte'r'i'si of saMd decease)! at Oie' time of death and all tHe r'igh't; title ahd IHter- cst that the' estate tit said de­ ceased has acquired by opera­ tion bf law or otherwise, other than br In adtlitlbn tb that df Mary Adellrie Alvey deceased, at :he time-of death, in and tB all that certain Wal property par- Icularly described as follows,

t'Sta ,df Tract 866g In Los Angeles County, , Cklthjrrtla, ak ier Wap. rtcdrdSd in Book i( 1 page's 1 tb 4 tit Mips, Ih the &Vy 'Ice of thb Recorder of said county if,

Terms of sale Cash In laiffm money of the United States oh confirmiitlon of sale, o/ part cash ahd balance evidenced bjr ndte stc'ured by mortgage dt- IVust Deed on the. property sb

sold. Ton per ccrlt of amount bid to lie dbfioslted With bid.'

Bids or offers to be In writing Mid- will' Be ' fedetved at the ifdt-esald, office at any time dtter thb tlrat p'uBllcatlorf heredf

ahd before date of sale. Dated this 25th day of July,

945 ' ,ISABELLA MCCORMICK, ASmlhlstratrlx , wlth-will- almexed of Estate df Mary Adeline Alvey, De- wased.

Chas. T. RljJpjr;331 Post AVe.,'orrancD, Cal. s-±

Attorney, fdf Administratrix. 11uly 2*AUg 2 .



ARE YOU IN DOUBT about what brand of

a certain product you should bUy? then ask

us. We've been handling drug) for 10 many

years that we can recommend the brands

that will best answer your individual needs.

PRESCRIPTIONSBe Scleiitifiiisilly Safe ptittte td Us

Ne Untiecfessary Waiting Fresh, Potent Stock


1519 Cabrillo iWpaifceAgents for Greyhound & Torrance Bus Lines