Atmosphere and Weather Unit

Atmosphere and Weather Unit. Atmosphere and Weather Understands the relationship between location on earth and weather patterns. Understands the factors

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Page 1: Atmosphere and Weather Unit. Atmosphere and Weather Understands the relationship between location on earth and weather patterns. Understands the factors

Atmosphere and Weather Unit

Page 2: Atmosphere and Weather Unit. Atmosphere and Weather Understands the relationship between location on earth and weather patterns. Understands the factors

Atmosphere and Weather

Understands the relationship between location on earth and weather patterns.

Understands the factors that are used to predict weather.

Page 3: Atmosphere and Weather Unit. Atmosphere and Weather Understands the relationship between location on earth and weather patterns. Understands the factors

What do we associate (weather wise) when we go south?

ex. Birds flying south? Portland weather vs. our weather or the county's weather?

Bonus Question: which way do you think birds fly in Australia to get to warmer weather?

Page 4: Atmosphere and Weather Unit. Atmosphere and Weather Understands the relationship between location on earth and weather patterns. Understands the factors

Generally, as latitude (or distance from the equator) increases, the amount of incoming solar radiation decreases.

The hottest part of Earth is near the equator, where the sun is almost directly overhead.

Page 5: Atmosphere and Weather Unit. Atmosphere and Weather Understands the relationship between location on earth and weather patterns. Understands the factors

The North and South Poles are much cooler...

Why? (please write down thoughts)

Flashlight example:

Page 6: Atmosphere and Weather Unit. Atmosphere and Weather Understands the relationship between location on earth and weather patterns. Understands the factors

Temperature and Earth's Rotation

As the earth rotates, the portion of the globe facing the sun absorbs more solar radiation than it emits and warms the earth.

Page 7: Atmosphere and Weather Unit. Atmosphere and Weather Understands the relationship between location on earth and weather patterns. Understands the factors

Earth constantly emits some of the absorbed energy as infrared radiation.

The emission of heat cools the dark side of the planet.

Have you ever noticed that clear nights are often cooler than cloudy ones?

Page 8: Atmosphere and Weather Unit. Atmosphere and Weather Understands the relationship between location on earth and weather patterns. Understands the factors

On a cloudy night, less of the emitted radiation escapes into space. Clouds absorb heat, keeping temperatures near the ground a little warmer.

In the summer, the arctics regions have daylight almost around the clock. With all that time to absorb heat, why don't they get very warm?

Page 9: Atmosphere and Weather Unit. Atmosphere and Weather Understands the relationship between location on earth and weather patterns. Understands the factors

1.) Sunlight does not get that intense.2.) Snow reflects the sunlight so only a

small percentage is absorbed.

Page 10: Atmosphere and Weather Unit. Atmosphere and Weather Understands the relationship between location on earth and weather patterns. Understands the factors

Why does the earth have seasons?

Distance from the sun has very little to do with the seasons.

The reason we have seasons is that Earth's axis is tilted at an angle. In January, the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun, and the southern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun.

As a result it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere and summer in the Southern Hemisphere

Page 11: Atmosphere and Weather Unit. Atmosphere and Weather Understands the relationship between location on earth and weather patterns. Understands the factors

Global Winds and Ocean Currents

Have you ever seen a hawk soaring above a highway and wonder how it could fly upward without flapping its wings? The hawk is riding a thermal convection current in the atmosphere.

Page 12: Atmosphere and Weather Unit. Atmosphere and Weather Understands the relationship between location on earth and weather patterns. Understands the factors

A thermal forms when a surface like a blacktop highway absorbs solar radiation and emits energy as heat. That heat warms the air near the surface.

The warmed air molecules gain kinetic energy and spread out. As a result, the heated air near the highway becomes less dense than the colder air above it. The heated air rises forcing the colder air to move aside and sinks toward the ground.

A convection current is formed!!!

Page 13: Atmosphere and Weather Unit. Atmosphere and Weather Understands the relationship between location on earth and weather patterns. Understands the factors

These form on a local level, but also as giant convections in the atmosphere.

These form by temperature differences between the equator and the poles.

Warm air at the equator tends to rise and flows toward the poles.

Cooler denser air from the poles sinks and flows back toward the equator.

Page 14: Atmosphere and Weather Unit. Atmosphere and Weather Understands the relationship between location on earth and weather patterns. Understands the factors
Page 15: Atmosphere and Weather Unit. Atmosphere and Weather Understands the relationship between location on earth and weather patterns. Understands the factors

When air flows horizontally from an area of high density and pressure to an area of low density and pressure, we call the flowing air wind.

It might seem logical that air would flow in giant circles from the equator to the poles and back. But it is more complicated than that.

The warm air from the equator doesn't make it all the way to the poles because of Earth's rotation.

Page 16: Atmosphere and Weather Unit. Atmosphere and Weather Understands the relationship between location on earth and weather patterns. Understands the factors

There are a series of wind patterns called global wind cells in each hemisphere. These cells play a large role in shaping weather patterns on Earth.

Page 17: Atmosphere and Weather Unit. Atmosphere and Weather Understands the relationship between location on earth and weather patterns. Understands the factors

The Coriolis Effect

Example: You are a pilot who wants to fly an airplane from St.Paul MN 700 miles south to Little Rock, AR.

If you set your compass and try to fly straight south, you would probably end up in New Mexico. Why?

As you are flying overhead, Earth is rotating counterclockwise beneath you.

Page 18: Atmosphere and Weather Unit. Atmosphere and Weather Understands the relationship between location on earth and weather patterns. Understands the factors

The same thing happens with air currents. Because of Earth's rotation, cold air from the North Pole flowing south seems to bend to the west while warm air from the equator flowing north seem to bend to the east.

The Coriolis Effect: the bending of air currents.