復復復 (8) 復復復復 私私K-SEC私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 私 、、8、8。9~8。。、。 summaries 私 私私私 私 私私私私私私私 、1100、。 reading materials 私 one paper 私私 、5、。 私 私私私私私私 私私私私 私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私 、、、110、、、。、、、 materials 私 私私私 私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私 。、1、、。1、、、。、 、、、、、、、、。 復復復復復復 Summary 私私私私私私私 reading material 私 summary 私私私 私私私 ・、 私私私私私 edit 私私私私 。、6、 私私 私私 edit 私私私私私私私私私私Words to note 私私私 reading materials 私私私私私私私 私私私私私私私 私私私私私私私私 (!、、、)、 私 私私私私私私 私私私私私 私私私私私私私 、、 () 私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私私 私私 私私私 、。 私私私 私私 、。 (In the text) reading material 私 (Application) 私私私 () 復復復復復復 私私私私 。、、 私 私私私私私私 ()、 September 5, 2016 1. Steve Job’s 2006 Stanford Commencement Address Shirashoji (Summary) Steve Jobs, ex-Apple CEO, was really a genius and had created a new culture and new markets of 21st century with remarkable innovative products such as Mackintosh (Graphical Interface), iPod, iPhone (Touch Interface) and 1

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復習ノート(第8巻)はじめに  私が K-SEC に参加して以来、この復習ノートを記録して、この8月で、8年が経過したことになります。9月~翌年の8月がサイクルになっています。アメリカの大学の学期ようなサイクル。アメリカの多くの会社の決算期も、同じかもしれません。summaries を収めて、1年間で約100ページのボリュームになるくらいですから、大した量です。オリジナルの reading materials は one paper、5ページ前後ですから、本当に相当な分量の英文を読んでいることになります。当初、ホチキス止めをして、保存していたのですが、1年で10センチくらいの厚さになり、しかも、ホチキス部分が異常に膨れ上がるので、糊で本形式に束ねていました。それも、すごい量になり、去年の初めに、過去の materialsは全部捨てました。すると、1年分くらいの分量は大したことないので、またホチキス止めに戻して、簡単にしました。直近の1年間は、オリジナルのテキストで復習できますが、それ以前は、この復習ノートしか手元にありません。まあ実際、復習はほとんどしませんが、、、、、、、、ウン。本文中の区分Summary    メンバー各自が reading material の summary を作成・提出、        貞安さんが edit。ただし、6月から貞安さんの事情により、代        わりに、友澤さんが edit することになりました。 Words to note  用語集。reading materials の中で出会った、意味が分からな        い単語(多い!トホホ、、、)、あるいは昔覚えたがはっきり思        い出せない単語(これも多い)、あるいは、意味は分かるが        改めて使い方を確認しておくべきと思った単語など。        これらの単語の選択は、鶴本の個人的な判断による。単語力は        個人によって大きく違うもの。私の単語力が露わになってしま うので、ちょっと恥ずかしい。


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(In the text) reading material 本文の中で、その単語が使われている文章(Application) 単語を使った他の例文(英英辞典からの引用)月別のコラム  鶴本が気ままに書き綴ったもの。あいまい、独りよがり、やや 独断もある(笑)が、英語に関連した題材に絞って書こうと        努力しています。 復習に面白味が加わるといいのですが。

September 5, 2016 1. Steve Job’s 2006 Stanford Commencement Address – Shirashoji(Summary)Steve Jobs, ex-Apple CEO, was really a genius and had created a new culture and new markets of 21st century with remarkable innovative products such as Mackintosh (Graphical Interface), iPod, iPhone (Touch Interface) and iPad. Steve gave an impressive commencement address at Stanford University in 2005. The address included three inspirational stories which still remain vividly in our memory today.First story is about connecting the dots;The dots which might be unexpected experiences, job experiences or other encounters will surely be connected later in life and will lead you to a successful life. So you have to trust the dots, your unique experiences, which will somehow get connected in your future life.Second story is about love and loss;Love and loss have a strong impact for what you would be going to do in life. You will be destined to become successful. In the course of the time in your life you may face big walls. They will create good chances to enter one of the most creative periods of the life, which means good chances are to blush up yourself for your future.Your work will be going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe you really want to do. It


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would be a great work. The only way to do the great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. Keep looking.Third story is about Death.Please ask yourself “If today were the last day of your life, would you want to do what you are about to do today?” If the answer is “no” for many days, change your life. Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish!Word to notedot 小さな点       point=位置を示す点、競技の得点relent 態度を軟化する、優しくなる         relentless=情けがない、容赦しない relentlessly=情け容赦なく (In the text): She relented a few months later (about the adoption).  (Application): The hurricane caused damage for many hours, then relented into a quiet rain.typography 植字術、印刷の体裁、 typo=typographical error の略falling-out けんか、不和 *fall-out=放射性降下物、死の灰、副作用 (In the text): Our vision of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling-out. (Application): Two men has a falling-out over a political issue.pancreas 膵臓 the pancreas 内臓の名前には the をつける。 

* ” If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.” 禅語の「日々是好日」に似ている表現です。


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2. Denmark Ranks as Happiest Country; Burundi, Not So Much New York Times – Nishiwaki(Summary)The World Happiness Report 2016 was released on March 16, 2016. Denmark topped the list, followed by Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, and Finland. Most are fairly homogeneous nations with strong social safety nets. At the bottom was Burundi which was preceded by Syria, Togo, Afghanistan and Benin. All of those nations are poor, and many have been destabilized by war, disease or both. China came in at No. 83, USA 13, and Japan 53.The happiness ranking was based on individual responses to a global poll by Gallup. The poll included a question, known as the Cantril Ladder. “The top (10 pts.) of the ladder represents the best possible life for you and the bottom (0 pts.) the worst possible life for you. On which step of the ladder would you say you personally feel you stand at this time?”The report found that inequality was strongly associated with unhappiness — a


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stark finding for rich countries like the United States, where rising disparities in income, wealth, health and well-being have fueled political discontent. The scholars found that three-quarters of the variation across countries could be explained by six variables: gross domestic product per capita; healthy years of life expectancy; social support; trust; perceived freedom to make life choices; and generosity.Jeffrey D. Sachs, a Columbia University economist who edited the report with others, wrote “Individual freedom matters for happiness, but among many objectives and values, not to the exclusion of those other considerationsWord to note Gallup   アメリカの世論調査会社、  今回は各国3000人へのアンケートsustainable 維持できる、持続可能な  (名)sustainability サステナビリティとは環境や社会にやさしいこと。環境面で持続可能と    は、将来もずっと、現在のような環境下で人類が地球上で生活していけ    ること。社会面で持続可能とは、地球上のすべての人が平等に社会的恩    恵を受けられること(Internet の定義。でも、これってホントか?)

September 19, 2016 1-1. Vitamin B12 as Protection for the Aging Brain –  Kanzawa(Summary)Based on advice from the National Academy of Medicine and an examination of accumulating research, the older people should consider taking a vitamin B12 in hopes of protecting for the aging brain. Animal protein foods — meat, fish, milk, cheese and eggs — are the only reliable natural dietary sources of B12.It is recommended that adults older than 50 get most of their daily requirement of B12 — 2.4 micrograms, slightly more for women who are pregnant or nursing — from a synthetic form of the vitamin found in foods fortified with B12 or in a multivitamin supplement.


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David G. Schardt, the senior nutritionist for the Center for Science in the Public Interest, noted that symptoms of B12 deficiency include fatigue, tingling and numbness in the hands and feet, muscle weakness and loss of reflexes, which may progress to confusion, depression, memory loss and dementia as the deficiency grows more severe.The ability to absorb B12 naturally present in foods depends on the presence of adequate stomach acid, the enzyme pepsin and a gastric protein called intrinsic factor to release the vitamin from the food protein it is attached to. Only then can the vitamin be absorbed by the small intestine. As people age, acid-producing cells in the stomach may gradually cease to function, a condition called atrophic gastritis.European researchers have also shown that giving B12 to people deficient in the vitamin helped protect many of the areas of the brain damaged by Alzheimer’s disease. In a two-year study at the University of Oxford of 270 people older than 70 with mild cognitive impairment and low B12 levels reduced cerebral atrophy in those treated with high doses of the vitamin.Word to noteintrinsic 本来そなわっている、固有の (Application): Hunting mice is intrinsic behavior in most cats.atrophy 委縮、atrophic=委縮性のgastritis 胃炎pernicious 悪性の、ひどく有害な  pernicious anemia=悪性貧血autoimmune 自己免疫性の(普通、非自己の異物に対して起こるのが「免疫現       象」なのに、自己の体の成分に対しても抗体を形成し、免疫反応       を起こすことを「自己免疫」という。厄介な反応だ。)erratically 一定しない、一貫性のないfolate 葉酸の   folic acid=葉酸psychosis 精神病cerebral atrophy 脳細胞の委縮


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reflux 逆流proton-pump inhibitor プロトンポンプ阻害薬ulcerative colitis 潰瘍性大腸炎encroaching 少しずつ不当に奪う (Application): Soldiers from the neighboring nation crossed our border and encroached upon our territory.tingling ひりひりする、ちくちく痛む (Application): Her fingers tingled from the cold. (Application): She can feel the tingle in her toes from the cold.hematology 血液学、hematologist=血液学者1-2.    Being overweight 'ages the brain'   –  Kanzawa(Summary)New research, led by the University of Cambridge, found that from middle age, the brains of overweight and obese people display differences in the amount of white matter that are similar to those in lean people who are 10 years older. White matter is the tissue that connects different areas of the brain and allows for information to be communicated between regions. The results are published in the journal Neurobiology of Aging.The researchers are unsure why overweight and obese people have a greater reduction in white matter. Dr Lisa Ronan, first author and from the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Cambridge, says in a statement, "We can only speculate whether obesity might in some way cause these changes or whether obesity is a consequence of brain changes."Word to notecortical 皮質の、 cortex=(脳や腎臓の)外皮、皮質2. Hillary Clinton Is Set Back by Decision to Keep Illness Secret - Tomozawa(Summary)This is a NYT article dated September 12.Shortly after receiving a diagnosis of pneumonia on Friday, Hillary


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Clinton decided to limit the information to her family members and close aides, certain that the illness was not a crucial issue for voters and that it might be twisted and exploited by her opponents, several advisers and allies said on Monday.To those she did inform, Mrs. Clinton was emphatic: She intended to “press on” with her campaign schedule, she said. Her confidants concluded that she did not want to be challenged over her preference to keep the pneumonia private and continue working.Mrs. Clinton’s inner circle was mindful of both her guardedness and her expectation of loyalty once her mind is made up. And she was optimistic that she could recover over the weekend, when she had only two brief events on her schedule, said the advisers and allies, who insisted on anonymity to disclose private conversations.But Mrs. Clinton’s penchant for privacy backfired. On Monday, her campaign scrambled to reassure voters about her health, a day after she grew visibly weak and was filmed being helped into a van: unsettling images that circulated widely and led her aides to disclose the pneumonia diagnosis two days after the fact.Mrs. Clinton’s aides acknowledged that they should have been more forthcoming and said she would release more details about her physical fitness and medical history this week, a concession to the political pressure that she is under because she chose not to reveal her diagnosis sooner.Word to noteemphatic 語気の強い   emphasize=強調する、力説する (Application): Her explanation was detailed; she was emphatic about the need to cut expenses.confidant 腹心、相談相手 confident=自信がある、confide=信用するpenchant 強い好み   *類似語:repent=後悔する、悔やむ (Application): He has a penchant for saying stupid things at the wrong time. She has a penchant for silver jewelry.


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detractor 中傷する人、名誉を落とす人hunker down 身を潜めてしゃがむ、腰を下ろす、困難な事態が終わるのを、沈黙 して待つ (Application): The children hunkered down to protect themselves from the sandstorm.over-the-top 思い切って限界を超えるplow through 雪の中などを骨追って進むcalibrate 口径を測定するdeplorable 不幸でみじめな(人)insinuate 遠回しに言う (Application): One employee insinuated that another employee was dishonest.spoof ちゃかし、 a comic performance that makes fun of a more serious situation (Application): The comedian did a spoof of the situation in the White House.


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コラム     英語が読めて、書けて、話せるメリット(その1)         ―学校時代、成績は英語で判断され、、、、―今はかなり違ってきたが、50 年、60 年前は、“すべての生徒”が中学で初めて英語を勉強し始めた。中学 1 年で、英語というものに出会うということだった。(“すべての人”って、純粋に100%という意味ではなく、99%くらいの人のことを言いたいが、それを“ほとんどの人”と表現すると、ニューアンスがまた違う。“ほとんど”というと、90%でもいいし、85%だって“ほとんど”と言うだろう。当時、100 人の内、10 人は中学以前に英語を勉強していた、なんてことはないだろう。まあ、1人くらいは、小学校時代にすでに英語を勉強していたことがあるかもしれない、というくらいのニューアンスの話。)中学で、英語の意味を覚え、発音を覚え、文章の訳ができるようになる頃には、同級生の間でも、最初は少しずつ、しばらく経つと大きな差が出てくる。できる子とあまりできない子との差が歴然としてきて、その内、差は定着してしまう。60 年も前は、英語は教科の中でも重要な科目と見なされていて、英語のできる子は優秀な子だと目されていた。中学から高校へ進むころには、その差はほとんど固定化し、英語のできる子はいい大学に行ける、、、みたいなことまで言われていたものだ。中学、高校と英語のできる子は、同級生から一目置かれるので、いい顔をしていられる。先生方も“かわいがる”傾向もある。将来、どんな人生を歩むか全くわからない時(ステージ)に、そんな“英語のできる子”はすでにある程度、有利な発進をしたということは言えるだろう。まあ、“ある程度”という限定付きではあるのだけれど。英語ができると、どうしてみんな(同級生達と先生方)の見る目が変わるのか。めったに使わない外国語じゃないか、普段の生活とほとんど関係ないじゃないか、、、、のはずなのに。大昔、日本人は当時の大陸の文字を習い、巧みに読み書きできる人がいた。それ以来、日本は今の今まで、漢字(漢語、漢文)を使い続けている。特に江戸時代は寺子屋を通じて、ほとんどの人が読み書きを習うようになった。それを学問と言い、学のある人は、人々の尊敬を集めた。明治になって、漢語・漢文が英語に変わった。外国語として英語が人々の特別の関心事であることに変わりなかった。英語ができる子は、江戸時代の四書五


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October 3, 20161. Hillary Clinton for President - Sekiguchi(Summary)This is the New York Times editorial endorsing Hillary Clinton for president. In any normal election year, we’d compare the two presidential candidates side by side on the issues. But this is not a normal election year. A comparison like that would be an empty exercise in a race where one candidate — our choice, Hillary Clinton — has a record of service and a raft of pragmatic ideas, and the other, Donald Trump, discloses nothing concrete about himself or his plans while promising the moon and offering the stars on layaway. (We will explain in a subsequent editorial why we believe Mr. Trump to be the worst nominee put forward by a major party in modern American history.)The 2016 campaign has brought to the surface the despair and rage of poor and middle-class Americans who say their government has done little to ease the burdens that recession, technological change, foreign competition and war have heaped on their families.Over 40 years in public life, Hillary Clinton has studied these forces and weighed responses to these problems. Our endorsement is rooted in respect for her intellect, experience, toughness and courage over a career of almost continuous public service, often as the first or only woman in the arena.As first lady, she rebounded from professional setbacks and personal trials with astounding resilience. Over eight years in the Senate and four as secretary of state, she built a reputation for grit and bipartisan collaboration. Mrs. Clinton has shown herself to be a realist who believes America cannot simply withdraw behind oceans and walls, but must engage confidently in the world to protect its interests and be true to its values, which include helping others escape poverty and oppression.


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We trust Hillary Clinton is fully qualified for the job, and the country should put her to work.Word to notebigot 頑迷な人、偏狭な人、  *似た言葉=pivot かなめ、枢軸fray ほつれる、ほどける、擦り切れるgrit (困難に耐える)気骨、根性   *似た言葉=guts (決断力)2. The benefit of going bald – Sadayasu(Summary)This is an article by BBC’s by Zaria Gorvett which talks humorously about some bright side of going bald. For as long as men have had access to mirrors, they’ve been fretting about their scalps getting lonely. It was a particular obsession of Julius Caesar, who tried everything to get his hair back; the wreath of laurels he wore was less a nod to Roman tradition than an attempt at covering up his shiny pate.How to prevent or recover hair once lost was their obsession. The Vikings used a lotion of goose poo. The ancient Greek medic Hippocrates believed the best cure for baldness was really pigeon droppings. One 5,000 year-old Egyptian recipe suggested blending the burned prickles of a hedgehog immersed in oil with honey, alabaster, red ochre, etc. Alas, none of them worked. Since then, people spent enormous time and efforts to come up with something to prevent men going bald. Many theories have been given and many products introduced. For example, in 1897, a wave of panic rippled across the globe after a French dermatologist announced he had discovered the true culprit: a microbe. But he lost his hair like any other bald men. .At present we are in general consensus that people inherit the baldness while they are in their mother’s womb by a potent break-down product of certain hormone. Well, there is not much you can do about it. Then, the article points out the bright side of going bald. While the bald and balding men may not be considered as physically attractive


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as the other men, the bald men are generally rated as more intelligent, influential, knowledgeable, well-educated, high social status, honest and helpful. Word to notepoo うんち、poop=うんちをする 普通の言葉:move one’s bowelsslather 厚く塗るconcoction 混合物   *似た言葉:concussion=脳震盪pate 脳天mop 髪の毛のかたまり、柄が付いたぞうきんtoupee かつら(男性用の入れ毛)、 wig(全体を覆う帽子のようなかつら)alopecia (医)脱毛症    普通、hair lossandrogen 男性ホルモンのアンドロゲン androgenic(形)virile 男性的な、男らしい(manly より堅い言葉)genitalia 生殖器(男性:penis, 女性:vagina)follicle 卵胞、毛根skew ゆがめる、曲げるimprovise 即興で作る、間に合わせに作るhack ずたずたに切るskullcap ユダヤ教徒の丸い、小さな帽子(頭にちょっこと載せる)intriguingly 非常に興味をそそる、魅力的にshaggy 毛むくじゃらのtantalize (望みをかなえるように見せかけて)じらす、からかうcastrate 去勢する        *17~18世紀のイタリアで流行した男性去勢歌手をカス         トラートと言う。ソプラノのような高い音を出し、力強い響         きを持っていたので、当時は絶大な人気があった。         中国の帝国時代の去勢された男性官僚を宦官と言った。         去勢は、今や、ペットだけに施すものと思われるている。underpin 支持する    *似た言葉=undermine 徐々に衰えさせるprostate 前立腺の、 前 立 腺 肥 大 = enlarged prostate, benign prostatic


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hypertrophy、、、、 私達高齢者には身近な症状 (トイレに時間がかかる、、、、)

October 17, 2016 1. Summary of ‘Remarks of Trump’ - Y. Nishimura(Summary)This reading material is an extraction of a source book (「トランプ全発言」 芹田ネコ著 徳間 書店 ). While the source book lists up over 200 examples of remarks by Trump, this reading material picks up 34 items. These are classified into 3 groups: policy, predudice and character.<Poicy> Out of 13 examples, here shows 2 items: 1) If Japan gets attacked, we have to immediately go to their aid…if we get attacked, Japan doesn’t have to help us. That’s a fair deal? 2) TPP doesn’t stop Japan’s currency manipulation and China has a backdoor to join in. It must be stopped. We need to protect the American worker !<Predudice> Out of 9 examples, here shows 2 items: 1) When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They are sending people that have lots of problems.They’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. 2) I don’t change diapers because it’s wife’s job.Thare’s a lot of women out there that demand that the hasband act like the wife, and you know there’s a lot of husbands that listen to that. So you know, they go for it.


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<Character> Out of 12 examples, here shows 2 items: 1) Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is a man who is certain about what he wants and sets out to get it, no holds barred. Women find his power almost as much of a turn-on as his money. 2) I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things.Word to noteno holds barred 禁じ手なしの、どんな手を使っても     *Internet からの引用:Originates from Wrestling.     1) A "No Holds Barred" match simply meant all holds or grabs were     allowed. 2) completely unrestrained, being engaged in something without     restraint or control.revoke 無力にする、無効にする

2.Nobel Prize winner in Psyiology or Medicine Dr. Yoshinori Osumi -Kotake (Summary)This year's Nobel Laureate Dr. Yoshinori Ohsumi discovered and elucidated mechanisms underlying autophagy, a fundamental process for degrading and recycling cellular components. Autophagy denotes "self-eating". This concept was observed that the cell could destroy its own contents by enclosing it in membranes, forming sack-like vesicles that were transported to a recycling compartment, called the lysosome, for degradation. Difficulties in studying the phenomenon meant that little was known until, Dr.Yoshinori Ohsumi’s brilliant experiments using baker's yeast to identify genes essential for autophagy. Ohsumi's discoveries led to a new paradigm in our understanding of how the cell recycles its content. His discoveries opened the path to understanding the fundamental importance of autophagy in many physiological processes, such as in the adaptation to starvation or response to infection.


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In spite of Dr.Yoshinori OhsumiIs strenuous efforts on protein degradation in the vacuole, an organelle that corresponds to the lysosome in human cells, he faced a major challenge for small yeast inner structure not to be distinguished easily under microscope. Dr. Ohsumi reasoned that if he could disrupt the degradation process in the vacuole while the process of autophagy was active, then autophagosomes should accumulate within the vacuole and become visible under the microscope. He therefore cultured mutated yeast lacking vacuolar degradation enzymes and stimulated autophagy by starving the cells. The results were striking! The vesicles were autopha- gosomes and Ohsumi's experiment proved that authophagy exists in yeast cells. Even more important, he now had a method to identify and characterize key genes involved this process. This was a major break-through. During the news conference, he expressed a strong sense of crisis that science in Japan will ‘hollow out unless support systems are established to help young scientists work on long-term research He therefore strongly urges investment in science.Word to noteautophagy (オータァファジー)  オートファジー、自食作用(self-eating)     *オートファジーは細胞質成分をリソソームで分解する。オートファ      ジーはタンパク質だけでなく、ミトコンドリアなどのオルガネラも      分解する。オートファジーはタンパク質を再利用する。また、不要      タンパク質を除去する。degradation 分解、変質 (動)degrade 力などを落す、退化させるdefunct 機能していない、死んだ   the defunct=故人


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コラム   英語が読めて、書けて、話せるメリット(その2)      ―箔が付いて、羽振りがよくて、カッコいい、、、―学校時代なら、英語の成績が良ければ、優秀な生徒だ、と他の生徒からも、先生からも、一目置かれる存在でいられる。明治・大正の昔なら、洋行帰りは箔がついて、社会のエリートと見なされた。戦後も、しばらくの間、ハイカラで、舶来イメージが普通だった。戦後10年くらいは、英語が読めて、書けて話せる人は、アメリカ占領軍関連の仕事で、給与といい、社会的な地位といい、圧倒的に有利な立場でいられたらしい。また、外資系に就職すれば、日本の会社よりはるかに高い給料を取っていたとか、そんな話を、聞くこともあった。松本亨のような、英語の達人は社会的に注目されたものである。アポロが月に着陸した時(1969 年)の同時通訳だった国弘正雄氏は、時の人だった。今と違って、帰国子女はほとんどいなかった時代。日本人で英語が読めて、書けて、話


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せる人はとても少なく、多くは日本で勉強した努力家だった。松本亨は、アメリカに留学する前にすでに非常に上手にはなっていたが、それから2年間、ひたする英語の本を読み、夢が完全に英語になったと、自身の本に書いている。国弘氏は、学校の教科書を1000回、2000回と朗読した、と本に書いている。普通、教科書はスラスラ読めれば、それ以上には朗読なんてしないものである。だから、回数はせいぜい10回くらいなものじゃないだろうか。それが、1000回とか2000回の朗読とは、完璧に暗唱できるレベル、教科書の文章が身に付いてしまうレベルだろうと思う。NHK のアナウンサーでも、通訳を介さずに自身で英語を喋ってインタービュする人は、特別の目で見られていたように思う。戦後、30年くらいは、オメガの時計やクロスやシェーファーのボールペンがカッコよかったり、ウイスキーのジョニ黒が特別なお酒の時代だった。フォークやナイフの使い方を講習で学んだりもした。「何でも見てやろう」の小田実が有名だったし、ミッキー安川さえ、時の人だった。フルブライトで留学した人も、特別な人だと思われていた。英語が読めて、書けて、話せる人はカッコいい人だと思われていた。

November 7, 2016 1. Top 11 Most Common Nutrition Mistakes – Tsurumoto(Summary)This is an article from the website “Authority Nutrition – an evidence-based approach”. By Kris Gunnars, BSc.Science on nutrition seems to be changing rapidly now. What we have been told by doctors, nutritionists and the media up to now might be totally misleading or even wrong. The views on nutrition have to change, the article says.1. Fruit juice products on shop’s shelves are not as good for health as we think. It often contain no fruit ingredients, sometimes only chemicals tasting like fruit. Fresh juice from real fruits can hike sugar level in the blood so quickly so that some people with hypertensive tendency must be careful.2. Consumers should read the labels carefully but should never be deceived by


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the “lies” claimed by the marketers.3. Whole wheat was widely publicized as very healthy compared to white flour a few decades ago. It has still been believed by many people now. It is like filtered cigarettes versus unfiltered cigarettes. Both are bad for health.4. Do focus on real, unprocessed foods. Avoid stuff that are made in a factory.5. Eating enough protein is important for health. Beef, pork, chicken, fish and other meats are essential nutrients.6. Fat does not hurt human health. Saturated fat, once condemned as harmful fat, is actually harmless. Eating a diet containing less fat does not work.7. An egg is a complete nutrition on Earth. Eat eggs as often as possible.8. Calorie-based diets are very misleading. 9. Sodium (Na) does not raise blood pressure in most of the people. Many of us need not pay nervous attention to daily salt intake.10. Some people are almost constantly eating something. It is not good.11. Market-claiming “health foods” must be looked with analytic attitude of questioning. We now and then see very fat people on the streets around here. Probably they are more than 90 kg. I feel such obese people are rapidly increasing in Japan, maybe. I am a little worried about the current mainstream ideas on nutrition.Word to Noteplague 疫病、伝染病

 (In the text): Avoid fruit juice like the plague.   *このような plague の使い方って、普通なのだろうか。shameless liar 恥を感じない嘘つき(恥さらしの嘘つき) (In the text): Marketers at the junk food companies are shameless liars.pulverize ひいて粉にする (In the text): Grains are pulverized into very fine flour.ataxia 運動失調症ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorderwhole wheat 全粒粉小麦satiate(セイシエイト) 飽きさせる、十二分に満足させる


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satiety(サタイアティ) 飽満、飽き飽きすること       *似た言葉:satire=風刺、皮肉mainstream 主流の、一般的な、普通の (In the text): The low-fat diet pushed by the mainstream nutrition organizations doesn’t work.demonize 悪者扱いする   demon=悪魔、悪霊、鬼sodium Na(ナトリウム)、塩分のことpotassium K(カリウム)palatable 口に合う、味の良いjunk food ジャンクフード      (英語の定義) foods that contribute lots of calories but little nutritional value.

2. Bhumibol Adulyadej (プミポン・アデンヤデート) - Umemura(Summary)This is taken from a Wikipedia page updated on 20th Oct. 2016.

Bhumibol Adulyadej(5 Dec. 1927—13 Oct. 2016), conferred with the title King Bhumibol the Great in 1987, was the ninth monarch of Thailand from the Chakri Dynasty as Rama Ⅸ. Having reigned since 9 June 1946, he was, at the time of his death, the world’s longest-serving head of state and the longest-reigning monarch in Thai history, serving for 70 years, 126 days. During his reign, he was served by a total of 30 prime ministers beginning with Pridi Banomyong and ending with Prayut Chan-o-cha.


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In 1957, a military coup overthrew the government of Field Marshal Plaek Phibunsongkhram with allegation of lese-majeste , which is an offense against the dignity of the monarch, punishable under Thai law. This began a new and long-lasting relationship between the monarch and military, leading the king to support the Thammasat University massacre in defense of his throne, and a series of military dictatorships. Although Bhumibol did invite public criticism in 2005 speech, the lese majeste laws have not been revoked by the Thai parliament.Forbes estimated Bhumibol’s fortune –including property and investment managed by the Crown Property Bureau (CPB), a body that is neither private nor government owned—to be US$30 billion in 2010, and he was the head of the magazine’s list of the “world’s richest royals” from 2008 to 2013. Officially the assets managed by the CPB are owned by the crown as institution, not as individual.Hospital. He was generally highly revered by the people in Thailand—many even saw him as close to divine. His heir Vajiralongkorn does not share the popularity of his father, leading to concerns that the Thai monarchy will lose prestige and influence after Bhumibol’s death.Word to Noteconfer 協議する、話し合う、人に称号を贈るlese-majeste 不敬行為abdicate 退位する、放棄する  (名)abdication=退位November 21, 2016“For foreign diplomats, Trump hotel is place to be” – Nishimura(Summary)This is an article from The Japan News dated Nov.21, 2016, reprinted from the Washington Post. The article is mostly about the Trump International Hotel being very busy with lots of foreign and domestic visitors. It might bring conflict of interest for Trump.Under his campaign slogans, “Make America Great Again” and “America First,” Trump set forth Isolationism and protectionism. The Trump’s main economic policies, dubbed Trumpnomics, include three points: (a) Enhance economic growth with double rate of 4% from 2% by decreasing corporate tax rate and


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increasing investment to infrastructures, (b) Deregulation mainly in finance and energy fields and (c) Protection of employment mainly by leaving from NAFTA, TPP and WTOTrump’s remarks during his election campaign are being modified somewhat or retracted recently. He has a pragmatic way of thinking while putting emphasis on deals.Word to Noteconflict 利害の対立、板挟み、不一致、葛藤conflict of interest 利益相反取引、利益相反(そうはん)行為 (In the text): There is no legal requirement that would compel the President to relinquish financial interest because of a conflict of interest.raffle 富くじ(しばしば慈善のために) public lottery=宝くじ、lottery ticket=宝くじの券         賭け=bet, off-track betting=場外馬券を買うこと         gambling=賭博、ばくちrife (悪いことが)広まって、流行して、 (In the text): Speculation was rife that business would suffer at the hotels, condos and golf courses.backlash (政策に対する)大衆の反発、抵抗pick 選ばれた人、選択  the pick=最上の人、えり抜き (In the text): hoping to see one of the latest Cabinet pick,,,

2. Dark lands: the grim truth behind the 'Scandinavian miracle' - Nishiwaki(Summary)This is a summary of the book written by Michael Brooth which appeared on January 27, 2014 issue of The Guardian.We have an insatiable appetite for positive Nordic news stories. Actually, I have lived in Denmark – on and off – for about a decade, because my wife's work is here (and she's Danish). Life here is pretty comfortable. As with all the Nordic nations, it remains largely free of armed conflict, extreme poverty and natural disasters. So let's remove those rose-tinted ski goggles and take a closer look at the objects of our infatuation …Denmark; Second only to Iceland when it comes to consuming anti-depressants,


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work fewer hours per year than most of the rest of the world, the highest level of private debt in the world, the fourth largest per capita ecological footprint in the world, day-to-day, wall-to-wall reruns of 15-year-old episodes of Midsomer Murders on prime-time Danish TV, the highest cancer rates on the planet, doubled the proportion of people below the poverty line over the last decade.NORWAY; The attack (killed 77) by Anders Behring Breivik in July 2011 was deeply impressive, but in September the rightwing, anti-Islamist Progress party – of which Breivik had been an active member for many years – won 16.3% of the vote in the general election. The Danes will tell you that the Norwegians are the most insular and xenophobic of all the Scandinavians.FINLAND; Ranks third in global gun ownership, the highest murder rate in western Europe, Friday-night bingers and alcohol being the leading cause of death for Finnish men, the burning of Porvoo cathedral by an 18-year-old in 2006, the Jokela shootings (18-year-old, killed 8) in 2007, and the shooting of 10 more students by a peer in 2008 – which led some to speculate whether Finnish schools were quite as wonderful as their reputation would have us believe.SWEDEN; Sweden (one of the world largest arms exporters) continues to thrive economically thanks to its distinctive brand of totalitarian modernism, which curbs freedoms, suppresses dissent in the name of consensus, and seems hell-bent on severing the bonds between wife and husband, children and parents, and elderly on their children. Ask the Finns and they will tell you that Swedish ultra-feminism has emasculated their men, but they will struggle to drown their sorrows. (End of the article)The guardian reported the following week the response to the book from the Nordic five counties. In that article Mr. Brooth commented as follows.” I hereby plead guilty to a selective, provocative slant on the region. Everything in my recent piece Dark lands: the grim truth behind the "Scandinavian miracle" was true, and backed up by the OECD, IMF and UN, but it was perhaps a different truth from the one many are used to hearing. In fact, nearly all the negative views in the piece originated with the many local experts I Interviewed during my years of research: the leading anthropologists, ethnologists, economists, politicians,


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academics and journalists.”Word to Noterubbish くず、ナンセンス、がらくたNordic 北方人種の、北欧人のin thrall to への奴隷状態、にとらわれてgush 喋りたてるsimper にたにた笑いながら言う、(名)にたにた笑い、作り笑い    *日本人の笑い(愛想笑い)は smile じゃなく、simper かも。insatiable 飽くことを知らないredress を正すidolatry 偶像、崇拝go-getter やる気のある人、やり手infatuation のぼせあがり、心酔、夢中にさせるものforage 探し出す、食糧を入手するecological footprint 生活を維持するのに必要な一人当たりの陸地及び水域の面       積(人間活動が環境に与える負荷を、資源の再生産及び廃棄物の       浄化に必要な面積として示した数値)buckling 曲がる、(弱くなって)曲がるskirt 回避するpen 家畜のおりjingoism 好戦的愛国主義whiff の気配,気味disabuse 心を、、、から解放する、迷いを解くinsular 島国根性の、閉鎖的なコラム   英語が読めて、書けて、話せるメリット(3)      ―外国人との交流や海外旅行に便利、etc. ―街角で、今までに英語圏からの人と偶然に話す機会があっただろうか。彼らに道を聞かれることがあっただろうか。これからもそんな機会があるだろうか。私にはそんな経験はゼロだった。何一つないくらいだから、街で偶然に外国人と話す機会はこれからもないだろう、たぶん。地図を覗き込んでいる外国人を見かけることは今でもある。しかし、話しかける雰囲気を感じたことはないね。英会話・初級テキストで、外国人に道を教える会話例を見ることがあるが、ほ


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とんどゼロの可能性と言っていい想定問答だと感じる。ほとんどない、稀な機会、そんな稀なケースのために、英会話を習うのは、どうなんだろう。一方、海外に旅行するのは、私達日本人にはごく日常的なことなので、そのために英会話を習うのは、メリットがあるだろう。“聞くだけで英語がうまくなる”と主張しているヒアリングマラソンのような英会話教材は、あるいは十分に役に立つのかもしれない。英語圏に出かけると、空港のアナウンスの英語が分かり、書いてある案内板が読め、英語版のガイドも読めるなら、英語を勉強した甲斐があったと感じるだろう。日本人の多くは、英語が「読める」が、あまり「書けない」し、まして「話す」ことは(ほぼ)できない。でも、いざ海外に行くとき、少しでも英語を知っていれば心強い。ましてや流暢に喋れれば、なおさらだ。中学校から高校、大学と10年間近く英語を最重要科目の一つとして学んで来た私たちには、海外に行く機会があれば、英語を勉強していてよかったと思う瞬間だろう。K-SEC のメンバーは、旅行のために英語が使える程度のレベルではメリットをあまり感じないだろうと思う。そんな程度のことで、苦労して英語を勉強してこなかった、と思う。あくまで、ビジネスに使えなくちゃ、、、、。とは言っても、万が一、街で道を聞かれ、しかもその道を英語できちんと説明ができたとしたら、よかったなあと思うかもしれない。海外旅行で、外国の街で満足の行くコミュニケーションが取れ、楽しんで帰国できたとしたら、それも大きなメリットと感じるだろうとは思う。

December 5, 2016 1. What are the Radiation Risks from CT – Kanzawa (Summary)This is from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration article updated 03/25/2016. As in many aspects of medicine, there are both benefits and risks associated with the use of Computed Tomography (CT).


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To date, there is no evidence of genetically heritable risk in humans from exposure to x-rays. Under some rare circumstances of prolonged, high-dose exposure, x-rays can cause other adverse health effects, such as skin erythema (reddening), skin tissue injury, and birth defects following in-utero exposure. But at the exposure levels associated with most medical imaging procedures, including most CT procedures, these other adverse effects do not occur.The effective doses from diagnostic CT procedures are typically estimated to be in the range of 1 to 10 mSv. This range is not much less than the lowest doses of 5 to 20 mSv received by some of the Japanese survivors of the atomic bombs. These survivors, who are estimated to have experienced doses only slightly larger than those encountered in CT, have demonstrated a small but increased radiation-related excess relative risk for cancer mortality.There is considerable uncertainty regarding the risk estimates for low levels of radiation exposure as commonly experienced in diagnostic radiology procedures. This is because the risk is quite low compared to the natural risk of cancer.1. (2) The surprising dangers of CT scans and X-rays This is from the Consumer Report published: January 27, 2015What you can do is to ask why the test is being done, how the results will be used, what will happen if you don’t get the test, how much radiation you will be exposed to, and whether there is a radiation-free alternative like MRI or ultrasound that could be substituted. Ask for the lowest effective dose. The strength of the radiation dose used during a CT scan can vary tremendously, even when done in the same institution and for the same medical purpose. Avoid unnecessary repeat scans. Let your doctor know if you recently had an imaging test. To track your scans, jot down the date, facility, and ordering physician in a journal. And ask for copies of your scans to be put on a CD so that you can show them to new doctors.Word to Notetomography x線断層写真撮影


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invasive (病気が)健康な組織を冒すheritable 遺伝性のmutation 突然変異erythema 紅斑dose 放射線量、(一回分の)服用量enema 浣腸coronary 冠状artery 動脈calcification 石灰化、石灰沈着mortality 死亡率dwarf 小さく見せるfluoroscopy 蛍光透視法

2. Cilantro: Health Benefits, Facts, Research ― Shirashoji(Summary)Cilantro has been a part of human cuisine for a long time. Dried traces of cilantro were found in a cave in Israel that dated to around 6,000 BC. There is archaeological evidence that cilantro has been enjoyed for


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thousands of years. Cilantro contains chemicals that help foods stay fresher for longer. Cilantro/Coriander has been gradually known in Japan as high antioxidant and heavy metal detoxification since TV programs have often given about these benefits and healthful recipes.Due to its high antioxidant content, oil extracted from the leaves of cilantro has been shown to inhibit unwanted oxidation when added to other foods, delaying or preventing spoilage. A compound found in the leaves and seeds of cilantro have also been found to have an antibacterial effect against Salmonella. In laboratory tests, it was twice as efficient in killing Salmonella as the commonly used medicinal antibiotic gentamicin. As to detoxification, Cilantro has been found to suppress lead accumulation in rats, which gives promise for the use of cilantro to combat lead and other heavy metal toxicity. Because of its chelation abilities, cilantro is also being studied as a natural water purifier. Consuming plant-based foods of all kinds has long been associated with a reduced risk of many lifestyle-related health conditions. Some studies suggest that increasing consumption of cilantro decreases the risk of obesity, overall mortality, diabetes, and heart disease while promoting healthy skin and hair, increased energy, and overall lower weight. However there are dangerous side effects if overconsumption of cilantro is done. These will be liver damage, upsets the stomach, diarrhea, oral inflammation and so on. Therefore it is the total diet or overall eating pattern that is most important in disease prevention and achieving good health. It is better to eat a diet with variety than to concentrate on individual foods as the key to good health. Avoid extremes of cilantro intake!Word to Note antioxidant 抗酸化 *抗酸化とは?


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    酸素は体の中で栄養素と結びついてエネルギーを作り出す。ところが、    体の中に入った酸素がすべてエネルギーを作るわけでなく、余った分    は酸化する。体の中の機能がさび付く(酸化する)と正常な働きができ    なくなり、糖尿病、高脂血症、肝臓機能低下などの問題の原因になった    りする。   *水素水の効能    水素を体内に入れると、すぐに活性酸素と結合して、それを中和する(還    元する)。体内の活性酸素を効果的に素早く消去してくれる、らしい。annual 一年生の(多年生ではない)remnants の残りchelation キレート化 (a type of bonding of ions and molecules to metal ions)naturopath 自然療法をする人


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December 19, 2016 1. Watson (Computer) Summary - Tomozawa(Summary)Watson is a question answering computer system capable of answering questions posed in natural language, developed in IBM's DeepQA project by a research team led by principal investigator David Ferrucci. Watson was named after IBM's first CEO and industrialist Thomas J. Watson. The computer system was specifically developed to answer questions on the NBC’s quiz show “Jeopardy!”. In 2011, Watson competed on Jeopardy! against former winners Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings. Watson received the first place prize of $1 million.Watson had access to 200 million pages of structured and unstructured content consuming four terabytes of disk storage including the full text of Wikipedia, but was not connected to the Internet during the game. For each clue, Watson's three most probable responses were displayed on the television screen. Watson consistently outperformed its human opponents on the game's signaling device, but had trouble in a few categories, notably those having short clues containing only a few words.According to John Rennie, Watson can process 500 gigabytes, the equivalent of a million books, per second. IBM's master inventor and senior consultant Tony Pearson estimated Watson's hardware cost at about three million dollars. Its Linpack performance stands at 80 TeraFLOPs, which is about half as fast as the cut-off line for the Top 500 Supercomputers list. According to Rennie, all content was stored in Watson's RAM for the Jeopardy game because data stored on hard drives would be too slow to be competitive with human Jeopardy champions.In February 2013, IBM announced that Watson software system's first commercial application would be for utilization management decisions in lung cancer treatment at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in conjunction with health insurance company WellPoint. IBM Watson's former business chief Manoj Saxena says that 90% of nurses in the field who use Watson now follow its


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guidance.Word to Note thesaurus 類義語辞典 (複)thesauri (Application): Webster’s New World-Roget’s A-Z Thesaurus; One of the all-time bestselling reference books-more synonyms, plus antonyms. *上記のシソーラスは私が個人的に所有している本のタイトルと宣伝文句。   何故、アメリカではシソーラスのような類義語辞典が一般的なのか。   英語では語彙の豊富さが、知性の証として期待されるから、ということが   あると思われる。   日本語では、同じ言葉を何回繰り返しても、ほとんど違和感を感じないが、   英語はできるだけ避けて、違う言葉を使うようにする、という伝統がある。   語彙が豊富とは、意味をかみ砕いて、別の表現に言い換える事であり、頭   の良さを意味することが多い。   日本では難しい漢語を多く知っていることが、知性の高さを表す。日常語   の語彙の豊富さは問題にされない。だから、類義語辞典はない。taxonomy 生物分類、分類学、 taxon 分類群、(pl)taxaontology 存在論、本体論parse (文を)構成要素に分析する (In the text): Watson parses questions into different keywords and sentence fragments.algorithm 十進法hiatus (仕事の)中断take someone up on 人の申し出に応じて、、、、を引き受ける (In the text): Eventually David Ferrucci took him up on the offer. (Application): I think I will take him up on his offer of a free ticket.


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quirk     逃げ口上、言い逃れbest      (人やチームに)打ち勝つ

2. Trump Is Setting a Terrible Precedent – Sekiguchi(Summary)DEC 1, 2016 BY Michael Schuman, BloomburgFactory workers should be cheering. Donald Trump, actually living up to a campaign promise, has been badgering corporate America to keep manufacturing jobs at home. Many of you are probably saying: Hey, why haven't we done this sort of thing all along? Finally, we've got a tough guy in the White House who can stop those fat cats from moving our jobs overseas!The problem is that Trump's bullying will undermine the rule of law -- and ultimately prove detrimental to the U.S. economy. We know this because he's far from the first government official to try such meddling. In Japan bureaucrats were once famous for it as the notorious "administrative guidance."(行政指導)Even worse, Trump is pressuring these firms to act against their self-interest. As part of the deal, they will receive millions of dollar incentives from the states. In other words, the costs will be borne by the hardworking taxpayers of USA.My advice to Trump is to not become a Japanese bureaucrat. Press Congress for explicit policies to encourage local manufacturing -- if you can. But don't resort to public shaming, back-room haggling and implicit threats. The U.S. economy has long been based on transparency, rule of law and free enterprise. It should stay that way.The summary of KSEC discussions were as followsTrump’s politics have both good points and bad. His certain issues are pretty


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fresh , which has never been displayed by the previous Presidents . The reason is they behaved in gentle and generous manners, which they can afford with the background that USA was anyway, the super and sole power of the world. We Japanese may be asked to share certain burdens which were up to now granted as USA cost. Time has come to start a maiden voyage after 70 yearsWord to Note kudos (キュウダス) 栄誉、名声、称賛  Kudos to you for outstanding customer service. あなたを傑出した顧客サ                      ービスで称賛します。  Kudos to him. 彼を称賛します。  「英会話例文」You did it! Kudos to you. やったね!あなたはすばらしい。emulate に負けまいとする、張り合う、匹敵する (Application): He now emulates his teacher in scholarship.今や彼は学問に於い       て、師に匹敵する。undoing 元通りにすること、取り消し、破滅、破滅の原因stymie をじゃまする、を妨害する、挫折させる   stymie efforts to   ~する努力を邪魔する、~することに対する阻害原因となる

   stymie further free-trade pacts    今後の自由貿易協定を阻む

   stymie someone's attempt      (人)の企てを妨害する

   stymie the development of      ~の開発を邪魔[妨害]する

   stymie the economic resurgence    経済の復活を妨げる

haggle やり合う、言い争うbode 前兆となる (名)bodement (Application): The weather boded a typhoon. This bodes us good fortune.


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コラム    英語が読めて、書けて、話せるメリット(4)           ―転職に有利,,,,―中学から高校、そして大学と英語を勉強しても、卒業段階で「英語が読めて、書けて、話せる」とは(ほとんどの場合)ならない。人にもよるが、その後、アメリカの大学院に行くなり、国内で数年間徹底的に勉強しなければ、読めて、書けて、話せるようにはならないものだ。そして、仕事に十分使えるレベルになると、就職なり、転職時に有利に働く。日本国内の仕事の多くは英語の能力を必要としないし、誰も英語を使って仕事をしていない。仕事で、外国文献を取り寄せて読むことがあっても、読むだけなら辞書を引きながら、内容を理解することはできる。 日本にある外資系企業に就職する場合、英語が要求されることは多いが、すべての職種で英語が必要というわけでもない。外資系の社内でも、英語が話せれば便利ではあろうが、出来なくても支障がない職種が多いからだ。もちろん、英語が読め、書け、話せる事が非常に有利である場合も確かに少なくない。高いレベルが要求される場合、特に幹部職で英語が要求される場合、待遇の面でとても有利に働くだろう。本社派遣の外国人幹部がいる日本の会社では英語が必要とされる。英語に堪能な候補者を探すとしても、適任者が少ないのが日本の現状だ。


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January 16, 20171. Geopolitical recession - Kotake(Summary)We read an excerpt from the annual forecast published by Eurasia Group, the biggest political consulting firm on Jan 3, 2017 of the political risks that are most likely to play out over the course of the year. With the appearance of G-Zero world, various geopolitical environments were brought about starting from Brexit in EU to US presidential election. All the outcomes were beyond our prediction, having caused many troubles and inconveniences all over the world. Thus Japan’s political and economic situation will be changeable depending on these sudden and potential exogenous variables or forces coming from outside. Their forecast on US, China, EU and North Korea will serve for us to observe, understand and assess future world political risks beforehand. I expressed my opinion as follows. The advent of unpredictable situation like Brexit and US presidential election outcome have quickened worldwide “Populism” taking a globalism as an obstacle of domestic employment. This protectionism or anti globalism trend such as “America First” policy will damage and have great repercussions to a


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world trade order.We are concerned about this worldwide trend which leads to ethnocentrism. US Nobel laureate economist Joseph Stigritz is worried about not only US but also world economy leading to deep recession in the future even if it will enjoy the prosperity for short period It is not an exaggeration to say that we are going to encounter terrifying situations of 21st century geopolitical recessions. Appearance of unexpected eccentric person like Donald Trump, who is going to take office as US president may bring about various troubles and inconveniences to USA as well as to the world. Uncertainty coming from discrepancies and inconsistencies between US president’s repetitious bluffs and its foreseeable cabinet minister’s remarks in many fields, made next governments directions unpredictable with uneasiness to the world. Japan has a lot of significant national policies in its diplomatic and security relations with China, Russia, North Korea and other Asian countries, in addition to TPP commercial treaties. Under these circumstances, especially in our national security, It is natural that we should try to persuade USA tenaciously to maintain Japan-US security treaty. However, we should make up our mind to consider now being the best time to regain our independence from USA instead of present rather subordinating security treaty in case of emergency. Word to Note frenemy (frenemies) friend と enemy の合成語pivot 枢軸、中心となるものguardrail ガードレイル、てすり、乗務員車a tail task 確率は低いが発生すると非常に巨大な損失をもたらすリスクTail risk is the risk of an asset or portfolio of assets moving more than 3 standard deviations

from its current price. In particular, most asset managers are only interested in the downside

risk, i.e. moving more than 3 standard deviations below its current price.

The common technique of using a normal approximation to estimate the distribution of

changes in price will underestimate the true value for tail risk due to fat tails in financial data.

Tail risk is sometimes defined less strictly, as merely the risk (or probability) of rare events.

have a bone to pick with 言いたいことがある、文句がある、苦情がある36

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(In the text): Technology leaders from California have a bone to pick with the new president.pit に穴を作る、あばたをつくる、対抗させる (Application): The countryside was pitted by intensive bombing. His skin was pitted with acne. (In the text): The crisis pitting one against others,,,,will worsen in 2017.

2. 2017, unprecedented year of transformation - Sadayasu(Summary)An article “Increased global tensions have the potential to make 2017 an unprecedented year of transformation” is a special contribution to The Japan Times’s January 1, 2017 edition by Ian Bremmer, President and founder of Eurasia Group, the leading global political risk research and consulting firm.The article says the year 2016 will always be remembered as the year that voters in the U.K. and the U.S. shocked the world. In Britain, a majority voted to withdraw their country from the EU in order to reclaim control of their country’s borders following a surge of migrants from other EU countries in recent years. In the U.S., Hillary Clinton won the most votes, but Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election through the quirks of the U.S. electoral system. It is considered a big upset. Much of Trump’s support came from voters who are concerned about “migration, borders, threats to jobs and security.”In 2017, the West faces critically important national elections in France and Germany that will be run on many of the same themes that we saw in U.K. and U.S. Many anxious voters believe these problems are created by globalization and want to regain control of their lives.


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In 2017, Brexit negotiations will begin. There will also be an important leadership transition in China. What about the ISIS plans? After being somewhat squeezed on Syria and Iraq fronts, will ISIS be fanning out into other areas? Then, there is a big question as to where the oil prices will be heading? How will the elections in Iran, Kenya, South Korea go? However, the most important and crucial question is how the change in Washington leadership will affect the direction of the world politics. Many believe that Trump could inflict lasting damage on many of the country’s most important international partnerships. In Europe, for example, Trump’s relatively friendly approach to Russian President Vladimir Putin will force NATO members to consider alternative security arrangements. Also, in the economic front, Trump is claiming that he will renegotiate NAFTA and withdrawing from the yet-to-be-ratified TPP. As for the relationship with China, it is expected to be quite rough as Trump is questioning a validity of the “One China” policy. Bremmer says that, if there is any U.S. partnership likely to remain on solid ground, it will be the relationship with Japan in spite of thorny issues over TPP, costs of American military bases, etc. Bremmer even says Japan’s experienced prime minister may be able to help America’s new president see the value of democracy, importance of rule of law and critical importance of open markets throughout the world. Word to Note bellicose 好戦的な、敵意に満ちた、belligerent, warlike, pugnacious も同じnew lease on life 元気を取り戻すこと、寿命を延ばすこと、 (Application): After the doctor declared that her cancer was in remission, she felt like she had a new lease on life. Getting the job offer was a new lease on life When I got out of the hospital, I felt as if I had a new lease on life.


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コラム   英語が読めて、書けて、話せるメリット(5)前回までに、いくつか列挙してきましたが、まだいろいろ考えられる。1)海外の情報を収集することができる  今や、インターネットは普及し、海外メディアの流すニュースを大量に日常  的に読むことができる。日本の新聞や TV 以外に、多くのニュースソースを  持つことで、人は広い視野を醸成できるように感じる。2) 日常的に使われている英語、広告や製品のパッケージなどの英語が容易に  分かる安堵感  毎日、英語の書かれた宣伝物を郵便ポストで受け取り、スーパーやデパート  でのショッピングでは、頻繁に英語の文字を見る。ごくごく易しい英語とは  限らない。それらの英語の意味が分かることで、社会の動きに違和感を抱く  ことがない。3)英語の思考パターンから、日本語にない logical thinking を身に付ける


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  当然ながら、日本語でも論理的に話すことができるし、書くこともできるが、  英語は、日常的な話の中でも、論理を前面に押し出している。それらを身に  着けることにより、日本語での思考も更に論理的になるだろう。4) 日本語と違う抽象概念を理解する能力を高める  15,000 年前の海面上昇で大陸と切り離されて以来、大和言葉で話してきた島  国・日本に、やがて漢語が輸入され、大和言葉とは違う言葉を学んだ。  既に2000年近く経っている。漢文は、日本人に抽象概念による思  考パターンを学ばせる機会になっただろう。仏経典もそうだった。  そして、今や英語である。更に抽象的な概念の習得につながる。知的能力向  上に大きな利点があると思われる。もし仮に、日本人が太古の昔に“大和文  字”を創造し、使用していた歴史があれば、抽象概念への知的訓練もなく、  日本はいまだに後進国の状態に留まっていたかもしれない、、、、(笑)。5)国際人になれる  都民ファーストやアメリカファーストの時代に、何それ?という声が聞こえ  てきそうな気もするが、やっぱり日本人は“舶来もの”への強い憧れがある  のだろう。あるいは、世界革命で、国境なき国際人の創出を目指しているの  か。マルクスの夢? 英語はそんな希望を満たしてくれる(?)

February 6, 2017Hydrogen Squeezed Into a Metal, Possibly Solid, Harvard Physicists Say – Nishiwaki(Summary)This is an article from The New York Times, Jan. 26, 2017.In the Harvard experiment, a small amount of hydrogen was placed between two diamond tips about one 850th of an inch in diameter and cooled to -433 degrees


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Fahrenheit (-258℃). Initially transparent, the hydrogen became dark as it was squeezed. Then, at nearly 72 million pounds per square inch (approx. 500GPa) (approx. 5 million times atmospheric pressure), the hydrogen became shiny, reflecting 90 percent of light shining on it, the scientists reported.But in the small but contentious field of high-pressure physics, some scientists who perform similar experiments were harshly skeptical and wondered how the research passed peer review at a top journal like Science.Dr. Silvera said that he will be performing additional measurements called Raman scattering — shining laser light on it and seeing how the atoms are excited—- and then take it to Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois to probe it with a bright beam of X-rays. Those measurements, if successful, could tell more about the state of the hydrogen.

1.2 Wood That Could be Mistaken for Glass This is another The New York Times, May 13, 2016.Using a two-step process, researchers at the University of Maryland, College Park, stripped away the plank’s tan and brown color and made it clear. The see-through wood, which the scientists say is stronger and a better insulator than glass, and more biodegradable than plastic, could one day be used in windows, tables and other building supplies.One appealing quality of transparent wood, according to Dr. Hu, is the series of natural channels that run throughout it, remnants from when it was a living tree. The structures, which once pumped water and ions, now direct light along their canals. Glass and plastic typically do not have passageways like these.So far the largest blocks they’ve turned clear measured five inches by five inches (approx. 13 cm by 13 cm). They are currently working on scaling the process to make larger blocks, so any plans for a transparent treehouse may have to wait.Word to notehydrogen 水素水素は宇宙で最も豊富に存在する元素であり、宇宙の質量の 3/4 を占め、総量


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数比では全原子の 90 % 以上となる。これらのほとんどは星間ガスや銀河間ガス、恒星あるいは木星型惑星の構成物として存在している。地球表面の元素数では酸素・珪素に次いで三番目に多いが、水素は質量が小さいため、質量パーセントで表すクラーク数では 9番目となる。ほとんどは海水の状態で存在し、単体の水素分子状態では天然ガスの中にわずかに含まれる程度である。地球の大気中での濃度は 1 ppm 以下とほとんど存在していない。(Wikipedia)gasket (液体などの漏れ防止のための)ゴムや金属のパッキングlustrous つやのある、輝くconduct electricity without resistance 超伝道状態で電気が流れるcontentious 論争を呼び起こす(quarrelsome喧嘩好きの)       contention:口論、議論       content: 1)内容、コンテンツ           2)満足して(形)contented も同じIke ユダヤ人(軽蔑)       アイク(Isaac の愛称)incredulous 容易に信じない、疑う、doubtingremnants 残滓、残骸、名残waveguide 導波管

2. What it feels like to die ―Tsurumoto(Summary)Dr. Jennie Dear’s article on this subject was written for the Atlantic and was published on September 9, 2016. She described her own mother’s illness, the intermediate process toward her death and her final moment.Although her mother had been sick for more than six years, she had


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been active in daily lives; she took the dog for daily walks in the mountains and traveled even to Australia. She then became weak, and exhausted from the disease and her cancer treatments in the last month or two.The mother asked her doctor to call hospice herself. The hospice nurse asked Dr. Dear and the mother if they knew about the last moment of dying.A week or two after they spoke with the hospice nurse, the mother often sank into a state of unconsciousness. She turned away from her children and even husband for the first time. Dr. Dear wondered where her mother’s mind was gone. Her mind had seemed to be floating off somewhere most of the time. She sometimes lifted her arms into the air, trying to catch something. Dr. Dear asked what she was doing. The mother answered she was putting things away.In the early hours one morning after it snowed, Dr. Dear and mother’s friends watched the mother on her bed who was breathing raspingly. She made no dramatic moves. She didn’t open her eyes or suddenly sit up. She just took a last, slightly deep breath and was gone.According to the article, a person who is critically ill will go through the dying process as follows;1) In the last two weeks or so, a person will be too sick or too drowsy or too unconscious.2) He or she will lose senses in a certain order; the first is hunger, next thirst, then speech, and then followed by vision. The last remaining senses are hearing and touch.3) The dying person will start to make a noise in the back of one’s throat, rather disturbing for the family who watches him or her.4) A dying person often dreams at the last moment, which are “realer than real”. According to a neuroscientist, rats whose hearts were stopped showed higher power in different frequency waves. Real dreams might be caused by a similar phenomenon due to the sudden surge of brain neurochemicals.


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A palliative specialist at Stanford University compares dying to black holes. “We can see the effect of black holes, but it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to look inside them”. The final moments of dying still remain mystery for most of us alive.Word to notemetastasis がん細胞などの転移  (形)metastatic(転移した)       転移する:spread, metastasize (In the text): treatments for metastatic breast cancer *”Metastasize” means to spread to other parts of the body by way of the blood or lymphatic vessels.(英英辞書)dwindle だんだん小さくなる       dwindle away: (遠くへ離れて行って)小さくなる (Application): The boat gradually dwindled to a speck(、、、ついに一つの点に)palliative (形)緩和する (名)緩和剤、緩和の手段 (In the text): palliative carepulmonary 肺の、肺病のdeath rattle 死の直前の荒い息のこと、下顎呼吸comatose 昏睡性の、無気力のcardiac arrest 心停止、心拍停止plucking 羽毛などをむく(ような動作)、羽毛を抜く(pluck off)take a last breath 息を引き取る *(「息」は「生き」だという説もある)

*私たちは、臨終に立ち会う機会はほとんどない。下顎(かがく)呼吸から息を引き取る瞬間まで、枕もとで見守ることもない、と言えるだろう。何故なら、ほとんどが病院で亡くなるからである。医師や看護師の、最後の救命活動の邪魔になると、病室から追い出されてしまうことも多いと聞く。顔や首には何本かの管が折り重なっているかもしれない。この記事の著者のような経験は、アメリカでも少ないのではないかと思われる。「ありがとう!」と、大きな声を出して、家内をびっくりさせて、息を引き取る、、、、みたいな、終わり方をしたいと時々思う。Feb. 20, 2017


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1. Trump’s unpredictability poses risk factor for the world – Nishimura(Summary)The global order based on freedom, democracy and the rule of law is being shaken. Caution must be exercised against attempts by China and Russia to exploit a change of administration in the United States to increase acts of hegemony and change the order. The peace and prosperity enjoyed since the end of World War II have been supported by the alliance forged with the United States as its pivot, as well as international cooperation and free trade. Donald Trump lacks this basic understanding. His isolationist and unpredictable speech and behavior will pose the greatest risk factor this year. Early this month, the Chinese military had its aircraft carrier conduct drills in the South China Sea with its carrier-based aircraft. If such movements are left as they are, “freedom of navigation," which is the common interest to the international community, will be threatened. Also it cannot be overlooked that Trump is avoiding criticism of Russia's annexation of Crimea and its military intervention in Syria. What kind of diplomatic strategy and guiding principle will Trump adopt in dealing with China and Russia? The Trump administration should not forget the obligations of checking China from making unilateral maritime advances, while avoiding a military clash with China.And for discussion, a short presentation was offered on “What Japan should do in order to beef up defense capabilities,” related to Trump’s request to invest in Japan’s defense capabilities. But from the beginning, lots of ideas were voiced, so this presentation was not completed. Word to noteadmonish 忠告する、警告する (warn, advise, remind, scorn gently, etc.)connive 共謀する(conspire), 悪事を見て見ぬ振りする(overlook) (名)connivance: 共謀、黙認、見逃しcollective defense rights  集団的自衛権


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2. “Recreate Tokyo” From Timeout Tokyo Magazine Jan-Mar     - Shirashoji. (Summry)Tokyo is about to change and become more exciting city than it is now by Governor Yuriko Koike with the architect Kengo Kuma.Yuriko Koike has been on a veritable roll. She has set out to clean up the Olympic-sized mess left by her scandal-filled predecessors while addressing issues from the controversial (and now stalled) relocation of Tsukiji fish market to the working habits of her more than 160,000 subordinates at the metropolitan government. Koike understands that Tokyo is again recognized as one of the world’s leading cities in terms of overall strength. This reflects Tokyo’s many favorable attributes, including advanced technology, huge knowledge base, clean urban air and water, and world-famous safety. Going forward, she strongly believes Tokyo has the potential to enhance its overall strength even further by addressing key 4 challenges and her policies (3 Cities).Koike was determined to lead Tokyo toward becoming a “safe city” where people feel confident and secure (eliminating utility-poles) ; a “diverse city” where every citizen can succeed regardless of gender, age, ethnicity or disability; and a “smart city” that is open to the world and a leader in environmental and financial technologies. Especially she is eager to advance the concept of smart city. But this requires establishing an infrastructure: international schools, making it easier to employ housekeepers, creating one-stop business services in English – encouraging highly skilled professionals to work in Tokyo.’Followings are Koike’s 4 challenges next four years: 1. To increase Tokyo metropolitan GDP from 94 trillion to 120 trillion. 2. to increase the number of foreign travelers twice to 25 million in 2020 3. to rank up Tokyo civilian 54% to 70%


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4. to reach the top in Global Power City Index

Kengo Kuma is the architect behind Tokyo’s new Olympic stadium and an influential proponent of more people friendly city. His grand design is not based on big building and flashy towers, but greenery and people-friendly alleys. For Olympic stadium, more than the stadium itself, its integration with the surrounding greenery as something that could become symbolic – having the stadium at the centre of a network of greenery combining its immediate surrounds with Meiji Shrine and Shinjuku Gyoen parks. Traditionally speaking, Japanese architecture doesn’t aim to produce structures that stand out on their own. Instead, it emphasizes relations, such as the one between the building and the nature around it. The stadium will make use of wood, have nature, trees, as an integral part of the whole, and is designed to not appear overwhelming when seen from ground level. I hope it will help promote these elements of Japanese architecture to a global audience once again.We will soon find out his architecture in below new station. Construction will start soon on the new [Yamanote line] station to be built between Shinagawa and Tamachi. This one will incorporate a significant amount of natural materials, and have a wooden roof framework with a large white sheet spread over it, so the entire station will be bathing in light –something that hasn’t been done before in Tokyo. It’s set to open before the Olympics and will hopefully impress visitors.Word to noteveritable 本当の、真の、まぎれもなく(大げさに強調して)fell 敵を打ち倒す、木を切り倒すtrail (to) 跡をつける、長い列になって後からついていくon the cutting edge 最前線、先頭qualm 不安、心配plug 繰り返し宣伝するconducive to 貢献する、助けになる


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euphemism 婉曲語、遠回しな表現 (形)euphemisticallyalley 小道、横道、路地backstreet 裏通りrefurbishment 改装することpolish 上品にするconverge 一つにまとまる、収れんするコラム  日本語の法律は、なぜ解釈変更の余地が大きいのか

3月22日の朝日新聞の一面は「共謀罪―全面対決」というタイトルだった。与党と野党の意見が全く正反対で、それが“対決”と表現されている。その日の天声人語には、昔の治安維持法の拡大解釈による国家権力の横暴が挙げられていた。1925年に成立した治安維持法は、当初、世界革命を狙うソ連主導の共産主義を抑え込むことを目的にしており、その他の拡大解釈は一切あり得ない、という内相や司法相の国会答弁があったとのこと。にもかかわらず、その後、その法律は捜査機関の専横・横暴を可能にし、一般の国民を恐怖に貶めていった由。どうして、そんな拡大解釈が可能だったのだろうか。英語を勉強している者としては、言語の問題が大きいと思えてしかたがない。即ち、日本語の法律は漢語表現によって規定されている。漢語とは?古代の中国から、日本人が採用した言語で、しかも日常的には、あまり使用しないものも多い。 今回の“共謀罪”でさえ、日常的に我々が使用する言葉ではない。“共同で企む”、“たくらむ”とはいっても、“共謀する”とはあまり言わない。だから日常語とは言えないだろう。他に例えば、“幇助”は犯人を助ける、と言う意味で使用されるが、幇助なんて言葉は、日常的に使うことはない。“窃盗”と言う言葉でさえ、泥棒とは言うが、窃盗とはほとんど言わない。新聞でよく目にする“死体遺棄”なんていう言葉も、日常的には使用しない。法律の条文には、日常的には使用しない漢語が数多く使用されている。漢語表現は、ある事態を簡潔に名詞形で表現できるメリットが大きい。だから、よく使用されているという面もあるし、条文の内容を抽象度高く表現することによって、知的なニューアンスを維持できるというメリット(誰のために?)もある。しかし、日常語でない表現は、誰かが恣意的に解釈を変更した場合、異議を唱えることがむつかしいという面がある。国家権力をバックに拡大解釈すれば、


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March 6, 2017 1. Q&A: The future of artificial intelligence - KanzawaStuart Russell, Live Science Contributor; June 17, 2016, University of California, Berkeley(Summary)The capabilities of AI (artificial intelligence) and machine learning are accelerating, and many cyber-security tasks currently performed by humans will be automated. “Is AI going to take over the world? ” There are some facts we need to know.・AI is getting smarter. The self-driving car is already under active development and testing.・It is highly likely that within our lifetimes, there will be AIs that are far smarter and more capable than any single human being.・ These smarter AIs will then likely be able to design and improve upon technology and create newer technology.To back up above facts, we have discussed following Q&A s;・What is artificial intelligence? ・How will AI benefit human society? ・What is machine learning? ・What is a neural network? ・What is deep learning? ・What are strong AI and weak AI? ・What are AGI (artificial general intelligence), ASI (artificial superintelligence), and superintelligence?


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・What is Moore's law? ・Does Moore's law enable us to predict the arrival of superintelligence? ・What is machine IQ? ・What is an intelligence explosion? ・When will AI systems become more intelligent than people? ・What can AI systems do now? ・What impact will AI have on human society in the near future? ・What are drones, autonomous weapons, and killer robots? ・ Do we need to worry about killer robots running amok or taking over the world?・What is the "existential risk" from AI? Is it real? ・Why are people worried about AI all of a sudden? ・How will AI progress over the next few decades? Word to notelanguage understanding    AI は言語を理解する。今から小学校で英語を必               須にして学ぶ必要はあるのだろうか。彼らが大               学生になる頃は、AI ですべて事足りるのじゃな               いだろうか。high-quality decisions AI は人間が判断に迷う難しい決断を正確に出来               るということらしい。政治的な判断は本当に難               しいが、それらの決断も正しくできるのだろう か。Duterte 大統領や Trump 大統領の判断を             AI は正しいとするだろうか。create a still more intelligence machine AI は人間の手のように、鉱物資源を 採掘したり、鋳造したり、鍛造したり、パーツ を組み立てたりすることができるようになのだ ろうか。もし、できなければ、誰がするのか。               こんな疑問って、バカみたい?


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               AI って、電気で動く。電気って、膨大なインフ              ラがあって初めて可能。AI は電気を自分で製造              できるのか。単純なことだが、スイッチを入れる、              スイッチを切るって、自分で判断して実行するの              か。どんな時にスイッチを入れるか、、、、。スイッ              チは正常だが、地下の電源ケーブルが切断されて              いる場合は、AI はどうするのだろうか。              バカみたいな疑問が永遠に続く(笑)。AI, the study of methods 「2001 年宇宙の旅」の人工知能 Hal(ハル)のよ              うな、人間をコントロールする化け物じゃなく、              人間が望む目的を効率的に実現するツールであ              る、、、、か。

2. Facebook’s Zuckerberg, Bucking Tide, Takes Public Stand Against Isolationism ―TomozawaBy MIKE ISAAC FEB. 16, 2017 NYT(Summary)Facebook’s chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, on Thursday stepped into the raging debate about globalization.In a 5,800-word letter he posted publicly, Mr. Zuckerberg expressed alarm that what was once considered normal — seeking global connection — was now seen by people and governments around the world as something undesirable.He pledged that he would push Facebook, which has more than 1.8


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billion users worldwide, in a direction that would help convince individuals and governments that “progress now requires humanity coming together not just as cities or nations, but also as a global community.”Mr. Zuckerberg released his missive amid a fierce debate over the merits of globalization. In the United States, President Trump has displayed a deep streak of nationalism. Last year, Britain voted to quit the European Union. Those moves and others have been taken as signs of how globalization has caused strains — making it more difficult for companies to navigate a new world order.Mr. Zuckerberg also emphasized Facebook’s role in keeping communities well-informed, which will necessitate tackling misinformation and highly polarized news. He alluded to Facebook’s shifting role as a distributor of news, saying the social network is “not just technology or media.”Mr. Zuckerberg’s announcement created furry of debate. One example of criticism can be seen in the comment by Leonid Bershidsky, one of Bloomberg’s columnists.

          Facebook plans to rewire your life. Be very afraid (abridged)               Feb 17, 2017Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s manifesto, penned clearly in response to accusations leveled at the social network in the wake of the bitter U.S. election campaign, is a scary, dystopian document. It shows that Facebook — launched, in Zuckerberg’s own words five years ago, to “extend people’s capacity to build and maintain relationships” — is turning into something of an extraterritorial state


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run by a small, unelected government that relies extensively on privately held algorithms for social engineering.Zuckerberg, a liberal, with his algorithmic interference in what people can see on his network, he has created a powerful tool for populists.Zuckerberg doesn’t want to correct this mistake and stop messing with what people see on the social network. Instead, the new manifesto talks about Facebook as if it were a country or a supranational bloc rather than just a communication-enabling technology. The Facebook chief executive says his team is working on artificial intelligence that will be able to flag posts containing offensive information — nudity, violence, hate speech — and pass them on for final decisions by humans. If past experience is any indication, the overtaxed humans will merely rubber-stamp most decisions made by the technology, which Zuckerberg admits is still highly imperfect. Zuckerberg also suggests enabling every user to apply the filters provided by this technology:Word to noteglobalization (市場・企業などの)国際化、世界化、地球規模化         *日本語訳がまだ定着してない感がある。global community 国際村、世界社会、地球統一社会、、、??         *まだ現実には存在しない共同体。思考上の抽象概念。missive 公文書、信書、手紙thicket 大量に深く絡まったもの、錯綜titillate 性的に刺激する(写真や話など)allude それとなく言う、ほのめかすusurp 強奪する、暴力で入手する

March 20, 2017 (春分の日、休日)1.          What Saudi King's Japanese visit means                                        (Nikkei Asian Review) –  Kotake (Summary)Saudi King has arrived in Tokyo on an extravagant visit to Japan along


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with unprecedented huge delegation of 1000 people. Robert Manning, who is an Middle East authority, commented King’s visit to Japan as follows.King's visit to Japan has multiple aims that go well beyond securing market share in a region that is increasingly important to the nation's oil industry. The king is seeking investment and support for an ambitious transformational reform program at home. Relations with Japan are pivotal to achieving these goals.For Japan, Riyadh's second largest economic partner, the visit is equally important. It is an opportunity to enhance energy security, to secure infrastructure investment opportunities and to flesh out memorandums of understanding signed last year. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has also been pursuing a greater security role in the region, where a lack of colonial baggage allows Tokyo to envision the role of "honest broker." Such cooperation is an important element of an increasingly uncertain US-Japan strategic partnership. “Saudi Vision 2030”, planned by Deputy Crown Prince Mohanmad, is the plan for modernizing society, improving governance, privatizing and transforming the economy, and building a stronger business culture. This plan is so ambitious in the Arab world that it, if successful, will turn the desert kingdom into a knowledge economy positioned for a post-petroleum world. Japan is scheduled to set up various special economic zones. Furthermore, the $100 billion partnership between Japan's SoftBank Group and Riyadh's Public Investment Fund may help facilitate this. This will create the world's largest tech fund. Riyadh is also aiming to transfer ownership of Aramco -- in which it is planning to sell a 5% stake in an initial public offering -- as it expands the size of its sovereign wealth fund. Aramco's public value is estimated to be as much as $3 trillion. On many levels, therefore, King Salman's visit offers Tokyo a rare chance to strengthen ties with Riyadh and its position in the Middle East. Japan can ill afford to waste this opportunity.


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Word to noteSunni スンニ派:慣行や教えを中心とする(サウジアラビア:90%がス      ンニ派、イスラム社会の90%はスンニ派)Shia シーア派:血統を重視する(イラン:95%がシーア派、イラク:      60%がシーア派)nexus 絆、つながり   (In the text): There is an Asia-Middle East energy nexus built on interdependence that extends well beyond the Saudis and Japan.ire 怒り、憤怒 (In the text): Japan’s growing economic involvement with Iran has not yet raised the ire of the U.S.


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2. Ouster of South Korean President Could Return Liberals to Power – Sekiguchi By CHOE SANG-HUN MARCH 10, 2017 New York times(Summary)Now, after being out of power for almost 10 years, the South Korean liberal opposition is on the verge of retaking the presidency with the historic court ruling on Friday that ousted its conservative enemy, President Park Geun-hye, who had been impeached in a corruption scandal.The liberals’ presidential hopeful, Moon Jae-in, wants a profound change in the country’s tense relations with North Korea, pushing outreach and dialogue. He also is deeply skeptical of the hawkish stance embraced by the conservatives and South Korea’s most important defender, the United States.Much has changed since South Korea’s liberals were running the country. The North not only has amassed nuclear weapons but claims it can fit them atop missiles. It has successfully launched missiles that could hit Japan, and could soon perfect models that could reach the United StatesThe challenges for Mr. Moon and his liberal partners as they push to reclaim power in elections now scheduled for May will be how to engage with a far more dangerous North Korea, maintain close ties with the United States and repair relations with China, which increasingly mistrusts the American military’s intentions.Mr. Moon’s ascent could seriously complicate the American rush this past week to deploy the new advanced missile-defense system, known as Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or Thaad, in the South.As the Americans pushed ahead with the deployment in an apparent attempt to embed the system before a new government takes power, China retaliated by forcing South Korean businesses there to close and banning Chinese tourists from visiting the South.“The United States is pushing us to the West unnecessarily, and China is shoving us to the East unnecessarily,” said Kim Ki-jung, a political


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scientist at Yonsei University in Seoul and foreign policy adviser for Mr. Moon. “They should not push us too much; part of the Korean DNA is resistance against big powers.”Discussions; As the USA withdraws the Strategic Patience policy, the perils on the Korean Peninsula have amassed as high as unpredictable.Word to noteaspirant 野心家、(地位、昇進などを)熱望する人 (In the text): a presidential aspirant (Application): All the aspirants for the directorship had superb qualifications.closet (形)人には知られていない、秘密の、隔離された、私室での (In the text): closet North Korea followersunsettling 不安定にする、を乱す (In the text): an unsettling accusationbedrock 基盤、基礎、solid rock under the earth (In the text): the military bedrock for seven decadesstandoff 膠着状態、行き詰まりamass 蓄積する (Application): Over the years, she amassed a fortune making cosmetics.hermetic 密閉した、気密のascent 上昇fait accompli 既成事実 (Application): Your daughter’s marriage to that fellow whom you dislike is a fait accompli, so accept it.abhor 忌み嫌う、憎悪している(hate より強い)badmouth の悪口を言うrepel 追い払うmainstay 頼みの綱、支えqualm 心配、不安


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コラム     英語の dialogue と日本的な「話し合い」聖徳太子の17条憲法(604年)はその第一条の「和をもって貴しとなす」が有名ですが、最後の17条は「話し合いをして決めなさい」となっています。1400年の昔から、話し合いの伝統が日本にあるようです。話し合えば、必ず分かり合える、、、なんて今でも私たちは考えます。聖徳太子がそんな前から「話し合い」を命令しているからには、たぶん、その前に既に長い伝統があって、聖徳太子はその伝統をくみ取って、憲法に入れたのではないかと推察します。そうじゃないと、急に言われても貴族や他の臣民は「なんのこと?」と、通じなかっただろうからです。みんながその意味するところが分かったということは、「話し合い」の伝統はそれなりに行われていた、ということでしょう。一方、dialogue の最古の記録は、有名なギリシャのソクラテスとプラトンです。紀元前400年頃の二人です。今から、2400年も前です。dialogue は対話、問答、会話などと訳されます。聖徳太子の言う「話し合い」と同じようなものです。でも、その中身を調べると、ちょっと違うようです。ソクラテスの対話(会話)は、単なる話し合いではなく、意見を吟味し、その問題点を暴き出し、それから新しい真実を探り出そうとする議論です。相手に猛烈に嫌われました。 一人が質問し、相手が答える。その答えの矛盾点を洗い出して、更に高次の真実を探り当てる。例えば、私があることについて、こうだと思います、と言うと、相手は、それは違う、それはこうこうであると、反論(反駁)する。そのやり取りを続けていくうちに、新しい考えが出てくる、、、、といったものでしょう。ギリシャの「対話」の伝統は、ヘーゲル(1770-1831)の弁証法(dialectic)に繋がります。これも、“弁じて、証する”ということで、対話の発展形です。裁判で、検事が一つの論述をし、弁護士が反対の意見を述べ、最後にそれらを“止揚”して、裁判長が高次の真実を探り出す、という方法は、まさしく「弁・証法」を取り入れたものだろうと思われます。最近、英語学習者にも、debate というものを練習すべし、と言われることが


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あります。また、会社の会議では、brain-storming という手法も使われています。dialogue から、高度な哲学を発展させ、ビジネスにも応用している西洋と、「話し合い」という発想はあったにもかかわらず、未だに、単に「話し合い」以上になんの発展もさせていない日本。問答無用、で強硬採決に突っ走る国会。

April 3, 2017 1-a. Solar Experiment Lets Neighbors Trade Energy Among Themselves (By DIANE CARDWELL) (The New York Times, Mar. 13, 2017) - Nishiwaki (Summary)Called the Brooklyn Microgrid, the project is signing up residents and businesses to a virtual trading platform that will allow solar-energy producers to sell excess-electricity credits from their systems to buyers in the group, who may live as close as next door.The idea is to create a kind of virtual, peer-to-peer energy trading system built on blockchain, the database technology that underlies cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.Upstart companies like LO. 3 Energy, which is designing the Brooklyn experiment with the industrial giant Siemens, are building digital networks that offer the promise of user-driven, decentralized energy systems that can work in tandem with the traditional large-scale grid or, especially in emerging economies, avoid the need for a grid at all.The Brooklyn microgrid is conceived to work with the conventional grid, which is in the midst of a reboot under Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s directives to make it more flexible, resilient and economically efficient while reducing greenhouse-gas emissions. That effort, known as Reforming the Energy Vision, or REV, includes encouraging the development of microgrids and more active community participation.Lawrence Orsini, LO3’s chief executive, said the state still needed to determine how to define his company and its network of participants before it could get its market up and running, a move he anticipates by June.


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1-b. How Schools Are Going Solar(By Erika Celeste) (Mar. 22, 2017)Construction of the solar project will cost $3 million. But when finished, it will completely power the elementary, middle and high school buildings. The district has to lease the equipment from the local power company for 20 years, at a fixed rate. In 20 years, the school district will own the equipment outright, meaning it won’t pay anything for electricity. If all goes according to plan, Fremont School District’s new solar field will be up and running by mid-summer.Word to notelet neighbors trade energy among お隣同士でエネルギーを取引させる *このような文章はシンプルなだけに、日本人的な書き方じゃないって感    じるのは、私だけかしら。artisan 職人  (形)artisanalclogs 木靴、木底靴in tandem with 縦一列になって、協力してarray 整列、配列 (In the text): dozens of solar-panel arrays spread across row house rooftopsrow house 何軒もつながった同型の住宅のうちの 1 軒peer-to-peer 対等な者どうしの間のpeer (地位や年齢、能力などが)同等の人、同僚、仲間community 共同体、地域社会、村・町・市など A community is a small or large social unit (a group of people) who have something in common, such as norms, religion, values, or identity. Often - but not always - communities share a sense of place that is situated in a given geographical area (e.g. a country, village, town, or neighborhood).(Wikipedia)    *コミュニティ(共同体)という概念は、日本に定着していない。し


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か     し、よく使われる言葉ではある。普通「共同体」と訳しているが、こ     の言葉も日常の言語感に定着していない。ムラ意識、ムラ社会、等が     少し近い概念ではあるが、その広がりが違う。     新聞でもよく出てくる“コミュニティ”は、従って、生活実感のない、     よくわからない言葉ということになる、、、、、。Microgrid Microgrid is a localized grouping of electricity sources and loads that normally operates connected to and synchronous with the traditional centralized electrical grid (macrogrid), but can disconnect and function autonomously as physical and/or economic conditions dictate. (Wikipedia)

2. In the land of the kami ― Sadayasu (by Michael Hoffman Mar 14, 2010) (Summary) Michael Hoffman is a fiction and nonfiction writer who has lived in Hokkaido by the sea almost as long as he can remember. He has been contributing regularly to The Japan Times for 10 years. This article is a very old contribution of his to The Japan Times (dated March 14, 2010), but his view of the Kami from a foreigner (westerner’s view point)   remains pretty much intact. Here is what he says: Japanese people believe the kami (spirit, deity or God) resides in everything, whatever it is. Many are ancestral; many more are animals (tigers, wolves, hares, serpents), or natural phenomena (wind, rain, thunder), or natural objects (most famously Mount Fuji). That is how the universe is built. It is the Way of Kami or Shinto. So, what is Shinto? Who and what


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are the kami? Japanese people do not have answers for these questions nor are interested in having answers to these questions. Shinto seems totally different from other contemporary religions like Christianity or Muslim or Buddhism. People then ask “Is it even a religion?” One noted Shintoist scholar says “it is more than a religious faith and it is a combination of attitudes, ideas, and ways of doing things that have become, over many years, an integral part of the way of the Japanese people.” It was in the air Japan breathed. Also, Shinto is blessed with a joyously exuberant view of the world. It has no heaven because it doesn’t need one. The Shintoist scholar cited above says “This world (ruled by Shinto) is inherently good.” This is clearly different form Buddhism which regards life as suffering and physical existence as basically undesirable. In Shinto, there is no concept of “hell” or “paradise” as in Christianity. The Shinto spirit has survived in the heart of Japanese people for hundreds of years despite the dominance of Buddhism after it was imported into Japan hundreds of years ago. Then, at the 1868 Meiji Imperial Restoration, Shinto was abruptly adopted as the state cult. Shinto myths were taught in schools as historical fact and propelled Japan first into the most intensive modernization the world had ever seen, then headlong into the most destructive war. In December 1945, its abolition decreed under the Occupation by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers — “in order to prevent recurrence of the perversion of Shinto theory and beliefs into militaristic and ultra-nationalistic propaganda designed to delude the Japanese people and lead them into wars of aggression.”


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Today Shinto remains intact more or less as shrine Shinto at the heart of all Japanese.Word to note kami 神 (God じゃない、gods に近い)profusion 豊富  (形)profuse (plentiful)(generous)serpent snake より大型のヘビanthology 選集 Manyoushu=poetry anthologyhorde 大群Nihon Shoki 日本書紀(720年):奈良時代に完成した日本最古の勅撰の正史Kojiki 古事記(712年)compendium 概要、要約、概説(summary)tendentious 特定の意見をもった、偏向したlustre つや、光沢firefly ホタルexaltation 賞賛、高める事exalting 賛美するnativism 土着の社会の永続を主張する人、原住民保護主義の信奉者nativist 先住民保護政策、先天説、生得説nativist thinker “国学者”本居宣長(1730~1801)のことを指しているspontaneous 自然に起きる、無意識のnature-worship 自然崇拝archaic 古風な  archaic living religion 古代からの宗教でまだ信仰されている=神道     *ギリシャの神殿などはすべて廃墟である。その信仰は現代に生きていない。heathen 異教徒(キリスト教から見ての異教徒で、未開で、野蛮人と等しい)nebulousness 漠然としたこと、不明瞭なことpristine 汚れのないamalgam 混合物exuberant 元気あふれた


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pollution よごれ(dirt)、汚すこと、汚染(air pollution=大気汚染) *穢れる=きたない、よごれる、悪習に染まる、濁る、、、と同じ概念。           日本人が拭き掃除や掃き掃除に拘るのは、この“穢れ”を取り除こうとす         る心情から来る動作、という説を昔聞いたことがある。exorcise 悪霊を追い出すretribution 報復、仕返しinextricable 密接にからみあった、不分離のbracing 元気ずけるmetal 鉄器(時代)、青銅器はその前の時代veneration 尊敬、畏敬sheaf (sheaves) ひと束archetype 原型、オリジナルloom (大きく不気味に)ぼんやりと現れるdesecrate 冒涜する、神聖をを汚すHimiko 卑弥呼(3世紀半ばの女王、239年に魏に使者を送っている)tame 飼いならすdim        曇らすplebian 古代ローマの平民、庶民eke out (知識や思考の)不足を、、、で補うavatar (ある特性やタイプの)具現した人in the fullness of time 十分な時間が過ぎた後( after enough time passes)herald 前触れrevere を崇拝する、あがめる (名)reverencerelegate 格下げするnetherworld 冥界、地獄、暗黒街wistful 物思いに沈んだheadlong まさかさまに、まっしぐらにperversion 悪用、逸脱、誤用、曲解pervert 悪用する、道を誤らせる


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unperverted 悪用させない、道を踏み外させないcarouse 大酒盛りをして楽しむregeneration 復活

*4月5日付けの私のEメールを参考に付記しておきます。貞安さん、友澤さん、K-SEC メンバー s の皆様昨日の kami の記事に関連して、ちょっと追加してみたいと思います。kami: 日本語では漢字が使われていますが、「かみ」にはいろいろあります。    かみ(上): 1)身分の高い(人や地位)  反対語:下々(しもじも)    2)天子の敬称  「お上」    3)主人の敬称  最近は特に女性の主人:「女将さん」    4)人の妻    「お上さんは、、、」    5)年上    6)初めの部分   「上の巻にしるしたれば、、、」    7)昔「上っ世」  いにしえ    8)関西、上方   皇居に近い方    9)上        下    10)川の上流    11)上半身    12)座敷で上席   上座    13)政府   「お上のやることには逆らえない、、、」    14)和歌の初めの句  「上の句、下の句」    かみ(長官、守)    かみ(頭)     かみ(神)     かみ(髪)   アクセントが違う    かみ(紙)   アクセントが違う 以上の原義(素朴な意味合い)は、縄文、弥生の頃に言葉として定着していたのではないかと想像します。たぶん律令制が入って来た頃から、特に地位についての、いろいろな追加があったのでしょう。漢字というものを知り、意味の合う漢字を当てはめて、今日に至っていると思われます。だから、かみ=神=God などと訳するのは間違いです。


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戦前の天皇の「生ける神」=living God などと訳して欧米人に理解されたことは、悲劇でした。天皇=emperor も大きな間違い、と私は思いますが、 emperor(皇帝、絶対的な独裁者)以外に英語に適当なものがないらしいので、非常に残念ですね。

昨日の記事の中で、下記のような表現がありました。Roman Christianity was confronting the heathen religions of Dark Age Europe. Heathenism died out. Shinto did not. Why? Possibly its very nebulousness saved it.キリスト教が北方ヨーロッパに伝搬した時、ゲルマンの土着の“宗教”は滅びた 、というのは事実です。それは、何故か? 私の“考え”では、同じ土俵の知的バトルで、ローマのキリスト教に負けたから。即ち、知的な論争で、一方は素朴、一方は非常に高度な理論を持っていたがために、負けた。さて、日本の神道は何故?それは、同じ土俵(理性対理性、理論対理論、知対知)に乗っていなかったから。nebulousness(曖昧さ)のせいではなかった、と私は思います。土俵が違うので、まったく勝負になっていなかった(相手にならなかった)。 日本語音声の脳内処理が、英語(インド・ヨーロッパ語族やその他大陸言語)とは全く違うことから来る、と思うからです。(参考:角田忠信氏の研究、1970年代)

ちょっと難しくなってきました。この辺で、私の“主張”を止めます。 暖かい、花見日和。鶴本


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April 17, 2017 1. A growing number of global firms are using English as their main language – even if they are based in Japan or France ― Tsurumoto By Bryan Borzykowski, March 20, 2017 BBC(Summary)The article picks up companies such as ITT Motion Tech, an Italian engineering firm, Sodexo, a French food services firm, Nissan and Honda as cases that have adopted or are about to adopt English as their official language for their internal communications.The reasons why they are moving into the language unification are their ever rising need for better communication out of the worse language barriers with global employees’ different languages. As companies have been growing their sizes and have had worldwide operations, they have ended up with many local employees in countries where English is not a national language. Employees in Brazil cannot communicate effectively with employees in China unless they use English.Sodexo is a French company with 500,000 employees in 80 countries. Being French, the management might have adopted French as its official language, but they decided to use English instead. Its vice president said, “We would have had a revolt on our hands” if French was adopted as its main language.While firms are wanting to improve their communication in the companies, there are drawbacks for this practice. Many non-English speaking employees are not so capable nor fluent in using English so that the quality of communication is often poorer and some of employees may not express their opinions freely in meetings or face-


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to-face talks. As this article indicates, there has been a growing need to consolidate communication tools within global firms. I think that the best and the most practical solution in the current world business situations will be to use English with or without corporate decision as to their official language. Our K-SEC members talked about our personal experiences on Monday and all used to use English as a communication tool in respective former business deals.Word to notewebinar web/conference のこと テレビ会議は「映像と音声を主とする映像データのやり取り」で会議を行いま す。テレビ会議には専用の機器や回線が必要となり、設置する場所が限られる ことから参加者が一箇所に集まって会議を行う形態になります。 ウェブ会議は、映像と音声よりも「双方向でのデータのやり取り」をメインと して使う会議です。ネット上で共同作業ができると考えればイメージしやすい。 パソコンとウェブカメラがあれば、テレビ会議のように専門の機器を必要とし ないので、個々人での実務や簡単なやり取りを行うときに重宝します。embrace 抱擁する、抱きしめる、(主義を)採用するsuccinct 簡潔な、ずばりの、 the most succinct として使うことが多いon our hands 自分の責任となって、持て余して、in our hands 掌中にrevolt 反乱  a revolt in our hands というべきところでしょう。                a revolt on our hands はちょっとしたミス、、、、でしょう。as well その上に、もまた、同様にcompassion   (助けてやろうとする)思いやりや同情feelings of awkwardness ぎこちない感じ、違和感、気まずい感じ


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hold,,,back 隠しておく、控えるremain quiet 沈黙する、意見を言わない




国際場裏では、「以心伝心」は通じない。「沈黙は金」ではなく、知識のな さか自信のなさとみなされ、不利益を被るであろう。きちんと自己の意見 を言わない個人は、「馬鹿か、能力のない人」と受け取られる可能性がある。 ただし、うまく自己を主張するためには、よく考え準備することが大事で あることは言を待たない。(平林 博:日本国際フォーラム副理事長)

2. More responsive defense policy needed to encounter North Korea’s new threat - Nishimura(Summary)This is a translation of a column from the Yomiuri-shinbun.The threat posed by North Korea has entered a new stage. It is time for Japan to hold full-scale discussions on a defense policy that would enable the nation to respond appropriately.Last week, the Liberal Democratic Party recommended the government make a swift and drastic reinforcement of the country's missile defense. The party has urged the government to consider possessing the capability to counterattack, which is based on Japan's exclusively defense-oriented policy.But a preemptive strike on an enemy base that is clearly about to launch a missile attack on our country is recognized by the government as being within the scope of self-defense as defined in the Constitution.Needless to say, the SDF has no other option but to rely on information


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collected via the reconnaissance satellites of U.S. forces to locate enemy bases. The hurdle would become even higher when striking a mobile launch pad.It is unrealistic for the SDF to single-handedly strike an enemy base. Cooperating closely with U.S. forces and sharing roles appropriately would be a prerequisite to possessing the capability to strike an enemy base.Our discussions were centered on: what can be done to enhance the joint Japan- U.S. capability to respond to NK’s missile threat.Word to notepreemptive attack 先制攻撃exclusively defense-oriented policy 専守防衛政策reconnaissance satellite 偵察衛星mobile launch pad 移動式発射台

コラム      頷かないで、じっっと相手を見据える、、、、CNN でも ABC でも、ニュースを見ていると、インタービューされている人も、している人も、相手が話しているときに、うん、うん分かった、、、みたいなうなずき(頷き)をしない。相手が話している間中、じっと話し手の目を見ている。見据えているようにも見える。話が終わるのを待って、すぐ話し始める。日本人は、英語の上手な人でも、あいづち(相槌)を打つ。英語が上手でない人は、頻繁に、はっきり目立つほどに相槌を打つ。頷く、相槌を打つ日本の習慣って、どういう意味があるのだろうか。日本人の頷く習慣には三つの意味があるように思います。1)賛成、同じ考え、私もそう思う。2)聞いています、注意して聞いていますよ、うん。3)言っている意味は分かります。頷く動作にも、上記の其々に微妙な違いがあるように思います。1)の場合は、はっきり積極的に分かるように頷く動作。2)の場合、浅く、軽くうなづく。3)の場合は、ゆっくり、ちょっと長く、間をもたせるように顔を動かす。


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日本人の場合、反対意見を持つこと自体がほとんどない。と言うか、反対意見はないものと考えがちで、「私はそう思わない」なんていう言葉を聞くと、相手はびっくりするだろう。1)から3)まで、反対意見が表明されることを前提としていない。英語圏の人が、相槌を打たないのは、どんな意味があるのだろうか。1)賛成も反対もあり、なので、聞きながら、次に自分の言いたいことを頭の中で組み立  てている。2)人の注意を引き出すのは、話し手の力量なので、こちらからアテンションすること  は必要ない。3)相手の言っていることがわからなければ、すぐ質問する。分かるように話すのは相  手の義務、と考える。日本人の習慣に関する私のコメントには、自信がありますが、英語圏の習慣は私の推測です。たぶん正しい観察だとは思いますが。いずれにしても、日本人は、英語を話す時は、相槌を打たないようにするべきでしょう。相手の習慣にあわせるようにすべきと思うのは、せっかく英語を覚えて、相手の言語に合わせているのであるから、基本的な「話し方マナー」は合わせる方がいいのではないか、と思うからです。

May 1, 20171. Protocols for an ETI Signal Detection – Kanzawa(Summary)1) For over thirty years, humans have used radio technology to conduct searches for evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI). Collectively, these efforts are known as the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). If SETI is successful in detecting an extraterrestrial civilization, it will raise the question of whether and how humanity should attempt to communicate with the other civilization; 1) how should that decision be made,


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2) what should be the content of such a message and 3) who should decide? This position paper was made by The SETI Institute(March 22, 1996)to outline an approach to an international process for deciding whether and how to send a communication to an extraterrestrial civilization. The SETI Institute is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to scientific research, education, and public outreach located in CA, founded in November 1984, and has the mission to explore, understand, and explain the origin and nature of life in the universe, and to apply the knowledge gained to inspire and guide present and futuregenerations. Fundamental rule : No response to a signal or other evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence should be sent until appropriate international consultations have taken place. The paper then lists the principles and steps to be followed by member organizations in disseminating information about the detection of extraterrestrial intelligence.Word to noteanthropogenic 人間が原因の(環境や生態の変化が)、人為改変のoutreach 奉仕活動

*ビッグバンによる宇宙の創造から138億年、地球が誕生して46億 年。太陽系以外の他の惑星に人類のような生物が生きていたとしても、 人類もそう であっ たよう に、電波を発信でき る時代に到達す る進化の タイミングが地球の 人類と同一時期と な る の は 、非常に稀な 、宇宙的 稀有な出来事であろう、と思われる。2. Spotlight on New Cancer Immunotherapy - Shirashoji(Summary)Immunotherapy has been a very active area of cancer research in these days. In 2014 a drug based on a new approach came out in Japan. Hopes are high for Nivolumab, sold by Ono Pharmaceutical under the tradename Opdivo as a breakthrough in cancer immunotherapy. Its development was spearheaded by Honjo Tasuku of Kyoto University. Cancer cells are atypical cells that have formed from what were once normal cells. Part of the difficulty of treating cancer lies in the fact that cancer cells get to dodge


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attacks from the body’s innate immune system and gradually multiply, eventually threatening the very life of their host, and the prolonged battle with cancer drains the immune system over time. In the early 1990s, Ishida Yasumasa, at the Honjo Lab at Kyoto University was searching for molecules that initiate programmed cell death (apoptosis) in immune cells. The first molecule that he discovered in 1992 was named programmed cell death 1, or PD-1. PD-1 was shown to be widely expressed on activated immune cells, such as T cells and B cells, and to function as brakes on the immune system, effectively inhibiting the body’s immune response. Molecules that behave like this are known as immune checkpoints.Honjo reported the findings in 1999. He knew then that this mechanism could be applied to treat infections and cancer. The test results of his idea were reported in 2012 in the New England Journal of Medicine, and an editorial noted that the drug had yielded the highest response rate among the many cancer immunotherapies that have been tried out over the past three decades. Some of the patients stayed in remission for longer than a year after treatment. Meanwhile, in Japan Ono Pharmaceutical conducted a phase I trial on patients with non-small-cell lung cancer and renal cell cancer, among other tumors, to determine the drug’s safety and observed significant responses in several cases. Ono prioritized development of the drug for melanoma, which has the worst prognosis among the cancers tested. It was the first time in two decades that a phase II trial was conducted in Japan for melanoma. That drug was “Opdivo® (nivolumab)” first approved in Japan 2014.Honjo appealed “We need a system that funnels the profits made by pharmaceutical companies back to universities. Only then can there be a virtuous cycle in which people grow and the seeds of new research are sown.”Word to noteimmunotherapy 免疫療法malady 病気、病弊  maladies と、複数で使うことが多いNK cells natural killer細胞purport と主張するrev up エンジンなどの回転数をあげるaugment (価値を)増加する、改良する


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metastasis 転移non-small-cell lung cancer 非小細胞肺がんprostate cancer 前立腺がんcolorectal cancer 結腸直腸がんrenal cancer 腎がんmalignant 悪性の   良性の=benignremission 寛かい、小康状態phase I 第一相(健常人への臨床テスト)squamous 扁平上皮癌pluripotent stem cell 多能性幹細胞virtuous cycle 善循環*日本オリジナルの開発を、日本人が信用してない事例がここでも明白に例示されて  いると言えるかもしれない。 Honjo approached numerous pharmaceutical firms in Japan. He was initially met with skepticism about cancer immunotherapy at every turn and not a single company said yes (to develop cancer drugs). Honjo then sounded out a US venture company and received an enthusiastic response. ノーベル賞を受けた北里大学の大村博士も、抗生物質の開発で、アメリカのメルクと いう会社に当たっている。創造性を育てる教育とか、創造性を優先する、、、、と か言っても、既存品に対する創意工夫程度のことならいいが、本当に新しい創造に 関しては、鼻っからバカにする伝統があるらしいことが垣間見える。 “新薬の開発 にしのぎを削ている、、、”という表現も目にすることがあるが、ウソっぽい感じがする (しのぎなんて削ってない、ほんとうは)。


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May 15, 20171. Facial recognition system - Umemura(Summary) This article is from Wikipedia“ Facial recognition system”, updated on 23 April 2017.A face recognition system is a computer application capable of identifying or verifying a person from a digital image or a video frame from a video source.One of the ways to do this is by comparing selected facial features from the image and a face database. It is typically used in security systems and can be compared to other biometrics such as fingerprint or eye iris recognition systems. Recently, it has also become popular as a commercial identification and marketing tool.Some face recognition algorithms identify facial features by extracting landmarks or features, from an image of the subject’s face. For example, an algorithm may analyze the relative position, size, and/or shape of the eyes, nose, cheekbones, and jaw.A newly emerging trend is three-dimensional face recognition. This technique uses 3D sensors to capture information about the shape of a face. This information is then used to identify distinctive features on the surface of a face, such as the contour of the eye sockets, nose, and chin. The Australian and New Zealand Customs Services use it in their automated border processing system called Smart Gate. The system compares the face of the individual with the image in the e-passport microchip to verify that the holder of the passport is the rightful owner. The U.S. Department of State operates one of the largest face recognition systems in the world with 117 million American adults including mostly law abiding citizens in its database.One key advantage is that it does not require the cooperation of the test subject to work. Properly designed systems installed in airports, multiplexes, and other public places can identify individuals among the crowd.However, according to a study, face recognition works well at full frontal faces and 20 degrees off, but as soon as you go towards profile there’ve been problems. A human operator must then look through these potential matches and pick the correct match out of the list about half the time.Word to note


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なし2. Thorium Power Is the Safer Future of Nuclear Energy - Tomozawa(Summary)This article is from “Discover Magazine blog” by David Warmflash, dated January 16, 2015.Nuclear power has long been a contentious topic. It generates huge amounts of electricity with zero carbon emissions. But it also entails several risks, including meltdown, and the hazards of disposing of its waste products.Nuclear fission using thorium offers a safer, environmentally desirable energy solution, compared with conventional nuclear energy.Idea of thorium based power plants have been around since the 1960s. But the development program did not get full attention. Why? Being in the midst of the cold war, any nuclear research that did not relate to the nuclear weapon was simply not given priority.Today, however, the situation is very different. Rather than wanting to make weapons, many global leaders are worried about proliferating nuclear technology. And that has led several nations to take a closer look at thorium power generation.The isotope of thorium that’s being studied for power is called Th-232. Like uranium, Th-232 comes from rocks in the ground.The chain reaction can be controlled or stopped by inserting rods of neutron-absorbing material into the reactor core. Also, the chain reaction can be immediately shut down by turning off the supply of neutrons. Shutting down the fuel cycle means preventing the breeding of Th-232 into U-233. This doesn’t stop the heating in the reactor immediately, but it stops it from getting worse.Thorium power has other attractions, too. Its production of nuclear waste would be at least two orders of magnitude (1/100) lower than conventional nuclear power plant.Nations with active thorium research programs include China, India, the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Japan, and Israel.Word to notefission 分裂 nuclear fission=核分裂    *fusion=融合calibration 口径測定  calibrations=目盛り


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thorium トリウム(放射性金属元素)jettison 無用なものを捨てる  fissile 核分裂する

*2013年11月30日、西脇さんが「Thorium backed as a “future fuel”」 という記事をプレゼンした。今回は二度目の勉強。


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コラム 9歳の子供が楽しんで読めるハリーポッターの原書(児童書)先日、テレビでハリーポッターの原作者の“出世”物語を放送していた。作者はそれまで小説を出版したことがなく、少しでもお金になれば、と貧乏のどん底にいながら、カフェの片隅で黙々と少年少女向けの物語を書き上げた由。その原稿を出版仲介者に送ったところ、その受付の女性が気に入ったので、上司に「これって面白い物語です」と報告した。その会社は児童書を扱ったことはなかったので、最初は躊躇したが、読んでみて、その上司も気に入った。それで出版社に売り込むことを決心し、いろいろな出版社に当たった。1年もたってやっと一社が原稿を読んでみたいと言った。その会社の社長は、児童向けの物語なので、9歳になる自分の子供に「読んでみる?」と渡した。その少女は、面白くて夜中まで夢中で読んだ。翌朝その感想を父親に話した。その感想を聞いて、会社は出版を決意した、という話だった。そして、それが、世界のベストセラーとなったわけ。私が興味を持ったのは、9歳の少女がハリーポッターの原稿を読んで夢中になったというくだりである。先日、紀伊国屋の洋書部門で、そのハリーポッターの原書を手に取って読んでみた。文体は易しいが、単語の一部が難しいと感じた。引き込まれて夢中になる、、、、、、という感じではなかった。街を歩いていると、時々小さな子供(4,5歳くらいの)と母親との会話を耳にする機会がある。あるいは子供同士が天真爛漫に言い合っている会話を聞くチャンスもある。そして、時々、その語彙に驚く。大人が使うような難しい言葉を自分の言葉として使っていることに。先日も、2,3歳かと思われる小さな子が母親に「〇〇ちゃんが、、、と言ったけど、なんでそんなことを言うのか、意味が分かんない!」と言っていたのが聞こえた。「意味が分かんない」という大人の言い方に、びっくり。ほとんどよちよち歩きの子がそんな言葉を使うんだ、と。notorious な朝日の土曜版に、コミカルな投書欄がある。短いジョークが入った日常の一こまを文章にまとめて投稿する欄。2,3歳から、6,7歳の孫との会話のエピソードが多い。それを読んでいても、小さな子供たちの語彙の豊富さに驚かされる。英語の場合、音で覚えた語彙は、文字で覚えていなくても、読むことにあまり苦労しない。児童書が読めるようになった子供は、音で覚えた“難しい単語”も、ああ、あれだな、、、と推測できてしまう。だから、文字で覚えていなくても、


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June 5, 20171.    Preventing Alzheimer's Disease    ― Kotake(Summary)This article is from website created by HELP-GUIDE Org.

Alzheimer ’s disease is one of the biggest concerns many of us have as we get older. We have long dreamed of and waited for a pharmaceutical cure.Recent NHK’s program “ た め し て ガ ッ テ ン ” on May 17th , 2017 introduced that we could reduce our risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias through a combination of simple but effective lifestyle changes. Above all taking enough sleeping hours was recommended because of enabling our brain to flush out Amyloid βtoxin leading to Alzheimer’s disease. I suppose that you have known various kinds of information in fragments. But I could come across a comprehensive and handy reference edited by HELP-GUIDE Org., US non-profit organization. This material covers almost all information ranging from regular exercise to sleeping hours etc. as a .latest medical researches which we can consult in our daily life. Thus I decided to pick up this reference as our reading material for your reference. This material shows what we can do to reduce our risk in Alzheimer’s disease in detail. Fortunately, we may be able to prevent the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and slow down, or even reverse, by leading a brain-healthy lifestyle.All the K-sec members might be surprised at and encouraged by the effective measures of our senior English club as a social engagement after perusing this material. We need to regularly connect face-to-face with someone who cares about us and make us feel heard. We must


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therefore appreciate an existence of K-sec, in which we can express and exchange our views and thoughts to our hearts content, through English speaking drill as a challenging skill, By identifying and controlling our personal risk factors, we can maximize our chances of lifelong brain health and take effective steps to preserve your cognitive abilities It is with great pleasure that I could provide you with some hints and advices serving to preventing Alzheimer’s disease in your daily life from this reading material.Word to noteprevalence 普及、流行  (形)prevalent (widespread)agile すばしこい、身軽な、器用なspills (馬、自転車などから)転落、落馬trip つまずく(stumble)trans-fat トランス脂肪酸 Artificial trans fats can be formed when oil goes through a process called hydrogenation, which makes the oil more solid (known as hardening). This type of fat, known as hydrogenated fat, can be used for frying or as an ingredient in processed foods.trout マスmackerel サバsardine ニシンconfer 与える、贈る (自動詞)について話し合う、協議するapnea 無呼吸、一時的呼吸停止circadian 24時間周期の  natural circadian rhythm


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2. Trump Returns to Crisis Over Kushner as White House Tries to   Contain It - Sekiguchi(Summary)This article is from The New York Times May 27.2017.President Trump returned home on Saturday to confront a growing political and legal threat, as his top aides tried to contain the fallout from reports that his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is a focus of investigations into possible collusion between Russia and the president’s campaign and transition teams. White House is in true chaos. Trump aides including his own family are confronted with each other; Trump is busy himself preparing for the coming investigations for himself, which would come surely after Kushner as the Russian Gate. He cannot afford serious time for the genuine politics.KSEC members discussed why such abnormal situations still go on several months after his inauguration. Followings are the main comments on him.Trump himself did not want to be a president.He was a long shot ( 大穴 )   at the beginning. He did not want; he just wanted to sell his name to the public for his business. The most surprised guy was himself when he was elected.Trump experienced bankruptcy four times; one of the early bankruptcies was at the first divorce. (The current wife is the third.) In that way his life is erratic not stable enough to think of politics calmly.Trump is a realtor not a business man. A business leader is supposed to be a leader or CEO of big companies or banks. He is just one-man of a small


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company.It is not appropriate to expect his leadership from his career.Trump does not acknowledge the difference between Private and Public in another words, his business and politics.Previously in this meeting his conflict of interest came to the subject.Not only he but his family members are still infringing this strict rule. Most of the White House is mixing Public and Private.Trump abandons the ultimate purpose of the American President. “The diplomacy.”The president of USA has not absolute power for the domestic issues. As far as the domestic issues are concerned, the Diet might be in stronger positions than the President. However, the president has omnipotent power over the diplomacy. TPP ,Paris Treaty, NATO,G7and so on). This is the specific role of the American President, which the world had been waiting for Now Trump has retreated from this great position. To realize the impeachment, the consent of the majority of the congress men and two thirds of the senators, are necessary .Besides, the preparation requires hectic time and its realization is difficult.We can know it from Nixon’s case.Whether he stays or resigns, the world should endure an irritating time.God bless you.Word to notenefarious 極悪な、無法なadamant 毅然とした態度をとるunvarnished 率直な、飾らない   *varnish=ニスunflattering へつらわない、おもねない flatter=へつらう、おだてるincendiary 扇動的な、  incendiary bomb=焼夷弾surrogate 代理のallay 和らげる、鎮める


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June 19, 20171. Device pulls water from dry air, powered only by the sun - Nishiwaki(Summary)This article is a publication from UC Berkeley, dated April 13, 2017.The prototype, under conditions of 20-30 percent humidity, was able to pull 2.8 liters (3 quarts) of water from the air over a 12-hour period, using one kilogram (2.2 pounds) of MOF. Rooftop tests at MIT confirmed that the device works in real-world conditions.Omr Yaghi invented metal-organic frameworks (MOF) more than 20 years ago, combining metals like magnesium or aluminum with organic molecules in a tinker-toy arrangement to create rigid, porous structures ideal for storing gases and liquids. Since then, more than 20,000 different MOFs have been created by researchers worldwide. In 2014, Yaghi and his UC Berkeley team synthesized a MOF – a combination of zirconium metal and adipic acid – which binds water vapor, and he suggested to Evelyn Wang, a mechanical engineer at MIT, that they join forces to turn the MOF into a water-collecting system.The system Wang and her students designed consisted of more than two pounds of dust-sized MOF crystals compressed between a solar absorber and a condenser plate, placed inside a chamber open to the air. As ambient air diffuses through the porous MOF, water molecules preferentially attach to the interior surfaces. Sunlight entering through a window heats up the MOF and drives the bound water toward the condenser, which is at the temperature of the outside air. The


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vapor condenses as liquid water and drips into a collector.The current MOF can absorb only 20 percent of its weight in water, but other MOF materials could possibly absorb 40 percent or more. The material can also be tweaked to be more effective at higher or lower humidity levels.Word to noteambient くつろげる (名)ambiance, ambience    ambient music, ambient air pollution, ambient air temperaturearid 乾燥した、湿気のない(parched) (Application): The Sahara Desert is arid.humidify 湿らせる    humidifier=加湿器off-grid 送電線網を利用しないtinker 下手な職人、(動)下手な修理をするreticular 網状のpreferential 優先的に preference=他より好きであること、好むこと (Application): The restaurant gives preferential treatment to its regular customers, giving them the best tables and service.diffraction  回折(音波、光)tweak つねる (pinch, squeeze hard)、 微調整する(adjust a little) (Application): One little boy tweaked another’s nose and run away.


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2. Native English speakers are the world’s worst communicators – Tsurumoto

(Summary)By Lennox Morison BBC Capital 31, October 2016English has by now become the world’s communicating language. People using English as a second or third language frequently communicate with those who are native speakers as well as non-native speakers over business and other issues.Non-native speakers often use English purposefully and carefully. On the other hand, native speakers speak fast, use jokes, slangs and silly abbreviations.While the English language has become the world’s communicating tool, a lot of Anglophones feel relieved because they do not need to spend much time to learn other foreign languages and consequently they lack ability to become receptive, adaptable and to tune in to different ways of using English. In the article there was one incident mentioned which caused loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars due to a misunderstanding of just one word. The article does not specify what word it was but effectively describes that there can be many other situations where misunderstandings can occur or meanings intended by native English speakers may be lost, thus causing costly problems. This article says that it is usually the native speakers who are to be blamed. They are worse at delivering their messages.


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In order to alleviate the situation, ex-French marketing executive at IBM Jean-Paul Nerriere devised Globish 1500. According to Globish 1500, non-native speakers can communicate with other non-natives and Anglophones as well without causing misunderstanding each other. The 1500 words are roughly similar to the number of words that we are required to learn in three years at junior high schools. If this standard has become a norm and been adapted widely in the world, it would be pressure-relieving for most of the Japanese students and adults. Having been a war-losing country, under the military occupation and long-lasting cultural influences thereafter, we Japanese have been pressured to elevate our English capability to as close as to Americans. We may not need to be concerned so much about our level of English any more.We should proudly demand now, “You Americans, learn and speak Globish so we can communicate with you well.”Word to noteflop 完全に失敗するAnglophone (多言語使用国などで)英語を母語とする人 A native speaker of English, whether British, North American, Australian, or New Zealander.baffle まごつかせる (Application): His disappearance baffled the police.OOO out of the officeasap as soon as possiblebtw by the wayfyi for your informationdenominator 分母   *numerator=分子mumble ぶつぶつ言う(mutter)amiss 誤った、不適当な、故障した(wrong, not in order)gist 要点(the general idea of a discussion, situation, writing, etc.) (Application): The speaker gave many details and examples but the


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gist of her presentation was that the economy will get better soon.

コラム    音で覚えた英語は、簡単に読める(ハリーポッター、その2)日本の子供も音で日本語を覚える。4,5歳の子供の語彙はとっても豊富。そんな年齢の子がいない我が家では、そんな会話を聞くことはない。私達夫婦には孫もいないし。アメリカやイギリスの子供たちも、音で英語を覚える。そして、その語彙も豊富である。時々、アメリカのニュースのシーンの中で、小さな子供がしゃべっているのを聞いても、大人と同じような語彙を使ってしゃべっていることに気づく。あれっ、高校時代に習った英単語じゃないか、、、、なんていう言葉も出てくる。まあ、当然と言えば、当然だよね。日本だって同じことが起こっているのだから。ただし、読み書きの段になると、シチュエーションは違ってくる。アメリカやイギリスの子供たちは、読み書きにほとんど時間をかけなくて済む。なぜならアルファベットは、文字の音を映したものだから。初歩的なアルファベットの読み方を覚えると、ほとんどの言葉は読めてしまう。日本で例えるなら、ひらがなで書かれている文章を読むのと似ている。英語のスペルは時々、ちょっとだけイレギュラーに表記されている場合もあるので、多少の慣れは必要だが、彼らは小学校の3,4年を過ぎれば、ほとんど問題なく「読み書き」はほぼ卒業できてしまう。mop, top, pop, stop, hop なども、すぐ覚えられるだろう。


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July 3, 20171. AI Speaker - Shirashoji(Summary)This material is taken from Metro News and Mail Online.AI speaker has been getting lots of attention in terms of near future business potential as a post smart phone.Talking is the new touching, as voice-controlled AI speakers are this year’s big tech trend.The past decade has been dominated by touchscreen devices, but a new revolution is brewing – voice-controlled systems powered by artificial intelligence.Instead of controlling everything via apps, we’ll be talking to virtual assistants to control everything from our computers to our home lighting, according to analysts.The waves of new products are likely to go on show that will look to


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build on the early success of the Amazon Echo and Google Home, two smart home systems which went on sale in 2016.Both products connect to the internet and can link up with other internet-enabled devices and appliances around homes, including TVs, lights and thermostats, enabling users to control all these items using just voice commands.The success of the Amazon Echo smart speaker was determined by the software platform, not the hardware, it is realized AI will go on to be the biggest technology trend of 2017 because of this shift.It said the emergence of smart home devices such as the Echo that are driven by AI and machine learning will cause a 1.5% growth in industry revenue in the US alone this year.Apple declares war on Amazon and Google's smart speakers with HomePod.Smart HomePod speaker will use Siri to play music and answer questions using Apple's AI  Apple has unveiled a new smart 'HomePod' home speaker and added augmented reality to the iPhone at its 2017 Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC).At present Apple seems to have only strategy of high quality sound system to win the business since Amazon's Echo and Google Home are well accepted in the market and one step ahead of Apple in the cognition and machine learning technology. Word to notetouching 触る、触れる、タッチング

    *別に、「感動的な、人の心を動かす、胸を打つ」の意味がある。    映画の宣伝でよく「感動と涙の物語」という表現があったりする。その    「感動」を英訳するとどうなるか?    「感動」を名詞形の英語で何という? 答え:実はない、のである(と断定したい、と思います) 形容詞では次のように言う。


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       touching moving ちょっとニューアンスが離れるが、   overwhelming impressive attractive beautiful persuasive        excited 誤訳に近い言葉 emotional sentimental            感動という日常的な言葉(日本語ではありふれた言葉)にぴったりの英    語(名詞)がないのは、何故なのだろうか。    1)emotion に近い感情の動きは、次元の下の心理と考えている    2)心(気持ち)が動かされる、、、のは、知的なことでない    3)日本語は、名詞形の漢語で、知性の香りを含めている      欧米の文学の中で、「感動」をいろんな表現で書き表すことはされてい   ると思うけど、単一の単語「感動」の英語はない、と今時点で、私(鶴本)   は考えている。独断?知識不足?2. What is Bitcoin? – Nishimura(Summary)The following text is taken from the World Economic Forum and The Logical Indian.Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, which means it exists only in the digital world. It was developed in 2009 by someone and is based on a payment system that allows one person to pay another, without the need for any middle parties, such as banks.A person holds their bitcoins in a bitcoin wallet - in a mobile app or computer - and can send and receive bitcoins through it. The bitcoin transactions run on a system called blockchain. This is a public ledger, which holds a record of every single transaction.


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But not everything is rosy in the bitcoin world. There is a limit to how many transactions can be processed in a given time-frame, and the increase in transactions has meant a slowing down of payments. But there are more mundane problems, like the fact that it suffers from price fluctuations. And, like any software based system, it’s also vulnerable to attack. There is the matter of how different countries treat the currency. Some treat it as a commodity, but others treat it like money. Some prohibit its use entirely. Governments don’t like the fact that bitcoin users are anonymous, and they have concerns over its use for criminal activity and money laundering. Is it here to stay? In short - no one really knows just yet. Word to notetreble 三倍にするcrypto 隠れた、見えない、秘密の

July 17, 20171. Mitsubishi A6M Reisen (Zero-Sen) – Kanzawa(Summary)This material is taken from The Aviation History Online Museum.The Mitsubishi A6M Zero-Sen legendary status mirrored the fortunes of the rising sun in which four years, the sun would finally set. For the Japanese and its former enemies, the A6M was the symbol of Japanese air power and marked the beginning of a new epoch in naval aviation.


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On December 7, 1941, the Japanese Imperial Navy launched 353 aircraft from six carriers in a surprise attack, against US military installations at Pearl Harbor, on the island of Oahu, Hawaii.

A US Navy PBY Catalina, making a routine patrol, discovered a Japanese fighter laying upside down in the marsh. This single fighter was probably one of the greatest prizes of the Pacific war. Hardly damaged, it was shipped back to the USA where it was exhaustively tested. Information gathered during testing of the A6M2 prompted the American aircraft manufacturer Grumman, to lighten the Grumman F4F Wildcat, and install a larger engine on the Grumman F6F Hellcat. The Zero also lacked armor protection for the pilot and self-sealing-fuel tanks and was overrated in some areas, including its fabled maneuverability.Modified Zeros, assigned to Air Group 201 in the Philippines, were the first Japanese aircraft used on planned suicide missions against American surface vessels. Air Group 201, assisted by volunteer pilots from Air Group 601 and other Navy units in the area, became the first Kamikaze (Divine Wind) suicide squadron in the Japanese Naval Air Force. The outstanding successes gained by this form of attack led to the formation of other Kamikaze units, and the bomb-carrying Zeros became the prime suicide attack bombers of the Navy.

More Zero-Sens were produced than any other wartime Japanese aircraft. Mitsubishi alone produced 3,879 aircraft of this type, and Nakajima built 6,215. Altogether, with the 844 trainer and floatplane variants produced by Sasebo, Hitachi and Nakajima, production of the A6M series aircraft totaled 10,938 aircraft. (For your info. After 71 Years, a Zero Fighter Flies Again Over Japan)A restored Mitsubishi Zero fighter took the skies over Japan yesterday (Jan 26, 2016) for the first time since the end of the Second World War.


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The iconic fighter, restored to flying condition, flew from a naval air base in southern Japan.The Zero was originally discovered in the 1970s in Rabaul, New Guinea, the site of an important wartime Japanese military base. The fighter first fell into the hands of an American collector who restored it to flying condition. The plane was purchased by a Japanese citizen for $3.5 million and arrived in Japan in 2014. Bureaucratic red tape delayed first flight until 2016. The name "Zero" comes from the last digit of year 1940, or 2600 under the Japanese imperial calendar.Word to notebear the brunt of 攻撃・避難の矢面に立つ

(Application): Women in the recent decades bear[take]the brunt of social change.   *ゼロ戦で時々言われることは、パイロットの命の防護策が貧弱で、アメリカのよ














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2. Hacks Raise Fear Over N.S.A.’s Hold-on Cyberweapons – Umemura(Summary)

By NICOLE PERLROTH and DAVID E SANGER June 28, 2017 (The New York Times)Twice in the past month, National Security Agency cyberweapons stolen from its arsenal have been turned against two very different partners of the United States — Britain and Ukraine. The N.S.A. has kept quiet, not acknowledging its role in developing the weapons. White House officials have deflected many questions, and responded to others by arguing that the focus should be on the attackers themselves, not the manufacturer of their weapons. But the silence is wearing thin for victims of the assaults, as a series of escalating attacks using N.S.A. cyberweapons have hit hospitals, a nuclear site and American businesses. Now there is growing concern that United States intelligence agencies have rushed to create digital weapons that they cannot keep safe from adversaries or disable once they fall into the wrong hands. On Wednesday, the calls for the agency to address its role in the latest attacks grew louder, as victims and technology companies cried foul. Representative Ted Lieu, a California Democrat and a former Air Force officer who serves on the House Judiciary and Foreign Affairs Committees, urged the N.S.A. to help stop the attacks and to stop hoarding knowledge of the computer vulnerabilities upon which these weapons rely. In an email on Wednesday evening, Mr. Anton, a spokesman for the National Security Council at the White House, said the administration “is committed to responsibly balancing national security interests and public safety and security,” but declined to comment “on the origin of any of the code making up this malware. “Beyond that, the government has blamed others. Two weeks ago, the United States — through the Department of Homeland Security — said it had evidence North Korea was responsible for a wave of attacks in May using ransomware called WannaCry that shut down hospitals, rail


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traffic and production lines. The attacks on Tuesday against targets in Ukraine, which spread worldwide, appeared more likely to be the work of Russian hackers, though no culprit has been formally identified. In both cases, the attackers used hacking tools that exploited vulnerabilities in Microsoft software. The tools were stolen from the N.S.A., and a group called the Shadow Brokers made them public in April. The group first started offering N.S.A. weapons for sale in August, and recently even offered to provide N.S.A. exploits to paid monthly subscribers.Word to notedeflect そらす、それる (In the text): White House officials deflected many questions. (Application): He deflects criticism from himself by blaming others.hoard 蓄える、貯蓄 (In the text): An Air Force officer urged the N.S.A. to help stop hoarding knowledge of the computer vulnerabilities upon which these weapons rely. (Application): People hoard gold when their national currency is weak.malware コンピュータにダメージを与えるソフトexploits 偉業、功績           exploit=搾取する、資源を開発する (Application): Her exploits as a Safari guide are legendary.wreak 怒りなどをぶちまけるhavoc 大破壊、大損害 (Application): The hurricane wreaked havoc in central Florida.fret やきもきする、いらいらする (形)fretful (Application): She fretted when her children came home late from school. The baby was fretful because he did not sleep.


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コラム        外国語の勉強は認知症予防にいい、、、、らしい外国の science 系の記事によると、第二外国語を身に着けている人は、アルツハイマー発症で、4、5年遅く、従って、外国語を身に着けるのは、高齢者の健康面でも好ましいという。引用されていたのはカナダの医学文献で、450人の高齢者を対象にした研究で、長寿への影響は確かなようだ。外国語を身に着けているから、アルツハイマーにならない、ということではない。罹患はするが、数年遅いという。朝日新聞の記事で似たような研究発表を見たことがないので、日本の医師はたぶん、そんなことには興味がなく、調査研究の対象にしていないのかもしれない。アメリカでは、第二外国を話す人は少ない。すべて英語で間に合うから。カナダの人は、フランス語圏と英語圏があり、二か国語を操る人は少なくないらしい。英語とフランス語は、英語とドイツ語ほど言語的に近くはないようだが、いずれにしろ、インド・ヨーロッパ語族である。日本語と英語の距離を考えると、非常に近い言語だと思われる。他方、私たちの長年の経験からもわかるが、日本語と英語の距離感は相当なものだ。同じ“液体”と言っても、水と油は随分違う。日本語と英語は、人間の言語という範疇では同じだが、本当に違うというのが実感だ。ということは、私たちが英語を勉強するときの脳への負荷は相当なものだと思われる。脳への負荷が大きいということは、脳をそれだけ訓練し、酷使していることになり、アルツハイマーなどの認知症に罹患する可能性も一層少ない、あるいは、遅くなるということじゃないだろうか。ちょっと、気になるのは、“酷使”。酷使とは、とりもなおさずストレスということだろう。ストレスは多くの病気の遠因になるらしいから、英語を勉強させ


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られたことによって、日本人の多くの人は、寿命をちじめている可能性も否定できないかもしれない。思い出すに、英語の嫌いな同級生は多かった。彼らは、もし大学まで行ったのなら、10年近く、英語で苦しめられたことになり、その間のストレスは相当なものだっただろうと推察される。二か国語を操るカナダの高齢者のストレスは、日本人の場合と違う可能性はある。従って、日本で医学的にこの研究をするには、いろいろなことを考慮に入れなければならず、複雑な研究となるかもしれない。カナダの例とは反対の結果が出たり、、、とか。ところで、K-SEC の私たちは、英語がストレスになっていない少数派であり、たぶん私たちの健康寿命は平均より数年は長いのではないか、、、、と思われる!!

August 7, 20171. Alan Turing ― Tomozawa(Summary)This material is taken from The Wikipedia.Alan Mathison Turing was an English computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst, philosopher and theoretical biologist.He was highly influential in the development of theoretical computer science, providing a formalization of the concepts of algorithm and computation with the Turing machine, which can be considered a model of a general purpose computer. Turing is widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.During the Second World War, he worked for the Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS) at Bletchley Park, Britain's codebreaking center that produced Ultra intelligence. For a time he led Hut 8, the section which was responsible for German naval cryptanalysis. Here he devised a number of techniques for speeding the breaking of German ciphers, including improvements to the pre-war Polish bombe method, an electromechanical machine that could find settings for the Enigma


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machine.Word to note cryptanalyst 暗号解読者cypher 暗号counterfactual 事実に逆らうmorphogenesis 形態形成colloquium 専門家の会合、学会castration 去勢

2. Britain to ban new diesel and gas cars by 2040 & Britain joins the shift to electric cars – Sekiguchi(Summary)By STEPHEN CASTLE, & THE EDITORIAL BOARD JULY 26 and 31, 2017 The drive to switch to electric cars went a mile further last Wednesday when Britain joined France in pledging to end the sale of new gas and diesel cars by 2040. Norway and India have also said they want to get rid of gas and diesel cars, and at least 10 other countries have set targets for electric cars. All that is good news for the planet and for human health, even if caveats and challenges abound.Still, attractive as it sounds, switching from petroleum to electricity for cars is a formidable task. A huge increase in electric cars would require many thousands of new charging points, an upgrade in generating capacity, improved batteries and new sources of government income to replace lucrative fuel taxes.Much depends, too, on where the electricity comes from. If it comes from coal-fired plants, there could be a net increase in the greenhouse


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gases that are warming the planet; if from natural gas plants, a modest net decrease; if from carbon-free sources like wind and solar power, a huge net benefit. It is still plausible that many manufacturers may well resist abandoning the engines they have spent the past century perfecting.Yet electric cars have demonstrated that they can be every bit as comfortable, powerful and fun to drive as gasoline-powered cars. The targets set by Britain, France and others are bound to spur further innovation that will lower prices and address the greatest weaknesses of plug-in cars: relatively limited range and long charging times.In addition, putting more electric cars onto the streets is arguably a good way to raise public consciousness about steps people can take to clean the air they breathe while also reducing greenhouse gases. People are likely to notice a plugged-in car on their street and, eventually, improvements in air quality. Bringing people around is a big challenge in the fight against climate change. That’s one reason the announcements by Britain, France, India and Norway are important, and the more governments that follow suit, the better.Word to noteembankment 堤防、土手  the Embankment=テムズ川北岸沿いの道路retrofit 車に新しい部品や安全装置を取り付けるprotracted 不況などが長引いたcaveat 利害関係者への通告、警告       〔法律〕 利害関係通告,通知要求登録:ある法律上の手続きが通告人へ




          a caveat filed against the probate of a will           遺言検認に対する利害関係通告の記載


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August 21, 2017 1.   Meet Erica, the most beautiful intelligent robot in the world ―Kotake Quoted from “Technicolit”(Summary)The future of AI (Artificial Intelligence) has no limits. So far Erica is the ‘most beautiful and intelligent’ android (Human-looking robot) is leading Japan’s robot revolution. It is true that this robot looks so real, everybody will mistake it for human, they even got personality, one of which is Erica, who turns out to be 23. Erica was created as a result of the collaborative efforts between Osaka and Kyoto universities, and the Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute


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International (ATR), and is termed the most advanced humanoid to come from this effort. Though she is unable to walk on her own, she possesses improved speech and an ability to understand and respond to questions, even her facial expressions changes as a result of her utterances.

Dr. Hiroshi Ishiguro, a professor at Osaka University’s Intelligent Robotics Laboratory is the heart of this project. The principle of beauty is captured in the average face, so he used images of 30 beautiful women, mixed up their features and used the average for each to design the nose, eyes, and so on. That means she should appeal to everyone. This robot looks human to a great extent, and sounds human, too. For now, conversation with Erica must be focused around a certain number of subjects, though experts believe we should expect free-flowing verbal exchange few years from now. Speaking of the accepted standards, Dr. Ishiguro suggests that robots have to be accepted by humans as part of the society.

Nomura Research institutes has predicted from its report that in 2035 nearly half of all jobs in Japan could be performed by robots at this point. Nomura is wondering if by 2035 half of the jobs are taken by robots, where does that puts human? They probably would lack jobs. Dr. Ishiguro predicts that the Japanese population is expected to fall dramatically over the coming decades, yet people will still expect to enjoy the same standard of living. He believes that robots will play an important role in this case.

Dr. Ishiguro suggests that robots are a mirror for better understanding ourselves. We see humanlike qualities in robots and start to think about the true nature of the human heart, about desire, consciousness and intention. They will have to be able to guess human’s intentions and desires, then refer to an internal system in order to partly or wholly match those intentions and desires in their response. He said and went on further to say, that one day, humans and robots would be able to love each other.

Word to note


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2. Power really DOES corrupt the mind: The brain activity of CEOs changes as they climb the career ladder and causes them to lose the ability to empathize. ― Tsurumoto

The article was taken from “Mail Online” dated 20 June 2017.(Summary)It has been widely known that people in power carry certain characteristic personality traits such as autocratic, arrogant, bossy with no ears to listen to others’ opinions. Neuroscientists at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada published a study on 45 volunteers of CEOs and other leaders and found that those may actually suffer damage to their brain as a result of their rise to power. They consequently


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lose ability to feel empathy for less powerful people.Such leaders in business and other organizations who are in power have been under studies by social psychologists until recently but this article summarizes the study done by McMaster University neuroscientists who found the irreversible damage to parts of the brain of people in power.The method they used was TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation). The TMS measures brain activity in an area that deals with the left primary motor cortex, which normally activates when witnessing movements in other people.This study was supported by psychology professor Keltner at UC Berkeley who have researched this area for over 20 years. He found that people under influence of power acted as if they had suffered a traumatic brain injury, becoming more impulsive, less risk-aware, and , crucially, less adept at seeing things from other people’s point of view.People who might have suffered this brain damage will be led to a condition called “Hubris Syndrome”. And subordinates who used to work under such bosses will often grow to office bullies themselves. Mr. Nishiwaki and Mr. Sekiguchi, after having read the article, provided us with a list of “hubris syndrome” US presidents and UK prime ministers over the last 100 years. George W. Bush, Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair are some of the persons with this hubris syndrome. Their personal traits are now medically suggested to be “illness” caused by impaired brain damage. By the way, the list was compiled some time ago and Donald J. Trump is not included in the list yet.Word to noteempathy 共感、感情移入cranial 頭蓋骨の   cranium=頭蓋骨be primed for  試合などの用意をさせるrecount を詳しく話すneuroplasticity 神経可そう性rewire 新しく針金を張るneurocognitive 神経認知の underlie 基礎をなす、表層下にある


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primary motor cortex 一次運動野resonance 共鳴、共振、同調adept at 精通した、熟達したcontempt 侮り、軽蔑wield 権力をふるうcall 、、、、out 大声で叫ぶpsychopath サイコパス、神経病質者office bully 職場でいじめをする人narcissism 自己陶酔、自己賛美、過度な自己愛hubris (ギリシャ)傲慢、不遜

コラム     英語を学ぶということは、文化も一緒に学ぶべきだろうに、、、、、英語が上手だという話は聞くが、本当にどんな英語を話すのかは、本人の映像が流れることがないので、よく分からない。先日、河野外務大臣がアメリカでティラーソン国務長官と並んでいる動画を見た。握手した瞬間、河野大臣は顔を下に向け、ティラーソンの胸のあたりを見ているように見えた。瞬間的に下を見ただけなのか。外人と握手するとき、お辞儀をする日本人がいるので、彼もそのように行動したのか。握手するときに胸を張って堂々としているようにも見えなかった。背中をちょっと丸くしていた。堂々と背筋を伸ばし、相手の目をしっかり見て、顔をぐーいっと近づける、、、、という態度を見せてほしかった。まあ、違和感を覚えるシーンだった。


Page 105: atom.my.coocan.jpatom.my.coocan.jp/ksec/tsurumoto_notes/k-sec_note8.docx  · Web viewThe address included three inspirational stories which still remain vividly in our memory today.First
