Attachments to Item 10.2 - Page | 1 ATTACHMENTS TO REPORTS Item 10.2 DA 16/0056 Replacement Classroom Building Oxley College, 11-29 Railway Road, Burradoo ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday 13 July 2016 COPIES CIRCULATED SEPARATELY HEREWITH Distribution: Mayor Clr L A C Whipper Clr J G Arkwright Clr H R Campbell Clr J R Clark Clr T D Gair Clr G McLaughlin Clr I M Scandrett Clr G M Turland Clr J Uliana General Manager Deputy General Manager Corporate, Strategy & Development Services Deputy General Manager Operations, Finance & Risk Group Manager Corporate & Community Group Manager Planning, Development & Regulatory Services Chief Financial Officer Administration Officer (for Archives

ATTACHMENTS TO REPORTS Item 10.2 DA 16/0056 Replacement

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Item 10.2 – DA 16/0056 Replacement Classroom Building – Oxley College,

11-29 Railway Road, Burradoo


Wednesday 13 July 2016



Mayor Clr L A C Whipper

Clr J G Arkwright

Clr H R Campbell

Clr J R Clark

Clr T D Gair

Clr G McLaughlin

Clr I M Scandrett

Clr G M Turland

Clr J Uliana

General Manager

Deputy General Manager Corporate, Strategy & Development Services

Deputy General Manager Operations, Finance & Risk

Group Manager Corporate & Community

Group Manager Planning, Development & Regulatory Services

Chief Financial Officer

Administration Officer (for Archives

ATTACHMENTS TO REPORTS Wednesday 13 July 2016

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Attachments to Reports Item

10.2 DA 16/0056 Replacement Classroom Building - Oxley College, 11 - 29 Railway Road, Burradoo

ATTACHMENT 1 Draft Notice of Determination ........................................... 4

ATTACHMENT 2 Site Location Plan .......................................................... 22

ATTACHMENT 3 Proposed Site Plan ........................................................ 23

ATTACHMENT 4 Proposed Elevations ...................................................... 24

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Item 10.2

DA 16/0056 Replacement Classroom Building - Oxley College, 11 - 29 Railway Road, Burradoo

Attachment 1 Draft Notice of Determination

Attachment 2 Site Location Plan

Attachment 3 Proposed Site Plan

Attachment 4 Proposed Elevations

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10.2 DA 16/0056 Replacement Classroom Building - Oxley College, 11 - 29 Railway Road, Burradoo

ATTACHMENT 1 Draft Notice of Determination

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1. Compliance

Development is to take place in accordance with the approved plans and documentation submitted with the application and subject to the conditions below, to ensure the development is consistent with Council's consent.

2. Responsibility for Works

The Council will hold the Developer (Applicant/Owner), to whom the development approval was issued, solely responsible for constructing the required development works to Council's satisfaction and maintaining them during any specified period.

3. Developers Representative during Construction of Works

A minimum of 48 hours prior to commencement of any construction works on site the Developer must nominate to Council in writing their representative (Construction Supervisor) who will be responsible for all aspects of construction and site control, including Traffic Control, Sediment and Erosion Control and liaison with Council Officers and all other Authorities. Details to be submitted include:-

Name of Representative:

Company :


Contact Ph:

Contact Fax:

After Hours Contact:

Signature of Representative:

Signature & Acceptance of representative by the Developer:

Council requires that the nominated " Construction Supervisor" either hold qualifications acceptable for Corporate Membership of the Institute of Engineers, Australia, or be Approved by the Director and/or has proven experience and suitable relevant qualifications for the control, supervision and management of civil engineering works as required for carrying land development.

Prior to commencing any works on site the representative shall:-

Inform Council in writing of their intention 7 days before entering the site.

Submit to Council a proposed Schedule of Works.

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10.2 DA 16/0056 Replacement Classroom Building - Oxley College, 11 - 29 Railway Road, Burradoo

ATTACHMENT 1 Draft Notice of Determination

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The Developer may be required to arrange for Council to peruse all other contract documentation PRIOR TO THE CONTRACTOR ARRIVING ON SITE TO COMMENCE WORK (Schedule of Works, Specifications, Bill of Quantities, Traffic Control Plan and Soil and Water Management Plan). No construction access shall be permitted from Osborne Road Failure to comply with the requirements as set out above will result in an immediate stop work order.

4. Hours of Demolition and Construction Works

In order to minimise impacts upon the locality demolition and construction activities must be limited to between 7.00am - 5.00pm Monday to Saturdays and with no work on Sundays and public holidays. Any variation of these hours will only occur with Council's consent.

5. Workers Compensation & Public Liability

It is the Developer's responsibility to ensure that Contractors engaged to carry out works indicated on the approved plans carries current Workers Compensation Insurance and hold Public Liability Insurance for $20,000,000 cover.

ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Sediment and Erosion Control 6. Erosion Control

To minimise soil erosion and sediment movement during construction, the following measures shall be implemented:- (a) Removal and/or disturbance of vegetation shall be confined to within two metres

of the site of required works. (b) Topsoil stripped from the construction site shall be stockpiled and protected from

erosion until re-use during landscaping. Soil is to be retained within the property. (c) Stockpiles of construction and landscaping materials, and of site debris shall be

located clear of drainage lines and in such a position that they are protected from erosion and do not encroach upon any footpath, nature strip or roadway.

(d) Vehicular access shall be controlled so as to prevent tracking of sediment onto

adjoining roadways, particularly during wet weather or when the site is muddy. Where sediment is deposited on adjoining roadways the same shall be removed by means other than washing. All material is to be removed as soon as possible and the collected material is to be disposed of in a manner which will prevent its mobilisation.

(e) All disturbed areas shall be progressively stabilised and/or revegetated so that

no areas remain exposed to potential erosion damage for more than 14 days or such other period as may be approved after earthworks cease.

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ATTACHMENT 1 Draft Notice of Determination

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CIVIL ENGINEERING WORKS AND SERVICES 7. Provision of Works and Services

The provision, by the Developer, at their expense, of the following works and services to be documented and constructed in accordance with Council's Engineering Policies, to the satisfaction of the Development Control Engineer. PRIOR TO THE ISSUE OF A CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATE the Developer must obtain approval for the works to be undertaken by submitting adequate documentation including plans, standard notes and completed design checklists, calculations and specifications, to Council which justify that the proposed works are in accordance with all Council’s standards and all other relevant Codes and guidelines. (a) Stormwater Drainage

(i) Roof/Impervious/Stormwater

All additional stormwater runoff from the development shall be collected within the property and discharged as per Site Hydraulic Plan – Drawing No 01 – 35793 – Issue (A) prepared by Adams & Associates and dated 12 August 2015.

General 8. Certification of Internal Civil Works

On completion of works and prior to occupation, certification from a practising appropriately qualified Engineer shall be submitted to Council detailing that all internal civil works (ie, internal driveways, paths and stormwater drainage systems including any onsite detentions) are in accordance with the approved plans and specifications.

9. SEPP (Infrastructure) 2007

As the site adjoins the rail corridor, clause 87 of the Infrastructure SEPP requires the impact of rail noise and vibration on non-rail development be addressed in accordance with the guidelines produced by the NSW Department of Planning “Development near Rail Corridors and Busy Roads – Interim Guidelines”. Prior to issue of Construction Certificate, details shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the General Manager (or authorised delegate) showing measures to protect the approved building from noise and vibration, in accordance with clause 87 of the Infrastructure SEPP.

10. Parents drop off and collection of children

School parents shall drop off and collect children using the Railway Road access only. There shall be no vehicular access to the school via Osborne Road for drop off or pick up other than for purposes of emergency vehicles, however existing pedestrian and cycle access to Osborne Road can remain.

11. Mechanical Plant and Equipment

If mechanical plant and equipment is proposed to serve the building, noise generated

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ATTACHMENT 1 Draft Notice of Determination

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by mechanical plant shall not exceed more than 5db(a) above background noise levels when measured at the boundary of adjoining residential properties.

12. Inspections by Council

24 hours prior to the covering of the following works, Council must be notified by the licensed builder, owner builder or licensed plumber/drainer that the following works are ready for inspection:

(a) internal drainage under water test; (b) external drainage under water test; (c) water plumbing; (d) final inspection of water plumbing, sanitary drainage and stormwater drainage. (e) Works in relation to road reserves, footpath, kerb and gutter, road shoulder and

drainage within public lands or road reserves;

NOTE: The subject building is not to be occupied or a Final Occupation Certificate issued until a final inspection has been carried out by Council and a clearance given, for the satisfactory completion of the above works where applicable. (NB: An accredited certifier must not be substituted for Council in respect of these inspections, as Council remains the sole responsible authority for these matters.)

13. Inspections by the Principal Certifying Authority - Mandatory Critical Stage


24 hours prior to the covering of the following works, the Principal Certifying Authority appointed pursuant to Section 81(2)(b) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 must be notified that works are ready for inspection. (Note that all inspections below must be booked in and those in bold type are mandatory critical stage inspections under the Act and must be carried out by the Principal Certifying Authority. If these inspections are not carried out by the Principal Certifying Authority an Occupation Certificate cannot be issued.)

General compliance with plans and conditions of DA and Construction Certificate (if any) will be checked during each inspection (on-site facilities including builder's toilet, erosion control measures and shoring).

(a) Piers (if any) prior to pouring of concrete; (b) Concrete slab formwork with reinforcement prior to pouring of concrete; (c) Structural framework; including roof members. When completed prior to

the fixing of any internal sheeting; (d) Wet area, damp proofing and flashing before lining; (e) Final inspection prior to use of the building;

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ATTACHMENT 1 Draft Notice of Determination

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The above listed works must not be covered until approval is obtained from the Principal Certifying Authority or his/her duly appointed delegate.

14. Use not to Commence

The approved use is not to commence until the proposed development has been completed in accordance with this consent and any other Council approvals which may be required, and a final inspection carried out and approved by Council staff.

15. Qualifications and Responsibility for Documentation

Council requires that all design plans be prepared to Council's standards by a person, who has proven experience and suitable relevant qualifications in the preparation of plans specifications and any other relevant documentation for the approved development. All of these requirements are outlined in Council's Engineering Policies. The Developer will be responsible for the correctness of all information contained in the drawings, specifications or any other documentation. The Council will not accept responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies that may be found in such documents, regardless of whether these documents have been checked and/or approved by Council.

16. Sample Materials

Details of all samples of all new external building materials and finishes, including their proposed colours, which have not already been submitted by the applicant, shall be submitted for the approval of Council prior to issue of Construction Certificate. The development shall be completed in accordance with the Council approved detail for all external claddings and finishes.

17. Construction Certificate

The building works are not to commence until a Construction Certificate has been issued in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. A Building Code of Australia assessment has not been undertaken on the proposal. For further advice you may contact Council's Building Surveyors.

18. Other Approvals

Prior to any work commencing, written approval under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 must be obtained for stormwater drainage, sanitary drainage and water plumbing, from the Council as the appropriate Water Supply Authority. Separate approval by the Roads Authority is required pursuant to Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993 for any works within the road reserve.

19. Occupation Certificate

Prior to Occupation Certificate being issued, an inspection by the Principal Certifying Authority must be undertaken to ensure that all conditions of this development consent

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ATTACHMENT 1 Draft Notice of Determination

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have been complied with.

20. Management of Construction

A detailed Construction Management Plan is required to be SUBMITTED TO COUNCIL WITH ANY APPLICATION FOR A CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATE. The required Construction Management Plan MUST indicate the measures to be implemented to protect the environment as well as public health, safety and convenience. The plans MUST detail provisions for:

(a) Off-street parking for employees, contractors and sub-contractors. (b) Site access for construction vehicles and equipment purposes. (c) Public safety in the use of roads and footpaths where development activities

adjoin such facilities. (d) The storage and removal, on a regular frequency, of builder's rubble and waste

by trade waste contractors. (e) Storage of ALL building materials and equipment wholly within the construction

site. (f) Public risk policies and management for all contractors' employees using or

gaining access over public footpaths and roads. (g) External lighting and security alarms proposed for the construction site. (h) Fire fighting measures to be available on site during development and

construction. (i) Sanitary amenities and ablutions proposed on site during development and

construction. (j) Ensuring the safety of members of the public and Council staff who may have

occasion to enter and be in attendance on the site.

21. Compliance with Relevant Legislation

Compliance with the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 and Local Government Act 1993. The Building Code of Australia, SAA Codes and adopted Local Policies shall be observed.

22. Ground Levels

Natural ground levels are not to be altered or adjusted other than shown on the approved plans or where varied by the conditions of consent without the prior consent of Council.

23. Protection of Council's Road Reserve, Kerb and Gutter and Footpath

The building supervisor is responsible to ensure that all contractors, sub-contractors,

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ATTACHMENT 1 Draft Notice of Determination

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and delivery trucks use a designated access point to prevent damage to Council's property. Repairs to damaged grass verges, concrete footpath, kerb and gutter are to be carried out by the builder to Council's specification and supervision prior to occupation of the development.

24. Compliance with Building Code of Australia

All building work must be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Building Code of Australia.

25. Excavations and Backfilling

All excavations and backfilling associated with the erection or demolition of a building must be executed safely and in accordance with appropriate professional standards properly guarded and protected to prevent them from being dangerous to life or property.

26. Retaining Walls and Drainage

If the soil conditions require it:

(a) retaining walls associated with the erection or demolition of a building or other

approved methods of preventing movement of the soil must be provided, and (b) adequate provision must be made for drainage.

27. Protection of Public Places

A. If the work involved in the erection or demolition of a building:

(a) is likely to cause pedestrian or vehicular traffic in a public place to be

obstructed or rendered inconvenient, or (b) building involves the enclosure of a public place,

a hoarding or fence must be erected between the work site and the public place.

B. If necessary, an awning is to be erected, sufficient to prevent any substance from, in or in connection with, the work falling into the public place.

C. The work site must be kept lit between sunset and sunrise if it is likely to be

hazardous to persons in the public place. D. Any such hoarding, fence or awning is to be removed when the work has been


28. Erection of Signs

A sign shall be prominently displayed on any site on which building, subdivision or demolition work is being carried out by the builder / developer:

(a) showing the name, address and telephone number of the principal certifying

authority for the work;

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ATTACHMENT 1 Draft Notice of Determination

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(b) showing the name of the principal contractor (if any) for any building work and a

telephone number on which that person may be contacted outside working hours; and

(c) stating that unauthorised entry to the work site is prohibited.

29. Toilet Facilities

Toilet facilities are to be provided, at or in the vicinity of the work site on which work involved in the erection or demolition of a building is being carried out, at the rate of one toilet for every 20 persons or part of 20 persons employed at the site.

30. Disabled Persons Access and Facilities

(a) Access for people with disabilities must be provided to and within buildings as set out in Table D3.2 of the Building Code of Australia by means of a continuous path of travel in accordance with AS1428.1:-

(i) from the allotment boundary at the main points of entry; and (ii) from any carparking space on the allotment (whether within or outside the

building) provided in accordance with D3.5; and (iii) from any adjacent and associated accessible building on the allotment; and (iv) through the principal public entrance.

(b) Sanitary facilities must be provided in accordance with Table F2,4 of the Building

Code of Australia for:-

(i) every Class 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 building that is required by the deemed to satisfy provisions of Part D3 to be accessible to people with disabilities and may be calculated as part of the number of facilities required by Table F2.3; and

(ii) a Class 10a building to which the public will have access and which

contains sanitary facilities, showers or handbasins etc. (iii) The construction and layout of all facilities provided in accordance with

Table F2.4 must comply with AS1428.1. (iv) A unisex facility must be located so that it can be entered without crossing

an area reserved for one sex only.

(c) Identification of Accessible Facilities, Services and Features

In every building required to be accessible, clear and legible Braille and tactile signage complying with Specification D3.6 and incorporating the international symbol of access or deafness or other symbol as appropriate in accordance with AS1428.1 must identify all items as specified in Clause D3.6 of the Building Code of Australia.

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10.2 DA 16/0056 Replacement Classroom Building - Oxley College, 11 - 29 Railway Road, Burradoo

ATTACHMENT 1 Draft Notice of Determination

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(d) Hearing Augmentation

(a) Where an inbuilt amplification system, other than one used for emergency

warning purposes only, is installed, a hearing augmentation system complying with AS1428.1 must be provided in the locations specified in Clause D3.7 of the Building Code of Australia.

(b) In a Class 9b building, any screen or scoreboard capable of displaying

public announcements, must be capable of supplementing any public address system, other than a public address system used for emergency warning purposes only.

(e) Tactile Indicators

(a) For a building required to be accessible, tactile ground surface indicators

must be provided to warn people with a vision impairment that they are approaching any area as specified in Clause D3.8 of the Building Code of Australia.

(b) Tactile ground surface indicators required by (a) must by Type B indicators

in accordance with AS1428.4. (c) A hostel for the aged, nursing home for the aged or a residential aged care

building, need not comply with (a) (I) of D3.8 of the Building Code of Australia if handrails incorporating a raised dome button in accordance with AS1428.1 are provided to warn people with impaired vision that they are approaching a stairway or ramp.

(f) Braille Signage

In every building required to be accessible, clear and legible Braille and tactile signage complying with Specification D3.6 of the Building Code of Australia and incorporating the international symbol of access or deafness or other symbol as appropriate, in accordance with AS 1428.1 must identify:

(a) each -

(i) sanitary facility; and (ii) assessable space with a hearing augmentation system; and

(b) where an entrance or lift is not accessible, identify each accessible -

(i) entrance; and (ii) lift or bank of lifts; and the path of travel from the principal public entrance to these features and facilities where their location is not apparent to the building occupant (see Building Code of Australia Specification D3.6 Braille and Tactile Signs).

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ATTACHMENT 1 Draft Notice of Determination

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(g) Disabled Sanitary Facility

The sanitary facility shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of AS1428.1 Design for Access and Mobility General Requirements for Access.

Advisory Note

(i) The Applicants/property owner should note that the Commonwealth Disability

Discrimination Act 1992 provides opportunity for public complaint potentially leading to legal action if access to premises by people with disabilities or their carers is precluded. This may require action to provide or improve access in addition to the minimum requirements of the Building Code of Australia, particularly if such work would not cause "unjustifiable hardship" for the proprietors or owners.

(ii) The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission can provide further

information on this issue).

Land Title

31. Drainage Pipeline Easement

Protection of the development and/or property by provision, within an easement, of underground drainage pipelines and fail-safe above ground flowpaths to cater for stormwater flooding from all roofed and paved areas of the site and to connect to on site detention system and discharge to the existing stormwater system.

32. Stormwater Facilities Maintenance

The creation of a "Positive Covenant" on the linen plan and title of the proposed development showing the location of stormwater facilities and requiring that the proposed stormwater facilities be maintained in a safe and functional manner. In addition, the Section 88B Instrument is to make provision for Council to conduct maintenance on the subject stormwater facilities at the owner's expense if the stormwater facilities are not maintained to the agreed standard. Details shall be provided for the approval of the Council PRIOR TO ISSUE OF AN OCCUPATION CERTIFICATE.

33. Stormwater Facilities Alterations

The creation of a "Restriction as to User" on the linen plan and title of the proposed development to prevent any change in shape or alteration in structure of the proposed stormwater facilities after the final approval of the structure has been given by Council. Details to be provided for the approval of the Council PRIOR TO ISSUE OF AN OCCUPATION CERTIFICATE.

Protection of Council Assets

34. Community Asset Bond

The Builder shall at no cost to Council enter into an agreement secured by cash or irrevocable bank guarantee for the sum of $2000, to ensure that the community assets

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of Council are not damaged during construction. Should any community assets be damaged, Council would have the right to carry out the work by day labour or contract and deduct the cost of work from the bond. The bond will then need to be renewed to the amount of $2000.

35. Storage Materials

No storage or placing of any building materials to occur on adjacent public roads or footpath areas in association with the construction, maintenance or use of the development or site, without prior Council approval.

36. Developer Must Advise of Damage to Property

The Developer must advise Council of any damage to property controlled by Council which adjoins the site including kerbs, gutters, footpaths, walkways, reserves and the like, prior to commencement of any work on the site. Failure to identify existing damage will result in all damage detected after completion of the building work being repaired at the Developer's expense.

37. Vehicular Access Point

A suitable entry point is to be nominated on site and utilised by construction and delivery vehicles. No access from Osborne Avenue is permitted to the building site for delivery of materials or for construction vehicles. No construction work vehicles, or vehicles used by construction workers, shall be parked in Osborne Rd, to maintain and respect the residential amenity.

ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Sediment and Erosion Control 38. Soil and Water Management – Stockpiles

Stockpiles of topsoil, sand, aggregate, soil or other material are not to be located on any drainage line or easement, natural watercourse, footpath or roadway and shall be protected with adequate sediment controls.

Reason: To ensure that building materials are not washed into stormwater drains.

Air Pollution Controls

39. Dust Suppression

The applicant shall use (water cart, vegetation etc) to control dust from the site when ever conditions are favourable to dust formation.

40. Burning of Builders Waste

The burning of builder's waste on site is prohibited. (Clause 73 Control of Burning Regulations 2000.)

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ATTACHMENT 1 Draft Notice of Determination

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41. Relocation of Existing Services

Where existing services including drainage, sewerage and water may be required to be relocated as a result of the development, a plumber's permit is required from Council prior to commencing work. Inspection of these works by Council as the Water Supply Authority is required.

42. Certification of Internal Civil Works

On completion of works and prior to occupation, certification from a practising appropriately qualified Engineer shall be submitted to Council detailing that all internal civil works (ie, internal driveways, paths and stormwater drainage systems including any onsite detentions) are in accordance with the approved plans and specifications.


43. Certificate of Compliance

A Certificate of Compliance under Division 5 of Part 2 of Chapter 6 of the Water Management Act 2000 must be obtained prior to the issue of Occupation Certificate.

Notes: Section 64 of the Local Government Act 1993 authorises Council to issue Certificates of Compliance under Section 306 of the Water Management Act 2000. Section 64 of the Local Government Act 1993 also authorises Council to impose pre-conditions to the issuing of Certificates of Compliance. As a precondition to the issuing of a Certificate of Compliance Council requires the payment of Developer Charges, prior to the issue of Construction Certificate, as prescribed by Wingecarribee Shire Council’s Development Servicing Plans:

Water Supply Development Servicing Plan;

Sewerage Development Servicing Plan; and

A developer Charges – Notice of Payment is attached to the back of this consent and outlines monetary contributions and unit rates applicable at the time of issue of this consent. The water, sewer and stormwater head works levies are indexed quarterly in accordance with upward movements in the Consumer Price Index (All Groups, Sydney) as published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (www.abs.gov.au); and Council’s Development Servicing Plans. Copies of Development Servicing Plans are available at Wingecarribee Shire Council’s Administration building Moss Vale or are available for download from Council’s website www.wsc.nsw.gov.au. The Water and Sewerage Development Servicing Plans (DSP’s) were adopted by Council on 22 November 2006 and came into effect on 1 January 2007. The Stormwater DSP was

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ATTACHMENT 1 Draft Notice of Determination

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adopted on 9 November 2010 and came into effect on 8 December 2010. The current charges under these Plans are listed as follows:

CPI Period Water DSP Sewer DSP Stormwater DSP

1 August 2011 to 31 October 2011

$5,896 per ET $7,504 per ET N/A per ET

Note: The charges shown above are amounts applicable during the stated time period. These amounts will be subject to adjustment quarterly in accordance with upward movements in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) once they become operational. The CPI is published quarterly by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, www.abs.gov.au.

Should new DSP’s be prepared, it is possible that the charges may increase significantly. Draft DSP’s must be advertised by Council for a period of thirty (30) days prior to adoption. NOTE: Payment of the above charges is to be by BANK CHEQUE OR CASH and is to be accompanied by the attached sheet entitled "Notice of Payment – Developer Charges & Section 94". Should the Applicant pay by personal or company cheque the plans subject to this approval will not be available for collection until such time as the cheque has been honoured (ie, a minimum of 10 days).

Compliance Certificate

Compliance Certificate fees, in accordance with Council’s Revenue Policy are as follows and shall be paid prior to the issue of Construction Certificate:- Water $90.00 + Sewer $90.00 = $180.00. Prior to final release, you will need to contact Council’s Infrastructure Services Division for an inspection to ensure that Council will accept the infrastructure constructed. In response the Manager of Water and Sewer will specify requirements which will have to be met. In the case of subdivision, the title plan of subdivision will not be certified and released by Council until the Water Management Act 2000 charges have been paid and/or secured and the approval of Council has been obtained for all works related to this infrastructure. In the case of other forms of development, the Construction Certificate will not be issued until the Water Management Act 2000 charges have been paid and/or secured and the approval of Council has been obtained.

GOVERNMENT AGENCIES 44. Rural Fire Service Water and Utilities The intent of measures is to provide adequate services of water for the protection of buildings during and after the passage of a bush fire, and to locate gas and electricity so as not to contribute to the risk of fire to a building. To achieve this, the following conditions shall apply:

i) Water, electricity and gas are to comply with sections 4.1.3 and 4.2.7 of 'Planning for

Bush Fire Protection 2006'.

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Evacuation and Emergency Management The intent of measures is to provide suitable emergency and evacuation (and relocation) arrangements for occupants of special fire protection purpose developments. To achieve this, the following conditions shall apply:

ii) An updated emergency/evacuation plan is to be prepared consistent with the NSW

Rural Fire Service 2014 document 'Development Planning A guide to developing a Bush Fire Emergency Management and Evacuation Plan'.

45. Water NSW


i) The site layout and staging shall be as shown on the Site Plan (Dwg. No. 1515 DA01, Issue C; dated 11.09.2015 and 1515 DA02, Issue B; dated 25.09.2015) prepared by Butler and Co Architects Pty Ltd. No revision to the site layout that has a significant impact on water quality shall be approved without prior agreement of Water NSW.

Reason for Condition i- Water NSW has based its assessment under State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Drinking Water Catchment) 2011 on this version of the development.

Stormwater Management

ii) All stormwater treatment and management measures shall be implemented as specified in the Water Cycle Management Study (undated) and the Site Hydraulics Stormwater Disposal Plan (Dwg. No. 01-35793; dated 11/3/16) both prepared by Adams and Associates-Hydraulics except where varied by the following conditions.

Stage 1

iii) All building’s roof water shall be collected in an existing 100,000 litre tank, currently filled by bore water, and used for irrigation on the schools grounds. Tank overflow shall be directed to a bioretention basin described in Condition 4 below.

iv) The bioretention basin shall be installed adjacent to the north-west side of the building and shall incorporate the following requirements and specifications:

be designed consistent with the Adoption Guidelines for Stormwater Biofiltration Systems Version 2 (Payne et al, 2015, Melbourne, CRC for Water Sensitive Cities)

have a minimum surface area of 55 square metres and a minimum filter area of 20 square metres (this is an extra 10 square meters than shown on the plan), to cover Stage 2 of the development)

have an extended detention depth of 250mm metres above the filter surface

have a minimum filter media depth of 300mm

have a filter media consisting of clean sandy loam with a median particle diameter of 0.5mm, an orthophosphate content of less than 40mg/kg, and a total nitrogen content of less than 400mg/kg

be designed such that discharge and overflow is directed to Council’s stormwater system along Railway Parade

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10.2 DA 16/0056 Replacement Classroom Building - Oxley College, 11 - 29 Railway Road, Burradoo

ATTACHMENT 1 Draft Notice of Determination

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be planted with appropriate moisture-tolerant deep-rooted vegetation (grass and turf is not appropriate vegetation and organic mulch is not suitable). Planting spacing of Carex and Juncus should be nine plants per square metre

have a sign erected advising of its design and nature in stormwater quality management

be accessible by machinery to facilitate cleaning, monitoring and maintenance of the structure

be permanently protected from vehicular damage by bollards, guard rails, high slotted kerbs or similar permanent structures, and

be protected by sediment and erosion control measures during any construction and post-construction phase until the ground surface is stabilised or revegetated.

Stage 2

v) The existing 100,000 litre tank shall be replaced with a 10,000 litre rainwater tank. Buildings in both stages shall direct roof runoff to the tank and shall also incorporate following specific requirements:

roofs and gutters designed so as to maximise the capture of rainwater to the tank

the tank plumbed to toilets and other areas for non-potable use including garden irrigation, and

rainwater tank overflow directed to the Stage 1 bioretention basin referred to in Condition iv) above.

vi) No variation to stormwater treatment or management that will impact on water quality shall be approved without prior agreement of Water NSW.

vii) A suitably qualified engineer or stormwater consultant shall certify in writing to Water NSW and Council that all stormwater management structures have been installed as per these conditions of consent and are in a functional state.

Reason for Conditions ii) to vii) – To ensure that the proposed stormwater quality management works are appropriately designed, located and installed so as to ensure a sustainable neutral or beneficial impact on water quality over the longer term.

Operational Environmental Management Plan

viii) An Operational Environmental Management Plan shall be prepared in consultation with Water NSW by a person with knowledge and experience in the preparation of such plans. The OEMP shall be prepared prior to the issuance of the Occupation Certificate for the development and shall include but not be limited to:

details on the location, description and function of stormwater management structures such as pits, pipes, tanks, bioretention basin, and any other stormwater structures and drainage works

an identification of the responsibilities and detailed requirements for the inspection, monitoring and maintenance of all stormwater management structures, including the frequency of such activities, and

checklists for recording inspections and maintenance activities.

Reason for Condition viii) – To ensure stormwater quality management measures are appropriately maintained so as to ensure a sustainable neutral or beneficial impact on water quality, particularly during wet weather, over the longer term.

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10.2 DA 16/0056 Replacement Classroom Building - Oxley College, 11 - 29 Railway Road, Burradoo

ATTACHMENT 1 Draft Notice of Determination

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Construction Activities

ix) The Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (Dwg. No. 02-35793; Issue A; dated 11/3/16) prepared by Adams and Associates - Hydraulics shall be updated by a person with knowledge and experience in the preparation of such plans for all works proposed or required as part of the development. The Plan shall meet the requirements outlined in Chapter 2 of NSW Landcom’s Soils and Construction: Managing Urban Stormwater (2004) manual - the “Blue Book”, be prepared prior to commencement of construction works, and shall be to the satisfaction of Council.

x) Effective erosion and sediment controls shall be installed prior to any construction work including site access, and shall prevent sediment and contaminated water leaving the construction site or entering any roadside drain. The controls shall be regularly maintained and retained until works have been completed and groundcover established or ground surface stabilised.

Reason for Conditions ix) & x) – To manage adverse environmental and water quality impacts during the construction phase of the development and to minimise the risk of erosion, sedimentation and pollution within or from the site during this construction phase.

46. Demolition Approval

Demolition shall only occur in accordance with the requirements of AS2601-2001 "The Demolition of Structures". Amongst others, precautions to be taken shall include compliance with the requirements of the WorkCover Authority of New South Wales and Council’s Water and Sewer Asset Protection, including:- (a) Protection of site workers and the general public. (b) Erection of hoardings where appropriate. (c) Asbestos removal handling and disposal where applicable by licensed contractors. (d) Ensuring only licensed demolition contractors are used as required pursuant to

Occupational Health and Safety Legislation. (e) Appropriate precautions are taken in regard to lead based paints. (f) Water and Sewer Asset Protection

All water and sewer assets on the site or on adjacent road reserve or lands that may be affected by the demolition works are to be clearly identified on site and protected from damage. Those water and sewer protection measures are to be shown on the site plan and are to be approved by Council’s Water and Sewer Planning and Development Engineer before any demolition works can commence.

(g) Sewer Assets Temporary Disconnection or Closure

The site sanitary drainage is to be temporarily disconnected or closed off by a suitably qualified Plumber from any of Council’s sewer sidelines, sewer junctions and or boundary traps that are to be retained and reused to prevent ingress contaminants into

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10.2 DA 16/0056 Replacement Classroom Building - Oxley College, 11 - 29 Railway Road, Burradoo

ATTACHMENT 1 Draft Notice of Determination

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Council’s sewer mains. This work shall be sited and approved by Council’s Water and Sewer Planning and Development Engineer before demolition works can commence.

(h) Removal of Redundant Council Sewer Assets and Water Services

The site sanitary drainage is to be temporarily disconnected or closed off by a suitably qualified Plumber from any of Council’s sewer sidelines, sewer junctions and or boundary traps that are to be disconnected by Council to prevent ingress of contaminants into Council’s sewer mains. This work shall be sited and approved by Council’s Water and Sewer Asset Inspector before demolition works can commence.

Make application and pay fees for the removal of redundant sewer assets and or water services. These fees shall be paid before any demolition works can commence.

Redundant water meter shall not be removed to allow for final readings and removal by Council staff.

(i) Temporary Use of Council Sewer Junctions and Water Services

During demolition or building works Council may permit temporary use of sewer junctions and water services. Details of the proposed use shall be shown on the site plan and are to be approved by the Water and Sewer Planning and Development Engineer before any demolition works can commence. Water services that are to be temporarily retained shall not have the water meter disconnected or removed. An approved backflow prevention device shall be installed. Details shall be shown on the site plan and are to be approved by the Water and Sewer Planning and Development Engineer before any demolition works can commence.

The disposal of refuse is to be to approved locations. Council will require documentary proof of destination for hazardous materials such as asbestos and contaminated soils and may request evidence on disposal of other demolition materials – refer approved Waste Management Plan. 47. Large Development Landscaping Details to be submitted for approval by the Director Environment and Planning PRIOR TO ISSUE OF THE CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATE. Approved landscaping is to be maintained at all times to the satisfaction of the Director Environment and Planning. Detailed landscaping plans to indicate the proposed species to be used, height and spread at maturity, and a specification for soil preparation, drainage, weed control, watering, fertilising and general maintenance during establishment. The plan shall include details of:

existing trees and hedging with additional screen planting between the proposed building and the southern boundary to create a screen of approximately 6 metres minimum mature height to screen the 6 metre high classroom building when viewed from Osborne Rd and the adjoining southern property

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10.2 DA 16/0056 Replacement Classroom Building - Oxley College, 11 - 29 Railway Road, Burradoo

ATTACHMENT 1 Draft Notice of Determination

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Landscaping to be completed to the satisfaction of Council prior to issue of Occupation Certificate. 48. Noise To respect the amenity of the residential area, noise generated from the school classrooms should not exceed more than 5dB(A) above background noise levels when measured at the boundary of adjoining residential properties. This may require all southern facing windows to be fixed (non opening), or high level window openings to reduce sound transmission. Details to be submitted prior to issue of Construction Certificate detailing measures to the classroom building to ensure that noise generated from the school classrooms does not exceed more than 5dB(A) above background noise levels when measured at the boundary of adjoining residential properties.

Any air conditioning unit to be sited so that noise generated does not exceed more than 5Dba above background noise level when measured at the boundary of the site

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ATTACHMENT 2 Site Location Plan

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Figure 1: Site Location

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