Attack of the Fangirls (TV film)

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By Heydon Prowse and Nimrod Kamer

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  • Attack of the Fangirls

    By Nimrod Kamer & Heydon Prowse

    "Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like a

    woman scorned," William Congreve

    "Loving 1D is a choice just like being gay. (it isnt one)," Fan's tweet

    "Fans share a universal language that cuts across many cultures and

    many personality types. A serious fan is never alone. We are a


    Hunter S. Thompson

  • Background

    There are 40 million One Direction fans worldwide, mostly girls

    between the ages of 11 and 14. Many believe these girls are a little

    unhinged, as they launch vicious attacks and death threats by the

    thousand on anyone who vaguely disrespects the band - including

    Harry Styles ex girlfriend Taylor Swift or other competing boybands.

    1D fans are not to be messed with.

    Right now the 1D fangirl threat is under control, placated as they are

    by music releases and concert tours, all sold out. But what would

    happen should the band suddenly disappear or die in a shocking

    accident? What would happen to the fanatical passion of these fans,

    deprived of the object of their obsession? And who would take the

    blame? The consequences are almost unthinkable.

  • Premise

    A private jet crashes, killing all five One Direction members.

    Thousands of teenage fans start committing mass suicides in all

    English speaking countries. The surviving millions quickly lose their

    minds and transform into violent harpies. Millions of unhinged young

    girls maraud the streets in a rage, ransacking all offices of the airline

    responsible for the crash, and then the bands record company

    before unleashing their revenge on innocent shop-keepers and the

    public who seem too blas about what happened, or question the

    band's greatness.


    Act 1.

    Jamie Sturredge is a teenager from Glasgow who plays in an

    extremely avant-garde indie band called Swim Deep. Swim Deep

    have an avid local following, but are told that their music and their

    style is too obscure to ever be a commercial success. Jamies 12

    year old sister Dora is a huge One Direction fan. Her and her fangirl

    friends are huddled round the computer trying to buy tickets for the

    bands upcoming world tour. Jamie wants to get on the computer to

    see if his interview is up, but his sister is hogging it. He argues with

    his sister about her stupid obsession. Theyre not even a real band,

    he says. 'They play no instruments' Why dont you like proper music

    like the Klaxons or us? Dora snaps at him viciously, has no idea who

    the Klaxons are , saying that if he ever talks like that about 1D again

  • shell rip off his fucking head! Jamie is shocked and goes to his

    room to play his music at high decibels.

    Clive Martin is an over-the-hill music journalist from VICE who

    cynically hates anything remotely mainstream. He is arriving back to

    Heathrow from Glasgow where he saw a young indie band play live

    who were definitely unknown enough for him to like them. He's

    written his article up on the plane, but now is tired and impatient to

    get home. At the airport throngs of One Direction fans are waiting to

    see off the band, who are about to play a sellout concert in South

    Africa. Sellout Crowd Greets Sellout Band. Clive cant stand 1D and

    after stumbling across a hoard of manic fangirl teenagers in the

    airport, screams obscenities at them and lays into their idols. The

    fans shout abuse back at him. There is something slightly animalistic

    and terrifying about their reaction.

    Boiling with anger Clive tweets ironically on the train on the way

    home: If there is a God please let him make One Directions plane

    crash somewhere over the Andes and let every last one of them die.

    This Tweet sparks a tirade of abuse from the 1D hoard who unleash

    their fury on him. Clive responds and a Twitter War ensues in which

    he accuses 1D fans of cyberbullying.

    Act 2.

    By some freakish coincidence, the 1D plane actually crashes over

    the Andes. Everyone onboard dies. The news reports spark hysteria

    as 5,000 suicides of fans occur all across the world. In Glasgow at

    the Sturredge house, Dora is inconsolable. She becomes sick from

  • anxiety and thrashes around in bursts of anger. She lashes out at her

    parents. They send her to her room where a terrifying metamorphasis

    occurs. Her eyes become bloodshot, her skin turns a dull grey. An

    awful snarl takes her lips hostage.

    The rest of the country is also distraught. David Cameron makes a

    statement calling the crash a tragedy for the nation. Clive quickly

    becomes a hate figure due to his offensive Tweet. He is asked to

    come on ITV News to discuss the 1D deaths with Harry Styles

    hairdresser Lou Teasdale and her child Baby Lux.

    While this is happening the surviving 1D fans begin to be taken over

    by a vicious rage at the loss of their favourite band. They gradually

    become deranged and start rioting in the streets. First they loot the

    offices of the airline, then the record label offices, then random

    shops. In Glasgow Dora viciously attacks her dad when he brings

    some Horlicks up to her room and asks her to turn down What Makes

    You Beautiful, which she is playing at top volume. Jamie and his

    mum try to subdue the child, but she seems imbued with a

    superhuman strength and inflicts a horrible would on her fathers

    neck. Doras mum tells her she is grounded for a year provoking

    Dora to lunge for her mum. Jamie tries to pull her away. In the

    ensuing struggle Jamie manages to save his mother by beating his

    own sisters head in with a Harry Styles doll her favourite toy.

    Unfortunately Jamies dad dies from his wounds.

  • Elsewhere around the country parents cower in their own homes, too

    terrified to discipline their previously sweet young daughters for fear

    of being mauled to death. The police do their best to repel the

    demented fans, but there are just too many of them. Although the

    police are a little hesitant to use force against these girls, the fans

    actually exhibit a sort of crazed strength, laying waste to anything in

    their path. News reports show that in the US Lady Gaga fans, the

    little monsters, try to fight back, and are defeated in a bloodbath.

    An emergency meeting is convened in the ITV studios with the army

    and the ITV executives. The ITV executives decide that they need to

    find another boy band to take the place of One Direction in order to

    placate the anger of the fans. They put an emergency casting call out

    asking for aspiring pop stars from around the country to come to the

    ITV studios in order to take part in auditions.

  • From all around the country wannabe performers leave the safety of

    their homes in order to find stardom, but also to save the country.

    The majority of them die along the way, but some make it and slowly

    the young wannabe pop stars begin to trickle in to the ITV studios

    where executives have barricaded themselves in on the 21st floor.

    Clive is there to witness their arrival and he interviews these

    ambitions teens for his emergency hipster blog that he has put up for

    any surviving hipsters out there to read as the staff of both Vice and

    Dazed and Confused have all been massacred.

    Act 3.

    Meanwhile Jamie has managed to take his mum to the relative safety

    of his friend's studio where he has met up with his fellow band

    members. His mother however is in pieces. She cannot forgive her

    son for murdering her daughter even though he saved his mothers

    life. She is convinced the enraged fangirls are just a little upset and

    need a hug and some icecream.

  • At first they are safe in the studio, but soon fangirls begin to roam

    around the building. When Jamies mum thinks she spots her

    daughter wandering past the window and screams her name

    Doooora, the fangirls attack, gradually beating down the thick sound

    proofed door. Jamies mother wanders out of the studio murmuring

    Hello my sweets, my charming little girls. Have any of you seen my

    daughter Dora? She is soon torn limb from limb.

    Knowing that they are theyre doomed the band decide to play one

    last swan song. They choose a particularly obscure indie song and

    begin playing just as the fangirls smash through the door. To their

    surprise avant-garde indie is like Kryptonite to the fangirls and they

    fall to the ground, clutching at their bleeding ears. Although Jamies

    mum suffers fatal wounds the band is saved. However, they realise

    that ITVs talent hunt is doomed to failure and they must make their

    way to London and the ITV studios as fast as possible in order to tell

    the executives based there that the only way to save the country is

    through heavy indie music. Its going to be a long and difficult

    journey, but they know what they have to do. Armed with their

    instruments, they co-opt an abandoned bus, load it with amps and a

    portable generator and begin their bizarre tour.

    In the ITV studios the auditions have of course been televised on the

    emergency broadcast channel. Fangirls from across the country are

    glued to their sets, picking their favourites and calling up on the

    premium rate numbers to vote. The ITV executives are churning out

    the bands and releasing single after single, which the manic fangirls

    demand that their terrified parents buy for them on their credit cards

    or with their iTunes accounts. The parents who have literally become

  • prisoners in their own homes have no other choice other than to

    agree. In the ITV Studios however, Clive is becoming suspicious. A

    veritable boy band conveyor belt has sprung up, but as soon as soon

    as each band releases a song and goes out on tour they are never

    seen of again. Clive begins to ask questions, but gets nothing but

    stonewalls. Through some investigating however, he soon realises

    that the ITV executives are cynically using the fanslaughter to their

    own advantage selling record numbers of singles downloads then

    sacrificing each band to the ravenous hoards in live gigs around the

    country, which ultimately become blood baths where the boy bands

    are ripped apart while signing autographs. Clive quickly publishes his

    investigation on his blog upon which he is arrested by the army and

    imprisoned in a broom cupboard.

    Meanwhile Jamie and his friends are valiantly trying to make it down

    to London. With all telephone lines down there is nothing else for

    them to do. They must scavenge food along the way from wrecked

    super markets and find refuge at night in tower blocks. The road is

  • tricky and laden with danger, but whenever they are faced with an

    attack of fan girls they just pick up their instruments and play an

    impromptu gig. However, on the way down to London they read

    about Clives conspiracy on his blog who they have been following

    ever since his article on the band for Vice. They realise they must get

    into the studios and speak to Clive.

    Act 4.

    Jamie and his band of indie kids, cut their hair, shave and raid a local

    Primark disguising themselves as a wannabe boy band. They

    approach the ITV Studios and are immediately admitted with a warm

    welcome as the executives spot another willing sacrifice. The boys

    begin rehearsing and pen a cheesy pop song that the ITV executives

    plan to release through iTunes. They soon build up a massive

    following among the fangirls who are desperate to download the

    track. However, they realise after some careful prodding that Clive

    has been imprisoned and soon they are to be sacrificed in a gig

    sacrifice. Just before they are about to leave on their tour the band

    manage to free Clive and escape in the tour bus from the studios.

  • Once they have freed Clive the group head to the iTunes HQ. They

    have realised that iTunes is working in collaboration with the evil ITV

    executives. Playing the role of the bands manager Clive manages to

    talk the group into the iTunes HQ. When they are in they convince

    iTunes CEO Tim Cook to release a song of their indie music rather

    than the pop song that they wrote. Too busy making millions from the

    fangirls and their hostage parents Tim Cook agrees without listening

    to the new track. The indie song is downloaded by millions of fangirls

    worldwide. However, as soon as they hit play on the song they

    immediately fall the ground, writhing in agony.

    The country is saved. And after a long restorative coma the raging

    fangirls are cured and return to their normal sweet demeanours.

    Parents around the world are immeasurably grateful to have their

    daughters back. Swimdeep immediately become international

    megastars, achieving a level of success they could have never hoped

    of before. Their album sells millions of copies worldwide and naturally

  • this breeds an ever-increasing number of young fangirls who are

    worryingly overenthusiastic sometimes when it comes to their

    obsession. God forbid anything should happen to Jamie and his
