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Audience research

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Page 1: Audience research

As you can see here the most

preferred genre of music is Hip Hop/ R’n’B, I think this

is because this genre of music is

the most main stream.

This has helped me hugely because now this has made me decide to chose what type of

genre my magazine is.

4) Please tick your favourite genre of music


Hip Hop/ R'n'B




The least popular genre is Indie, I think this is because it’s not very mainstream and hasn’t been around for too long.

Page 2: Audience research

5) Circle which magazine name you prefer







As you can see here the most preferred magazine name is clearly ‘Acapella’. This is surprising because I thought that one of the shorter names would be

more popular as they could be easier to remember.

The least preferred

magazine name was freeze

which I thinks makes sense because this was my least favourite as well. I think

this is because it doesn’t really

sound like a magazine name

and isn’t very catchy.

Page 3: Audience research

6) When looking at a mazgine what attracts your attention the most?





Here you can clearly see which attracts the audience the most when looking at a magazine. I think that the image attracts the most attention because it’s usually the biggest thing on the front of a magazine.

This means that for my magazine cover I’ve got to have a very striking image on the front so that is

attracts the attention of the audience.

The one that attracts the least attention is the subheading. This isn’t very

surprising because this is usually one of the smaller writing on the magazine.

The one that caught the second most attention was the Masthead. This makes sense because its usually the

second biggest thing on the magazine cover. Also the Masthead is usually slightly covered by the image.

Page 4: Audience research

7) Which colours would you prefer to see on a music magazine?

Red & Black

White & Black

Red & White

The preferred colour scheme for a music magazine was red and white.

I thought that the favoured colour scheme would be red and black because this is what is

mostly used on real magazine. So this result suggests that the reader wants to see a

magazine that is different to the rest.