Tuesday, 27 October, 2009 Dr Alexander A. PISKUNOV Auditor Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Chair, “Key National Indicators in the System of External AuditComprehensive control over the use of national resources, over the expenditures of public funds for national-level projects and over the revenues from the use and disposal of public property Born in 1951 in the city of Taganrog, Rostov Region. In 1974 graduated from the Military Academy named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky as a military radio technician and engineer, and in 1980 from a correspondence post-graduate department of the same Academy. Studied at the Financial Academy of the Government of the Russian Federation and a Business School in London. 1974-1990, military service at the State Proving Ground (Plesetsk space launching site). Major-General in reserve. Has an honorary distinction "Merited Machine-builder of the RSFSR" and a number of state awards. 1990-1991, Deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, Deputy Chairman of the RSFSR Supreme Council Commission for Communication, Computer Science and Space; member of the Innovation Council of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. 1991-1993, Deputy Chairman of the RSFSR Supreme Council Committee for Defense and Security. In November 1993, became Chairman of the Committee for Military and Technical Policy of the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation, and in December - Deputy of the State Duma of the first convocation, then Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense. Since 1995, he has been Deputy Head, then Head of the Administrative Department of the Government of the Russian Federation Administration, then Deputy Head of the Administration of the Government of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Commission for Military and Industrial Problems of the Government of the Russian Federation. 1999-2000, Deputy of the State Duma, Deputy Chairman of the Deputy Group "Regions of Russia", Member of the Committee for Budget and Taxes, Member of of the State Duma Anticorruption Commission. 2001-2005, Auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. On 18 February 2005 the State Duma took a decision on Mr. Piskunov's pre-term dismissal from his position. On 18 March 2005 he was appointed by the State Duma Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation for the next term. http://www.ach.gov.ru/en/about/auditors/piskunov/

Auditor Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Chair ... · Tuesday, 27 October, 2009 Dr Alexander A. PISKUNOV Auditor Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Chair, “Key

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Page 1: Auditor Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Chair ... · Tuesday, 27 October, 2009 Dr Alexander A. PISKUNOV Auditor Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Chair, “Key

Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Dr Alexander A. PISKUNOV Auditor Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Chair, “Key National Indicators in the System of External Audit”

Comprehensive control over the use of national resources, over the expenditures of public funds for national-level projects and over the revenues from the use and disposal of public property Born in 1951 in the city of Taganrog, Rostov Region. In 1974 graduated from the Military Academy named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky as a military radio technician and engineer, and in 1980 from a correspondence post-graduate department of the same Academy. Studied at the Financial Academy of the Government of the Russian Federation and a Business School in London. 1974-1990, military service at the State Proving Ground (Plesetsk space launching site). Major-General in reserve. Has an honorary distinction "Merited Machine-builder of the RSFSR" and a number of state awards. 1990-1991, Deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, Deputy Chairman of the RSFSR Supreme Council Commission for Communication, Computer Science and Space; member of the Innovation Council of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. 1991-1993, Deputy Chairman of the RSFSR Supreme Council Committee for Defense and Security. In November 1993, became Chairman of the Committee for Military and Technical Policy of the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation, and in December - Deputy of the State Duma of the first convocation, then Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense. Since 1995, he has been Deputy Head, then Head of the Administrative Department of the Government of the Russian Federation Administration, then Deputy Head of the Administration of the Government of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Commission for Military and Industrial Problems of the Government of the Russian Federation. 1999-2000, Deputy of the State Duma, Deputy Chairman of the Deputy Group "Regions of Russia", Member of the Committee for Budget and Taxes, Member of of the State Duma Anticorruption Commission. 2001-2005, Auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. On 18 February 2005 the State Duma took a decision on Mr. Piskunov's pre-term dismissal from his position. On 18 March 2005 he was appointed by the State Duma Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation for the next term. http://www.ach.gov.ru/en/about/auditors/piskunov/

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Ms Bernice STEINHARDT Director Strategic Issues Team United States Government Accountability Office Speaker, “Key National Indicators in the System of External Audit”

For close to two decades, Bernice Steinhardt has held a variety of leadership positions within the U.S Government Accountability Office, Congress' analytic and investigative arm. Currently, as Director for Strategic Issues, Ms. Steinhardt is responsible for examining government-wide management issues and supporting the federal government‘s transformation to meet 21st century challenges. For several years prior, Ms. Steinhardt led GAO's efforts in strategic planning, helping to develop the organization‘s first strategic plan and overseeing its biennial updates. Between 1996 and 1999, Ms. Steinhardt was director of GAO‘s Public Health Issues group; prior to that, she served as associate director for Energy, Natural Resources and Science Issues and associate director for Environmental Protection Issues. Before joining GAO, Ms. Steinhardt was at the Department of the Interior, in the office of the Assistant Secretary for Energy and Minerals, and at the President's Council on Environmental Quality. Earlier in her career, Ms. Steinhardt worked as a consultant to the Assistant Secretary for Health/DHEW and others on evaluations of health care programs. Ms. Steinhardt holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Comparative Literature (magna cum laude) from the University of Maryland; she was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. She has received numerous awards from GAO, including Distinguished Service and Meritorious Service Awards.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Mr Wojciech MISIAG Adviser to the President of Supreme Chamber of Control Poland Speaker, “Key National Indicators in the System of External Audit”

Graduate of the Main School of Planning and Statistics, specialising at Econometrics, 1974. In 1984, he was qualified as a doctor of economy at the Main School of Planning and Statistics. In 1974–1987, a scientific employee of the Main School of Planning and Statistics. In 1984–1989, an employee of the Planning Commission at the Council of Ministers. In 1989–1994, a Deputy Minister of Finance in four consecutive governments. Since 1994, working for the Gdańsk Institute for Market Economics (Instytut Badań nad Gospodarką Rynkową – IBnGR); since 1998 – head of the Public Finance Department of GIME. Chairman of the Supervisory Board of PZU S.A (insurance company) in 1994–1996 and the Supervisory Board of PZU Życie S.A. (insurance company) in 1998–1999. Co-operating with the following institutions: – Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (1999–2002), – Bank Śląski S.A. (1996–1998), – Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A. (1998–2003). For a long time lecturer and author of the training on public finance (including Leon Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management, National School of Public Administration, Collegium Civitas, University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów). Since 2003 advisor to the President of Supreme Chamber of Control, dealing with issues of public finances and the performance audit. Since 2008 member of the College of Supreme Chamber of Control. Expert in the international research project on fiscal transparency implemented by the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities (USA). Since 2002 editor of the quarterly ―Bulletin of Public Finance‖, being issued by the GIME Public Finance Department. Expert of the Sejm, the Senate and the World Bank. Author of more than 150 books, papers and expertises in public finance, macroeconomics, econometrics and mathematical programming.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Professor Gusztáv BÁGER Senior Adviser to the President State Audit Office of Hungary Speaker, “Key National Indicators in the System of External Audit”

Gusztáv Báger is Professor of Economics at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Hungary) and Senior Adviser to the President of the State Audit Office of Hungary. He was Director General of the Research Institute of the State Audit Office up to 2008. Previously, he was Director General in the Ministry of Finance responsible for international financial institutions and, up to 1996, for the European Union and the OECD as well. He represented Hungary as Alternate Governor for the World Bank‘s MIGA. He is a founding member of the International Triffin Foundation (an independent organization of members and institutions of the academic, governmental, banking and business communities all over the world) and, since 1996, has been President of the Robert Triffin-Szirák Foundation in Hungary.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Ms Ulrike MANDL Economist Austrian Court of Audit Speaker, “Key National Indicators in the System of External Audit”

Ulrike Mandl is Economist at the Austrian Court of Audit in charge of economic issues as regards the key tasks of the Court of Audit. She is currently engaged in the Expert Group dealing with the Austrian public administration reform, established by the Austrian government. Ulrike Mandl has published various articles in the field of quality of public finances, in particular on efficiency and effectiveness of public spending. Before her current position, she worked for the Austrian Ministry of Finance and was seconded to the European Commission, DG ECFIN as a national expert. She sed to be the Austrian Member of the working groups dealing with the quality of Public Finances and Country Examination. Ulrike Mandl has a Masters degree in economics and European Studies from the University of Vienna.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Dr Young-Sun LEE President Hallym University, Korea Chair, “Measuring Progress; New Evidence, New Initiatives”

Dr. Young-Sun Lee is currently President of Hallym University, one of South Korea‘s leading private universities. Before assuming the presidency at Hallym, he was a professor of Economics at Yonsei University. There, he also served the university as Director of the Institute for Korean Unification Studies, Dean of University Planning and Development, and Dean of the Graduate School of International Studies. As a leading economist and scholar, Dr. Lee‘s career spans decades of research and service to the government and the public. He was a member of the National Economic Advisory Council, the Civilian Commission for Industrial Policy, the Committee for Tax System Development and the Advisory Committee for Unification Policy. He has also served as President of the Korea Academic Association of International Trade, the Korea International Economic Association, and, most recently, as President of the Korean Economic Association. Dr. Lee has authored, co-authored, edited, and co-edited numerous publications on Korean economy, trade policy, and the economic relationship between South Korea and North Korea. His publications include: Income Distribution of Korea in Historical and International Prospects: Economic Growth and the Distribution of Income in Korea Facing Globalization in a High-Tech Skill World, published at the Korea Development Institute in 2007; ―The Determinants of Economic Growth of Transition Economies: Economic Reform versus Initial Conditions,‖ published in the International Economic Journal in 2006; ―Economies of Scale, Technological Progress, and the Sources of Economic Growth: Case of Korea, 1969-2000,‖ published in the Journal of Policy Modeling in 2005; and ―The Structure of North Korea‘s Political Economy: Changes and Effects,‖ published in A New Engagement of Framework for North Korea?: Contending Perspectives (KEI) in 2004. Dr. Lee studied Economics at Seoul National University and earned both his MA and Ph. D. at the University of Maryland in College Park.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Ms Anat ITAY Project Leader Israel‟s Progress Index Speaker, “Measuring Progress; New Evidence, New Initiatives”

Anat Itay is leading the project of Israel‘s Progress Index, an initiative to measure and evaluate progress and quality of life in Israel. The project is multi-layered, incorporating work with Government level, local organisations and community participation. Anat is also writing a PhD at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, specializing in political theory and public policy. Her research, on contemporary models and theories of progress, focuses on developing an incorporated model of Progress to challenge the economic, quantitative one. She studied Political Science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and at University College London, the University of London, UK. Publication: Anat Itay (2009) Conceptions of progress: How is progress perceived? Mainstream versus alternative conceptions of progress. Social Indicators Research, 92, 529-550.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Dr Thomas W. K. YUEN Research Co-ordinator of Economic and Well-being Research Project Shue Yan University Speaker, “Measuring Progress; New Evidence, New Initiatives”

Thomas W.K. YUEN ([email protected]) is the Research Co-ordinator of the Economic and Well-being Research Project at Hong Kong Shue Yan University. He has a Ph.D. Economics and Finance from the University of Hong Kong and an MSc. in Economics from the University of Warwick. He also participates actively in a wide range of academic activities. He is a Life Member of the Hong Kong Economic Association, a Life Member of the Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong, member of the International Sustainable Development Research Society and member of the Western Economic Association International. He is the Chairman of IT on the Teaching and Learning Committee of Hong Kong Shue Yan University (HKSYU), the Chairman of the New Student Admission Committee of HKSYU and the assistant Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance in HKSYU.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Ms Aygen AYTAC Lead Author and Coordinator of the 2008 National Human Development Report on “Youth in Turkey” UNDP Speaker, “Measuring Progress; New Evidence, New Initiatives”

Aygen Aytac is the lead author and the Coordinator of the 2008 National Human Development Report on ―Youth in Turkey.‖ The report is the winner of the Excellency Award in Influencing Policy Debate in the framework of 2009 Human Development Awards. She has been working in the UNDP Turkey Office for the last four years as Communications Manager and Human Development Report Coordinator. Aytac is also teaching human development courses at different universities, such as Bilkent University and Anadolu University, in Turkey. Previously she worked for the European Commission in Ankara as Information Manager and Political Analyst for 3 years (contributing to the writing of Progress Report for Turkey), BBC World Service in London as a radio producer for 8 years, United Nations Office in Baku (Azerbaijan) as spokesperson for a year, and for National Turkish Radio and Television in Ankara as an international news reporter for 2 years. She had her MSc in Russian and Post-Soviet Studies at the London School of Economics, and BA in International Relations at the Political Science Faculty of the Ankara University. She also attended a Human Development course at Oxford University in 2006. Publications and media works - An article on the evaluation of the youth issues from human development perspective in a book entitled "Civicweb: Young people, the internet and civic participation" published by Bilgi University, Istanbul (2009). - 2008 National Human Development Report: Youth in Turkey, published for UNDP Turkey Office. - Two books (each of them are both in English and Turkish) on the EU Funded Programmes in Turkey, published by the EC Delegation in Turkey in 2003 and 2004. -An analysis of LEFT IN EUROPE, a series of articles published in the Turkish newspaper Yeni Yuzyil, May 1998. An analysis of the NORTHERN IRELAND PEACE PROCESS, a series of articles published in the above newspaper, Yeni Yuzyil, August 1998 -A major documentary series on Human Rights, consisting of 15 different subjects related to human rights issues in Turkey and Europe. This was a 5 hour-long radio programme in total. It was awarded by BBC World Service.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Dr Prathurng HONGSRANAGON Assistant Dean in Academic Affairs College of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University Speaker, “Measuring Progress; New Evidence, New Initiatives”

Dr. Hongsranagon is currently an Assistant Dean in Academic Affairs, the College of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. With her Integrated Sciences Doctoral Degree from Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand, she pursues her interest in the area of integral community development.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Mr Henning HANSEN International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH) Speaker, “Measuring Progress; New Evidence, New Initiatives”

Henning Hansen attends on behalf of The Danish Association of Environment and Nature Protection Officers, EnviNa Denmark, council member of the International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH) www.ifeh.org. In that capacity he is project manager for the ongoing international IFEH Sustainability Indicator Initiative (SII) www.ifeh.org/indicators. The project is run in co-operation with the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) www.iisd.org. The International Federation of Environmental Health is an organisation of national organisations representing 60,000+ environmental health and environmental protection professionals in 37 member countries world-wide. His career as an environmental engineer BSc (Hon) started back in 1987. Professionally he serves as Environmental Protection Officer at Aarhus Municipality (Denmark). Henning Hansen has worked for more than 15 years in the area of developing indicator systems related to sustainable development. He is the author of guideline no. 7 / 1997 for the Danish Ministry of the Environment and Energy /DEPA, titled: ―Guideline on environmental indicators – a tool to monitor and to visualize the environmental performance.‖ From 1994-2002 he held the position of president of the Danish Association of Environmental Protection Officers.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Prof Frances J STEWART Director of Centre for Research on Inequality, Human Security and Ethnicity (CRISE) University of Oxford Chair, “The Future of Human Development Measures”

Degrees: BA (1961, First Class); MA (1967); DPhil Oxon (1976) Current position: Professor of Development Economics, University of Oxford (1996-); Director, Centre for Research on Inequality, Human Security and Ethnicity, Department of International Development, University of Oxford (2003-); Fellow, Somerville College (1975-) Previous positions: Director, Queen Elizabeth House, International Development Centre, University of Oxford (1993-2003) Special Adviser on Adjustment Policies, UNICEF (1985-1986) Senior Research Officer, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of Oxford (1972-1993) Research Officer, Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford (1970-1972) Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of East Africa, Nairobi (1967-1969) Economic Adviser, Department of Economic Affairs, UK Government (1964-1967) Economic Assistant, Treasury/National Economic Development Office, UK Government (1961-1964) Honours and awards: To be awarded honorary degree at University of Sussex, January 2010 President, Human Development and Capability Association (2008-2010) Awarded a grant of £3.0 million by the Department for International Development (DFID) to lead a Development Research Centre following a world-wide competitive bid (2003) Vice-Chair, United Nations Development Policy Committee (2007-) Vice-Chair, International Food Policy Research Institute (2004-2006) Named one of fifty outstanding technological leaders by Scientific American for 2003 One of five female economists selected globally as ‗Outstanding female economists in the analysis and practice of development economics‘ by Y. Rodgers and J. Cooley, World Development 27 (August 1999) President, UK and Irish Development Studies Association (1990-1992) Senior Webb Medley (Oxford University Prize for best performance in Economics final examination) (1961) Junior Webb Medley (Oxford University Prize for best performance in competitive exam) (1960) Publications: 2008. Horizontal Inequalities and Conflict: Understanding Group Violence in Multiethnic Societies (co-author), Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2001. ‗Horizontal inequalities: a neglected dimension of development‘ (WIDER Annual Lectures 5, December 2001), WIDER: Helsinki 2001. War and Underdevelopment, co-author, 2 vols., Oxford: Oxford University Press 2000 ‗Economic growth and human development‘, with A. Ramirez and G. Ranis, World Development 28.2: 197-220 1995. Adjustment and Poverty: Options and Choices, London: Routledge. 1987. Adjustment with a Human Face, co-author, Oxford: Oxford University Press 1985. Planning to Meet Basic Needs, London: Macmillan 1977. Technology and Underdevelopment, London: Macmillan [Total publications: 12 individual/co-authored books; 15 edited books; 70 articles in refereed journals; 120 book chapters or articles in non-refereed journals.]

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Prof Isidro SOLOAGA Coordinator, LAC Regional Human Development Report Professor of Economics, El Colegio de México. Speaker, “The Future of Human Development Measures”

Isidro Soloaga is Professor of Economics at EL Colegio de México (México) and Coordinator of UNDP´s first LAC-Regional Human Development Report which is going to be published in early 2010. Previously he worked as a consultant with the World Bank Development Economics Research Group (DECRG) in Washington DC. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Agricultural and Resources Economics from the University of Maryland at College Park (USA). His research areas include the analysis of the intergenerational transmission of poverty and inequality and the analysis of the impact of public policies on poverty. Contact information: [email protected]

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Dr Milorad S. KOVACEVIC Senior Statistician Human Development Report Office of the UNDP Speaker, “The Future of Human Development Measures”

Milorad S. Kovacevic is Senior Statistician with the Human Development Report Office of the UNDP. He has previously been worked at Statistics Canada as Chief of Data Analysis Methods Research at the Methodology Branch. He also worked for the Federal Statistical Office of Yugoslavia as Chief of Survey Methodology. He taught statistics at the University of Belgrade, Serbia, and at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, U.S.A. (1988-1992), He has also done research fellowships at the University of Southampton, England, (2000) and at the University of Wollongong, Australia, (2008). His works include papers and books on analysis of survey data. Milorad holds a Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of Belgrade.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Mr Armin SIRCO The winner of 2009 Human Development Award for excellence in measurement innovation Bosnia and Herzegovina Speaker, “The Future of Human Development Measures”

Armin Sirco is the Assistant Resident Representative for Programme in UNDP, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH). Before joining UNDP in 1998, he worked for the UNOPS‘ PROGRESS Project in BIH. Since 1998, Armin has supervised the production of six National Human Development Reports. The NHDR 2003, on the topic of the MDGs, was awarded special global recognition for its promotion of these important goals. Prior to his appointment as Assistant Resident Representative for Programme in 2007, Armin headed the Social Inclusion Portfolio. The Portfolio was responsible for the production of flagship reports such as the NHDRs and the highly influential Early Warning System reports. Armin holds degrees in music and economics from the University in Sarajevo.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

His Excellency Dr. Savas ALPAY Director General Statistical Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries, SESRIC Chair, “Fostering the measurement of societal progress: the role of ICT and training”

Savas Alpay received his Ph.D in economics from Johns Hopkins University in 1997. He has taught at different universities in Turkey, and also worked as a consultant for an international consultancy firm. His research areas include environmental economics, trade and development economics. His current research focuses on interactions among economic growth, international trade and the environment with an emphasis on the design and implementation of policies towards sustainable growth. Between 2003 and 2006, he has been a Board Member of the Tobacco Regulation Authority in Turkey, and he was among the people who prepared the new tobacco control legislation in Turkey, which, among many other regulations, banned indoor smoking completely. In 2006, he has been appointed as the Director General of Statistical Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), a subsidiary organ of the Organization of the Islamic Conference. His book titled ―Trade and the Environment‖ has been published by Kluwer, and he has many articles published in different journals and conference proceedings.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Mr Daniel BYK Special Advisor National Statistical Institute of Luxembourg, STATEC Speaker, “Fostering the measurement of societal progress: the role of ICT and training”

Marital status Born on 8 July 1948 to Charenton (94) France Married, father of 2 children Training 1970-72 School of Statistics and of the Economic Administration (ENSAE) Professional experience 1972-74 INSEE, Short term trends units: 1974 recruited within Eurostat on 15 October 1974 1974-87 various posts mainly in data base management and

technical cooperation 1987-88 Head of the specialised service "Analyses and

Development", 1988-94 Head of the "Industry" Unit and later"Industry, iron and

steel industry, coordination of the surveys undertaken" 1994- 98 head of the unit "Information, Distribution" 1997 - 2003 Director of Directorate C ( Information & dissemination,

technical cooperation , transport statistics, trade of goods statistics)

2004 - 2009 Seconded to the Luxembourg Government by the EU Commission: Adviser to the minister delegate for Foreign Affairs and Immigration- Luxembourg

2009- to date Special adviser to the Minister Of Labor, employement and immigration – Luxembourg Special advisor for International cooperation Economic and Social Council Luxembourg STATEC representative to the Co-Ordination Group of the Global Project

ISI Membre since 2000

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Mr Babar KAMAL Manager, Public Finance and Trade Programme United Nations Institute for Training and Research, UNITAR, Geneva Speaker, “Fostering the measurement of societal progress: the role of ICT and training”

Babar Kamal has been associated with the training activities of UNITAR since 1991. He holds an MBA with a major in Finance and Banking. Between 1991 and 2006, he coordinated UNITAR's training and capacity building programme on poverty reduction and debt management for developing nations conducted out of Geneva, Switzerland. Since 2007, he has been Manager of UNITAR's training programme on 'Public Finance and Trade' under the Governance Unit of UNITAR. He developed several paper-based distance learning modules for developing nations and economies in transition in the 1990s, and since 2000 he has initiated UNITAR's internet-based e-Learning for developing nations, especially for finance and trade-sector officials. Through e-Learning, UNITAR has seen a ten-fold increase in the number of participants trained from the finance and trade-sector. Currently, he heads a team of professionals at UNITAR Geneva who are developing and rolling out a range of e-Learning courses in the field of public finance, trade and intellectual property issues.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Prof Thierry KARSENTI Director Interuniversity Research Centre on Education and the Teaching Profession, CRIFPE Speaker, “Fostering the measurement of societal progress: the role of ICT and training”

Thierry Karsenti, M.A., M.Ed., Ph.D. is Director of the Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la formation et la profession enseignante (CRIFPE) (Interuniversity research centre on education and the teaching profession). Besides holding the Canada Research Chair in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Education, Professor Karsenti is also a Full Professor at the University of Montreal. His field is the Integration of Information and Communication Technology into Teacher Training. His technopedagogical accomplishments and innovations in teacher training have been recognized in Quebec and Canada. He has won the Prix du ministre de l‟Éducation and the Prix Hommage awarded by the Government of Quebec, the Prix d‟Excellence en Conception Pédagogique Award of Excellence from the Canadian Association of Distance Education, and the Prix PEDAGOGICA-RESCOL for pedagogical innovation in the integration of ICT. In addition, while he was teaching at the University of Quebec, he received the Prix quinquennal d‟Excellence en enseignement. He has also earned recognition for his contributions to research and the quality of his university teaching. His research interests lie in the areas of integration of new technologies into education and open and distance learning.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Mr Cesare FURLANELLO Senior Researcher, Head of Project Fondazione Bruno Kessler Speaker, “Fostering the measurement of societal progress: the role of ICT and training”

Mr Cesare Furlanello is a mathematician, Senior Researcher of the Kessler Foundation (FBK) in Trento, Italy, where he leads the FBK-MPBA Research Unit (Predictive Models for Biomedicine & Environment) since 1995. Mr. Furlanello and colleagues at MPBA have created novel machine learning methods and ICT platforms connecting complex patterns with geodatabases of environmental factors and socio-demographic data. He has contributed to the development of predictive classification models and feature selection procedures, applied in basic and applied studies in life science and environmental risk analysis, with more than 80 refereed publication including Nature Genetics, Bioinformatics, Ecological Modeling, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing. Mr Furlanello has also actively contributed to develop IT integration of statistical machine learning methods in software infrastructures for data collection, management and distribution of predictive models. Within more than 50 funded research projects since 1995, new open source software infrastructures has been developed for epidemiology, traffic safety, unexploded bomb detection, combination of statistical data. To support research and public agencies, Mr Furlanello and colleagues have proposed innovation in GIS and internet GIS (WebGIS) systems, also with a spinoff company MPA Solutions. For high-throughput data, the Python/C machine learning package MLPY developed at MPBA is one of the most downloaded open source solutions. Finally, Mr Furlanello and colleagues at FBK actively promote the dissemination of interdisciplinary science with the WebValley Summer School Project. At WebValley, numerous talented high school students have been invoved in projects of social interest that require visualizing and understanding data patterns such the Intersos WebGIS for Humanitarian Response and the OECD Global Project on "Measuring the Process of Societies"

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Ambassador Paul-Henri LAPOINTE Permanent Representative of Canada to the OECD Chair, “Measuring Multidimensional Poverty and Prosperity”

Ambassador Paul-Henri Lapointe took up his duties as Permanent Representative of Canada to the OECD on 11 April 2007. Mr. Lapointe received a Master degree in Economics from the University of Montreal in 1972 and pursued doctorate studies in economics at the University of California at Berkeley from 1972 to 1975. He joined the Canadian public service in 1975, serving initially with the Treasury Board Secretariat as a programme analyst. He moved to the Department of Finance in 1977 as Senior Advisor with the Task Force on the Retirement Income System responsible for making recommendations to reform private and public pension systems in Canada. He has subsequently served as a Senior Economist in the Fiscal Policy Division; Group Chief and Director of the Economics Studies and Policy Analysis Division where directed the study of the economic impact of the Canada/U.S. Free Trade Agreement. From 1990 to the end of 1992, Mr. Lapointe also served with the Privy Council Office as Senior Economist, where he was the chief economic advisor to the prime minister on economic and fiscal matters. Prior to taking up his appointment as Permanent Representative of Canada to the OECD, Mr. Lapointe was Assistant Deputy Minister for Economic and Fiscal Policy at the Department of Finance, responsible for economic and fiscal analysis and forecasting and for coordinating the preparation of the budget. In that position he was an important actor in the process of fiscal consolidation of the Canadian government in the late 1990s. Ambassador Lapointe is married and has one child.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Mr Mohamed DOUIDICH Head of the Living Conditions Observatory Morocco Speaker, “Measuring Multidimensional Poverty and Prosperity”

Mr. Douidich holds a Master‘s degree in Statistics and Applied Economics from INSEA in Rabat (1980). From 1980 to 1996, he was in charge of conducting social and economic surveys in Morocco. This includes conception, implementation and analyses of data. Since 1996, he has been the Head of the Living Conditions Observatory which is responsible for analyzing living standards, poverty and inequalities and their dynamics over time. The Observatory publications can be consulted on the website www.hcp.ma .

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Dr Emma SAMMAN Research Fellow, Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Sussex Research Associate, Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) Speaker, “Measuring Multidimensional Poverty and Prosperity”

Emma Samman is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Sussex and a Research Associate at Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI), Queen Elizabeth House, University

of Oxford. Since 2007 she has worked on OPHI’s Missing Dimensions of Poverty theme which seeks to devise and test survey modules on employment quality, empowerment, physical safety, the ability to go about without shame and psychological/subjective wellbeing. Research interests include survey design, multidimensional poverty assessment, human development and the use of subjective data in research and policy. She has a D.Phil. in Development Studies from Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Ms Jiehae CHOI Research & Program Analyst Legatum Institute Speaker, “Measuring Multidimensional Poverty and Prosperity”

Jiehae Choi is a Research and Program Analyst at the Legatum Institute. She assists in the management and oversight of products and activities sponsored by Legatum, including The Prosperity Index. Prior to joining Legatum, she worked on North Korea issues at the National Endowment for Democracy and the Citizens‘ Alliance for North Korean Human Rights. Jiehae has a Master‘s degree in International Finance and Conflict Management from The John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and a Bachelor‘s degree in Social Anthropology and Economics from Harvard University.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Mrs Ola AWAD SHAKHSHIR Acting President Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics Dicussant, “Measuring Multidimensional Poverty and Prosperity”

Ola Awad Shakhshir holds MSC in Buisness Administration and Management from Boston University in USA and BSc in Economics from BirZeit University in Palestine in 1997. She started her professional joined PCBS in 2000 as director of Aid management department. In 2002 she became the Director General of the International Relations and Resource Mobilization Directorate of PCBS, then Assistant to PCBS President for International Relations and Planning Affairs. Starting from January 2009 she was appointed as acting President of PCBS. She also participated in several consultancy missions for National, international Institutes, and UN agencies and joined different local and abroad conferences and symposiums on poverty elimination and surveillance system on Palestine. During her work with PCBS, she was able to add significant contributions that served the development of PCBS including She is currently chairing or a member in several international, regional and local associations and research institutes. Her professional interests are mainly on development economy, and international cooperation. She also share efforts and interest in the studies and efforts related to reducing poverty, woman empowerment and gender equity and statistical monitoring systems.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Mr Eduardo PEREIRA NUNES President Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) Chair, “Measuring Time Use and Well-Being”

Eduardo Pereira Nunes has a PhD in Economics. He has been President of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) since February 2003, and has worked at IBGE, since 1980. During this period he was Chief of National Accounts for eleven years and Chief of Regional Accounts for four years, before becoming President. He is also a Professor of Economics at PUC University of Rio de Janeiro. At an international level, he was President of the 17th International Conference of Labor Statistics (ILO, Geneve, 2003), President of the Rio Group on Poverty Statistics (UNSC, NY, 2003 – 2006) and President and Member of the Bureau of the Conference of American Statisticians (Santiago, 2003- 2006). He is President of the Committee on Tourism Statistics (WTO, Madrid, 2006–2010); Chair of Friend of the Chair Group of 40th United Nations Statistical Commission to elaborate a Global Strategy Plan to improve national and international food and agricultural statistics (UN, NY, 2009-2010); Vice-President of the Bureau of the Conference of European Statisticians (Geneve, 2006-20011) and Member of the ICP Interim Executive Board of UNSC to organize the ICP 2011 Round (UNSC, NY, 2008-2009). Rio de Janeiro, 24th July, 2009 Eduardo Pereira Nunes [email protected]

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Dr Paul JELFS Assistant Statistician, Health Information and Social Analysis Branch Australian Bureau of Statistics Speaker, “Measuring Time Use and Well-Being”

Dr Jelfs has had an extensive career in public health in Australia in Commonwealth and State agencies. In his current role Paul manages a Branch that delivers the National Health Surveys, the National Disability Survey, Australian Social Trends, major Data Linkage projects with the Census and Measures of Australia‘s Progress. Paul has a long history in the development and use of cancer information across Australia. He has managed the population based cancer registries in South Australia and New South Wales and established the National cancer Statistics Clearing House. In parallel he was one of the key developers of Australia‘s National Death Index. Paul has also experience in population based cancer screening programs having delivered the cervical cancer screening programs for two States and been a senior advisor for the BreastScreen Program. Paul has also undertaken significant epidemiological work in Vietnam and Korean war Veterans and other military personnel where he has examined cancer and mortality patterns in the veterans and their families. Paul was also one of the founders of the Centre for Health Record Linkage in New South Wales (CHeReL) and has become an expert in data linkage issues. Paul has been the chair of the Australasian Association of Cancer Registries, the Clinical Oncological Society of Australia Epidemiology Chair, a members of national advisory committees on the Breast, Cervical and Bowel Cancer Screening Programs. Paul has also an interest in social issues, having driven analysis of social data in relation to health risk, but also in particular population groups (e.g. Indigenous). He has worked in delivering support services for separated families through the Child Support Agency.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Ms Heli JESKANEN-SUNDSTRÖM Director General Statistics Finland Speaker, “Measuring Time Use and Well-Being”

Ms Heli Jeskanen-Sundström is the Director General of Statistics Finland. She started her career in Statistics Finland in 1968 and has worked in a variety of statistical areas, among them national accounts, business statistics and co-ordination of official statistics. She received her degree in Economics (M. Soc. Sc.) from the University of Helsinki in 1976. She has served as President of the International Association for Official Statistics. Currently she is the Chair of the Conference of European Statisticians UNECE/CES and a member of the Bureau of the OECD Committee on Statistics. Ms Jeskanen-Sundström has written several articles in the field of statistics and has been invited lecturer to several international and national statistical conferences.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Dr Andrew SHARPE President Centre for the Study of Living Standards Discussant, “Measuring Time Use and Well-Being”

Andrew Sharpe is founder and Executive Director of the Ottawa-based Centre for the Study of Living Standards (CSLS). Established in 1995, CSLS is a national, independent, non-profit research organization. Its main objectives are to study trends and determinants of productivity, living standards and economic well-being and to develop policy recommendations to improve the lives of Canadians. He has held a variety of earlier positions, including Head of Research at the Canadian Labour Market and Productivity Centre and Chief, Business Sector Analysis at the Department of Finance. He holds a M.A. and Ph.D in economics from McGill University, a maitrise in urban geography from the Université de Paris-Sorbonne, and a B.A. from the University of Toronto. He is also founder and Editor of the International Productivity Monitor and Executive Director of the International Association for Research on Income and Wealth, an international research association dedicated to the advancement of knowledge relating to income and wealth.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Mr Eric MARTIN Ambassador Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the OECD Chair, “What do people know about the progress of their Societies?”

Mr. Martin was born in Bern, Switzerland in 1948. He completed his studies at the University of Bern, where he received a degree in Political Science. He entered the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs in 1976 and completed his training period in Bern and Lisbon. In 1978, became a diplomatic officer to the Economic and Finance Service. In 1982 he served at the Swiss Embassy in Washington D.C. where he was promoted to the rank of Counsellor of the Embassy in 1986. From 1987 to 1992, he was economic Counsellor at the Swiss Embassy in Bonn. Upon his return to Bern in 1992, Mr. Martin took up the duties of head of the office for cooperation with Eastern and Central Europe within the Policy Division, with the rank of Minister. In 1995, M. Martin became Deputy Chief of mission at the Swiss Embassy in Vienna with the rank of Minister. In 1998, he was named Ambassador of Switzerland to Peru and Bolivia, with residence in Lima. From 2003 until his appointment as Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the OECD, Mr. Martin was the head of the Policy Division for the coordination of sector policies of the Policy Division in Bern. Ambassador Martin took up his post at the OECD on 6 October 2006.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Dr Richard T. CURTIN Director Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers, Institute of Social Research Speaker, “What do people know about the progress of their Societies?”

Richard Curtin is a Research Professor and the Director of the University of Michigan‘s Surveys of Consumers since 1976. Professor Curtin‘s monthly report on consumer confidence is one of the most closely followed economic indicators, with findings from his research extensively reported in the international media. His research is widely used by businesses and financial institutions, by federal agencies responsible for monetary and fiscal policies, as well as by academic researchers. Data from the University of Michigan‘s Surveys of Consumers is an official component of the Index of Leading Economic Indicators. Through frequent presentations and published articles, Professor Curtin has reported on his research in behavioral economics, including the theory and measurement of expectations, consumer saving and spending behavior, household income and wealth, reactions to change economic opportunities, public policy preferences, and entrepreneurship. He has published more than 1,000 reports on trends in consumer expectations and their implications for changes in consumer spending and saving behavior. The success of his research has prompted more than three dozen other countries to implement surveys of consumer confidence patterned after the University of Michigan‘s. During the past five years, Professor Curtin has consulted with scholars and government officials in a number of countries, and has recently helped to establish consumer surveys in China, Hungary, Jamaica, Indonesia, Russia and Trinidad. Dr. Curtin received his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Michigan in 1975.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Mr Marco MALGARINI Director Business and Consumers Surveys Unit, ISAE Speaker, “What do people know about the progress of their Societies?”

Marco Malgarini is Director of the Business and Consumers Surveys Unit at the Institute for Studies and Economic Analyses (ISAE), Rome, Italy. He studied at the University of Rome La Sapienza and has been Visiting Fellow at the University of Warwick in the UK. He is currently Vice President of the Center for International Research on Economic Tendency Surveys (CIRET); he also serves as a Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Business Cycle Measurement and Analysis edited by the OECD and he is a member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) and of the Group of Experts in Business and Consumers Survey of the European Commission. He has previously worked in the research department of the Confederation of Italian Industries and has been Attached Professor of Political Economy at the University of Tuscia and Cassino, Italy. His research interests include cyclical indicators, opinions and expectations formation, measurement of well being and other macroeconomic issues. Among his recent papers are: ―Quantitative Inflation perceptions and expectations of Italian Consumers‖, Giornale degli Economisti ed annali di Economia, Anno 122, Vol. 68, n. 1, Aprile 2009; ―Unemployment expectations across heterogeneous groups‖, with P. Margani, Economics Bullettin, Vol. 4, 2008; [4] ―What do Citizens Know About Statistics? The Results of an OECD/ ISAE Survey on Italian Consumers‖, with F. Fullone, M. Gamba, E. Giovannini, in Statistics, Knowledge and Policy 2007: Measuring and Fostering the Progress of Societies, OECD, Parigi, 2008; ―Measuring Life Satisfaction in Italy‖, with M. Pugno e G. Zezza, to be presented at the CIRET Workshop, Budapest, November 2009; ―Life Satisfaction in a Survey of Italian Households‖, with M. Pugno e G. Zezza, Working Paper, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Università di Cassino; ―Business Cycles Stylised Facts: new Evidence for the Euro Area Using Business Survey data‖, with T. Cesaroni and L. Maccini, Documento di Lavoro ISAE, n. 108, 2009

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Mr. François NDENGWE Founder And Chairman African Advisory Board Discussant, “What do people know about the progress of their Societies?”

Mr. François Ndengwe is the founder and chairman of the African Advisory Board, a consultancy dedicated to Africa‘s economic development. A2B‘s mission in that continent is to: (i) Improve public policy practice and thinking; (ii) Increase the productivity of businesses, administration, public and private; (iii) Facilitate capital-intense investment; (iv) Measure progress. Among the many products and services that François Ndengwe has created and that A2B offers to its clients is GoRA (Goal Rating Agency). GoRA is an innovative tool that significantly improves the productivity and effectiveness of aid for development policy. Furthermore, GoRA makes this policy more transparent for both donors‘ and recipients‘ stakeholders and citizens. Thanks to GoRA, to its impartiality and fact-based approach, the optimum allocation and the efficient use of aid disbursements become possible: thus, donors and recipients save tens of millions of dollars each year while still reaching their goals and in their deadlines. GoRA is a revolutionary rating methodology founded on the most recent mathematical and scientific techniques combined with a thorough and unparalleled knowledge of African social, economic and political context. Indeed, GoRA‘s grades are based on four pillars: Reliability engineering; Surveys audits and diagnosis; Vectorial Analysis; Cultural Management. These four pillars are reinforced by four disciplines innovatively used during the systematic stages of the GoRA‘s rating‘s process: (i) Logic, both classical and fuzzy; (ii) PPSE (pronounce ―psee‖): Probabilistic and Possibilistic modelling; Statistics and Evidence theory; (iii) Boolean algebra; (iv) Forecasting. With GoRA, these disciplines and mathematical and scientific techniques such as reliability engineering that have been successfully used in manufacturing, are introduced for the first time in public policy. François Ndengwe is currently working on a user-friendly software version of GoRA, that can be extended to diverse fields, such as credit rating agencies. A former professor of mathematics with a particular interest in optimisation, and a graduate of theoretical mechanics at the Pierre and Marie Curie University of Paris, Francois Ndengwe is also a graduate of the Institut d‟Etudes Politiques of Paris. He has created numerous financial products. As a founding member of the Congress of African Economists, he presented a pathbreaking paper at that Congress conference in March 2009 on the Vectorial Theory of Money. Pioneered by François Ndengwe, this theory is built on the works of famous predecessors among whom Benjamin Graham (1894-1917) and William Stanley Jevons (1835-1882). The Vectorial Theory of Money rejects fiat and paper money (practised by today‘s central banks) which it considers as the principal cause of most monetary and financial crisis, of which the one currently hitting the world. At the place, the Vectorial Theory of Money proposes a monetary policy that pegs the currency to a bundle of doubly sovereignized goods and services. François Ndengwe has more than two decades of economic and technological achievements in developing countries, in addition to having covered in previous years as a journalist, hundreds of OECD, World Bank, United Nations, and African Development Bank workshops, seminars and forums. Also, he has worked among others on hydroelectric and irrigation dam projects on the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers (Iraq). In February 2000, he wrote a report to the World Bank President on the Oil Pipeline Project in Chad and Cameroon. In November 2006, he was invited to participate in the UNCTAD Expert Meeting on “Foreign Direct Investment in Natural Resources”. He is often invited for an expert opinion on economic and strategic issues, for instance on France 24, the French international news television channel. François Ndengwe – T: +33(0)6 1339 0107 – Email: [email protected]

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Dr Bader Omar AL-DAFA Executive Secretary UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) Speaker, “Charting Progress, Building Visions, Improving Life: In A Time of Crises”

On 30 July 2007, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon appointed Mr. Bader Al-Dafa of Qatar as Executive Secretary of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA). Mr. Al-Dafa has recently served as Ambassador of Qatar to the United States and Permanent Observer to the Organization of American States (OAS. In this capacity, he played a special role in promoting access to education and the arts in the Arab-American community and among other minority populations in the United States. Mr. Al-Dafa has enjoyed a long and distinguished career in foreign affairs and non-governmental services, which has included representing Qatar as Ambassador to the Russian Federation, France, Egypt, and Spain. He has also served as the non-resident Ambassador to Finland, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Switzerland, and Mexico. Mr. Al Dafa has also served as Director of the European and American Affairs Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Highlights of Mr. Al-Dafa‘s service with international NGOs include supervision of programs for building housing for families with limited income in Africa and participation in land mine removal programs in the Balkans. In addition, he has actively participated in fund- raising programs with various children‘s hospitals that support the social needs of children in Asia and in North America and helped to raise funds and support for the empowerment of women in North Africa and Central Asia. He has also been involved in organizing conferences on democracy and free trade and inter-religious dialogue. Wherever he has served, Mr. Al-Dafa has focused on international arts and culture as a means to build better understanding between the Arab world and the international community. To this end, he has hosted many international art exhibitions and cultural events. At the local level, Mr. Al-Dafa has championed education through the Qatar Foundation by helping prominent US universities establish themselves in Doha‘s "Education City". He is also instrumental in supporting religious freedom in Qatar by coordinating with various religious communities. Mr. Al-Dafa received his Masters in International Public Policy from Johns Hopkins University and his Bachelors Degree in Political Science and Economics from Western Michigan University in the United States. He has been awarded the Order Du Mérite from the Republic of France. Mr. Al-Dafa is married to Awatef Al-Dafa and has one son and two daughters. He is fluent in Arabic, English, and Spanish and speaks nascent French.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Dr Sergey STEPASHIN Chairman Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Speaker, “Charting Progress, Building Visions, Improving Life: In A Time of Crises”

Born on March 2, 1952. In 1973, graduated from the Higher Political School of the USSR Ministry of the Interior, in 1981 - from the Military and Political Academy, in 2002 - from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. Doctor of Law, Professor. Has a rank of the State Advisor on Justice of the Russian Federation. Military rank - Colonel-General. In 1990-1993, was a People's Deputy of the RSFSR, Chairman of the Committee of the Russian Federation Supreme Council on Defense and Security. In 1993-1998, was at higher state positions: First Deputy of the Security Minister, Director of the Federal Counter-Intelligence Service, Director of the Federal Security Service, Head of the Administrative Department of the Government Administration, Minister of Justice, Minister of the Interior. In 1999, held higher positions of First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - Minister of the Interior, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Upon election in December 1999 as a Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, headed the Anticorruption Commission. On April 19, 2000, Mr. Stepashin was appointed by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation as Chairman of the Accounts Chamber. In 2002-2005 - President of the European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI). On 4 February, 2005 he was released from the office by the State Duma, and then was again appointed Chairman of the Accounts Chamber as advised by the President of the Russian Federation. Was awarded with the Order for Outstanding Service to the Motherland of the III degree in 2002 and the Order for Outstanding Service to the Motherland of the II degree in 2007, with the Order of Fortitude and a number of medals. http://www.ach.gov.ru/en/about/chairman/

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Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Mr Choongsoo KIM Ambassador Permanent Representative of Korea to the OECD Chair, “Progress For People Through People”

Mr. Choongsoo Kim received a B.A. in Economics from Seoul National University and his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A. In 1979, he started his professional career as senior research associate at the Center for Human Resource Research, Ohio State University, U.S.A. He returned to Korea in 1983 and served at the Korea Development Institute (KDI) as senior economist for ten years. His research areas at KDI included macroeconomic policy management, manpower and social welfare policy. In early 1993, Mr. Kim was named Secretary to the President for economic affairs at the Office of the President. In March 1995, as Korea applied for a membership to the OECD, he was appointed as Minister and Head of the OECD Office at the Korean Embassy in Paris, to be in charge of the accession negotiations with the OECD. Mr. Kim returned to Seoul in early 1997 and served as Assistant Minister and Special Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister at the Ministry of Finance and Economy. In August 1997, he was elected as President of the Korea Institute of Public Finance. He became Dean of the graduate school for international studies at Kyung Hee University in April 1998. From August of 2002 to August of 2005, he served as President of the Korea Development Institute. During February of 2007 and February of 2008, he served as President of Hallym University. In February of 2008, he was appointed as Senior Secretary to the President for economic affairs at the Office of the President. Ambassador Choongsoo Kim took up his duties as Permanent Representative of Korea to the OECD on 26 September 2008.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Ms Jeni KLUGMAN Director UNDP Human Development Report Office Speaker, “Progress For People Through People”

Jeni Klugman is the Director of Human Development Report Office, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Before joining UNDP, Jeni had a diverse career at the World Bank, focusing in particular on low income countries in Africa, Europe and Asia. Outside of the World Bank, Jeni has also worked as a consultant with UNICEF, the ADB in Manila and the World Institute Development Economic Research at UNU. She has had a large number of books, paper and reports published, on topics ranging from poverty reduction strategies and labour markets to health reform, education and decentralization. Jeni holds a PhD in Economics from the Australian National University. She also has an M.Sc in Development Economics, as well as a graduate law degree, from Oxford University where she was a Rhodes Scholar.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Prof Fiona STANLEY Director Telethon Institute for Child Health Research Speaker, “Progress For People Through People”

Professor Stanley is the Founding Director of the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research; Chair of the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth; and Professor, School of Paediatrics and Child Health at the University of Western Australia. Trained in maternal and child health epidemiology and public health, Professor Stanley has spent her career researching the causes of major childhood illnesses such as birth defects. Her research includes the gathering and analysis of population data for epidemiological and public health research; the causes and prevention of birth defects and major neurological disorders, particularly the cerebral palsies; patterns of maternal and child health in Aboriginal and Caucasian populations; various ways of determining the developmental origins of health and disease; collaborations to link research, policy and practice; and strategies to enhance health and well-being in populations. Her major contribution has been to establish the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, a unique multidisciplinary independent research institute focussing on the causes and prevention of major problems affecting children and youth. She sits on the Prime Minister‘s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council as well as the Australian Statistics Advisory Council. For her research on behalf of Australia's children, she was named Australian of the Year in 2003 and in 2006 she was made a UNICEF Australia Ambassador for Early Childhood Development.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Mr Katsuji IMATA Deputy Secretary General - Programmes CIVICUS Speaker, “Progress For People Through People”

Katsuji Imata is Deputy Secretary General - Programmes at CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation. CIVICUS, based in Johannesburg South Africa, is a global alliance of civil society organisations working to strengthen citizen action and participation to build a more just and equitable world. Katsuji‘s responsibilities include overseeing CIVICUS‘ programme development and implementation so that the programmes contribute to achieving the organisation‘s strategic directions whose three pillars are 1) protecting the rights of civil society actors; 2) strengthening good practice within civil society; and 3) strengthening civil society‘s ability to influence the policies and practices of governments, international institutions and the private sector. Katsuji is a Japanese national and is also Co-Director of CSO Network Japan. Prior to assuming his current position in October 2007, he was Interim Senior Manager and then Organisational Development Coordinator for GCAP (Global Call to Action against Poverty) support team hosted by CIVICUS. With the CSO Network Japan, he worked on research concerning roles of NGOs and CSOs that work on global issues and engaging the public in such issues through publications and public campaigns. Katsuji lived in the San Francisco Bay Area in the U.S. from 1991 to 2000 and gained nonprofit management experience. He holds a MPP (Master of Public Policy) from University of California at Berkeley and a MA in Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science from the University of Tokyo.

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Mayor Ahmed LAHLIMI ALAMI High Commissioner of Planning Morocco Speaker, “Progress For People Through People”

Degrees: Masters degree in Economic Geography, University of Bordeaux (1966) Professional Career: High-Commissioner of Planning with the rank of a Minister (Since October 2003); Minister of Social Economy, Small and Medium Enterprises and Handicraft; in charge of the General Affairs of the Government (1998-2002); From 1968 until 1971, He was successively Director of Technical and Economic Studies and then vice General Director of the Agriculture Bank (CNCA) before assuming the position of General Secretary of the Tourism Ministry in 1971 and then that of the Planning and Regional Development Department in 1973. Publications: Director of the publication « Agriculture et Pêche » in the Wide Moroccan Encyclopaedia. Author of several studies and articles in « La Revue de Géographie du Maroc », « le Bulletin économique et social », « la revue française » « les Temps Modernes » etc. Member of the Steering Committee of « 50 years of Human Development in Morocco and perspectives for 2025. Professional Adress:– Ilot31-3, secteur 16, Hay Riad, Rabat, BP 178 Tél : (0537) 57 69 04 Fax : (0537) 57 69 02 E-mail : [email protected]

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Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Dr Juan DÍEZ-NICOLÁS President of ASEP Spain Speaker, “Progress For People Through People”

M.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science (Complutense U., Madrid) and M.A. in Sociology (The U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor). Main present activities: Prof. Emeritus of Sociology, Complutense U., Madrid. Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. President of ASEP. Member of the Executive Committee of WVS since 1993. PI for Spain in World Values Survey, ISSP, CSES and other international comparative research projects. He has been active in teaching and doing social research without interruption since 1963, when he was co-founder of the Spanish Public Opinion Institute. During the political transition to democracy he held several public offices in the governments of President Suarez and had a significant participation in that historical process. His publications include 29 books and about 250 book chapters and articles in professional journals. Some of his latest publications are El Dilema de la Supervivencia (The Survival Dilemma, 2004); Las Dos Caras de la Inmigración (The Two Faces of Immigration, 2005); La Opinión Pública Española y la Política Exterior y de Seguridad (Spanish Public Opinion and Security and Foreign Policies, 2006); ―Values and Generations in Spain‖ (2008); ―The role of "think tanks" in developing countries: Values in the Mediterranean Region‖ (2009); ―Cultural Difference on Values about Conflict, War and Peace‖ (2009);

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Joseph STIGLITZ Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences Columbia University Keynote Speaker, “New Paradigms to Measure Progress”

Joseph E. Stiglitz was born in Gary, Indiana in 1943. A graduate of Amherst College, he received his PHD from MIT in 1967, became a full professor at Yale in 1970, and in 1979 was awarded the John Bates Clark Award, given biennially by the American Economic Association to the economist under 40 who has made the most significant contribution to the field. He has taught at Princeton, Stanford, MIT and was the Drummond Professor and a fellow of All Souls College, Oxford. He is now University Professor at Columbia University in New York and Chair of Columbia University's Committee on Global Thought. He is also the co-founder and Executive Director of the Initiative for Policy Dialogue at Columbia. In 2001, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in economics for his analyses of markets with asymmetric information, and he was a lead author of the 1995 Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. In 2008 he was asked by the French President Nicolas Sarkozy to chair the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress, which released its final report in September 2009. In 2009 he was appointed by the President of the United Nations General Assembly as chair of the Commission of Experts on Reform of the International Financial and Monetary System, which also released its report in September 2009. Stiglitz was a member of the Council of Economic Advisers from 1993-95, during the Clinton administration, and served as CEA chairman from 1995-97. He then became Chief Economist and Senior Vice-President of the World Bank from 1997-2000. In 2008, he was appointed by French President Nicolas Sarkozy to chair a Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Economic Progress. Stiglitz holds a part-time appointment at the University of Manchester as Chair of the Management Board and Director of Graduate Summer Programs at the Brooks World Poverty Institute. He serves on numerous other boards, including Amherst College's Board of Trustees and Resources for the Future. Stiglitz helped create a new branch of economics, "The Economics of Information," exploring the consequences of information asymmetries and pioneering such pivotal concepts as adverse selection and moral hazard, which have now become standard tools not only of theorists, but of policy

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analysts. He has made major contributions to macro-economics and monetary theory, to development economics and trade theory, to public and corporate finance, to the theories of industrial organization and rural organization, and to the theories of welfare economics and of income and wealth distribution. In the 1980s, he helped revive interest in the economics of R&D. His work has helped explain the circumstances in which markets do not work well, and how selective government intervention can improve their performance. Recognized around the world as a leading economic educator, he has written textbooks that have been translated into more than a dozen languages. He founded one of the leading economics journals, The Journal of Economic Perspectives. His book Globalization and Its Discontents (W.W. Norton June 2001) has been translated into 35 languages, besides at least two pirated editions, and in the non-pirated editions has sold more than one million copies worldwide. Other recent books include The Roaring Nineties (W.W. Norton), Towards a New Paradigm in Monetary Economics (Cambridge University Press) with Bruce Greenwald, Fair Trade for All (Oxford University Press), with Andrew Charlton, and Making Globalization Work, (WW Norton and Penguin/ Allen Lane, September 2006). His most recent book, The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict, with Linda Bilmes of Harvard University, was published in March 2008 by WW Norton and Penguin/ Allen Lane. He is currently working on a book entitled, Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy, to be published January 2010 by WW Norton and Penguin/ Allen Lane.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Dr David GRUEN Executive Director, Macroeconomic Group The Treasury, Australia Discussant, “New Paradigms to Measure Progress”

David Gruen is Executive Director, Macroeconomic Group, Australian Treasury. He joined the Treasury in Jan 2003. Before that, he was Head of Economic Research Department at the Reserve Bank of Australia, May 1998 to Dec 2002. He worked at the Reserve Bank for thirteen years, in the Economic Analysis and Economic Research Departments. With financial support from a Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowship, he was visiting lecturer in the Economics Department and the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University from August 1991 to June 1993. Before joining the Reserve Bank, he worked as a research scientist in the Research School of Physical Sciences at the Australian National University. He holds PhD degrees in physiology from Cambridge University, England and in economics from the Australian National University.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Dr Oh-Seok HYUN President Korea Development Institute (KDI) Discussant, “New Paradigms to Measure Progress”

Dr. Oh-Seok Hyun, a Korean national, is currently President of the Korea Development Institute (KDI), a leading think tank of Korea. Formerly, he was a professor at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). He is a member of the Presidential National Competitiveness Council, Prime Minister's International Development Cooperation Committee, FTA Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Free Economic Zone Committee of the Ministry of Knowledge Economy. Dr. Hyun served as Chairman of NPSO (the Non-governmental Public Serving Organization) Evaluation Board. He has been President of the Institute for International Trade, Korea International Trade Association and a member of the Presidential Commission on Policy Planning. Dr. Hyun has extensive experience in policy making and research in the public sector, a unique career path for a government servant in Korea. He formerly served as Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Finance and Economy and Special Advisor to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and Economy. He contributed in formulating and coordinating the national agenda, working as Secretary for Economic Affairs of the Office of the President and Director-General of the National Economic Advisory Council. He also served as Director-General of the Bureau of Economic Policy and Bureau of Treasury of the Ministry of Finance and Economy. Dr. Hyun successfully managed the administration of the ASEM III (Third Asia Europe Meeting) in Seoul as Executive Director. He also worked as an economist at the World Bank and served as Dean of the National Tax College. He also served as a professor at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). He has a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Hyun has authored several economic papers on macroeconomics, trade policy, industrial policy, structural reform and social development, including Foreign Economic Policy of Korea‘s New Administration (2008), Private Sector Support for Comprehensive, Balanced Development Strategies: Korean Experience, National Visions Matter: Lessons of Success (2005) and the Role of Government in Economic Development, Economic Development and Economic Crisis Management in Korea (2004).

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Pali LEHOHLA Statistician General Statistics South Africa Discussant, “New Paradigms to Measure Progress”

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Professor Patrick K. WATSON Director, Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social & Economic Studies Professor of Applied Economics The Univeristy of West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago Chair, “Measuring Trust, Building Trust in a Time of Crises”

Patrick K Watson is University Director of the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social & Economic Studies and Professor of Applied Economics at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago. He previously served as Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences from 1995 to 2003. He holds a Master‘s and a doctoral degree in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics from the Université de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne) and a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Leeds. Professor Watson has published widely (books, book chapters and articles) in the area of theoretical and applied econometrics, with emphasis on the Caribbean Economy. His research interests include: economic and social data issues in the Caribbean; social accounting matrices (and extensions) for the Caribbean, with applications to poverty, human capital formation and income distribution; computable general equilibrium of the Caribbean Economy, with applications to trade, poverty, income distribution and the environment; finance (including micro finance) and financial markets in the Caribbean; growth and productivity issues in the Caribbean; the socio-economic impact of climate change in the Caribbean. Professor Watson has served on various Public Sector Boards and Committees including the North-West Regional Health Authority (Chairman), the Regulated Industries Commission of Trinidad & Tobago (Deputy Chairman) and the Central Bank of Trinidad & Tobago.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr John HELLIWELL Professor of Economics University of British Colombia Speaker, “Measuring Trust, Building Trust in a Time of Crises”

John F. Helliwell is Arthur J.E. Child Foundation Fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research and co-director (with George Akerlof) of CIFAR's program on "Social Interactions, Identity and Well-Being". He is also Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of British Columbia, a member of the National Statistics Council, and a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research. He was previously visiting special advisor at the Bank of Canada in 2003-04, visiting research fellow of Merton College, Oxford, in 2003, of St. Catherine's College, Oxford, in 2001, and Mackenzie King Visiting Professor of Canadian Studies at Harvard in 1991-94. His books include How Much Do National Borders Matter? (Brookings Institution, 1998), The Contribution of Human and Social Capital to Sustained Economic Growth and Well-Being (OECD and HRDC, 2001), and Globalization and Well-Being (UBC Press, 2002, also as Mondialisation et bien-être, Les Presses de l'Université Laval, 2005). Recent articles include "Well-Being, Social Capital and Public Policy: What's New?" (Economic Journal, March 2006), "Well-Being and Social Capital: Does Suicide Pose a Puzzle?" (Social Indicators Research, 2007), "How's Your Government? International Evidence Linking Good Government and Well-Being." (joint with Haifang Huang, British Journal of Political Science 2007) and "The Social Context of Well-Being" (joint with Robert Putnam) in Huppert, Bayliss and Keverne, eds. The Science of Well-Being (Oxford University Press, 2005). He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and an Officer of the Order of Canada.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Daniele FANO Head of Economic Reasearch Pioneer Global Asset Mangement UniCredit Italiano Banking Group Speaker, “Measuring Trust, Building Trust in a Time of Crises”

Daniele Fano is presently Head of Economic Research at Pioneer Global Asset Management, belonging to the UniCredito Italiano Banking Group. He has a degree in Economics at the University of Siena and an MPA at Harvard, where he was also Teaching Assistant. He currently lectures at Graduate courses at several universities. Daniele has been carrying research on Household Finance since 2000. He has been involved in a joint project with OECD on improving Financial Accounts and has crarried out surveys on Household Finance and Behaviour in coordination with the Bank of Italy and academic institutions. Daniele has also researched long-term savings, pension funds and performance measurement. Daniele is a member of the Italian Financial Analyst's Association. He has many publications in the areas of macroeconomics, retirement, performance measurement, financial planning.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Ms Tania GUZMAN Central Amercia Human Development Report UNDP Colombia Speaker, “Measuring Trust, Building Trust in a Time of Crises”

Currently, Tania Guzmán is coordinating the Colombian National Human Development Report‘s team. The next Report‘s topic is about the relationship between agrarian problem and development in a country with armed conflict and drug trafficking. Recently, Tania was associated consulting in the Central American Regional Human Development Report. This Report was about the Citizen Insecurity in seven countries of the region (Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panamá). Additionally, she is teacher of the Virtual School of Regional Bureau for Latina America and Caribbean of UNDP. Tania is a lawyer and she has a master in Political Science from the National University of Colombia. She has been working for several years on development, governance and gender.

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Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Dr Yong-Hak KIM Professor Dep. Of Sociology, Yonsei University, Korea Discussant, “Measuring Trust, Building Trust in a Time of Crises”

Dr. Yong-Hak Kim has been a professor of sociology at Yonsei University in Korea since 1987 after he completed a doctoral degree in Sociology from the University of Chicago. His research interests lie in the area of information society, the social network theories, comparative sociology, and methodology of the social sciences. Dr. Kim had served as an associate editor and consultant editor of the American Journal of Sociology for many years, and he is currently an international editor of Rationality and Society (Sage). He has published many books including "Social Structure and Action in Social Theories", "Methodological Issues of Comparative Sociology", and the "Theories of Social Network". He also has served on many Korean governmental committees including the Consulting Committee to the President of Korea.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Paul SCHREYER Head of the National Accounts Division and Acting Chief Statistician OECD Chair, “National Initiatives to Measure Well-Being, Societal Progress and Sustainable Development in OECD Countries”

Paul Schreyer is the head of the National Accounts Division and Acting Chief Statistician at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris. The areas dealt with in the Division comprise national accounts, prices, purchasing power parities and composite leading indicators. Paul Schreyer‘s personal research areas include the measurement of capital and productivity, the measurement of output in the health and education industries and price statistics. He is the author of the OECD Productivity Manual (2001), of the new OECD Manual on Measuring Capital (2009) and of a forthcoming Handbook on the measurement of health and education output and has published around 50 articles in the areas of economic measurement, information and communication technologies and their contributions to economic growth, productivity, and prices. In 2008-09, he was rapporteur in the Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress. Paul Schreyer joined the OECD in 1988 and held positions in the Directorates for Science, Technology and Industry, Environment and Statistics. Before joining the OECD, he was a research fellow at the IFO Institute for Economic Research in Munich Germany and an assistant professor of economics at the University of Innsbruck in Austria. Paul Schreyer studied at the Universities of Innsbruck and Birmingham (United Kingdom) and holds a Ph.D. in Economics. He is of Austrian nationality.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Kenneth PREWITT Vice-Chair The State of the USA Speaker, “National Initiatives to Measure Well-Being, Societal Progress and Sustainable Development in OECD Countries”

The Honorable Kenneth Prewitt is currently the Vice-president for Global Initiatives and the Carnegie Professor of Public Affairs, Columbia University. Previous positions: Director of the U S Census Bureau, President of the Social Science Research Council, Senior Vice President of the Rockefeller Foundation, Director of the National Opinion Research Center, and Professor at the University of Chicago. His Ph D is from Stanford University (1963). Current professional responsibilities include Chair, National Academies‘ Standing Committee on Social Science Evidence for Use, Chair, the OECD Co-ordinating Group for the Global Project on ―Measuring the progress of societies, ‖and Vice-chair of The State of the USA.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Brian PINK Australian Chief Statistician Australian Bureau of Statistics Speaker, “National Initiatives to Measure Well-Being, Societal Progress and Sustainable Development in OECD Countries”

Brian took up his appointment as Australian Statistician on Monday, 5 March 2007. His career in official statistics is a long one, starting in Australia with the then Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics in Sydney in 1966. Over the intervening years, his career has taken him to Canberra then to Perth, back to Canberra and, most recently, to Wellington where he was Government Statistician and Chief Executive of Statistics New Zealand from late October 2000 to 2 March 2007. Brian currently chairs the OECD Committee on Statistics, is Vice chair of the ESCAP Committee on Statistics, is a member of the Bureau of the Conference of European Statisticians, was President of the International Association for Official Statistics for the 2005-2007 period and is Australia's Head of Delegation to the United Nations Statistical Commission which meets annually in New York. Back home he is an ex officio member of the Australian Statistics Advisory Council and a member of the Australian Electoral Commission. Brian is passionate about the importance of the role of official statistics in society. While government use is one very important purpose, he reminds us that open access to official statistics provides businesses and citizens with a window on the work and performance of government itself.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Dr Mariano ROJAS Professor of Economics Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, FLACSO Speaker, “National Initiatives to Measure Well-Being, Societal Progress and Sustainable Development in OECD Countries”

Mariano Rojas holds Bachelor and Master degrees in Economics from Universidad de Costa Rica, as well as Master and Ph.D degrees in Economics from The Ohio State University. Dr. Rojas is Professor of Economics at Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales – Sede México and at Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, Mexico. He also coordinates the initiative Midiendo el Progreso de las Sociedades: Una Perspectiva desde México, which acts as correspondent of the Global Project on Measuring Progress of Societies. His research focuses on the areas of subjective well-being, quality of life, and economic development. Dr. Rojas is member of the Mexican Research System at its highest category (SNI III). He has published widely in journals such as Journal of Economic Psychology, World Development, Journal of Socio-Economics, Journal of Happiness Studies, and others. E-mail: [email protected]

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Dr Jaeyeol YEE Professor Seoul National University, Korea Speaker, “National Initiatives to Measure Wellbeing, Societal Progress and Sustainable Development in OECD countries”

Dr. Jaeyeol Yee is a Professor of Sociology at Seoul National University. From 2002 to 2003, he was a visiting scholar of the department of sociology at the University of Washington. In 2004, Dr. Yee moved to Seoul National University where he served as Director of the Institute for Social Development and Policy Research till 2007 and has been serving as Professor of Sociology since 2006. He is the co-author of ―Safety Index of Korean Society Analyzed by Time Series,‖ published in the Journal of the Korean Society of Safety, 2006. Dr Yee has also authored the World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3651, June 2005 ―Visible Success and Invisible Failure in Post-Crisis Reform in the Republic of Korea: Interplay of Global Standards, Agents, and the Local Specificity.‖ His most recent ongoing research is ―Social Development for Better Social Quality: A Vision for Qualitative Social Transformation of Korea in the Globalizing World,‖ scheduled to be completed in November 2016. Dr. Yee is currently a member of the Planning and Evaluation Committee for National Research Council for Economics, Humanities, and Social Sciences, and of Presidential Council for Future and Vision. Since 2007, he has also been chairing the Executive Committee for Korean Social Science Data Archives. Having earned his B.A. and M.A. in sociology from Seoul National University, he completed his Ph.D. in Sociology from Harvard University in 1992.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Dr Dukjin CHANG Professor Seoul National University, Korea Co-Speaker, “National Initiatives to Measure Wellbeing, Societal Progress and Sustainable Development in OECD countries”

Dukjin Chang is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at Seoul National University. He received his PhD in Sociology at the University of Chicago. His research interests include social network analysis, economic sociology, and the sociology of cyberspace. Since 2007 he has been serving as a co-principal investigator for a nine-year research project on Social Quality and Social Development awarded to the Institute for Social Development and Policy Research by Korea Research Foundation. The project focuses on measuring and theorizing qualitative developments in Korea, Asia, and European countries. He has also taught at Harvard University (2006-2007) and Ewha Women's University (1999-2002). His publications include Sociology of Economic Crisis: Transformation of the Developmental State and Business Group Networks in Korea Since 1997 (with Eun Mee Kim and Mark Granovetter), "World System and Economic Growth in the Late 1990s," and Korea's Power Elite (with Kyu-Yeon Lee and Ghihoon Ghim). He has recently been awarded a research grant by the Kyujangkak Institute for Korean Studies for his research project on Structural Transformation of Political Elites in Korea Since Democratization.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Paolo SESTITO Deputy Director Department for Structural Economic Analyses Bank of Italy Speaker, “Human Capital and Building Capabilities”

Paolo Sestito, Deputy Director, Structural Economic Analysis Department, Banca d'Italia. Married, father of 3 sons, he has extensively published on labour market and several economic policy issues. In the past he has acted as Economic Adviser in the European Commission (DG for Economic Affairs) and as Chief Economist in the Italian Labour Ministry, also chairing the OECD Working Party on Employment and the OECD Employment and Social policies Committee; currently he co-chairs the OECD Board of Participating Countries of the Program of International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC). Besides several articles in refereed journals and contributions in many collective books, the following are the books written or edited by Paolo Sestito: Le vie dello sviluppo. Dall‘analisi del dualismo territoriale una proposta per il Mezzogiorno, Bologna, il Mulino, 1991. co-authored with Giorgio Bodo Taxation, Welfare and the Crisis of Unemployment in Europe, Cheltenham (UK), Edward Elgar, 2001 - edited with Marco Buti and Hans Wijkander Il mercato del lavoro in Italia. Com‘è. Come sta cambiando, Bari, Laterza, 2002 Pension systems. Beyond Mandatory Retirement, Cheltenham (UK), Edward Elgar, 2005 - edited with Elsa Fornero Disoccupati in Italia. Tra Stato, Regioni e cacciatori di teste, Bologna, il Mulino, 2006; co-authored with Salvatore Pirrone I servizi pubblici locali: liberalizzazione, regolazione e sviluppo industriale, Bologna, il Mulino, 2009, co-authored with Magda Bianco Il capitale umano, Bologna, il Mulino, forthcoming, co-authored with Piero Cipollone

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Dr Paul CAPPON President and CEO Canadian Council on Learning Speaker, “Human Capital and Building Capabilities”

Dr. Paul Cappon was named President and Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Council on Learning in October 2004. A prominent educator, doctor and administrator, Dr. Cappon has been a lifelong education advocate, community supporter and author of numerous publications on learning and community medicine. He has earned degrees in several fields, including a PhD in sociology from the Université de Paris, a medical degree (MD) from McMaster and a family medicine specialization from Dalhousie. Since the 1970s, Dr. Cappon has built a remarkable public service career. He has been a faculty member at several Canadian universities including Laurentian, McGill, Saint Mary's and UBC, teaching both sociology and medicine. Most recently, he served as the Director General of the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada. In addition to his contributions in academia, Dr. Cappon served, among other roles, as Director of AIDS studies at the Montreal General Hospital. Dr. Cappon is a member of the International Coordinating Council at the State of the World Forum, as well as being a member of the Historica Council of the Historica Foundation of Canada. He is also Chair of the Policy Action Group on Learning for the Commission on Globalization. In 2002, Dr. Cappon received the Commemorative Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal for his significant contribution to his profession. He is fluent in French and English and has a working knowledge of Italian and German.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Dr Dae-Bong KWON President Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET) Speaker, “Human Capital and Building Capabilities”

Prof. Dr. Dae-Bong Kwon is the President of the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET) since September 2008. The KRIVET is the national research institute that is specialized in lifelong learning and human resource development in the Republic of Korea. Prior to joining the KRIVET, he taught at Michigan State University, Kookmin University and Korea University. At Korea University, he was professor and Dean of the college of education, Dean of the graduate school of education, and Director of the institute for continuing education. He was the Founding President of the Korean Society for Human Resource Development, and the 23rd President of Korean Society for Lifelong Education. His major policy interests are linkage between school and labor market, quality control systems in school, industry-education partnership, and comparative and international education.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Prof. Heba HANDOUSSA Lead Author Egypt Human Development Report (EHDR) Chair, “Can We Talk About Progress when Inequality is Growing?”

Heba Handoussa is currently Lead Author of the Egypt Human Development Report (EHDR) 2009 with the theme of Egypt‘s Youth. Prof. Handoussa was also Director and Lead Author of the previous three EHDRs: Partners in Development: The Social Contract and Civil Society Organizations in Egypt in 2007, A New Social Contract in 2005, and Choosing Decentralization for Good Governance in 2004. Previously, and for ten years, she was Managing Director of the Economic Research Forum for the Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey (ERF). In 2006, for one year she served as the Research Director of the regional Gender Economic Research and Policy Analysis (GERPA) initiative. Prof. Handoussa also previously taught at the American University in Cairo, where she was twice elected as chairperson of the Economics and Political Science Department and was subsequently appointed as Vice Provost. Professor Handoussa has consistently served as an advisor to the Egyptian government and as a consultant to the World Bank, and she currently serves on Egypt‘s Coordinating Committee for Monetary Policy. She is a former member of the Shura Council, Egypt's Upper House of Parliament, and a former member on the Board of the Central Bank of Egypt. She has served on the board of international and regional research-related institutions including CEDEJ, IFPRI, UNRISD, and she also sat on the WBI External Advisory Board of the World Bank. She was also a commissioner of the ―World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization‖ of the ILO, and her numerous publications cover the areas of structural adjustment, industrial policy, productivity growth, foreign aid, institutional reform and comparative development models.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr John MARTIN Director Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Directorate OECD Speaker, “Can We Talk About Progress when Inequality is Growing?”

John P. Martin is Director for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs at the OECD; his brief also covers OECD work on health and international migration. He is an Irish citizen. After studying Economics at University College Dublin, he worked as a research assistant at the Economic and Social Research Institute in Dublin from 1970 to 1972; during this period, he was also economics correspondent for the Sunday Independent. He did postgraduate studies at Nuffield College, Oxford. In 1975, he became research fellow at Nuffield College and lecturer in economics at Merton College, Oxford; he also lectured in economics at the University of Buckingham. John P. Martin joined the OECD in 1977 and has held several posts in his current directorate and in the Economics Department. He was the founding editor of the OECD Employment Outlook from 1983 to 1986, and he also edited the OECD Economic Outlook in 1992-93. He was a member of both the Editorial Board of OECD Economic Studies and an associate editor of Labour Economics for many years. He is currently a Policy Associate of the Leverhulme Centre for Research on Globalisation and Economic Policy at the University of Nottingham; a Research Fellow of the Institute for the Study of Labour (IZA) in Bonn; a member of the Advisory Board of the World Demographic Association; a member of the French Prime Minister‘s ―Conseil d‘orientation pour l‘emploi‖; and a member of the Irish government‘s Expert Group on Future Skills Needs. He is a part-time Professor at the Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po) in Paris. He has published many articles on topics in labour economics and international trade in professional journals and has also written and edited several books in these fields.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Suman K. BERY Director General National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) Speaker, “Can We Talk About Progress when Inequality is Growing?”

Since January 1, 2001, Mr. Suman Bery has held the position of Director-General (CEO) of the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), New Delhi. The NCAER is one of India's leading independent policy research institutions and undertakes social science research under sponsorship from the government, private and international sectors. It is particularly known for its work on economic forecasting, household surveys, infrastructure, trade policy and human development. Prior to this, Mr. Bery was with the World Bank in Washington DC. Areas of focus included the macro-economy, financial markets; and public debt management and focus on Latin America. From 1992-1994, on leave from the World Bank, Mr. Bery worked as Special Consultant to the Reserve Bank of India, Bombay, where he advised the Governor on financial sector policy, institutional reform, and market development and regulation. In addition to serving on numerous government committees, Mr. Bery has served as an independent (non-Executive Director) on the board of State Bank of India, India‘s largest commercial bank. Recently, Mr. Bery has been appointed as member of the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Dr Yun Hi WON President Korea Institute of Public Finance (KIPF) Discussant, “Can we talk about Progress when Inequality is Growing?”

Dr. Yunhi Won is the president of the Korean Institute of Public Finance. Prior to joining the KIPF, he had taught public finance and tax policy at the University of Seoul. He also served as the dean of the Graduate School of Science in Taxation at the University of Seoul, as editor of the Korean Journal of Public Finance, and as president of the Korean Association of Public Finance. He has published lots of papers in the area of public finance, tax policy, and local finance, etc. Dr. Yunhi Won earned his Doctorate degree in Public Policy and Management from the Ohio State University.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Ms Rebecca BLANK Under Secretary for Economic Affairs U.S. Department of Commerce Chair, “From Poverty to Power”

Rebecca M. Blank was sworn in June 2009 as the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs at the Department of Commerce. As the Economic Advisor to the Secretary of Commerce and head of the Economics and Statistics Administration (ESA), she has oversight responsibility for the two premier statistical agencies in the United States, the Census Bureau and the Bureau of Economic Analysis. She is appointed by the Secretary of Commerce as his Board Representative to the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation. Within ESA, she supervises a staff of economists and policy analysts who produce a wide variety of reports and forecasts that help develop and assess domestic and international policy. Dr. Blank was the Robert S. Kerr Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution from 2008-09. Prior to her arrival at Brookings, she was dean of the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan (UM), where she implemented a major expansion of its faculty and programs. She also served as co-director of UM‘s National Poverty Center. Dr. Blank was previously in government service as one of the three Members of the President‘s Council of Economic Advisers under President Clinton from 1997-1999. In this role, she participated in White House decision-making on a host of economic, social, and regulatory policy issues. Prior to this she was Professor of Economics at Northwestern University and Director of the Northwestern University/University of Chicago Joint Center for Poverty Research. Dr. Blank‘s research has focused on the interaction between the macro economy, government social policy programs, and the behavior and well-being of low-income families. Her 1997 book, It Takes A Nation: A New Agenda for Fighting Poverty, won the Richard A. Lester Prize for the Outstanding Book in Labor Economics and Industrial Relations. Her more recent work includes the books The New World of Welfare (co-edited with Ron Haskins, 2001, Brookings Press), Is the Market Moral? (Co-authored with William McGurn, 2003, Brookings Press), Working and Poor (co-edited with Sheldon Danziger and Robert Schoeni, 2006, Russell Sage Press) and Insufficient Funds: Savings, Assets, Credit, and Banking among Low-Income Families (co-edited with Michael Barr, 2009, Russell Sage Press.)

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Duncan GREEN Head of Research Oxfam GB Speaker, “From Poverty to Power”

Duncan Green is Head of Research at Oxfam GB1 and author of From Poverty to Power: How Active Citizens and Effective States can Change the World (Oxfam International, June 2008). His daily development blog can be found on http://www.oxfamblogs.org/fp2p/. He was previously a Senior Policy Adviser on Trade and Development at the Department for International Development (DFID), where he covered agricultural and non-agricultural trade in goods. He went to DFID on secondment from CAFOD, the Catholic aid agency for England and Wales, where he was a Policy Analyst on trade and globalization (www.cafod.org.uk/policy). Prior to going to DFID, he was also Head of Research and Engagement at the Just Pensions project on socially responsible investment (various papers on www.justpensions.org), an advisory board member of the Globalisation and Poverty Programme (www.gapresearch.org) and a board member of the Ethical Trading Initiative (www.ethicaltrade.org). He is the author of several books on Latin America including Silent Revolution: The Rise and Crisis of Market Economics in Latin America (2003, 2nd edition) and Faces of Latin America (2006, 3rd edition) and Hidden Lives: Voices of Children in Latin America and the Caribbean (1998). His papers include Blood on the floor: How the rich countries have squeezed development out of the WTO Doha negotiations (Oxfam, December 2005); Conspiracy of silence: old and new directions on commodities (Oxfam, July 2005); Rethinking Tropical Agricultural Commodities (with Ian Gillson and others, DFID, 2004); Fostering Pro-sustainable Development Agriculture Trade Reform: Strategic Options Facing Developing Countries (with Jamie Morrison, ICTSD, 2004); The Northern WTO Agenda on Investment: Do as we say, not as we did (with Ha Joon Chang, South Centre/CAFOD, June 2003); Dumping on the Poor: The Common Agricultural Policy, the WTO and International Development (with Matthew Griffith, CAFOD, September 2002) and Capital Punishment: Making International Finance Work for the World's Poor (CAFOD, September 2001). He can be contacted on [email protected].

1 http://www.oxfam.org.uk/what_we_do/issues/

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Ms Sabina ALKIRE Director Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative, OPHI Speaker, “From Poverty to Power”

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Andrea BRANDOLINI Head of the Economic Structure and Labour Market Division Department for Structural Economic Analysis Bank of Italy Speaker, “From Poverty to Power”

Mr. Andrea Brandolini is the Head of the Economic Structure and Labour market Division in the Department for Structural Economic Analysis of the Bank of Italy. He studied at the University of Modena, in Italy, and the London School of Economics, in the UK. He is the current chair of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW) and he serves on the council of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ). He was a member of the poverty commissions established by Italian governments from 1993 to 2007. From 2006 to 2009, he chaired the commission created by the Italian statistical office for revising the methodology to estimate absolute poverty. He is associate editor of the Journal of Economic Inequality and a member of the editorial board of the Review of Income and Wealth. He directed, together with Timothy M. Smeeding (Director of the Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA), the Luxembourg Wealth Study, a pilot international project aimed at constructing a harmonised cross-national database of micro information on household wealth. His research interests are income and wealth distribution, poverty and social exclusion, methods of measurement of economic well-being, labour market and macroeconomics issues. Among his recent papers are ―Does the ILO definition capture all unemployment?‖ (with P. Cipollone and E. Viviano, Journal of the European Economic Association, 2006), ―On data: a case study of the evolution of income inequality across time and across countries‖ (with A. B. Atkinson, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2009), ―Income inequality in richer and OECD countries‖ (with T. M. Smeeding, in The Oxford Handbook of Economic Inequality, edited by W. Salverda, B. Nolan and T. M. Smeeding, Oxford, 2009) and ―On analysing synthetic indices of multidimensional well-being: health and income inequalities in France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom‖ (in Against Injustice. The New Economics of Amartya Sen, edited by R. Gotoh and P. Dumouchel, Cambridge, 2009).

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Ms Jeni KLUGMAN Director UNDP Human Development Report Office Discussant, “From Poverty to Power”

Jeni Klugman is the Director of Human Development Report Office, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Before joining UNDP, Jeni had a diverse career at the World Bank, focusing in particular on low income countries in Africa, Europe and Asia. Outside of the World Bank, Jeni has also worked as a consultant with UNICEF, the ADB in Manila and the World Institute Development Economic Research at UNU. She has had a large number of books, paper and reports published, on topics ranging from poverty reduction strategies and labour markets to health reform, education and decentralization. Jeni holds a PhD in Economics from the Australian National University. She also has an M.Sc in Development Economics, as well as a graduate law degree, from Oxford University where she was a Rhodes Scholar.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Yves FRANCHET President Political and Ethical Knowledge on Economic Actitivies Research Program, PEKEA Chair, “Measuring and Fostering Well-Being and Societal Progress with the Involvement of citizens”

Yves Franchet is President of the ngo PEKEA since may 2007 He was Director General of EUROSTAT (European Commission) during the period 1987-2003 Previously, he has occupied various managerial and economic positions in the Interamerican Development Bank, The World Bank, The French Ministry Of Finance. He is a graduate of Ecole Polytechnique and of the Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l‘Administration Economique, France He has a Masters degree in Economics from Paris University, and a doctorate honoris causa from the University of Bucharest He is chevalier de la légion d‘honneur, et Grand Officier de l‘ordre du Niger He was born in 1939, and lives in Nice and Paris.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Dr Gilda FARRELL Head of the Research and Social Cohesion Development Division at the Council of Europe Speaker, “Measuring and Fostering Well-Being and Societal Progress with the Involvement of citizens”

Gilda Farrell, Head of the Research and Social Cohesion Division of the Council of Europe since 2000, has a doctor degree in Economics and a Masters degree in Multidisciplinary Studies. She has been Vice-Director and Director of the technical assistance bureau of the LEADER Initiative of the European Commission for 6 years, deeply involved in fostering alternative conceptual and methodological approaches -based on local strengths and potential - for the development of European rural areas. Previously she has assisted Polish Regional Development Agencies in organizing the transition towards market economy. For several years she has been researching and teaching in the field of people‘s involvement and participation, public-private partnerships, informal and subsistence economy, innovation and creativity at local level, alternative and solidarity-based economical approaches, etc., in South America, Canada and Europe and served as senior consultant to several international organizations. She has extensively published and contributed to debates and conferences.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mrs Glenda GALLARDO Chief Economist of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Honduras Speaker, “Measuring and Fostering Well-Being and Societal Progress with the Involvement of citizens”

Glenda Gallardo is the Chief Economist of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Honduras, Central America. Among her responsibilities are the coordination and development of a variety studies related with economic and social issues. She coordinates de National Human Development Report Team, and the National Report on Millennium Development Goals. She represents UNDP at the technical level in different forums of donor coordination in the country and is an advisor to UNDP country office. Mrs. Gallardo was Minister of International Cooperation of Honduras. She was in charge of high level negotiation, subscription and follow up of different programs, projects, as well as technical assistance of the international community to Honduras. Prior to this position, Mrs. Gallardo was the Technical Secretariat of the Honduran Governmental Cabinet and the Director of the Technical Support Unit of the Presidential Office. In this position, she was in charge of the national technical coordination of the elaboration process of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) as well as the Master Reconstruction and Transformation Plan after hurricane Mitch. She coordinated at the technical level, the development of five international consultative groups for Honduras. Since 1993, she has being working as professor of economics at the National University. Mrs. Gallardo is an economist and holds a Master Degree in Economics from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, United States of America. She also counts with relevant specialization courses in Harvard and Oxford Universities, as well as others, in Latin American and European countries.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Ms Deanna ZACHARY Project Manager Applied Survey Research Discussant, “Measuring and Fostering Well-Being and Societal Progress with the Involvement of citizens”

Deanna Zachary is a project manager at Applied Survey Research (www.appliedsurveyresearch.org), a non-profit social research firm based in California. Applied Survey Research (ASR) conducts community assessments, program evaluations and strategic planning processes. For the last seven years, Ms. Zachary has coordinated evaluations, assessments and strategic planning processes in the areas of child abuse and neglect, drug and alcohol addiction, early childhood learning, domestic violence and poverty programs. Some recent projects include an assessment of the quality of life for children ages 0-5 across 12 counties in Northern California, an assessment of family, youth, and caregivers involved in Child Welfare Services in Santa Cruz County, a strategic planning process for the San Mateo County Alcohol and Drug Department, and evaluations of early childhood education in San Mateo County California. ASR‟s data dashboards: School Readiness Assessments and Homeless Studies. In 2007, she published an article about ASR's work with the Santa Cruz County Community Assessment Project (CAP). The CAP is one of the oldest community assessment projects in the United States and is now in its 15th year. The CAP includes over 135 indicators in six domain areas, and also includes telephone survey data from a represenative sample of residents in the county. The article was published in an international journal of best practices for community indicators project, Community Quality of Life Indicators, Best Practices III, edited by Joseph Sirgy et al. The CAP also won first place as the best community indicator project for 2007 from the Brookings Institution and the Community Indicators Consortium (CIC). Ms. Zachary also manages the media activities at ASR. In addition to her work at ASR, Ms. Zachary hosts a monthly television program for Community Television of Santa Cruz County and for the past eight years, she hosted a weekly public affairs radio program on KUSP radio, the National Public Radio (NPR) affiliate for the Central Coast of California. She came to ASR after working in politics for several members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives and the Minnesota State Legislature. She has a Master's degree in Political Science from the University of California, San Diego and a Bachelor's degree in Politics from the University of California, Santa Cruz. [email protected]

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Ms Leigh GATT Managing Director, Gatt Consulting Ltd. New Zealand Chair, “The Role of Think Tanks”

Leigh Gatt has a considerable history in the public sector in Australia and New Zealand. Initially working in the community development field, Leigh‘s more recent work has been around strategic planning, indicator frameworks, outcome measurement, and social research. She has a Master of Management, Diploma of Business, and Diploma of Social Studies. Leigh has chaired a several New Zealand regional committees looking at affordable housing, social infrastructure, and social indicators, and was on the national committee to produce the first report on monitoring progress toward a sustainable New Zealand. She has been an advisor to units of local government on the development of strategic alliances between central and local government to improve use of central government resources applied at the local level, strategic planning in the public sector, and indicator development. Leigh led a coalition of New Zealand local governments to measure social, economic, environmental and cultural conditions in New Zealand‘s largest cities. The work became the first comprehensive report on conditions in urban New Zealand, established the benchmark for indicator projects across local government, and provided a policy platform for central and local government in New Zealand in relation to urban development. Since setting up Gatt Consulting Ltd around six years ago, Leigh has continued her interest in indicator work in particular. She was New Zealand‘s speaker to the first OECD world forum on Statistics, Knowledge and Policy, and a New Zealand representative on the OECD expert group on this topic. She is currently a vice-chair of the OECD Global Co-ordination Group to Measure the Progress of Societies.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Dr Irene MIA Director, Senior Economist Global Competitiveness Network World Economic Forum Speaker, “The Role of Think Tanks”

Irene Mia is Senior Economist and Director at the World Economic Forum, with the Global Competitiveness Programme, a research project whose aim is to determine the main impediments to economic growth in more than 100 countries in both the developed and the developing world. Her responsibilities include researching on competitiveness issues, representing the World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Program in international meetings, events and activities, and developing the economic content for World Economic Forum activities. She has written and spoken extensively on issues related to national, regional and sectoral competitiveness, serving as lead author and editor on a number of regional and topical competitiveness papers and reports; notably she is also the editor of the Global Information Technology Report series. She is also responsible for competitiveness research in Latin America and Southern Europe. She holds a first class degree in political sciences from Turin University (Italy), a M.A. in Latin American Studies from the Institute of Latin American Studies of the University of London, and a Ph.D. in international economic and trade law from L. Bocconi University (Milan). Before joining the Forum in 2004, she has worked for several years at the international headquarters of Banque Sudameris in Paris, holding various positions within the international affairs and international trade divisions. During her years at Banque Sudameris, she has acquired a very deep knowledge and a broad experience on international financings, mainly on syndicated loans, long-term operations and project financing in cooperation with international development banks. At the same time, her exposure on Latin America and her drafting of country risk and macroeconomic reports have provided her with a first hand experience and knowledge on the general macroeconomic and structural characteristics of developing countries' financial systems, on the main problematic points and on the issues at stakes in financing developing countries. Before working at Banque Sudameris, she has worked at Turin University as a lecturer in international economic law, international public law and E.U. law, focusing mostly on economic trade law and Latin American trade agreements. Her main research interests are in the field of development, international trade and economic integration (with special reference to the Latin American region) and competitiveness. She has written and spoken extensively on issues related to national competitiveness.

In addition to Italian, she speaks English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Nic MARKS Head of Well-being Research New Economics Foundation Speaker, “The Role of Think Tanks”

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Dr. Maja Göpel Director, Future Justice Programme World Future Council Speaker, “The Role of Think Tanks”

In her engagement for fair and sustainable societies Maja Göpel combines theory with practice and works across disciplines and borders. She holds a PhD in Global Political Economy and a diploma in Media/Communications and worked with several non-governmental organizations on the link between ecology, globalization and justice. She lectured on International Relations and presented papers at academic conferences on the current model of economic globalization and its impact on the the environment and social equity before starting with the World Future Council in 2006. First occupied with Climate/Energy issues, Maja launched the Department on Future Justice in January 2008, working with its global Expert Commission towards a legal and policy framework that guarantees human security, ecological integrity, and social equity in the interest of future generations. Her particular passion lies in highlighting how worldviews and science influence judgments and activities.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Ms Shailaja CHANDRA Vice President Initiatives for Change-Centre for Governance Chair, “New Measures, New Policies”

Shailaja Chandra is the Vice President of Initiatives for Change-Centre for Governance, a think tank which supports policy research and social reform. She has been a career civil servant who was a Permanent Secretary in the Government of India and later the first woman Chief Secretary of Delhi. Until recently she was the Executive Director of the National Population Stabilisation Fund where she received the Best E-Health initiative of the year Award for establishing a unique GIS mapping facility which displays the spatial distribution of all rural health facilities in the country on the Internet. She also established the first professionally run call-centre service to answer questions on reproductive health, anonymously, phoned-in from anywhere in the country which was reported upon internationally. As Chief Secretary, Delhi she was associated with a government citizen partnership ‗Bhagidari‘ which won the United Nations Public Service Award for improving transparency, accountability, and responsiveness. She received the International Clean Cities Award on behalf of the Government for introduction of the largest fleet of CNG run (environment friendly) buses in the world. Ms Chandra has functioned as the Chairman of the Public Grievances Commission and the Appellate authority under the Right Information Act in Delhi which has given her unique exposure to participatory democracy operating at the grassroots level. Apart from being the Chairman of the Delhi Public Library Board which governs a large network of libraries across the city she has recently been appointed by the Delhi University to head the Governing Body of a University run college. Shailaja has a M.Sc. in Economics from the University of Wales and an Honours Degree in English Literature. She has authored a book ―It Crossed My Mind‖ an anthology of articles on subjects of current social concern. She is also a regular columnist for a leading Indian national newspaper for the last four years.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Geoff MULGAN Director Young Foundation Speaker, “New Measures, New Policies”

Geoff Mulgan is director of the Young Foundation, one of the world‘s leading centres for social innovation, social enterprise and public policy, with a 50 year history of creating new organisations in the public, private and non-profit sector, as well as pioneering ideas in fields including ageing, education, healthcare and poverty reduction. Between 1997 and 2004 Geoff had various roles in the UK government including director of the Government‘s Strategy Unit and head of policy in the Prime Minister‘s office. Before that he was the founder and director of the think-tank Demos. He has also been Chief Adviser to Gordon Brown MP; a lecturer in telecommunications; an investment executive; and a reporter on BBC TV and radio. He is a visiting professor at LSE, UCL and Melbourne University. He is chairing a Carnegie Inquiry into the Future of Civil Society in the UK and Ireland, and is an adviser to various governments around the world. His most recent book is „The Art of Public Strategy: mobilising power and knowledge for the common good‟‘ (Oxford University Press, 2009). Other books include Good and Bad Power: the ideals and betrayals of government (Penguin, 2006) and Connexity (Vintage and Harvard Business Press, 1998).

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Fabrizio BARCA Director General Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance Speaker, “New Measures, New Policies”

Fabrizio Barca is General Director at the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance. He has previously been at the Bank of Italy as Division Chief at the Research Department, Chief of the Department of Development Policies at the Italian Treasury and President of the OECD Territorial Policies Committee. He graduated from Rome University and undertook an M.Phil. degree at the University of Cambridge (1978-80), as well as research activity at MIT (1989-90) and Stanford (1994). He had appointments at the Universities of Bocconi, Modena, Paris (SPO), Siena, Rome and Parma, where he taught economic development, corporate finance and Italian economic history. His works include papers and books on the theory of the firm, evidence on SMEs, corporate governance, the history of Italian capitalism and regional policy. In April 2009 he wrote the independent Report for the European Commission ―An Agenda for a reformed cohesion policy‖.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Dr Mark ORKIN Director General SAMDI (South African Management Development Institute) Speaker, “New Measures, New Policies”

Dr Mark Orkin has been Director-General of Palama (the Public Administration Leadership and Management Institute) in South Africa since 2006. He was previously CEO of the statutory Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), and Head of the national statistics office, Stats SA. Before South Africa's transition to democracy in 1994 he was a Professor in the Faculty of Management at the University of the Witwatersrand, on both the Business School and Public Management sides; and founder-director of CASE, an anti-apartheid social-research NGO. He has a PhD in quantitative sociology and has authored or co-authored some fifty social-scientific publications in scientific journals and books. Email [email protected].

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Prof Paul CHEUNG Director United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) Chair, “The Role of Official Statisticians”

Professor Paul Cheung (Singapore), is the Director of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), Department of Economic and Social Affairs at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. In this role, he facilitates the development of the global statistical system and coordinates the work of the United Nations Statistical Commission. He oversees a programme of work that includes the development of international statistical standards, the dissemination of global statistical data, the provision of technical advice to member states in the development of national statistical systems, the coordination of international statistical activities, and the delivery of programme support to the UN System on all statistical matters.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Dr. Gerardo LEYVA General Deputy Director of Research and Development National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) Speaker, “The Role of Official Statisticians”

Economist specialized in regional affairs and economic development. He holds a bachelor‘s degree by the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, two masters degree by ITAM and Cornell University, and a Ph. D. by the Cornell University. He is involved in research related to Regional Economic Growth, Economic Development and Poverty. In the academic sphere, highlights his experience as professor of economics in several universities. He has been working for 13 years at the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) of Mexico, where he has served as analyst, advisor to the President of INEGI and General Deputy Director of Economic Census. From 2004 to 2009 he served as General Deputy Director of Economic Statistics of INEGI; at the present he is the General Deputy Director of Research and Development of the Institute. He has participated in various International and National Committees and Expert Groups on statistical matters.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Pieter EVERAERS Director, External Cooperation, Communication and Key Indicators DG Eurostat, European Commission Speaker, “The Role of Official Statisticians

Pieter Everaers (55) is Director External Cooperation, Communication and Key Indicators at DG Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Communities. In that position he is responsible for the outreach on EU statistical information, as well as for the technical cooperation of Eurostat with European and non European Third Countries and the cooperation with International Institutions. He represents Eurostat in several international coordinating meetings as for example in the Management Group of the Intersecretariat Working Group on National Accounts, the FoC on Agricultural Statistics and the ICP gobal project. Untill the most recent re-organisation in April this year he held the position of Director of Agricultural and Environment statistics; statistical cooperation and from 2004 to 2006 the position of Director of External Relations Statistics and, for a period of nine months, also the Director of Business Statistics. In these positions he has contributed to several high level international conferences and seminars. His main specialism are research and survey methodology and conceptual frameworks in statistics. He joined Eurostat in May 2004, closing a 20 years career at Statistics Netherlands (CBS). His last position (2000-2004) at Statistics Netherlands was Director of Social and Spatial Statistics. Also during the 20 years career at CBS he has been internationally very active among others representing CBS in the Canberra Group on Income Statistics and Rio group on Poverty Statistics and chairing for five years the Siena Group on Social Statistics. He has a PhD in Spatial Sciences at the University of Utrecht and is originally trained in Human Geography and Mathematical Sociology.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Dr Pronab SEN Chief Statistician of India National Statistical Commission Speaker, “The Role of Official Statisticians”

Born 1952 in New Delhi, India. Received B.A.(Hons) in Economics from St. Stephen‘s College, University of Delhi (1972); M.B.A. (1974) and M.A. in Economics (1975) from the George Washington University, Washington D.C.; and Ph.D. in Economics (1982) from the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Specialised in Open-economy Macroeconomic Systems, International Economics and Public Finance. Worked as management consultant in Washington D.C. (1974-1977). Taught at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore and Delhi School of Economics, Delhi between 1977 and 1983. Turned to pure research in economics at the Indian Council for Research in International Economic Relations, New Delhi (1983-1987) and the Economic Research Unit, New Delhi (1987-1990). Worked at the World Institute for Development Economics Research, Helsinki in 1986 and again in 1989. Joined the Government of India as Economic Adviser, Department of Electronics (1990-1994). Moved to the Planning Commission, Government of India in 1994, and as Adviser/Principal Adviser, Perspective Planning and Statistics & Surveys, was principal author and coordinator of (a) the Mid-term Appraisal of the Eighth Five Year Plan, (b) the Ninth Five Year Plan, (c) the Mid-term Appraisal of the Ninth Five Year Plan, (d) the Tenth Five Year Plan, and the Mid-term Appraisal of the Tenth Five Year Plan. Appointed as the first Chief Statistician of India, the functional and technical Head of the national statistical system in India in 2007. Also appointed Secretary, Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Government of India. Contact Details: Office: Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation Sardar Patel Bhavan Parliament Street New Delhi – 110 001 Tel: 91-11-2374-2150 Fax: 91-11-2374-2067 e-mail: [email protected] and [email protected]

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Geoff BASCAND Government Statistician and Chief Executive Statistics New Zealand Speaker, “The Role of Official Statisticians”

Statistics New Zealand leads New Zealand‘s official statistics system and is the main producer of official statistics, including the five-yearly population census. It has legal independence in the methods, timing and publication of statistics. Geoff commenced his career with the New Zealand Treasury, and worked in a number of economic analyst and managerial roles including as Director of Macroeconomic and Tax Forecasting. He worked for the International Monetary Fund in Washington DC for two years leading up to and during the Asian crisis, and on returning to New Zealand was General Manager of the Labour Market Policy Group in the Department of Labour for six years, overseeing labour market, employment and skills policy advice and research. In 2004, Geoff joined Statistics New Zealand as Deputy Government Statistician, and in May 2007 was appointed Government Statistician and Chief Executive for Statistics New Zealand. Geoff has a Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours in Geography from Otago University, and a Master of Economics from the Australian National University. [email protected]

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Dr Jae Chang LEE President-Elect, International Statistical Institute Professor Emeritus, Dep. Of Statistics, Korea Univ. Speaker, “The Role of Official Statisticians”

Dr. Jae Chang Lee is currently a Professor Emeritus of Statistics at Korea University, the President-Elect of ISI (the International Statistical Institute) (2009-11) and he will become its president in 2011 for a term of two years. Since 2003 he has been a Co-Editor of the Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, an official journal of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC). He also served as the President of IASC in 2001-02. He was the President of the Korean Statistical Society in 1990 and the founding president of the Korean Association of Official Statistics in 1995. He has organized many international conferences including the 53rd ISI Session in Seoul. Professor Lee holds a BA in Economics from Seoul National University, and also a BSBA (1967) and a PhD in Statistics (1972), both from the Ohio State University in USA. He has been an elected member of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology since 1994. He has received numerous awards for his distinguished services and contributions in statistics from international organizations and Korean Government. He has authored many books in statistical theory and methodology as well as more than fifty research papers in academic journals.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Sang-Hyup KIM Secretary to the President for National Future and Vision Office of the President of the Republic of Korea Chair, “Low carbon, Green Growth”

Mr Sang-Hyup Kim is Secretary to the President for National Future and Vision at the Office of the President of the Republic of Korea. He also oversees Presidential Committee on Green Growth and Presidential Council on National Future and Vision as the co-Head of their respective Secretariats. Before working for the President, Kim had been a well-known journalist first for Maeil Business Newspaper and its TV network, MBN during 1990-2002 and then for Seoul Broadcasting System (SBS), a nationwide TV network during 2003-2008. With SBS Kim set up Future and Vision Team within its News Division and launched Seoul Digital Forum as a successful annual conference on the future of media, technology, industry and culture from 2003 on. With Maeil Business, Kim played a key role in the making of the renowned World Knowledge Forum as an annual gathering of top-quality business thinkers and activists from all around the world in 2000 just after his role as the Newspaper‘s Washington correspondent. Kim received several awards including ―Broadcaster of the Year‖ from Korean Broadcasters Association in 2007. Kim‘s professional career commenced at Samsung Corporation in 1987 after his BA from Seoul National University. He also received MA and completed the course work for PhD in Diplomatic Affairs from the same university. Kim is married with two daughters and a son.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Soren Hermansen Director Denmark Samso Energy Academy Speaker, “Low carbon, Green Growth”

Mr. Soren Hermansen is currently a director of Samso Energy Academy in

Denmark and is one of Time Magazine‘s 2008 Heros of the Environment.

Mr. Hermansen is responsible for a number of local organizational structures. He has been a speaker at conferences in universities in Denmark, China, Thailand, Japan, and Poland. He has made presentations at conferences in the European Union and at United Nations projects and local seminars in Spain, Greece, Japan, USA, UK, Sweden and Ireland. The main issues are local island development, sustainable energy production, organization and ownership models. In 1998, he was an organization leader of Samso Energy and Environment organization (SEEO). In 1999 and 2000, he was a campaign organizer and wind project salesman. He was also the project secretary of Samso Offshore Wind Company and the Campaign organizer of 100 solar household installations. He campaigned and helped established district heating in Samso. He headed a study of hydrogen produced from wind power for transport for the Danish traffic agency. He helped test electric vehicles for island transport. He helped established a rape seed press to utilize the plant oil for diesel engines. He is a Board member of OVE, the Danish organization for renewable energy. He graduated from University of Aarhus in Denmark in Environmental Studies in 1987.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Prof Dr Emil Salim Professor Department of Economics, University of Indonesia Speaker, “Low carbon, Green Growth”

Prof. Dr. Emil Salim was a former government Minister of the Republic of Indonesia, but the role he has been playing on the environment agenda is global, beyond his country‘s border. He chaired various positions at global level like Chairperson of the 10th United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (2001-2002), Chairperson of the Preparatory Committee for the World Summit (2002), Head of Indonesia Delegation for UNFCCC (2007) and Indonesian delegation member for the World Ocean Conference (2009). At home, he occupied different key posts of the government spanning over 30 years, as State Minister for Administrative Reform and Vice Chairman of the National Planning Board (1970-1973), Minister of Transportation, Communication and Tourism (1973-1978), Minister of Development Supervision and Environmental (1973-1983), Minister of Population and Environment (1983-1993). He has been teaching at the University of Indonesia since 1972. He established a number of environmental NGOs in Indonesia. Currently he is an Advisor for the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Stephan ALBRECHTSKIRCHINGER Director of Communications and Outreach World Energy Council United Kingdom Discussant, “Low carbon, Green Growth”

The World Energy Council is an UN-accredited organisation created back in 1923 and the only global, non-governmental, multi-energy, industry-focused body active in over 90 countries. The World Energy Council‘s work embraces a broad range of energy issues, including energy projections, energy market structures, energy and environment and energy poverty. Stephan has been employed as the Director of Communications & Outreach since 2006 with the task to create and develop the WEC‘s visibility and outreach, with focus on forging relations with other international organisations and the private sector. In the field of Global Governance, Stephan represents the WEC as keynote speaker (WEC Delegate to WEC national Member committees), as a representative of the industry on sustainability (UNCSD), and as a facilitator in the consultative process with industry on Climate change (UNFCCC). In the run up to Copenhagen, Stephan advocates the World Energy Council‘s Energy policy view on how to answer the growing Energy demand while engaging sustainably in the Co2 emissions reduction targets worldwide. There are important connections between equity, security, and environmental sustainability with energy as the common element, and the current economic crisis magnifies these connections. Unprecedented levels of cooperation and integration, between governments, between businesses, and between businesses and governments, are to be facilitated in order to implement sustainable solutions. Stephan‘s appointment at WEC enhances and builds upon his academic successes and career history to date. His educational background is strongly based in Business, Communications and Politics, with focus on the International scene. He is a graduate of Sciences-Po in Paris and has had further training in Harvard and INSEAD on Communications and Marketing and speaks fluently English, French, German and Italian. Prior to working with WEC, Stephan has worked subsequently for Treuhandanstalt (THA), the German State privatization agency, for UCPTE, a non-profit organization with focus on European energy coordination, for EDF in Paris, where he has filled different positions including Senior International media relations manager and advisor to the CEO but also Director of internal communications for the Group‘s Corporate University.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Dr Sung Jin KANG Professor Department of Economics, Korea University Discussant, “Low carbon, Green Growth”

Dr. Sung Jin Kang is an associate professor of economics at Korea University. He started his academic career in 1999 at the College of International Studies, Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences at the University of Tsukuba, Japan. From 2003 to 2006, Dr. Kang served as an assistant professor of economics at Korea University. From 2008 to 2009, he was Vice President of International Affairs, Korea University. Besides his academic profession, Professor Kang has been also active as a Member of Presidential Council for Future and Vision and as Independent Director of the Board of Directors, Daewoo Securities since 2008. From 2007 to 2008, he was the consultant of the 17th Presidential Transition Committee. Having earned his B.A. and M.A. in Economics from Korea University, he completed his Ph.D. in Economics from Stanford University in 1999.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Legislator Hye-Hoon LEE Legislator Grand National Party(GNP), Korea Chair, “The Role of the Parliaments”

Legislator Lee, Hye Hoon is a member of the 18th National Assembly following the membership of the 17th National Assembly from 2004 to 2008. Since 2004, she has served in various posts including as Member of Governing Council Inter-Parliamentary Union Group (2004), as Vice Floor Leader of the Grand National Party (GNP) (2004-2005), as Chairman of the 3rd and 4th Committee on Policy Planning and Coordination of the GNP (2005-2006), as well as Vice Chairman of Youido Institute (2006-2007) and Senior Vice Chairman of Seoul Regional Party Chapter of the GNP (2007). Legislator Lee‘s career also includes several posts as research experts in a number of institutions, among which are as Research Consultant at the RAND Institute, U.S.A. (1993-1994), as Research Fellow at Korea Development Institute (KDI) (1996-2002), and as Research Professor at the Institute of East & West Studies of Yonsei University (2003-2004). Born on June 15 1964, she majored in Economics at Seoul National University. After that, Dr. LEE received her M.A. and Ph.D. in Economics from Seoul National University and UCLA, U.S.A. respectively.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Andrew ELLIS Director for Asia and the Pacific International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) Speaker, “The Role of the Parliaments”

Andrew Ellis is currently Director for Asia and the Pacific at the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA), an intergovernmental organisation whose mission is supporting sustainable democratic change worldwide. Served also as IDEA‘s Director of Operations and previously as Head of its Electoral Processes team. Between 1999 and 2003, Senior Adviser in Indonesia for the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), responsible for constitutional and political law reform issues and the development of local government associations. Technical adviser on electoral and governance issues in a variety of countries, including design of European Commission technical assistance to Cambodia for the 1998 election and acting as European Commission supported chief technical adviser to the Palestinian Election Commission from 1994 to 1996. Twenty Years involvement in UK politics through the Liberal Party and Liberal Democrats, including six years as Vice Chair of the Party and four years as Secretary-General. Writer on constitutional and electoral matters, including coauthorship of four IDEA global handbooks on electoral design and management issues.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Ralf JACOBS Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities European Commission Chair, “Decent Work and Well-Being at the Workplace”

Ralf Jacob works at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal opportunities. Since August 2005, he is in charge of the unit dealing with social and demographic analysis. This unit prepares (jointly with the EU's statistical office, EUROSTAT) the Commission's annual report on the social and demographic situation. It is also responsible for the Commission's Communication on "The demographic future of Europe – from challenge to opportunity" (COM (2006)571 of 12 October 2006) and its follow-up. Ralf Jacob has devoted much of his career in the European Commission to social protection issues. His previous post was in the area of pensions and health where he contributed to the establishment of a closer cooperation on pensions as well as health and long-term care issues (the 'Open Method of Coordination' defined by the Lisbon European Council in March 2000) which assists Member States, through the setting of common objectives and their monitoring and through the exchange of experiences, in their efforts to modernise their social protection systems, particularly in the light of demographic ageing. Since he started his career at the Commission in 1989, he has also worked on issues of industrial competitiveness, prospective social policy analysis, social dialogue and adaptation to structural change. A German national, Ralf Jacob studied politics and economics in Hamburg, Paris and London.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr John EVANS General Secretary Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD, TUAC Speaker, “Decent Work and Well-Being at the Workplace”

John Evans is General Secretary of the Paris-based Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD (TUAC). Mr. Evans is a British national. Prior to joining TUAC, his previous appointments have included Research Officer at the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) in Brussels, Industry Secretary at the International Federation of Commercial, Clerical and Technical Employees (FIET) in Geneva and Economist in the Economic Department of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) in London. Mr. Evans has a degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from Oxford University (1973). He is currently a member of the Board of the Global Reporting Initiative. TUAC was founded in 1948, and following the creation of the OECD, it was recognised as an independent body entitled to represent the views of trade unions vis-à-vis the OECD. Along with the International Trade Union Confederation and the Global Union Federations it is a member of the Council of Global Unions and also coordinates union input to the G8 process. It comprises 58 national trade union centres in OECD Member countries, and thus represents some 66 million organised workers.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Rafael DIEZ DE MEDINA Chief Statistician, Director Department of Statistics, International Labour Office

Speaker, “Decent Work and Well-Being at the Workplace” Chief Statistician and Director of the ILO Department of Statistics, Geneva. Uruguayan, born in 1960, Mr. Diez de Medina holds a B.A. in Economics and a PhD in Economics and Econometrics. Since joining the ILO in 2003, Mr. Diez de Medina has served in the Policy Integration Department as Senior Economist and in the Director-General Office, as Senior Advisor for Latin America and the Caribbean. Before joining the ILO, he worked 18 years for the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), where he has been Regional Advisor on Labour Markets and Special Advisor to the Executive Secretary as well as Director of the ECLAC Office in Montevideo, Uruguay. He has been lecturing as Principal Professor of Statistics, Sampling Techniques, Econometrics and Applied Econometrics in the Universidad de la República (Uruguay), Universidad de Montevideo and Universidad Católica del Uruguay (UCUDAL), as well as visiting professor to many Latin American universities. Prior to joining the UN in 1986, he worked as Technical advisor and Director or the Household Surveys Division in the National Statistical Institute (INE) in Uruguay and as consultant to the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, ILO, GTZ, UNFPA, UNDP, FAO, UNIDO, UNWTO, OAS, IOM, WHO, among others, in statistical issues relating household and establishment surveys, poverty and labour statistics, having been advising the National Statistical Offices of most of the Latin America and the Caribbean region. He has authored many publications on statistical and economic topics mainly related to poverty alleviation programmes, income distribution, development and labour economics and microeconometric modelling.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Ms Jil MATHESON National Statistician UK Statistics Authority Chair, “Does Evidence Change People's Behaviour?”

Jil Matheson took up post as National Statistician on 1 September 2009, succeeding Dame Karen Dunnell. On being appointed, Jil said: "I am delighted to be taking up this leading position in UK official statistics. I am really looking forward to working with all the highly skilled and committed people who produce official statistics. Statistics are very important to the life of the nation, and it will be a real privilege to be at the forefront of ensuring that they meet the diverse needs of the UK public." Jil joined the Office for Population, Censuses and Surveys (OPCS) in 1975. Jil subsequently worked as a researcher, analyst and project manager for a number of social surveys, including the General Household Survey and the Family Expenditure Survey, and later became a member of a European Union working group and a World Health Organisation panel on measuring socio-economic inequalities in health. Promoted to be a Deputy Director in the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in 1998, Jil Matheson helped to develop the vision for the Neighbourhood Statistics service and to the Social Focus series of topic-based analytical statistical reports. From 2002, she led the final preparations for the introduction of the National Statistics Code of Practice, and managed relations between the ONS and wider Government Statistical Service. In 2003, she moved to the ONS Census Division to lead the project to evaluate the 2001 Census, and to plan the design of the next Census in 2011. In 2003 Jil became the ONS Director with responsibility for Neighbourhood Statistics, population and demography, health and care, and regional and local statistics. Between 2004 and 2008, she was the Director of Census, Demographic and Regional Statistics. Jil became Director General for Statistics Delivery at the ONS in 2008 with responsibility for the delivery of all ONS statistical operations and outputs, and for the development of the ONS‘ statistical portfolio in consultation with users. Jil was elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Learned Societies in Social Science in 2001, and she is also a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society and a member of the Social Research Association.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Andrea BASSI Deputy Director for Project Development and Modeling Millennium Institute Speaker, “Does Evidence Change People's Behaviour?”

Since joining MI in 2005, with a background in economics and integrated system modeling, Andrea has conducted research and led a variety of integrated and cross-sectoral studies on energy and climate policy, collaborating with governments and leading political, academic and professional institutions worldwide, especially in the United States, Europe and in the Southern African region. Prior to joining MI, Andrea worked in the private sector for three years. Andrea has a Ph.D. in System Dynamics from the University of Bergen, Norway, where he received a M.Phil. in System Dynamics in 2006. He also holds a M.Sc. in Business and Economics from LIUC, Università Cattaneo Castellanza, Milan, and the post graduate certificate "Building Models in Ecology and Environment" from the Catedra UNESCO of the Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona. Andrea is fluent in Italian (native), English and French.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Dr Magued OSMAN Chiarman The Egyptian Cabinet of Ministers Information and Decision Support Center, IDSC Speaker, “Does Evidence Change People's Behaviors?”

Dr. Osman is one of the pioneers of statistics and national information in Egypt. He is a Professor at the Department of Statistics, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University, from 1998 till present. Dr. Osman held the position of Director of the Cairo Demographic Center, from 2003 to 2004. He has an extensive technical and consultancy experience in the fields of poverty targeting, statistical policies, and public policy for a number of prestigious local, regional institutions and international organizations; such as the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development, Saudi Arabia, The Economic Research Forum (ERF), UNICEF, The Canadian International Development Research Center, UNDP, UNCTAD. He is also an active member of the Health and Population Committee at the

National Democratic Party of Egypt, and member of the following national committees:

Ministerial Group for Human Development.

Advisory Committee, Ministry of Higher Education.

Fund of the Civil Affairs System, Sector of the Civil Affairs Authority, Ministryof Interior.

Board of Directors of the National Authority for Remote Sensing.

Board of Directors of the Authority of Standardization and Production Quality Control

Board of Trustees, Egypt's International University.

National Committee for Information Development, Scientific Research


Research Council of Population and Social Sciences, Academy of Scientific Research.

Advisory Council of the Post Graduate Education Department, Cairo's Arab

Academy of Financial and Banking Sciences

Advisory Committee for Planning and Statistical Coordination, Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS)

The Permanent Scientific Committee, National Council for Social and CriminalResearch.

Board of Directors of the Center for Information and Computer Systems,

Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University.

Information and Communication Committee of the National Committee of Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO – ELISCO - ESISCO).

In addition, Dr. Osman is a member of the International Association for Statistical Education and the American Statistical Association, International Association for Statistical Education, American Public Health Association, and Population Association of America. Dr. Magued Osman has a Ph.D. in Biostatistics from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, in addition, to holding M.Sc. in Applied Statistics from Cairo University, Egypt. Last but not least, he has participated in numerous international, regional, and local Conferences and has several publications and books published nationwide and abroad.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Kenneth PREWITT Vice-president for Global Initiatives and the Carnegie Professor of Public Affairs Columbia University Speaker, “Does Evidence Change People's Behaviour?”

The Honorable Kenneth Prewitt is currently the Vice-president for Global Initiatives and the Carnegie Professor of Public Affairs, Columbia University. Previous positions: Director of the U S Census Bureau, President of the Social Science Research Council, Senior Vice President of the Rockefeller Foundation, Director of the National Opinion Research Center, and Professor at the University of Chicago. His Ph D is from Stanford University (1963). Current professional responsibilities include Chair, National Academies‘ Standing Committee on Social Science Evidence for Use, Chair, the OECD Co-ordinating Group for the Global Project on ―Measuring the progress of societies, ‖and Vice-chair of The State of the USA.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Prof Denise LIEVESLEY Professor of Social Statistics and Head of School of Social Science and Public Policy King's College London Discussant, “Does Evidence Change People's Behaviour?”

Professor Denise Lievesley, a social statistician by training, is the Head of the School of Social Science and Public Policy at King‘s College London a position she took up in October 2008. She holds a chair in Social Statistics. Leading up to joining King‘s College London she was special advisor at the African Centre for Statistics of the UN based in Addis Ababa. Denise was, until July 2007, the founding Chief Executive of the English Information Centre for Health and Social Care. Formerly she was Director of Statistics at UNESCO for seven years where she established its new Institute for Statistics. Denise began her career as an official statistician specialising in survey sampling and subsequently conducting research on non-response and on panel surveys at SCPR (now the National Centre for Social Research). Later she was the Director of the UK Data Archive as well as Professor of Research Methods in the Mathematics Department at Essex University. She has an honorary doctorate from City University in London and is a fellow of University College London. She has held visiting professorial positions at City University, the University of Durham and INRS in Montreal in Canada. Denise is very active in relevant professional associations: She was President of the Royal Statistical Society from 1999 to 2001. She is currently President of the International Statistical Institute a position she will hold until August 2009 and the first woman to hold this office. She has been the President of the International Association for Official Statistics, and was the international representative on the Board of the American Statistical Association for three years to the end of 2007. Denise chairs the methodology committee of the European Social Survey and remains active in the development of social research methods and in research ethics. She is a Trustee of the National Centre for Social Research, a member of the Executive Board of the Institute for Fiscal Studies and is a fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences. Denise is chair of the newly formed European Statistics Advisory Committee.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Dr Makoto ATOH Waseda University Japan Chair, “Measuring Societal Progress: From Philosophy to Practice”

He was born in Japan in 1942. After having taken a BA and MA at Tokyo University, he became a researcher in 1971 at the Institute of Population Problems (IPP) belonging to Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare. He had a chance to take a leave and study at the University of Michigan and took a Ph.D. in the field of population in sociology in 1980. He held the roles of the president of IPP between 1993 and 1996 and president of the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research (NIPSSR), after four years as vice-president, between 2000 and 2005. After retiring from NIPSSR, he became a professor at the Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University, in 2005, teaching demography. At the start of his academic career his research interest was marriage, fertility, families and family planning, but gradually has been expanded to population policies, family policies and population decline and aging. He has organized a few comparative research projects, since early 1990s, on below-replacement fertility and family policies among developed countries. He wrote or edited five books regarding below-replacement fertility, family policies and the interrelationships between population and gender, families or societies in general. He has belonged to several academic associations, internal or international, related to population and sociology and became the president of Population Association of Japan in 2004-6. After becoming the president of IPP in 1993, he was appointed as a representative of Japan for the Population Commission of the United Nations and participated in many conferences and committees related to population, including the International Conference on Population and Development held in Cairo in 1994. He took the roles of the chairman in 2001 and one of the vice-chairmen in 2002 of the UN Commission on Population and Development. At home, he has given advice to the government on the matter of below-replacement fertility and family policies on various occasions as a member of Council of Population, Council on Social Security or others. Since 2007 he has been a member of the Committee on Statistics which was newly established in Cabinet‘s Ministry. Dr Atoh‘s email address is: [email protected]

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Jon HALL OECD hosted Global Project on Measuring the Progress of Societies Speaker, “Measuring Societal Progress: From Philosophy to Practice”

Jon Hall has been leading the Global Project on Measuring the Progress of Societies, hosted by the OECD since it began in 2005. He came to the OECD from the Australian Bureau of Statistics where he spent seven years, mainly leading a ground-breaking project to publish the first set of measures of Australia's progress, a publication that went on to top the Bulletin magazine's social category in their 'Smart 100' awards. He has a degree in Maths and a Master‘s degree in Statistics from the UK and an Executive Masters in Public Service Administration from the Australian and New Zealand School of Government. An Australian and British citizen, Jon has also worked for the British public service, for the World Food Program in Zambia and as a spectacularly unsuccessful house painter, security guard and waiter in the USA. Jon is co-authoring a book for the OECD on measuring progress and another, in his spare time, on where to watch mammals around the world.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Dr László PINTÉR Director International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Speaker, “Measuring Societal Progress: From Philosophy to Practice”

Dr. László Pintér is a sustainable development expert, author, speaker and practitioner with background in analyzing strategically important sustainable development policy issues at the global and sub-global levels. His primary areas of interest include the conceptualization, establishment and use of integrated information, indicator, assessment and future oriented reporting systems in the context of sustainable development strategies, from the global to local levels. He is also well known for his work in training and capacity building related to integrated environmental assessment and reporting, and maintains an active interest and project portfolio in the areas of integrated vulnerability, adaptation and resilience analysis. Dr. Pintér has been with the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) since 1994, serving as Director of IISD‘s Measurement and Assessment Program since 2003. Besides leading a growing team of high calibre professionals, he often serves as a consultant to various UN organizations, international development banks and governments, but also highly values opportunities to contribute to and learn from practical sustainability initiatives face-to-face at the community level. László has a PhD from the University of Minnesota, a Masters in Natural Resources Management from the University of Manitoba, and a Diploma in Agronomy from St Stephen University in Hungary. During 2000-01 he spent a year as Practitioner Fellow at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. He lives with his wife and three children in Winnipeg, Canada and Győrújbaráthegy, Hungary.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Dr Ulla ROSENSTRÖM Project Manager Finnish Prime Minister's Office Speaker, “Measuring Societal Progress: From Philosophy to Practice”

Dr. Ulla Rosenström is a Project Manager at the Finnish Prime Minister‘s Office. She currently leads a joint-project with Statistics Finland that aims to increase and improve the use of societal indicators through an internet-based indicator service. A pioneer in the research on the use of sustainable development indicators, Dr. Rosenström has published over 50 papers and journal articles based on her experience with the development and presentation of sustainable development indicators. Before her current position, she worked over ten years for the Finnish Environment Institute. Besides her responsibility for the national SDI programme, she has taken part in several international working groups in her field. She has an MSc degree in Hydrobiology and a PhD in Environment Science and Policy.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Bjørn FØRDE Director UNDP Oslo Governance Centre Chair, “Measuring Governance and Democracy”

Bjørn Førde is the Director of the UNDP Oslo Governance Centre, which is a global thematic facility in the Democratic Governance Group of UNDPs Bureau for Development Policy, established to help position UNDP as a champion of democratic governance, as an end in itself, and also as a means to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and other human development priorities. This is done through knowledge networking and multi-disciplinary team work, as well as through close partnerships with leading policy and research institutions in different parts of the world. Before joining the Oslo Governance Centre in September 2005, he was the Resident Representative of UNDP and Resident Coordinator of the UN in Botswana. He is a political scientist by training, and from 1975 to 2002 he held various positions with the Danish NGO ‗Danish Association for International Cooperation‘, including that of Secretary General. He has served as a member of the Board of Danida appointed by the Minister for Development. He has published more than 25 books on a broad variety of development issues, mostly for educational purposes, but also fiction for children and youth.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Dr Romulo A. VIROLA Secretary General National Statistical Coordination Board of the Phillippines, NSCB Speaker, “Measuring Governance and Democracy”

He completed his Bachelor of Science in Mathematics degree at the University of the Philippines and his Ph.D. in Statistics at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, U.S.A. He served on the faculty of the graduate programs in statistics and mathematics at the University of the Philippines for many years and was with the Government Service Insurance System for more than twenty years. He has written and/or published about a hundred papers and has served as resource person/speaker in local and international seminars/workshops, trainings and fora on the Philippine economy, specifically, on the national income accounts, poverty statistics, satellite accounts on tourism, education and health expenditures, foreign investments, gender statistics, and management of statistical offices, among others. He is an associate editor of the statistical journal of the international association for official statistics and was the editor of the Philippine statistician from 1996-1999. He is presently affiliated with various local and international organizations, such as the National Research Council of the Philippines, the Actuarial Society of the Phils., the Phil. Statistical Association, inc., the International Statistical Institute, the International Association of Survey Statisticians, International Association for Statistical Computing and the International Association for Official Statistics. In 2007, he was one of the twelve achievement awardees of the National Research Council of the Philippines. Currently he is the Secretary General of the National Statistical Coordination Board and the chairman of the governing board of the Statistical Research and Training Center of the Philippines.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Paul GRAHAM Executive Director Institute for Democracy in South Africa, IDASA Speaker, “Measuring Governance and Democracy”

Paul Graham has worked for IDASA in various capacities since 1988 when he established the KwaZulu Natal regional office. Prior to joining IDASA, he was a tutor in the University of Natal Centre for Adult Education where he was responsible for the Community Development Programme. He trained as an educator at the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg before lecturing at the Federal Theological Seminary and then being elected to the deputy and General Secretary positions in the Connexional (Southern Africa) Christian Education & Youth Department of the Methodist Church – which was and remains a member of the SACC. Since 1979, therefore, he has been involved in work in the non-profit, donor supported, human development field in South and Southern Africa and has witnessed and been involved in many of the institutional, political, financial and cultural changes which this field has undergone.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Ms Francesca RECANATINI Senior Economist Public Sector Governance Unit World Bank Speaker, “Measuring Governance and Democracy”

Francesca Recanatini is a Senior Economist in the World Bank's Public Sector Governance unit (PRMPS) where she coordinated the Anti-corruption Thematic Group and leads the work on governance and anti-corruption diagnostic tools and indicators in sectors and in fragile countries. Ms. Recanatini joined the World Bank in 1998 and worked in the Bank‘s Research Department, the Eastern European region and the World Bank Institute before joining PRMPS. While at the World Bank, Ms. Recanatini‘s work has focused on the link between institutional development and growth in Transition Economies and developing countries. In particular, she has worked on issues relating to labor market structure, enterprise‘s restructuring and behavior in response to institutional changes in Russia. She contributed to the World Development Report 2001 (Institutions for Markets) exploring the role of alternative governance institutions. While at WBI she coordinated the Governance and Anticorruption Diagnostic Surveys in several countries in Latin America and Africa, advancing the instruments and the methodology used. On secondment at the Research Department of the IMF in 2006 she analyzed the link between institutions and poor governance. She received her Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Maryland, at College Park. Before joining the World Bank, Ms. Recanatini worked at the Center of Institutional Reforms and Informal Sector (IRIS), focusing on issues of economic restructuring and legal reforms in Kazakhstan.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Professor Mike SALVARIS Adjunct Professor, Applied Human Rights and Community Wellbeing Research, School of Global Studies, Social Science and Planning RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia Discussant, “Measuring Governance and Democracy”

Mike Salvaris is Adjunct Professor, Applied Human Rights and Community Wellbeing Research, in the School of Global Studies, Social Science and Planning at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. Formerly a community lawyer and political adviser, he has had extensive experience over 30 years in the measurement of progress and wellbeing; democracy and human rights; community engagement and development; and strategic public policy. His work has included research, writing, broadcasting, teaching, and policy and strategic development, with organisations including: the UN, the OECD, the Canadian Index of Wellbeing, the Australian Parliament, the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Australian Prime Minister‘s Department , six Australian State governments, many Australian local governments, trade unions and the Victorian and New South Wales Councils of Social Service. His current projects include:

new processes for community based planning and wellbeing measures for Australian local governments;

an annual audit of human rights in Australia;

an Australian National Progress and Development Index to be developed with community participation (drawing on similar work in Canada and elsewhere).

Contact: [email protected]

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Mr. Pier Carlo PADOAN OECD Deputy Secretary-General Speaker, “Evidence, People, Behaviour: The Physics of Change”

Mr. Pier Carlo Padoan took up his functions as Deputy Secretary-General of the OECD on 1 June 2007. He is responsible for developing the strategic vision of the OECD, the Innovation Strategy and the OECD Strategic Response to the economic crisis. He is in charge of OECD‘s relations with other international organisations, as well as Local Development, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Trade and Agriculture, Science and Technology, and tax issues. Mr. Padoan, an Italian national, who prior to joining the OECD was Professor of Economics at the University La Sapienza of Rome, and Director of the Fondazione Italianieuropei, a policy think-tank focusing on economic and social issues. From 2001 to 2005, Mr. Padoan was the Italian Executive Director at the International Monetary Fund, with responsibility for Greece, Portugal, San Marino, Albania and Timor Leste. He served as a member of the Board and chaired a number of Board Committees. During his mandate at the IMF he was also in charge of European Co-ordination. From 1998 to 2001, Mr. Padoan served as Economic Adviser to the Italian Prime Ministers, Massimo D‘Alema and Giuliano Amato, in charge of international economic policies. He was responsible for co-ordinating the Italian position in the Agenda 2000 negotiations for the EU budget, Lisbon Agenda, European Council, bilateral meetings, and G8 Summits. He has been a consultant to the World Bank, European Commission, European Central Bank Mr. Padoan has a degree in Economics from the University of Rome and has held various academic positions in Italian and foreign universities, including at the University of Rome, College of Europe (Bruges and Warsaw), Université Libre de Bruxelles, University of Urbino, Universidad de la Plata, and University of Tokyo. He has published widely in international academic journals and is the author and editor of several books. Mr. Padoan is married to Maria Grazia and has two daughters, Veonica and Eleonora.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Prof Cae One KIM Chairman National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Science (NRCS) Chair, ”Quality of Life”

After his graduation from the Law College of Seoul National University (1961), Dr Cae-One Kim majored in European Economic Integration at Université Libre de Bruxelles (MA and Ph. D, 1969). As Prof. at the School of Economics of Seoul National University (1971-2004) and Dean at the College of Social Sciences (1995-96), he taught international economics including European integration and trade policy. He successively served as President of numerous Korean academic associations, especially International Economic Studies (1988-89), Information-Telecommunications Policy Studies (1995-97), Korea Economic Association (2000-01), EU Studies (1994-2004) and EUSA Asia-Pacific (2001-2004). He was also founding President (1988-91) and Chairman (1993-98) of the Korea Information Strategy Development Institute (KISDI), Korea Monetary Board Member (1991-94) and Commissioner of the Financial Supervisory Commission (1998-99) of Korea. For his contribution to enhancing Korean-European academic relations, he was awarded the French Government Decoration, Légion d'Honneur (1990). In relation to publication activities, he has written many books and articles on international economics, and the Korean economy including 'International Economic Order (1986, Kor.)‘, 'Economic Reforms in the Socialist World (1989, McMillan)', 'Korean Economy at Turning Point (1996, Kor.)', ‗Economics of the EU (2004, Kor.)', 'Conditions for the Successful Establishment of East Asian Economic Integration (2006, Kor)‘, and 'EU's Common Commercial Policy and International Commercial Relations (2007, Kor)‘.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Professor Lord Richard LAYARD Director, Well-Being Programme London School of Economics Speaker, “Quality of Life”

Professor Lord Richard Layard directs the Well-Being Programme at the London School of Economics and is author of Happiness – Lessons from a New Science (Penguin, 2005). He is a labour economist who has made major contributions on unemployment, inflation, inequality and post-Communist reform, and is an adviser to the British government. He advocates the subjective well-being of the people as the central objective of governments.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Dr Insill YI Commissioner Statistics Korea (KOSTAT) Speaker, “Quality of Life”

Dr. Insill Yi is currently the Commissioner of Statistics Korea (KOSTAT). After graduating with degrees in Economics and Geology from Yonsei University in Seoul in 1981, she received her Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Minnesota at Twin Cities, U.S.A. in 1991. Formerly Dr. Yi was a professor of the Graduate School of Economics at Sogang University. She contributed to the development of Korean Economic Studies as Vice President of the Association of Korean Economic Studies (2007-2009) and Korean Economic Association (2007-2008). She has also led the publication of ―The Studies of the Korean Economy‖ as a chief editor (2003-2009). Serving as President of the Korean Women Economists Association (2004-2007), she laid the groundwork for building a comprehensive network among Women Economists in Korea, which has promoted in-depth discussions for resolving Korean economic problems as well as female issues. Prior to Dr. Yi‘s current position, her career path in the public sector includes successful posts as the Chief of Economic Analysis Division at the National Assembly Budget Office, a member of several presidential or governmental-initiated committees such as the National Statistics Committee of Statistics Korea (1999-2005), the Presidential Committee on Government Innovation and Decentralization (2003) and Presidential Committee on Regulatory Reform (2002-2003).

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Professor Robert A. CUMMINS Chair in Economics Imperial College London Speaker, “Quality of Life”

Professor Robert A. Cummins has held a Personal Chair in Psychology at Deakin University since 1997. He has published widely on the topic of Quality of Life and is regarded as an international authority in this area. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Happiness Studies and President of the International Society for Quality of Life Studies.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Prosanto PAL Senior Fellow, Industrial Energy Efficiency Division The Energy and Resources Institute, TERI Chair, “Climate Change”

Prosanto Pal is a Senior Fellow in the Industrial Energy Efficiency Division at TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) in New Delhi. The division undertakes research projects on energy efficiency improvement and cleaner technologies promotion among industries. Mr. Pal has been involved in cleaner production studies; RDD&D (Research, Development, Demonstration and Diffusion) of energy efficient technologies among SMEs and studies on issues related to technology transfer from developed to developing countries. He leads several multidisciplinary research projects in these fields and has published numerous articles in international and national journals. He has authored a book on cleaner technologies in the foundry industry. Mr. Pal has been educated in India and the UK: Bachelor of Technology from Indian Institute of Technology (Delhi) in Chemical Engineering; Master‘s of Science from University of Warwick (Coventry) in Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Master‘s Degree from University of Strathclyde (Glasgow) in Process Engineering.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Mr Fulai SHENG Senior Economist, Economics and Trade Branch United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP Speaker, “Climate Change”

Fulai Sheng is a senior economist at UNEP‘s Economics and Trade Branch based in Geneva. His areas of expertise include integrated public policymaking, international payments for ecosystem services, and integrated economic and environmental accounting. He is currently the technical manager of the UNEP-led Green Economy Initiative, which aims to motivate and enable governments and businesses to invest in environmental sectors such as renewable energy, green buildings, public transport, sustainable agriculture, and watersheds. Mr. Sheng holds a Masters degree in Economics from the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (1985). Prior to joining UNEP in 2005, for over twenty years, he had served the Chinese Ministry of Finance, the World Bank, the World Wide Fund for Nature, and Conservation International. His major publications include: Real Value for Nature – An Overview of Global Efforts to Achieve True Measures of Economic Progress; Comparative Assessment of Development Options; Macroeconomic Policies, Poverty and the Environment (co-author); Rights, Wants and Needs: Economic Instruments and Biodiversity Conservation, and Integrated Policymaking for Sustainable Development: A Reference Manual (co-author).

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Mr Paul DICKINSON CEO Carbon Disclosure Project Speaker, “Climate Change”

Paul Dickinson co-founded the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) in 2000 with the aim of engaging the investment and corporate communities to work together to tackle climate change. As CEO, Paul has built up a global collaboration of over 475 of the world‘s largest institutional investors, holding over $55 trillion in assets under management. Over 2000 of the world‘s largest corporations report through the CDP global system. Paul Dickinson is also founder and Chair of EyeNetwork. Europe‘s largest video conference booking service, and prior to founding CDP, founded and built Rufus Leonard, into a multi-million turnover corporate communications company. Paul is also an established author including Beautiful Corporations (2000 Financial Times Prentice Hall). Please visit: www.cdproject.net

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Thursday, 29October, 2009

Ambassador Rae Kwon CHUNG Ambassador for Climate Change Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MOFAT) Discussant, “Climate Change”

Ambassador Chung is the chief negotiator for climate change issues representing the Republic of Korea since May 2008. Since the early 1990s Ambassador Chung has been involved in international environmental negotiations for climate change and the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 and inserted compulsory licensing and transfer of publicly-owned technologies in Agenda 21. He contributed as a lead author for an IPCC special report on technology transfer and received a personal copy of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize as contributor to the award of IPCC Nobel Pace prize 2007. He proposed unilateral CDM and CER discounting scheme for climate change and is now proposing to establish a Registry and carbon credit for developing country mitigation actions. He studied at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. and graduated with MA in Foreign Service. He served as counselor of Korean Missions at the UN and the OECD and as Director-General for International Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Korea before joining UN ESCAP (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) as Director for Environment and Sustainable Development Division in August 2004. Having studied Economics at SungKyunKwan University in Korea, he completed his MA(Master of Science in Foreign Service) at Georgetown University in Washington DC.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Dr Chris MURRAY Institute Director Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation Chair, “Health”

Christopher J.L. Murray, MD, DPhil, is the Institute Director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) and Professor of Global Health at the University of Washington School of Medicine. A physician and health economist, his work has led to the development of a range of new methods and empirical studies to strengthen the basis for population health measurement, measure the performance of public health and medical care systems, and assess the cost-effectiveness of health technologies. The IHME is focused on the challenges of measurement and evaluation in the areas of health outcomes, health services, financial and human resources, evaluations of policies, programs and systems, and decision analytics. Dr. Murray‘s early work focused on tuberculosis control and the development with Dr. Alan Lopez of the Global Burden of Disease methods and applications. In this work, they developed a new metric to compare death and disability from various diseases and the contribution of risk factors to the overall burden of disease in developing and developed countries. This pioneering effort has been hailed as a major landmark in public health and an important foundation for policy formulation and priority setting. Dr. Murray worked at the World Health Organization from 1998 to 2003 where he served as the Executive Director of the Evidence and Information for Policy Cluster while Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland was Director-General. From 2003 until 2007, Dr. Murray was the Director of the Harvard University Initiative for Global Health and the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, as well as the Richard Saltonstall Professor of Public Policy at the Harvard School of Public Health. Dr. Murray has authored or edited fourteen books, many book chapters and more than 130 journal articles in internationally peer-reviewed publications. He holds a BA from Harvard College, a DPhil from Oxford University and an MD from Harvard Medical School.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Dr Steve LIM Assistant Professor Department of Global Health Univeristy of Washington USA Speaker, “Health”

Stephen Lim, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Global Health at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington. He is also Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Services at the University of Washington and Adjunct Senior Lecturer at the School of Population Health at the University of Queensland in Australia. Dr. Lim leads IHME‘s work on monitoring the effective coverage of interventions and health systems; this includes a recently completed research study on tracking immunization coverage and the impact of the GAVI Alliance‘s Immunization Services Support program. His second major research program relates to priority setting as part of the management group of the Disease Control Priorities Network (DCPN), which aims to assess the cost-effectiveness of interventions and health service delivery platforms. Dr. Lim is also actively involved in a number of other research areas, including chronic diseases and risk factors, impact evaluation, mortality statistics, and health inequalities. He has published widely in leading journals. Prior to joining IHME, Dr. Lim was a Senior Research Fellow at the School of Population Health at the University of Queensland and was based at the Ministry of Public Health in Thailand, where he led a major project on health information system capacity building with a focus on burden of disease and cost-effectiveness analysis. Previous to that, Dr. Lim worked at the Evidence and Information for Policy cluster at the World Health Organization (WHO) where he was a key member of the Choosing Interventions that are cost-effective (CHOICE) project. Dr. Lim has been a member of numerous international expert groups, including The Lancet‘s Chronic Disease Action Group, WHO‘s Expert Committee for Guidelines for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Developing Countries, and the Global Burden of Disease Expert Group on Socioeconomic Determinants. He has also served as a reviewer for WHO/UNICEF Estimates of National Immunization Coverage, the Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for Malaria, and for the Taskforce on Innovative International Financing for Health Systems Working Group One. Dr. Lim studied at Monash University in Australia, where he received a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Psychology, a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacology, and a PhD in Epidemiology and Health Economics. Bio information can be found at: http://www.healthmetricsandevaluation.org/who/bios/faculty/lim.html

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Dr Tran Van SON Deputy Division Chief, Policy Advisory Group, Ministry of Finance of Viet Nam Speaker, “Health”

Mr. Tran Van Son has been a member of the Policy Advisory Group of the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam since 2008 and has served as Deputy Division chief at the Ministry of Fianace since December 1999. Mr. Son and his group advise the Ministry of Finance to reform financial policy to support the development of social security in which forcussed on health insurrance policy and social insurance policy. Mr. Son gained a Master Degree in Public Policy at the School of Public Policy and Administration at Carleton University - Ottawa, Canada in 2002. He has been working as Deputy Division Chief at the Public expenditures and Administration in charge of formulate financial policy to support for development of health insurance and social insurance since 2004. Contact information: MPA. Tran Van Son Cell: 84.904173366 Office: 84.4.39722208 Email: [email protected] Address: Ministry of Fianace of Vietnam No 28 Tran Hung Dao Street – Hanoi - Vietnam

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Dr Andres DE FRANCISCO Coordinator, Technical Team, Special Advisor, Strategy Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health (PMNCH) Speaker, “Health”

Dr Andres De Francisco coordinates the MNCH technical team of the Secretariat and supports the PMNCH Director, Board, Partners and Secretariat on planning, policy, strategy, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the achievement of MDG 4 and 5 and of The Partnership itself. Dr De Francisco (Colombia) joined the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health in April 2008 as a Special Adviser on Strategy and Scientific Policy. A medical doctor from Colombia with a doctorate in public health, Dr De Francisco worked previously as Deputy Executive Director and Head of Research and Programmes of the Global Forum for Health Research, bridging the interface between policy and research. Other past positions include: Project Director of the Matlab MCH-FP Programme and Coordinator of Reproductive Health Research at the Centre for Health and Population Research in Bangladesh (ICDDRB); Honorary Senior Lecturer at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; Senior Scientific Officer at the Medical Research Council in The Gambia, West Africa; and Director of the Hospital in Miraflores (a rural zone in the Amazonas region in Colombia). He has worked in the design, implementation, and evaluation of health interventions, in particular in the field of maternal and child health, and in the subsequent transfer of research knowledge into policies for health and population programmes in South America, West Africa, and South East Asia.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Mr Serge ALLEGREZZA President Economic and Social Council Chair, “The Role of Economic and Social Councils”

Degree: Master in Economics, Phd in Applied Economics Positions: research fellow at CEPS/Instead, Luxembourg from 1985-1991 ;

Conseiller de gouvernement 1ere classe at the Ministry of Economics (Luxembourg) responsible for internal market policy and later for general economic policy (1991-2003); since April 2003, director general of National Statistical Institute and Economic Studies (Service central de la statistique et des études économiques, STATEC); Director for economic studies, head of the Competitiveness Observatory (Ministry of Economy and Foreign Trade)

Other: President of the Social and Economic Council (Conseil

économique et social) member since 1992;

Head of the LU delegation at the Economic Policy Committee (EPC) of the EU since 2004, member since 1997;

teaching activities: IAE/University of Nancy2 since 1994;

Scientific advisor of the Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor (since 2005);

Chairman of the board of LuxTrust i.n.c. since 2005 Honorific distinctions: officier de l‘Ordre du Mérite

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Mr Philippe LE CLÉZIO Economic, Social and Environmental Council France Speaker, “The Role of Economic and Social Councils”

Member of the French Economic, Social and Environmental Council (Conseil économique, social et environnemental de France). Rapporteur for the Council‘s statement/opinion paper on sustainable development and ecological impact indicators. President of the Commission on Sustainable Development Indicators in preparation for the National Conference on Sustainable Development Indicators.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Mr Antonio MARZANO President International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions (AICESIS) and National Economic and Labour Council (CNEL) Speaker, “The Role of Economic and Social Councils”

Elected President of the International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions (AICESIS) - (July 2009). He was appointed President of the National Council for Economics and Labour (CNEL) (July 2005), and he is a former Minister for Productive Activities (2001 – 2005). He was member of Parliament (1994-2005) and Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for the Reform of the State Budget, and Chairman of the 6th Finance Committee of the Chamber of Deputies. Antonio Marzano has been professor of Economic and Financial Politics at the school of Political Science of the University of Rome (since 1974) and professor of Economic Policy at the LUISS university of Rome (since 1978). Former chairman of the School of Economics and Trade at the Abruzzi University (1968-1971), director of the Institute for Economic, Financial and Statistical Studies of the school of Political Science of the University of Rome (1974-1980), and professor of History and Monetary Policy at the same school (1971-1974). He was member of the Committee for the drafting of the general report on the economic situation of the Country at the Ministry of the Budget; the Committee on public debt at the Treasury; the Committee for medium-term industrial policy at the European Economic Community; the Economic Programming Committee at the Ministry of the Budget; the Advisory Committee on productivity and efficiency in public spending (Treasury); of the Committee on privatizations (Draghi Committee at the Treasury), and of the Supervisory Committee on Statistical Information (Prime Minister‘s Office). He was also member of the board of several major companies and banks and he chaired the Committee for the future of Rome as Capital city, appointed by the Mayor of Rome (2008-2009). Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic. First Class Grand Cross conferred on him by the President of the Austrian Republic. ―Honorary citizen of Collecchio‖ for his engagement, attention and critical role played during the difficult moments of the Parmalat crisis. Honorary degree in Economics and Trade, Abruzzi University ―Gabriele D‘Annunzio‖. He was awarded the ―35th Scanno Prize‖ for Economics, the ―Golden Pen‖ prize for Economics, the ―Donato Menichella 2006‖ prize under the high Patronage of the President of the Republic, the ―Guido Dorso‖ International Award in the political section as scholar in favour of the Mezzogiorno. He is the author of more than 150 publications.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Ms Agnes SSEKIBOOBO Director of the Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics (ISAE) Makerere University Uganda Chair, “National Initiatives to Measure Well-Being, Societal Progress and Sustainable Development in non-OECD Countries”

I was appointed the Director of the Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics (ISAE) of Makerere University, Uganda in August 2009. The ISAE was established in 1969 within the legal framework of Makerere University to provide facilities for increasing the number and improving the quality of high-level professional personnel in statistics and applied economics urgently needed for social and economic planning and development in East Africa and other English-speaking African countries. Since then ISAE has trained over 5,000 statisticians, planners, applied economists, demographers and actuaries from a number of countries in Africa. Most of the alumni of ISAE hold key and professionally important posts in the national statistical services or key positions in regional and international organizations. I obtained my Bachelor of Statistics and the Master of Statistics degrees from Makerere University, Uganda. Mine has been an academic and research career in Makerere University where I have been for the last 20 years. I am also currently a member of the Senate Committee of this university. I have conducted a number of national and international ( mostly with FAO) research/consultancies in areas of sampling and survey design, social statistics, design and analysis of experiments, agricultural statistics and HIV/AIDS in the agricultural sector so as to provide evidence-based planning. I have served on a number of technical committees including the Demobilization and Resettlement Team of the Uganda Amnesty Commission; the National Agricultural Statistics Technical Committee; and the East African Community Technical working Group on Agriculture and Food Security. I have attended a number of national and international conferences and training workshops and presented a number of papers, a good number of them published. Email addresses: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Dr Xianchun Xu Deputy Commissioner National Bureau of Statistics of China Speaker, “National Initiatives to Measure Well-Being, Societal Progress and Sustainable Development in non-OECD Countries”

Dr Xianchun Xu, Deputy Commissioner of the National Bureau of Statistics of China. He is also the Deputy Executive Director of the China Center for National Accounting and Economic Growth of the Peking University and Honorary Director of the Research Institute of National Accounts of Renmin University of China. Dr Xu teaches as part-time professor or visiting professor at various universities including Peking University, Renmin University of China and Xiamen University of China. Dr Xu has many years of experiences in the studies and practices of national accounts. He has written over 100 papers in the area, many of which are published in noted academic journals such as Economic Research Journal (China), Review of Income and Wealth, China Economic Review (U.S.A), and Statistics (Japan). Dr Xu has published a number of books, including The Reform and Development of the System of National Accounts in China. He has been the leading or principal member in many research programs for national natural/social sciences funds and international cooperation projects. Dr Xu has been awarded many prizes for his extensive works. The Review of the World Bank‟s Adjustment to China GDP Estimates and Underlying Problems won the Ninth Sun Yefang Prize for Economics Papers in 2000. Many of his papers, including Problems Existing in China‟s National Accounts, have won first prize in competitions for national outstanding statistical research achievements. Dr Xianchun Xu attained B.Sc. at the Liaoning University, master‘s degree in Economics at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, and Ph.D. in Economics at Peking University.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Dr Luay SHABANEH President Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics Speaker, “National Initiatives to Measure Well-Being, Societal Progress and Sustainable Development in non-OECD Countries”

Luay Shabaneh, Ph.D in Applied Social Statistics (1967- his DoB), is the President of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS ). Dr. Shabaneh's story at PCBS is one of the most remarkable success stories; he started his professional career at PCBS in 1994 as a statistician, and then specialized in labour market statistics. Two years later, he was promoted to be the Director of the first Household Labour Force Survey, then promoted after that to be the Director of the Labour Statistics Department. After serving as a regional director in the first population and housing census, Dr. Shabaneh became the Director General of Area Statistics for two years, and then Senior Deputy Assistant of PCBS President for Statistical Affairs, and was selected to be the second PCBS President in March 2005. He is Chair or member of several international, regional and local associations and research institutes. His research interests are mainly in labour market dynamics, woman empowerment and gender equity, organizational development of statistical offices, and statistical monitoring systems. He implemented several consultancy missions for national, international institutes, and UN agencies. Based on his achievements, he was lately recruited by the UNFPA to work as chief technical advisor (CTA) for the population census in Iraq.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Dr. K. Seeta PRABHU Senior Assistant Country Director United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), India Speaker, “National Initiatives to Measure Well-Being, Societal Progress and Sustainable Development in non-OECD Countries”

Dr. K. Seeta Prabhu, Ph.D, is currently the Senior Assistant Country Director, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), India. She has obtained her post graduate and doctoral degrees in Economics from the University of Bombay, India. Before joining UNDP in November 2000, Seeta was a Professor of Development Economics at the University of Bombay. She has a distinguished academic and research career, and has published extensively on themes ranging from social security, health, gender, poverty, budget analysis and human development. Prominent amongst her publications are ‗Economic Reform and Social Sector Development: A Study of Two Indian States‘, Sage Publications and ‗Reforming India‘s Social Sector: Poverty, Nutrition, Health and Education‘ Social Science Press. Seeta has also been a Visiting Professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University, Oxford University and Erasmus University, Rotterdam. She has been a Advisor to the Indian Planning Commission, Reserve Bank of India, State Governments, and several multi-lateral and bi-lateral agencies. She has also served on committees under the National Commission for Women. At UNDP since November 2000, Seeta has guided and supported the preparation of over 20 sub-national Human Development Reports (HDRs) in India, which is considered to be a pioneering effort globally. She has led the formulation of curriculum on Human Development that has been introduced in Indian Universities and at the premier Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration that trains India‘s government officers. She is currently also Senior Advisor for the Institute for Human Settlements and the Learning Resource Centre, UNDP, New York.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Mr Byron VILLACÍS CRUZ Director General National Institute of Statistics and Censuses, INEC Discussant, “National Initiatives to Measure Well-Being, Societal Progress and Sustainable Development in non-OECD Countries”

Since 2007, Byron Villacis has been the General Director of the National Institute of Statistics and Census of Ecuador (INEC). He is also a Professor at ESPOL (Escuela Politecnica Superior del Litoral) in several Masters programs focused in Research and Statistic areas. His academic background is in statistics, economics, politics, governance indicators and subjective poverty. He is graduated in Economics at ―San Francisco‖ University and he continued his studies at the Economic Master Program in ―Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales‖ (FLACSO), specializing in multicriteria analysis and alternative development indicators. He is the head of ―Grupo de Quito‖, a new initiative of Official National Institutes of the region (Argentina, Venezuela, Cuba and Ecuador) looking for develop an alternative set of development indicators for their countries producing and using official data. Before his work at INEC he has managed several research centers and research programs.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Prof Fiona STANLEY Director Telethon Institute for Child Health Research Chair, “Childhood Well-being”

Professor Stanley is the Founding Director of the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research; Chair of the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth; and Professor, School of Paediatrics and Child Health at the University of Western Australia. Trained in maternal and child health epidemiology and public health, Professor Stanley has spent her career researching the causes of major childhood illnesses such as birth defects. Her research includes the gathering and analysis of population data for epidemiological and public health research; the causes and prevention of birth defects and major neurological disorders, particularly the cerebral palsies; patterns of maternal and child health in Aboriginal and Caucasian populations; various ways of determining the developmental origins of health and disease; collaborations to link research, policy and practice; and strategies to enhance health and well-being in populations. Her major contribution has been to establish the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, a unique multidisciplinary independent research institute focussing on the causes and prevention of major problems affecting children and youth. She sits on the Prime Minister‘s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council as well as the Australian Statistics Advisory Council. For her research on behalf of Australia's children, she was named Australian of the Year in 2003 and in 2006 she was made a UNICEF Australia Ambassador for Early Childhood Development.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Dr Yanghee LEE Professor, Dep. of Child Psychology and Education, Sungkyunkwan University Chair, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child Speaker, “Childhood Wellbeing”

Professor Yanghee Lee has been a member of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child since 2003 and has served as its Chair since May of 2007. She has been reelected as Chair of the Committee in May of 2009. A national of the Republic of Korea, Dr. Lee holds memberships in numerous societies and associations including the Korean Society for Special Education, the Korean Psychological Association, Korean Counseling Psychology Association, and has served as vice-president of the Korean Association of Child Studies. She is a founding member of the Korean Association for Persons with Autism, the Korean Council for Children‘s Rights, and the Korean Society for the Rights of Children with Disabilities. She serves on the Executive Board of the following: Korean Association for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Korean Council for Children‘s Rights, the UNICEF National Committee of Korea, and Save the Children Korea, Advisory Committee of the National Human Rights Commission of Korea, and Advisory Committee for Human Rights Education of the Ministry of Justice. Dr. Lee received her B.S. in French from Georgetown University and her M.Ed. and Ph.D. degrees in Early Childhood Special Education for the Handicapped from the University of Missouri-Columbia. She has been a faculty member of the Department of Child Psychology and Education with Sungkyunkwan University since 1991. She has held various academic posts including Chair of the Department of Child Psychology and Education, Dean of Continuing Education, and Dean of Human Life Sciences. Currently she holds joint appointment in the School of Law. She has published numerous articles and books on identification, treatment, and prevention of developmental disabilities; child abuse and neglect; early intervention; development and validation of diagnostic tools and therapeutic intervention programs; and counseling young children. In addition, Dr. Lee has developed educational and play materials for the education of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. She has delivered several key note speeches at numerous International Conferences and World Congresses, including the World Congress III Against Sexual Exploitation of Children held in Rio; World Congress for ISPCAN held in Hong Kong; Third Regional Congress for ISPCAN in Saudi Arabia; Africa Child Policy Forum held in Addis Ababa; and Council of Europe International Launch for Campaign against Corporal Punishment. She is the guest editor for the 2009 Child Abuse and Neglect: International Journal Special CRC Anniversary Issue. Dr. Lee has been the recipient of many recognitions and awards including the 2007 Year of the Woman Award (Korea) and the 2008 Sungkyun Family Award.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Dr Asher BEN-ARIEH Editor in Chief, Child Indicators Research Co-Chair, International Society for Child Indicators (ISCI) Head, Joseph J. Schwartz M.A. Program, Paul Baerwald School of Social Work at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem Speaker, “Childhood Well-being”

Asher Ben-Arieh, Ph.D., is a senior-lecturer at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and since 2007 he is the Head of the Joseph J. Schwartz M.A. Programs in early childhood and non-profit management. As of 1990 Dr. Ben-Arieh served as the project director and editor of the annual "State of the Child in Israel - a Statistical Abstract.". Dr. Ben-Arieh initiated and coordinated the Multi-national Project, "Measuring and Monitoring Children's Well-Being." He was among the founding members of the International Society for Children Indicators (ISCI) and was recently elected to be its first co-chair. Dr. Ben-Arieh is one of the leading international experts on social indicators, particularly as they relate to child well-being, he has published extensively on the politics of social policy and child well being in Israel, and on child well being indicators and its measurement. He serves on the management committee of the EU child welfare research network and the UN Secretary General advisory network on social indicators. Dr. Ben-Arieh is the founding editor in chief of the Child Indicators Research (CIR) journal and the Children well being: Research and Indicators book series. Both are a Springer publishing house publications. Dr. Ben-Arieh, who was born in Jerusalem in 1963, is married and has three children.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Mr Nicolas PRON Project Manager, DevInfo Flagship Project UNICEF Speaker, “Childhood Well-being”

Nicolas Charles Pron has been working for The United Nations for 17 years, out of which 12 years were spent in the field in Africa and Asia, where he oversaw the implementation of UNICEF Country Programmes. Mr. Pron is currently posted in New York where he manages the DevInfo flagship project, a high profile UN inter-agency initiative to monitor progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Mr Pron is a national of France; he holds a Masters Degree in International Relations from the Sorbonne University and a Masters Degree in International Law from the Rene Descartes University in Paris.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Mr Yehualashet MEKONEN ABEGAZ African Child Policy Forum Discussant, “Childhood Well-being”

Yehualashet Mekonen (M.Sc. Population Studies; B.Sc. Statistics) has more than 16 years of experience in research and development of survey methodologies and tools. He developed an approach for measuring governments‘ performance in realising child rights and wellbeing. This approach was used to construct the Child-friendliness Index used in the African Report on Child Wellbeing to rank African governments‘ performance on legal, budgetary and child-outcomes issues. He is also the co-author of the African Report on Child Wellbeing 2008: How child-friendly are African governments? Other publications include: The Child-friendliness Index: Approach and Indicators; Governance and Child Wellbeing: Approach to the measurement of government performance. He is currently the Coordinator of Information and Statistics at the African Child Policy Forum (ACPF). Before joining ACPF, Mr. Yehualashet Mekonen served as a Senior Researcher and Team Leader of Experts in the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia. He played a lead role in a number of nation-wide surveys and research undertakings. He was in particular involved in the development of research tools, data analysis and reporting in many of the national surveys and censuses. He was the focal person in the two rounds of the Demographic and Health Surveys of Ethiopia held in 2000 and 2005. As consultant, he has also served a number of non-governmental organizations, United Nations Agencies and private firms in carrying out monitoring and evaluation surveys as well as in developing research tools, coordinating and preparing reports.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Mr. Mohamed-El-Heyba Lemrabott BERROU Manager, PARIS21 Secretariat Development Co-operation Directorate, OECD Chair, “Impact of Measuring Progress on National Strategies for the Development of Statistics in co-operation with Paris21”

Mr. Mohamed-El-Heyba Lemrabott Berrou joined the OECD earlier this year (March 2009) as Manager of the PARIS21 Secretariat at the Development Co-operation Directorate. Mr. Berrou, a Mauritanian national, has over 8 years of experience as an Advisor in charge of the ―Studies, Analysis & Evaluation‖ Unit, then as Director of Studies and Planning at the Human Rights, Poverty Reduction & Social Integration (Government) Commission. He was responsible for the design, monitoring and evaluation of targeted poverty reduction programs as well as conducting studies aiming at better understanding and monitoring of poverty and poverty related issues (poverty profiles, qualitative and quantitative surveys, etc.). Following the launch of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) process by the international community, he was appointed Coordinator of the participative process in his country in September 1999 , in addition to his duties above. In this capacity, he coordinated the design of the first and second generation PRSPs of Mauritania, the production of annual progress reports, and the establishment of a Monitoring and Evaluation Unit, and participated in the organization of donor roundtables. In August 2007, he was appointed Senior Advisor to the democratically elected President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania. He was in charge of the ―Productive Sectors, Infrastructure and Land Planning" Unit. His duties included: advising the President on policies in numerous sectors (mining, oil & gas, agriculture, fisheries, livestock, water, energy, industry, environment, ICTs, tourism, etc.), monitoring the implementation of Government Action Plans and Presidential instructions, and contributing in the preparation of Presidential official visits and participation in relevant Summits. Mr. Berrou, who prefers to be called Abadila, holds two MSc degrees in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics from the University of Arizona (USA), as well as a Master‘s degree in Applied Mathematics from the University of Paris-VII (France).

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Ms Shailaja CHANDRA Vice President Initiatives for Change-Centre for Governance Speaker, “Impact of Measuring Progress on National Strategies for the Development of Statistics in co-operation with Paris21”

Shailaja Chandra is the Vice President of Initiatives for Change-Centre for Governance, a think tank which supports policy research and social reform. She has been a career civil servant who was a Permanent Secretary in the Government of India and later the first woman Chief Secretary of Delhi. Until recently she was the Executive Director of the National Population Stabilisation Fund where she received the Best E-Health initiative of the year Award for establishing a unique GIS mapping facility which displays the spatial distribution of all rural health facilities in the country on the Internet. She also established the first professionally run call-centre service to answer questions on reproductive health, anonymously, phoned-in from anywhere in the country which was reported upon internationally. As Chief Secretary, Delhi she was associated with a government citizen partnership ‗Bhagidari‘ which won the United Nations Public Service Award for improving transparency, accountability, and responsiveness. She received the International Clean Cities Award on behalf of the Government for introduction of the largest fleet of CNG run (environment friendly) buses in the world. Ms Chandra has functioned as the Chairman of the Public Grievances Commission and the Appellate authority under the Right Information Act in Delhi which has given her unique exposure to participatory democracy operating at the grassroots level. Apart from being the Chairman of the Delhi Public Library Board which governs a large network of libraries across the city she has recently been appointed by the Delhi University to head the Governing Body of a University run college. Shailaja has a M.Sc. in Economics from the University of Wales and an Honours Degree in English Literature. She has authored a book ―It Crossed My Mind‖ an anthology of articles on subjects of current social concern. She is also a regular columnist for a leading Indian national newspaper for the last four years.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Ms. Margaret KAKANDE Former PRSP Coordinator, currently Head of the Budget Monitoring and Accountability Unit, Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Uganda Speaker, “Impact of Measuring Progress on National Strategies for the Development of Statistics in co-operation with Paris21”

Academic Qualifications Holds a Masters in Development Economics (University of East Anglia, UK), a Bachelor of Statistics (Makerere University), a Post Graduate Diploma in Feminist Development Economics (Institute of Social Studies, The Netherlands); and certificates in Strategic Communication; Monitoring and Evaluation of Development Interventions; Participatory research methods; Gender Mainstreaming; Manpower planning; and Development Statistics. Working Experience. Lectured at the Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics, Makerere University for 7 years. Joined Government in 1991 as a Social Infrastructure Economist and later as the Social Policy Advisor attached to the Programme for Poverty Alleviation and Social Costs of Adjustment. From 1996 to 2008 was the Poverty Analyst heading the Poverty Monitoring and Analysis Unit, Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. The duties entailed spearheading the formulation of the Poverty Eradication Action Plans (PEAPs/PRSPs), including the designing of the Uganda Participatory Process. In addition, spearhead the formulation of the Poverty Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy to provide a framework for assessing the performance of the PEAP. Other functions have included leading the process of collating poverty monitoring data in Uganda and producing Poverty Status Reports; coordinating activities for capacity building for poverty analysis within government; commissioning and supervising poverty related studies; and advising on policy implications for government. Currently, heading the Budget Monitoring and Accountability Unit in Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Mr Eric SWANSON Program Manager DEC Development Data Group World Bank Chair, “The Millennium Development Goals: Lessons for Improvement”

Eric V. Swanson is Program Manager in the Development Economics Data Group of the World Bank. His responsibilities include the production of the World Development Indicators, Global Development Finance, Vol. II, the Atlas of Global Development, and the World Bank‘s on-line databases. He represents the World Bank on the Interagency and Expert Group on the MDGs. Dr. Swanson attended Deep Springs College, the University of California at Berkeley, and the State University of New York at Buffalo, where completed his PhD in economics with an econometric study of the retention of literacy and numeracy skills by Egyptian primary school students.

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

Mr Jon HALL OECD hosted Global Project on Measuring the Progress of Societies Speaker, “The Millennium Development Goals: Lessons for Improvement”

Jon Hall has been leading the Global Project on Measuring the Progress of Societies, hosted by the OECD since it began in 2005. He came to the OECD from the Australian Bureau of Statistics where he spent seven years, mainly leading a ground-breaking project to publish the first set of measures of Australia's progress, a publication that went on to top the Bulletin magazine's social category in their 'Smart 100' awards. He has a degree in Maths and a Master‘s degree in Statistics from the UK and an Executive Masters in Public Service Administration from the Australian and New Zealand School of Government. An Australian and British citizen, Jon has also worked for the British public service, for the World Food Program in Zambia and as a spectacularly unsuccessful house painter, security guard and waiter in the USA. Jon is co-authoring a book for the OECD on measuring progress and another, in his spare time, on where to watch mammals around the world.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Prof Geoffrey NWAKA Professor of History and former Dean of Postgraduate Studies Abia State University Speaker, “The Millennium Development Goals: Lessons for Improvement”

Geoffrey I. Nwaka, MA (Birmingham), PhD (Dalhousie), Nigerian, Professor of History and former Dean of Postgraduate Studies at Abia State University, Uturu, Nigeria. Several years of teaching and research in the Nigerian university system, and varied international experience as researcher/visiting scholar in Europe, Australia and North America. Research interests in historical and contemporary urban issues, environmental protection, and African development. Author of several scholarly publications. Served in government during 1990/91 as Special Adviser to the Governor of Imo State. Active in community work; married, with four children.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Dr Charles Leyeka LUFUMPA Director, Statistics Department African Development Bank Group (AfDB) Speaker, “The Millennium Development Goals: Lessons for Improvement”

Charles Leyeka Lufumpa is currently the Director of the Statistics Department of the African Development Bank Group. The primary role of the Statistics Department is to contribute to the effective development of statistical capacity and systems in African countries aimed at providing timely and reliable data to support the MDGs and results agenda. The Department is also responsible for developing and managing databases on economic, social and development cooperation statistics in Africa in collaboration with African countries as well as other regional and international agencies.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Prof Paul CHEUNG Director United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) Discussant, “The Millennium Development Goals: Lessons for Improvement”

Professor Paul Cheung (Singapore), is the Director of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), Department of Economic and Social Affairs at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. In this role, he facilitates the development of the global statistical system and coordinates the work of the United Nations Statistical Commission. He oversees a programme of work that includes the development of international statistical standards, the dissemination of global statistical data, the provision of technical advice to member states in the development of national statistical systems, the coordination of international statistical activities, and the delivery of programme support to the UN System on all statistical matters.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Dr Francisco LOPEZ-BERMUDEZ Policy Director Auditoría Democrática Andina ADA, Ecuador Chair, “Addressing and Measuring the Vulnerability of our Socieites”

Jurist and political scientist. Co-founder of ADA- Andean Democratic Audit, an independent non-profit academic institution based in Quito (Ecuador), committed to advancing democracy and human rights values and institutions. He has dedicated his entire life to the study and work on behalf of democracy and human rights. In March 2007, in recognition of this work, he was awarded the UNESCO Chair on Human Rights and Democracy at Utrecht University (The Netherlands).

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Ms Susan Burns Chief Executive Officer Global Footprint Network Speaker, “Addressing and Measuring the Vulnerability of our Socieites”

Susan leads the overall strategic direction of Global Footprint Network, an international non-profit organization dedicated to making ecological limits central to decision-making everywhere. By developing methodological standards, coordinating research, and providing decision-makers with robust national resource accounts, Global Footprint Network is helping the human economy operate within the Earth‘s ecological capacity. Prior to launching Global Footprint Network, Susan founded the pioneering sustainability consulting firm, Natural Strategies. She has over 18 years of experience working with more than 50 corporations and other organizations on a variety of sustainability-related issues including product design, consensus building, management systems, business strategy, forest policy and stakeholder communications. Susan is also an expert in the application of The Natural Step framework for sustainability and led the development of the screening methodology for Portfolio 21, the US‘s first mutual fund dedicated to environmental sustainability. She has spoken widely on the subject of sustainability, corporate responsibility, and strategic environmental management, and has been a keynote or featured speaker at over 100 national and international events. Susan holds a B.S. in Environmental Engineering.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Professor Jacques FREYSSINET President Scientific Council, Centre for Employment Studies Speaker, “Addressing and Measuring the Vulnerability of our Socieites”

Jacques Freyssinet (26 July 1937), Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Paris I, president of the Scientific Council, Centre d‟études de l‟emploi (Ministry of Labour). Previous positions: Director of the Institut des sciences sociales du travail, University of Paris I - 1979-1988; President of the board of the Agence nationale pour l‟emploi (Public Employment Service) – 1981-1986, Director of the Institut de recherches économiques et sociales – 1988-2002; Member of the Conseil scientifique de l‟évaluation des politiques publiques 1990-1996; Member of the Conseil d‟analyse économique (Prime Minister) – 1997-2003.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Ms Carol TAPPENDEN Managing Director GreaterGood South Africa Chair, “Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility”

Carol Tappenden is an experienced development practitioner with more than a decade of experience in fundraising, social investment opportunity identification, research, evaluation and monitoring. Strong corporate experience in designing, implementing and managing CSR and SRI programmes with both non profits and grassroots initiatives as well as multi-national corporations and international development agencies has given Carol a far-reaching international network in the sector. Carol actively participated in founding GreaterGood South Africa (GGSA) in 2004 and the South African Social Investment Exchange (SASIX) in 2006. SASIX provides a platform for investment in evaluated, high impact social initiatives with varying levels of financial return. She was Managing Director of GGSA for a period until December 2008, at which point she took up her current position as Managing Director of CSR Systems. CSR Systems was established in 2008 with the founding technology, IT, consulting systems and intellectual property being contributed by GGSA. The company provides strategic, advisory, training and information management support services in corporate social responsibility. Services include the provision of social networking and technology information management platforms, and customisable business processes for the effective implementation, management and measurement of Social Investment and CSR activities. Carol is a member of the GRI Social Sector Supplement working group and is now also actively engaged in the replication of SASIX through the establishment of a Global Social Investment Exchange framework and platform.

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Thursday, 29 October 2009

Dr Seoung-Kyu RHEE Professor & Director, CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility) Research Center at KAIST Graduate School of Management Speaker, “Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility”

Seung-Kyu Rhee is a professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management and the Director of CSR Research center at KAIST Graduate School of Management. He graduated from Seoul National University (BBA), and received his MS and PhD degrees from the Department of Management Science, KAIST. Professor Rhee's main research interest lies in the corporate responses to global economic, social, and environmental challenges along with their evolving supply chain partners. He is an expert of Korean manufacturing industries and one of the pioneering management scholars studying social and environmental issues of business management. He has published in J. of Operations Management, Business Strategy and Environment, Int‟l J. of Cleaner Production, Int‟l J. of Operations and Production Management, etc. Dr. Rhee has advised many leading Korean companies on their SCM and CSR issues. Also on many occasions, he has served as a resource person for the Korean Governments and international organizations including UNDP and UNEP. In his leisure time, he enjoys jogging, reading mystery and thriller novels, and learning Chinese language and history.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Ms Elisa LANZI Researcher, Climate Modelling and Policy Group Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) Speaker, “Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility”

Elisa Lanzi is a researcher at Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) in the research group Climate Modelling and Policy. She joined FEEM in 2006 where she has been working on sustainability indicators, Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) models, innovation and patent data. Her main research interests are empirical analysis and modelling of induced technical change, climate-economy models, and climate policies. Elisa graduated in Economics at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, and holds a Master degree in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics from University College London. Currently she is also writing her PhD thesis at the Advanced School of Economics in Venice (SSE). As part of her PhD, she spent a semester in Boston following courses at the Massachussets Institute of Technology (MIT), a semester as Visiting Scholar at Boston University (BU), and a semester at the OECD Environment Directorate in Paris. Previously she also worked for the Emilia-Romagna Regional Government in the International Relation Office, for the Province of Bologna at the Office for Impact Evaluation and Environmental Sustainability, and at the European IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control) Bureau, part of the European Commission Joint Research Centre of Seville, Spain.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Jan Robert SUESSER Director International Cooperation Agency for Economic and Finance Ministries, ADETEF Chair, “The Role of Civil Society”

Since 2002, Jan Robert SUESSER has been the Director of ADETEF, the International Cooperation Agency of the French Economic and Finance Ministries. Statistician and Economist by profession, he has worked for more than ten years on issues related to Central and Eastern European Countries and the Former Soviet Union. From 1990 to 1996, he managed statistical cooperation programmes in these countries. From 1996 to 2001, he was in charge, at the French Treasury, of economic and financial matters for CIS countries and of the EU enlargement process with CEECs. From 2005 to 2008, he participated actively in the OECD Metagora project on measuring Democracy, Governance and Human Rights. Beyond his professional activities, he is active in EU fora, aiming to ensure civil society voices are an integral part of the institutional decision-making processes.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Dr Anders HINGEL Head of Unit, Directorate General for Education and Culture European Commission Speaker, “The Role of Civil Society”

Anders Joest HINGEL passed a Ph.D. in Economics at the Copenhagen School of Economics and Social Sciences. During the first ten years after having graduated he occupied a post as university teacher at the Roskilde University Centre (DK) and carried out comparative research on technology policy, trade union policies and technological change. During that period he started working for the Commission of the European Communities as a consultant and expert and he also carried out research commissioned by French national authorities. He has occupied responsibilities within the European Commission first as principle scientific officer within the Directorate General for Science, Technology and Development responsible for preparing the socio-economic research programme and research actions in the field of "Research on Education and Training in Europe". Since 1996, he has as head of Unit in the Directorate General for Education and Culture been responsible for development of educational policies, for analysis and studies on education and lifelong learning, as well as for statistics, indicators and benchmarks following up and monitoring the Lisbon process of the European Union. He is presently responsible for the Studies and Analysis unit preparing the annual Commission report on progress and performance of education and training systems in Europe based on indicators and benchmarks. He is responsible for the Eurydice information network on education systems in Europe and for comparative research on education and training together with indicator development projects such as the European survey on Language competences and development work on indicators for Learning to Learn competences, active citizenship and creativity.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Mr Buzz SCHMIDT Chief Executive GuideStar International Speaker, “The Role of Civil Society”

Buzz Schmidt is Chief Executive of GuideStar International—a London-based charity that catalogues the existence and activities of civil society organizations throughout the world, helping each to tell its own story online in accurate, productive and resonant ways. He founded GuideStar USA (www.guidestar.org) in 1994, GuideStar UK (www.guidestar.org.uk) in 2003 and GuideStar International (www.guidestarinternational.org) in 2004. Schmidt was named 1999 US Nonprofit Executive of the Year by The Nonprofit Times and one of six visionary leaders in philanthropy profiled by Time in 1999. He serves on the boards of the Institute for Philanthropy, FB Heron Foundation (Chair), Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquity, Friends of New Philanthropy Capital (President) and GuideStar Data Services, CIC (Chair). Buzz is a graduate of Princeton and Stanford‘s Graduate Schools of Business and Education.

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Thursday, 29 October 2009

Dr Heisoo SHIN President, Korea Women‟s Hotline Former Expert, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women Speaker, “The Role of Civil Society”

Trained as a sociologist, Dr. Heisoo Shin from the Republic of Korea has been working for thirty years in the civil movement, especially in the areas of women‘s human rights. Nationally, as the president of the Korea Women‘s Hotline, a national organization with 25 branches working to combat domestic and other forms of violence against women, Dr. Shin has led the legislation movements on sexual violence and domestic violence. Regionally and internationally, representing the Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan, she raised the so-called ‗comfort women‘ issue at the United Nations and other international fora, demanding legal reparation by the Japanese government. Dr. Shin also served as an expert of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women for 2001-2008, as well as a commissioner of the National Human Rights Commission in Korea for 2005-2008. Just recently, she founded a new NGO, the National Movement for Eradication of Sex Trafficking. Academically, she was an associate professor at Hanil University and Presbyterian Theological Seminary for 1993-2000, a visiting professor at the Graduate School of NGO Studies at KyungHee University for 2001-2006. Currently, she is an adjunct professor at the Graduate School of International Studies at Ewha Womans University.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Mr Steve KILLELEA Chairman Integrated Research Ltd Chair, “Can We Measure Peace? Does it Help in Achieving it?”

Steve Killelea, Chairman and founder of Integrated Research Ltd, has over 30 years experience in the information technology industry. Highly skilled in international marketing, business and product strategy, he has developed two highly profitable global companies with exceptional track records. Integrated Research is an international technology company listed on the Australia Stock Exchange that has customers in over 50 countries. The company has won Australian Exporter of the year along with many other awards. Steve is also active in venture capital and founded Smarter Capital in 2001, which specializes in investments into high technology companies. His strong interest in the broader community, led him to establish his own private foundation, TCF, in 2000. The aim of TCF is to substantially change the lives of as many people as possible with special emphasis on targeting the poorest of the poor. TCF is one of the largest private charities in Australia focused on developing countries and is active in East and Central Africa and parts of Asia. Steve is also the founder of the Institute for Economics and Peace, and of the Global Peace Index, a new tool for measuring peacefulness of countries and identifying the drivers of peace. Developed in conjunction with the Economist Intelligence Unit, the Global Peace Index has sparked a debate in the media from all parts of the world. The Global Peace Index is now considered a benchmark for measuring the peacefulness of nations. Steve has sat on private and public company boards as well as influential industry government advisory boards including AIIA, IIBAB, NICTA and the CSIRO. He currently serves on a number of Advisory Boards including the OECD‘s Global Project on Measuring Progress of Societies, and is an International Trustee of the World Council of Religions for Peace.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Prof Kevin CLEMENTS Director of the New Zealand National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, NCPACS University of Otago Speaker, “Can We Measure Peace? Does it Help in Achieving it?”

Professor Kevin P Clements is the Foundation Chair of Peace and Conflict Studies and Director of the New Zealand National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (NCPACS) at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, and Secretary General of the International Peace Research Association. Prior to taking up these positions he was the Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies and Foundation Director of the Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. His career has been a combination of academic analysis and practice in the areas of peacebuilding and conflict transformation. Professor Clements has been a regular consultant to a variety of non-governmental and intergovernmental organisations on disarmament, arms control, conflict resolution, development and regional security issues. He has written or edited 7 books and over 150 chapters /articles on conflict transformation, peacebuilding, preventive diplomacy and development with a specific focus on the Asia Pacific region. email: [email protected]

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Thursday, 29 October 2009

Dr Sang-Hyun LEE Director of the Security Studies Program Sejong Institute in Korea Speaker, “Can we Measure peace? Does it help in achieving it?”

Sang-Hyun Lee is Director of the Security Studies Program at the Sejong Institute in Korea. He received his B.A. and M.A. from Seoul National University and Ph.D. from the Department of Political Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1999. He was a research fellow at the Korean Institute for International Studies (1987-88) and the Korea Institute for Defense Analysis (1988-90). He joined the Sejong Institute in 2001 and currently serves as Director of Security Studies Program at the Institute. He is also in charge of the World Peace Index project as an acting director since 2000. His main research interests are focused on international politics and security, Korea-U.S. relations, inter-Korean relations, and East Asian security issues. His recent publications include ―South-North Korean Relations after the ROK-U.S. Summit,‖ Vantage Point (2008), North Korean Nuclear Crisis and the Peace Regime on the Korean Peninsula (co-editor, 2008, in Korean), Roadmap for the ROK-US Alliance: Vision, Issues, and Strategies (co-authored, 2008, in Korean), ―U.S. Military Transformation: Its Origins, Achievements, and Evaluation‖ (2007), ―Transfer of Wartime Operational Control and Issues in ROK-U.S. Alliance‖ (2007), 2020 Korea's National Strategy (I): National Security Strategy (Seoul: KINU, 2007, co-authored, in Korean), Korea‟s National Security Strategy 2020 (co-authored, 2006, in Korean), and ―Peace Regime on the Korean Peninsula and ROK-U.S. Alliance‖ (2006).

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Mr Mario PEZZINI Deputy Director Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate OECD Chair, “Cities: a Place for Well-Being or Ill-Being?”

Mario Pezzini, Deputy Director in the OECD Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate. Mario Pezzini is in charge of the OECD activities that promote regional competitiveness and effectiveness of regional policies. In order to advise national governments and sub-national authorities, Mario Pezzini coordinates the work of the OECD Territorial Development Policy Committee, the main international forum for debate in the field of regional policy. Twice a year this forum brings together officials from prime minister‘s offices or national economic ministries from the 30 OECD member countries to discuss within three working parties: Territorial Indicators, Territorial Policies in Urban Areas, and Territorial Policies in Rural Areas. In his work, Mario Pezzini liaises between the OECD and ministers, cabinet‘s members, and high level policy makers. More recently, he has been increasingly engaged in promoting dialogue with non-member countries and has developed high-level cooperation with International Organisations such as the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Council of Europe. Before joining the OECD, Mario Pezzini was Professor in Industrial Economics at the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris as well as in US and Italian Universities. On several occasions Mr. Pezzini has served as an advisor for international organisations (UNIDO, UNDP, and ILO) and think tanks in the fields of economic development, industrial organization and regional economics such as the Italian economics research institute, Nomisa. A member of several governmental advisory boards, Mr. Pezzini was also manager in the Regional Government of the Emilia-Romagna Region in Italy.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Ms Christine RUYTERS Sociologist, Researcher Walloon Institute for Evaluation, Prospective and Statistics, IWEPS Speaker, “Cities: a Place for Well-Being or Ill-Being?”

Christine Ruyters is a sociologist, researcher at the Walloon Institute for Evaluation, Prospective and Statistics (IWEPS). Her main research interests are social cohesion, poverty and social exclusion, human development, social capital. She contributes a methodological support to the implementation of the social cohesion plans in the Walloon cities and communes. She contributes also with the Council of Europe to conception and elaboration of well-being indicators at local level in Wallonia. She took part in several books and papers whose recently : Is a composite social cohesion indicator possible ?, Defays D., Guio A.C., Laffut M., Ruyters C. (2008) presented to the International Conference on Theoretical Perspectives on Social Cohesion and Social Capital, organised by the research network ‗Social Cohesion Indicators Flanders‘, Brussels, 15 May 2008 ; Pauvreté et exclusion sociale. Partage d‟expériences entre Wallonie et Québec, Laffut M., Roy M.-R. (Eds), De Boeck (2007); Rapport sur la cohésion sociale en Région wallonne – volet statistique (DIIS-IWEPS) (2007) ; Le capital social à la lumière de la cohésion sociale. Dialectique d'un questionnement in Capital social et dynamique régionale, Houard J., Jacquemain M. (Eds), De Boeck (2006) ; Des indicateurs régionaux de développement humain dans le Nord-Pas-de-Calais et en Wallonie, Gadrey J., Ruyters C. et Laffut M., Etudes prospectives régionales, Conseil régional Nord-Pas-de-Calais) (2006) ; Une autre approche des Indicateurs de pauvreté. Recherche – Action – Formation (Centre pour l‘égalité des chances et la lutte contre le racisme, Service de lutte contre la pauvreté, la précarité et l‘exclusion sociale (2004). At this moment, she contributes to writing the Methodological Guide of Council of Europe on ‗Fostering involvement of citizens / communities in developing and measuring Well-being and Progress of Societies‘.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Ms Charlotte KAHN Director, the Boston Indicators Project The Boston Foundation Speaker, “Cities: a Place for Well-Being or Ill-Being?”

Charlotte Kahn co-founded and directs the Boston Indicators Project at the Boston Foundation in partnership with the City of Boston and the Metropolitan Area Planning Council. Tracking local and regional change in ten sectors through an award-winning website, the Project produces a biennial report on regional, national and global trends affecting Boston, measures progress on a broad-based civic agenda and issues occasional special reports. Previously at the foundation, she directed Boston‘s participation in a six-city anti-poverty initiative. Prior to joining the Boston Foundation, Ms. Kahn coordinated public education for the Tax Equity Alliance for Massachusetts. A decade earlier, she co-founded and later served as the Executive Director of a community-based NGO dedicated to improving the quality of neighborhood life in Boston through community gardening, open space planning and job training in urban land management. Ms. Kahn attended Cornell University, holds a Masters degree from Antioch University, and was awarded a Loeb Fellowship in Advanced Environmental Studies from the Harvard University Graduate School of Design. She is a co-founder of the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership (NNIP) among 30 American cities coordinated by the Urban Institute, President-Elect of the Community Indicators Consortium (CIC), a global network, and a leader of the Open Indictors Consortium, a multi-party collaboration based at the University of Massachusetts-Lowell to develop a high-performance open source platform for data visualization. Ms. Kahn has also assisted the State of the USA (SUSA) in developing a framework of key national indicators.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Mr Eduardo LORA Chief Economist (a.i.) and General Manager, Research Department, Inter-American Development Bank Speaker, “Cities: a Place for Well-Being or Ill-Being?”

STUDIES Master of Science in Economics, London School of Economics, 1982. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Current Position: Chief Economist (a.i.) and General Manager of the Research Department, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, D.C. Main Previous Positions and Professional Activities: Executive Director of Fedesarrollo, Colombia, 1991-1996. Regular Columnist Writer for ―Dinero‖. ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL DISTINCTIONS Distinguished Alumnus of the London School of Economics, 1995. MAIN PUBLICATIONS Beyond Facts: Understanding Quality of Life (coordinator). Development in the Americas: 2009 report. Inter-American Development Bank, Washington D.C., 2008. The State of State Reform (editor). Latin American Development Forum Series. Stanford University Press and World Bank, Washington, D.C., 2006. Also published in Spanish: Mayo, World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, 2007. Técnicas de Medición Económica. Metodología y Aplicaciones en Colombia (author). Bogotá: Alfaomega, 2005, third edition (first edition: 1987, second edition: 1991) A Decade of Development Thinking, (editor and coauthor with Carmen Pagés, Ugo Panizza and Ernesto Stein). Research Department, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, D.C., 2004. Is Geography Destiny? Lessons from Latin America (coauthor with John Luke Gallup and Alejandro Gaviria). Latin American Development Forum Series. Stanford University Press and World Bank, Washington, D.C., 2003. Also published in Portuguese: UNESP and World Bank, 2007, and Spanish: Alfaomega, Inter-American Development Bank, 2003.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Ms Anindita MITRA President, Community Indicators Consortium Founding Principal, CREA Affiliates Discussant, “Cities: a Place for Well-Being or Ill-Being?”

Anindita Mitra practices as an urban planner and designer with a particular focus on creating sustainable communities. As the Founding Principal of CREA Affiliates, LLC she works closely with communities to help them develop visions, plans, strategies and designs for a sustainable future. She views indicators and performance measures as powerful tools that can be integrated into local governance to facilitate a decision making and deliberation process that will foster sustainable communities. Anindita is the current President of the Community Indicators Consortium (2008-09). In addition to integrating indicators into the planning process, her indicator work extends to carbon footprinting at the community wide level, and developing a research framework for the American Society of Civil Engineers for indicators of sustainable infrastructure. She is also the Sustainability Advisor to the Municipal Research Services Center and a Co-Chair of the Sustainability and Climate Initiative of the Washington Chapter of the American Planning Association. Anindita has a Master‘s degree in Urban Planning from the University of California at Berkeley and a bachelors degree in Architecture from the School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi. She is the author of ―Painting the Town Green: The Use of Sustainable Community Indicators in the United States of America‖ (RICS, 2003) and her articles have appeared in a number of journals including the National Civic Review, Urban Land and the Local Environment.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Mr Rolf ELM-LARSEN Director Rigsrevisionen – National Audit office of Denmark Chair, “Keeping Policy Makers Accountable”

Degrees: MA in political science (cand. scient. pol), Aarhus Universitet, 1975 Positions Period Position Institution 1980 - Head of section / Director National Audit Office of Denmark 1978 - 80 Head of the Danish Member‘s cabinet European Court of Auditors 1975 - 78 Head of section National Audit Office of Denmark Academic positions: Period Position Subject Institution 1988 - External lecturer

Accounting and audit Copenhagen Business School

1980-97 External lecturer Economics Danish School of Administration

Publications: 1. ―Audit from an Agency Theoretical Perspective‖. Article in ―Audit: Function and

Vision‖. 1. The Organisation of Young Auditors 1994 pp 211-238 (Published in Danish) 2. ―The Relationship between value for money audit and Transaction Cost and Agency

Theories‖. Paper presented at the 5th Conference of Comparative Governmental Accounting Research (CIGAR), Paris, May 1995.

3. ―Cases in the Agriculture Administration‖. Article in Management Control in Modern Government Administration: Some Comparative practices. OECD/SIGMA. Paris 1996. pp. 104-117.

4. ―Performance Audit‖. Samfundslitteratur 2000. (Book published in Danish. Translated to Polish 2005)

5. ―Planning of choice of methods for performance audit. Lessons learned of in the National Audit Office of Denmark‖ Paper presented on 6. Internationale Tokyo Forumon Performance Audit, September 2001.

6. ―Public Accounting and Auditing. A Danish and International Perspective‖ Forlaget Thomson/Forlaget FSR 2001. (Book published in Danish)

7. ―Planning of choice of methods for performance audit. Lessons learned in the National Audit Office of Denmark.‖ Paper presented at the 6.th Tokyo International Audit Forum, September 2001.

8. Public Sector Audit – empirical knowledge and theory. Thomson 2006. (Book published in Danish)

9. ‖Performance Audit. Concept, Theory and Process. Forlaget Samfundslitteratur 2007. (Book published in Danish)

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Mr Mark FRIEDMAN Director The Fiscal Policy Studies Institute Speaker, “Keeping Policy Makers Accountable”

Mark Friedman is the Director of the Fiscal Policy Studies Institute in Santa Fe, New Mexico, a Senior Fellow with the Center for the Study of Social Policy in Washington DC and author of the book Trying Hard Is Not Good Enough: How to Produce Measurable Improvements for Customers and Communities. Mr. Friedman has over 30 years of experience in public administration and public policy, including 19 years in senior positions with the State of Maryland Department of Human Resources. His Results-Based Accountability™ framework helps partners translate data into action, and has been used to measurably improve conditions ranging from environmental quality to the performance of schools at the national, state, county, city and community levels in countries around the world.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Mr Sam NYAMBI African Monitor Board of Trustees Speaker, “Keeping Policy Makers Accountable”

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Dr. José de Jesús GARCÍA VEGA Professor of Economics Universidad de Monterrey

Chair, “The Role of Communicators” Dr. José de Jesús García Vega is a Professor of Economics at the Universidad de Monterrey, Mexico, where he teaches Business Forecasting, Microeconomics, Managerial Economics and International Economics. He is a visiting professor on several universities in Mexico and overseas. He is the Director of the Center of Well-being Studies, which includes research related to the subjective well-being and the quality of life in Mexico. He has published a book on happiness and values in Monterrey and co-authored an article published on the Handbook of the Economics of Happiness. His most recent project is related to the construction of a National Quality of Life Index for Mexico. Dr. García Vega founded and coordinated the Research Forum at the University of Monterrey in 2000, 2001 and 2002, and elaborated several studies on Mexican food consumption. He has been invited to speak at several conferences in Mexico and overseas regarding food consumption, international trade and subjective well-being. He is currently the Vice president for External Affairs of the International Society of Quality of Life Studies and he is a member of the Board of Directors of the Community Indicators Consortium. Jose graduated from Texas A &M University with a PhD in Agricultural Economics in 1995 and earlier earned an MBA and a bachelor‘s degree from the Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas in Tampico, Mexico. Dr. García Vega can be reached at: [email protected].

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Mr Peter SIMLINGER Director International Institute for Information Design, IIID Speaker, “The Role of Communicators”

Peter Simlinger graduated in architecture from the University of Technology Vienna and engaged in post-graduate studies at The Bartlett, University College, London. Back in Vienna, his main interest changed to corporate identity and wayshowing systems. Work done by Peter Simlinger for Austrian Railways was honoured by a "Brunel Award for Outstanding Visual Design in Public Railway Transportation". The signage system devised by Peter Simlinger for the Vienna International Airport repeatedly gets top evaluation scores in the "Finding your way" category. The project allowed for implementing public information symbols developed under Peter Simlinger's chairmanship of relevant ISO and National Standards committees. Other projects realized comprise orientation systems for hospitals, office/science parks and recreation grounds as well as customer information for Austria's largest bank. Having been President of "GDA Graphik-Design Austria" (now "DA Design Austria") Peter Simlinger became instrumental in founding the International Institute for Information Design (IIID) in 1988. Since then, in close co-operation with its members, IIID organized 13 international symposia "Vision Plus" in Austria, Japan, Great Britain, France and the USA, several summer academies in Austria, Italy, Japan, the USA and the Cape Verde islands and many more international conferences, workshops and expert fora on manual design, knowledge presentation, guiding systems and financial information. Research undertaken by IIID under Peter Simlinger's direction had/has a focus on curriculum development, traffic & transport information, intellectual property protection, safety & security and sustainable tourism. IIID is proud of having been recommended by UNESCO as a partner organization for worldwide co-operation on matters of information design and for having been accepted as an Associate of OECD's Global Project on "Measuring the Progress of Societies". Details on IIID can be found at www.iiid.net. 2009 Peter Simlinger took on additional responsibilities as General Editor of the Information Design Journal (IDJ), published by John Benjamins in Amsterdam: http://www.benjamins.com/cgi-bin/t_seriesview.cgi?series=Idj

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Ms Veronika EGGER Deputy Director International Institute for Information Design, IIID Speaker, “The Role of Communicators”

is-design GmbH www.isdesign.at Throughout her career, which she started as a graphic designer, Veronika has always focused on understandability and usability of information. Started during her years at Philips Design in Vienna, where she established and led an interdisciplinary „User Interface Group― who developed and tested usability concepts, the passion for solutions for people is continued in her own company – is-design GmbH, which was founded in 1997. Veronika combines her experience in information design, product design, user interface design and accessibility. This holistic approach to usability has extended into a new field of application: User experience design for the built environment. Fundamental to all design projects is an ―inclusive design‖ approach. As a board member and deputy director of the International Institute for Information Design (IIID, www.iiid.net) she has co-organised the conference DD4D – Data Designed for Decisions (www.dd4d.net) in Paris, 2009.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Mr Donato SPERONI Journalist EAST, Europe and Asia Strategies Speaker, “The Role of Communicators”

Donato Speroni graduated in Political Sciences from the University of Pavia and started his career in journalism in 1964. He is now teacher of Statistics and Economics at the Urbino University School of Journalism and contributes to EAST, Europe and Asia Strategies (a bimonthly magazine in Italian and English, see www.eastonline.it) , with articles and interviews about global issues. Speroni held high level jobs in leading Italian newspapers and magazines and in public and private institutions operating in Italy. He was staff editor in the business department of Corriere della Sera, the Italian leading newspaper, and deputy editor of Il Mondo (Corriere della Sera economic weekly magazine). As expert in communication, he has been director for public relations and public affairs for Eni, Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi, the Italian State oil company and consultant on gender issues to Minister Emma Bonino, when she was head of the Department for European Policies of the Italian Presidency. Speroni started to have a special interest in statistical dissemination when he became consultant to Istat, the Italian national institute of statistics. In 1997 he became Head of the Communications Service (Comunicazione e Immagine) and Assistant to the President of Istat for Press and Public Relations. In those years, he organized the system of press releases with the introduction of "lock ups", created the Internet web site and introduced new publications targeted at opinion leaders. After his retirement in 1999, Speroni was active as consultant in statistical dissemination at international level. Has been chairman of the United Nations' meeting on statistical dissemination held in Perugia (May 1999); member of the working group producing an international manual on statistics and the press for the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe in Geneva (see http://www.unece.org/stats/documents/media/guide/). He was invited speaker at the Medstat (Mediterranean countries) meeting on statistical communications held in Lugano, Switzerland (April 1999). In 2000 and 2008 he was invited speaker on electronic dissemination at the National Italian Statistical Conferences. In 2001, he led a team in charge of producing material on statistical advocacy for Paris21. For Oxford Policy Management, in 2001 - 2002, he was consultant to the National Bureau of Statistics - Tanzania for the ―Household Budget Survey 2000‖ dissemination and led the team that finalised the HBS statistical products on paper and on line. In 2003 - 2004, Speroni was consultant to the Central Statistics Office – Botswana within the GDDS framework: supported CSO in planning a quarterly paper newsletter for opinion leaders, in the revision of its website and in training statisticians for media relations. In 2007 – 2008, he was consultant to the Kosovo Institute of statistics in planning communication for the future census of the new country. In Italy, Speroni completed in 2005 a ministerial project for producing ―il valore dei dati‖, http://www.istat.it/servizi/studenti/valoredati/, a website fostering statistical culture and has implemented the on line news service of the Italian Sistema Statistico Nazionale. www.donatosperoni.com [email protected]

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Mr Amir DOSSAL Executive Director UN Office for Partnerships Chair, “The Role of Foundations”

Amir Dossal is Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Partnerships and as such is the United Nations representative for public/private partnerships. He guides the development of strategic alliances with corporations, foundations and philanthropists in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Mr. Dossal is the UN's Chief Liaison for Ted Turner's $1 billion donation for UN causes, which involves over 450 programmes and projects in children‘s health; women and population; climate change; and biodiversity. This includes "investments" of over $560 million from other donors and partners. He also oversees management of the UN Democracy Fund, which he established in 2005, to strengthen democratic institutions and enhance democratic governance in new or restored democracies. Since joining the United Nations in 1985, Mr. Dossal has led a number of new initiatives. In 1997 he set up the Management Policy Office to oversee reform within the United Nations. He established the UN Fund for International Partnerships in 1999, which serves as the interface for media mogul Ted Turner's $1 billion contribution through the UN Foundation. In 2005 he established the UN Democracy Fund, to strengthen democratic institutions and enhance democratic governance in new or restored democracies. In 2007 he created a Business Advisory Council for the Greater Tumen Region to attract foreign direct investment in North East Asia, in the energy, environment, transport and tourism sectors. This public-private partnership involves business and government from five countries. Amir is a Chartered Accountant (FCA) having qualified from Deloitte, Haskins & Sells, London in 1975. Prior to joining the United Nations, he worked in the business community for over 15 years. Amir has lived and worked in Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, Middle East, and North America. He is married with one son.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Mr Martin COLLIER Executive Director The Glaser Progress Foundation Speaker, “The Role of Foundations”

Martin Collier is founding Executive Director and a Managing Board Member of the Glaser Progress Foundation, created by Rob Glaser, CEO and Chairman of RealNetworks. At the Foundation, Collier oversees initiatives to: create new and better measures of national progress; support independent and progressive media; and strengthen the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. He is the Treasurer for Grantmakers in Film and Electronic Media, a Board Member of ProgressNow and FUSE, an Advisory Board Member of Free Press and a nonpaid advisor to the Democracy Alliance. He is a past Board Member of the National Alliance of Media Arts and Culture. Collier is a graduate of Georgetown University and Seattle University School of Law.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Mr Marcello PALAZZI Founder President, Progressio Foundation Board Member, Tällberg Foundation, Sweden Speaker, “The Role of Foundations”

Palazzi is a serial innovator, entrepreneur and project developer working at the interface of business, philanthropy, civil society and government, the space he calls the "civic economy", i.e. "economy and enterprise for the public good", following a book he inspired and co-authored in 1990. In his early 20s, Marcello and his father started 2 companies in environmental diagnostics in the UK and Italy, which he grew internationally during a 10-year period and then sold. In his early 30s, he co-founded Progressio Foundation in the Netherlands with Dr Paul Kloppenborg with whom in 1989-90 he co-authored the above-listed book, and edited a second book "The Quest for Utilization Value", which analyzed economics NOT as the allocation of scarce resources, but as the utilization of talents, competences and know-how across multiple sectors: government, business, civil society, philanthropy. Twenty years later, both books remain as fresh and relevant as ever. Through Progressio Foundation during the last 20 years, he has led 130 projects and ventures in 30 countries, in the pursuit of "human progress" solutions to the key challenges of sustainable development, smart growth, creative societies, poverty eradication among others (see www.progressio.org). Since 2004, he has also been deeply engaged with the Tällberg Foundation in Sweden as board member with particular responsibilities for the annual Tällberg Forum and REWORK, a global initiative promoting next generation green and social entrepreneurs (see www.tallbergfoundation.org and www.reworktheworld.org). He has and continues to be involved as board member or advisor of other public-good organizations in Europe and the USA, among which the Avalon Foundation, The Encounter of World Views Foundation, ASHOKA Netherlands, NFTE Netherlands, Net Impact, FSG Social Impact Europe, Dalberg, The Lisbon Council, Brussels, TBLI - Triple Bottom Line Investment Group. Palazzi operates from the Netherlands, where he is happily married to Leonore van Hövell tot Westerflier, Art Historian and Hatha Yoga Professional and is father to 3 teenagers. By education, he is an economist (University of Buckingham - UB), a public and foreign policy scholar (LSE) and a business manager (LBS, MIT and RSM). At UB he was elected President of the Students' Union; at LBS he won The Economist Prize for the Best MBA Project on entrepreneurial non-profits and at LSE he wrote a Master's Thesis on SMEs in Europe in 1984 which was years ahead of its times. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) in London, a member of the Clinton Global Initiative in New York, a member of the FutureShapers in San Francisco, a founding member of Social Venture Network Europe in Amsterdam.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Dr William O‟HARE Senior Fellow Annie E. Casey Foundation Speaker, “The Role of Foundations”

Dr. O‘Hare‘s work over the past 30 years have been defined by the use of statistical data to elevate the needs of disadvantaged populations such as children, the poor and racial minorities on the public agenda. That work has also involved working closely with the media and policy makers. From 1993 to 2005, Dr. O‘Hare directed the KIDS COUNT project at the Annie E. Casey Foundation in the United States. Since 2005, he has been a consultant to the Annie E. Casey Foundation, working on KIDS COUNT and related data-based projects. From 1991 to 1993, Dr. O‘Hare directed the Population and Public Policy Program at the University of Louisville, where he worked closely with the Kentucky KIDS COUNT grantee. From 1978 to 1991 Dr. O‘Hare worked at several non-profit research and education organizations in Washington DC, including the Population Reference Bureau (where he helped put together the first KIDS COUNT data book), the Joint Center for Political Studies, and the National Social Science and Law Center. During the 1980-81 school year, he received a Fulbright scholarship to teach at the University of San Carlos in Cebu, The Philippines. Dr. O‘Hare served on the Census Bureau‘s Professional Organization Advisory Committee from 1997 to 2003 and he currently serves as the Alternative Representative for The Association of Public Data Users on the Census Advisory Committee for the 2010 Census. He has published numerous scholarly articles, working papers, and monographs over his career, and he has been quoted extensively in the press. He has served in numerous professional organizations and he was President of the Southern Demographic Association in 1992-93. He has testified in Congressional Hearings and he is a qualified expert witness on Voting Rights matters in the federal court system. From 1985 to 1995 he was a contributing editor to American Demographics magazine. He is also a founding member of the International Society for Child Indicators where he is currently on the Steering Committee. Dr. O‘Hare received a Ph.D in Sociology from Michigan State University in 1976.

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Thursday, 29 October 2009

Mr Tae-shin KWON Minister of the Prime Minister‟s Office Republic of Korea Chair, “New Policies, New Behaviours, New Institutions”

Tae-Shin Kwon has been the Minister of the Prime Minister's Office of the Republic of Korea since 20 January 2009 after successfully serving as the Vice Minister of General Affairs of the Prime Minister's Office. He served as the Korean Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the OECD (2006-2008) and also as the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Finance and Economy (2005). Having built a career in the field of finance and economy he currently enjoys the reputation of being Korea's representative specialist in international finance. Educated at Seoul National University (BA, 1972), Vanderbilt University (MA, 1982) and City University of London (MBA, 2001), he started public service in 1977 in the Ministry of Finance and since then took up various important positions including Director-General for International Finance (2002-03), Director for Economic Cooperation, International Organization, Overseas Investment, Budget Policy (1991-96) as well as Economic Counsellor at the Korean Embassy in the United Kingdom (1998-01). His career also included work in the Office of the President as Deputy Director-General of the National Competitiveness Enhancement Committee (1997), Assistant Secretary for the Finance and Economy (1989), Economic Secretary for the Industry and Communications (2001), and Secretary for Economic Policies as well as Secretary for Coordination and Planning (2004).

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Professor Antonio MARZANO President International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions (AICESIS) and National Economic and Labour Council (CNEL) Speaker, “New Policies, New Behaviours, New Institutions”

Elected President of the International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar

Institutions (AICESIS) - (July 2009). Appointed President of the National Council for Economics and Labour (CNEL) (July 2005). Former Minister for Productive Activities (2001 – 2005). He was member of Parliament (1994-2005) and Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for the Reform of the State Budget, and Chairman of the 6th Finance Committee of the Chamber of Deputies. Antonio Marzano has been professor of Economic and Financial Politics at the school of Political Science of the University of Rome (since 1974) and professor of Economic Policy at the LUISS university of Rome (since 1978). Former chairman of the School of Economics and Trade at the Abruzzi University (1968-1971), director of the Institute for Economic, Financial and Statistical Studies of the school of Political Science of the University of Rome (1974-1980), and professor of History and Monetary Policy at the same school (1971-1974). He was member of the Committee for the drafting of the general report on the economic situation of the Country at the Ministry of the Budget; the Committee on public debt at the Treasury; the Committee for medium-term industrial policy at the European Economic Community; the Economic Programming Committee at the Ministry of the Budget; the Advisory Committee on productivity and efficiency in public spending (Treasury); of the Committee on privatizations (Draghi Committee at the Treasury), and of the Supervisory Committee on Statistical Information (Prime Minister‘s Office). He was also member of the board of several major companies and banks. He chaired the Committee for the future of Rome as Capital city, appointed by the Mayor of Rome (2008-2009). Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic. First Class Grand Cross conferred on him by the President of the Austrian Republic. ―Honorary citizen of Collecchio‖ for his engagement, attention and critical role played during the difficult moments of the Parmalat crisis. Honorary degree in Economics and Trade, Abruzzi University ―Gabriele D‘Annunzio‖. He was awarded the ―35th Scanno Prize‖ for Economics, the ―Golden Pen‖ prize for Economics, the ―Donato Menichella 2006‖ prize under the high Patronage of the President of the Republic, the ―Guido Dorso‖ International Award in the political section as scholar in favour of the Mezzogiorno. He is the author of more than 150 publications.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Mr Ohm Collins CHABANE Minister for Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Prisidency of South Africa Speaker, “New Policies, New Behaviours, New Institutions”

Ohm Collins Chabane was born on the 15th of April 1960 at Xikundu Village, Limpopo Province. He joined the ANC underground activities at an early age of Seventeen (17) and went to exile in May 1980. In 1984 he was arrested and served a term in Robben Island. On his release in 1990, he continued to serve the ANC in the then Northern Transvaal as the Provincial Secretary until 1998. He was also instrumental in the re-establishment of the ANC structures in the Province. As the Provincial Secretary he also served in the following provincial sub-committees:

Provincial Working Committee, Chair of the Provincial Disciplinary Committee Chair of the Political Committee Member of the Provincial Constitutional Committee Provincial ETC Member of the Political Education

At the level of Limpopo Legislature, he is serving as a member of the Rules Committee, the Legislature Board and the Internal Arrangement Committee. After the 1994 elections, he was elected to serve as an MP in the National Assembly where he participated in the following committees:

Constitutional and Management Committees: Constitutional Assembly, Joint Committee on Defence and Intelligence, Standing Committee: Finance, Minerals and Energy Affairs

In 1997 he was re-deployed back to Limpopo Province and was appointed MEC in Premier Ngoako Ramatlhodi‘s Office. In 1998 he was appointed MEC for the department of Public Works and leader of government business in the Legislature. One of the highlight of his tenure in Public Works was the establishment of the Road Agency, which was the first institution of its kind to be established in South Africa. Through this institution, the department managed to fast track the upgrading of roads in the province. He also established ―Gungu Lashu‖, a labour intensive road construction programme – a nucleus of the current EPWP programme. The department went on to win the following awards under his leadership: Platinum, Silver and Gold for Best Service Awards as well as won the award for the EPWP programme. In 2005 he was appointed as MEC for Economic Development, Environment & Tourism. This is the Department which is charged with the responsibility of driving

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the Provincial economy. During his tenure in the department he embarked on an international awareness programme on economic opportunities in trade and investment in the tourism, mining agribusiness sector with special emphasizes on Doing Business with SADC countries and Africa broadly as well as with the international business communities. A number of Service level agreements were signed with CPI in Mozambique, SIPA in Swaziland, Bedia in Botswana, SOFI in Switzerland, SANC for the South African Netherlands Chamber of Business, JETRO in Japan and with IJM in Malaysia (a capacitation programme for graduates). A tourism agreement co-operation agreement was signed with Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Zambia. Negotiations to sign Service Level Agreements with Lesotho, Namibia and Zimbabwe are still underway. Importantly, through his assistance, a R15million water purification project has been realized. This project, 3D Water Purification Project, a Joint venture (JV) between a Limpopo based company and a Dutch Company, is viewed as a pilot project which the Limpopo Provincial government would like to duplicate in other municipalities upon its completion. In December 2007, the ANC held its 52nd National Congress in Polokwane, Limpopo Province where he was re-elected into the NEC. He serves in the following ANC National Executive sub-committees:

National Working Committee Constitutional Affairs Sub-Committee (Chairperson) NEC Deployee to Gauteng (Convenor) Transitional Task Team (Convenor) National Deployment Committee Economic Transformation Sub-Committee Social Transformation Sub-Committee International Relations Sub-Committee National Disciplinary Sub-Committee

Ohm Collins Chabane is a former Chancellor of Mbulaheni Ramaano Training College in the Vhembe District. He holds a Diploma in Leadership and Management from the Turfloop Graduate School of Leadership under the University of the Limpopo and a Diploma in Management from Esomi in Arusha, Tanzania. On 11 April 2009 he was sworn in as Minister in The Presidency in charge of Performance Management and Monitoring and Administration.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Ms Rebecca BLANK Under Secretary for Economic Affairs U.S. Department of Commerce Speaker, “New Policies, New Behaviours, New Institutions

Rebecca M. Blank was sworn in June 2009 as the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs at the Department of Commerce. As the Economic Advisor to the Secretary of Commerce and head of the Economics and Statistics Administration (ESA), she has oversight responsibility for the two premier statistical agencies in the United States, the Census Bureau and the Bureau of Economic Analysis. She is appointed by the Secretary of Commerce as his Board Representative to the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation. Within ESA, she supervises a staff of economists and policy analysts who produce a wide variety of reports and forecasts that help develop and assess domestic and international policy. Dr. Blank was the Robert S. Kerr Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution from 2008-09. Prior to her arrival at Brookings, she was dean of the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan (UM), where she implemented a major expansion of its faculty and programs. She also served as co-director of UM‘s National Poverty Center. Dr. Blank was previously in government service as one of the three Members of the President‘s Council of Economic Advisers under President Clinton from 1997-1999. In this role, she participated in White House decision-making on a host of economic, social, and regulatory policy issues. Prior to this she was Professor of Economics at Northwestern University and Director of the Northwestern University/University of Chicago Joint Center for Poverty Research. Dr. Blank‘s research has focused on the interaction between the macro economy, government social policy programs, and the behavior and well-being of low-income families. Her 1997 book, It Takes A Nation: A New Agenda for Fighting Poverty, won the Richard A. Lester Prize for the Outstanding Book in Labor Economics and Industrial Relations. Her more recent work includes the books The New World of Welfare (co-edited with Ron Haskins, 2001, Brookings Press), Is the Market Moral? (Co-authored with William McGurn, 2003, Brookings Press), Working and Poor (co-edited with Sheldon Danziger and Robert Schoeni, 2006, Russell Sage Press) and Insufficient Funds: Savings, Assets, Credit, and Banking among Low-Income Families (co-edited with Michael Barr, 2009, Russell Sage Press.)

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Mr Roger RICAFORT Director for International Programmes Oxfam Hong Kong Speaker, “New Policies, New Behaviours, New Institutions”

Roger Ricafort is currently the Director for International Programmes in Oxfam Hong Kong. He started his involvement in development work organising credit and consumer cooperatives among university students and urban poor in the Philippines. Thereafter, he worked on industrial research, community-based disaster management/disaster risk reduction, agricultural development programmes, participatory development, organizational and management development, strategy development, capacity building, monitoring and evaluation, and learning and accountability. His involvement included direct community work in peasant and fisher communities, involvement in national civil society organizations, management consultancy, organization of international and south-south exchanges on participatory development, and work with international development organizations. He has a background in chemistry, philosophy and public policy and management

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Ms Angela HARICHE Project Manager, Wiki-Progress OECD Speaker, “Wiki-Progress”

Angela Costrini Hariche is the Project Manager of Wikiprogress and Wikigender, two new projects initiated by the OECD. The main aim of Wikiprogress is to become a global platform for the assessment of overall societal progress, while Wikigender discusses in particular the progress in the areas of gender equality. She is in charge of community building and coordination, communications and development for both sites. Prior to this, she worked for two years with the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations in Monrovia, Liberia in the field of communications and information technology. Angela has a Masters degree in Media and Cultural studies from the Open University in the UK.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Dr Johannes P. JÜTTING Senior Economist, head of the Poverty Reduction and Social Development Unit OECD Speaker, “Wiki-Progress”

Johannes P. Jütting, Senior Economist, is the head of the Poverty Reduction and Social Development unit. His responsibilities include conceptualising, managing and providing leadership in the areas of employment, gender, social protection and migration. He has published extensively in peer reviewed journals such as World Development and the Journal of Human Development. Prior to joining the OECD in 2002, Johannes was a Research Fellow at the Center for Development Research in Bonn (ZEF) where he directed a research group on poverty (1997-2002). He holds a Ph.D. in agricultural economics from Humboldt-University (Berlin) and received his habilitation in development economics from the University of Bonn.

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Prof. Dr. Ruut VEENHOVEN Emeritus Professor of „Social Conditions For Human Happiness‟ Erasmus University Rotter¬dam Discussant, “Wiki-Progress”

Ruut Veenhoven (1942) studied sociology. He is also accredited in social psychology and social-sexology. Veenhoven is emeritus professor of ‗social conditions for human happiness‘ at Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Netherlands. He is director of the World Database of Happiness and founding editor of the Journal of Happiness Studies. Veenhoven‘s research is mainly on ‗happiness‘, which he defines as the subjective enjoyment of one‘s life-as-a-whole. One strand of his research is Happiness and Public Choice, the purpose of which is to build an evidence basis for policies that aim at greater happiness for a greater number. In this line, he tries to identify in what kind of societies people live happiest. Next to nations he also considers the happiness revenues of institutions, such as schools and care homes. Another research line is Happiness and Private Choice, and the purpose is here to built an evidence base on which individuals can draw when faced with major life choices, such as having children or early retirement. For this purpose, Veenhoven gathers the results of long-term follow-up studies and initiates large scale follow-ups using the Day Recall Method. Major publications are 'Conditions of happiness' (1984), 'Happiness in nations' (1993) 'Happy life-expectancy' (1997) 'The four qualities of life' (2000) and ‗Healthy happiness‘(2007). Veenhoven has also published on abortion, voluntary childlessness and marriage. E-mail: [email protected] Home page: http://www2.eur.nl/fsw/research/veenhoven

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Thursday, 29 October, 2009

Mr Enrico GIOVANNINI Chief Statistician and Director of Statistics OECD Speaker, “Next Steps: Commitments and Conclusions”

Enrico Giovannini was recently appointed President of the Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istat). Before that he held the post of Director of Statistics and Chief Statistician for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) since January 2001. Under his leadership, the OECD undertook a reform of its statistical work and several new publications and databases were developed, as well as new tools to disseminate statistics to the wide public and to analysts.

He is a full professor of economic statistics at the University of Rome ―Tor Vergata‖. He has published many articles and books in economics and statistics, and has edited several books. He is a member of several high-level committees of the European Commission and other International Organisations.

He also established the Global Project on ―Measuring the Progress of Societies‖, hosted by the OECD and run in collaboration with other international and regional partners. This Project seeks to become the world wide reference point for those who wish to measure, or assess, the progress of their societies.

He is a member of the Commission on ―Measurement of economic performance and social progress‖ established by French President Sarkozy and chaired by Prof. Stiglitz. He is also chair of the Global Council on ―Benchmarking the Progress of Societies‖ established by the World Economic Forum.