August 16, 2017 CHARLOTTESVILLE INTERCESSORS TAKE A STAND AND SING In Philippians 4:7 we read that the Lord Jesus Christ is the source from whom God’s peace flows into our souls. Pray for Gods peace to flow in these situations that are coming upon us in these hours. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.(Phil. 44:7 NIV) The rioting that broke out in Charlottesville, Virginia this past weekend caught national attention. The “Unite the Right” rally organized by white supremacists on Saturday, August 12, and the ensuing counter protests, has been reported with scenes of street brawls, chaos, and bloodshed, suggesting the violence was widespread and out of control. And yet, according to one first-hand testimony on the street, things could have been a lot worse had local intercessors not responded to heaven’s call to take a stand through worship and prayer. Jon Quesenberry is the Director of the Charlottesville House of Prayer. He and a small band of twelve intercessors took to the streets on the day of the rally, positioning themselves between the gathering demonstrators, and began to sing and worship. Being alerted three weeks earlier about the rally, they had already been covering their city in prayer. Quesenberry had also been prompted by the Holy Spirit through a dream which revealed the schemes of the enemy to bring violence to the city and how to stand in the gap for their community. The rally was to start at 1:00 p.m. (the protesters were going to start early at noon). The group of intercessors took their position from 10:00 11:30 a.m. as demonstrators began to take their positions on either side of the barricades. As they started to sing and worship, Quesenberry describes what happened. “Worship silenced both groups for about an hour! We saw what public worship and prayer (declarations in partnership with heaven) can do. The most amazing thing is that we had an assignment from the Lord that was ‘counter protest.’ We brought a different atmosphere. Both groups backed away from us and neither group knew what to do with us. It really did stop the momentum of the hate (shouting) for almost an hour.” Quesenberry describes his strategy as a “worship and prayer circle”. He says “…without the worship we would have been unable to maintain a prayer presence here because the noises around us were so distracting…the protesters began to yell at us, ‘Hypocrites! Hypocrites!’ and they began to chant against us, but they couldn’t overcome the worship.” He said that even the police began to back away from the

August 16, 2017 CHARLOTTESVILLE INTERCESSORS … - Aug 16 2017.pdf · CHARLOTTESVILLE INTERCESSORS TAKE A STAND ... August 12, and the ensuing counter ... What I saw at the rally

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August 16, 2017


In Philippians 4:7 we read that the Lord Jesus Christ is the source from whom God’s peace flows into

our souls. Pray for God’s peace to flow in these situations that are coming upon us in these hours.

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in

Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 44:7 NIV)

The rioting that broke out in Charlottesville, Virginia this past weekend caught national attention. The

“Unite the Right” rally organized by white supremacists on Saturday, August 12, and the ensuing counter

protests, has been reported with scenes of street brawls, chaos, and bloodshed, suggesting the violence

was widespread and out of control. And yet, according to one first-hand testimony on the street, things

could have been a lot worse had local intercessors not responded to heaven’s call to take a stand

through worship and prayer.

Jon Quesenberry is the Director of the Charlottesville House of Prayer. He and a small band of twelve

intercessors took to the streets on the day of the rally, positioning themselves between the gathering

demonstrators, and began to sing and worship. Being alerted three weeks earlier about the rally, they

had already been covering their city in prayer. Quesenberry had also been prompted by the Holy Spirit

through a dream which revealed the schemes of the enemy to bring violence to the city and how to

stand in the gap for their community.

The rally was to start at 1:00 p.m. (the protesters were going to start early at noon). The group of

intercessors took their position from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. as demonstrators began to take their positions

on either side of the barricades. As they started to sing and worship, Quesenberry describes what

happened. “Worship silenced both groups for about an hour! We saw what public worship and prayer

(declarations in partnership with heaven) can do. The most amazing thing is that we had an assignment

from the Lord that was ‘counter protest.’ We brought a different atmosphere. Both groups backed away

from us and neither group knew what to do with us. It really did stop the momentum of the hate

(shouting) for almost an hour.”

Quesenberry describes his strategy as a “worship and prayer circle”. He says “…without the worship we

would have been unable to maintain a prayer presence here because the noises around us were so

distracting…the protesters began to yell at us, ‘Hypocrites! Hypocrites!’ and they began to chant against

us, but they couldn’t overcome the worship.” He said that even the police began to back away from the

group because they knew the area was safe. They later found out that their worship could be heard

from a block away.

It was only ten minutes after his group felt they should leave, that the rally was declared “unlawful” by

the police and the demonstrators were given five minutes to disperse. Not only was the gathering

dispersed, but none of the white nationalist speakers ever got to speak. He said the few skirmishes that

happened are the ones repeatedly being replayed on newscasts giving the impression it was much more

extensive. He also noted that though there were several fights reported elsewhere, there were none

where his group of intercessors stood. There was one tragic death in the street (as the crowd was

dispersing) and another two officers that were killed in a related helicopter incident. Twenty-three

people were reported to have gone to the hospital for treatment of injuries. Yet, Quesenberry said the

local hospitals had been prepared for hundreds to be injured and many possibly killed. He believes that

the completed prayer assignment from the Lord and other small prayer groups of intercessors and

pastors throughout the city, is what averted much greater violence in Charlottesville on Saturday.

Quesenberry, a local resident, believes that over ninety-five percent of the participants were from out of

town. Not only that, but almost half of the participants were from out of state. He believes his city

simply became a staging place for these agitators who were looking for a place to promote their agenda.

From what he saw on the streets that day, he says the issues we face are much deeper than political

ideologies and racial differences.

We are involved in a continually escalating clash of cultures in our nation right now. That clash is not one

side “haters” and the other side “lovers.” It’s not that at all. What I saw at the rally is two types of haters

because there were terrible things being said by the protesters, but…it was the same coming from the

counter-protesters. They were shouting things that should never be said to anybody…there were

fighters on both sides.

There is no message that is going to overcome the divide between the clash in our nation. Education and

empathy are not going to increase capacity for people to love one another. What’s purely needed now is

spiritual awakening and it starts with mass repentance.

Quesenberry believes we have to repent “…not because we’ve done stuff wrong, but because we are a

nation of sinners.” He references Isaiah 6:5 where the prophet says, “I am a man of unclean lips, and I

live among a people of unclean lips.” It’s this kind of repentance that identifies with the collective sin of

a nation that has power in the courts of heaven to change things.

Based on his observations, it would seem to confirm that these clashes are not simply the result of race

wars or party differences. They are the result of sin and the absence of God’s presence. Without the

tangible presence of God covering and overshadowing His people, we will always be prone to war with

one another. As believers in Christ, our greatest demonstration to the world is our love, not just for one

another, but for the One who reconciles all things to Himself (Col 1:20; Eph 2:16).

It’s time for believers to come out of their prayer closets and into the streets as carriers of God’s

presence. It is possible to change the atmosphere with our praises (1 Sam 16:23; Acts 16:25). It is

possible to silence the voice of the enemy with the sound of worship. As we face continual threats, not

only as a nation, but as local communities, let us not forget the power of God’s presence to disarm the

enemy’s threats and shift the atmosphere towards kingdom purposes.

Wanda Alger, IFA Field Correspondent

View a short Facebook clip from Channel 29 showing the worshiping intercessors HERE


Pray that the sign in the heavens placed there by the almighty hand of God will produce a humbling

spirit in the hearts of men and women everywhere.

"The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. Taste and see that

the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. Fear the Lord, you his holy people, for

those who fear him lack nothing." (Ps 34:7-9)

On August 21, 2017, America will experience a total solar eclipse whose trajectory is exclusive to the

United States. This has not occurred since 1776. Scientists, astronomers, news reporters, and the

average person are awaiting this unique image in the skies. Camp sites in the western states have been

reserved for months to ensure the first glimpses of this phenomena. The Red Cross is even being

mobilized in some states.

There is much prophetic buzz right now about this eclipse that starts at 12:05 Eastern time in Salem,

Oregon. People are wondering and praying about events that could occur while the eclipse stretches

across the country for four hours and 29 minutes, until finally being visible in Charleston, South

Carolina. Below you will find links to various resources to aid you in inquiring of the Lord for yourself

about these issues. We have also compiled some prayer points for you to use.

One thing is certain: our adversary takes every opportunity to deceive. This sign in the sky is perfect

fodder for those who worship creation to give “praise” to their false god. Occultists who look to the sky

for direction will enter into deep levels of deception with attempts to release negative supernatural

powers on this day. Those of us with a biblical worldview understand that the one who wishes to

destroy us only has influence when people willfully give him and his demonic army permission. Let’s

pray for God and His army to combat and defeat any destructive supernatural forces that may work on

August 21. (By David Kubal, President/CEO Intercessors for America. Click here for general information

about the eclipse; here for information about the call for a Teshuvah Sacred Assembly; and here for a

message from Anne Graham Lotz about the eclipse.)

Prayer Points for the Great American Eclipse:

1. Pray that this event would draw everyone's attention to the one and only True God who made the

heavens and the earth (Ps 19:1-4; Rom 1:20).

2. Pray that the wonder and awe of God would displace any fear of the unknown (Is 24:19).

3. Praise God for his arc of protection across this nation (Ps 60:4; 91:1-2).

4. Declare His glory across the nation and the fear of the Lord on this land (Ps 34:7-9).


Pray for reason and resolve for the problems of national disagreements.

“who stilled the roaring of the seas, the roaring of their waves, and the turmoil of the nations.” (Ps.


The escalating exchange of nuclear threats between North Korea and the United States has pushed us

closer to the brink of war.

Recent classified reports by U.S. intelligence, based on spy satellite surveillance, now reveals that the

Communist nation has successfully developed a miniaturized nuclear warhead that can be fitted on top

of an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of reaching our country.

North Korea, punished by a severe new round of U.S.-led economic sanctions, approved this week by

the U.N. Security Council, described the action as an attempt to bring down its country.

Especially the ban on exports that provide up to a third of North Korea’s yearly $3 billion in earnings.

Such sanctions, the government said, were an attempt “to strangle a nation,” warning the U.S. that

“physical action will be taken mercilessly with the mobilization of all its national strength.”

President Trump, on a 17-day working vacation at his golf course in Bedminster, N.J., shot back a fiery

reply [last] Tuesday, warning North Korea that it would face a devastating response if it continued to

threaten the U.S.

“They will be met with fire and fury and frankly power, the likes of which this world has never seen

before,” he said.

Before this exchange took place, Mr. Trump’s secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, attempted to defuse the

deepening conflict by sending a remarkable peace offering to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

“We do not seek a regime change, we do not seek a collapse of the regime, we do not seek an

accelerated reunification of the peninsula, we do not seek an excuse to send our military north of the

38th Parallel,” he said last week.

“We are trying to convey to the North Koreans: We are not your enemy, we are not your threat,” he


Mr. Tillerson’s calm-the-waters statement was widely credited for clearing the way for both China and

Russia to embrace the sanctions, though it had no effect on Kim.

But maybe Mr. Tillerson’s remarks were really aimed at an end-run around Mr. Trump in a vain attempt

to send a more diplomatic message to the North Korean leader....

“So what the president is doing is sending a strong message to North Korea in language that Kim Jong-un

would understand, because he doesn’t seem to understand diplomatic language,” he said.

Soon after Mr. Tillerson’s remarks, Mr. Trump reinforced his warning to Pyongyang in a Twitter post

with another not-so-veiled warning about the new and much improved U.S. nuclear weapons arsenal.

“My first order as president was to renovate and modernize our nuclear arsenal. It is now far stronger

and more powerful than ever before,” he said.

In another statement, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis also sent a blunt message to North Korea

Wednesday, urging its government to “stop any action that would lead to the end of its regime.”

He added, “The regime’s actions will continue to be overmatched by ours and would lose any arms race

or conflict it initiates.”

Meantime, it is interesting that throughout this war of words with North Korea, there has been no

mention of our anti-ballistic missile arsenal that can destroy any incoming ICBMs before they can strike

their target.

Kim Jong-un better think long and hard about that before he makes another boastful claim about his

military superiority. (Excerpts from Donald Lambro's article in the Washington Times - Donald Lambro is

a syndicated columnist and contributor to The Washington Times.)


Pray that we as Christians have freedom over sin and darkness when we follow Christ in all walks of

our lives.

"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." (2 Cor. 3:17)

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson delivered remarks on the release of the 2016 Annual Report on

International Religious Freedom (IRF) Tuesday, August 15, in the Treaty Room at the U.S. Department of


Religious freedom is both a core American value and a fundamental human right. Mandated by the

International Religious Freedom Act of 1998, the IRF Report describes the status of religious freedom in

foreign countries and U.S. actions and policies in support of religious freedom worldwide.

During his remarks, Secretary Tillerson calls for the swift confirmation of recently nominated

Ambassador for International #ReligiousFreedom, Governor Sam Brownback.

In his remarks, Secretary Tillerson underscored that the U.S. State Department will continue to advocate

on behalf of those seeking to live their lives according to their faith. #ReligiousFreedom

Read the full 2016 International Religious Freedom Report:go.usa.gov/xRdZz

Download: 2016 International Religious Freedom Report – Secretary’s Preface

Download: Appendix A: Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Download: 2016 Report on International Religious Freedom