1 August 2013 Vol. 38, # 8 WACOM President’s Message—2 WACOM General Information3 WACOM Meeting Minutes - 4 Upcoming Events5 WACOM DX Corner6 New FIELD DAY Photos7 Article: Make Your Own Loading Coils, K0FF 8-9 ARRL News10-11 Technician Class Flyer12 WACOM Hamfest Flyer - 13 W. Alexander Fair SES/Labor Day 5K Run14 WACOM Renewal Form - 15 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Make Your Own Loading Coil More Field Day Photos Technician Class THE WACOM HAM Washington Amateur Communications Inc.

August 2013 THE WACOM HAM · 1 August 2013 Vol. 38, # 8 WACOM President’s Message—2 WACOM General Information—3 WACOM Meeting Minutes - 4 Upcoming Events—5 WACOM DX Corner—6

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Page 1: August 2013 THE WACOM HAM · 1 August 2013 Vol. 38, # 8 WACOM President’s Message—2 WACOM General Information—3 WACOM Meeting Minutes - 4 Upcoming Events—5 WACOM DX Corner—6


August 2013

Vol. 38, # 8

WACOM President’s Message—2

WACOM General Information—3

WACOM Meeting Minutes - 4

Upcoming Events—5

WACOM DX Corner—6

New FIELD DAY Photos—7

Article: Make Your Own Loading Coils, K0FF —8-9

ARRL News—10-11

Technician Class Flyer—12

WACOM Hamfest Flyer - 13

W. Alexander Fair SES/Labor Day 5K Run—14

WACOM Renewal Form - 15


Make Your Own Loading Coil More Field Day Photos Technician Class




Washington Amateur Communications Inc.

Page 2: August 2013 THE WACOM HAM · 1 August 2013 Vol. 38, # 8 WACOM President’s Message—2 WACOM General Information—3 WACOM Meeting Minutes - 4 Upcoming Events—5 WACOM DX Corner—6


WACOM President’s Message

August 2013


/ moti va SHen/ Noun

- The general desire or willingness of

someone to do something.

Ever feel short on Motivation ? As I have

been trying to get a "Pres Note" together, I

have lacked such motivation. What happened?

We all have our priorities, and sometimes

we have issues even getting those done. WE

have a meeting in three days, and WE have no

program, yet. We have a TECH Class in one

day, still have to get the graphics of different

modulation together, to 'easily' understandably

explain modulation..CW, AM, SSB , FM. And I

still need to cut the grass. Why did the previ-

ous owner decide to mow everything in sight ,

including the hills ??? UGH%^$^%$&%^.

OK now it is your turn... How do we mo-

tivate you to put a 2-meter radio in your vehicle

AND TURN IT ON ???? We actually seem to

have a lot of fun on the 79 repeater these days.

It is almost busy... as it starts out at 3:15

AM with our favorite pair, providing the fa-

mous concrete & mail forum. Followed by the

uber technology crowd at 7-8:30 start time.

While they solve absolutely nothing, they dis-

cover technical nuances affecting us every day.

We all learn something. Then about 9AM... sev-

eral of the 'lurkers' join the computer nut

working the machine ( repeater ) for the bal-

ance of the day. Frequent visitors passing up

from Waynesburg or across from Wheeling

are greeted with a return response, rather that

the previous deadly silence. So also are truckers

and regular travelers greeted to Washington

County Radio. Then there are all those evening

nets, from data , ELMERS, public service

ARES, and the MOST important ...the YL

net. After the sun sets ands nets, the HF guys

get in from the fields 9-10-11 PM, and plot their

assault upon the HF bands working QRP and

or DX. Whatever floats YOUR boat. You

could and should join the fun!

Our relatively new set of 'ears' on Scen-

ery Hill really have enhanced the system cover-

age through and beyond the Mon Valley. Plans

are swiftly moving ahead to provide another

linked repeater in NW Wash Co. by the PIT air-

port. With our current decent coverage into

downtown, A NW site will really tighten up the

WACOM / 79 coverage.


OF ANOTHER SITE: I-70 / US-40 within

miles of the WVA border. Finally West coverage

past Cabela's !!!!!! Motivate over and plug in

that 2 meter radio now....


Wife, Happy Life"

73, Bill NY9H , OM to N9SOJ


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- WACOM membership is open to anyone

- Annual Dues:

$20 for individuals

$10 for each additional family member

(send check & completed form to club treasurer)

- Questions? Contact the WACOM club treasurer.

Membership Meeting

- 7:30PM, First Thursday of every month

Board of Directors Meeting

- 7PM, Last Thursday of every month

Mailing Address


c/o Norma Plants N3YJJ

236 Chambers Ridge Road

West Alexander, Pa 15376-2270


General Club Correspondence; [email protected]

Club Officers

President: Bill Steffey, NY9H; [email protected]

Vice President: Don Smith, KB3YLR; [email protected]

Secretary: John Quigg, N3GHR; [email protected]

Treasurer: Norma Plants, N3YJJ; [email protected]

Board of Directors

Director: Jim Burtoft, KC3HW; [email protected]

Director: Adam Quigg, KB3OMH; [email protected]

Director: Bud Plants, N3TIR; [email protected]

Newsletter Editor

Ken Frankenbery, AA3GM; [email protected]


Joe Caldwell, N3XE; [email protected]

VE Liaison

Bob Kinnear, KI4DHB; [email protected]


W3CYO - 145.490 Mhz, 443.300 Mhz

K3PSP - 146.790-147.270 Mhz

EchoLink - WA3COM-R

Digital Net

- Mondays at 8PM on K3PSP Repeater

- Rich, KB3VGW Net Control

2 Meter Public Service Net

- Tuesdays at 8:30PM on K3PSP Repeater

- Dave, N3IDH Net Control

10 Meter Net

- Tuesdays at 9PM on 28.34 Mhz

- Fay, KA3VOM Net Control

YL Net

- Wednesdays at 7:30PM on K3PSP Repeater

- Karen, K3PUP Net Control

Elmer Net

- Wednesdays at 8PM on K3PSP Repeater

- Bud N3TIR, Net Control

Club Elmers

DX Contest - Bill Sheehan, KB3LIX; [email protected]

QSL & DX - Bill Steffey, NY9H; [email protected]

ARES & RACES - Bob Ketzell, KB3IN; [email protected]

CW - Loren McCullough, WA3WZR; [email protected]

VHF - Craig Yoho, KB3RHR; [email protected]

Repeaters - Paul Plants, N3WMV; [email protected]

Websites - Joe Caldwell, N3XE; [email protected]

Elmer Net - Bud Plants, N3TIR; [email protected]

Washington Amateur Communications is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to advancing the principles of Amateur Radio

while making it fun for all who participate. We have been affiliated with the ARRL for over 25 years. Our club call sign is

WA3COM. Because of our activity in promoting Amateur Radio, including conducting classes, public demonstrations, emergency

preparedness and training, studying technical advancements in radio and mentoring of new and soon-to-be hams, WACOM has

earned the designation of Special Service Club from the ARRL.

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WACOM General Meeting Minutes

11 July 2013, 7:30 PM

Next WACOM meeting 1 August 2013, 7:30 PM!

Subject: What’s the Plan? A Discussion on Future Meeting Subjects and Club Events

Present: Bill S (NY9H), Bud (N3TIR), Norma (N3YJJ), Sam M (W3CYO), Dave D (N3IDH), Paul(W3PLP), Frank (KB3AAG), Jim B (KC3HW), Kevin (KN4AA), Sally (KK4YL), Adam(N3ZS), Patty (N3XAR), Joe (N3XE), Don (KB3YLR), Karen (K3PUP), Ken (AA3GM), Fay(KA3VOM), John (N3GHR), Bob K (KB3IN), Sam G (KB3ZNZ), Robert (KB3ZUS), Tom (KC3AAF) Bill called the meeting to order at 19:35 PM Reports

Minutes – Adam moved to approve minutes as appeared in the newsletter, Rich seconded, motion accepted

Treasurer – Norma gave treasurer’s report; Kevin moved to accept treasurer’s report, Dave seconded, mo-

tion carried

Old Business

Public Service net – Sky Warn was on repeater Wed; whenever there is a weather watch, net will be turned

on – please check in if joining net; question was asked about how to know when the weather net is activated

– can National Weather Service sent out alert to Google group? Only way now is to turn on net when bad

weather in neighborhood

ARES & RACES – Bob K – revamping these programs in the county, needs help, would like meeting on

the subject next Thursday

Classes – starting this week, news releases sent out, will test day after last class; need to get more hams on

the air

Radio room – wiring still to do; painting and plumbing done; still some leakage problems to solve; docking

station will give serial port for ham equipment; floor is done; will be putting up antenna

Field Day report – Ken presented summary of Field Day activities; location worked well; fire department

liked the way we cleaned up and will give us the space free next year; tower worked well, should have 6 me-

ter antenna on its own rotor

Picnic – Kevin said picnic didn’t work well with field day, should have field day and picnic on separate days

in future

The group expressed thanks to Ken and the field day committee for a job well done

There being no further business, Sam moved to adjourn, Adam 2nd, meeting adjourned at 20:20

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2013 WACOM Upcoming Events Calendar Meetings, Contests & Other Significant Club Events (Subject to Change)


1 Aug 13, WACOM Meeting at 7:30PM, Washington County Building

3-4 Aug 13, ARRL UHF Contest, http://www.arrl.org

3-4 Aug 13, North American QSO Party—CW, http://www.njcweb.com

17-18 Aug 13, North American QSO Party—SSB, http://www.njcweb.com

25 Aug 13, Skyview RS Hamfest http://www.skyviewradio.net

31 Aug 13, Uniontown ARC Hamfest http://www.w3pie.org/gabfest.htm

2 Sep 13, Washington, PA Labor Day 5K Classic, (Need amateur radio support)

2-7 Sep 13, West Alexander Fair Special Event Station, West Alexander, PA

5 Sep 13, WACOM Meeting at 7:30PM, Washington County Building

8 Sep 13 - Butler Co ARA Swapfest http://www.w3udx.org

14-16 Sep 13, ARRL September VHF Contest, http://www.arrl.org

28-29 Sep 13, CQ WW RTTY Contest, http://www.cqwwrtty.com

3 Oct 13, WACOM Meeting at 7:30PM, Washington County Building

12-13 Oct 13, Pennsylvania QSO Party http://www.nittany-arc.net/PAQSO.html

26-27 Oct 13, CQ WW SSB Contest, http://www.cqwwssb.com

3 Nov 13 - WACOM Hamfest, Washington Co Fairgrounds, http://www.wacomarc.org


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WACOM HAM DX Corner—August 2013 COURTESY: http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/adxo.html

2013 Aug01 2013 Aug 06 Dominica J79TW N0TW N0TW

20130726 By N0TW fm NA-101


2013 Aug 01 2013 Aug 08 Namibia V5 UT5UY OPDX


By UX0HX as V5/UX0HX, UZ1HZ and UT5UY likewise; 80-10m;

CW SSB; QSL OK via Buro or direct

2013 Aug 02 2013 Aug 10 Malta 9H3N JJ2NYT OPDX

20130708 By JJ2NYT; 40-10m; CW


2013 Aug 02 2013 Aug 09 Jersey GJ ON8ZL VA3RJ


By ON8ZZ ON8ZL ON5NQ as MJ/OT9Z fm La Moye (IN89ve); 160-

6m; SSB CW PSK RTTY; QSL OK via Buro or direct

2013 Aug 02 2013 Aug 20 Tanzania 5H3BB KF8UN Direct

VA3RJ 20130725

By KF8UN; mainly 20m, but 40-15m possible; SSB,

some CW

2013 Aug 03 2013 Aug 04 Reunion TO1PF FR1GZ OPDX


By FR team fm Piton de la Fournaise (AF-016, DIFO FR-001, WWFF FFF-011, WLOTA 1812) at 2,632 meters; HF; all modes

2013 Aug 03 2013 Aug 23 Hawaii KH6 F0GAZ F4GHS


By F4GHS as KH6/F4GHS fm OC-019; 80-10m; SSB; G5RV; holi-

day style operation

2013 Aug 04 2013 Aug 08 Greenland OX3LX OZ1PIF OZ1AXG 20130525

By OZ1DJJ fm Kangerlus-suaq (Aug 4-5) and Aasiaat

I (Aug 5-9); HF

2013 Aug 12 2013 Aug 21 Crete SV9 ON6DSL ON6DSL 20130616

By ON6DSL as SV9/ON6DSL/p fm EU-015; 40-15m; SSB; QRP; multiband dipole; holiday style operation; QSL via

Buro preferred

2013 Aug 16 2013 Aug 20 Greenland OX5YL PA5YL DXW.Net 20130211


SM6KAT fm Kangerlus-suaq; 160-6m

2013 Aug 21 2013 Aug 26 Malta 9H3 LotW KE1B


By KE1B as 9H3MMM and W6NN as 9H3NN fm Gozo I; 40-10m; all modes; 100w; Buddipoles; holiday

style operation

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More WACOM Pictures from Field Day 22-23 June 2013!

Cranking up the tower—22 June 13 Bill, Kevin & Joe get ready to start

Crankin’ out the Q’s! Bill working the solar powered station

Full view of the tower & tent Ken, AA3GM talks to World War II

veteran Bob Jordan, NY3I

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Fig 2 - Next Wrap the form (whatever size you need) in wax paper and temporarily tape the

plastic strips on there:

Subject: Make Your Own Loading Coils DE KØFF

OR: "If they look like DUX and walk like DUX and quack like DUX, maybe they

ARE DUX" (then again maybe not) By George W. Dowell—K0FF (Courtesy e-ham.net)

"Air Dux" inductors were once plentiful and inexpensive. Not so today. Even if they were, HAMs like to

make their own apparatus when possible. Here is one method that I have long used to make evenly

spaced, nice looking coils of all sizes.

Make your own loading coils for antenna projects using Caterpillar Grommet strips. Also called flexible

grommets, flexible bushings etc. These are used by installers to form protective bushings around the

edges of holes cut into sheet metal, and come in strips that are cut to desired length then snapped into the

hole to cover the raw edge. We used to use them when installing 2-way radios to line the holes we made

in the firewall to pass the heavy 12V wires. The evenly spaced notches make an ideal form and support

for AIR DUX knockoffs. Use Duco or Testors model cement to secure the wires in the strips before re-

moving from the temporary forms. Nylon Grommet strips can be purchased at McMasters, as well as

many other supply houses.

Fig 1 is the caterpillar grommet material as purchased from the supplier:

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Fig. 4 - When the glue is dry, slip the assembly off the form and trim the strips to correct


Fig 3 -Wind the coil using the notches as a guide. Seat the wire all the way down into the

notch and wrap the coil tightly. Spread plastic cement down the strips when the coil is


Fig 5 - Any size diameter or length can be wound, just use bigger forms and more strips:

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ARRL NEWS Courtesy: www.arrl.org

Boy Scout Jamboree Hosts Space Station Ham Radio Contact

Low Band Operations Will be Focus for Mozambique DXpedition

07/24/2013 European Space Agency Astronaut Luca Parmitano, KF5KDP, aboard the International Space Station spoke July 20 via ham radio with Scouts attending the 2013 Boy Scouts of America National Jamboree, July 15-24, at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in Mount Hope, West Virginia. The Amateur Radio on the Interna-tional Space Station (ARISS) program arranged the 2 meter contact between the Scouts’ K2BSA and NA1SS.

“What really matters is to be good at what you do,” Parmitano told

the Scouts, “so, pick something you like, love it and be really good

at it.” Parmitano also said that the stars look different — more

natural — from the ISS but appear the same size as on Earth.

Ditto for planets. ARISS Technical Mentor Bob Greenberg,

W2CYK, coordinated the contact with the Jamboree. Some 40,000

attendees were anticipated at the National Jamboree over its 10 day

run. Amateur radio has been a part of the Jamboree experience

since 1953, when K6BSA was on the air from Irvine Ranch in Cali-

fornia. An ARISS direct contact with Space Station Commander

Doug Wheelock, KF5BOC, was a highlight of K2BSA’s activities

during the BSA’s centennial National Jamboree at Fort A.P. Hill,

Virginia, in 2010.

On July 22, students at Colegio Uruguá, in El Pinar, Uru-

guay, spoke with the ISS crew via LU8YY. An ARISS contact also

was scheduled this with students at the Scuola Italiana di Montevi-

deo in Uruguay. Visitors to the European Space Agency’s Space

Camp 2013 in Radstadt, Austria, spoke July 24 with the ISS crew

via a telebridge between IRØISS and VK4KHZ in South Australia.

The theme of this year’s camp is “Space Exploration.” Early next

month the ISS crew will speak with Scouts attending the 2013

Space Jam 7 at Octave Chanute Aerospace Museum in Rantoul,

Illinois. Some 2000 Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and their leaders from

20 states are expected to be on hand for Space Jam 7. Also in early

August the ISS crew will speak via ham radio with students attend-

ing the 2013 AirVenture Oshkosh air show in Wisconsin. Some

500,000 visitors attend the air show each year.

The organization has a student membership of more than

20,000. On the day of the contact 125 young women and their

mentors involved in the aerospace industry in some way with the

EAA’s Women Soar program are expected, in addition to groups

from aviation high schools from Florida and California. The ISS

crew has been using a 5 W Ericsson hand-held transceiver for con-

tacts in recent months, because of problems with the higher-power

Kenwood radio on board. This can make terrestrial copy difficult,

and ARISS volunteers have had to beef up ground-station receiv-

ing capabilities to ensure a successful contact. ARISS has recorded

more than 800 ISS school contacts since the program began in late

2000. ARISS is an international educational outreach with partici-

pation from ARRL, NASA, ESA, the Russian Space Agency


07/24/2013 With less than 3 months to go until it’s on the air in October, the C82DX Mozambique DXpedition team is continuing its preparations. Heading up the DXpedition are Don Greenbaum, N1DG, and Tom Harrell, N4XP. “We now have secured the vehicles and trailers that will take us overland from Pretoria to Xai Xai (KG64), Mozambique,” the team reports. “Low Band operations remain the primary objective, and we have secured both Titanex and Battle Creek

Special verticals.” The C82DX team says its South African members, ZS6P and ZS6RI, have traveled to Xai Xai, Mo-zambique, to map the operating site — directly on the ocean in the southern part of Mozambique — and to make rental arrangements. In addition to the team license, team members have all received personalized C92 call signs. During the day, C82DX will operate all HF bands plus 6 meters. The DXpe-dition has posted an operating plan on its website. The group

07/21/2013 The dates for the next H4ØFN DXpedition to Temotu by Siegfried Hari, DK9FN, are set. The single-op DXpedition will take place from December 21, 2013, until January 10, 2014. Hari has his airline ticket, and the license, good until 2014, is in hand. Hari says he plans to stay a week longer than usual, since he’s unsure about making it back for another in 2014 (he operated as H4ØFN in 2010, 2011 and 2012), and there is some work to do on the island to support poor people and the hospital in Temotu. This visit will be to a different island that has a new airfield, Lom Lom (OC-065),

60 miles away from his previous location. The last three visits were to the main island, Nendo (OC-100). CW is his favorite mode, but he admonishes, “Keep your CW at a moderate speed.” He will try to do more SSB on this next visit. QSL H4ØFN via DK9FN, direct or bureau. DK9FN asks stations working H4ØFN to give him a “real and true” signal report, and he has posted additional advisories and caveats for those hoping to put H4ØFN in the log. — Thanks to The Daily DX

Temotu DXpedition Dates Set

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Operations Approved for DXCC Credit

Hams Aid Crew of Foundering Vessel

07/29/2013—The ARRL DXCC Desk has approved these operations for DXCC credit: 4S7NZG — Sri Lanka (renewal), 2013 operation; XW4XR — Laos, cur-rent operation; Z8ØID — South Sudan, special Jul 9, 2013, operation for Independence Day celebration; 9M4SLL — Spratly Islands, 2012-2013 operations; 9Q6CC — Democratic People’s Republic of the Congo, 2010-2011 operation; XWØYJY — Laos, 2013 opera-tion; 9XØEME — Rwanda, 2013 operation; 6OØLA —

Somalia, 2013 operation, and T6JM — Afghanistan, 2012 operation. If a request for DXCC credit for any of these operations has been rejected in a prior application, con-tact ARRL Awards Branch Manager Bill Moore, NC1L, to be placed on the list for an update to your record. Please note the submission date and/or reference num-ber of your application in order to expedite the search for any rejected contacts. — ARRL Awards Branch Man-ager Bill Moore, NC1L

07/26/2013—According to news reports, hams in Ha-waii and California played a role July 23 in efforts to rescue the two-person crew of a sailboat stranded on a reef more than 3500 miles away in Micronesia. The US Coast Guard continues to monitor the situation. The vessel C’est la Vie, a 53-foot sailboat reported running aground on a reef in western Chuuk Lagoon. When the situation developed, Big Island Amateur Radio Club member Richard Darling, AH7G, was in contact with John Bush, KH6DLK/V63JB, and friends in the Fed-erated States of Micronesia. Bush won the 2012 ARRL International Humanitarian Award for promoting the development and welfare of the population of the Is-land of Federai in the Ulithi Atoll, FSM, in part through establishing communication infrastructure and promot-ing ham radio. On July 23 he was in Northern Califor-

nia testing a new antenna to help him keep in better touch with his contacts within the FSM. During the contact, Darling and his wife Barbara, NH7FY, heard the distress call, in which the crew reported the vessel was taking on water. The Darlings were able to hear the signal well and pass along important information about the sailboat’s location and the severity of the crew’s situation, which the Darlings relayed to the Coast Guard. The crew had told the Coast Guard they thought they could walk ashore on the reef and had a life raft and safety gear. On July 24, the Coast Guard said the vessel’s radio had gone silent, and Bush and the Darlings “were mostly playing a waiting game,” the Ha-waii Tribune-Herald reported July 25. The paper ran an article about Bush’s ARRL award in May.


Bill, NY9H teaches

the Summer 2013

Technician License

Class in the new

WACOM Clubhouse

and Training Center,

South Strabane Fire

Hall, Washington, PA

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September 2nd thru the 7th 6:pm to 10:00pm

You can post some pictures from other years

Talk in on the 79-machine




Info 724-350-6745



Start: Monday, September 2, 2012 @ 9:00 AM

Starts from the Park at 9AM. Once again Hams will provide communications for this

event, so stations must be in place by 8:30AM to be available for communication be-

fore the event begins. This is a fun event and we can help provide communication for

the runner's safety. We need at least 6 stations so please sign up. The walk will be

over by 12PM. If you are new to this type of event, this is a good place to learn. If you

are new you will work with someone who is experienced. If you don't have a hand-

held radio, there are loaners available for you to use. No worries, no excuses. As you

come in to Washington that morning, check in on the 146.790 repeater for your as-

signment along the route. After the Walk is over, everyone will meet at the finish line.

We have been invited to stay for food & refreshments. The Labor Day Run and walk

benefits The Washington Christian Outreach. They provide food and clothing for low

income and underprivileged families. It is a completely volunteer organization with no

paid staff. Sign-up: Contact Dave DeMotte, [email protected]

Info: http://www.laborday5kclassic.com

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Name: ___________________________________ Address:________________________________________

City: _________________________ State: ____ Zip:_________

Home Phone: ______________________________ Business Phone: ____________________________

Other Phone: E•Mail: _____________________________

Amateur Call: ________________________ License Class : _________________________

Spouse: _____________________________ Spouse Call: __________________________

Spouse License Class: ________________________

In case of emergency, for what bands do you have equipment?



What are your favorite amateur activities?



What activities would you like to see WACOM sponsor?



ARRL Member? Y N

Please return completed form and dues to:

WACOM c/o Norma Plants 236 chambers Ridge Road, West Alexander PA 15376

E- mail [email protected]

Dues: Individual $20 per year, Additional Family Members $10 each