THE PUGET SOUND REGION VINTAGE CHEVROLET CLUB OF AMERICA NEWSLETTER August 2004 Volume 37, Issue 8 ! " #$$%&’())* &’) # +,*-./+’. 0 &’*+))’ % &’*1 &’, #$$%&’* 1 " 2’34 5$ &’ &’), * 55 AUGUST SPOTLIGHT August Program August meeting program: XXX Drive In, 6:30 PM, Issaquah, see page 7 Jerry and Mary Brownell’s Chevy Journey I would like to give credit to John Strampher for introducing me to the Puget Sound Region of VCCA. John saw the article I had written for the National Chevy Association Club Newslet- ter. He called me on the phone and we talked about my 54 Chevy cover car article, and he invited me to attend one of your meetings as a guest. That was in April of 2001. The rest is history. Mary (my wife) and I have thoroughly enjoyed the welcome we have received from members of the club since 2001. We have come to appreciate, respect and value the friendships, and always being made to feel a part of every gathering whether a general meeting, club tour activity or special event such as the annual banquet in January. (cont. on p. 5)

AUGUST SPOTLIGHT Jerry and Mary Brownell’s …members.doubleknot.com/vccapsr/tcaug04.pdfPuget Sound Region VCCA cars and trucks. Members are not required to own a Chevrolet. . Meetings

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Page 1: AUGUST SPOTLIGHT Jerry and Mary Brownell’s …members.doubleknot.com/vccapsr/tcaug04.pdfPuget Sound Region VCCA cars and trucks. Members are not required to own a Chevrolet. . Meetings


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August Program

August meeting program: XXX Drive In, 6:30 PM, Issaquah, see page 7�

Jerry and Mary Brownell’s Chevy Journey

I would like to give credit to John Strampher for introducing me to the Puget Sound Region of VCCA. John saw the article I had written for the National Chevy Association Club Newslet-ter. He called me on the phone and we talked about my 54 Chevy cover car article, and he invited me to attend one of your meetings as a guest. That was in April of 2001. The rest is history. Mary (my wife) and I have thoroughly enjoyed the welcome we have received from members of the club since 2001. We have come to appreciate, respect and value the friendships, and always being made to feel a part of every gathering whether a general meeting, club tour activity or special event such as the annual banquet in January.

(cont. on p. 5)

Page 2: AUGUST SPOTLIGHT Jerry and Mary Brownell’s …members.doubleknot.com/vccapsr/tcaug04.pdfPuget Sound Region VCCA cars and trucks. Members are not required to own a Chevrolet. . Meetings

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Puget Sound Region VCCA

The Puget Sound Region of the Vintage Chevrolet Club of America (PS-VCCA) is dedicated to the preservation, restoration, fun and enjoyment of vintage Chevrolets cars and trucks. Members are not required to own a Chevrolet. PS-VCCA chapter membership is open to all Chevrolet enthusiasts who are members of the Vintage Chevrolet Club of America (VCCA). All Chevys from 1911 through 1979 may be registered with the region. General meetings are held on the 4th Monday of the month at Tillicum Middle School in Bellevue (see below). Meetings in September through May are from 7:30PM to 9:30PM. June and August meetings are announced in this publication. No meetings are held in July or December. You can learn more about the club by visiting the website. You can see color photos of previous tours, parts for sale, wanted, etc. and there is a link to view our Monthly Newsletter “Tappet Clatter.” You can find the PS-VCCA website on the World Wide Web @ http://pugetsoundvintagechevrolet.org/tc/

2 T A P P E T C L A T T E R �

Puget Sound Region VCCA

The Puget Sound Region of the Vintage Chevrolet Club of America (PS-VCCA) is dedicated to the preservation, restoration, fun and enjoyment of vintage Chevrolet cars and trucks. Members are not required to own a Chevrolet. PS-VCCA chapter membership is open to all Chevrolet enthusiasts who are members of the Vintage Chevrolet Club of America (VCCA). All Chevys from 1911 through 1979 may be registered with the region. General meetings are held on the 4th Monday of the month at Tillicum Middle School in Bellevue . Meetings in September through May are from 7:30PM to 9:30PM. June and August meetings are announced in this publication. No meetings are held in July or December. You can learn more about the club by visiting the website. You can see color photos of previous tours, parts for sale, wanted, etc. and there is a link to view our Monthly Newsletter “Tappet Clatter.” You can find the PS-VCCA website on the World Wide Web @ http://pugetsoundvintagechevrolet.org/

Wanted Reward! We are still seeking “Spotlights” of club member’s cars for 2004 Tappet Clatters. Please take the time to write up the history of your car and include two pictures and send them to Dave Haddock. Do it the way that suits you the best, but if you can do as an attachment to an e-mail that helps Dave put it together. See the past ones in 2003/2004 as examples. Reward? – You will get a professionally-printed, color copy of your edition and help us produce an interesting monthly publication. THANKS.

��������Directors Asst. Director Rod Schein Steve Grissom

[email protected] [email protected]

Jerry Brownell Secretaries [email protected] Tom & Sharon


Activities Coordinators Olga Eadie

Don Comstock

[email protected]

Treasurer Historian Sallie Comstock Bob Helgeson

[email protected] [email protected]

Editors Membership Jim Martoza John Strampher

[email protected] [email protected]

Dave Haddock Donna Onat

[email protected] [email protected]

Club Store Ana Maria & George Haley

[email protected]

Page 3: AUGUST SPOTLIGHT Jerry and Mary Brownell’s …members.doubleknot.com/vccapsr/tcaug04.pdfPuget Sound Region VCCA cars and trucks. Members are not required to own a Chevrolet. . Meetings


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T A P P E T C L A T T E R 3 �

The morning of July 8th, as I was in the back yard sitting by our fishpond in a contemplative mood, watching the gold fish, my thoughts drifted to last evening and the garage night at Bob Helgesons'. A group of the car club members gathered to share common interests, support one another in their car projects and enjoy learning about Bobs' garage and the tools he uses. Bob gave us a demonstration of his car hoist, which uses a floor jack to activate. I am encouraged by the willingness of everyone to share with each other their skills and knowledge as they seek to make progress and accomplish mutual goals of restoring and preserving a bit of history, which without their efforts might soon be forgotten. It is getting near the time for the Executive Board to convene and begin planning for next years leadership and schedule of activities. The first Board Meet-ing will be held at 7:00 p.m. Thursday, September 16, 2004 at the residence of Dave & Diane Haddock in Seattle. Directions are included on page 7 in this issue of the Tappet Clatter. Mary and I celebrated our 43rd anniversary by vacationing in Alaska on a land and cruise ship tour the last two weeks of July, but not before a car club mys-tery surfaced and was solved. Shortly before our scheduled departure I received an email from Leigh Wilcox of Portland who was to coordinate the Kelso NW Regional Meet. Leigh was trying to locate the award from the 2003 NW Meet in Auburn for the "Highest Number of Vintage Vehicles" at the meet, so he could re-award it at the 2004 Kelso Meet. Our club had won the award for 2003 and it apparently was missing, so getting a little dramatic, I frantically called a number of you, including Rod Schein, Bob Helgeson, Tom Frankhouser, Ana Haley and Jim Farris. There were many ideas and suggestions for the location of the missing award, but all the leads ended up on roads with dead-end signs except for one. Jim Farris thought that Bill Barker might know the whereabouts of the missing award. Jim later called me on the phone, and said that Bill Barker had the award and it was already packed and waiting to go to Kelso where it was to be awarded to the 2004 winner. The mystery was solved! I quickly emailed Leigh Wilcox the information, and Mary and I headed for the airport on our way to Alaska where we were to meet Mary's brother and wife (Ray and Diane Lickfold) from Michigan. The Alaska trip was a first for us, and our first cruise tour. We enjoyed seeing the rugged Alaska geography, by train from Fairbanks to Anchorage with stops at (McKinley) Denali National Park. We saw grizzly bear, caribou, moose, eagles, and lots more animals, as well as glaciers "calving" their ice into the cold waters. We even tried our hand at panning for gold. We boarded the cruise ship "Statendam" July 25th at Seward, and on our way saw more glaciers, whales, sea otters and other wildlife as we headed for the ports of Sitka, Juneau, Ketchikan and Vancouver, BC. Alaska, an area twice the size of Texas, is sparsely populated. The capital city of Juneau can only be reached by boat or by plane. We returned from Vancouver by bus to Seattle, ready to be home and thankful for such a great vacation anniversary. In the Relay with you, Jerry

CLUB BOARD MEETING We will be having a Club Board Meeting on Thursday, September 16, 7:00 PM at Dave & Diane Haddock’s in Seattle. All are invited to attend.

Page 4: AUGUST SPOTLIGHT Jerry and Mary Brownell’s …members.doubleknot.com/vccapsr/tcaug04.pdfPuget Sound Region VCCA cars and trucks. Members are not required to own a Chevrolet. . Meetings

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The Club Store will be closed until the September Meeting. Call or email if you need anything. Ana Maria & George Haley [email protected] See you... George & Ana Maria


September Celebrations

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Page 5: AUGUST SPOTLIGHT Jerry and Mary Brownell’s …members.doubleknot.com/vccapsr/tcaug04.pdfPuget Sound Region VCCA cars and trucks. Members are not required to own a Chevrolet. . Meetings

T A P P E T C L A T T E R 5 �

Jerry and Mary Brownell’s Chevy Journey (cont. from p. 1)

It was Johns' suggestion that I share this photo of our 54 Chevy, back in 1961. Mary and I were on our honeymoon trip in our 30 foot trailer house, which has been referred to as our "honey box". We took the photo as we headed south along the Columbia River from Kettle Falls, Washington on our way to Coeur D' Alene, Idaho. There was highway con-struction along the river, and we had to detour over a soft dirt fill. Our 54 Chevy sunk to the axles, and we had to get pulled out by one of the large construction CATS. I bought my 54 2-door Bel Air Chevy in 1957 after returning from a two-year overseas tour of duty with the U.S. Air Force in Japan. At that time the 54 had 14,000 miles on it, and in those days the $1200 I paid for it seemed like a lot of money. I met my wife, Mary, while attending Washington State University. We were mar-ried between our junior and senior year of college. The 30-foot long trailer was to be our home until 1965 when our new home was built in the country near Auburn, Washington. That's us as newlyweds (on cover page), by our 54 Chevy. The second picture of us (below) is in 1997, 36 years later when I brought the Chevy home again to begin restoring it. I had given the 54 to my Dad to use back in 1965, but since it has one of those "new fangled", automatic transmis-sions, he would not drive it. Instead he parked it in a shed all those years until 1997. Dad had passed away a number of years earlier in 1990. I have learned that the process of restoring a car can be verrrrry slow, some-times even backwards, and that acquiring a vintage auto already restored is a quicker way to achieve such a goal. However, I also believe that while in the

process of restoring a vintage car, the journey can be as much or more rewarding than arriving at the goal or destination. In that case I have already re-ceived my reward. P.S. When Mary expressed less than excitement about including the 36 year later photo of the two of us, we were reminded that none of us are getting any younger, hopefully just better! By Jerry Brownell

Page 6: AUGUST SPOTLIGHT Jerry and Mary Brownell’s …members.doubleknot.com/vccapsr/tcaug04.pdfPuget Sound Region VCCA cars and trucks. Members are not required to own a Chevrolet. . Meetings

6 T A P P E T C L A T T E R �

2004 Club Meetings & Auto Events Calendar

���� 21-22 Graham, WA. Yesterdays Chevelle/El Camino Show Info: 360-412-5024

� 23 Issaquah, WA. August XXX Club Meeting @ 6:30 PM (see p. 7)

� 28-29 Seattle, WA. Fabulous Fifties Car Fest, 206-286-5362

���� 4 Olympia, WA. Cool Creek Nites Car Show, 360-352-1626

� 8 Garage Night at Dave Robert’s Garage, 7:00 PM (see p. 8)

� 11 Edmonds, WA. Hot Autumn Nites, 425-670-1496

� 16 Seattle, WA. CLUB BOARD MEETING (see p. 3)

� 17-19 Ocean Shores, WA. Sea Cruz II, 360-491-0988

� 25-26 Chehalis, WA. Harvest Swap Meet, 360-273-6961

� 26 Poulsbo, WA. Group Tour/Picnic with Mt. Rainier/N. Cascade Regions

� 27 General Meeting: @Tillicum @ 7:30 PM.

���� 2 Arlington, WA. October Hunt Swap Meet, 360-435-2777

� 2 Goldendale, WA. Concours d’Maryhill Open Show, 800-573-3793

� 3 Goldendale, WA. Maryhill Loops Hill Climb, 800-573-3793

� 9-10 Monroe, WA. Monroe Swap Meet, 360-366-0188

� 13 Garage Night (Location to be announced)

� 16-17 Portland, OR. NW Collector Car Show & Swap Meet, 503-694-6922

� 25 General Meeting: @Tillicum @ 7:30 PM.

���� 10 Garage Night (Location to be announced)

6 T A P P E T C L A T T E R �

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Page 7: AUGUST SPOTLIGHT Jerry and Mary Brownell’s …members.doubleknot.com/vccapsr/tcaug04.pdfPuget Sound Region VCCA cars and trucks. Members are not required to own a Chevrolet. . Meetings

T A P P E T C L A T T E R 7 �

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AUGUST MEETING For our August club meeting we will meet at the XXX Root Beer Drive-in, in Issaquah on Monday the 23rd. Try and arrive at 6:30 PM, (a little earlier so come join us there for dinner). This is always a popular event and usually up to 20 members will drive their vintage car to the drive-in. A warm August night with 60’s music and a frosty root beer is hard to beat, so saddle up the car and join us. This is a good event for the family, or invite a friend to join you for a ride in your car and a ham-burger. See you then! S u n M o n T u e W e d T h u F r i S a t

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Coming to the Board Meeting on September 16th?? Directions are in your mailed copy of the Tappet Clatter. Call the Haddock’s if you need directions.

Page 8: AUGUST SPOTLIGHT Jerry and Mary Brownell’s …members.doubleknot.com/vccapsr/tcaug04.pdfPuget Sound Region VCCA cars and trucks. Members are not required to own a Chevrolet. . Meetings

8 T A P P E T C L A T T E R �



‘60s to ‘70s 1/2 or 3/4 ton pickup sideracks, home-made but works to extend load, Jim Seiber, (425) 392-7865 ‘36 Chev Parts, wheels, radiator and shroud, hood, John Aryes 425 870-4086 ‘36 Chev 2-dr front seat, $100; ‘53 235 60,000 orig. mi., $350; ‘31 Chev truck 4-spd, 2 for $75; Chev 350 Turbo 350, $525; Misc. 53/54 Chev parts; Contact Mike Smith (253) 640-0337 or (253) 476-0741

WANTED ‘64 Impala SS hubcap, Need 1 very good hubcap/would buy more if needed more, only need one, Steve Grissom, (425) 228-3670, [email protected].

WEDNESDAY GARAGE NITE Dick Olson is continuing an informal Wednesday garage night. We will meet once a month at someone’s garage (alternating each month). When: Second Wed. of the month 7:00 PM. Informal get together, guy stuff, guests welcome! Kick tires; Network with other car nuts; Meet new people; Learn new things; An excuse to drive your old car? Host will provide soft drinks or bring your own? Check out garage projects!! Call Dick to volunteer your garage!! Where: Dave Robert’s Garage. Begin at 7 PM. (Early ar-rivals welcome.) Call for directions. Schedule: To be announced next month.

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Congratulations Jim and Sue Seiber!

Jim and Sue received the National VCCA award for the cover picture of their 1937 pickup on the April 2003 G & D!!!

Page 9: AUGUST SPOTLIGHT Jerry and Mary Brownell’s …members.doubleknot.com/vccapsr/tcaug04.pdfPuget Sound Region VCCA cars and trucks. Members are not required to own a Chevrolet. . Meetings

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We were all at the Northwest Meet in Kelso!!! No meeting and no minutes.


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Page 10: AUGUST SPOTLIGHT Jerry and Mary Brownell’s …members.doubleknot.com/vccapsr/tcaug04.pdfPuget Sound Region VCCA cars and trucks. Members are not required to own a Chevrolet. . Meetings

From the Glove Box

1 0 T A P P E T C L A T T E R

What’s In Your Trunk???

Dick Olson’s “Survival Kit”

��At the Northwest Meet in Kelso, Dick Olson was digging in his "Survival Kit" for a piece of bailing wire to fix a broken exhaust pipe hanger on Jim Seiber’s ‘40 convertible when Dave Haddock walked by. Dave was amazed at the spare parts and tools that Dick carried and suggested that Dick make a list of the things he’d learned to carry and share the list with more junior members. We would like other members to contribute ideas via the "glove box". Here is the list that Dick graciously compiled of what he carries in his 1950 Chev-rolet convertible. Some parts are used but they will get you home. He also carries a bag of basic tools [a bag takes up less room] , jack, wheel block, road flares and a flashlight. Fan belt Front wheel bearing Fuel pump RTV gasket maker Water pump Tape - electrical and masking Coil Cotter pins Dist. cap Bailing wire Condenser Nuts and bolts Points and rotor Accelerator spring Spark plugs Tow rope Generator brushes Gallon 50-50 anti freeze Voltage regulator Oil- 1 qt. Fuel filter Fender cover Fuel rubber hose (2 ft.) Clamps for fuel hose Bulbs Hand cleaner Wire - electrical 10 ft. Paper shop towels Brake fluid and small funnel Tire gauge � Happy Motoring !!!!!!! Thanks Dick! New questions or questions & answers are always welcome. You can email me at farris-

[email protected]. Jim Farris-Custodian of the Glove Box

Beautiful Chevs at the NW Meet in Kelso

Page 11: AUGUST SPOTLIGHT Jerry and Mary Brownell’s …members.doubleknot.com/vccapsr/tcaug04.pdfPuget Sound Region VCCA cars and trucks. Members are not required to own a Chevrolet. . Meetings

���������������Classifieds FOR SALE

‘65 Chevelle 396 engine, Pat @425-373-1688 Set of 8 lug Chev wheels w/good 16.5 tires, $75 Jim Farris (206) 937-5636 or [email protected] 1987 Pontiac Trans AM GTA configuration, T-tops, ex-cellent mechanics & driver $2750 OBO Walt Blair (206) 249-6745 or [email protected] ‘59 Convertible, 80K miles, Bruce Nickelson (425) 771-8475 ‘56 265 CID engine, less than 20k on rebuild, 3 spd tran. & rear end, 370?, Wally Martin, (425) 743-6858 ‘50 216 Engine-complete, Dick Olson, (425) 222-5798, [email protected] ‘37 Rebuilt Engine, ‘47 &’ 48 builder engines, ‘53 Cadil-lac V-8, ‘33 engines, Don Comstock, (253) 863-0420, [email protected] ‘41 Chev. Club Coupe, Grey over blue, A nice car, $11,500, Don Brown, (425) 231-0208 ‘82 Era Test Equip, Snap-on Diagnostic Center mounted on rolling cabinet, Jim Seiber, (425) 392-7865, [email protected] 1936 1/2 ton PU project, 30 yr collection of parts. $4000.00 or trade. Dick Olson 425-222-5798

‘54 6 CYL. 235 engine, Rebuilt .030 over, 0 miles, $1,800 ‘54 Power Glide Tranny, Rebuilt 0 miles, $650 ‘52 235 CI and PG, $25 V8 Truck, Bell housing, $20 ‘65 6 CYL 230 CI & PG, $50 ‘50 PU Diff, $10 ‘37-’38 Coupe Doors, L&R, $5 ea. ‘59 Frt. Bumper, $20 ‘59 Impala, wheel covers, (4), $10 ea. ‘62 SS, wheel covers, (4), $15 ea. ‘50 PU, door, RH, $20 ‘68 ALL-SYNCRO, 3-spd, $40 ‘58 3-spd, $20 ‘56 PU, 4-spd, $20 ‘57 Bel Air, LH Front Fender Mldg, $20 ‘57 Bel Air, N.O.S. LH Front Fender Mldg, $40 ‘39, N.O.S. Running Board Mldg, $80 ‘39, Running Board Rubber, LH $40 ‘53 or ’54, steering wheel, $50��� �&����'����(')���*+�������)���%�,�

�Good 3 speed manual transmission, for '53 Chev Bel Air Sedan. A '54 transmission would work too. Contact: Dale Hicks, at 425-481-9787 ‘55-56, 1/2 ton, short-bed PU, Prefer 235 but V8 Ok, David White, (206) 999-8138, [email protected]

‘38 Chev Radio, Bill Barker, (425) 643-0698, bill@barkerville.

‘55 210 Wheel Bearing Dust Caps, Dave Haddock, (206) 985-6987, [email protected]

1918 490 Touring, one inside door handle plate Terry Shegrud, contact Jim Martoza.


1936–1950 Passenger and 1/2 Ton Brake Shoe Cores. Also, 9 inch ‘38 to ‘53 clutch discs. Bring to any meeting. We will forward them to

990 South Second Street Lebanon, OR 97355

TO ORDER: INFORMATION: (800) 841-6622 (541) 258-2114 FAX: (541) 258-6968 or www.fillingstation.com

T A P P E T C L A T T E R 1 1 ����


1951 Chevrolet Convertible. Nearly $50,000 spent on full restoration (see picture below). Car is in Post Falls, ID restoration shop. Call Glenn Vaughn for full details on restoration work. 208-773-3525. (www.glennvaughn.com). Best offer. �����,�����))��6����'���'��


�������Classifieds on p. 8

Page 12: AUGUST SPOTLIGHT Jerry and Mary Brownell’s …members.doubleknot.com/vccapsr/tcaug04.pdfPuget Sound Region VCCA cars and trucks. Members are not required to own a Chevrolet. . Meetings

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