Published in AGU Monograph on Magnetospheric Current Systems, ed. S. Ohtani et al., 2000, p. 191. Copyright 2000 by the American Geophysical Union. Auroral Surge Currents and Electrodynamics with FAST and VIS S. A. Cummer, 1 R. R. Vondrak, 1 R. F. Pfaff, 1 J. W. Gjerloev, 2 C. W. Carlson, 3 R. E. Ergun, 3 W. J. Peria, 3 R. C. Elphic, 4 R. J. Strangeway, 5 J. B. Sigwarth, 6 L. A. Frank 6 Abstract. We analyze data from two FAST satellite passes in the vicinity of auroral surges (as seen in the VIS auroral imager on the Polar satellite) to study the large scale ionospheric electrodynamics of the surge, focusing in particular on the configuration of field-aligned and ionospheric currents. While most previous ground and satellite observations have found the surge to be a region of predominantly upward field-aligned currents (FACs), some satellite observations have found evidence for equal downward and upward FACs near the surge, suggesting that the FACs close locally as opposed to globally through the substorm current wedge. Our observations show that while regions of both upward and downward FACs are present near the surge, there is a significant net upward FAC in the northern portion of meridians passing through the surge and just east of the surge. Current continuity requires that these upward currents be fed by downward currents traditionally thought to be in the eastern portion the auroral substorm bulge. Such a current configuration requires a westward ionospheric current to connect the two FAC regions, and this is supported by our observations of a significant southward electric field in the high Hall conductance surge region, which drives a strong westward Hall electrojet connecting the upward surge FACs and the presumed downward FACs east of the surge. INTRODUCTION The auroral surge is arguably the most visually spectacular and electrodynamically complicated auroral form. However, due to its usually short-lived nature, ground-based and satellite electrodynamic observations of this phenomena are rather sparse. Surge electric fields, currents, and precipitation-produced ionization have been observed from the ground with all-sky cam- eras, magnetometers, and the STARE radar [Inhester 1 Laboratory for Extraterrestrial Physics, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 2 Danish Space Research Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark 3 Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California 4 Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 5 Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California Los Angeles, California 6 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa et al., 1981; Opgenoorth et al., 1983] and with the Chatanika incoherent scatter radar [Robinson and Von- drak, 1990]. Satellite observations of the surge include measurements of the magnetic field deviations and en- ergetic particles along a pass through an active auro- ral surge with DMSP satellites [Bythrow and Potemra, 1987], and detailed particle and field observations from the Dynamics Explorer (DE) [Weimer et al., 1994] and Freja [Marklund et al., 1998] satellites. Surge electrody- namics have also been studied statistically from a care- ful analysis of DE-1 images and DE-2 particle and field observations [Fujii et al., 1994; Gjerloev and Hoffman, 1998]. The variability of individual auroral surges makes it difficult to compare directly the above-listed observa- tions of different events. However, some features are common to most of these surge observations and we take these to be general characteristics of auroral surges. The surge head is a region of high ionospheric Hall 1

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Published in AGU Monograph on Magnetospheric Current Systems, ed. S. Ohtani et al., 2000, p. 191.Copyright 2000 by the American Geophysical Union.

Auroral Surge Currents and Electrodynamics with FAST andVIS

S. A. Cummer,1 R. R. Vondrak,1 R. F. Pfaff,1 J. W. Gjerloev,2 C. W. Carlson,3

R. E. Ergun,3 W. J. Peria,3 R. C. Elphic,4 R. J. Strangeway,5 J. B. Sigwarth,6 L. A.Frank6

Abstract. We analyze data from two FAST satellite passes in the vicinity of auroralsurges (as seen in the VIS auroral imager on the Polar satellite) to study the large scaleionospheric electrodynamics of the surge, focusing in particular on the configurationof field-aligned and ionospheric currents. While most previous ground and satelliteobservations have found the surge to be a region of predominantly upward field-alignedcurrents (FACs), some satellite observations have found evidence for equal downwardand upward FACs near the surge, suggesting that the FACs close locally as opposedto globally through the substorm current wedge. Our observations show that whileregions of both upward and downward FACs are present near the surge, there is asignificant net upward FAC in the northern portion of meridians passing through thesurge and just east of the surge. Current continuity requires that these upward currentsbe fed by downward currents traditionally thought to be in the eastern portion theauroral substorm bulge. Such a current configuration requires a westward ionosphericcurrent to connect the two FAC regions, and this is supported by our observations ofa significant southward electric field in the high Hall conductance surge region, whichdrives a strong westward Hall electrojet connecting the upward surge FACs and thepresumed downward FACs east of the surge.


The auroral surge is arguably the most visuallyspectacular and electrodynamically complicated auroralform. However, due to its usually short-lived nature,ground-based and satellite electrodynamic observationsof this phenomena are rather sparse. Surge electricfields, currents, and precipitation-produced ionizationhave been observed from the ground with all-sky cam-eras, magnetometers, and the STARE radar [Inhester

1Laboratory for Extraterrestrial Physics, NASA/GoddardSpace Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland

2Danish Space Research Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark3Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California,

Berkeley, California4Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico5Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of

California Los Angeles, California6Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa,

Iowa City, Iowa

et al., 1981; Opgenoorth et al., 1983] and with theChatanika incoherent scatter radar [Robinson and Von-drak, 1990]. Satellite observations of the surge includemeasurements of the magnetic field deviations and en-ergetic particles along a pass through an active auro-ral surge with DMSP satellites [Bythrow and Potemra,1987], and detailed particle and field observations fromthe Dynamics Explorer (DE) [Weimer et al., 1994] andFreja [Marklund et al., 1998] satellites. Surge electrody-namics have also been studied statistically from a care-ful analysis of DE-1 images and DE-2 particle and fieldobservations [Fujii et al., 1994; Gjerloev and Hoffman,1998].

The variability of individual auroral surges makes itdifficult to compare directly the above-listed observa-tions of different events. However, some features arecommon to most of these surge observations and wetake these to be general characteristics of auroral surges.The surge head is a region of high ionospheric Hall


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conductivity typically produced by energetic inverted-Velectron precipitation, and it contains broad and intenseupward field-aligned currents (note that this does notpreclude additional regions of downward field-alignedcurrent). Radar and satellite observations also showthat the electric field in the vicinity of the surge gen-erally converges to the surge head, indicating negativespace charge associated with this region which is consis-tent with models of surge electrodynamics [Inhester etal., 1981; Opgenoorth et al., 1983]. Lastly, the satelliteelectric field measurements consistently show a “stag-nation region” of low electric fields (and therefore lowionospheric convection) south of the surge and extend-ing somewhat to the east.

Despite these similarities, there remain some openquestions regarding the structure of the field-alignedcurrents (FACs), ionospheric electric field, and iono-spheric currents in the vicinity of the surge. Freja ob-servations [Marklund et al., 1998] showed an intensedownward current northwest of a surge which balancedthe upward current in the surge, from which it wasconcluded that the upward currents in the surge maybe fed locally by equal downward currents surroundingthe surge. Other observations [Bythrow and Potemra,1987; Weimer et al., 1994] and models [Opgenoorthet al., 1983] do not produce equal downward currentsnearby, suggesting that the upward currents in thesurge are closed through downward currents elsewherein the auroral bulge. Also, radar [Inhester et al., 1981;Opgenoorth et al., 1983] and satellite [Fujii et al., 1994]observations have found significant southward electricfields near and to the east of the surge that drive strongwestward Hall currents in the ionosphere, thereby feed-ing the net upward FACs associated with the surge headfrom downward currents distant from the surge. Thesame Freja observations [Marklund et al., 1998], how-ever, showed weak electric fields east of the surge, im-plying weak westward Hall currents and necessitatinglocal closure of surge FACs through ionospheric cur-rents in the immediate vicinity of the surge. The surgecurrent configuration has important implications, as lo-cal field-aligned current closure precludes the presenceof a substorm current wedge [McPherron et al., 1973],which is generally thought to play an important role insubstorm magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling.

To try to resolve these inconsistencies regardingsurge electrodynamics, we have examined data from theFAST satellite [Carlson et al., 1998] and the VIS instru-ment on the Polar satellite [Frank et al., 1995] duringthe approximately three month period of late 1997 andearly 1998 when FAST was in local time sectors (∼18–

24 MLT) where surges are expected to occur and theVIS Low Res visible wavelength camera was in oper-ation. We found two FAST passes in the vicinity ofsignificant auroral surges, and we analyze the electro-dynamic parameters observed on these two passes tocompare them to models and previous observations, fo-cusing in particular on the relationship of ionosphericand field-aligned currents.


Possible substorm auroral surges were identified bybright x-ray auroral emissions (corresponding to in-tense, >3 keV precipitation) seen by the Polar Iono-spheric X-ray Imaging Experiment (PIXIE) [Imhof etal., 1995] in the ∼18–24 local time sector. The FASTpasses through these possible surge regions were thenexamined for the precipitating electron signature of thesurge, namely intense and energetic (∼>5 keV) inverted-V precipitation at the northern edge of the auroral zone[Meng et al., 1978]. Lastly, VIS images at a wavelengthof 557.7 nm were examined to see whether the FASTfootprint passed through or near a region with the opti-cal signature of a surge, namely a bright emission at thenorthern edge of the auroral zone containing a notice-able curl [Akasofu, 1964]. We purposely avoid auroralmorphologies containing multiple surges or spirals [e.g.,Johnson et al., 1998], as the electrodynamics of thesecases may be quite different than for the single surgesconsidered here. The two events that met these criteriaare discussed below.

Event 1: 17 Jan 98

The top of Plate 1 shows an image of 557.7 nmauroral emissions taken by VIS on 17 January, 1998at 17:04:46 UT with a 44 second integration time.The global aurora can be described as a typical well-developed substorm, with a bulge shape and a well-defined surge at the northwestern edge of the bulge.The image is overlayed with a grid of corrected geomag-netic (CGM) latitude and local time, and with the foot-print of the southward-moving FAST satellite. FASTdid not pass through the surge head but rather passedthrough the bright arc connecting to the surge about1.5 hours of local time to the east.

The lower panels in Plate 1 show the electrodynamicparameters observed by FAST and calculated from theFAST data along its path through the auroral bulge.The electrons in the loss cone, shown in the time-energyspectrogram, were used to calculate the Hall and Peder-sen ionospheric conductivities with an ion-pair produc-

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m2 -s














up dn up

2122 23 00 01


03 MLT60°

70° FASTFootprint

Plate 1. Observations from VIS and FAST on 17 Jan 98 at 17:05 UT. Top: 557.7 nm VIS image of the aurora.The grid coordinates are CGM local time and magnetic latitude. The magnetic footprint of the FAST satelliteis overlaid in blue. Bottom: the observed and calculated electrodynamic parameters along the FAST footprintthrough the surge-connected arc. The panels show, from top to bottom, electron differential energy flux averagedover the loss cone, ionospheric conductances calculated from the precipitating electrons, observed southward electricfield, and observed magnetic field deviations. Regions of upward and downward field-aligned currents are markedon the magnetic field deviations.

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tion model [Rees, 1963]. FAST measured the horizontalelectric field only in the direction parallel to the space-craft velocity, which in this case is almost southward.The electric field data gap corresponds to a period whenFAST passed through the low altitude portion of theauroral acceleration region and therefore observed hori-zontal electric fields associated with parallel particle ac-celeration which are not present in the ionosphere andthus do not drive ionospheric currents. The magneticfield perturbations observed by FAST, which we assumeare produced by FACs, are plotted in the bottom panel.

As expected, the intense and energetic (>10 keV)inverted-V precipitation corresponds to the brightsurge-connected arc in the VIS image and produces highHall and Pedersen conductances in the ionosphere. Themeridional electric field varies from primarily south-ward in the poleward arc, to almost zero just south ofthe surge-connected arc, and to southward through therest of the bulge. It turns very strongly northward justsouth of the auroral oval in association with a subau-roral ion drift [Anderson et al., 1993]. The southwardelectric field and high Hall conductance in the polewardarc produce a strong westward electrojet of magnitude∼ 1.2× 105 A that connects to the surge, in agreementwith previous observations of strong westward currentseast of the surge [e.g., Opgenoorth et al., 1983].

The magnetic field observations show the expectedstrong upward current in the surge-connected arc and aregion of net downward currents equatorward of thisarc. The significant perturbations in the northwardmagnetic field indicate that the assumed FAC sheetsare significantly tilted from their usual east-west align-ment [Fung and Hoffman, 1992]. Comparing the inte-grated intensities of the upward and downward currentsnorth of the Harang discontinuity that can connect tothe westward electrojet, we find that the downward cur-rent is 56% of the upward current, leaving a net upwardcurrent of ∼0.25 A/m along the northern portion ofthis meridian. Therefore, since 44% of the upward cur-rent does not close locally, current continuity requiresthat it must close through an ionospheric current thatis connected to a net downward current that in turn iseither localized or distributed elsewhere in the auroraloval. The strongest electrical connection from the up-ward current region to elsewhere in the oval is throughthe high Hall conductance channel at the northern edgeof the bulge, and given the observation of southwardelectric fields in this channel which drive westward iono-spheric currents, it is most likely that the net upwardcurrent is fed by these westward Hall currents that areconnected to net downward currents in the eastern por-

tion of the auroral bulge. This observation is in generalagreement with the statistical observations of Fujii etal. [1994] and Gjerloev and Hoffman [1998] in whichthe upward surge FACs were closed by a combinationof adjacent downward FACs and ionospheric currentsconnected to downward FACs in more distant regions.

Event 2: 18 Jan 98

Plate 2 shows the FAST and VIS observations from18 January 98 in the same format as in the previouscase. The lack of a latitudinally expanded auroral ovalin the 557.7 nm VIS image shown at the top of Plate 2taken at 13:04:51 UT shows that this is not a bulge-typesubstorm as was the previous case, but there is a clearand relatively static (as inferred from the sequence ofVIS images, which are not shown here) surge structuretowards the west of the auroral zone. The 13:08 UTimage (not shown) shows more clearly the curling au-roral emissions that qualify this event as a surge. TheFAST footprint passes through a region of bright auro-ral emissions close to the surge center.

The lower panels in Plate 2 show the electrody-namic parameters observed by FAST for this pass. Theionospheric conductance was calculated directly fromthe precipitating electrons while the other parametersare directly measured. As in the previous case, in-tense inverted-V precipitation corresponds to the brightpoleward arc in the VIS image, and the electric fieldin this surge arc is primarily southward, producing astrong westward electrojet in the surge of magnitude∼ 2.0 × 105 A. The apparent electric field data gap isagain a result of FAST entering the auroral accelerationregion. However, in contrast to the other pass, the elec-tric field is extremely weak and slightly northward inthe region south of the surge. This difference betweenthe two passes is consistent with the presence of a Ha-rang discontinuity south of the surge that divides theregions of northward and southward electric fields.

The magnetic field perturbations are also slightly dif-ferent than in the previous case. There is the expectedstrong upward current in the surge, but there is lessdownward current along the portion of this meridiannorth of the Harang discontinuity. Quantitatively, only27% of the upward current is closed by adjacent down-ward currents, leaving a net upward current of 0.53A/m in the surge meridian. The non-local closure im-plies that these upward currents in the surge are closedprimarily through downward currents elsewhere in theauroral oval.

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21 22 23 0001

0203 MLT













































m2 -s













Plate 2. Observations from VIS and FAST on 18 Jan 98 at 13:05 UT in the same format as in Plate 1. Top: 557.7nm VIS image of the aurora. Bottom: The observed and calculated electrodynamic parameters along the FASTfootprint through the surge-connected arc.

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Low EN-S


E-W HallCurrent




Figure 1. A schematic summary of the field-alignedcurrents, ionospheric Hall currents, and north-southelectric fields observed in the two FAST passes pre-sented herein. The surge and surge-connected arc con-tain strong upward FACs and adjacent, smaller down-ward FACs. The southward electric field in the highHall conductance surge drives a strong westward elec-trojet which connects to the upward FACs.


Figure 1 shows schematically the large-scale electro-dynamics of the auroral surge observed in these twopasses overlaid on a generic substorm auroral image.The intense upward current and high ionospheric con-ductivity in the surge and weak electric fields south ofthe surge, which have been consistently observed in pre-vious surge studies, are found in these measurements aswell, and we suggest that these are standard elementsof the electrodynamics of the surge.

We find in both passes discussed above a signifi-cant southward electric field in the surge and surge-connected arc to the east, which when combined withthe high Hall conductance in these regions produces astrong westward electrojet. The FAST FAC observa-tions show that while both upward and downward FACsare present near the surge, the downward FAC is smallerby a factor of 2–4, leaving a significant net upward cur-rent in the surge and surge-connected arc. These two

facts paint a picture that is generally consistent with theconcept of the substorm current wedge [McPherron etal., 1973], in which a downward current in the easternportion of the auroral bulge passes through the iono-sphere as a westward current and leaves the ionosphereas an upward current through the auroral surge. How-ever, our observations suggest that the upward wedgeFACs are distributed in local time to a large degreeand that significant downward currents are present inthe surge and vicinity, as was seen in the statistical DEstudies of Fujii et al. [1994] and Gjerloev and Hoffman[1998]. Our observations are in disagreement to the ob-servations of Marklund et al. [1998] in which upwardsurge FACs were balanced by equal downward FACsin the immediate vicinity and in which weak westwardionospheric currents were observed east of the surge.It should be emphasized that since the surge is suchan electrodynamically complicated and variable region,there is likely considerable variability from event toevent. Nevertheless, the FAST observations here sup-port the majority of the previous observations and showthat the surge is a region of net upward FACs which arefed by a strong westward Hall current.


We have analyzed the ionospheric electrodynamicsobserved by the FAST satellite on two passes near au-roral surges seen by the VIS Low Res visible imageron the Polar satellite. The southward electric field andvector magnetic field perturbations were directly mea-sured, and the ionospheric Hall and Pedersen conduc-tances were calculated from the precipitating electronmeasurements. In agreement with most previous surgeobservations, we find that the surge is a region of strongupward field-aligned currents and high ionospheric con-ductance, while to the south of the surge is a regionof weak electric fields. Our primary goal was to studythe configuration of field-aligned and ionospheric cur-rents, as previous surge observations have differed as tothe details of this relationship. We find that the surgecontains significant net upward currents and that a sig-nificant southward electric field in the high Hall conduc-tance region drives a westward current which feeds thisupward current. This configuration is consistent withthe concept of the substorm current wedge [McPher-ron et al., 1973] in which a downward current in theeastern portion of the auroral bulge passes through theionosphere as a westward current and leaves the iono-sphere as an upward current through the auroral surge.These observations are consistent with many previoussurge observations [Inhester et al., 1981; Opgenoorth et

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al., 1983; Weimer et al., 1994; Fujii et al., 1994; Gjer-loev and Hoffman, 1998] but are in disagreement withrecent Freja surge observations [Marklund et al., 1998]in which it was suggested that the upward surge cur-rents close locally through equal downward currents inthe immediate vicinity of the surge. We should em-phasize that observations of the auroral surge are stillrather sparse, and further simultaneous auroral imag-ing and electrodynamic observations of the surge willhelp fill in the gaps that remain in our understandingof the electrodynamics of this complicated and dynamicauroral form.

Acknowledgments. S. A. Cummer was supported bya National Research Council fellowship for this work. Atthe University of Iowa this research was supported in partby NASA under NAS5-30316. FAST efforts at LANL aresupported by NASA order number S-57795-F.


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C. W. Carlson, R. E. Ergun, W. J. Peria, SpaceSciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley,CA 94720

S. A. Cummer, R. R. Vondrak, R. F. Pfaff, NASA/GoddardSpace Flight Center, Code 690, Greenbelt, MD 20771.(email: [email protected])

R. C. Elphic, Los Alamos National Laboratory, D438,Los Alamos, NM 87545

J. W. Gjerloev, Danish Space Research Institute, Ju-liane Maries Vej 30, 2100 Copenhagen Oe, Denmark

J. B. Sigwarth, L. A. Frank, Department of Physicsand Astronomy, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242

R. J. Strangeway, IGPP, University of California, LosAngeles, CA 90095

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