Australia's Trade and Financial Flows

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  • 8/10/2019 Australia's Trade and Financial Flows


    Australias Trade and Financial Flows

    *On size, the Australian economy ranks 14thin the world, but

    is relatively small compared to the global giants such as USA, hina,

    !apan etc" * #n $%%&, Australia ranked $ndin the world according to the

    human development inde'

    Trends in Australias Trade Patterns

    Australia(s resources are in demand across the world, and since

    Australia has a small population, it has needed to trade these

    resources in order to obtain the money to develop" Australia only

    produces $) o global economic output" +'ports are around oproduction, and imports are around o consumption"

    Changing direction of trade-

    #n recent decades, !apan and hina have become Australia(s ma.or

    e'port buyers" /his is because growth rates o Asian economies

    have increased considerably, and geographically their markets are

    easier or Australia to access than +uropean or American markets,

    especially since the advent o trading blocs such as the +uropeanUnion 0+U and 2orth American 3ree /rade Agreement 02A3/A" /he

    Asia aci5c region is now by ar the most important destination or

    Australian e'ports"

    #n $%%6 hina became Australia(s largest trading partner with

    e'ports 16) and imports 14"7) in $%%7"

    Changing composition of trade:

    rimary industries have always been the main ocus o Australia(s

    e'ports since Australia has the greatest comparative advantage in

    commodity goods" Australia has e'ported high volumes o

    agricultural products such as bee, wheat and wool and also

    minerals such as coal, iron ore, gold and bau'ite" Australia is

    generally less competitive in manuacturing" Australia imports a

    large amount o capital goods, transport e8uipment9 industrial

    supples and manuactured consumer goods"

  • 8/10/2019 Australia's Trade and Financial Flows


    #mports: apital goods unchanged at around 17) o imports,

    intermediate goods and services imports have declined, due to the

    reduction and phasing out o protection in Australia" onsumer

    goods as a proportion o imports have steadily increased, at around$;) in $%%7 rom 1ural

    e'ports have declined signi5cantly over the years, rom ;$) in

    1&7% to 1;) in $%%7" Agricultural sector has declined but the

    mining and resources sector has boomed" ?owever, mineral e'ports

    @uctuate in demand according to trends o the international

    business cycle, e"g" the lobal 3inancial risis in $%%7 dimmed

    demand or resources worldwide, but hina(s strong growth and

    demand or resources ensured that Australia did not lose out on a

    ma.or e'port buyer" Australia has e'perienced a decline in its

    agricultural e'ports due to @uctuations in world prices and also

    protectionist policies o other economies" Bining and >esources are

  • 8/10/2019 Australia's Trade and Financial Flows


    /here has been a change in the composition o 5nancial @ows rom

    direct to portolio investment"

    Eirect investment includes the purchase o companies, 5rms and

    the purchase o a substantial proportion o shares in a company0F1%)" Ghen a business undertakes direct investment it is

    generally considered to be a longer term investment and the

    investor normally intends to play a role in the management o the

    business" /his is diHerent rom portolio investment which includes

    loans, other orms o securities and smaller shareholding in

    companies" Iusinesses and individuals undertaking portolio

    investment generally do not intend to play a role in the

    management o the business" ortolio investment has largely

    increased ater 5nancial deregulation, consistent to the stats above"

    overnments preerred direct investment, because it brought the

    bene5ts o .ob creation and technological transer" Unortunately the

    increase in portolio investment has pushed up share prices and

    increased speculation"

    Australia(s investment overseas is more than

  • 8/10/2019 Australia's Trade and Financial Flows


    /he urrent Account- is the part o the balance o payments that

    shows the receipts and payments or trade in goods and services,

    transer payments and income @ows between Australia and the rest

    o the world in a given time period" /hese are non reversibletransactions" #t comprises o 2et oods, 2et Services, 2et income

    and 2et urrent /ransers"

    /he apital and 3inancial Account- records the borrowing, lending,

    sales and purchases o assets between Australia and the rest o the

    world" 3inancial in@ow has the immediate eHect o increasing the

    supply o oreign e'change to Australia while 5nancial out@ow

    reduces it" /hese transactions are reversible: borrowings can be

    repaid, and assets bought can be sold again" #t comprises o the

    apital account and the 3inancial account 0Eirect investment,

    ortolio investment, 3inancial Eerivatives, Other investment and

    >eserve assets"

    /he overall balance o the capital and 5nancial account is

    determined by adding the categories together" /he outcome should

    be appro'imately e8ual to the de5cit on the current account"

    urrent account J apital and 3inancial account J 2et errors and

    omissions K %

    ?owever, this is true only under a @oating e'change rate system"

    /he supply o DA is represented by-

    : ayments or imports o goods and services 0B

    : #ncomeLtransers overseas 0M debits

    : apital and 3inancial out@ow 0N out@ow

    /he demand or DA is represented by-

    : >eceipts or e'ports o goods and services 0

    : #ncomeLtransers overseas 0M credits

    : apital and 3inancial in@ow 0N in@ow

    Under a reely @oating e'change rate, these should be e8ual"

    B J M debits J N out@ow K J M credits J N in@ow

    B = J M debits = M credits K N in@ow = N out@ow

  • 8/10/2019 Australia's Trade and Financial Flows


    Ee5cit on the urrent Account K Surplus on the apital and

    3inancial Account

    3inancial in@ows can create debits on the income category o the

    urrent Account in two ways9 3oreign 5nancial in@ows- overseas debt re8uires interest

    repayments" /hese paymentsLservicing costs are not recorded

    on the apital and 3inancial Account and are recorded on the

    net income part o the urrent Account" /he most signi5cant

    reason or the ongoing AE is the servicing cost o oreign


    3oreign 5nancial in@ows- e8uity will re8uire returns on thee8uity investment" +8uity 5nancial in@ow can be related to the

    oreign purchase o Australian land, shares or companies"

    3oreign owners o land receive rent, owners o shares receive

    dividends and owners o companies receive pro5ts" /his is also

    in the net income part o the AE"

    Over time, high NA3AS will result in a widening AE because o the

    servicing cost associated with the increased oreign liabilities" /hiscan lead to PEebt /rapQ scenario"

    urrent account de5cit DR$ billion Barch $%1%

    AE 0) o E 4"&) Barch $%1%

    #t is a danger sign i AE as ) o E e'ceeds

  • 8/10/2019 Australia's Trade and Financial Flows


  • 8/10/2019 Australia's Trade and Financial Flows


    recent times, but in times such as during the lobal 3inancial risis,

    there is potential or Australia(s e'ports to signi5cantly drop" rices

    o some commodity items especially in agriculture have seen a long

    term decline as global trade has shited to sophisticatedmanuactured goods and services" Agricultural commodities are also

    sub.ect to high levels o protection which can make diCcult or

    Australia to sell these e'ports"

    /alk about how narrow e'port base is good when commodity prices

    are high and can improve the AE, but i e'port base is broadened

    to include elaborately transormed manuactures 0+/Bs then

    Australia is less prone to the @uctuations o the international

    business cycle"

    Services are the single astest growing area o global trade and this

    is accelerated by new technology such as the internet" Service

    industries dominate the Australian economy, employing around o

    working Australians, but only a small portion o Australia(s services

    are e'ported" +'pansion o service e'ports is essential to improving

    Australia(s trade perormance" urrently service e'ports are

    narrowly based with hal o Australia(s service e'ports coming rom

    tourism" /he ne't largest service e'port is education, and is about

    1L; o service e'ports"