Articulation Sign Language Non-Verbal Communication Pragmatics Conversation Skills Concept Skills Therapies

Autism and down sydrome in children

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Articulation Sign Language

Non-Verbal Communication

Pragmatics Conversation Skills

Concept Skills Therapies

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Down Syndrome


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Articulation: The adjustments and movements of speech organs involved in pronouncing a particular sound, taken as a whole

It is very important for children with Down syndrome to receive

speech therapy because they often have small mouths and enlarged

tongues. This deficiency therefore causes them to have articulation problems, or trouble speaking


Causes of Articulation Problems:

The cause of the articulation problem in a child with Down

syndrome is caused by the low muscle tone of their face

muscles and their hearing problems

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Speech language pathologists will work with the children to

help them communicate clearly. This task is done by simply talking to the child,

but in many cases of children with Down syndrome, sign language is used as the

means of communication.

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The American Sign Language


Chromosomal Disruption of Chromosome


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Trisomy 21: This is the most common type of Down syndrome that occurs in approximately 95% of all children with DS. This type of DS occurs because of an error in cell division either before or at the time of conception.

Mosaicism: This type of Down syndrome occurs in about 1-2% of all children with DS. In this type, the error in separation of the 21st chromosome occurs in one of the first few cell divisions AFTER fertilization, which causes the fetus to have some cells with 46 chromosomes and some with 47.

Translocation: This type occurs in approximately 3-4% of all babies born with Down syndrome. In this type of DS, a part of the 21st chromosome breaks off and attaches itself to another chromosome. The chromosome that the part of the 21st attaches to is often the 14th chromosome.

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The test used to determine what type of

Down syndrome is present in an individual is called


Karyotyping: This is a test to examine chromosomes in a sample of cells, which can help identify genetic problems as the cause of a disorder or disease.

What It Can Do: It can count the number of chromosomes and look for

structural changes in chromosomes

How Is the Test Performed: The test can be performed on almost any tissue, including amniotic fluid, bone marrow, and placenta.

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Children with autism spectrum disorders are either non-verbal or extremely verbal, they are almost always recommended to a speech language pathologist to help them

with a wide range of skills, including non-verbal communication, speech

pragmatics, conversation skills, and concept skills.

Non-Verbal Communication: The SLP will teach the child gestural communication, or training with PECS, electronic talking devices, etc.

Speech Pragmatics: The SLP will help the child understand how, when, and who to use certain phrases


Conversation Skills: The SLP works on back-and-forth exchanges of words, sometimes known as “joint attention”

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Concept Skills: Autistic children often have a tough time with ideas like “few,” “justice,” and “liberty.” They may be able to state something, but that doesn’t mean they understand the concept, and the SLP will help them to do so.

Other Types of Therapies: Along with speech therapy,

children with autism may also go to play therapy, drama

therapy, and sensory integration therapy.

Although it may seem odd that children with autism are

recommended to a speech language pathologist, but the reason they are is because they are more likely to

misuse and misunderstand language on a regular basis. Over time, even the non-verbal children can develop communication skills and may even

develop spoken language skills.

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Autistic Disorder: A neurological developmental disorder that usually appears during the first three years of life

Asperger’s Disorder: A milder variant of Autistic Disorder

PDD-NOS: Stands for pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified, meaning that it is “on the autism spectrum, but doesn’t fall within the existence of a specific category

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Childhood Disintegrative Disorder: A condition in which children develop normally through age 3 or 4, but then lose language, social, and motor skills already learned in a few months

Rhett’s Syndrome:

A neurological developmental disorder that mostly occurs in females. Infants with RS seem to develop normally at first, but then stop developing and even lose skills and abilities.