AutoCAD 3D All Commands

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  • 8/9/2019 AutoCAD 3D All Commands


    Complete AutoCAD CommandsCommand Description Options

    ABOUT Displays a dialogue box with AutoCADversion & serial numbers

    can be transparent

    APERTURE Controls the size of the Object Snap"OSNAP") target box -- should set to 7

    can be transparent



    Draws an arc. The default method ofdrawing arcs is selecting three points (so-called "3 point arc"), which are the twoendpoints of the arc and some other pointalong its locus. Other methods of drawingan arc can be specified by three letters,

    such as SEA, which means "Start Point,End Point, and Included Angle."

    A Included angleC Center point of arcD Direction angle of a line tangent to thearcE Endpoint of arcL Length of chord passing thru bothendpoints of the arcR RadiusS Start point of arc

    uses the end of the last line or arc asthe start point for the arc

    AREA Computes the area of any shape byselecting points at the corners of the

    shape, or by selecting a circle or polylineafter typing or picking the "E" option

    A sets "Add" modeS sets "Subtract" modeE computes area of selected circle orpolyline

    ARRAY Makes multiple copies of selected objectsin a rectangular (parallel with the snaprotation) or circular pattern

    R rectangular array typeP "polar" array type in circular pattern,you must indicate number of items andangle to fill, and whether the objects getrotated with the angleC "circular" array type in a circularpattern, you must indicate angle between

    items, angle to fill, and whether objectsget rotated with the angle

    ATTDEF Creates an attribute definition entity for textual information to be associated with ablock definition

    I Controls attribute visibilityC Controls Constant/variable modeV Controls verify mode

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    P Controls preset mode

    ATTDISP Controls the visibility of attribute entitieson a global basis

    can be transparentON Makes all attributes visibleOFF Makes all attributes invisible

    N Visibility of attributes setindividually

    ATTEDIT Permits editing of attributes

    ATTEXT Extracts attribute data from drawings C CDF comma delimited format extractD DXF format extractS SDF format extractE Extracts attributes from selected


    AUDIT Invokes drawing integrity audit Y Fixes errors encounteredN Reports, but does not fix errorsencountered

    BASE Specifies origin of current drawing for subsequent insertion into another drawing-- is normally set to point 0,0,0

    can be transparent

    BHATCH Fills an automatically defined boundarywith a hatch pattern through the use ofdialogue boxes. Also allows previewing

    and replacing adjustments without startingover each time.

    BLIPMODE Controls display of marker blips for pointselection

    can be transparentON Enables temporary marker blips

    OFF Disables temporary marker blips

    BLOCK Forms a single compound entity from agroup of entities within the currentdrawing

    ? Lists names of already-defined blocksin the current drawing

    BPOLY Creates a closed polyline of a boundary

    by picking an open area within a areaenclosed by lines, arcs or circles.

    BREAK Erases part of a line, arc or circle, or splitsit into two lines or arcs

    F allows respecification of first point

    CHAMFER Creates a chamfer (a angled lineconnection) at the intersection of two lines

    D Sets chamfer distancesP Chamfers an entire polyline

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    CHANGE A multifunctioning command which can beused to alter the following:

    1. location of individual endpoints oflines2. radius of a circle

    3. properties: layer, elevation,thickness, color and linetype of lines,polylines, arcs and circles4. style, font, size, location, rotation,and wording of text entities

    P Changes properties of objectsC ColorE ElevationLA Layer

    LT LinetypeT Thickness

    CHPROP Modifies properties of selected objects:layer, thickness, color and linetype -- butnot elevation

    C ColorLA LayerLT LinetypeT Thickness


    Draws a circle of any size. The defaultmethod is to pick a center point and pick apoint on the radius or type the radiusdimension, but other methods can beselected.

    2P Specifies circle by picking 2 points onthe diameter3P Specifies circle by picking 3 pointsthrough which the circle will passD Allows entering the diameterdimension instead of radius dimension

    TTR Specifies circle by picking twolines, arcs or circles for the circle to

    be tangent to, and entering thedimension of the radius Enters radius of circle (thedefault)


    Sets the current color for subsequentlydrawn objects (objects drawn after thecommand is invoked). The default currentcolor is a so-called "logical" color called"BYLAYER" which means that the color ofthe object drawn will be the color whichthe current layer has been set to.

    can be transparent sets current color tocolor number entered sets current color tocolor name enteredBYBLOCK sets floating entitycolor

    BYLAYER sets current color towhatever color is assigned to thecurrent layer

    COMPILE Compiles shape and font files More thanlikely, you will never use this command,unless you are creating your own letter

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    design or are creating "shapes" to beused as commonly used symbols in thedrawing. These are not typically used inarchitectural drawings

    CONFIG Displays options to allow you to

    reconfigure the video display, digitizer,plotter, and operating parameters.You should not have to use thiscommand, since the configuration of yoursystem has already been done and youwill have no need to change it.


    Draws a copy of selected objects usingtwo methods -- "base point" method, or"displacement" method.

    M Allows multiple copies to be madeof an object

    DBLIST Lists database information for every entityin the drawing

    DDATTDEF Displays a dialogue box that allowscreation of an attribute definition fortextual information to be associated with ablock definition

    I Controls attribute visibilityC Controls Constant/variable modeV Controls verify modeP Controls preset mode

    DDATTE Allows attribute editing via a dialogue box

    DDATTEXT Displays a dialogue box that extracts data

    from a drawing.

    C CDF comma delimited format

    extractD DXF format extractS SDF format extractE Extracts attributes from selectedentities

    DDCHPROP Displays a dialogue box that modifies thecolor, layer, linetype, and thickness ofselected objects

    C ColorLA LayerLT LinetypeT Thickness

    DDEDIT Allows text and attribute definition editing Undo Undoes edit to return to theprevious value

    DDEMODES Sets current entity properties (layer,linetype, elevation, thickness, and textstyle) via a dialogue box

    can be transparent

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    DDGRIPS Allows you to enable grips and set their colors and size via a dialogue box

    can be transparent

    DDIM Controls dimensioning variables through aseries of dialogue boxes

    can be transparent

    DDINSERT Allows you to insert a previously madeblock or file into the current drawing,select X- and Y- scale factors, rotationangle, pre-explode the block, and selectthe insertion point, through a dialogue box

    DDLMODES Sets layer properties and allows you toset the current layer, create a new layer,freeze and thaw layers, freeze and thawlayers in the current viewport, assign orreassign colors and linetypes to layers,through a dialogue box

    can be transparent

    DDOSNAP Allows you to set running OSNAPS and

    set the size of the target box aperturethrough a dialogue box.

    can be transparent

    DDRMODES Allows you to set drawing aids variablesthrough a dialogue box

    can be transparent

    DDRENAME Allows you to rename layers, text styles,linetypes, blocks, views, User CoordinateSystems, viewport configurations, anddimension styles

    DDSELECT Allows you to set entity selection modes,size of the pickbox, and entity sort methodthrough a dialogue box

    can be transparent

    DDUCS Allows you to save the current User Coordinate System and give it a name forfuture retrieval, or to select a UCS that isalready saved

    DDUNITS Allows you to set the unit type(Architectural or Decimal), angle displayformat (degrees-minutes-seconds, ordecimal degrees), and precision of theunits,

    can be transparent

    DELAY This command is used with SCRIPT files.

    It will delay the execution of the nextcommand for the time in millisecondsspecified after the DELAY command.

    can be transparent

    DIM Takes you out of the drawing editor andinto the semi-automatic dimensioningprogram built into AutoCAD. Will display aDim: prompt on the command promptline. To get back to the drawing editor andthe Command: prompt, type the

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    DIM1 Same as above, but only allows onedimensioning command to be used, andthen takes you automatically back to thedrawing editor and the Command:



    Dimensioning sub-command:Draws a linear dimension with thedimension line parallel to the

    selected dimension origin points.

    This lets you align a dimension withan angled line that is not either

    exactly horizontal or vertical.


    Dimensioning sub-command:Draws an arc and calculates theangle between two non-parallellines, and draws the text and

    arrowheads. Arrowheads are the

    standard AutoCAD filled triangles,regardless of your defined Arrow



    Dimensioning sub-command:Continues a linear dimension fromthe baseline (the so-called "first

    extension line") of the previous or

    selected dimension. This is notfrequently used in architectural

    dimensions. The spacing between

    each dimension line is controlled by

    the AutoCAD variable DIMDLI("Dimension Line Increment"),

    which you should set at 0 normally,

    but if you use the baselinecommand, you should reset to 1/8".


    Dimensioning sub-command:Draws a pair of crossed lines at the

    center of a circle or arc on the

    current layer


    Dimensioning sub-command:Continues a linear dimension from

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    the second extension line of theprevious or selected dimension. It is

    used to create a so-called "string" of

    dimensions. This is used quite a bitin architectural drawings.


    Dimensioning sub-command:Draws a dimension through the

    center of a circle or arc, calculating

    the diameter, with one of the arrowheads located at the point on the

    circle or arc which is picked.


    Dimensioning sub-command:Exits the dimensioning program

    and returns from the Dim: promptto the normal Command: prompt


    Dimensioning sub-command:Restores the text of an associativedimension to its default (home)

    location if you have moved it.



    Dimensioning sub-command:Draws a horizontal linear dimensionline


    Dimensioning sub-command:Draws an a line or series of lines

    with an arrow head (commonly

    called a "leader") to point to anobject to notate it. This command

    will also prompt you for the note at

    the end of the leader line, but it willallow only one line of text. The most

    useful method of using this

    command is to simply draw leaders

    between the object to be notatedand text that you create with the

    DTEXT command.


    Dimensioning sub-command:Permits changing text of an

    associative dimension without

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    exploding it. However, once the texthas been changed, the dimension

    will no longer be associative.


    Dimensioning sub-command:Adjusts the obliquing angle of alinear associative dimensions

    extension lines. Useful in

    dimensioning isometric drawings.


    Dimensioning sub-command:Draws the X and Y coordinates

    within a box with a leader line

    attached to the point, for a selected

    point. Automatically calculates the


    Dimensioning sub-command:Overrides the dimension variable

    settings on a selected dimension.


    Dimensioning sub-command:Draws the radius dimension of an

    arc or circle from the center to the

    point on its locus where the arc orcircle was selected.


    Dimensioning sub-command:Redraws the viewport, just like the

    regular REDRAW command.


    Dimensioning sub-command:Makes a dimension style current


    Dimensioning sub-command:Draws a linear dimension with the

    distance measured origin points, butwith the actual dimension line set ata different angle.


    Dimensioning sub-command:Saves the currently set dimension

    variables under a dimension stylename for future retrieval through

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    the RESTORE command.


    Dimensioning sub-command:Lists all dimension variables with

    their current status.


    Dimensioning sub-command:Switches to a new Text Style for allfuture dimensions.


    Dimensioning sub-command:Allows moving text in associative

    dimensions without having to

    explode the dimensions.


    Dimensioning sub-command:Allows rotation of the text of several

    associative dimensions at once.


    Dimensioning sub-command:Undoes any changes made by themost recent dimensioning



    Dimensioning sub-command:Changes selected associativedimensions to use the current

    dimension variables, the current

    text style, and the current unitssetting.


    Dimensioning sub-command:Lists the settings of dimension

    variables associated with a

    particular dimension style.


    Dimensioning sub-command:Draws a vertical linear dimension


    DIST Finds distance between two points can be transparent

    DIVIDE Places points along a line, polyline, arc, or circle, dividing it into the specified numberof equal parts

    B Uses a specified Block to dividethe object instead of a point

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    Draws filled rings with specified insideand outside diameters

    DRAGMODE Allows control of dynamic draggingfeature for copy and move commands

    can be transparentON Makes dragging of object visible

    OFF Disables visual draggingA Auto mode -- enables draggingwhen possible

    DTEXT Draws text "Dynamically" so that as youenter text letters or numbers, they arevisible on the screen

    J Prompts for Justification optionsS Allows you to select text styles thatare already createdA Aligns text between two points,with style-specified width factor,

    AutoCAD adjusts height to keepletter proportion as designated in thestyle.C Centers text horizontallyF Fits text between two points, with aspecified height, AutoCAD adjustswidth of letters to fitM Centers text horizontally andverticallyR Right-justifies textBL Bottom-left justificationBC Bottom-center justificationBR Bottom-right justificationML Middle-left justificationMC Middle-center justificationMR Middle-right justificationTL Top-left justificationTC Top-center justificationTR Top right justification

    DVIEW Allows perspective viewing of drawing CA Sets CAmera angle relative to theTarget

    T Sub-option, toggles betweenangle in the X-Y plane, and angle

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    from the X-Y plane

    CL Sets Front and Back CLippingplanesD Sets Camera to Target distance

    and turns on Perspective viewing

    H Removes hidden lines on theselection setOFF Turns Perspective viewing offPA PAns drawing across the screenPO Allows specification of Cameraand Target pointsTA Rotates the TArget point aboutthe Camera

    T Sub-option, toggles betweenangle in the X-Y plane, and anglefrom the X-Y plane

    TW Twists the view around the line ofsightU Undoes a DVIEW sub-commandX Exits the DVIEW commandZ Sets lens length

    DXBIN Inserts specially coded binary files intothe drawing

    DXFIN Loads a drawing interchange file (DXFfile) to be able to read a drawing filecreated by another CAD program

    DXFOUT Writes a drawing interchange file (DXFfile) to be able to use an AutoCADdrawing in another CAD program

    B Writes binary DXF fileE Outputs selected entities only

    (0-16) Floating point precision

    EDGESURF Constructs a 3d Polygon mesh

    approximating a Coons surface patchinterpolated between 4 adjoining edges

    ELEV Sets Elevation (distance above theground plane) and Thickness (extrudeddistance from the bottom of an object tothe top) for subsequently drawn entities

    ELLIPSE Draws ellipses C Allows specification of Center pointof ellipse rather than first axis

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    endpointR Allows specification of eccentricityrotation rather than length of secondaxisI Draws Isometric circle in currentisoplane

    END Saves the drawing and exits AutoCADback to DOS or WINDOWS


    Erases selected entities from the drawing

    EXPLODE Separates a block, dimension or hatchpattern into its constituent entities or

    makes a polyline into a series of straightlines. In the case of a block that isexploded, if it was originally drawn on the0 layer, it returns to that layer, regardlessof the layer it was inserted on, and it losesits referential connection to the originalblock. In the case of a dimension or hatchpattern that has been exploded, theirparts go back to the 0 layer, and areassigned the logical color (BYBLOCK)regardless of the layer they were drawnon. In the case of an exploded polyline, itloses any width it may have had.

    EXTEND Lengthens a line, arc, or polyline to meeta specified "boundary edge"

    U Undoes effect of last Extendcommand

    FILES Allows DOS disk and file utility tasks to bedone through a dialogue box

    can be transparent

    FILL Controls whether solids, traces, widepolylines, and donuts will be filled with ink.Note that fill is only visible when viewingthese entities in plan (perpendicular toline of sight)

    can be transparentON entities visually filled with solidinkOFF entities not visually filled but areshown in outline only

    FILLET Constructs an arc of specified radiusbetween two lines, arcs, circles, or willcreate arcs of the specified radius at thevertices of a polyline. Radius of the arc tobe constructed may be set to 0, which willmake a sharp corner

    P Fillets an entire Polyline at theverticesR Allows setting of the fillet radius.Default value is 0. Radius remainsset until changed again

    FILMROLL Generates a file for rendering byAutoShade, a separate program

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    GRAPHSCR A "toggle." Flips the display on single-screen systems (most of them) from text-screen to graphics-screen, and vice-versa.

    can be transparent

    GRID Displays a rectangular grid of white dots

    on the screen at a specified X- and Y-spacing

    can be transparentON Turns grid display onOFF Turns grid display offS Locks grid spacing to SNAPresolutionA Sets grid aspect (different X- andY- spacings

    Sets grid spacingfor both X- and Y-coordinates Sets gridspacing to multiple "X" ofsnap spacing

    HANDLES Assigns a unique, permanent number toeach entity of the drawing

    ON Enables HandlesDESTROY Discards all entityHandles

    HATCH Allows drawing of cross-hatching andpattern filling

    uses hatch patternname from library file to filldesignated area with a pseudo-blockhatch entity -- can be reduced to

    individual lines and points byEXPLODEing it. uses hatch patternname from library file to filldesignated area with individual linesand points, not a blockU "User-defined" hatch pattern drawnof parallel lines with a specifieddistance between, at a specifiedangle, and either single-hatching ordouble (cross)-hatching? Lists names of available hatchpatterns or U can be followedby a comma and the following sub-commands:

    I Ignores any boundaries insidethe outermost boundary

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    N Normal style of selectingboundaries with alternatinghatched and unhatched nestedareasO Hatches outermost boundary

    area only


    Displays a list of all valid commands anddata entry options, or obtains help for aspecific command or prompt

    can be transparentif invoked while another command is inprocess, it will assume that you want help onthat command

    HIDE Regenerates a 3d visual image of thedrawing with hidden lines removed

    ID Displays the X,Y, and Z coordinates of apoint selected

    can be transparent

    IGESIN Loads an IGES interchange file

    IGESOUT Writes an IGES interchange file

    INSERT Inserts a previously created block or drawing file into the current drawing

    Inserts a filenamefrom the default directory into thecurrent drawing, assuming thatthere is no block by that name inthe current drawing=Creates a block in the currentdrawing with the same name as

    the file

    Inserts a block in itsconstituent entities rather than asa block -- also called a "StarBlock" or Pre-exploded block

    C Reply to X scale prompt -- allowsscale to be specified by two points(Corner specification of scale)XYZ Reply to X scale prompt --allows specification of X, Y, and Zscales~ Displays a file dialogue box? Lists names of defined blockswithin the current drawing

    ISOPLANE Selects the plane of an isometric grid tobe the current plane for an orthogonaldrawing

    can be transparentL Left plane

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    R Right planeT Top plane

    Toggle to next plane inseries, Left, Right, and Top


    Creates named drawing layers, assignscolor and linetype properties to thoselayers, allows layers to be frozen andthawed, locked and unlocked, and allowscurrent layer to be set

    can be transparentC Assigns color to named layerF Freezes named layers (commaseparates a list of layers to be frozen,* can be used as a wildcard) --current layer cannot be frozenL Assigns linetype to named layerLO Locks named layer

    M Makes a layer -- creates a newlayer and makes it the current layerN Creates new layers with namednames (comma separates a list oflayers to be created, * can be usedas a wildcard)ON Turns named layers on if theywere turned off (comma separates alist of layers to be turned on, * can beused as a wildcard)OFF Turns named layers off if they

    were turned on (comma separates alist of layers to be turned off, * can beused as a wildcard)


    S Sets named layer as the currentlayerT Thaws named layers which arefrozen (comma separates a list oflayers to be frozen, * can be used asa wildcard)U Unlocks named layer? Gives information about namedlayers, * can be used as a wildcard

    LIMITS Changes the imaginary boundaries of thedrawing, and controls whether drawingcan be made outside of the boundaries. IfLimit-checking is ON, drawing cannot bedone outside of limits.

    can be transparent Sets lower-left andupper -right drawing limits

    ON Enables limit-checking

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    OFF Disables limit-checking


    Draws straight lines In reply to From Point:prompt, line begins at end ofprevious line or arc

    C In reply to To point: prompt,closes the polygon back to first"From Point"U In reply to To point: prompt,undoes last line segment

    LINETYPE A linetype is a series of lines and spaces-- dots and dashes --Sets the current linetype to be used for allsubsequent entities to be drawn, allowscreation of new linetype definitions, andallows loading of previously created

    linetypes from DOS files

    can be transparent? Lists a linetype library , or namedlinetypes which are loadedC Creates a linetype definitionL Loads a previously creatredlinetype definitionS Set current linetype -- note that thecurrent linetype should always be setto the logical linetype "BYLAYER"

    LIST Lists all information about selected object,such as what type of entity it is (Line, Arc,Circle, Block, etc.), what layer it is on,what color it is, the location of itsendpoints, what its Z-axis (elevation),what its thickness is, etc.

    LOAD Loads a file of user-defined shapes to beused with the Shape command

    ? Lists the names of loaded Shapefiles

    LTSCALE Sets scale factor to be applied to alllinetypes within the drawing

    can be transparent

    MEASURE Places points (or, optionally, Blocks) atintervals along a selected line, polyline,arc or circle. The interval distance is givenby the user. If points are used as themarker to be placed along the entity, theyare not visible unless the Point type is setto type 3 with the PDMODE command.

    B specifies that a defined Block is tobe used as a marker instead of apoint.

    MENU Loads a Menu file into the menu areas(Screen, pull-down, tablet, and button)

    MINSERT Inserts multiple copies of a Block in arectangular pattern (word stands for"Multiple Insert." The entire array createdthen becomes a Block.

    fname Loads fname and forms arectangular array of the resultingBlockfname=f Creates Block fnamefrom file f and forms a

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    rectangular array

    ? Lists names of defined Blockswithin the drawingC (as a reply to X scale prompt)

    specifies scale via two selectedpoints ("Corner" specification ofscale)XYZ (as a reply to X scale prompt)readies Minsert for X, Y, and Zscales)- displays a file dialogue box

    MIRROR Reflects designated entities about a user-specified axis


    Moves designated entities to another


    MSLIDE Makes a slide from the current display.Slide shows the drawing only, and not theUCSICON, the Toolbar, the Aerial View ormenus.

    MSPACE Switches to Model Space

    MULTIPLE Causes the next command to repeat untilcancelled

    MVIEW Creates and controls Viewports ON Turns selected Viewports onand causes the Model to beregenerated in the selectedViewports.OFF Turns selected Viewportsoff and causes Model to be notdisplayed in the selectedViewports.Hideplot Causes hidden lines tobe removed in selectedViewports during Paper Spaceplotting.Fit Creates a single Viewport tofit the current Paper Space view2 Creates 2 Viewports inspecified area or fit to the currentPaper Space view.

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    3 Creates 3 Viewports inspecified area or fit to the currentPaper Space view.4 Creates 4 Viewports inspecified area or fit to the current

    Paper Space view.Restore Translates viewportconfigurations saved with theVPORTS command intoindividual Viewport entities inPaper Space. Creates a newViewport within the areaspecified by 2 points.

    Sub-options to the "2" Option:Horizontal Creates a horizontaldivision between the 2 newViewportsVertical Creates a verticaldivision between the 2 newViewports.

    Sub-options to the "3" Option:Above Specifies placement oflarger Viewport above the other 2

    Below Specifies placement of

    larger Viewport below the other 2

    Horizontal Splits area into thirdshorizontallyLeft Specifies placement oflarger Viewport to the left of theother 2

    Right Specifies placement of thelarger Viewport to the right of theother 2Vertical Splits area into thirdsvertically

    NEW Creates a new drawing. When selectedfrom a menu or typed in at the Command:prompt, this command brings up adialogue box which allows setting a namefor the new drawing by typing the name inthe box, selection of a "prototype" drawingor typing a name of the new drawing and

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    then an = sign and then the name of adrawing to be used as a prototype.

    OFFSET Creates a new line, polyline arc or circleparallel to the entity and at a specifieddistance from it.

    specifies offsetdistanceT "Through" allows specificationof a point through which theoffset line, polyline, arc or circleis to pass

    OOPS restores erased entities, or entities madeinto a Block

    OPEN Opens an existing drawing

    ORTHO Constrains drawing so that only linesaligned with the grid can be drawn --usually means only horizontal or verticallines, however, if the crosshairs are

    rotated through the "Snap" "Rotate"command sequence, the lines drawn areconstrained to being parallel with thecrosshair rotation. Constraint can beoverridden by snapping to a point or byentering exact coordinates for endpoints.

    can be transparent

    OSNAP Enables points to be precisely located onreference points of existing objects. Thisis the so-called "Running Mode" ofOSNAP, which sets selection method torun continuously until set to NON (none)or until overridden by selecting another

    "Interrupt Mode" OSNAP method from thecursor menu. Combinations of OSNAPmethods can be used by selecting aseries of options separated by commas.For instance, if you want ot always pickeither endpoints or intersection pointswhen locating endpoints of lines, youwould issue the command as follows:OSNAP END,INT

    can be transparentCEN CENter of arc or circleEND closest ENDpoint of arc orlineINS INSertion point of Text orBlockINT INTersection of line, arc, orcircleMID MIDpoint of line, arc,rectangle side, or polygon sideNEA NEArest point selected byaperture on line, polyline, arc, orcircleNOD NODe (another name for aPoint)NON NONe -- used when a"Running OSNAP" is on totemporarily turn off OSNAPselectionPER PERpendicular point to line,arc or circle -- when used with an

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    arc or circle it will draw a line tothe surface of the arc or circleheading toward the center pointQUA QUAdrant point of arc orcircle (top, bottom, right or left

    side)QUI QUIck mode -- this is amodifier to one of the otherOSNAP options -- it will find thefirst point that meets therequirements, not necessarily theclosest point to the aperture.TAN TANgent point to arc orcircle

    PAN Moves the display window withoutchanging the magnification factor

    can be transparent

    PEDIT Allows editing of polylines which arealready drawn

    C Closes an open polylineD Decurves, or returns a Splinecurve to its control frame or series ofconnected straight linesE Edit verticesF Fits curve to a polyline -- makes aseries of straight lines into a curvewhich will pass through the verticesJ Joins a line or arc or another

    polyline to an open polylineL Toggles linetype generation to beeither a continuous pattern of dashespassing through the vertices, or apattern which starts and ends at eachvertexO Opens a closed polylineS Uses the polyline vertices as aframe for a Spline Curve -- type ofSpline Curve is set by the Variable"Splinetype."U Undoes one editing operationW Sets a uniform width for thePolyline

    PEDIT (Continued) Vertex Editing Options:B Sets first vertex for Break

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    G "Go" -- performs a Break orStraighten operationI Inserts a new vertex after currentoneM Moves current vertex

    N Makes the Next vertex currentP Makes the Previous vertex currentR Regenerates the PolylineS Sets first vertex for StraightenT Sets tangent direction for currentvertexW Sets new width for the following


    X Exits vertex editing, or cancelsBreak and Straighten

    PEDIT Mesh Allows editing of Meshes which arealready drawn

    D De-smooth -- restores originalmeshE Edits mesh verticesM Opens (or closes) the mesh in theM directionN Opens (or closes) the mesh in the

    N direction

    S Fits a smooth surface as definedby the Variable SURFTYPEU Undoes one editing operationX Exits Pedit command

    Vertex Editing Options:D Makes previous vertex Down in Mdirection currentL Makes previous vertex to Left in Ndirection currentM Moves the marked vertexN Makes the Next vertex currentP Makes the Previous vertex currentR Makes next vertex to Right in N

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    direction currentRE Redisplays the polygon meshU Makes the next vertex Up in Mdirection currentX Exits vertex editing

    PFACE Creates a 3D mesh of arbitrary complexityand surface characteristics

    PLAN Puts the display in "Plan" view, withVpoint set to 0,0,1, relative to either thecurrent UCS, a specified UCS, or theWorld Coordinate System

    C Establishes the Plan view of theCurrent UCSU Establishes the Plan view of aspecified UCSW Establishes the Plan view of theWorld Coordinate System

    PLINE Draws a 2D polyline, which are connectedline or arc segments with user-determinedwidth and taper

    H sets the half-width of the polylinesegmentsU Undoes previous segmentW sets the width of polylinesegments

    Exits the Pline command

    The following options are available only aslong as you are drawing in Line mode:

    A Switches to the Arc mode to allowintegration of arcs into the polylineC Closes the polyline with straightsegmentL Segment length (continuesprevious segment)

    The following options are available only aslong as you are in the Arc mode:

    A Included angleCE Center PointCL Closes with arc segmentD Starting directionL Chord length, or switches to linemodeR Radius

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    S Second point of 3-point arc

    PLOT Plots a drawing to a plotting device, aprinter, or to a "Plot File."

    POINT Draws single points. Appearance of the

    points is set by the Variable PDMODE

    POLYGON Draws regular polygons with a specifiednumber of sides. Polygons are Polylineentities.

    E Specifies size and rotation ofpolygon by picking endpoints of oneedgeC Circumscribes polygon around acircleI Inscribes polygon within a circle

    PSDRAG Controls the appearance of an importedPostscript image that is being "dragged"(that is, positioned and scaled) into place

    by the PSIN command

    0 Only the images bounding box isdisplayed as you drag it into place1 The complete rendered PostScriptimage is displayed as you drag it intoplace

    PSFILL Fills 2D Polyline outlines with PostScriptfill patterns defined in the ACAD.PSF file

    . Entering a period results in no fillpattern? Lists the fill patterns defined inACAD.PSF file

    PSIN Imports Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)files

    PSOUT Exports the current view of your drawing

    to an Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) file

    PSPACE Switches to Paper Space -- this will workonly if the Variable TILEMODE is set to 0.

    PURGE Removes unused Blocks, Text Styles,Layers, Linetypes, and Dimension Stylesfrom current drawing

    A Purges All unused named objectsB Purges unused BlocksD Purges unused DimstylesLA Purges unused LAyersLT Purges unused LinetypesSH Purges unused Shape filesST Purges unused Text Styles

    QSAVE Saves the current drawing "Quickly"without requesting a filename (as long asfile has already been given a name)

    QTEXT Controls display of text -- command ON Lines of text displayed as

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    stands for "QuickTEXT" rectangles

    OFF Lines of text displayed as text

    QUIT Exits AutoCAD -- if the current drawinghas not been Saveds in its current state, a

    dialogue box will appear asking if youwant to Save the drawing, Discard thechanges, or Cancel the Exit command

    RECOVER Attempts to recover damaged or corrupted drawings

    REDEFINE Restores a built-in command which mayhave been deleted by the commandUNDEFINE

    REDO Reverses a previous command if it was Uor UNDO

    REDRAW Refreshed or cleans up the currentViewport

    can be transparent

    REDRAWALL Redraws all viewports can be transparent

    REGEN Regenerates the current Viewport byrecalculating the vector locations of allendpoints

    REGENALL Regenerates all Viewports

    REGENAUTO Controls automatic regenerationperformed by other commands

    can be transparentON Allows automatic regensOFF Prevents automatic regens

    REINIT Allows the I/O ports, the digitizer, thedisplay, the plotter, and the ACAD.PGPfile to be reinitialized. This commandallows selection of what you want toreinitialize through a dialogue box. It ismost useful when you make changes "onthe fly" to the ACAD.PGP file and want toimmediately make use of those changeswithout having to exit AutoCAD and getback into it.

    RENAME Changes the names associated with TextStyles, Layers, Linetypes, Blocks, Views,User Coordinate Systems, ViewportConfigurations, and Dimension Styles.

    B Renames BlocksD Renames Dimension StylesLA Renames LayersLT Renames LinetypesS Renames Text Styles

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    U Renames UCSVI Renames ViewsVP Renames Viewports

    RESUME Resumes an interrupted command script can be transparent

    REVSURF Creates a 3D polygon meshapproximating a surface of revolution, byrotating a curve around a selected axis

    ROTATE Rotates existing objects parallel to thecurrent UCS

    RSCRIPT Restarts a command script from thebeginning

    SAVE Requests a filename and saves thedrawing

    SAVEAS Same as SAVE, but also renames thecurrent drawing and keeps the new namecurrent

    SCALE Alters the size of existing objects R Resizes with respect to a referencesize

    SCRIPT Runs a command script. A script is a anASCII file which contains variouscommands that when executed operates

    just as if you typed in those commands,one by one, by hand

    can be transparent

    SELECT Groups objects into selection sets for usein subsequent commands

    SETVAR Allows you to display or change thesetting of system variables. Thiscommand is no longer necessary tochange the value of system variables.You now can type in the name of thevariable to change it.

    can be transparent? Lists specified (or all) systemvariables and their settings

    SH Short for "SHell." Allows access tointernal operating system (DOS)commands. Once SH is invoked, followedby two s, the DOS Prompt will bedisplayed, so you can enter any DOScommand. To get back to AutoCAD,simply type EXIT at the DOS prompt.

    SHADE Shades 3D model in current Model SpaceViewport

    SHAPE Draws predefined Shapes ? Lists available Shape names

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    STYLE Creates named Text styles, with user-selected combinations of font, height,mirroring, obliging, and horizontal scaling.

    can be transparent? Lists specified (or all) currentlydefined text styles

    TABLET Aligns the digitizing tablet withcoordinates of a paper drawing toaccurately copy it with AutoCAD

    ON Turns Tablet Mode ON (but it hasto be CALibrated first)OFF Turns Tablet Mode OFFCAL Calibrates Tablet for use -- setsthe distance to be used to copy thedrawing to an accurate scaleCFG Configures tablet menus andpointing area

    TABSURF Creates a polygon mesh approximating a

    general tabulated surface defined by apath and a direction vector

    TEXT Draws text characters of any size withselected styles

    J Prompts for justification optionsS Lists or selects text styleA Aligns text between two points,with style-specified width factor,AutoCAD computes approximateheight proportional to length of textlineC Centers text horizontally about a

    defined pointF Fits text between two points, withspecified height, AutoCAD computesapproximate width factor to fill thedistance between the two pointsM Centers text horizontally andvertically about a defined pointR Right-justifies textBL Bottom Left justificationBC Bottom Center justificationBR Bottom Right justificationML Middle Left justificationMC Middle Center justificationMR Middle Right justification

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    TL Top Left justificationTC Top Center justificationTR Top Right justification

    TEXTSCR A "toggle." Flips the display on single-screen systems (most of them) from text-screen to graphics-screen, and vice-versa.

    can be transparent

    TIME Displays drawing creation and updatetimes, and permits control of an elapsedtimer.

    can be transparentD Displays current timesON Starts user elapsed timerOFF Stops user elapsed timerR Resets user elapsed timer

    TRACE Draws solid filled lines of specified width.Has mostly been superseded by thePLINE command.

    TREESTAT Displays information on the drawing'scurrent spatial index, such as the numberand depth of nodes in the drawingdatabase.

    TRIM Erases a portion of selected entities thatcross a specified "cutting edge"

    U Undoes last trim operation

    U Reverses the effect of the previous


    UCS Defines or modifies the current User Coordinate System

    D ("Delete") Deletes one or moresaved coordinate systemsE ("Entity") Sets a UCS with thesame extrusion direction as that ofthe selected entityO ("Origin") Shifts the origin of thecurrent coordinate systemP ("Previous") Restores the PreviousUCSR ("Restore") Restores a previouslysaved UCSS ("Save") Saves the current UCSV ("View") Establishes a new UCSwhose Z-axis is parallel to the currentviewing direction

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    W ("World") Sets the current UCS tothe World Coordinate SystemX Rotates the current UCS aroundthe X-axisY Rotates the current UCS aroundthe Y-axisZ Rotates the current UCS aroundthe Z-axisZA Defines a UCS using an originpoint and a point on the positiveportion of the Z-axis3 Defines a UCS using an originpoint, a point on the positive portionof the X-axis, and a point on thepositive Y-portion of the XY plane? Lists specified saved coordinatesystems

    UCSICON Controls visibility and placement of theUser Coordinate System Icon, whichgraphically indicates the origin andorientation of the current UCS. Theoptions normally affect only the currentviewport.

    A Changes settings of all activeviewportsN ("NoOrigin") Displays theUCSICON at the lower-left corner ofthe viewport (i.e., not at the Origin)OR ("ORigin") Displays theUCSICON at the origin of the currentUCS, if possible (if the origin point is

    not within the current viewport, thelocation of the UCSICON defaults tothe lower-left corner of the viewport)OFF Turns the UCSICON offON Turns the UCSICON on

    UNDEFINE Deletes the definition of a built-inAutoCAD command

    UNDO Reverses the effect of multiplecommands, and provides control over the"Undo" facility

    Undoes the of most recent commands inreverse order

    A ("Auto") Controls treatment ofmenu items as UNDO "Groups"B ("Back") Undoes back to previousUNDO "Mark"C ("Control") Enables/disables theUNDO feature

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    E ("End") Terminates an UNDOGroup (a sequence to be treated asone command)G ("Group") Begins an UNDO Group(a sequence to be treated as one

    command)M ("Mark") Places "marker" in UNDOfile (for use with "Back")

    Control Sub-OptionsAll Enables the full UNDOfeatureNone Disables U and UNDOentirely, and discards anyprevious UNDO informationsaved earlier in the editing

    sessionOne Limits U and UNDO to asingle operation

    UNITS Selects coordinate and angle displayformats and precision

    can be transparent

    VIEW Saves the current graphic display andspace as a named view, or restores asaved view and space to the display

    can be transparentD Deletes a named viewR Restores named view to screenS Saves current display as namedviewW Saves specified Window asnamed view? Lists specified named views


    Used in Model Space only, and has beensuperseded by Paper Space Vports,created with the MVIEW command.Divides the AutoCAD graphics displayinto multiple viewports, each of which cancontain a different view of the current

    drawing (maximum of 4 "tiled" viewportsper viewport)

    D Deletes a saved viewportconfigurationJ Joins (merges) two viewportsR Restores a saved viewport

    configurationS Saves the current viewportconfigurationSI ("SIngle") Displays a SIngleviewport filling the entire graphicsarea2 Divides the current viewport into 2

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    viewports3 Divides the current viewport into 3viewports4 Divides the current viewport into 4


    ? Lists the current and savedviewport configurations

    VIEWRES Allows you to control the precision andspeed of circle and arc drawing on themonitor by specifying the number of sidesin a circle. Acts like an AutoCAD variable.Recommend that it be set to 2000.

    VPLAYER Sets viewport visibility for new andexisting layers

    ? Lists layers frozen in a selectedviewportF ("Freeze") Freezes specified layersin selected viewportsT ("Thaw") Thaws specified layers inselected viewportsR ("Reset") Resets specified layersto their default visibilityN ("Newfrz") Creates new layers thatare frozen in all viewportsV ("Vpvisdflt") Sets the defaultviewport visibility for existing layers

    VPOINT Selects the viewpoint for a 3Dvisualization

    R Selects viewpoint via tworotation angles Selects viewpoint via agraphic compass and axis tripodwhich appears on the screen Specifies x, y, and zrelative coordinates of viewpoint

    VSLIDE Displays a previously created slide file views slide withname of "filename.SLD"*filename preloads slidewhich the next commandVSLIDE will view

    WBLOCK Writes selected entities or previouslycreated Block to a drawing file

    writes specifiedentities to "filename.DWG"= filename.DWG to be created issame as the entities included in apreviously defined Block by the

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    same name* writes entire drawing to thefilename.DWG and purges allunreferenced blocks, layers,linetypes, text and dimensioning

    styles writes selected objects

    XBIND Makes portions of an Xref a permanentpart of your drawing

    B ("Block") Makes a block in the Xrefa permanent part of your drawingD ("Dimstyle") Makes a dimstyle inthe Xref a permanent part of yourdrawingL ("Layer") Makes a layer in the Xrefa permanent part of your drawingLT ("LType") Makes a Ltype in theXref a permanent part of yourdrawingS ("Style") Makes a text style in theXref a permanent part of yourdrawing

    XREF Allows you to work with other AutoCADdrawings without adding thempermanently to your drawing and withoutaltering their contents

    A ("Attach") "Attaches" a new Xref tothe drawing or updates an Xref that isalready attachedB ("Bind") Makes an Xref apermanent part of your drawingD ("Detach") Removes an Xref fromyour drawingP ("Path") Allows you to view andedit the filename path (directory andsub-directory) that AutoCADsearches when loading a particularXrefR ("Reload") Updates one or moreXrefs at any time? Lists Xrefs in your drawing and thedrawing associated with each one

    ZOOM Enlarges or reduces the displaymagnification of the drawing, withoutchanging the actual size of the entities

    can be transparent multiplier from originalmagnification multiplier fromcurrent magnification

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    multiplier ofmagnification relative to paperspace -- used for plotting to getright plot scale in each viewport

    A ("All") fills limits of drawing to

    screenC ("Center") makes picked point thecenter of the screenD ("Dynamic") makes an adjustiblerectangular lens appear on thescreen which is capable of beingmade smaller or larger and moved todifferent positions over the drawingand once set by the user, thedrawing will quickly zoom to thelocation and magnification set for thelens. This sub-command is no longer

    useful because all computers havevery fast zooms naturally now.E ("Extents") makes the farthestedges of the actual visible drawing fillup the graphics screenL ("Lower-Left") makes the pointpicked become shoved to the lower-left corner of the graphics screenP ("Previous") zooms back towhatever the last zoom, previous to

    the current zoom was -- AutoCADstores about 10 of these, so you canwalk backward in zoom magnification10 times

    V ("Virtual Screen") makes thelargest area available to the graphicscard fill the graphics screen -- thisvaries with the quantity of graphicsRAM that your graphics card hasW ("Window") asks you to pick thelower left corner and the upper rightcorner of a zoom window and then

    fits that window to the graphicsscreen

    3DFACE Draws flat planes in 3D space with either 3 corners or 4 corners (3 sided or 4 sidedflat planes). These are used to hideobjects behind them in space to createthe illusion of a solid object. 3DFACEscan also be shaded using the SHADEcommand, in which case the entire plane

    I ("Invisible") this is used by typing inthe letter "I" just before picking acorner point for the 3DFACE, and itwill make the edge of the 3DFACEdrawn from that point to the next one"Invisible" (that is, it will not be shownas a line on the drawing). This is

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    takes on the color assigned to its edges.Normally (without using the HIDE orSHADE commands, 3DFACEs aretransparent, which means that objectsbehind them in space are visible throughthem, and they appear as "wireframes."

    important when joining several3DFACEs together to cover acomplex, multi-faceted surface,where you do not want the "seams"of the 3DFACEs to show in the finaldrawing. The visibility of edges of

    3DFACEs can further be turned on oroff by the AutoCAD variable"SPLFRAME." When SPLFRAME isset to 1 ("on"), both edges whichhave been made "Invisible" as wellas normal, visible edges are shownon the drawing. When SPLFRAME isset to 0 ("off"), Invisible edges are notshown. The purpose of sometimeswanting to see invisible edges is thatyou may want to move, stretch, orcopy the 3DFACE and if its edgesare invisible, you cannot select them

    fopr modification. You can only selecta 3DFACE by picking on a visibleedge.

    3DMESH Draws a 3D polygon mesh by specifyingits size, in terms of the number of faces ineach direction (called M and N directions),and the location in 3D space of eachvertex (the corner of a face) in the mesh.

    3DPOLY Creates a 3D polyline C Closes the polyline back to the firstpointU Undoes (deletes) the last segment

    entered Exits 3DPOLY command