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AUTOMATIKA Journal for control, measurement, electronics, computing and communications

Online ISSN 1848-3380, Print ISSN 0005-1444, UDK 007:62/68 ATKAAF 52(3), 185–281 (2011)

Volume 52, No. 3, July-September 2011

Published quarterly by KoREMA – Croatian Society for Communications, Computing, Electronics, Measurement and Control, Member of IFAC

Partly financed by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia

Abstracted/Indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded, EBSCO and INSPEC (Institution of Electrical Engineers)


Editor-in-Chief Ivan Petrović

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Croatia

Honorary Editor-in-Chief Borivoje Rajković

Končar - Electrical Engineering Institute, Croatia

Associate Editors Mato Baotić University of Zagreb, Croatia Vedran Bilas University of Zagreb, Croatia Joško Deur University of Zagreb, Croatia

Zdenko Kovačić University of Zagreb, Croatia Miro Milanović University of Maribor, Slovenia

Davor Petrinović University of Zagreb, Croatia Zvonimir Šipuš University of Zagreb, Croatia


Morgens Blanke Aalborg University, Denmark Nikola Bogunović University of Zagreb, Croatia Davor Bonefačić University of Zagreb, Croatia Dali Đonlagić University of Maribor, Slovenia Branko Jeren University of Zagreb, Croatia

Branko Katalinić Vienna University of Technology, Austria Werner Leonhard Technical University Braunschweig, Germany Gabor Matay Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary Jadranko Matuško University of Zagreb, Croatia

Sanjit K. Mitra University of California, USA Borivoj Modlic University of Zagreb, Croatia Mario Vašak University of Zagreb, Croatia Lucio Vegni University of Roma Tre, Italy


Nedjeljko Perić, Chair University of Zagreb, Croatia Hrvoje Babić Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Croatia Leo Budin Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Croatia Dali Đonlagić

University of Maribor, Slovenia Bernard Franković University of Rijeka, Croatia Martin Jadrić University of Split, Croatia Drago Matko University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Anton Ogorelec University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Borivoje Rajković Končar - Electrical Engineering Institute, Croatia Asif Šabanović Sabancı University, Turkey Hideki Hashimoto University of Tokyo, Japan


Journal Preparation for Print: Ivan Marković, coordinator, Marija Đakulović, Tamara Hadjina, Vlaho Petrović Print: Europrint, 10410 Velika Gorica, Kneza Porina 28, Croatia

Manuscript Submission System: Srećko Jurić-Kavelj Journal subscription and Advertisement announcement information: Marina Štimec, KoREMA Secretary

KoREMA Secretariat and Journal Address: KoREMA (for journal Automatika), Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Phone: ++(385 1) 6129 869, Fax: ++(385 1) 6129 870 E-mail: [email protected], URL: http://automatika.korema.hr

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Published by KoREMA Zagreb, CroatiaMember of IFAC

Online ISSN 1848-3380Print ISSN 0005–1144 Volume 52–2011ATKAAF 52(3), 185–281 (2011) No 3UDK: 007:62/68


187 Editorial

David Droeschel, Stefan May, DirkHolz, Sven Behnke

189 Fusing Time-of-Flight Cameras and Inertial Measurement Units forEgo-Motion Estimationoriginal scientific paper

Joachen Sprickerhof, AndreasNüchter, Kai Lingemann, JoachimHertzberg

199 A Heuristic Loop Closing Technique for Large-Scale 6D SLAMoriginal scientific paper

Sven Wehner, Maren Bennewitz 223 Humanoid Gait Optimization Based on Human Dataoriginal scientific paper

Jörg Stückler, Sven Behnke 233 Dynamaid, an Anthropomorphic Robot for Research on DomesticService Applicationsoriginal scientific paper

Enrico Di Lello, Alessandro Saffiotti 244 The PEIS Table: An Autonomous Robotic Table for DomesticEnvironmentsoriginal scientific paper

Fulvio Mastrogiovanni, AntonelloScalmato, Antonio Sgorbissa,Renato Zaccaria

256 Robots and Intelligent Environments: Knowledge Representationand Distributed Context Assessmentoriginal scientific paper

Lovro Seder, Željko Ilic, MladenKos

269 Safe Routing in Ad Hoc Networksinvited commentary

279 Meetings and Events

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Enrico Di Lello, Alessandro Saffiotti

The PEIS Table: An Autonomous Robotic Table for DomesticEnvironments

UDKIFAC; 004.942.8; 5.9.3 Original scientific paper

There are two main trends in the area of home and service robotics. The classical one aims at the developmentof a single skilled servant robot, able to perform complex tasks in a passive environment. The second, more recenttrend aims at the achievement of complex tasks through the cooperation of a network of simpler robotic devicespervasively embedded in the domestic environment. This paper contributes to the latter trend by describing the PEISTable, an autonomous robotic table that can be embedded in a smart environment. The robotic table can operatealone, performing simple point-to-point navigation, or it can collaborate with other devices in the environment toperform more complex tasks. Collaboration follows the PEIS Ecology model. The hardware and software designof the PEIS Table are guided by a set of requirements for robotic domestic furniture that differ, to some extent, fromthe requirements usually considered for service robots.

Key words: Service Robotics, Autonomous robotic table, Robots Ecology

PEIS stol: autonomni robotski stol za kucanstva. U uslužnoj robotici i robotici za kucanstva postoje dvaglavna trenda. Klasican pristup teži razvoju jednog složenog uslužnog robota koji je sposoban izvršavati složenezadatke u pasivnom okruženju. Dok drugi, nešto noviji pristup, teži rješavanju složenih zadataka kroz suradnjuumreženih nešto jednostavnijih robota prožetih kroz cijelo kucanstvo. Ovajclanak svoj doprinos daje drugom pris-tupu opisujuci PEIS stol, autonomni robotski stol koji se može postaviti u inteligentnomokruženju. Robotski stolmože djelovati samostalno, navigirajuci od tocke do tocke ili može sura�ivati s ostalim ure�ajima u okruženju radiizvršavanja složenijih zadataka. Ta suradnja prati PEIS ekološki model. Dizajn sklopovlja i programske podrškePEIS stola prati zahtjeve za robotsko pokucstvo koji se donekle razlikuju od zahtjeva koji se inace postavljaju zauslužne robote.

Klju cne rijeci: uslužna robotika, autonomni robotski stol, robotska ekologija

1 INTRODUCTIONLeonardo is 72 and he has a broken leg. Soon after hemoves from the coach to his bed, the low table movesaway from the coach, enters the bedroom and docks onthe side of the bed, carrying Leonardo’s book, glassesand mobile phone on its top. While moving, the tablekeeps track of its position with the help of the securitycameras on the ceiling. Later Leonardo asks the ta-ble to bring some water. The table navigates into thekitchen, asks the fridge to open its door and to use itsgripper to put a bottle of water on the table top, andreturns to the bed-side.

This vignette illustrates some of the uses of an imagi-nary autonomous robotic table included in a domestic en-vironment. It also illustrates some of the capabilities of thePEIS-Table, the real autonomous table which we describein this article.

Our vignette reflects the widespread expectation thatrobots will soon become part of our homes and contribute

to improve the quality of our life, especially for those inneed of special care like senior citizens. The most com-mon vision in the robotics community which underlies thisexpectation, however, is rather different from the one de-picted in our vignette. In this vision, the place of robots indomestic environments will be taken by multi-purpose, ex-tremely skilled, often anthropomorphic robots, performingtasks that somehow resemble what a human butler woulddo [1–3].

An alternative vision has recently emerged, in which amultitude of robotic devicesare pervasively integrated ina smart environment and are able to exchange informationand coordinate action among them [4, 5]. In this vision,the performance of complex tasks is not achieved throughthe development of a very advanced robot, but through thecooperation of many simpler, specialized robotic devicesdistributed in the environment. The vignette above is anillustration of this “ecological” vision: the moving table,

Online ISSN 1848-3380 , Print ISSN 0005-1144ATKAFF 52(3), 244–255(2011)

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The PEIS Table: An Autonomous Robotic Table for Domestic Environments E. Di Lello, A. Saffiotti

the robotic fridge and the security cameras cooperate toprovide the needed robotic services. Concrete realizationsof this vision are now burgeoning, and include ArtificialEcosystems [6], Ambient Ecologies [7], the UbiquitousRobotic Space project [8], the U-RT project [9], and thePEIS-Ecology project (Ecology of Physically EmbeddedIntelligent Systems) [10]. We generically refer to systemsof this type as “ecology of robots”.

In this paper we push the above vision further, and wepropose to extend robot ecologies to also includeroboticfurniture. We believe that embedding robotic technolo-gies inside everyday furniture, rather than inside traditionalrobots, may provide a smother path to bring robotic ser-vices into home environments. Robotic furniture may haveadvantages over more traditional robotic devices in termsof acceptability, cost-effectiveness, and modularity. Wemake our proposal concrete by describing the realizationof an autonomous table like the one in our vignette.

Robotic furniture has never been incorporated in arobotic ecosystem until now, although this possibility hasbeen suggested before [11,12]. A few examples of roboticfurniture have been reported in the fields of Ambient Intel-ligence [13, 14] and Interaction Design [15, 16], but theseare usually stand-alone objects that are manually operated.By contrast, the robotic table proposed in this paper has au-tonomous navigation capabilities, and it is fully integratedin a smart environment.

In realizing a piece of autonomous robotic furniture foruse in domestic environments, a number of requirementsshould be taken into account [17, 18]. Interestingly, someof these requirements induce some constraints to the au-tonomous navigation problem that are different from theones usually considered in the literature on mobile and ser-vice robotics, and call for different approaches. In this pa-per, we discuss the requirements for a domestic robotic ta-ble, and we present a concrete realization of such a tablewhich satisfies these requirements. Our table is set in thecontext of the PEIS-Ecology project [10], and we thereforecall it the PEIS-Table.


Our main assumption in designing robotic artifacts fordomestic environments is that these artifacts should not beperceived as foreign bodies by the users, but rather as anatural extension of their usual, familiar environment. Webelieve that this is an important factor to ensure the ac-ceptability of domestic robotic technology, especially inthe case of senior users. A similar assumption is usuallymade for other types of technologies [19], including as-sistive technology [20]. Previous studies in robotics forelderly have also shown that the acceptability of a robotic

service is strongly influenced by the physical appearanceand motion behavior of the robot [21, 22]. The require-ments that follow are inspired by the above assumption,and they have guided the design of our PEIS-Table. We ex-pect that similar requirements should apply to the designof any piece of robotic furniture.

2.1 Hardware RequirementsThe first general requirement for the design of the PEIS-

Table hardware is that it should befamiliar, that is, itshould look as much as possible like a regular table. Usersshould feel it natural to find the table around them andshould not be threatened by its presence. User should alsoperceive the table as familiar from a functional point ofview: they should feel it natural to place objects on it, or tomove it around.

The above means that the mechanical and electronicparts should not be visible to the user, or they should beconcealed as decorative elements. This also applies to thewheels, whose placement should make them barely visiblewhile sticking to a kinematic model that allows high ma-neuverability in reduced space. As for the material and col-ors used, we did not pose any special restriction althoughin our design we opted for a wooden appearance, in stylewith the target environment.

The second general requirement is that the deviceshould benon-invasive, that is, it should have minimal im-pact on the existing environment beyond the fact that itprovides new functionalities. In particular, potentiallydan-gerous active sensors should be avoided, and noise emis-sions should be low. Energy consumption, weight, con-struction cost, and maintenance cost are other parametersthat should be kept as low as possible to minimize im-pact. These factors suggest for instance that laser scanners,which are largely used in today’s mobile robots, should beavoided here.

In a robot ecology context, there is a third requirement:the device should beecology aware, that is, it should beready to interact with the other devices in the environmentwhenever it is embedded in a smart environment, as illus-trated by the Leonardo’s scenario. This implies that thetable should be equipped with the necessary communica-tion hardware. It also implies that the table does not needto be overloaded with sensors and actuators. In a robotecology perspective, the table only needs enough sensingand actuation capabilities to perform the minimum set oftasks that it is meant to perform — in our case, point-to-point navigation and docking. More complex tasks will beperformed with the help of other sensors and actuators inthe environment, like in the Leonardo scenario.

2.2 Software RequirementsThe PEIS-Table is meant to operate in a domestic envi-

ronment, which is typically mildly dynamic and populated

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The PEIS Table: An Autonomous Robotic Table for Domestic Environments E. Di Lello, A. Saffiotti

by human beings. This induces a number of requirementson its navigation and control software.

First, the motion of the table should beperceived assafe, meaning that it should be both actually safe and per-ceived as such by the humans in the environment. For in-stance, the table should not get too close to objects andwalls, movements should be smooth and not too fast, andthere should be few and predictable key turning points.Predictability in particular is a key factor for avoiding col-lisions in human-human interaction on roads [23], and isan important precondition for trustability. Accordingly,the paths planned by the robot should not aim to minimizelength or time, but to maximize clearance from obstaclesand predictability. Moreover, the motion should be smoothand safe even in the presence of unknown obstacles anduncertainty in the sensor data. In the case of a robot butler,other constraints on the acceptable paths could be posedbased on the visibility of the robot from the human point ofview [24]. These, however, were considered less importantfor a moving table due to its intrinsically less threateningnature.

The second requirement, partly a consequence of thefirst one, is that the table shouldmaintain a mapof theenvironment and perform global localization on it, in or-der to plan and follow safe routes between positions in thehome. The map should include occupancy information, butadditional information may also be useful, e.g., names ofplaces to be used for human-robot interaction. Providinga rougha-priori map is acceptable, provided that the ta-ble is able to dynamically update this map to account fordisplaced or unmapped obstacles. However, using a full-fledged dynamic SLAM algorithm (e.g., [25,26]) would beundesirable in our case because of the needed training pe-riod, because of the high computational requirements, andbecause most current methods to build occupancy maps as-sume expensive sensors like laser scanners or stereo cam-eras. In the case of the PEIS-Table, we have opted for asimple method based on fuzzy occupancy grids built fromsonar data, coupled with a commercial indoor GPS.

Finally, the requirement for the table to beecologyawarehas also a software side. The table should be able torecognize and participate in a robot ecology if it is placedin one: this means that it should include suitable commu-nication and cooperation software to be integrated in thespecific robot ecology. In the case of the PEIS-Table, thisis realized by building the navigation software on the topof the PEIS-Ecology middleware [10].


The PEIS-Table has been built starting from a commer-cial table (LACK, from IKEA) and a commercial robotbase: an ActivMedia AmigoBot, augmented with a PC-104

Table 1. PEIS-Table hardware and specification

Mechanics 2 Motors with 500 ticksencoders

Battery 12V, 13 AmpH NiMhSonar range finders 8 + 4PC-board EPIA 900 with VIA CPU,

256 MB RAMCommunication device IEEE 802.11 bridgeLocalization device ETRI StarLITEMax speed 300 mm/sTested payload 2 Kg

board running Linux, a Ni-Mh high capacity battery and aIEEE 802.11 bridge. In order to obtain the desired table-like appearance, the original parts were disassembled andplaced in a custom-made aluminum structure. This struc-ture was used as the new base for the LACK board, and en-closed by wooden panels. A ring of LEDs was placed nearthe bottom, that indicate the table’s status by their color.The table has standard height of 45 cm. Figure 1 showsthe assembled PEIS-Table, while Table 1 summarizes itsspecifications.

In order to obtain a good-looking proportion betweenthe base and the board, the new chassis had to be narrowerthan the original one. The two driving wheels have beenplaced on the sides of the base, and four spherical metalcasters have been added under each corner to improve sta-bility. A custom-made transmission with a 1:3 ratio wasmounted downstream the original one in order increase themotor torque and hence the table maximum payload. Anomni-directional driving mechanism was also considered,but rejected because of the added complexity.

As for the sensors, we decided to avoid the use of laserrange finders because of the non-invasiveness requirementsdiscussed above, including safety, energy, cost and weightconsiderations. Instead, we have opted for sonar sensors,which provide a reasonable tradeoff between invasevenessand reliability. The sensory system is composed of 2 arraysof sensors. The first array is composed of eight Polaroidtransducers, providing reliable measure up to 2.5 m, suit-able as range sensors for map-building and obstacle avoid-ance in a small environment. This array is hidden underthe table board, and distributed to span an angle of180◦ inthe front side of the table.

The second array is composed of four separated emitter-receiver sonars, able to measure distances down to 25 mm,inset into the edges of table board. Compared to the firstarray, the second array features better precision on smalldistances and reduced blind-distance. This array is used toprovide accurate distance measurements during the dock-

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The PEIS Table: An Autonomous Robotic Table for Domestic Environments E. Di Lello, A. Saffiotti

Fig. 1. ThePEIS-Table hardware, showing the main sensors and actuators.

ing procedure, when small corrective maneuvers are per-formed according to the front and lateral distances fromthe docking reference surfaces.

The motors are equipped with encoders, but the odo-metric precision of the PEIS-Table is inherently hinderedby several factors, including: the non-linearities introducedby the custom made transmission; the variable friction inthe caster wheels due to dust infiltration; and the unpre-dictable nature of wheel/floor interaction in a domestic en-vironment. Because of this, and because of the difficultyto obtain precise and reliable self-localization from sonardata, we decided to equip the PEIS-Table with an indoorGPS for global localization.

The system of our choice has been the StarLITE, devel-oped by ETRI [27].1 The StarLITE system consists of aIR camera sensor placed on the robot, and a set of infraredlight emitting tags placed in the ceiling at known position.The sensor is very small, which helped to keep the table-like appearance of the PEIS-Table. The sensor provides anestimate of its position and orientation in a global refer-ence frame at 30 Hz, with a typical precision of about 4 cmin position and1◦ in orientation. While the use of an in-door GPS system has a negative impact on the installationand maintenance cost of the PEIS-Table, these drawbacksare mitigated by the increasing diffusion and decreasingcost of these systems.


The control architecture developed for the PEIS-Tableis shown in Figure 2. This architecture has been imple-mented in C, and interfaced with the robot hardware usingPlayer [28]. Many of the PEIS-Table functionalities havebeen realized using a fuzzy-logic approach, which provedto be effective in coping with the different sources of un-certainty which characterize our domain. The next subsec-

1The StarLITE system used in the PEIS-Table is a prototype kindlyprovided by Dr. Wonpil Yu, ETRI, Korea.

Fig. 2. Schematic control architecture of thePEIS-Table.

tions describe the main functionalities appearing in Fig-ure 2.

4.1 Fuzzy Map Building

The PEIS-Table maintains a geometric map of the envi-ronment in the form of a global occupancy grid. The map isinitialized from prior knowledge, if available, and updatedduring navigation using data from the first sonar array, to-gether with global position information obtained through acombination of the StarLITE system and odometry.

The choice of the approach to map building was influ-enced by the requirements for the PEIS-Table, which inturn led us to use sonars as our main ranging sensors. Un-fortunately, the use of sonars in a small and cluttered envi-ronment like the domestic one amplifies the well knownshortcomings of this kind of sensors. Phenomena likesonar beam multiple reflection or missing echoes, together

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The PEIS Table: An Autonomous Robotic Table for Domestic Environments E. Di Lello, A. Saffiotti

Fig. 3. Empty (a) andOccupied (b) fuzzy models for sonarreading interpretation. (From [29].)

with the intrinsic dynamic nature of the environment, callfor a map building approach able to handle misleadingmeasures in a robust way. We have opted for the approachbased on fuzzy grid-maps proposed by Oriolo and col-leagues [29], since this approach has been shown to copewell with the noisy sonar data while keeping the computa-tion simple.

Like any approach based on occupancy grids [30], thekey idea is to discretize the environment in evenly-spacedcells, and to estimate the presence of an obstacle in theregion corresponding to each cell. Fuzzy grid-maps dif-fer from conventional occupancy grids in that uncertaintyabout the occupancy status of each cell is represented us-ing fuzzy logic rather than probability theory. Fuzzy logicis used at two levels: in modeling noisy sonar readings(fuzzy sensor models), and in incorporating the new infor-mation in the current map (fuzzy sensor fusion). An im-portant consequence of using fuzzy logic is that the degreeof certainty in one cell being occupied is decoupled fromthe degree of certainty in that cell being free: in particu-lar, a cell for which we do not have any information hasboth zero certainty of being occupied and zero certainty ofbeing free.

More specifically, noisy data from the sonar sensors areusing a pair of fuzzy models,Empty andOccupied, rep-resented by two fuzzy membership functions,µe andµo.Given a single range readingrki , wherer is the range andi, k are the sensor and time index, and an arbitrary cellc, the value ofµe(c, r

ki ) ∈ [0, 1] gives the degree of cer-

tainty that the space covered byc is empty, whileµo(c, rki )

gives the degree of certainty that this space is occupied byan obstacle. Figure 3 gives a visualization of these twofuzzy models. Intuitively, these models encode the fol-lowing knowledge. Given the single readingrki , there isevidence that there is an obstacle somewhere along an arcof radiusrki and width equal to the sensor’s field of view(here, about25◦); hence, points around that arc have highvalue ofµo. There is also evidence that there is no occlud-

Fig. 4. Fuzzy occupancy grid-maps representing the empty(left) and occupied (right) space. Darker cells have higherdegrees of certainty of being empty (left) or occupied(right). The green circle indicates the current robot po-sition.

ing obstacle in between; hence points closer thanrki havehigh value ofµe. Points beyondrki would be occluded,hence bothµe andµo are zero, indicating total lack of evi-dence about those points. Oriolo and colleagues [29] haveshown that this approach allows a realistic modeling of theuncertain data provided by sonar readings, and that the re-sulting fuzzy grid-maps are robust in managing this uncer-tainty, while being computationally efficient.

Since information about occupancy and about empti-ness is kept separate, the method by Oriolo and colleaguesbuilds two separate fuzzy grids, respectively representingthe empty and the occupied space. Figure 4 shows twosuch grids built in our test environment. Some cells do notbelong to either map: these are cells for which no informa-tion can be inferred from the available sonar readings, e.g.,cells behind a wall.

In a domestic environment, the position of walls andheavy furniture can be considered constant over time.Hence, a partiala-priori occupancy map of the space canbe pre-loaded into the map building module, thus allow-ing the robot to generate topologically correct paths evenbefore the environment has been fully explored. Fuzzyoccupancy grids give us some degree of freedom on theway to include prior information, depending on the mean-ing of this information. In our application, prior informa-tion about walls and heavy furniture is used to set the cor-responding cells in theoccupiedmap to1, meaning thatthose cells are known to be occupied with certainty andare not expected to change. Prior information about emptyparts of the space, however, are only used to set the corre-sponding cells in theemptymap to a small valueβ < 1:this value induces a bias in the planning process, but it iseasily overcome when data are received from the sonarsthat indicate the presence of an obstacle. In our experi-ments, we have setβ = 0.5.

The map building module also provides a self-localization functionality, which is based on the StarLITEsystem as discussed above. Temporary failures of this sys-tem, e.g., due to incomplete coverage or loss of radio con-

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The PEIS Table: An Autonomous Robotic Table for Domestic Environments E. Di Lello, A. Saffiotti

nection with the IR tags, are compensated by integratingodometric data into the StarLITE system.

4.2 Safe Navigation Planning

When a navigation task is requested, the path planningmodule exploits the information in the occupancy maps tocompute a path to the goal position. As discussed above,the main requirement for this path is to generate motionsthat are both safe and perceived to be safe by the humanswho share the environment with the PEIS-Table.

Many approaches to solve the robot path planning prob-lem have been proposed in the literature, including bothdeterministic and probabilistic methods. Most approachesrepresent the connectivity of the environment by a set ofnodes and arcs, and generate an optimal path between thestart and the goal position using graph search algorithms,where optimality is typically related to distance. These ap-proaches often result in paths that run close to the wallsor furniture, which would not be perceived as safe by ahuman. Moreover, these paths may be hard to followsmoothly because of the conflicting controls that may begenerated by the path following and the collision avoid-ance modules in the proximity of obstacles.

In order to produce paths that fulfill the perceived safetyrequirement, we restrict the navigation of the PEIS-Table,whenever possible, to the locus of the points which maxi-mize the distance from the two closer obstacles. This cor-responds to theGeneralized Voronoi Diagram(GVD) ex-tracted from the occupancy grid of the environment. Togo from a start positionxs to a goal positionxg, then, ourpath planner generates a path consisting of three legs: (1)an initial leg that goes fromxs tox1, the closest point toxs

that belongs to the GVD; (2) a path within the GVD fromx1 to x2, the closest point toxg that belongs to the GVD;(3) a final leg that goes fromx2 to xg. An example of sucha path is shown in Figure 5: the short initial and final legsare drawn in red, while the main GVD leg is drawn in blue.

The computation of the GVD is performed any time themap is updated: in our system, this is done at 5 Hz in orderto provide prompt reactivity to newly observed obstaclesand to moving obstacles, e.g., people. In practice, the com-putation of the GVD may be expensive, and we compute anapproximation of it by exploiting its similarity with an im-age processing transformation namedskeletonization. Theskeleton of a generic closed curve is defined as the locusof the centers of all maximal inscribed hyper-spheres. Thecomputation of the skeleton is done using standard imageprocessing techniques as follows. First, the values con-tained in theemptyfuzzy occupancy grid are thresholdedto produce a binary grid; second, a morphological dilationis performed to “grow” the obstacles in the map by a givensafety radius, followed by a morphological closure; finally,

Fig. 5. An example of path planning using the GeneralizedVoronoi Diagram.

a thinning algorithm [31] is iteratively applied to computethe skeleton of the filtered grid. The skeleton computationis done in less than 1 msec in the PEIS-Table.

The full path planning from an initial cellcs to a goalcell cg, then, is performed as follows:

1. An A∗ algorithm is run on the thresholdedemptygrid,with cs as start and the cells in the skeleton as goals;this results in a path in free space that connectscs tothe closest cell on the skeleton; this cell is namedc1.

2. In a similar way, a path is computed that connectscgto the closest cell on the skeleton; this cell is namedc2.

3. A∗ is run on the skeleton grid, withc1 as start andc2 as goal; this results in a path on the skeleton thatconnects those two cells.

4. The three paths are connected together, and they areconverted in a list of(x, y) way-points that are passedto the path following controller.

The entire procedure involves three calls to A∗ on threesubspaces of theemptygrid. Its complexity is therefore atmost three times the complexity of A∗ on the same grid,although in typical cases the number of cells involved ismuch lower than the cells inempty. In our case, path plan-ning is performed in a few milliseconds. This allows usto recompute the path frequently during the navigation (at1 Hz in our implementation) in order to provide prompt re-activity to changes in the map.

When the start and goal points are close, a direct pathmay be more convenient than one that passes through theskeleton. For this reason, we also compute (again throughA∗) the direct path between the start and goal point. Whenthis path is shorter than the distance to cover for the firsttwo steps of the skeleton path-planning, then the directpath is chosen.

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The PEIS Table: An Autonomous Robotic Table for Domestic Environments E. Di Lello, A. Saffiotti

4.3 Motion Control

Motion control is implemented by a set offuzzy behav-iors, that are coordinated by a fuzzy supervisor module.Each fuzzy behavior implements a simple control policyfor a given objective – e.g., follow a given path, dock toa given pose, or avoid obstacles. This policy is coded us-ing fuzzy rules, which associate classes of sensor readingsto control actions. See [32] for an overview of the use offuzzy logic to realize behavior-based robot control.

Different behaviors can use inputs from different sen-sors, but they have in common the control outputs, whichare a translational and rotational velocity. The output fromdifferent behaviors are combined by the fuzzy supervisormodule, according to the current context. For instance, ifa dangerous situation is detected, the relative weight of theoutput from the obstacle avoidance behavior is increased.This way to combine behavior is called context-dependentblending [33].

The four main behaviors implemented in the PEIS-Tableare:FollowPath, AvoidObstacles, Dock, andUndock.

TheFollowPath behavior takes as input a sequence ofway-points generated by the path planner plus the currentposition estimate produced by the StarLITE system. Thecontrol outputs are set by the fuzzy rules depending ondistance and bearing of the next way-point relative to thePEIS-Table.

TheAvoidObstacles behavior is constantly active dur-ing the execution of every task, albeit with a degree of acti-vation that depends on the current situation, except duringthe final docking step (see below). This is a purely reac-tive behavior, in that its output only depends on the currentsonar readings.

The Dock and Undock behaviors are the most com-plex behaviors in the PEIS-Table. These can be consideredhybrid behaviors, since they include a discrete part, im-plemented through finite state automata, and a continuouspart, implemented through sets of fuzzy rules. Moreover,during execution these behaviors switch from a goal ori-ented strategy to a purely reactive one.

TheDock behavior is designed to drive the PEIS-Tableto adocking position: this is specified by a(x, y) approachposition, a required headingθ, and up to four side andfront goal distances. The behavior can cope with differentshapes of the docking area, by specifying different num-bers of goal distances: 4 for a box area, 3 for a corner area,2 for a wall area. Intuitively, docking with more constraintswill result in a more predictable final position of the table.

Posture control of non-holonomic mobile robot isknown to be a difficult problem. In order to perform sucha task, the docking procedure was broken down in threesteps, each one performed using a different set of fuzzyrules:

Fig. 6. The three steps of the docking behavior.

• Step 1The path planner is invoked and the approachposition is reached using the same rules as in theFol-lowPathbehavior;

• Step 2When the approach position is reached withina given error, a different set of rules is activated, toperform fine tuning of PEIS-Table heading;

• Step 3When the required heading is reached, a purelyreactive set of rules is activated that perform correc-tive maneuvers relying on data form the proximitysonars to reach the required lateral distances. TheAvoidObstaclesbehavior is de-activated in this step.

Note that in the first two steps the only input used is thetable’s pose produced by the localization system, while inthe third step the only inputs are the distance measurementsprovided by the proximity sonars. Figure 6 illustrates thethree steps of the docking behavior.

The following is an excerpt of the fuzzy rules used dur-ing the third step:

IF CLdist_big∧ CRdist_bigTHEN (Forward,20)

IF Ldist_big∧ ¬(CRdist_ok∧ CLdist_ok)THEN (TurnLeft,15)

IF Ldist_small∧ ¬(CRdist_ok∧ CLdist_ok)THEN (TurnRight,15)

IF CRdist_ok∧ CLdist_okTHEN (Forward,0)

IF Ldist_okTHEN (Forward,0)

IF CRbiggerCL∧ Ldist_okTHEN (TurnLeft,15)

IF CLbiggerCR∧ Ldist_okTHEN (TurnRight,15)

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Fig. 7. Illustration of the relevant quantities used in thefuzzy rules for precision docking.

The meaning of the fuzzy predicates in the rule an-tecedents is illustrated in Fig. 7. These predicates statethat the measure of a lateral distance is bigger, smaller orcomparable to the goal one, respectively. When a distancemeasure coming from each short range sonar is received,the truth value of each fuzzy predicate is evaluated. Thetruth value of the antecedent of each rule is computed fromthe truth values of its constituent predicates using the oper-ators of fuzzy logic. The consequents of all rules denoteparameterized fuzzy control values. These consequentsare weighted by the truth values of the corresponding an-tecedents and combined into an overall fuzzy set of controlvalues. A crisp control value is finally extracted from thiscombined fuzzy set through defuzzification, and this valueis sent to the actuators.

The Dock behavior performed well in our navigationexperiments. Although no systematic validation was madeof the behavior alone, we have observed that the tabledocked with a maximum error of±10 cm and±15◦ (ap-proximately) in 9 out of 10 runs, all of which involveddocking at a corner. In one run, the table failed to reachthe approach position due to a large localization error. Thisperformance was acceptable for the demonstration goals ofthis table.

The Undock behavior performs similar steps asDockbut in the reverse order. The fuzzy rules used in the otherbehaviors have a similar format as the one above, and arecomputed in a similar way. See, e.g., [33] for more detailson the use of fuzzy rule-based behaviors in robot control


The PEIS-Table has been incorporated in our PEIS-Home facility and extensively tested both in isolation andin cooperation with other devices in the environment.

5.1 SimulationsBefore testing the overall structure of the PEIS-Table

in a real environment, several simulations were ran using

Fig. 8. Two views of thePEIS-Table operating in thePEIS-Home. Top: navigating inside the living room. Bottom:docked at the fridge.

Player, a network server for robot control which providesa simple interface to the robot’s sensor and actuator, andStage, its simulation front-end [28]. The PEIS-Table andthe domestic environment used for the real test have beenmodeled in Stage, and a partial map representing the oc-cupancy of the environment was pre-loaded in the map-building module.

The navigation and docking behaviors were tested andtuned in simulation in a large number of situations includ-ing different obstacles, making sure in particular that thedocking maneuvers could be successfully completed fromdifferent positions of the modeled environment. Thesetests were intended as a preliminary step before the actualvalidation of the physical table in the real environment.

5.2 Validation in the PEIS Home

The PEIS-Home is an experimental environment builtto test the concept of PEIS-Ecology [10, 34]. The PEIS-Home looks like a typical bachelor apartment of about 25square meters. It consists of a living room, a bedroom,and a small kitchen — see Fig. 8. The walls have beenconstructed to be 1.4 m high, so that the observers canget a bird’s eye view of the entire apartment. Several de-vices —called PEIS for “Physically Embedded IntelligentSystems”— live in the PEIS-Home, and can be connectedin different configurations. Devices include mobile robots,a smart fridge with a simple internal manipulator, a visual

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Fig. 9. Odometry and localization data of thePEIS-Tableduring navigation in thePEIS-home.

tracking system using ceiling cameras, and many more.Communication and cooperation among PEIS is realizedthrough the PEIS-Middleware, implemented in a run-timeportable library which provides a distributed tuple-spaceover an ad-hoc P2P network.

The PEIS-Table has been incorporated as one of the sev-eral PEIS present in the PEIS-Home environment. As such,the PEIS-Table interfaces to the other PEIS by exposingthe functionalitieswhich it is capable of providing in thehome, as well as all information regarding its current state.Such functionalities include navigation, docking to speci-fied points of interest, undocking, the use of its lights, andso on. In addition to providing these functionalities, thePEIS-Table can form ad-hoc coalitions with the other PEIS

in the PEIS-Home through the PEIS-Middleware, in orderto realize more complex services.

Figure 9 shows how localization of the PEIS-Table isachieved trough collaboration between two members ofthe PEIS-Ecology during a sample navigation from Startto Goal and back. When moving inside coverage area ofthe external localization system, the PEIS-Table positionis computed by the StarLITE (blue trajectory) and it isfed to the PEIS-Table. When the PEIS-Table loses sightof the tags, the table maintains a dead-reckoning positionestimate using its own odometry (green trajectory), and itfeeds it to the StarLITE to allow it to more easily recoverlocalization when tags become visible again.

5.3 ThePEIS-Table in a Cooperative Task scenario

We now show an experiment in which the PEIS-Tableis used as one component in a complex scenario that hasbeen run in the PEIS-Home. This scenario was developedto illustrate how multiple robots and intelligent sensors canbe coordinated to obtain a “robotic butler”. The scenariodevelops as follows.

A person enters thePEIS-Home and sits on the sofa. Astereo camera mounted on the ceiling recognizes the pres-ence of the person and supplies a coarse estimate of hisposition. A mobile robot equipped with a pan-tilt camerais then dispatched to the person’s approximate position toidentify the guest, using a face recognition algorithm. Inthis scenario it is assumed that the system knows the fa-vorite drink of a set of frequent guests. ThePEIS-Table issent towards the fridge to fetch the guest’s favorite drink.The fridge, equipped with an internal gripper, an internalcamera and an actuated door places the drink on thePEIS-Table, which has in the meanwhile docked the open fridge.The PEIS-Table then navigates towards the person’s cur-rent position to deliver the drink.

The scenario is loosely inspired by a test of theRoboCup@Home league of the RoboCup [35] competi-tion. However, whereas a typical approach to this taskin RoboCup tends to concentrate functionality on a singlerobotic platform, the PEIS-Ecology approach leverages thecoordination of functionalities provided by multiple PEIS.

Key moments of an example run2 are shown in fig-ure 10. The run involves several PEIS: the PEIS-Table, anActivMedia Peoplebot mobile robot equipped with a facetracking and recognition algorithm based on OpenCV [36],a PEIS dedicated to localizing the person through the im-ages fed by the ceiling stereo camera, the fridge with itsdrink-localization and manipulation capabilities, and anoverall controller in charge of coordinating the services ofall the other PEIS.

The controller is a script-like program developed specif-ically for this demo. Among other things, it sequences thetasks of the PEIS-Table and the autonomous fridge, allow-ing the latter to dock the fridge only once its door has beenopened, and allowing the fridge to close the door only oncethe robot is undocked. The controller also engages thePEIS-Table in a person-following operation if the personmoves, by connecting the output of the person tracker tothe input of the path planner.


Many observers claim that the inclusion of robotic tech-nologies in everyday environments will be the next in-evitable step in the evolution of our homes. If this isthe case, we maintain that a substantial role in this de-velopment will be played by the design and deploymentof robotic furniture, that is, ordinary furniture augmentedwith robotic technologies. The intention of this paper wasto show a concrete instance of this process.

In doing so, we have made three technical contributions.First, we have described the design of a specific piece of

2A video is available at http://aass.oru.se/˜peis/demonstrator.html#scenario8

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Fig. 10. Snapshots from the execution of the example run: (A,B) the PeopleBot and its on-board pan-tilt camera recog-nizing the person; (C) the fridge grasping the drink and (D) placing it on the dockedPEIS-Table; (E) the stereo-camerafor locating the position of the person in the home; and (F) the user receiving his drink.

robotic furniture, the PEIS-Table, and have shown exam-ples of its inclusion and use in a smart home. Second, wehave discussed the requirements for robotic furniture, andhave shown that these may be different from the usual re-quirements for mobile robots. Third, we have described aset of navigation techniques built from these requirements,and shown how they have been implemented in the PEIS-Table in enough detail to allow reproduction by others.3 Itshould be noted that the safe navigation planning is a novelcontribution specifically designed for mobile robotic furni-ture.

While the technical development presented in this paperis specific to the PEIS-Table, we believe that the overallmethodology can be applied to most types of robotic fur-niture, and we hope that it will be of inspiration to otherpeople. Now that the feasibility and added value of roboticfurniture has been show as a proof-of-concept, the next im-portant step will be to engage in systematic and long-termuser studies. Important questions to be addressed in thesestudies include whether robotic furniture is really more ac-ceptable than standard robots, and a deeper investigationon the hardware and software requirements for robotic fur-niture.


The idea of a moving robotic table was initially sug-gested by Donatella Guarino. Mathias Broxvall, AmyLoutfi, Federico Pecora, Bo-Lennart Silverdhal, and PerSporrong provided substantial help in realizing this idea.

3The full software of the PEIS-Table is available on request.

Many thanks to students of the International Master’s inRobotics and Intelligent Systems at Örebro University whodeveloped the drink scenario, namely Li Feng, NikolayKramarev, Wenjie Lin, Wang Min, Andreas Persson, TomRanskär, and Jonas Ullberg.


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Enrico Di Lello received the B.S. and M.S.dgrees in computer science and automation en-gineering from Universita’ degli studi Roma Tre,in 2005 and 2008, respectively. He is currentlya Ph.D. student at Katholieke Univeristeit Leu-ven, Belgium. His major research interests in-clude the application of Dynamic Bayesian Net-works to human intent estimation, assembly taskmonitoring and clincal human motion analysis.

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Alessandro Saffiotti is full professor of Com-puter Science at Orebro University, Sweden,where he heads the AASS Mobile Robotics labsince 1998. He received a M.S. in ComputerScience from the University of Pisa, Italy, anda Ph.D. in Applied Science from the Univer-site Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. His researchinterests encompass artificial intelligence, au-tonomous robotics, and soft computing. He haspublished more than 100 papers in international

journals and conferences and co-edited the book “Fuzzy logic techniquesfor autonomous vehicle navigation” (Springer, 2001). He is aseniormember of IEEE.


Enrico Di LelloDepartment of Mechanical Engineering,Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,Celestijnenlaan 300C 3000 Leuven, Belgiumemail: [email protected]

Prof. Alessandro Saffiotti, Ph.D.Academy of Science and Technology,Örebro University,70182 Örebro, Sweden,email: [email protected]

Received: 2010-02-22Accepted: 2011-02-16

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