www.iti.tugraz.at Automatized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller 1 , Armin Krieg 2 , Christopher Preschern 1 , Christian Steger 1 , Christian Kreiner 1 , Holger Bock 2 and Josef Haid 2 1 Institute for Technical Informatics, Graz University of Technology, Austria 2 Infineon Technologies Austria AG, Design Center Graz, Austria 8th Workshop on Embedded Systems Security (WESS 2013) Montreal, September 29, 2013

Automatized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties

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Automatized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller1, Armin Krieg2, Christopher Preschern1, Christian Steger1, Christian Kreiner1, Holger Bock2 and Josef Haid2 1 Institute for Technical Informatics, Graz University of Technology, Austria 2 Infineon Technologies Austria AG, Design Center Graz, Austria

8th Workshop on Embedded Systems Security (WESS 2013)

Montreal, September 29, 2013



System Analysis and FSM Extraction Methodology

Model-Based Fault Injection

Experimental Results

Conclusions and Future Work

Automatized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs

Automized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller ([email protected])




System Analysis and FSM Extraction Methodology

Model-Based Fault Injection

Experimental Results

Conclusions and Future Work

Automatized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs

Automized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller ([email protected])


The Formal Verification Gap

Common Criteria − Standard for computer security − EALs: measure of quality − Formal methods to verify security properties

Implementation of security properties neglected Translation of the RTL implementation

for model checkers



Automized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller ([email protected])


Model Checking

• Model in own language • Automated extracting of FSMs from RTL

[Brayton1996, Moundanos1996, Graf1997, Déharbe1998, Bei1999, Lahiri2002, Andraus2004]

Related Work


Adapted from [Boulé2008]

Automized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller ([email protected])

Formal Verification and Common Criteria

Related Work


Functional Requirement

Functional Specification

Target Design Description






y M


Assurance Class

Development Model Checking the Policy Model


LTL Properties

FSM Model

FSM Model

Model Checker

Proposed Extension


Model Checker

[Beckert2010, Beuster2011]



Verified Specification / Counterexample

Verified FSM implementation/ Counterexamplex

Automized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller ([email protected])


Introduction / Related Work

System Analysis and FSM Extraction Methodology

Model-Based Fault Injection

Experimental Results

Conclusions and Future Work

Automatized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs

Automized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller ([email protected])


Global Model-Checking Based Flow System Analysis and FSM Extraction Methodology


Java-based framework NuSMV model checker

Automized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller ([email protected])

Global Model-Checking Based Flow System Analysis and FSM Extraction Methodology


Synthesizeable Control dominated

Automized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller ([email protected])

Global Model-Checking Based Flow System Analysis and FSM Extraction Methodology


Synthesizeable Control dominated

Automized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller ([email protected])

System Analysis and FSM Extraction Methodology


1. VHDL structure parsing Extract system-internal

structures Dependency lists

2. Translation into CFG Description [Lohse1994]

Nodes for branches Condition List of transitions One parent

VHDL Structural Analysis

Automized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller ([email protected])

System Analysis and FSM Extraction Methodology


3. FSM Identification Realization

Find state register 1. Find all registers - Synchronous register: reacts on active clock edge 2. Decide, which of them are state register - State signal depends on itself - Dependency list search for circular dependency

VHDL Structural Analysis

Automized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller ([email protected])

Global Model-Checking Based Flow System Analysis and FSM Extraction Methodology


Automized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller ([email protected])

System Analysis and FSM Extraction Methodology


FSM Extraction

Next-state logic − Find next-state signal − Collect transitions and conditions

Initial Values

Input Signals − Signals in the dependency list of the state

Output Signals − Signals that depend on the state − Collect transitions

Automized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller ([email protected])

System Analysis and FSM Extraction Methodology

01.10.2013 Institut für Technische Informatik


Translation to the NuSMV language

(1) Variable declarations

System Analysis and FSM Extraction Methodology

01.10.2013 Institut für Technische Informatik


Translation to NuSMV

(2) Translation of FSMs into NuSMV

(3) FSM interconnection

MODULE main VAR shared_input : boolean; fsm1 : FSM1(shared_input, fsm2.output); fsm2 : FSM2(shared_input, fsm1.output);

Global Model-Checking Based Flow System Analysis and FSM Extraction Methodology


Automized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller ([email protected])


Introduction / Related Work

System Analysis and FSM Extraction Methodology

Model-Based Fault Injection

Experimental Results

Conclusions and Future Work

Automatized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs

Automized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller ([email protected])


System Analysis and FSM Extraction Methodology

19 Model-Based Fault Injection

• Common Criteria requirement

FRU FLT.1.1: The TOE Security Functionality (TSF) shall ensure the operation of [assignment: list of TOE capabilities] when the following failures occur: [assignment: list of type of failures].

• Advantages + Completeness

+ No manipulation of original design

Automized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller ([email protected])



System Analysis and FSM Extraction Methodology

Model-Based Fault Injection

Experimental Results

Conclusions and Future Work

Automatized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs

Automized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller ([email protected])


Model-based Fault Injection VHDL modulo counter

Experimental Results


VHDL code

Automatic translation and fault injection

generated NuSMV model

Automized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller ([email protected])

Model-based Fault Injection LTL Specification Result

Experimental Results


Robust design support

Automized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller ([email protected])



System Analysis and FSM Extraction Methodology

Model-Based Fault Injection

Experimental Results

Conclusions and Future Work

Automatized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs

Automized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller ([email protected])


Conclusion Conclusions and Future Work


Automized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller ([email protected])

Step towards filling the Common Criteria verification gap

Automatic generation of high-level representation of RTL implementation

Evaluation of fault-attack robustness

Model-based fault injection for the safety domain

Future Work

Thank you very much for your attention!

Any questions?


Automized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller ([email protected])


[CommonCriteria2012]Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation Part 2 Version 3.1, 2012. [Andraus2004] Z. Andraus and K. Sakallah. Automatic abstraction and verification of Verilog models. In Proceedings of the 41st annual Design Automation Conference, 2004. . [Bar-El2006] H. Bar-El, H. Choukri, D. Naccache, M. Tunstall, and C. Whelan. The sorcerer’s apprentice guide to fault attacks. Proceedings of the IEEE, 2006. [Beckert2010] B. Beckert, D. Bruns, and S. Grebing. Mind the gap: Formal verification and the Common Criteria. International Verification Workshop, 2010. [Bei1999] J. Bei, H. Li, J. Bian, H. Xue, and X. Hong. Fsm modeling of synchronous vhdl design for symbolic model checking. In Proceedings of the ASP-DAC’99, 1999. [Beuster2011] G. Beuster and K. Greimel. Developing a Formal Security Policy Model for a Smart Card EAL6 Evaluation. Presentation, 2011. International Common Criteria Conference. [Boulé2008] M. Boulé and Z. Zilic. Generating hardware assertion checkers: for hardware verification, emulation, post-fabrication debugging and on-line monitoring. Springer Verlag, 2008. [Brayton1996] R. Brayton, G. Hachtel, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, F. Somenzi, A. Aziz, S. Cheng, S. Edwards, S. Khatri, Y. Kukimoto, A. Pardo, et al. VIS: A system for verification and synthesis. In Computer Aided Verification, pages 428–432. Springer, 1996. [Déharbe1996] D. Déharbe, S. Shankar, and E. Clarke. Model checking VHDL with CV. In Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design. Springer, 1998. [Ezekiel2009] J. Ezekiel and A. Lomuscio. Combining fault injection and model checking to verify fault tolerance in multi-agent systems. In Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems-Volume 1, 2009.

01.10.2013 Institut für Technische Informatik


System Analysis and FSM Extraction Methodology


FSM Extraction

Next-state logic − Find next-state signal − Collect transitions and conditions

state signal

state signal

next-state signal

one-segment code styling

multi-segment code styling

Automized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller ([email protected])

Verification of Security Policies

• Verification of security requirements − Common Criteria property

− LTL specification

Verified property

Experimental Results


FIA SOS.2.2: The TOE Security Function (TSF) shall be able to enforce the use of TSF generated secrets for [assignment: list of TSF functions]

Automized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller ([email protected])

Verification of Security Policies UART control logic with password feature

Experimental Results


Automatic translation

Automized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware Designs Andrea Höller ([email protected])

Initial Values

Reset Patterns

01.10.2013 Institut für Technische Informatik


--synchronous reset

process(clk, reset) if rising_edge(clk) then if (reset) then …initial value assig.… else … logic… end if end process;

--asynchronous reset

process(clk, reset) if (reset) then … initial value assig.… else if rising_edge(clk) then … logic… end if end process;