Page 1 of 144 Awareness and Acquiescence First Lesson Commentary Awareness and Acquiescence First Lesson Commentary Smart Phone Version Terton Lama: Jigme Gyatso, Rime Rinpoche FIRST edition 2019-a02-05b

Awareness and Acquiescence First Lesson …...Page 3 of 144 Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary “Satipatthana Sutta –the Discourse upon the Four Bases of

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Page 1: Awareness and Acquiescence First Lesson …...Page 3 of 144 Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary “Satipatthana Sutta –the Discourse upon the Four Bases of

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Awareness and Acquiescence

First Lesson – Commentary Smart Phone Version

Terton Lama: Jigme Gyatso, Rime Rinpoche

FIRST edition


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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary


This sadhana or practice text and it’s commentary was inspired by:

The termas or psychic instructions I received from:

Avalokiteshvara, Arya Tare, and Padmasambhava,

the oral instructions of Bhakha Tulku Rinpoche, Chogyal Namkhai Norbu,

Lama Chodrak Gyatso, and Lama Olé

meditation manuals composed by Gautama Siddhartha: the Buddha

“Maha Satipatthana Sutta– the Greater Discourse upon the Four Bases of Mindfulness

translated by Maurice Walshe,

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

“Satipatthana Sutta –the Discourse upon the Four Bases of Mindfulness”

translated by Bhikkhu Nanamoli and

“Anapanasati Sutta – the Discourse of Mindfulness with Breathing”

also translated by Bhikkhu Nanamoli

a meditation manual composed by Ven. Dr. Madawela Punnaji Maha Thera

“Ariymagga Bhavana – the Sublime Eightfold Way”

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one of the last meditation manuals composed by

Dza Patrul Rinpoche, Jigme Chökyi Wangpo

“The Heart Treasure of the Enlightened Ones

the Practice of View, Meditation, and Action;

a discourse Virtuous in the Beginning, Middle, and End”

and the explanation thereof given by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

translated by the Padmakara Translation Group,

a meditation manual composed by Karma Chagme Rinpoche

“The Quintessence of Spiritual Practice,

the Direct Instructions of the Great Compassionate One”

translated by Eric Pema Kunsang

a sadhana translated by Ani: Thubten Chodron

“Praises and Requests of the Twenty-one Taras”

from “Pearl of Wisdom: Buddhist Prayers and Practices Book II”

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a meditation manual composed by Bokar Rinpoche

“Chenrezig: Lord of Love,

the Principles and Methods of Deity Meditation”

translated by Christiane Buchet

a meditation manual composed by Atisha – Shrijana Dipamkara

“Sadhana of the Venerable Tara:

Tara Battarika Sadhana”

translated by Martin Willson

a meditation manual composed by Lama Kazi Dawa Samdup

“Tibetan Yoga; and Secret Doctrines”

translated by Lama Kazi Dawa Samdup and edited by W. Y. Evans-Wentz

a meditation manual composed by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

“Guide to Dakini Land”

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a sadhana composed by His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche, Jigdral Yeshe Dorje

“The Daily Recitation of the Revered Noble Tara”

translated by the Vimala staff

a commentary composed by His Eminence Chagdud Tulku

“Ngondro Commentary:

Instructions for the Concise Preliminary Practices of the New Treasure of Dudjom”

Compiled by Jane Tromge

a sadhana composed by Dudjom Lingpa Rinpoche

“Dudjom Tersar Ngöndro”

translated under the direction of His Eminence Chagdud Tulku

and a meditation manual composed by Lama Surya Das

“Natural Radiance: Awakening to your Great Perfection”

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Table of Contents

Opening Material

Acknowledgements.………………………....pg. 2

Contents…………………………...............…pg. 7

Tao Te Ching Syllabus……………………....pg. 8

First Set of Meditations…………………………….......................pg. 9

Crease Counting and Acquiescence.................pg. 10

Appendix…………………………………………….......................pg. 15

Advancing as a Contemplative……………......pg. 16

Syllabus……………………………………….pg. 17

Concise – Twelve Elemental Permutations.......pg. 18

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Tao Te Ching Syllabus

Lesson Volume Chapters

1st A-na-pa-na-sa-ti Sut-ta

2nd 1st of 14 1st – 6th

3rd 2nd of 14 7th – 12th

4th 3rd of 14 13th – 18th

5th 4th of 14 19th – 24th

6th 5th of 14 25th – 30th

7th 6th of 14 31st – 36th

8th 7th of 14 37th – 42nd

Lesson Volume Chapters

9th 8th of 14 43rd – 48th

10th 9th of 14 49th – 54th

11th 10th of 14 55th – 60th

12th 11th of 14 61st – 66th

13th 12th of 14 67th – 72nd

14th 13th of 14 73rd – 78th

15th 14th of 14 79th – 81st

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First Set of Meditations Palms UP

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Welcome to the Commentary

We live in a world where

there is so much misinformation about meditation, that

this potentially powerful tool for self-development has

been largely reduced to an ascetic practice that

is as difficult as it is boring.

How fun it could be if

this series of sixteen lessons could

resurrect the ease, entertainment, pleasure and transformative power of

this lost art.

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But how are we to know

whether this teacher or this teaching

could be worthy of trust?

In both the Sutta of the Kalama’s Dilemma

as well as the Parinibbana Sutta

we could come to understand that the test of a teacher and a teaching

is NOT their beauty, eloquence, popularity, age or wealth,

but rather the effects generated in our lives

when we enthusiastically and accurately

apply their advice.

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Here is an easy, four step process

to do just that.

First – suspend judgement,

second – receive the teacher’s first lesson,

third – enthusiastically and accurately practice that technique

EVERY morning and EVERY evening for six and half days,

fourth – engage your judgement and

notice the results generated by

your six and half consecutive days of practice;

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if you’ve become so anxious and cranky

that people start calling you “little Darth Vader,”

then go, and find a better teacher.

But, if your twice daily practice

of the technique of your teacher’s first lesson

makes you even a little more

peaceful, resilient, resourceful and compassionate

then it could be in your best interest

to return to your teacher and receive his or her second lesson.

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Crease Counting and Relaxing

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Why count our creases

Over the millennia many Buddhists have

blended counting and meditation; sometimes as

a kind of bronze-age timer.

Necklaces of meditation beads,

known as “Mala” in Sanskrit could

be found in Japan, Korea, China, Mongolia,

Tibet, Bhutan, Nepal, India, Shri Lanka,

Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam.

Although they can be lovely their

theft, loss or absence could

serve as excuse not to meditate.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

I am grateful to the Bengali’s who first

taught me a method of counting upon

the creases of my fingers as

a replacement for a mala.

That technique serves as one of

many foundations for the method we’ll be

playing with during this sixteen week course.

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Contemplative notation

This seems like a good time to discuss,

what I like to call, contemplative notation.

Growing up, my neighbor studied the trumpet

as his junior high elective.

The first week they trained Rick

how to properly finger his instrument

(and no, that’s NOT a euphemism for puberty)

the remaining weeks of the semester

the focus was on learning to read musical notation

while playing along on his trumpet.

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The idea was that by the end of his second semester

he’d be able to play any non-virtuoso trumpet piece,

just by reading the notation.

That is why these guided meditations are written

in a format we could describe as contemplative notation;

to make it as easy as possible for students

to learn, practice and yes, even master Buddha’s path

in a remarkably short period of time…

such as sixteen weeks!

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Quick note; we are only students

if we arrive to each class early

and enthusiastically perform our homework

every morning as well as every night,

otherwise we’re merely audience members.

This week’s guided meditation is twelve pages long.

Let’s take a moment to take a look at the first page.

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Legs – Climbing – Feet

3 Left Index-finger

6 Left Ring-finger

9 Left Little-finger

12 Left Middle-finger

2 Both Ring-fingers

5 Both Little-fingers

8 Both Middle-fingers

11 Both Index-fingers

1 Right Little-finger

4 Right Middle-finger

7 Right Index-finger

10 Right Ring-finger

IN-breath: Left Middle…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary


It seems a hot mess, doesn’t it?

Not to worry, by the end of our first week of homework,

no less the conclusion of this commentary to the FIRST lesson,

it could seem as plain as the noses on our faces.

At the top of the page, you’ll note a line that reads:

Legs – Climbing – Feet

Let’s unpack this.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

In this system of crease counting,

we work with the four fingers of our left hand,

the four fingers of our right hand,

and the four fingers of both our hands (simultaneously)

for a total of twelve different combinations of finger gestures,

or Mu-dras in Sanskrit,

that correspond to the twelve elemental permutations

that predate Buddhism

which many contemplatives have found useful over the millennia.

In fact, a chart listing the four elements,

and the three modes,

which when multiplied together give us the twelve elemental permutations;

is found in this lesson’s appendix.

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Many long term contemplatives,

spending four, or more, hours a day in meditation,

and four more in daily study,

after ten thousand, twenty thousand,

thirty thousand hours of meditation, or more,

have noticed a correlation between

various finger gestures and various body parts.

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In this system the twelve finger positions

correlate with twelve body parts.

To simplify things we

categorize the twelve body parts into three groups:

Legs – including feet, calves, bones, and thighs;

Torso – including crotch, kidneys, intestines, liver, and stomach; and

Bust – including arms, throat and scalp

for a total of twelve.

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Let’s return to the first line:

Legs – Climbing – Feet

The noun “Legs” tells us we’re

beginning with the first third of the body.

The verb “Climbing” refers to the general sequence of

body parts that are accessed as

we move through the twelve gestures.

We use the term general sequence because there

is one instance in the sequence where we perform a single zig-zag,

but for the most part it’s mostly ascending,

most of the time.

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Ironically the twelve finger gestures are

numbered from twelve to one.

The term “Feet” really narrows things down for us, denoting

that we’ll begin with the twelfth gesture which

correlates with the feet.

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Let’s take a look at the second bit of

contemplative notation:

3 Left Index-finger

6 Left Ring-finger

9 Left Little-finger

12 Left Middle-finger

2 Both Ring-fingers

5 Both Little-fingers

8 Both Middle-fingers

11 Both Index-fingers

1 Right Little-finger

4 Right Middle-finger

7 Right Index-finger

10 Right Ring-finger

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The highlighted portion communicates that

during the exercise listed on this page we’ll:

be touching the tip of our left thumb to

the first set of creases at the base of the left middle finger,

sliding the tip of our left thumb up

to the second set of creases a bit higher upon our left middle finger,

again sliding the tip of our left thumb up

to the third set of creases even higher upon our left middle finger and

finally sliding the tip of our left thumb up

our left middle finger to its tip;

clearly, counting a total of four points

upon our left middle finger.

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A similar counting method will be repeated upon

each of the eleven remaining finger combinations the only variable being

which finger is being counted upon.

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Contemplative Notation part three

Now that we have the idea that

we’ll be counting to four upon our left middle finger, the

questions remains

“what is it we’ll be counting four repetitions of?

To answer that, let’s take a look at

the third set of information communicated upon our

first page of guided meditations:

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IN-breath: Left Middle…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

The phrase “IN-breath:” is short for,

“Hey, during the inhalation silently and mentally recite

the words to the right of the colon.”

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The folly of forced breathing

This is a good time to discuss breathing.

There are some schools of meditation that teach us to

control the timing, depth and duration of our breathing

(we’re looking at you, Hindu Pranayama), but this, is NOT that.

Although that can be appropriate for

the contrived path of yang

(warned against by the Tao Te Ching),

we will instead merely notice when our body spontaneously breaths in and

when it spontaneously breaths out for…

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this course of sixteen lessons adheres to yin’s path of:

vulnerable, yielding, non-conceptual, centered spontaneity

(that is lauded by, you guessed it, the Tao Te Ching).

And if at this point you’d guessed that

the Tao Te Ching figures prominently in this series of lessons,

you’d be right!

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Why so cryptic?

IN-breath: Left Middle…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

As we notice our spontaneous inhalation we’ll

silently and mentally recite, “Left Middle,” which

seems really cryptic,

because it really is.

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Although it could be perfectly accurate to

silently and mentally recite,

“My intention uses these words to

gently guide my subtle awareness to

passively notice my left middle finger;”

doing so, during the span of one inhalation,

could prove difficult.

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So we opt for the concise,

three syllable phrase,

“Left Middle,”

as it fits more smoothly with

the whole idea of coordinating our silent and mental recitations with

our spontaneous and uncontrived breathing.

Hey, we’re not going to say the guided meditations of this course are

where good grammar goes to die a horrible death, but

sometimes when we’re practicing we can hear the

sound of high school English teachers lamenting inconsolably.

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Active concentration versus passive mindfulness

Let’s return (as we often will) to

the yang/ yin comparison; because

(you guessed it) the Tao Te Ching.

The aggressive path of yang favors

active concentration but

that leads to rigidity, crankiness, anxiety and sorrow.

The Tao’s acquiescent path of yin endorses

passive awareness (also known as mindfulness) for

it leads to greater: flexibility, peace, resilience, creativity,

joy, compassion, patience and centered spontaneity.

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IN-breath: Left Middle…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

The phrase “OUT-breath” concisely communicates to us that

during our spontaneous and uncontrived exhalation we

silently and mentally recite “relaxing!”

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How do we relax?

If these teaching hailed from

the yang tradition we’d

actively strive to concentrate upon our left middle finger while

we forced an inhalation then

we’d actively strive to relax while

we forced ourselves to exhale;

oh how exhausting!

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Luckily this set of lessons resonate

with the yin tradition so

through the effortless act of silently and

mentally reciting the words “Left Middle” we

succeed at gently influencing part of

our mind to at least consider our left middle finger

(because words influence intention, which influences mind), and

by silently and mentally reciting the word “relaxing” in

harmony with our spontaneous and uncontrived exhalation we

invite our bodies to at least partially relax,

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not only because word influence intention, which influences mind, which

influences energy, which influences body, but also because humans and

many other animals seem to be hardwired to tighten up or

notice a bit more during each inhalation and

relax, let go or acquiesce a

bit more during each exhalation.

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Are we there yet?

IN-breath: Left Middle…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

The term “round” in the context of this style of meditation refers

to the act of inhaling once followed by exhaling once, or

in other words, a set of one IN-breath followed by

one OUT-breath is called one round.

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A round also refers to the silent and mental recitations that

accompany each inhalation and it’s following exhalation.

The phrase “Four breaths” tells us how

many rounds or repetitions of the meditation

we are to perform.

Now that we’re more comfortable with the idea of

IN-breaths, OUT-breaths and

the silent and mental recitations that

are coordinated with them let’s

revisit the notion of counting our four repetitions of

the first meditation “Left Middle… relaxing!” upon

our left middle finger.

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Counting to Four

As we notice our bodies spontaneously inhale we

silently and mentally recite “Left Middle…” while

drawing the tip of our left thumb to

the first set of creases at the base of its left middle finger.

During our spontaneous and uncontrived exhalation the

tip of our left thumb continues to rest gently upon

the first crease, at the base of tis middle finger while

we silently and mentally recite “relaxing!”

Remember we’re not actively breathing in and then out, as

much as we’re just passively noticing when each phase of breath occurs and

coordinating our mental recitations with them,

as best we can.

There are no extra points for

neurotic perfectionism.

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Also… bear in mind this section contains a lot of repetitive language NOT

in an effort to drink deep from the waters of annoyance but

to really hammer in what we are and are NOT doing, namely

NOT forcing our breath… E.V.E.R!

As we notice our bodies start to inhale we

silently and mentally recite “Left Middle…” while

sliding the tip of our left thumb up

to the second set of creases a bit higher upon its left middle finger.

During our spontaneous and uncontrived exhalation the

tip of our left thumb continues to rest gently upon

its middle finger’s second set of crease as

we silently and mentally recite “relaxing!”

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

As we notice our bodies start to inhale we

silently and mentally recite ‘Left Middle…” while

sliding the tip of our left thumb up

to the third set of creases even higher upon it’s left middle finger.

During our spontaneous and uncontrived exhalation the

tip of our left thumb continues to rest gently upon

its middle finger’s third set of creases as

we silently and mentally recite “relaxing!”.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

As we notice our bodies start to inhale we

silently and mentally recite “Left Middle…” while

sliding the tip of our left thumb up

to the tip of its left middle finger.

During our spontaneous and uncontrived exhalation the

tip of our left thumb continues to rest gently upon

the tip of its middle finger as

we silently and mentally recite “relaxing!” … whew!

Well that was mind numbing, wasn’t it? But

now that we’ve got it down, we

won’t have to review those instructions again.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

The benefits of counting on our left middle finger

Hey, remember reading how

in the appendix of this commentary (and in the appendix of each lesson of this series)

there is a one page summery of the procedures and benefits of

the twelve elemental permutations?

Good, because we’re going to

take our first look at it on the next page.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Concise Twelve Elemental Permutations

1 Right Little-finger Cardinal-fire Crown Adventurous Courage

2 Both Ring-fingers Fixed-earth Throat Wealth and Sexuality

3 Left Index-finger Mutable-air Upper limbs Playful Creativity

4 Right Middle-finger Cardinal-water Stomach Mother Henning

5 Both Little-fingers Fixed-fire Liver Charismatic Leadership

6 Left Ring-finger Mutable-earth Guts Considerate Meticulousness

7 Right Index-finger Cardinal-air Kidney Love and Beauty

8 Both Middle-fingers Fixed-water Crotch Deep Desires

9 Left Little-finger Mutable-fire Thighs Big-picture Thinking

10 Right Ring-finger Cardinal-earth Bones Affluence and Power

11 Both Index-fingers Fixed-air Calves Laid-back, Smart Generous

12 Left Middle-finger Mutable-water Feet Surrendered Sagehood

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Yes, this could seem daunting,

but if we pay attention to this lesson,

and actually perform our homework

every morning and every evening

within a week or two

we could find that we have accidentally memorized each gesture (Mu-dra in Sanskrit)

as well as their sequence.

“12 Left Middle-finger Mutable-water Feet Surrendered Sagehood”

Let’s unpack this.

“12” is merely this Mudra’s number.

We access these mudras in order of twelve through one.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

“12 Left Middle-finger Mutable-water Feet Surrendered Sagehood”

Our left Middle-finger,

is simply the digit that we’ll be working with.

“12 Left Middle-finger Mutable-water Feet Surrendered Sagehood”

The “Mutable” mode

refers to that which is acquiescent, and yielding,

not unlike the yin path lauded by (wait for it) the Tao Te Ching.

In this system it will always refer to the left hand.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

“12 Left Middle-finger Mutable-water Feet Surrendered Sagehood”

In this system

the element of “water” always refers

to one or both of our Middle-fingers.

“12 Left Middle-finger Mutable-water Feet Surrendered Sagehood”

In days of yore

the night time sky served as humanities only calendar.

Our ancestors divided information

between four elements and three modes.

Since the product of four and three is twelve

it could come as little surprise that this system

we passively work with, some like to call,

the twelve elemental permutations.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

“12 Left Middle-finger Mutable-water Feet Surrendered Sagehood”

Some, who exhibit a high degree of perceptual acuity

have noticed a correlation

between Mutable-water and our feet.

“12 Left Middle-finger Mutable-water Feet Surrendered Sagehood”

Over the millennia some have noticed correlations

between various archetypes

and our body-parts,

as well as elemental permutations.

Over time people communicated these observations as similes,

the similes became metaphors,

the metaphors became confused with literal statements,

and rational astronomy mutated into superstitious astrology.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

This archetype of Pisces’ surrendered sagehood

is like a basket containing many sub-archetypes such as:

the mystic, the dreamer, the artist, the poet,

the guide, the guru, the medic, the healer,

the worshipper, the creator, the dancer,

the psychotic, the addict and the visionary.

Now we know how to count to four

using just one finger and one thumb.

Let’s perform the meditation “Left middle/ relaxing! on

the following page…

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Legs – Climbing – Feet

3 Left Index-finger

6 Left Ring-finger

9 Left Little-finger

12 Left Middle-finger

2 Both Ring-fingers

5 Both Little-fingers

8 Both Middle-fingers

11 Both Index-fingers

1 Right Little-finger

4 Right Middle-finger

7 Right Index-finger

10 Right Ring-finger

IN-breath: Left Middle…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

So what?

Congratulations, after much skull doggery we’ve learned:

how to unevenly divide the body into three,

count to four upon our left middle finger,

perform one meditation while

passively coordinating the first and second halves of

its silent and mental recitation with

our spontaneous and uncontrived breathing.

We’ve also learned that when the four elements and

three modes are multiplied they

give us the twelve elemental permutations.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

In addition to that we’ve learned that

the left hand refers the mutable mode,

the middle finger refers to the water element and

the left middle finger

(or “Mutable-water” if you want to be fancy) is

associated with the fourteen archetypes of Surrendered Sagehood.

Now let’s turn our attention to

the next meditation.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Legs – Climbing – Calves

3 Left Index-finger

6 Left Ring-finger

9 Left Little-finger

12 Left Middle-finger

2 Both Ring-fingers

5 Both Little-fingers

8 Both Middle-fingers

11 Both Index-fingers

1 Right Little-finger

4 Right Middle-finger

7 Right Index-finger

10 Right Ring-finger

IN-breath: Both index…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Concise Twelve Elemental Permutations

1 Right Little-finger Cardinal-fire Crown Adventurous Courage

2 Both Ring-fingers Fixed-earth Throat Wealth and Sexuality

3 Left Index-finger Mutable-air Upper limbs Playful Creativity

4 Right Middle-finger Cardinal-water Stomach Mother Henning

5 Both Little-fingers Fixed-fire Liver Charismatic Leadership

6 Left Ring-finger Mutable-earth Guts Considerate Meticulousness

7 Right Index-finger Cardinal-air Kidney Love and Beauty

8 Both Middle-fingers Fixed-water Crotch Deep Desires

9 Left Little-finger Mutable-fire Thighs Big-picture Thinking

10 Right Ring-finger Cardinal-earth Bones Affluence and Power

11 Both Index-fingers Fixed-air Calves Laid-back, Smart Generous

12 Left Middle-finger Mutable-water Feet Surrendered Sagehood

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

11 Both Index-fingers Fixed-air Calves Laid-back, Smart Generous

Welcome to the eleventh mudra,

where we count the creases of both of our Index-fingers simultaneously,

with the tips of their thumbs.

11 Both Index-fingers Fixed-air Calves Laid-back, Smart Generous

Air always refers to

one or both of our Index-fingers.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

11 Both Index-fingers Fixed-air Calves Laid-back, Smart Generous

Fixed always means we’ll

be using both hands simultaneously.

The fixed mode could be likened to

the balance seen in the Yin/ Yang symbol.

11 Both Index-fingers Fixed-air Calves Laid-back, Smart Generous

Our calves could be

correlated to Fixed-air.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

11 Both Index-fingers Fixed-air Calves Laid-back, Smart Generous

BOTH our index fingers could be correlated with

the archetype of Aquarius’ Laid-back, smart generosity

which is like a basket containing many sub-archetypes such as:

the revolutionary, the scientist, the eccentric,

the visionary, the rebel, the genius,

the outlaw, the free spirit, the activist,

the inventor, the alchemist and the exile.

If we were traversing the path of patriarchy

we might contrive to access an archetype

through the cunning use of these finger positions.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

But upon this path of matriarchy,

we are content to passively and non-conceptually notice

whatever archetype rears its head

as we flow from the twelfth mudra

up through the first mudra

while we play with these contemplative exercises.

For our identity is NOT determined

by which archetype makes an appearance

but by our practice of vulnerably, passively and NON-conceptually

noticing and letting-go

in harmony with our inhalations and exhalations, respectively.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

It is understandable how one could get feed up

with this seemingly random sequence of finger positions…

but firstly – in our interdependent bodies

the sequence of our finger positions

could have a profound effect

upon our physical, emotional and mental experience.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Please do not squander your time and energy

striving to re-invent the wheel,

merely follow the instructions every morning

and every evening

for six and a half days

and notice the results you generate.

Secondly – after one or two weeks

of twice daily practice

you’ll intuit the pattern of the finger sequence

thus shattering the illusion that they are random.

Of course perusing the chart

of the twelve elemental permutations

couldn’t hurt either.

Now let’s perform the meditation “Both index/ relaxing!” on

the next page…

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Legs – Climbing – Calves

3 Left Index-finger

6 Left Ring-finger

9 Left Little-finger

12 Left Middle-finger

2 Both Ring-fingers

5 Both Little-fingers

8 Both Middle-fingers

11 Both Index-fingers

1 Right Little-finger

4 Right Middle-finger

7 Right Index-finger

10 Right Ring-finger

IN-breath: Both index…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

This week’s third meditation

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Legs – Climbing – Bones

3 Left Index-finger

6 Left Ring-finger

9 Left Little-finger

12 Left Middle-finger

2 Both Ring-fingers

5 Both Little-fingers

8 Both Middle-fingers

11 Both Index-fingers

1 Right Little-finger

4 Right Middle-finger

7 Right Index-finger

10 Right Ring-finger

IN-breath: This right ring…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Concise Twelve Elemental Permutations

1 Right Little-finger Cardinal-fire Crown Adventurous Courage

2 Both Ring-fingers Fixed-earth Throat Wealth and Sexuality

3 Left Index-finger Mutable-air Upper limbs Playful Creativity

4 Right Middle-finger Cardinal-water Stomach Mother Henning

5 Both Little-fingers Fixed-fire Liver Charismatic Leadership

6 Left Ring-finger Mutable-earth Guts Considerate Meticulousness

7 Right Index-finger Cardinal-air Kidney Love and Beauty

8 Both Middle-fingers Fixed-water Crotch Deep Desires

9 Left Little-finger Mutable-fire Thighs Big-picture Thinking

10 Right Ring-finger Cardinal-earth Bones Affluence and Power

11 Both Index-fingers Fixed-air Calves Laid-back, Smart Generous

12 Left Middle-finger Mutable-water Feet Surrendered Sagehood

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

10 Right Ring-finger Cardinal-earth Bones Affluence and Power

Welcome to the tenth mudra,

where we count the creases of our Right Ring-finger

with the tip of it’s thumb.

10 Right Ring-finger Cardinal-earth Bones Affluence and Power

Cardinal refers to that which is aggressive and advancing,

not unlike the yang path warned against by

(you guessed it) the Tao Te Ching.

In this system the cardinal mode is

associated with the fingers of the right hand.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

10 Right Ring-finger Cardinal-earth Bones Affluence and Power

Earth always refers to

one or both Ring-fingers.

Therefore we access Cardinal-earth

by counting our Right Ring-finger’s creases

with the tip of its thumb.

10 Right Ring-finger Cardinal-earth Bones Affluence and Power

Our bones could be correlated to


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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

10 Right Ring-finger Cardinal-earth Bones Affluence and Power

Cardinal-earth is correlated with

the archetype of Capricorn’s affluence and power

which is like a basket containing many sub-archetypes such as:

the old soul, the administrator, the judge,

the mentor, the prime minister, the father,

the entrepreneur, the banker, and the wizard.

Now let’s perform the “This right ring/ relaxing!” meditation for

four breaths as written on the following page…

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Legs – Climbing – Bones

3 Left Index-finger

6 Left Ring-finger

9 Left Little-finger

12 Left Middle-finger

2 Both Ring-fingers

5 Both Little-fingers

8 Both Middle-fingers

11 Both Index-fingers

1 Right Little-finger

4 Right Middle-finger

7 Right Index-finger

10 Right Ring-finger

IN-breath: This right ring…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

This week’s fourth meditation

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Legs – Climbing – Thighs

3 Left Index-finger

6 Left Ring-finger

9 Left Little-finger

12 Left Middle-finger

2 Both Ring-fingers

5 Both Little-fingers

8 Both Middle-fingers

11 Both Index-fingers

1 Right Little-finger

4 Right Middle-finger

7 Right Index-finger

10 Right Ring-finger

IN-breath: Left little…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Concise Twelve Elemental Permutations

1 Right Little-finger Cardinal-fire Crown Adventurous Courage

2 Both Ring-fingers Fixed-earth Throat Wealth and Sexuality

3 Left Index-finger Mutable-air Upper limbs Playful Creativity

4 Right Middle-finger Cardinal-water Stomach Mother Henning

5 Both Little-fingers Fixed-fire Liver Charismatic Leadership

6 Left Ring-finger Mutable-earth Guts Considerate Meticulousness

7 Right Index-finger Cardinal-air Kidney Love and Beauty

8 Both Middle-fingers Fixed-water Crotch Deep Desires

9 Left Little-finger Mutable-fire Thighs Big-picture Thinking

10 Right Ring-finger Cardinal-earth Bones Affluence and Power

11 Both Index-fingers Fixed-air Calves Laid-back, Smart Generous

12 Left Middle-finger Mutable-water Feet Surrendered Sagehood

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

9 Left Little-finger Mutable-fire Thighs Big-picture Thinking

Welcome to the ninth mudra,

where we’ll count the creases of our left Little-finger

with the tip of its thumb.

9 Left Little-finger Mutable-fire Thighs Big-picture Thinking

As we’ve already learned

in this system “Mutable” refers

to the yielding energy of the left hand.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

9 Left Little-finger Mutable-fire Thighs Big-picture Thinking

Fire always refers to one or both Little-fingers.

Therefore we access Mutable-fire

by counting the creases of our left Little-finger

with the tip of its thumb.

Don’t be too overwhelmed by this,

for all this information is organized in a concise chart

at the end of this commentary

as well as at the end of the practice text.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

9 Left Little-finger Mutable-fire Thighs Big-picture Thinking

Our tush and thighs could

be correlated to Mutable-fire

9 Left Little-finger Mutable-fire Thighs Big-picture Thinking

Mutable-fire is correlated with

the archetype of Sagittarius’ big picture thinking

which is like a basket containing many sub-archetypes such as:

the wanderer, the tourist, the teacher, the guide,

the philosopher, the psychiatrist, the student,

the benefactor, the comedian, and the free spirit.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Perhaps you’ll notice that many of these elemental permutations

share some of sub-archetypes

not unlike an overlapping Venn diagram.

This is seen throughout the natural world

for evolutionary biology seems to

leave a trail of redundant traits.

Now let’s perform the meditation “Left little/ relaxing!”

on the next page…

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Legs – Climbing – Thighs

3 Left Index-finger

6 Left Ring-finger

9 Left Little-finger

12 Left Middle-finger

2 Both Ring-fingers

5 Both Little-fingers

8 Both Middle-fingers

11 Both Index-fingers

1 Right Little-finger

4 Right Middle-finger

7 Right Index-finger

10 Right Ring-finger

IN-breath: Left little…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

This week’s fifth meditation

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Torso – Climbing – Crotch

3 Left Index-finger

6 Left Ring-finger

9 Left Little-finger

12 Left Middle-finger

2 Both Ring-fingers

5 Both Little-fingers

8 Both Middle-fingers

11 Both Index-fingers

1 Right Little-finger

4 Right Middle-finger

7 Right Index-finger

10 Right Ring-finger

IN-breath: Both middle…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Concise Twelve Elemental Permutations

1 Right Little-finger Cardinal-fire Crown Adventurous Courage

2 Both Ring-fingers Fixed-earth Throat Wealth and Sexuality

3 Left Index-finger Mutable-air Upper limbs Playful Creativity

4 Right Middle-finger Cardinal-water Stomach Mother Henning

5 Both Little-fingers Fixed-fire Liver Charismatic Leadership

6 Left Ring-finger Mutable-earth Guts Considerate Meticulousness

7 Right Index-finger Cardinal-air Kidney Love and Beauty

8 Both Middle-fingers Fixed-water Crotch Deep Desires

9 Left Little-finger Mutable-fire Thighs Big-picture Thinking

10 Right Ring-finger Cardinal-earth Bones Affluence and Power

11 Both Index-fingers Fixed-air Calves Laid-back, Smart Generous

12 Left Middle-finger Mutable-water Feet Surrendered Sagehood

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

8 Both Middle-fingers Fixed-water Crotch Deep Desires

Welcome to the eighth mudra,

where we count the creases of both Middle-fingers simultaneously

with the tip of each one’s thumb.

8 Both Middle-fingers Fixed-water Crotch Deep Desires

As we’ve already discussed

in this system “Fixed” refers

to the balanced energy of both hands.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

8 Both Middle-fingers Fixed-water Crotch Deep Desires

Water always refers to

one or both Middle-fingers.

Therefore we access Fixed-water

by counting the creases of both Middle-fingers simultaneously,

with the tip of each one’s thumb.

8 Both Middle-fingers Fixed-water Crotch Deep Desires

Our crotch could be

correlated to Fixed-water.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

8 Both Middle-fingers Fixed-water Crotch Deep Desires

Fixed-water is correlated with

the archetype of Scorpio’s deep desires

which is like a basket containing many sub-archetypes such as:

the mystic, the alchemist, the detective,

the sorcerer, the hypnotist, the chemist,

the psychiatrist, the witch, the investigator,

the fortune teller, and the guardian.

Let’s perform the meditation “Both middle/ relaxing!” on

the next page…

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Torso – Climbing – Crotch

3 Left Index-finger

6 Left Ring-finger

9 Left Little-finger

12 Left Middle-finger

2 Both Ring-fingers

5 Both Little-fingers

8 Both Middle-fingers

11 Both Index-fingers

1 Right Little-finger

4 Right Middle-finger

7 Right Index-finger

10 Right Ring-finger

IN-breath: Both middle…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

This week’s sixth meditation

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Torso – Climbing – Kidneys

3 Left Index-finger

6 Left Ring-finger

9 Left Little-finger

12 Left Middle-finger

2 Both Ring-fingers

5 Both Little-fingers

8 Both Middle-fingers

11 Both Index-fingers

1 Right Little-finger

4 Right Middle-finger

7 Right Index-finger

10 Right Ring-finger

IN-breath: Right index…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Concise Twelve Elemental Permutations

1 Right Little-finger Cardinal-fire Crown Adventurous Courage

2 Both Ring-fingers Fixed-earth Throat Wealth and Sexuality

3 Left Index-finger Mutable-air Upper limbs Playful Creativity

4 Right Middle-finger Cardinal-water Stomach Mother Henning

5 Both Little-fingers Fixed-fire Liver Charismatic Leadership

6 Left Ring-finger Mutable-earth Guts Considerate Meticulousness

7 Right Index-finger Cardinal-air Kidney Love and Beauty

8 Both Middle-fingers Fixed-water Crotch Deep Desires

9 Left Little-finger Mutable-fire Thighs Big-picture Thinking

10 Right Ring-finger Cardinal-earth Bones Affluence and Power

11 Both Index-fingers Fixed-air Calves Laid-back, Smart Generous

12 Left Middle-finger Mutable-water Feet Surrendered Sagehood

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

7 Right Index-finger Cardinal-air Kidney Love and Beauty

Welcome to the seventh mudra,

where we count the creases of our right Index-finger

with the tip of its thumb.

7 Right Index-finger Cardinal-air Kidney Love and Beauty

“Cardinal” refers

to the advancing energy of the right hand.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

7 Right Index-finger Cardinal-air Kidney Love and Beauty

Air always refers to

one or both Index-fingers.

Therefore we access Cardinal-air

by counting the creases of our right Index-finger

with the tip of its thumb.

7 Right Index-finger Cardinal-air Kidney Love and Beauty

Our kidneys could

be correlated to Cardinal-air

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

7 Right Index-finger Cardinal-air Kidney Love and Beauty

Cardinal-air is correlated with

the archetype of Libra’s love and beauty

which is like a basket containing many sub-archetypes such as:

the lawyer, the counsellor, the socialite,

the lover, the peacemaker, the creator,

the seductress, the lover, the flirt,

the minx, the designer, and the mediator.

Let’s perform the

meditation “Right index/ relaxing!”

on the next page…

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Torso – Climbing – Kidneys

3 Left Index-finger

6 Left Ring-finger

9 Left Little-finger

12 Left Middle-finger

2 Both Ring-fingers

5 Both Little-fingers

8 Both Middle-fingers

11 Both Index-fingers

1 Right Little-finger

4 Right Middle-finger

7 Right Index-finger

10 Right Ring-finger

IN-breath: Right index…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

This week’s seventh meditation

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Torso – Climbing – Guts

3 Left Index-finger

6 Left Ring-finger

9 Left Little-finger

12 Left Middle-finger

2 Both Ring-fingers

5 Both Little-fingers

8 Both Middle-fingers

11 Both Index-fingers

1 Right Little-finger

4 Right Middle-finger

7 Right Index-finger

10 Right Ring-finger

IN-breath: This left ring…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Concise Twelve Elemental Permutations

1 Right Little-finger Cardinal-fire Crown Adventurous Courage

2 Both Ring-fingers Fixed-earth Throat Wealth and Sexuality

3 Left Index-finger Mutable-air Upper limbs Playful Creativity

4 Right Middle-finger Cardinal-water Stomach Mother Henning

5 Both Little-fingers Fixed-fire Liver Charismatic Leadership

6 Left Ring-finger Mutable-earth Guts Considerate Meticulousness

7 Right Index-finger Cardinal-air Kidney Love and Beauty

8 Both Middle-fingers Fixed-water Crotch Deep Desires

9 Left Little-finger Mutable-fire Thighs Big-picture Thinking

10 Right Ring-finger Cardinal-earth Bones Affluence and Power

11 Both Index-fingers Fixed-air Calves Laid-back, Smart Generous

12 Left Middle-finger Mutable-water Feet Surrendered Sagehood

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

6 Left Ring-finger Mutable-earth Guts Considerate Meticulousness

Welcome to the sixth mudra,

where we count the creases of our left Ring-finger

with the tip of its thumb.

6 Left Ring-finger Mutable-earth Guts Considerate Meticulousness

“Mutable” refers

to the yielding energy of the left hand.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

6 Left Ring-finger Mutable-earth Guts Considerate Meticulousness

Earth always refers to

one or both Ring-fingers.

6 Left Ring-finger Mutable-earth Guts Considerate Meticulousness

Our intestines could

be correlated to Mutable-earth

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

6 Left Ring-finger Mutable-earth Guts Considerate Meticulousness

Mutable-earth is correlated with

the archetype of Virgo’s considerate meticulousness

which is like a basket containing many sub-archetypes such as:

the healer, the perfectionist, the servant,

the analyst, the alchemist, the messenger,

the martyr, the nature spirit, and the naturopath.

Let’s perform the meditation “This left ring/ relaxing!” on

the next page…

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Torso – Climbing – Guts

3 Left Index-finger

6 Left Ring-finger

9 Left Little-finger

12 Left Middle-finger

2 Both Ring-fingers

5 Both Little-fingers

8 Both Middle-fingers

11 Both Index-fingers

1 Right Little-finger

4 Right Middle-finger

7 Right Index-finger

10 Right Ring-finger

IN-breath: This left ring…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

This week’s eighth meditation

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Torso – Climbing – Liver

3 Left Index-finger

6 Left Ring-finger

9 Left Little-finger

12 Left Middle-finger

2 Both Ring-fingers

5 Both Little-fingers

8 Both Middle-fingers

11 Both Index-fingers

1 Right Little-finger

4 Right Middle-finger

7 Right Index-finger

10 Right Ring-finger

IN-breath: Both little…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Concise Twelve Elemental Permutations

1 Right Little-finger Cardinal-fire Crown Adventurous Courage

2 Both Ring-fingers Fixed-earth Throat Wealth and Sexuality

3 Left Index-finger Mutable-air Upper limbs Playful Creativity

4 Right Middle-finger Cardinal-water Stomach Mother Henning

5 Both Little-fingers Fixed-fire Liver Charismatic Leadership

6 Left Ring-finger Mutable-earth Guts Considerate Meticulousness

7 Right Index-finger Cardinal-air Kidney Love and Beauty

8 Both Middle-fingers Fixed-water Crotch Deep Desires

9 Left Little-finger Mutable-fire Thighs Big-picture Thinking

10 Right Ring-finger Cardinal-earth Bones Affluence and Power

11 Both Index-fingers Fixed-air Calves Laid-back, Smart Generous

12 Left Middle-finger Mutable-water Feet Surrendered Sagehood

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

5 Both Little-fingers Fixed-fire Liver Charismatic Leadership

Welcome to the fifth mudra,

where we simultaneously count the creases of both of our Little-fingers

with the tips of their respective thumbs.

5 Both Little-fingers Fixed-fire Liver Charismatic Leadership

“Fixed” refers

to the balanced energy of both hands.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

5 Both Little-fingers Fixed-fire Liver Charismatic Leadership

Fire always refers to

one or both Little-fingers.

5 Both Little-fingers Fixed-fire Liver Charismatic Leadership

Our liver could

be correlated to Fixed-fire

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

5 Both Little-fingers Fixed-fire Liver Charismatic Leadership

Fixed-fire is correlated with

the archetype of Leo’s charismatic leadership

which is like a basket containing many sub-archetypes such as:

the protector, the warrior, the artist,

the actor, the ruler, the performer,

the golden child, the healer, the prophet,

the magician, the king, the queen, and the guardian.

Let’s practice the meditation “Both little/ relaxing!” on

the next page…

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Torso – Climbing – Liver

3 Left Index-finger

6 Left Ring-finger

9 Left Little-finger

12 Left Middle-finger

2 Both Ring-fingers

5 Both Little-fingers

8 Both Middle-fingers

11 Both Index-fingers

1 Right Little-finger

4 Right Middle-finger

7 Right Index-finger

10 Right Ring-finger

IN-breath: Both little…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

This week’s ninth meditation

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Torso – Climbing – Stomach

3 Left Index-finger

6 Left Ring-finger

9 Left Little-finger

12 Left Middle-finger

2 Both Ring-fingers

5 Both Little-fingers

8 Both Middle-fingers

11 Both Index-fingers

1 Right Little-finger

4 Right Middle-finger

7 Right Index-finger

10 Right Ring-finger

IN-breath: Right middle…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Concise Twelve Elemental Permutations

1 Right Little-finger Cardinal-fire Crown Adventurous Courage

2 Both Ring-fingers Fixed-earth Throat Wealth and Sexuality

3 Left Index-finger Mutable-air Upper limbs Playful Creativity

4 Right Middle-finger Cardinal-water Stomach Mother Henning

5 Both Little-fingers Fixed-fire Liver Charismatic Leadership

6 Left Ring-finger Mutable-earth Guts Considerate Meticulousness

7 Right Index-finger Cardinal-air Kidney Love and Beauty

8 Both Middle-fingers Fixed-water Crotch Deep Desires

9 Left Little-finger Mutable-fire Thighs Big-picture Thinking

10 Right Ring-finger Cardinal-earth Bones Affluence and Power

11 Both Index-fingers Fixed-air Calves Laid-back, Smart Generous

12 Left Middle-finger Mutable-water Feet Surrendered Sagehood

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

4 Right Middle-finger Cardinal-water Stomach Mother Henning

Welcome to the fourth mudra,

where we count the creases of our right Middle-finger

with the tip of its thumb.

4 Right Middle-finger Cardinal-water Stomach Mother Henning

“Cardinal” refers

to the advancing energy of our right hand.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

4 Right Middle-finger Cardinal-water Stomach Mother Henning

Water always refers to

one or both Middle-fingers.

4 Right Middle-finger Cardinal-water Stomach Mother Henning

Our stomach could

be correlated to Cardinal-water.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

4 Right Middle-finger Cardinal-water Stomach Mother Henning

Cardinal-water is correlated with

the archetype of Cancer’s mother hen

which is like a basket containing many sub-archetypes such as:

the healer, the psychic, the mother,

the invisible man, the maiden, the witch,

the counsellor, the seductress and the psychologist.

Let’s practice the meditation “Right middle/ relaxing!” on

the next page…

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Torso – Climbing – Stomach

3 Left Index-finger

6 Left Ring-finger

9 Left Little-finger

12 Left Middle-finger

2 Both Ring-fingers

5 Both Little-fingers

8 Both Middle-fingers

11 Both Index-fingers

1 Right Little-finger

4 Right Middle-finger

7 Right Index-finger

10 Right Ring-finger

IN-breath: Right middle…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

This week’s tenth meditation

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Bust – Climbing – Arms

3 Left Index-finger

6 Left Ring-finger

9 Left Little-finger

12 Left Middle-finger

2 Both Ring-fingers

5 Both Little-fingers

8 Both Middle-fingers

11 Both Index-fingers

1 Right Little-finger

4 Right Middle-finger

7 Right Index-finger

10 Right Ring-finger

IN-breath: Left index…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Concise Twelve Elemental Permutations

1 Right Little-finger Cardinal-fire Crown Adventurous Courage

2 Both Ring-fingers Fixed-earth Throat Wealth and Sexuality

3 Left Index-finger Mutable-air Upper limbs Playful Creativity

4 Right Middle-finger Cardinal-water Stomach Mother Henning

5 Both Little-fingers Fixed-fire Liver Charismatic Leadership

6 Left Ring-finger Mutable-earth Guts Considerate Meticulousness

7 Right Index-finger Cardinal-air Kidney Love and Beauty

8 Both Middle-fingers Fixed-water Crotch Deep Desires

9 Left Little-finger Mutable-fire Thighs Big-picture Thinking

10 Right Ring-finger Cardinal-earth Bones Affluence and Power

11 Both Index-fingers Fixed-air Calves Laid-back, Smart Generous

12 Left Middle-finger Mutable-water Feet Surrendered Sagehood

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

3 Left Index-finger Mutable-air Upper limbs Playful Creativity

Welcome to the third mudra,

where we count the creases of our left Index-finger

with the tip of its thumb.

3 Left Index-finger Mutable-air Upper limbs Playful Creativity

“Mutable” refers

to the yielding energy of our left hand.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

3 Left Index-finger Mutable-air Upper limbs Playful Creativity

Air always refers to

one or both Index-fingers.

3 Left Index-finger Mutable-air Upper limbs Playful Creativity

Our upper limbs’: hands, wrists, arms and shoulders could

be correlated to Mutable-air

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

3 Left Index-finger Mutable-air Upper limbs Playful Creativity

Mutable-air is correlated with

the archetype of Gemini’s playful creativity

which is like a basket containing many sub-archetypes such as:

the student, the storyteller, the gypsy,

the wander, the journalist, the trickster,

the comedian, the child, the writer,

the teacher, and the messenger.

Let’s practice the meditation “Left index/ relaxing!” on

the next page…

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Bust – Climbing – Arms

3 Left Index-finger

6 Left Ring-finger

9 Left Little-finger

12 Left Middle-finger

2 Both Ring-fingers

5 Both Little-fingers

8 Both Middle-fingers

11 Both Index-fingers

1 Right Little-finger

4 Right Middle-finger

7 Right Index-finger

10 Right Ring-finger

IN-breath: Left index…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

This week’s eleventh meditation

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Bust – Climbing – Throat

3 Left Index-finger

6 Left Ring-finger

9 Left Little-finger

12 Left Middle-finger

2 Both Ring-fingers

5 Both Little-fingers

8 Both Middle-fingers

11 Both Index-fingers

1 Right Little-finger

4 Right Middle-finger

7 Right Index-finger

10 Right Ring-finger

IN-breath: Both these rings…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Concise Twelve Elemental Permutations

1 Right Little-finger Cardinal-fire Crown Adventurous Courage

2 Both Ring-fingers Fixed-earth Throat Wealth and Sexuality

3 Left Index-finger Mutable-air Upper limbs Playful Creativity

4 Right Middle-finger Cardinal-water Stomach Mother Henning

5 Both Little-fingers Fixed-fire Liver Charismatic Leadership

6 Left Ring-finger Mutable-earth Guts Considerate Meticulousness

7 Right Index-finger Cardinal-air Kidney Love and Beauty

8 Both Middle-fingers Fixed-water Crotch Deep Desires

9 Left Little-finger Mutable-fire Thighs Big-picture Thinking

10 Right Ring-finger Cardinal-earth Bones Affluence and Power

11 Both Index-fingers Fixed-air Calves Laid-back, Smart Generous

12 Left Middle-finger Mutable-water Feet Surrendered Sagehood

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

2 Both Ring-fingers Fixed-earth Throat Wealth and Sexuality

Welcome to the second mudra,

where we count the creases of both our Ring-fingers simultaneously,

with the tips of each of their thumbs.

2 Both Ring-fingers Fixed-earth Throat Wealth and Sexuality

“Fixed” refers to

the balanced energy of both our hands.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

2 Both Ring-fingers Fixed-earth Throat Wealth and Sexuality

Earth always refers to

one or both Ring-fingers.

2 Both Ring-fingers Fixed-earth Throat Wealth and Sexuality

Our throat could

be correlated to Fixed-earth

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

2 Both Ring-fingers Fixed-earth Throat Wealth and Sexuality

Fixed-earth is correlated with

the archetype of Taurus’ affluent, rooted, hedonism

which is like a basket containing many sub-archetypes such as:

the nature spirit, the musician, the silent one,

the object of passion, the owner, the temptress,

the artist, the creator, the banker, and the designer.

Let’s practice the meditation “These rings/ relaxing!” on

the next page…

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Bust – Climbing – Throat

3 Left Index-finger

6 Left Ring-finger

9 Left Little-finger

12 Left Middle-finger

2 Both Ring-fingers

5 Both Little-fingers

8 Both Middle-fingers

11 Both Index-fingers

1 Right Little-finger

4 Right Middle-finger

7 Right Index-finger

10 Right Ring-finger

IN-breath: Both these rings…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

This week’s twelfth meditation

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Bust – Climbing – Scalp

3 Left Index-finger

6 Left Ring-finger

9 Left Little-finger

12 Left Middle-finger

2 Both Ring-fingers

5 Both Little-fingers

8 Both Middle-fingers

11 Both Index-fingers

1 Right Little-finger

4 Right Middle-finger

7 Right Index-finger

10 Right Ring-finger

IN-breath: Right little…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Concise Twelve Elemental Permutations

1 Right Little-finger Cardinal-fire Crown Adventurous Courage

2 Both Ring-fingers Fixed-earth Throat Wealth and Sexuality

3 Left Index-finger Mutable-air Upper limbs Playful Creativity

4 Right Middle-finger Cardinal-water Stomach Mother Henning

5 Both Little-fingers Fixed-fire Liver Charismatic Leadership

6 Left Ring-finger Mutable-earth Guts Considerate Meticulousness

7 Right Index-finger Cardinal-air Kidney Love and Beauty

8 Both Middle-fingers Fixed-water Crotch Deep Desires

9 Left Little-finger Mutable-fire Thighs Big-picture Thinking

10 Right Ring-finger Cardinal-earth Bones Affluence and Power

11 Both Index-fingers Fixed-air Calves Laid-back, Smart Generous

12 Left Middle-finger Mutable-water Feet Surrendered Sagehood

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

1 Right Little-finger Cardinal-fire Crown Adventurous Courage

Welcome to the first mudra,

where we count the creases of our right Little-finger

with the tip of its thumb.

1 Right Little-finger Cardinal-fire Crown Adventurous Courage

“Cardinal” refers to

the advancing energy of our right hand.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

1 Right Little-finger Cardinal-fire Crown Adventurous Courage

Fire always refers to

one or both Little-fingers.

1 Right Little-finger Cardinal-fire Crown Adventurous Courage

Our crown could

be correlated to Cardinal-fire

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

1 Right Little-finger Cardinal-fire Crown Adventurous Courage

Cardinal-fire is correlated with

the archetype of Aries’ adventurous courage

which is like a basket containing many sub-archetypes such as:

the pioneer, the explorer, the combatant,

the freedom fighter, the defender, the rescuer,

the worthy opponent, the dare devil,

the adventurer, and the new born.

Let’s practice the meditation “Right little/ relaxing!” on

the next page…

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Bust – Climbing – Scalp

3 Left Index-finger

6 Left Ring-finger

9 Left Little-finger

12 Left Middle-finger

2 Both Ring-fingers

5 Both Little-fingers

8 Both Middle-fingers

11 Both Index-fingers

1 Right Little-finger

4 Right Middle-finger

7 Right Index-finger

10 Right Ring-finger

IN-breath: Right little…

OUT-breath: relaxing! Four breaths

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary


This extensive explanation of the twelve elemental permutations,

and how to access them,

has been elaborate and exhausting.

For a brief and easy synopsis you might enjoy:

“Concise Twelve Elemental Permutations” in

the appendix of each lessons’ practice text.

That’s it, we’ve completed the first lesson.

Doing our homework,

assuming we’re not rereading the lesson,

should take us less than eight minutes.

Such a short amount of time

is easy to shoe horn into our busy mornings and evenings.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Consider the first benefit of this week’s homework

to be increasing our experience

of simplicity, patience and compassion…

the second benefit could be a familiarity and

comfort with the twelve finger positions

(or Mu-dras in Sanskrit),

whereas the third benefit

could simply be forging the habit

of twice daily practice;

a habit that could benefit us in ways heretofore undreamt.

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary


Gradually Progressing from a Beginning to an Intermediate Contemplative


Concise – Twelve Elemental Permutations

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Gradually progressing from a Beginning

to an Intermediate Contemplative

Week Duration

1st 7 ½ minutes

2nd 7 ½ minutes

3rd 15 minutes

4th 22 ½ minutes

5th 30 minutes

Week Duration

6th 45 minutes

7th 52 ½ minutes

8th 60 minutes

9th 67 ½ minutes

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Week Rumination Recitation Meditation

First Anapanasati Sutta or its Commentary Gradually Progressing as a Contemplative

Twelve Elemental Permutations

Finger Positions and Relaxation

Second Tao Te Ching 1st – 6th Chapters Two Paths

Good Fortune 1st – Set of Sensation and Acquiescence

Third Tao Te Ching 7th – 12th Chapters Meaningful to Behold 1st – Set of Perception and Acquiescence

Fourth Tao Te Ching 13th – 18th Chapters Opening Compassionate Intention 1st – Set of Universal Compassion

Fifth Tao Te Ching 19th – 24th Chapters Benediction 2nd – Set of Impermanence & Acquiescence

as well as Awareness and Acquiescence

Sixth Tao Te Ching 25th – 30th Chapters Impermanence and

Four Levels of Practice

1st – Set of Impermanence & Acquiescence

as well as Awareness and Acquiescence

Seventh Tao Te Ching 31st – 36th Chapters The Nature of Suffering 2nd – Set of Sensation and Acquiescence

Eighth Tao Te Ching 37th – 42nd Chapters Precious Human Life 2nd – Set of Perception and Acquiescence

Ninth Tao Te Ching 43rd – 48th Chapters Interdependence 2nd – Set of Universal Compassion

Tenth Tao Te Ching 47th – 54th Chapters Calling the Lama from Afar 3rd – Set of Impermanence & Acquiescence

as well as Awareness and Acquiescence

Eleventh Tao Te Ching 55th – 60th Chapters Notice, Relax and Flow Sleep Induction

Twelfth Tao Te Ching 61st – 66th Chapters Wakefulness Induction

Thirteenth Tao Te Ching 67th – 72nd Chapters Befuddlement Practice

Fourteenth Tao Te Ching 73rd – 78th Chapters Fortunate Rebirth Very Sedating Practice

Fifteenth Tao Te Ching 79th – 81st Chapters The Path of Mastery

Sixteenth The Means of Mastery

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

Concise Twelve Elemental Permutations

1 Right Little-finger Cardinal-fire Crown Adventurous Courage

2 Both Ring-fingers Fixed-earth Throat Wealth and Sexuality

3 Left Index-finger Mutable-air Upper limbs Playful Creativity

4 Right Middle-finger Cardinal-water Stomach Mother Henning

5 Both Little-fingers Fixed-fire Liver Charismatic Leadership

6 Left Ring-finger Mutable-earth Guts Considerate Meticulousness

7 Right Index-finger Cardinal-air Kidney Love and Beauty

8 Both Middle-fingers Fixed-water Crotch Deep Desires

9 Left Little-finger Mutable-fire Thighs Big-picture Thinking

10 Right Ring-finger Cardinal-earth Bones Affluence and Power

11 Both Index-fingers Fixed-air Calves Laid-back, Smart Generous

12 Left Middle-finger Mutable-water Feet Surrendered Sagehood

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Awareness and Acquiescence – First Lesson – Commentary

If you find this synopsis to be cryptic and incomprehensible

then you might enjoy the “Extensive Twelve Elemental Permutations,”

found in the commentary to this, the First Practice.