AWP 2013 ZAF_OUTCOME21 Reduction in income inequality National Goal Eliminating poverty and reducing inequality UNDAF Outcome Reduction in income inequality Output Project Description Indicator Baseline Target Activities 2013 Budget Expenditure Source Balance Sep Oct Nov Dec UNESTSA TRAC 1 00084807 Enhanced Social Protection Framework 1. Number of international information exchange engagements held on social protection 2. Concept Note outlining the functions and role of the Strategic Policy and Technical Unit completed 3. Declarative report drafted on the establishment of a data observatory 1.2012: Lack of information on best practices of successful social protection mechanisms from middle income countries. 2.2012: Lack of sufficient capacity to provide strategic and technical advisory services within the DSD. 3.2012: Lack of up-to-date information to inform evidence based planning and strategies. 1. Officials from the Department of Social Development exposed to social protection mechanisms successfully implemented in other middle income countries 2. Strategic Policy and Technical Advisory Unit established 3. Report on the database relation model produced ACTIVITY1 Description: Support to DSD 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 ACTIVITY2 Description: Info Exchange Sessions 40,000 38 39,962 39,962 ACTIVITY3 Inequality Study 35,000 35,000 35,000 2 00084810 Expanded Access to Employment 1. Research reports on profiling unemployed youth and youth 1. 2012: Youth unemployment is estimated at 73% 2. Lack of 1. Two policy briefs on youth employment schemes and ACTIVITY1 Description: Technical and 0 28,119 - 28,119

AWP 2013 ZAF OUTCOME21 Reduction in income …...development frameworks are effectively managed by local communities. 2006: Limited integration of conservation management in Local

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Page 1: AWP 2013 ZAF OUTCOME21 Reduction in income …...development frameworks are effectively managed by local communities. 2006: Limited integration of conservation management in Local

AWP 2013 ZAF_OUTCOME21 Reduction in income inequality National Goal Eliminating poverty and reducing inequality

UNDAF Outcome Reduction in income inequality

Output Project

Description Indicator Baseline Target Activities 2013 Budget Expenditure Source Balance

Sep Oct Nov Dec


1 00084807 Enhanced Social Protection Framework

1. Number of international information exchange engagements held on social protection 2. Concept Note outlining the functions and role of the Strategic Policy and Technical Unit completed 3. Declarative report drafted on the establishment of a data observatory

1.2012: Lack of information on best practices of successful social protection mechanisms from middle income countries. 2.2012: Lack of sufficient capacity to provide strategic and technical advisory services within the DSD. 3.2012: Lack of up-to-date information to inform evidence based planning and strategies.

1. Officials from the Department of Social Development exposed to social protection mechanisms successfully implemented in other middle income countries 2. Strategic Policy and Technical Advisory Unit established 3. Report on the database relation model produced

ACTIVITY1 Description: Support to DSD

20,000 0 20,000 20,000

ACTIVITY2 Description: Info Exchange Sessions


38 39,962 39,962

ACTIVITY3 Inequality Study

35,000 35,000 35,000

2 00084810 Expanded Access to Employment

1. Research reports on profiling unemployed youth and youth

1. 2012: Youth unemployment is estimated at 73% 2. Lack of

1. Two policy briefs on youth employment schemes and

ACTIVITY1 Description: Technical and

0 28,119 - 28,119

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employment schemes completed 2. Draft report on guidelines on the establishment of Incubators. 3. Research report to identify gaps and bottlenecks that hinder women entrepreneurs from accessing funds for their businesses 4. Business Plan for a Manufacturing Plant in Soweto developed 5. Policy documents on rural development and equitable access to land developed

technical guidelines on how establish and manage business incubators 3. No information on factors that hampers Women Entrepreneurs access to Finance 4. 2008: Rural Share of Poverty estimated at 57% by the National Development Plan high 5. 2012: Lack of business skills by SMMEs owners to manage and grow their businesses. 6. 2008: Rural share of poverty estimated at 57%

profile of unemployment youth produced and shared with policy makers through a policy dialogue 2. Guidelines for establishing effective Business Incubators developed 3. Report on the factors that impede women access to finance completed 4.Develop a Business Plan for

Advisory Support

Furniture Manufacturing Plant 5. Two policy documents on integrated rural development strategy and equitable access to land developed

ACTIVITY2 Description: Policy Dialogues

0 0 0 0 0

ACTIVITY3 Description: Support to DTI

0 0 0 0 0

ACTIVITY4 Description: Support to National Treasury

241,714 133,330 241,714 0 108,385

ACTIVITY5 Description: Institutional Capacity for Women

115,000 68,809 115,000 100,000 46,191

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ACTIVITY6 Description: Support Dept of Rural Dev&Land

356,714 236,538 120,176

3 00084811 Supplier Development Programme

1. Localise business development Guidelines and Manual 2. Independent national team of SDP coordinator and specialists established 3. Number of SDP specialists trained in entrepreneurship 4. Report on value chains for SMMES and cooperatives produced and distributed 5. Quarterly reports on SMME technical support produced and distributed

1. 2011: 63% of small businesses fail in their first 18 months of trading and poor quality business development services provided by business consultants 2. 2012: Absence of a dedicated qualified team to provide business support to SMMEs and link them with value chains of big companies 3. 2012: Lack of well-trained business consultants trained in providing business support to Suppliers. 4. 2012: Lack of information on

1. 40 Supplier Development Programme specialists trained 2. Establish a dedicated team to work with SMMEs and improve their competitiveness 3. 30 SMMEs integrated into the 2 value chains 4. Develop a control unit to monitor implementation by SDP Specialists 5. Demand Survey of Agriculture Products in Gauteng Province 6. Increase income of members of cooperatives and improve cooperative management

ACTIVITY1 Description: Build the Capacity of SMEs

50,000 0 50,000 0 50,000

ACTIVITY2 Description: Adapt & Translate SDP Method

50,000 0 50,000 0 50,000

ACTIVITY3 Description: Translation of SDP Manuals

0 0 0 0 0

ACTIVITY4 Description: Develop SDP Website & Election

0 0 0 0 0

ACTIVITY5 Description: Training Local Consultants SDP

551,714 242,931 - - 308,783

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6. Research report on agriculture situation in target community (Tladi Soweto) produced 7. Number of target beneficiaries trained/mentored in management of cooperatives and business

business opportunities available for cooperatives and SMME in value chains. 5. 2012: Lack of monitoring system to track progress of suppliers to achieved jointly set goals with buyers. 6. 2012: Lack of information on the agricultural products required by the communities and business. 7. 2012:Lack of capacity to manage cooperatives

AWP 2013 ZAF_OUTCOME22 Stabilization and reduction of carbon emissions and climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies fully operational National Goal South Africa becomes a low-carbon and climate change resilient economy by 2030 UNDAF Outcome Stabilization and reduction of carbon emissions and climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies fully operational

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1 00049762 PIMS 1767 BD FSP: South Africa

1. Number of institutions capacitated on natural resource management in the Wild Coast. 2. Extent in which communities

participate in the management of Protected Areas 3. Number of Communal owned PAs that are effectively managed by local

2006: Lack of institutional capacity for protected area management in the Wild Coast. 2006: Inadequate participation of

communities in parks' management and ineffective management of protected areas. 2006: Few communally owned PAs that

1. Institutional capacity building on the management of protected areas strengthened within the Eastern Cape Parks Board, Provincial Department of Environment and one local municipality 2. Annual increase in percentage and number of communities participating in management of

ACTIVITY1 Description: Institutional framework & cap

324,322 190,153 √ 134,169

ACTIVITY2 Description: Management Effectiveness Type1

18,325 15,812 √ 2,513

ACTIVITY3 Description: A functioning network Type2

868,977 615,002 √ 253,975

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communities 4. % of local economic development processes integrating conservation management 5. Number of institutions capacitated to negotiate and implement co-management systems and agreements in protected areas 6. Progress made towards the development of the strategic management plan and spatial conservation development frameworks

are effectively managed by local communities. 2006: Limited integration of conservation management in Local Economic Development. 2006: Few institutions with capacity to negotiate and implement co-management systems in protected area in the Wild Coast. 2006 No strategic management plans and spatial conservation development frameworks.

protected areas 3. Two communal owned PAs that are managed by communities 4. 30% of local municipalities integrating conservation management within the LED 5. At Least 2 co-management agreement signed and adopted 6. Three consultative stakeholders' workshops held on the development of the strategic management plan and spatial conservation development framework

2 00055675 PIMS 3276 FSP Transport


1. Quality and environmentally

sustainable public transport

2010: Inefficient public transport

system in seven 2010 venue cities

1. Three Municipalities with

improved transport system

ACTIVITY1 Description: 1

Transport system improvement


655,812 √ 582,662

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system in seven 2010 venue cities 2. Environmentally friendly Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) systems operational in urban areas 3. Number of government officials, technical people from transport industry and general public capacitated on sustainable transport issues 4. Quality of urban public transport system during the 2010 World Cup and within selected municipalities

contributing to high levels of greenhouse gases 2008: Green house gas emitting urban public transport system 2008: Inadequate capacity and knowledge of sustainable transport issues amongst local government officials, transport industry and the general public.

2. At least one environmental friendly bus transport system operational (Nelson Mandela Bay Metro) 3. Twenty professionals trained in sustainable transport management (government, transport engineers and communities)

ACTIVITY2 Description: 2 Increased capacity and strengthen

551,000 416,162 √ 134,838

M AND E Description: 3 Monitoring and Evaluation

150,000 29 √ 149,971

3 00070094 ORASCOM: Orange-Senqu Riv Basi

1. Number of countries with Integrated Water Resource Management

2008: Anthropogenic threats to the Orange-Senqu river Basin

1. Two countries with IWRS systems or national plans in place

Activity ID: 000000000000001 Description: 6 Project Management Unit

99,334 0 √ 99,334

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System 2. Number of water information sharing systems in place 3. Number of countries that have developed strategic environmental assessment and environmental impact assessment

caused by altered water flow regime caused by dams, deteriorating water quality, land degradation and alien invasive species. Vegetation on the basin negatively impacted by clearing for small scale alluvial mining, wood fuel collecting for cooking and

2. One central integrated information system/portal 3. Two countries have developed strategic environmental assessment and have undertaken environmental impact assessment

ACTIVITY1 Description: 1 Inst'al Streng'in of ORASCOM

211,289 113,062 √ 98,227

ACTIVITY2 Description: 1 Transbound Diagnostic Analy

155,152 90,816 √ 64,336

ACTIVITY3 Description: 3 Strategic Action Prog & NAPs


205,509 √ 431,502

ACTIVITY4 Description: 4 Stakehold Invlvmt Activities

137,360 40,901 √ 96,459

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building material and agriculture. There is also a decline aquatic invertebrate in the Orange River system, viz. mayflies, snails and others. Modified fish communities due to the deterioration of the water quality. 2008: At the start of the project no unified mechanism for sharing information within the basin and across sectors existed. A number of initiatives address sharing of spatial data and information, but need to be coordinated. The project has since established the Orange-Senqu Water Information System, an online data and information portal. The portal now hosts some 37,000 files and profiles some 120 third party data

custodians. 2008: Sharing of information

ACTIVITY5 Description: 5 Demo Projects Env,Irri,Com,

747,981 455,066 √ 292,916

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4 00076680 Reducing Disaster Risks from W

2013: 1(a). Number of Fire Protection Associations (FPAs) integrated into and aligned with, the affected structures (including the municipal land use planning, fire brigade and disaster services) 1(b) Ability of regional centers and networks with capacity to effectively respond to extreme weather events. 2. Number of Automated Weather Stations (AWS) recording local weather conditions under a changing climate regime in the high altitude mountain areas of the Fynbos

2012: There is only one Fire Protection Association with inadequate capacity to manage climate-induced windland fires in the Fynbos Biome 2012: Ten automated Weather Stations are currently operational in the Fynbos Biome 2012: Ten private landowners taking proactive risk management measures to prevent wildfire and associated hazard reduction

1(a). Agreement with local authorities reached on the formation of FPAs in 2 District Municipalities 1(b) 5 Advanced Fire Information System field terminals set up for the dissemination of information through Fire Danger Indexes to FPA members 2. An additional 20 Automated Weather Stations (AWS) established to monitor weather and wildfire hazards 3. A communication and awareness strategy implemented by an extension officer to inform landowners about the need to take proactive measures against

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biome. 3.Number of private landowners in FPAs with institutionised proactive risk management measures encouraged by insurance based incentives

wildfire hazards

5 00077334 Market Transformation through

1. Evidence of applicable S&L implementing regulations gazetted and enacted 2.Energy classes and MEPS thresholds for the 12 products included in DoE & DTI action plans 3. Number of institutions audited and capacitated 4. Number of consumers and

2013: Insufficient or out-dated policy/regulatory framework to implement Standards & Labelling to address the current challenges on energy and electricity. 2013: Labelling specifications and MEPs are unknown. 2013: There are no accredited institutions for testing and

1. Policy/institutional framework on energy efficient appliances is gazetted and enacted into law under National Energy Act 2. An agreement with stakeholders on energy classes and MEPS requirements for the 12 products included in DoE and DTI action Plan reached 3.Accreditation of testing facilities

ACTIVITY 1 Description: Policy and regulatory framework

95,800 0 √ 95,800

ACTIVITY2 Description: Labelling and MEPS

401,000 0 √ 401,000

ACTIVITY3 Description: Capacity building

483,400 0 √ 483,400

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retailers who are made aware of appliance energy efficiency standards and labels 5.Market Surveillance & Compliance (MSC) procedures adopted and implemented

enforcement of standards and labels 2013: There is limited awareness amongst consumers and retailers on energy efficiency 2013: No Standards and Labels in place .

(public & private) and enforcement institutions 4. Awareness raised to at least 50% of consumers and retailers to understand the meaning of the label and its benefits 5. Ensure that the number of the households appliance sold in the market are compliant with Standards & Labelling

ACTIVITY4 Description: Awareness raising

108,700 0 √ 108,700

ACTIVITY5 Description: Market Surveillance & Compliance

41,000 0 √ 41,000

ACTIVITY6 Description: M&E Capacities

54,500 √ 54,500

6 00084829 Sustainable Energy for All

1. Number of municipalities that has undertaken SE4ALL assessment 2. Number of municipalities that has developed green economy/climate change response strategies.

6. Number of

2012: Limited information on SE4ALL policy and strategy gaps and needs at municipal level 2012: Few metropolitan cities have developed climate change response strategies

1. SE4ALL Assessments undertaken by 2 municipalities. 2. South Africa’s Green Economy Model Report (SAGEM) launched and disseminated to relevant Government Departments,

Private Sector and Civil society.

ACTIVITY1 Description: Support capacity development

50,000 4,055 √ 45,945

ACTIVITY2 Description: Accelerate green economy

50,000 4,050 √ 45,950

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sectors translating SAGEM into sector specific action plans

7 00084830 Enhancing Biodiversity Management

1. No of municipalities with climate resilient development strategies integrating natural resource management and green economy. 2. Number of rural communities participating in the shared learning network and exchange of best practices in biodiversity, related rehabilitation, climate change adaptation and green economy initiatives.

2013: Only few municipalities have Climate Resilient development strategies in place 2013: Few rural communities have participated in the exchange of sharing of experiences on climate change adaptation and green economy initiatives.

1. Two rural municipalities having developed climate change resilient development strategies. 2. Four community groups participating in shared learning network.

ACTIVITY1 Support capacity






Description: Accelerate green





ACTIVITY3 Description:

promote public-private p/ship




ZAF_OUTCOME23 National, provincial and local levels of government have expanded and improved the equitable delivery of public services National Goal South Africa to become a country characterised by an efficient, effective and development oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship

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UNDAF Outcome National, provincial and local levels of government have expanded and improved the equitable delivery of services

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1 00072506 UNDP Support to the Health Sec

1. Number of UNV health professionals recruited to the Health Sector in Limpopo, and the extend they contribute to health service delivery 2. Quality and types of skills transferred to local health professionals and the extend they contribute to local knowledge base 3. Number of events held to promote volunteerism and the extend they impact on locals to volunteer 4. Some form of agreement between UNDP and the province starting 2014

2009: The province is largely rural with an estimated population of 5 404 868 people which constitutes 10.4 % of the South African total population. Being a rural province, the resultant brain drain creates a huge shortage of health professionals in the province as health professionals leave the province for better opportunities locally and internationally. Since January 2013, the project's number of UNV health professionals has declined from 48 to 26. The province is also characterised by poor health infrastructure which does not attract health professionals. Volunteerism by local professional is also not common in the province. The current partnership/programme with UNDP ends in 2014. The current partnership programme with UNDP

1. Increased number of health professionals from 22 to 30 by the end of 2013 to improve on provincial health service delivery 2. Database on transferred skills and impact on hosting health facility 3. At least one international UNV volunteerism event/campaign organised to promote local volunteerism and the extent the event contribute to local volunteerism 4. The fourth partnership programme on health service delivery for Limpopo government developed to support the Provincial

ACTIVITY1 Description: Volunteerism &Capacity Develop

260,000 636,493 Cost Sharing -376,493

ACTIVITY2 Description: Health Planning Support

36,000 27,882 Cost Sharing 8,118

ACTIVITY3 Description: KM & Leadership Development

36,000 0 Cost Sharing 36,000

ACTIVITY4 Description: Monitoring and Evaluation

100,260 3,489 Cost Sharing 96,771

ACTIVITY5 Description: General Management & Admin

467,740 127,597 Cost Sharing 340,143

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ends in 2014. Department of Health in meeting health service delivery mandate

2 00084812 Strengthened Public Sector Delivery

1. National research document that identifies and analyses the gaps on the repositioning of the public sector for a developmental state; Number of government structures supported to strengthen technical leadership, strategic planning; and functional M&E systems aligned to the National Development Plan 2. Percentage increase of government structures with gender-sensitive and human rights based operational plans for HIV. 3. Number of government institutions with capacity to design,

1. 2012: Government priority to develop a public sector that supports its developmental state agenda. Inadequate evidence that structures, processes, capacity, and policies of the public sector are contributing to the agenda of SA developmental state; Uneven access and quality of service delivery across 3 spheres of government; Government priority to strengthen strategic leadership and institutional capacity; and M&E to improve service delivery and accountability. 2. 2012: The National Strategic Plan for HIV, TB and STIs (2012-2016) requires all national and provincial departments to mainstream HIV into

1. Public sector knowledge base, performance and service delivery for a developmental state enhanced through: a national research report with findings and recommendations on the repositioning of the public sector for a developmental state; M&E fully functional in 2 public institutions each at national & local level, & one provincial strategy developed; and strategic leadership and institutional capacity development programme developed 2. 50% of government departments have

ACTIVITY1 Description: Leadership Capacity Building

50,000 17,754 √ 32,246

ACTIVITY2 Description: Repositioning of Public Sector

132,000 223,476 √ -91,476

ACTIVITY3 Description: M&E Support

5,000 953 √ 4,048

ACTIVITY4 Description: Gender

50,000 0 √ 50,000

ACTIVITY5 Description: HIV

50,000 22,719 √ 27,281

ACTIVITY6 Description: Support to Vulnerable Groups

50,000 2,352 √ 47,648

ACTIVITY7 Description: MAF

38,000 3,138 √ 34,862

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implement and monitor gender equality and women empowerment, policies and programmes 4. Number of Organised Development Aid management tools developed

their plans, strategies and processes for a multi-sectoral public sector response to the HIV and TB epidemics. So far 25% of government departments have met the mainstreaming requirement. 3. 2012: Inadequate

gender sensitive and rights based operational plans for implementing the National Strategic Plans for HIV, TB and STIs (2012-2016). 3. A Social Institutions Gender Index study

ACTIVITY8 Description: Post 2015

64,000 √ 64,000

ACTIVITY9 Description: Support to DWCPD

107,400 √ 107,400

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institutional capacity to design, implement and monitor gender equality and women empowerment policies, programmes and impact. 4. Inadequate capacity & tools to monitor development aid

conducted to measure and monitor gender equality in South Africa's Institutions; A study on inclusive financing for women on SMMEs to identify barriers and bottlenecks in financing women entrepreneurs 4. One vulnerable group is supported to institutionalise its structure and mainstreamed within the government planning processes 5. Two development aid management tools developed and integrated within National Treasury Budgeting processes 5. Two development aid management tools developed

3 00084813 Enhanced Accountability and Ci

1. Number of parliament portfolio committees & legislators benefitting from the UN Parliament support programme; Number

2011: Inadequate/ limited capacity in some of the oversight institutions; 2009: 77% turnout of registered voters ( more than 20% gap between

1. UN-Interagency Parliament capacity development programme developed and implemented in partnership with 6

ACTIVITY1 Description: Support to Parliament

100,000 0 0 √ 100,00

ACTIVITY2 Description:

0 8,607


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of UN agencies participating to showcase UN joint programming & the extend in which institutional oversight capacity has been enhanced/expanded 2. Number of municipalities/provinces and communities with functional strategies and systems for public participation on service delivery & the extend in which mutual accountability & citizen satisfaction has been improved. 3. Progress made on the development & implementation of UNDP support programme to the Electoral Commission, which includes regional knowledge exchange and support, special provision for women & people with disability & progress on the voters state of readiness for the 2014 national elections & 2015 local government elections

registered voters & actual voters) , of which 56% were women. Rural voters constituted 35%, & urban areas 65%. Inadequate provisions for the full participation of women and people with disabilities in the electoral process. Uncoordinated electoral knowledge sharing mechanisms and contribution to global electoral knowledge, & inadequate citizen oversight participation to enhance service delivery & democratic processes

portfolios committees; 2. Three (3) mid/large municipalities have citizen participation and feedback mechanisms integrated in their planning 3. National support programme to IEC developed and implemented

Citizen Participation

ACTIVITY3 Description: No Activity

ACTIVITY4 Description: MDGs

50,000 15,238 40,000 10,000


ACTIVITY5 Description: AID Coordination


65,030 √ 4,970

ACTIVITY Description: Support to IEC

0 0 √ 0

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4 00086848 UNCRPD Disability 1. Availability of rights-based disability indicators to collect and report data on the rights of persons with disabilities 2. Number of government disability focal points and disability sector personnel skilled in Monitoring and Evaluation, database management, analysis and reporting on the rights of people with disabilities

2013: The current available official data do not reveal the extent to which people with disabilities are deprived of essential services and are free from discrimination and stigma. 2013: There is a dearth of information on opportunities/constraints to participation in societal activities by people living with disability in the country, hampering effective planning and implementation of disability policy, programmes and allocation of resources.

1. A comprehensive Disability M&E Framework for persons with disabilities established and fully operational 2. Key DWCPD, disability focal points and disability sector personnel skilled in Monitoring and Evaluation, database management, analysis and reporting on the rights of people with disabilities

ACTIVITY1 Description: M&E Capacity Development

113,420 378 Cost sharing 113,042

AWP 2013 ZAF_OUTCOME24 Enhanced capacity to promote peace and development in Africa National Goal

Create a better South Africa and contribute to a better and safer Africa and World UNDAF Outcome Enhanced capacity to promote peace and development in Africa

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1 00074319 Communities

of Diversity Peace

1. Number of

cities conducting advocacy campaigns on the rights migrants and social integration 2. Extent of Local communities’ engagement in dialogues to address migration issues. 3. Number of migration desks developed. 4. Number of Language training sessions held for foreign nationals

Lack of

citizen participation on awareness raising and information sharing mechanisms on the rights of migrants Inadequate data at national and local levels to effectively address security, peace and migration issues. Limited capacity of municipalities to integrate migration issues to

local planning processes Lack of skills within the migrant community to communicate in local

1. Public

advocacy campaigns held in at least 5 cities 2. Eight (8) social dialogues held in 4 identified provinces. 3. At least 3 migration desks established in three municipalities 4. At least three language training sessions held at the City of Johannesburg for foreign nationals.

Activity ID: 000000000000001 Description: Health & Safety of Migrants

0 151,189


Activity ID: ACTIVITY2 Description: Support to SA Migration Policy

0 25,574



ACTIVITY3 Description: Conflict Resolution and Mediation

154,308 893



ACTIVITY4 Description: Dept. and Agency Coordination





ACTIVITY5 Description: Project Support Unit

65,200 70,588 50,000 (EU)

15,200 -5,388

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2 00076039 Institutional Capacity Enhance

1. Number of beneficiaries from the peace mission training 2. Number of training sessions on peace missions 3. Number of training material/curriculums developed for peace missions

Increase in number and magnitude of the conflicts requiring UN and/or AU interventions, and the increase in demand for Peace Support Operation ( PSO) personnel.

1. 3 training sessions on peace missions 2. Curriculum /training material developed on peace missions for the Peace Mission Training Centre (PMTC)

ACTIVITY1 Description: Training & Educational Centre

0 4,746




ACTIVITY2 Description: Purchasing of Vehicles

0 46,179

ACTIVITY3 Description: International Experts





3 00084814 Peace & Development Exchange

1. Number of policy briefs on peace and security produced 2. Number of training courses held through relevant institutions; 3. Extent to which peace & security policies and

2012: Limited existence of knowledge products on peace and security to influence policy, and expand local knowledge base. 2012: Absence of a Nodal Point

1.Institutionalization of the process, establishment of a forum that brings together think tanks , academic institutions and government; 2.Study/Report on experience of South Africa’s role in enhancing peace & security and promoting

ACTIVITY1 Description: Dev Peace & Security Knowledge

0 23,909 -23,909

ACTIVITY2 Description: Enhance Capacity of SADev Part

91,000 929 √ 90,071

ACTIVITY3 Description: No activity


0 √ 9,000

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development ideas have been embraced by relevant national institutions. 4. Progress made in contributing to the development of training material 5. Conclusion and signing of an Agreement between South African Development Partnership Agency and UNDP or Resident Coordinator; 6. Conclusion of UNDP – Government of South Africa Partnership Framework Agreement (PFA) Plan of Action.

for all external development cooperation

development in Africa; 3. 3 policy briefs on relevant peace and security topics 4. Stakeholder consultation to define the type of trainings and syllabus and training material for the subject matter. 5. Assessment report on the impact of the policy briefs

4 00072611 Support to South Africa`s Regional & Global engagement

29,000 4,768 √ 24,232

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