v«A? ^/ESiffiSS' i...,?l.^_:....^,^.-. m.... VOLUME XVIII. WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. J M THURSDAY, NUMBER 36. * A. M, m In airh . XvtKtttrft riinimuulMl!iin«, 1*1 nn4 :trd Tl inntitli. Msn)ii(crr*II, Wii'litiiJ J. K. rnli«T,\ViiphlUj;i.in. 8. J. TRKFLcCnirTKR, S.i.li, It. A.M.-Stated Cnn- viw-itlmi-,-i\A Tunmr In ftitli iiitmlii. Jl;i- : mute Hull. W.itb Intuit. KctKHiry* • ' . l>. Pal* Vcr,W»AliMtloii.N.4. WAnitiMiirnxCi.rxcil, No. 1. It 1 *!*! nml Snlrel Mt-tcry Stnlciln'H-mMIO.^til 1'riiliy In mwta tnniuh. MiwHr llnll, WmliinetiHi. lUcoMcr, .1. K. fuliKT, Wn.liiUjtuu, .*,. -t. X KTlitti i,WB»hli:l,. M Cir**!*, Xo.lfi, Jr. U. IT, A. M.—Mi'fl- «viuy Mmulny f!Vcii!i>i>. Flr.mi.tiV II ill, ithiti'n. Strii-nry. Ueltnrilim-*-.Wot! n, N. .1, . • K. A- l . . o l t l n ' O . S . - l HI I'lly t irl WjUHlS-ttus l,.tiii.«. Kit.ft, K. A- l . . o l t l n ' O . S . - Stnti-il in.clhii;-, I-t mul Hi.I I'rliliy tn ><-irl> immtli, M^r.n'fc' IU >, W.trt>1«il»n.' J. tt. Hrjant, Siculity. Wi'liltmtwi, S. J. LmRKTT Coi'Ki'ii-, Ni». 1!l, U. U. A.M. Mectlui: tttftr Tuni-iisj c*i"thnr, Mi-elint.kV llnll. H«. rt'tity, W, I*. Ji'iiula^, Wiijlilnytmi, S» J. limn ExCAurxr.HT, Null.'I. (l.-O. V., tucch 2>1 nml 'till Tlmrxniiy t'visiiiiit:* <il e.itli t-iiitiln, iti Oilil I'dUnn-' Hill, \VV.!>Mni{tiin. ttfU'tt, Thorn* _" ...«• Tujlarn, Wu.|.|Hfi!<ri, Jf.J. MA»<cini.ii 1.01'tn:.'Jin' i l . I . 0. O.T, inn!* . «vvrvSfittuilsiy nvfritni* In ",11 IMiniv,. 1 11*11, Wn>hitiu!nn. tH>tr«t.tr*r> T, 11. UtilUb, Wa<h- >li'*';i>SKTi'usit rur.ii'li., %'n. lii'iii, Amcririiii I,c- Klim HI lliir.iir,luroir evity in.lnml IIti .Mmulny vvcnlui:-t |ti ne'i minitli, ni H ttYiutk, j*mi« ury, Miner I'. llaty, W;HI1IIKIO;I, N. .1. ; lft & flt.l Aliiwiny I'VuL-i iiti-arh ni'ititn.'' (Krl.ni July iKt I.i li«. I>1 in.ly iju M .iluwlsy in roiiiiili.) Mtelwtk* II ill. A.lJ.iTivni. J. T. Iiii-illWngliki^ii<ii NJ A h Vy"M. A. STliYKElt,' Civil and Criminal Law Practitioner, WASHINGTON, N. J. ' JOIIN MVVANDYKK, Wnnhlnu'ion, IN"..J., Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Solicitor, Mutter <(• Kniiniiicrin CtciM-cry. .lMlAOTlTlOXEK IN TI1K UNITKH , , STATKd UOUKTri, ' Anil in nil the Court* of AVw Jcn-ty Physician \V Surgeon, WASlliNfiTOS. N..I. iiiil Iinnli. < F. P. OllifOA ill rwiiUiii'rit "h Wn-lilii!:t*i!i av ; . mnitii-In: ^t. CUmil Hoti'l. 'l'c>U.-|»li(.in; in Miner*! OiH.-i:h"iir* 7ti.'.' A. M.. 1 in :i i'. M., 7-.-Mr. M. >lU)t". .IAS. 1..•KOiKSBKIiV. \V->|,li^i.rt. Cheap Reading. Tlio 2««w York World mid I he WauhfiiK<<"> s(llr wKUiu llic rcnrli of all. By spocinl atTaliKciiieuls with the Now York W'vlil we i\re cnubleil to club Hint paper with tlio WAS.nxaros Salt, for tlio coming yonv, iit the Fol- lowing very low rates Weclilv Woilil nmt tlio ST.MI 1 >lU) Dives INSTRUCTIONS in MUSIC PIANO or ORGAN ill. hi* Injun 1 , nr in resli nttuiitlnti |>!ilil to nuUut fiimMifl ir.:u. Alu-ml lili'trls wltll Will s-lU'CL'^ HOTJChS O T . {JI.OUH HOTHI., WASI1IS11TOS AVB., WAS1MSOTOS, S. J. UNWL'KI'AWMr.l) in Tarnation, Accommodation ami Mr.naij ; incut, rermniiont anil Trunsiimt A New BILLIARD PARLOR Attached. "'" ' V. h\ STAA TI-:S, Pt*>j.rM'H~ ATIONAl. HOTEL. JUNVl'IOS", X. .1. "VTA of .Itiiii'liiin (Uluil up tn llr?t-t!;.~- Mvk; anil hiviltw Uw jiiid-.K'«t I Itis vK'liiily tn t-ull in ul . sw. him'.' Tin; ttil'Ii-* will U\ fiiniisiifil wllli (,'imd wlioU^imii' fnoil ul all inciilr. Tliu liiir Thi: fiui:M. ]MKII nViiTlilliinrii tiVltk-s in tliu Sliiii*; Trnvisliii!' until willliiul this n htiine ittul i! nitia n:aViiimbl». lU-ini-mUL 1 Ilti*. ilio•un\. Ik-iiiisctl [iliici; in the town. 'IVlqili.mu Fn-e. 1>OL'. HOIK'KI*:.?, 1'ir'iiik-tor. USDKIl HEATTV uni.HINi!, W-A.yiUWG'X'O'X, IS"..I. . .• .—o_i,—• First-Class' Dining Saloon, MEALS AT ALL HOURS; |* liui; natt, clem) ft»d in tierfoct utdrr. Win. UAUUUN, Dover Boiler Works, " D O . V J - J U , I S . . 1 . TOSTKK P. lillwril. - I'KOI'KlCTOIt, .- ' •. MASirFMrTI'llElim' StMim liollprfl, Smoke SiuiikH, Illiwi \'{\«-(i, WiUi FUimca/runlwiitnliill klmtsirf Unlit nml tn-i^j SlHti't, Iron work. All kitnlnof Ht'.-nii-l lian.l IliiD- ~n]-»'i-.n i IuniK'.i0rc ltttrkutn hi «to«Hi--.-tHi! Holler: utkim In I'sdmticn. EI?"Kt«:li iimviuwonif JI ncv iHillor will 1m (ilviuiiiti l\SltK,\.\4',(;i><n,l <:Y Tor $l.<l(>tl frorn tlu> Ilanr.'M stnum llnlli^ lnwimticrtfo., fri-oi.rrtiiiriti'. Tin-Imiu-rwill !»• your tlt/ii LlwiiolU-j- 1H In fiirim, ti -1 Singer. Singer.. Singer. Itiiw ynu fi'Oit tlio'Siri'itl wnmlcr In SmvimrM; clilui'M—tint Ilimt Aim Kis«Bii7 II !>ays u> hn . ff u H'IIIII liDitM.-, M-lili n Itt'llnlik' Mtictiliui. TilK IIIUII A1131 N1NUKK. konii tim Ix'xl nil ttii<l nwllm ttt tin- loivw! i.H.^i Tliu Slnjsor *llll>lluratiliirltit;(:i»., - : ' . A , II.'i'HOM HOSi'.'AlI'.'lLt,.;;;.•::,;-::-^ , s llplvliloroAvii. Wimhliifiidii. N..!. '-Cull riurfnce#n])lioH!tc si. .fdrtrnli's Clmrdi, RUPTJTRE lORiKlrotiitiilmmi ilmsnm;lay. Mn,.Varlc eiiluwiilinnt PiirKlcnl(jii.'r[al(.a. A.tvlco frco. OI.P pny nml ovotiliis. Sundtiyii llll 3 ILJII, .ICHTIIMI'IIC i jtiitH. Hook tor 2 centt<iiint|>.*.Juiiii an, I yr, UFE orU? S£; C RANT!! An ) i t o i l v o vltmtw.f Tl' imc»WHIIif ! cmiuttif 411ufifN oviiiiitilll, Imdinllim l -•-. inltltArr mrcer; Iilu Ilfciis I'n.^l'U.-n!, iiinl-hh-w lioivuivl trip nroutid Uio wirlil. ICviu-y niltiilt'c . of ilm Nntion's Huh. will rlwlro llil^Uio l«<rt w«H ' ingUfont (Irfttit. HwidWH-entsjLt nnn'i forout- :h HL^.—M::.I: I'nrlt i> n u. Co.; tlnrifonl L'crnn. -• omrlOOrw rrofltmill- OUBt' .tloa, uaiot 'LOUtS. MO "Star" &"World" $2 Per Year. ono voiiv for $2.00 Somi-Weekly World ami the .. H'i'Aii ono yeftv for 2.75 Daily World" mid the Sr.vr. one . your for _(J.**fi The papers will lie niiulcil to tiny postoilice tuWlresH, postage paid, al tlic fibovo prices, cash tloicn. This oll'cv is to now snliHoribors to Ihc STAII, ami lo nil present subscribers who pay up all nvroiivs to date and one yen.*- in advance .ul tlio new club- bing rates. Xiie two iKipors must L;O cthfii 1 in all cases, and there can bo no'dcviiitinii Jrom tlio above cou- ililions. While tho STAU is lrniiiily devoted to local afl'aiia, the \Vt>rld coveratho broader Held of genoral news. The two will keep ihc rentier posted in all that if* worth knowing of current events, both sit homo and abroad. Tlio eutcrpriao of tho WorU umlt*i" its new innufigGinont, has caused it to outstrip: all competitors, and it stands to-dny in tho load 61 tho great journals of the country. It is DJ-MOUHATIC TO TiiK*(JoiiK;'"Subscribe early, "Star" & 'World AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. No ctlKf coiDpUint* nro to inMillom hi their Altncic«»tlioto alluctltip iho Hiroat ami longs; noiiBn trilled with by tk-j iiiajoi tty of BUtTur. e n . Tin- ftniltiAry cougU or cohl, mulling |ftli»l'* from a trl'JIi'ij or uii CO MI clous M- I^iurc, U elten but tlio IVRiuiilHg of n fatal <r!ckncM. JWBii'fi Ciiunuv I'KcroiiAL Im8 w\l i-rorcn iu efikMcy In n tony you** fight tilth throat ninlluiipiil^ftJci 1 , UDUbLouMU) taken In nil cun'us without ili-lay. ! A .Ti.-i-rli.Ir C m i u h ^ u m l . "Inl-JI! |rii*cn'(<Trr<Ti>'.ill\tliU > linirt;ctcil my lntii!*.' f bn\ a ttfrilMootruitli.niiil iiimMil nirittt alliT nylit uflliuitt floi-l-. Tho .UtcU.ru kiivuinu til>. 1 Irkil AiiKH'H Clii:iiliV ]'ix- IOHAI, nliieh r.ll'Tcl in)- lung!, in.lucCil •le*i", atul niTonlnl me the ftKi in.vcH.iry -jp.'.i „• j.1-,rr,fr;7i"rf-IrT-'rrrf".l. — Ilylhn- rinitliiUi'il ut-i of tlio I'i:t.T.'*n*t:. n |)i:rro«<" unit etiTc «at t-IIVeUil. 1 nmii'ii n: yczt* old, ha'.v nml luntly, nm! nm mlls'lcd jour ClIKKUV ri.C10ll.lt. P.IVC'l I'M-. Hiiimx F\ii'tMulllL'li." "': itwi.:Lfii..iii("1 vt., July is. :^:v ' • Crn«l'.-A Mother's TrM.utr. " Wlillx In lln' i-niir.try Ian wiiiU'r my IIMJ loy(tU«o jB9ii»i'Iil,war.|:itfiillU'iliVru'ii.; It foeiiK'il u< if ILK r-i'iiM iH.i itom Hr.ij:^ii' latlmi, On«M,r tliu futility sujccMdl Uic u^i »•! AVEit'x i:nn(iiv i'Ccit'iiAi., n |H»ult>»i nlilcli mi." nbmy* lic|>t in tlift lifli>i'. HJI* was trli'il In i-niiill inn! frt't;i\ciit Uf•»!:*, mi'l to out <lulli!ln In ti-fa tlmu luill an ln-ur I do lltllii imttiKC WDI* lirciitliiiia cn-lly. Tlur «UK- tor Kni.l tlial Uio <J 11!.[;»*• I'll vOKAt. lirnl 153 West UStli Pt.,"j» : iw*Vurk! SlKy'lffV*"'.^. " I hate llfCil AVIIIl'S CTTRIlV 1'KCTORAt. hi my Mriilly tor wvrral y-nr», nml i!» iwt U'MUto to ['nJiioiui'M It Uio most cllcc'iinl ri-iiiir.ly tor L-UUK1U mid n H ' v o ln»vt- ever ukil. , A. .1. CiiAJiE," Ijiko Cryttal. Minn., Mai eh 13.1-?:'. . . " I Miltcrc-il fortliiht yi-arf frrun I'rcitrtti'M. e"^.Tl"l'Vllf l ^Vi•ytilu t u"n^:^u^.nVt;t^\l• ui- I'Kcrunu- .Ifis-.iu vr-w.nts." . »lMUHot»iiycnOTt:lilni.rMrflC.J Avni'ft ClINIIUV I'KCTOHAI.; lt«!t«IHK If 1 i!> tlint tun fir Iti IIK< I hliuuM loiv Huo' 1 Imvi' -Ui-a IIOI.L luiin in.ubij*. r. r.tacii'js." IMIti'tliif, T«.x:i*. April I;, l:i-". Ko ci«c (>f mi n!Toc:i"ii of sJio Oao.it or Iiinfii oxis',* which (•-"tiiiot iw e"ca!ij'ri;Ii''vcJ by IIIL- u«e of AYElt'i" Ciirnitv. rccroit.il., ttnd it will ulirays cure vlitli tho ilt«iMi<) U not nlrcaily tieyou'l Uio cohirol of uioJiciuo. Dr.J.C.AyortvCo,,LowcU,Ma63, SaM by all Ui-ugglau. Bulgers Oollege s Oollege, ..! 1 .-.)• f.,'in V.".<•'!!'(..!(.II- The New Jersey Sislo College to Pro- mo!o A'nciilinio'-.iiil IIIP. - Mechanic Aii. 40 Schoiarsiiips Free. lvi*n i'i iIn-NinC" (<3*!c«i'i'vS*»a: j oiiiiw •l..»;<. If |-:-;"-:-l)- »liiiy(.Tri.."'I : iioniji' {•V.'i.i^'e'c^^t.ifni-ri I; •!•.'» «( ]<iii!.->., *-.)V Tim Kent Wlnir SnCurinfiiltl: ilnlctllt lhi< lln-t WDBporxl, P..r rUllimi -inlimi wroimht tu-r vury l**tt Turning' t!r FMifltf'"' ItiH.i.ii'-" of 1>H«M1. Hut ttil* the* Mamcr l-rlntrnj Uln *llcnt cyo Hiitluf. ll«> f iiiirfNini 1 nt nlellcilnrf yi-nr; lie Mill. vlEt!<'*t«. tor ItcaViti Is prifti-liitf I'j . lion- down, o Nature, inrj'OUi lltirt Iti ni-r I-jkL' uniilii)- HUM'"- llivyNiimly illM|>piun Our licnvoiily Jo)i> HH u p iliu vrMetiltiic lirlin, KvtrtimnMlu'imnJ lull, inoro sweet utio " tfliti*«!npc ml*, wtieti o'or the i •V!ivm*iitVitnwiiy 11 t1ii!(irlt i *f «i Aim > i t . ' iin.-tliiiiKK liu »iicnua i n . » w w l « nm nl ili'n Minii'im* uf (he nnirln* cn<^; Ti liinu- iT intmMinif uml tli>; liwivvitly (lirciiP* WUU'ii i"ioii sh.iil lutoinni-tifc for <;irtlily tot*. TW-W.II.1, tin. IIOIIIT. mi.I tlit.> ln.nl Itm Lc«t. •1hi* IS ll«- onkr i'f llm MlWtrr'* "Ino: Mure liuui il.c }ctortlii)i> to-iluy^ ur'ili.mi. .\ml lllc-'n tii-ii>«rri(-viniiy liu mori* ill vino. Ar.i'-.hii! Li'itiiiil'/ Ah! vji-hiilii wwr fern, j.-., rl ,,,i fl ,„'„ |,,,, lr ,| id,. Hi-it'lcru tlmt tiuillt; i::iit;rx llalit* niu fnlfnv ntuwlowi* ti» iho ( ^ ; i!icenf ^ ^ ^ ) i | f | ) | | ( , „,„.( 'Vr-'liNl 11 Tl.ie. MiiMUr. com..- mi'1 U ' ' » l » "Wu linvu madu' n ^ront mlstuko. noiiiclio"'," Imtjaii (lilburt; "though ; 1 cuimot utuJorstnint tt ut ul!. Wo H;IW tliij yoti)tg1fl«1yrM!ln<j stal-lidl 1>y thnt nontloinaii IIOMIIO licr, "utitt worusliotl over, hoping to bo Iu Umo to prevent n mtinlcr. ' . Tim olJ ^ciitlunihii bum luto a \>ca\ uf luuj'litor thnt MUUIIIOII lo La hifcc- tlotis, lor nil tlio company jolneil in it, ' * i^ tltl tho tears itrcnmcil down thoir cliueki with tliu i don of ihoir i.ii- . (VIIII Tiio turnrst Into Unly (iilliurt nml Ned rutttinoil tlioir Iltl/Zloil CXI'l'UriSlutl. Tlioy inrnoil lo loavo tliu rooni.^fcol- iiij; us if thoy wuro boliij-- nnjustly rMI- litiloi.', ".when Ihu oltt KomloiiKJii put a iletnisiliif,' li:tml on ilicm. •*\VitU :t iiiunimit," l;o declaimed; "1 iniist tiN|itiiiii.-'My il:utghtt-i'i- nnd noil ui'i! mt'iiilHTHof nn iiinuUiitr tliculvical club, anil llioj*'wuro, (;oin^ through a. r u h e a r M M t!i'.>!rt'!»rN lw.?.»-vilH'--othr ors ithmilil arrivit.V Thu tr'u.mU joined homtily in the laughter wiilcli broku oiu »y ' ii in»HU.-d their IviiasCrM^tnUe; c'un «cj:d,,bm!ii,b;U!i!.. ...,, l-ruiU',elC. When vi^i- tii,* the drii;ii)i, a'M l l i he knf "MydjUEUer v=iy hjj c:l nn'MMUnt ol & cold and pile in Iw lunsf. 1 Ur. '/7.,-.'Mi 1 Jlibc trie Oil tut <J/',<•• in tv/lr.ty-f.'xr hvurl. Oiia . cfihe l»y« wa.i tuietl ot sota iliriiit. "I'hw mcJi- l.n!« Mohopsc, N*. V. p-O TO §mrs t fet."Rfl.'Skirt Per. Year. A*1 ult liinTot ^l;^ r coniij^uui»-ryhlwuj"iifiBliiiiirt ( ,' : ' J.' oi'iottlui'wlliyiiowihnl ." ' .'" -/. Thijse Goods ava the Heat, A rKIVATM 'Ul-:ilKARSAL. (iilbcrt \Vnriti(r, stiidonl al tho Lon- don Uuivorslty, rending hnrd for tlio M. A. ticgroo, pat nlono In uis dingy liiclifrtor loii^ing on tlio sccotul lloor m (Jw'.vur streut", onu ptrftiut ni^lit lu.luno. Hooks slrowod tho lablfl, ovorllowinf; on lo the Hour, mill tilled ororv avtiilii- I'louiiuir; hut IJilbort was ovidontly iii,*glt-i.'ting liis ^luiHi'is, for no lamji was lit, und h<<s:tt in <I:irknoss ul ihu win- iU>w, trii/.iiic ucruss the rond j.o nbaurb- ftd!y tiifit he did tiol hear ihu quick, biuiadinj: trend Un Uiu slairn Hint lud to !ii> room, follutvod tlmuph il ivus by ;-. imid knocli. atnf th"<n tin* imueru- iHoniwii- tuilr.-un:.- ol' lii.i LMIQIII fiiumi, Ned Ilushitu, WHO i>\L'!aini':d: "Why. Cil!~---:itttii- in tin; dnrl;! Whiit's tho nisttur, ina»?" i-'.tr nnswur, Inlbwri iK-ckound \n* frit;mi to ihu window :ind ]iointed to iho lirst llyor o( tlnj ojniosito. honsi,'. through the windows ul wltkh oonld LH> soon 11 liand^oni'jly-fiirnishcti room, and, ai-'.itt'd ut n jiiatiw, .1 yutisij; ladv, all •nnyoiiM-knta uf iho eyed which wens ivulchinji: her overy 111 ovoimint. "Well, shfi ;•* :i.stunner!" was Nuii'd'. (.'nthttniajtio coniinutit. "Hiviiudy f:i!r! 1 ijnitu adtnivo your *.a<u*, old fitfliiw." ••Ihi'h! stn; 'in »oin-f to sin*'," wlili- IMTBit I'.illjort. . . . Am! ihruti^li tht- (.jipii wiinluv:s thuy could heir ovciy 110U1 of thuHuh, swunt' vuiei'. as lim .dfindi'r lin>'tjri ran lijiiillv ovvr iho ])ituio-);<>yt. , . ' hli« was po iiLourlird in her music ihnt shif did not sue wlmt tho ivutchuri ''U-niS" Uio aia'*!t saw plainly; the door Vpi:iivd, ami it »t>ni)i'ni'tii enluri.'d, stoml fyr a uiinutDu,-* if liritonin^ Lo Uio ftW'mt m.iU;.i uf tin; eiu'*tjf, then came ;ioi>--U-^U KI.tn.1 hor, and l^mlti- ov..r, "-niiy lifi.id :in,,,,( II<JI- Icinj; fnfr VMIU ill In-, iiittui and prosnod it t>i \-.\A' !iji> wilh iiii !iti[ti'aiMtn:t{ of tho nmu t.-nilei'iJuVuiloB. Tin' iim.ii,' ^.i:ucd abruptly, and the ymmj: ladv s|»rutisr to hi-r fuut, tippar- L'lillv 1101 a: all p't-'a-iiid with the libmv lu\-"{idiiiip-r had tahrn, Sii« -iviilwnily r--[.r«)ai-hcd him. uri-1 by Isirf jv'*i'in;-- Ins -wnu-d tulm apolo- •'Ktiaiiv, this :s as i;ood ;u goiiif,' to liu; tln-au'! 1 ,* 1 ru:nm-Uii;Nutl. '•! wi,h wo could hear what tliovivuro s.iyiiiL-." Mouiiwtiilu UL; i-u-v-uanmr tnlkuil lonjr :u;d t'iirrii*stly; htit if lio \xn&- ui-i;- iii^ his .suit, he rucuived no tnu-oiiniyo- muit Ironi thu yiuiri-; lady, for -slio hhidji; tiur lio:;d now:imi 'then, and one.-, v.-hyn i;L- soii'-lit lu take hur Imud, bltu ehr:-iil; irom liini ai if his vyry tyiscli wuru loaihiiouio to her.. . Al liisi hi* ^roiv d«.-ipi:ratp,' and ihi-iM-.ini: liiiu.«:i:iat her fisei.. auoinod 10 1)0 'oi:iri)'aiiiig lior to ill tor hor iloeis- ion. ..V'.. .... "Tli'Vyoini^huIy Vt'itsqiiiti*o"i."(*rwiuiim- od at bis jitsrai-sltinm* and dramatic iit- tiludr, ioi-j,lnj covijred hor fucii "wilh lu-r -iiniiMs, i-lld nulibuil- vUil.Slltlv; bill --imL-viduutlv WHdliriii.in -htT dwiilal. and afiiTn, VU;f ititttrvnl ho da^ht-d I'niin Uioroom, li;iii"i»" iliu door bu- hiiid him. I'rt-'M.'jitlv the dour rno pun ml, and a yoiniL' t:id"c!imt! in and Uirywhur arms ::iaa:;t liic.-yoi;':,;-,!::dy.-.tlric-.l;;h'.'i 1 v...'yi^,,-. and iri**d to eoinfoi-t* iior'wiiu ciiritasCii" and KsinU-riisnosiulutiuns. ••'J'lial litttu'^ii-l sulis my tuslo bullor than tliu oihor oiiu.it you will exeuau my say in jr so." i-oin'arkod >.'i3d. "1 umnt aim isn't <]iiito as nroliy, uiil iiu-vii Usonieihiii'; about hur thai tukes in«.'" • ' . ' . . . . 'J'iiii ybiing jxid porsuaded licr sintor. to li« down anil nisi, nnd ufior uovcr- iiif; hor iijrhtly, nml wiiluliing lo scu iitir ovi'.s ulos". shu lufl tln» room iigjiin. .••Well, 1 1 suppose ihiit if* tho omt of liu! draiiiji," rom;n-!;oii Kcil. **I.ot'8 go out 'for a waik IIU\\ F , for tiiu o.seitu- inenTTs'TilVovoV*?*""^'"'""' " •, ••ND." 'iinswisriid Gilbert. "See, tlio door is opuniug a^ain!" ., ' •" " . > "'L'his bt'cutni'.-i tiinllinR;'' cried Nod. '•'riii) viihiiii riiiiinnmr.-). with vovengo iii liis eye. Now wo shall soorrsoiuo fun." ' „ ' ' ..,.Tho.roji;ctod,suitor uropt, towju'da tlmj •fileopiiis {;irir"wilh""a"slordlhyr"caulik'i) inovoinoiii, nnd stamllTijj ucstdo .the coiii'h. 'ookud down ai hor, as sho "lay' all uncon'iicioUH of his pruaoDCc.. •' IIu knelt down, and lidod liis hiuids lownrd-lioavon'-lit iin'aUltudo o( do- fi]j:iir, then raised hi* unn, and tlio tor- ror-strii'.kun spcet'atoH saiy ihc" bright gloam'oJ! atuel..-- ,'•.'•' "Ilol'a intirdorln'i*; her!" cjlcd Gilbert, "tjniok! wo may bn loo Into to SUFO I i o r 4 " "• . ' . ' . " •: _ -A'J.d_Jip^dftrtjj^rtojvnj-tiiirs, ^closely followed" 1 " by "hU^'tnitHir^'iiiiii-^iiisliud" across Uio streut: Thc-.iioor'bf tho op- po-iilo house was open, and they sprang upstairs, ati.l itrtnlujil OJIOII thc''(loor oi tho room iti wliich ihuy had just wit- hosseil Iho trngody, to fiml' it full of pooplo, laughing and talking. . . This Biiruly was iho room in which they had MlniiSHml Iho cold-blooded assassination of u helploss fiirl 1 What did it—could it moanP ." -v . • . . A {•onllomah.adviincu'd, with ft. look of indignation' 1 at this' uncuroiiionious •'tiitiiislpn^ 1 "":"-"^-"-'"-'- •":":": ""rc-'r-* 1 ——;''"--• "Whi'.i docs liiia itioiuii". 1 bo Inquired iiiigrily. "Wluit do you moan by bolt- 'lag; into-a 1 man's• houao iu this \vr""° Kxplain : y6nrs6lvoaI' i -'r"- ; '^.- :T; - : •'"-"•"' Tho young inon woro tnuto for fi 1 •;niciii.-:,Loo ulterly-hnwildorodtojipo; There "slodd lho"siipi)6soir"aa3aaJ , 1 looking at thorn curiously, and bosido him waa'^liis victiai, unharmed, and bearing no marks of tho acono through which sho had just passoil. ; Tho nld -A' roinainin-; Uiv tin- uiDiiinir, and thoy -.roved Mii-h 11-,'n-uiitrlif .i-oiii['U»)-- that tliuv row-ivud in^'iti itiviuttiuiif'to n;- ]ica*t thi-ir vinii. which, tt U uiitiCL-i-dtif iy to aay, thi-y jjiaiily nciiL'pU'd. Noi vury many iit'inlli.t l;.lov. c;iid" were ismiid for u ilonblw wiMtdin^; and ufter tiio ciiruiuony win uvur, both liridosroonis doclarod that Ihny owwl " ' ' inosJ to thoir l)rothor-in-law, I inuall- thoirinippinow lo ll '•tho villain," an liu in" him. HU>K Simkv unit C«»|)|trrlu-u(l. . Ur. H. and h!i In-other were riding on horsoliack nlonir a noimtry road in .South Cnroliun wlmn tlmir ,*t»:cdj sud- denly manifooted alarm. Tliu ridoM looked nbotit Ilicm to ascertain tliu Ciin.iO of tlio fright, wiion lliey discov- oreil Iwosnakca in tho rond just aliead of them preparing for buttle. A cop per-bellied moccasin which H tl utt A cop which u in ven- H us tlio ralllosriiiku or »:oHon- nioiith, wii.s collud tip in tlio middle of thu road, whilo n klin: snakt 1 , which la not poisonous, was cirrtiugnroiind tlio tnoceajin; seeking thn ehaiieti to attiiek \la foe. Tho !>nalie> smsincd to iindur- Btand each oiimr thoroughly. Tlio king snako glided around ilie inocca- bin lirst onu wuy nnd Itiei) tho other, but LlmliiUur. with keen oyo and up- lifted head, . unliringty watched tho movumenw oi tlio attacking snako. Thii iminciivdring for ndvunlagu was kept up so long nml iiionotonoiwJy that tlio horsomon grow weary of their position of obiurvalion, anil, disinount- ing, sat upon a fence a fow feet from the i-nmbaluntd and nwnitod the buttk'. At last tliu king .-nnku tuud its enemy i d l d f g in its iimtliodol tin- d y au, as tlni'hmid of l ilid not turn as rapidly nor wad it hold a-*erm;i as nt the open- ing ol hojtllitiL'*.' Tho kin;; snako sva- cd its upjiortimiiy, and, with Uio spring of a tl"(ii\ caiichi hia (tntajronist imuio- iHatoly back of Its mollth. Tlion lwjjttii iho lifo and .loath Strug- ;ie. Thu Uiif.' snake threw sovoral ?uila around llm , from which thu l:itli;r would, liy grri.it oxurliou. forhaliunliour. llui lung s'tiuiiu h iisvlf around ihc lie still for ti iiHl , until-iiimlly niftnlv colled fn.' Ue'would then gn Ids fiiMi anmtiil iii.s loe. . This was eoMtluui'd until llm victor thought thu vanimidlml.duiid, and then ho be- gan to slowly unfold his coils. After ruiuUiimu tlii'fiw or four of iiij fold?, Iiu patisnd to fwtl if the iinjcciwing.-ivc any indicatioiiii of life. Tlmu he unfolded two inore coils when the moccasin slightly ni'jvcd. Quick as thought tlio fciiig snaku threw his coils around the i i d i d i th g moccasin r position for*s i . and rumainod in thai when ho again h l f lo^ain slowiv iiinvimtiuif himself from his viciim. ''riii! inoccasin was dead,. anil wa> Ivin*: at full Icn^ili aorosi tho road. Tiio viulor inovud np and down lim body of his la to 'antagonist, making a clo.-iu oxaniination, to usoui'lain if lifo was coiiipiuitily oxtinct., Ikini,' aatis- licd of this fact. tl!« kinjj snako pro- pared :'or \\iv swallowing procuss, and apparently cuvt*red thu dead moccasin with ;i aliiny SV 1 ^.* 1 !-.! 1 ! 1 *:. 11 ( l *'» tn il* Ilionlh. 'liioii.. r !ii;izia^ : "tiiir Viiot-oa-ii'i" 'by 'thu huad, Uio kinj; snaV:e," whieh'is -capable of «'i-t:al onliirtrouioniof the bod\-, slow- iy nwuituwuil X\U vaniiulshijil I'oo, not- mliiifj tlu* lattor was HOV< 'renter in lonyih than Uio I iniickiv "luliid into ihu bual —St. I.'tuij 0lube-Democrat. Trades fur.'Aiin'i'icu!' Hoy.t. " : 'T !ic "TfaUe s"" i n •••'otir cm: iiars, have buen nlniosi. l this soa ur tutu l Is inoro ponorally tho go n tlinn It has boon for llirjj " d thogWU who in- lh h ur tutu MI i."i me id, and thogWU who in-' ilnl^u In It n>'o not Saul ullhor, lhou^h Iht'y uru bright mid hearty. At oltOof thu hotel j lialf a dozen yoiiu^' la-lioi fnnn a I'hihidolphlii aemlnjiry buvi) formed a swlinmlng club. They wear :i costume, or rather uniform, of M\H- groou Haiincl, udi^od with Inco. Their ritoeldiifrs tire ot -illl:, sua-grccn loo, nud tlripcd with black. A bl^ black slur U oinbroidorod on each bow in. Thoy do not wear slippers. .AUogcllicr' the cioituiuo U very no.it. (pilot and iiu- tuiuin^. The yotin<; ladioa aro cum- pletoly at homo In Iho KCU. Onu of thum. a charming bnmulto, with hlaek uniUing cyo-j, crualea a sou- sulion now and then by sv/lmmlnjr way out boyond ilie breaker.'. Thn bntliin^ intittcr nceuuipanic.1 hor on a now sort of fowiug iiiiieiiiuu [liitl looks lilio two biy clyaw Ju'iiiod tu^ollicv by H plimk. Hliu nmujoj hi:r^<;lf occasionally by uliinbiu^ up on ono of llmcigars autl tnkln^ a "ia-adcr" into Ihodeep son. Thu font wui accoui|)|iuicd by NO much violonco the OURT dav ttuU tbe | "ol(;ars" earocmi'l nnd tltii balbinjj \ :i i in tor was Itiiuliled into Iho water. ' Tim erowd that tlm^iilv rutt.itorlul ex- hibitions ;i!w,iys pithor had ndonblo Hi.'iidiilion (or a moment, Htit Ihu cl- ears li^hlod themselves und thu young mini climbed back into the seat. Thu girl climbed up too and sal bodlduhim, and idiu Implied ultho fihow by mudo in UU dritiplns clothes until ho Wiu moved to tilt hor, head over bucls, Into iho waves n»;iin. She bobbed uptill ritfbt, beautiful an a moruiald, mid da.<ilu!d him with lipruy wbllo ubo uon- cbittanlly "tioadud" water. Of courso she h the slnr of the club. Hut all iho girls nro expert swiiuiuor^. Tboy wouldn't run Iroin a-.wavo a-i bic as a slil;), and they don't shriek Ilko a Choctaw Indian when a little bit of foam run a nvor thoir d.iinly toes. Thoy b'jloii" to the 'anti-esthetic, set. They aru sivorn fom of uorves, hyatorica nud cosmetics, 'i'huir oyo.-) aro clear and bright with hi<;ti licnlth, aud their round ehuek.', innocent of rougo und d b tl t der, arc i»s brown M tliu son-wot d Ycstonlay, a 1'rincoton col- b l siinds, Ycstonlay, a 1rincoton col ltigo mnn, a brotbur of onu of l!in girls, c;imn down. Ho didn't havo much faith in the club's urit, I fancy. Ho \s u r^rmil utiilislc nnd swimmer liimsolf, und rutlicr vain of his accomplish- nietus. I'rcjitminp ouhis rclationslii[t, ho undertook to "guy" tins club. : Led by hi w i t Ih club lled fr ho un by his liim gy c sister, Ihe club yalled. for und tbo maulinj,' nnd ueelon youth got will liim en mHBSi\ un t maulinj, n ducking thnt l*riueelon youth got will bo likel)' Ui servo him as a memory for ninny a suiniiier.— Lung liruneh Utter to the l'hilni\ili>hia Times. A [tt-viviil of tin; liroitxc A«o. \\v. had in the earlier \I%QH of man- kind si rou»h and a jiolUhod slouo a^o, a bronzo age, am! an a-jfi of iron, cii'ch' distin^uidlmd by tlic charucler of tho material that was predominantly "?cd by men fur thoir weapons and t d h ddd t UO3 a y nnd ha of Htcol. r hoir apn , nv added tu UiO3o u^ea one In a similar manner wo arc i upon a revivnl fll hih s, hae p Vy foreigners. Tho American boy, however, when ho ilooa tuko u trade, <>QCS fitraijjht on tn llits top of tho l:ul- dcr. Il seems a* if our boys would rather be fourtli-rulci lawyers, or pby- sicians,.thaii earn their living by work- in" with thoir hands. Only tin: othei day 1 road in a Now-/York newspaper of uVyonug luwyur iu a distant city, 'whom I know some years ago when 1 resided in that section of tho country, who literally starved 16 '"death. Ho it. livudins lonj: broii7t''(;«t.', in wliich thai substam-o it*, its '.iiri.1lii.-4 U In lm put liiroii^h stages of. iinprorumo:it !iko tlnisu that iron and stool huvo undergone. Many vaviutios uf bron/.o havo linen proilncod within tliu hist few years thai posies features stryntrly iiistin<;iii.sliiiipr them from llm anciiTtU alltiy.*, and some wiy tisni.irkabk' •-UiviUic^ as ooinparod with them, in viuw of which tlmy are fro- quemly ILSIKI in phiut: oi ovon iron uml steel. The brouzos of tho anciunt3 wero composed of copper and tin. na ii also what is .'now ^regarded 'ai uron/.o puii* and simple, 'mixed in proportions vary 111^ according to th« purpose for whieh tho cotiipoiind is inlonded. Othm; sno.siances, howuvm*, arc often sOded, with'jist niiiil-ijf.iifyiui!; tho product, whluh Id dtill uulluifliruiiM-, provided oopptT mid tin aro Uio(jhiuf conslitu- Giit-i, . Auioii" tlioso substances .are •"inc. load, [iiibsphorujs, . inaujjimcao, sltiehini, iron, niukol.. an-unic. aniimo- ny atnUulphtir. it ii th« addition of ci'rtain propoi'tioni' of ono 01; otlier of iHUch-aiiL'.-itniif 1 '.-- Ttli:it;.-f-on-ilitni'S -'iho modern ilt;vulopuit*nt o( broti/.o man'u-" fiicluro, »ud which lias given ui some tiniii sonn: of iho nio.-l rmnarUabio ul- loys known. Tlmso iwmpriso no tavmv than cloven di.ttiuc-t proihii*t.s, allot which liuii their lisud in noiiiiei-tiou wilh thu praoiico of on gin coring. They nro; pliosplior-linin/.e, sitiuiiim-brouKe, - ... ... inau{iancstj:bron;'.i), (iidinwiiotal. phos- trjV of 'late j jih'or - cupper, . phosphor. -."in'»nj;ain:.*o Lroiize,"" plioisphor-leiiil" bvonw. phos- •*Tho dtljiiand for ginger alo," salil a proiuiiiont-munuf act unit uf that artlulo, "iucroaioi'-viiry mpldiy. :.". Whun ; 1 Jituried In it yuar-i fl£O thoro woro not moro than twwnty in tho husincsa. Tho' ino^t of my liusinc"-! now li inauufaut- iirin-' tlio oxtraet for nthcrj to put into potable form, and thvso othord havo ^rown from thirty to about tivo hun- dred. Iti thomain, all ihomukcra UMO : lha itiiiiiu formula anil method. Thoy ' mix tlic extract with puro rfii^ar sirup, dilute with watur until an ordinary bottle contains about liftoon drops of ginger, nml then put thlj into bottles with a carbonic, acid inncliitic. Two ([iinlilii)^ aru made, one, thu lie tier, for [U'ivalo UaO und livst-ulas 1 l-otol.-i und saloons, nnd a fUcond for tlio gcnoral bar-room trade. Tho iHllVronce is al- most antiroly in thu iiiiiility of tho ex- tract omtiloyod. With tho lirst, wo m'uW it'^tii^u'r «lc v.lilcli salVi for $1 or $1.20 j>t-r vmn of twcttty-fuiir bottler; thb second runs froia 50 tu 75 conts u ea.'ie. It ir.ay 3iirpri.io you to know tlial tlirJO-fourths ot thn so-catled iin- lortod nrticln is maiiti hero. The lOtllcs belonging: to favorito brands am carefuj'tv ictjpt iiiid attiil toils lu^u- "urly to be filluil. Wo loavo tho labels .ntavl or patto on (ac-f-inillos, ami put in new corlc^ und inuial caps'ilua or ,a,'^i. Tlicra is not onu person in a thousand who can t<:H llio dill'oroncc. lu onoihat-chiSs hotel I havo buen fill- inguml rolilliiiK thn si\ino old bottles now for scvoii yi-r.r', nnd I think it will keep on as long as I live." "la there no hud ginger nlo in tho mnrkotP" "Vos; there nro two bail k!ml«, and both GO bad thiti ihn board of health sliould stop lliolr manufacturo. Thoy aro mado in largo <[t*autRU-s horo in Now Vork ana Hnioklyn, and sold chiolly to boor-aaloona ami icc-crcam storos, Ono kind li niailo from cheap ginger,''Hud ii itoctotcd with tho ex- tract of rod jiopnur and othor cheml. CAU to jrivfl It bodv and bite. Tho men who iuai'0 it ulftim thm rod popper U good for tho stomach, but they nover rcfur to tho othor ciiuin!c-il.s.' Tho other nml wor.it Uiml U nudu by n fevy Gor- tn:m edlubiUh incuts. I tut cad oliiiinp a piu'fi extract." thoy buy up, wlicrovor thoy can. totidumiiL'd nnil spoiled gin- ger root. ,S((inu of thorn make thoir own cMiiict from thl.-*, and rcinforcu it with cayenou. Oihori grind it up and brow M vile nlufrom it. which thoy tinljh with csiyunnci nnd KIUL-OSU. YOU can oaslly U'll ihi-t lust olass by iotiing it stanil al'tfi- tii'tn^ opuuod. Thu yoast i.'oniiimoj lo work mid tho ;;!u turns sour, and tlu:n ptitiid. Drinking it Is jni-t us 1,M\ ni dniikiii-; sour beer. It;* ciic.ipRusa roooaimuiuis if. howovur, it niucnipuUms *ia1ii(Hi-k''fpers. Il lover co'itj nioro lh:ui liny. I'jtmts a' •as.t, and fr..irioi.tiy {rot.; as low a S8 jen;* a ca^u. ltotaucd ut 10 cents it yields a larger piulit than any urtieie ftltt acrosa a bar. . ; '1L'A a nicii buaint'ss, but ha-* ..its mwbackd. ])oij)ilu ovory precaution ml safo^iiuni tho bottles ovury now .tid then u.tplodo and do damage* L:t3t •.•inter while watching tho 'botllur'-=at work, thu huad uf a Uirjic Brooklyn os- iihinont 1 wits 'struck "by-tiie frag- ile ot a huttle Uml burst, and hail hi;i Iclt oyu cut in iuiK aj cluau as ii ilouo wilh si knife, la, fact, you'll hardly inooL n man hi the busim-si who cutt uol show von'soars similarly ob- tained."—.V. 1" Snti. bronze, j/lionVb.orIoad hronw. p phor-lin, • aluinitiuiiitbroiiKe, sitvet'oia, and eoball-brouzi). There are also otlusr brou/.us which nro uaed us sub- stluues for yolil in cheap imitation iowolry, but limy do i.ot come within Ihc scope of tliu present paper. Verry >'. Xttrny, in 1'opulur {Science Moiithlt/ for August. ' . ally nude .scarcely iiroud to tell of his aa'Uo could on cratskurs and water, unii was found ouo tiny In liid ulilcu, (load <froni lack of uouri-ilitnciu. Hti should ''nover have entered thtilegal profession, for ho had uo'iibilily.iti that direction. No boy, ot coiirrin, sliould outer a trade imluss ho fuels hiinsoH iittod for it ;=l.iit;-on-.thoythcr.-:ha*id,-.-,hu.; should *iol, il socins to me, lot iho fuUo. prido against niaiiiml laljur, wliiuh- nowpru-i vails to such a wide extent in our eoun- |try, prevent hini from endeavoring to., do bolter \vork. ..with . his . hands thai iii his inmost thoughts ho knows that he can do wilh his hoad.—From {"Heady fur llusincvt," b$ Qeorga J. Mknson, Cn Hi. Nivftulas for August. . Loprosy ia a rare dlsoaso in tlit; .country. Tliuro is no'-enro fur. ii. In ^1871;there-wiit?-a-l' 1 p'*r'tni.--j»ital.in. >' Orlunnx. On tho Uafut Chahiurs, tliu Now Urimawitik. slioro of tho Guli of St.. I,awn* nue, I nun* .has botjn a lupci hospital for •iHiiu,v 1 vyi!av3--a sorroivftil cctahlislimoiit in a dreary ruglon. Nor- wegian imuiijrnuits havocarritid. lepro'. sy iiito'Mina'esotu. li'ut there it i.i dying out. Suvoral cases liavo' lately ap- poarod in Ualtimoro—-one, at least, apontamsously. OhiiiGao in San Fran- cisco have tho disease.. ' rr.';Tlic-arl of foii(jing'h:iii.t!ikou"..a.-si'.onl. boom in',finis eoinilry.'" Tliofo" was a tiaji) wh'iut,, wilh tlio cxcoption.of.a.fo.w, .Frmiuhmiin',--.thcrc,; was. no iulorcat iu thia-arl^- At Uio/l-.iiniiir'aJ'iJiiidtijj.iour- nnniont in Nowark, 'tliuro woro lIS'^eTi^ trioa for iho full prizes alono. 'Strango ,to say : t!io r pi'i/.oa" woiu "'Vou by Uui'- 1 nians. In fact Gununnu practico with 1 (oils moro than other people in ibis country, iiJid tho ptislimo is bcuoming; ouo of tholr-most popular nmusoinonts; <r«vo "Tho late .Sonator, Nesmitli made a national reputation," 'said mi Oregon man, "while ho was in tho senate. Thu world rang 'with la\i»hlofiit hia jpOt'Oll ' oin, u h j c of yiuniii an it wept bi td h . h i Sumnar. in the nur- 's staiuo of Un- when, yours ufier, l S OUMO had hn boon d bias of—well, Tr^irir'V ho"spoUu his noted eulogy"over Sum- ncr's dead body. Ho might havo been roturuiid to tho i more, of a politiyiu UVsTof'.JinrtfeIiiiii ull ready lo. uloiit hini,:.;tho..cards had been iixoil, iiud a''pa'fty"'of ti . „ leudera had como ;o havo him make a .rousing speech to llm oaiuiiis. The iloluuaiion found him engaged tii;-.pj:* ill" a lilllo Kninu of seven up. \"Th told him wiiut they wauled, aud ho m- plicil Unit •-•mild not \<ia\e. Thoy eonld mako.him sonaior if Ihiiy wmilod to. If they iHdu'l thuy boultl poto tin dovil. '1'lic ilfllu^ntlun wont oil' angry. Tbuy roportwl ^osinlth's romarks, mid by y uiiiUrexVr-f{;.h;iliu»-i'oUi'i;d--uirsuch u Boniimi'tit agniiidt him thaUirovor was elected, und'tto was toft al homo. A year or so after this Nosmtth wiu pointed ininisler lo Auslrin, bill soiialo did not confirm him, Ho a-tiioniljor ot'thcfortyrsueomlc'iigri'ss, and afitlr thin service lie wunt back to hU farm in Oregon." CicceU Leader, Mr. Shiilal)or,tho"Mra.l ) urtiiigton,' Uuver -TO.^aiid.iiJ-rippli-... Forlhirlj "yoa'ri" 'vli'iTujnalisMr-hii-t—.toi'turtid-Iiiiii, and-ho has coiuplutcly lost.tin",.uso"o his lower lir.ibs. Iiocouiolibn," BIIVH ii ?ft-'*iv!i('i' 1 tnd'* t'haiiv.iH,'. iiiip.oSHUiKiVilh ~ir(nK"~l r r n u m o l i.'I nir'Btiin U-« or wai k; but.while in thlwo respoetsho is as . helpless aa.a b':;!h-, Ids gonpnil.,li«nlt1j ;i eound, his appotilo KUIIOI-OU-I, and hi! Biiirits aro uiuiloudod. '...Sumo .of tin lunnicbt ul his Hayings have Wu writ- •ion whou lie wa-vin acute V ' •''••-.'.' •'.. ; . ' • . • ^ : ' s »].)- t the Tho Dead'Prince Consun's Unom. A long time ago I went over to the house and came to a room which hud bcou religiously dosod for years. It was opened by special order and there issued from it u certain hallowed odor •liieh exlialos on opening a long-elosod _:ui'iituary. The l)liiids wero drawn and semi-daiknos3 prevailed. Wo drew near a table and my guido explained Hint this was tlm late I'rinea Consoi'i'a room und everything waa to-dav. just as ho had loft it when ho died.' The dust wus nearly mi inch thick on bis writing-desk;.a'liiilf-used quill was ly- ing crosswise where il bad fallen from bis hand or ity nick; thuro wcrcsurorut iiriiclcs about, ii »ai)or-weight,.a book, aiid.lo.Uio right,; ntiiir-.thi!-. abaadonod ([iiill. a little carved fraiiK', and iii this' fiuiiio a port mil. I think I ean soo il now—.thu youthful Victoria paiatod by Wiuiurlmltar. Her majesty 'lias a swoet. fuir face, and rosebud mouth, and she weuts an apple-green the tint just glimmering tlirimgi folds'of laoii. This picture wjis always by iliu I'riuco Coiiiiu-l's side, iiud wlioti Jliis. sanctum was yacaud forever no "one 'dared to 'touch' it or iivon iho'aniall- oist object iutlio room. Hy. Iholiuuiiii's ovders it sluuds to-day.as it stood lliou.. Thedust is a little thicker on tapestry, chair, und labln, tho quill aiill lies in il3 old place, and liiu litllu royal ; pict- ure smiles m sweetly us of yore from its half-ilimn'od frame. I need not say that this chamber is nover opuuud on a .rovcl night, but I could not help think- ing of it us wo walked once more through othor lovuly but loss snerod. apavuneiHs. London Letter in Vhartcs- tott JVCIW. . liilitut A'Soulli Side inau took his little girl, just ubio to talk" nicely, to ihc lake shore Sunday afternoon. Tho waves wore "onlly rippling on iho beach, aud wlitmTier father was not looking 'tlio child.'managed, to got ono foot wot. .HhQ.ran.to.ucr.fiUhorjvitli toara in hor lyoil; an"d fobbed,""" r " l*A\Ut,~ : lakc-'s top-"o"u babyls font," '„ ;_-£_•;_.„•.••.• A brijrht liltlo girl who lives"hrilvde Park-ustteilfor a soeonit saucer of Ice- orcanVttio othor ovcuing.- ^^'i'l'iloli't tliink.it'a good for yp»\ nflk yoiu'.fiither," said her mother. The girl went into tho library, anil put tliu question. "Not. much." said her fadiur, oiniiliatleally. i. "1'npa says I can huvo a little," sh< roportnd lo her mothur with truthful L U t been piously brought up was told that ho inifrht go wilh Viis mother to a 'Sun- .day-scliooT: picnio iho following day. When bodlimo Ciinio ho said liis pray- ! ers with great unction, and inuuauial'j- -lywont turou^h.thiiiu a st'oond liino..;* . "AV'jiat'a that for, Froil?" uskcdUii: molhor' 1 !!! siirpri.-ie. ' " jf;. ' , i "I'msuyiu 1 "uiutwico so us I wou'i liavu-id say 'OIH tomorrow night.. . l'l just bo su Urud l>cati't roiuombor the words.'V-C'/ji'(*(tyy Tribune. , -•1-" : •-'. It mnV not bo gmiorally known, bu .it is !i'facl,.llmt.in..tliu;.Iiitli". chuveho= '\iii.l) i O\T »uy 11 il vi* yvj !«> i^nJLi ii s. o f _ Iiii nuickv, •whero* suelii'iliaovdor fatiil lawlcssnogs ^prevail, collitction^an* taken tip in aii* o£ foruijrti' minions, \yhen they coilV of fomijrii udflrilons; \yhen they coul 9pond every nickel, of-:tliuir money a homo in uducatiugiho heathens.-—Lex inglojt (A*y) 1'rns' '^f yg orate a iniaialwU trunk, ostensib collars and cupt'swlth scones from ed snunuor-ronJS«:s, and forward, h h WIT AN1> IIUMU1C. '••-."••'•*••- A phyaioiau says thnt beds must not bo mnilo until night. This compola tbo consclontloua housowifo to chnpsn bo-;- tween tho health of licr family and tho'•';; inoori of hor noighbors. " '.", A Ilttlo girl, ncod:). asked hor fath- er for moro, catuly. but wits toM to : wail until to-morrow, Looking out of tho window for it "fow moments sho suddenly called out: "1'n.pa, It looks!;: "Iko to-morrow now."—Ithaca Journal.; ,• It way at thu altarcl aUoston church :tiat a clergy man Wns naloundod as ho ; (llctulcd th« ]inu.->. "Prnmiain': to love, - honor, ami obev," tt» hnva- llio brldo : distinctly ultor hor oath to "promising to lovii, honor, and bo gay. looking •_• him directly in tho ftn-« tho while. "• - •••* Uivo mo tho nut-brown . girl: who . abandons her sun-hoiuu't, who can climb a trco with nny hoy, who pre-^ for-* pond broad to choculato carainoU..,' and baked hoan-i tu angol cako. , This ,.; kind of an an^'ul for mo weighs 140 pound*.—L'ev. Mr. ticudtUr, oj J/t'nMG*-'.' I O U * . ;", ...... . ... •"• ' -. ". Customer—"Ain't you afruld tho po- llco will cotiio hero nnd bother you if .'oii.io!lbue~rou Sumlay?" Ilarkeoper— "Tho polloo don't bother mo when - hoy como on Siinduv. Thoy know .iow busy"! urn wailing on paying cus- L ' toinord, so they go, right to tho kog then*solves, und anuv off m much an thoy want without bo tho ring mo at nil. It U astonishing how much beer a no- liconmn wilt drink, oil' and on; durfng ft hot Sunday."— Texas Sifting*., "Hollo, l*rod, you aoora awfully put out. What happened, oh?" "Oh, I was fearfully tantalized a Ilttlo whilo : '' ajju. I tloil on a pretty girl's bonnet, 'iuo ribbons cot langleJ; her. oyoa sparkled, hor lips woro chorry ripe, anil do clOJo Lomino that her breath swept my ' clioek." •''Anil you worn dying to kisa her, oh?" 'That wn-i- jiiitth." "Well, why didn't you kid* hor? 11 . "For a vury simple reason. H«r husband was standing by."—I'hil- . addphia Call. ' , It is almost impossible to koop up with iho times iuthose agonizing dav-K Tho uuwcsl wrinkle iu es Uio tic circles- is for a yoimg lady to artistically dec- orate a inlniatjfU trunk, ostuusibly for ' im not- it by : nicia-sotigor-boy to hor host young man. ,,- ! If iho trunk ever gets thcro It will aig-^' nifv, "Isn't it nn appropriate eoason'» fora.'wcdilingotrip?'* If Iho bait Is successful, tho young mau's tailor gots au order for souio now and very tiieo clothes.—tlartjont 1'ott. The London Society says artlessly that tho l'rinco o( Wales is a win nor at this year's racca, for thoro urn "fow mil who know moro about such mat- ters than somo of His Royal Highness' most in li i-^ii to iriends." This reminds one of the lato Hilly Manning, tho - minstrel. Ho was losing a thousaml . dollars u week at fiiro, nml ouch ovon- iog performed al his ihoatro n wizard's - t beforo a groat rtudieuco of Chicago sports. "/ am Qrcilibljj informed," quoth ho, "that tho oanl I now hold in my hand in the jack of spadoa." "had, you know that brass thing tho :: feller gin mo for my trunk them at tlio'".' itonol?" . .-- • • ; •"YM."' • -. • • . : : : "Well, -'twant nothin' but brass, was it?" •••: "No, I ljj.io.so not." •* "Good! Wa'nl, 1 tucked it on to that hackmau buck them for a quarter, arid bo went oil'satisfied." Jonathan found out what kind of a pamo ho had played when ho saw tho liaekman proscnt his check and take his trunk from the baggage njnstor, in spite o( liis own loud protestations that it belonged to him.'—Harper's Weekly.- A Groonevillc woman whoso hus- band had been niiisiui; for throo weoks - concluded TUursduy that he must bo " tho uiau that was urownod in tho Yim-- tie River. , Sho called upon two undor-.. tnkors, nnd iiiuilly mached tho coro- ncr's ollicc, where siio learnod thoro were a number of articles by which tho dead man might bo identified/ Sho: was shown tho^ioti-'iollar bill and tho ' = two two-Uolhu-notes, and thnt fiottloct iL -A*I dou't kuow," said sho,: "whcn.i. mviuVu had as "much" money "as'"'that. 1 ;™ When ho left homo ho Inul not a cent ' with him."—Norwich (Conn.) Unite- - tin. . •" . ( ' ' ' " • • • ••" ~ - T ; ~ In ft poem cnllod "Tlio Organist" we aro infonnod. that "Ho sits him ; , do'wu at twilight hour, iicforo tho ivory keys, And lots his lingers wander o'or. The clavier as thoy please. * " * ' * Q ThouRli. dark ...and .still,., tho. .empty.,. church',' An angel Hits o'oriicad,: Ami,"" passing near with drooping wings, - Ho louvos tho player— doml.".. That aiigol should not wonry in his good work. Somotimos, whon a man is clawing-thb ivory keys, tlio neighbors want to hurl '.'• n brick at him; but they would bo sat-_ •;. islied if an augcl would hover ovor him und leave him Joad. Thoan^cl should also hover over tho amatour ilulo-nlay- r or, tho coruotist, tho nccordton-liond, and othor musical aggravations.—Nor- ristown lit: raid. • ' : , .... . ; .; ^jfffW Tho Brockton Q-uctta says: 'The great \ ITHH skill in dootoring claimed by clatrvby- \ :: v: ;?j auLs was fully iluistratod last wook";by' ; -••'-'vc? j a. cirumustauco which happened.''in. Sharon. Au estimable lady who had been sick for a long tiino wilh a can 1 ' cor, which good physicians know to bo iuoiirabno, was induced to try a^ clair- voyant doutbr. The ono selected was a certain "doctor" of North Kaston. HQ professed. to:bor.b!e,lO:tell;;tl"o;-'. - "J--j^ act condition of tho pntiont., without Booing her; and sent-,--uiedietno -.and -. n.-.- diagnosis'"each wook. Kvory letter stated that sho was' getting bottor, A fow days aftbr hor death tho following was roceivod by tho family: - •- . C- '—- "Mrs. : I gnd you about tho.'/ same. The acid in tho blood has rath- er diminishod."* Uso Iho modioino nud; bathe the same, Koop aloug with tho poultice." . , ..'•', " '' . •" '.. "The Indians," said the teachoi* to tho Spectator,-!'[JOSSUSH a Iogiuiilinim1.tr.; Tho uogroos do not. The nogrooaarc, quick to sob v a fact, bul thoy do not , put ouo fact nnd another toguthct; and draw a conclusion or make a eompari-f \ son. Tho Indians do. ;'•:- For instauco,'•': i ono of my Indian boys the other .day.•:•• ;a3k'e'd'me'tho ri tHoahinj;~o(~inifi"s7-V.;*To v -~ : mis-s,'I told him,'is tho same'^ns lo- fait- You shoot at a bird or nt'amark,,; dud do not hit it; you uiiss it. You , go to n'tailor's for ,a coatllr and yout •coat iila biullyiit"i3--a.-mis9-iit.;v-Yo»^:. ..hopptpoiitor the middle' class next/ 'year, 1 biit you*cannot pass' thn osiiiniin-V ' ntions, aiid so you miss the promotion. V;; •His fnen woro a jnr/zlod ..air, nndiJio,^ rBhook\h!"3"hefld."^'Tiibni^'BhW ! I;T'thoiQ™ '.is auothcr'nioaning of misa. Wo = call y . a marrlodlady madam; but an unmar-,' •jried lauy lutsa.' Ilia iucp'*-briglitdnud;:; ;he;amUod;nnd-nodu6d; h .rJAh!r.I:.fioo,Vv; ; hc,said.' 'She has misaod her niiri. 1 ."/. ;—Christi'tn Union. '• l :•',•.' ; '.',"•..^'V.i.-.v.••

AYER'S Star & World - DigiFind-It · 2015-12-03 · v«A? ^/ESiffiSS' i...,?l.^_:....^,^.-. m.... VOLUME XVIII. WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. JM THURSDAY, NUMBER 36. * A. M, m In

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* A. M,m In airh

. XvtKtttrftriinimuulMl!iin«, 1*1 nn4 :trd Tlinntitli. Msn)ii(crr*II, Wii'litiiJJ. K. rnli«T,\ViiphlUj;i.in. 8 . J .

TRKFLcCnirTKR, S.i.l i , It. A.M.-Stated Cnn-viw-itlmi-,-i\A Tunmr In ftitli iiitmlii. Jl;i-

: mute Hull. W.itb Intuit. KctKHiry* • ' . l>. Pal*Vcr,W»AliMtloii.N.4.

WAnitiMiirnxCi.rxcil, No. 1. It1*!*! nml SnlrelMt-tcry Stnlciln'H-mMIO.^til 1'riiliy In mwtatnniuh. MiwHr llnll, WmliinetiHi. lUcoMcr,.1. K. fuliKT, Wn.liiUjtuu, .*,. -t.

X K T l i t t i

i , W B » h l i : l , .M Cir**!*, Xo.lfi, Jr. U. IT, A. M.—Mi'fl-

«viuy Mmulny f!Vcii!i>i>. Flr.mi.tiV II ill,ithiti'n. Strii-nry. Uel tn rilim-*-. W o t !n, N. .1, . •

K. A- l . . o l t ln 'O .S . -l HI I ' l l y t irl

WjUHlS-ttus l,.tiii.«. Kit.ft, K. A- l . . o l t ln 'O .S . -Stnti-il in.clhii;-, I-t mul Hi.I I'rliliy tn ><-irl>immtli, M^r.n'fc' IU >, W.trt>1«il»n.' J. tt.Hrjant, Siculity. Wi'liltmtwi, S. J .

LmRKTT Coi'Ki'ii-, Ni». 1!l, U. U. A.M. Mectlui:tttftr Tuni-iisj c*i"thnr, Mi-elint.kV llnll. H«.rt'tity, W, I*. Ji'iiula^, Wiijlilnytmi, S» J .

limn ExCAurxr.HT, Null . ' I . (l.-O. V., tucch 2>1nml 'till Tlmrxniiy t'visiiiiit:* <il e.itli t-iiitiln, itiOilil I'dUnn-' Hill, \VV.!>Mni{tiin. ttfU'tt, Thorn*

_" ...«• Tujlarn, Wu.|.|Hfi!<ri, Jf.J.

MA»<cini.ii 1.01'tn:.'Jin' i l . I . 0 . O . T , inn!*. «vvrvSfittuilsiy nvfritni* In ",11 IMiniv,.1 11*11,

Wn>hitiu!nn. tH>tr«t.tr*r> T, 11. UtilUb, Wa<h-

>li'*';i>SKTi'usit rur.ii'li., %'n. lii'iii, Amcririiii I,c-Klim HI lliir.iir,luroir evity in.lnml IIti .Mmulnyvvcnlui:-t |ti ne'i minitli, ni H ttYiutk, j*mi«ury, Miner I'. llaty, W;HI1IIKIO;I, N. .1. ;

lft & flt.l Aliiwiny I'VuL-i iiti-arh ni'ititn.'' (Krl.niJuly iKt I.i l i« . I>1 in.ly iju M .iluwlsy inroiiiiili.) Mtelwtk* II ill. A.lJ.iTivni. J . T.Iiii-illWngliki^ii<ii N J

A h

Vy"M. A. STliYKElt,'

Civil and Criminal Law Practitioner,WASHINGTON, N. J. '


Wnnhlnu'ion, IN"..J.,

Attorney and Counsellor at Law,Solicitor, Mutter <(• Kniiniiicrin CtciM-cry.


, , STATKd UOUKTri, '

Anil in nil the Court* of AVw Jcn-ty

Physician \V Surgeon,WASlliNfiTOS. N..I.

iiiil Iinnli. <

F. P.

OllifOA ill rwiiUiii'rit "h Wn-lilii!:t*i!i av; . mnitii-In: ^t. CUmil Hoti'l.

' l ' c>U.- |» l i ( . in ; i n M i n e r * !

OiH.-i:h"iir* 7ti . ' . ' A. M.. 1 in :i i'. M.,7-.-M r . M.

>lU)t". .IAS. 1..•KOiKSBKIiV.


Cheap Reading.Tlio 2««w York World mid

I he WauhfiiK<<"> s ( l l r

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~n]-»'i-.niIuniK'.i0rc ltttrkutn hi «to«Hi--.-tHi! Holler:utkim In I'sdmticn. EI?"Kt«:li iimviuwonif JI ncviHillor will 1m (ilviuiiiti l \S l tK , \ . \ 4 ' , ( ; i><n , l

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RUPTJTRElORiKlrotiitiilmmi i lmsnm;lay. Mn,.Varlc

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lioivuivl trip nroutid Uio wirlil. ICviu-y niltiilt'c. of ilm Nntion's Huh. will rlwlro llil^Uio l«<rt w«H' ingUfont (Irfttit. HwidWH-entsjLt nnn'i forout-

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The papers will lie niiulcil to tiny

postoilice tuWlresH, postage paid, al

tlic fibovo prices, cash tloicn. This

oll'cv is to now snliHoribors to Ihc

STAII, ami lo nil present subscribers

who pay up all nvroiivs to date and

one yen.*- in advance .ul tlio new club-

bing rates. Xiie two iKipors must L;O

cthfii1 in all cases, and there can

bo no'dcviiitinii Jrom tlio above cou-

ililions. While tho STAU is lrniiiily

devoted to local afl'aiia, the \Vt>rld

coveratho broader Held of genoral

news. The two will keep ihc rentier

posted in all that if* worth knowing

of current events, both sit homo and

abroad. Tlio eutcrpriao of tho WorU

umlt*i" its new innufigGinont, has

caused it to outstrip: all competitors,

and it stands to-dny in tho load 61

tho great journals of the country. It

is DJ-MOUHATIC TO TiiK*(JoiiK;'"Subscribe


"Star" & 'World

AYER'SCherry Pectoral.

No ctlKf coiDpUint* nro to inMillom hi theirAltncic«»tlioto alluctltip iho Hiroat ami longs;noiiB n trilled with by tk-j iiiajoi tty of BUtTur.en . Tin- ftniltiAry cougU or cohl, mulling|ftli»l'* from a trl'JIi'ij or uii CO MI clous M -I^iurc, U elten but tlio IVRiuiilHg of n fatal

<r!ckncM. JWBii'fi Ciiunuv I'KcroiiAL Im8w\l i-rorcn i u efikMcy In n tony you** fighttilth throat ninlluiipiil^ftJci1, UDUbLouMU)taken In nil cun'us without ili-lay.

! A .Ti.-i-rli.Ir C m i u h ^ u m l . •" I n l - J I ! |rii*cn'(<Trr<Ti>'.ill\tliU

>linirt;ctcilmy lntii!*.' f bn\ a ttfrilMootruitli.niiil iiimMilnirittt alliT nylit uflliuitt floi-l-. Tho .UtcU.rukiivuinu til>. 1 Irkil AiiKH'H Clii:iiliV ]'ix-IOHAI , nliieh r.ll 'Tcl in)- lung!, in.lucCil•le*i", atul niTonlnl me the ftKi in.vcH.iry

-jp. ' . i „• j.1-,rr,fr;7i"rf-IrT-'rrrf".l. — Ilylhn-rinitliiUi'il ut-i of tlio I'i:t.T.'*n*t:. n |)i:rro«<"unit etiTc «at t-IIVeUil. 1 nm ii'ii n: yczt*old, ha'.v nml luntly, nm! nm mlls'lcd jourClIKKUV ri.C10ll.lt. P.IVC'l I'M-.

Hii imx F\ii'tMulllL'li.""': itwi.:Lfii..iii("1 vt., July is. :^ :v ' •

C r n « l ' . - A Mother's TrM.utr." Wlillx In lln' i-niir.try Ian wiiiU'r my I IMJ

loy(tU«o jB9ii»i'Iil,war.|:itfiillU'iliVru'ii.;It foeiiK'il u< if ILK r-i'iiM iH.i itom Hr.ij:^ii'latlmi, On«M,r tliu futility sujccMdl Uic u^i»•! AVEit'x i:nn(iiv i'Ccit'iiAi., n |H»ult> »inlilcli mi." nbmy* lic|>t in tlift lifli>i'. HJI*was trli'il In i-niiill inn! frt't;i\ciit Uf•»!:*, mi'lto out <lulli!ln In ti-fa tlmu luill an ln-ur I dolltllii imttiKC WDI* lirciitliiiia cn-lly. Tlur «UK-tor Kni.l tlial Uio <J 11 !.[;»*• I'll vOKAt. lirnl

153 West UStli Pt.,"j»:iw*Vurk! SlKy'lffV*"'. .

" I hate llfCil AVIIIl'S CTTRIlV 1'KCTORAt.hi my Mriilly tor wvrral y-nr», nml i!» iwtU'MUto to ['nJiioiui'M It Uio most cllcc'iinlri-iiiir.ly tor L-UUK1U mid n H ' v o ln»vt- everukil. , A. .1. CiiAJiE,"

Ijiko Cryttal. Minn., Mai eh 13.1-?:'. . .

" I Miltcrc-il fortliiht yi-arf frrun I'rcitrtti'M.

e"^.Tl"l'Vllfl^Vi•ytilutu"n^:^u^.nVt;t^\l•ui- I'Kcrunu- .Ifis-.iu vr-w.nts."

. »lMUHot»iiycnOTt:lilni.rMrflC.J Avni'ftClINIIUV I'KCTOHAI.; lt«!t«IHK If 1 i!> tlinttun fir Iti IIK< I hliuuM loiv Huo'1 Imvi' -Ui-aIIOI.L luiin in.ubij*. r . r . tacii ' js ."

IMIti'tliif, T«.x:i*. April I;, l:i-".

Ko ci«c (>f mi n!Toc:i"ii of sJio Oao.it orIiinfii oxis',* which (•-"tiiiot iw e"ca!ij'ri;Ii''vcJby IIIL- u«e of AYElt'i" Ciirnitv. rccroit.il.,ttnd it will ulirays cure vlitli tho ilt«iMi<) Unot nlrcaily tieyou'l Uio cohirol of uioJiciuo.

Dr.J.C.AyortvCo,,LowcU,Ma63,SaM by all Ui-ugglau.

Bulgers Oolleges Oollege,. . ! 1 .-.)• f.,'in V.".<•'!!'(..!(.II-

The New Jersey Sislo College to Pro-mo!o A'nciilinio'-.iiil IIIP. -

Mechanic Aii.

40 Schoiarsiiips Free.• lvi*n i ' i i In -NinC" (<3*!c«i'i'vS*»a: j oiiiiw

•l..»;<. If |-:-;"-:-l)- •


{•V.'i.i 'e'c^^t.ifni-riI; •!•.'» «( ]<iii!.->., *-.)V

Tim Kent Wlnir

SnCurinfiiltl: ilnlctllt lhi< lln-t WDB porxl,P..r rUllimi -inlimi wroimht tu-r vury l**tt

Turning' t ! r FMifltf'"' ItiH.i.ii'-" of 1>H«M1.

Hut ttil* the* Mamcr l-rlntrnj Uln *llcnt cyoHiitluf. ll«> f iiiirfNini1 nt n lellcilnrf yi-nr;

lie Mill. vlEt!<'*t«. tor ItcaViti Is prifti-liitf I'j .lion- down, o Nature, inrj'OUi lltirt Iti ni-r

I-jkL' uniilii)- HUM'"- llivyNiimly illM|>piunOur licnvoiily Jo)i> HH up iliu vrMetiltiic lirlin,

Kvtr t imnMlu ' imnJ lull, inoro sweet utio

" tfliti*«!npcml*, wtieti o'or the i

•V!ivm*iitVitnwiiy11t1ii!(irlti*f «i

Aim >it . ' iin.-tliiiiKK liu »iicnua i n . » w w l «

nm nl ili'n Minii'im* uf (he nnirln* cn<^;Ti liinu- iT intmMinif uml tli>; liwivvitly (lirciiP*

WUU'ii i"ioii sh.iil lutoinni-tifc for <;irtlilytot*.

TW-W.II.1, tin. IIOIIIT. mi.I tlit.> ln.nl Itm Lc«t. —•1 hi* IS ll«- onkr i'f llm MlWtrr'* "Ino:

Mure liuui il.c }ctortlii)i> to-iluy^ ur'ili.mi..\ml lllc-'n tii-ii>«rri(-viniiy liu mori* ill vino.

Ar.i'-.hii! Li'itiiiil'/ Ah! vji-hiilii wwr fern,j . - . , r l , , , i f l ,„'„ | , , , , l r , | id,. Hi-it'lcru tlmt tiuillt;

i::iit;rx llalit* niu fnlfnv ntuwlowi* ti» iho( ^ ; i!icenf ^ ^ ^ ) i | f | ) | | ( , „,„.(

'Vr-'liNl11 Tl.ie. MiiMUr. com..- mi'1 U ' ' » l »

"Wu linvu madu' n ^ront mlstuko.noiiiclio"'," Imtjaii (lilburt; "though ; 1cuimot utuJorstnint tt ut ul!. Wo H;IWtliij yoti)tg1fl«1yrM!ln<j stal-lidl 1>y thntnontloinaii IIOMIIO licr, "utitt wo rusliotlover, hoping to bo Iu Umo to prevent nmtinlcr. '

. Tim olJ ^ciitlunihii b u m luto a \>ca\uf luuj'litor thnt MUUIIIOII lo La hifcc-tlotis, lor nil tlio company jolneil in it,

' * i^ tltl tho tears itrcnmcil downthoir cliueki with tliu i

d o nof ihoir

i.ii-. (VIIII

Tiio turnrst Into

Unly (iilliurt nml Ned rutttinoil tlioirIltl/Zloil CXI'l'UriSlutl.

Tlioy inrnoil lo loavo tliu rooni.^fcol-iiij; us if thoy wuro boliij-- nnjustly rMI-litiloi.', ".when Ihu oltt KomloiiKJii put ailetnisiliif,' li:tml on ilicm.

•*\VitU :t iiiunimit," l;o declaimed; "1iniist tiN|itiiiii.-'My il:utghtt-i'i- nnd noilui'i! mt'iiilHTHof nn iiinuUiitr tliculvicalclub, anil llioj*'wuro, (;oin^ through a.r u h e a r M M t!i'.>!rt'!»rN lw.?.»-vilH'--othrors ithmilil arrivit.V

Thu tr'u.mU joined homtily in thelaughter wiilcli broku oiu »y '

ii in»HU.-d their

I v i i a s C r M ^ t n U e ;

c'un «cj:d,,bm!ii,b;U!i!.. ...,,l-ruiU',elC. When vi^i-tii,* the drii;ii)i, a'Ml l i he k n f

"MydjUEUer w« v=iy h j j c:l nn'MMUnt ol

& cold and pile in Iw lunsf.1 Ur. '/7.,-.'Mi1 Jlibc

trie Oil tut <J/',<•• in tv/lr.ty-f.'xr hvurl. Oiia .

cfihe l»y« wa.i tuietl ot sota iliriiit. "I'hw mcJi-

l.n!« Mohopsc, N*. V.

p-O TO§mrst fet."Rfl.'Skirt

Per. Year.A*1 ult liinTot ^l;^rconiij^uui»-ryhlwuj"iifiBliiiiirt(,' : ' J.' oi'iottlui'wlliyiiowihnl ." ' .'" -/.

Thijse Goods ava the Heat,

A r K I V A T M 'Ul- : i lKARSAL.

(iilbcrt \Vnriti(r, stiidonl al tho Lon-don Uuivorslty, rending hnrd for tlioM. A. ticgroo, pat nlono In uis dingyliiclifrtor loii^ing on tlio sccotul lloor m(Jw'.vur streut", onu ptrftiut ni^lit lu.luno.Hooks slrowod tho lablfl, ovorllowinf;on lo the Hour, mill tilled ororv avtiilii-I'louiiuir; hut IJilbort was ovidontlyiii,*glt-i.'ting liis ^luiHi'is, for no lamji waslit, und h<< s:tt in <I:irknoss ul ihu win-iU>w, trii/.iiic ucruss the rond j.o nbaurb-ftd!y tiifit he did tiol hear ihu quick,biuiadinj: trend Un Uiu slairn Hint ludto !ii> room, follutvod tlmuph il ivusby ;-. imid knocli. atnf th"<n tin* imueru-iHoniwii- tuilr.-un:.- ol' lii.i LMIQIII fiiumi,Ned Ilushitu, WHO i>\L'!aini':d:

"Why. Cil!~---:itttii- in tin; dnrl;!Whiit's tho nisttur, ina»?"

i-'.tr nnswur, Inlbwri iK-ckound \n*frit;mi to ihu window :ind ]iointed toiho lirst llyor o( tlnj ojniosito. honsi,'.through the windows ul wltkh oonldLH> soon 11 liand^oni'jly-fiirnishcti room,and, ai-'.itt'd ut n jiiatiw, .1 yutisij; ladv,all •nnyoiiM-knta uf iho eyed which wensivulchinji: her overy 111 ovoimint.

"Well, shfi ;•* :i.stunner!" was Nuii'd'.(.'nthttniajtio coniinutit. "Hiviiudy f:i!r!1 ijnitu adtnivo your *.a<u*, old fitfliiw."

••Ihi'h! stn; 'in »oin-f to sin*'," wlili-IMTBit I'.illjort. . . .

Am! ihruti^li tht- (.jipii wiinluv:s thuycould heir ovciy 110U1 of thuHuh, swunt'vuiei'. as lim .dfindi'r lin>'tjri ran lijiiillvovvr iho ])ituio-);<>yt. , . '

hli« was po iiLourlird in her musicihnt shif did not sue wlmt tho ivutchuri

''U-niS" Uio aia'*!t saw plainly; the doorVpi:iivd, ami it »t>ni)i'ni'tii enluri.'d,stoml fyr a uiinutDu,-* if liritonin^ Lo UioftW'mt m.iU;.i uf tin; eiu'*tjf, then came;ioi>--U-^U KI.tn.1 hor, and l^mlti-ov..r, "-niiy lifi.id :in,,,,( II<JI- Icinj; fnfrVMIU ill In-, iiittui and prosnod it t>i \-.\A'!iji> wilh iiii !iti[ti'aiMtn:t{ of tho nmut.-nilei'iJuVuiloB.

Tin' iim.ii,' ^.i:ucd abruptly, and theymmj: ladv s|»rutisr to hi-r fuut, tippar-L'lillv 1101 a: all p't-'a-iiid with the libmvlu\-"{idiiiip-r had tahrn,

Sii« -iviilwnily r--[.r«)ai-hcd him. uri-1by Isirf jv'*i'in;-- Ins -wnu-d tu lm apolo-

•'Ktiaiiv, this :s as i;ood ;u goiiif,' toliu; tln-au'!1,*1 ru:nm-Uii;Nutl. '•! wi,hwo could hear what tliovivuro s.iyiiiL-."

Mouiiwtiilu UL; i-u-v-uanmr tnlkuillonjr :u;d t'iirrii*stly; htit if lio \xn&- ui-i;-iii^ his .suit, he rucuived no tnu-oiiniyo-muit Ironi thu yiuiri-; lady, for -sliohhidji; tiur lio:;d now :imi 'then, andone.-, v.-hyn i;L- soii'-lit lu take hur Imud,bltu ehr:-iil; irom liini ai if his vyrytyiscli wuru loaihiiouio to her.. .

Al liisi hi* ^roiv d«.-ipi:ratp,' andihi-iM-.ini: liiiu.«:i:iat her fisei.. auoinod10 1)0 'oi:iri)'aiiiig lior to ill tor hor iloeis-ion. ..V'.. ...."Tli'Vyoini^huIy Vt'itsqiiiti*o"i."(*rwiuiim-od at bis jitsrai-sltinm* and dramatic iit-ti ludr, ioi-j,lnj covijred hor fucii "wilhlu-r -iiniiMs, i-lld nulibuil- vUil.Slltlv; bill--imL-viduutlv WHdliriii.in -htT dwiilal.and afiiTn, VU;f ititttrvnl ho da^ht-dI'niin Uio room, li;iii"i»" iliu door bu-hiiid him.

I'rt-'M.'jitlv the dour rno pun ml, and ayoiniL' t:id"c!imt! in and Uirywhur arms::iaa:;t liic.-yoi;':,;-,!::dy.-.tlric-.l;;h'.'i1v...'yi^,,-.and iri**d to eoinfoi-t* iior'wiiu ciiritasCii"and KsinU-riisnosiulutiuns.

••'J'lial litttu'^ii-l sulis my tuslo bullorthan tliu oihor oiiu.it you will exeuaumy say in jr so . " i-oin'arkod >.'i3d. "1umnt aim isn't <]iiito as nroliy, uiiliiu-vii U sonieihiii'; about hur thai tukesin« . ' " • ' . ' . . . .

'J'iiii ybiing jxid porsuaded licr sintor.to li« down anil nisi, nnd ufior uovcr-iiif; hor iijrhtly, nml wiiluliing lo scuiitir ovi'.s ulos". shu lufl tln» room iigjiin.

.••Well,11 suppose ihiit if* tho omt ofliu! draiiiji," rom;n-!;oii Kcil. **I.ot'8go out 'for a waik IIU\\F, for tiiu o.seitu-inenTTs'TilVovoV*?*"" '"'""' " • •,

• • N D . " 'iinswisriid Gilbert. "See, tliodoor is opuniug a^ain!" ., ' •" " .• > "'L'his bt'cutni'.-i tiinllinR;'' cried Nod.'•'riii) viihiiii riiiiinnmr.-). with vovengoiii liis eye. Now wo shall soorrsoiuofun." ' • „ ' '..,.Tho.roji;ctod,suitor uropt, towju'da tlmj•fileopiiis {;irir"wilh""a"slordlhyr"caulik'i)inovoinoiii, nnd stamllTijj ucstdo .thecoiii'h. 'ookud down ai hor, as sho "lay'all uncon'iicioUH of his pruaoDCc..•' IIu knelt down, and lidod liis hiuidslownrd-lioavon'-lit i in 'aUltudo o( do-fi]j:iir, then raised hi* unn, and tlio tor-ror-strii'.kun spcet'atoH saiy ihc" brightgloam'oJ! atuel..-- „ , ' • . ' • '

"Ilol'a intirdorln'i*; her!" cjlcd Gilbert,"tjniok! wo may bn loo Into to SUFO

I i o r 4 " "• • • . ' . ' . " • •: •

_ -A'J.d_Jip^dftrtjj^rtojvnj-tiiirs, ^closelyfollowed"1" by "hU^'tnitHir^'iiiiii-^iiisliud"across Uio streut: Thc-.iioor'bf tho op-po-iilo house was open, and they sprangupstairs, ati.l itrtnlujil OJIOII thc''(loor oitho room iti wliich ihuy had • just wit-hosseil Iho trngody, to fiml' it full ofpooplo, laughing and talking. . .

This Biiruly was iho room in whichthey had MlniiSHml Iho cold-bloodedassassination of u helploss fiirl1 Whatdid it—could it moanP ." -v . • . .

A {•onllomah.adviincu'd, with ft. lookof indignation'1 a t this ' uncuroiiionious

•'tiitiiislpn^1"":"-"^-"-'"-'- •":":": ""rc-'r-*1——;''"--•"Whi'.i docs liiia itioiuii".1 bo Inquired

iiiigrily. "Wluit do you moan by bolt-'lag; into-a1 man's• houao iu this \vr""°Kxplain:y6nrs6lvoaI'i-'r"-;'^.-:T;-: •'"-"•"'

Tho young inon woro tnuto for fi 1•;niciii.-:,Loo ulterly-hnwildorodtojipo;

There "slodd lho"siipi)6soir"aa3aaJ ,1 looking a t thorn curiously, and bosidohim waa'^liis victiai, unharmed, andbearing no marks of tho acono throughwhich sho had just passoil. ;

Tho nld -A'roinainin-; Uiv tin- uiDiiinir, and thoy-.roved Mii-h 11-,'n-uiitrlif .i-oiii['U»)-- thattliuv row-ivud in^ ' i t i itiviuttiuiif'to n;-]ica*t thi-ir vinii. which, tt U uiitiCL-i-dtifiy to aay, thi-y jjiaiily nciiL'pU'd.

Noi vury many iit'inlli.t l;.lov. c;iid"were ismiid for u ilonblw wiMtdin^; andufter tiio ciiruiuony win uvur, bothliridosroonis doclarod that Ihny owwl

" ' ' inosJ to thoir l)rothor-in-law,I in uall-

thoirinippinow lo ll'•tho villain," an liuin" him.

HU>K Simkv unit C«»|)|trrlu-u(l. .

Ur. H. and h!i In-other were ridingon horsoliack nlonir a noimtry road in.South Cnroliun wlmn tlmir ,*t»:cdj sud-denly manifooted alarm. Tliu ridoMlooked nbotit Ilicm to ascertain tliuCiin.iO of tlio fright, wiion lliey discov-oreil Iwosnakca in tho rond just alieadof them preparing for buttle. A copper-bellied moccasin which

H tl

utt A copwhich u in ven-

H us tlio ralllosriiiku or »:oHon-nioiith, wii.s collud tip in tlio middle ofthu road, whilo n klin: snakt1, which lanot poisonous, was cirrtiugnroiind tliotnoceajin; seeking thn ehaiieti to attiiek\la foe. Tho !>nalie> smsincd to iindur-Btand each oiimr thoroughly. Tlioking snako glided around ilie inocca-bin lirst onu wuy nnd Itiei) tho other,but Llm liiUur. with keen oyo and up-lifted head, . unliringty watched thomovumenw oi tlio attacking snako.Thii iminciivdring for ndvunlagu waskept up so long nml A» iiionotonoiwJythat tlio horsomon grow weary of theirposition of obiurvalion, anil, disinount-ing, sat upon a fence a fow feet fromthe i-nmbaluntd and nwnitod the buttk'.At last tliu king .-nnku tuud its enemy

i d l d fgin its iimtliod oltin- d

yau, as tlni'hmid of

lilid not turn as rapidlynor wad it hold a-* erm;i as nt the open-ing ol hojtllitiL'*.' Tho kin;; snako sva-cd its upjiortimiiy, and, with Uio springof a tl"(ii\ caiichi hia (tntajronist imuio-iHatoly back of Its mollth.

Tlion lwjjttii iho lifo and .loath Strug-;ie. Thu Uiif.' snake threw sovoral

?uila around llm , from whichthu l:itli;r would, liy grri.it oxurliou.

forhaliunliour.llui lung s'tiuiiu hiisvlf around ihclie still for ti

i i H l, until-iiimllyniftnlv colledfn.' Ue'would

theng n Ids fiiMi anmtiil iii.s loe. . This

was eoMtluui'd until llm victor thoughtthu vanimidlml.duiid, and then ho be-gan to slowly unfold his coils. AfterruiuUiimu tlii'fiw or four of iiij fold?, Iiupatisnd to fwtl if the iinjcciwing.-ivc anyindicatioiiii of life. Tlmu he unfoldedtwo inore coils when the moccasinslightly ni'jvcd. Quick as thought tliofciiig snaku threw his coils around the

i i d i d i thg

moccasin rposition for*s


. and rumainod in thaiwhen ho again

h l flo^ain slowiv iiinvimtiuif himself fromhis viciim. ''riii! inoccasin was dead,.anil wa> Ivin*: at full Icn^ili aorosi thoroad. Tiio viulor inovud np and downlim body of his la to 'antagonist, makinga clo.-iu oxaniination, to usoui'lain if lifowas coiiipiuitily oxtinct., Ikini,' aatis-licd of this fact. tl!« kinjj snako pro-pared :'or \\iv swallowing procuss, andapparently cuvt*red thu dead moccasinwith ;i aliiny SV1 .*1!-.!1!1*:.11 (l*'»tn il* Ilionlh.'liioii..r!ii;izia^:"tiiir Viiot-oa-ii'i" 'by 'thuhuad, Uio kinj; snaV:e," whieh'is -capableof «'i-t:al onliirtrouioniof the bod\-, slow-iy nwuituwuil X\U vaniiulshijil I'oo, not-

mliiifj tlu* lattor was HOV<'renter in lonyih than UioI iniickiv "luliid into ihu bual

—St. I.'tuij 0lube-Democrat.

Trades fur.'Aiin'i'icu!' Hoy.t.

" :'T !ic "TfaUe s"" i n •••'otir cm:iiars, have buen nlniosi.

lthis soaur tutu


Is inoro ponorally tho gon tlinn It has boon for llirjj

" d thogWU who in-lh h

ur tutu MI i."i me id, and thogWU who in-'ilnl^u In It n>'o not Saul ullhor, lhou^hIht'y uru bright mid hearty. At oltO ofthu hotel j lialf a dozen yoiiu^' la-lioifnnn a I'hihidolphlii aemlnjiry buvi)formed a swlinmlng club. They wear:i costume, or rather uniform, of M\H-groou Haiincl, udi^od with Inco. Theirritoeldiifrs tire ot -illl:, sua-grccn loo,nud tlripcd with black. A bl^ blackslur U oinbroidorod on each bow in.Thoy do not wear slippers. .AUogcllicr'the cioituiuo U very no.it. (pilot and iiu-tuiuin^. The yotin<; ladioa aro cum-pletoly at homo In Iho KCU. •

Onu of thum. a charming bnmulto,with hlaek uniUing cyo-j, crualea a sou-sulion now and then by sv/lmmlnjr wayout boyond ilie breaker.'. Thn bntliin^intittcr nceuuipanic.1 hor on a now sortof fowiug iiiiieiiiuu [liitl looks lilio twobiy clyaw Ju'iiiod tu^ollicv by H plimk.Hliu nmujoj hi:r <;lf occasionally byuliinbiu^ up on ono of llm cigars autltnkln^ a "ia-adcr" into Iho deep son.Thu font wui accoui|)|iuicd by NOmuch violonco the OURT dav ttuU tbe |"ol(;ars" earocmi'l nnd tltii balbinjj \:i i in tor was Itiiuliled into Iho water. 'Tim erowd that tlm^iilv rutt.itorlul ex-hibitions ;i!w,iys pithor had n donbloHi.'iidiilion (or a moment, Htit Ihu cl-ears li^hlod themselves und thu youngmini climbed back into the seat. Thugirl climbed up too and sal bodldu him,and idiu Implied ul tho fihow by mudoin UU dritiplns clothes until ho Wiumoved to tilt hor, head over bucls, Intoiho waves n»;iin. She bobbed up tillritfbt, beautiful an a moruiald, midda.<ilu!d him with lipruy wbllo ubo uon-cbittanlly "tioadud" water. Of coursoshe h the slnr of the club. Hut all ihogirls nro expert swiiuiuor^. Tboywouldn't run Iroin a-.wavo a-i bic as aslil;), and they don't shriek Ilko aChoctaw Indian when a little bit offoam run a nvor thoir d.iinly toes. Thoyb'jloii" to the 'anti-esthetic, set. Theyaru sivorn fom of uorves, hyatorica nudcosmetics, 'i'huir oyo.-) aro clear andbright with hi<;ti licnlth, aud theirround ehuek.', innocent of rougo und

d b tl tder, arc i»s brown M tliu son-wot

d Ycstonlay, a 1'rincoton col-b l

siinds, Ycstonlay, a 1rincoton colltigo mnn, a brotbur of onu of l!in girls,c;imn down. Ho didn't havo muchfaith in the club's urit, I fancy. Ho \su r rmil utiilislc nnd swimmer liimsolf,und rutlicr vain of his accomplish-nietus. I'rcjitminp ouhis rclationslii[t,ho undertook to "guy" tins club. : Ledby hi w i t Ih club lled f rho unby hisliim

g y csister, Ihe club yalled. for

und tbo maulinj,' nndueelon youth got will

liim en mHBSi\ un t maulinj, nducking thnt l*riueelon youth got willbo likel)' Ui servo him as a memory forninny a suiniiier.— Lung liruneh Utterto the l'hilni\ili>hia Times.

A [tt-viviil of tin; liroitxc A«o.

\\v. had in the earlier \I%QH of man-kind si rou»h and a jiolUhod slouo a^o,a bronzo age, am! an a-jfi of iron, cii'ch'distin^uidlmd by tlic charucler of thomaterial that was predominantly "?cdby men fur thoir weapons and t

d h d d d t UO3 ay

nnd haof Htcol.

r hoir a p n ,nv added tu UiO3o u^ea one

In a s imilar m a n n e r wo arci upon a revivnl f l l

h i h

s, h a e pVy foreigners. Tho American boy,however, when ho ilooa tuko u trade,<>QCS fitraijjht on tn llits top of tho l:ul-dcr. Il seems a* if our boys wouldrather be fourtli-rulci lawyers, or pby-sicians,.thaii earn their living by work-in" with thoir hands. Only tin: otheiday 1 road in a Now-/York newspaperof uVyonug luwyur iu a distant city,'whom I know some years ago when 1resided in that section of tho country,who literally starved 16 '"death. Ho

it. livudins lonj:

broii7t''(;«t.', in wliich thai substam-o it*,its '.iiri.1lii.-4 U In lm put liiroii^h stagesof. iinprorumo:it !iko tlnisu that ironand stool huvo undergone. Manyvaviutios uf bron/.o havo linen proilncodwithin tliu hist few years thai p o s i e sfeatures stryntrly iiistin<;iii.sliiiipr themfrom llm anciiTtU alltiy.*, and some w i ytisni.irkabk' •-UiviUic^ as ooinparod withthem, in viuw of which tlmy are fro-quemly ILSIKI in phiut: oi ovon iron umlsteel. The brouzos of tho anciunt3wero composed of copper and tin. na iialso what is .'now ^regarded ' a i uron/.opuii* and simple, 'mixed in proportionsvary 111 according to th« purpose forwhieh tho cotiipoiind is inlonded. Othm;sno.siances, howuvm*, arc often sOded,with'jist niiiil-ijf.iifyiui!; tho product,whluh Id dtill uulluifliruiiM-, providedoopptT mid tin aro Uio (jhiuf conslitu-Giit-i, . Auioii" tlioso substances .are•"inc. load, [iiibsphorujs, . inaujjimcao,sltiehini, iron, niukol.. an-unic. aniimo-ny atnUulphtir. i t ii th« addition ofci'rtain propoi'tioni' of ono 01; otlier of

iHUch-aiiL'.-itniif1'.-- Ttli:it;.-f-on-ilitni'S -'ihomodern ilt;vulopuit*nt o( broti/.o man'u-"fiicluro, »ud which lias given ui some

tiniii sonn: of iho nio.-l rmnarUabio ul-loys known. Tlmso iwmpriso no tavmvthan cloven • di.ttiuc-t proihii*t.s, a l lo twhich liuii their lisud in noiiiiei-tiouwilh thu praoiico of on gin coring. Theynro; pliosplior-linin/.e, sitiuiiim-brouKe,

- . . . . . . inau{iancstj:bron;'.i), (iidinwiiotal. phos-trjV of 'late j jih'or - cupper, . phosphor. -."in'»nj;ain:.*o

Lroiize,"" plioisphor-leiiil" bvonw. phos-

•*Tho dtljiiand for ginger a lo ," salil aproiuiiiont-munuf act unit uf that artlulo,"iucroaioi'-viiry mpldiy. :.". Whun ; 1Jituried In it yuar-i fl£O thoro woro notmoro than twwnty in tho husincsa. Tho 'ino^t of my liusinc"-! now li inauufaut-iirin-' tlio oxtraet for nthcrj to put intopotable form, and thvso othord havo^rown from thirty to about tivo hun-dred. Iti tho main, all iho mukcra UMO :

lha itiiiiiu formula anil method. Thoy 'mix tlic extract with puro rfii^ar sirup,dilute with watur until an ordinarybottle contains about liftoon dropsof ginger, nml then put thlj into bottleswith a carbonic, acid inncliitic. Two([iinlilii)^ aru made, one, thu lie tier, for[U'ivalo UaO und livst-ulas1 l-otol.-i undsaloons, nnd a fUcond for tlio gcnoralbar-room trade. Tho iHllVronce is al-most antiroly in thu iiiiiility of tho ex-tract omtiloyod. With tho lirst, wom'uW it'^tii^u'r «lc v.lilcli salVi for $1 or$1.20 j>t-r vmn of twcttty-fuiir bottler;thb second runs froia 50 tu 75 conts uea.'ie. It ir.ay 3iirpri.io you to knowtlial tlirJO-fourths ot thn so-catled iin-lortod nrticln is maiiti hero. ThelOtllcs belonging: to favorito brands

am carefuj'tv ictjpt iiiid attiil to i l s lu^u-"urly to be filluil. Wo loavo tho labels.ntavl or patto on (ac-f-inillos, ami putin new corlc^ und inuial caps'ilua or,a,'^i. Tlicra is not onu person in athousand who can t<:H llio dill'oroncc.lu ono ihat-chiSs hotel I havo buen fill-inguml rolilliiiK thn si\ino old bottlesnow for scvoii yi-r.r', nnd I think it willkeep on as long as I live."

"la there no hud ginger nlo in thomnrkotP"

"Vos; there nro two bail k!ml«, andboth GO bad thiti ihn board of healthsliould stop lliolr manufacturo. Thoyaro mado in largo <[t*autRU-s horo inNow Vork ana Hnioklyn, and soldchiolly to boor-aaloona ami icc-crcamstoros, Ono kind li niailo from cheapginger,''Hud ii itoctotcd with tho ex-tract of rod jiopnur and othor cheml.CAU to jrivfl It bodv and bite. Tho menwho iuai'0 it ulftim thm rod popper Ugood for tho stomach, but they noverrcfur to tho othor ciiuin!c-il.s.' Tho othernml wor.it Uiml U nudu by n fevy Gor-tn:m edlubiUh incuts. I tut cad olii i inpa piu'fi extract." thoy buy up, wlicrovorthoy can. totidumiiL'd nnil spoiled gin-ger root. ,S((inu of thorn make thoirown cMiiict from thl.-*, and rcinforcu itwith cayenou. Oihori grind it up andbrow M vile nlu from it. which thoytinljh with csiyunnci nnd KIUL-OSU. YOUcan oaslly U'll ihi-t lust olass by iotiingit stanil al'tfi- tii'tn^ opuuod. Thuyoast i.'oniiimoj lo work mid tho ;;!uturns sour, and tlu:n ptitiid. Drinkingit Is jni-t us 1,M\ ni dniikiii-; sour beer.It;* ciic.ipRusa roooaimuiuis if. howovur,it niucnipuUms *ia1ii(Hi-k''fpers. Illover co'itj nioro lh:ui liny. I'jtmts a'•as.t, and fr..irioi.tiy {rot.; as low a S8jen;* a ca^u. ltotaucd ut 10 cents ityields a larger piulit than any urtieieftltt acrosa a bar.

. ;'1L'A a nicii buaint'ss, but ha-* ..itsmwbackd. ])oij)ilu ovory precautionml safo^iiuni tho bottles ovury now.tid then u.tplodo and do damage* L:t3t•.•inter while watching tho 'botllur'-=at

work, thu huad uf a Uirjic Brooklyn os-iihinont1 wits 'struck "by-tiie frag-ile ot a huttle Uml burst, and hail

hi;i Iclt oyu cut in iuiK aj cluau as iiilouo wilh si knife, la, fact, you'llhardly inooL n man hi the busim-si whocutt uol show von'soars similarly ob-tained."— .V. 1" Snti.

bronze, j/lionVb.orIoad hronw. pphor-lin, • aluinitiuiiitbroiiKe, sitvet'oia,and eoball-brouzi). There are alsootlusr brou/.us which nro uaed us sub-stluues for yolil • in cheap imitationiowolry, but limy do i.ot come withinIhc scope of tliu present paper. — Verry>'. Xttrny, in 1'opulur {Science Moiithlt/for August. ' .

allynude .scarcelyiiroud to tell of hisaa'Uo could on cratskurs and water, uniiwas found ouo tiny In liid ulilcu, (load

<froni lack of uouri-ilitnciu. Hti should''nover have entered thtilegal profession,• for ho had uo'iibilily.iti that direction.

No boy, ot coiirrin, sliould outer atrade imluss ho fuels hiinsoH iittod forit ;=l.iit;-on-.thoythcr.-:ha*id,-.-,hu.; should*iol, il socins to me, lot iho fuUo. pridoagainst niaiiiml laljur, wliiuh- now pru-ivails to such a wide extent in our eoun-

|try, prevent hini from endeavoringto., do bolter \vork. ..with . his . handsthai iii his inmost thoughts ho knowsthat he can do wilh his hoad.—From

{"Heady fur llusincvt," b$ Qeorga J.Mknson, Cn Hi. Nivftulas for August.

. Loprosy ia a rare dlsoaso in tlit;.country. Tliuro is no'-enro fur. ii. In^1871;there-wiit?-a-l'1p'*r'tni.--j»ital.in. >'Orlunnx. On tho Uafut Chahiurs,tliu Now Urimawitik. slioro of tho Guliof St.. I,awn* nue, I nun* .has botjn a lupcihospital for •iHiiu,v1vyi!av3--a sorroivftilcctahlislimoiit in a dreary ruglon. Nor-wegian imuiijrnuits havocarritid. lepro'.sy iiito'Mina'esotu. li'ut there it i.i dyingout. Suvoral cases liavo' lately ap-poarod in Ualtimoro—-one, at least,apontamsously. OhiiiGao in San Fran-cisco have tho disease.. ' •

rr.';Tlic-arl of foii(jing'h:iii.t!ikou"..a.-si'.onl.boom in',finis eoinilry.'" Tliofo" was atiaji) wh'iut,, wilh tlio cxcoption.of.a.fo.w,

.Frmiuhmiin',--.thcrc,; was. no iulorcat iuthia-arl^- At Uio/l-.iiniiir'aJ'iJiiidtijj.iour-nnniont in Nowark, 'tliuro woro lIS' eTitrioa for iho full prizes alono. 'Strango,to say:t!iorpi'i/.oa" woiu "'Vou by Uui'-1

nians. In fact Gununnu practico with1

(oils moro than other people in ibiscountry, iiJid tho ptislimo is bcuoming;ouo of tholr-most popular nmusoinonts;


"Tho late .Sonator, Nesmitli made anational reputation," 'said mi Oregonman, "while ho was in tho senate.Thu world rang 'with la\i»hlofiit hiajpOt'Oll '

oin, u

h jc of yiuniii

an it weptbi t d

h . h iSumnar. in the nur-

's staiuo of Un-when, yours ufier,

l S

OUMO had hn boond bias of—well,T r ^ i r i r ' V

ho"spoUu his noted eulogy"over Sum-ncr's dead body. Ho might havo beenroturuiid to tho imore, of a politiyiuUVsTof'.JinrtfeIiiiiiull ready lo. uloiit hini,:.;tho..cards hadbeen iixoil, iiud a''pa'fty"'of ti . „leudera had como ;o havo him make a.rousing speech to llm oaiuiiis. Theiloluuaiion found him engaged tii;-.pj:*ill" a lilllo Kninu of seven up. \"Thtold him wiiut they wauled, aud ho m-plicil Unit h« •-•mild not \<ia\e. Thoyeonld mako.him sonaior if Ihiiy wmilodto. If they iHdu'l thuy boultl poto tindovil. '1'lic ilfllu^ntlun wont oil' angry.Tbuy roportwl ^osinlth's romarks, midbyyuiiiUrexVr-f{;.h;iliu»-i'oUi'i;d--uirsuchu Boniimi'tit agniiidt him thaUirovorwas elected, und'tto was toft al homo.A year or so after this Nosmtth wiupointed ininisler lo Auslrin, billsoiialo did not confirm him, Hoa-tiioniljor ot'thcfortyrsueomlc'iigri'ss,and afitlr thin service lie wunt back tohU farm in Oregon." — CicceULeader,

Mr. Shiilal)or,tho"Mra.l )urtiiigton,'Uuver -TO.^aiid.iiJ-rippli-... For lh i r l j

"yoa'ri" 'vli'iTujnalisMr-hii-t—.toi'turtid-Iiiiii,and-ho has coiuplutcly lost.tin",.uso"ohis lower lir.ibs. Iiocouiolibn," BIIVH ii

?ft-'*iv!i('i'1tnd'* t'haiiv.iH,'. iiiip.oSHUiKiVilh~ir(nK"~l r r n u m o l i.'I nir'Btiin U-« or • wai k;but.while in thlwo r e spoe t sho is as

. helpless aa.a b':;!h-, Ids gonpnil.,li«nlt1j ;ieound, his appotilo KUIIOI-OU-I, and hi!Biiirits aro uiuiloudod. '...Sumo .of tinlunnicbt ul his Hayings have W u writ-

•ion whou lie wa-vin acute

V ' • ' ' • • - . ' . ' • ' . .;

. ' • . • ^:


s »].)-t the

Tho Dead'Prince Consun's Unom.

A long time ago I went over to thehouse and came to a room which hudbcou religiously dosod for years. Itwas opened by special order and thereissued from it u certain hallowed odor

•liieh exlialos on opening a long-elosod_:ui'iituary. The l)liiids wero drawnand semi-daiknos3 prevailed. Wo drewnear a table and my guido explainedHint this was tlm late I'rinea Consoi'i'aroom und everything waa to-dav. justas ho had loft it when ho died.' Thedust wus nearly mi inch thick on biswriting-desk;.a'liiilf-used quill was ly-ing crosswise where il bad fallen frombis hand or ity nick; thuro wcrcsurorutiiriiclcs about, ii »ai)or-weight,.a book,aiid.lo.Uio right,; ntiiir-.thi!-. abaadonod([iiill. a little carved fraiiK', and iii this'fiuiiio a port mil. I think I ean soo ilnow—.thu youthful Victoria paiatod byWiuiurlmltar. Her majesty 'lias aswoet. fuir face, and rosebud mouth,and she weuts an apple-greenthe tint just glimmering tlirimgifolds'of laoii. This picture wjis alwaysby iliu I'riuco Coiiiiu-l's side, iiud wlioti

Jliis. sanctum was yacaud forever no"one 'dared to 'touch' it or iivon iho'aniall-oist object iu tlio room. Hy. Iholiuuiiii'sovders it sluuds to-day.as it stood lliou..Thedust is a little thicker on tapestry,chair, und labln, tho quill aiill lies inil3 old place, and liiu litllu royal; pict-ure smiles m sweetly us of yore fromits half-ilimn'od frame. I need not saythat this chamber is nover opuuud on a

.rovcl night, but I could not help think-ing of it us wo walked once morethrough othor lovuly but loss snerod.apavuneiHs. — London Letter in Vhartcs-tott JVCIW. .


A'Soulli Side inau took his little girl,just ubio to talk" nicely, to ihc lakeshore Sunday afternoon. Tho waveswore "onlly rippling on iho beach, audwlitmTier father was not looking 'tliochild.'managed, to got ono foot wot..HhQ.ran.to.ucr.fiUhorjvitli toara in horlyoil; an"d fobbed,"""r" l*A\Ut,~: lakc-'s top-"o"ubabyls font," '„ ; _ - £ _ • ; _ . „ • . • • . • •

A brijrht liltlo girl who lives"hrilvdePark-ustteilfor a soeonit saucer of Ice-orcanVttio othor ovcuing.-

^^'i'l'iloli't tliink.it'a good for yp»\ nflkyoiu'.fiither," said her mother.

The girl went into tho library, anilput tliu question. "Not. much." saidher fadiur, oiniiliatleally.i. "1'npa says I can huvo a little," sh<roportnd lo her mothur with truthful

L U t

been piously brought up was told thatho inifrht go wilh Viis mother to a 'Sun-.day-scliooT: picnio iho following day.When bodlimo Ciinio ho said liis pray-

! ers with great unction, and inuuauial'j-- lywont turou^h.thiiiu a st'oond liino..;*

. "AV'jiat'a that for, Froil?" uskcdUii:molhor'1!!! siirpri.-ie. ' " jf;. '

, i " I 'm suyiu1 "uiu twico so us I wou'iliavu-id say 'OIH tomorrow night.. . l ' ljust bo su Urud l>cati't roiuombor thewords.'V-C'/ji'(*(tyy Tribune. , -•1-"


•-'. I t mnV not bo gmiorally known, bu.it is !i'facl,.llmt.in..tliu;.Iiitli". chuveho='\iii.l) i O\T »uy 11 ilvi* yvj !«> i nJL i ii s. o f _ Iiii nuickv,•whero* suelii'iliaovdor fatiil lawlcssnogs^prevail, collitction^an* taken tip in aii*o£ foruijrti' minions, \yhen they coilVof fomijrii udflrilons; \yhen they coul9pond every nickel, of-:tliuir money ahomo in uducatiugiho heathens.-—Lexinglojt (A*y) 1'rns'


ygorate a iniaialwU trunk, ostensibcollars and cupt'swlth scones fromed snunuor-ronJS«:s, and forward,

h h

W I T A N 1 > I I U M U 1 C . '••-."••'•*••-

A phyaioiau says thnt beds must notbo mnilo until night. This compola tboconsclontloua housowifo to chnpsn bo-;-tween tho health of licr family and tho'•';;inoori of hor noighbors. " '.",

A Ilttlo girl, ncod:). asked hor fath-er for moro, catuly. but wits toM to :

wail until to-morrow, Looking out oftho window for it "fow moments shosuddenly called out: "1'n.pa, It looks!;:"Iko to-morrow now."—Ithaca Journal.; ,•

It way at thu altarcl aUoston church:tiat a clergy man Wns naloundod as ho ;(llctulcd th« ]inu.->. "Prnmiain': to love, -honor, ami obev," tt» hnva- llio brldo :distinctly ultor hor oath to "promisingto lovii, honor, and bo gay. looking •_•him directly in tho ftn-« tho while. "• - •••*

Uivo mo tho nut-brown . girl: who .abandons her sun-hoiuu't, who canclimb a trco with nny hoy, who p re -^for-* pond broad to choculato carainoU..,'and baked hoan-i tu angol cako. , This ,.;kind of an an^'ul for mo weighs 140pound*.—L'ev. Mr. ticudtUr, oj J/t'nMG*-'.'

I O U * . ;", . . . . . . . . . . •"• ' -. " .

Customer—"Ain't you afruld tho po-llco will cotiio hero nnd bother you if.'oii.io!lbue~rou Sumlay?" Ilarkeoper—"Tho polloo don't bother mo when -hoy como on Siinduv. Thoy know

.iow busy"! urn wailing on paying cus-L 'toinord, so they go, right to tho kogthen*solves, und anuv off m much anthoy want without bo tho ring mo at nil.It U astonishing how much beer a no-liconmn wilt drink, oil' and on; durfngft hot Sunday."— Texas Sifting*.,

"Hollo, l*rod, you aoora awfully putout. What happened, oh?" "Oh, Iwas fearfully tantalized a Ilttlo whilo :''ajju. I tloil on a pretty girl's bonnet,'iuo ribbons cot langleJ; her. oyoasparkled, hor lips woro chorry ripe,anil do clOJo Lo mino that her breathswept my ' clioek." •''Anil you worndying to kisa her, oh?" 'That wn-i-jiiitth." "Well, why didn't you kid*hor?11. "For a vury simple reason.H«r husband was standing by."—I'hil- .addphia Call. ' ,

It is almost impossible to koop upwith iho times iu those agonizing dav-KTho uuwcsl wrinkle iu es Uio tic circles-is for a yoimg lady to artistically dec-orate a inlniatjfU trunk, ostuusibly for

' im not-it by :

nicia-sotigor-boy to hor host young man. ,,-!

If iho trunk ever gets thcro It will aig-^'nifv, "Isn't it nn appropriate eoason'»fora.'wcdilingotrip?'* If Iho bait Issuccessful, tho young mau's tailor gotsau order for souio now and very tiieoclothes.—tlartjont 1'ott.

The London Society says artlesslythat tho l'rinco o( Wales is a win norat this year's racca, for thoro urn "fow

mil who know moro about such mat-ters than somo of His Royal Highness'most in li i- ii to iriends." This remindsone of the lato Hilly Manning, tho -minstrel. Ho was losing a thousaml .dollars u week at fiiro, nml ouch ovon-iog performed al his ihoatro n wizard's -

t beforo a groat rtudieuco of Chicagosports. " / am Qrcilibljj informed,"quoth ho, "that tho oanl I now hold inmy hand in the jack of spadoa."

"had, you know that brass thing tho ::feller gin mo for my trunk them at tlio'".'itonol?" • . .-- • • ;

• " Y M . " ' • -. • • . • : : :

"Well, -'twant nothin' but brass, wasi t ? " •••:

"No, I ljj.io.so not." •*"Good! Wa'nl, 1 tucked it on to

that hackmau buck them for a quarter,arid bo went oil'satisfied."

Jonathan found out what kind of apamo ho had played when ho saw tholiaekman proscnt his check and takehis trunk from the baggage njnstor, inspite o( liis own loud protestations thatit belonged to him.'—Harper's Weekly.-

A Groonevillc woman whoso hus-band had been niiisiui; for throo weoks -concluded TUursduy that he must bo "tho uiau that was urownod in tho Yim--tie River. , Sho called upon two undor-..tnkors, nnd iiiuilly mached tho coro- •ncr's ollicc, where siio learnod thorowere a number of articles by which tho •dead man might bo identified/ Sho :

was shown tho^ioti-'iollar bill and tho '' =two two-Uolhu-notes, and thnt fiottloctiL -A*I dou't kuow," said sho,: "whcn.i.mviuVu had as "much" money "as'"'that.1;™When ho left homo ho Inul not a cent 'with him."—Norwich (Conn.) Unite- -tin. . • " . ( • ' • ' ' "•• • ••" ~ - T ; ~

In ft poem cnllod "Tlio Organist"we aro infonnod. that "Ho sits him ;,do'wu at twilight hour, iicforo tho ivorykeys, And lots his lingers wander o'or.The clavier as thoy please. * " * ' * QThouRli. dark ...and .still,., tho. .empty.,.church',' An angel Hits o'oriicad,: Ami,""passing near with drooping wings, - Holouvos tho player— doml.".. That aiigol • •should not wonry in his good work.Somotimos, whon a man is clawing-thbivory keys, tlio neighbors want to hurl '.'•n brick at him; but they would bo sat-_ •;.islied if an augcl would hover ovor himund leave him Joad. Thoan^cl shouldalso hover over tho amatour ilulo-nlay- ror, tho coruotist, tho nccordton-liond,and othor musical aggravations.—Nor-ristown lit: raid. • ' : , . . . . . ; .; ^ j f f fW

Tho Brockton Q-uctta says: 'The great \ I T H Hskill in dootoring claimed by clatrvby- \ : : v : ;? jauLs was fully iluistratod last wook";by';-••'-'vc? ja. cirumustauco which happened.''in.Sharon. Au estimable lady who hadbeen sick for a long tiino wilh a can1 'cor, which good physicians know to boiuoiirabno, was induced to try a clair-voyant doutbr. The ono selected wasa certain "doctor" of North Kaston.

• HQ professed. to:bor.b!e,lO:tell;;tl"o;-'.-"J--j^act condition of tho pntiont., withoutBooing her; and sent-,--uiedietno -.and -. n.-.-diagnosis'"each wook. Kvory letterstated that sho was' getting bottor, Afow days aftbr hor death tho followingwas roceivod by tho family: - •- . C- '—-

"Mrs. : I gnd you about tho. ' /same. The acid in tho blood has rath-er diminishod."* Uso Iho modioino nud;bathe the same, Koop aloug with thopoultice." . , . . ' • ' , " '' . •"

'.. "The Indians," said the teachoi* totho Spectator,-!'[JOSSUSH a Iogiuiilinim1.tr.;Tho uogroos do not. The nogrooaarc,quick to sobva fact, bul thoy do not ,put ouo fact nnd another toguthct; anddraw a conclusion or make a eompari- f\son. Tho Indians do.;'•:- For instauco,'•':

i ono of my Indian boys the other .day.•:••;a3k'e'd'me'thoritHoahinj;~o(~inifi"s7-V.;*Tov-~:

mis-s,'I told him,'is tho same'^ns l o -fait- You shoot at a bird or nt'amark,,;dud do not hit it; you uiiss it. You ,go to n'tailor's for ,a coatllr and yout

•coat iila biullyiit"i3--a.-mis9-iit.;v-Yo»^:...hopptpoiitor the middle' class n e x t /'year,1 biit you*cannot pass' thn osiiiniin-V' ntions, aiid so you miss the promotion. V;;•His fnen woro a jnr/zlod ..air, nndiJio,^rBhook\h!"3"hefld."^'Tiibni^'BhW!I;T'thoiQ™'.is auothcr'nioaning of misa. Wo = call y

. a marrlodlady madam; but an unmar-, '•jried lauy lutsa.' Ilia iucp'*-briglitdnud;:;;he;amUod;nnd-nodu6d;h.rJAh!r.I:.fioo,Vv;; hc,said.' 'She has misaod her niir i .1 ." / .;—Christi'tn Union. '• l:•',•.' ; '.',"•..^'V.i.-.v.••

Page 2: AYER'S Star & World - DigiFind-It · 2015-12-03 · v«A? ^/ESiffiSS' i...,?l.^_:....^,^.-. m.... VOLUME XVIII. WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. JM THURSDAY, NUMBER 36. * A. M, m In

The Washington Star.LaEoo & Blazor,


$1.50 por Yosr, In Aivin:c.

WASHIN(JTON, N. J., AUfi. 127. 1

:Nciil Dow lms turned bis eightieth

,: .": Tho Buffalo 7clcgr<tph has quietly

died fiftor sinking eomo $75,000.

Thin was tlio i)apor which brought

out tlio scandal about l'roaiilcnt

/ C l o v o l i m d . r - ' v : ; - - ; • • - . . . ' • ' • - :

, Siuco tho beginning of tho cholera

epidemic iu Spain tlioro havo bcou

ovov IGG,000 , Cfteos, mid up to tho

prosont timo ovor 02,000 doalbs havo

resulted from tho disease. '

',.."•: Mr. J. B, AVortcndyko, tho invout-

or of paper twino, aa woll ns of the

first machino to wcrivo candlo and

lamp-wick, died at Iiia rosidolico in

ttorgon county, ou Friday night, agod

fifty-five years. •

• ~ : President Clovolitud's Adiiiiiiitilrii-

tion has "alrondydispellod tho illusion: tliat Democratic success is inconsist-

onL with tho business interests of tlic

country or perilous to tho rightu of

; the froodinon,"— Ohio I'latform.

[' Mr. "Willinui Shorror, of Green-

wich townshirj, announces himsolf in

this IBSUC as ft candidato for County

Clerk. \ Ho is held in high regard nt

homo, has bcou tho assessor of his

township, and asks the; support iof

tho Democratic voters of tho county.

Col. John A. "Wildrick elsowhere

in ouv columns announces himself ns

a candidate for County Clerk. Ilis

ability to fill the position is unques-

tioned and tho fact that lie m a sec-

ond choico fivo years ago renders his

chances of securing the nomination

all the more favorable.

A new company called the North,

Central and South American Esposi-

tion has purchascj \ t h o plant of

buildings and property of tho recent

Exposition at Now Orleans, and has

Bocurod tlio retention of tho best part

of tho old exhibits. _ Its purpose is

to reopeii for a period of twenty

weeks begiuing on the 10th of

November next.

..; The oQieo of - county clerk is

- '_ - eminently dcsirublo oiio if the mun-

bor of candidates that want the nom-

:; .iniition can be any criterion for judg-

ing. TUo present incuinbont "Wm.

L. Iloagland, wauls to bold over,

Oliver Badgloy means to try again

„: :.nii(l fiodnes Colonel WHdricl;. . S. G.

:. ••:.l?cynolds, of Bclvidero, Charles Blaz-

eiyof Wasliiugtoa,. Clmrlcs Godfrey

' and "Wm. Sherrer,''of Greenwich, are

oquolly ambitions, and Tbco. Hop-

plor is also in tho field. It is possi-

ble that Phillipsburg will yet show

. up a candidute and that another will

i ; loom up in the neighborhood of

:V._ Finesvillo.

" Tho: Eoitoa sloop yacht Puritan

won tlio third and Ifisl ul tlio trial

races on Monday that are to decidi

which ia tho fastest contro-bonrd

tloop yrulit in America and the

best fitted to do battle with tho En<

glinh cutter (ienestn in llio early

part of 8optombcr. 01 the three

trinl racci VnriUm won Uio first in a

strong breeze, Priscilla won tbo nc£

rond in extremely light weather j

Puritan won tlio deciding ouo to-day

in a modorato breeze nml smootli

water. ; .

A Jiro brolto out, Friday nigbt, on

board tho old Government ntn'ul VOH-

flol Colorado, lying oft' Plum Beachj

ncoa* Port 'Wabliington, Long Island.

The flames npi-end to tho followiuj

vessols, til! of which wero burned lo

the water's edgo nnd sunk: Mir

aota, Siisouoliannn; Congress, South

Carolina, Iowa, Lottn Grant find

Fnirplay. All, with llio exception of

tho last two, formerly belonged to Llio

Unilod States Navy. Tlmy liml boon

cdndemnod, nnd woro brought from

tho Goycmmont by Stanimrd it Co.,

who wero to bronk them up for tho

old iron and planks. Tlio tiro broko

ul in Iho forwurd deck of Uio Col-

orado, whoro men wero at work

burning up planks to got tlio iron

lleforo tho Colorado could

be towed out tbo flames lind upload

to tho other boats. Thoy all burned

like tinder and iho sky was rod for

miles around. Tho bright light

brought hundreds of tho villagers to

tho boncl). Tho heat was so inlonso

that it was impossible to go any-

whero near llio burning ships. Tho

loss is nbout $100,000.


AtthoStato Convention of Ohio

Democrats, held at Columbus?, on

Thursday of last weok, Governor

Iloatlly was almost unanimously re-

nouimatcd as his own successor. Ho

has for iho Eopubicau opponent

Judgo Foraker whom ho defeated

two years ago with Httlo effort.

Geo. Hoadly was introduced lo tho

Convention amid much enthusiasm,

and explained why ho had not been

an outspoken candidate for tho nom-

ination. Tho party had brought

him through bofore without much

eilbrt on his part, and lie thought lie

had no right to claim a renomination

under tho rules of precedent. The

Convention being frco to act without

asking, ho could not help respond to

the call, and with better health would

hnpe lor ovcu belter rosuHii in the

James W. Marshall, Iho Discoverer ofGold In California.

Rvmnicntn llOn August 10th,

Wnbont live o'clock

m., James W." Mrmiiall wan found deadIn hia Iimwo ntColoraa. Tho man wholived with him aroKO earlier limn ronnl,

UiiR to go hunting. On Ills rot urn,alxml nu Iicmr aflcrwanls, Mnrsliall WMfound dead. No further pnttiuulnra haveIwen given an to tho causo of (IOAUI,

JiiincH Wilson Mnftfiinll wrts tlio firstiliitcovcrcr ot gold in OnUfoniii), nml IIIHnnuo in inseparably connected willi thehistory or HifoStfllo. lio; ma1'bom" in

opo township, Iliiutciilon County, NewJersey, iu 1812. ITo learned the trado

, atul wjigon : buililor, but I "wriyUtc pr<mciil.iiiottintm'3ot imilctiIntcrcnt. Wlieti hu arrived nt tho flguuf21 yearn, lie caught what ia fillll Itnownin tho Eiist aa tho " Western lover," nnillio journeyed first to Indiana, then toIlliiinfc, nnillliinHy tn Uio rialt Purchase,ncnrPort Fort Lnnrnnworth, Kitn. Heroto purcliascil amnu nml wan J

when ho nan attacked wil!v innlnrin, nnd

i t l i i f i

yours lio win inM tiy his i>hyttiuinn .Hintlie must leave tlint location if lie wishedlo live.

Ou tho first of Muy, 19U, Marshall,witli -a train of 100 wngona, «ct out forCalifornia, wliidi m e not n>nr|io«l m.tilline, 1815. Miiraliall went to work for

discharge of his trusts,

iled (lie most searchingHe deman-

erilici of

It is proposed to hold an indus-

trial exhibition iu Chili. If Iho nv-

•'Mngemonts for holding it are prop-

, fly mado and its places are cnter-

prising and comjJi'oliensivo, it willitt-

. tract much attention. There has of

lato bcon so much tal1 Sf tho advaii-

all liin oilicial acts. The Ciovcrnor

tleimoil himself as against piobiLii-

fiou ami said ho d id not think re-

gulation and taxation were eternal.

Tlio platform adopted by tho Conven-

tion begins witli a warm endorsement

of the Administration, contains a

pltink demanding a constitutional

amendment providing for a license

system for the liquor trafiic, and

closes with a litting tribute to the

memory of General Grant.

The Democrats of Ohio roeogiuizQ

the fact that tho State is Kepublicau

but they repose much confidence in

Gov. Hoadly as a leader of the ticket.

tagos oflorod

markets, and : ^." tth American

Gbveraicnt has

wn so.mueli interest in tho matter

Y^~r that Chilian affairs aro moro intereat-

ing : than oyor before. An exhibition

' liko that proposed, if successfully

carried but, may aftbrd.a great deal

of information to thoso who aro

'"•• torestod in trado with this progressive

country nnd tho other Scuth Amori-


Says a despatch from Soaville, S

J. dated August 21st: A largely al

tended mecling of Capo May Count;

Proliibitiouists.was hclii horo yester

;: 7: Our fellow townsman, Dr. Baird,

v for some timo was almost "alone :

his candidacy for tho Legislature,

i. but recently Mr. David Weidor, of

" " Greenwich, Charles Williamson, of

,.;. EVanldin, and Kobt. Ayers, Jr., of

Vienna, ,1 havo appeared in tho field.

To all appearances tho fight will Ho

_ ^ between Ayers and Buird. The

S 5 ^ F -Doctor lius the ndvaiitago of location

, , ;: inaamuch ns tho uppor end of tho

; • district was given tho member last

term. Ho will be woll supported at

homo and in tho adjacent townships,

nnd moans to make n vigorous fight

v'fjjMr/AyerG baa gained ••-.- some ndvau-

_ ' l ago in baying Jjppn County .Colics1.

'^ ' tor,'isregarded ns nstrong candidato,

nnd is a good worker.

•"..:...'".• The basket picnic last Thursday

-;>,.-brought to our town nearly every

':..:' politician in t-Uo county and caucli-

:. ;.'••'• dates wero as plentiful,'almost, as the

"7"~" bis ^pttiiiculftr clftiiii to present nntl

,, reason why ho should bo supported

; j . : n n d mado tho nominco of the Demo

j: ' erotic caucus. Fortunately Di'othor-

.;••,. wise," no slate, or combination was

mado, owiug to tbo parties' inability

----- to agree or cotne to any mutual ,uu-

•)••&'•': f. dorstanding. This making of slates,

i fe^whi lq i t may-be:profitfiblo to-the1

I i l ; : l , originator, proves disastrous to them'*"v'"-J,r partioB fllatod, fit loaet thoao who on-

^- . to rod l jnto-tho. combination.lnfllj_fflll

•"7:"found'it~B'o*^ Such',"u6"dbubt, will bo

r ; ; tlio result thia yonr, in the ovont of |

?/'";• Ui^fqrmation of any"<Blftto/rK^ho"l''V?7;"pooplo!.;of WaiTori county' are no

•i-; longer to bo run by machino politici-

;/.': ana. ,; The chndidato who goes in n

day/ : "While a largo portion of Capi

May, County's voters are strong Ttiiu

porauco men, thero has never boon

prohibition organization with poli

ticfii'proclivities iu tbo count}-. Dis

satisfaction at the movement of tli

representatives in the Assembly 01:

prohibition questions led to th

mooting. Said ouo of tho men pres-

ent: "Thcro's no UBO trying to gel

anything from qillior patty. Wi

havo triod long enough, and now it ii

timo to tako soparato action

namo our own ; candidates." Ar-

nngomonts were made for holding n

convention on Seplombor 12.

Sisterly Unkindncsa.

, It may not bo "oflonsivo partisan-

ship" for tho Easton Postmaster and

his assistant to spond thoir timo lob-

bying with a Govermout official try-

ing to closo up tho post-ofiico of a

sister town, but it is blamod un-


Equally Careless of Snakes nnd ^Bos

Plillmlolimtn Tlinca.

Prcsidont Olffreland is said to bo

very euccossful as a" sportsman aiid

fislicrmau. Ho woars a ilrmuol shirt,

sloucli hat and top boots and wades

through mud and water as rocklossly

as ho rides over spoilsmen.

.;; 'Money Makes the Mare Go.

Sow York World, Aug. !!!<

Tlioro wasn't wind enough ycstcrtlnyto Illl tho anils o£ tlio, yachts Pnritim andPriscilln, nntl ao llio (hut /riomlly coutest•was postpuncii. In yachting, ns in poli-tics, it in uccoaHM'y, to rtiiso thp wind Ijo-fordJn Bdtiafftctory rnco cau bo^rim, -••-•

Hay Fever Cured by Cream Balm,r-: I lmvo boon n pcrioilionl Huflbror fromHny Povur einco tho summer ol 18.79,Huduntil I •used Ely's Cronm Bnlm; lymncTarVjld-to'lindiiny'iblief^I^cftU^Wtlinft Orofim.Bnlm 'cured mo,—L. J|l.Georgia, Birghamton, N. Y. ".y

A lundah'ppcr—Vboy on roller Bltatoa;'C l i p p e d f r o m C a n a d a P r e s b y t e r i a n ^

iuivior Hignaturo of O. Blodtctt IlobiDsonPropr,: I was cured of ,oH-rcourtingbilious IierwlnclicB by Burdock• Blood,B i t t c i s . - ; . ' . - ;

1 1" ••' ':• ' . '• , • - • • • ^ :

Gc». Suttcr, r.t Huttc'rVi l \ n t , in iliw:oimty, I lo nftorivflnls HOIVL'I! itiroiigli.liolioar i ' ln" vat, ISM ntnl 1817, nmlnt iU closo procured his iliaclmrfin andwont into tlio lumlieiiitK biwificr-H nt V<linn, Kl DornJo County. Gun. Sutler

irnislicil the oniulu! UIH] MurtOinll waxllio ncttyo partner. i The niticlt-tt c>f part-icrship wore drown up Ity Cion. IJalwi-ll,i[iil work waa coiiiniL'iiccil on llio milllimit AiiRiist 1U, 1817. On the IStli of'(luitiirr, 1S18, Mitrahnll ivns siipcrin-;cmliug tho building ot tho mill nice,.(tor shutt ing ofl* t l tuwntorat tlio licntl

A llio race ho walked down tbo ditch to;e what BIUW1 nml gravol had boou re-lovcd during tho provioua .night. Atio lower end of tlio nice among tliot'bria Iiisi rye Oiiiiglil sight of n glitter-ig 8ul>»taufi\ which he believed, n\mu

ixauiitintion, to bo gold. In several dayslie collected a icvr ounces of tlic preciousmetal, and as ho had occosiou to visitiutk-r's rov t in a nhnrL timo Im took tlio

(pecimeii? with bim, and their value wiisestalilishcd. boyuiid doubt. Tho ucwaspread, and tlio turioiiiv race for weiUUiconiiueuccd.

In 1S19 every BiiUittBvo'ssL'lftittl'fltt.'ftni orlauding iu Hun Francisco VIM crowdedwith htlventuruM. .TliL*y know tlmtgi'ldlind been found nt Coloim, mul manywent tliitlier. Without iiniiiiiy or ut'{;o-tint ion they fnunttod uiionMarriliall'ii landiibailt Iho mill, BL'izcd iiU wuik-oxcn foriood, voiiflscntotl liw liorrfos, nnd ninrltcd ;

the laml off into town lotanud distributedIhinu niaoug thcnis^'lvT!'.

I-Vom tliis timo on Miiislir.il was...thovinlim of oiitty piirsccnlions. Muny bo-lioved that ho Iinow of the wlicrofilwuUs(>f vnlualtlo pold niiiioH, uhd ho Viiinwatched closely nnd badgecLd, heemwoho did not give information. JtoMicd of

property, lio became a prospector,Imt novor witli {,'Mat snceea.i. Tho di*-covevy whiolitiiindfi nnd nifproved liia llnancbl ruin, nnd subjectedlam to endless insultd nnd itijtiriea.liccnmo involved in liliynlion us to tliotitle of liis hud, purclinBwUn ISiGniidJS-17, nnd fiuntly lost itll. Ilo resided atColomn.uear tho spot, whoro Uiirly-fiovonyears ayo, lio pic!:cd the glittering nufrom the sand. Ho has received iossistnucc from tho State, but never ony-thiuff coium'eUHiirnlu witU liw dcseits,and ho died n poor mnn. .. ?i/jS.


[from Otir H^giilnr C'orriwiionilciu.1WASHINGTON, D. C , An?. 35, 1SS.1.

I have IJUCU nskcil wijy tho HOII: WilliamDorsliuitner bought the Nuiv York "Star".For ainiiuber of rcasoiis. 1 Piitiiifwc. Hijt Itlitnlsilic most wclylily hisilwlrc Hi •itiilkli:iuU"

Gi'tirKctown, anil I< a Uanilfomo, well-builtIIOUBC, wlilcli, tlio Secretary tlilnKi', ]io K'CIIIC<1 nt n hnnjaln. Tho lilll «\mam which tliolimifo In nltuatcil U a very lilgti one, rtiid thoviow to tlio west U n flue one, ami on a dimiilny tho nioiintftln pcnkA iiro plainly vJctMo.Tlic Secretary I« much iilcaM with M« 1'iir-CilftW.

Ai'cordhij to n ^mtnlitenl oDK-Int of tlinInterior Dqmtincii l , Mr. Scrrctnry Lnnwr Inunco more rclui>eli>x Into liU ulilforget (ultiCBK and u W u t iiiinUctdUltiiiulcljcd lilx itnyo In ttio UnllcJ Sialfacnuto. When Mr. I.uniur WJW aj>polntcthere wns n ^unerul fueling tlint tio wna tic

i£h of n practlcui worker to Attend to tlit "MM o[ l>*j*>1ncrirf In Uio interior Do-

purttnctit. At flr^l DID Secretary took holdwith n vim uml Hurjirlnnil hln critics. Lately,however, he hat onu back to tiU old haMUwith a VGIIKCIKU nnd the bureau oltlrinN nrugrcalty conccrnnl'nl>oiit tho work. \ I .usos .

! ivblfii no

lio lartkn OHftccially guintofCJitiioiwtPdrlidr'ri Ilairltulttitui," writes Sir. J ,

d i t t l ' i OhivcrPdrlidr

II, Decker,"Tly

iu , writes . ,t, ot l-'indlay, Ohio.mnstckldrcsfilnK

.. . —MinigftiaMTlioy nay it is llio .. „llioy over usotl," Stui'3 fulling hair, rc-•itorcs color, proiuotci growtli.

J)o you wish a bountiful complexion?Hit;u mo Ajvr'H Bnrxnpnriltn. i t olcnn-t« mul puiiilcH Hut IIIIKKI, mid lliorchy

rumorcit hlotclicn ntid viiuples - fruw tliuofk\n,ii

pp wit r-mooth mill clean, nml

riht l l l t lin^ it r-

n brigh^ it mill clean, m

y it n bright nml licnltliy npfienr

I'm l lnttliiif; tiiiu-,' muM thoied u Ui t i lcur with n cnn tied <m iris tnil!

_ loii'lfill (liuflyati'iu with t|iiiiiino intlio L'flt'tt to pruvont or euro 1'ovor midAgue. Aycr'H Aynn Ctiro w ft far raorojiottint pruvoutivc mul remedy, with tlioiHlviintn»u of lunviiif,' in tliu bmly no \m-•tons to iiriMltico di//.int«M, iliinfnefw, linnd-nrlic, yiid other dinoidoirt. Tho inxijirio-tor \mrrniili4 it,

Wo Mi]>|Khse llioy call it the 'silvern npio.e thoy cull it the silverin' becmt:io tliero fire four qtmrtofH in

it. •

Victims of Alcohol who luivo disftivor-il your terrible mistake, you luivo only

to let ruui nnd tnbncco nlotio nnd reportpromptly to tlio ruinous Toniporunco lio-Htorntivu, Vinpgnr iJitterti, in order to bocured, not only of your origiunl nilmontu,but of tlioiio which tlio )ioinon you Imveboon taking li.iscnu.soi]. I t will soonput you on your feot nguin.

urlniies to thoit-o Cnlifornin n gnml Stat»»,

l'oor (-nrlottr,

Snroly tho mo3t mournful of all thoand slorie3 of modern history is thatof Carlotta, iho daughter of thnt hocpoM of Ucipiiiiu whom tho ^rcat Jfa*'o!oon ilcsvribos RS "Iho tiumt man ho

ml ever seen."Tlio yonii":. I'rinccM, when but 17

years ohl, KM marrk-d to Maximilian,younger brother o( Krniicia Josciih,Kmperor of Austria. Tltia was In 1837.

From 1S57 to KG3 Maximilian ntnlCarlotta dwult, ad in Ktlon, (it tho pal-aco of Miruiuar, on Iho cast coast oflliu Adriatic. It'sceiu^ that their lifowad :i perfect Idyl, Jovo ami litoralnrosupi»lyiiif,' its rhytlmiic toned. Art inin nil shape*, music, sculpture, tialnt-iu^. words—all couibinuii to uinkotheir brief six ycnw of happlnosa ouoof thoso clelijrlitful epiaodes tho moromuling of which siijrjjonU lov.i-nndhappiness to nil mankind. Hut thetempter catno. Maximilian was am-bitious of wt.il.ily renown; ho fcnoivtho swoets of act HI isi :ion m n.. scholar:lio v.'aa bravo, a sailor, nnd a Hamburg.'An omplro wan offuru.1 him. Tlio tin-set hmperor of a>roat nation, the fol-low who Inliurltcit a mime without nparticle of blooil-right to tho inhoiit-iincp; the smaller Napoleon, beforewhom the Sinjje-Tigrfcs kneeled for nfewyoars, Knvu vont to onu of hisgraiulildijueni ilci:r««M. Ho would'•'create a latin empire in ..tlin VVost toredress Uio balance of the K:\si."

.-mm. uictnctit v. viay. :-.•-.

Sonator Moroni), of Alabama, insiioaklng of tho m.n^nanimlty of Gun.(irniit, rotated tho following, of whichhn nnaporaonidlyco^nlxauti Clmnontf^CIay, saltl lie, wiw nppoliitcit by tlio'Confinlornlo Ciovcn'tnoiit nfl a Uiplo-inatlcj Coujmirtflouur to Cnninla. Huwin nftorivtint taken nml oarricil, I l>o«Hcvo. to Fortress Monroe, whurc ho

• wtis Iniprl3onoil. Ilo wad dying nl thotime, it was thoii^lit, of nslhnm, andIlls wife came Ituro to :uk liis release onHiving tlio rvijulrcd boiul. Slio wentto I'roskicnt Johnson, and hu finvo hertho noccssary onlor. which. olio tookltauk to Sucrotnry Stanton. Sttintonread tlio order, nml. look in j ; hot* In tholaciv toi-a It up without n wont ntnliiltchud ll Into lila wnslo basket. Tholady nroso nnd retired without spnnk-)ng; nor diJ Stnnlon Hpenk to her. Rliuwn<: filled witli ilcnitair. Sho saw horhu^banil, In whom tier Hfo WHS ppcil up, dyliift in prlion nnil slio wasunablu to help him.-Shortlynfteralio met n gentleman, I

think Mr. Oar]uml, [Im present Attor-noy-(Jnuoral, ami told him howsholiaribenu I rented" "Vour liujhi.ml wascnuiniisHlonoiI by tlni Confoilurnto (Jov-orniiient a Itt-ignilEur-tioncrnl." BUU\Carlnnd. "1 wnn proxont nt tlio limo.I know that ho duly t|»ntlJlu<l" umlrncolveil his connnfelon. 'J'lmt )irlti«him within (ion, (Jrunt's parola to Iho(^oiifoilui'iito army. Von go to him r>udtoll libuyour alory." MM. Clay wontalrnislit to f>n. draiit'-s houso, but wastolil llint tint Gonornl w:i3 just about toIcavo for Now York*. Him naked toEcml in wont to him, nnd tho servantlook hor name. In about a- tniniito(ion. Grant" appeared, gripsack inliaml, nml told her that lio hntl buttimo to catch tlio train.

"Thon I will walk witb you, Oonor-al," tho lady saiil.

"No, no," said CJrant, ••lot's hoar


l'oor Cariottii, tbravo woinjin, fullt>we

wife nniAasti

New York "World," uml Blicensor to Mr,"Domliclmcr In Counrcw. Tlic t-toiy of Ihocitnuigeincut Itctwumi Dorslielmcr nnd I'ullt-zzx \a "untertaiiHiiij. Wliun l'ulitxcr nssiinwilBOiitrol of Um "World" lie retaliioil Dorntiuhnorus euunsul willi 11 vlou* to poislble l iM sttlU.Some lime uliiiwtiil before tinyljnily OVUIIilirofttcnctl to euu tliu ".World" lor liliel Atitet uoitio. exasperated liiillvulunl illi! mnku

iiirli.a threat. 1'iilltzcr informed hid counsel,hiitl wlicn'Ui'o nianbroiiglithlsfiiilinoriiwliiic'i'cosilcatod his nnmo as nttornuy for tliuiluut. Hut ho illd nothing more becuuso I'ullt-ZOT, acting iiideiu'iidcntly of bis COUSIBOI, caiully cuiiiproihlEcd tliocascibeforo It cuirte itrlul. ' Tlieu lm forgot nil about it.Diitil he re-ceived ono day from Dorshclincr a bill foi©1,000 for Bcrvleu* romjorcd tho "World" IndefeiuUiig that suit. PulitBcr \rcnL tit onoc toDorslioSinei-'ri ufllco with tliu bill lii IiU liaud.'Wlmt docs this mean ?";iic asked. Dowhelriicn <j\[iluliicd that It uiuunt Just what It Buiri.'Well," nuld 1'uJUKcr, "but you romlurod noorvieeH to tho 'World' iu that ciiso.'* "IiiuyuriHcnsdiiiy billa for fees, Mr. I'lilltaer," nald

Dorsliulmer 6Oluninly. Thereupon TiiUlzerritlulrcu-, nnd hurried at wlilto hunt lo hi *

]UIS!J:UHI to Mexico, \vliero tlio new um-iiiro Wit:) to Ic fuiiiiilcil and inaintuincil.Th.; xchemo was skllltiilly cotitrlvoil.Nnpolccm ,llic Littia li;ul niuucy nndnru.>-tij;u fiiongh ponding the Civil\\*nr HI tlm U'uitcd Stettin-to buy up aparty in Muxico, 'i'lioy wero callod aniirly, but wero really n lot of stockjoMiufii anil 6pcoul;;torn who, withhearts nlnolutcly cold in to hunianttyor patriotUiii flon^Iit to mako 1 pralitor patriotUiii,

ut l ' l i

n i a n yto mako .1 pralitlo s iy l t i

The > ho wrote out a ehoek for $1,000,payublu to Dorshdmer'a order, nntl aunt it k

I in a curt lutler, notifying himUnit he, should never more* bu counsel for thu'Woild.". Not content with that, ho begun aiuorons crllldsiu of ' Dorshdmcr - In Uio

''.World,'.!.nnd cap]icd.tho ellnmx.tiy.-.hiwlngIf nominated ttnd ciettetl to CongroSH in

[Jorsheiincr'a Etcail. ;fo'Wo)iUer Dorahelmurilnlfii tho ncoru unuvea.It lo fitated that tho Aasli'Ian'government

iniiRhed.no reasoinvbittaocvor forrefueiugi receive MlnlBter Kolloy, nml ' tha t Biieh be-

ng the cnac wo will ho roprosciilcd hy nliai'gc di> nlTaires at Vienna for uonio time >to)ino. But Lhero Is noivnrnnit for, the ]wli-sJieil filatumunt thitt Sucrulary. Jliiyard hiiliiiiutcd to Uii!'AuHtrIiinGdvi;niiiiciit'UiatA\roiilil view with unUra Itidlfluran'on thu with-rowul.of the Aiifltriuiij Mlnlsler from Wigtou. ' •

The hotel Itccpors of summer rcsorUluch given to lulvurLlsiu^ the fact that Cabi-icL Miuiutcrs and nromliiunt ollldnla of nil>rt>s are stopping at tliclr licalth-glviiig Inns,horu the eccuory Is gnnid ntid tho thcrnioutc-ir at 75 degrees. Attorney pomirul GitHmulis been much annoyed nt advertising of thin>rt,:-imrt winsirit-iTWi'iinnounceiiluBl wcok"lat ho was a t Rock Enoii Sprlnirs lie got mad

tnd.gavo notleo .tliat ho hnit not befiti awnyand did not intend lo go. - l ie tramps down to

SJ^.lc-'LP.'i?.S^.?-3-?^'y^.Ufl-7-'11 Uiu niornlnglil'eoidoni'ieavca'uritUC^'When hn'gdea'out'i ridofl In a atrcut car and lives aa plainly asift;imY,c-«lgrn'Intrifirfc In Wfofllw,;—Ills ideas

living aro certainly /'ivholofioinc, lint very"Id-fashioned.,. ' '" • ' - ' • •

out ul Mexican bunils—lo eof Mexican blood. -Tliey went tu JMra-iniir and. in thu natno of iMuxico, of-fored thi'ono ;i:id iuiikv to lliu ]iaplc3rfrrince.

Through ono of ihoso miraclo^ ofbliniliiftds wliicli suiiiL'tiuiiii nllecl thubiMt udnc:Ucd moil, iM;iximili:t[i swal-lowed tlio b;iit. Nitjiuluon III. notonly nuDited a new iMiu oitipiro in thott'isstoru world, bill tlip pnMtigu whWta political altirtiico.v/it.h Hi" 11,-ijHbiii-^ivuuM givo hini. Maximilian hocnino:ijd tool! and Iho faithful Cadotta fol-lowed her lord- J*UL llio iinjiefial.Eair—to use iho phraseology of tho

nropenn court journnls—hull not hceumany weeks in Moxiuo before Iho wifo,with true wifely iualincU snw anil uii-

irstood thii f:ilso poditioti in whichpar-

o ..-JOUJjlltlicr husbatut hi Vfliii.'to"lly- fi'mu^ihutieath-trap. , lio, haughtily dechiringthat a Hiiusberg hr.il boltoi' • dio thimlly, romninou1. .Sho wont to France, toParis; saw the spurious JJonapnrlo mutbo^ud for nhl; bogged for thu only nldtlml could s:ivo hor liusbnnd's lifa—formilitary nid. Her answer was a colddeclaration that Franco could notsustain tho Mexican Kmpiro, which IhoFronoh Knipuror hr.d •ercatoiir thnt nwar with tho United 'Suites' would bocertain to ousuo; and timt, iiiatcml ofsustaining Iho Emperor of Jloxioo, thoFrouchai'iny undorliuzuino wuuld havoto bo withdrawn.

Ho in in prison, nnd wUidioTniVstaysthere, rroshlcnt Johnson pavo ma nnorder for UU roh-asu on bond. I car-ried the order to .Socrotnry of WnrStanton. Mr. Stanton toro tJio pancrup Ifuforo my eyes nnd cast it nway.M

Grant rung his boll nml Hailcr.u on-tored. ••Havo you arostor o( tho Con-fedorato army?'1 said ho.

"Yc.i, sir,'rnnswore:l Hadonu."Is ihoro a Con. ClayP" ho said, as

ho took tho rostor."Clomonl O. Clay. la that your Jnta-

band?" *•;Yo9, air."Goti. (jmntsat down and, wroto

follows:(Jen. Cleitipiit 0. Clay, of this (Woden

nimy, In Inclinlcil In Lh>: jmnilu ef thai nnfrriUitnl by mu nt Ai.|ioin:ittox. It is myili-r lio be rclea.si'if on ijivim: the IIMIMTboml,|iiui I shall sec tlmt tlili urdtfr I car-

U. f\ fJn.vsT, tlonond U.'H,,Grunt hnnded Uio oiMur to Mrs. Ul.iy

nnd bRiln Iior good-b>-. Tho ludy went.o Mr. .Stanton mid presented Uio or-der, iho Secretary tupped hU boll,and, hnudin^' the paper to hlnnhl, suid:"ilavo Unit imm discharged."— W'm/i-m ischarged.tngton (/A V.) Utter to .VcwU'oritl.



With iho Kiiimncr tho preen tiirtlonnd tho -grout logsfurhcuddhow thoirliontt.-i nenr llio .keys.1 Tho first moon-light night they •furiiroly Inspect theshoriM. " Lio nonccjilud .until a Itulu'nftcr nightfall, nnd tho o\ pel toil bronthof tho inrlles i.-i »uon liuard as theytouch hottoin, nnd cautioti.-ily peer outto see that nil is quiet. . Tlio huyo en.M-.lures now cuiue furtii, und, reucliin^the topmoit ]>urlio» of Iho beach, pro-ccod ai once to dig with hind Hi;ipurs aplace for their oj.'gs. Once fairly atwork nolhmjr but nbaolntu force willprevent Llieir'neeuiuplwhin^; thoir jinr-pose1. Indeed, wo have, while seatedon tho back of ono of the huge logger-head turllcs, taken its eggs, seriatim,until the wholo complement wero du-positcil. At thii juncture the creaturequickly rushes fur tlio soa; not, how--cver, until sho had carefully replacedtho suml by tlio powerful sweep of thohind llippors. sho has dono hor duty,rven if lier neat Is robbed of overy {>•*%,tml she troubles hot'sulf no more. Now

is thu time to "Itiru" tho gvout reptile,if you oafo to uso her Hash for food,nmf In tlnys of iho garrison turtle meatwas a wclcouio item in thu stibsinleitccdepart man t. I'iirtios found iniich in-terest n:id exeitcinc;;t in this "turtluturning." Usually two or three menwero required. Once on their backstho rojililca nrc helpless. Stftuo ex-air.ploi weigli tivo hundred pounds.

The hawfcdbill, from which.tho beau-tiful shells live taken, is as common inthose waters u.t thy green turtle, sohighly prizud. Key West \$ tlju gramlstiilio'i (or the lat lor, which nro caughtin tho crooks niuon^ iho mangrovesuuil kept for the markets in pens called"crawls." Must of tho Uirtlus of thoNow'York-market are from this r c ion .— C o n . V . ' y ' - l \ j s t . . • • " • - -

ieat.All who buy meat will find

it to their advantage to pat-ronize ray market located onthe STEWART LOT onWashington avenue. I keepnone but the best meats andkill the best stock to be had inthe market. Give me a trialand be convinced as others are.

Jacob Myers,Washington, N. J.

Hew York Dry Goods Emporium.Extraordinary Bargains


Largest Dry Goods Dealers

305, 307 and 309 Northampton Street,


Choice Roasted Coffees at Low Prices-AT-



EstateThe Homestead Farm

26 day of August,A. I). iw.",,nt2 oVIffk In thot-OSITIVK.

"lyortk-'rof lln-Cliniieclln-.

i:in iir w.'tiilixrur'i utnl hot

falso positiiho and Maximilian worolotta Hod from MI l

This almost broko llio poor woman'ssort; but, with u woniiin'a ftltlh in the

impossible, sho soiig^it Tor comfort "inKomo. ^ A Protestant._ horaelf,.. shodoomed that'"tlio IV ,.to tho rosouo of hor

would' conio

Tlio. IIOIIHO which SecrotJiry-^VbRuoy- Imairclmscd la oil ouo of tho highest hills aboutraBliinj»ton. s ' T im hoii8o,.-wlileh.:Is..nt. tlio

o of ho Cutliolit: iujsbiiml—compel the Untholic Aloxicnns to be-come Alaximijinn's • obedient subjocts.Sho knuw nothing of politics. All Umlsho know and nil tbat alia- conaklorodwas the danger of her ; Inisbund, whowas nil tho worW to hoi". Wlion horprayer was denied it I tho Vatican alioHtopped not to runson out tho right orwronjj of her unhappinoss; she couldnot.' Konson ywoouod, nnd from thattimo to with iu a tow days past, fornineteen longyours, shohaa buou anitiniablo niaiiluc, ctoail to tlio world itpd• • " ' • • • ' " V O O . ,;,.

• " ' • - " " • - "A Iioiul I ' \ i r A w a y .

In Antananrixo, tho capital of Mmta-

f ascar, no public convoyanco of anyind ia used oxcopt tho '"Jilaiizana/1

uorno on tho backs of slaves; goaorullyemployed by Iho foroign rcaldonta oftho Andrlnns and persons of rank andcaste. At 10 o'clock a gun from thopsUaco yard is fired, antt nil ia husliodIu repose; the deathly silonco of a trop-ical uiffht, only broken by tho Bing-spng.hail of; tho natiTO.v'£OQtric3 abouttlio town. \i Tho princlpnl occupationof tho ninss.oftho population-300ms tobo always walkiufj thosti'oots or fit-ting wrapped closely in their wbito ;

lambason t i h l ib

Prom timoknown that '•

mmeinorial it has been.•itliotit salt

, i\2: fur !»'« sulwi-rICM, *:t; fur 10 subj'ierii,.?!.s. wuiilwl.hi every In:.-* und eaui[ilii (JO[.R-N

Vnnr.iifcthuHiuii.or'Diftl:el '!il.,H . • Every 1

•num. L'irl or tmv who wiil"in: WEEKLY WO'III.H. Tliuiu iicwii[iinifr( ewiuii!i:te in

IWH, f l i ; f,,t- iribcM, «U; for


'' N O ; ,

by tho half ban-ol, qunvtor Imrrcl, kit nnd by tho poiinJ, togothor with nfull lino of choice Groceries nntl l'roviuions ftt rcjucoil prices.

Fancy EL Q. Molasses a SpeciaHy.


cIU^T OPENEDr-;. • ,'.:Jicntly Uuildint', next door lo the posl oflii-e. Rooms large s»ii commodioug. Tablesnew ami mniuifiicturcri hy the cekhratcd J, M. Unnawick & Bulko Co., N . Y., nmlurc pronounced by i,'oo<] jinlu'eH to ltd tiic best in lliu world. Come mid ucc even if youdon't i'l:iy. No pity 1 Itooni for all. Best braiulti ofcijjare nlw/iys on linnd

JOHN S. CASTON. Proprietor.

J. T. BOWERSScalar in Fino Shoos,

No. 145 Washington Avenue,WASHINGTON, N. J.


Stylish SuitGO TO-

Tho Tailor.

Suits to orsier from $15 to 41



4 to I21 to 3

Tim biiliwrilior woulil ro!"i>f«ifully inform Hi1-aililit or IViiililni;l<in nu,l violnliy lluu ]|U

, lias |nircli(u*.l Mr. J. K. Hi^.^a,

iinsuriibly poriah, ami amon-r horriblommUliinunts, eutulling curtain death,tiiat of fcuUmg ciii[iritrt nu saltlcss foodis smd to luivo prevailed in barbifpu^limoM. ;,\\'hon Uook nml I'oi-jtor Iniiil-«d iu Otnliblta thuy aatonisliod the nat-ives, who saw thum eaiin-r wbito pow-der with ovory moraol pf moat, and w-ury ono rouifiubcrs Mini Friday'a ox-liroaalvo repudiation of salt. Cut thosavages who alo no "whilo powdor"BLO lull and cookod their Ilwh in ecawater, rich in salt. In sovoi-al parts ofAfri«:i mon aio sold for wait, and onthu Gold Coast it is tho most t.rocions1

of nil rjoiu modi tics. Oil iho coadt ofSioi-rn Leono'a man willsull his aistorhf3 wifo.or. His child for salt, iiul hav-ing learned the art of didtilliu" il from

g pped closelylambason, tuoirhauuol

_ The quostlon,.. "Wlmt ia a Creole?"Is thus nnswerod by ; i w r | W r . ;„ thoNow York Tribunal Iu. Uia,nri.rin,'iiLouisiana colony thero were six ulns-fios, viz: tho Kuropeiin, (Jroolo, Indian,sr"'Ia1 (ollsprhig; of wliilo and Indian),unilo-Coilipriiiif of wlilto nnd "IritliiinVnnd Mulatto (oll'spriiig of while andAfrican). Gradually, liowovur, nilnnllvo productions came to bo eallodCreoli!, nnd so imgruos horn hiLoulsianawere called Creoles lodisUnguish themfrom those brought from Africa.

Tho broadsword which AbrahamLincoln selected when ho wont lo li"hta duol on an island in iho MississippiRiveri« siud.to.boHir.tho posstissioii ofa poatknuaii in Sprin^lield, 111.

Oysters, Clams & Fisharti.nl. .Mr, Klslc

l l th l




wfiuNurity.aiHliircvcnlLiinUaiilnitT. It clennsct the scalp,.stnps tlic hair falling, and isa.-antl $i; si:« at Drugg' sis-:-

The Beat Cough Cuio yon can ssoand tlic best known preventive of Con si L in pt ion.

?ARKKI:'S Tonic kept in a liamc \s .1 sentinel toct> sickiicss cut. ! Used tli sere city it l:cc|>* theiuit iiuru anil tliu Stomnuli, Liver nnil KidneyswnrLiuj; or.Icr. CmiK!,s nt,,! Colds vanish bc-cit. It builds mi Ilia health.

r-U you.sii(r«f-fii.m-»Bl.;Ui/l'Skui--Eniiil[(«i>,"Coufili, A«hma, Dyspepsia., Kiiliiey, Urinary orlenuleComplaints, or any disorder of the Lungs.Siamach, Ilawclq, llloml or" Nerves; don't w.iittill you arc sick in bed, but use I'ABKEK'S TONIC

; it will jjlvc you ucw hfcunit viyor/, II1SCOX & CO., N.Y.\Sol J by DrufigtiU. Large savins buying gi tiic. j

Tim best lino of goods over ollnre<







•• bn-K nir.r A C.\T.L AT :<

534 Washington AveUP STAIRS.

ManilkRoofinf!i i -WAr. iJs , IVIMY


YISO I'mcna.Corret'teil every Weilnemliiv \>y rcllniiic

ties..flutter . . . . . . ; . . V i.,

&,...,,.,s •. .1(1f, ekles 07 to .C8,llvo .01 to.l

Hoia, drcjiBctl,. I m i i v y , , , , . , , . , ,-.•,., .••.•-.:-„; -".-J

crylliocoiivcuIoutwaUnnd(iieaming llio

dull hours away. Sometimes n groatil'Itabary.L^or.publio-.mooting.ivcscitufiiUiOui to a faster walk, or to moro con-

rbgatibii or gesticulation; and on Jb>i-ay, tho capital,;; market day, . gront

ciowds of them press into, tho plain totho south oftho cityduvofod to that

Culvca,llve..,^l!:r.:;Vii.|v':J.'."':.,^—•' '-:'"diviitii;ii,vi,-,-; ;v;';V''v.";"';.'.".;

anitroilc , i:

Lambs, live . ; . . . ..CWckeiia,-liver. .-;•.-;•.-.-.•.;,-;-:^V;.f.~ii-rt'ow]fl,-iiv«Tr;r:"T:1.T::'.TI.r."..l;-..."Tnrkuyn, llvo . ' . . . ; . , . .Dncka.llvo . . ; . ,Wheat ••i,.!iv.v.-.v;:^ii:i'-il."v!".r:.';-"—Hyo ; ; • ; . . . .o r i t f l . . . . . , . ; , v . . . . . . . . . . . : . ; . . . . ; .C o m . . : . . ? ? : ' . . ; . . : . . . . . ;Apples, per l)urrcl:v;':'.v;7"r,..'.\>"\- '•PotntouB, i)cr Limticl , . , .•?• . " • »Wlient flour, per cwt.,.., ^ , 2.00 to 4.00


lorlui. t'jHi'l!

....• HOOFS,i , \ s i » i ; i n

H l r o m ; n i i < l

W , l l l l ' A Y i V I O ,

A Sftfo nnrt Snro Unro for Miilnrtn, CIIIIIH nVMVT, Intornilttont, JdllouBiviiil'J'yiilioM Fovern,I.Ivor Diaordora. Tho beat .Toulo known. - Fifty,ccnla )>or bottkv D..M. Stlficr, Ml llnrolny euvtmul'C. N. CrlttoiKlnii, 115. Pulton struct, NoYork, Auoiils., I'rluciitnl onlco, Sll Hudnon Si

.York. J . ' \fo "-iiO-lin

- A T A 3 H I N G T 0 N . N , J . . - . - / , . . . ^osItoPoNt Ofllco. Tcfriiliono at Jllllrr'w

<a mi

f latnm reiW, nml ilrlvmi il7om nw.ii\*"A'.lilrc»4'SALI.AHK A CO., 8 liiwt lHlh St., SoW-Yortt.-i~

V4l.it.- -•—•• y~.~ijrr

_JE.E,..gfjirpsi Bfwk of Him griworh-a t-onslal- H

M (.Wm 'IVa, Siiliwa of nil kiwis. SitusA'TtSJTI «roirCli..it.-t."iIfiiiistiinlSlimilil«raaiitl U 'fVj otlii'i'wiHijii'iits, Drkil l lwrin plews l_}ri orrtilcwl.rilHOHliL'wlliiitnil'HodcuIrod, fTI& S "i!fillilin|l!l"1Ht ""'"i"Bloibl^ n l i l_Jf j- l i-iiiii, iniitH, hnHimn, MIIIH. li:inki>L-<. W<

Q 'ftiiy tiling found Iti'dilrs


R Choice Crackers.0 E ^ CON'KKCTIOXRHY, t-onslNtliift of

O-. H<'.VLTJU (-nulea of clgtiw, cliowlm iiiul1

HiinMiiu; tnbfiwo, lino (|imlltli'H of> w «mji«'H«oiisiiiniiyon Imiut. uliliCI)

R filroniforLiiklitnm orwtiMiincnvii. ^IIIKM If ywi iffi'fnr. I-TOU It of lUfT.-r- m

l"^pi!ABnu!h«t..l,iMfiI(Wi_(ftrtwijl»Ji!l);rfiii:•fa ow. TJirtniurMoiilti'tilvniinmirwlUi " "1 |lftl'lill|jl<ll <>f UOMl llllkillK IJOlVllLT.r~) Conniry lmKluw) i«l«m In .isdiniiRCr ^ tor (,-oniln tuiil liljtln'Mt nmrkot iirku

.lHor Hjuury, L j


i Hospccifully Yours,' •'

Uiin.wiimi 1 willImnko cirofuf ureilinlnnrvntttlaii; ami report m in'ptlMtanilliv will-3,clrculnii>.fic.,FKKK i)F ClIAltGB. Alli'c->eroro U.S.'hitiailOffliwnitcnflcrlto-Vir.ring r.'o." Itirominllnn nnd rofcronenn Rent"omtrrJ'1-'1 N U U I I A I t a ^ " N 1 ' E s s ^ . T E i i T

; i i v;T.'i:;iLITTrtLL, WosWncIori, D. C. !

Sfon'-s Hcnmloss uppor,toe, button shoos

Men's soniulcsa upper,-.operatoo, lneo balmomls •"•

lion's soninless uppor, operatoo congress gaitor

lion's seamless upper, French




*2,'Q0\Ihlcn's scarulcfis uppor, French

'•: toe, Irtco bnlmorals

3Ien who have boon wearing $4'and $ii shoes, ancl desiring economy,

shouldstyle, comfort and durability i_.try a pair of iny $2 shoes. Thoylmva.no pegs, wax thread, tacks..-in-sido to hurt tho' foot or •wear;i.outstockings, a featuro of vast imnort-auco to Iho wearer who can appreci-ato comfort. They aro,mado in six •.;'(lilleront widths and with eitherbroad, niedium or narrow toes, andaro nifiiiufnctiu-odby carelully select- f,.,cd-workmen, and' aro equal to anycustom-nmdo eboo at dcublo thoabove oflbring. .i

I sell tho most stylish and tlio bosUimdo boots and shoes, for loss money

than .they. ;.can bo, bought in-. thiH ^couiilry;b»i8idb°6i"my1'"storer""I''iu-'''"yito tlio public to test this assertion.- <'

J. t . BOWERS.

CHAIRS^ ° 15 years of practical ex- ..

perience in the chair business.The public is offered the largeVerantla Gordon and'Ladies'Sewing Rockers. Orders will•eccivc-prompt :attenLionrL;-;-="--. Repairing neatly done. A

iharc of patronage is solicited.


u-ly oppo3ito Comlsli'ii fnL'toiy. -

j P H I L A D E L P H i A I C E - C R E A M ,

I; (it tiut loivost iiosulljlo lirlco

o Parties, (ricnlC8,1'ewd-• 5i;.i

rals: an« .FamllleBv"1-"-1

' ' ' . ' ' !; nt Bhort HOIIL'O. •

ib hn WHlia'mson, Washington, N/J- --" . H . — I i t l l l i lit onjiiwl•iilali tlio

g ,otlilHvnininntTOliiil M my ronlnu- ">."

to llio poaUiRlcdi nt" wlilcli j>lm.u I nInn".::;i.-.-i:nioat imlnliiblo nival n tnl l lifmra of "r"'1

Mmm RUPTU'Jmp's,-w'»."rolio'|Jonnd a


Bulltul trcntmout alraa a I kinds ot it t b l


Page 3: AYER'S Star & World - DigiFind-It · 2015-12-03 · v«A? ^/ESiffiSS' i...,?l.^_:....^,^.-. m.... VOLUME XVIII. WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. JM THURSDAY, NUMBER 36. * A. M, m In

COA.IJ AT 1031'AIX-Al llio l).ia«M!.lt,(V» elmled (cnnto,

(Irnlo fl,Mtirrion.lieu Helper ton.»tovi> , , a.Mliiorinn('Ucttnui , a. 'ilp-rionVra 2JH1 {icMAn.

mllili*«lWrt)««n linnil dry (Qbtlcr

0 (over percent)"ttotflMiled dlwrt Iwm fdinu°1"1 ' WM. uniKl.nS. Jr.. AscnU

wwrjtrt Cwck Cimiicrlnt.il O n i - t a W I'« topr .&l&S.

. m u l«.nrtlil« fiiDlIn 111U: initw HI wiiii Hi" lintli'i

thin ciiUw f«r

,.„ ri'lntli,«1 In 11..1 KTAU nil', tli» nl»ivi> iKHlllmiii< I n»iinwi tti« Sum

N O T I C E .. Thn KTAU b Mi mlo nt CIMW. fttEwtou'i* .!,.„„

atnml. tin Wellington nvenue, each weok m soonnt |,rliit<-.l.

Stav-Ligbts.—School will begin one week from

next Muiulny,'.

—Mr, Jolm Kosenborgcr and fnmilyuro removing tn 1'loonisbnry,

—Tho annual Smith picnic was licld rToapack ycsteniny. John : HmitU wr

... ;,llicro, : . ,:—Fires wero duoiue.1 iVoccssavy in

muulicr of places in town this week oaccount of Uio cold wave,

—A Young Jlon'a Christian -Asspcition lias buou formed at Vhippany, witDr. 0 . A. Bock«r w Pivsideiit. . !

—Tho proprietors of tlio largest dr;goods • liouso in l^iiatoii call especial

', tuition Ui limit now adv. in lhi« issue.—Tho crop of widtmls, chestunU an

-hickory nuta, it w saiil, will l>o voiidiniidaut tliis fall in all parts pi tlState.

—The Prohibitiou Leag'uo will meettho Hull in tho Shield* huildiug'Xhuraday eveuiug, Angutst 27th, at cig!o'clock. r , ( • . ;

, '."•' —Togetlicr with otlior .Mottistoidogs, otic belonging to Thou, Nast, tcartoonist, WAS bitten last week l\vmad dog.

—Messrs. Josopli K. Petty,-B. M. I:lenberger nnd Samuel Benvcrs were L"Saturday elected 'ciders ot tlio lat IVbytcHtui church of thin place.

—A Republican informs ua tlmt il ItTlmr3ilay'd solilioia' picnic' wna ft "Democratio caucus" lio was VM\\ pleaded withit and would like to attend another Dem-ocratic caucus.

—Tlio Uniid ot Hope will meet on Sat-urday afternoon at tliroo o'clock inShields Hull. Tliu exercises will consistpriucipully of wuaic. A good time is an*ticipiittd. AH aro invited.

1—Tim Sexton in at homo carefullynuking tliallrst two fingers of hia left

, hand which were 'badly injured iu ni- moulding niachiuo at l'rof. Laivvotico.'B

.orgau factory hull Tlmrsday.1

—A dam Hixty feet wuto is to bo put iutho Puluwnro rivciy nbnvo Bonlcntmvu,

• at Iho 'expense of the Government, I twill liavo the ofl'oct ot diverting the chan-nel anil improving uavigntion.

—Typhoid tover is prevalent at thoMorris plains ..Asylmu, but it is not prob-nblo thnt any of Iho patients will leaveon nceount of it.—&WCJI Jkyister, For-hnpa not—if the discusc ia of a very mild

• ;.• • •.. t y p o . . , •

j - _-i'roporty owners above tho canal ou-ootvidoro nvontio are complaiuiug

, ennse no wnlks liavo- been put down.Iwul wiillicr nt this iVnco Iho wilkn nra

- nlmost impoHBablQ null deserve some at'tcntion. ; X

—During the ruin find! hail storm Itisl

uilwi, muy six inousnuii i~»i»« . . . . . . . . o

•or. prcsont during the dny. People fac-to arrive in farm wngonn ami cav-

nycs at an early hour, • nml Uio early:niiw brought a largo number to town.>uriiie tho (by mniiy drovo in who camo

stay fora nbort timo ami. then went)IUCJ. Tho committee <d flrrangcment»

van well pleased with llio result ol thcliifforU, but Uio number of visiting Grandirmy Ponta did not como up to Uicir cx-(oetalions, most of tho organizations that

"i 1 ! c " i n i n v i t c i 1 o n ' y "0I l t l i"R ^^sfttp"-iiutowirwaa in holiday nttiro, beingverywhero bwlcckwl in tlio N'utioutdolors, and a hearty welcome waa oxtciid-

ud to ttio veterans* who had coino withIhcir families to iniugio in friendly inter-jourau with llicir old c rndec, rcnowoldirray ncnuaintiinoeii, nnd to Uilh over Uio

icidouts of llio war. Tho number ofoldiorri in Iho iMvndo by no jiwmw nip-eiiontcd tho nnmbi-r ot Koldiers in town.Ju every hnndooul.l bo wen Grand Armyboi3gc3, red white- and bhio rosettes andtuocrcLoUliooldwsthcorpy. Ci>1.JolitiA. AViidrick acted aa mnnihnll ami ofliccr)f tho tiny, nml at 10"o'clock proceeded

tho depot with theludoi)ondenco band

k, of the llrmqfWHkiiwon

In tho early ovening Mr«.

j-i vc» llio fotnmUloo an oxcollciit opportunityto Infor Umt llicy iiccil not" vx\*A w«iyt l l f (l Ubtim U

I Wilkinson MnHctl lo ilrivo lo - M«irrla i ^^"^Plains Million In meet her htudmnd, who I.. .WHS coming on tho Knalon oxprcw, dimMicro nt 5:01)' n'eluclt. M M . Williinsonand lier mollier, Mrn. Mtinroe, ocoupiedthe'carringo, whirli win driven by Urnconclunau. ntid Mw. Wilkiiwnn'M BOHFrank, a bright Imyof itiuo years, wna

|mniiutrdupiniIIIH ditlur'a bpirited iron

;„—y hoML.Isaddlotlicconc;!:| tho i;trnp# mi li',:il iiirt foct; wouldthe utirnip:<, cilowcil biui (u put inn feetiu tlio loopa i*f the utrnps, . just nbovo ttioBlirriipH, \VJ it-ti ul umt a Imlf mile fmmtlio Ground*, tli^ nuddln lmwo which wasjust behind the o.irrin^>>, eliicd Hiulili-uly

land IViint; was unnjuti.'d.- Itul in IIM fallfrmn tho Imiscoiio Imit wfta held fiiat intlu> loop of tlui r.lirrup, and iu a uiomcut

: tlio Iiurrit'wd mother «iiw the horse d;v>!"

o tho depmil John 1%. Jtcyii''W«

i t ivisiting orgnaizitions, mid Gov. Abbott,Major Cnrl Lent/, and Iho other speakers.After mnrL-hiug lliroufth Uio: princip:ilHtrocU tho imrado came to a halt onWashington Avcuue, in front of Iho St.Cloud hotel, formed a single column a-!nng llio edge of tho strut;!, and (salutedLloveruor Ablictt an ho passed by iu acarriage. Upon arriving at the yvoveJlr. E. B. Webb, of the committee, call-c,l tho pon[ilo to onlor and Kov. Dr. Xotl

Ifn(t Hi" buy in tho4ti-!id<>fKliorleuiug

liast thociiirinjn', dragging tlic ho* ' cud(l»iuiu'ni'(l,-ttl:iitaping him »vcr 111', tgliroml n<»t kiuhi»£r him iu tlm lu-ml nmlbody willi hw km,:* at uvery jump. Jfrs.Wilkir.Kou nt omv criud lo the coiiclimauto jump mid ruteli the MHHHO. Tlm mank-iiiwil fruiii lliuL-iiniuHO, dropping thorchw, and llio Ii(»rw.s at once ftntU'd'torun, but Mrs. Muniw, with great pres-ence of niiud, ronfliM mvr thn front Beat

jfor lluMviiis »!iil MtLVcudi'd in pullingtlio hor.H-iij'.ii thu fo:u:u. In thu mean-time tin' iufiiri -\hi\ sndiUo howa lupf onaud rnn fiir nearly half liiilii before lio wn«

il. V,y i\,U tinm Cm 1H»-.'H ln'ml was

«t) terribly that his fvatutirt couldhardly be recn&ui'.-jd, u:i<l whim ho w:w

i (mm tlin* Ufpublhm tor tlidr un-.,,[ cITorta lo imlio ovt;« more jiopiilnr

..u Iwfore tlio Annual plcuic day nf tlm «ol'OM of Wnrrcti 'cmuity. Tlmt llio writer of

uin "tippfiM" fimucd hU poiichwlon Ini8*lyfrom liinBlu»l!(.:i, nml n 'very libwcil h'"lK-hintlon, t'Ki, h ('vMclit In nil tlin riiulrrH ofIt wlm fiKih pains tn ulncrva cnmfiilly tlioprococilinsa of Iho day. "Spculnl" w1)'""llio niiafcon wcru Oov. TJOOII Abbott iiml.M,ijoi-airl Ixmtx," biiiiltliig cullrcly Iho

no of Hnjor Win. A. Km, who iiuuia tii'iSPStatnUiKt«i»«'.'!i."of <1i" 'lny, 'Hi;

"thrown* iimeh Iwli^uniit 1e.xi*'iaion (npinioii mul it wwt buiinl mi nearly everycurlier that tlio Affair wiw nothing IIMTO tlmnn Duuioerntic cnucm" in literally true, fortwo or tlirw nn'ii i<*A: RH]KC\H\ [inlui tomaku Hinrh iiniioiuieeuieul from nonrly every

''Spocliil" I»1-KI woi'fs lieeaiwc.nov. Aliliclwiw ctwnrli'il to tin- |[ronutls by tho roimuittoe nnil Mnj. Carl I*iitz wns coiii|H>11aii t-milk, mid withonl liwikin;* Into Ilia OUHO V

liroiiiptly' wrtih, ''If Col. Iionlz hivi u [uiiiticlAii c»r tlio iinipor r«niiroi

,,0 ho would Ii:A'o'.l)C>:ii tnkon Inln th(fold nml well cured for." In justice to 111foM ami well cared for. In j u i ccommittee nml iu ilofeiiso of tlicir ncllon

i i f

lU'ouounced tho invocation, llayor Corlish WH9 Uic'u introduced n» Master «i

Oorcmonicn nud ili-livrnvd an nddrcss,During tho address tho ^pt'iiitrrM1 plat'form gavo way and a litllo coLftiakin re

jeult:il. The cpcnkcr mounted a u-at ad-I joining the staud, continued hia rcmarkHaud soon quiet wan restored. Upon cot-clutling Uio soldiers'ofwrwl three cheersfor'our young Mayor, Governor Abbottwas iuhoduccd nnd, desiring to get to

, Sea Girt whero tho State cticumpinoutwna iu progvoaa and where bin presencenlrfo wns expected that day, ho mndo ahbort ndilross, ltofvrring to tlio incidontDf tho falling platrorm in tho course i»fIii3 reranrlw lie snid: "This U tho iltuttimo that any jiliitform, upon which Iiftvo heretofore stood in AVarren Conuty,ms failed lo support me." Upon con-jludiug ho was heartily cheered. TheCtovcruw wo3 driven to Junction andtook tlio train from there. IIo was mpushed for timo thnt ho lind to cat lii:>dinner in the carritiRo.; Upon the closeof the Governor's fnecch tho ccrcmoiiiuawere discontinued until tho ntternooii.The soldiers, utlh Ihcii fiimilicn, collect

|0d in liltlii grotiiis. nud begsm an iilhwt«i>ou tho Inneli baskets which they hmlU'uiiyht with them, Those who c:«nenuprovitled wevo supplied with a good"unchbyMr.C1iM.es Able, o£ Phillins-)itrg who had secured tho privilege of

tho grounds . ' . . . . . ' • ...Mujor Carl Lentz, of Xewnrfc, was tho

Brst flnenkor iu the afternoon. Ho snidthnt ho hud hoped to have spoken' fromtho name platform as Governor. Abbott,

I but as tlmt had fallen lio now siood uponthe solid pint form on which the. gullnutsoldiers of Warren stead whou tiioy wontforth to bnttlo, A platform over whichwaved the Stnra anil Stripes and upon

found liu

pny : A iitiHto nf ono

iloiid, The rcinai:i3 werefound liu Wiw iloiid, ThtakenIJI Mt.T:ilv>r ainl caivil fur, andprompt ui<!i1ii*;.l itttontitin was given theniothor, wlm wna grojitly prostratud withIhe shod: produuc.l by tho terrible nightshe had vl-itnwi"jtl. Tho osporiemw ofHie family »t JIl . Titbor luis bstiu piicii-linvly aad, n^ it w-.vi , Ih'.'io ikmio fightyeai's ago tlmt the littlo dunghU'r of Mr.ami Mrs. Wilkiiis<i!t fell li>mi HBniiiy iuthe rear" of thvir eott.igi; and was soHovoroly injtiretl that death resulted.—Ex.

Petit Jury List.

..oHW (A KciinblicAii) ami ono jiorsoii who, tho liqwhliom wnnM prolmMy cnll n iiolit.chn, wilh two carriages, mot the Ir.iin oiwhluli (our HJVMIIOIN—tlov. Alibclt, IIJIJO

'„ Miij-ir Kerr mul dipt. VnuMircniu-L'ciifttttl to nrrivo. None onnm on llti

Imhi. Tliu [•oniinilt.'c wnitad for tlm no:jtri'ilii'.' nml wlifii ilnirivoil wow lolil l»y

wlm pmfussctl l» know till ct tiiiiliuvo-unitiO'l coiitlouion thnt ucillior of thwns tilionrd. Mfij. I/intK, however, TO[ho train, but wn.i unknown to niul uiiroci.,ni/oil by Iho comiiiUtoi\ to whoso inriiliritnlout Iho Major nil mwwers word to tin) cfeet tlmt ho wiw m»l on llio tniln. flov. A"liott enmo cm tho third tniin iiml \VM c

„ the burn of

_ „ „„<.„, .^gy- Bloomabury

i'iii'g ttio liuilJiiTg, miuiy Waiiug

During tho raiWodncsdny, lightning sAVilliam S. Hulshi

. jlUiwiiiy is tho H>.t u( .IIUOM f-.temlier term ot cuirt drawn by Ihuon TttiBiit.iy, iu Ihu pn-.-H-itfi' «iJmlyo DiiWiU nml Aswwiiite •Uoalty and (Ji'.nJiuld:

Ji.llll ) . C i l i l H H ,Win, Hurt, l-'Mhishtiy-.i

rm-Ilii H;n'l:ftl.iLi-ji


ciiiuo on Urn t diw t-tiited clsowhf r«. 5Lij.' Kcrr was wilt tMuoil, as ho t-aiiw on tliu 11:'£) Imiii

tiifit. while h» .was oxpct'tcil on an eiirlin gnhig west. Tlio conmntteo's iuttifi v.vro yooil, nnd ilioy liiinont tho fi

uma1 tlii'.n anymio olso Hint they were ininforitio.1. nUliougli '*it|wc1nl" 'li'I "J1

nko wltito thhi(j!* appear Mack.


Thmlore Hny hut «ni.lu: lioiir.li.TH tliis year. They S.JOIII to like lii' \ilncQ pretty well.

—'IV miu of Frliliy nl^Iit miscl Iriver quite tnucli, niul tlio nsherniiiii ncj olo try \n cAtch n mw-t almost every ihy.

—Niilinef--i nml v.-i.U'rmol'w» are nil tliom»w. Tl io Iriiokew »ro much ilirfcourn}rnvr Iho vines tlyiu^ so thir! your. TUrj en1

Unot known.—Qi'iito n tumibiM' wynl from IKTO to tlm

HMKVA' nnil Siiilor.*' i'lL-nie on TLutmlay ofList wct-'k. They ssiM tlio'rt! wns nu inttnutvucrowd thetv, ainl ul«»it 7."i sol.liurs in line.

—'I'ii.' IMii'.\iti\j Ctnu-jt-Ii.unt-. isitciul;!. tohnvo n

—Aug. WitilcrH, of Kownrlc, npetit Hnntlnyrithhls frleii'lfi In lown.—Mrs. Kiimnol O-tinuu hnn plocctl n boil-

lit'eontnliilnu 1,2-iS Mooiw.,—Tlio gnuilng of Mnnroo: Hlrccthtirch ami Fluiu \VA IH>OII comiilcUjil.—Jncolj Alton and faintly, who liavo liccu

irlu;* nt Occ;m tlrovu, Imvu returnedi town. . ,—Exiuniiiiilinn nf toichora of Wiirrfiinnty In iltc n>Avv>\ liuiMlii^ thh FridnyA finliiitiiiy.—Ku;[L'iio ltrown, of Elizabeth, spoilt rttort vAcatinit wllii hli f'lthor in Ihls placeio curly ji-irt' of Hid week.—Goorya Sw-iyzo, a fornior lowintium,it unw nt Jli.lillotown, N. Y. , ' lmb(«n

[• hit pVonti iu thU plncc tho pitttreek. ":.•;.-.-;,••. - .......J.J , . , / . . - , • ..—Kunnnjv ouroiilori»rlslnj* iihotogrnphcr,

i ftttou'lin;; Iho Sit. Tabor ctiup mccthij;.I'O slmll eximct to sue Home llua views whou

orptunw. .—Mint Jullii Hill, of Howcll'i) mtiinmnt,

4 on duly nynhi after n WCOU'H vncalioniiunif- friuitdx hi Oriinuo, Now York andnxiklyit.—(irmmd in l>cin<; lirokcn fnr A dwelling

IOIIHO near Hie rour of Mr. I'Utok'H rcsidcucoiy Jlr . Flock. This \mt of lowu U buiM-in up mpidly.—3IIH, Wai. Kuu, who l«w bc*ii on AII ox-

:mleil visit nmniiy fricmlH in Stroudslnirg,n., nml Kiwiex couutv, N. J. , returned

—A muniicr of our townspeople liavo,.vis-tedOcenu (Jrovo thi<tflitmnicr. A'fow arc

*M"ill present, lull will in n nhorl liino ro-uru to ItAckiittstown.' •

—Tito work on 0;i]it. Trethnwny's IIUIIHC,iruer Church nml Wnshington atreoln, i.iL'iu^ mjiiilly pushod, nnd tlio structure Uipiilly npiirnacliing ctini]ilt;lioii.,—A party from I'lnintlc.iMiavc pitolicd

..ioir Iniit nu Keck Shore, lliitW'ti XAJU.:1'hiil Ihey IIM n jolly fiet is cvidnncpil by thenctimis of a fow of tlicui in lown Sntimlny,

—Clmrlo-i Siiiinilortt, of IIolYuuiu'ri filoio,i.4, we uudoMtiiuil, goiuj; lo attoud school ntthe Institute Iho comingnchool year.. Cluw.Kt-rtl will prolubly Inko liis place in Uic

store. ' . ' ;—Our pont-oilhG WiW without n niuglc

. OMlnl ©ml last week, nil tho old ntylo curd)1

| bciug uscil up nwl tho-PrMUuIUvo Deportncut waiting for tho completion of llio uev[HiKtnl ninlfi. .-• ' • •

—Tho bund nuil a number of young poojil« attended tho fair nud foHlivnl nl Drnkc-flvilla Hnlunljiy ovening. Tho fcKtivul wiw iiuccess flnrtucitilly nnd tho*: present biul ijotjil limo Boci:illy. • ,

—Will HiHliny. who wiw recently confine/.) IiU bud wilti miilnri.il ftsver, h out nyiviu,We tinilenitnud Umt ai BOOH as hit licnlth i'fully rocovernit he will return to hi;i work ii

Cstill* iiU'ctht;;" itr« ln"lni*]irnttyireneroui*^ntronlr.cd I>y our i>luiioty*1 nclittcd i-ltf/cns.—Tlie jini.ipcil Is iiiilto cheering for Ilia cx-

ciitKlon ttiiiioiinctil l>y our Mctliodlbt frlcndf,:m llio UTlli. ,

—'Tlio tk'pt. lurtu of Court will commence onIliu SStl proxltnn. There nro a minilwr nt Im-

; |>nria"t L-JISCH rut down for thu term,—ypcclul court wnn ticlil on Tuculuy, tliu

'i'rili Inet., fur tlnj]iuninfo of drawing tliu liftf r ^turin of court.of lullt juror* for ll,v«v,.« .v,...

-Wv iiiulcrMnud tlmt John I1. SI. Jolm, tinnri'!it teiiipomiifij mioptte, will fiwult Iu tinimrk, It, till;) ].!mv. on tlio -Kill of &i>t. ;Mi; turnout tuny Ixi cxpccW. :

—Mr. KIMm llnnl liui« rcturncil lioiuu ftouUic feniiioro, cuiiiuwlint Improved In licaltliHU uyisl^lit, however, Urutticr liinl ami tliu,tniifo liltn n grcnt tlcol of trouble.

-K<1<IIe Wndu, n furnivr iklvUU'ru l.oy, m^In town Monttny. He U -nuvf a ruMiluiit ofI'ott JtrvlK, N. V., antl IIM nxem-Iiltcd lilmsdfnJHi ft f.rin ciigusutl Io tin; iiinu-jfuctu

uymachine! Hhop.fil Trenton.—Two young ladies of thU pla

itefi of tlio piibliu KCIIOOI. h.ivclmrgo of county scliottU in this vwit, Muu Jciwttf Wftttl, Flocktowu,Mny Welch, Hiizc'ii, ncur Hclvldaro.

, which every lovor of hiu country might. stand, from the Green Mountains of Ver-

mont to the hauks of (he Eiu Grandu.

The effort of the tiny which nltractctl. imiiiuitj i,uu.uuu-..,o, -~ * . t l i ( j m o s r E - - ^ - t ^ ^ c l j ^ o l l nil(] cxcitcd tho groat-

piemen^ ami p r o v i n g al»out .8,000 c^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ir^VxicJ^^ - ?- •Blionvaiof oata.. , Wm. A. Kcrr of nope. He received

, -Tho D. L. & W. R B. Co hw »- g r f t tn la t i011B o a J - h n n d a n d l l 0 l d t h 0

Biiod a now time-tab .taking effect Mon- ^ ^ of hh ^ miSmaa m

iy, August 2Uh. Tho only chango of ^ ^ a

W. K. Ilk-kemli Mojvr, I

U t i . K. \I'li'illiji'J. P. (Jiurl-i, riihltoiit. C. Ivltntf}', UnrniAiUni Wlllewr. W.vltt

icu-cromii mni [Wrtch fufront of IA-UII'B huiiw

t l n l.irtj.: er^wd is expjwllMwfiiniUlioilhy ttio ]!.«M.

ttfury lln«at.in .K'pamorniiy of l.



.rUliy, iniijuot «n.. * -.jany importance at AVnshiugton stationne follows: Train No. 7, Buil'nlo arid Os-wego express, going west, arrivCBUOW at9:10r.M.. ••-, —^Yo nre in receipt of a. communica-tion giving tin account of a "gootl t imo"at Myers ' popular- bonriling house nearDelaware and preaumo i t is correct, bu t

: ' w o cannot publish as it is nnaecoinpa-n icd by tho unvno of the-wr i te r . : : I lowoften mus t ive announce tho fact tha t

-Tannonynicua^cotQniunicfltio'm_jirp_^cpii-aigncil to tho w. b , ?

; . ' —Mr. Jauic:i Pi t ta , who is still confin-• » • . cil to his bed from the eflect of h i s pniu-| .=• \ ful accident of a fow weeks ngo, can con-

gratulato himself upon being tho only..:. individual to rccciva a visit from Gov.

Abbott {luring his stay in town last week.I n ttio words of the Governor Mr . F i t t s '

•" decorations i^vitro the only private onesunde r which he lind passed Unit day ,"

—Tho barn of Thomas Kehlehcr, nearAnbury, was struck by lighting dur ing

— l a s t Woduemlny's storm. Tlio roof \yasgreat ly damnged, ouo of tho corner posts

'«> wiw shattered, nud tho toiiudatiua walls: bad ly injuroil, Tho ba in aud contents! would have burned hud not tho liouso-

keopor lmppoucd iu tho barn nt the t imo~-~ a n d pu t out llio firo tha t had ignited oniV '"'tho Hplintcrod post .

—Editor YftnFrcdcnborg, of t hoMauchOliunk daily Times, was ono of tha nn in -

•«;, bo r .>v|io rnfiontly- tool: a, throc-milc r i dei n 2 minutoH and 31 sbconds down ' thoHwitch'back,, in a gravity-cur. Thin iasaid to bo tho fastest timo on record.

••„ H o thinks auch traveling liiuj a tendencyt o religionize, bu t i t iH doubtful if liawill, bo Boriously .affoctod ns h e doesn'toxpect to repeat tho doso.

—A team of horaca belonging, to Wi l -liam Allfihouso, o r ' N o w Village, dr ivenb y his two sons who wore accompanied

- ^ . . b y ti.bliudiiiiiii jinmed John H u n t , rrvuBway"aiuV"llirj "occiipnnis'"Vcre""thrownfrom tho wagon. WilHnm-,-.,Ay«hnuso;Jr., had a .shoulder dislocated audbraised.. His brother had a ltneo cruBh-

,.:y.; • "-'\ cii, and was cuvriod homo by tho blind;ii - man who escaped unhurt. i! '!^ •

2'-"-',".'. ' ; —Mr, Charles Elnzer, of this borough,i;:~i; ;:[L.nudimoro reconUy df Frnnltlin Township

hour.Short addresses wero also made by Bey.

C. D. Nott mul Me. Cluis. Scrontou.Contrary to tho expectations ot those

of tho association who opposed holdingtho picnic hero on account of Iho li-censed hotels, there wag not a floldier_ontho grounds liiulur tlio "inilucnco "of li-quor. Everything pswsacrt off quietly andaud l. .O^O P. M. tho grounds vorouear-)y deserted and nearly everybody lm"left town. i—It--wns\vi:u^urduitUL"Lliei-iiO5t&iiccc3;.ful picnic yet'held by the Associationand rellcctcd credit upon tho eouimitt ~

: ot arrangements.

Death of Miss Myra E. Packard.

The aows of tho clentU of Miss MyraE. Paoknrd, at her homo uenr Blooming-ton, III, on Monday, tho 17th in«t., wokreceived with Borrow by her many friend*hero and at Belvidere. She left thisplace, about three mouths ngo, whenalio hadb&sn employed ILV Btouograplio:for more than a year in Boatty'u orgaiworks, and went homo. Although all

j . siniiii, riiiiiiiiF-.!William-S. Curiri'iitcr, l'iJohn Du'rllng, Kr-'llngUi:Uiivltl '.V. Smith. i'liHllii;Cluirifs Sltcrwr, I'oliutvi

.John llruiu, .Miiiiclli'til.AmlrtfW J. IK'iiuIrt, Allan

.> Iloiikhw,Irviu

nrt I l i , ]. It. Mrn-.iv, KiiowK.v

J. f-. V.'nriic,"V.isIilii{!toWllUnin HmhU, 1'hUUi-ftl

cnnio hero a stranger, - by her plensuut jaoiaicra ' picnic.™~..,,n» ^.nnnl.ln nnfnrn nud illlclli- ' Ate R. R. '


... -MJ'SS r iorenca Tool tins b^on visiting!or ri fow weeks at Binirstuwii,

—Mr. find 7ii.ivi. Wm. A, Strykor haventurncd from their .Wp to the s(ta shore.".—Mr. D. W. Kibble Klurtcd Wednes-

day morning upon a two weeks vucutiou.r'"—Jlossrrt. J:.cics nnd L'oiily lJopiiLiiTi>iWnshington, D. C , arc visiting at Jacob

jT. Johnston's. • . • •

—Misa llolVuiau, of Ilackotislnwu hasbeen visiting at Mr. Homy Johnston^

I for a couplo of wcoks. . " - :-'"-:-1- •"-:-•

—Mr. Kdw. l*lotb* IIIIH gone south onanother business trip in thu iutcrost oftho Gam Organ Company.

—M. D. L . Shrope, of tho Mill'ord/^carter, • aud Mr. Ileibeit Stockei', ofPhiilipsburg, gavo iw a cull on Mondiiy.

—Mr. M. B. Luriio, tho skilled mo-chamo of Delaware, this county, gave un

i a call ori'Vlhursdny. Ho nltoudad Iho

a«o "f "il juiw. "ilia Tutiomt took i»laco ou.H:it«htty.aftcraouiint'3 o'clock. Th« w-uiitins wore interred iu Bnrd's Uemolery.

—The V,*uirtuv,-u uiul Sit. I Ionium Sun-y-Hchouls hold their lUcnie and festivnl hi

--rklnifTrt (jrovo on Woduo^liiyof lust wool;.It WAs well nlU'iidi'd, mid the S]it:;ikiny WiU

iiiumticeil oscolluiil; lmt tlw'. miu enniod ctciiroil L'u: nooplc out of thu woods in

nliout lifioen nihiutes.:tit Woiluc-idj-y's oxenrsbu wiw uotcoll atwiiiliiil, tillhough llioso who weul•ory well I'Vnsod with it, iimlwud tlio\

I Iiml n,yoot\ tuns. • Tlioro is tolmouooi.[Tliuhiilny of tliia week from. Coluiiil*in niul

o to Now York mul ConeyThis u 8aW to bo Hie cheaiicst oua of Iho

|Benson.j —A number ot iiroworlLs were slittt off by

mi) nourtlurrt nt Myrca1 on Siiturdny evening 'l:«t, which were uiuch enjoyad by llio spec-tators on tlio ilnpot porch. The. band fur-iiished tlio liuwto, .which wns niueli cujoyedI by the boarders. This is llio secoud timo| tlioy hayo becu called upon this sciisou topiny for them.

—Tlio Presbyterian S. H. picnic waa holdin Allen's grove nUmy the river on SaturdayInst. ' Tlio ttiUo ww set iiliout' 1:30 o'clockwith cliiiikeu,' wtke nnd sandwiches, whichwero relishod by all thnt alloudcd. Cnu-,dies, iJCiiiinlfl, ico crcfiia, nml walenncloiiswore Ihon served. The bnnd was in nttcud-

. aiicc null plnyed a Rood^uuuy,.pieces.....!' """•""•• •"""•" ••-'•'—'•-" ToMTr""

Congratulations from a Wcll-KnownSoldier.

BLIMUHTOVN, AngUBlSj, 1390.O.\iT.-lJANiK*TU:p—Doiir Sir.; . • .

rurniil- imi'lo congmluliUcyou. niul .the

tlio Institute Ls rni>Mly t'lvt-rossiiif; throuse olTiirt of n larye foreo of workman, ann;u eojiijilek'd. will nd.l much to tho nj•!ir.i:i»" nftlm rftirof tha hiatituto Imtl.

—Illnir Acjwl«:ny,,JS!nIr.stnwn, will hnvafuw htwluiiU from this place this year. W

iiilcrslaiul tU:it tho Wi'in.t - nro nil Vutsnytfor tliacoiul:ig your; ftti'l iiuiiy ftiiplimiHwill bo tunieit away for laok of nccommoditkm. •

—A lu-y-M-linrii™ UVi*'3.tr.iiiied tn »!•ouo of Oour^o I'. Kuril's itk'uainjj'aud


n tho ladies' gym

, gr.nl1

inity,and Ml

lnm n

— iuJl. E. Church S q - i m b r Tho proccnro to ha ilovoloil to tho fund beiny mifor a new church. organ.

lnrciiiliil:w ;»Jl. E. Church Sq-imber 1.

l th f

.•^r^r Anderson.

—K(JV. S. D. Hiitria ami family nrctending camii mooting,

-Mrs. SI. J. Vniulcklc, of thU Iilnco,lattoiiding cni«i) mootiuy. . .I —Sir. John P. Davis", of Kowfirk, van tl:| guest of A. 0. Vnnflicklo Inst 'woek. .

—Uncle Anton's pcsiehes nrouow ripe aho hns a hnrd time keeping tbo boys outthem. • .

. . —Mr.,Miller N. Mowdor, who has bevery siek'.for CIRri-i... WCUK, I» LU,. iu. •proving.

—Undo I/)\v mul some of ltta frieuda wentfishing to Budd's Imke lust week nud lindvery poor success. . •

—Mr. .Israel llowell, who was working

Ufluunlitco of tho SoUliern'W l i t T

-Our enMkrM mine home from tlio )i|Id In your ltnrmi|;li, ii

rtcd a il<wd timo. An full

—Mm. Wnrnir ]H i>ri'i>nrliiK .16vllln|{onoon. ~ v ...~.

- M I J M llrll WlHo of BclvMcro I*the filially of Kntnucl Oixlyko, Son.'. —Mtm OUIu KiuUli of. New York . . . . . .Mis* Mnry AilnmB tho latter imrt ot Inslweek. . - - • • . . ' . . • . . ' •.

—Itni. lt«vi<nv in nut very good fu tnkinghliits lmt \vu Imnu u word to tho wise USitlk-lcnl.

—After n vlfit of three weeks to Anlmry3ItH. Knohel AdnniH rt'tunicd to Iicr homo

Jit Monday.... ,'—Quito n niitnlMir from hero nllcndctl llm

Solditrs* picnic ai Washington on lnsl TJiuncday nnd ull onjoyed llio day.

, •-SlUBEvnWftiMlHuB.-Mlw.OHIo HnillhInudMkH Mnry Ailnuw vlsHed Mm. ClftrkI'ierfiou of Oxford ou lull Saturday nud Km

• Our 8. S. Mill continue/ Mr. Wixr'norlinviftg roMlgiK.il the olike ol Huporiutenilant

•••' •• ;• - • - I Jlr. Ailniu Wiiiidliiig has taken his iilaco for,T.iU,rfWla.t, n , , , j j l l i o ] , r M m U l | m >y

s wolmveivywvreitll well plcaaml with Uiolr trcnt-

—No wonJcr It ruin* m easily oud -oinindniitly, Cnmii iiictllii^s urc iiroKrcpnbi^.'u hnriUy retiittntjcr n cntnp inufcttnt' ECUKOIIit-'n Hie ruin did not pour down In coptum*

.owtm. - . . ' . .—The finind Arni> men liulil a incettnc; on

lomlny iil^tit anil elected their oflkcrx. Col.Dim A. Wlldrkk. of IllnirBtowu, wns ehoflcnnnmniulcr of Hie IMrt. Tho Tost will bernmlly iuntituted nn tliu evening of tlio 3Ut

n e t . • •• • " • ' " " :••

—Our Lown dotnlnlca nro enjoying UWt but^'ll-uuruud vuciiliuna. Alt ttio pulp its wcrii

ul by new tulnktcn last SnMiaiii. 'flitvnnoiilzcrii were tliu ltuv. Mcvxra. Maxwell,''roiuu utid Decker, id) of wtioin prcncliedlulu, practical Kirrtnoiia.—Our public FCIIOCI* will ruopun ou >fonday,

ii'l't. 7, willi llmuld iiriiictiml nnil Hie RUIIKof tcat'liiM Hinl linvo tnuizlit fnrllic pn^l

iTtii1 nrtwi), U'i! hultuvu tlictil all to bu we)1 iiml l i t l io 'no iluu'it ourM'liuulti wll

urn ini In Ihu future iv in tliu piut.—Durini* a heavy eliowc- on WednesdayFt, tlic n^niciieu o( Oliver Kdiuur, on Wnterrucl, wiu Btrutk hy lightning aiul cjultu

«.rtouMy ilainngcd. Tlie flatc wero broken,iul ono piece of tbo curnlcc knocked clearooKe from ttic bitllittui;, Kurtuuutcly no perou wu« injured ultliou^h eoinc ruilroud mefell the fctmck very |)lainly.

—Mrs, dco . lioyer, of WIKWO IIluu^ th(STAII liiifi prevloimly Hindu incut Ion, died onriiurtday mornlui- last, at nu enrly In5Uo iiml IJCCII ill for nearly four niotitbs witli complicntloji nf O^CLWCS, whkli flnnllIcrnilnated in blood potaonlnK. She was lieln lil^li regard for bur conimcndablu trnlU o

i-lmrttctcr nud her denth U greatly lnineuteiHur hu."l'Und und two eons survive lier. Heia%\: wan.1l years.

- T l i e fntelll»cnce uf Hie death (»f M I H l'aeksrd, u lio for Kevernt tnontlw wtks emiiloycd ai

lit the law ofllee of Meuare. Htirla A-Heiwley, wnu a great shock to her' 'mmrtundsnt tho county scat. Hha wsw knovs nn intelligent nnd ninitiMc young worn:

and ,wns much icc[iectcd. Her dentli

jiirnud by a lnrgu drelu of nomnintanciMUfl 1'neknrd left lien- to tnke euro of lisifter, who won lyln^ very 111 hi Ohio.

••--Tliu ik'utb of Mliffi Xuttle Ilmulitliili, wideccnrreil nn Monday nlternoon, Is a tad Win) n lar-t; c l rde of warm und admiring friend.

The tkwas-cc! cinie inontlis flncu beyii)w i-l^iiti (if moiitnl ilccay and nn timen (ih« sruw Ftendliy wntfd, Sliu'euun.•"Itrtitiiliii'.'iirt'r Inin^iimry trouble and ticline n uront care to liur friends. She 1

li'usunt, amialilu %\v\, ami wns held l:iili-ciii by nil. I k r ayo wus about !!0 yti—A jii'elly ^ooil \oViii wns pinycil <in o

ur genial yoiinif men, by a ImrLcr, iil;iv3 a^o. The vouii!* man eeiitcd himself fu

and tlie bnrljer nmnipiilatcd thu niKiIn bis nstinl skillful mnuncr, giving our frlci

i,i ciiiMttliCet shaves he bad eujoywl. ., lime. Hut here comes the joki

When tin' ynimg iiiiui sat down lie had ft vei: pair ni sideboards, tlic prldu of bis yrmiiihoml. When ho urusc, horrur upon hn

ror, the d. b. 's lind iH^nppcarotl. Ho upbraiu\ thu harl>er but the knlgbt of the rnr.or loocil childlike aiul bland mid pleaded lniiocc.In thu llrst degree. . He declared upon hliouor that he did not sen anything but fu/./. rtliu young mini's [nee.

—There- in imt mucli of uowa in the politic•orld Ilii.-- week.. Occasionally n new emunle for polltlcul bonore pops up bis heail a:iillerri loud enough to be beard ull over I

county, '"Hero uin I ; I want to be Coun;ii!rk!" . The sound immediately ales a w

•ml a etitlnuss like unto dunth Hcala over tI face of nature. We nro of the opinion th:

:rc OK* cnougli enndldntea Iu the field for t••-•nt. Too many may not be pioduetl—

f st ^ _ _ ;ast there hns been a tliiniiin?

tlio -cftiiruB day. Suinuboilyand a cardie fortlicomlmr

mauuor, ngrcenblo nnttiro nml intelli-gence slio wou lioala of friomls who willfondly. cherish hoc memory, Sho diedof coQstini]itidii7ond"waa buried oii TUGS-

—Tho next cxamiuntioii of tonchors in..l/nrrnii,coimty will bo held m tho publicschool building nt Hnol«tteimvirdii"""Pn-Any ftuil Bnlnnlay, UIQ S81U nnd 29thinsfc. TenohorH who coiuinouccil thoiroxnmiutitioiis for tho first and secondgi-ado^coi-lificatoa in Juno, will bo re-quired to comj)loto their work onJTndny,but thoso who linvo tnkoii uo iiart ot thooxniuiimtion for thoso gmdes, '''may com-mence on Friday nnd finish on Saturday,CiU'idulntcs for tho third grade- cocliflontcf

-Sir. S. S. Tool, llio popnlnr plutiog-idpltor of our town, nud wifo, iiasswl thoSabbalh with their puoploat Blniratowu,

irinorly tlioir iibiiio." -?'• •'-- ; - •" --y—JIi-. .Tohn riiilhowoi1 lind tho first

.ngcr on his right Immlltevribly Iiiceiat-:d i nn mnchino nt B. W. Allogcr &

i ^ ^ i d i d n & I o V b ^ n y ^card appotira iu nnoUior colnmu of this

Hoi9>cll known .to a gnat manyi I W O ' « y a H a m i v n

I wilLbp required to ni)ply;ou Pridny, th

12Slirinst;7'nrVio;"oxft'iniiiritibn rf of tlin

grade will be hold/m Saturday.

—Rockjvway ia tho HCCIIO of nnothcinutder iiV-MftfriB county.1"' Thoa. Smitha farmer of ungovoniablo tompev, bo^enmo greatly enraged over tlia;rcault'ot t(tamo of doBiin'bs aud assfiullod hia wit

tho giimo, thnntonlas to kill; thorn..: IIwas Bhofand killed by bin eightflou-yoaioldaon, whoifYoputcd to bo a quiet ancinoffeuBivoiftd; .Tho.boy- MmaaY

,o-tli6-"aullioriUcs nnri Iho deod iu eolf-dcfoui

_ _ ... Snilors1 pic-for your SIICCCSH of • tho

The location of the [iroaiul wn»ai»lcn-niu—:dl that could bo desired. Mr. Abledid credit, to himself aud honor to tbo

•" ifthoflUiffoymont to

.iiivo of nuyono,jot HOO ft drunk-fliich was very

for Joseph Aniler:;on,: baa returncit to Hack-etlstowa t<i work iu tbo restaurant.

1 - M r . D, Cowoll & Sou luwo just fniishodMr. J. Kolicson'a boitscnt Port Murray. Itlooks very nice aitd tho painters deserve

| credit. ' '—Mr. Wm. Vansieklo tool: n Hying Irip

to tho Water Gup on StUurdny nud returned"Moii:lsy,-onjoy'nii> •l'|^.ndc.ftHd^lUo~5toiieryvery mncli.": " . ' ;' . • '•

—Uutch Garoy van around with Slowdor'oincut wagon, Tuesday inomiug, owing to

j Mr. JIowdor'H eon bein^ sick. Uulch is ngood baud nt tlio hu«iucss.

—Mr.' Daniol Cowell, of thin plico,' pur-ft^Itlum.-.trnn ..of .A.\Gavdnoi\which

m» u>i it tbo largest pluma nvouud here.Ouo mea-iure-d OJ nud nnothor G,i inches.

huge n miniber of stalcisnicii crowdingfnml. In the] '•"• ' ' •"" ° "•'out just hcfm-ihas been "FCCIIIbat thin or-tlintlndivklunl ha« wnuuniwTliN tiling "my 0 C C I i r a ^ l n - W o h o I w "for it tends to BLTlmirty Interfere with oncoullileiu-e in the inletrity of bis follow-miIt liHika M llibiigii the avoruyc ofllca-sock

-Woam toM thevemosoveit wonders, butulliinkllio• cijjhth ono [K "Will" nil thojoplo of WftRhington rench tho ltoaringock ihb'KHinincr ? " with much putlpnco

lliiiik they will, at least wo hojw HO, for, ,H n lovoly Ppot. •;,—Lant Tuesday nisht bctwoon the lionra

" ouo and two o'clock, Mm. 1'. Hush wnslikened from her nlunihow l>y hearingices'lit tLogatP.' Klin nrnse nnd sealed hrr-If by Iho window. Sho saw two men niul

,;i> young ladies htnntling by tho (jute. Whnticy were doing thoro nt tbat Umo of iiifiht•as ii myslcrjv- The inngnngR nsml by tlmion .wiw uubccoiniiig for yotniB B i r I s t o

!nr. Tho girls run off and the men returnedtown it is suppOHcd. Mrs. llusth could notnl oiit who tin: parlies wero but would likef nturo for niich penious to slop somewhere

ilso tlmn Jiesiilo lier gate, ospceially at suchjure of the ntybl. ' .F. Anucn.

—Ia yuur sawing innchino faulty in (my,-ny, or does it run hard ? . Jf ao call and

,oo J. L . Iliggiira ' lt lii« now repair nlinpin Broad street.

Absolutely Pure.•lib™«Jornevervnrtw. A mnWrtI"'l'»'W|

win Irwl l»y your nilrtu f linroljy mtnnunci[ n cniMlilnU) for Uio tiDinlunllon for Count:

.iiTB, IIIIVIIIB twwi your wwf.ii'l ehulco llvir f o n u o , 1 fcclMicmirnkiil UMl d t n nmnim

.tto»ito'««itai«iii»jgjj*».A ! W I l D m t l K i-

Ulitltaiowii, Aug. 35,1WS.


I lureliy offer mywlfClerk, fmbjeel to Uio r « . -

of'tlio voW-Mof ttil* ctiuniy nl Uio eiiHiilmj Dome1 eikuuiH. iil'.'ilK'iiti inj'ssHt if iioinlnnUil nni•-,,-^«H1 IO filvu my i««rnoiial ntteutloii to tho tluile»<..»omoV s. rawiexaiiBVS0LD».

Me. st.'

Scholars AhoyMy lienrllfn yon hnvo iui'l a

Right Jolly Timelor BOYoral weeka past. Now put nbout a


If you nocl any nuppllf* fnr iho n4 crul^ooiiilioacnof

STUDY>hlp your Hlorm nt Uio W. c. V. !*.

TO THE PUBLIC.nitrtTll-orofT.Trt hiruriiV\i'(k in tliu iniHiilnK

•fl|M.flfllll}* SOllfltfl t.,[ Wiirrmi i-ouiiiy.

,n Pll|>|nirl Of UinIf inmtlntLtHl nmtnl nileiltloii to Uio

ClIAltti::nil, N.'J., Aug. M, 1*0.

FOR COUNTY ! CLERK.,iul)*:rl»NT oitt-ra him«"lf iwn cii:nllimttuitioii ffir.Ciniiiiy L'li-rk, nulijivt:uvi;ru!iig t!w I)l'"1(^.^I|.'[AM'tiilV:Huwlcli, Aiitf.-.M.ISW.


m fur .Mi'int^r'if AH«

i, S.J., Atig. 51,1?».


for tlirt nomltutll-Mi f"r M<;it!ii» l-'irrt |)l.-*irli'i oi Wm

jcet to lliu rules uuv.rrlnj; tlio I)

u l CdL JuAlillOMiCJll

r p h o pfrfirl

u.10 of the •


-iLTlH'Mli It


y constructoil Mni»l ro<;ioil for tlio

Bi-cnkcrd oa •'Riworntlon Hny" Ml ,VK-]£ Mint inonitn?, lmt tlirousli thr-

•sltlmi nf ITDVUSJICI' iir

nt tho Umo nml tlins in

ivoil Mint inn}' 1K> jirolon

mi^vn-i im-

nny jirwIouH

Ipnl by liny-

FOR RENT.ory fratun hnupe, v.

rvllihik" hmuly, I tent free WHBIIIIIII fnmily.

ii->7 lw ^ iu<liliij!fJIi, Is. J.

, Tim (Join Orpwi L'oiminiij-'H Flnta over theoDlco Of wtM comiifttiy, on Uailromt uvonue, witU-• ii two mlmitoH w.lk nf tlitt insiv HIIOIJ fnclory niulctirly otiposlw Uin 1). 1- ii V.'. fr.-lKlit il'»iiot.•oimiliia Ilvu rooms ami nitiu, InrKii cnmmotlloiHloacui, ami water.- l'o3.fO?slMi jjlvon (ii'iolww IKU''or full txirtU-ulurii or osnmlimt on of tliu root tit*

New Cooper Shop.

mks HA thbiigh erage ofHceImleuil a Fucker after "boodlu" more thau

Tliorin who nrc in the nice shouldd fight H oul to thelilltcr end,

i t th l v n f

utter filtlc

Association l>y proviiliuR RO well of tlioof life. It was a day of prcnt eiijo,'"""all; nothing lo mar the ploamivo olan fur ns I could nco. I tlld not HOO

.011 mim on tho ground) winch wasI iinilifyiiiK to mo na. well as to nileilizt.-.

I entinmto tho number nltomliuico to liofrom (JOflO lo 7000. Tlio Soldiora' iiienio HOfur has hoou ft great success. May il (jo on• ivoll-aoiui;.'


jnsfactoi^.on.jMomtny,:; ...„:...;.;,...—Mr. B. B. Dikliuo,' ol Imltnnnpotis,

mV, uouof our townsman, AY in, M. Dil-iuo, together witli. his. wil'o niul liltloJnughkjr, has rctiiriictl to his homo afterj]>omHi)g ii tow wcoks nt Octlur Grovo, n,[n:ihioufibSo..8unirunr. resort, nbout ouo

uaiUtitl aad fifty miloa Iinni hia home.

—Wo wero favored ou Tlmriidiiy Instjy miuicroua uulla fcom our Blniratowu!riunda who lurjioil^out CM iwtsxo to Iho

l t t dto us (by fiti obsoi'Viug.porBOir1 tlint it till

, tho r(ist ot Iho county hud been HH wellIrGprcsonkil nsr, J.lliiiralowii, • tho, nttou-

inco wonUl hnvo bcoii still lnvgev than

Svnfl, " "

Women aio-ovci^whoro" ;i3iii^J5U.tl-..i'o-coranionding Parkor'a Tonic bewiiao Ihoyhftvo»ldamc(l=fr(i»'i=usi>uripiioa~.t1iiit^itspcoilily. ovovcoinea tloapouilouoy, iriilig-

| tBtiou paini_ pMyoalcuosa ia tho-brick or| kidnoya",'tth'd o ther ; trbubloa" • pecriiiar- to

The Eastbn Fair.

Tho twoiity-Imittli annual fair at Eaa-I ton will bo hull I on tJuntonibGr 1ft," 10,1*7j mul 18,1S85? Liberal premiums nro ol-farcil. Tho spaM in tho buihhiiR is niltnlcon nml tho exhibition will ho lnrgo inovory department. A. flho ball lloor hasbeen ercotod," unit there will bo . dancingovory afternoon and uvuuiug," Forepocdthe promiiiius arc liberal aiul.varioUH. I tin certain that ti largo number bl tiwtJtovsoa will rim, All rnilronila rniiiuiiQto and [t'Oiu linntou will ISHUO exouraioutiukuU''ut iijiluec'd rates tlnring-tlio .fair,

, fl'ho attondanco of Uio people ot North| nraptou and suvronuiliug countioa ia ill-viled, -,.

a &

The Phillipsburg Post-Office..Tho nwltor of establishing ft frco ilolivovy

isj'Btoia, nt Plutlinslnirg, in connection withtlio Eivstou delivery, a petition for wliieliwas signoil by many citizuiiH nml forwimloilto tlio ifopaitinciil at Washington, is cum-maiuliug oonsitlomblo nttoiition. The proj-cctjwas fayottibly.culortaincil, by tho Gov-ernment*" Iusncclor"wh'crciuud^lo"look intollio mutter, and Voiiluiast.cr Dawcs, of Eiw-ton, is pushiny it along." It hasbecoiuo np-liaront to ninny Vhillipsburg people thai thoarningeinonl .woulil.bo iiotriuicntal lo thotowu'M iiiierost'aiid that Iho mcrgiiiy of Uuiofllct) into thai of tho Kislcr lowu would bo

ivine. Accordingly Iho Eustou papevajinvo buun fllled with articloH for and agniustIho arraiigomout. Tlio coutcinplntcil cliaugolives uo ftHsuranco of tho cslablishincnt of a

' No iiwl of their weakening at the clevcnl..lionr. A Httlo eUffuiiliij; of llio back bone may'KSv'uV:Wuiiu£"f;i!'in8aas!eu.o!!-thfl;yot'.ir*-ni«lgo a long way towanl wiuulng tho race. '.

•. _^ JuriTuit.

The Power of the Press.

Tho printing pvc&s lias mnilo l'rositlouts

killed uoots, furnislioil -biwllea for bcautioR,nml pnj.islioil-gquiua.vith criticism. It hasinailo wotldfl yot nj) nt roll-call "every mbrri-

I ing, giveu the pulpit luugg of. iron iiud i\oico of atoam. It has fibt a price on a bushel of wheat, aud made the country, pnst-ofllctho glinunoring goal of the 'rural scribo. I

i has curtailed tlio power of kings, cmbolished

I unincli omco'ntriiilliiiKburg. . If any olllco|;-\t nil in loft it will bo for tins snlo ot Btniupaj buly, and no mail will be delivered from it.

^"Tho,fc6tivnl by tho Bni'aua Suiulay-3I100I ftt\niHta/.-Roh_ool-hou.SQ_>vns;Jip]il

The Next Excursion.

•,;.Tho nextnext fttKi^bost^flsonrBion^^will bo that,of Iho Haymr.kors'

i'lfy '»'•" 0"Bnoototl v.-i Ui_ TcetiyiiaoongN 17 t Philiitiabiiv^ to Stnu-Tribp, No. 17,

yto Stnu-Tribp, No. 17, ot Philiitiabiiv^

hopoOrovo, on Sii'turddy, Sept, 10. Thofarofroin "WfihingtmT^H be: -AdulLa;70conta; audphi ldranJO ccntfl; ;Ticket*

1 lust Tridiiy ovouiiig accordinguounccmout, but owing:to Iho mifavor-nblo woatbot wna contimied on Satnrdnyovoiiing. Tho largo hanging lamp waadrawn by Mr.' Potor- Wcllur, robklingnenr tho school house, bo having Becuredtiro~hicity;-: iiiiml)or-aa. Nofttly c$10Cma clQaroa by tho Sunafty-Bclioo],_whicli

fnriio'ospondod'ii ' " ' ""iud 8omo books;;;

tho pantry shelves, nnd bumtdd rings; it liasconverted bankers into paupers, nindo saw-yers of college prosidouL1) j ' i t has educatoctlic houseluss ami robbed llio philosopher ofhis ronson. It sniilca ami kiuka, crion nuc1

lieH, but it cftu't bo run to suit everybodymul tbo.e(htor.iH.a.fool..who.tries it.—AV.

—Frank Hollenbeck, a junlt ilualur, 0Plainiield, N. J. , liiw bo«n nrrostoil 01compinint of Gustavo SnUcrhill, HcruiimStrauss and Oharloa Grador, ul Plninfield; Jolm Ciimraiiigs and Soil?, Bros.

I of Easton, Pn., beer botllora, for ' ' •and nclling their bullies onntrnry ._

, nolloiiboclt'rt plan, nn nllc^Sl, wna tbuy tho empty bolUea, which coat U"iwnor thirleon cenLs each, for two conLjiichand ship thota to Now Vork: wlioihe sold thorn nt mi advanco ot four <live coin's. This will bo Hio ftatt ' trlunder tho new law, and boor bottler* n!over tho^StJito will^.waloh it ivith iutcres'

conta; TicTtolifetantob' hotel; Trainai 8 o'clock A. K.. c

^ ^ ^

—In rmpnniKi to Hnyor Cornish'sprcIclamation, nearly all of WnaWngtou1

busincHS incu dccoriiled their stores ar

iomccs,' and .ft Rveftt J»»ny....lC.i)iv.onL . ^ !bomea." Tlioao"who lind uot ' thia wooniniilotnil b/Wodnqaday evening wup and at it bright, nod early Thurnmoruinfr;-^o^by-.thQ:timo.tho.orowa;lgan to pour in from lieighboring' plac

1 tho wholo borough promwtcA it- hoh'tli_paintod r ca , tw i t wero.^

^ a f o S f

JJ^Tho siilwcrlbor


is thc-lr srojurli-i'»'"! iinjvl^lrnia.wicli >.V

FLOUR AMD FEED,' ; ' ••^>-_. , ,

,'•/ "" nt.Uiulo-iTCstiirloceat •


GashStorcrd Ijolow Ucliloln'a Uakory,

Washlncrton Avc, U'ashingtcn,Rciv Jersey.


nil inhirlIa used hiMwl i ld i , - . .

ruinoily.' It eonlnliis no (Jiuniiic, norilncral nor .iuletorlons guljslaiico wimt-antl coiiMquoiitlyin-otluccii 110 Injurious

clloo't upon tho constlimloii, but Icnvce Uio;-.ayatuutu Uuullhy M It was loforc the attack.•-- WS - \7AEPJ11!T: ATEPJS _ AGUE, .CURT! - ~a'ciiru"ovt-ry COBO of. rover ami Ague, lulor*ilttont or Cbill Fever, Koinlltcnt. Fovor,

Jamb Aguo, IHIIoiia Fovcr, nml Ltvtr Cora--VlKintcnuscUbyinalnrln.. Incnsool fniluco,' kf tor'duo trln^ donicTB nro authorized, by ourtlrculnr d<»tcd July lat, 1882, to refund tliojuonoy.

Dr. J . C Ayor&po., Lowell, Mass.. soiaUyaUDrugglsta. ,. . .

1 . . • • ' ) ! .

X...SI-I-A.BMPS,'rofesoor of Pr?wlng& Painting

•;i>|.ii]UrhMlTciu.ii«rof Creo' haiitl'diUwliiu1*11 tllf jMilncolml IIL'li Sdiool nf Wiwliini;-i n , N . X A BucuSmlur cxliIUlor-«l the

Centennial' Exhibition 1876,.,..rtpnilj- Ijiiiil«oninai,-Martmi.Vlojro.• «c.i J

S»nllfcS.mill ot riaistfuutlrai jiii!

nUaiira null » " ? £ , . ,

lMlvra lo lio cillnigcill "'"••ten Ui Mill iniitoiinira or m

dlcil. AiUlrosp,


Now Huiniiloi'i, I l imtmltm Co.. N. .1.


lavhifi rtlapoBOd of my olllco nml prncllcd toJ. It. OlblM, It gives mo plwauro" to nvoni-

ml lilm to nil my friends and iwitroiis, foolliiB11ml thnt lio Is n llret-claaa dentist nnil that lio

:i give i>«rJ«t ^it'-f".1:1'."!1

Ilavlnu bouglil Dr. Oamun'e dental prnctlec, 1ill 'continue' tho iniHlnoea nt his former ofllco,.t hnvliit; liwl elglitceii yenra' ospwlenco feel ;..rrnntod In efiylng I can glvo satIMfaction to hi*

. ,-mor natrons nnd nil others that may ueod myitrofesBlonnl services. . ^, ' "."" .

,= COLD FILLINGS A SPECIALTY. : : ,l-'reali Cina ovory day nud leotii extracted with-it imln or Injury to patients. Artlflcinl tooth in-.

toil nt rensonablo prices nnd wnrrnntod lo glvo ,Ltlflfltcllou. • '•• • D« . J . JLa imi8 , -> ..July Hi, '85-iy. ,(•-••••• L HuntlHL

Ifyou want some nice Whiteat Ne\v"JSalt Mackeralor any.:

h i I i t h G e r y 9 rProvision line just step aroundhe comer on Belviderc ave.,Lnd you will find it at




T t Imimlf ot Iho nlwvo imrilos BlAiidsjminicd lo tiiko i>lm'o nt iho SU (Jloiul l tuf l In

lloroiujli of Wiislilngtun,on 'J.'ucmliiy,Siii>t.ll,'

Page 4: AYER'S Star & World - DigiFind-It · 2015-12-03 · v«A? ^/ESiffiSS' i...,?l.^_:....^,^.-. m.... VOLUME XVIII. WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. JM THURSDAY, NUMBER 36. * A. M, m In

E p i...intruiii; iiu , „"V ' i In IlBlf n IVntury-Ono (firl N»nI , Mt'liiii llm With "/ li 'dit S1«*».

i Itopo-mailing h not what H used to1)0. Nowadays A'gi r l nt a flpiniilnr

*' o n do tnoro work than »;i '

The longi wfluttior-beuttMi stnuitur*.1

1,700 fact lr. li'iijitlt, II:H had tho. \*atiit. , .. . . , ,

p i k ^ ftuiiIcpbest. The tinnkrf nrn bound intoUnit can bu ri'iidii.v 1t:tndiuii.

h t l k i l l i thig ttii? lik

' llm lirsti/ rone-making. Mt:u do it. 'Tlio hau l s

aro unbound and to.~5t.-d niiO. side,. • 'where nutn stand rt-fidy to pick Mi"iu jjrnii'ty «•••]•:•»."•:•*'v(

up mid oll'tWm.' Thu olliti;;-iiiacliimn I!:IT!; bUi?, iln iTnarc largo rcvohini: '!rnm.-i oi wood ihraM " 'that absorb ami hold llm oil kept In th» Kuiu.-t


l i






nn.1. tint 11 |Hl?:1 pUitlll

till) Wi


d tho•iin^iiian.irld iv.-ond

a;ul-• can


n>' j t ' j . ' i t , t i l l a t / . j i i l ii

W'v sti.

troii^,..- .••- — . - - •M'oodou box«3, each with a luile abouttu luifio as an ordinary v;it:dow. T:ik-

Thoraroacli with a

_...„_ -ditiarv v;iiiine a hank, an oilur >preada it oul amidanlics it through ri hole and againstlltu oily surface of Iho drum. It clinpr.nd id drawn upward, but boforu tin:end i3 reached tno man draw.i it badeand repeats.tho motion mull the liber'lins beon oiled- l'roiu tho t*iling*:nu-chinos tlw hempgoLS tu the a.iiiliinj*.liiachiupa ol ilillurunt sizes nml capaci-ties. Five comiiiiig.i are • ncrosaary.

' .The coiuuing-nuiuhinea aro vury inge-nious, and room1 after room is lillwlwith Ilium. ICadlesa band* with--ross

TOWS of long, tine leclh .seize the libur.-nml curry tlium on until oilier teeth onn band moving faster comb throughthi'iii and.straighten and draw them.AfU'f Iho combing the^liber* .bvcou


'^ ." .

.i-vr... o-.-.-dlh.-.-i•iiid whoa tlicv v;or.'iii".UheiL •!:one to flulittn'*)!), r.t.i'iihii!1.. '-••p.inl,.nnd the it-.inl 1<> Iv-r) ^ :*n Horn,—lU- latti'V niit;iw;tr.H a dr^iii,:; »;.>*'-alry icudi'C I ul Usi'ti uimiii-'iiduii: in-faiitfv at Mauass.u. 'iV.'bmiiU'n werertwlvcdwitlt nil ibu nuhis-itaaiii wecoitld liuvu lic?r'l fur; were |'»a-.U'!.feted. ciH'umi tii'im'taf'iiv. • Mwv livnjva iS rtliou Van IK-III !t-l l**.vu kll.wJir. TiMiiH'Si-ei?. inim; <\ni:c \wk • I'.1."•'-'•.Uiltosvd and •tuoKt.-i't.iimid rr-.>:u »»»;:and lionurnblo s.'rvict; iii t!ie lfo!d. Hutit was uhlv ;< Kltlo whiUi u(t«r it hadbeen ln's(owi'i) thai tlmro. arrived or.«diiv ut ot:r K-d-rir.;:-} iu ftil[i<.'pci\ »

iW, bashful ?•

o: ?!i»i

K-I during in Hie ut ••/.--With

.iint, .il.u nuoiix'ii to •:*uit'iii» uio r.n-roi-can ' poJUl i-v.-ilcn:; and wllh suchu.tiviiU1ihiu xciil'lia.1 slie done her worktli-tt wtthia ten years Lhu KrilUh,AtucrU'tiii.'.aitd 1'iviich poatolliucswliiul]had.


at nil ilic•e-i, fuioi^H nation.! I,

iho frame of n U-Jivuloj ami !!;•• f;w.-i* Itiiidi-n ti» c<iuin lit

^ SKiifltied with tlm thuruii^hnosH oftin; Jaj'aius'i postal s'Tvi<y. In thatsh'jrt pvriod mail ronti-.i had t>een i>r-gaiti/oit over Kfi.t.1".'1.! niiliis; mail trainstnui slyanii'l'.-'.- [irjit-vinis, and ruimi-wiM-o all cnlUtctl; WX po.ftoilkiM m7,-I"'.' loMiT-boM's h:id hct'iuutnltluitieiiiouer-'ordtT ollitv.* «i:d postotticu sii

i:i full O|ii*riitiu»; '•

' " ' i!:ir >tntV; •"i-ero cmployi'.

ix. stiiinpoilhu rej,'-

"-New fliicclrBoi' ihn Cjt'Jius Iloiiio. j

A'trahipVfulty tipiotlio standard n»{janli tlrws and •r'-iiitr.il ))ordtm:ii ap-

jioarancp, win s-tnlud hi a corner of nwaitittK-room nt a railroad ; (tatiott,'lUliini; at thu last iiuarUir of a ilisn-p-itabla-looklii'' t igan O:i Hit) wftllvan ii l!irf;» Nl«n wlilrli prohlMtcdnmkititf In that . ruum. Aitur aotuu

" •.-* had coiiiumuccd to coii'-h in »ncln-r ttiannvr. and t" lnok t-xviU'd*

ly at tho uuticp. and thru jrhmcu irutl**-lanily at tlio tramp, who was jal'l »»f-ini; calmly nnd uriirotisdmiily. think*!)•; ploacant thoii^tib of how nice itvm, to liavo a einukinjj-room iromfoila-ily-furnished all fur nothing, amimnjilninf,' now that ho wiu in thi1

luokiiiKcaltHin oriiis'sloaniyadit clld-ng along Hie Aliure* oMliu hluo Mtd-Iturranoaii, ami nmv thai Im wtit in lhu

Imlow of tho Union Koagisu tjluh,linking «vnr hl» I'liMidcuilnl policy

uml pirilitig out a .Cabluci. lhu jjato-kcojuircaught him liy tin; shoulder undrudi-ly aci'o.-dc'l him: :

"Gel out of hum!" ."Why?" askod the tramp calmlyit firmly.1""L'an't you n.'iid?"Thu tramp looked hmt.••What ilfiu* thai uotirc MIV?"Thu iramii l-uil;>*.l u|> war i ly nmliad: "(runtlcmiiti mint not smoke inil-i room!"

"TIIPH what do vou mean'hv pitlllnj;nt thai dirty butt? ' '

"I sin not a gutitl'simiu." : f '•• Thu gatekeeper stood ngliast at thu

OWHI.-.S4 to" 'whiuli Ihl-. i-iM.iliuo had:unk. Hu Imd tn-en horn ami hroii-jhlip in America; ho hud si-en (,'iuitlpmuri

who laid |i;u-in>* stoii'V and eoii-itntct-o.I *MVUI'.->; • he had seen cmitlt-tni'iiivlic-**! huniiie^ it Win tu'reinoVo ash;**:lie had even known uiiforlitiiitie uun-loincn who liad liL'cti sotit to tin! lihttid;,n far.:. I.c had beuu' fiimlltiir wltlr r.l!t'l:ia?t;i of (nii'ii-ty, but In: had in3t'Cn any uv,a .-u utterly devoid ot :ruspccl 'as not to iu'-i;nt Iho HII^IIintiinatioii that hu was not u^-jiitlcaHo tun;mI jnv;iy with a louk n! •fill).!, tint: was ulitio'l pilv, iiinlIn) tU-kvt H;;CIH th;a the i'om|*;>iiy ituiiKo a new rulo for ••tln-ie dir;y lor-

Tho Kalir hut — n low. d.ul;, lonr.di-dstructure, built of buuj.'ln phiituil withstraw and dabb<;d willi mud—bearsoutwardly a singular ie;einl)!anfO lo aboehlvi-. 'J'lio only ontli't i-< « ho!o utthe fide, 'I'IMSO down to tho •.•roninl.which titi-vus 11? doer, cldnnior, amiwtmluw ctmiblucd! Thu Interior hfoiu-ridly an undivided clianiher; thelloor, simidvdry cow dim;*'with a hol-lowed'siui'is^liie a basin in tlio centreto form lliu tiiopkuro. IlmiRil this thoiceupiiT.- ot itiL'liut, rc^.irdledsoi ovcr-Towding or nanii-iry-Inw*. Ml. talk.

k at nml t.\w[\ ilmir do^s midb K'tiinioilation

rupin", ami omllusj yellow Htroam-i of | by his jrosioral, )m ssilii; (•• :t-,U i: -I [ po-t-eanis, atjif licwapaper »r:ipi>orsit tinw from uj>]ior itoric-jbelov.- f ir tin: | Wan Iii not nivi- him ::n 'otd*1!' !•: .••'••:\ ,.,.,_..-„ j ^ucd :it Iho s:iui-J nitu u-tuurspiiinin^-machirif-s.1 Women and gti-U | .KMIM nhu-mh-td objoc^ Uvm my itwir | - o w n ; itf»u.r p.-).-taj:<j to .uny part of thoopL'iato thii apinning-inacliiiK'.i. " ' ' * ' ". Thu ilav happoncd to bu Saturday,and iivery youn-,-'girl in the buildingh:id hoi- front hair twisted i:i p a ^ M

ijl.l homo—soiiHitliinL' th''t '.v-.mld pituiiiii 'how inm:!i Ihuy tiicii^b:\>: tinmn'Avr vt that \hvjV Atwr .—^" h'^i-


l i i t

for ."juiidiiy, • Tho-uoisy rattle o f the jniachiiKis U hardiy beai'ablo by a new- <

• uuiiier, but llio ••rirU talk ami l:iu^h,mid, a.-)'& rule, they arc hoalthy and;strong- 'J'liu .-pinniiig-itififliim.'s are asintoresting as llm cumbiuj,'-ruin.1 hit:(-.-;, jnnd llio wiirk io inui;h cleuuiT. 'J'iie jetiTunii* oi 'roping 'uuiwo ' do'.vit ttliraiii;!: thi« ipoul-. an-t HP- -;tn.!-;| l.y I

1 girls into shetl-irun barrel'; (hut ca:i t;.' i\.*li-JOlif*i tl) t in.; dpillllilir^lii.it-liiucs-.

' •Iwich «r t imi i'.ov.* fualoi1 th in /-sv.ri'i.! ;niiitinnea i;:iii .-jpisnt. "liftn L»vv'n jitiji^ }

.ii in good wo:ri;iajr ordur, and pUt:i ol •ri»|ii!i^ .stand readv fur use. Hu-iln-,-, *nftt'r-;nia-; lliriiiii^ft tin: spiti::!;ij.viii;i-;uhitiuV, bet-.niie jpan yarn. Tliy t:«mi)- •

liti.rv) jfl.'Wltll'.fl tht! 1;nl nsisr'.', b:'"UL

itiseK. with : i 'Uj-jfie •thritiu'li Jhc

pa.ld'l'iiiV i.»':lti7

•!*r.t:i;;i'S aiv MJ]1"

'•Wlieru tiio postdil:•lnri«>i ii: f»il owinj*•n\ ihisl li,-- !<-!.'j:r;i|•.'t'i'jCKl i.y.l.S*'lt '

M had tinit .is iit-i-

full \v<

ijv uiimi. ••! ' lnvtiV a ?>C! of it,:" sai

* '

i:d to i

i ' i i ! - x ' ;

- a 1'iiiif

£ia:ly to


t r^ol iwiml,

rfitH»i«»tOIH! room is ciiiied this wtittij-iuoni

uad to it L'i'»«!i the wasto from t;U thrwiim.1 Tlir: . waaio is i - l dblown uniil tbu c»od tibors am =anml spun into yam for uvim-. - Tdust in lliu ioo:;i i.; ai iliick w fo»iho 'dog davs, and lunv anyone. «

.. work amllivu ilicrc for any luiisiihtiiiioisn myaicry. Thu danger fr

• • lire ia strikinply apparent, bu'. lii'r i l v damaged unv p

urd II.-. d<.^..•iA hard .as wrj toi

for !i:iH a mile v,-» w--re uiilo to iutit-t<--I ti'tiir p:ith. and hud barely tim<;ilri'i* 1'UIiilid aniun Inw jtmipur;* Iiefclilt? Ii:adin^ h'nul.s wure upim us. I1

war* an oseUing moment usful animals pa*s«d our ambiisli in two.,crnl thi'i-i'Sio;!)-! o!" them not intirc Ilia

lb an -20.

small e'urdag'.', •tiliiou-'h ii;-- fur'H'ir uro i w.".U'r-.-ii!:ii:L-,-; ;rrun by glrli. 'I'lm latlwr imioliliics are 1 ffw plekurel «-..smmtty anil imi.-y, uv.il c:in l .' lium- i otiiur lisli. wiipared to a.i mtuiy eMrcmcly livuly IJI:U- 'i'liore i :\ UICLIdo<i!i iirfhiK their* legs ami uiuuthi ;U nmn namnd.l';i

n n i mf huni.s!—and. than hi?i

tl.-rfnltu._I t l« n i»nr*'t>' V'-KCIL — .iirWrntti»••'nniiv-i larlir n*«J«*Aa*-tCuWumtXn,if tuiillritmt i>ni-irrlt-v (.[ wlilili MI vllmilvllicn-rM:iMi-|!l'iiiit ILoiiMtif .Mit-liM. ,I t roiiifttr** i h o rinihr'if dlfcnfc, ftncl llmiii>ti!riM-<n>-i? liU timltl..II i s t l i o e r e a t I l lnoi l P i tr i f l er unit

Iti'-Clvtiy I'liiifliJt*: tt (Jci.ll>* I'liraitilvi* ni.ilill II" :I li-rli-ct KciKiviitiir nml liivl i>f:i((ir (ilii MX.'UI. N.-'-.r Ixliir.- in lint hli-tiiry r.f \UaiirM'lii<*:ilii<<!{dii>i IKTII ••«tmMtniul'-il •u»«-'t<rfi<'*

..i» »mv.-t i ( V i s n t u t ItiTTti;-" In licaUuj- tlwt\ek (il — •'-'- ' ' ' - 1 " "

, . l " t ' lvnilintlv.'. Nnlfill'.ii-, Wt t i lv r , S-iltillw, Ot r-Ii-rii-m', S'l'l-irliL1, AniS-litll'i'ip, ^<lvnt, Dinrt-ili-

• ,f ViiriMti tiiTTrtit <•%.•r iii'.lliltioliittKim.rM.;•( IK" llrm:'1!* Wi'onliiK!

t|f «n«.t!, !;".*!'!-'I,m.y..l t.y mliuriil ••'I1M.IIllm vitnl -irf-mm wn»(...l

0ilk-ken tniu^ Mit-'b


l o^'t-'utiinioilation

A-iiliulititctrdri. with tlw same free-iUmi from iv.»raitit as the owners Iht-ui-sr.lvw.' • Tliwiti y hut -tmall variotyanioni' thu huts. That of llio fhi.;lKt-.iii bul little oulwanl indu-ation ol.suneriur rank i«nd riulnw. Thu in-cqiiiililv of'wuaUli anioni; t h o K n l i r s -fui- they exist thure qultn IM IUHCIIas with us at . Lomu-arn • t-hiellyshown bv tin) p'^.ies.ito!t nt mow oitci-s •cuttle. Tliesi)' luiter form tliciitiiatu artlelu of i'M:han;:u. and theiitiin-l)t»r ot heirtti? to In "riven it* lluu'of any-thin-forms it-; i<>ti:i;:iifl viiliw. Thi-I'Vi'tt vxtundrj to ll»T [>nrf!;:uit (.1 wivesA- a tuli"- t!:<; Imti UP: jiftjiiped ic....ili,.r, fm-mlH!'VHIH.-.M. or "l:rwal>.'iwl"tsafli kMni ii mnl«r llm mitlmrit

or,i.i -."oii'.l posiliol

m'tii.-"'-kraal, cither ai th» Ii«a-1 of tli<faitCiv t»«!ir-fjt't!ic cUU:'. of ifie trilio, r.i;ho from his M:|>.-riov wtiallli tu tli(othiir tiiLMiiborr- oi the kraal rommunityHis iiuwur is absyhr.e, stud, with tinariiistiuii-.! nnd atkiuu of thu witch due-tor—a Kaiir fanatic who lays claimmystic and supernatural powers—Uoiten iiccoiiiiiauiuii by tiic moit cruelabUdu. Thu.su vilLi^-o-, dutlo.1 all ovutins hills and perched in nio»t UIIOApected places. look at lirji sight liltauvthiii'' in lhu world bill what tlic;reillv an.*, \h.. human habilntious. Iifact," as I snid before, the doseriptjoinearest to iho reality of the inipresnioithey produce U chat of countless bee-Lives swarming with tholr biwy oucu-pauts.—The Xutional llcvicw.

It. ii liiiiiiiil thin tho rrlnc*-s»of Wale,Wiiari a wijf, and it i;t dnid that this laiis that -slmis h-M or lu-arly .so. Huhead was shaved . during a. severe ilmi.Sij, and her hair has since icfnsed tgrow. Coiise'i'.ietitly tiiu royal wanr'obu inuliidi'a liftV wij;.-", llm d

t[o*'i utinx thoir lugs mnl immtli-ithusanu! tlitib. diie.of thu nia-jlsiiuid j

- lisid to be stopiu-u in oriler that iff jini'churiism 'miLilil be showti. VMIUH Iquint its iiigeiiiutii':u:VinigeiiieiiLr;c:m be }nppr-Joiated, but wh-;n 'in molion it istho worst thing in tho world to foul

1 li will Uiar oft' an arm or n.


L-USO l i f , c ti'!:U-('y any j j n i j . e C:ia-;iss ciimi in ful! view. .Joe cut1

icli j.iay LC'.-ed •there, tr-ivu a grunt. Hie old brulo stopped, ho:1

tI •UMdiiioii toiiUipr of n, -| t - .] , . , t instant tlio heavy ouiuto, •.—wm.fi. who. nljor.1 the I,V,UT»-iio.l l i i ^ ' l - ' - • - ' , . V - " ' ^ lll.°i-i war with Knr'land, i m i ( i r •.-••>•"*-w « : i v t : a IToJitious bound,•-.uiit.'-ffi*. -iilvu^'oi-i on 11; - - - ' • ^ " y ^ *•«•»• »s M'o iiftcrw»r<l rneas-, „ , , , , • ; ' • • ' , -r>.._-..^.i.KU.il,rc.l,,;ii,,!..ilimiJai<l am iit-fnll- jnillop.•ri o( *i*J-o ^ . - - n ' ' ^ ' 1 1 " 1 6 " 1 ' f *"'" * • -""irnmle'ro;! "iib"t-" thn'iRiiHaiiT

^ ^ f f . f j i t h c r e l w s dvpths, in-rull the way, iii:-(k>. striilylit f o r a

robu Hiuludi'a liEiy w•<;.•«,^ui.sht.'i! feature of whk-hcurl-* are bronchi woll over ihohuad. " •" •" ' ' • • — - . -


>.l cf 1111 I'liiU-it'tki-r In I I

:tvn <.-H<i>i-<l mi ci-liil,!!.iimi.nl. nt I'OUT .MI i:

IAY, niid Ink" lliln UH-IIKHI nt I rinlri*,' Hul

rI'tt!iN titHl ttl-'l'llMI'1 Unit Hi')' 'ire rum- JT'

•:in-'t'to(tn I ' l i t t t T f i i t m - r l i i '

tjl« itml til wry low hil.

II;IT(1 n li:m<l!">iMi- lu-nr/i' im.l iirnvlilnl <>ur-

ulih utl lie- in»-i »iV»vnrti|-i

ll.<r iii'.llilti» In ttiotnU-t IK" llrm:'1!* i

<i'[lir.vli<in* nuil ri-Tinlll l»l>|* Uliwi'll, l>"nlhrlr U-tif!> nr.- noi ik>atn«yt't t'/ inliu-ml l-il

I I I ! h u t - , ltcniHH-iiI,lnl.-niil!l.-tilnnOMA-hr!«I l-Vvr' nn!i>r>-v»t->iiltl'riiiiKli<iiitlliiiL:iilT<iISt'lt.-, ii.irl|i-uln.-!y iti 11 if v »]!-•)» t>l our (.'ri-r.I'v.-r- m'.l th.-lrV:i-t trllmturlvH itnrlt^ tli'i SHIUI.ITi.:l Atilniiiii. v--i"xlittly (lining n'rtfons uf IIIIIIMIUI

' T | I I ' M ' iV-Vprp.nrcInvarial.Iyin-«rim]i9»Ji;ilbv

•ivITf..*' l'i.' fi'i'-ff ".'.-.I'ltil/ni. ft inin-.illvv. cscrlllicji.-,v.;rfu! UI1.:I;!;M; ii|ri.u t l i«o vi^iiu-, id iilisy

''i'lu'rVi^'n"!*. VH'i'.li-M-* fnr IM piiri^w

It will tiH'rilll1.*' rrriinv * IU"' i!:ir -'1fil"T'»ifl"Vl''rlF|ttinll.T ulili ull.-li tl.-- 1-n.i'h me l.iml.'il. nt Un-

i t Inv l 'Mir lU iH | | irNlt>i i ini-1( mill Hlini-

n> \>Uw\ of nil ln!|.iirlM,-H. lmiwthi(r lifi- andiBuri.i tlio rriiiii.-,ii[Hlcitro'li»Kwn"wlllioiU limiiUf {•nlomi't.uri'llu'rii'lwriitK.iiHptiKrtnoui'mtfj-r from tin- NVHII'IH. It IK fiisy <>! a-iminln-uti.'ii, i>r'iii)i'l m action, uixl ct-rtnlu in IMviilt.4. • ; , , ,K i ' s i H ' i f l u **f ln'Mil»"itl '»ii . 1 ii'nniicni't

IIHn III tlw KlimihtoiH. •.•'•i«lis. Tl«litil*w of tlwctii-rt, I'III'IIIIIIIUIK. t'Iy/iii..'i!.<. U:i'I Tni-lc in tin)*-!..,ilh. lt:iI.>.H A U v K fniPtutlDii ot tlm

nhntnln-'l nlti -> nt "tic* i . l i 'w.1 1-y Vil o r I i i i l - L i m i m i u r y n•,.-i. (i,»iu, Stjiiniip'ln. Pi. ..

T^rti!''Tni'li.'*-. it "hi nui.ni'.••i,V.'ALK»-HVlM»IAIL.I»nK


Irtll JHovll-.!-LFl-t J!!ll!TlN.

'fVl—ri!Hrr.,(lo!,ll.i.i ;'|H,.i.'.- Ill lif*>, Ill'tf StlltJl-0

—IV rsl;-'Ii II.'-»! Jliu

ltVnt»t'. T*J (iiiiir.l n;:,i!nst this, Ukii'itii:ii.ii<iii!ii• irf VL.

Sft-of i ib . S-'nif Itlifi

lnil-.rl.-'fi. KIni:irt'rr":i. S : . iM h.'.i I. !-'"r.' IV.Kr>>Sii»!ii.i. in h. f-f"j:f-i,-_";*-;'::::f


•r w i n

>y tin*

ell,vtn.iily «[.•].tiv-wtdii'l ivmtni i l . Niiny.Htoiunr mi-ilUiii". li" Mniiirii^-'S. no iinlli>-liiiliitl''-<.

•ill tr-j

Itti* lyilrflLB i<l nil diil.Ir.-,'IT... l»y ki-j>!;,s ,.f Llio ill

iilku Vist


or lift.'. :i.it Kltt.-i-H im

.1 WlU'l

It is Ii, »uii tin,* in-.

I:T^'hriV»1^>Tt't.:%-V.Xrfl*iVtti^i|lVai'« rowV:t-'lly

tll.-r><.-s1.'Ml'\m f.illdw. . .in v.MMlti-t.ui: to-. ' tli*' IlUtrr-u-ill -ii'iiit f.,r iiadf, I'm- Nittti- hHi-uiiu'oolliHKi.TilnthuiiuI.'iDtttiyn

ir'iMMiil rarl i b o l t l c i.nli.-int-il In illfr-.T.iit !iaiuiuo>-.?».. IS. r-JcUiuiiilil ttrm-r <

Cull itirtti

•».. I'ri.j.ti.''

LUMBERIT. -\V\ .A.Ueg-cr & Son

lin.ii.lM., Wiisiiimr'nii. X. J .

n I*'1.1

'Ji-r imbtlmih'l If-*} > /•"" f"*'y , ' : '" 'mlinttry Lt-jiU • / li«- 7^;/r-,f. rfi^

I" MVL. .if fo'li'n or »;:i»t-i-t'(-.l,l la ll.i-1

•-ii'.tl i;i.tlt.... ri.riiU'.li-t:iii;.-lj'rtilttliilft

ill.-; ale-* llir

i" ROOK ESLA?^ & PACIFIC. R'Y,EMr.tr «i-t Orciit Oontra*. Lica, afford.) ts trr.volur.-., lij- reason of Its uujJvrJod Riio-

; ,ir^;;:-.:;r.1.i,-:£it^u, tho f.liO.ltj.t u.nt LK.:>L i.JtiL.j "i.olwuaii thu £u«t, IJortliooat mid-.-•

•It in ll'-,-:r:iii-/ ond strictly "•'•;•. t'.-.:ii.-: cMmcctlona iro oil of Uio principal Ilnc3

y.y Wi iiAtii lino am! brr.i.c';:;; it if M}I;J Chictijro, Bluo lfeland June , AuburnJMHC, J.-iii'l, Eii^ota. re'0/ift(0i'..; r,, tj^lir.Ho, Oonosco, Kollno and Uoclt IBIOIMI,ir.IllJi.o'^; t-rvvmiwrt, Wassuti! ; , V/ii-j1iir,^an, Kooliul:, KnoxviUo, OakrUoOBO,i\ilrfic;»l, 3Jic TJ-jinoi, VicrA I.i'.;-i\y, Zuwc cjny, AUanUs, Avocn, Audubon,t/ftvlrn, Oatliiia JJcnldr fiiut t 'c.j •:* }tln.<:3, i;i IOWK; Uallp.tin, Trenton, Oai

" " " "• "" *: ;':r.*i i.t;-avt*Hv/" ' -


<c», iv1! i:..::n>.|,. I• - IMtl

.."l!ft*i, cl

• r . i l

b Dlvfi.nt.ifco .and comfortsut till conriOctlntf polntu,

^Kf.T. -TRKTILATED,<•71>l}A<yCOAaitE3

' ; !

i>hilai!ulphitt h. Kon' - ' - - " - " • -i•<i_'-.v«.Viili-:il l > l v .

•;tjii:TAii!.!-;ji ,-;i::i,i>'-v

Twin* /-(-fa- Jii'heti'.hV Vi'llK, Sf.\


...„ ... ftt'iTt'ii'iVni'-i'-u'i'.1 ri-"'>lt'l[ihtn, nit'l Ml'h • i.aii»-r <.<t .-..v.i

•i.:» A. .M,—Om-iiTiti'/'ftt I-•li'-.l.>>•-,* Al.iiint.itii. l!ii-!i Ilrl'ltSn!ii'Tv!I|p'f..|- rii-iimifTH-'ti'iit

AV: 'l'if.:"!.^. <»!'l'i!'i.!;''',-I'.'•'.'«i-. '

" " ' ' "'•'• r. I;*.; • j K.J i-'-'OiiX laAC-iJ.'i'lU^-i'C BJJCLIWIW'Q OK AIM OA.U3 wor built;V-u-j^'-'uVa uuj.it 4le»U')'»:>l .v.;.'. 1>w.ii';.irli.^t VAhAVE SLXKPIIIGandBUF-l-i:'i' y.Mi-J. r.iv.l 1HJIIHG CAT.:.;!.;.t wo : ::{:-.*JV:C-UKCCI by ijrtss mid pooplo tolo ti.iii'-'iKKaT StCW Vl'OW AUV :tOAU 1.T TJIJi COt/KTitY, ana in wWdaoiiptiior i.'.cals aro oervoU at tli.t low raw of ijKVKNTY-FIVK CilMTO EACH,

THKliB TitAlHS each way "Atwcou OKiCAQO and tho HIsaoUKI BIVEB.TWO THAIMEJ each wcy betweoa CUIUAOO nail fiLINNEAPOLIS and ST.

I'A'.T., ' in Min famous-•'•• . • . ' , . - • . •--

: AS»BEKT:LEA ROUTE.Tho Kcv/and Dlffitt Liiio. vifi Son«?., Kankftl'co and Cincinnati, recently

opened for kiisfo&is between tho V/uit (in-1 Nou.-pc.rt Nowa, Kichmond, Cincin-nati, Jndldnapolls and LalV/tiUa, tui'lGounsiiniuib, St. Paul, Klnnoapolia andliitoiincdlixto points, in raiiklly becoming a favorite wltb ThrouRh PaaaoucerB,

Through Oaro fur ctl TtirouAh Piuacn^dra on Tast Exproco Troina.For xmro detailed infortaaUon, RCoMapa and yoldora, which may bo obtained,

ur. <voll tui TJckoto, r.t uU priucipuJ Tit-ko*. OUicos la tho Unitod States and Can-ada, or ofR, R. CAB!*!?:, K, ST. JOHPi,

" ' OoalTVtA


ttli'-i^it.U'r.v-yfi'./ l-ji- (/-Hi*

.'tVti'.'M.-{V.iiiif.-[ii:!:-i' IJI.-ii

l'l.l)i|.l-'lt>lili:; at Kll/-il-'UiiNnl I-

iti-i.iu.-r.T liii-iil-'li-rn!iwi.i;n «1

•|,!!:i.)r-lfH:'i; >il


; liin

. i.-l

!\"M.II- ;.

1 ¥. 1!


•; M.



111.'! * i •>;.- i-'..r

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.Mi.i'-li <

J'.l'J'-ll 1

/ . ' , ( • • /

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t.i»).\. >

!;}•;'„ •rry.

\,'t\\;.'. A t .

•'tVi- -'inI,;,R; '•'."::• ' . " i ! . " Sun




riiiitiii-iii, -"..!». T.oS, y.w A. M.; i(--. J.:i!,r,.i)i,I'.S.IV 1'. M. fi'iiniiiy-*:'.!1','. l;t I1. »l.rvlilc, .'J.;^, S.SJ. io.ft) A. M.: :*.:«. :••:;•.". T.P)M, sim-l;iyn 5.:r» -\. si.: r.m I'. M.Illjiinil, 7.CO A. St.: !.!». l.ffi. ii-.Vj i". V...ir filttln-r Itiforiimtinti *•<•.•.Ttiiii' Till !••!« nt

i;. li. | [ \ N T O C ' K , ( > C I I . ra.-f. .t'l'kt. A jit.\\\ \V. fSTKA ItXS, Suin'rliit'-ml'-tit.


SURPASSES EXPECT. _For Sale By A. 8. GROF? S 00., VKasfikigtoii, N. J . . _

i tbo trcebooier s spoils, j j r ,vc. \vii:it 11 hcro K1 o:ic iroe ail f" { h

with liot t:ir tRe'ynrH is druwii miiii it j .fKiil moro _ , , . . , , . , ,.. - ,.„...„,is thoroughly sattimlott. On ccimii^i Not loiijy smeo mi old oak uoe_ a>il on j lt s i , ; i l l . r! with tlio palmatmt brov.--:uit

! ' points, asVmti b tK

vatioin at m Imuml itiiiissos lin'otigli sqiicozers.au'l any. account uf lhu osc'ivaiioii-ixciissof 'tafia urcsscii out. -Then it by u-casiii-ti-iiniHers...

- - •• Ouoof thoiiuuoro:<t MICOES oi water I ; l tJt ;k mnl ahouliltirs boariuc luaiiy Rin ibi.H state is enllwl Snow a ueuan. It , t . a r ,,ui,iC(i in tiofcnso of hU suraglio.is.ii Httl« point in Orrin-.'toti. near }(:tn- j a ; l l i l O l i ],!„, ••iSrigham Young" on lliogor. tuifi its pvciuiHrity is that, nl* .,-p0W!iit of (romnitmotit to llm Mormon

t _. D air for n,rconsidur-•-• . ablti tlistauco to-'-tlry,-i*iin*.i^ iiiially is :

wouml yti bolibins, 'i'nr pro.loc.ta cuni-/"r:--ago from injury by oxposum i i a d i m -. . . mcrsion. but nuikos it nioro righl, ami. - 'wciikens it-' Many, oll'orts Imvo btion.-.-.' uuulo to linil n su'jstiltltp, anil lliuro is

u |)alo:it process which, il U a^joriuil,renders'TOPO watorproof,'adds to itn.durability liy provonlinjj milik-w nnilduesiy, iiici'casos its strungili, mnl

. - lvui.'[is it pliublq in tho uoldnst wcnthor.;From'.tliu tar-abop tho way led tertlm

cxtrouio lower ond of tho roi)ov,*all; nndtlio muchiuery (or making im-fjo ropua

• or cables. V.ory little change has been. . ,.-..'ma'do the re in ..tho. lialfrC'.'iniiry..-/J'lio

muehinory is crude, but Gtibstantial,.i::-i-rj=:-.t!ie--,3Uiai:hiou3,-.bo[inis,-nn<'-|.irm^5.1ii..

ing of roughly-hewn wood. Soiiic""of.•-::;•.: tho workmen uro old nnd weathcr-bent-

on, and seem to bcloag to tlio niachiii-, ery. Tho bobbins .of spun yarn are

placotl upright on iron pins on tl serioi:—"~-of-Mln;lvos.-:-TliO"cnds;of-:-.tho;-l!ireaiia

aro drawn together anil put through[ ••• ; tlio holes of a gaugo-plnto, from which

'.-. ' tlioy, go to an iron ' tubo in the luVio-"t boimii the size of tho whole being

gauged bv thd'sizo of llio .rope to bo'•'.'•. infiii('.-1;"--J)inoty-oight tiiroads niidvo. a

.'/' .six-inch cable, ..and......with all •' these'•"'"•' i'tiii'n"d[j to' attend to nt iho"'gaiigo"-"

„ si ropo-inaker is kept busy. The.'rtutioti of the threads going throughtho tube lunkes Llio iron so hot that lliuhands cannot bo kept upon it. Afterbeing drawn through tlio tube, iho endof-'Wliai" isnow-.^jlraiid .;• id •alt.achi'd..u>a hook in tho former, nu upright ma-chine on wheels run on a truck the lull

... ,. . lengtli of. the ropewalk. The hook re-•~~;V •.:•;• ,,. •'' yolyes rapidly, and makes the twist in™: v;.-j-,x ;v •;:v~jthc'-str':iHd.i--'J.']io,foriiions^dra.wii'aloug, :^j-; ' . . ' •' by ropi'S, ft'id us it moves iivvayfroin

'}.-;.••••Ihn'gHiijfo-platu .arras aro swung, out*'•• •'•"froni-pillard'aloug th"o track"t.b'lioM'uji". . the atraii'd from tlio lloor. Tho fornict•""•-milvela•slov/ly,- but .with a gt>Q'l:.ii,..>[il_-_rif

whirring, lo tho upper ond • of the.... track.. Tho alrand.is. then attachedly1

_>• - .. . . . i — -•• iie(io3sary,Lto.hooks

iei'd interlocked across his noso iike u>f vluhpcd hands, hU liugo bull-mill shoulders boarin

g p yihotig'li situated awiiy \i]> among soniohills on the bank of (be l'om>lj.-:cy!, itrises and fa]Is its ro^'iiluny us docs theriver. Thine iu .supposed to bo sonio

L'wl. Koyall, »t tlio army, if- one-ofthe litsl known Indian lighturs in tinssorvico. Hu ifl hero m»v "ii -leave,.hishualth doing nmch linjiainHl j'.y manyyears' iifo oil the froinier. .Spwilciugbf the'"present''disliirl'tni'.'u.i '•iitiJ lltulove for_ murdor^whioh .pvjiry- JmlisiiJWems to:"possrjks""iira greaior -or icissdCT'io, lie said; "I. onco iiriked •.» re-markably liiiultlponf- Indlani-wliu-wii*;known tD.lmve kjUod nwhiUi nmusouioyears ago, why it'wn: Hi ill I


uiHriulJiiig'poopkr •••Tliftwhich onsuud ran «uinuwliiii :.iu>\> mw,the Indian bcgiiin'mg: •'• <• fr

•• *»id you ever diool n muUi?1;

" "JVid vou over ilitiot. a di.Ti\"'• 'Ves.1

-•" ''•"'iJldti't1 you.gel r.ioru-'fiir. -.oul.o:klUinc the duur lhau tho mbbit!"

•' 'YeK, i guess .so.'•' 'Well, lliow's a h'i;i|. mom fun foi

ftn'liifliun to 'kill a. man tlian u •Iwr.1-.."That was Indian logic und [nolly

.!:ooiiEio£ic,1^r6o,Jlr..[.iiould .^ay."._C\)l.Hoyiiirroinar}t7JilJ!5'mrii«liI1«"iiri''My:itis-imriuiife h.i.i been that lliu uiimile lyiIndian fiheils hnmiiii-bioo•l^.it sodins io.nilWl thu whole tribe in tlio siuiiii waytliat t.Iie sm-'jiv-'iyO'^d would n pacltof'wiiit'lie'riVu" li^iiloHVatris'thViHrT1"'-"'bi-cunio devils. Tiiuy-urtiJii-rufL^orrbaso'ir.J~iriioy'in"usL:-'siili*.ry:~llit;ir •for imu-iler, ,\u-M llie acttleiy on.trail ituiy luU'ii liucouio tliuivrv;ciin—Cor. AT«;;'OV*:.7W/.KMA :" ^ ":

increase. In regard to th'j amount oftho,. atippty. ther.e .can bo noqiiestion;everything would fioom to" dc{i'cnd onquulity. %'arioty, and cost of working,of yel-to-ije-diacovered material. " -,1

fn many of Iho Kasicrn and earliest'•li)'ho soUlod States very liltio.is yet

vof rd i i " tholr l in l

piirisliaii ltiim-li' was ' 1:111 pluyed- tuniTr" ui!ir""t!KV"r"bV()iiKCi~"rniicstTiuii

•iri—iiporl ami TntKIKillJ.

Fiuui- ul'tlKr

c.', by Capt.


(..'(jiieurning ilie future of iho build-ing-stomj indusiry little that is deliuiloV;ia bo saiil. As. tho popuhttioii in-erunscn ami biicomos nmro Jixml in ilsaijode, there na'.urally arises a demandfor a more durablo building itintcrinlthan wood, which is still larguly usodin "tiio"eouiiiry tmvnii'ami Hiniillereiiies.AH woaliii iiccuinnlaUis,' too, boiler and•iiloru^ubiitSnlbU^iiIlilliiL'riuTefocld-irwMeh aroj)itun profusely oiiibDll|shod;::iih tiiV-iTheV"gradCvivof~6niaui'oiitarSl Oil' , The demaiul, then, is sure lo

y . ytvofrardiii" tholr linal resourced.In Maine, "for instance, .fully outi half

.of...lmv Slate, i.-t.-as yet unknuwn land.-Its jn-i*s«nt i|ii«rrios aro nearly all im-.modinlely upon tho coast. What ore1

tho resourcus of its immonsu Interiorcan not with certainty bo forulold. Intiic Soiilliorii and Wostcni .Stales aridTerritories, thi3.eondil|on_of, affairs \a

"naturally greatly^magnitiod.""" The Vir-ginias, North and.Houth Carolina, andGeorgia, alLcontaiu oxcullcntmalorlal,nonmof which is now in our principalnmrkots.' Alioliigaii\.W{i^urtdsli^!>rojvAJ

oqual to Hl>y now quarried in tho moroEasluru : iSLalOd,-- and-'olhur samUtontx9

of a. beautiful mollow tint aro knownto occur ,'in Western Arizona." Thollocky. Mountain rbyiori oon'iaihs an*nb'imd.ince, both in variety and quan-tity, of granites, •sawd3loneo,.~marblcs,amllhu itiuiu ••l'uuoiil volonnierocksparbaS;i!L3,-rhyc.lllo5r and-tritohy tes.™ Somiof '• thosojitira ..ycry boauliful, excelling

uytliiugia'lliis resjioct from tho East-Statofl.'— George V. Merrill, in Vopu-

mcc .VonO'dy-for August.


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Iho Greatest Medical Triatnc

bach B-orf, Pain KaCvv tho tuioaldi

Inclination to cserllon cf hody ov mhIwrl hi i y ft per I o nplrl 0

Anno cc c c oWearincsD Dlz In D-S l l u tt> t


I undo'Door o?

ho>lj to T*k»J on Vlcbl-.tlian tlio tnaurluhetl. nnrt Ijvthcl.-Toiiiii Jlc

HAIR or WmsKEiia oaatieea lo aOLOBBY BLACK by a altiglp (ipnllcation of

ntutnl color, nets




IIH i I t c 3 t c

e til 1 1 rn Tl 0 0 gl

ry lojar uc t He t 11

CORPiESH & CO.;11 -

tl iw list 1 1 1 1 t

Wfttor, etc." Olofio Attention to

mo a! |"Uc\Hl Lofiilo pi nil t n 1

hoaltliriilfr UataloguoSont-frco o

cation. Yearopcni


io.-!(i1":iisiii nnd iho \nmrk of dislifjiirumont nnmu.'k is eil'ui:LUally oucnliiiifi -julliu'. liii-iju bow, b;i.."."., >!':ss.<;<>[itriyiiii\vorn by lliii future i.iu*ei! n

"i'lu; coi!|]ii:nnltin- fuller nnd lliy n»fafiiny into di.<rquilo. icoast. Mi'J. J.ouhia C. J:iuiiiciion in llie niiptfriml-Viiticisco iiijaiiist bur ilMary :-Ttt»ii<lw«Mt -fur .

~i'v*Tn! ad'wo 11"' V ho "m \ in r >iTim piainliil'ailezcs thinjiooiv and indi^eiit, ami Hport herself by any kind \>i work; liiather dnujrhtor is worth not. less tlinn$100,000 and has n monthly incoiuo ofSI,000. Sho llmrcforu asks tho .courtto set aside $100 a month for hor sun-port.—Sun Francisco Altu...

Tho oxact size of Noah's ark had notbeen dotermiuud dolinitoly, but accord-in" to Sir Isaac Newton's calculations,basod on his oalimato of the lon-jlli ofa cubit iu foot and inches, tho niatgf-ieal barge must have beuu fjir-.liU . fuellonjj, S5.U-I foet wide, and M.5G, footdeep. Tho measured lonnnge of thoui-k was 'lS.132.' The Groat 'Easternwas CSO foot long. 83 foul

not so woll , . ,•Klieiirobably-liiiddiif.blo-tlitapuoily if her coal andnvoru luftoul of her, • huemade of iron and tho arken shi]:

•-••••Myilu..s.around in Trinity Chuiluor'ning? It disturbuil mocould you have boon Ihink"WolJ, I linpponoiL to think *>niuo skating rink il would makethe news were lakon onthink it would bo just dadetphid Pros*.

'Freddy wont to Sunday school, litwiis in the infant class. Ono day hi;father said to Him,i'reddy? You liavo boo:day achooifor some tiin .

•rnev'or''yot'brouglii"h'onT6"a;ci1'mlvoally ashamod of you.

- "I'apa," said tho littla culprit, swoll-ing up liko a toad, "I—I'll bring homea good, tickcil noxt Sunday, • if—If I

'have" to hook it.-'-'— Ilitrn••That looks very. nico, indeed,

inai-kcdMf. Filzjoy to iiia bulloras ho uncovered tbo breakfast dish.

JiWhal Is HP" ..." ( I . ' „ : „"That's tho now cookte spoclalty—

tripn'smothered in crumbs, oi broad."v "Wult,"'I should say BO,11, as ho raadoan;unsiicci!S3ful •UloniptUo cut il~-MIl'aDiightyrtoughV""""";"'jr";~:ri'":';""T'""'"—••—--;

"X dou't sec. ' Tho cook has a di>,ploma. Slio^ought to bo & good one.'.'

•-Oli,'that accounts for it. She1

iod the diuloma."—Ihtilfonl 1'asL