Ayleap Ayla Excuse Letter

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  • 8/18/2019 Ayleap Ayla Excuse Letter


    (Name of your School Director/ Dean/ Professor)(Name of your University)

    Dear Ms./ Mr./ Dr./ Prof. (type name here):

    The 1st ASEAN outh !ea"ers# E$%han&e ' A%tion Pro&ram in Sin&apore hi%h is

    or&anie" *y the ASEAN outh !ea"ers# Asso%iation + Sin&apore un"er the patrona&e of 

    A&ape ,roup -o"in& !t". an" the hara%ter an" !ea"ership A%a"emy Sin&apore is

     pease" to inform you that Mr. /Ms. (type your name here)  from (type the name of 

    your school here)  is a%%epte" as a %ertifie" "ee&ate for ASEAN outh !ea"ers#

    E$%han&e an" A%tion Pro&ram.

    0e ish to e$ten" our enthusiasti% %on&ratuations to your university as one of your 

    stu"ents *e%ame su%%essfu as an internationa "ee&ate representin& your %ountry as e

    as your university for this 213 ASEAN outh E$%han&e an" A%tion pro&ram in


    We strongly believe that you will excuse him/her for any of the important classes

    that he/she would miss, for this e"u%ationa event hi&hy re%ommen"s his/her atten"an%e

    for its %ompetion. This e$%han&e pro&ram i *e he" from Mar%h 14526 213 in

    Sarim*un S%out amp6 Sin&apore.

    FB ASEAN.International TW @[email protected]

    AYLA Website -www.aylaint.org

    mailto:[email protected]://www.aylaint.org/http://www.aylaint.org/mailto:[email protected]

  • 8/18/2019 Ayleap Ayla Excuse Letter


    Shou" you have any in7uiries or "ou*ts pease fee free to %onta%t us


    0e are very &eefuy to see the %apa%ity an" input that your *rave representative i

    %ontri*ute to the e$%han&e.

    Sin%erey yours6

    Mr. Brian Caesar Yusuf Mr. Andri SenaVolunteer ead Volunteer ead!ffice of the Secretariat !ffice of the Secretariat

     AS"AN Youth #eaders$ Association AS"AN Youth #eaders$ Association

    Noted %y&

    Mr. Danille SoriaSecretary'eneral and C"!!ffice of the Secretariat

     AS"AN Youth #eaders Association