Caption describing picture or graphic. AYLESBURY NEWS Welcome to June! It is hard to believe that we are now into the final month of this school year thus marking the second full year at Aylesbury. During our second year of operation, we have grown in many ways. We have surpassed 900 students, added new staff and more buses, won medals at robotics, athletics, and dance, and have worked hard at literacy and numeracy skills over the 2016-2017 school year. Once we return in September, there will be even more teachers, Teaching Assistants, Designated Early Childhood Educators, an additional Vice Principal, a few portables, and tons of plans to keep making great achievements! During the month ahead, there will continue to be some very exciting and active learning opportunities for students as they attend field trips, go to sporting events, take community walks for inquiry-based learning, and host special musical and professional sports guests. Next week we will host the kick-off of our Start With A Smile event welcoming new first-year kindergarten students and their parents. We will be sending over 60 junior and intermediate students to Cedar Ridge camp for an amazing opportunity to explore new topography and participate in group challenges. On June 22 nd we will be hold our first ever Spring Fling event for families to join us with an evening of bouncy castles, a barbecue, and many other activities to help support Aylesbury’s learning community. Play Day is planned for June 23 rd and Grade 8 Graduation will take place on Wednesday, June 28 th in the evening. In order to continue to strongly encourage students to stay healthy and to help keep the environment clean with reducing greenhouse emissions and traffic congestion, we are highly advocating for official Bike to School Week from June 5 th to June 9 th . PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Principal’s Message AYLESBURY P.S. 25 AYLESBURY DR. BRAMPTON, ON L7A 0V3 905-796-4451 [email protected] AYLESBURY NEWS JUNE 2017 VOLUME 2 ISSUE10 Principal; Ozma Masood Vice Principal : Derek Am- brose Office Manager: Lisa Odd Superintendant: Mark Haarmann Trustee: Suzanne Nurse Biking to school is perfectly safe when students obey the rules of the road, wear a helmet, and stay together in groups. Healthy bodies and healthy minds are always the way to make students successful in life, and good health comes from being active, eating properly, and getting sufficient sleep each night. Please encourage your children to take advantage of the great June weather ahead and go outside and be active! During April and the beginning of May, many staff, students, and parents participated in a Peel-wide survey called Your Voice Counts. Thank you if you participated in the survey as it provides significant information about how you, your children, and our staff feel about safety and learning at Aylesbury. Details of the survey results will be shared early next year at a School Council meeting as well as at our year-end meeting for staff. Much of the data collected tells us a story about how students, parents, and teachers, sense that students feel quite safe and are generally treat- ed with great respect by peers and adults while learning at Aylesbury each day. We will use more specific data to identify areas where we could be even better at making students feel good about their experiences at school when we set goals for the coming school year. We are so proud of your children who have graced us with their presence throughout the year and have given their best behaviour and work whenever possible! Thank you for being amazing partners with us in endeavouring to help your children succeed in everything they do. Without your support and partnership, we would not be able to be as proud of our students’ accomplishments. Please continue to encourage your children to give it their best each and every day until the end of the school year as they look forward to a well-deserved summer vacation in just a few short weeks. Ms.O.zma Masood and Mr. Derek Ambrose School Attendance Lunch Schedule Physical Education Parent resources Social Media Numeracy & Beyond March Break maple syrup days Homework network Phys Ed news Breakfast Club Calendar

AYLESBURY NEWS - Peel District School Board · 2017-06-02 · ParentConnect is coming to AYLESBURY this fall! The Peel District School Board is excited to announce that ParentConnect,

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Page 1: AYLESBURY NEWS - Peel District School Board · 2017-06-02 · ParentConnect is coming to AYLESBURY this fall! The Peel District School Board is excited to announce that ParentConnect,



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Welcome to June! It is hard to believe that we

are now into the final month of this school

year thus marking the second full year at

Aylesbury. During our second year of

operation, we have grown in many ways. We

have surpassed 900 students, added new staff

and more buses, won medals at robotics,

athletics, and dance, and have worked hard at

literacy and numeracy skills over the

2016-2017 school year. Once we return in

September, there will be even more teachers,

Teaching Assistants, Designated Early

Childhood Educators, an additional Vice

Principal, a few portables, and tons of plans

to keep making great achievements!

During the month ahead, there will continue

to be some very exciting and active learning

opportunities for students as they attend field

trips, go to sporting events, take community

walks for inquiry-based learning, and host

special musical and professional sports

guests. Next week we will host the kick-off

of our Start With A Smile event welcoming

new first-year kindergarten students and their

parents. We will be sending over 60 junior

and intermediate students to Cedar Ridge

camp for an amazing opportunity to explore

new topography and participate in group

challenges. On June 22nd we will be hold our

first ever Spring Fling event for families to

join us with an evening of bouncy castles, a

barbecue, and many other activities to help

support Aylesbury’s learning community.

Play Day is planned for June 23rd and Grade 8

Graduation will take place on Wednesday,

June 28th in the evening.

In order to continue to strongly encourage

students to stay healthy and to help keep the

environment clean with reducing greenhouse

emissions and traffic congestion, we are

highly advocating for official Bike to School

Week from June 5th to June 9th.



I S S U E :



A Y L E S B U R Y P . S .

2 5 A Y L E S B U R Y D R .

B R A M P T O N , O N

L 7 A 0 V 3

9 0 5 - 7 9 6 - 4 4 5 1

A Y L E S B U R Y . P S @ P E E L S B . C O M


V O L U M E 2 I S S U E 1 0

Principal; Ozma Masood

Vice Principal : Derek Am-


Office Manager: Lisa Odd


Mark Haarmann

Trustee: Suzanne Nurse

Biking to school is perfectly safe when

students obey the rules of the road, wear a

helmet, and stay together in groups.

Healthy bodies and healthy minds are always

the way to make students successful in life,

and good health comes from being active,

eating properly, and getting sufficient sleep

each night. Please encourage your children to

take advantage of the great June weather ahead

and go outside and be active!

During April and the beginning of May, many

staff, students, and parents participated in a

Peel-wide survey called Your Voice Counts.

Thank you if you participated in the survey as

it provides significant information about how

you, your children, and our staff feel about

safety and learning at Aylesbury. Details of

the survey results will be shared early next

year at a School Council meeting as well as at

our year-end meeting for staff. Much of the

data collected tells us a story about how

students, parents, and teachers, sense that

students feel quite safe and are generally treat-

ed with great respect by peers and adults while

learning at Aylesbury each day. We will use

more specific data to identify areas where we

could be even better at making students feel

good about their experiences at school when

we set goals for the coming school year.

We are so proud of your children who have

graced us with their presence throughout the

year and have given their best behaviour and

work whenever possible! Thank you for being

amazing partners with us in endeavouring to

help your children succeed in everything they

do. Without your support and partnership, we

would not be able to be as proud of our

students’ accomplishments. Please continue to

encourage your children to give it their best

each and every day until the end of the school

year as they look forward to a well-deserved

summer vacation in just a few short weeks.

Ms.O.zma Masood and Mr. Derek Ambrose

School Attendance

Lunch Schedule

Physical Education

Parent resources

Social Media

Numeracy & Beyond

March Break maple

syrup days

Homework network

Phys Ed news

Breakfast Club


Page 2: AYLESBURY NEWS - Peel District School Board · 2017-06-02 · ParentConnect is coming to AYLESBURY this fall! The Peel District School Board is excited to announce that ParentConnect,

J U N E 2 0 1 7 V O L U M E 2 I S S U E 1 0

SAFE ARRIVAL Just a reminder….please call the SafeArrival System if your child is going to be away from school. The school office does not take absence messages. Please call 1-855-209-6155 or go to pdsb.schoolconnects.com. ___________________________________________________________

LUNCH SCHEDULE FOR JUNE Tuesday, June 6th —Boston Pizza Wednesday, June 7th—Mr. Sub Thursday, June 8th—Pizza Bite Tuesday, June 13th —Boston Pizza Wednesday, June 14th —Extreme Pita Tuesday, June 20th —Boston Pizza Wednesday, June 21st —Mr. Sub Thursday, June 22nd —Pizza Bite Tuesday, June 27th —Boston Pizza Wednesday, June 28th —Extreme Pita

Page 3: AYLESBURY NEWS - Peel District School Board · 2017-06-02 · ParentConnect is coming to AYLESBURY this fall! The Peel District School Board is excited to announce that ParentConnect,

ParentConnect is coming to AYLESBURY this fall!

The Peel District School Board is excited to announce that ParentConnect, our new

parent portal, is launching this fall at your student’s school. ParentConnect is a safe and

secure application that provides access to electronic services for your Peel student(s).

From alerts to busing, absence reporting to earned credit history, ParentConnect offers

easy and convenient self-service access to important K-12 student information. Best of

all, ParentConnect is mobile friendly so you have access when you’re on-the-go.

Registration is easy. With the Student ID Number and a ParentConnect token passcode,

you can access information about all of your children from one website, virtually any


Watch for your unique ParentConnect token passcode via email, then go online and


Want to learn more? Visit YouTube.com and search ‘Welcome to ParentConnect.’

Peel board recognizes Crossing Guard Appreciation Day on June 13

The Peel board will recognize the contribution of school crossing guards on Crossing Guard Appreciation Day, June 13. The board encourages students, parents and staff to take a moment to thank the neighbourhood crossing guards who help to ensure a safe journey to and from school for thousands of students every day.

Page 4: AYLESBURY NEWS - Peel District School Board · 2017-06-02 · ParentConnect is coming to AYLESBURY this fall! The Peel District School Board is excited to announce that ParentConnect,


Our school is working to protect the health of our students and the

health of our environment. We ask you to show your support by

turning off your engine while dropping off or waiting to pick up

your child at school.

The emissions that come from our tailpipes harm all of us, especially

children who breathe more and at a faster rate than adults. By turning

off your car, our students, teachers and parents won't breathe in unhealthy

fumes as they enter school.

Air pollution also poses particular risks for our children with asthma. So, if you're going to be

sitting still for more than 60 seconds, remember to turn your car's engine off. You'll not only

improve our air, you'll also save money in fuel and vehicle wear and tear costs—then we can all

breathe easier.

Three steps to quality summer child care for your child If you have a school-age child, finding summer child care can be a real challenge. But you can follow

these three simple steps to help you choose a program that’s best for your family. It will mean a summer

full of fun and learning for your child—and peace of mind for you.

Step 1

Call Child Care Info Peel

905-890-9432 or 1-888-836-5550

Child care experts provide specific information about summer camps and other child care providers in

your neighbourhood. They can answer your questions and give you information to help you choose the

program that’s right for your family.

It’s a good idea to call the info line early to give yourself enough time to investigate potential programs

and make your decision before the program fills up.

Step 2

Schedule an appointment to meet with the program director or to speak over the phone, so that you can get

more information about the program. If possible, visit the program or the facility in which it will be held.

The more information you have, the better you will be able to decide if this program is a good "fit" for

your child and your family.

Step 3

When you are checking out summer programs, don’t be afraid to ask a lot of questions—it’s the best way

to make sure you have all the information you need. In general, you will want to ask questions about the

program, staff, health and safety practices, food provided, and costs.

For more information, call Child Care Info Peel or visit www.cdrcp.com/ccip.html.

Page 5: AYLESBURY NEWS - Peel District School Board · 2017-06-02 · ParentConnect is coming to AYLESBURY this fall! The Peel District School Board is excited to announce that ParentConnect,

Summer activities that boost learning Kindergarten to grade 4 Sorting and stacking – Teach classification skills with dinnerware. Ask your child to match and stack

dishes of similar sizes and shapes. Also have your child sort flatware – forks with forks, spoons with

spoons. This is like recognizing the shapes of letters and numbers.

Comic strip writing – Use comic strips to help with writing. Cut the segments of a comic strip apart

and ask your child to arrange them in order. Then ask your child to fill in the words of the characters

(orally or in writing).

Float and sink – Encourage hypothesizing (guessing). Use several objects – soap, a dry sock, a bottle of

shampoo, a wet sponge, an empty bottle. Ask your child which objects will float when dropped into wa-

ter in a sink or bathtub. Then drop the objects in the water, one by one, to see what happens.

Grades 5 to 8 Follow the news – As a family, choose an important news event to follow for a day or two. Ask each

person to find as much information on the topic as possible – read newspapers, look at online news

webpages, listen to the radio and watch TV news. Then talk about what everyone learned.

Pro and con: what do you think? – Make a family game of discussing a special issue. For example,

"Teenagers should be allowed to vote," or "There should never be any homework." Ask your children to

think of all the reasons they can to support their views. Then ask them to think of reasons opposing their

views. Which views are most convincing? For variety, assign family members to teams and have them

prepare their arguments pro and con.

Stretch, run, walk – Ask your child to do at least one kind of exercise every day. For example, run or

walk briskly for 10 minutes. Walk, when possible, instead of driving, for any distance less than a mile.

Have your child make a week-long exercise plan. Try to think of a modest reward for sticking to the

plan and exercise with your child.

Let your voice be heard – Promote good citizenship. Help your child write a letter to the editor of the

local newspaper about an issue affecting children – for example, suggest that a bike path be built near

the school or that a city event be planned for youngsters. Children are citizens, and their ideas are worth


Page 6: AYLESBURY NEWS - Peel District School Board · 2017-06-02 · ParentConnect is coming to AYLESBURY this fall! The Peel District School Board is excited to announce that ParentConnect,

We Welcome the World Centres The Peel District School Board’s We Welcome the World Centres located in Brampton, Malton and Mississauga, are the first point of contact for all newcomer families to become familiar with the educational system in Peel. The centres are open all year—including the summer months— from Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. In addition to providing literacy and numeracy assessments, the We Welcome the World Centres provide newcomers with a host of services including: reception, orientation, interpretation and referrals.

At each centre, parents/guardians and students will discover: computer portals— providing information on Peel resources settlement service information translation of materials to support the reception and assessment process age and grade appropriate educational and related program resources information about various community supports

For more information about the We Welcome the World Centre and the services they provide, call 905-366-8791. _______________________________________________________________________________________


We are thrilled to be continuing with our primary music program and are proud to be auditioning our amazing

grade 3’s for the school choir in the upcoming weeks. Grades 4 and 5 are finishing up their fife and ukulele

units and will be getting into bucket drumming very soon. An important reminder to all grade 5 families to be

sure to watch the grade 5 video and fill out the band form if you have not as of yet. It was due to be completed

on May 30th. If the form is not filled out, students will be defaulted to the band program for grade 6 which

does have a fee. Our grades 6 and 7 band students are already looking ahead to next year. These families,

please be sure to fill out the renewals with Cosmo music and/or Aylesbury, by the end of this week. Our grade

8’s will be missed. A reminder to grade 8 families that are renting their instruments from Cosmo, that they

must return instruments to Aylesbury for the week of Monday, June 19th and no later than Wednesday, June

21st. All school rentals for grade 8 should be returned that week as well. Thank you for your continued sup-

port and looking forward to making even more music with you next year!!

Page 7: AYLESBURY NEWS - Peel District School Board · 2017-06-02 · ParentConnect is coming to AYLESBURY this fall! The Peel District School Board is excited to announce that ParentConnect,

40 hours to graduate – Start this summer Since 1999, all students in Ontario secondary schools are required to complete a minimum of

40 hours of community involvement in order to receive a diploma. The purpose of this re-

quirement is to encourage students to develop an understanding of the various roles they can

play in their community. Students are encouraged to start accumulating community in-

volvement hours in the summer before they enter grade 9.

Research shows that early involvement in community service helps students build a spirit of

civic responsibility which can be expanded as they move through secondary school. The aim

of the 40-hour requirement is to encourage students to become actively involved in making

positive contributions to their community.

The community involvement component is an opportunity for students and parents to work

together, independent of the school. With parent support, your teen is responsible for finding

and completing 40 hours of community service.

Parents should provide assistance to their teen in the selection of community involvement ac-

tivities. Here’s how to get started:

Spend some time with your teen going through the list of eligible and ineligible activities in the Peel

District School Board’s “40 Hours” brochure. You can obtain a copy of the brochure from your

school or online at www.peelschools.org/students/40hours/

View online resources and volunteer opportunities at www.peelschools.org/students/40hours/

Please note that the selection of the activities should take into account the age, maturity, and ability of

the student, and the location and environment of the proposed activity.

Kids Should Play Outside 3 (!) Hours Every Day, This Ex-pert Says. Here’s Why and How to Do It


Page 8: AYLESBURY NEWS - Peel District School Board · 2017-06-02 · ParentConnect is coming to AYLESBURY this fall! The Peel District School Board is excited to announce that ParentConnect,

Thursday, June 22, 2017


Join us for an evening of games, Prizes, Food,

and fun!

Tickets for activities will be sold during the event. Tickets are $2 each or 25 tickets for $20. If you would like to purchase a meal (incl. burger, chips, and drink), please send your order forms and money to the school by Monday, June 5th. Meal combos are $8 each.

Orders can be placed through cash online www.peelschools.schoolcashonline.com


Name ___________________ Teacher ________________ # of combos ______________ Total Cost ______________ ____ veggie burger ____ beef burger ____ Halal beef burger

Page 9: AYLESBURY NEWS - Peel District School Board · 2017-06-02 · ParentConnect is coming to AYLESBURY this fall! The Peel District School Board is excited to announce that ParentConnect,

Aylesbury News—page 10