SUMMER TRAINING PROJECT REPORT ON Overview of Stock Market in India FOR THE PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh) Faculty Guide: Name of Industry guide Assistant Professor Submitted by:- Ayush Srivastava Roll No1409770014 MBA 2014-15 1


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(Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh)

Faculty Guide: Name of Industry guide

Assistant Professor

Submitted by:-

Ayush Srivastava

Roll No1409770014

MBA 2014-15

Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology 1, Knowledge Park – II, Greater Noida

Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow


Page 2: Ayush


I hereby declare that this project report “________________________________________”

is my own work, to the best of my knowledge and belief. It contains no material previously

published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been

accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of any other institute, except

where due acknowledgement has been made in the text.

Name –

Roll No.

Date: __/__/__ Institution Name


Page 3: Ayush


This is to certify that Student Name………………………………………………………Roll

No…………………………..a student of MBA from Galgotias College of Engineering &

Technology has done his/her summer training at division place ………………………..…for

8 week , from joining date ……………………to the completion date …………………….

The project work entitled “………………………………………………………..”

embodies the original work done by Student’s Name………………………………during

his/her summer project training period .

Company Guide Head Training Division


Page 4: Ayush


I hereby declare that this project report “Overview of Stock Market in India ” is my own

work, to the best of my knowledge and belief. It contains no material previously published

or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for

the award of any other degree or diploma of any other institute, except where due

acknowledgement has been made in the text.


Roll No.

Date: __/__/__ Institution Name


Page 5: Ayush


This project report has been as a part of internship required during the completion of MBA

program. I was involved with SHAREKHAN LIMITED, Laxmi Nagar ,for 6 to 7 week ,

and I come across a lot of people who put in their time and effort towards me to the

workings of their organizations.

I express my thanks to my company guide Mr. Jaipal Singh (Assistant Manager), Mr. Vijay

(Senior Manager) who motivated me in all my efforts. It was truly wonderful learning

experience. Last but not least, I express my gratitude to the entire staff of SHAREKHAN


These past 6 to 7 week were of utmost importance as they added value towards my path of

knowledge. I would like to end this introduction by thanking the customers and the people at

large with whom I have interacted during the course of my training.


Page 6: Ayush


2.2.1 Executive summary

2.2.2 Objective

2.2.3 Literature Review

2.2.4 Stock Market in India

• Definition

• Function

• Major Stock Exchanges



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Conceptually the mechanism of stock market is very simple. The Indian Stock markets has

undergone a makeover with the introduction of depository system and scrip less trading

mechanism. Most of the Indian populace is now a De-mat account holder. However, there

are few which still don‘t have an account to their credit. Moreover the exchange rate

movement has a tremendous impact on the stock market and stock prices. It may affect the

same adversely or lucratively.

The objective of the project is to study the movement of stock prices in the Indian Stock

markets that would help us in understanding the stock markets in a better manner and hence

ensuring the safety of our investments as well as maximizing returns on such investments.

To get a better understanding available literature on relevant topics has been studied. The

research conducted is causal and descriptive in nature. Mainly secondary sources like

company’s website, SEBI, RBI data on stock market have been used.

Many interesting findings have been identified during the research, such as the Indian

economy has proven to be resilient to substantial exchange rate fluctuations, as firms have

learned to adapt to exchange rate variability through the development of the hedging


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practices, lack of proper guidance and knowledge about the stock market being the prime

reason holding back an investor from opening a de-mat account. I have studied how the

investors are entering the stock market, which factors are driving the stock market, the

volatility of market, the risk, which is in the stock market.

The initial part of the project focuses on the types of the products of the company. The job

profile is to create customer, making good relationship with them to have their references

and motivating them to trade for the company benefit and their profit. It also enlightens the

readers about the sharekhan strategies to acquire the customer base. Further the project tells

us about the profile of the company (SHAREKHAN). It provides knowledge to the readers

about the company's history, mission, and customer base and about the company in detail,

and management of the company. Also it gives special emphasis on the selling of products.

The next chapter is devoted to study the comparative analysis of the competitors and the

swot analysis which tells about the Sharekhan edge over its competitors.

This project leads us towards the job descriptions and difficulties faced by me. The next part

of the project throws light upon my findings and analysis about the company and the

suggestions for the company for better performance.


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The primary objective of the summer internship program was to get awareness about the

stock market, its variables and the various factors that govern the stock market and also have

to practice trading in real life trough our own De-mat accounts with the help of software

‘TRADE TIGER’ provided to us by sharekhan. Along with this training for selling De-mat

accounts have been given and hence sharpening our marketing skills. So the area of

internship was both for finance as well as marketing it includes both trading and field works.

The topic chosen by me was to study overview of stock market in India. Sharekhan provided

us with timely classes regarding various aspects of share market, trading and De-mat

account. Main objectives of my internship were to:

1. To study about the stock exchanges of India.

2. To learn the various terminologies of the stock market.

3. The risk and return factors of financial investments.

4. Ways to minimize the risk of Clients as well as Broking Firms.

5. How to analyze share market.

6. How to study the market charts and making our own predictions.

7. To understand savings, investment, inflation and returns.


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Since my area of internship was both finance and marketing, so along with analyzing the

stock market the primary focus of my internship was to understand the importance of Lead

Management System.

For this the objectives were:

1. To generate leads for opening of De-mat accounts.

2. Conducting surveys to get some leads.

3. Retrieving knowledge of De-mat Account.

4. To study the procedure adopted to open De-mat Account.

5. Knowing all the documents required for opening a De-mat account.

In share market stocks play an important role for understanding new customers. And

brokerage gives the organization as a profit. Now days LMS software is used almost by

every organization because it gives the organization a competitive edge. Also it saves the

time and efforts of the employees of the organization because LMS directly gives them the

list of consumers who want to buy their product.


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The company has eighty years of experience in brokering business it was earlier known as

SSKI Group. The owner of the company is Mr. Dinesh Murikya. Sharekhan is one of the

leading retail brokerage firms in the country. It is the retail broking arm of the Mumbai-

based SSKI Group, which has over eight decades of experience in the stock broking

business. Sharekhan offers its customers a wide range of equity related services including

trade execution on BSE, NSE, Derivatives, depository services, online trading, investment

advice etc.

The firm’s online trading and investment site-www.Sharekhan.com-was launched on Feb 8,

2000. The site gives access to superior content and transaction facility to retail customers

across the country. Known for its jargon-free, investor friendly language and high quality

research, the site has a registered base of over 4 lakhs customers. The number of trading

members currently stands at over 3 Lakhs. While online trading currently accounts for just

over 1 per cent of the daily trading in stocks in India, Sharekhan alone accounts for 22 % of

the volumes traded online.

The objective has been to let customers make informed decisions and to simplify the

process of investing in stocks. On April 17, 2002 Sharekhan launched Speed Trade, a net-

based executable application that emulates the broker terminals along with host of other

information relevant to the Day Traders. This was for the first time that a net-based trading

station of this caliber was offered to the traders. In the last six months Speed Trade has


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become a de facto standard for the Day Trading community over the net. Sharekhan’s

ground network includes over 250 centers in 123 cities in India, of which 20 are fully-

owned branches


A stock market or equity market is a public entity for the trading of company stock or

shares and derivatives at an agreed price. These are securities listed on a stock exchange as

well as those only traded privately.

In the stock market, purchases and sales of shares are affected in conditions of free

competition. Government securities are traded outside the trading ring in the form of over

the counter sales or purchase. The bargains that are struck in the trading ring by the

members of the stock exchanges are at the fairest prices determined by the basic laws of

supply and demand.

The Bombay stock exchange (BSE) and National stock exchange (NSE) are the two primary

exchanges in India. BSE and NSE account for about 80% of the equity volume traded in



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Definition of a stock exchange:A stock exchange, share market or bourse is a corporation or mutual organization which

provides facilities for stock brokers and traders, to trade company stocks and other

securities. Stock exchanges also provide facilities for the issue and redemption of securities,

as well as, other financial instruments and capital events including the payment of income

and dividends. The securities traded on a stock exchange include: shares issued by

companies, unit trusts and other pooled investment products and bonds. To be able to trade a

security on a certain stock exchange, it has to be listed there

“Stock exchange means any body or individual whether incorporated or not,

constituted for the purpose of assisting, regulating or controlling the business of buying,

selling or dealing in securities." The securities include:

Shares of public company.

Government securities.


Functions of Stock Exchanges:

Continuous and ready market for securities.

Facilitates evaluation of securities.

Encourage capital formation


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Provide safety and security in deadline.

Regulate company management.

Facilitates public borrowings.

Provide clearing house facility.

Facilitates healthy speculations.

Serve as economic barometer.

Facilitates bank landings.

1. Continuous and ready market for securities.Stock exchange provides a ready and continuous market for purchase and sale of

securities. [1]

2. Facilitates evaluation of securities.Useful for evaluation of industrials securities. This enables investor to know the true

worth of their holdings at any time. Comparison of companies in same industries is

possible through stock exchange quotations. [1]

3. Encourage capital formationStock exchange accelerates the process of capital formation. It creates the habit of

saving. Investing and risk taking among the investing class and converts their

savings into profitable investment. It acts as an instrument of capital formation. [1]

4. Provide safety and security in deadline.Stock exchange provides safety, security and equity (justice) in dealings as

transactions are conducted as per well defined rules and regulations. The managing

body of the exchange keeps control on the members. Fraudulent practices are also

checked effectively. Due to various rules and regulations, stock exchange functions

as the custodian of funds of genuine investors. [1]


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5. Regulate company management. Listed companies have to comply with rules and regulations of concerned stock

exchange and work under the vigilance (i.e supervision) of stock

exchange authorities. [1]

6. Facilitates public borrowings.Stock exchange serves as a platform for marketing Government securities. It enables

government to raise public debt easily and quickly. [1]

7. Provide clearing house facility. Stock exchange provides a clearing house facility to members. It settles the

transactions among the members quickly and with ease. The members have to pay or

receive only the net dues (balance amounts) because of the clearing house facility. [1]

8. Facilitates healthy speculations.Healthy speculation, keeps the exchange active. Normal speculation is not dangerous

but provides more business to the exchange. However, excessive speculation is

undesirable as it is dangerous to investors & the growth of corporate sector. [1]

9. Serve as economic barometer.Stock exchange indicates the state of health of companies and the national economy.

It acts as a barometer of the economic situation / conditions. [1]

10.Facilitates bank landings.


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Banks easily know the prices of quoted securities. They offer loans to customers

against corporate securities. This gives convenience to the owners of securities.

Major Stock Exchanges of India:


NATIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE - (NSE) The National Stock Exchange of India was

set up by Government of India on the recommendation of Pherwani Committee in 1991.

It was incorporated in November 1992 as a tax-paying company. In April 1993, it was

recognized as a stock exchange under the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956.

The National Stock Exchange (NSE) is a stock exchange located at Mumbai, India. It is

the 16th largest stock exchange in the world by market capitalization and largest in India by

daily turnover and number of trades, for both equities and derivative trading.  NSE has a

market capitalization of around US$1 trillion and over 1,652 listings as of July 2012. . The

NSE's key index is the S&P CNX Nifty, known as the NSE NIFTY an index of fifty major

stocks weighted by market capitalization. The Capital Market (Equities) segment

commenced operations in November 1994 and operations in Derivatives segment

commenced in June 2000 NSE's mission is setting the agenda for change in the securities

markets in India. [2]


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Establishing a nation-wide trading facility for equities and debt instruments.

Ensuring equal access to investors all over the country through an appropriate

communication network.

Providing a fair, efficient and transparent securities market to investors using electronic

trading systems.

Enabling shorter settlement cycles and book entry settlements systems, and Meeting the

current international standards of securities markets.

The standards set by NSE in terms of market practices and technology, have become

industry benchmarks and are being emulated by other market participants. NSE is more than

a mere market facilitator. It's that force which is guiding the industry towards new horizons

and greatest opportunities. [2]


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The Stock Exchange, Mumbai, popularly known as "BSE" was established in 1875 as "The

Native Share and stock Brokers Association". It is the oldest one in Asia, even older than the

Tokyo Stock Exchange, which was established in 1878. It is a voluntary non-profit making

Association of persons (AOP) and is currently engaged in the process of converting itself

into demutualised and corporate entity. It has evolved over the years into its present status as

the premier Stock Exchange in the country. It is the first Stock Exchange in the Country to

have obtained permanent recognition in 1956 from the Govt. of India under the securities

contracts (Regulation) Act 1956.The Exchange, while providing an efficient and transparent

market for trading in securities, debt and derivatives upholds the interests of the investors

and ensures redresses of their grievances whether against the companies or its own member-

brokers. It also strives to educate and enlighten the investors by conducting investor

education programmers and making available to them necessary informative inputs. A

Governing Board having 20 directors is the apex body, which decides the policies and


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regulates the affairs of the Exchange. The Governi0ng Board consists of 9 elected directors,

who are from the broking community (one third of them retire ever year by rotation), three

SEBI nominees, six public representatives and an Executive Director & chief Executive

officer and a chief operating officer. The Executive Director as the Chief Executive officer

is responsible for the day-to- day administration of the Exchange and the chief operating

officer and other Heads of Department assist him. The Exchange has inserted new Rule

No.126 A in its Rules, Byelaws pertaining to constitution of the Executive Committee of the

Exchange. Accordingly, an Executive Committee, consisting of a three elected directors,

three SEBI nominees or public representatives, Executive Director & CEO and Chief

Operating Officer has been constituted. The Committee considers judicial & quasi matters in

which the Governing Board has powers as an Appellate Authority, matters regarding

annulment of transactions, admission, continuance and suspension of member brokers,

declaration of a member-broker as defaulter, norms, procedures and other matters relating to

arbitration, fees, deposits, margins and other monies payable by the member-brokers to the

Exchange, etc. [3]

Regulatory framework of stock exchanges:A comprehensive legal framework was provided by the "securities Contract Regulation Act,

1956' and "securities Exchange Board of India 1952". Three tier regulatory structure


Ministry of finance


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The Securities And Exchange Board of India

Governing body[1]

Present Scenario

In the current lifestyle, financial stability holds great importance. Lavish living and availing

all the conveniences of life may not be possible with a single salary, especially if you stay in

the city where cost of living is very high. This is the reason why both partners in a

household (nuclear family) work to meet both ends meet satisfactorily or even beyond

expectations. Many people have started investing in the stock market as an additional source

of income to be able to meet lifestyle changes.

In sync with the changing career trends and with the share markets platform gaining

grounds, financial institutes have introduced short term as well as long term courses on

finance, insurance, stock broking, and related subjects, helping aspirants build careers or

professionals enhancing their qualification tags with additional degrees. And a particular

section of ambitious people undertake short term courses on stock market trading to be able

to manage their own stock portfolios thus having an influence on their financial futures.

Share markets in India comprise primarily of NSE share and BSE share with share brokers

managing the transactions. The SEBI is the governing body in India, controlling the

activities of the stock exchanges, and stock brokers too function under SEBI guidelines. To

open trading accounts to be able to buy and sell shares like NSE share or BSE share, you

will have to seek the services of stock brokers. Many a broker functions online through the

medium of brokerage platforms. Once you get registered at such an online trading platform,

you can get tips and suggestions from expert brokers, helping you take your investing goals

to the next level. [4]

It is moving in the right direction that matters in share markets trading. Market analysts

and experts advice investors not to invest in individual NSE share or individual BSE share

given the market volatility and the high risks involved. And as aforementioned those who

manage their own portfolios including experts are at least able to decipher, take risks, and

buy individual stocks without paying heed to the brokers’ advice. Their deep knowledge


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about the market and their ability to select the right stocks help them experience a win-win


Share markets across the world are recuperating with traces of recession still visible in few

nations. The Indian stock market is fast recovering and the emerging opportunities have led

to the steady inflows of foreign investments. Investing in India has thus become a trend

which is likely to gain more impetus in the near future. It is the promotion oriented user

friendly policies of the Indian government that have led to this sudden surge. And owing to

the increased quantum of foreign investment inflows, India is emerging as one of the best

performing markets. [4]

The current conditions of Indian markets have drastically improved. There is absolute

transparency and instant transactions. All Indian Stock markets are now computerized and

Internet Trading has become a common phenomenon. Indian stock markets have also

developed a dynamic nature and can change from a bullish temperament to a bearish slide.

Any small bit of information or even a rumor from any part of the country can affect the

market and is a fairly accurate indicator of the prevalent atmosphere in the region or

country. People from across the country and globe get in touch with minute wise readings

on the stock market and gain a lot of trading aptitude after daily seeing BSE Top

Gainer or BSE Top Looser list which does a world of good to their investment portfolio. [4]


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Demat a/c is just like a saving a/c. In saving a/c we save our money and in demat we deal in

share market. Demat is dematerialization and trading in the demat mode. It is safer and faster

alternative to the physical existence of securities. Demat as a parallel solution offers from

delays, thefts, forgeries, settlement risk and paper work. This system works through depository

participants (DP) who offer demat services and the securities are held in the electronic form for

the investor directly by the depository.


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Sharekhan is one of the top retail brokerage houses in India with a strong online trading

platform. The company provides equity based products (research, equities, derivatives,

depository, margin funding, etc.). It has one of the largest networks in the country with 704

share shops in 280 cities and India’s premier online trading portal www.sharekhan.com.

With their research expertise, customer commitment and superior technology, they provide

investors with end-to-end solutions in investments. They provide trade execution services

through multiple channels - an Internet platform, telephone and retail outlets.

Sharekhan was established by Morakhia family in 1999-2000 and Morakhia family,

continues to remain the largest shareholder. It is the retail broking arm of the Mumbai-based


SSKI which is established in 1930 is the parent company of Sharekhan ltd. With a legacy of

more than 80 years in the stock markets, the SSKI group ventured into institutional broking

and corporate finance over a decade ago. Presently SSKI is one of the leading players in

institutional broking and corporate finance activities. Sharekhan offers its customers a wide

range of equity related services including trade execution on BSE, NSE, and Derivatives.

Depository services, online trading, Investment advice, Commodities, etc.

Sharekhan Ltd. is a brokerage firm which is established on 8th February 2000 and now it is

having all the rights of SSKI. The company was awarded the 2005 Most Preferred Stock

Broking Brand by Awaz Consumer Vote. It is first brokerage Company to go online. The


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Company's online trading and investment site - www.Sharekhan.com - was also launched on

Feb 8, 2000. This site gives access to superior content and transaction facility to retail

customers across the country. Known for its jargon-free, investor friendly language and high

quality research, the content-rich and research oriented portal has stood out among its

contemporaries because of its steadfast dedication to offering customers best-of-breed

technology and superior market information.

Share khan has one of the best states of art web portal providing fundamental and statistical

information across equity, mutual funds and IPOs. One can surf across 5,500 companies for

in-depth information, details about more than 1,500 mutual fund schemes and IPO data. One

can also access other market related details such as board meetings, result announcements,

FII transactions, buying/selling by mutual funds and much more.

Sharekhan's management team is one of the strongest in the sector and has positioned

Sharekhan to take advantage of the growing consumer demand for financial services

products in India through investments in research, pan-Indian branch network and an

outstanding technology platform. Further, Sharekhan's lineage and relationship with SSKI

Group provide it a unique position to understand and leverage the growth of the financial

services sector. We look forward to providing strategic counsel to Sharekhan's management

as they continue their expansion for the benefit of all shareholders."

SSKI Corporate Finance Private Limited (SSKI) is a leading India-based investment bank

with strong research-driven focus. Their team members are widely respected for their

commitment to transactions and their specialized knowledge in their areas of strength. The

team has completed over US$5 billion worth of deals in the last 5 years - making it among

the most significant players raising equity in the Indian market. SSKI, a veteran equities

solutions company has over 8 decades of experience in the Indian stock markets.

If we experience their language, presentation style, content or for that matter the online

trading facility, we'll find a common thread; one that helps us make informed decisions and

simplifies investing in stocks. The common thread of empowerment is what Sharekhan's all



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"Sharekhan has always believed in collaborating with like-minded Corporate into forming

strategic associations for mutual benefit relationships" says Jaideep Arora, Director -

Sharekhan Limited.

Sharekhan is also about focus. Sharekhan does not claim expertise in too many things.

Sharekhan's expertise lies in stocks and that's what he talks about with authority. So when he

says that investing in stocks should not be confused with trading in stocks or a portfolio-

based strategy is better than betting on a single horse, it is something that is spoken with

years of focused learning and experience in the’ stock markets. And these beliefs are

reflected in everything Sharekhan does for us! Sharekhan is a part of the SSKI group, an

Indian financial services power house, with strong presence in Retail equities Institutional

equities Investment banking.

Sharekhan’s ground network includes over 588 centres in 148 cities in India, of which 32

are fully-owned branches. [5]


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Name of the company: Sharekhan Ltd.

Year of establishment: 1925

Headquarter : Sharekhan SSKI

A-206 Phoenix House

Phoenix Mills Compound

Lower panel

Mumbai- Maharashtra, INDIA- 400013

Nature of Business : Service Provider

Services : Depository services, Online services and

Technical Research

Number of Employees: Over 3500

Website : www.Sharekhan.com

Slogan : Your guide to the financial jungle


With a legacy of more than 80 years in the stock markets, the SSKI group ventured

into institutional broking and corporate finance 18 years ago. Presently SSKI is one of the

leading players in institutional broking and corporate finance activities. SSKI holds a

sizeable portion of the market in each of these segments. SSKI’s institutional broking arm

accounts for 7% of the market for Foreign Institutional portfolio investment and 5% of all

Domestic Institutional portfolio investment in the country. It has 60 institutional clients

spread over India, Far East, UK and US. Sharekhan is the retail broking arm of SSKI, an

organization with more than eight decades of trust & credibility in the stock market.


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SSKI Investor

Services Ltd (Sharekhan)

S.S. Kantilal Ishwarlal Securities

SSKI Corporate FinanceIdream Productions


Sharekhan has always believed in investing in technology to build its business. The

company has used some of the best-known names in the IT industry, like Sun Microsystems,

Oracle, Microsoft, Cambridge Technologies, Nexgenix, Vignette, Verisign Financial

Technologies India Ltd, Spider Software Pvt. Ltd. to build its trading engine and content .

VISION:- To be the best retail brokering Brand in the retail business of stock market.

MISSION:- To educate and empower the individual investor to make better investment decisions through quality advice and superior service.


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Branches all over India : -

Market Share

Sharekhan enjoyed about 20 per cent market share in Web business (Internet trading) in

stock markets. Three years ago, Web trading showed lot of promise but with the market

witnessing a downturn, there was not much interest among retail customers. [6]


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Services provided by sharekhan







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Financial markets are, by nature, extremely volatile and hence the risk factor is an important

concern for financial agents. To reduce this risk, the concept of derivatives comes into the

picture. Derivatives are products whose values are derived from one or more basic variables

called bases. These bases can be underlying assets (for example forex, equity, etc), bases or

reference rates. For example, wheat farmers may wish to sell their harvest at a future date to

eliminate the risk of a change in prices by that date. The transaction in this case would be

the derivative, while the spot price of wheat would be the underlying asset.

Development of exchange-traded derivative

Derivatives have probably been around for as long as people have been trading with one

another. Forward contracting dates back at least to the 12th century, and may well have been

around before then. Merchants entered into contracts with one another for future delivery of

specified amount of commodities at specified price. A primary motivation for pre-arranging

a buyer or seller for a stock of commodities in early forward contracts was to lessen the

possibility that large swings would inhibit marketing the commodity after a harvest.


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The need for a derivative market

The derivative market performs a number of economic functions:

1. They help in transferring risks from risk adverse people to risk oriented people.

2. They help in the discovery of future as well as current prices.

3. They catalyze entrepreneurial activity.

4. They increase the volume traded in markets because of participation of risk averse People

in greater numbers.

5. They increase savings and investment in the long run.


Although commodity derivatives command a humble share of 6% in the derivatives segment

across the world, yet these record high volumes in the markets the world over compared to

equity derivatives. In an era where risks to investments are on the rise, India needs to switch to

commodity derivatives and also to weather derivatives (when these are launched), if it needs to

top the list of developed nations. Of course with the other asset classes offering attractive

returns, "Why Commodities?" is the inevitable question that pops in one's mind today, more so

considering that the BSE Sensitive Index is scaling new highs by the day. Well, despite offering

relatively lower returns, commodity derivatives provide unique money-making opportunities to

a wider section of market participants, starting from planters to exporters, importers et al. And to

the agrarian Indian population commodities are obviously not new, nor are the advantages of

trading in them unknown.

No balance sheet, P&L statement, EBITDA and reading between the lines.

Commodity trading is about the simple economics of supply and demand.

Supports are known, only resistance matters! Minimum support price acts as a

statutory support for many commodities.

No Dollar-Rupee premiums/discounts. No hedging on the NYMEX. Indian

commodity derivatives hedge both forex and commodity specific risks at a single



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No breaking of heads over market direction. Seasonality patterns quiet often provide

clue to both short- and long-term players.

No scam, no price rigging. Commodity trading comes with nil insider trading and

company specific risk.


Trading accounts

With a Sharekhan online trading account you can buy and sell shares in an instant. Any time

you want, from anywhere you like. A Sharekhan online trading account comes with a

depository participant account where you can keep all your shares, in safe custody with

National Securities Depository.

You can also link a Sharekhan online trading account to an Internet banking account of your

choice, so that you can move cash in and out of this account easily, without the bother of

writing cheques all the time.Sharekhan offers two types of trading accounts to suit your

trading habits: Sharekhan Classic account and Sharekhan speed trade account.


Currency trading means to trade in currency of different countries and price varies because

of supply and demand.

Sharekhan is providing offline currency trading facility


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Types of Accounts in Sharekhan Limited

Sharekhan offers two types of trading account for its clients

1. Classic Account

The Classic Account enables customers to trade online on the NSE and the BSE, invest in

IPO and Mutual Funds and access all the research and transaction reports through

Sharekhan's website. This account allow investors to buy and sell stocks online along with

the following features like multiple watch lists, Integrated Banking, Demat and digital

contracts, Real-time portfolio tracking with price alerts and Instant credit & transfer. This

account is suitable for the retail investors.

This account comes with the following features:

a) Online trading account for investing in Equities and Derivatives

b) Free trading through Phone (Dial-n-Trade)

c) Integration of: online Trading + Saving Bank + De-mat Account.

d) Instant cash transfer facility against purchase & sale of shares.

e) Instant order and trade confirmations by e-mail.

f) Single screen interface for cash and derivatives. [6]

2- Speed Trade AccountThis is an internet-based software application, which enables one to buy and sell in an

instant. It is ideal for active traders and jobbers who transact frequently during day's session

to capitalize on intra-day price movement. This account has the following features:

a) Instant order Execution and Confirmation.

b) Single screen trading terminal for NSE Cash, NSE F&O & BSE.

c) Real-time streaming quotes, tic-by-tic charts.

d) Market summary (Cost traded scrip, highest value etc')

e) Hot keys similar to broker's terminal.


Page 35: Ayush

f) Alerts and reminders.

g) Back-up facility to place trades on Direct Phone line. [6]

3. Trade TigerTrade tiger is a next-generation online trading product that brings the power of broker's

terminal to customer pc. It is session to capitalize on intra-day price movement. Trade tiger

is an internet -based application available on a CD, which provides everything a trader needs

on one screen.

Key Features:-

a) A single platform for multiple exchange BSE & NSE (Cash & F&o), MCX,

NCDEX, Mutual Funds, IPOs.

b) Multiple Charts with Tick by Tick Intraday and End of Day Charting powered with

various Studies.

c) Graph Studies include Average, Band- Bollinger, Know Sure Thing, MACD, RSI,


d) Apply studies such as Vertical, Horizontal, Trend, Retracement & Free lines.

e) User can save his own defined screen as well as graph ternplate, that is, saving the

layout for future use.

f) User-defined alert settings on an input Stock Price trigger[6]


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Pan Card (mandatory)

Residence Proof (Permanent)


Pan Card

Driving License

Voter's ID


Passport (valid)

Driving License (valid)

Bank Statement (latest)

Telephone Bill (latest)

Electricity Bill (latest)

Ration Card

Flat Maintenance Bill (latest)

Insurance Policy (latest)

Leave-License/Purchase Agreement

Two Photographs (Passport size)


Page 39: Ayush


For classic account Cheque of Rs. 750/= In Favor of Sharekhan Ltd. or Rs. 500/= or

375/= in case of corporate offer.

For Speed trade Account Cheque of Rs. 1000/= In Favor of Sharekhan Ltd.


Charge Classic Account Speed Trade Account

Account Opening Rs. 750/- Rs. 1000/-

Monthly Commitment Nil Rs. 500/-

Brokerages Intraday – 0.10% - 0.5%

Delivery – 0.50% - 0.25%

Intraday – 0.10% - 0.5%

Delivery – 0.50% - 0.25%

DEPOSITORY CHARGES OF SHAREKHANAnnual Maintenance Charges (AMC) Rs. NIL first year

Rs. 300/= p.a. from second year onward


0.10 % Plus Taxes for Each leg of Intra-day trade

0.50 % Plus Taxes for trades resulting in delivery

Minimum Brokerage Intra Day per Share:

5 Paisa each leg (buy or sell) for Intra-day Trades (For e.g. on an Rs 20 Scrip, brokerage

@0.1% = 2 p, but there is a min chargeable amt of 5 p).


Page 40: Ayush



A DP can close a depository account on receipt of an application in the prescribed format.

The application should be made by the account holder or by all the joint-holders. An

account can be closed only when there is no balance in the account. In case there is any

balance in the account sought to be closed, the following steps are necessary.

(a) Re-materialization of all securities standing to the credit of the account at the

time of making the application for closure; or

(b) Transferring the balance to the credit of another account opened by the same

account holder(s) either with the same participant or with a different participant.

Before closing the account the DP should ensure that all pending transactions

have been settled. The request for closure should be processed only after ensuring

that there is unbalance lying in the account.


Some clients could have opened multiple accounts to dematerialize their shares held

in multiple combination and sequence of names. However, they may not need so

many accounts after they have dematerialized their shares and may want to bring all

their share holdings into one or fewer accounts. This can be achieved by using

normal off market transfer instruction.


Page 41: Ayush


The DP may also initiate closure of a client's account if the client has defaulted in

performing its obligations laid out in the client-participant agreement. The

participant should give sufficient notice to the client before initiating closure of his

account. The notice should clearly state the reasons for closure of account. The

process of closing account in such a case is the same that of client-initiated closure.


A clearing member may transfer its clearing account from one DP to another DP. For

this, simultaneously applications have to be made for closure of account to the

earlier DP and for opening of new clearing member account to the new DP. On

receipt of the application, the new DP forwards the application to the depository for

approval and allotment of a new CM-BP-ID. Once the new CM-BP-ID is allotted,

the new DP opens a new clearing account and intimates the depository about the new

client-ID. On receipt of intimation from the new participant, the depository advises

the old DP to close the account. The old DP then closes the account and intimates the

clearing member. All payout of securities, subsequent to closure of old clearing

account, take place in the new account


Page 42: Ayush


Along with enabling access for your trade online, the Classic and Speed trade Account also

gives you our Dial-n-trade services. With this service, all you have to do is dial our

dedicated phone lines 1-800-22-7500 and 39707500.

Features Of Dial –N-Trade

– Dedicated toll free number for order placements.

– Automatic fund transfer with phone banking(only with Citibank)

– Simple and secure IVR based system fro authentication.

– No wait time. On entry of phone Id and TPIN, the call is transferred.

– Trusted, professional advice of Tel.-brokers who offer undiluted sharekhan research inputs.

– After- hours order placement facility (only between 9 a.m. to 9:55 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.)


Can apply all the forthcoming IPO online for free


Page 43: Ayush

Research tips

Company provide 4-6 e-mails to their customers per day. These are :

– Pre Market: Pre-market report covering views, events and more.

– Daring Derivatives: Covers Futures & Options commentary and trading calls

– High Noon: It is aimed at traders; this technical daily newsletter carries Punters Calls and Smart Chart. It’s released at noon to be acted upon during the course of the day 31

– Post-Market Report: Updates you days happening...

– Eagle Eye: is aimed at traders; this technical daily newsletter carries Punters Calls, Hit List and Smart Chart. It’s released at the end of the day to be acted on following day

– Investor Eye: is aimed at investors; this fundamental daily newsletter carries most important news reports, research update on our Stock Idea and other fundamental reports.

– Value Line: A fundamental monthly newsletter, Sharekhan Value Line is targeted at investors and is a wrap-up of the month gone by.

– Market Outlook: a monthly offering discussing our outlook on the market

– Sharekhan Special: specialized reports on unique market opportunities like dividend-yielding stocks and value stocks, or analysis of major

events like the Union Budget, and reports on other market related themes or trends.

– Stock Ideas: aimed at investors and it presents our best stock picks in today's market.

– Mutual Fund Reports: covers monthly update on what’s in what’s out, Top Fund Picks and Industry Update.


Page 44: Ayush

Online trade in shares

Sharekhan customers can online trade through there computers, through Internet during the market timings

Online fund transferWe have tie up with ten banks for online fund transferring i.e. ICICI, HDFC,

IDBI, CITI, UNION Bank of India, Bank of India OBC, INDUSIND, Yes Bank and

UTI bank for online money transfer.

• Value line magazine

A monthly investment report based on fundamental research with

Stock Ideas

Stock Updates

Earnings Guide

Stock Records


Page 45: Ayush

Mutual Fund Guide

Market Outlook

Sector Updates


Tele Calling :

The company uses the tele-calling/ phone calling to reach the customer, which is interested.

This is the most important technique to save time and giving demo of the company’s

product through making call in order to know the customer interest towards the product.

This is the strategy with which one can motivate customer to go for the product and etc.


It is leads management system which means leads are generated by the customer who wants

to purchase the product of the company. Company provides facility to the customer on

online to fill the registration form through which the company’s executives can provide

more information to the customer.

Yellow Pages :Yellow pages are used to gather data for making calls so that customer who did not fine time

and are unaware of the product can know about the product. Customers are given freedom to

ask question related to the products this is the technique used to increase the awareness of

the company.


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This is the most important technique used by sharekhan securities to market its product in

different areas of the city, company put their canopies and customer who are willing to

know about the product come forward and provide best of their knowledge. Besides these

companies executives ask customer to fill the questionnaire that tells the company about the

levels of brand awareness. It also increases the product awareness because it is generally put

at the crowdies places like near main markets, cinema s, hotels, ATM or etc where people

come in good numbers.

Direct Marketing :

Sharekhan executive’s reaches to the does of the customer by fixing appointments with the

interested customer, they describe the details of the product. Executive give demonstration

of the products so that customer can understand better.


Advertising is the most important tool of increasing awareness of the product and this is the

most widely used technique by the company to tell about the new features and new lunch by

giving briefing of the product.

Sharekhan use banners, distribution of pamphlets, and advertisement in newspapers,



Sharekhan strategy is to satisfy the customer in terms of their need by providing them

timely services and knowledge about the trade in equities, mutual funs by giving tips for

investment advises through e-mails or toll free calls for this purpose customers are

provided relationship manager who give investment advise and also make transaction on


Page 47: Ayush

their behalf on demand. B satisfying customer executives ask their references that not only

increase the awareness but also increase the good will of the company.


The company is innovative and uses the latest technology to improve the product to fulfill

the demands of the customers. Sharekhan make it easy for the customer to make online

transaction of shares. The company is competitive in terms of the product price and facilities

it offers to the customer.


Company provides detailed information about the products on Internet so that customer can

know about the product easily and completely.


There are 14 main hierarchical levels in Sharekhan:

1) Trainees

2) Super trainees

3) Sales executives

4) Assistant sales manager

5) Area sales manager :

6) City sales manager

7) Assistant branch manager

8) Branch manager

9) Regional head

10) Cluster head


Page 48: Ayush

11) Business head

12) Country head

13) Directors

14) CEO


A SWOT analysis focuses on the internal and external environments, examining strengths

and weaknesses in the internal environment and opportunities and threats in the external




As a product Sharekhan is a extremely innovative product with very less cost. Services like

online trading facility, institutional and domestic broking, customized research reports with

almost 80% efficiency etc give Sharekhan an edge over its competitors. Sharekhan provides


Page 49: Ayush

other support services that make retail investors more confident and assured with their

trading. SMS alerts (allowing traders and investors to make the most of the available

opportunities), Softer, intangible features like imagery, equity driving preference. Through

efficient trading processes Investors can place their orders directly on the Internet, do all the

information seeking and basically own the investing process.

Distribution Network

Sharekhan with almost 250 branches spread across 123 cities beefed up by comprehensive

online research, advice and transaction services. In near future expect to make 200000+

retail customers being serviced through centralized call centre / web solution,

60 branches/semi branches servicing affluent/aggressive traders through highly skilled

financial advisors, 250 independent investment managers/franchisees servicing 50000

highly valued clients, strong advisory role through Fundamental & technical research and

new initiatives are being made in Portfolio Management Services & Commodities trading.


Sharekhan is a product of SSKI, a veteran equities solutions company with over decades of

experience in the Indian stock markets. Sharekhan does not claim expertise in too many

things. Share khan’s expertise lies in stocks and that's what it talks about with authority. So

when he says that investing in stocks should not be confused with trading in stocks or a

portfolio-based strategy is better than betting on a single horse, it is something that is spoken

with years of focused learning and experience in the stock markets.


Company’s product line is quite flexible in the sense that there is a product for every kind of

investors. Also all the products cover all the loopholes of all the products offered by the

other competitors like low cost, user-friendly online trading services etc.


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Customer Satisfaction

As far as customer satisfaction goes Sharekhan has to tighten their socks. Many broking

houses catering to heavy investors or small segment of the market can afford to and does

provide relationship managers for their customers, who can understand the trading needs of

individual customers, and advise accordingly. However, a broking house like Sharekhan,

which caters to the mass segment, is in no position to provide relationship managers for

individual customers



Though the company has a efficient products but large part of investment interested

population does not know the company. The most basic expectation for a trader or investor

when one begins trading is that one must get timely delivery of shares and proceeds from

sale of shares. Also ones cash balances with the broker must be safe and secure. Though this

confidence in the broker comes with time and experience, good and transparent practices

also play a major role in imbibing confidence in traders.

Competition from banks

Most of the banks due to good branding have the faith of the customers of their banking

database. So they enjoy the liberty of huge database and customers find it more reliable to

trade there rather than with a unknown broker. Also banks like HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank

have the advantage of linking the trading accounts of their customers to saving accounts.

This makes trading easier, and at the same time a trader withdraws exactly as much money


Page 51: Ayush

from his account as is needed to complete the trade. Similarly sales proceeds are credited

directly to saving account.


The external environment analysis may reveal certain new opportunities for profit and growth.

Ever-increasing market

After the NSE brought the screen based trading system stock markets are now more secured

which has attracted lot of retail investors and the demand is increasing day by day. This has

resulted in improved liquidity and heavy volumes on transactions. Sharekhan is one of the

early entrants here. As to how much it will roar and how swift it can swoop on the market,

the future alone can answer such queries. Sharekhan has been a mega player and is known

for being a mover of stocks. It is also known for putting big deals through and enjoys good

networking with the FIIs. It has been dynamic enough to move with the times and capture

the opportunities that the market throws up from time to time.

Improving Technology

In country like India technology is always improving which gives the company a chance to

keep on improving their product with time whereas for the small players like local brokers it

will be difficult to keep the same pace as the changing technology. Also with SEBI lying

down some strict guidelines small brokers are finding it harder to retain the customers with

no research department and small capital. The traditional business model is highly

dependent on a large network of sub-brokers, and many established players may not have

systems (technology, customer service, etc.) capable of directly servicing so many retail


Unfulfilled needs of the customers


Page 52: Ayush

With so many competitors offering their products in the market but no one is able to

completely satisfy the customers. Some have the problem of lack of information or some

were scared of volatility of the stock markets. Sharekhan has the opportunity to tap this

unsatisfied set of customers and to make hold in the market. The Internet serves to break all

barriers to information, as it offers an extremely hassle-free investing platform. And,

Sharekhan hopes to fully utilize and capitalize on this platform. This original idea by

Sharekhan itself was born out of the consumer's need for a more transparent, easy to

understand and convenient option of investing in stocks.

Education Level

The education level in the country is improving year after year as far as technology goes.

With that the understanding of the stock market is also increasing and a lot of retail

investors are steeping in the markets which are being shown by increasing volumes,

transactions and indices.


New Competitors

A lot of new competitors are trying to enter the market in this bullish run to taste the flavor

of this cherry. This is creating a lot of competition for large players like Sharekhan and it is

creating little confusion in the minds of the customers about the services provided by the

broker. Also many banking firms are entering into the market with huge investment.

Competitors like ICICI, kotak, HDFC, 5-paisa etc. are posing a lot of threats to the



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Technology based business


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Online trading is totally based on the technology, which is quite complex. Typically, the

technology solution has to start from the Internet front-end (or the screen that you see when

you begin trading). Then it needs to get into the 'middle tier' of risk management systems

that assess data from banks and depository participants (DP), calculate client risk at that

point in time, and give the 'Go/No go' advice to the trade. So technology is a kind of threat

because unless until it is working properly it is good but Internet is not that safe. Though a

lot of cyber laws are being made but not yet executed.


Lack of awareness of Share khan and stock market:

Since the area is not known before it takes lot of time in convincing people to start investing

in shares primarily in IPO’s.

Lack of Techno Savvy people and poor internet penetration

Since most of the people are quite experienced and also they are not techno savvy. Also

Internet penetration is poor in India.

Some respondents are unwilling to talk

Some respondents either do not have time or willing does not respond, as they are quite

annoyed with the phone call.

Inaccurate Leads:


Page 55: Ayush

Sometimes leads are provided which had error in it, which varies from only 5-digit phone

number, some people have registered to know about their personal queries. They are the

unsatisfied clients of the company.

Misleading concepts:

Some people think that as all the shares are in electronic form and they don’t have any

physical proof. Sometimes this leads to a great misconception of the entire process.

Advantages of Sharekhan:

Online trading is very user friendly and one doesn't need any software to access.

They provide good quality of services like daily SMS alerts, mail alerts, stock

recommendations etc.

Sharekhan has ability to transfer funds from most banks. Unlike ICICI Direct, HDFC

etc., so investor not really needs to open an account with a particular bank as it can

establish link with most modern banks.

Awards and Achievements:

A rated among the top 20 wired companies along with Reliance, HUJI, Infosys etc.

by ‘Business Today” January 2004 edition.

Awarded “Top Domestic Brokerage House” four times by Euro Money and Asia


Pioneers of online trading in India amongst the top 3 online trading websites from

India. Most preferred financial destination amongst online broking customers.


Page 56: Ayush

India’s mot preferred brokers within 5 yrs “ Awaaz Customers Award 2005”

It was Winner of “Best Financial Website” award.

The team has completed over US$5 billion worth of deals in the  last 5

years - making it among the most significant players raising equity in the

Indian market.

SSKI, a veteran equities solutions company has over 8 decades of experience in

the Indian stock markets. If we experience their language, presentation style,

content or for that matter the online trading facility, we'll find a common

thread; one that helps us make informed decisions and simplifies

investing in stocks.

Future plan :-

200000 plus retail customers being serviced through centralized call centers / web


Branches / Semi branches servicing affluent / aggressive traders through high skills

financial advisor.

250 independent investment managers / franchisee servicing 50000 highly valued


New initiatives Portfolio Management Services and commodities trading.


Page 57: Ayush


My job as an intern is very simple at sharekhan. It’s more over a learning experience. In the

initial days of training we were told about Sharekhan, organizational structure, history of

Sharekhan, products, Sharekhan research reports, trading techniques, clients, de-mat

account, online trading accounts, learned how to buy and sell shares through these online

terminals, sales technique, Sharekhan’s brokerage.

My job is to trade for myself, analyze the graphs, understanding the trend of markets and

applying techniques taught to us in the training session. We used to trade through live

terminal known as Trade Tiger. Trade Tiger is software of Sharekhan which is given to

customers for trading. Stop loss, hedging, brokerage calculation were some of the

techniques we used while trading.

Beside this we were also asked to complete some sales target of opening a de-mat account

so that we could have practical knowledge about what we have learned. We were sent to

different places to sell de-mat account. Selling so what I had to do is to identify the

prospective client and then try to convince them.

We were provided with some survey forms which we have to get filled by unknown

peoples. Then we have to filter for clients who are willing to trade and hence would be

interested in opening de-mat account. So by this way we make our own leads for the target.

Then with those list of interested client we have contact them through teller calling. We

have to sell them de-mat account with sharekhan. Then if we get some lead, then with that

client we have to fix an appointment in which we have to present sharekhan. Our mentor

accompany with us while demonstrating the software TRADE TIGER to the client. If client

agrees for the account then we have to complete the formalities for opening a De-mat



Page 58: Ayush

Tasks given

To collect the leads.

To do the telle calling and take appointments.

To attend the appointment on prescribed time.

To tell the client about the company and its products.

To tell the client about the advantages of opening a De-mat account with Sharekhan


To convince the clients to do Online Trading.

To explain him the terms and conditions of the product.

To convince the client to open De-mat account at Sharekhan ltd.

To give a live demo of how the online terminal works.

By means of presentation explaining them how to trade online.

To take signatures of the client on the KYC (know your customer) form.

To collect the documents required to open a De-mat account.

To fill up the KYC form for the customer.

To install the software in the client`s computer.

To make the client trade.

To sell the mutual funds.

To get the references from the client.

To conduct seminars in the banks and good companies.

To submit the daily report of myself and of all the 6 people in my group to the

company guide.


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CASH- EQUITIES 0.05% 0.5%


PREPAID SCHEME 0.025% 0.25%


Page 61: Ayush


1. Religare

2. ICICI direct

3. Angel Broking

4. Indiabulls

On the Basis of brokerages :-

There are the two type of the transaction:-

Intra-day based Delivery based

On the Basis of Charges



Sharekhan Indiabulls Angel Broking Ltd.

A/C opening


750 750 500 500

Recurring fee

For trading A/C

0 0 0 0

Demat AMC 500 300 0 0



75p 50p 50p 50p



0.15 0.10 0.10 0.5

Initial margin


Nil Nil Nil 5000


Page 62: Ayush

Angel Broking Ltd. :- Account opening charges are as follows:- Rs.749.But there is no AMC in it.

Share khan ltd:- There is no ACCOUNT OPENING CHARGES but require margin money of Rs

5000 for trading purposes.

ICICI direct:- A one-time charge of Rs. 750 at the time of account opening will be charged .

You may later upgrade your Invest account to an ICICI direct.com share trading account when you desire to trade in equity.

Religare:- There is a nominal charge of Rs. 500 only towards stamp duty, legal and

processing fees for opening the account. This includes the registration and account opening charges. Bank and Depository Participant (DP) account opening charges, if applicable, are payable separately.

Indiabulls:- Account opening charges are Rs. 900. There is no AMC and no margin money is



India Bulls charge maximum account opening charges but there are no such

charges in Share khan pvt. Ltd.

On the Basis of Customer Preferences

According to survey 70 % peoples are satisfied with Share khan Ltd because of their

RM’s facility and power of Share khan Ltd software.

According to survey, Share khan Ltd open new branches for individually handle to

their customer, but in ICICI direct, Religare there is no separate offices for this .So

people prefer Share khan Ltd.


Page 63: Ayush

On The Basis Of Facilities

Basis of difference

Share khan Angel Broking Religare ICICI Direct India bulls

Share trading Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Commodity Trading Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Demat Opening Right

Yes No Yes Yes Yes



Mutual Fund (Any Company) 5000

Systematic Investment Plan (Any Company) 500


Understanding the share market

Trading with taking a stop loss

Fulfilling the de-mat account target in three months

Identify the prospective clients and convincing them.


Page 64: Ayush


Business experience gained

The experience I gained in my Summer Internship Program was unique in every way. I have

gained both kinds of business experiences positive as well as negative. The environment at

Share khan was extremely friendly. The entire staff treated us as if we are the full time

employees there and have been working there for years. We learnt all about share trading.

Even we did online trading ourselves. Doing trading live was a great experience that I

couldn't have ever learnt if I had not joined Share khan. We learnt how market moves,

which move will lead us to profit and which will lead us to loss.

If we had incurred loss, instead of getting sad and depressed we learnt how to become strong

and cover the loss the next day. Online trading taught us the feeling of passion towards our

work. There was hardly any negative experience that I went through. The only one negative

thing was that the organization's environment was over friendly due to which there was a

lack of discipline

I think. Even though punctuality was there but there was no fixed time for lunch or other


My Summer Internship Program was a total learning experience for me. When we used to

trade every day, we applied new approaches to gain rather than losing money. Each

approach was different from another as market fluctuations were not in our hand. Every time

we had to think of some new concepts and ideas to recover the loss or to gain money.

During the online trading, we applied all our theoretical knowledge that was given to us by

our Corporate Mentor.


Page 65: Ayush


During my summer training I have learned

Importance of information technology in the field of stock broking is immense.

The terminal through which the brokers buy and sell shares is software that

completely depends on the internet. For sharekhan this terminal has been designed

by the software company. Buying and selling through internet is fast. As soon as the

prices of the shares goes up or comes down then they can be sold or purchased

instantly within seconds.

In sharekhan limited. I have learned a lot relating to the finance, learned the meaning

of words that are mostly used in the share market.

Learned about various product of sharekhan limited, learned various aspects

regarding share market.

Learned about various product used in the share market especially demat account.

Got the practical knowledge of the market

Learned some marketing techniques also by convincing people to open a demat


Learn to operate TRADE TIGER, a trading software provided by sharekhan.

Trade tiger


Page 66: Ayush

Salient features of trade tiger:

A single platform for multiple exchange BSE & NSE (Cash & F&O), MCX,

NCDEX, Currency, Mutual Funds, IPOs

Multiple Market Watch available on a Single Screen

Multiple Charts with Tick by Tick Intraday and End of Day Charting powered with

various Studies

Graph Studies include Average, Band-Bollinger, Know Sure Thing, MACD etc

Apply studies such as Vertical, Horizontal, Trend, Retracement & Free lines

User-defined alert settings on an input Stock Price trigger

Premium Calculator, Span Calculator

Shortcut key for FAST access to order placemenzts & reports


Page 67: Ayush

Online fund transfer activated with 12 Banks

Trade tiger is my instrument for internship. I have done trading in different market through

this software. We can access our de-mat account through this software. This is share khan’s

one of the best product. Now I am very familiar with this software and can use it efficiently.

Market TimingsTrading on the equities segment takes place on all days of the week (except Saturdays and

Sundays and holidays declared by the Exchange in advance). The market timings of the

equities segment are:

A) Pre-open session

Order entry & modification Open : 09:00 hrs

Order entry & modification Close : 09:08 hrs*

*with random closure in last one minute. Pre-open order matching starts immediately after

close pf pre-open order entry.

B) Regular trading session

Normal / Retail Debt / Limited Physical Market Open : 09:15 hrs

Normal / Retail Debt / Limited Physical Market Close : 15:30 hrs

Block deal session is held between 09:15 hrs and 09:50 hrs

C) The Closing Session is held between 15.40 hrs and 16.00 hrs


Page 68: Ayush


During the Internship our group member fill a questionnaire to the


Sample Size:

In this research 50 respondents are there included.


Research Instrument:

In this research we have used face to face conversation for getting the result.

Que.: Do you invest into stock market?


Page 69: Ayush

Yes No0%







Que: If yes, where do you investing?

Equity Commodity Derivative Currency0%











Page 70: Ayush

Que.:- If yes, from which brokerage house you do trading ?

Indiabulls Angel Broking Sharekhan Others0%










Que.: Which way you prefer for trading?

Offline Online0%









Page 71: Ayush

Que.:-Have you ever heard about Share khan broking firm?

Yes No0%








Que.:- Are you interested because we have scheme going on?

Yes No0%









Page 72: Ayush

Que.:- If yes, can we take an appointment?

Yes No0%








Student’s work profile (role and responsibilities) :

This work was at SHAREKHAN LTD. with a profile of sales trainee. This profile offers

us to understand the need of customer and provide them the best deal possible with

maximization of the profit, both for the company as well as for the customer.

Generation of leads:

Since this work was new in the field so this work had to start from scratch and generate new

leads to sustain in the market.

Cold calling is one of the trusted ways of getting to the customers without meeting

them. Although the rate of conversion remained very less, for cold calling the quality and

accent remains a very important criterion. This activity gives us mixed result. This activity

often got success and generated many leads through it but it also landed me in awkward


Page 73: Ayush

position where the customer were in different mood and made us hear words for which a

marketer should be always prepared to hear. Corporate calls always remained more difficult

to crack with respect to retail sector.

Analysis of Calling :

The first step in the project execution as mentioned above was the Tele calling of the

inactive clients to start trading again. The total number of clients called was 90 which are

categorize on the basis of their response to the calls, the responses are categorized into 5

broad categories because the responses were open ended and was not easy to summarize all

the responses as such so these responses are slightly modified and categorized accordingly

to analyze. The responses of all the clients are recorded as shown in the table below :


Status Of Calling No of Respondent

Interested 15

Call Not Receiving 25

Interested In Currency 5

Meeting Done 5

Not Interested 40

Interpretation of the Data

From the given data it can be easily identified that the percentage of the clients not

interested in trading is the highest and the second highest is of the clients who were

not receiving the call and they can be considered as not interested clients but we

cannot make a guess so we have kept those clients in different segment. If we


Page 74: Ayush

consider from the data of the highest two categories than we can say that almost 72%

of the clients are not interested.

Only 22% of the clients found to be interested in further working with the company

and want to activate their accounts out of which some wants relaxation in the

brokerage and need a RM so that they might stay updated.

5% of the clients was done with the meetings with RMs and was ready to invest



Page 75: Ayush

Interested Call not Received Interested in Currency

Meeting Done Not Interested0










Response From Client


Page 76: Ayush

During the Internship we also conduct a research on account Holder

of Sharekhan Pvt. Ltd . For the feedback purpose

Sample Size :-

In this research 50 account holder are included .

Research Instrument:

In this research we have used telephonic conversation for getting the feedback of account holder .

Que.: In Which Product do you trade?

Equity Derivative Commodity Currency0







Page 77: Ayush

Que .: Through Which do you trade ?

Through Trade Tiger

Through Phone0%







Que.: Do Trade Tiger help you improve your Trading?

Yes No0%








Page 78: Ayush

Que.: If Yes ….then rate this?

Highly Satisfied Satisfied Niether Sat./Nor Unsat.













Page 79: Ayush


SHAREKHAN is one such place or organization where a customer is fully satisfied by the

varied range of services provided by them which includes De-mating of Shares, Stock

Broking, investments in equities, derivatives, commodities, Mutual Funds, Currency, best

research reports. They also provide beneficial schemes even to small investors and they also

have the facility of Online De-mat Services. It is a place which is providing various services

all under one roof it is also known to be a Sharekhan's Share Shops.

The major merits or strengths of Sharekhan, being the co-operative attitude of the staff

members towards themselves as well as towards the clients. They help the customers by

providing correct information about the various services and about various products

available with them. Thus, we can say that SHAREKHAN is one of the most prestigious

financial organisations of India as far as:-

Service space

Attitude of staff

Dissemination of information

Promptness of query handling

Processing time

Value added services are concerned and therefore the satisfaction level of its

customers is also very high.


Page 80: Ayush

Recommendations Sharekhan needs to make its marketing team strong and also it should increase

marketing activities such as promotional campaigns.

Sharekhan should educate the investors about their products and services by

organizing classes, corporate presentations, taking part in consumer fairs and

organizing events.

Sharekhan can also use Newspapers and Local New Channels as a medium of


Due to investors of online trading there has been greater benefit to the investors as

they could sell/buy shares as and when required and that to with online trading.

The broker’s has a greater scope than compared to the earlier times because of

invention of online trading.

Sharekhan should widen their reach tools as they need more relationship managers

who will tell the customers about investment.

The company should also come up with schemes wherein brokerage is less than the

earlier existing schemes. These schemes should be provided to those customers who

do not trade.

Sharekhan should tie up with more banks for online fund transfer that reduces the

paper work for customer and ease in trading.

The company can increase the customer base if the account opening charges it

reduces from 750 to 500, which will boost the competition.

The company should revise the advertising strategy to increase its brand awareness. I

suggest making advertisement on television so that maximum market can be


The company should focus on the customer satisfaction and provide them with full

care and advice even after they get a De-mat alc opened.

Although people have heard about online trading of securities still people have great

doubt about its operational feasibility as they are not clear about the concept. Special

awareness programs using various media mixes should be carried out to remove fear

from the minds of people and make it familiarize.


Page 81: Ayush

At the Market: - An order to buy or sell at the best price possible at the time an

order reaches the trading pit.

Bid: - A bid subject to immediate acceptance made on the floor of exchange to buy a

definite number of futures contracts at a specific price.

Buy on Close: - To buy at the end of trading session at the price within the closing


Buy on opening: - To buy at the beginning of trading session at a price within the

opening range.

Call: - An option that gives the buyer the right to a long position in the underlying

futures at a specific price, the call writer (seller) may be assigned a short position in

the underlying futures if the buyer exercises the call.

Cross hedge: - When a cash commodity is hedged by using futures contract of other


Delivery: - The tender and receipt of actual commodity, or in case of agriculture

commodities, warehouse receipts covering such commodity, in settlement of futures

contract. Some contracts settle in cash (cash delivery). In which case open positions

are marked to market on last day of contract based on cash market close.

Derivatives: - These are financial contracts, which derive their value from an

underlying asset. (Underlying assets can be equity, commodity, foreign exchange,

interest rates, real estate or any other asset.) Four types of derivatives are trades

forward, futures, options and swaps. Derivatives can be traded either in an exchange

or over the counter.

Exchange: - Central market place for buyers and sellers. Standardized contracts

ensure that the prices mean the same to everyone in the market. The prices in an

exchange are determined in the form of a continuous auction by members who are

acting on behalf of their clients, companies or themselves.

Forward contract: - It is an agreement between two parties to buy or sell an asset at

a future date for price agreed upon while signing agreement. Forward contract is not

traded on an exchange. This is oldest form of derivative contract. It is traded in OTC

Market. Not on an exchange. Size of forward contract is customized as per the terms

of agreement between buyer and seller. The contract price of forward contract is not


Page 82: Ayush

transparent, as it is not publicly disclosed. Here valuation of open position is not

calculated on a daily basis and there is no requirement of MTM. Liquidity is the

measure of frequency of trades that occur in a particular commodity forward contract

is less liquid due to its customized nature. In forward contracts, counter- party risk is

high due to customized & bilateral nature of the transaction. Forward contract is not

regulated by any exchange. Forward contract is generally settled by physical

delivery. In this case delivery is carried out at delivery center specified in the

customized bilateral agreement.

Futures Contract:- It is an agreement between two parties to buy or sell a specified

and standardized quantity and quality of an asset at certain time in the future at price

agreed upon at the time of entering in to contract on the futures exchange. It is

entered on centralized trading platform of exchange. It is standardized in terms of

quantity as specified by exchange. Contract price of futures contract is transparent as

it is available on centralized trading screen of the exchange. Here valuation of

Mark-to-Mark position is calculated as per the official closing price on daily basis

and MTM margin requirement exists. Futures contract is more liquid as it is traded

on the exchange. In futures contracts the clearing-house becomes the counter party to

each transaction, which is called novation. Therefore, counter party risk is almost

eliminated. A regulatory authority and the exchange regulate futures contract.

Futures contract is generally cash settled but option of physical settlement is

available. Delivery tendered in case of futures contract should be of standard

quantity and quality as specified by the exchange.

Futures Market:-It facilitates buying and selling of standardized contractual

agreements (for future delivery) of underlying asset as the specific commodity and

not the physical commodity itself. The formulation of futures contract is very

specific regarding the quality of the commodity, the quantity to be delivered and date

for delivery. However it does not involve immediate transfer of ownership of

commodity, unless resulting in delivery. Thus, in futures markets, commodities can

be bought or sold irrespective of whether one has possession of the underlying

commodity or not. The futures market trade in futures contracts primarily for the

purpose of risk management that is hedging on commodity stocks or forward buyers


Page 83: Ayush

and sellers. Most of these contracts are squared off before maturity and rarely end in


Hedging: - Means taking a position in futures market that is opposite to position in

the physical market with the objective of reducing or limiting risk associated with


In the money: - In call options when strike price is below the price of underlying

futures. In put options, when the strike price is above the underlying futures. In-the-

money options are the most expensive options because the premium includes

intrinsic value.

Market to Market: - The practice of crediting or debating a trader’s account based

on daily closing prices of the futures contracts he is long or short.

Option: - It gives right but not the obligation to the option owner, to buy an

underlying asset at specific price at specific time in the future.

Out-of-the money: - Option calls with the strike prices above the price of the

underlying futures, and puts with strike prices below the price of the underlying


Put: - In options the buyer of a put has the right to continue a short position in an

underlying futures contract at the strike price until the option expires; the seller

(writer) of the put obligates himself to take a long position in the futures at the strike

price if the buyer exercises his put.

Ratio hedging: - Hedging a cash position with futures on a less or more than one-

for-one basis.



Page 84: Ayush

Wikipedia, (d.n.a), “bombay stock exchange”, retrieved from

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Stock_Exchange_of_India, 2013

Wikipedia, (d.n,a) “national stock exchange of india” retrieved from


Current scenario of Indian stock market, (June, 2013) posted in IFTA, retrieved from


Company profile, sharekhan official website, (d.n.a), retrieved from, http://www.sharekhan.com/Products/TradeTiger/Default.aspx?sourceid=18&campid=61,

about equities, NSE, (d.n.a), retrieved from,


From Slideshare website

http://www.slideshare.net/AdnanAli25/savedfiles?s_title=sharekhan-ppt&user_login=nikipatel23From Slideshare Website
