Azerbaijan - EU Trade

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  • 7/23/2019 Azerbaijan - EU Trade



    Directorate-Generalfor Trade

    10-04-2015 1 Units A4 / G2

    European Union, Trade in goods with Azerbaijan

    Table of Contents


    European Union, Trade with Azerbaijan

    - Key Figures 2

    - Imports / Exports 2014 2

    - - AMA/NAMA product Groups 2

    - - SITC product Groups 2

    - - Top 5 - HS sections 2

    - - Top 5 - SITC sections 2

    - EU Trade flows (charts) 3

    - - EU Trade flows and balance: Total goods: 2004 - 2014 3

    - - EU Trade flows by SITC section 2014 3

    - EU Trade flows and balance: Total goods: 2010 - 2014 4

    - EU Trade flows by SITC section 2014 5

    - EU Trade flows by SITC product grouping 2014 6- EU Trade flows by HS section 2014 7

    - EU Trade flows by HS section 2010 - 2014 8

    Azerbaijan, Trade with World

    - Azerbaijan Trade flows and balance: Total goods: 2003 - 2013 9

    - Azerbaijan Top trading partners: Total goods: 2013 9

    - Azerbaijan Trade with partner regions: Total goods: 2013 9

    European Union, Trade with World

    - EU Trade flows and balance: Total goods: 2004 - 2014 10

    - EU Top trading partners: Total goods: 2014 10

    - EU Top product sections: Total goods: 2014 10

    Methodological Notes

    - HS Sections (Harmonized System) 11

    - SITC Sections 11

    - SITC (rev 3.) Product Groupings 11

    Important note:Unless otherwise mentioned all figures for "EU" concern the European Union of 28 membersfor all indicated years.

  • 7/23/2019 Azerbaijan - EU Trade



    Directorate-Generalfor Trade

    10-04-2015 2 Units A4 / G2

    European Union, Trade with Azerbaijan

    Key Figures

    Indicator Unit Period Imports Exports Total trade Balance

    Last year Mio euros 2014 13,159 3,482 16,641 -9,677

    Rank as EU partner 2014 26 56 35

    Share in EU trade % 2014 0.8 0.2 0.5

    Annual growth rate % 2013 - 2014 -8.4 -6.6

    Annual average growth rate % 2010 - 2014 7.0 10.4

    Imports 2014 Exports 2014

    AMA/NAMA product Groups

    Product Value Share Product Value Share

    (Mio ) ( % ) (Mio ) ( % )

    Agricultural products (WTO AoA) 37 0.3 Agricultural products (WTO AoA) 268 7.7Fishery products Fishery products 9 0.2

    Industrial products 13,123 99.7 Industrial products 3,206 92.1

    TOTAL 13,159 100.0 TOTAL 3,482 100.0

    SITC product Groups

    Product Value Share Product Value Share

    (Mio ) ( % ) (Mio ) ( % )

    Primary products 13,051 99.2 Primary products 349 10.0

    Manufactures 103 0.8 Manufactures 2,788 80.1

    Other products 4 0.0 Other products 333 9.6

    Other 1 0.0 Other 12 0.4

    Top 5 - HS sections

    Product Value Share Product Value Share

    (Mio ) ( % ) (Mio ) ( % )

    V Mineral products 13,004 98.8 XVI Machinery and appliances 988 28.4

    XVI Machinery and appliances 34 0.3 XVII Transport equipment 452 13.0

    II Vegetable products 30 0.2 XV Base metals and articles thereof 373 10.7

    VI Products of the chemical or allied industries 30 0.2 XIV Pearls, precious metals and articles thereof 347 10.0

    XVII Transport equipment 30 0.2 VI Products of the chemical or allied industries 286 8.2

    Top 5 - SITC sections

    Product Value Share Product Value Share

    (Mio ) ( % ) (Mio ) ( % )

    3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials 13,004 98.8 7 Machinery and transport equipment 1,431 41.1

    7 Machinery and transport equipment 64 0.5 6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly bymaterial

    554 15.9

    0 Food and live animals 35 0.3 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 495 14.2

    5 Chemicals and related prod, n.e.s. 30 0.2 9 Commodities and transactions n.c.e. 333 9.6

    2 Crude materials, inedible, except fuels 7 0.1 5 Chemicals and related prod, n.e.s. 320 9.2

    Share: share in Total with Total defined as all products

    Growth: relative variation between current and previous period

  • 7/23/2019 Azerbaijan - EU Trade



    Directorate-Generalfor Trade

    10-04-2015 3 Units A4 / G2

    European Union, Trade with Azerbaijan

    Total goods: EU Trade flows and balance, annual data 2005 - 2014Source Eurostat Comext

    Statistical regime 4

    Total goods: EU Trade flows by SITC section, annual data 2014 Source Eurostat ComextStatistical regime 4

    SITC Sections

    Section label Section label

    Total S5 Chemicals and related prod, n.e.s.

    S0 Food and live animals S6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material

    S1 Beverages and tobacco S7 Machinery and transport equipment

    S2 Crude materials, inedible, except fuels S8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles

    S3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials S9 Commodities and transactions n.c.e.

    S4 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes Oth. Other

  • 7/23/2019 Azerbaijan - EU Trade



    Directorate-Generalfor Trade

    10-04-2015 4 Units A4 / G2

    European Union, Trade with Azerbaijan

    Total goods: EU Trade flows and balance Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

    Period Imports Exports Balance Total trade

    Value Growth* Share inExtra-EU

    Value Growth* Share inExtra-EU

    Value Value

    (Mio ) ( % ) ( % ) (Mio ) ( % ) ( % ) (Mio ) (Mio )

    2004 1,292 0.1 1,246 0.1 -46 2,538

    2005 2,508 94.1 0.2 1,496 20.0 0.1 -1,012 4,003

    2006 5,448 117.3 0.4 1,955 30.8 0.2 -3,493 7,404

    2007 7,355 35.0 0.5 1,589 -18.7 0.1 -5,765 8,944

    2008 10,663 45.0 0.7 2,061 29.7 0.2 -8,602 12,724

    2009 7,546 -29.2 0.6 1,602 -22.3 0.1 -5,943 9,148

    2010 10,045 33.1 0.7 2,348 46.6 0.2 -7,697 12,394

    2011 15,462 53.9 0.9 2,883 22.8 0.2 -12,579 18,344

    2012 14,287 -7.6 0.8 2,994 3.9 0.2 -11,293 17,282

    2013 14,370 0.6 0.9 3,729 24.5 0.2 -10,641 18,099

    2014 13,159 -8.4 0.8 3,482 -6.6 0.2 -9,677 16,641

    Growth: relative variation between current and previous period

    Share in Total: Total defined as all products

  • 7/23/2019 Azerbaijan - EU Trade



    Directorate-Generalfor Trade

    10-04-2015 5 Units A4 / G2

    European Union, Trade with Azerbaijan

    Trade flows by SITC section 2014 Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

    Imports Exports

    Value Share inTotal

    Share inExtra-EU

    Growth* Value Share inTotal

    Share inExtra-EU


    (Mio ) ( % ) ( % ) ( % ) (Mio ) ( % ) ( % ) ( % )

    Total 13,159 100.0 0.8 -8.4 3,482 100.0 0.2 -6.6

    0 Food and live animals 35 0.3 0.0 65.7 176 5.1 0.2 14.7

    1 Beverages and tobacco 2 0.0 0.0 -53.7 62 1.8 0.2 -9.6

    2 Crude materials, inedible, except fuels 7 0.1 0.0 -51.7 33 1.0 0.1 5.0

    3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials 13,004 98.8 2.9 -8.5 54 1.6 0.1 123.9

    4 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes 0 0.0 0.0 -100.0 12 0.3 0.3 106.15 Chemicals and related prod, n.e.s. 30 0.2 0.0 18.0 320 9.2 0.1 4.5

    6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 7 0.1 0.0 -53.1 554 15.9 0.3 29.7

    7 Machinery and transport equipment 64 0.5 0.0 -6.9 1,431 41.1 0.2 -6.4

    8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 6 0.0 0.0 11.7 495 14.2 0.3 -4.1

    9 Commodities and transactions n.c.e. 4 0.0 0.0 -32.1 333 9.6 0.5 -49.1

    Other 1 0.0 n.a. n.a. 12 0.4 n.a. n.a.

    Trade flows by SITC section 2010 - 2014 Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

    Imports Exports

    (Mio ) (Mio )

    2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

    Total 10,045 15,462 14,287 14,370 13,159 2,348 2,883 2,994 3,729 3,482

    0 Food and live animals 17 25 13 21 35 95 115 135 153 176

    1 Beverages and tobacco 1 1 1 4 2 72 73 84 69 62

    2 Crude materials, inedible, except fuels 4 4 24 15 7 15 22 28 32 33

    3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials 9,971 15,381 14,152 14,209 13,004 20 16 23 24 54

    4 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 5 6 12

    5 Chemicals and related prod, n.e.s. 8 10 19 26 30 216 273 302 306 320

    6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 7 7 18 15 7 268 401 361 427 554

    7 Machinery and transport equipment 31 27 46 69 64 1,105 1,385 1,309 1,530 1,431

    8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 4 4 8 5 6 545 575 727 516 495

    9 Commodities and transactions n.c.e. 2 3 5 6 4 5 6 9 654 333

    Other 0 0 1 0 1 4 12 10 12 12

    Growth: relative variation between current and previous period

    Share in Total: Total defined as all products

    Share in Extra-EU: all EU partners i.e. excluding EU Member States

  • 7/23/2019 Azerbaijan - EU Trade



    Directorate-Generalfor Trade

    10-04-2015 6 Units A4 / G2

    European Union, Trade with Azerbaijan

    Trade flows by SITC product grouping 2014 Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

    Imports Exports

    SITC Rev. 3 Product Groups Value Share inTotal

    Share inExtra-EU

    Growth* Value Share inTotal

    Share inExtra-EU


    (Mio ) ( % ) ( % ) ( % ) (Mio ) ( % ) ( % ) ( % )

    TOTAL 13,159 100.0 0.8 -8.4 3,482 100.0 0.2 -6.6

    Primary products 13,051 99.2 2.0 -8.5 349 10.0 0.1 18.7

    - Agricultural products (Food (incl. Fish) & Raw Materials) 37 0.3 0.0 -31.9 281 8.1 0.2 7.3

    - - Food 36 0.3 0.0 48.2 250 7.2 0.2 9.7

    - - - of which Fish 0 0.0 0.0 9 0.3 0.2 69.1

    - - Raw materials 1 0.0 0.0 -32.1 32 0.9 0.1 9.2

    - Fuels and mining products 13,014 98.9 2.6 -8.6 67 1.9 0.1 81.3

    - - Ores and other minerals 7 0.1 0.0 -52.9 2 0.1 0.0 -39.9

    - - Fuels 13,004 98.8 2.9 -8.5 54 1.6 0.1 123.9

    - - - of which Petroleum and petroleum products 13,004 98.8 3.7 -8.4 54 1.5 0.1 126.3

    - - Non ferrous metals 3 0.0 0.0 -71.2 11 0.3 0.1 11.9

    Manufactures 103 0.8 0.0 -18.4 2,788 80.1 0.2 -0.0

    - Iron and steel 1 0.0 0.0 23.8 211 6.1 0.6 125.5

    - Chemicals 30 0.2 0.0 18.0 320 9.2 0.1 4.5

    - - of which Pharmaceuticals 0 0.0 0.0 60.3 134 3.9 0.1 16.6

    - Other semi-manufactures 2 0.0 0.0 -15.8 310 8.9 0.3 1.1

    - Machinery and transport equipment 64 0.5 0.0 -6.9 1,431 41.1 0.2 -6.4

    - - Office and telecommunication equipment 2 0.0 0.0 20.4 108 3.1 0.2 7.4

    - - - Electronic data processing and office equipment 0 0.0 0.0 28.6 47 1.3 0.2 7.2

    - - - Telecommunications equipment 2 0.0 0.0 18.7 60 1.7 0.2 6.9

    - - - Integrated circuits and electronic components 0 0.0 0.0 315.1 1 0.0 0.0 42.5

    - - Transport equipment 30 0.2 0.0 -17.1 463 13.3 0.2 -7.1

    - - - of which Automotive products 0 0.0 0.0 47.6 291 8.4 0.2 2.5

    - - Other machinery 32 0.3 0.0 -0.5 854 24.5 0.2 -9.9

    - - - Power generating machinery 18 0.1 0.1 27.9 75 2.2 0.1 -12.4- - - Non electrical machinery 13 0.1 0.0 -29.5 654 18.8 0.3 -7.5

    - - - Electrical machinery 2 0.0 0.0 315.8 125 3.6 0.2 -19.1

    - Textiles 1 0.0 0.0 148.4 17 0.5 0.1 -0.1

    - Clothing 0 0.0 0.0 53.0 105 3.0 0.4 18.6

    - Other manufactures 5 0.0 0.0 9.2 387 11.1 0.2 -9.4

    - - of which Scientific and controlling instruments 5 0.0 0.0 58.7 85 2.4 0.2 -2.6

    Other products 4 0.0 0.0 -33.1 333 9.6 0.5 -49.0

    Other 1 0.0 n.a. n.a. 12 0.4 n.a. n.a.

    Growth: relative variation between current and previous period Share in Extra-EU: all EU partners i.e. excluding EU Member States

    Share in Total: Total defined as all products

  • 7/23/2019 Azerbaijan - EU Trade



    Directorate-Generalfor Trade

    10-04-2015 7 Units A4 / G2

    European Union, Trade with Azerbaijan

    Trade flows by HS section 2014 Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

    Imports Exports

    Value Share inTotal

    Share inExtra-EU

    Growth* Value Share inTotal

    Share inExtra-EU


    HS Sections (Mio ) ( % ) ( % ) ( % ) (Mio ) ( % ) ( % ) ( % )

    TOTAL 13,159 100.0 0.8 -8.4 3,482 100.0 0.2 -6.6

    I Live animals; animal products 0 0.0 0.0 -99.8 65 1.9 0.3 24.4

    II Vegetable products 30 0.2 0.1 102.5 45 1.3 0.2 36.1

    III Animal or vegetable fats and oils 5 0.1 0.1 45.8

    IV Foodstuffs, beverages, tobacco 6 0.0 0.0 -37.5 160 4.6 0.2 -1.6

    V Mineral products 13,004 98.8 2.8 -8.5 61 1.7 0.1 125.4

    VI Products of the chemical or allied industries 30 0.2 0.0 24.2 286 8.2 0.1 8.0

    VII Plastics, rubber and articles thereof 0 0.0 0.0 -86.1 77 2.2 0.1 -4.8

    VIII Raw hides and skins, and saddlery 0 0.0 0.0 -33.5 16 0.5 0.1 16.6

    IX Wood, charcoal and cork and articles thereof 0 0.0 0.0 74.1 33 0.9 0.3 -6.9

    X Pulp of wood, paper and paperboard 0 0.0 0.0 -16.9 37 1.1 0.1 0.7

    XI Textiles and textile articles 1 0.0 0.0 148.1 111 3.2 0.3 15.2

    XII Footwear, hats and other headgear 0 0.0 0.0 59.6 22 0.6 0.2 25.1

    XIII Articles of stone, glass and ceramics 0 0.0 0.0 -59.7 87 2.5 0.5 -5.3

    XIV Pearls, precious metals and articles thereof 1 0.0 0.0 -64.1 347 10.0 0.5 -53.0

    XV Base metals and articles thereof 12 0.1 0.0 -57.2 373 10.7 0.4 61.2

    XVI Machinery and appliances 34 0.3 0.0 0.0 988 28.4 0.2 -2.7

    XVII Transport equipment 30 0.2 0.0 -15.7 452 13.0 0.2 -9.8

    XVIII Optical and photographic instruments, etc. 5 0.0 0.0 71.5 120 3.4 0.1 -18.3

    XIX Arms and ammunition 0 0.0 0.0 174.5

    XX Miscellaneous manufactured articles 0 0.0 0.0 -28.0 170 4.9 0.6 7.8

    XXI Works of art and antiques 0 0.0 0.0 80.1 5 0.1 0.1 55.8

    XXII Not classified 5 0.0 0.0 -23.6 21 0.6 0.1 19.4

    AMA / NAMA Product Groups

    TOTAL 13,159 100.0 0.8 -8.4 3,482 100.0 0.2 -6.6

    Agricultural products (WTO AoA) 37 0.3 0.0 45.1 268 7.7 0.0 8.3

    Fishery products 9 0.2 0.0 63.2

    Industrial products 13,123 99.7 0.8 -8.5 3,206 92.1 0.2 -7.8

    Growth: relative variation between current and previous period Share in Extra-EU: all EU partners i.e. excluding EU Member States

    Share in Total: Total defined as all products

  • 7/23/2019 Azerbaijan - EU Trade



    Directorate-Generalfor Trade

    10-04-2015 8 Units A4 / G2

    European Union, Trade with Azerbaijan

    Trade flows by HS section 2010 - 2014 Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

    Imports Exports

    (Mio ) (Mio )

    HS Sections 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

    TOTAL 10,045 15,462 14,287 14,370 13,159 2,348 2,883 2,994 3,729 3,482

    I Live animals; animal products 0 0 0 0 33 43 49 53 65

    II Vegetable products 13 19 9 15 30 18 25 31 33 45

    III Animal or vegetable fats and oils 0 0 0 1 1 2 3 5

    IV Foodstuffs, beverages, tobacco 5 6 5 10 6 128 140 164 162 160

    V Mineral products 9,972 15,382 14,152 14,210 13,004 21 18 25 27 61

    VI Products of the chemical or allied industries 7 7 17 24 30 188 226 249 265 286

    VII Plastics, rubber and articles thereof 1 4 2 1 0 44 78 91 81 77

    VIII Raw hides and skins, and saddlery 0 0 0 0 0 6 8 12 14 16

    IX Wood, charcoal and cork and articles thereof 0 0 1 0 0 15 24 33 35 33

    X Pulp of wood, paper and paperboard 1 0 0 0 0 30 31 35 37 37

    XI Textiles and textile articles 0 0 0 0 1 58 72 82 96 111

    XII Footwear, hats and other headgear 0 0 0 0 0 10 13 14 18 22

    XIII Articles of stone, glass and ceramics 0 0 0 0 0 44 66 81 92 87

    XIV Pearls, precious metals and articles thereof 0 1 0 2 1 302 260 330 739 347

    XV Base metals and articles thereof 10 9 41 28 12 174 267 192 232 373

    XVI Machinery and appliances 30 25 31 34 34 765 880 902 1,015 988

    XVII Transport equipment 1 2 16 35 30 343 513 406 501 452

    XVIII Optical and photographic instruments, etc. 3 3 4 3 5 98 96 150 147 120

    XIX Arms and ammunition 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

    XX Miscellaneous manufactured articles 0 0 2 0 0 63 104 129 158 170

    XXI Works of art and antiques 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 2 3 5

    XXII Not classified 2 3 6 6 5 6 14 15 18 21

    AMA / NAMA Product Groups 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

    TOTAL 10,045 15,462 14,287 14,370 13,159 2,348 2,883 2,994 3,729 3,482Agricultural products (WTO AoA) 16 26 15 25 37 177 207 244 247 268

    Fishery products 1 0 3 3 3 5 9

    Industrial products 10,028 15,436 14,272 14,345 13,123 2,168 2,673 2,747 3,476 3,206

  • 7/23/2019 Azerbaijan - EU Trade



    Directorate-Generalfor Trade

    10-04-2015 9 Units A4 / G2

    Azerbaijan, Trade with World

    Total Goods: Trade flows and balance Source Eurostat IMF

    Period Imports Exports Balance Total trade

    Value Growth* Value Growth* Value Growth* Value Growth*

    (Mio ) ( % ) (Mio ) ( % ) (Mio ) ( % ) (Mio ) ( % )

    Annual data

    2003 2,321 2,290 -31 4,611

    2004 2,827 21.8 2,904 26.8 78 -346.3 5,731 24.3

    2005 3,385 19.8 3,494 20.3 109 40.9 6,879 20.0

    2006 4,195 23.9 5,075 45.2 880 705.7 9,270 34.8

    2007 4,169 -0.6 4,420 -12.9 251 -71.5 8,589 -7.3

    2008 4,875 16.9 32,469 634.5 27,595 10881.6 37,344 334.8

    2009 4,390 -10.0 10,540 -67.5 6,150 -77.7 14,930 -60.0

    2010 4,979 13.4 16,112 52.9 11,134 81.0 21,091 41.3

    2011 7,009 40.8 19,088 18.5 12,080 8.5 26,097 23.7

    2012 7,513 7.2 18,608 -2.5 11,095 -8.2 26,121 0.1

    2013 8,214 9.3 18,385 -1.2 10,171 -8.3 26,598 1.8

    Total Goods: Top trading partners 2013 Source Eurostat IMF

    Imports Exports Total trade

    Partner Value Share inWorld

    Partner Value Share inWorld

    Partner Value Share inWorld

    (Mio ) ( % ) (Mio ) ( % ) (Mio ) ( % )

    World 8,214 100.0 World 18,385 100.0 World 26,598 100.0

    1 EU 28 2,886 35.1 1 EU 28 8,829 48.0 1 EU 28 11,714 44.0

    2 Russia 1,154 14.1 2 Indonesia 2,125 11.6 2 Indonesia 2,148 8.1

    3 Turkey 1,122 13.7 3 Thailand 1,277 6.9 3 Russia 1,981 7.4

    4 Ukraine 452 5.5 4 Israel 967 5.3 4 Turkey 1,526 5.7

    5 China 434 5.3 5 India 842 4.6 5 Thailand 1,294 4.9

    6 USA 289 3.5 6 Russia 827 4.5 6 USA 1,048 3.9

    7 Brazil 285 3.5 7 USA 759 4.1 7 Israel 980 3.7

    8 Kazakhstan 235 2.9 8 Turkey 403 2.2 8 India 880 3.3

    9 Japan 221 2.7 9 Georgia 398 2.2 9 Ukraine 663 2.5

    10 South Korea 176 2.1 10 Iraq 271 1.5 10 China 502 1.9

    --- --- ---

    1 EU 28 2,886 35.1 1 EU 28 8,829 48.0 1 EU 28 11,714 44.0

    World trade: excluding intra-region trade

    Top partners: excluding region member states

    Growth: relative variation between current and previous period

  • 7/23/2019 Azerbaijan - EU Trade



    Directorate-Generalfor Trade

    10-04-2015 10 Units A4 / G2

    European Union, Trade with World

    Total Goods: Trade flows and balance Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

    Period Imports Exports Balance Total trade

    Value Growth* Value Growth* Value Growth* Value Growth*

    (Mio ) ( % ) (Mio ) ( % ) (Mio ) ( % ) (Mio ) ( % )

    Annual data

    2004 1,027,392 945,185 -82,207 1,972,576

    2005 1,183,933 15.2 1,049,473 11.0 -134,460 63.6 2,233,405 13.2

    2006 1,364,607 15.3 1,152,360 9.8 -212,246 57.9 2,516,967 12.7

    2007 1,446,810 6.0 1,234,321 7.1 -212,489 0.1 2,681,131 6.5

    2008 1,585,231 9.6 1,309,147 6.1 -276,084 29.9 2,894,378 8.0

    2009 1,235,636 -22.1 1,093,961 -16.4 -141,675 -48.7 2,329,598 -19.5

    2010 1,529,387 23.8 1,353,196 23.7 -176,191 24.4 2,882,583 23.7

    2011 1,724,963 12.8 1,554,180 14.9 -170,784 -3.1 3,279,143 13.8

    2012 1,796,493 4.2 1,684,220 8.4 -112,274 -34.3 3,480,713 6.2

    2013 1,684,891 -6.2 1,736,589 3.1 51,698 3,421,480 -1.7

    2014 1,680,223 -0.3 1,702,736 -2.0 22,513 -56.5 3,382,959 -1.1

    Total Goods: Top trading partners 2014 Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

    Imports Exports Total trade

    Partner Value Share inExtra-EU

    Partner Value Share inExtra-EU

    Partner Value Share inExtra-EU

    (Mio ) ( % ) (Mio ) ( % ) (Mio ) ( % )

    World 1,680,223 100.0 World 1,702,736 100.0 World 3,382,959 100.0

    1 China 302,579 18.0 1 USA 310,766 18.3 1 USA 515,568 15.2

    2 USA 204,802 12.2 2 China 164,730 9.7 2 China 467,309 13.8

    3 Russia 181,844 10.8 3 Switzerland 140,349 8.2 3 Russia 285,140 8.4

    4 Switzerland 96,553 5.7 4 Russia 103,296 6.1 4 Switzerland 236,902 7.0

    5 Norway 83,935 5.0 5 Turkey 74,638 4.4 5 Norway 134,116 4.0

    6 Japan 54,551 3.2 6 Japan 53,301 3.1 6 Turkey 128,901 3.8

    7 Turkey 54,263 3.2 7 Norway 50,181 2.9 7 Japan 107,852 3.2

    8 South Korea 38,992 2.3 8 South Korea 43,133 2.5 8 South Korea 82,125 2.4

    9 India 37,066 2.2 9 United Arab Emi... 42,769 2.5 9 India 72,520 2.1

    --- --- ---

    26 Azerbaijan 13,159 0.8 56 Azerbaijan 3,482 0.2 35 Azerbaijan 16,641 0.5

    Total Goods: Top product sections 2014 Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

    Rank Imports Exports

    Product ValueShare inExtra-EU Product Value

    Share inExtra-EU

    (Mio ) ( % ) (Mio ) ( % )

    HS Sections HS Sections

    1 V Mineral products 470,824 28.0 XVI Machinery and appliances 444,261 26.1

    2 XVI Machinery and appliances 357,177 21.3 XVII Transport equipment 264,385 15.53 VI Products of the chemical or allied in... 146,457 8.7 VI Products of the chemical or allied in... 245,328 14.4

    4 XI Textiles and textile articles 99,470 5.9 V Mineral products 115,982 6.8

    5 XV Base metals and articles thereof 93,883 5.6 XV Base metals and articles thereof 106,261 6.2

    SITC Sections SITC Sections

    1 7 Machinery and transport equipment 450,220 26.8 7 Machinery and transport equipment 708,969 41.6

    2 3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related... 443,641 26.4 5 Chemicals and related prod, n.e.s. 278,949 16.4

    3 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 234,903 14.0 6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly... 198,987 11.7

    4 6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly... 172,472 10.3 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 187,788 11.0

    5 5 Chemicals and related prod, n.e.s. 164,796 9.8 3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related... 109,445 6.4

    Share in Extra-EU: all EU partners i.e. excluding EU Member States

    Growth: relative variation between current and previous period

  • 7/23/2019 Azerbaijan - EU Trade



    Directorate-Generalfor Trade

    10-04-2015 11 Units A4 / G2

    Methodological Notes

    HS Sections (Harmonized System)

    Section HS range Label Section HS range Label

    I Ch. 01 - 05 Live animals; animal products XII Ch. 64 - 67 Footwear, hats and other headgear

    II Ch. 06 - 14 Vegetable products XIII Ch. 68 - 70 Articles of stone, glass and ceramics

    III Ch. 15 Animal or vegetable fats and oils XIV Ch. 71 Pearls, precious metals and articles thereof

    IV Ch. 16 - 24 Foodstuffs, beverages, tobacco XV Ch. 72 - 83 Base metals and articles thereof V Ch. 25 - 27 Mineral products XVI Ch. 84 - 85 Machinery and appliances

    VI Ch. 28 - 38 Products of the chemical or allied industries XVII Ch. 86 - 89 Transport equipment

    VII Ch. 39 - 40 Plastics, rubber and articles thereof XVIII Ch. 90 - 92 Optical and photographic instruments, etc.

    VIII Ch. 41 - 43 Raw hides and skins, and saddlery XIX Ch. 93 Arms and ammunition

    IX Ch. 44 - 46 Wood, charcoal and cork and articles thereof XX Ch. 94 - 96 Miscellaneous manufactured articles

    X Ch. 47 - 49 Pulp of wood, paper and paperboard XXI Ch. 97 Works of art and antiques

    XI Ch. 50 - 63 Textiles and textile articles XXII Not classified

    SITC Sections

    Section label Section label

    Total S5 Chemicals and related prod, n.e.s.

    S0 Food and live animals S6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material

    S1 Beverages and tobacco S7 Machinery and transport equipment

    S2 Crude materials, inedible, except fuels S8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles

    S3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials S9 Commodities and transactions n.c.e.

    S4 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes Oth. Other

    SITC (rev 3.) Product Groupings

    Label SITC codes Label SITC codes

    Primary products 0,1,2,3,4,68 - - Office and telecommunication equipment 75,76,776

    - Agricultural products (Food (incl. Fish) & Raw Materials) 0,1,2,4,excl.27,excl.28 - - - Electronic data processing and office equipment 75

    - - Food 0,1,22,4 - - - Telecommunications equipment 76

    - - - Fish 03 - - - Integrated circuits and electronic components 776

    - - - Other food products and live animals 0,1,22,4,excl.03 - - Transport equipment 713,7783,78,79

    - - Raw materials 21,23,24,25,26,29 - - - Automotive products 7132,7783,781,782,783,784

    - Fuels and mining products 27,28,3,68 - - - Other transport equipment 713,785,786,79,excl.7132

    - - Ores and other minerals 27,28 - - Other machinery 71,72,73,74,77,excl.713,excl.776,excl.7783

    - - Fuels 3 - - - Power generating machinery 71,excl.713

    - - - Petroleum and petroleum products 33 - - - Non electrical machinery 72,73,74

    - - - Other fuels 3,excl.33 - - - Electrical machinery 77,excl.776,excl.7783

    - - Non ferrous metals 68 - Textiles 65

    Manufactures 5,6,7,8,excl.68,excl.891 - Clothing 84

    - Iron and steel 67 - Other manufactures 81,82,83,85,87,88,89,excl.891

    - Chemicals 5 - - Personal and household goods 82,83,85

    - - Pharmaceuticals 54 - - Scientific and controlling instruments 87

    - - Plastics 57,58 - - Miscellaneous manufactures 81,88,89,excl.891

    - - Other chemicals 51,52,53,55,56,59 Other products 891,9

    - Other semi-manufactures 61,62,63,64,66,69 Other Total minus sum of othercategories

    Statistical Regime

    Statistical Regime 4: Total trade including inward and outward processing

  • 7/23/2019 Azerbaijan - EU Trade



    Directorate-Generalfor Trade

    10-04-2015 12 Units A4 / G2