Aztecs & Spaniards Gloria Fiero, The Humanistic Tradition, pp. 459-466

Aztecs & Spaniards Gloria Fiero, The Humanistic Tradition, pp. 459-466

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Page 1: Aztecs & Spaniards Gloria Fiero, The Humanistic Tradition, pp. 459-466

Aztecs & Spaniards

Gloria Fiero, The Humanistic Tradition, pp. 459-466

Page 2: Aztecs & Spaniards Gloria Fiero, The Humanistic Tradition, pp. 459-466

• Study of Mesoamerican societies is limited by the lack

of written sources. • The earliest accounts of the Aztec and Inca come

from the Spanish conquerors and missionaries and are distorted by their prejudices.

• Nevertheless, those accounts plus oral traditions and archaeological evidence make it possible to describe those societies in some detail. دراسة المجتمعات أمريكاالوسطى محدودة بسبب عدم وجود مصادر مكتوبة.

أقرب حسابات ازتيك واإلنكا تأتي من الغزاة األسبان والمبشرين ويتم تشويه من قبل تحيزهم.

ومع ذلك، هذه الحسابات باإلضافة إلى التقاليد الشفوية واألدلة األثرية تجعل من الممكن لوصف تلك المجتمعات .في بعض التفاصيل

Page 3: Aztecs & Spaniards Gloria Fiero, The Humanistic Tradition, pp. 459-466

The Spanish in the Americas• During Columbus’ voyages,

he encountered people native

to the area.• He called them “Indians”

‘cause he mistakenly thought

he had reached the “Indies”

territories of China and India. • Conquistadores: refer to Spanish adventurers who sought wealth

and fortune in the New World. ،خالل رحالت كولومبسواجه السكان األصليين إلى المنطقة. دعا لهم "الهنود" 'السبب انه يعتقد عن طريق الخطأ كان قد وصل إلى "جزر الهند" أراضي الصين والهند. الفاتحون: الرجوع إلى المغامرين اإلسبان الذين سعى الثروة والثروة في .العالم الجديد

Page 4: Aztecs & Spaniards Gloria Fiero, The Humanistic Tradition, pp. 459-466

Hernan Cortes • Spanish voyagers were led by Hernan Cortes (1485-1547)

• Small force; 600 soldiers, 20 horses, gunpowder & muskets

• In 1521, Spanish + Aztec forces fought. After 75 days, the Spanish completely destroyed Tenochtitlan.

Page 5: Aztecs & Spaniards Gloria Fiero, The Humanistic Tradition, pp. 459-466

Initial Encounters

• Cortes and his men began their mission in 1519.

• Cortes began wandering the area, and met with representative of the Aztec ruler Moctezuma.

• The Aztecs gathered information and provided Cortes with gifts.

• Second group of Aztecs brought more gifts and asked the Spaniards not attempt to come to Tenochtitlan.

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Initial Encounters

• Cortes began making alliance with subjects unhappy about paying tribute to Aztec empire.

• Cortes removed idols from temples and replaced them with Catholic cross.

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Spanish fight Tlaxcalla

• The Spaniards and their allies invaded the state of Tlaxcala.

• The Tlaxcalans and Spaniards fought each other.

• Unable to defeat the Spaniards who had better weapons, the Tlaxcalan agreed to ally with Cortés.

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Spanish fight Cholula

• Cortés and his Tlaxcallan allies moved on to Cholula, a major city under Aztec control.

• After being granted permission to enter the city, they massacred 4,000–5,000 people, including the king.

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Attaching Tenochtitlan

• Spaniards blockaded the island and cut it off from supplies for 75 days. Many died.

• the lack of integration made it possible for Cortés to form alliances with conquered nobles who saw these alliances as a way of removing the Aztecs.

• Cortes entered Tenochtitlan and massacred 8,000-10,000 nobles. • Aztecs rebelled and Spaniards fled to Tlaxcala were they remained for

five months.

• يوما. 75االسبان حاصرت الجزيرة وبقطعها من إمدادات لمدة مات الكثير.

عدم وجود تكامل جعلت من الممكن لكورتيس لتشكيل تحالفات مع غزا النبالء الذين رأوا هذه التحالفات كوسيلة إلزالة األزتيك.

النبالء. 10،000-8،000دخلت كورتيس تينوختيتالن وذبح األزتيك تمرد وهرب االسبان لتالكسكاال كانوا ظلت لمدة خمسة .أشهر

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Reasons for the Spanish Victory

Technology of Gunpowder and muskets

Religious prophecy (that Quetzalcoatl would return as a bearded white man)

Rebellious Aztec subjects support of the Spaniards

Outbreak of smallpox among the Aztecs

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From Cortes Letters from Mexico

Spanish destroyed Tenochtitlan, little evidence left to assess.

Cortes wrote several letters to the Holy Roman Emperor.

Exert of his second letter written in 1520. Letter important ‘cause it provides details of Aztecs cultural achievements Provides details of the Europeans initial reaction to encountering the Aztecs.

األسبانية دمرت تينوختيتالن، ترك القليل من األدلة لتقييم.

كتب كورتيس عدة رسائل إلى اإلمبراطور الروماني المقدس.

بذل من رسالته الثانية مكتوبة في عام 1520 .

رسالة هامة 'السبب أنه يوفر تفاصيل اإلنجازات الثقافية األزتيك

يوفر تفاصيل عن رد الفعل األولي األوروبيين لمواجهة األزتيك

Page 12: Aztecs & Spaniards Gloria Fiero, The Humanistic Tradition, pp. 459-466

Discussion Question

• What aspects of Aztec life and culture favorably impressed Cortes? Of what was he critical?

Page 13: Aztecs & Spaniards Gloria Fiero, The Humanistic Tradition, pp. 459-466

See answer in detail in the reading

• Cortes was impressed by the architecture, buildings, markets, and city planning and water canals.

• He was very critical of their religious beliefs (believing in more than one god) and religious practices (human sacrifice). ،وقد أعجب كورتيس من العمارة، والمبانيواألسواق، وتخطيط المدن والقنوات المائية.

كان هو حرجة للغاية من المعتقدات الدينية )اإليمان بالله أكثر من واحد( والممارسات الدينية )التضحية البشرية

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The Aftermath of Conquest• Gold and silver brought wealth to Spaniards• Exploitation of the native population:

enslaved for use in miners and field laborers. • European diseases such as smallpox and inhuman treatment

devastated the natives

1521: Mexica population 25 million

1600, Mexica population one millio جلب الذهب والفضة والثروة الالسباناستغالل السكان األصليين:

استعبد لالستخدام في المناجم وعمال الميدان. األمراض األوروبية مثل الجدري والمعاملة الالإنسانية دمر المواطنين

مليون المكس 25: عدد السكان 1521، السكان المكس مليون1600 n

Page 15: Aztecs & Spaniards Gloria Fiero, The Humanistic Tradition, pp. 459-466

Spanish Cruelties

• Reports revealed the cruelty of Spanish

imperialism• The illustration of Theodore de Bry, raised

awareness of the crimes and led some Spanish

missionaries to condemn the treatment.

كشفت تقارير قسوة اإلسبانية استعمار التوضيح ثيودور دي بري، أثار الوعي الجرائم وأدت بعض اإلسبانية .المبشرين إلدانة العالج


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Empires Vanished

• Unlike the civilizations of India, China and Africa, which have enjoyed a continuous history from ancient times until the present.

• None of these empires that once flourished in ancient America has survived into modern times.

• Remnants of these populations remain today among small groups in the US and Mexico خالفا للحضارات الهند والصينوأفريقيا، التي تتمتع بتاريخ متواصل من العصور القديمة حتى الوقت الحاضر. وقد نجا أيا من هذه االمبراطوريات التي ازدهرت مرة واحدة في أمريكا القديمة في العصر الحديث. ال تزال بقايا هؤالء السكان اليوم بين مجموعات صغيرة في الواليات المتحدة والمكسيك

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Home work

Read “The Spaniards and the Tlaxcalans” (453-457).

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The Colombian Exchange

• Short term: devastation

• Long term: positive--commerce & culture.

• The Columbian Exchange: interchange of hundreds of good and products between Western Europe & the Americas.

1. Europe introduced: horses, cattle pigs, etc.

2. Traded fruits, vegetables etc

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The Columbian Exchange

• Vibrant new culture: mix of Europeans, natives Americans altered the population.

(technology, food, dance, language).

• Mestizo: a person of mixed racial ancestry Europeans + Native Americans.