n:i;\ I. Mini i: TI.. TT;.I il>. il ..I i i, r...t, l.cle'n ,1 1-TlTTt -Dated .' 1*1 11 A i ^fr ii: UIM'lilM'H tit •UT;. fl .•Sv.-iii'. of llie luitiiW •! V. (Mi e» u u i u e UIIIUIK- »iMkv,.f il.c ,-hei -isauiy » f \v....iiiu".,tir v,in if L.i>i..! '.!,.• i Rous•• iii White i'hiins, iu the~i»»id Cuufh January 1st, 1 T 1 .- » ''. Ui>tf " \\ 11.1 I \Sl H!.i:.\Kl.i:V, Ja., Sheriff. J COCRT OF SK.-SIONS IN AM" FOR THE Ctrl VIA OP WESTCHESTER. FOR THE > EAR lathi. 1 do herein appoint 'firms of the Comity Court ami Court Of Sivhuia for the County of We.it ster, for tlu- vear Isi'.o, to be hold a* follow* ————— ~— « fp ri«i(ii«i» VU:M ••: KUIN«;»» HAM*. CHARTERED 1-1. S' />,,»;./,„«. Sli.Nt Ell K GREEN. | i .11 I . « It. MM, & q ' /'""a- Sitr-nt,.-* S. t'"' 1 ' »• flu lo miiv.iani t iimt I J virtue the uhu\c fittitIt-it action on llic '.lb day of I'ecoul- bcr, A. lb, l'".i\ unit at the statute in such ca«c made and prev ided, notice is lurch}given lo all person" ha\ ii.K any general IK ri or incumbrance, l*i judgment or ileer*e,.or otherwise, on the uinlii idol ,-,,. ..... . ,. share and inters*! of any uf the owner* or panic* lit flic licnenil Term* of mtiil Courts will be belli at tdj* action in the* preuiise*-hereinafter described, to Plains OH tbe src<>n./V produce tu me, tbc undersigned, Referee in tbe said ¥i.u.i;ebr;'m..|.of'i.-\iii^^'''7i^ , ^ , ;;",. l ;;;';;L tm or l»obb*' Kerry, with original W*h » ' I , m .i, ....... ..••;,.•• I., ilu. lon.sliuition it the Hudson luer K. Often, ic> Hl\ en-., uii T. Winter, to 'the construction of tbe liud>"ii thence running lo'lUi, Koiontv sc- *uid ruilroud, two Hiin- the Court lloii*e iu While •il XI t appointed, on or before the 'i'Jlh '*tM*'it, at mv ottiee in Pi liens - .WnWe# e/ Mitfi'fi, luul on, the Jir*t Turidny of , order name Dmmfaj ami at .the Court House in Bedford ; day- 0 f J«mmry'trest,fxrtt, M mv ottiee in ^k»- thtf fifd ntidttjf </ Jiifte, ami on the 'third ; |il|, in the ^iUeouutv. proof of their renpeeliveliein' Mm, i,iy qf S>{-t>nihir t at which Terms Uraud | » m l incumbrances, together with natUTaotoivuvi ami IViit Jury.will be reipiiretl tt attend. . . Teniw of tl'ie County Court, for the hearing of Ap- peals, ntul for the trial of issues of law, and for tbe as it was Kivor lUilroad yen dejjiees we-t, erosning died mid seventy f'lir feet, to u point in said liver thence south, fourteen decrees west, six hundred and ninety two and uhalf feet J thence soulh, seventy- K'VL'O decrees east, two lniiidied and ffirty-lilno lllirt ' thence south, eiehty-eitfht dejirees mid S|.. Jul Kie Join, Wuitc \\ llll.OII It, Illlli^Otl, James Slepl ens, Stephen V.. Uuinill, ftulllUul It. t'ooH-H', Aii'llcw Stevens, si'.cpben S. ChilUs, Uobeit Allan, '"• jli.•hard Kellv, M illiiiln A. llulling, l.'illiiel liates, Cbailes Kooiiie, \\ il 1 in in A. Wctherbee, I). I). T. Marshall, \V It. Ibbbilis, Unbelt H. I.ii ingntutl, V. Il, liruiis, A. ti. IlllliO. l.utlav It. MuMi. lieanug and deehhm of iiuiti.uis mid other proceed- I follows : lugp, will be held at tbe Court House in White I'luins owned bv otr the /mirth M">i<l'iti <•/ February, and on the ' ' (.('ii/'./ ilnihUiya/ .\oremli'f ,' and at the Court House iu Itedfoid on" the thinl .l/o.'ia'i«> "/' Mnj/, and on TeiUtAm. thii-t/uuBty Ciiurt, fbr the hearing of all mutters other than appeals, arid the truil of issue* oT •t", will also bo hold at the Court Mouse in White the third UW/nWny of every month.—• fact' 1'i.lillS OU Dated Jauuaiy 'id, liUiU im W. H. ROBERTSON, Weatchester County Judge. •TW-OTICE IS IIi:iti:!lV GIVKef, that the J.1 subscribers, owners in fee and occupant* of the Upland adjoining the property hereinafter deaenbed, will make application to the t'oniminsiouers of the Land Olliee, at the Office of the Hccretary of S'atc, in Albany, on .lloudiiy, t h e 4 t h day. of I'cb- runrjr next, at 11 o'clock, A. M., for a grant iu per fetuity to the undersigned, by the fttate, ot the lane under water hereinafter dencribed, for th*.pnrpi»s«» 4ence of the amount due thereon, and to specify the nature id' such incumbrance*; and the dates thereof, respectively. The said premiaes are described as 5"he mansion hou.-e and farm ot land Simeon Travis at iii» decease, situate in the town of Cortlaiidf, in the cimuty of Westches- ter, and State of New York, which was conveyed to the said Simeon Travis bv Absalom hent and Caro- line his wife, their deed of warranty bearing date the l'.dh dav of Mav, "ls:i], and recorded in said We^tclle^le1 r TT7irm*y J rtt'rk's ottlcc in lii*»r No."-in of Deeiht, Jiage Hi.'i, Ac., tin the i4th day of .Mav, A. I)., 1831.: and in that deed the said farm is bounded and described as follows, viz.: All that certain lot, piece, or parcel of land situate lying and beimj tn the town of Cortlandt, county of Westchester, and Stirte ef New York, bounded &S-fuilowa ( la wli'-.Jie^ ginning at the "southeast corner of the land hereby convoyed, at or near the laud and house of John Urrgga;' running from thence a northeasterly course along the road leading to the landing, to the Albany post road ; then along the lands of Gabriel Brtttga, to' the 1 lands of James Hortoti; thence northwest, along the »aid Hotton'a- iaiul, tu the lauds of James J on Lin, formerly of John Clark; then alou j/(/.\/'.i)', \\t:i>- a half feet; thence smith, eighty-eight ilcgiees iinu n,;?„ e • , , •• i u.,\t. ,\ live minutJs east, aixtv-tlve feet, t„ nrigiiml high- ^ " i" 1 ",/ '?' l , < 'rA•'",-,?{ v A '' watermark at its iuiersecUou with the northerly , Q-BltJtA i , aw S.l 11 /./'.I J Juvai^ line of First street; thence northerlv, ulong higK- /'''"" ° l " b " dwk - I watermark, six hundred and seventy'seven feet, to i I the point of beginning—containing, according to a j ! map of survey of the premises made by M. I\. Cuu- ! *.'/ens, surveyor, three acres and tliiee tmfu'.rcil and I liltiv-.seven tliousandihs i i.S.'iT-looui of an acre—ex'- I i-epting thereout the hinds of the Hudson Hiver Kailroml ikuuiuuiy.—Xhe^4axmis<ia . SuMSfiiiftL | W i -*!SSl?W{ bounded on the north bv Chestnut street; on the > V t ~ tm ^" e 1. l,i east aud south by First street; and ou tlus west by | "'"-''est lioi Deposits of nny Amount received. IN'TLIIKST will be allowed at.tbe rate uf '! per ceut. on all sums from »1 to |1,IX)0, lsTi:i(tsT will commence on the first day of Aprir, July, Octiiber, and January. A L L MO.NLVS ileposited ou or lH'fore.tbu loth day I'M IAI. 8U1T11K l«»« 'I Hi: <»»>- ti'i:it\i II>N t>r i i n MPI \N ^ \ i i elelll lius ^i«.w I, I he (irtlifci 1 1 1 I n III lipid Ii n - I.-1 the p i n | ..--., ,.f ,|.,j .pii.ii i » .ten: I, I -. « I it-It ln,\ e I • rnim', RTT it-wrrvi - iv- t F,rT t ,.iid it.ii^He, \S tui ^s UiUi r lint bill has .«.|i lU' n.. -1 laid e .-H-vpu'iH'i » lulu the sudden belli Uii; of an uhi r "i tbe i-li.pping iif an issue, where tlw,'.-e tiVctie** et : ilitpi.iiies have IKIII. lullg i., ell? A n d w i n n i h e llllijin bin > IjCioli.e ill the liubii id" llii«iw ing otl' \,i.-eid j Ti!- yni ti r siiiiKliionth"* nruiil«, il in eijiUills ilanyi-ron-. bv^llie ll-e of u>- Irtigeiil leniedes, li.'»i,i!ileilv stop this action, un- less the bow i U ale kepi tipell daily until the sisttUl becoli.es lis. d In the i-buiiyo. 'i'lii.-s CIIIM' Wnidd prevent tlte Milling <»f Ho- bitiimis up..n ..tlier pails, in the form of titiiiors or boils. Though hn-.il n.lriu- j gent applications are not without daii^cr ul any time, yet let. uie say that if IIUAMUIKTU'S in.i.s were used during llie time and some timo after the njiptication had censed, +brr<-w«»ht •eKUmi uny a«#i- deiit occui' in ci'iiM'iiuence tin tenf. I lieiieve, with leteieliee lo tbe ease 1 in ipiestiou, ' previous to the last application, the tumor bad made i considerable progress. It was this which oeca- | sinned the peculinr sensitiveness in the part--The 1 probaug was innocent. Stiangethat tliisca.se, which has iilaiiucd so many, shuuld nearly liiivo made a conveit of mo. ISRiiHlceth's I'ills would have reaelii-d the evil by and llirougb the circulation, and .the accident would have been pieveuted. A r e Abef> V KAUK! The seven years of null* ailed aui'cena atlemlii ••< .i.ttioiHililiin All \»>«»•• nitiofi," |«i \ It 1MNI. WIUHH,, rUH \Ht M, I.AUIW, At MhttC IMuiii", We»liU«*ter fo.,M. Y. I>" I, ild wmd throughout uxery leabove-uuuuli!-. will comiiicnce lo draw ' nethv's iiiaxiius entirely lost smht of} lie says that .. • . —i-i,.iA -. hwMfaJbM^ ...... ... a^-w—, ,..i; - .ti,- .-•-.i.i.i in- ...,.i m the first 44yl* Hudson Kiver.- saw7 -Dated Oct. .",o, Isim. JAMDS K. HOI.DKN. S' * ^ t ^ l l 1 ^ * l t ^ d ^ ^ S * s ^ ^ ^ S i U * * *»id Und ttU d laml formerly of Samson Dv C k- underw»terl.ereii.afterde« ; nbed.forlhep.n«' | «» „,.„. eul.w M ..ei,»l. of Jnhn U. I.ettt. aud now of of commerceiand their ^ * ^ •^oy'«?'f *^1 „id James Jordan, th land of John TttMIe, and ng along aud Tuttle's line, southwest, to the line of John rTriggs' land; thence along said Brigga' land, to the place of begintrtnit—eontainiiig ninety-five acres, be thB.saweniore or less. The otiiet lot or parcel of real estate owned by. tVie said Hiujeon Travis at his decease, is situate in the present or late Ninth Ward of the city of .New same—such land intended to be applied tor being I !I!!!!»:_... bounded atid doscribed as follows, TII. : Art that ! cqnunm certain pleoe. or pareet'et land under -the- waters-of the iiudsoii river, situate at the village of Hastings, town of Oreunburgh, county of W eitchuste'r, and State of N'ew York, beginning at the •orthwesterly corner of the steamboat dock at Hastings, now ^£^Hi h !.^f , l^ 4 i^^ii,ir& £ £ & I Y o r t ; and" is known and designated as number % Lions.uurrti^TAlntnnf,, „f ,t» acre. ' count > of >ew » <,,k ' ' " « * K W « f Conveyances; III'RKME COURT—WESTCTBWBB Btmet.^ Adelaii|e l.ayi' (ii/nind Charles il.|iyuju_itnd Kli- zabeth t>. IAOU, his wife, Dennis Jlcrj\^yrc;'l , afr1ck~ Daly, and Jes«e Pnrdy.—Sumuions. Tl) THU i>KKENHANTS AttO-V B-XAMKD AXD KACH OF TiiKM .'—You are liercby summoned mid reuuiled to I answ er the complaint in this nctiim, which will be tiled ] in the oltice of the Clerk of the county of Westches- ter, at White I'luins, in said county, ami to serve a I copy of your answer to the said coiiiphiiut on tile subscriber, at liis office, in the village of Tarry town, Westeliester county, S . ¥ . , within twenty days ufter the service of this summons on yon, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to auswer the sfttil cotnpfaiut within the time aforesaid, the plain- tid'in this action will apply to the Court for the re- rutief deiuaudeAyu the comj.laiut, hesidoa the cysts this actio>u>-Dated Nov.'/d, 1.->;>>. ' r Khl.lAH A'F.RKS, - - 31w7^ rhdntrft's Attorney, Tarrytown, N. Y. ' B tmilHAAVE, A GREAT I'llYSI- Cl"\, WHO T.UC.11T AND 1'KACTISKD MFOICINK, l'OU OVER CO YKAKS, ordered^ ut- ter his death, all his extensive Meduail Library to be buineit, excciitiug one volume of immense size. TTinnvlisTiTieiled^'To my dear pupils.'" They opened it with profound veneration ; it. u as all blanl; leaves; neither writing or priiiting->\jus there, save onl v ou the lirst leaf was engrossed iujgpiaiu German text these words, •' Hciid cool, feet wicni, and bow- els open will keep doctors ^oor." l%\ might have added! "If the patient is hot, cool .llijii L_.it hut is ~TiS?ii1^iiflocTOms cuii o n l v be ratticnHy- «ure*t 4«r*iHl througli lliv oiguus of the stomach and bowels, aud let i.ie SUV— llFMl'^lllKU :—Wo cannot be sick, we can have no pain, but when some natiirul outlet for iheblood's iuijniiitics, is closed of inactive. In the year 17el, this great truth was auuouuecd wing proposilionii :-™ That impurity of the blood, by impeding the cir- culatiuu, piodiices iiilUtinniation or dcTungemeiit of that orsian or tissue, where the impurity has deposit- ed itself. Tluit medical men have applied diUerent names to. the iferuiige-i^Pilts of ba\ e n.atie it •[darter of the ituti.trj. I 11.I. I- t i e iiucplees of tills pupltliir llislituliiill, Miit MA*. imn/fW MmmfN A't^i,... hale teui'iicd to appreciate- by beuiitiliil wmk» of art ou their walls, uiul ehoue litei'iiture otl their tables the gicut be- uotiu derived from heeoiuiug u subscriber. Siib-eiipimii* are now being received in a ratio utipaialleleil n ith that i(l UMN pici4ou* year. TKHMS BF Sl'ltSCUIi'TIDX: Any person can become a member by subscribing •rmti.i. inn.i.viis, for which sum they will receive 1st.- -The liirgy«*nd superb steel eugraving, i@ \ '38 inches, entitled ttfAI/.l'AFE Ml 8TERIX1LJ1IS BE. tRIlTS." 2d.~OM ropy, one year, of that elegantly illus- trated magazine, ' *''rin!*Vosiuoi»olitnu Art Journal," "ul.—Four admissions, during the season, to *« T h e G a l l e r y of I'uuitui^s, 518 Uroudway, New York." In addition to the above benefits, there vill be given to subscribers,.as gratuitous premiums, over F r v c J t n n d r e d Itrrtutiful Work* ^ t f A r t I j Comprising valuable painfiugs, marbles, purians, outlines, Ac, forming a truly National beuetit. Tbe Superb Kiigraviug, which every subscriber j will receive, emitted "ralstaft Mustering his He- | emits," is, one of tbe most beautiful uud popular cn- i gravings ever issued in this country. It is done on iSteet, tii ftueiine and stipple, and is primed on^heavy : plate paper, SO by :)S inches, making a most choice , ornament, suitable for the Walls of either thelibrary, I parlur, V? olliee. Its subject is the celebrated scene i of &ur Aobn FtilstiitVreceiving, iu Justice Sbullow's I otlice, the recruits which hinrc beeu ga.t)iered for his gguil regiiueut." D"ctnjld not be furuiahed by do. And also that e e H a K ^ , •, , .. , water, lying and being southerly of and .ulj»ii,iug^ ml tbe saldlot 1S bounded and described the iteamboat dock above mentioned, at Hastings aforesaid, ntul adjacent to and iu front of the lauds of the undersigned, and bounded and described aa follow*, viat,: Begiuuing at the southwesterly cor- ner of said steamboat dock, thence tunning south, eighty two and a quarter degrees east, thirteen feet, to tbe present bulkhead; thence south, fourteen de- grees west, along said bulkhead frout, two hundred and twenty-eight lbet, to the new dock; the006 north, ciglity-oue degrees west, along the northerly side of said tu»w. dock, tweuty feet; thence north, f July, ls^T, and iu that as fol- lows, viz.: . All that certain lot of ground, with the improvements thereon, situate lying and being at Greenwich, in the Ninth (late Eighth) Ward of the city of Sew York, aud known ajid distinguished among other Iota iu a certain map or chart thereof madeny 01iar.es l,i.s«, t>y lot number sixty, and now known by lot No. S3 Burton street, and is bounded southerly in'fiont on Burton street; west- erly ou lot 61, as by aforesaid map or chart, now the rear of lots number ti-3, 65, and 5? liuili'oi'd street; northerly on the yard of the Methodist F.pis- copal Church.; and easterly oil tot 5ii, now S3 But'- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVESV, that the said cor- lebls and { hltecn and three-quarter degrees east two hundred | t( ,g s t r4K , t _contaiuitig in' breadth, front and rear, and tweuty-iiTue icei, lo ^herpomt- of•beginning-- | ,, veutv . tivo fcoti und i u Hen-ll,, on each side, niuetv t.—Dated l'eekskill, De ' containing seventy-two thousimdths (.'o'.'i-looo) of an uct;e, in accordance with a map of survey of th above hVd described purcolg of land and joining, made by M, K. Couzens, surveyor, dated Oct. |S, \*<r), reference being bad thereto the pre- I niises wilt.fully appear. The premises adjoining! said land under"water, owned by tbe, undersigned, are bounded northerly by land of Isaac Lefiugy; east- erly by the Hudson Hiver Railroad; southerly by land of John and ""Isaac Lefurgy ; and vvcr.tf rly by the Hudson'ltiver.—Kuted lU.itmgs, Oct. 30/ lsoU. Dl'.NRY KATTi^vIlOUN', lli:it.MANN II. KATTKN'UOBX, -• .-• r EIDE V. IIOl'KE, MATTHIAS U0i J KE. B S. ROWI.ET, Attorucy, SBS Broadway, Now"York. ?,-2\v7 7AY7 TiTsrrKisa ISijO. C. FROST, Before*. »lw7 N OTICE OF APMiKATlON FOB CHANT OF LAND UNDEU WATER.—No- tice is hereby civcu that the subscriber will apply to the ('oinniisskmers of the Land IMiiue, at the Of- fice of the ir'iceietftty of State of the State of New York, at the city of Albany, on the 1st (lily of February next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of of the subscriber, in the town of West ty of Westchester, and State of New York, for the purpose uf promoting the commerce of (his Slate, or proper, for his beneficial enjoyment, of the same; which application will embrace fvro several tracts of land, us laid down'On a uiapuiade by Andrew Find- lay, Esq., surveyor, for the purposes of this applica- tion. r lhe first of said tracts adjacent to the land : About.to be applied for, under water, is briefly de- scribed as follows ; Bounded on the north by lands of the Messrs. Simpson^; on the east by Long Island Sound; on the south by lands of'Sir, Benjamin M. Whitlock; and on the wpst by lands of the .sub- scriber. The lnnd' tinucr water about to be applied for, adjacent to the above described tract, is particu- larly described as follows; ' itexi'tptifiii of piece of Zand under JVater, A-, Beginning at a point at common highrwafer mark of the East iliver; adjoining the lands of Benjamin M. Whitlock at Hunt s' Point; theuce running south, fifty-six degrees .east, along lauds under water S ranted to the said Benjamin M. WhitlocR by the ommissioiprs of the Land Oltice of this State, seven hundred and eiijbty feet ;• thence north, twenty-seven degrees and thirty minutes east, in liue with the- outer boundary of said Wbitlock's grant, one hun- dred and seventeen feet six inches; tbenoe north, lifty-six degrees West,.seyen hundred and seventy- aeren fcet, to the line of high-watermark aforesaid; .•thence along the line of coinnion high-water mark, and by the lauds uf the said Paul N. Spoffbrj; south, twenty-eight degrees and thirty minutes west, oua jmndred ar;d seveuteen feet sis" inches, to the place of beginning—containing two acres aurFmuc-hiin^ dredths of an acre of i«pd» : The secoud of said tracts of land, adjacent to ano • flier parcel of land, about to bo applied for, Under water, is briefly described as follows, to wit: Bound- ed ou the nortfreast by lands of Eliia Winship, and e£Benjamin M. Whitlock; on the northwest by the Causeway creek, adjoining the lands of I'aut fepof- ford; on the south, southwest, and southeaat) by- Long Island Sound. The land under wafer adjtceut to the secoud of said parcels of land above described, about to be applied for, is particularly described as ollows, to wit; egi lining .ir S i;i»REM2'l t'fJURT—W.ESTCHKSTEll GWXTY. —Abija'n H.-Chul; and .Mary Aim .liis'wHe, plain- tilis^Y/v'/^^'-i-iarah Fisher, widow- of Jvrcuiiah Fisher, deceased, Edward .Miller and Ariel' his wifp, Aihdine Fisher,-fife widow of William I'. Fisher, deceased, Dvvig'.it GaproB, Lovvis Oiidcrdonk, ami Andrew- Ou- dc-rdouk, de'Wttdants.--[In purtitiou.j— J. W. TOMI-- KINS, Attorney for plaintiffs. In pursuance of a judgment (in partilion) in the above entitled action,, iiiailc by the Supreme Court, and entered in the office of the Clerk of the said county of Westchester, on the 2f>d day. of, Novem- ber, A. I)., XBW,.Calvin Frost, the Bc-l'oree therein appointed, will sell ut public auction, nt the dwell- ing-house of Jeremiah Fisher, deceased, on the pre- mises hereinafter described, in the town of Mount Pleasant, in the said county, on the loth d a y o f J n n n a r y ue.-ct, istflyat 1 o'clock, P. M.,tholaiidsand premises in the said judgment described, as follows, viz.: All that certain messuage and fsrm of laud situ- ate iifcjjic'town of Mount Pleasant, in the county of Kensico towards Sing Sing ;—one parcel thereof, sii nate on the northerly'side of said highway, on which stand the dwelling-house and barn, is hounded on the north and east by laud late of'Joseph Miller, de- ceased.;, on theWest by laud of Thomas Field; and tin the southerly side by the aforesaid highway. The other parcel, lying southerly of said highway, is bounded northerly by said highway; easterly by the Bronx river and a lot of about one acre, con- veyed to the aforesaid Edward Miller bv the said 'Jeremiah Fisher and his wife, in the -lifetime: of the said Jeremiah, by deed dated January a?tii, ls4;i, and recorded in'Liber 1'2C of Deeds, page 41".; southerly by land, of Lucas Oiiderdonkj-iind west- erly by land of the said Thomas Field—containing about sixty-two acres of laud, "(in both parcels,} be the same more or less,—Bated November goth, lsflil. &0w7 CALVIN FROST, Referee. Vtsionsj o'ft'he Rev York, entitled corporations.—All oersons indebted to tl poration are to render an account of all sums of money owing by then!, and to pay the same to the said Receiver by the first day of January next: All persons having in their possession any property or effects of the said corporation, are to deliver the same to the said Receiver by the same day : All the creditors of such corpctatiuu are tu delivtr their respective accounts and demands to the said Receiver by the first day of January next: -am! all persons holding any open or subsisting con- tract of the said corporation, are to present the same iu vvriliug and in detail to such Receiver at the Rank- ing House of the Rank of Sing Sing, in the Village of Sing Sing, by the first day of January next.-— DaicdSing Sing, November'J v !b, W>o. HENRY W11, LETS, •Receiver of the Estate, Funds, and cfiects of the. Bank of Sing Sing. Bowir harm. Reiiember, Rome for o(>o y e a r s bad no phy- sician, and that was the brightest"period of her ex- istence ami of her power." But the Romans had u universal purgative, which iu all its .material ele- ments was like Braiidreth's Pills, incapable of in- juring, because onlv operative upon an,d around the parts involved iii the disease. Braiidi'eth'.s Youcta- whole attention to the composition of a medicine Whose elfects should be to remove all the blood impurities, by the agencv of the circulation ^ .. . Court RECEIVER of the estate, funds, and effects of theTlANK OFS1NG BIStf, puriMiant^'&utt^ ewsi.eVStatu.ti-s.«t: : tl«.i^te,4>t.J^^ the sick,., .research, iiU'roducing a lued.iciiie, 7 mild in ils.oi>era- •'^Ot tbo vo.miti'.r.v dissolute m ot | . m(1 w | ia( , s some consei|iieneet perhaps, are certain : .lion; andsafe umler iill"t'ivciUrisiaiii.'cs, yet-sUffteiftvlfc *"*'"' not to injure. Thev purge, but vou cannot be sick j lv lioweitid to pervade the vvhoh ""'" i«-.-".i.i« to the bowels, whose otlice would be to expel them from the body—thus curing all local and general atilictions by taking away what they fed upon, lie was emi- nently successful, alter so many years of laborious teni. Incapable from the retaining in your bodies of m a t t e r s w h i c h I- of Injuring the most tender, yet energetic enough always removes ; ami does not the dog, the I for the most powerful constitution, Capable of be- cat, always when sick, search ' " ' . . . , . . . . i THE HOJ1E JOl'IiSAl. F O R 1 8 C 1 . New Series—3fe\v Features—New Type. MORRIS' & WILLIS,"EDITORS. A, new series of this widely circulated family news- paper, will be commenced oil thejifth day of January nuj'.t—fprinted on fiiieiTiipernml hew type* Withthe January number will begin the publication of a se- ries of 'beautiful-original works of fact and fiction, written expressly for the IIUME.IOI'IINAE by the best authof's of America. The first of these is from the facile pen of a well known und. highly gifted author, and i-i a powerfully written, ntnr!ii/,tt, rfiystefioits,(t;id deejihj iniweflimj history of courtship and married life. This charming story'wi'.l be succeeded by oth- ers of a similar description,, several of which arc al- rendyiin prepaiation. All the furmer pocnliarfeaturos of the paper, vvnicli haye given ita„v.<irld-wide repn- the several new ones S 1 fiinrription. of Land' nntfcr » point at common high-water mark on the easterly Ptd» of 1HB.'« Point; where the lands of Benjamin M. Whitlock meet the lands of Pant N. SpoBord; thence running along the soufliwesterfy hnatidarr of lands tmder water, granted by the C"c>nimissionerR of tbe_ Land-Office of this State to Bemamir. M, Wbithick, gonth, fifty-six degrees ea»i, eight hundred and fifty feet; thence south, foity-lhre'e 1 degrees and thirty minutes west, four handled and fifteen feet, to the bulkhead and pier line established by the ilar'unr Comtrtissioners of Sew York, and continued by an met of the Legislature of this State, passed April ITth, IWiT ; thence punning along the said pier line the following courses and distances, to wit: south, eighty-nine degrees ond forty-fivo minutes west, five hundred feet; tbenee north, eighty-two degrees aud thirty minute* west, five hnudred feet; ffieata li«rtti r seventy-two degrees west, five.humlred feel; thence north, siity-eight degrees west, one hun- dred and seventy fart; thence leaving said bulkhead and pier Hue, and running north, nine degrees west, sixteen hundred and twenty feet, to the easterly ride of the mouth of a small creek called the causeway creek; thence along the easterly side of said cause- way creek, north, tlrirty-fonr degree* and thirty min- utes east, live hundred*and fifty feet, to the land of I the OIKe* of lh E!i?.a Winship ; thence along eaid laad south, forty- tbiottdegrectcaat, fatee hundred aud seveBfy^cven feet, to hinhwaler mark aforesaid j thcuee .along the line itt high-wafer luaik (lie following average c.i.ii-, ,ind distances, to wit; soulii, Iweiity-eight dvgi'eea aiul thirty tuiiiate* went, live hundred feel; thtiicc soitiii, twi-ntf-tKo degree* and thirty liiio- Ute* easf, tVvetve-hundred ai,4 eighty feet; "thence south.. toity-ntne degrees east, four biiu-!.el. at^ tifiy feet; theme north,, eighty«oin« 4.ur;es aud ferfy-tive minutea east, one hundred and tit'tv fegt; th^heri itottlt, I'li'vi'n diigtrts FPKFME COURT—WESTcnrsTEitCoii.NTY.— James Hatfield, plaintiff, aaairixt Smith Rey- nolds and Jane bis wife, Abijah II. Clark and Mary his wife, Alexander Revnoldsand Margaret his wife, Joseph Ciark and Amy"his wife, Levi F. See, Ilarvey Roiner, and Henry Romcr, defendants.—J. W. To.vii>- KIXS, Plaintill's Aftornoy. In.pursuance of a judgment of said Court in the above entitled action, the undersigned. Sheriff of the county of Westeliester, will sell at public auction, at the Court, House in White Plains, iu said county, ou tbc 19th Any of January uext,i-<iji, at lo o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the lands and premises therein described, viz.;' ill that certain piece or parcel of land and promises situate in the town of Mount Pleasant in the county of Westeliester, and in a deed from the Sheriff of the county of West- chester to Sfftd Revnohta is 'bounded and described as follows ; Beginning at the highway lending from Pieasantvilte to Sing Sing, on the east side of the barnvard, about two and a half lengths east of the building; and f hence running northerly to a stone fence, and with said fence until it strikes the cross fcoce; thence westerly with the cross fence, to the bufmeut; thence northerly to the north hutment' northerlv and westerly with the fence, to land of Amos t'fark f thence southerly with Clark's land to the highway \. thence easterly with the-htghway, to the-place of beginning;- excepting and reserving thereout and therefrom sudi part or portlou of the aliove described premises as is contained and de- scribed in a release (from said Janus Hatfield to the defendant Smith Reynolds; thereof/rcm said morf- g'lge, bcarinjj date the 1st day of Slay, A. II., 1 -/l. and recorded iu Westeliester County I'tei k's "Oliice iu Lilwr No. lilii of Deeils,- puge i3S, Ac., on the Wth-daycf Mar, A. B., IfH.ot I o'ehfck P. M., be- ing theaame parcel of said imii'fgagfd premises con- veyed Ly ssul Smith KSynflhts (iiid his wili', to said Ab'ijr.h II. Clark, by deed' drtted MaT lst i; Isil, ctiii- tsiuing i acne* anil t!-.rcc-quartcrS|'aud one rod of land.—Bated Hee, 1st. ls>;o, . WILLIAM ULKAKLRY, JR., SflwT ShtM iif ol-Yfestchester t'oonty'. amusing original sketches, which sriuick and relisl of the wit, huthor, raciness, brilliancy, and sparkle of the times. As heretofore, uo labor or expense will be spared to maintain the high reputation of the HOMK JoiuxAi.,which is everywhere, both lit home and abroad^acknovvlcdged to fie t h e m o s t re- fined ntul elegant repertory of literature and the nits on this side of the sea, and the best and cheapest family newspaper in the world. As no more copies of the new scries will be printed than are ordered, thoscwho des'ue to begin with the commencement of the volume wilt be able to do so by forwarding theii: subscriptions without delay. TEKMS.- For one copy, $2; for three copies, ?."— or one copy for three years, $3—for a club of seveu copies, Sl»i; for I club of fifteen copies, feO; a n d that rate for a larger club -tdvvavs in advance. Address M0RRLS & WILLIS, Editors and 'Proprietors, MT Fulton, street, K, Y, A MERICAN IIOTEIi.—Theundcrsignedhav- ing bceouie solo proprietor of the well-known AMKR'ICAN* HOTEL, m the villuge of SiugShng, begs leave to announce to the public that nijoaiusor expense will be spared to - rentier - it one of the mhst pleasant and agreeable places of entertainment on the banks of the Hudson. Attached to the Hotel is a good Stahle, for tlie nc- commedation of Horses, and whole also will be kept on hand to let good Horses and Carriages, at moder- ate charges. A Carriage willbein attend_ancfl_oiL every arrival of the Cats aud Steamboats, to convey guests to the Hnnse. ' ... t Stntttgers and others visiting the village will be furnished with every facility to make their sojourn agreeable. " $• R. WUiCLPLICY. Sing Sing, July 2d, iafe &tt iINC;sr><4 cwriiIN<; ANIVFFRNISII-^ IN(i STOlii;.—The subscriber begs leave to an- i-iiivnce to ttie citizens'of Sing Sing and "vicinity, that he lias removed his Clothing Establishment to the large Rrick Store formerly occupied by the bite- Job Carpenter as a Drug Store, in Main street, where he will keep eonstnntly oil hitiid and fiir sale cheap), a large assortment of new and fTishiotinble goods, siiit- '"" " ipring"ami Summer ClotItmg, consisting, of purging l horse, and even tin for those herbs and grasses which open their bowel and this cures them. And the experience of over a bundled year* has provesl that Braii.lie'.li's Pills have always benefitted, and neVer Injured, tbosowhojuive used them in siefeness. They are Nature's aieiti- cincs, beeiuiso no matter whnt t!it>disense may be, or how intense, or where situated, a dose of four, six or more always relieves, and perseverance cures when a cure is practicable, because they take from the blood only its impurities. The more skill ex- hibited iu using them the more benefit is derived. T~~-CASES HATED Hf,'.», CONTINUED. Dr. .TA.MLS LULL,- of Potsdam, N. \ \ , writes August 11, 1.sot): "I met with a titan three weeks ago, who had slightly injured his finger two or three days before, which caused immediate pain, swelling, and violent lever. Wheu 1 saw bini the pain and swelling had extended to his -shoulder, depriving him of rest or steep. The.baud was turning dark Colored, and on the point of mortification. His doctor was ignorant of the nature of his case. I got there at evening,. and during the Right I gave him a whole box of pills, applied a yeast poultice, and saved hislite." —, Mr, A. Pioss, of Madrid, St. Lawrence County, N. Y\, writes August i!i, ls.yj : " I can honestly and eoiitidoiilfy recommend Rran- dreth's l'ills to the favorable notice of jhe public, as the best medicine I have ever dealt in during my thirteen years' experience in the sale of medicines, having prescribed them in hundreds of cases-of al- most every form of disease, with the happiest re- sults, and I honestly bclhve they are the best medi- cines, as auuiversul rcniedv, that the vvprld has yet produced. writes March In, I S " I was troubled in January last with costiveness for several'days, and took 10 grains of calomel to obtain relief. I caught cold, I suppose; at any rate a severe diarrhea set in, which my medical attendant found-it .-impossible to arrest. This was followed by dysentery. My strength was all gone. EveTything passed tfit'uugii me as I took it. A. friend fioiii New York, Mr. Geo. Lewis, fortumitely called on nte and ndvised Rrandreth's Pills. I thought,in my weak condition one pill would be enough ; but he "aihnin- Istered four and the n#** morning four more.- Mi^h impurity camefrom me, and to my surprise the sore- ness and pain diminished," One box cured me fully. I am now hearty, with a fine appetite. You ore at liberty to pubfish this." % -. - . •• - MKI-DOCKXE, VictoTia, 1st June, 1S5S. ME. Bi..vNnForm,— Ihar iSir,-.—Having had a severe attack of inflam- mufory rheumatism, by which I was confined to my bed for several days, during which, time I suffered the most agonizing pains in my side, back, mid 4iuiba^nud_was fearful that J sbmibl he ciuifiiieiljii liiv bed for a long time, my husbaiicl bought me one ot Dr. Brandrcth s pnniphlets; after reading it care- fully, I concluded that I would try the pills, which I used as directed. I have been' using them three weeks, and I am happy to say: that to Dr. Rrandreth's Pills I owe my recovery to health and strength. I feci stronger and better Hum I have done for a long time, and I ajn convinced that the ehseose is erudi- •cnted from my system. If yon deem this letter of any use, please, publish. tU. 1 am, dear Sir, very lesnectfulty digested and mixing with the blood, it acted on the system strictly ill "ace.-iiiauee with tile laws of the animal economy. To this medicine was given the name of "imAJJDRETirS VFOKTAWJB U.NrVERSAL PILLS." A rapid glance nt tbc uses of tbe Mood, and the conditions upon which depend its healthy print-no- tion, may dispel some of,the erroneous notions ami Unfounded theories which have obstructed the paty of eiuiiiiry, and may lead to a recognition ot the doctrine tor which 1 contend,- It is from the productive power of the blood the solids are formed, and their vitality sustained; The- biood takes up and carries away the worn out parti- cles of-tlie-lkuly, uruLsupplies the new ones for the repairs of the sTructure, and the 'due cxeTcise of iTS" fuuetious. it supplies iiouris.uncut for the -growth of parts, and for the reparation ot their daily waste. By it wounds arc healed, and those granulations formed which till up the cavities of ulcers. Wood is rei|iiisite' to the actions of the nervous system; cut off its communication, and the sensibility, of a mem- ber is losti The vigor and activitv.ot' animal life depend upon its condition* and according to thequali- lio.SAif the mass when disease sets in, are the chances of recovery. . .... •From it the secretions are all derived. Bile, urine, gastric juice, saliva, Ac, however difleiont in appear- ance and character, all have the blood for their com- mon source. Sow, if the circulation is accelerated or impeded by foreign matters, and the digestive or- gans are impaired, the blood is further degenerated from a state of health;—the liver becomes torpid, and performs its functions .imperfectly;—the lungs sympathize with the general disorder, and vitalize it but teebly. If waste particles are detaineir in the circulation, they become deposited, and form tumors ses, or produce violent fevers. If the so- country, ij'lindtr, postage prepaid. ' - - * - '»- •' . j SCliSCRlPTlONS v^-ifT be received until the I'VKXIXU oi- TuciisnAV, the Sic/ of January, 1861, at which time tlie books will c|osi«*-'and the l'reuiiums be given to subscribers. No person is restricted to a single subscription. Those remitting $15 are entitled to five memberships, and to one extra engraving for their trouble. ; ;Swhsc,riptious-from Calitorjiiii, the Canadas, and allFon;igii Provinces, must be jo Wiusiead-of $3, in order to defray extra postages, &e. For further particulars, send for u copy of the ele- gantly illustrated Aur JOCKNAL, pronounced the handsomest magazine in America. It contains Cata- logue of Prttniiuns, and iiunieipus superb engrav- ings.. Ucgular price,-'" Cents per number. Speci- men copies, however, will be sent to those wishing to subscribe, on receipt of Is cents, in atampaor coin. Address C. L. HKRUY. Actuary C. A, A„ 6-iti Jiromhray, Xew Tort. N. H.—Subscriptions received and forwarded by F.. PALMER, Agent for White Plains unci vicinity, whei'o specimen Engravings and AUT JOLKKAL can be seen. L mUY HOUSE, (LATE WA'CKOFFS,) AW. Iriy&tTjfHtil B8 Warren Street, Sew York. I'liOi'iUCTOits: IRA A. T.I111JY, late Clark, l.ibbv A Co., Merchants. Ifftrttt;tsrrrlit ItCU,- late Towuscud, Koiuer & llureh, Merchants. This House, so well and favorably known as the "Wvckoli," is pleasantly- and conveniently located in Warren street, mid but a few Steps from the front entrance to the Hudson River Railroad Depot. \ - It has been greatly beautified and improved under the direction of the new proprietors; who have ren- dered it one of tbe most attractive, as well us the most convenient 'iirst-cIasB=- CVUMZHCIAL'IlOl-SEIXXmr YORK, Being in the very heart of the Husiness Quarter 6l the City, and convenient to all the];Steaniboat Land- ings anil Railroad Depots. Travellers arriving by tlie Hudson River Railroad will please hand in their checks for Baggage to the Clerk in the Office, who will immediately send a porter for it. ZJ3~ CARRLiOES^m Will at nil times be in attendance to convey guests the House to any part of the City. The new proprietors arc determined that the old "TheWHtFTWtjrupd will rrp»n nt tin*above phtee, on MOSHAY, MlVF.UlU.lt 1 :lb, a U.W fc llOARI'. IMi si'lllMlL for Ymmu Lailivs. The large and eiiliiniodioiis building widely kln.au »» the "t'law- loid lliii'i,'' has been secured for this new enter- prise, The location is iiiiusually picture-.pie and liealthy. tl is situated upon the' line of the Sew Yotk and lliiileni Railroud, twenty »i» iniUs tiwui New Y ork city. No ell..its will be spared to make this a thorough and practical school. Ii The school your will he divided info two session* of twenty-two weeks each, und four quarters of eleven weeks each. Pupils wilt bu received at, any time, the proportion only of the quarter or session being charged. No deduction made for afe- •euce, except iu ca»cs uf protracted sickiu TKB^S: Payable iu Advaacf. Periniinent Boarders #'^.',0 UO. per annum. Partial Hoarders i * I.Ml 00 do. I from Monday till Friday). ( or *.1T 50 per quar. Day Pupils On per quarter. Miisie 2000 do. Use of Instrument. it 00 do. Drawing, t including use ofput- tejiis> .•.• 10 00 Modern Languages:- each .... {VtHT Lalip .., C 00 To TIIUKK wuo I'KKVEK A STATEII SIM— t ".on per an- uuiii will be charged, and for this sum the pupil will be cutitled to all the advantages of the school, with no extra charge. In case of two or more pupils from the same fami- y, a deduction will be made upon the above terms. A Primary Department, adapted to children tea years of age aud under, will aliu be established iu connection with this-achot L terms, $6per unarter. -R«ir circulars and fin tlier jiarticiilars, application can be made at tbe School of jiui Principal, S. SHELDOS SOUTON, A; H . - nEFERKSCKJt, lion. Myron II. Clark,'New York. Thomi.s Addis Emmet, Esq., New York. Hon A. W , ltradford, »«« • . Rev.R S.Tuttuig, «*..->.' . •..:, Rev. Dr. Hawks, ~— " . V Rev,' Dr. Macauley, " ' - : Prof. Nairiic, t'oli'inibia College, " • I Rev. Dr. Matthews, " Hon. Charles B. Sedgwick, Syracuse, N. Y. Bcv. Dr. Sott, PresiSeul Uui'uu College, Schenao- tady, N. Y. John 0. Saxe. Esq., Burlington, Vermont. Prof. A. V. Kendrick, Rochester University, Bo- chester, XX. 'Prof. t!eorgeW"."Eat6nvMa"di»6nUhiTer9ity,Han*-«; ikon, N. Y. ' ''•'" Hon. Ira Harris, Albany, N. Y. Hon. Rosooe Coiikliug,"l!tiea, N. Y. B. S. Seyinour, Pieruiout, N. \ r . 2»w» $5,000 WORTH OF CLOTUINO AT A KEDUCTIOS OF FROM TWENTY-FIVE TO FIFTY PSK CEXTx r^- FOR OA'H MOSriI OXL Y! „j£% Conimeneing February 22d, 1800, at the uldea- tablishcd CLOTHtNGSTORE or JAMES V.. AYRES, Corner of Main- and Orchard Streets, Tarrytown. The following List will show some of the Bcductioua - y iu prices: OYERCOATS, from>:i 00 to $15 00; Formerly told for $5 00 to |25 00. "FROCkCOATS.froniilOOto liOO; Formerly told for ft 00 to 1S-00. PANTS, from . . 2.50 to 6 00; -~- Formerly told for 4 00 to 8 00. VESTS, from. . . ,1 25 to' 5 00; Formerly told /or a 00 to 8 00. HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, AND CARPET-BAGS, AND FANCY CtGODS; FURS A-ND BUFFALO BOBES; ZJT At a reduction of 25 per cent. I JBSk The subscriber offers to self at the above reduced prices for the purpose of disposing oi his Winter Stock ot Clothing, to make nooni for one of the finest assortments of Spring and Summer Clothing ever offered in theVounty. (1'eruis Vath.) Call and ex- w with special reference to Military and Physical train o,> fining raw muter the MMiagniBiit of (fen. Mitn- son I. Lockwond, offers every facility to young gen tlcmen fitting for College or the Counting Boom. - rVertchTrmfFwglish Cloths, Drup d'Ete, Doeskin, Cas» [—All that the most wtitirm;; renT nrirf energy fan de w tto.'tll, i'U'Vl'lt UegliteS CoSti'teHuB . Andfi'-nty foot, to the plui-o of beginning—cuiitahi.- itig ' r '4-li"i aeresi thirty aiVFS and sis?y-iiVe liim- dridttw of an acre- Xoveu.brr si, l»r,it. •„<w7 p. s, m-oFFonn. OTICE IS Ht'.KEnY «IVE^f, that the niidersi^wed, owner in fee and occupant of the upland adjoining the land under water hcrcirrsRei* describctl, will make appliciitioll to the t*ommis«or, era of the I-and.OSice ot the State of New Y*rk, at Sieretarr of Stato t in Albany, oir Monday, the Ith day ot February next, at n o'clock in t h e forenoon, for a grant iu perpetuity to biro by the State, for the purposes of cnmnierec, of the land under water b;urntt'd and deirtibed as fol- lows ; Alt that cntaiii piew or pmcel of land under the waters, of the IluJ-oa Kiver, situata adjoining the Tillage of Uohbs' Km, iii the town of Green* burgh, i-i.uuty of YYi-str'..fstL»r, si-.l Stat* of Saw Y'oi%, begiiiuing at tiiu intersectiuii of the sotitheiiy line of t«e |irc-T^iisqs of the utjiler?.i,nie.i, with origi- nal high Water murk as it was print In HuJsuU Riiet' lhnlioj'l : , llicnce mnnin-t H K. hi N:l.«il rpRE.ui: M !l biS tOSR ilk r am Wife, Re: , Asron ens. K, Sli.WU il and r. lion, »i,i ounty, m T--WKstcnrsTEH It ii-.f^H Beoiieff and n|iiiiitii Tierittett aud iViiI-.-Idutnl Man I'- .r Ifolief—(Colo »..' AllOVH 'VfAMllll- Yt* 'iiuited to answer ihi en was filed in fh+i ul i>f WeMehester, at 1 tlie :•,! il,iy of iJer. of Ni siincrcx, E&ahmcrittgft AlpactisJ Linen Drills, Ac. Ac, all (>f which will he made up to order in the neatest and most liiiilii'malile niiitinei', af the shortest notice.. Also, constantly on band ant! for sak, at the low- est cash .prices, Headv Made Ciothiiig of every de- scriptinn. MMBg wliicti are. Frock, }<ack, and Dress Coats, Tests and Punts,, of the itii-ioiis styles. A jror.cral assorluienl of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Cravats, itccl all articles Iwintty-found ro-aG.eutteHiau-'s W»r4- robe, eafrbe found at his Store, and purchased At a reasonable rate. .. ^ . ^ The Custuiii Dcpurtnient hehiff under his inimedi. ate suneryision, uo pains will be spared to give, sat HfietiSS to all who may favor hinl with their patron- agff. - —-* JOHN A. AITCIUSON. Sing Siiif;, J u n e 21,1KE-T. " Ttf . L YONS' PATENT R O C K A . V I > S T U M P EXTRACTOR, AKD WALL LATE11. This Machine is one of the ^reat hdirir-saTtn^ im- -pr-.yemeiiits o f ^ e ap^. and foeefs with the ntnjuali- r i-.-— -,-_!,_., , .. se c n rt in npern- d «l j , , . tr rob? U will- tate, rucks m cnchutidrenl f "all who 1 haye Lint of the ^rmirid vrci^h, iitrds to sis tons, without: •espectiiillv yours, MANDVVVAYHAX Little Bay Street, Sandidge, Sold at ; P r i n c i p a l O f f i c e , 291 Ca«»l SfJfcc*^— BBtffi at 2S cents a bois, and by. all Oniaiiiists. AMII,T(»?f Ct)LTiE<;lATE AND MllJ H V, i""Machine' will gri.and, level hrnfWIj or and stumps are minimi to • Two ir,un can n r.rfc t h i s JS one of t,ho*n Jia>iiinta an land can yyelt aft ird ttf elea with iine-uuartcr of the cost rk on Tiill sides or wet i airv place where rucks . be \ mliTd. Mitc'iiine.with eitse: - vritlr uy ftii-mer bavinsj rocky i-ar it, as if can be dune jf the f^rdinary way... -""'f-lrhitl'-- j.nif'i«ily i,p«wmed nnit IT,if tiiiMat,, ' t'miiiltf. >i V vise for the adranccment of his pupils, will be cheer- tittlT performed by the Principal. At. tiie same time that the closest attention is paid to the fundamental exercises of a thorough" a n d fin ished education, the moral trainttur, politeness, ami elegant demeanor, characteristic of good society, will never be lost shjht Circulars giving puHfetrlsrs may be obtained by whlre»»tntf tho J*rtncip»l at . W h i t e iFIaiiMJs o r of ilessrs, Henry Robinson A Co., 313 BroadTway, and Win, 8, Vnnderbilt, Iif* Brnmlway, REFERENCE BY PERMISSION',, To flic following disiinguifhed gentlemen s Hon, Horafto Sevmimr, New York. Hon. Rodman M. Price, New Jersey. Major General Wool, L'. S,.Arniy. His Exenlleucy Governor YVillurd, Indiana, R«T. J, II. Faucis, bong Island, > , Maj, Oen. Aaron Ward, Sinit Stna. Cot W . J . Hardee. U. S. Armv, West Point, . Hey. Mr. Partridge, Hfnoklyn.* Bey. S. Chipmaii Thrall, Siiti Francisco', Cnl, 3oha B, Lewis, Er-ij., Sftn Francisco, Cat. William H. Hasrie, Es<p, Cliiirlesti.n. ! \ C. Hon, Jtrfin B. Ilaskin, M. C, Fonlliam, Wcstches- twConitly. *- (fen. Ward B. Burnett, late U. S. Army; Xcw Y.u-fc. Dr. Samuel Bard, State Superintendent of Public InstnwiUm, fouisiiimi. -, fi.I. .P'tet'tv Yan CoKhindf. Croton, New Yovk, H«n, W.. H, IVmberton, District Attorney, West- chester County. N. Y, - Hon. John W, Mills, While PImiis, We.*t«hcstcr ['bese various conditions of the blood produce local or general disease. RUT IT IS FYIDKNT THEY ALL SPRING FROM 0>'E CAUSE —IMPURE BIiOOD. K.V|iel this impurity by judicious purga- tion, and you must eradicate the disease, for disease cannot be present tn that person whose brood is pure. Common sense tells its'this. A cumulative experi- ence of many years has infallibly proyed it. If this doctrine v. us contrary to reason, yet if experience should Invariably" prove it, W'C n r n s t d i a c a r u reason and cTing to the fact experience has taught us. Rut here reason anil experience go hand ill hand. Rran- dreth's Tills, by restoring the-blood to its pritmd purity,, und natural course, will rcmnre disease, by whatever technical term it may be known or defined by medical men. j Tlie tlwory uf one disease, and one method of cure, is not supposed to Be gaiiiiug ground rapidly, but the idea of the unity of disease is being gradu- ally developed; and in schools -of medicine, it is even now taught "that an outward ulcer-and- an in- ward abscess, though the results of diil'crenLproxi* mate causes, are occasioned by impurity of-ilie Mood, and nig cured bv pmyim* ita? i* THE IMH'TRINES OF THE UNITY OF DIS- EASE, AND OF ONE METHOD OK CERE, ARE BUT THE 'TWO HALVES OF ONE (iREAT TRUTH ;*AND THE EXISTENCE Of TIltS'ONE CURE. OR ENIVERSAL REMEDY, BECOMES A RATIONAL SUBJECT OF EXyUERY, AND IS SCSCEPTIHI.E OF PROOF. 4Ehc cures eficctcd by the use of Braiidreth's Pills, in the one hundred and eight years they hove been before the public, have place-sf tiieir claims to this distinction beyond all question. Time has esta- blished flafi. universal utility, and applicability to .disease. Aiul as the medicine which can cure can also prevent disease, tlicir prudent use during seas- ons of epidemics mid contagions, have preserved ninny valuable lives. - ; Thousands if persons in the cities and villages of the United State*.can bo referred .to, who havef been restored to health by their use. By no - other power than their own inherent virtues, could, tliey, fctso selves to pay particular attention to the comfort uud safety of their patrons'. JBf THE T.TBLE^l Will nt all times be supplied with the best the Mar- ket affords, and in this respect the Libby Houseshal not be surpassed by anv in New Y'oi'k. _ 1L B R I S K , Office Clerk vf ith tbc former Proprie- tors, will remain with us, and will be happy to-see his old friends. ^ - New Y'ork, March 11,1858, 8tf B ff'^HI'l rT. . tlie clUciefley of Ihe from practical faimcrs, MBclniiC», - - . " ' ii—^-j^S—^j Prk^rof the Hftcabw af BtiimforJ Jlnnn- , . factory 3 9*0. j . .Ad,Jr, f , Hon. Isaac V. Fowler, New York. Hutj, Edmund ii. Sutficrlauil, W'We Plains Chester County, N. Y. ICott. James S, l«tHyteF, Kew Y'ork, ;=~=t continent. I The undersigned has himself prepared Brandrcth's 1 Vegetahle Pills for upwards ofthii fy veiirs; anil lias luul opportunities'of testing their sanitary proper- ties- in an extensive practice. Their vatae in eases of recent sickness toitst be observed or experienced to recciye the credit they deserve, I have seen asth- ma relieved, and gradually give way to their intlu- enee. More than this. I have known eonsuntption cured by them, even. after tuberculous depnsitinn ba4 taken place. Hot rheumatism, fevers, sinal* pox, fever and ague, erysipelas, nndvriolent itisrascs generally, soon yield to the mild but energetic sway id' l!niii(ircfirs Pills. They are in truth a universal purgative, fur whatever is in the blood and fluids, which has no business there-- whatever and wherever the deposit of morbific niattcr-may have taken place —this medicine, hill lag throngh' dijtestinn entered the circulation,penetrates .every recess of the hotly, and either expels, or causes to be absorbed for ex- pulsion, every unhealthy pai-tiefe. Brimdreth's Pills are now given in praeticeby forty-nine hundred crin- seieutiows physiebois in tlie United States, They have founo that their patients may take tlie pill's without rcgnrd to the 'weather, or cither Tlistitrbing enures —their effects^at alt tiiiies, being Cerlaiii and sahjtary,- The pills are now daily rtilntinistcrctl to youth, MUtnhiiniL and. old ast% ftntf are given to fe- Vnatcs under the must crif teal and tlelieate cirtMtm» stames, because they do not disturb or shock the animal function, but restore their order and re-esta- bii,h health. Bia»nireth's PiHs are made cS" Herbs,, Boots, Ex- traets, avid Essem-es, nritl are therefore purely vce;ef- ai'le. ..No cheiineal peothirtioti enters into tlicif eom- pnsj'iion. The Hraiidteth l'ills prove that there art witiiin us faculties, both bodily BntLititrfleefnal, with vvhku eertieliiMiLTba have luTttiilv. aiut arer which RANTMIETII'S PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD.—Continued pain or uneasiness in any organ is generally cured by one or more doses oi Bnindreth's Pills." Thirty years persoBal experience bv the undersigned fully justify this assertion. "Dr. James Lull, of Potsdam, N. Y'., says:—"I have cured the most deplorable costiveness of the bowels with Braudneth's Pills, when every other remedy hud failed, and the patient was given up to die. Skin diseases of an inveterate 1 and painful character, such as erysipelas, salt rheum, tetter and i summer heat, I have seen eradicated by their use. T have eureiTibe rheuiiiiific,The epileptic, tlie pai-a- lv tic. and the consumptive, with these excellent pills alone." . .,. In jaundice and all affections of the liver, dyspep- sia, dysentery, and diarrhoea, pleurisy, sudden pains and infianimations, female obstructions, scorbutic and scrofulous, even gouty and nenralgie affections, have given way to the use of this medicine; and now, after twenty years experieneeyBiy estimation of Branilieitis l'ills continues to increase. ' OBSTRUCTION. A young lady, beautiful and healthy, took cold which caused a 'serious obstruction for tvvo years her health was broken down and her beauty de parted. At length Braiidreth's Pills were- tried, eleven doses, of from two to four, were taken in Iif teen days preceding the usual period. Bepnlarity was restored, aud her health anil good": looks reco- Tered. *~ A - *- * WORMS. ... Brandrcth's Pills are the best yermifneo; thor ans ttrte: A little child, six years old, for soma vveeks^wns drooping;_ its" mother guve it one of Rrandreth's sugar coated pills;, the next day thare cotiie avvav a worm sfxTceninches lo'.iir, and as large us a child's finger. The child was well, FLKURIS Y. A eentleman, away from tiome, was taken with pleurisy; the inflammation was terrible; everj breitfli'imide him writhe with agony. Eight Bran- dretb's Pills were swallowed, and warm oil applied locally ; the pills operated, and the pain was re- lieved ; plenty of gruel was taken, anil six mere piTTs,"ami ltie*second day the patient wits cured. These statements should have weight, ami prevent t h e trst» of poisonous drugs, and stop the siul prac- tice of.bleedinir. B. BRANDRETH. Braiidreth's Bills are sold at the Principal Oftice, £i»i Canal street, Rrandreth Building, at 88 cents per box; ami the same, sugar coated, 13 cents, warrant- ed to keep as well as the plain, —, . 17ml 1 >jdCIFIC E I R E I N S U R A N C E COMPA. N Y, I'tiHjic limb /Snihlinn, corner of IJmadtmy airrl t'fraud Stf't. Branch office, No, iin Wall street. Cash tnipital, §200^000, with a large surplus. In- sures Dwelling*, Buildings, Merchandise, Household Furniture, Vessels in port awl their Cargoes, and other propeity, against low or damage by lire, on favorable terius, Amos F. Hatfield, ' Thomas Jereiii.iidi, -C-hrtrtes B. White, J;tei>U Cainpbelt, Jr., Eticue?,ar RcadlesTou, Ai.iir.r.T SKKI Y, Ei.t.swivRTn t'ti Vl.IIRHT Willi!.. STAMFORO ROCK CO,, ) {"ijurj 4 ; Slamfiird, V.mn. i A(jenis Wfttttnl in tr.??/ Town* -1 St w J>i«t TF IC ITfll l *i,-itetoni ot aint vvt.i lorn will «! in lln i ,\t:„i- OUI uf if apply H tWi <; tan. rill tlie ¥ ;.oth, 1' li-JW? llMi tii I tile the IKe I; i i rtiver 'Rail s ami uim* *- nt an- sen*. north by 1 •"Hchnttdt s i. .11 the suuth st b It laud nth- Ii. I o^tbe point m lands of the sai I , BUII eontninin* twi-nty-two thuu- lanil -adjoiaing bnuniieil if James Wilde. Jr., and •a-t by Cringe Schmidt's r Ml Hi*g.-n's lam!; and •r .11. HETZLEH, :SE, may, AXB BECOJU TI YE TA/XTEJ,', wUlfTB I'b.tlSS, (gtti/foml Afc»:tr, r,M"*i!c Cat-nrc^'uSffirt.) 11AI.I.S. P.vRI.OHS, I.lltl!ARHX *r.. drr-nrated F 4MILY West- 4tf DOYS AT ftunooi, POR BEDFORD, S . Y . A. Willi«m«»*» A. X. w Principal. Next Session will commence MONDAY*, NOVEM- BER M L Circulars, containing particulars. Refer enresH A c , can. be obtained by addressing tho Prin- etpal. sfwS'" Q AwTl AXB BLISl> Mitititfhcfwrf ttTitr. O rytowil.—Tlienndersigneil.sneeussnrsta LP it tlie Ilild—n Hiver." Dated Oet COUHTEAMlT PAI.MER. New York. Willi ta«H' and de«piifeh I itini;t».; with I'm. of KAI.SCMINE; rtwmg PAPER HASOINtl, *c. -In: in Fi.-seo of Oil Ciitnrs. CHINA OEAST*. XIXC, of HT..I.I1 llv Hftelllled to. UUAlSlN'tt", MARHL1NO 4';yt art! M. Clark, wlmi juirt-liiisi-ii, have opt I ,*<H'^IH—ON TIE^DVY Mtli.'SIN'fl. t;l sf vth. t--', in l.t»NU M L A S D S«» iks t.r i*o pn rrcan have tl AC N ft, i ROW RO\T, oainted whit.-, pniriif sculls. r?n , I if L Sv'.I ii. I'-MHUilTO-H, Di»triet AMonUy. i-•-- . aail | . vi-ij- i \: HtTT; M PfiKT (UK.: UWU-.'-i" rsh.! rm, x, r. H'f I ^AIIW AT NEW RCK IIET.T.P, T O L E T 1 . po^KSSloN GIVEN npPf OF AERII, next - abi.tit thirty two acres* if fmiil, wHTi I b m s e tr.intunt iin Wevman's Avrmtr. New Berlirlle, new nrnipiedby Jiihn Rr.«s. Tbe t'letni-.e« adjoin th# Xiilserv of Mf. Pi-Tef tfafUrf, fn-imrewf OWTTHiE SHIWMAV. 45ft to WittiHin ,fr«t, Jiew Yotk. , business anil iixtiires they have ued » Sa»Ii Ani BTind Jlanufac torr, in Main sfreef, Tarrytown, near the Rnilreml DeiMtl, wh i-e thev will be pleasnt to receive orders for every de-eiiplinn of work in their line, which will be tilled at the shortest notice, and at reasonable charge*. - M Reiutv mode «,i»hi?» constantly on hand, and Bra* motid jiasfae* mail* to order. m-np.j-j DE REYERE A HICKOK, Tarrytown, Oct 41,1 s,*9. ATTEjmist; »oi 7 irT *AS RE ACCOM MOD * TED WITH «;t»»lt nttARD. at fluj hntiM of I*nttrt Pnrtf, n i f tha » Court Uou?e, ittf ( tEJTTLEME.f Tn?. j and mind. _..._ , ' - _J. , • t RRASDBETTrH PTf.T.Hnrc ntTmirahly fmitpfoulo ! overeome the iliseases of hot clinialcs. Their prompt ; action, preventing eonaestitins nf tbe brain t»r vis- : cera, and clearing away* ltlos# obsfriictim,s of the in- 1 fesfinal canal, and iltose engiiigeim-iifs of the large veins, vvltieh occasiiut so many nbn minif symptniiis, leading tu rapid dissolution wilder tbe heat of a tro- pical sim. By their use the blood's vitality mid energy nre sn«fuim-d. for bv keepina it free Irniii oppression or titiiit, it is enabled to. witUstautl all tliu»e foraeltirtts ntipiitactii-s if iffsinse to which pei'sutg* uf ' b a d ' blend llie alWafS piedispiweif, BRA.XDREf IPS I'lELHiire fast snprrsodhigevery eftier tiit^lieitie. The fact thai ilrtf liavelit-eiikmivvn in Enehttnl ami th*> United grataa"for t» Jieiiint of 1**4 yeitrs, is not-tmlv an eviilencc of public esliuiftlion, but of thefr neevssity to the puhlic henltb. E',cry one IVIHI is pieMjiile.I upon to Osfl this file*- tinnilile iiiediriiir. B ,-K ur.dcr hi-titu; etiil'piTm'ns !•» those whti over, time his pit^jndiers. And th*i-e wlro Inive become- t\peiimciifa!!v aeijuainti-d wiih its v»ltie, f--i! tt.,,S 111. ir time ana CWtfytfH cmthl not hf t(,'?t,r eiiiHt..yi-d Jliait in thr rluciriiniu-fl of its Brot- ttM>—it, i,i »ith-pt.«hiel«g pruperties. The public's servant, R, RRAN'DRKTIL » . D , ^"BRAN'DRETfl'«+-PH-.L» *fr t-erttt per brat WfYif t-nfriw* r-^n?r(i w i t h * t i-^'fir by a ttcw* J>F-^##S --\% %%% aby*-OD«,Shillmi(pcjl»«x. '4"U Oeorgfl R. Jackson, David Dnws, Je«se A. Marshall, John ArMerritt, '•* j Mi , uiy BnVMW f James D. Fish, DttvUt t. Youngs, Henrv Wen-tel, Allan Hav Hai liuiii lllaureli. II. N'. Wild, Wm, B. Lnnilrihc, Abraham B, Vaw Nest, E, A; Yanderhnnf, Alexander Hawkilia, William Hraith,: John Kerr, ,Tede4iRri Millar, •-John W , Hir George II. Muller^ Tliomas Urane, . -James Harrist>n, AngAtsfus Weisman, John Morton, AMOS F. HATFIELD, President, 'A. L. STVTTS, Heerefaiv, E, CRAWFtiRB, White Plain*, Agent. N. B,—AH risk* binding from Ihe date of »ppltea» tinn.-Datctl IS'tw York, May 80, 1-W, 8tf THAREYiiAitrE ron «^mKiA**?£ i\ MAKEIist AND RI.ACKrtMITIl?! '.-'- The sub- serilier tiil'eis for stile, or to base, a CARRIAHE- MAKER and a Rf.'At KHMITH'H ,<tI()P, situated in rtOL'TH SALEM, Westriivster County, N. Y. The CarT'Sfiae s-'tsrip h;'s rwry crmveilicncti pertaining to Ihe bti-ine**, and in the bltseincnt is provided Willi a n " feet ..vev.'i.iT.WiiM-.Wl.H.I. The l>utUttu|f Is §8 X 4K fe«.t, ami two sfiii'ies high. The Macksmiili's ^riop has two Forges anil a gooil stuek of Tunis, III riiniii etioii with it vvill 1M' sohl, - if tb-ired, a neat l)\Vr*hLI5a'll0VSE ami BARX, v»ilb s ft v» IMP of t*u4, The subscriber tit.n ntti rs for safe some valnahtt i Mitt pr..i*rty--s Haw Mill and a Mill for grinding: IV..I, with IS feet lead and fall. For flirt her particuj.iis, inquire of HRXBT Wa- l»i!T«, County Treasurer's Olliee, Wliite I'lajns; or! ,„ the •ubsefiber. IlKiRY RKEEER. , Dat«rt rtwuh SaJem, Jan, a*, •«*> »-tf | icneed workmen at' the most reasonable terms. JAMES E. AYRES. Tarrytown, February 20,18C0. 42tf |-t?" Agent fur tho United States Life Insurance Company. AT THE O I . U E S T A B L I S H E D STAND, la© Bowery, COR. OF BROOME ST., JST. 31 WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND S1LVEB WARE, J. II. JU>linsfon & Co., Formerly with, ami successors to JACKSON A Musr, ask tin attention of purchasers to their large and elegant assortment of fine gold atM silver watches, imported direct from London, Liverpool, and (lena- XM r mostof which are matte expressly to our order, and for TIME, FINISH, and DURABILITY, ratinot be surpassed. Our prices range from $'21 to *.1>5 for Ladies Gold Watches, fan to |l"f> for Gentlemen's, and from $K to $.!"> for Hilver Watches. Also, AMERICAN WATCHF,S. RICH JEWELRY AND DIAMONDS in great ra- riety. Diamoiids, Pearls, Ac, re-set, and Jewelry made to order. ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING RINGS, BRI- DAL PRESENTS, Wedding and Visiting Carda en- graved, Ac. Ac. • Especial attention is invited to our large assort- ment of STERLING SILVER WARE, Forks, Spoons, Knives, Ladles, Napkin Rings, Cups, Pitch- ers, Ten-Sets, Ac. . PRESENTATION PLATE eonstantrjevM, hand ot made to order, SILVERPLATED WARE of the best uualitv in great variety; the newest patterns of Tea Sets, Cake Baskets, Castors, Forks, Spoons, Ac, winch we offer , at the very lowest prices. Old articles re plated, so f as to took-a» good as new. -. HOTELS fitted out in tbe bast manner at short notice. . * BAlRJEWELRir imKhrttr orderraml MOLRN- I5G JEWELRY eonstairtly hand. We give particular attention to the repairing of Watehea, Sevitity, As,, none but, the best workmen being employed. ° l*jl| Please cut out our Card attd give u s a call. i J, U. JOHNSTON & CO., "f WatchftiakcTgnii J Jewetew, J im BQWEliY, COR, WtQQMEST., \" . SEW YORK. r r i M E I — tllR UNOERSTGNEB HAVIN't* Xj/crecled PAc.E'S PERPETUAL PATENT LIME KILNS at TUCKAHOE, WcstchostCT County, are now prepared to furnish Fresh Limo of the - BEST QUALITY I Burnt from pure whit* crystalizcd Marble., and will uiiikc one-thud more Mortar tbtin any other Lime, and for purity and strength is unsurpassed in tho World. Masons and Dealers need not buy stale lime, , as this can be bail fresh from the Kilns every day In the year, delivered iti barrels or bulk •*. tbc'ile|w>V at Tucknhne. Manufacturers tan', others w h o rt*. ipiire very strong Lime, free froui any impurities and for clarifying purposes, Ac, arepaii'icularly reoue«. ed to <f["c this I.ime a trial. Ordyjr* by M M ** »*Ky erivisc, promptly attep.^,1 to, Mrttfi . MAGEJU^rA^PAtj!^ AYRTTy m MBDICATyn PAjPM. the use of ordinary while, colored* oc. uiaiititd tiajier in thewntor-rfoset, Mr. J. C. 6AYETTY','of N»W. ^ m K, s t -t is» m'ork tvi'l discovered a process of mak- ing a pure Manilla paper, (from the new bale hemp,) and medicating it In a stylo lo tun Biles where tW disease exists, and prciihl it in tho youngest and tho, healthiest person without "detriment to the .general health. Besides its medicinal valtrf, OWireltir*a 4 JWcdicatcd Paper for the water-t'loset, ha* vulut^ as a beantilul article of eomfnrt, textirr, and con venience. It Is sold throiythout the Ifnited States by Druggists, Fancy Goods Dealers, aud othora, 800; eim be tinrchased in larjje or smitlkijiuuititics, at th» grand depot,41 Ann street, New Yci^eity, ^w*!* •<f imitations. Tim i;utininc has OitWrTi namy vyoter-nnirkccl in sacli sbi-of, and hi* autograph niitm each label, "iW^ ' P AIrlTIJfO.—The undersigned has opened a I'AfNT STORK on the Railroad .\v^nuo m Whit* Plains, where he will rvcive orders for all kind-i of PAINTS, and orders for work to be done. in Ihe wav id" IIOf.SE. SIGN, and OABHIAGW FALSTING; als», FRISCO PAINTING. H t r q . (iiiii»flmnkit.i thy pi-pl-.'i'f Wbyto Plaint and vi. einitv for thHi hbei.il iiiiiniiiug.', and t.siH.ictfnlly solicits a coiililiniuice of thi-ir t'aTiirs, which will bo niti-mied tn promptly, and in a superior m.inner, M hi,i„„HlnHKlc™,epric^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ WbHc Fiains, March A : ' T ' <*tf ORIGINAL STAINED Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

B A H AMII,T(»?f Ct)LTiE. il ..I i i, • r...t, l.cle'n ,1 1-TlTTt -Dated .' 1*11 1 A i ^fr

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Page 1: B A H AMII,T(»?f Ct)LTiE. il ..I i i, • r...t, l.cle'n ,1 1-TlTTt -Dated .' 1*11 1 A i ^fr

n : i ; \ I. M i n i i: TI. . TT;.I

il>. il . .I i

i , • r...t,

l . c le 'n

,1 1-TlTTt -Dated

. ' 1 * 1 1 1 A i ^fr i i :

U I M ' l i l M ' H t i t •UT; . f l .•Sv.-iii'. of llie luitiiW • •! V. (Mi e» uu iue UIIIUIK- »iMkv,.f il.c ,-hei

-isauiy »f \v....iiiu".,tir v,in if L.i>i..! '.!,.• i Rous•• iii White i 'hiins, iu the~i»»id Cuufh Janua ry 1st, 1 T1.- » ''.

Ui>tf " \\ 11.1 I \Sl H!.i:.\Kl.i:V, J a . , Sheriff.

J COCRT OF SK.-SIONS IN A M " FOR THE Ctrl VIA OP WESTCHESTER. FOR T H E > EAR lathi. 1 do herein appoint ' f i rms of the Comity Court ami Court Of S i v h u i a for the County of We.it

ster, for tlu- vear Isi'.o, to be hold a* follow*

— — — — — ~ — « f p ri«i(ii«i» V U : M ••: K U I N « ; » » H A M * .


/>,,»;./,„«. S l i . N t Ell K G R E E N .

| i .11 I . « It. MM,

& q ' / ' ""a- Sitr-nt,.-* S. t ' " ' 1 ' »•


lo miiv.iani t iimt I J virtue the uhu \c fittitIt-it action on llic '.lb day of I'ecoul-bcr, A. l b , l ' " . i \ unit a t the statute in such ca«c made and prev ided, notice is l u r c h } g i v e n lo all person" ha\ ii.K any general IK ri or incumbrance, l*i judgment or ileer*e,.or otherwise, on the uinlii ido l

, - , , . . . . . . . , . share and inters*! of any uf the owner* or panic* lit flic licnenil Term* of mtiil Courts will be belli at tdj* action in the* preuiise*-hereinafter described, to

Plains OH tbe src<>n./V produce tu me, tbc unders igned, Referee in tbe said

¥i.u.i;ebr;'m..|.of'i.-\iii^^'''7i^,^,;;",.l;;;';;L t m or l»obb*' Kerry, with original W*h » ' I , m . i , ....... ..••;,.•• I., ilu. lon.sl iuit ion i t the Hudson

l ue r K. Often, ic> Hl \ en-., uii T. Winter ,

to ' the construction of tbe liud>"ii thence running lo'lUi, Koiontv sc-

*uid ruilroud, two Hiin-

the Court lloii*e iu While •il XI t appointed , on or before the 'i'Jlh

' * tM* ' i t , at mv ottiee in Pi liens

- .WnWe# e / Mitfi'fi, luul on, the Jir*t Turidny of , order name Dmmfaj ami at .the Court House in Bedford ; d a y - 0 f J « m m r y ' t r e s t , f x r t t , M mv ottiee in ^k»-v» thtf fifd ntidttjf < / Jiifte, ami on the 'third ; | i l | , in the ̂ i U e o u u t v . proof of their renpeeliveliein' Mm, i,iy qf S>{-t>nihir t at which Terms • Uraud | » m l incumbrances , toge ther wi th natUTaotoivuvi ami IViit Jury.will be reipiiretl tt attend. . .

Teniw of tl'ie County Court, for the hearing of Ap­peals, ntul for the trial of issues of law, and for tbe

as it was Kivor lUilroad yen dejjiees we-t, erosning d ied mid seventy f'lir feet, to u point in said l iver thence south, fourteen decrees west, s ix hundred and ninety two and uhalf feet J thence soulh, seventy-K'VL'O decrees east, two lniiidied and ffirty-lilno lllirt '

thence south, eiehty-eitfht dejirees mid

S|.. Ju l Kie J o i n , W u i t c \ \ llll.OII It, I l l l l i^Otl , J a m e s S l e p l e n s , Stephen V.. Uuinill , ftulllUul I t . t 'ooH-H', Aii'llcw Stevens, si'.cpben S. ChilUs, Uobei t Allan, '"•

j l i .•hard Kellv, M illiiiln A. l lul l ing, l.'illiiel l iates, Cbai les Kooiiie, \ \ il 1 in in A. Wctherbee, I). I). T. Marshall, \V It. Ibbbil is , Unbel t H. I.ii ingntutl, V. Il, l iruiis , A . t i . I l l l l iO. l . u t l av It. MuMi.

l i eanug and deehhm of iiuiti.uis mid other proceed- I follows : lugp, will be held at tbe Court House in White I'luins owned bv otr the /mirth M">i<l'iti <•/ February, and on the ' ' (.('ii/'./ ilnihUiya/ .\oremli'f ,' and at the Court House iu Itedfoid on" the thinl .l/o.'ia'i«> "/ ' Mnj/, and on

TeiUtAm. thii-t/uuBty Ciiurt, fbr the hear ing of all mutters other than appeals, arid the truil of issue* oT

•t", will also bo hold at the Court Mouse in White the third UW/nWny of every month.—•

fact' 1'i.lillS OU Dated Jauua iy 'id, liUiU


Weatchester County J u d g e .

•TW-OTICE I S I I i : i t i : ! l V G I V K e f , tha t the J . 1 subscribers, owners in fee and occupant* of the Upland adjoining the property hereinafter deaenbed, will make application to the t 'oniminsiouers of the Land Olliee, at the Office of the Hccretary of S'atc, in Albany, on . l l o u d i i y , t h e 4 t h d a y . o f I ' c b -r u n r j r next, at 11 o'clock, A. M., for a grant iu per fe tu i ty to the undersigned, by the fttate, ot the lane under water hereinafter dencribed, for th*.pnrpi»s«»

4ence of the amount due thereon, and to specify the nature id' such incumbrance*; and the dates thereof, respectively. The said premiaes are described as

5"he mans ion hou.-e and farm ot land Simeon Trav i s at ii i» decease, situate in

the town of Cortlaiidf, in the cimuty of Westches­ter, and State of New York, which was conveyed to the said Simeon Trav i s bv Absalom hent and Caro­line his wife, the i r deed of warranty bearing date the l'.dh dav of Mav, "ls:i], and recorded in said We^tclle^le1rTT7irm*yJrtt'rk's ottlcc in lii*»r No."-in of Deeiht, Jiage Hi.'i, Ac., t in the i4 th day of .Mav, A. I)., 1831.: and in t h a t deed the said farm is bounded and described as follows, v iz . : All that certain lot, piece, or parcel of land si tuate lying and beimj t n the town of Cor t landt , county of Westchester, and Stirte ef New York , bounded &S-fuilowa( la wli '- .Jie^ g inning a t the "southeast corner of the land hereby convoyed, at or near the laud and house of J o h n Urrgga; ' r u n n i n g from thence a northeasterly course along the road leading to the landing, to the Albany post road ; then along the lands of Gabriel Brtttga, to' the1 lands of J a m e s Hor to t i ; thence northwest, along the »aid Hotton 'a- ia iu l , tu the lauds of James J on Lin, formerly of J o h n Cla rk ; then alou

j / ( / . \ / ' . i ) ' , \\t:i>-a half feet ; thence smith, e ighty-eight i lcgiees iinu n , ; ? „ e • , , •• i u.,\t. ,\ live minu tJs east, aixtv-tlve feet, t„ nrigiiml high- ^ " i"1",/ '?' l , < 'rA•'",-,?{ v • A ' ' w a t e r m a r k at its iuiersecUou with the northerly , Q-BltJtA i , a w S. l 11 / . / ' . I J Juvai^ l ine of F i r s t s t r e e t ; thence nor ther lv , ulong higK- / ' ' ' " " ° l" b " dwk-

I w a t e r m a r k , six hundred and seventy 'seven feet, to i I the point of beginning—containing, according to a j ! map of survey of the premises made by M. I\. Cuu- !

*.'/ens, surveyor, three acres and tl i iee tmfu'.rcil and I liltiv-.seven tliousandihs i i.S.'iT-looui of an acre—ex'- I i-epting thereout the hinds of the Hudson Hiver Kailroml ikuuiuuiy.—Xhe^4axmis<ia . SuMSfiiiftL | W i - * ! S S l ? W { bounded on the north bv Chestnut s t r e e t ; on the > V t ~ t m ^" e 1 . l , i

east aud south by First s t r e e t ; a n d ou tlus west by | " ' " - ' ' es t l ioi

Deposits of nny Amount received. IN'TLIIKST will be allowed a t . tbe rate uf '! per ceut.

on all sums from »1 to |1,IX)0, lsTi:i(tsT will commence on the first day of Aprir,

J u l y , Octiiber, and J a n u a r y . A L L MO.NLVS ileposited ou or lH'fore.tbu loth day

I'M IAI. 8U1T11K l«»« 'I Hi: <»»>-t i ' i : i t \ i II>N t>r i i n M P I \N ^ \ i i

e l e l l l l ius ^i«.w I, I he (irtlifci 1 1 1 I n III l i p id Ii n - I.-1 t h e p i n | ..--., • ,.f , | . , j .pi i . i i i » . ten: I, I -. « I it-It ln , \ e I • rnim', RTT it-wrrvi- iv-tF,rTt,.iid it.ii^He, \S tui ^s U i U i r lint bill has .« . | i lU ' n.. -1 l a i d e .-H-vpu'iH'i » l u l u the sudden belli Uii; of an u h i r "i tbe i-li.pping iif an issue, where tlw,'.-e tiVctie** et: i l i tp i . i i ies have I K I I I . l u l l g i., e l l ? A n d w i n n i h e llllijin b i n > I jCioli .e ill t h e liubii id" llii«iw ing otl' \,i.-eid j Ti!- yni ti r siiiiKliionth"* n r u i i l « , il in eijiUills ilanyi-ron-. bv^llie ll-e of u>-Irt igei i l l e n i e d e s , li.'»i,i!ileilv s top this act ion, un­less the bow i U ale kepi tipell daily unti l the s i s t tUl becoli.es lis. d In the i-buiiyo. 'i'lii.-s C I I I M ' Wnidd prevent tlte Mi l l ing <»f Ho- bitiimis up..n ..tlier pa i l s , in the form of titiiiors or boils. Though hn-.il n . l r iu - j gent appl icat ions are not without dai i^cr ul any time, ye t let. uie say that if

IIUAMUIKTU'S in.i.s were used du r ing llie t ime and some timo after the njiptication had censed, +brr<-w«»ht •eKUmi uny a«#i-deiit occui' in ci'iiM'iiuence tin tenf.

I lieiieve, with leteiel iee lo tbe ease1 in ipiestiou, ' previous to the last application, the tumor bad m a d e i considerable progress . I t was th i s which oeca-| sinned the peculinr sensi t iveness in the p a r t - - T h e 1 p robaug was innocent . S t i a n g e t h a t tliisca.se, which

has iilaiiucd so many , shuuld nearly liiivo made a convei t of mo. ISRiiHlceth's I ' i lls would have reaelii-d the evil by and l l i rougb the circulat ion, and .the accident would have been pieveuted. Are Abef>

V KAUK! The seven yea r s of null* ailed aui'cena at lemlii

••< . i . t t i o i H i l i l i i n A l l \»>«»•• n i t i o f i , "

| « i \ It 1 M N I . W I U H H , , r U H \ H t M , I . A U I W ,

A t M h t t C I M u i i i " , W e » l i U « * t e r f o . , M . Y . I > "

I, ild wmd throughout uxery

leabove-uuuuli!-. will comiiicnce lo draw ' nethv 's iiiaxiius entirely lost smh t o f} l i e says that .. • . — i - i , . i A - . h w M f a J b M ^ ...... ...a^-w—, ,..i; - .ti,- .-•-.i.i.i in- ...,.i m the first 4 4 y l *

Hudson Kiver.-saw7

-Dated Oct. .",o, Is im. JAMDS K. HOI.DKN.


* ^ t ^ l l 1 ^ * l t ^ d ^ ^ S * s ^ ^ ^ S i U * * *»id U n d ttUd l a m l formerly of Samson DvCk-u n d e r w » t e r l . e r e i i . a f t e r d e « ; n b e d . f o r l h e p . n « ' | « » „ , . „ . eul .wM . .e i ,»l . of J n h n U. I.ettt. aud now of of commerceiand thei r ^ * ^ • ^ o y ' « ? ' f * ^ 1 „ i d J a m e s J o r d a n , th land of John TttMIe, and

n g a long a u d Tut t le ' s line, southwest, to the line of J o h n rTriggs' l a n d ; thence along said Brigga ' land, to the place of begintrtnit—eontainiiig ninety-five acres, be thB.saweniore or less.

The oti iet lot o r parcel of real estate owned by. tVie said Hiujeon Trav i s at his decease, is situate in the present or late Ninth Ward of the city of .New

same—such land intended to be applied tor being I !I!!!!»:_... bounded atid doscribed as follows, T I I . : Art tha t ! c q n u n m

certain pleoe. or pa ree t ' e t land under -the- waters-of the i iudsoii river, situate at the village of Hast ings, town of Oreunburgh, county of W eitchuste'r, a n d State of N'ew York , beginning at the •orthwester ly corner of the steamboat dock at Hast ings, now

^ £ ^ H i h ! . ^ f , l ^ 4 i ^ ^ i i , i r & £ £ & I Y o r t ; and" is known and designated as number %

Lions.uurrti^TAlntnnf,, „f ,t» acre. ' c o u n t > o f > e w » < , , k ' ' " « * K W « f Conveyances;

I I I ' R K M E C O U R T — W E S T C T B W B B Btmet.^ Adelaii|e l.ayi' (ii/nind Charles il . | iyuju_itnd Kli-

zabeth t>. I A O U , his wife, Dennis Jlcrj\^yrc;'l ,afr1ck~ Daly, and Jes«e Pnrdy.—Sumuions .

T l ) THU i>KKENHANTS AttO-V B-XAMKD AXD KACH OF TiiKM .'—You are liercby summoned mid reuuiled to

I answ er the complaint in this nctiim, which will be tiled ] in the oltice of the Clerk of the county of Westches­

ter , at Whi te I ' luins, in said county, ami to serve a I copy of your answer to the said coiiiphiiut on tile

subscr iber , at liis office, in the vil lage of Tar ry town, Westel iester county, S . ¥ . , within twenty days ufter the service of this summons on yon, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to auswer the sfttil cotnpfaiut within the time aforesaid, the plain-t id ' in th is action will apply to the Cour t for the re-rutief deiuaudeAyu the comj.laiut, hesidoa the cysts th is actio>u>-Dated Nov . ' / d , 1.->;>>. '

r Kh l . lAH A'F.RKS, -- 3 1 w 7 ^ r h d n t r f t ' s Attorney, Ta r ry town , N. Y. '

Bt m i l H A A V E , A G R E A T I ' l l Y S I -C l " \ , W H O T.UC.11T AND 1'KACTISKD

MFOICINK, l 'OU O V E R CO YKAKS, ordered^ ut­te r h i s death, all h is ex tens ive Meduail Library to be buineit , excciitiug one volume of immense size.

T T i n n v l i s T i T i e i l e d ^ ' T o my dear p u p i l s . ' " They opened it with profound venerat ion ; it. u as all blanl; l eaves ; neither wr i t ing or priiiting->\jus there, save onl v ou the lirst leaf was engrossed iujgpiaiu German tex t these words, •' Hciid cool, feet wicni , and bow­els open will keep doctors ^ o o r . " l%\ might have added! " I f the pat ient is hot , cool .llijii L_.it hut is

~TiS?ii1^iiflocTOms cuii onlv be ratticnHy- «ure*t 4«r*iHl througl i lliv o iguus of the stomach and bowels , aud let i.ie SUV—

l lFMl '^ l l lKU :—Wo cannot be sick, we can have no pain , but when some natiirul outlet for iheblood ' s iuijniiitics, is closed of inactive.

In the y e a r 17el, this great t ru th was auuouuecd wing proposilionii:-™

Tha t impur i ty of the blood, by i m p e d i n g the cir-culatiuu, piodiices iiilUtinniation o r dcTungemeiit of that orsian or t issue, where the impuri ty h a s deposit­ed itself.

Tluit medical men have applied diUerent names to. the iferuiige-i^Pilts of

ba \ e n.atie it • [dar te r o f the i t u t i . t r j .

I 11.I. I- t i e i i u c p l e e s of t i l l s pup l t l i i r l l i s l i t u l i i i l l , Mii t M A * . i m n / f W M m m f N A't^i,... h a l e teui'iicd to apprecia te- by beuiitiliil wmk» of art ou their walls , uiul e h o u e litei'iiture otl their tables the gicut be-uo t iu derived from heeoiuiug u subscriber.

S i ib-e i ip imi i* are now being received in a rat io utipaialleleil n ith that i(l UMN pici4ou* year .

TKHMS B F S l ' l t S C U I i ' T I D X : Any person can become a member by subscr ib ing

•rmti.i. inn.i.viis, for which sum they will receive 1st.- -The liirgy«*nd superb steel eug rav ing , i@ \

'38 inches, ent i t led

ttfAI/.l'AFE M l 8 T E R I X 1 L J 1 I S B E . t R I l T S . "

2 d . ~ O M ropy , one year , of that e legant ly illus­trated magaz ine ,

' *''rin!*Vosiuoi»olitnu Art Journal," "ul.—Four admissions, dur ing the season, to

*« T h e G a l l e r y o f I ' u u i t u i ^ s , 5 1 8 U r o u d w a y , N e w Y o r k . "

In addit ion to the above benefits, the re v i l l be given to subscr ibers , .as gratui tous p remiums , over

F r v c J t n n d r e d I t r r t u t i f u l W o r k * ^ t f A r t I j Compr i s ing valuable painfiugs, marbles , pu r i ans ,

outl ines, A c , forming a truly National beuetit. Tbe S u p e r b Kiigraviug, which every subscr iber

j will receive, emi t ted " r a l s t a f t Muster ing h is He-| e m i t s , " is, one of tbe most beautiful uud popular cn-i g rav ings ever issued in this country. I t is done on iSteet , tii f tue i ine and stipple, and is p r imed on^heavy : plate paper , SO by :)S inches, mak ing a m o s t choice , o rnament , sui table for the Walls of ei ther t h e l i b r a r y , I par lur , V? olliee. I ts subject is the celebrated scene i of &ur Aobn FtilstiitVreceiving, iu Jus t i ce Sbul low's I otlice, t he recru i t s which hinrc beeu ga.t)iered for h is

gguil regi iueut ." D"ctnjld not be furuiahed by

do .

And also that e e H a K ^ , •, , .. , water, lying and being southerly of and . u l j » i i , i u g ^ m l t b e s a l d l o t 1S bounded and described the i teamboat dock above mentioned, at Hast ings aforesaid, ntul adjacent to and iu front of the lauds of the undersigned, and bounded and described aa follow*, viat,: Begiuuing a t the southwesterly cor­ne r of said s teamboat dock, thence t u n n i n g south, e ighty two and a quarter degrees east, th i r t een feet, t o tbe present bulkhead; thence south, fourteen de­grees west, along said bulkhead frout, two hundred and twenty-eight lbet, to the new dock; the006 north, ciglity-oue degrees west, along the northerly s ide of said tu»w. dock, tweuty feet; thence north,

f Ju ly , ls^T, and iu that a s fol­

lows, v i z . : . All tha t certain lot of ground, with the improvements thereon, si tuate lying and being at Greenwich , in the Ninth (late Eighth) W a r d of the city of S e w York , aud known ajid dist inguished a m o n g o t h e r Iota iu a ce r t a in m a p or char t thereof m a d e n y 01iar.es l,i.s«, t>y lot number s ix ty , and now known by lot No. S3 Burton street, and is bounded souther ly in ' f iont on Burton s t ree t ; west­erly ou lot 61, as by aforesaid map or chart , now the rear of lots n u m b e r ti-3, 65, and 5? liuili'oi'd s t r ee t ; nor ther ly on the yard of the Methodist F.pis-copal Church. ; and easterly oil tot 5ii, now S3 But'-

N O T I C E I S H E R E B Y G I V E S V , tha t the

said cor-lebls and {

hltecn and three-quarter degrees east two hundred | t ( ,g s t r 4 K , t _ c o n t a i u i t i g i n ' breadth, front and rear, and tweuty-iiTue icei, lo ^herpomt- o f •beg inn ing- - | , , v e u t v . t i v o f c o t i u n d i u Hen-l l , , on each side, niuetv

t .—Dated l 'eekski l l , De ' containing seventy-two thousimdths (.'o'.'i-looo) of an uct;e, in accordance with a map of survey of th above hVd described purcolg of land and joining, made by M, K. Couzens, surveyor, dated Oct. | S , \*<r), reference being bad thereto the pre- I niises wilt .fully appear. The premises adjoining! said land under"water, owned by tbe , unders igned, are bounded northerly by land of Isaac Lefiugy; east­erly by the Hudson Hiver Rai l road; southerly by land of John and ""Isaac Lefurgy ; and vvcr.tf rly by the Hudson'l t iver.—Kuted lU.i tmgs, Oct. 30/ lsoU.


-• .-• r EIDE V. I IOl 'KE, MATTHIAS U 0 i J K E .

B S. R O W I . E T , Attorucy, SBS Broadway, Now"York. ?,-2\v7

7AY7 TiTsrrKisa

ISijO. C. FROST, Before*.



tice is hereby civcu that the subscriber will apply to the ('oinniisskmers of the Land IMiiue, at the Of­fice of the ir'iceietftty of State of the State of New York, at the city of Albany, on the 1 s t ( l i ly o f F e b r u a r y next, a t ten o'clock in the forenoon of

of the subscriber, in the town of West t y of Westchester , and State of New York, for the purpose uf promoting the commerce of (his Slate , o r proper, for h i s beneficial enjoyment, of the same ; which application will embrace fvro several t racts of land, us laid down'On a u iapuiade by Andrew Find-lay, Esq., surveyor, for the purposes of this applica­tion. r lhe first of said tracts adjacent to the land

: About.to be applied for, under water, is briefly de­scribed as follows ; Bounded on the nor th by lands of the Messrs. Simpson^; on the east by Long I s land Sound; on the south by lands of 'Sir, Benjamin M. Whi t lock ; and on the wpst by lands of the .sub­scriber. The lnnd' tinucr water about to be applied for, adjacent t o t h e above described tract , is part icu­la r ly described as follows; ' itexi'tptifiii of piece of Zand under JVater, A-, — Beginning at a poin t at common highrwafer mark of the East iliver; adjoining the lands of Benjamin M. Whitlock at H u n t s' Po in t ; theuce running south, fifty-six degrees .east, along lauds under water

Sranted to the said Benjamin M. WhitlocR by the ommissioiprs of the Land Oltice of this State, seven

hundred and eiijbty feet ;• thence north, twenty-seven degrees and thir ty minutes east, in liue with the-outer boundary of said Wbitlock's grant , one hun­dred and seventeen feet six inches ; tbenoe nor th , lifty-six degrees West,.seyen hundred and seventy-ae ren fcet, to the line of h igh-wate rmark aforesaid;

.•thence along the line of coinnion high-water mark , and by the lauds uf the said Paul N. Spoffbrj; south, twenty-eight degrees and thi r ty minutes west, oua

j m n d r e d ar;d seveuteen feet sis" inches, to the place of beginning—containing two acres aurFmuc-hiin^ dredths of an acre of i«pd» :

The secoud of said tracts of land, adjacent to ano • flier parcel of land, about to bo applied for, Under water, is briefly described as follows, to w i t : Bound­ed ou the nortfreast by lands of El i ia Winsh ip , and e£Benjamin M. Whit lock; on the northwest by the Causeway creek, adjoining the lands of I'aut fepof-ford; on the south, southwest, and southeaat) by-Long Island Sound. The land under wafer adjtceut t o the secoud of said parcels of land above described, about to be applied for, is part icularly described as ollows, to w i t ;

egi lining .ir

Si ; i » R E M 2 ' l t'fJURT—W.ESTCHKSTEll GWXTY. —Abija'n H.-Chul; and .Mary Aim .liis'wHe, plain-

tilis^Y/v'/^^'-i-iarah Fisher, widow- of Jvrcuiiah Fisher, deceased, Edward .Miller and Ariel' his wifp, Aihdine Fisher,-fife widow of William I'. Fisher, deceased, Dvvig'.it GaproB, Lovvis Oiidcrdonk, ami Andrew- Ou-dc-rdouk, de'Wttdants.--[In purtit iou.j— J . W. TOMI--KINS, At torney for plaintiffs.

In pursuance of a judgment (in parti l ion) in the above enti t led action,, iiiailc by the Supreme Court, and entered in the office o f the Clerk of the said county of Westchester , on the 2f>d day. of, Novem­ber, A. I)., XBW,.Calvin Frost, the Bc-l'oree therein appointed, will sell ut public auction, nt the dwell­ing-house of J e r e m i a h Fisher, deceased, on the pre­mises hereinafter described, in the town of Mount Pleasant, in the said county, on the l o t h d a y o f J n n n a r y ue.-ct, istflyat 1 o'clock, P. M., tholai idsand premises in the said judgment described, as follows, v iz . : All tha t cer ta in messuage and fsrm of laud situ­ate iifcjjic'town of Mount Pleasant, in the county of

Kensico towards S ing Sing ;—one parcel thereof, sii nate on the nor ther ly ' s ide of said highway, on which stand the dwell ing-house and barn, is hounded on the nor th and east by laud late of ' Joseph Miller, de­ceased.;, on the W e s t by laud of Thomas Field; and tin the souther ly side by the aforesaid highway. The o the r parcel , ly ing southerly of said highway, is bounded nor ther ly by said h i g h w a y ; easterly by the Bronx r iver and a lot of about one acre, con­veyed to the aforesaid Edward Miller bv the said ' Jeremiah F i sher and his wife, in the -lifetime: of t h e said Je remiah , by deed dated January a?tii, ls4;i , and recorded i n ' L i b e r 1'2C of Deeds, page 41" . ; souther ly by land, of Lucas Oiiderdonkj-iind west­er ly by land of t h e said Thomas Field—containing about s ix ty- two acres of laud, "(in both parcels,} b e t h e s a m e m o r e o r less,—Bated November goth, lsflil.

&0w7 CALVIN FROST, Referee.

Vtsionsj o'ft'he Rev York, enti t led corporations.—All oersons indebted to tl poration are to render an account of all sums of money owing by then!, and to pay the same to the said Receiver by the first day of J anua ry n e x t : All persons having in thei r possession any proper ty or effects of the said corporat ion, a r e to de l iver t h e same to the said Receiver by the same day : All the creditors of such corpc ta t iuu a r e tu d e l i v t r the i r respective accounts and demands to the said Receiver by the first day of J a n u a r y n e x t : -am! all persons holding any open or subs is t ing con­tract of the said corporation, are to present the same iu vvriliug and in detail to such Receiver at the Rank­ing House of the Rank of Sing S ing , in the Village of S ing Sing, by the first day of January next.-— Da icdS ing Sing, November ' J v !b , W>o.

H E N R Y W11, LETS, •Receiver of the Estate, Funds , and cfiects of the.

Bank of Sing Sing. Bowir

ha rm. Rei iember , Rome for o(>o years bad no phy­sician, and that was the br ightes t"per iod of her ex­i s t ence ami of her power ." But the Romans had u universal purgat ive, which iu all i ts .material ele­ments was like Brai idre th 's Pi l ls , incapable of in­j u r i n g , because onlv opera t ive upon an,d around the pa r t s involved iii the disease. Braiidi'eth'.s Youcta-

whole at tent ion to the composit ion of a medicine Whose elfects should be to remove all the blood impuri t ies , by t h e agencv of the circulat ion

^ .. . Court RECEIVER of the estate , funds, and effects of theTlANK O F S 1 N G BIStf , p u r i M i a n t ^ ' & u t t ^

ews i . eVSta tu . t i - s . « t : : t l « . i ^ t e , 4> t . J ^^ the sick,., .research, i iU ' roduc ing a lued.iciiie,7 mild in ils.oi>era-•'^Ot tbo vo.miti'.r.v dissolute m ot | . m ( 1 w | i a ( , s some consei|iieneet perhaps , are certain : . l ion; a n d s a f e umler iill"t'ivciUrisiaiii.'cs, yet-sUffteiftvlfc

* " * ' " ' not to injure. Thev purge , b u t vou cannot be sick j lv lioweitid to pervade the vvhoh " " ' " i«- . - " . i . i«

to the bowels, whose otlice would be to expel them from the body—thus cur ing al l local and general atilictions by tak ing away what they fed upon, l i e was emi­nently successful, a l ter so many years of laborious

teni. Incapable from the re ta in ing in your bodies of mat te r s which I- of In jur ing the most tender, ye t energet ic enough

always removes ; ami does no t the dog, the I for t h e most powerful const i tut ion, Capable of be-cat, a lways when sick, search ' " ' • . . . , . . . . i

T H E H O J 1 E J O l ' I i S A l . F O R 1 8 C 1 .

N e w S e r i e s — 3 f e \ v F e a t u r e s — N e w T y p e .


A, new series of this widely circulated family news­paper, will be commenced oil thejifth day of January nuj'.t— fprinted on fiiieiTiipernml hew type* W i t h t h e J a n u a r y number will begin the publicat ion of a se­ries of 'beautiful-original works of fact and fiction, wri t ten expressly for the I IUME. IOI ' I INAE by the best authof's of America. The first of these is from the facile pen of a well known und. highly gifted author, and i-i a powerfully written, ntnr!ii/,tt, rfiystefioits,(t;id deejihj iniweflimj history of courtship and married life. This cha rming story'wi'.l be succeeded by oth­ers of a similar description,, several of which arc al-rendyiin prepaiat ion. All the furmer pocnliarfeaturos of the paper, vvnicli haye given ita„v.<irld-wide repn-

the several new ones


fiinrription. of Land' nntfcr » point a t common high-water mark on the easterly Ptd» of 1HB.'« Point ; where the lands of Benjamin M. Whit lock meet the lands of Pant N. SpoBord; thence r u n n i n g along the soufliwesterfy hnat idar r of lands tmder water, granted by the C"c>nimissionerR of tbe_ Land-Office of this State to Bemamir. M, Wbithick, gonth, fifty-six degrees ea»i, e ight hundred and fifty feet; thence south, foity-lhre'e1 degrees and th i r ty minutes west, four handled and fifteen feet, to the bulkhead and pier line established by the ilar 'unr Comtrtissioners of Sew York, and continued by an met of the Legislature of this Sta te , passed April ITth, IWiT ; thence punning a long t h e said pier l ine the following courses and distances, to wi t : south, eighty-nine degrees ond forty-fivo minutes west, five hundred feet ; tbenee north, eighty-two degrees aud th i r ty minute* west, five hnudred feet; ffieata li«rtti r seventy-two degrees west, five.humlred feel; thence nor th , s i i ty-eight degrees west, one hun­dred and seventy fart; thence leaving said bulkhead and pier Hue, and running nor th , nine degrees west, sixteen hundred and twenty feet, to the easterly r ide o f the mouth of a small creek called t h e causeway creek; thence along the easterly side of said cause­way creek, nor th , tlrirty-fonr degree* and thirty min­utes east, l ive hundred*and fifty feet, to the land of I t h e OIKe* of l h E!i?.a Winship ; thence along eaid laad south, forty-tb io t tdegrec tcaa t , fatee hundred aud seveBfy^cven feet, to h i n h w a l e r m a r k aforesaid j thcuee .along the line itt high-wafer luaik (lie following average c . i . i i - , ,ind distances, to wi t ; soulii, Iweiity-eight dvgi'eea aiul thirty tuiiiate* went, live hundred feel; thtiicc soitiii, twi-ntf-tKo degree* and thirty liiio-Ute* easf, tVvetve-hundred a i ,4 eighty feet; "thence south. . toity-ntne degrees east, four biiu-!.el. a t ^ tifiy feet; t h e m e north,, eighty«oin« 4 . u r ; e s aud ferfy-tive minutea east, one hundred and tit'tv fegt; th^heri itottlt, I'li'vi'n di igtr ts

F P K F M E COURT—WESTcnrsTEitCoii.NTY.— J a m e s Hatfield, plaintiff, aaairixt Smi th Rey­

nolds and J a n e bis wife, Abijah II. Clark and Mary his wife, Alexander Revnoldsand Margaret his wife, Joseph Ciark and Amy"his wife, Levi F. See, I larvey Roiner, and Henry Romcr, defendants.—J. W . To.vii>-KIXS, P l a in t i l l ' s Aftornoy.

In .pursuance of a j udgmen t of said Court in the above enti t led action, the undersigned. Sheriff of the county of Westel iester , will sell a t public auction, at the Court, House in Whi te Plains, iu said county, ou tbc 19th Any of January uext,i-<iji, at lo o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the lands and premises therein described, v i z . ; ' i l l that certain piece or parcel of land and promises situate in the town of Mount P l e a s a n t in the county of Westeliester, and in a deed from t h e Sheriff of the county of West­chester to Sfftd Revnohta is 'bounded and described as follows ; Beg inn ing at the highway lending from Pieasantvi l te to S i n g Sing, on the east s ide of the barnvard , about two and a half lengths east of the b u i l d i n g ; and f hence running northerly to a s tone fence, and wi th said fence until i t strikes the cross fcoce; thence westerly with the cross fence, to the b u f m e u t ; thence northerly to the nor th hutment '

nor ther lv and westerly with the fence, to l a n d of Amos t 'fark f thence southerly with Clark 's land to the h ighway \. thence easterly with the -h tghway , t o the -p l ace of b e g i n n i n g ; - excepting and reserving thereout and therefrom s u d i part or portlou of the aliove descr ibed premises as is contained and de­scribed in a release (from said J a n u s Hatfield to the defendant S m i t h Reynolds; the reof / rcm said morf-g'lge, bcar inj j da te the 1st day of Slay, A. II., 1 -/l. and recorded iu Westeliester County I'tei k 's "Oliice iu Lilwr No. lilii of Deeils,- puge i3S, Ac., on the W t h - d a y c f M a r , A. B. , I f H . o t I o'ehfck P. M., b e ­ing t h e a a m e parcel of said imii'fgagfd premises con­veyed Ly ssul Smi th KSynflhts (iiid h is wili', to said Ab'ijr.h I I . Clark , by deed' drtted MaT lst i ; I s i l , ctiii-t s iu ing i acne* anil t!-.rcc-quartcrS|'aud one rod of land.—Bated Hee, 1st. ls>;o, .

W I L L I A M ULKAKLRY, J R . , SflwT ShtM iif ol-Yfestchester t 'oonty' .

amus ing original sketches, which sriuick a n d relisl of the wit, huthor, raciness, bri l l iancy, and spark le of the t imes . As heretofore, uo labor or expense will be spared to maintain the h igh reputat ion of the HOMK Jo iuxAi . ,wh ich is eve rywhere , both lit home and abroad^acknovvlcdged to fie the m o s t re­fined ntul elegant reper tory of l i t e ra ture and the n i t s on this side of the sea, and the best and cheapest family newspaper in the world. As no more copies of the new scries will be pr in ted than a re ordered, t h o s c w h o des'ue to begin with the commencement of the volume wilt be able to do so by forwarding theii: subscript ions without delay.

TEKMS.- F o r one copy, $2; for th ree copies, ?."— or one copy for three years , $3—for a c l u b of seveu copies, Sl»i; for I c lub of fifteen copies, feO; and tha t rate for a larger club -tdvvavs in advance.

Address M0RRLS & W I L L I S , Editors and 'Proprietors, MT Fulton, street, K, Y,

AM E R I C A N I I O T E I i . — T h e u n d c r s i g n e d h a v ­ing bceouie solo propr ie tor of the well-known

A M K R ' I C A N * HOTEL, m the villuge of S i u g S h n g , begs leave to announce to the publ ic that n i j o a i u s o r expense will be spared to - r e n t i e r - i t one of the mhst pleasant and agreeable places of en te r ta inment on the banks of the Hudson.

At tached to the Hotel is a good Stahle , for tlie nc-commedat ion of Horses , and whole also will be kept on hand to let good Horses and Carr iages , a t moder ­ate charges .

A Carr iage w i l l b e i n attend_ancfl_oiL every arr ival of the C a t s aud Steamboats , to convey gues t s to the Hnnse. ' . . . t

Stnt t tgers and others vis i t ing the village will be furnished with every facility to make their sojourn agreeable. " $• R. WUiCLPLICY.

S ing S ing , July 2d, i a f e &tt

iINC;sr><4 c w r i i I N < ; ANIVFFRNISII-^ IN(i STOlii ; .—The subscr iber begs leave to an-

i-iiivnce to ttie citizens'of Sing S i n g and "vicinity, that he lias removed his Clothing Establ ishment to the large Rrick Store formerly occupied by t h e bite- J o b Carpenter as a Drug Store , in Main street , where h e will keep eonstnntly oil hitiid and fiir sale cheap), a large assortment of new and fTishiotinble goods, siiit-

'"" " ipr ing"ami Summer ClotI tmg, consisting, of

p u r g i n g l horse , and even tin for those herbs and grasses which open their bowel and this cures them. And t h e experience of over a b u n d l e d year* h a s provesl t ha t Braii.lie'.li 's Pills have always benefitted, a n d neVer Injured, tbosowhojuive used them in siefeness. They are Nature ' s aieiti-cincs, beeiuiso no ma t t e r whnt t!it>disense may be, or how intense, o r where s i tuated, a dose of four, six or more always relieves, and perseverance cures when a cure is practicable, because they take from the blood only its impur i t ies . The more skill ex­hibi ted iu using them the more benefit is derived.

T ~ ~ - C A S E S H A T E D Hf,'.», CONTINUED. Dr. .TA.MLS LULL,- of Po t sdam, N. \ \ , writes August

11, 1.sot): " I m e t with a titan t h r e e weeks ago, who had

slightly injured his finger two or three days before, which caused immediate pain, swell ing, and violent lever. W h e u 1 saw bini the pain and swelling had extended to his -shoulder, depr iv ing him of rest or steep. The .baud was t u rn ing dark Colored, and on the point of mortification. His doctor was ignorant of the na tu re of his case. I got there a t evening, . and dur ing the Right I gave him a whole box of pills, applied a yeas t poult ice, and saved h i s l i t e . " —,

Mr, A. Pioss, of Madrid, S t . Lawrence County, N. Y\, wri tes Augus t i!i, ls.yj :

" I can honestly and eoiitidoiilfy recommend Rran-dre th ' s l ' i l ls to the favorable notice of j h e public, as the best medicine I have ever dealt in dur ing my thir teen years ' experience in the sale of medicines, having prescribed them in h u n d r e d s of cases-of al­most every form of disease, with t h e happiest re­sul ts , and I honestly b c l h v e they are the best medi­cines, as auu ive r su l rcniedv, tha t t he vvprld has yet produced.

wri tes March In, I S " I was troubled in J a n u a r y last with costiveness

for severa l 'days , and took 10 g ra in s of calomel to obtain relief. I caugh t cold, I suppose ; a t any rate a severe d iar rhea set in, w h i c h my medical a t tendant found-it .-impossible to arres t . Th is was followed by dysentery. My s t reng th was al l gone. EveTything passed tfit'uugii me as I took it. A. friend fioiii New York , Mr. Geo. Lewis, fortumitely called on nte and ndvised Rrandre th ' s Pi l ls . I t h o u g h t , i n my weak condit ion one pill would be enough ; but he "aihnin-Istered four and the n#** morn ing four more.- M i ^ h impur i ty c amef rom me, a n d to m y surpr ise the sore­ness a n d pain d iminished ," One box cured me fully. I am now hear ty , with a fine appet i te . You ore at l iberty to pubfish t h i s . "

% - . - . • • -

MKI-DOCKXE, VictoTia, 1st J u n e , 1S5S. M E . Bi..vNnForm,—

Ihar iSir,-.—Having h a d a severe at tack of inflam-mufory rheumat i sm, by which I was confined to my bed for several days , d u r i n g which , t ime I suffered the mos t agoniz ing p a i n s in my side, back, mid

4iuiba^nud_was fearful t ha t J sbmibl he ciuifiiieiljii liiv bed for a long t i m e , m y husbaiicl bought me one ot Dr. Brandrc th s pnn iph l e t s ; after reading i t care­fully, I concluded tha t I would try the pills, which I used a s directed. I h a v e been' using them three weeks, and I a m happy to say: that to Dr. Rrandre th ' s Pi l ls I owe m y recovery to heal th and s t rength . I feci s t ronger and bet ter Hum I have done for a long t ime, and I ajn convinced tha t the ehseose is erudi-•cnted from my system.

If y o n deem th is le t ter of any use , please, publish. tU. 1 am, dear Sir , very lesnectfulty

„ digested and m i x i n g with the blood, i t acted on the sys tem strictly ill "ace.-iiiauee with tile laws of the animal economy. T o this medicine was given t h e n a m e of

" i m A J J D R E T i r S V F O K T A W J B U.NrVERSAL P I L L S . "

A rapid g lance nt tbc uses of tbe Mood, and the condit ions upon which depend i t s heal thy print-no­tion, may dispel some of , the er roneous notions ami Unfounded theories which have obs t ruc ted the paty of eiuiiiiry, and may lead t o a recogni t ion ot the doctr ine tor which 1 contend,-

It is from the product ive power of the blood the solids are formed, and the i r vitality sus ta ined; The -biood takes up and carr ies away the worn out part i ­cles of-tlie-lkuly, uruLsuppl ies the new ones for the repa i r s of the sTructure, and the 'due cxeTcise of iTS" fuuetious. i t suppl ies i iouris .uncut for the -growth of pa r t s , and for the reparat ion ot the i r daily waste. By it wounds arc healed, and those granula t ions formed which till up the cavities of ulcers. Wood is rei | i i is i te ' to the actions of the ne rvous sys t em; cut off i ts communicat ion, and the sensibility, of a mem­ber i s losti T h e vigor and activitv.ot ' animal life depend upon its condition* and according to thequal i -lio.SAif the mass when disease sets in, a re the chances of recovery. . ....

•From it the secret ions are all der ived. Bile, ur ine, gas t r i c juice, saliva, A c , however difleiont in appear­ance and character , all have the blood for their com­mon source. S o w , if the circulation is accelerated or impeded by foreign mat ters , and the digestive or­gans are impaired, the blood is further degenerated from a s ta te of h e a l t h ; — t h e l iver becomes torpid, and performs i ts functions . imperfect ly;—the lungs sympathize with the general disorder , and vitalize it bu t teebly. I f waste part icles a re deta ineir in the circulat ion, they become deposited, and form tumors

ses, or produce violent fevers. If the so-

count ry , i j ' l indtr ,

postage prepaid. ' - - * - '»- •' . j S C l i S C R l P T l O N S v̂ -ifT be received un t i l the

I'VKXIXU oi- TuciisnAV, the Sic/ of January, 1861, at which t ime tlie books will c|osi«*-'and t h e l ' r eu i iums be given to subscr ibers .

No person is restricted to a single subscr ip t ion . Those r e m i t t i n g $15 are entit led to five membersh ips , and to o n e e x t r a engraving for their t rouble . ; ;Swhsc,riptious-from Calitorjiiii, t h e Canadas , and a l lFon ; ig i i Provinces , must be j o W i u s i e a d - o f $3 , in order to defray extra postages, &e.

For fur ther part iculars , send for u copy of the ele­gant ly i l lus t ra ted Aur JOCKNAL, p ronounced the handsomest magazine in America. I t conta ins Cata­logue of P r t t n i i uns , and iiunieipus superb engrav­ings. . Ucgu la r p r ice , - ' " Cents per number . Speci­men copies , however, will be sent t o those wish ing to subscr ibe , on receipt of I s cents , in a t a m p a o r coin. Addre s s C. L. HKRUY. Actuary C. A, A „

6-iti Jiromhray, Xew Tort. N. H.—Subscr ip t ions received and forwarded by

F.. P A L M E R , Agent for Whi te Pla ins unci vicini ty , whei'o spec imen Engrav ings and A U T J O L K K A L can be seen.

Lm U Y H O U S E , ( L A T E W A ' C K O F F S , ) AW. Iriy&tTjfHtil B8 Warren Street, Sew York.

I ' l iOi ' iUCTOits: IRA A. T.I111JY, late Clark, l.ibbv A Co., Merchants . I f f t r t t t ; t s r r r l i t ItCU,- late Towuscud, Koiuer &

l lureh , Merchants . This House , so well and favorably k n o w n as the

" W v c k o l i , " is pleasantly- and conveniently located in W a r r e n street, mid but a few Steps from t h e front ent rance to the Hudson River Railroad Depot. \ -

It has been greatly beautified and improved under the d i rec t ion of the new propr ie tors ; who h a v e ren­dered it one of tbe most at t ract ive, a s well us the most convenient 'iirst-cIasB=-

CVUMZHCIAL'IlOl-SEIXXmr YORK, Being in t h e very heart of the Husiness Quar te r 6l the City, and convenient to all the];Steaniboat Land­ings anil Rai l road Depots.

Travel le rs arr iving by tlie Hudson River Railroad will p lease hand in their checks for Baggage to the Clerk in t h e Office, who will immedia te ly send a po r t e r for it.

ZJ3~ CARRLiOES^m Will a t nil t imes be in at tendance to convey gues t s the House to any part of the City.

The new proprietors arc determined tha t t h e old

"TheWHtFTWtjrupd will rrp»n nt tin*above phtee, o n MOSHAY, MlVF.UlU. l t 1 :lb, a U.W fc l lOARI ' . I M i s i ' l l lMlL for Ymmu Lailivs. The large and eiiliiniodioiis building widely k ln .au »» the " t ' l a w -

loid l l i i i ' i , ' ' has been secured for this new enter­prise, The location is iiiiusually picture-.pie and liealthy. tl is s i tuated upon the' line of the S e w Yotk and ll i i i leni Railroud, twenty »i» iniUs tiwui New Y ork city.

No ell..its will be spared to make this a thorough and practical school. Ii

The school your will he divided info two session* of twenty-two weeks each, und four quar te r s o f eleven weeks each. Pup i l s wilt bu received at, any time, the proport ion only of the quar te r o r session being charged. No deduction made for afe-•euce, except iu ca»cs uf prot rac ted sickiu

T K B ^ S : P a y a b l e i u A d v a a c f .

Periniinent Boarders #'^.',0 UO. per a n n u m . Part ial Hoarders i * I.Ml 00 do.

I from Monday till F r i d a y ) . ( or *.1T 50 pe r qua r . Day Pupils *» On per quar ter . Miisie 2 0 0 0 do. Use of I n s t r u m e n t . it 00 do. Drawing, t including use ofput-

tejiis> .•.• 10 00 Modern Languages:- each . . . . {VtHT Lal ip . . , C 00

To TIIUKK w u o I'KKVEK A STATEII S I M — t ".on per an-uuiii will be charged, a n d for this sum the pupi l will be cuti t led t o all t h e advan tages of the school, with no ex t ra charge.

In case of two or more pupi ls from the same fami-y , a deduction will be made upon the above terms.

A Pr imary Depar tment , adapted to children t e a years of age aud under , will a l iu be established iu connection with this-achot L t e r m s , $ 6 p e r unar ter .

-R«ir circulars and fin tlier j iarticiilars, application can be made a t tbe School of jiui Pr incipal ,

S . S H E L D O S SOUTON, A; H .

- n E F E R K S C K J t , l i o n . Myron I I . Clark, 'New York . Thomi.s Add i s Emmet , Esq. , New Y o r k . Hon A. W , l t radford, »«« • . R e v . R S . T u t t u i g , «*..->.' . •..:, Rev. Dr. H a w k s , ~ — " . V Rev,' Dr. Macauley, " ' - : Prof. Nairiic, t'oli'inibia College, " • I Rev. Dr. Matthews, " Hon. Charles B . Sedgwick, Syracuse, N. Y . Bcv. Dr. So t t , Pres iSeul Uui'uu College, Schenao-

tady, N. Y. J o h n 0 . Saxe . Esq . , Bur l ington , Vermont . Prof. A. V. Kendr ick, Rochester University, Bo-

chester , XX. 'Prof. t!eorgeW"."Eat6nvMa"di»6nUhiTer9ity,Han*-«;

ikon, N. Y. ' ' ' • ' " Hon. I r a Harr is , Albany, N. Y . Hon. Rosooe Coiikliug,"l!tiea, N. Y . B. S. Seyinour, Pieruiout , N. \ r . 2»w»


T W E N T Y - F I V E TO F I F T Y P S K CEXTx r ^ - FOR OA'H MOSriI OXL Y! „j£%

Conimeneing F e b r u a r y 2 2 d , 1 8 0 0 , a t the u ldea -tabl ishcd

C L O T H t N G S T O R E o r

J A M E S V.. A Y R E S , Corner of Main- and Orchard Streets,

T a r r y t o w n . The following List will show some of the Bcductioua

- y iu p r i ces : OYERCOATS, from>:i 00 to $15 0 0 ;

Formerly told for $5 00 to | 2 5 00. " F R O C k C O A T S . f r o n i i l O O t o l i O O ;

Formerly told for ft 00 to 1S-00. P A N T S , from . . 2.50 to 6 0 0 ; - ~ -

Formerly told for 4 00 to 8 00. V E S T S , f rom. . . ,1 25 to' 5 00 ;

Formerly told /or a 00 to 8 00. HATS, C A P S , T R U N K S ,


F U R S A-ND B U F F A L O B O B E S ; ZJT At a reduction of 25 per cent. I JBSk The subscr iber offers to self a t the above reduced

prices for the purpose of disposing oi his Win t e r Stock ot Clothing, to make nooni for one of the finest assortments of Sp r ing and Summer Clothing ever offered in t h e V o u n t y . (1'eruis Vath.) Call and ex -

w with special reference to Military and Physical t ra in • o,> fining raw mute r t h e MMiagniBii t of (fen. Mitn-son I . Lockwond, offers every facility to young gen t lcmen fitting for College o r the Count ing Boom. -

rVertchTrmfFwglish Cloths, Drup d 'Ete , Doeskin, Cas» [—All t h a t the most wtitirm;; renT nrirf energy fan de


tto.'tll, i'U'Vl'lt UegliteS CoSti'teHuB . Andf i ' -n ty foot, to the plui-o of beginning—cuiitahi.-

itig • ' r '4-li"i aeresi thirty aiVFS and sis?y-iiVe liim-dr idt tw of a n a c r e - Xoveu.brr s i , l»r,it.

•„<w7 p. s, m-oFFonn.

O T I C E I S H t ' . K E n Y « I V E ^ f , that the niidersi^wed, owner in fee and occupant of the

upland adjoining the land under water hcrcirrsRei* describctl , will make appliciitioll to the t*ommis«or, era of the I-and.OSice ot the State of New Y*rk, at

S i e r e t a r r of S ta to t in Albany, oir Monday, the Ith day ot February next, at n o'clock in the forenoon, for a g ran t iu perpetui ty to biro by the S t a t e , for the purposes of cnmnierec, o f the land u n d e r water b;urntt'd and de i r t ibed a s fol­lows ; Alt t ha t cn t a i i i p iew or pmcel of land under the waters , of the I l u J -oa Kiver, situata adjoining the Tillage of Uohbs ' Km, iii the town of Green* b u r g h , i-i.uuty of YYi-str'..fstL»r, si-.l Sta t* of S a w Y'oi%, begi i iu ing a t tiiu intersectiuii of the sotitheiiy line of t«e |irc-T^iisqs of the utjiler?.i,nie.i, with origi­na l h igh Water murk as it was p r in t In

HuJsuU Riiet ' lhnl ioj ' l : , llicnce mnnin- t

H K.



r p R E . u i : M !l biS

t O S R ilk r am Wife, Re: , Asron e n s . K, S l i .WU

il and r. lion, »i,i ounty, m

T--WKstcnrsTEH I t ii-.f^H Beoiieff and n|iiiiitii Tierittett aud iViiI-.-Idutnl Man I'-.r I f o l i e f — ( C o l o » . . ' AllOVH ' V f A M l l l l - Yt*

'iiuited to answer ihi en was filed in fh+i ul

i>f W e M e h e s t e r , a t 1 t l ie :•,! il,iy of i J e r .

of N i

siincrcx, E&ahmcrittgft AlpactisJ Linen Drills, Ac. A c , all (>f which will he made up to order in the neatest and most liiiilii'malile niiitinei', af the shortest notice..

Also, constantly on band ant! for s a k , at t h e low-est cash .prices, Headv Made Ciothiiig of every de-scr ipt inn. MMBg wliicti a re . Frock, }<ack, and Dress Coats , T e s t s and Punts , , of t h e itii-ioiis styles. A jror.cral assorluienl of Hats , Caps , Sh i r t s , Crava t s , itccl all art icles Iwintty-found ro-aG.eutteHiau-'s W » r 4 -robe , eafrbe found at h i s Store , and purchased At a reasonable rate. . . ^ . ^

The Custuiii Dcpurtnient hehiff under his inimedi. ate suneryision, uo pains will be spared to give, s a t HfietiSS t o all who may favor hinl with their patron-agff. - — - * J O H N A. AITCIUSON.

S ing Siiif;, J u n e 21,1KE-T. " Ttf .


AKD WALL LATE11. This Machine is one of the ^ rea t hdirir-saTtn^ im-

-pr-.yemeiiits o f ^ e a p ^ . and foeefs wi th the ntnjuali-• • r i - . -— - , - _ ! , _ . , , . . s e c n rt in npern-d «l

j , , . tr

rob? U will- ta te , rucks m cnchutidrenl

f "all who


haye Lint o f the ^rmirid vrci^h, iitrds to s i s tons , without:

•espectiiillv yours, MANDVVVAYHAX

Li t t l e Bay Street, Sandidge ,

Sold at ; P r i n c i p a l O f f i c e , 2 9 1 C a « » l S f J f c c * ^ —

BBtffi at 2S cents a bois, and by. all Oniaiiiists.

A M I I , T ( » ? f C t ) L T i E < ; l A T E A N D MllJ H

V, i""Machine' will gr i .and, level h r n f W I j or a n d s t u m p s are m i n i m i to • Two ir,un can n r.rfc th is JS

one of t,ho*n Jia>iiinta an land can yyelt aft ird ttf elea wi th iine-uuartcr of t h e cost

r k on Tiill sides o r wet i airv place where rucks . b e \ mliTd. Mitc'iiine.with eitse: - vritlr uy ftii-mer bavinsj rocky i-ar i t , a s if c an be dune

jf the f^rdinary w a y . . . -""'f-lrhitl'-- j . n i f ' i « i l y i , p«wmed nn i t IT,if t i i i M a t , , ' t 'mii i l t f . >i V

vise for the a d r a n c c m e n t of h i s pupi l s , will be cheer-tittlT performed by the Pr inc ipa l .

At. tiie s ame t ime tha t t h e closest attention is paid t o the fundamental exercises of a thorough" and fin ished education, t he m o r a l trainttur, politeness, ami elegant demeanor , character is t ic of good society, will never b e lost shjht o£

Circulars g iving puHfetrlsrs m a y be obtained by whlre»»tntf t ho J*rtncip»l a t .White iFIaiiMJs o r of i l e s s r s , Henry Robinson A Co., 313 BroadTway, and Win, 8 , Vnnderbi l t , Iif* Brnmlway,

R E F E R E N C E B Y PERMISSION',, T o flic following disi inguifhed gent lemen s Hon, Horafto Sevmimr, New York . H o n . Rodman M. Pr ice , New Jersey . Major General Wool, L'. S,.Arniy. H i s Exenlleucy Governor YVillurd, Indiana , R « T . J, I I . Faucis , bong Island, • • > , Maj, Oen. Aaron W a r d , Sinit S tna . C o t W . J . Hardee . U. S. Armv, West Point , . Hey. Mr. Par t r idge , Hfnoklyn.* Bey . S . Chipmaii Thra l l , Siiti Francisco', Cnl, 3oha B , Lewis, Er-ij., Sftn Francisco, Cat. Wi l l i am H. Hasrie, Es<p, Cliiirlesti.n. ! \ C. Hon, Jtrfin B . I laskin , M. C , Fonl l iam, Wcstches-

t w C o n i t l y . *-(fen. W a r d B . Burne t t , late U. S. Army; Xcw

Y.u-fc. Dr. Samuel Bard , S ta te Super in tendent of Public

Ins tnwiUm, fouisiiimi. -, f i . I . .P'tet'tv Yan CoKhindf. Croton, New Yovk,

H«n, W. . H, IVmber ton , Distr ict Attorney, West­chester County. N. Y, -

Hon. John W , Mills, W h i l e PImiis, We.*t«hcstcr

['bese various condit ions of the blood produce local or general disease. RUT IT I S FYIDKNT T H E Y ALL S P R I N G FROM 0 > ' E C A U S E — I M P U R E BIiOOD. K.V|iel th is impur i ty by jud ic ious purga­tion, and you mus t eradicate the disease, for disease canno t be presen t tn that person whose brood is pure . Common sense tells i t s ' th i s . A cumula t ive experi­ence of many years has infallibly proyed it . If th i s doctr ine v. us con t ra ry to reason, y e t if exper ience should Invariably" prove it, W'C nrnst d iacaru reason and cTing to the fact experience h a s t a u g h t us. Ru t h e r e reason an i l exper ience go hand ill hand. Rran­d re th ' s Tills, by res to r ing t h e - b l o o d to i ts p r i tmd purity, , und natura l course, will r c m n r e disease, by whatever technical t e rm it may be k n o w n or defined by medical men. j Tlie tlwory uf one disease, and one method of cure , is no t supposed to Be gaii i iug g r o u n d rap id ly , bu t t he idea of the uni ty of disease is be ing g radu­ally deve loped ; and in schools -of medicine, it is even now t a u g h t " t h a t an outward ulcer-and- an in­ward abscess, though the resul ts of diil 'crenLproxi* mate causes, are occasioned by impur i ty of-ilie Mood, and nig cured bv pmyim* ita? — i*


4Ehc cures eficctcd by the use of Bra i id re th ' s Pi l ls , in the one h u n d r e d and eight years they hove been before the publ ic , have place-sf tiieir c la ims to th i s dis t inct ion • beyond all quest ion. T ime has esta­bl i shed flafi. universal uti l i ty, and applicability to .disease. Aiul as the medicine which can cure can also prevent disease, tlicir p ruden t use du r ing seas­ons of epidemics mid contagions, have preserved ninny valuable lives. - ;

Thousands i f persons in the cities a n d villages of the Uni ted State*.can bo referred .to, w h o havef been restored to heal th by their use. By no - other power than their own inherent v i r tues , could, tliey, fctso

selves to pay part icular at tention to the comfort uud safety of thei r patrons'.

JBf THE T.TBLE^l Will nt all t imes be supplied with the best t h e Mar­ket affords, and in this respect the Libby H o u s e s h a l not be surpassed by anv in New Y'oi'k. _ —

1L B R I S K , Office Clerk vf ith tbc former Proprie­tors , will remain with us , and will be h a p p y to-see his old friends. ^ -

New Y'ork, March 11,1858, 8tf


ff'^HI'l rT. . tlie clUciefley of Ihe from practical fa imcrs ,

MBclniiC», - - . " ' ii—^-j^S—^j Prk^rof the Hftcabw af BtiimforJ Jlnnn-

, . factory3 9*0. j . .Ad,Jr,f,

Hon. Isaac V. Fowler, New York. Hutj, Edmund ii. Sutficrlauil, W ' W e Plains

Chester County, N. Y. ICott. J a m e s S, l«tHyteF, Kew Y'ork,


cont inent . I The unders igned has himself p repared Brandrc th ' s 1 Vegetahle Pi l l s for upwards o f t h i i fy veiirs; anil l i a s

luul oppor tuni t ies 'o f tes t ing the i r san i ta ry proper­t ies- in an extens ive pract ice . T h e i r va tae in eases of recent s ickness toitst be observed or exper ienced to recciye t h e c red i t they deserve, I have seen asth­m a relieved, and gradual ly g ive way to thei r intlu-enee. More than th i s . I h a v e k n o w n eonsuntpt ion cured by them, e v e n . after tuberculous depnsitinn b a 4 taken p l a c e . Ho t r h e u m a t i s m , fevers, s inal* pox, fever and ague, erysipelas , nndvriolent itisrascs general ly, soon yield to the mi ld b u t energet ic sway id' l!niii(ircfirs Pi l ls . They are in t ru th a universal purga t ive , fur whatever is in the blood and fluids, which h a s n o business the re - - wha teve r and wherever the deposit of morbific niattcr-may have taken place —th i s medicine, hill l a g th rongh ' dijtestinn entered the c i rcu la t ion ,pene t ra tes .every recess of the hotly, and e i ther expels , o r causes t o be absorbed for ex­pulsion, every unheal thy pai-tiefe. Br imdre th ' s Pi l ls a r e now given in p rae t i ceby forty-nine hundred crin-seieutiows physiebois in tlie Uni ted States , They have founo that the i r pa t ien ts may take tlie pill's wi thou t rcgnrd to the 'weather , or cither Tlistitrbing enures — t h e i r effects^at alt tiiiies, b e i n g Cerlaiii and sahjtary,- T h e pi l ls a re now daily rtilntinistcrctl to y o u t h , MUtnhiiniL and. old ast% ftntf a r e given to fe-Vnatcs u n d e r t h e mus t crif teal a n d t lel ieate cirtMtm» s t a m e s , because they do not d i s t u r b o r shock the animal function, but restore their order and re-esta-bii ,h hea l th .

Bia»nireth 's PiHs are made cS" Herbs, , Boots , Ex-t rae t s , avid Essem-es, nritl a re therefore purely vce;ef-ai ' le. . .No cheiineal peothirtioti en te r s in to tlicif eom-pnsj'iion. T h e Hraiidteth l ' i l l s p rove that there a r t witiiin u s facult ies, both bodily BntLititrfleefnal, with vvhku eertieliiMiLTba have luTttiilv. aiut a r e r which

R A N T M I E T I I ' S P I L L S P U R I F Y T H E BLOOD.—Continued pain o r uneas ine s s in any

organ is generally cured by one o r m o r e doses oi B n i n d r e t h ' s P i l l s . " Thir ty yea r s persoBal exper ience bv the unders igned fully justify th i s asser t ion .

"Dr. J a m e s Lull, of Potsdam, N . Y'., s a y s : — " I have cu red the most deplorable cost iveness of the bowels w i th Braudneth 's Pil ls , when every other remedy hud failed, and the patient was given up to die. S k i n diseases of an inveterate1 a n d painful charac te r , such as erysipelas, salt rheum, t e t t e r and

i s u m m e r heat , I have seen eradicated by the i r use. T h a v e eureiTibe rheuiiiiific,The epi lept ic , tlie pai-a-lv t ic . a n d the consumptive, wi th these excel lent pills a lone ." • . . , .

In j aund ice and all affections of t h e l iver, dyspep­sia, dysen te ry , and diarrhoea, p leur isy , sudden pains and infianimations, female obs t ruc t ions , scorbutic and scrofulous, even gouty and nenra lg ie affections, have given way to the use of this m e d i c i n e ; and now, after twen ty years experieneeyBiy es t imat ion of B r a n i l i e i t i s l ' i l ls continues to increase .

' OBSTRUCTION. A y o u n g lady, beautiful and hea l thy , took cold

which caused a 'serious obstruct ion for tvvo years her hea l th was broken down and he r beauty de p a r t e d . A t length Braiidreth 's Pi l l s were- tried, eleven doses, of from two to four, were taken in Iif teen days preceding the usual period. Bepnlar i ty was res tored , aud her health anil good": l ooks reco-Tered. *~A - *-

* WORMS. . . . B r a n d r c t h ' s Pil ls are the best ye rmi fneo ; t h o r ans

ttrte: A little child, six yea r s old, for soma vveeks^wns drooping;_ its" mother guve i t one of R r a n d r e t h ' s sugar coated p i l l s ; , t he n e x t d a y tha re cotiie avvav a worm sfxTceninches lo'.iir, a n d a s large us a ch i ld ' s finger. The child was well ,

FLKURIS Y. A e e n t l e m a n , away from tiome, w a s t a k e n wi th

p l e u r i s y ; t he inflammation w a s t e r r i b l e ; eve r j brei tf l i ' imide him wri the with agony . E i g h t Bran-d re tb ' s Pi l ls were swallowed, and w a r m oil applied locally ; the pills operated, and t h e pa in was re­lieved ; p lenty of gruel was taken , anil six mere piTTs,"ami ltie*second day the pat ient wits cured.

These s ta tements should have weight , a m i prevent the trst» of poisonous drugs , and s top the siul prac­tice of.bleedinir. B. B R A N D R E T H .

Bra i id re th ' s Bills are sold a t t h e Pr inc ipa l Oftice, £i»i Canal street, Rrandreth Building, a t 88 cents p e r b o x ; a m i the same, sugar coated, 13 cen ts , warrant­ed to k e e p as well as the plain, —, . 17ml

1> j d C I F I C E I R E I N S U R A N C E C O M P A . N Y, I'tiHjic limb /Snihlinn, corner of IJmadtmy

airrl t'fraud Stf't. Branch office, No, iin W a l l s treet . Cash tnipital , § 2 0 0 ^ 0 0 0 , with a la rge su rp lus . In­s u r e s Dwelling*, Buildings, Merchandise, Household F u r n i t u r e , Vessels in por t awl t h e i r Cargoes , and o ther p rope i ty , aga ins t l o w o r d a m a g e by lire, on favorable ter ius ,

A m o s F. Hatfield, ' T h o m a s Jereiii.iidi,

-C-hrtrtes B. Whi te , J;tei>U Cainpbelt, J r . , Eticue?,ar RcadlesTou,

Ai.iir.r.T SKKI Y, Ei.t.swivRTn t'ti Vl.IIRHT W i l l i ! . .

S T A M F O R O ROCK CO,, ) {"ijurj4; Slamfiird, V.mn.

i A(jenis Wfttttnl in tr.??/ Town*

-1 St

w J>i«t

T F I C I T f l l

l * i , - i t e ton i ot

aint vvt.i lorn will «! in lln

i , \ t : „ i -


uf i f


H tWi

<; tan. rill t l i e ¥ ;.oth, 1 '



tii I t i l e

t h e I K e I ; i

i rtiver 'Rail • s ami uim*

*- nt an- sen*. north by 1

•"Hchnttdt s i. .11 t h e s u u t h

st b

It laud n th -Ii. I

o^tbe poin t m • lands of the sai I , BUII eon tn in in* twi-nty-two thuu-

lanil -adjoiaing i« bnuniieil if J ames Wi lde . J r . , a n d •a-t by Cr inge Schmid t ' s

r Ml Hi*g.-n's l am! ; and •r

.11. H E T Z L E H ,

:SE, may, AXB BECOJU TI YE TA/XTEJ,', w U l f T B I ' b . t l S S ,

(gtti/foml Afc»:tr, r,M"*i!c Cat-nrc^'uSffirt.)

11AI.I.S. P.vRI.OHS, I . l l t l ! A R H X * r . . drr-nrated




D O Y S A T ftunooi, P O R B E D F O R D , S . Y .

A . W i l l i « m « » * » A . X.w Principal. Next Session will commence MONDAY*, NOVEM­

B E R M L Circulars , containing par t iculars . Refer enresH A c , can. be obtained by address ing tho Prin-etpal. sfwS'"

Q AwTl AXB BLISl> Mitititfhcfwrf ttTitr. O ry towi l .—Tl i ennde r s igne i l . sneeus sn r s t a L P


tlie Ilild—n Hiver." Dated O e t COUHTEAMlT PAI.MER.

N e w Y o r k .

Willi ta«H' and de«piifeh I itini;t».; with I'm. of

KAI .SCMINE; rtwmg P A P E R H A S O I N t l ,

*c. -In:

in Fi.-seo of Oil Ciitnrs. CHINA O E A S T * . XIXC, of HT..I.I1 l l v Hf te l l l led to. UUAlSlN'tt", MARHL1NO


art! M. Clark, wlmi juirt-liiisi-ii, have opt

I , * < H ' ^ I H — O N T I E ^ D V Y Mtli.'SIN'fl. t ; l s f vth. t - - ' , in l.t»NU M L A S D S«»

i k s t . r i*o pn r r c a n have tl

A C N ft,

i ROW R O \ T , oainted whit.-, pniri if sculls.


, I if L Sv'.I i i . I'-MHUilTO-H, Di»triet AMonUy.

i-•-- . a a i l | . v i - i j - i \: HtTT; M PfiKT (UK.:

U W U - . ' - i " r s h . ! rm, x, r.


I^ A I I W A T N E W R C K I I E T . T . P , T O L E T 1 . p o ^ K S S l o N GIVEN n p P f OF A E R I I ,

next - abi.tit thirty two acres* if fmiil, wHTi I b m s e tr.intunt iin Wevman ' s Avrmtr . New Berlirl le, new n r n i p i e d b y J i i h n Rr .«s . T b e t ' l e tn i - . e« a d j o i n t h # Xiilserv of Mf. Pi-Tef tfafUrf, fn-imrewf

OWTTHiE SHIWMAV. 45ft to WittiHin , f r « t , Jiew Yotk.

, business anil iixtiires they have u e d » Sa»Ii Ani BTind Jlanufac

t o r r , in Main sfreef, Tarry town, near the Rnilreml DeiMtl, wh i-e thev will be pleasnt to receive orders for every de-e i ip l inn of work in their line, which will be tilled a t the shor tes t notice, and at reasonable charge*. -M

Reiutv mode «,i»hi?» constant ly on hand, and Bra* motid jiasfae* mail* to order . m-np . j - j

D E R E Y E R E A HICKOK, T a r r y t o w n , O c t 4 1 , 1 s,*9.

ATTEjmist; »oi7irT *AS RE ACCOM MOD * T E D W I T H «;t»»lt

n t t A R D . at fluj hntiM of I * n t t r t P n r t f , n i f tha » Court Uou?e, i t t f

( t E J T T L E M E . f

Tn?. j and mind. _..._ , ' - _ J . , • t R R A S D B E T T r H PTf.T.Hnrc ntTmirahly fmitpfoulo ! overeome the iliseases of hot c l inialcs . The i r p r o m p t ; act ion, p r e v e n t i n g eonaesti t ins nf t b e bra in t»r vis-: cera, and clear ing away* ltlos# obsfriictim,s of the in-1 fesfinal canal , and iltose engiiigeim-iifs of the large

veins, vvltieh occasiiut so many nbn minif symptniiis, leading tu rapid dissolution wilder t b e heat of a t ro­pical s im.

By thei r use t h e blood's vi ta l i ty mid energy nre sn«fuim-d. for bv keepina it free Irniii oppression o r titiiit, it is enabled to. witUstautl all tliu»e foraeltirtts ntipiitactii-s i f iffsinse to which pei'sutg* uf ' b a d ' blend llie alWafS piedispiweif,

BRA.XDREf IPS I ' lELHiire fast snp r r sodh igeve ry eftier tiit^lieitie. T h e fact thai ilrtf liavelit-eiikmivvn in Enehttnl a m i th*> United grataa"for t» Jieiiint of 1**4 yeitrs, is not-tmlv an eviilencc of publ ic esliuiftlion, but of thefr neevssity t o the puhl ic henl tb .

E',cry one IVIHI is pieMjiile.I upon to Osfl this file*-tinnilile iiiediriiir. B ,-K ur.dcr hi-t i tu; etiil'piTm'ns !•» those whti over, time his pit^jndiers. And th*i-e wlro Inive become- t \pe i imci i fa! !v aeijuainti-d wi ih i t s v»ltie, f--i! tt.,,S 111. ir time ana CWtfytfH cmthl not h f t(,'?t,r eiiiHt..yi-d Jliait in th r rluciriiniu-fl of i ts Brot-ttM>—it, i,i »ith-pt.«hiel«g pruper t i es .

The publ ic 's servant , R, RRAN'DRKTIL » . D ,

^ " B R A N ' D R E T f l ' « + - P H - . L » *fr t-erttt pe r brat WfYif t-nfriw* r-^n?r(i with *ti-^'fir by a ttcw* J>F-^##S --\% %%% a b y * - O D « , S h i l l m i ( p c j l » « x . ' 4 " U

Oeorgfl R. Jackson , David Dnws, J e«se A. Marshall , J o h n ArMerr i t t ,

'•*jMi,uiy BnVMWf

J a m e s D. Fish, DttvUt t . Youngs, H e n r v Wen-tel, Al lan Hav Hai liuiii l l l au re l i .

II. N'. Wi ld , W m , B. Lnnilr ihc, A b r a h a m B, Vaw Nest, E, A; Yanderhnnf, Alexander Hawkil ia , Wil l iam Hraith,: J o h n K e r r , ,Tede4iRri Millar,

•-John W , Hir

George II. Muller^ Tl iomas Urane ,

. -James Harrist>n, AngAtsfus W e i s m a n , John Morton,

AMOS F . H A T F I E L D , Pres ident , ' A . L . STVTTS, Heerefaiv,

E, C R A W F t i R B , Whi t e Pla in*, Agent. N . B,—AH risk* binding from Ihe da te o f »ppltea»

t i n n . - D a t c t l IS'tw York , May 80, 1-W, 8tf

T H A R E Y i i A i t r E r o n «^mKiA**?£ i \ MAKEIist AND RI.ACKrtMITIl?!'.-'- The sub-serilier tiil'eis for stile, or to b a s e , a C A R R I A H E -MAKER and a Rf.'At KHMITH'H ,<tI()P, situated in rtOL'TH SALEM, Westriivster County , N. Y. The CarT'Sfiae s-'tsrip h;'s r w r y crmveilicncti pe r ta in ing t o Ihe bti-ine**, and in the bltseincnt i s provided Willi a n " feet ..vev.'i.iT.WiiM-.Wl.H.I. T h e l>utUttu|f Is §8 X 4K fe«.t, ami two sfiii'ies h igh.

The Macksmiil i 's ^riop has two Forges anil a gooil stuek of Tunis, III riiniii etioii wi th it vvill 1M' sohl, -if t b - i r ed , a neat l ) \ V r * h L I 5 a ' l l 0 V S E ami BARX, v»ilb s ft v» I M P of t*u4,

The subscriber tit.n ntti rs for safe some valnaht t i Mitt p r . . i * r t y - - s Haw Mill and a Mill for g r i n d i n g : IV..I, with IS feet l ead and fall.

For flirt her particuj.iis, inquire of H R X B T W a -l»i!T«, County Treasurer ' s Olliee, Wli i te I ' lajns; o r ! , „ the •ubsefiber. I l K i R Y RKEEER. ,

Dat«rt rtwuh SaJem, Jan , a*, •«*> »-tf |

icneed workmen at ' the most reasonable t e rms .

J A M E S E. A Y R E S . Tar ry town, Feb rua ry 20,18C0. 42tf | - t ? " Agent fur t ho United Sta tes Life I n s u r a n c e


AT T H E O I . U E S T A B L I S H E D S T A N D ,

l a © B o w e r y , COR. OF BROOME ST., JST. 31

W A T C H E S , J E W E L R Y , A N D S 1 L V E B W A R E ,

J . I I . JU>linsfon & C o . , Formerly with, ami successors to JACKSON A M u s r , ask t i n at tent ion of purchasers to thei r large a n d elegant assor tment of fine gold atM si lver watches , imported direct from London, Liverpool, and ( lena-XMr m o s t o f which a re matte expressly to our o rde r , and for TIME, F I N I S H , and D U R A B I L I T Y , ra t ino t be surpassed. Our pr ices r ange from $'21 to *.1>5 for Ladies Gold Watches , fan to |l"f> for Gent lemen ' s , and from $K to $.!"> for Hilver Watches .

Also, AMERICAN WATCHF,S. R I C H J E W E L R Y A N D DIAMONDS in great r a -

riety. Diamoiids, Pear l s , A c , re-set, and J e w e l r y made to order .

ENGAGEMENT AND W E D D I N G RINGS, B R I ­DAL P R E S E N T S , W e d d i n g and Visit ing Carda en ­graved, Ac. Ac. • Especial at tent ion is invited to our la rge assor t ­

ment of S T E R L I N G SILVER W A R E , F o r k s , Spoons, Kn ives , Ladles, Napkin Rings , Cups , P i t ch ­ers, Ten-Sets, Ac. .

P R E S E N T A T I O N P L A T E eonstantrjevM, hand o t made to order,

S I L V E R P L A T E D W A R E of the best uual i tv i n great va r ie ty ; the newest pa t te rns of Tea Sets , C a k e Baskets, Castors, F o r k s , Spoons , A c , winch we offer

, a t the very lowest pr ices . Old articles re plated, so f as to took-a» good as new. —-.

HOTELS fitted ou t in tbe bast manner a t s h o r t notice. . *

B A l R J E W E L R i r imKhr t t r o r d e r r a m l M O L R N -I 5 G J E W E L R Y eonstairtly o» hand.

W e give par t icu lar a t tent ion to t h e repa i r ing of Watehea , Sevitity, As,, n o n e but , the best w o r k m e n being employed. ° l * j l |

P lease cut out o u r Card attd g ive us a call.

i J, U. JOHNSTON & CO., "f WatchftiakcTgnii J Jewetew, J im BQWEliY, COR, WtQQMEST., \" . SEW YORK.

r r i M E I — t l l R UNOERSTGNEB HAVIN't* X j / c r e c l e d PAc .E 'S P E R P E T U A L P A T E N T L I M E K I L N S at T U C K A H O E , WcstchostCT County, a r e now prepared to furnish Fresh Limo of the -

BEST Q U A L I T Y I Burnt from pure w h i t * crystalizcd Marble., and will uiiikc one- thud more Mortar tbtin any other Lime, and for pur i ty a n d s t r eng th i s unsurpassed in t ho World. Masons and Dealers need not buy stale l ime, , as th is can be bail fresh from the Kilns every day In the yea r , del ivered i t i ba r re l s o r bulk •*. tbc'ile|w>V at Tucknhne. Manufacturers tan', others w h o rt*. ipiire very s t rong Lime, free froui any impuri t ies a n d for clarifying purposes , A c , arepaii ' icularly r e o u e « . ed to <f["c th is I.ime a trial. Ordyjr* by M M ** »*Ky erivisc, prompt ly a t tep .^ ,1 to,

Mrttfi . M A G E J U ^ r A ^ P A t j ! ^

A Y R T T y m M B D I C A T y n P A j P M .

the use of ordinary while, colored* oc. uiaiititd tiajier in thewntor-rfoset , Mr. J . C. 6AYETTY' , ' o f N»W. ^ m K, st-t is» m'ork tvi ' l discovered a process of m a k ­ing a pure Manilla paper , (from the new bale h e m p , ) and medica t ing it In a stylo lo tun Biles where t W disease ex i s t s , and prciihl it in tho youngest and tho, heal thiest person wi thout "detriment to the .genera l heal th. Besides i t s medicinal valtrf, OWireltir*a4 J W c d i c a t c d P a p e r for the water-t'loset, ha* vulut^ as a beant i lu l ar t ic le of eomfnrt, textirr, and con • venience. I t Is sold throiythout the Ifnited S t a t e s by Druggis t s , Fancy Goods Dealers, aud othora, 800; eim be t inrchased in larjje o r smitlkijiuuititics, a t t h» grand depo t ,41 Ann street , New Y c i ^ e i t y , ^ w * ! * •<f imitations. Tim i;utininc has O i t W r T i namy vyoter-nnirkccl in sacli sbi-of, and h i * au tograph i« niitm each label, " i W ^ '

PA I r l T I J f O . — T h e unders igned has opened a I 'AfNT STORK on the Railroad .\v^nuo m

Whi t* P la ins , where he will r v c i v e orders for a l l kind-i of P A I N T S , and orders for work to be done . in Ihe wav id" IIOf.SE. SIGN, and OABHIAGW F A L S T I N G ; als», F R I S C O PAINTING. H t rq . ( i i i i i»f lmnki t . i thy pi-pl-. 'i 'f Wbyto Plaint and v i . einitv for t h H i hbei.il iiiiiniiiug.', and t.siH.ictfnlly solicits a coiililiniuice of thi-ir t'aTiirs, which will bo niti-mied tn prompt ly , and in a superior m.inner, M h i , i „ „ H l n H K l c ™ , e p r i c ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

W b H c F i a i n s , March A : ' T ' <* t f


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