f r < J i HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF By Col Wm H Murray Copied front National Portrait Oallory Vol11 Published Phil ¬ adelphia D Rico X A N Hart 1850 Contents of Volume 11 I Patrick Henry First Republi ¬ cnn Governor of Virginia Page B On the 1st of July he was elected the First Republi- can ¬ Governor of Virginiaand was continued In that Unanimous vote until 1778I Rend this first signed his commission as Colonel of the first Regt and Commander of all the forces raised and to be raised for the defence of the Col- ony ¬ he was elected a del ¬ egate to the Convention which met on 5th of May 1775 at Wil JulyPage t was once more elected of Virginia which ho declined Pago 4 The Virginia con ventlon met a second time In I Maroh 1775 at Richmond when Mr Henry brought forward a series of resolutions containing a for the organization of the militia In defiance of the opposition of the J ablest and most patriotic members of the convention they wore sus- tained ¬ by a torrent of irresistible eloquence from Mr Henry who in ¬ spired the convention with a deter- mined ¬ spirit of resistance An op ¬ portunity soon occurred for a trial of his courage as well as of his in ¬ prohli ¬ from Great Britain was followed by attempts to procure the posses ¬ sion of magazines in America by which would be de ¬ prived of the means of defense A large quantity of gunpowder was clandestinely removed from the colonial magazine at Willlamsburg and placed on board of armed Brit ¬ ish vessels So was the voice of the People in Ky removed and placed the hands of three men The excitement which I- tt produced extorted from the gover ¬ nor a promise for its return by which public feeling was for the I time appeased but subsequent threats rumors of frosh en oroaohments on their magazines JIItogethor with the irritation pro ¬ I the battles of Concord and Lexington aroused the coun ¬ try to arms The movements of the military was however arrested by the exertions of Mr Randolph But Mr Henry deter ¬ mined not to submit to the aggres ¬ stone of the British governor Demoorat Gov in Ky today dispatched riders to members the Independent Com- pany ¬ of Hanover to meet in arms at Newcastle Having aroused their patriotism by all the efforts of his eloquence by the res ignation of the Captain no became comI ¬ Frankfort The country was electrified Other comapnlqs joined the revolutionary standard of Pat ilok Henry and at least five thou ¬ sand men 1200MountalnMen were In arms rushing to his a assistance The governor issued a proclamation denouncing move ¬ ment Likewise Press of Do mbcracy in State against Moun tainmon coming to Frankfort The greatest consternation oventhe patched messenger after messenger to induce him to abandon the en ¬ t but undaunted he reso- lutely pursued his march The- M governor after making prepara ¬ tions for his defence deemed it most prudent to avoid a conflict so it was in Frankfort and accordingly ordered Mr Henry to be met at Newcastle with a com- pensation ¬ in money for the powder Another proclamation from tho governor denouncing not only fell harmless before him but seemed to render him an object of reater public regard Mr Henrys Journey to Congress which had been interrupted by this event was now resumed and became as far as the borders of Virginia a tri- umphal ¬ It notdenrto people1n of legal forms had nothet dawned was the voice of liberty which when once spoken never ceases to echo and from age until the angel shall close 1 WtiUag Willow Furniture and r Wicker Ctairs Wicker chair aoos become lOlled but they iea lill oINaed to look like new with Gold Dust Was ing Powder tad warm watt Uo scrubbing brush when water becosea rtv aerie soiled get fresh follow White lroa bed eau alto be waahfd by this attkod but must be wiped dry quickly rn abon UUkio from oar tne boekl OOLDEH grows rod liOUUffOXK 1C fAMNUMK CMPANY Meat I U Uula New York I taut- it r J l Ithe book of time I love to lIsten its pealing strains No music winged cherubim of God Is so sweet to my ear I contrast it with tho harsh discord- ant notes of the Executive usurpa tions of the Legislature of the present hour and tho abject tones Of those who feed on the smiles of Usurper executive favor I turn away form tho sight of expiring liberty In this State to assure myself by a of other days that It cannot altogether die The lessons of history upon this great are full of loop und painful instruction I look at ques ¬ tions In their general import By degrees in all ages of tho past tyranny has encroached upon pop ¬ ular Vide Kentucky today Tho citadel of liberty was never taken by sudden assault without prlovious mining battering and treachery The approaches have boon made by numerous measures of a kindred tendency The pro- gress ¬ to the stronghold has been step by step Good mcjn too have often been the Instruments of these encroachments Plausible argu ¬ ments have likewise been made for them As has been made for tho Goebel bill Gentlemen from all over the State no doubt will rise and tell us that the abominable features of this measure Goo bel bill are wise and gopd To let all men vote at the polls but to throw voters precincts and coun ¬ ties and citicd out on tho count by the Commissioners three saintly men appointed for that special pur¬ posecount out The seditious American citizen who holds public station Legisla ¬ ture of Ky and partisans courts c embraces a corrupt and stormy fanaticism and a brood of frightful and depraved theories and revolt Ing actions Instantly spring up andWith wide Cereriun mouths full loud harass and shock the patriotism of the country State We can appeal to the American citizen to allow the house which tits fathers built to stand forever that though divided it may be in its domestic economy yet it is not divided unto its We can do this and we can hope that our labors will bring forth the fruits of peace But if the evil hour must come if patriotism is to be humil- iated ¬ am exalted If tho schemes of the seditious citizens are to triumph and civil strife and commotion are to cumber this fair land then may some Brutus avenge the cause of liberty In the capital and may the authors of our ruin be the first to sup full of its horrors If in the wisdom and mercy of divine providence Kentucky Is permitted to survive the baleful principles of the present crisis serene skies and a peaceful calm awaits us in the future The pat- riot will take hope and the Conspir ¬ ator Legislature and Partisan Judges Courts c will shrink away baffled into an odious obliv- ion ¬ Good omens will cheer us and the Kentuckian race will rush forward again on the bright track of American progress blazed out by their illustrious forefathers- So too the adherents of Ctosar said at Rome when he was con ¬ trolling the elections prior to cross ¬ ing the Rubicon and usurping Im ¬ perial power In speaking of Cm sar Monresquiem says He raised troubles In the his emissa ¬ made himself master of all elections and consuls praetors and tribunes purchased their promotions at priceCresar himself master of all the elections Time blackest crime over seeks the highest livery of virtue to cloak its infamy When Satan himself carne from the burn ¬ ing pit below when ho lurked around the courts of Eden and finally scaling the bright ramparts sat down to seduce Eve in those green and ambrosial bowers he led her to her fall and all of us to our ruin by disguising the hideous lineaments of evil In tho skillful guise of good So time advocates of youIt is all for the worst And feeble though my voice may be small yetin of a constitutional duty with all my strength I warn my countrymen against a measure lrnu ¬ aster and overthrow to the Institu ¬ tions for which their fathers fought and bled on a hundred fields of battleWhen Cromwell designed the overthrow of tho liberty of his country what did ho do I will let Hume tho historian speak Hear him t Housework hard woA without GoMDusf s a dryI a hqat o or i contemplation Cromwell began to hope that by his administration attended with so much luster and success abroad so much order and tran- quility at home ho had now ac- quired ¬ such authority as would en ¬ able him to meet tho ropresontn tives of tho Nation and would as ¬ sure him 6f their dutiful compli ¬ ance with He summoned a parliament but not trusting altogether to good will of the people he used every art which his now model of represen ¬ tation allowed him to employ in order to influence the Vide Goebol law and fill tho house with his own creatures Whe unlawful assumption of power by those who hold authority Legislatureservants of thepeoplo hasbeenwaglng an unbroken contest with the rightful sovereignty of po ¬ litical institutions from the earliest dawn of history to time time Liberty and despotism have Leon the two forces worldtStato planted new ones as was the case last winter and marked the worlds highway of progress with fields of battle There struggles for the su ¬ premacy have never ceased Change been the desire of mans heart It Is In the heart of man to grasp at power Like was exhibited last winter Dominion is sweet and the earth and sea with all that In them dwell have not sufficed In their subserviency to fill the measure of mans ambi ¬ tion to gov rn They party now In power know that they are the Hessians of this political strife and that no peace will be permitted to revisit this bleeding State as long as villainy can pay in the coffers stolen offices of the government if this Butasir Is on tho wall The corrupt and Impious feast of Belshazzar the King his princes his parasites and concubines is about over Theydrank silver of brass of Iron of wood and of stone But in the same hour came forth fingers of a mans hand and wrote doom over against the candlestick upon the plaster of the wall of the Kings palace And the fingers of time Kentucky people are busily en- gaged in writing a doom equally terrible against those who have turned the temple of our fathers State of Kentucky into a den of thievesSir the history of the progress of Liberty next to the history of the Christian religion is the most sublime and instructive lesson taught in time annals of the world Its fortunes indeed have been adversityhas vestal fires which burn on Its al ¬ tars And In all the terrible strug ¬ gles which it has jarred the nation and liberated the people Its sole prInciplethat to govern the many Kings and the courtiers of Kings who talk of the divine to the possession and exercise of have been the enemies which Liberty has had to encounter Every contest it ever waged has put restraint and control on the will the preten ¬ sions the authority of one man Every battle fought beneath its banners In all the fourquarters of the earth has been fought to resist and repel the arrogant and unlaw ¬ ful claims of power made by one man Every Jaw which was en ¬ acted In Its interests from the laws of God on Mount Sinai to the pres ¬ protect ¬ and oppressive hand of one man This has forever been the Issue and It is the issue now UBut sir it is a dangerous In ¬ gredient to cast by the passage of this bill Goebel Bill into the oil Ing cauldron of popular discontent and popular Indignation and the popular voice comes last ringing loudand clear over the storms and dissensions In this hall saying to the members on the other side go back to your broken pledges go back to tho Con ¬ stitution you have all sworn to support cease as you value your lives cease as you value time peace of tho State cease as you dread the lurid flames of civil war at your own homesteads cease the infrac ¬ tions of the Americans Kentuck- ians birthright tho Constitution Dare no more to 1aylyour hands on the white Go no further In this line of policy which you have attempted I say to you gentlemen that as the Lord God reigns in heaven you can not go on with your system as defined by tho Goobel Bill depriving citizens of their inherent rights free white men for what they conceive to be their duty within the plain provis ¬ ions of the Constitution and main ¬ tain peace in Kentucky Blood will flow You can not and you shall not forge our fetters on our limbs without a struggle for time say this In sorrow but I wouldbe false to the people whom I represent false to my own con ¬ duty If I did not toll inbItterness people are determined on this sub ¬ blood of a race of freemen is up and will not submit to this assault Time great American Ken ¬ tucky heart is fired anew with the love of liberty and the people are arousing like the giant after his They have erected their heads and warn you not to lay the of your finger of your smallest on ono of the great muni ¬ ments of personal freedom which adorn the history of the world If I W 9J 7Jf jlf IA INCH ESTER II NEW RIVAL FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS I uniformity ¬ I WINOHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO Hew Haven Conn efOmiT I y ZY7 fV l dlF mAR GumI MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN POPLAR ASH AND WHITE OAK LUMBER FRANKFORT XEN1JC = XY Would ragpocttully Inform tho citizens of Frankfort and Franklin county thnt we will soil them lumt r of all kinds cheaper than any one elsein tho bL Call and get our prices and o oast end of Second street Kennoy Brothers old stand Sept elm bij io AV Qt r nAAo oIJ oifJ L 2 i PieasanUo4ake I I TrdeDtuk LaxatlVIeJl I yrolp NATURES J i i RCONSTIPATION j Ask Your Doctor I And he will tell you Laxative Fruits and their extracts are the best medicines for Constipation as they bring about a normal action of the bowels when minerals and their salts t r- are irritating to the intestines Segetable about a complete cure ridding you of such symptoms Hs Nauseousness1Bloated Your money will be returned if you do not like it better than any other you have tried BOTTLE4tf Ellendale Coiiimeical t1 CollegeNear Curdsville Ky MeQi UK School for Boys and Young who wish to study Bookkeeping Typewriting Commercial Law Telegraphy Short Hand Office Practice Penmanship Business Arithmetic Tho college is located in ono of tho most healthful and refined neighborhoods in Dtivioss county remote from all temptations and distractions of city or 1 town Not ono of our graduates has failed to secure a good position Catalogues free Re ¬ + opens September 10 1900 J E Gardiner A M Pres July 21Ccn CURDSVILLE KY ar you do It Is at your most deadly peril Time voice of barons the voice of John Hampden and the voice of Patrick Henry crying as John the Baptist cried In the wilder ¬ ness Give me or give me death wore all concentrated In the voice of tho people of this country State as expressed at the ballot box In the recent Set aside annulled by three elec ¬ tion commissioners and by thorn referred to tho Legislature a body of servants of tho people tho ser ¬ vants proved In this case to bo greater than masters for they repudiato their masters voice and up own in lieu thereof and make him Governor whom the people hud rejected at time polls by Inherent power 04 I IHIS LIFE WAS SAVED Mr J E Lilly a prominent oiti zen of Hannibal Mo lately had a afrightful says I was taken with typhoid pnoumonfaMy inbed pected soon to die of consumption NewDiscovery relief I continued to use it and now I am well and strong I cant say too much In Its praise Thist 4 marvelous medicine is tho i and quickest cure in the world for i all throat and lung trouble Eegu j ilar sizes 50 cents and 100 Trial f DrugStore a 4 1- Y >

B dlF y fVl - nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7sqv3c0t8b/data/0066.pdf · of all the forces raised and to be raised for the defence of the Col-ony ¬ he was elected a del¬ egate to

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Page 1: B dlF y fVl - nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7sqv3c0t8b/data/0066.pdf · of all the forces raised and to be raised for the defence of the Col-ony ¬ he was elected a del¬ egate to

fr < Ji


By Col Wm H MurrayCopied front National Portrait

Oallory Vol11 Published Phil ¬

adelphia D Rico X A N Hart1850 Contents of Volume 11

I Patrick Henry First Republi ¬

cnn Governor of VirginiaPage B On the 1st of July

he was elected the First Republi-can


Governor of Virginiaand wascontinued In thatUnanimous vote until 1778IRend this firstsigned his commission as Colonelof the first Regt and Commanderof all the forces raised and to beraised for the defence of the Col-ony


he was elected a del ¬

egate to the Convention which meton 5th of May 1775 at WilJulyPage

t was once more electedof Virginia which ho declined

Pago 4 The Virginia conventlon met a second time In

I Maroh 1775 at Richmond whenMr Henry brought forward a seriesof resolutions containing a forthe organization of the militia Indefiance of the opposition of the

J ablest and most patriotic membersof the convention they wore sus-tained


by a torrent of irresistibleeloquence from Mr Henry who in ¬

spired the convention with a deter-mined


spirit of resistance An op ¬

portunity soon occurred for a trialof his courage as well as of his in ¬prohli ¬

from Great Britain was followedby attempts to procure the posses ¬

sion of magazines in America bywhich would be de ¬

prived of the means of defense Alarge quantity of gunpowder wasclandestinely removed from thecolonial magazine at Willlamsburgand placed on board of armed Brit ¬

ish vessels So was the voice ofthe People in Ky removed andplaced the hands of three menThe excitement which I-

ttproduced extorted from the gover ¬

nor a promise for its return bywhich public feeling was for the

I time appeased but subsequentthreats rumors of frosh enoroaohments on their magazines

JIItogethor with the irritation pro ¬

I the battles of Concordand Lexington aroused the coun ¬

try to arms The movements ofthe military was howeverarrested by the exertions of MrRandolph But Mr Henry deter¬

mined not to submit to the aggres ¬

stone of the British governorDemoorat Gov in Ky todaydispatched riders tomembers the Independent Com-pany


of Hanover to meet inarms at Newcastle Havingaroused their patriotism by all theefforts of his eloquence by the resignation of the Captain no becamecomI ¬

Frankfort The country waselectrified Other comapnlqs joinedthe revolutionary standard of Patilok Henry and at least five thou ¬

sand men 1200MountalnMenwere In arms rushing to his

a assistance The governor issued aproclamation denouncing move ¬

ment Likewise Press of Dombcracy in State against Mountainmon coming to Frankfort

The greatest consternationoventhepatched messenger after messengerto induce him to abandon the en ¬

t but undaunted he reso-lutely pursued his march The-

M governor after making prepara ¬

tions for his defence deemed itmost prudent to avoid a conflict

so it was in Frankfort andaccordingly ordered Mr Henry tobe met at Newcastle with a com-pensation


in money for the powderAnother proclamation from thogovernor denouncing not onlyfell harmless before him butseemed to render him an object of

reater public regard Mr HenrysJourney to Congress which hadbeen interrupted by this event wasnow resumed and became as faras the borders of Virginia a tri-umphal


notdenrtopeople1nof legal forms had nothet dawnedwas the voice of

liberty which when once spokennever ceases to echo andfrom age until the angel shall close

1 WtiUag Willow Furniture andr Wicker Ctairs

Wicker chair aoos become lOlled but theyiea lill oINaed to look like new with

Gold Dust Was ing Powder

tad warm watt Uo scrubbing brush whenwater becosea rtv aerie soiled get fresh follow

White lroa bed eau alto be waahfd by thisattkod but must be wiped dry quicklyrn abon UUkio from oar tne boekl

OOLDEH grows rod liOUUffOXK

1C fAMNUMK CMPANYMeat IU Uula New York I taut-




Ithe book of time I love to lIstenits pealing strains No music

winged cherubimof God Is so sweet to my ear Icontrast it with tho harsh discord-ant notes of the Executive usurpations of the Legislature of thepresent hour and tho abject tonesOf those who feed on the smiles ofUsurper executive favor I turn

away form tho sight of expiringliberty In this State to assuremyself by a of otherdays that It cannot altogether die

The lessons of history upon thisgreat are full of loop undpainful instruction I look at ques ¬

tions In their general import Bydegrees in all ages of tho pasttyranny has encroached upon pop ¬

ular Vide Kentucky todayTho citadel of liberty was nevertaken by sudden assault withoutprlovious mining battering andtreachery The approaches haveboon made by numerous measuresof a kindred tendency The pro-gress


to the stronghold has beenstep by step Good mcjn too haveoften been the Instruments of theseencroachments Plausible argu ¬

ments have likewise been made forthem As has been made for thoGoebel bill Gentlemen from allover the State no doubt will riseand tell us that the abominablefeatures of this measure Goo belbill are wise and gopd To letall men vote at the polls but tothrow voters precincts and coun ¬

ties and citicd out on tho countby the Commissioners three saintlymen appointed for that special pur¬

posecount outThe seditious American citizen

who holds public station Legisla ¬

ture of Ky and partisans courtsc embraces a corrupt and stormy

fanaticism and a brood of frightfuland depraved theories and revoltIng actions Instantly spring upandWith wide Cereriun mouths full

loudharass and shock the patriotism ofthe country State

We can appeal to the Americancitizen to allow the house whichtits fathers built to stand foreverthat though divided it may be inits domestic economy yet it is notdivided unto its We can dothis and we can hope that ourlabors will bring forth the fruits ofpeace But if the evil hour mustcome if patriotism is to be humil-iated


am exalted If thoschemes of the seditious citizensare to triumph and civil strife andcommotion are to cumber this fairland then may some Brutus avengethe cause of liberty In the capitaland may the authors of our ruin bethe first to sup full of its horrors

If in the wisdom and mercy ofdivine providence Kentucky Ispermitted to survive the balefulprinciples of the present crisisserene skies and a peaceful calmawaits us in the future The pat-riot will take hope and the Conspir ¬

ator Legislature and PartisanJudges Courts c will shrinkaway baffled into an odious obliv-ion


Good omens will cheer us andthe Kentuckian race will rushforward again on the bright trackof American progress blazed outby their illustrious forefathers-

So too the adherents of Ctosarsaid at Rome when he was con ¬

trolling the elections prior to cross ¬

ing the Rubicon and usurping Im ¬

perial power In speaking of Cmsar Monresquiem says He raisedtroubles In the his emissa ¬

made himself master of allelections and consuls praetors andtribunes purchased their promotionsat priceCresar himself master ofall the elections Time blackestcrime over seeks the highest liveryof virtue to cloak its infamy WhenSatan himself carne from the burn¬

ing pit below when ho lurkedaround the courts of Eden andfinally scaling the bright rampartssat down to seduce Eve in thosegreen and ambrosial bowers he ledher to her fall and all of us to ourruin by disguising the hideouslineaments of evil In tho skillfulguise of good So time advocates ofyouItis all for the worst And feeblethough my voice may be smallyetinof a constitutional duty with allmy strength I warn my countrymenagainst a measure lrnu ¬

aster and overthrow to the Institu ¬

tions for which their fathers foughtand bled on a hundred fields ofbattleWhen Cromwell designed theoverthrow of tho liberty of hiscountry what did ho do I will letHume tho historian speak Hearhim

t Housework hard woA without GoMDusf


adryIahqat o

or i


Cromwell began to hope thatby his administration attendedwith so much luster and successabroad so much order and tran-quility at home ho had now ac-


such authority as would en ¬

able him to meet tho ropresontntives of tho Nation and would as ¬

sure him 6f their dutiful compli ¬

ance with Hesummoned a parliament but nottrusting altogether to good willof the people he used every artwhich his now model of represen ¬

tation allowed him to employ inorder to influence theVide Goebol law and fill tho house

with his own creaturesWhe unlawful assumption of

power by those who hold authorityLegislatureservants of thepeoplo

hasbeenwaglng an unbroken contestwith the rightful sovereignty of po¬

litical institutions from the earliestdawn of history to time timeLiberty and despotism have Leonthe two forces

worldtStatoplanted new ones as was the caselast winter and marked the worldshighway of progress with fields ofbattle There struggles for the su¬

premacy have never ceased Changebeen the desire of

mans heart It Is In the heart ofman to grasp at power Like wasexhibited last winter Dominionis sweet and the earth and seawith all that In them dwell havenot sufficed In their subserviencyto fill the measure of mans ambi ¬

tion to gov rnThey party now In power know

that they are the Hessians of thispolitical strife and that no peace

will be permitted to revisit thisbleeding State as long as villainycan pay in the coffers stolenoffices of the government if thisButasirIs on tho wall The corruptand Impious feast of Belshazzarthe King his princes his parasitesand concubines is about overTheydranksilver of brass of Iron of woodand of stone But in the samehour came forth fingers of a manshand and wrote doom overagainst the candlestick upon theplaster of the wall of the Kingspalace And the fingers of timeKentucky people are busily en-

gaged in writing a doom equallyterrible against those who haveturned the temple of our fathersState of Kentucky into a den of

thievesSir the history of the progressof Liberty next to the history ofthe Christian religion is the mostsublime and instructive lessontaught in time annals of the worldIts fortunes indeed have beenadversityhasvestal fires which burn on Its al ¬

tars And In all the terrible strug ¬

gles which it has jarred the nationand liberated the people Its soleprInciplethatto govern the many Kings andthe courtiers of Kings who talk ofthe divine to the possessionand exercise of have beenthe enemies which Liberty has hadto encounter Every contest it everwaged has put restraintand control on the will the preten ¬

sions the authority of one manEvery battle fought beneath itsbanners In all the fourquarters ofthe earth has been fought to resistand repel the arrogant and unlaw¬

ful claims of power made by oneman Every Jaw which was en¬

acted In Its interests from the lawsof God on Mount Sinai to the pres ¬protect ¬

and oppressive hand of one manThis has forever been the Issueand It is the issue now

UBut sir it is a dangerous In ¬

gredient to cast by the passage ofthis bill Goebel Bill into the oilIng cauldron of popular discontentand popular Indignation and thepopular voice comes last

ringing loudand clearover the storms and dissensions Inthis hall saying to the members onthe other side go back to yourbroken pledges go back to tho Con ¬

stitution you have all sworn tosupport cease as you value yourlives cease as you value time peaceof tho State cease as you dreadthe lurid flames of civil war at yourown homesteads cease the infrac ¬

tions of the Americans Kentuck-ians birthright tho ConstitutionDare no more to 1aylyour hands onthe white Go nofurther In this line of policy whichyou have attempted I say to yougentlemen that as the Lord Godreigns in heaven you can not go onwith your system as defined bytho Goobel Bill depriving citizensof their inherent rights free whitemen for what they conceive to betheir duty within the plain provis ¬

ions of the Constitution and main¬

tain peace in Kentucky Bloodwill flow You can not and youshall not forge our fetters on ourlimbs without a struggle for time

say this In sorrow butI wouldbe false to the people whomI represent false to my own con ¬

duty If I did not toll

inbItternesspeople are determined on this sub ¬

blood of a race of freemenis up and will not submit to thisassault Time great American Ken¬

tucky heart is fired anew with thelove of liberty and the people arearousing like the giant after his

They have erected theirheads and warn you not to lay theof your finger of your

smallest on ono of the great muni¬

ments of personal freedom whichadorn the history of the world If



7Jf jlfIA




efOmiT I

y ZY7 fVldlF mARGumI




Would ragpocttully Inform tho citizens of Frankfort and Franklin county thnt wewill soil them lumt r of all kinds cheaper than any one elsein tho bL Call andget our prices

and o oast end of Second street Kennoy Brothers old standSept elm

bij io AV Qt r nAAo oIJ oifJ L 2i








Ask Your DoctorI

And he will tell you Laxative Fruits and their extracts arethe best medicines for Constipation as they bring about anormal action of the bowels when minerals and their salts t


are irritating to the intestines

Segetableabout a complete cure ridding you of such symptoms Hs

Nauseousness1BloatedYour money will be returned if you do not like it better than

any other you have tried

BOTTLE4tfEllendale Coiiimeical


CollegeNear Curdsville Ky

MeQiUK School for Boys and Youngwho wish to study

Bookkeeping Typewriting Commercial Law Telegraphy ShortHand Office Practice Penmanship Business Arithmetic

Tho college is located in ono of tho most healthful and refined neighborhoods inDtivioss county remote from all temptations and distractions of city or


town Not ono of our graduates has failed to secure agood position Catalogues free Re ¬ +

opens September 10 1900

J E Gardiner A M PresJuly 21Ccn CURDSVILLE KY


you do It Is at your most deadlyperil

Time voice of barons the voiceof John Hampden and the voice ofPatrick Henry crying as Johnthe Baptist cried In the wilder¬

ness Give me or give medeath wore all concentrated In thevoice of tho people of this countryState as expressed at the ballot

box In the recentSet aside annulled by three elec ¬

tion commissioners and by thornreferred to tho Legislature a bodyof servants of tho people tho ser ¬

vants proved In this case to bogreater than masters for theyrepudiato their masters voice and

up own in lieu thereofand make him Governor whom thepeople hud rejected at time polls by

Inherent power



IHIS LIFE WAS SAVEDMr J E Lilly a prominent oiti

zen of Hannibal Mo lately had aafrightfulsays I was taken with typhoid

pnoumonfaMyinbedpected soon to die of consumption

NewDiscoveryrelief I continued to use it andnow I am well and strong I cantsay too much In Its praise Thist4 marvelous medicine is tho

i and quickest cure in the world fori

all throat and lung trouble Eegu jilar sizes 50 cents and 100 Trialf DrugStore

a 4


Y >