____B-_-eeaaBaanntoaBBs.aui n nsw rrn,.e.w.io-vo,Ml.. fo«n.m..'i-is,l roeen ..'."."-. ._* om Munn in,r. Hm Oeerteaoss Ukomear. S-nia - ' ' t"t'"' ¦ i>.V,n_»be!>Kc. He mymrm . (carney, then* «ountrr tatStnrtmgtrnaBreytowu in a dir ¦amass* ssoasty. ¦' on *." laroaal «»_talsil.-n-reresnditierr -v- non r.','.,.- ,.(. .1 on nurd t upward ie asia-Asp* " " '"' ...** STaiiaio rat rout* irons Orortowo ts ¦¦ Ead in tiM- Pm I'lor, Riv«r aaooo earoo Ballas li m-- ,,nv l.l- MiiJsi.iiiWl.' - .iiitielTO-d SI 1 SS »« sa -i- Ctr*** eiioerfh w.»t,r in -., tie ans it mses tei ¦¦'-. m-mamtam oretoM laets wBIaoiods ?<>«.»,-.? -ti'ht-wotk o-i either pitt ortho t*aiial looms the fOSBri *o 'he lev. Bs i l>r'-«-nt« .|,. ,,.. Iir.-tx'sed se'i-me aa est tl -...., 0004)00, lui bi .!, th .te-mk' et the r.m.- f7.SOO.000 tin ooksa the j--.nm._we pam uaw -'.¦¦ BUS OF th: lit l9Af. nv. Matthv.w* _u-mgo>L-**k Langi Wo_-L- ft. ... wits a ... .-..I. pssSfy aa la W.. !¦. *.».,-,- sluoeeoa tx* ".'"'. ai -a-c:s,.i.i rn. Msotrle- '7" ao Orv**, oe tra* OS ono* trots latsaw lia n worth tooanddvi i-t but think thst Mr v "*-',; dvise verei- Mtrit ' °_* __i__mlnmM " . >. l'llll ..-tu. is r_. - -. ,( wnrlcl n iWmg W r,r *cIm>,.1*«1. nnd. an u. *'' tomat A Petit J-JJ ii non ii.Bi -re with which his -_,l ,.r isbe.i.f t.s eabe-iaos-og to h:ns,ir und ht* read. ia. lr a still PSISMBB-S ct it il' m»s.tie'i-ui«-.neb, fe* n H»»I strause ou«* i-f _mta. tho nairn .. *r nil; -. .ipimstte tn tS.tt towN..D it la . ti inc.. d. he ia sot urltei ' meknio os leoI. aa of Ula ia a tolortsm hrc-..we ae wortd tBgrwesolM n r, e oioua. .' tt,., ii Or ki..* um 'itiii. et|iial ts to si»y murk sud ' I h- los Uai! no c<iu_.l in WQl lilelxetl I : I ..e.i. ....'Wc* m.iv itt If fist len ark ¦. »mot lr boot to pro- 1st Writer of jil'*- the .- 'i sr, n.ii- wuile i ive al It won a ar*t'W*t ."( .. ll' Til-' ii hean ' ¦' * " n ..n.i : .ilje, "' l, "-e'll- \ tt 1 with lt. ul mie we¬ il me fe . - ... i.i- ¦¦¦ r mi ar¬ ia Ol I ; \'U. rieHii *-T BarnsB Vi ll Ce COl.U-Ull lil runt-' ii tue setoal fset ih.i li'ii'Wt r'- )r Vieti.rl ..¦:.: » Billi. ..* li M !.¦'¦_ IllUii el, le..i li::.- '. abet.i OMI tc. pleat... nu iv in i le. Bia nv- soi u- -i nv trodit Vt u; .".:.. tao colon-- ST. ril 'l.e .tt.lt tl* the a .¦na | iweu pO-rtn lin in* la 1001 MrvWw. r of alkina nt of a rtlvt .... lil' SISl tl V. Hil Wll IC'I ano. wo in h u-"- eo»t. :. ..it tai- ion -v ul thal .e." arra . w,irita which i_ an .,.- .'-ll f lijl.l'l.el,, lllel U wrtooee o ; a saul ul ten i.!a tuni of j ,. r .tn t l..tx.. . in! prto, rs. a many x koiexhooii eil .tc jre iu dm. ol ailinn xs. ... *i.nuis, la'umr fur iier ; «.- ST. :-¦. iii o. le- VS ___[ h**»bl :¦>. j../- nam irk 11 -I : .) ino** . .' -kt. te';. Wa July ll. 1 a. m..Tue tui- onu ,er ia ..ii'-.-t ta Ir-oottsaad OnM a '.> i,rsdo and V.'v,sim.i_. OsanatSBBl rain haataboo si, ,it n-r saitsia Bo-tkwoaoiip n.u^-s pr.- vi' lo thc ii,'di.- MsK-s an<; New Knslatid; S-BOOr-MM tOn- orr ii,..,.t!v S"iifii\i- ' t etr**n- '¦- Bl '.-!.¦ ari N". *-E OlOrwbt-r 'uaoitturxu. i* atlaaaa B-ssoo, riour or soi Ul Bloody » -, «--.i.-Hv winds. oiotjBBJUT or l.w.r tn, tut , ter. :-' wea'lser. poeflblj ".'- I > WIB.I.- sitU'.lli^ ld coi ie| norib etty, bixiiei oaroineier. SK l.n. \i. D*^- tTinoy*. ____Umt'yi-.¦ - is »tu-u uiO.lacUy w* Wsi-*«f ____, 'Or U«m Si" 41*!¦..«. at nmrfurutxr** -tar* ; . .' r-,^~m~,_,tr_.~K0_ISill^bj ¦imt ._-. rr^l ¦¦¦¦!» O. »*^-^^-'s^S^''"'*Ul*'*** *' fc -anwm-wmaad-..C, team OmcB. Jaiy lT'l a lo.-Th-TO was very ¦ja i-iiaii.-i ii, tue lasron-eet-sr Testerdajr oatll lp. m., *»hen th.r. was a »im1i1*h r so rn tit- Uatereury \_*t be¬ fore th,. tbiitoOer sbowera. dear aad partly cloudy o-sotl^r prevailed, with Hunt thunder showera after _i_,ilr^:;ju '.>¦ '"' T*** t*"'-per-itu-e ran*ed net ween TA" _t___}ht Axrrn.gr (7y «a*) i^nnr 1«> hli(h«r thoa on l-t **rn»0on.tiuK usiy ism y___ _,.__, .. luwoe Usauau Ari- Ct*.U;r MS rlear or pertly eloudr -reuther «s»y bo ex- SOt-led Urdu Ul Xiii* ,-»ty ,od rlclS.tv. SSeWdl-tKR «-_ el BO Ol. J UO Si. ' S. ul. Ja.y ,,, (TN'TRAL PAUU. CiHSKHVAHO-VH. AlsOo-t ,i Mttx%urUmpLtoll:*n,r: r., ii,, ___ ._,_ ntl p. nm. July lb, IOHO. «»«*«. liUetaOKMTSa HsNcreea M.Hiu M-_,.7».:i 80.073 Hit* .u m.. Inly 9).Sl.O s. i _ [_.. Juts* 4T).S3.0 -»l I.mar..2H.0 s elias by ts. wau iIwiik um wmO. l.i» mus*. Ass-a-tti ttl wsuw. ..¦a.*. aa m .' .SSrh. I* ui.lt Imo. '- ..'. ..;.t ..( w-in tm U,« ._,.,._ . 1.81 Inuit. "Zit',.' ,,""*»-'lMIT Off CBTnrW C-IUSI Ot trna i. I'liieiie ts kai's m.kxI tia* 1 Kel .,e li vin* In ui.ti .* Ano i,. . ¦:-..) t puMlo tu Imtivl . "" : "-''" <-rUl'J ' Du« l-OJiOl.ll- Tff.llOf ,_ ot ce isver*-! Cat citborr way T FAMINE as \ PASTIME. DR. TAMKE1 LD I mi i;. i ii ' . ns IB IQWS "I IMl Bl1 Kl N- I x *i' uni iw sta hon- v QTtn ' iv- mr. milli heat.a.\ imim.iv . aaa « I>r. TSnar f'-r ta last ferr ilay-t hus BBSSaal to uiler ni.-re Irmu the beot I lian from lita fast. In. tiller, after cnielul chemical arah <i-, iris--. .is opinion That Di.I aimer, if he per-n«ts in his tani, r-n imt aaaastbnBaaday. PntaaanYaadnlV n ei.lcctic plni-icmn. I',*, nlei. ;!iai l>r. Tanner may aaassaa IM ha kl i>e be kept an-as, Dr. Taaaaa .. :i,eil irritable and worn yesterday, but wia* coi, t -mccoos. TWrT.lTlI DAT UF THE FAST. A hearse stopped in fr.mt ni Ctanmioa Ilall eatorduy afieruw>i_. Instuutly there ii a*- a commotion U.-tiUtchooi tbe neighbor ho. ul. Mean, a.>i~ nndowsof tne factory efpaaasr;Maeasa uti crowded toward iho il e.w. There was a hush of ireHthK»*s antiia-ipiallon. btokei) only by Ihe vi,icc of st nu,' nov : "Snr. do you j'jiHe th- nie mr u* BM nie driver of Hie hearse, after a l_ag, earunst look it tue window, of the hot_.BOd_M otui.i.iua.y at hi* magma-tax, m I tb* l.i-otrteneii v.-tiirie pan cd io Dr. Taunt r will burts SeaBBtBM ta thinecu-.h day of ns tut ut noon ro-day. He still appear* nt rsiH ile enerby seem* to come nj. re _xm BSnousaees tbun ibuud.v.I su.-. n;..t , i,w ;¦. Il -a lOOkal WSBaffOBBtB lay afternoon, aud there wasaw;:d o' ,1 inruur'v ni'iiitiiral look about his eye**. !!.. Ba sul- . rel t. rribly fruni tbo h*at In spite >f the wei towels that have env*,.- iia be.vl, and th* i-N>u«ces aoatked w.to ire w.iter wiih which he lion eon.ed nit- fae .. au-! ii._io!s. Se ta moo.ll H.-c.isi»nally, cheerf-.! st one tim*, aud SOOO a.'.cr It- iiab.e. He has tex eu tim I Ba kOSB*Sof OdnUV ilou of vm ti ri, a..ti aooalo-cs fels t«u".p*r if bil HOB Will » not allowi-u tren play, ilia sootMoooe rea-sii)* una sated, and tb* i-hysitiaus st tne ba::, (BbSI Ut Xvi Ul hld BaBOBOB. all prof. .a falil. ls ti. hun ;sty. Tbe na.-titl worry to wb.ea be bas been -nu >il uia! tie BOOSTOaatq Sj eats, roruat-pny. rs- nu ! [¦loHors i..ir. j!I to-t up,..-, him aii-t leiie-.ie.il isi' I jibvs:c:..n poke ,x* foilo-Oa yestt-M.i | io his -nae : ** The onlv answer thur ?rxrt tie made to ta foss¬ il.>;i Ha« ie -tiru anvtii ns: I ' is tnis : In thr a t tram ..- mask asBoodaa thal ll- -ill'l.I I.e.. ;i ii he ira tu ia ev;.!. io ..;. d ooiil l unforiu- lt lt Ileef : . liy for a - twe.vi s Here . a l. I ... ¦'. BUS | rm toots . - in that Still-- .1 nature foi it- :. - rt ... uni i- a pr. ib .fl. itt! ii.:n io ths ojSnloo thu.; D.-. Xeoaei oil :*iu"nt i ho Iv n i I .- ri. pallid m.i rs\.-,i -i ui.-.t hr m. pit.. orara < ' .11 the towel a.,d sponceo, a- d li- na -, .-> t ...ne jj .-...a .i.i.t- ._ itu uverig^- cn- ii.i_i:un Tb.- woteh si. w .leno. Tbeeiul.trt.n Btueo dig Silte.iil SI- illfill Viii- '| piOple l-.ellill llV wittt.Mit foiie', n tew nt; -'e | :t, (.roachl, C, mad BB lt. weaned inti!.- ls -column* in be (eli UstOeeoae rollie' pcevoa eu '...,*:;.lori H.t... OOd sihinty r. .si rig BOMB them, -uti SSS IOU !. ra doctor1 tempera sui slime- j.<. ho oooarloOsooot. A -e'lLMIHC f.\ i.- ls, \ II- -V -Kl II UKO. il pie. -ictaua are t.e-_.ii:iiutt lu ort:, .bat Hr. launel is it VC t)«l« rill, luau auil Ii dui.. uni.', ihe Binna Bl -are promsueut phya t-i.in- ni p_-.ini to (bt.sisuse oosooSSB-sad paeSard-g itt ama thc loOowSBgotntesBenti Batpernaoatsat nts kindalin i-.vin-_ Suma kala ire th* mum difficult s_ Bs iiipa.lB_.SBlB. na oaeoySngtl __tpn-SS_onoaffkgrsssaond mea l-> rv, iiia»_MUi-h arf they reijiiiri- tiie r-liu,fuut on of tm so al error taos do ¦ lo doolam erith U a-i m.ue ibi__>. In itt* ^pecia! ease BUdot I .ii-..hr, tiin, -nelie. ¦- hms Bsnar pecam t-, taUtntf nothint.' hm waler; m* (juit.ti.in cin onl ,, et.-, s.t n bj onexpernoeol mokiofe ali tbe »t'-roeci of ee-ror arfel't'itu i'e-l. ll la n'yown liell'-f.|e»*ral tim. pablJOty exii.essed danu? tiie e.\oltr.lU'"tlt la 1- - ir-1 i eon '....ii ir .- peraWCOlS lo live, ttntiereerf-ilii emidrioii-. sin lOOgl ou do food bet water th;m m .aopoasdj Bul liiave nt been ola ls prove thu n ti iiis-sollj In but cases* bi h.- ii v.t i" . ii proved ty utiyoiMv, An SXperrari i,; tm Mod. If ines*offal lor torry .Uti.,, m.ne eales pCOSTOS »lia lOol mau ooolS So in.lier MOBS eire un ..i moo; aiioiher |H-rsen mtg il Sis lu u_c the rue.e. H l.uoir.1 uuMtlM-r ol anet rw.iltli eip.-iinteui'-t.-ouul cs.al li-ii at.y mn vet -;t! law. lu urilcr Ut inaKe t:;. prooenl <.: j, rlmentol see, SBaaalhlag ua aa fa lowioB iliad .hon .i bo adopted: ¦.] Bunts on. -I'l-'iitin.' ptitstf'iir- bbcu*touted to e-x'.-ci rneutiiiii wi.Xi livens liujBaii btitDKS-isoulft Uk.- absoiui i on l roi lot nay a week ut ten tiny a. "V!. Ma hu eau berne snouid be .mowed in the present o' the fn»rer exeent lu i««ni,pany m.k ihe e_p*ri'in-i,!i inul nv tn- n i-ii. rna OOaoOBSBO, a ney must kau w rt delan* doily, -iianl-1 ot,t jiu 'hem olj trout tue eba e.i a- r mt e n r-*r sud hts etsstsr, .nts. -A. lt is out at .til necessary that tbe usa!«tnnt« shoul lie phy._.cans; their duty -.simply thai oi poins.;; au if tbe (iujt«riut*uil."at unt!i.rMt&nds his dn.y ll ls u accessary tbat al. ot kio ao^nUi.ls be even lt.. be Snyaaa on ta Ooneaty of ad Un*e wUo wurk uud. biro bisoxperttuents wlli be of inn* worth. _ It is ut nu sta'L.jitnt whetber tbe fasirr hi hone-t t it.shoDeat. If ta auM-UB-ata it; K-aat_a_a-ly eal nie ie.1 the results will oo tue os-oe, wii*tev_r tuc cUa _i ter Ol liloliV.s Ol ths lUlijCct of l^> Ul *' A.- til* oapsO-oooolo ate uni et/ndiicUd the r**nl Will be a nioner "I Iteuef or vruO.rmut. taut not or ->. etice, wulcb is sitsoluiec and veinLtDle i(Uo«lr(tKe. £ iwn.weaie willi otodmiBS aud eialrvoyauts and B ;u< readers are too ailsa SSnao ¦ nu- woy- I'¬ la lev.- tbat a oeroou may ao oreo cor wecki- oithoi toed, bnt it hat never bceu jtruvsu. I also believe lin lar. bie_dl«y xx.i leU-s_akeu aod Dr Tautiei i. kOOOl but il thdevidenro as to sn ciia^riuteui real* __atj>l upou a uu'i boacsiy. it uaa bo value." ( PINION- ur PHYSICIAN'S. Dr. M.»nric» ft Miller, of tbe New-YosH t'ulveiyli Mad-sal Cul;ega. arter careful ehcaikaJ aa-Jysi.-. uiakt tbe tollowtnrf sUteiuenti " As reported In yesterday Tribi'SI, my exaHjluatlous led me te believe that D Tauuer tua been couttiinally faUinj-. I Have eia-nm. the oater wuh whicU be Muses his mouth without h knowledge. The mlcroocopo shows no particle of foo A te_ou_4__-l lUllilouth uf a jerula vau laede-t. eted." l)_ Lewis Boy re sojd : " The leueb.njrs af science ai experience art atfuiost a utan'* fa-tinr forty days, and i^eii-vo jj impossible. 1 also belum, lt InipvssiOle WUU.-U o uss lor tbat ieonih nf niue so to avoid any ehaiute of Iraud. Hui I koo B»thtBx jiooitiTeiy ss to l>r. Taunrr. Tho lonirt-st last n-mrest sppruoob lo a fust I ever knew of waa a soo es tam. wbo waa wrecked wiUi i*o orbrrs on a vess loaded wsth oats. Tbs ship was waler-ionS**d »»d ali tl pro vialun* wern swept away. They lived for flltrru du simply by eui-wiag wita. One diet! soon aller rmi cant... ami Ur >.Uu»ro wore very ocur dessd." Xn. Van Otu Wey Oe, professor of euowatry la tl UulU-dHlutes Medlml Collca*, bss Basile careful chen eal oau'l'soo outee tbe bnoluulna of Hr Tsailer's rai Ills rayon ts that bi. Tauuuc baa boco tai tug for X_o i.UaUb of ttsoe oistans wu hus b-oa ouJ^uct lu axscusifo oeroo lil s rite, n-hich l.e f. ur* na Isck ol fo- tl. ll.- mofcatlealli i ml aa an it ts bis opinion tn.st Dr I ,uner eos acann Bans na t'*v. Dr. Isnm-r't _ ¦¦.¦th* seemed Aoinewh.it Boona b.' l.n hid uni thu walk t.tk.n to .liv li a,s if. ne retired \. __ (.,,t ta the Mutt Kallery of the hall, ond slrpt B bott A MU' la'cr be Seemed Ieee, wid frequently moaned aa If In pain. Inwards a. ni.be obtained a refreshiug nap. Hu i'i!se stud temperature w-re both nnruial at Sam. At I n. m. t!.e doctor arn.se, and after washing himself BOSS- i'laiiipelof fellini,' very chilly, uud showed ran«cular Dei vnn-iii i* He laid down acsi'.n aod soon mupmak better. Ila ooaisisulloo was lively, and he 1 bright aud cheerful. His jxuse was 97, very weak, and lia temperature i)s' Fahrenheit. Ar uooti, he tu,!,.-.iiy r.i-i' ind asked if lt was Untnrda-. When toll that ir .. nui-edi *' 1 Als ls the end of twelve tlllVH." The chief facts In the cWtnr'a l.fe ure that he w«a oom lu TnnbmU'e Wells, England, lu 1831, iite.l tam* to tutu country wb*n he was Kreoteoa After aadplog medicine In WuMonatn. I.- n iud*ed to .Miuueaiiolbv, Miun., where I* pr-, ineillcine. He hits nrlther wife n-T child. DOBloa the iiftenioon he ta fc.-d ooottnoolty, and wss ken; boor so- sro. About S.-a o'clock heexpi sire Tn r.-tirii tn lae soatB -railer*- unit r«v.t fels cot sn lilt-trier. T»r*e toMce were prooo ont wa lot i- op .tr bc ¦, ¦ ol too open ¦ Later io the BftorooOB ti* .(...-tor reeolvedtoo eb moe i-- ci-, tn-- in of tiie otakt-Moosslog SI 7 o'- I. --k tn* rior-orf* -nils* was SS, '..st p. ratlire, un -,"- Ihe rv'tunc waapawdqutei i won proooot. Shout 10 o*dot want to ted aad som (cl a-ie-i.. rtie regular physicians on tn ostek oere Dre. James J. iEmil W. Ha .xi.li,,un. H. B. Keel;- R U Westcott, Maurice Mi er aad I C. Rarwoot c nts wei* Dre. Witcba, Knots*. U rieree I.usn, Griswold. H. I'. Plunkett, li. H. Kent, dithol W. Uru-b ami J. B. U'ncht. mt krait ur. or mr fast. To th ' F 'I i I ii r o f The Tr tb un*. me: CertainKcutlemen barina atom fir tn nineo cc Bi o Tot k S .in regnnl to Dr. Tauter'* attanipl at ni * mr duty, aa the ex i invi¬ ter)! r nf ' ¦. tO '¦¦ ..'ter in Droper!) understood , 11 :.: nu woy *) tins pre-cut un Irrt ,\Xia of (>r I anni r--. has mt pert ta U. and oe Mar ao I asa own*, will aol ie :»- lr.Tann r bal v i:,:< of the s] I « nvn act. lt wi- that Dr. Ts uer v.a- lit i l,i :li Un* ennuin*.- were - .; Lull eu. io li Hal.. J tura. s > . os I Ul Nh h. ' .\ GREAT D '.I'F.I.TI.I.I 1». 1MB d PM. K. d P. g. lin'I'.- i.i-..; >.» .!:.:.- i.....(i >.i xx k .- . . Tar i.iiMicvi tNCPAnrak.iT.-thi -- A fin i' lay Btftraiai ia dm .: Weat ¦ ni. ii vi -i ii tba agaa, vt ii Brat .otana mon ooo Kraal axel tad I la ta nUdtng gb the various deporunei ts. Ta dr* wand MO! ty in tMutn where ix -s"nnal o1 l-t wer" ohsa-Bia atm ta mpoaoda wars Bta on rbe cork with wax. which wa- lie.-.;.-I at ,t aaa gat, A. m proaaed thooSaioa opoo '.:.¦ 'ii iitese patti s. whin woo Siled with aa "f a htaoly es-BflasSiMa I tire. t'. attie aroha T!ie all, aa It escape.1. was tm mediately Igntta hy trie eas.H-t. aad Bown Ihel ar a strsoai at fr-, limit linr evervtoiutt tu tts w.tv. Miss TkaaBBOaU * a* envel¬ oped r . norn daatt . i kc riM.ui.. ot ,. ,,f » li ni, ( onrad Sunni, i.urne-l lil- ii unit b.td,y In eZttaOOtShtna t... it noe* ou her ot. i; ii.-. .; t-dOTT. Hie ;.-".tf.i'i like a fl i»h. lu th.- nu.1. .,,' th> work peopM f-orn ih» bummer room Jo.i, ..ge looalj 000. WI down -Lairs anti kr . arm. Tln-re were au alOokotta pieperstmn BWOltlOg baOttlM lu rh* room. Thaoa were i- .ii,_b-. nv me lue. wu rh devastated tlie r.mm and was nm ti tux ita nar through Um eesllaa before the prapli bsd nnie to if.-'rn: i A Ore .il.,ru, n out Means, wBteh waa mum adlawed ky a second and a tiiint, ood Um i-u n ot i .ii "ii Um croon I. A IshIt of tlreniri, ei)f.-i*i| fie- ll it <tn- -, Inr ll .'ie tine*', and weru at .mee rut off Ly .. >. I time '-arit-'.t a*JV tbe arnirva*e. Iii.-;.- won rescued by m--iti- ot the maine t>> tbe eoejehOOttBle POIB B ih-* flaiues burned Bercoly, on L prevented me ap- nf r ie Bronsen to the building. Th'- StaoMovorr .ulsliie.1 in ia course of bair an hour, bul tu*y hui burned through ia (north tad t! tn aio.h-a aid taranah ts,- le.if. Tlie w.t.-r dut nineli daO-ONO Anion.1 rh' peoBOOt] .lestroy d were ai too hundred eases of Tuc in!,'' '... niiai.stt to a in-tweee t«l"i.iS)«, and pioiCrim. Tin- damage lo the BOlldlng ls proha-iy -hoot #7.SBO. tba whoas ot tba bum a^goi Nd hyii.-u eu.--- _.'u uiaursd tor tl-'t'-bsJ. and titi o>.-k i.;r#H."-».00O. i Bean at tim tl.ivs. Tire \\iis tiiscovt-reil early yc-cteiiiiiy morning In a stable on Lrxtuaton-ay*.. between Bud rood an 1 -.inioln-av-u.. White Plaina, N.Y. Tbe flames comma i rapidly to thc workshop or William A. Thornes. ix tinatuan. and tai tbe biackaiuilb abott of 8. kluooer. lue lee-.uu.'r.rii). hafidaa were allot wood, and lt waa ai the v lll.ijt* was In damrer. Word waa sent to Mount V»rn.m. N.-w-R.)*h*lle. 1'nrr r*hr»rer and Mmin* ki«co. iu WosieUester l^ounty. and ttl New-York Cltv tor itsil.Uiiii e. Titers were prompt re.siHtua<'a trout Port c.'hearer sn-l Mount Vernon, but the members of a dls- buu led .Weal kin oom pan v, by vigorous work, hod lie.kt'.l tbe fire before the arrival mt ec ain ea not. however, iui'iI 't had bad.y ibnnairi*il a four »'.-.rl_.i buildinx at L> xlust.in sod Haliinad-ovaa., oce.ipi*d aa a rlo_biu« store aail dweiUmt. Thc w er kahn ps wero oa¬ ts-, iv destroyed. J ian-- Gibson, the owner of tbe shoos and toe .arter tiulldms. puta bas loss ot *2 j-O-S. covered in (treat puit by lusu.auuo. . ¦? I!f A nW-J-D-_n fXCTORY. Fire wus cli-ia-iivcrtd vedUiriiay ikfternoon tn the basement of thc Ur*'.* trunk and satohol uuiauXac- tory of J. a-afMOWM th Co.. ou tue Passaic River, at Har- n-on. Hndson Coanty. EB^inei from Xovotk wore snmmened and soeeeedetl tn preventing tbs spreed of mu ure from to* baseou-nt snd Urst story. Theoo, bow- ever wen; heavily siocksd with gooda. Unca ot Uh. v liti'ilie st-uk on the aeeond ami third Boors was badiy .li.-i, und i-i-laster. Onomeof the upper flo.irs»uum ber Of stria were at wo-k wben th* a_arm wat, given and ikey made their escape witnout say ooufusioo. Ths Uew nt ^ippoaed lo bc al«>u» Sli.000 or g_*l.uxOO, wblsh ts fullv coTered by lusuraoec, prLutip_-.y in kugiisu COO-PO BlllS _____________^. As AanL ("hauuer..Proprietor of bonrrl- tna-boiiae (tak in i? at" iii guest aside! i -You'll excuse r Mr Buaritaet, mit j imr appetite ls so large t.i.tt I "a'ubee.'uii.ei'-dt.) chars* ma a sb! lltn* evtra. lt Sn a d.K»e si t»» .(UlUnrsr** limers * >., K..r IJravsn's-taks don't do that ! I can cal t»o sbllliu.si worth eeev ; bet If I hs»o ta Sa i should.but Iii try i !' . {too* ihree.1 real ly.. SUMMER LEIBURE. A LANI) BilKEZE AT LOJIG NUKCB. HE 1.. KU.1MNGBROU8 kIDB ur two cn Lint kn.i* r?: arrivals. Lt'Nd IJrancii. July 10..The breeze has eu ,.« the land all day, aud tho guests who usually ti rorig tbe hotel platsus froniiug on Ibe ocean betook h*mselves to ta west side of tbs hotels to cate- the re*i*. which for a land brc*ie was quite cool and re- reshmg. Tbe dsy has been Ihe warmest we have bad for newly fortnight, the thermometer Indicating i)'ia iu the hade. Th* noon boat bronsht shout '_\tf<»0 e.euralirolsts, nd th* *r*nlng tram* were Isr.-e mut w-'l fllled. All he hotels on Ocean-ave. this evening nero Anally bilged to refuse guests. The numbers going out to attend tbe races at Mon- lonth Park to-day were large, sud tne decrease of pnb- ic conveyances on Ocean-ave. during raring hours ls otteeable, and ls no drawback to the pleasure of a ride n tbat moally overcrowded thoroughfare. Mr. Leonard Hosie ton. or Su. ZA East Pixty-tlrst-st.. e'ew-Yark, is, witb hts family, at the West Ktid Hotel, bl-. morntng he sent the coachman to a laundry at Moti- SOOtBMaaeh. Two children of Mr. Ilaaleton. Henry. go ten, and Bern*, ice i-iulil, anti Florence Wo<>>1, aire lu.-, t.'ie !atrer ii daughter or J. B. Wood, of New-York, rho ls also at the We-r Rad, BOSompuntod Ly Mn I oil's iii.'tai. w.-re sent with the Banakfltsn fur a morli¬ ng nile. At tin- lanni try th* uiai.l left the eUffhon and nt>-red tb.- bnis-iior, wbl'e tbe coachman also left, ss he laims, to gol a drink cf water, le.iv.iu the cain tu charge of the child H-ury, whom i>» ii.sine ten »., iii-h: frou) t..e carriage and hold tbe _ ta head. While the eeaahnmn asa gone the ut « tmla thut passed quite irar, and throwlas rlie hov ro Mn- _:r,.iiii,l ttn-v dsi-h- .1 BB )--ean av*. Thc rhlliln ll maintained their jisices in the ar. m.. appal aol aoeonaeton of theft perQ. The rt-rbl-n-d Botaca ran -r'.-.ti r;trr, gm ll.re ul-A iie:r wai ¦! the IkBOngl »f vehtci-M anl ls iue'. . ;. tun over ..-na of taslgat. aad di- ..-.' meir p..- .. t,iej- ploug teat, au.l - eel. '.V'letl 111'-- Dr. J 0. Ml el elf || Might v . hsnl been rtutgua rti.-in lo a ..- wer* roon mg loss sn oa n ¦r r-nm lt . . rod tao mt Hm iio.-»ni-. Ceruoer B itldran Ma nail nu tic : sop- « s al«> wno We-lC I . A. C. Co or. ile ..i 1. ni J r <. ,r : Sra. J. A. .!.- J. A. N.. ll. E. >i. Ul ' lltitct.V. !' a. .1 X. A., Ur. Iiottri ¦;¦ ee !' \l Tk. nu.; .: J. li .w-Jereej B. .fork. .'.' I., July !->..A h- BTV f< aatag i ifec; ant D lt :¦' rt -"I with t...- B r:t .- uri vi I .-.'.ci* nore haoadeoonaaaflj sd Voadarot an (.ream . ir-- i.i ta haibor. i nm. ef Ln'.n.-lvn, will BMBC. ni.uriiin ttl.tr. \ >:i will furnish thc 'soo. F. W.-Siiiith snit faiui; Bm J. C. BaaghOI a*.tl f.i.m'r. of Baltimore, and Hr*. J. B. Il arr Ai, una. ui., iutve arrived at tb* Wail ftTfnglt. tl Gem Osnanl a! lo, am Mr. C K. Gregory, ol >" w-Y.ck. os '.¦" Bod lea eat! .-. i BoM Mr ^iiBsotBi Thaytr.Jr of Bnimo. ins takoa poa t ker, of Ualttmore, koa arrive. l e ..lonnie jiolo grounu* here ou thi 24th iBoL Ca Dov. H C I'li'i-t, ad Bew-Terk; Watson, rn Ph: I.i iel niii.,, atul rt... li.-- De trna Uyke, o Brooklyn Will .a-ipi pulpita IO thu city tO-UMSB * I le the I. Ilo.* ni-'; Viiiteri Prate* lintel Cross well aud faun y, Frederii Vi. X. orr, E. Vi. Wa e-». I.e. Hali. Boston ; E. X -ear I V ¦-* -Yoi _; J. li. 1'isrkins, JUo-lou; L-ut.-tt F. Kiu^ .toil. I'rn-p Hiruse-Y C Davis. H. **. I'mbodv, Vino* Bin i. i... .; l W. Meks-st and wi s. Maa intel..n; K. A. Whipple, II. C Whir*. H. Wn'*v, jr., V Vi. Pa.mi.ton. I. X. Maa I Laaek,C H. I'rek Bro v.eik: j. nu AL Qreer, Waobiacton; _, H."hep hord, XX c. Mille-i. I'ri'Vltt.-n e; J f Bowers. Bulla <iel|ii.ia; B. v. Hnile?, U. lah-uiaresr, Newark, M. J; J Boardman. Ne* V ¦MM Aetuulnrrk W. S ->. Sirens/; W. F Bed Indi W.isningtoii, i.B. oltn sud wi fr, Kicuinond. Lnd. ; A . tueago Di. I ar roll IJurih.im. Irvin'.mi. S. Y il rs. G. M. Mligkl tm fsmi.v. Milford. 1 . .Viiiii.Te. L M. Kortrlghl y. a olinga Kev-York i Q. H. WlgM m.in. fl. a Bi.r-.i-- andora, K. D. WU Booie, Provl I .nee ii. 1. I,.i.h.. Booton; L li. Pteriinr. Hatti. Beek, Bridgeport, incl Wi,lard Parker, ul Ben Jersey. (*-ettn Home.A.. C But..-rs, ChlOOgO; Bdwia K.-'it B.sugir; Vi. 3. Badger. C P. (.reen* au.l t_,u_]y. jinn Torn; Vf. L. Plc Bena, Hugo Oppeiuiauu, L)r. ami *lr« Moehriug, K. L. Keg>r«.uid alfa, Btiil-tdeiphiu f il \\ adman,B - Eat, Boston! Josmb .earn, >t lt.-e.i. >iiiitfi u i-vinouth ; H. A. Shroader. Brook I.. I rei, ii. H. P. Flamb, Milwaukee; Iir. W M. c tun berlan.. ol New-Veirk ; Iienjaiuiu It an and finillv. I I). Jo: .inn ano fani.lr, Mr*. J. C Jordon, sud COtonel ll Brooks, ut Baaasai MSoota BMekisad, .u" Pbllodc )eii... anil tiakco A. Au..;-*, of Massae misc tl a (ONLY ISLAND LV Ri GLORY. orsri.M. of ri-i- n«w okikmai. hotel. ci:ka PIlOSPtflTT Of Ul TIIK HC/riLS.ruo!-AM nr MBBBM8 UMIMB mu BE_n.lt. A Lan BBMBMB, "laatt's go luck to Nw-York, where it i cooler," was a com mon remark at Coney Inland yes te, day afterm'fin. Vial hresze was blowing tn.tu tba land. It w-s hot mtitX au.tr) Ih. -*i wjo as eal ui aa a inti pond, and the women l the wafer were r*ry brave. Thero wan. however, a hgt vi mil thal came from the jssr.bed plaina of Lonf Islam which was weleewod by thoso who bad the w to sit on Ibo buck reran.las of the hotel At about 5 o'clock tbs wind died out *ompl*tel.y, an there oas snub for ta bathing houses. By 7 p. n fl.ot sj persons had enjoyed a batu ot tl Manhattan Beaeb bathing puvi.lon. ll httle lialhlna-uoii*-.--, .of wul.h there ai hun Innis are cli-an and neut. They eua tam rouulu wilier, lo'-kiit-r-trU-sosand o_ber eon ve ni ea ces for mai lLg tin toilet after a plunge In ta salt water. Here ot can nt, and, tn a Si of aaaent-u-uidrduces allow tl water to drip In bis shoes wbleb he bas overlooke Of the C.0O0 peroone who entered tho oater ot Han.',a tan l-c.iish yesterday 1,000 ware women end girls. While tte tbousoadsof people were tr> lng to mi themselves out of dawes. Ibero wore scenes ul unusu interest within the hotels. Seores and eve- hundred* persona were oowing dowu lo ta --Uud Lu tba ear evening trains In Uio e-tpects-itin uf getting good roon for bunday. " Huw does yonr trade this year compare with th uf last year for tito eerroopoadtng sa-oatsI" waa ask« ef (he bend clerk of Ibe Manhattan Beaeb HoteL " It's 90 per cent greater," waa tbe nn Bool toling ply. This, in ii certain sonee, seemed to eon.tr ¦cutout last waa audio by ooo of t - sit West r. IgfcSBB BeslCh two wck ago. who aald: "M ld SO tanaaaaoaa bbbwithinBIBS af mr rrc»it,'s I cntlr- Summer at 1-C .. There- ia I I at thc excessively hot sud drv weather han tiri v- n BUfBOBO tl*nted crowds to fosi.-v I si tmi for th* past few weeks. Yesterday Wets the day to:- tbe formal opening of .Hi., ti*w Orien.si Hotel, fol. -Ieee rt prion.* of wbe beoo puhti.he I anama in Tut Timir.ii-. Yet at 7 p. ni. yesterday nearly every ou* of tbe SM IBOUM m tue house, many of win. h are double, was taken, aii-t it was exp'-c'e.l iii it, tn ha f sn Boa there wniili! not lie a vst-ant room. Thero wau s wild loott in (he bj ' I eilis, tho chief clerk, win it. on the evening nf th* frat dav of Um new hotel'* life I.e began to tah glibly shout that bugbear of Summer travellers, " eot*." Among tho sr-ivala at th* Orientil yeaterday wer * W. H. Van E*r*ry ami wife. W Howard Hoppock, Cha ile a Arent. C. L. Blninger, Jo.:n O. Clark and wife. JT. J MsOtodf. Dr. T D. flradf-.rl and wife, .Mrs. Catuspbell, Mr. Itarrowa, wife and daughter, W. I nuning. T. Thoreau. Ed want K. Wafers. E. A. wataru BOBKIII B. Wlggln, kl<*h*r(l M. -,y. Bnunml H. narry, J >: bbektoa, W iiiatn D. ...teidi.t,, a. J. Ma,re i..-, ( bortoi Matte, J Miss Li'** p. Ma Thatcher, George B. .Maltorv. r hnr es Nelson ami wife. MUa Nellie Neiaon. I>. Prichard, Miss Minnie lard, J.H. .-:..h.m. Samoa! L. Hasl snd wife. James Armstrong, Jol b M I.uri*. N. sullivan snit wt¦*, K. M. C illirie, ltwlgbt M. Hitrr.s. Alauaon Cary and wfe mid Mia J. T Mea*, all of Bew-Tachj F. -I BterllOg, and W. Ti. Clsinp and wi.'*, of Boston; Mrs. (,. g. i.ora.un, 0. D. Gorham and Kiss Onrlisin. sod Wilban. H. Bosh,af Ct-Jaago; K. P. Dickie and «tf*. J. P. Mit,nsb snd wit*, amt E. Q Burnham and wife, *r Brooklyn | A. R. Cai aslanal ant M. J. OBtongWi of \ terhan ead B. P. Means, ol Detroit; Mr. Buii-o'ii aad am, nf Clevelood; Herman Coh*u and fomi lr of Orana*. N. J: Rattle Hansen. Mrs. H. Hosfurd, Miss B. CodJi H. ll. netehor ami wife, and v .. Potl.-rd aad wife, of Lowell, Mass.; Irrlng H. Chsae. of Wsrt-rbnry. Conn.: Mrs M. A. II "-. ol !tiger.<i! I, Ohio j William (l. tu. Bap*, of New-B adford; M. A. Wei'** snd wife, of Fort Wayne.aud John H. Misha, of Ros. m. L I. Tbe eoaeena iu tn* afternoon snd evening at .Maui -an.au Brook were liaen-.l to by throngs nf people. ..niona ytatrrcLiv's arrivals were: William BrookSetd. Moak Bio. Ws. R. tk. U Walsh, a. A. a » leone H. Ptah and wt'*, .lair rn Brand am! wife. C. M. Maeno. JaOMa D Whlt- i.-i.ii.-. M - I.'.-iiae'.i. H .Max Held,Samael LB .New "furs i ipts a 1 n AbrukooM sun wife, of th* ca; S - bapaino oud wife, ol ci.'csiro; il Bromby ami wita, of Bew-Bovaoi Mra kia.ol Pillia.l.-ijibia ; K P. Marmy, ul Toledo: Mlsa Aaaa Vf toa '.sg-ii Bullit W. ll. t.anluer, nf E Xi sud wife, af Booina, ami V rapnoa ami olfs, of Brookim: the Miubitrsii Beach ll<>rei thia rn iu;tr.'will in-nu) lin-:-.! t.v ta- Kev.Dr. U Wllb . i, rector nf h. Boo ra .v. l; ightnn Beaeb there were Many ii\.-> oecoeedor- iu4 ti.- .- to 7 a i ri ei Oovoi uor ul ( ..nu. etleut, ibe h>.ii xx. Dorsey of Arkansas, tie Hon. Tb lt Keough, of Bur! .. I ia Hon. J. a. .¦- -ll. .-f Illili., .-er goaat-oS-ArflM ol ta Honae ol l. ;. Dr. M. B. Perrin, of Jul beroi n. C load uoi lu. ...I. I. H. lr, F. Div'j. Doria ino, .l.n i ilestoo, P. -i Barge, Dr. A. B. Reid, of .\i Mea Bril n be 'rh there* wr* tehaoaaoda of p*>td« . oi in* boals lUat GARBAGE THROWA IU TUE LAT. ms csPTAn na a ncxaim boomi un. SAT. SST. ia a afl-bnat, i mp.ove.l by Aaa- Balliood, "nw. bu i'liiiiiy. it,-- t ni; Municipal tn ckargs of Potrtok Borter, arawa iu tow, atop a cons; ilt-t,,: ns t,,.., -ula ol the ilu - I aa I aptaia Wiil- lUdad tin* arre.r of Balker. r hun np on N"t loin.' BOtlaBed with th-s protn- i chart r--d th» tug in ei.arge of ('upturn Yoong yesterday, morning, and with Copia d the Monhsmnn |- u-e. and -.i-.'.in. --lusri. noni r c I r.n the dumping ground. While severn! mt.-- ..- (ronnda. the. water rn ss t'-'-iiiit I -. r-! nisi. A cloud a! wns .1. t'_e low, : Mr. Corbin. ti.e Bon tc!" ri-.. ;.-oved to -. sud nu a it did not mat waa cai ned rifiei:.- f.. road Cooey Island. K mstag stona the tit_', which v-rt'*' -.I to he the Municipal, In charge of 1 etfandsr, (.uptiln Barker, a warrant was pn* nader ol Ba led. As t uer* was uu one to brina ste aeona back to tx, ll wai tie.'i'! td ta Saith I 'Tt li.e.u under airest. Captain Barker 'o'.! a ,.uu sa n-itt uio tug woo aot powerful 'i I fl-.od tide. I rrnii* lund." Whv .: 'i,.:'. i very ¦ .a." aiud bad sr ho d. we reoel ' cn-ls-.tiTie-i; toa Itvaa of rhe m.-n t-n unload stioui.-r than I arnold :-:¦" EXILWSIFE THEFTS DISCOFEEED. The tirm of J. H. Holli np*; worth & Co., t!-- ii- rs In lace at Na. __ Broit.lw.iy, was for year* tabbed by IktoVOS, w.i.i^e SOpcedOSlOOa ¦ada aartaos tnrooda onao their eton, bur so secretly wan tlieir opt ra ton c»ndut".*d that ali effort at finding out tbe criminals taltai B.e-nt!y Mr. IToCings- aortal re.-ort.-.l I::- I i!"y, of the j-.ti-tei nth r^-i-tiic-t. un.'. Boondnaon n-em-v wru. ro rim! ta thief Bia simpleton fell on John N. I>-.r.c«, a clerk, nineteOB years <. -1. who hitd bt en *uipl,>r*it in (he afore live year*, fie war.-Iud BIBI cuti-fu.lv. ami Vf**i*nlay fol- lowfd him when a tefl th* mora with-a br.n.tl* to si -. There he f -und tlie rooog tiru! while bo wns showing ta tv'i women a ¦tesloa 'ic-. n -ks admitted tbat he hal ro'-hrd his employers for yt-sra, and In tlie Sanaa wen- round roany valuable giei.lt ohtaB nc hsi.l -.o'et or gtren t.) th* tnmstes. Th* two wiinien. hmina Crt-lem .i.d Catharine Wa>h, werv* oriented aa irtwlsaaa of 'he -'<¦ *n goo.(n. Tbe tutsi sinoiiiif nt l)irc*'s theft will pmbab V r.-ach many ibou- .uuil doLlars. INSPECTING CHICAGO FACTORIES. Chicago. July 10..Under a nsolution Inlrodtieed Into tho Common Couacll by juc of the eocialietl* Al,lerm*n over three nxintna BBA losoeeton bav* bern vu. ting sil factor ea in this city where men, women, hoyr and girls are employed, to report their roiitiitloct, audio bring «nlt N ease they were fnnr.d siliealtty. Tbe we El ti.ia about completed. Refenns hare ansi leeted. A FATAL POWDER EXPLOSION. A.. was hts of BniMOFIBLD, M.i--*., Jnlv 10..Prt. r fnurfeeii years old, son of P. J. Sullivan, killed and another boy hail leg in nken by an explosion ;.. powdar bi nn aid Wkun at Holyoke utnirht. Sullivan'* ImhIv wss blown rhri.ii-'h the loof. The daui- age lo the building was uot groat* A MIRRT JOURNALISTIC PARTI. Pl.ISBOBO. Penn., July IO..Members of tbe Pitt«hur_c pr*ss made sn *i.*nrsion to-day orer the F liilmor* and Ohio Railroad as far as Ohio Pyle Palls, where Ashing aud Sauting wera tndnlged tn. Tbe plea* itr*« of t--e dflp .-oneiuded with a grand bancitiet at tbe Pam Cl.tf Park Horsi. BASE ll A I.L SOLES.. At Bost.m yesterday the Worcesters de¬ feated tbe Beaton Cab by a Kore of 3 to 0. In th* Cbli-sgo-nrrslaud gam* st Cleveland the score* stood: Ctatearoa, 0; Cleveland. 2 (in ninth taning). At BuSUio ibe Cincinnati Club defeated tbe Buffale Club liv a acute ur - tn 1. Tbe '.'tnctnnaUa mailo 10 base Iu:s and 2 .-rroi a. and the Buffalo Club mada A b.so bits and error*. __________________________ LATEST full ll' MRWR. poor oi* 5«wvong ...AKaivntj jr i.v ia. «tr ('Uv of Berlin Hr KsnaeOy, I.'asrpon! Ja;y 1 snd _ .. MaMou io J u Dal*. poaataa ponTs. Rturti, Joly lO.-aatlsd lass svamag. Mi Cora** for *Cew- Yors. _ NOTICE TO MARINERS. orrin or ion u.^rroois« issro-roa. Taian Dnrmrr, i TtlMPglNSVILLIL .V Tm Ixtlr 10. iHrUX i GHAVFl.-tCSD BAT. N. V.-A MOORI.VO BCOT PLACKD rt'BTBn uuu ovran rouoa dei-* a rt a a it. A sosoad class nan font. p.lmieA whir*, with V0 la black latter*, ha* Wn pieced lu (irsvi>*Huu iur, Utsg Ul*. 1. timm Vork. (or uitxiriug (rains of scows wtltfns (Or Utl-s. It ts piie-a-MMi lu li (««> sr low w nar. Ihe ot* cnstie nsarlnss ara i Fort t -aSyette MW, . w KniTntsut Islaa.l, apuer cuustrae- Uoo, XV. .a-. Heney Islam! Iswar, eg S U. k_. i\ Mcao-a Boor Admiral c. n. B. LtghiUotUo l_fjm_is- .luid U.ttrlot. PASSENGERS A RSI PED. .roon tivrarooi..sr ar.ausutr ont oa a rh us. AI'lMT. U I v:»ns-a. Miss Miertia.Mist Abhey. Ur* |'ard.a.<>A n*.i.*y M f Alt.et-Utl, I. P Foreoa. W -i*ns*r. V li, Aiaamibe, Ur Vsrgusoo, MIssA P MUhunts, J 0 \ 1 tx'.'ju-t. Kl) . 11« J lr. MlI BOO .Irs K rteibos- j ' . r rad u i ttrwnoa. .Mia* A ll ne, :( w aa lah* Mr- i; C Ht , . i el i: I.'I I .-» i. II . ¦-;.. -ik ? I.,.,: Mrsu tavasse j ii r. Mr r. p I raMER II e. Il Hui ey Hair. Mr* gu.ia- rae Mr ..e Ki* tl -!,. -, uneroo. Mr* ti, ii t. am ti If and Jot, -.I it J X m_ lev N f*iei.:r i.e.. J ..MM -.-. ii ti. Jau r.tmilv .-., . -a. II I.ewre ce, MI T ir. .lie. .A H altd-JOS iris'le. (.' II T I eons.-'I. Hi'- Rev T*:,ski. Mr mindil ri ».>¦'. Mr* J Y t/.istl. H LOS i S T'>wue inrervt-t*. A Mayer. I. * Mg, Ita Miooa iftugb. v.** keeiMi.u'.::ii'uuei lYtat.y. mi** trl.s*. .M.a fS'inly igtoo W L ? vise. Mr. jr Murun. Mr xor! Mrs Wsker.- H mean, A Mies Wlliisiu M i,*t ..;-, Mrs A A .das A tl P. jr Meredith, the Rev Wsterti -na*. J r MnWtlita-B V Wirrie, Ot aad Ur| ts.: '.-.,', am - v-.. lock ; t ? ii i.e.ti. Mis*. Elliott, Um UL Wu, ea, WU ll 4Hutt [I. ,*»T-MMOVn-PAr.MKR -ntl -t.irMsr. Jnlf I lg tr* Rat. r. i. t.arnt.«t st n.e mom I. sass* at the Ul>- .'m. J IiriiiiiBl'iii le Mr. 1'sanla A. I'.i .Af Oi ssty. Wedding orcakfasiat Jadgs -a ts i.reeseieb. N. v. _ AU notices o' M-t-r-ujs* stan Pe ia! irtod itUk full io** god aiidies*. h. > D. -BBT.OnJaty 0 '.<mo 3| hts hom* pref erwin V I. wm. ¦wu llrarr kl-rn ii,r. Htlniy. B*-s>l TS rmotm itneral seri ',r» un' tie ti.-M u P « CpuK.'^al I Uarcb i'Sirrsoa, Moods* Jm» IS si Ins m. SaaSaaaa lnrtu-,1 to ai loud a il,wai auy ia* Catani. BWTOB. I.nt'os Vsudervrer MewMa M.I).. Loco P.-bra. try lt, IHII9, .li.-rf July io I *.<) . < at l'rt..U> i Ittpel oa .M'tu<lav.tlt.i l'.tb lasO, lt | .1 -."m'l p. m. DBIWBOB.t-n F'fHsr. Inly'i Kmer'in* CV. l*-ir1t*e St O'dilani anil I»le 1 Colin mom. mani J yat*. J tuunxlxm. 19 tata ala-uves and fri.-otu aro i-ntal stite.eu th-* funeral sa -¦tu '.ui. ilia llh ne.. ai j at i I-a. I I.-: ho-, lime. l.-ni. u irit-At etas-SseS * Marr Boonoo, otto a '.1. M ... ne tua C3d roars! msenl aarrteee at her tau- BaMBsaftO. staa.f-irrt, cooa., ea Iae».a.. July IJ. Mi-1 si'-'..letp. in. »ISI.l . H)e| III,aSS *'* UVIte'l 1.1 mead. irr.uges will ', srrtv il of c, leek train X.V.. ari M. If. uri n B. K rr,ai i.rtn ( entral Depot. nsaaodta osorPaoghkaaosta B v. on Thor* tay asaotag. Joly 9, tMnoTl ¦¦ aorafbieagn .ads ara ./:-. io alt* d ii. tanara, trout u.» Isca east. ¦j i* siltsig at i* ii s New-Vork, at liisi.t. ia. BpniMl X«Hfff » I win |i«* ISO gar e-.-nt man -m. «^rtb r r.n I.-: . -a. d al Li.li ..rs. Usa** »l»Je Pr**e*rveea, POan > I'lll'.AM' JKI.I.Y. '-'II'KD AMM'< JAM". IKI.I.1KS I-f h BB a fTi-eni. i*ep. IS i - ret-a'pis, aol warranted perte ly p, \i. I - Bl BLUA1 ,1 I-X. I insular i wi -. _r nu ap.Micallna. x,i rt as whin >emiuna Ko.ifsre Kalb-silvC.tr- I. i -. ... ..ut llwast* own nranch ¦stricture, lui-xileiv-e t_ I mn i.;ic I .o1 ifc.Mll A.IJ . ... -.a SO Patttkal Softers. ll. ,-'ii_arter* (ir PIsgsSBO ll R. LEW * l <). I tr-1 «r Beo Tatt, Po'-tieal li.i'iiter 4 :.-¦.¦: Natl Maj t.I Helicons totters. All Bool'o t'barch. ll >t *.m_ -. bLO. S. t'i -. ', Joly ll:' .l.iiig.uoeaU, ..aua-u sud Li. .ins. I Ito . la tired._ _______ A«erosioo ( barth tx OHN I wiU __lctaw bl.M)AY, ii tl s. ur. and 5p in. Ilt«prk-r -«tr*er Calver-siHsl ( aa res eornet ol I> .t»n. vices st lt): .. pso- ST. OafOCOBCO l'u.se'tv -v -sin . Stench Btroel M M ( burch etwaen -J ia 1 .*.! _g by tbs Pastor. Roi . '-ting irow of -he Ps . I i reailuu ul iigb% ir t.'.e (-ninth Day. Bests fro. ____^ isl Meetings iU.X. and Urea. ti A HA UOI N.i. ll .II i -rated (peaker, will I. - -A V. 'niy ll. Bub)ect»-Morning laaa tua Oed haVsauag: -flvsCueSgiers ol tho How ...-..<-,' t i-. "j st'W BOOKS ASP NKW SDlTIOLfR mt momsuoutnt ¦. tai - ni . I ia Our ir* tnt*. JOHN WILEY Si -ON-. let Watr-iit ie Kaskin'a Mevea Lamps of Arehlleoiur* >sa -sioar.ttp. lee r'. ..ann. 1 yoe..iv.i le.ates, ««*. Kaiki-i's .Uodera Fainter*, i veils, boan,! ni f>m lota, i .,- * sa llatflelds Imcricnn Hos** (arpc.it** V- . -ti eta, I . tnd aiuioai milir-iy rew-litea. svo cl-, t KO HE KIN BlltW. MosSoa llidameD'lrblsvNDIaryBaSI.elters. tit-*d hy *4*mh C". Atm. any. With portrait -J vo,a, l.ioo. ciuih. SA. The Ode at Lite. Ry th* -UL* ut " Ita Un* oi UsJsa.** I'limi. cissh, si. dialer linn*. A !*-..-rrsrhr. By Margaret (.ont^s* O'lth p-'teajraitk iSluo, la.ulii. SI SA f-c HIHNfcK dc WfFLPt" ' ' 711 B.-.i.Jevt« Tbrongh Narinn niy. tty Kathai;.ne a. Mu. i-ioiil. 9(1 ta ill-nail.,..-.....,,o. ..-eim. aa Throngs llrttURT- By kalhsruie a. Mseitniid. '.SJ lllua* trai..,ti*. 1.uio o olh, fl. The AaoaOU of (he .Uniteroora. By i-idnatX xx Aytrnpot. loo illus:rauons. 8io, doth, #4 JU T a. rtrKiisut *. nuciT ikk«. PMIadslohta. si* rite Lawn. A tt»* American Bevel By Kobari ta Nurih COBS.ua l.'iuit. Mon*;co el-ith. Si >0- Lane It odey. Anewsovellir ll eu ri Ursvlllu. fe(at«e T.nio. Baan sO osDl* clo'a. t\ -Jj. Nan. Hy haul'.* -o-a. .--siuot ia " I.' twnaiaat." Coow plea a_ 1 una bl seige,;. rajie. fl ent-. el.itti gi, HKMtV BOLT dr CO-. UM.. A M-S l».'»M»*r»-y. Aa Amencau Sox'X liiiun, caHU. I'., lota- ure Hum BaUSO Astna Oobsuii'a Vigneiteslu Khyoi,*. '.V.tii au iswo taatlaa uy k G sisduias. >».iuare lin", taaab ti. Cory'* Hurd*- to Modarm Eagllab llmisry. Patti. -. svo, AA. (iKOi(..* V KlT.*«AM*s*«»ll>'*. iaaata-ovo The Comji!*!* "itovVs el '"assingcun Irving. \n*m IBO-S um* win lia. catted Ute Oeoffrsy f rayon. *w. ill,tatra- te,t . 'knick s laokac's lliaroty of .New > <ir»," and tko MtMlrh B.tok.-* now rs* tr Price i>ei i.... %J Jit. (rtllral K**a<"> and Literary .*-alr*. li Hsva-1 Tat'ea. I miora with bia eluait-u in i>en*-_B J item uro.'* Iva l. etti, $. ... Irfiss1* skru-b Book. Tba BllslSwS B-Utlsa m-t-O fina, ute plate*. !_ai. "va l!i;u;ra.e.i. cJotsi a'.n, t- ,1 '¦**¦- IllVitl.t.- r»l'Klll*«hU'*» IIBW T l.t .... 7 I lt .. I »1» ll ad der (.rang* Fy Frani H. *-t...-S'.iii .lue* aa I em lat ged-di tuon. lr-.ioo. nap. r, So nnu calli. *1 .5. Paesss. bv ll II -i.sldi.d. ut,tm*r u cditltttt. *1(U BOS* trait, .-tva, st 'di extra. *1 I-slterloga ia PlaasaaC Patho. Ry Manon Martsud. 19 Uiii, cloth. Ol Ti. Ilaadbnok »r Drawioa. gp U .au WOlfea MSB ag* wards ttl loo woo.ivula aaduiagratas l-Jmo. e.olh. SI 7A. CUE0M6B tv. lAKi.nroN M co.. A -.teamer Book. By-Dr.Wi ..-.... Ota B-L" Among ike Tb oma. liv -lia. M. L l)ickiu«>n. Cletta lS.ua. si Itu. Hilda aud I a storr of These Ixtrss. Bf Mrs. g rt*lU b-»u.ajj..:i. I a IB I *ui". I'i ce. *1 jo. ii inn .( a hi:i)- aa. i-. . t AU sander Pew* By I mlle m<>p,tsi_ " Aug lah M's sf LfiUi.sirsiii.' .-otu clolh. 7i caul*. Tk* life and Lectors nf llorac* Hu.knell w. wu poo trails, hv., ctoih, gi*. Tte taagrcgallaoalism ol ta leal Tb ros. Ilawdred Venr* aa netta ia Ila Liu-raiura. Iai-fe.- s. pagaa. _mUU. SO._ rOBD-a. IIOWABI1 dr Ht I Ht:WT ll Kara-nine.- "Saw-Yarh Keatioiaceaees af aa I dior, bi- 'ito Chevalier li log Hatall svo, -iM ftp. Porlra.1. Cloth *nra. Si li. tata iba Tblrd aa-l lon nh MBBBBBBBla Uy Kalos Cattipbiill. liiiun. uloiu. SI. I aa* p and (ah Iai Skeitib** of Life ana Travel In tba mob*, a. w. uar stood. Cloth. Bl. J. ll L1PP1.M.OTT * te. PallBdelabls. OS, OlaMMt Rv tllfton W CtSlius Vu A. ot las I'arslga Cls*aios for Kii.riah Keadeis. lSuiu, 'lilli, Si. A New Ko .-e. A Kmrsne* Trsnslafad rrom ths OanaBB kt Utm, A. U x\i*__ Immaclati, * f\ MACMILLAN * Va.. AA Seo l-»t The BnglUb Paem Kdited hr T H. Ward Vflth s gsa mai iuk.fiaeo.Hi by daiuiow Arsokt Vol 1-caaucsrM LaS.ua*. Vol II- Batt Jouaoa lo Drv.lau. SI IS liar volaats. Tba Paklle Picinre MoMSB-OO ol _-BBOaS> br Ka* 1 hampoon. 1 tani euniju. .Nooieious u.utlt lUua*. Mats OJ M Bnrly Maa in llrlialn. aad 111* Pla** lu tba Tsrtlar Pet-lad Oy XX H.y.t ..aa, i*.-t.'.t. Illualraied, i iola. t*S id. HOI (.liri!**. MIPPI.IN Ac Ce. Satis. 41 Asiar-gl.aae Th* I -discs te rr d ( au»lr>. H XX I'- Howells, l.'iug sloth tl Mi. Taloa, of a IVatsida lao- Ut ilea.y V, I ougfeiiow |Sa .. i Kvrr* Da* I n*!i*k A aSMHl »'» ¦ O'ont* and thar Casa.* a ldchard iran 0 ita . -i.so. viotti. Ot. ...tr. al tom. '<ll il «i u .'.I. i.ii.y i S-. lUSB Ry Josi.-uhc.fiA l.'mu. iioi^. SI aU.

B- -eeaaBaanntoaBBs.aui FAMINE rrn,.e.w.io-vo,Ml.. · ____B-_-eeaaBaanntoaBBs.aui n nsw rrn,.e.w.io-vo,Ml.. fo«n.m..'i-is,l roeen._* om Munn in,r. HmOeerteaoss Ukomear. S-nia-

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____B-_-eeaaBaanntoaBBs.aui n nsw

rrn,.e.w.io-vo,Ml..fo«n.m..'i-is,l roeen


._* om Munn in,r. Hm Oeerteaoss Ukomear.

S-nia -

'' t"t'"'

¦ i>.V,n_»be!>Kc. He

mymrm. (carney, then*

«ountrr tatStnrtmgtrnaBreytowu in a dir

¦amass* ssoasty. ¦' on *." laroaal«»_talsil.-n-reresnditierr -v- non

r.','.,.- ,.(. .1 onnurd t upward ie

asia-Asp* " " '"' ...**

STaiiaio rat rout* irons Orortowo ts ¦¦

Ead in tiM- Pm I'lor, Riv«r aaooo earoo Ballas li m--

,,nv l.l- MiiJsi.iiiWl.' - .iiitielTO-d SI 1

SS »« sa -i- Ctr*** eiioerfh w.»t,r in -., tie ans

it mses tei ¦¦'-. m-mamtam oretoM laets wBIaoiods?<>«.»,-.? -ti'ht-wotk o-i either pitt ortho t*aiial looms

the fOSBri *o 'he lev. Bs i l>r'-«-nt«.|,. ,,.. Iir.-tx'sed se'i-me aa est tl

-...., 0004)00, lui bi .!, th .te-mk' et the

r.m.- f7.SOO.000 tin ooksa the j--.nm._wepam uaw -'.¦¦

BUS OF th: lit l9Af.

nv. Matthv.w* _u-mgo>L-**k Langi Wo_-L-ft. ...

wits a... .-..I. pssSfy aa la

W.. !¦.

*.».,-,- sluoeeoa tx* ".'"'. ai -a-c:s,.i.i rn. Msotrle-'7" ao Orv**, oe tra* OS ono*

trots latsaw lia n worth

tooanddvii-t but think thst

Mr v"*-',;


Mtrit'°_* __i__mlnmM

". >. l'llll ..-tu. is

r_. --. ,( wnrlcl n iWmg W r,r *cIm>,.1*«1. nnd.

an u.*'' tomat A

Petit J-JJ iinon ii.Bi -re with which his

-_,l ,.r isbe.i.f t.s eabe-iaos-og to

h:ns,ir und ht* read. ia. lra still PSISMBB-S ct it il'

m»s.tie'i-ui«-.neb, fe* n H»»I strause ou«* i-f

_mta. tho nairn .. *r nil; -. .ipimstte tn tS.tt

towN..D it la . ti inc.. d. he ia sot

urltei' meknio os leoI. aaof Ula ia a tolortsm

hrc-..we ae wortd tBgrwesolM n r, e oioua. .'

tt,., ii Or ki..* um 'itiii. et|iial ts to

si»y murk sud' I h- los Uai! no c<iu_.l in

WQl lilelxetl I : I ..e.i.

....'Wc* m.iv itt Iffistlen ark ¦. »mot lr boot to pro-

1st Writer ofjil'*- the

.- 'i sr, n.ii-wuile

iive al

It won a



.. ll' Til-'

ii hean





n ..n.i


.ilje, h« "' l, "-e'll- \

tt 1 with lt. ul mie we¬

ilme fe.


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\'U. rieHii

*-T BarnsB Vill Ce COl.U-Ull lil


ii tue setoal

fset ih.i li'ii'Wt r'- )r

Vieti.rl ..¦:.:

» Billi. ..* li M !.¦'¦_IllUii el, le..i li::.- '.

abet.iOMI tc.

pleat... nu iv in i le. Bianv-

soi u- -i nv troditVt u;

.".:.. tao colon--

ST. ril'l.e .tt.lt tl*

the a

.¦na |iweu

pO-rtnlin in*la 1001MrvWw.

r of alkina nt

of a rtlvt

.... lil' SISl tlV. Hil Wll IC'I

ano. wo in h u-"-eo»t.:. ..it tai- ion

-v ul thal .e."

arra. w,irita which i_ an.,.- .'-ll f lijl.l'l.el,, lllel

U wrtooee o ;

a saul ul ten i.!a tuni of j ,. r .tn t l..tx... in! prto, rs. a many x

koiexhooii eil .tc jre iu dm.ol ailinn xs. ... *i.nuis, la'umr fur iier ; «.-

ST. :-¦. iii o.

le- VS ___[h**»bl :¦>.

j../- nam irk 11

-I : .) ino**. .' -kt. te';.

Wa July ll. 1 a. m..Tue tui-onu ,er ia ..ii'-.-t ta Ir-oottsaad OnM

a '.> i,rsdo and V.'v,sim.i_. OsanatSBBl rain

haataboo si, ,it n-r saitsia Bo-tkwoaoiip n.u^-s pr.-vi' lo thc ii,'di.- MsK-s an<; New Knslatid; S-BOOr-MMtOn- orr ii,..,.t!v S"iifii\i-

' t

etr**n- '¦- Bl '.-!.¦ ari N". *-EOlOrwbt-r

'uaoitturxu.i* atlaaaa B-ssoo, riour or soiUl Bloody

» -, «--.i.-Hv winds. oiotjBBJUT or l.w.r tn,

tut , ter.:-' wea'lser. poeflblj ".'-

I > WIB.I.- sitU'.lli^ ld coi ie| noribetty, bixiiei oaroineier.

SK l.n. \i. D*^- tTinoy*.

____Umt'yi-.¦ - is »tu-u uiO.lacUy w* Wsi-*«f____,

'Or U«m Si" 41*!¦..«. at nmrfurutxr** -tar*

;. .' r-,^~m~,_,tr_.~K0_ISill^bj¦imt ._-. rr^l ¦¦¦¦!» O.

»*^-^^-'s^S^''"'*Ul*'*** *' fc -anwm-wmaad-..C,

team OmcB. Jaiy lT'l a lo.-Th-TO was very

¦ja i-iiaii.-i ii, tue lasron-eet-sr Testerdajr oatll lp. m.,

*»hen th.r. was a »im1i1*h r so rn tit- Uatereury \_*t be¬fore th,. tbiitoOer sbowera. dear aad partly cloudyo-sotl^r prevailed, with Hunt thunder showera after_i_,ilr^:;ju '.>¦ '"' T*** t*"'-per-itu-e ran*ed net ween TA"_t___}ht Axrrn.gr (7y «a*) i^nnr 1«> hli(h«r thoa on l-t

**rn»0on.tiuK usiy ism y___ _,.__, .. luwoe Usauau Ari-

Ct*.U;r MS rlear or pertly eloudr -reuther «s»y bo ex-SOt-led Urdu Ul Xiii* ,-»ty ,od rlclS.tv.


«-_ elBO Ol.JUO Si.'

S. ul. Ja.y ,,,

(TN'TRAL PAUU. CiHSKHVAHO-VH.AlsOo-t ,i Mttx%urUmpLtoll:*n,r: r., ii,, ___ ._,_ ntl p. nm.

July lb, IOHO.«»«*«. liUetaOKMTSa HsNcreeaM.Hiu M-_,.7».:i80.073 Hit* .u m.. Inly 9).Sl.O

s. i _ [_.. Juts* 4T).S3.0-»l I.mar..2H.0

s elias by ts. wau iIwiik um wmO. l.i» mus*.Ass-a-tti ttl wsuw.

..¦a.*. a a m .' .SSrh.I* ui.lt Imo.

'- ..'. ..;.t ..( w-in tm U,« ._,.,._ . 1.81 Inuit.

"Zit',.' ,,""*»-'lMIT Off CBTnrW C-IUSIOt trna

i. I'liieiie ts kai's m.kxItia* 1 Kel .,e li vin* In

ui.ti .* Ano i,. . ¦:-..) t puMlo tu

Imtivl ."" : "-''" <-rUl'J ' Du«

l-OJiOl.ll- Tff.llOf,_

ot ce isver*-! Cat citborr way T


i ii ' .ns IB IQWS "I IMlBl1Kl N- I x *i' uni iw sta hon- v

QTtn ' iv- mr. milli heat.a.\ imim.iv. aaa «

I>r. TSnar f'-r ta last ferr ilay-t hus BBSSaal touiler ni.-re Irmu the beot I lian from lita fast. In.tiller, after cnielul chemical arah <i-, iris--.

.is opinion That Di.I aimer, if he per-n«ts in his tani,r-n imt aaaastbnBaaday. PntaaanYaadnlVn ei.lcctic plni-icmn. I',*, nlei. ;!iai l>r. Tanner mayaaassaa IM ha kl i>e be kept an-as, Dr. Taaaaa.. :i,eil irritable and worn yesterday, but wia* coi,

t -mccoos.

TWrT.lTlI DAT UF THE FAST.A hearse stopped in fr.mt ni Ctanmioa Ilalleatorduy afieruw>i_. Instuutly there ii a*- a commotion

U.-tiUtchooi tbe neighbor ho. ul. Mean, a.>i~nndowsof tne factory efpaaasr;Maeasa uti

crowded toward iho il e.w. There was a hush ofireHthK»*s antiia-ipiallon. btokei) only by Ihe vi,icc of st

nu,' nov : "Snr. do you j'jiHe th- nie mr u*BM nie driver of Hie hearse, after a l_ag, earunst lookit tue window, of the hot_.BOd_M otui.i.iua.y at hi*

magma-tax, m I tb* l.i-otrteneii v.-tiirie pan cd ioDr. Taunt r will burts SeaBBtBM ta thinecu-.h day of

ns tut ut noon ro-day. He still appear* nt rsiHile enerby seem* to come nj. re _xm BSnousaees tbunibuud.v.I su.-. n;..t , i,w ;¦. Il -a lOOkal WSBaffOBBtBlay afternoon, aud there wasaw;:d o' ,1 inruur'vni'iiitiiral look about his eye**. !!.. Ba sul-. rel t. rribly fruni tbo h*at In spite>f the wei towels that have env*,.-

iia be.vl, and th* i-N>u«ces aoatked w.to ire w.iter wiihwhich he lion eon.ed nit- fae .. au-! ii._io!s. Se ta moo.llH.-c.isi»nally, cheerf-.! st one tim*, aud SOOO a.'.cr It-

iiab.e. He has tex eu tim I Ba kOSB*Sof OdnUVilou of vm ti ri, a..ti aooalo-cs fels t«u".p*r if bil HOB Will» not allowi-u tren play, ilia sootMoooe rea-sii)* una

sated, and tb* i-hysitiaus st tne ba::,(BbSI Ut Xvi Ul hld BaBOBOB. all prof. .a falil. ls ti. hun;sty. Tbe na.-titl worry to wb.ea be bas been -nu

>il uia! tie BOOSTOaatq Sj eats, roruat-pny. rs- nu !

[¦loHors i..ir. j!I to-t up,..-, him aii-t leiie-.ie.il isi'

I jibvs:c:..n poke ,x* foilo-Oa yestt-M.i |io his-nae :

** The onlv answer thur ?rxrt tie made to ta foss¬il.>;i Ha« ie -tiru anvtii ns: I ' is tnis : In thr a

t tram ..- mask asBoodaathal ll- -ill'l.I I.e..

;i ii he

ira tuia ev;.!.

io ..;. d ooiil lunforiu-

lt lt Ileef: . liy for a


twe.vi s Here. a l. I ...

¦'. BUS |rm toots .

- in that


.1 nature foi

it- :.


u» rt ...

uni i- a pr.

ib .fl.

itt! ii.:n io ths ojSnloo thu.; D.-. Xeoaei oil

:*iu"nt i ho Iv n i

I .-

ri. pallid m.i

rs\.-,i -i ui.-.t hrm. pit.. orara


.11 the towela.,d sponceo, a- d li- na

-, .-> t ...ne jj .-...a .i.i.t- ._ itu uverig^- cn- ii.i_i:un

Tb.- wotehsi. w .leno. Tbeeiul.trt.n Btueo dig

Silte.iil SI- illfill Viii- '| piOple l-.ellill llVwittt.Mit foiie', n tew nt; -'e | :t, (.roachl, C, mad BB lt.weaned inti!.- ls -column* in be (eli UstOeeoae

rollie' pcevoa eu '...,*:;.lori H.t... OOd

sihinty r. .si rig BOMB them, -uti SSS IOU!. ra doctor1 tempera

sui slime- j.<.

ho oooarloOsooot.A -e'lLMIHC f.\ i.- ls, \ II- -V -Kl II UKO.

il pie. -ictaua are t.e-_.ii:iiutt lu ort:,

.bat Hr. launel is it VC t)«l« rill, luau auil Ii dui..uni.', ihe Binna Bl -are promsueut phya

t-i.in- ni p_-.ini to (bt.sisuse oosooSSB-sad paeSard-gitt ama thc loOowSBgotntesBenti

Batpernaoatsat nts kindalin i-.vin-_ Suma kalaire th* mum difficult s_ Bs iiipa.lB_.SBlB. na

oaeoySngtl __tpn-SS_onoaffkgrsssaond meal-> rv, iiia»_MUi-h arf they reijiiiri- tiie r-liu,fuut on of tm

so al error taos do ¦ lo doolam erith Ua-i m.ue ibi__>. In itt* ^pecia! ease BUdot I .ii-..hr,

tiin, -nelie. ¦- hms Bsnar pecamt-, taUtntf nothint.' hm waler; m* (juit.ti.in cin onl

,, et.-, s.t n bj onexpernoeol mokiofe ali tbe »t'-roeciof ee-ror arfel't'itu i'e-l. ll la n'yown liell'-f.|e»*ral tim.

pablJOty exii.essed danu? tiie e.\oltr.lU'"tlt la 1- - ir-1

i eon '....ii ir .-

peraWCOlS lo live, ttntiereerf-ilii emidrioii-. sin lOOglou do food bet water th;m m .aopoasdj Bul liiave nt

been ola ls prove thu n ti iiis-sollj In but cases* bi

h.- ii v.t i" . ii proved ty utiyoiMv, An SXperrarii,; tm Mod. If ines*offal lor torry .Uti.,, m.ne eales

pCOSTOS »lia lOol mau ooolS So in.lier MOBS eireun..i moo; aiioiher |H-rsen mtg il Sis lu u_c the rue.e. Hl.uoir.1 uuMtlM-r ol anet rw.iltli eip.-iinteui'-t.-ouul cs.al

li-ii at.y mn vet -;t! law. lu urilcr Ut inaKe t:;. prooenl <.:

j, rlmentol see, SBaaalhlag uaaa falowioB iliad .hon .i bo adopted:

¦.] Bunts on. -I'l-'iitin.' ptitstf'iir- bbcu*touted to e-x'.-cirneutiiiii wi.Xi livens liujBaii btitDKS-isoulft Uk.- absoiuii on l roi lot nay a week ut ten tiny a.

"V!. Ma hu eau berne snouid be .mowed in the presento' the fn»rer exeent lu i««ni,pany m.k ihe e_p*ri'in-i,!iinul nv tn- n i-ii. rna OOaoOBSBO, a ney must kauw rt

delan* doily, -iianl-1 ot,t jiu 'hem olj trout tue eba

e.i a- r mt e n r-*r sud hts etsstsr, .nts.-A. lt is out at .til necessary that tbe usa!«tnnt« shoul

lie phy._.cans; their duty -.simply thai oi poins.;; au

if tbe (iujt«riut*uil."at unt!i.rMt&nds his dn.y ll ls u

accessary tbat al. ot kio ao^nUi.ls be even lt..

be Snyaaa on ta Ooneaty of ad Un*e wUo wurk uud.

biro bisoxperttuents wlli be of inn* worth._ It is ut nu sta'L.jitnt whetber tbe fasirr hi hone-t t

it.shoDeat. If ta auM-UB-ata it; K-aat_a_a-ly eal

nie ie.1 the results will oo tue os-oe, wii*tev_r tuc cUa

_i ter Ol liloliV.s Ol ths lUlijCct of l^> Ul*' A.- til* oapsO-oooolo ate uni et/ndiicUd the r**nl

Will be a nioner "I Iteuef or vruO.rmut. taut not or ->.

etice, wulcb is sitsoluiec and veinLtDle i(Uo«lr(tKe. £

iwn.weaie willi otodmiBS aud eialrvoyauts and B ;u<

readers are too ailsa SSnao ¦ nu- woy- I'¬la lev.- tbat a oeroou may ao oreo cor wecki- oithoitoed, bnt it hat never bceu jtruvsu. I also believe lin

lar. bie_dl«y xx.i leU-s_akeu aod Dr Tautiei i. kOOOlbut il thdevidenro as to sn ciia^riuteui real* __atj>lupou a uu'i boacsiy. it uaa bo value."

( PINION- ur PHYSICIAN'S.Dr. M.»nric» ft Miller, of tbe New-YosH t'ulveiyli

Mad-sal Cul;ega. arter careful ehcaikaJ aa-Jysi.-. uiakt

tbe tollowtnrf sUteiuenti " As reported In yesterdayTribi'SI, my exaHjluatlous led me te believe that D

Tauuer tua been couttiinally faUinj-. I Have eia-nm.

the oater wuh whicU be Muses his mouth without h

knowledge. The mlcroocopo shows no particle of foo

A te_ou_4__-l lUllilouth uf a jerula vau laede-t. eted."

l)_ Lewis Boy re sojd : " The leueb.njrs af science ai

experience art atfuiost a utan'* fa-tinr forty days, andi^eii-vo jj impossible. 1 also belum, lt InipvssiOleWUU.-U o uss lor tbat ieonih nf niue so

to avoid any ehaiute of Iraud. Hui I koo

B»thtBx jiooitiTeiy ss to l>r. Taunrr. Tho lonirt-st last

n-mrest sppruoob lo a fust I ever knew of waa a soo es

tam. wbo waa wrecked wiUi i*o orbrrs on a vess

loaded wsth oats. Tbs ship was waler-ionS**d »»d ali tl

provialun* wern swept away. They lived for flltrru du

simply by eui-wiag wita. One diet! soon aller rmi

cant... ami Ur >.Uu»ro wore very ocur dessd."Xn. Van Otu WeyOe, professor of euowatry la tl

UulU-dHlutes Medlml Collca*, bss Basile careful chen

eal oau'l'soo outee tbe bnoluulna of Hr Tsailer's rai

Ills rayon ts that bi. Tauuuc baa boco tai

tug for X_o i.UaUb of ttsoe oistanswu hus b-oa ouJ^uct lu axscusifo oeroo

lil s rite, n-hich l.e f. ur*na Isck ol fo- tl.

ll.- mofcatlealli i ml aa anit ts bis opinion

tn.st Dr I ,uner eosacann Bans na t'*v.

Dr. Isnm-r't _ ¦¦.¦th* seemedAoinewh.it Boona b.' l.n hid uni thu walk t.tk.nto .liv li a,s if. ne retired \. __

(.,,t ta theMutt Kallery of the hall, ond slrpt B

bott A MU' la'cr be SeemedIeee, wid frequently moaned aa If In pain.Inwards a. ni.be obtained a refreshiug nap. Hui'i!se stud temperature w-re both nnruial at Sam. AtI n. m. t!.e doctor arn.se, and after washing himself BOSS-i'laiiipelof fellini,' very chilly, uud showed ran«cularDei vnn-iii i* He laid down acsi'.n aod soon mupmakbetter. Ila ooaisisulloo was lively, and he

1 bright aud cheerful. His jxuse was 97, very

weak, and lia temperature i)s' Fahrenheit. Ar uooti, hetu,!,.-.iiy r.i-i' ind asked if lt was Untnrda-. When tollthat ir .. nui-edi *' 1 Als ls the end of twelvetlllVH."The chief facts In the cWtnr'a l.fe ure that

he w«a oom lu TnnbmU'e Wells, England, lu1831, iite.l tam* to tutu country wb*n he wasKreoteoa After aadplog medicine In WuMonatn.I.- n iud*ed to .Miuueaiiolbv, Miun., where I* pr-,ineillcine. He hits nrlther wife n-T child. DOBloa theiiftenioon he ta fc.-d ooottnoolty, and wss ken; boor so-

sro. About S.-a o'clock heexpisire Tn r.-tirii tn lae soatB -railer*- unit r«v.t fels cot

sn lilt-trier. T»r*e toMce were proooont wa lot i- op .tr bc ¦, ¦ ol too open ¦Later io the BftorooOB ti* .(...-tor reeolvedtooebmoe i-- ci-, tn-- in of tiie otakt-MoosslogSI 7 o'- I. --k tn* rior-orf* -nils* was SS,'..st p. ratlire, un -,"- Ihe rv'tunc waapawdqutei

i won proooot. Shout 10 o*dotwant to ted aad som (cl a-ie-i.. rtie regular

physicians on tn ostek oere Dre. James J.iEmil W. Ha .xi.li,,un. H. B. Keel;- R U

Westcott, Maurice Mi er aad I C. Rarwootc nts wei* Dre. Witcba, Knots*. U

rieree I.usn, Griswold. H. I'. Plunkett, li. H. Kent,dithol W. Uru-b ami J. B. U'ncht.

mt krait ur. or mr fast.To th ' F 'I i I ii r o f The Tr tb un*.me: CertainKcutlemen barina atom fir tn nineo cc

Bi o Tot k S.in regnnl to Dr. Tauter'* attanipl at

ni * mr duty, aa the ex i invi¬ter)! r nf ' ¦. tO '¦¦

..'ter in Droper!) understood, 11 :.: nu woy *) tins

pre-cut un Irrt ,\Xia of (>r I anni r--. has mtpert ta U. and oe Mar ao I asa own*, will aol

ie :»-

lr.Tann r bal

v i:,:< of the s]I «


act. lt wi- that Dr. Tsuer v.a- lit i l,i :li

Un* ennuin*.- were



Lull eu. io li Hal.. J





os I

Ul Nh h. '

.\ GREAT D '.I'F.I.TI.I.I 1».1MB d PM. K. d P. g. lin'I'.-

i.i-..; >.» .!:.:.- i.....(i >.i xx k .- . . Tar

i.iiMicvi tNCPAnrak.iT.-thi --

A fin i' lay Btftraiai ia dm.: Weat

¦ ni. ii vi -i ii tbaagaa, vt ii Brat .otana mon ooo Kraal axel

tad I la ta nUdtng

gb the various deporunei ts. Ta dr*

wand MO! ty in tMutn where ix

-s"nnal o1 l-t wer"

ohsa-Biaatm ta mpoaoda wars Btaon rbe cork with wax. which wa- lie.-.;.-I at ,t aaa gat,

A. m proaaed thooSaioa opoo '.:.¦ 'ii iitese

patti s. whin woo Siled with aa "f a htaolyes-BflasSiMa I tire. t'. attie aroha T!ie all, aa

It escape.1. was tmmediately Igntta hy trie

eas.H-t. aad Bown Ihel ar a strsoai at fr-, limitlinr evervtoiutt tu tts w.tv. Miss TkaaBBOaU * a* envel¬

oped r . norn daatt . ikc riM.ui.. ot ,. ,,f » li ni,

( onrad Sunni, i.urne-l lil- ii unit b.td,y In eZttaOOtShtnat... it noe* ou her <¦ ot. i; ii.-. .; t-dOTT. Hie

;.-".tf.i'i like a fl i»h. lu th.-nu.1. .,,' th> work peopM f-orn ih» bummer room Jo.i,

..ge looalj 000. WI down -Lairs anti kr .

arm. Tln-re were au alOokottapieperstmn BWOltlOg baOttlM lu rh* room. Thaoa were

i- .ii,_b-. nv me lue. wu rh devastated tlie r.mm and was

nm titux ita nar through Um eesllaa before the praplibsd nnie to if.-'rn: i A Ore .il.,ru, n

out Means, wBteh waamum adlawed ky a second anda tiiint, ood Um i-u n ot r« i .ii "ii Um croon I.A IshIt of tlreniri, ei)f.-i*i| fie- ll it <tn- -, Inr ll

.'ie tine*', and weru at .mee rut off Ly.. >. I time '-arit-'.t a*JV tbe

arnirva*e. Iii.-;.- won rescued by m--iti- ot themaine t>> tbe eoejehOOttBle POIB B ih-* flaiuesburned Bercoly, on L prevented me ap-

nf r ie Bronsen to the building. Th'- StaoMovorr.ulsliie.1 in ia course of bair an hour, bul tu*y huiburned through ia (north tad t! tn aio.h-a aid taranahts,- le.if. Tlie w.t.-r dut nineli daO-ONO Anion.1 rh'

peoBOOt] .lestroy d were ai too hundred eases ofTuc in!,'' '... niiai.stt to a in-tweee

t«l"i.iS)«, and pioiCrim. Tin- damage lo the BOlldlng ls

proha-iy -hoot #7.SBO. tba whoas ottba bum a^goi Ndhyii.-u eu.--- _.'u uiaursd tor tl-'t'-bsJ. andtiti o>.-k i.;r#H."-».00O.

i Bean at tim tl.ivs.Tire \\iis tiiscovt-reil early yc-cteiiiiiy morning

In a stable on Lrxtuaton-ay*.. between Budrood an 1

-.inioln-av-u.. White Plaina, N.Y. Tbe flames comma

i rapidly to thc workshop or William A. Thornes.

ix tinatuan. and tai tbe biackaiuilb abott of 8. kluooer.lue lee-.uu.'r.rii). hafidaa were allot wood, and lt waa

ai the v lll.ijt* was In damrer. Word waa sent toMount V»rn.m. N.-w-R.)*h*lle. 1'nrr r*hr»rer and Mmin*ki«co. iu WosieUester l^ounty. and ttl New-York Cltv tor

itsil.Uiiii e. Titers were prompt re.siHtua<'a trout Portc.'hearer sn-l Mount Vernon, but the members of a dls-buu led .Weal kin oom pan v, by vigorous work, hodlie.kt'.l tbe fire before the arrival mt ec ain ea not.

however, iui'iI 't had bad.y ibnnairi*il a four »'.-.rl_.i

buildinx at L> xlust.in sod Haliinad-ovaa., oce.ipi*d aa a

rlo_biu« store aail dweiUmt. Thc w erkahnps wero oa¬

ts-, iv destroyed. J ian-- Gibson, the owner of tbe shoosand toe .arter tiulldms. puta bas loss ot *2 j-O-S. coveredin (treat puit by lusu.auuo.

. ¦?

I!f A nW-J-D-_n fXCTORY.

Fire wus cli-ia-iivcrtd vedUiriiay ikfternoon tnthe basement of thc Ur*'.* trunk and satohol uuiauXac-

tory of J. a-afMOWM th Co.. ou tue Passaic River, at Har-

n-on. Hndson Coanty. EB^inei from Xovotk wore

snmmened and soeeeedetl tn preventing tbs spreed of

mu ure from to* baseou-nt snd Urst story. Theoo, bow-

ever wen; heavily siocksd with gooda. Unca ot Uh.

v liti'ilie st-uk on the aeeond ami third Boors was badiy.li.-i, und i-i-laster. Onomeof the upper flo.irs»uumber Of stria were at wo-k wben th* a_arm wat, given andikey made their escape witnout say ooufusioo. ThsUew nt ^ippoaed lo bc al«>u» Sli.000 or g_*l.uxOO, wblsh

ts fullv coTered by lusuraoec, prLutip_-.y in kugiisuCOO-PO BlllS


As AanL ("hauuer..Proprietor of bonrrl-tna-boiiae (tak in i? at" iii guest aside! i -You'll excuse

r Mr Buaritaet, mit j imr appetite ls so large t.i.tt I

"a'ubee.'uii.ei'-dt.) chars* ma a sb! lltn* evtra. lt

Sna d.K»e si t»» .(UlUnrsr** limers * >., K..r

IJravsn's-taks don't do that ! I can cal t»o sbllliu.siworth eeev ; bet If I hs»o ta Sai should.but Iii try i !' .{too*

ihree.1 real ly..



ur two cn Lint kn.i* r?: arrivals.

Lt'Nd IJrancii. July 10..The breeze haseu ,.« the land all day, aud tho guests who usually

tirorig tbe hotel platsus froniiug on Ibe ocean betook

h*mselves to ta west side of tbs hotels to cate- the

re*i*. which for a land brc*ie was quite cool and re-

reshmg.Tbe dsy has been Ihe warmest we have bad for newlyfortnight, the thermometer Indicating i)'ia iu the

hade.Th* noon boat bronsht shout '_\tf<»0 e.euralirolsts,nd th* *r*nlng tram* were Isr.-e mut w-'l fllled. All

he hotels on Ocean-ave. this evening nero Anallybilged to refuse guests.The numbers going out to attend tbe races at Mon-lonth Park to-day were large, sud tne decrease of pnb-ic conveyances on Ocean-ave. during raring hours ls

otteeable, and ls no drawback to the pleasure of a ride

n tbat moally overcrowded thoroughfare.Mr. Leonard Hosie ton. or Su. ZA East Pixty-tlrst-st..e'ew-Yark, is, witb hts family, at the West Ktid Hotel,bl-. morntng he sent the coachman to a laundry at Moti-

SOOtBMaaeh. Two children of Mr. Ilaaleton. Henry.

go ten, and Bern*, ice i-iulil, anti Florence Wo<>>1, aire

lu.-, t.'ie !atrer ii daughter or J. B. Wood, of New-York,rho ls also at the We-r Rad, BOSompuntod Ly MnI oil's iii.'tai. w.-re sent with the Banakfltsn fur a morli¬

ng nile. At tin- lanni try th* uiai.l left the eUffhon andnt>-red tb.- bnis-iior, wbl'e tbe coachman also left, ss he

laims, to gol a drink cf water, le.iv.iu thecain tu charge of the child H-ury, whomi>» ii.sine ten »., iii-h: frou) t..e carriage and hold tbe

_ ta head. While the eeaahnmn asa gone the

ut « tmla thut passed quiteirar, and throwlas rlie hov ro Mn- _:r,.iiii,l ttn-v dsi-h- .1 BB)--ean av*. Thc rhlliln ll maintained their jisices in the

ar. m.. appalaol aoeonaeton of theft perQ. Thert-rbl-n-d Botaca ran -r'.-.ti r;trr, gm ll.re ul-A iie:r wai

¦! the IkBOngl »f vehtci-M anlls iue'. . ;. tun over

..-na of taslgat. aad di-..-.' meir p..-

.. t,iej- ploug teat, au.l-

eel. '.V'letl 111'--

Dr. J 0.Ml el elf || Might

v . hsnl beenrtutgua rti.-in lo a

..- wer* roonmg loss sn oa n

¦r r-nm lt . . rod taomt Hm iio.-»ni-. Ceruoer B

itldranMa nail

nu tic : sop-«

s al«>wno


I .

A. C. Co or.

ile ..i 1. ni

Jr <. ,r

: Sra. J.

A. .!.-J. A.

N.. ll.

E. >i.

Ul ' lltitct.V.

!'a. .1

X. A., Ur. Iiottri ¦;¦ee !' \l Tk.

nu.; .: J. li.w-Jereej B.


.'.' I., July !->..A h- BTV f<

aatag i ifec;ant D lt :¦' rt -"I with t...- B r:t .-

uri vi

I .-.'.ci* nore haoadeoonaaafljsd Voadarot an (.ream

. ir-- i.i ta haibor.i nm. ef Ln'.n.-lvn, will BMBC.

ni.uriiin ttl.tr.\ >:i will furnish thc


F. W.-Siiiith snit faiui; Bm J. C. BaaghOIa*.tl f.i.m'r. of Baltimore, and Hr*. J. B. Il arrAi, una. ui., iutve arrived at tb* Wail ftTfnglt. tl

GemOsnanl a! lo, am

Mr. C K. Gregory, ol >" w-Y.ck. os '.¦"

Bod lea eat! .-. i BoMMr ^iiBsotBi Thaytr.Jr of Bnimo. ins takoa poa

t ker, of Ualttmore, koa arrive.l e

..lonnie jiolo grounu* here ou thi24th iBoLCa Dov. H C I'li'i-t, ad Bew-Terk;

Watson, rn Ph: I.i iel niii.,, atul rt... li.-- De trna Uyke, o

Brooklyn Will .a-ipi pulpita IO thu city tO-UMSB *

I le the I. Ilo.* ni-';Viiiteri Prate* lintel Crosswell aud faun y, Frederii

Vi. X. orr, E. Vi. Wa e-». I.e. Hali. Boston ; E. X -ear IV ¦-* -Yoi _; J. li. 1'isrkins, JUo-lou; L-ut.-tt F. Kiu^

.toil.I'rn-p Hiruse-Y C Davis. H. **. I'mbodv, Vino* Bin

i. i... .; l W. Meks-st and wi s. Maaintel..n; K. A. Whipple, II. C Whir*. H. Wn'*v, jr., VVi. Pa.mi.ton. I. X. Maa I Laaek,C H. I'rekBro v.eik: j. nu AL Qreer, Waobiacton; _, H."hephord, XX c. Mille-i. I'ri'Vltt.-n e; J f Bowers. Bulla<iel|ii.ia; B. v. Hnile?, U. lah-uiaresr, Newark, M. J; JBoardman. Ne* V¦MM Aetuulnrrk W. S ->. Sirens/; W. F Bed Indi

W.isningtoii, i.B. oltn sud wi fr, Kicuinond. Lnd. ; A. tueago Di. I ar

roll IJurih.im. Irvin'.mi. S. Y il rs. G. M. Mligkl tm

fsmi.v. Milford. 1 . .Viiiii.Te. L M. Kortrlghly. a olinga Kev-York i Q. H. WlgM

m.in. fl. a Bi.r-.i-- andora, K. D. WU Booie, ProvlI .nee ii. 1. I,.i.h.. Booton; L li. Pteriinr. Hatti.Beek, Bridgeport, incl Wi,lard Parker, ul Ben Jersey.

(*-ettn Home.A.. C But..-rs, ChlOOgO; Bdwia K.-'itB.sugir; Vi. 3. Badger. C P. (.reen* au.l t_,u_]y. jinnTorn; Vf. L. PlcBena, Hugo Oppeiuiauu, L)r. ami *lr«

Moehriug, K. L. Keg>r«.uid alfa, Btiil-tdeiphiu f il\\ adman,B - Eat, Boston! Josmb .earn, >tlt.-e.i. >iiiitfi u i-vinouth ; H. A. Shroader. BrookI.. I rei, ii. H. P. Flamb, Milwaukee; Iir. W M. c tun

berlan.. ol New-Veirk ; Iienjaiuiu It an and finillv. II). Jo: .inn ano fani.lr, Mr*. J. C Jordon, sud COtonel ll

Brooks, ut Baaasai MSoota BMekisad, .u" Pbllodc)eii... anil tiakco A. Au..;-*, of Massae misc tla

(ONLY ISLAND LV Ri GLORY.orsri.M. of ri-i- n«w okikmai. hotel.ci:ka

PIlOSPtflTT Of Ul TIIK HC/riLS.ruo!-AMnr MBBBM8 UMIMB mu BE_n.lt.A Lan

BBMBMB,"laatt's go luck to Nw-York, where it i

cooler," was a com mon remark at Coney Inland yes te,

day afterm'fin. Vial hresze was blowingtn.tu tba land. It w-s hot mtitX au.tr)Ih. -*i wjo as ealui aa a inti pond, and the women l

the wafer were r*ry brave. Thero wan. however, a hgtvi mil thal came from the jssr.bed plaina of Lonf Islamwhich was weleewod by thoso who bad the w

to sit on Ibo buck reran.las of the hotel

At about 5 o'clock tbs wind died out *ompl*tel.y, an

there oas snub for ta bathing houses. By 7 p. n

fl.ot sj persons had enjoyed a batu ot tlManhattan Beaeb bathing puvi.lon. llhttle lialhlna-uoii*-.--, .of wul.h there ai

hun Innis are cli-an and neut. They euatam rouulu

wilier, lo'-kiit-r-trU-sosand o_ber eonveniea ces for mai

lLg tin toilet after a plunge In ta salt water. Here ot

can nt, and, tn a Si of aaaent-u-uidrduces allow tl

water to drip In bis shoes wbleb he bas overlooke

Of the C.0O0 peroone who entered tho oater ot Han.',atan l-c.iish yesterday 1,000 ware women end girls.While tte tbousoadsof people were tr> lng to mi

themselves out of dawes. Ibero wore scenes ul unusu

interest within the hotels. Seores and eve- hundred*

persona were oowing dowu lo ta --Uud Lu tba ear

evening trains In Uio e-tpects-itin uf getting good roon

for bunday." Huw does yonr trade this year compare with th

uf last year for tito eerroopoadtng sa-oatsI" waa ask«ef (he bend clerk of Ibe Manhattan Beaeb HoteL

" It's 90 per cent greater," waa tbe nn Bool tolingply. This, in ii certain sonee, seemed to eon.tr

¦cutout last waa audio by ooo of t

- sit West r. IgfcSBB BeslCh two

wck ago. who aald: "M ld SO

tanaaaaoaa bbbwithinBIBS af mr rrc»it,'s Icntlr- Summer at 1-C .. There- ia I I at thc

excessively hot sud drv weather han tiri v- n BUfBOBOtl*nted crowds to fosi.-v I si tmi for th* past few weeks.Yesterday Wets the day to:- tbe formal opening of

.Hi., ti*w Orien.si Hotel, fol. -Ieee rt prion.* of wbe

beoo puhti.he I anama in Tut Timir.ii-. Yet at 7

p. ni. yesterday nearly every ou* of tbe SM IBOUM m

tue house, many of win. h are double, was taken,aii-t it was exp'-c'e.l iii it, tn ha f sn Boathere wniili! not lie a vst-ant room. Thero wau s wild

loott in (he bj ' I eilis, tho chief clerk, win it. on

the evening nf th* frat dav of Um new hotel'* life I.e

began to tah glibly shout that bugbear of Summer

travellers, " eot*."Among tho sr-ivala at th* Orientil yeaterday wer * W.

H. Van E*r*ry ami wife. W Howard Hoppock, Cha ile a

Arent. C. L. Blninger, Jo.:n O. Clark and

wife. JT. J MsOtodf. Dr. T D. flradf-.rland wife, .Mrs. Catuspbell, Mr. Itarrowa, wifeand daughter, W. I nuning. T. Thoreau. Ed want K.Wafers. E. A. wataru BOBKIII B. Wlggln, kl<*h*r(l M. -,y.

Bnunml H. narry, J >: bbektoa, W iiiatn D. ...teidi.t,, a.

J. Ma,re i..-, ( bortoi Matte, J Miss Li'** p. MaThatcher, George B. .Maltorv. r hnr es Nelson ami wife.MUa Nellie Neiaon. I>. Prichard, Miss Minnie

lard, J.H. .-:..h.m. Samoa! L. Hasl snd wife.James Armstrong, Jol b M I.uri*. N. sullivan snit wt¦*,

K. M. C illirie, ltwlgbt M. Hitrr.s. Alauaon Cary andwfe mid Mia J. T Mea*, all of Bew-Tachj F.-I BterllOg, and W. Ti. Clsinp and wi.'*, of Boston;Mrs. (,. g. i.ora.un, 0. D. Gorham and Kiss Onrlisin. sodWilban. H. Bosh,af Ct-Jaago; K. P. Dickie and «tf*. J.P. Mit,nsb snd wit*, amt E. Q Burnham and wife, *r

Brooklyn | A. R. Caiaslanal ant M. J. OBtongWi of\ terhan ead B. P. Means, ol Detroit;

Mr. Buii-o'ii aad am, nf Clevelood; Herman Coh*uand fomi lr of Orana*. N. J: Rattle Hansen. Mrs. H.Hosfurd, Miss B. CodJi H. ll. netehor ami wife, andv .. Potl.-rd aad wife, of Lowell,Mass.; Irrlng H. Chsae. of Wsrt-rbnry. Conn.: MrsM. A. II "-. ol !tiger.<i! I, Ohio j William (l. tu. Bap*, ofNew-B adford; M. A. Wei'** snd wife, of Fort Wayne.audJohn H. Misha, of Ros.m. L I.Tbe eoaeena iu tn* afternoon snd evening at

.Maui -an.au Brook were liaen-.l to by throngsnf people. ..niona ytatrrcLiv's arrivals were:

William BrookSetd. Moak Bio. Ws. R. tk. U Walsh,a. A. a » leone H. Ptah and wt'*,.lair rn Brand am! wife. C. M. Maeno. JaOMa D Whlt-i.-i.ii.-. M - I.'.-iiae'.i. H .Max Held,Samael LB.New "furs i ipts a 1 n AbrukooM sun wife, of th*

ca; S - bapaino oud wife, ol ci.'csiro;il Bromby ami wita, of Bew-Bovaoi Mra

kia.ol Pillia.l.-ijibia ; K P.

Marmy, ul Toledo: Mlsa Aaaa Vf toa'.sg-ii Bullit W. ll. t.anluer, nf

E Xi sud wife, af Booina, amiV rapnoa ami olfs, of Brookim:

the Miubitrsii Beach ll<>reithia rn iu;tr.'will in-nu) lin-:-.! t.v ta- Kev.Dr. UWllb . i, rector nf h. Boo ra

.v. l; ightnn Beaeb there were Many ii\.-> oecoeedor-iu4 ti.- .- to 7

a i ri ei Oovoi uor

ul ( ..nu. etleut, ibe h>.iixx. Dorsey of Arkansas, tie Hon. Tblt Keough, of Bur! .. I ia Hon. J. a.

.¦- -ll. .-f Illili., .-er

goaat-oS-ArflM ol ta Honae ol l. ;. Dr. M.B. Perrin, ofJul beroi n. C load uoi lu.

...I. I. H.lr, F. Div'j. Doria

ino, .l.n i ilestoo, P. -iBarge, Dr. A. B. Reid, of

.\i Mea Bril n be 'rh there* wr* tehaoaaoda of p*>td«. oi in* boals lUat


ms csPTAn na a ncxaim boomiun. SAT.

SST.ia a afl-bnat, i mp.ove.l by Aaa-

Balliood, "nw. bu

i'liiiiiy. it,-- t ni; Municipal tn ckargs of Potrtok Borter,arawa iu tow, atop a cons;

ilt-t,,: ns t,,.., -ula ol the ilu- Iaa I aptaia Wiil-

lUdad tin* arre.r of Balker.r hun np on

N"t loin.' BOtlaBed with th-s protn-i chart r--d th» tug

in ei.arge of ('upturn Yoong yesterday,morning, and with Copia d the Monhsmnn

|- u-e. and -.i-.'.in. --lusri. noni r c Ir.n the dumping ground.

While severn! mt.-- ..- (ronnda. the.

water rn ss t'-'-iiiit I -.

r-! nisi. A cloud a!wns .1. t'_e low,

: Mr. Corbin.ti.e Bon tc!" ri-.. ;.-oved to

-. sud nu a it did not mat waacai ned rifiei:.- f.. road Cooey Island. K mstag stona the

tit_', which v-rt'*' -.I to he the Municipal, In charge of

1 etfandsr, (.uptiln Barker, a warrant was pn*nader ol Ba led. As t uer*

was uu one to brina ste aeona back to

tx, ll wai tie.'i'! td ta SaithI 'Tt li.e.u

under airest. Captain Barker 'o'.! a,.uu sa n-itt uio tug woo aot powerful

'i I fl-.od tide.I rrnii*lund."

Whv .: 'i,.:'.i very

¦ .a." aiud bad sr ho d.we reoel

' cn-ls-.tiTie-i; toa Itvaa of rhe m.-n t-nunload stioui.-r than I arnold



The tirm of J. H. Holli np*;worth & Co.,t!-- ii- rs In lace at Na. "¦

__ Broit.lw.iy, was

for year* tabbed by IktoVOS, w.i.i^e SOpcedOSlOOa¦ada aartaostnrooda onao theireton, bur so secretlywan tlieir opt raton c»ndut".*d that ali effort at findingout tbe criminals taltai B.e-nt!y Mr. IToCings-aortal re.-ort.-.l I::- I i!"y, of thej-.ti-tei nth r^-i-tiic-t. un.'. Boondnaon n-em-v wru.

ro rim! ta thief Bia simpleton fellon John N. I>-.r.c«, a clerk, nineteOB years <. -1.who hitd bt en *uipl,>r*it in (he afore live year*, fiewar.-Iud BIBI cuti-fu.lv. ami Vf**i*nlay fol-lowfd him when a tefl th* mora with-a br.n.tl*tosi -. There he f -undtlie rooog tiru! while bo wns showing ta tv'i women a

¦tesloa 'ic-. n -ks admitted tbathe hal ro'-hrd his employers for yt-sra,and In tlie Sanaa wen- round roany valuablegiei.lt ohtaB nc hsi.l -.o'et or gtren t.) th* tnmstes. Th*two wiinien. hmina Crt-lem .i.d Catharine Wa>h, werv*

oriented aa irtwlsaaa of 'he -'<¦ *n goo.(n. Tbe tutsisinoiiiif nt l)irc*'s theft will pmbab V r.-ach many ibou-.uuil doLlars.


Chicago. July 10..Under a nsolutionInlrodtieed Into tho Common Couacll by juc

of the eocialietl* Al,lerm*n over threenxintna BBA losoeeton bav* bern vu.tingsil factor ea in this city where men, women, hoyr and

girls are employed, to report their roiitiitloct, audio

bring «nlt N ease they were fnnr.d siliealtty. Tbewe El ti.ia about completed. Refenns hare ansileeted.


BniMOFIBLD, M.i--*., Jnlv 10..Prt. r

fnurfeeii years old, son of P. J. Sullivan,killed and another boy hailleg in nken by an explosion

;.. powdar bi nn aid Wkun at Holyoke utnirht.Sullivan'* ImhIv wss blown rhri.ii-'h the loof. The daui-age lo the building was uot groat*


Pl.ISBOBO. Penn., July IO..Members of tbePitt«hur_c pr*ss made sn *i.*nrsion to-day orer theF liilmor* and Ohio Railroad as far as Ohio Pyle Palls,where Ashing aud Sauting wera tndnlged tn. Tbe plea*itr*« of t--e dflp .-oneiuded with a grand bancitiet at tbePam Cl.tf Park Horsi.


At Bost.m yesterday the Worcesters de¬feated tbe Beaton Cab by a Kore of 3 to 0.In th* Cbli-sgo-nrrslaud gam* st Cleveland the score*

stood: Ctatearoa, 0; Cleveland. 2 (in ninth taning).At BuSUio ibe Cincinnati Club defeated tbe Buffale

Club liv a acute ur - tn 1. Tbe '.'tnctnnaUa mailo 10 baseIu:s and 2 .-rroi a. and the Buffalo Club mada A b.so bitsand error*. __________________________

LATEST full ll' MRWR.

poor oi* 5«wvong ...AKaivntj jr i.v ia.«tr ('Uv of Berlin Hr KsnaeOy, I.'asrpon! Ja;y 1 snd

_ .. MaMou -¦ io J u Dal*.poaataa ponTs.

Rturti, Joly lO.-aatlsd lass svamag. Mi Cora** for *Cew-Yors. _

NOTICE TO MARINERS.orrin or ion u.^rroois« issro-roa. Taian Dnrmrr, i

TtlMPglNSVILLIL .V Tm Ixtlr 10. iHrUX i

GHAVFl.-tCSD BAT. N. V.-A MOORI.VO BCOT PLACKDrt'BTBn uuu ovran rouoa dei-* a rt a a it.

A sosoad class nan font. p.lmieA whir*, with V 0 la blacklatter*, ha* Wn pieced lu (irsvi>*Huu iur, Utsg Ul*. 1. timmVork. (or uitxiriug (rains of scows wtltfns (Or Utl-s. It ts

piie-a-MMi lu li (««> sr low w nar. Ihe ot*cnstie nsarlnss ara i

Fort t -aSyette MW, . w KniTntsut Islaa.l, apuer cuustrae-Uoo, XV. .a-. Heney Islam! Iswar, eg S U.

k_. i\ Mcao-a Boor Admiral c. n. B.LtghiUotUo l_fjm_is- .luid U.ttrlot.


.roon tivrarooi..sr ar.ausutr ont oa arhus.

AI'lMT. U I v:»ns-a. Miss Miertia.MistAbhey. Ur* |'ard.a.<>A n*.i.*y M fAlt.et-Utl, I. P Foreoa. W -i*ns*r. V li,Aiaamibe, Ur Vsrgusoo, MIssA P MUhunts, J 0

\ 1 tx'.'ju-t. Kl) .

11« J lr.MlI

BOO .Irs Krteibos- j ' . rrad u ittrwnoa. .Mia* A ll ne, :( w aalah* Mr- i; C Ht , . i el

i:I.'I I


i. II. ¦-;.. -ik

? I.,.,: Mrsutavasse j ii r. Mrr. p

I raMER IIe. Il HuieyHair. Mr* gu.ia- rae Mr

..e Ki* tl -!,. -,

uneroo. Mr*ti, ii t. amtiIf and Jot, -.I it J X m_

lev N f*iei.:ri.e.. J..MM-.-. iiti. Jau r.tmilv.-., .

-a. II I.ewre ce, MI Tir. .lie. .A H altd-JOSiris'le. (.' II T I eons.-'I. Hi'- Rev T*:,ski. Mrmindil ri ».>¦'. Mr* J Yt/.istl. H LOS i S T'>wueinrervt-t*. A Mayer. I. * Mg, Ita Miooaiftugb. v.** keeiMi.u'.::ii'uuei lYtat.y. mi**trl.s*. .M.a fS'inlyigtoo W L? vise. Mr. jr Murun. Mr xor! Mrs Wsker.- Hmean, A Mies Wlliisiu M i,*t ..;-, Mrs A A.das A tl P. jr Meredith, the Rev Wsterti -na*. J r

MnWtlita-B V Wirrie, Ot aad Ur|ts.: '.-.,', am - v-.. lock ; t ? ii

i.e.ti. Mis*. Elliott, Um UL Wu, ea, WU

ll 4Hutt [I.,*»T-MMOVn-PAr.MKR -ntl -t.irMsr. Jnlf I lg tr* Rat.r. i. t.arnt.«t st n.e mom I. sass*at the Ul>- .'m. J IiriiiiiBl'iii le Mr. 1'sanla A. I'.i .Af Oi

ssty. Wedding orcakfasiat Jadgs -a ts i.reeseieb.N. v.


AU notices o' M-t-r-ujs* stan Pe ia! irtod itUk fullio** god aiidies*.

h. > D.-BBT.OnJaty 0 '.<mo 3| hts hom* pref erwin V I. wm.¦wu llrarr kl-rn ii,r. Htlniy. B*-s>l TS rmotmitneral seri ',r» un' tie ti.-M u P « CpuK.'^al I Uarcbi'Sirrsoa, Moods* Jm» IS si Ins m.

SaaSaaaa lnrtu-,1 to ai loud a il,wai auy ia*Catani.

BWTOB. I.nt'os Vsudervrer MewMa M.I).. Loco P.-bra.try lt, IHII9, .li.-rf July io I *.<)

. < at l'rt..U> i Ittpel oa .M'tu<lav.tlt.i l'.tb lasO,lt | .1-."m'l p. m.

DBIWBOB.t-n F'fHsr. Inly'i Kmer'in* CV. l*-ir1t*e StO'dilani anil I»le 1 Colin mom. mani J yat*. J tuunxlxm. 19tataala-uves and fri.-otu aro i-ntal i» stite.eu th-* funeral sa-¦tu '.ui. ilia llh ne.. ai j at i I-a. I I.-: ho-, lime.l.-ni.u irit-At etas-SseS * MarrBoonoo, otto a '.1. M ... ne tua C3d roars!msenl aarrteee at her tau- BaMBsaftO. staa.f-irrt, cooa., eaIae».a.. July IJ. Mi-1 si'-'..letp. in.»ISI.l . H)e| III,aSS *'* UVIte'l 1.1 mead.irr.uges will ', srrtv il of c, leek train X.V..ariM. If. uri n B. K rr,ai i.rtn ( entral Depot.

nsaaodta osorPaoghkaaosta B v. on Thor*tay asaotag. Joly 9, tMnoTl ¦¦ aorafbieagn.ads ara ./:-. io alt* d ii. tanara, trout u.» Isca east.

¦ji* siltsig at i* ii s

New-Vork, at liisi.t. ia.

BpniMl X«Hfff» I win |i«* ISO gar e-.-nt man -m. «^rtbr r.n I.-:

. -a. d al Li.li ..rs.

Usa** »l»Je Pr**e*rveea,POan > I'lll'.AM' JKI.I.Y.

'-'II'KD AMM'<JAM". IKI.I.1KS I-f h BB a

fTi-eni. i*ep. IS i

- ret-a'pis, aol warranted perte ly p,\i. '» I - Bl BLUA1 ,1 I-X.

I insular i wi -. _r nu ap.Micallna.x,i rt as whin >emiuna

Ko.ifsre Kalb-silvC.tr- I.i -. ... ..ut llwast*

own nranch

¦stricture, lui-xileiv-e t_ I

mn i.;ic I.o1ifc.Mll A.IJ .

... -.a SO

Patttkal Softers.ll. ,-'ii_arter* (ir PIsgsSBO

ll R. LEW * l <).

I tr-1 «r Beo Tatt,Po'-tieal li.i'iiter 4 :.-¦.¦: Natl Maj t.I

Helicons totters.All Bool'o t'barch. ll >t *.m_

-. bLO. S. t'i-. ', Joly ll:' .l.iiig.uoeaU, ..aua-u sud Li. .ins. I Ito

. la tired._ _______

A«erosioo ( barth tx

OHN I wiU __lctaw bl.M)AY,ii tl s. ur. and 5 p in.

Ilt«prk-r -«tr*er Calver-siHsl ( aa res eornet ol I> .t»n.

vices st lt): .. pso-ST. OafOCOBCO l'u.se'tv -v -sin .

Stench Btroel M M ( burch etwaen -J ia 1 .*.!

_g by tbs Pastor. Roi . '-tingirow of -he Ps . Ii reailuu ul iigb%

ir t.'.e (-ninth Day. Bests fro. ____^

isl Meetings iU.X. and Urea.ti A HAUOI N.i. ll .II i -rated

(peaker, will I. - -A V.

'niy ll. Bub)ect»-Morning laaa tua OedhaVsauag: -flvsCueSgiers ol tho How

...-..<-,' t i-."j

st'W BOOKS ASP NKW SDlTIOLfRmt momsuoutnt ¦. tai - ni. I ia Our ir* tnt*.

JOHN WILEY Si -ON-.let Watr-iit ie

Kaskin'a Mevea Lamps of Arehlleoiur* >sa -sioar.ttp.lee r'. ..ann. 1 yoe..iv.i le.ates, ««*.

Kaiki-i's .Uodera Fainter*, i veils, boan,! ni f>m lota,

i .,- * sallatflelds Imcricnn Hos** (arpc.it** V- . -ti eta,

I . tnd aiuioai milir-iy rew-litea. svo cl-, t


llidameD'lrblsvNDIaryBaSI.elters. tit-*d hy *4*mhC". Atm. any. With portrait -J vo,a, l.ioo. ciuih. SA.

The Ode at Lite. Ry th* -UL* ut " Ita Un* oi UsJsa.**I'limi. cissh, si.dialer linn*. A !*-..-rrsrhr. By Margaret (.ont^s* O'lth

p-'teajraitk iSluo, la.ulii. SI SA

f-c HIHNfcK dc WfFLPt" ' '

711 B.-.i.Jevt«Tbrongh Narinn niy. tty Kathai;.ne a. Mu. i-ioiil. 9(1 ta

ill-nail.,..-.....,,o. ..-eim. aaThrongs llrttURT- By kalhsruie a. Mseitniid. '.SJ lllua*

trai..,ti*. 1.uio o olh, fl.The AaoaOU of (he .Uniteroora. By i-idnatX xx Aytrnpot.

loo illus:rauons. 8io, doth, #4 JU

T a. rtrKiisut *. nuciT ikk«.PMIadslohta.

si* rite Lawn. A tt»* American Bevel By Kobari ta.¦ Nurih COBS.ua l.'iuit. Mon*;co el-ith. Si >0-

Lane It odey. Anewsovellir ll eu ri Ursvlllu. fe(at«eT.nio. Baan sO osDl* clo'a. t\ -Jj.

Nan. Hy haul'.* -o-a. .--siuot ia " I.' twnaiaat." Coow

plea a_ 1 una bl seige,;. rajie. fl ent-. el.itti gi,


l».'»M»*r»-y. Aa Amencau Sox'X liiiun, caHU. I'., lota-ure Hum BaUSOAstna Oobsuii'a Vigneiteslu Khyoi,*. '.V.tii au iswo

taatlaa uy k G sisduias. >».iuare lin", taaab ti.

Cory'* Hurd*- to Modarm Eagllab llmisry. Patti.-. svo, AA.

(iKOi(..* V KlT.*«AM*s*«»ll>'*.iaaata-ovo

The Comji!*!* "itovVs el '"assingcun Irving. \n*m

IBO-S um* win lia. catted Ute Oeoffrsy f rayon. *w. ill,tatra-te,t .'knick s laokac's lliaroty of .New > <ir»," and tkoMtMlrh B.tok.-* now rs* tr Price i>ei i.... %J Jit.

(rtllral K**a<"> and Literary .*-alr*. li Hsva-1 Tat'ea.I miora with bia eluait-u in i>en*-_B J item uro.'* Ival. etti, $. ...

Irfiss1* skru-b Book. Tba BllslSwS B-Utlsa m-t-Ofina, ute plate*. !_ai. "va l!i;u;ra.e.i. cJotsi a'.n, t- ,1

'¦**¦-IllVitl.t.- r»l'Klll*«hU'*» IIBW

T l.t .... 7 I lt .. I »1»

ll adder (.rang* Fy Frani H. *-t...-S'.iii .lue* aa I em

latged-di tuon. lr-.ioo. nap. r, So nnu calli. *1 .5.

Paesss. bv ll II -i.sldi.d. ut,tm*r u cditltttt. *1(U BOS*trait, .-tva, st 'di extra. *1

I-slterloga ia PlaasaaC Patho. Ry Manon Martsud. 19Uiii, cloth. Ol Ti.Ilaadbnok »r Drawioa. gp U .au WOlfea MSB ag*

wards ttl loo woo.ivula aaduiagratas l-Jmo. e.olh. SI 7A.

CUE0M6B tv. lAKi.nroN M co..

A -.teamer Book. By-Dr.Wi ..-.... Ota B-L"Among ike Tboma. liv -lia. M. L l)ickiu«>n. Cletta

lS.ua. si Itu.Hilda aud I a storr of These Ixtrss. Bf Mrs. g rt*lU

b-»u.ajj..:i. I a IB I *ui". I'i ce. *1 jo.

ii inn .( a hi:i)-aa. i-. . t

AU sander Pew* By I mlle m<>p,tsi_ " Aug lah M's sfLfiUi.sirsiii.' .-otu clolh. 7i caul*.

Tk* life and Lectors nf llorac* Hu.knell w. wu pootrails, hv., ctoih, gi*.Tte taagrcgallaoalism ol ta leal Tb ros. Ilawdred

Venr* aa netta ia Ila Liu-raiura. Iai-fe.- s. pagaa._mUU. SO._

rOBD-a. IIOWABI1 dr Ht I Ht:WTll Kara-nine.- "Saw-Yarh

Keatioiaceaees af aa I dior, bi- 'ito Chevalier li logHatall svo, -iM ftp. Porlra.1. Cloth *nra. Si li.tata iba Tblrd aa-l lonnh MBBBBBBBla Uy Kalos

Cattipbiill. liiiun. uloiu. SI.I aa*p and (ah Iai Skeitib** of Life ana Travel In tba

mob*, a. w. uar stood. Cloth. Bl.

J. ll L1PP1.M.OTT * te.PallBdelabls.

OS, OlaMMt Rv tllfton W CtSlius Vu A. ot las I'arslgaCls*aios for Kii.riah Keadeis. lSuiu, 'lilli, Si.A New Ko .-e. A Kmrsne* Trsnslafad rrom ths OanaBB

kt Utm, A. U x\i*__ Immaclati, * f\

MACMILLAN * Va..AA Seo l-»t

The BnglUb Paem Kdited hr T H. Ward Vflth s gsamai iuk.fiaeo.Hi by daiuiow Arsokt Vol 1-caaucsrMLaS.ua*. Vol II- Batt Jouaoa lo Drv.lau. SI IS liar volaats.

Tba Paklle Picinre MoMSB-OO ol _-BBOaS> br Ka*1 hampoon. 1 tani euniju. .Nooieious u.utlt lUua*. Mats

OJMBnrly Maa in llrlialn. aad 111* Pla** lu tba Tsrtlar

Pet-lad Oy XX H.y.t ..aa, i*.-t.'.t. Illualraied, i iola. t*S id.

HOI (.liri!**. MIPPI.IN Ac Ce.Satis.

41 Asiar-gl.aaeTh* I -discs te rr d ( au»lr>. H XX I'- Howells, l.'iug

sloth tl Mi.Taloa, of a IVatsida lao- Ut ilea.y V, I ougfeiiow

|Sa .. i

Kvrr* Da* I n*!i*k A aSMHl »'» ¦ O'ont* and thar Casa.*a ldchard iran 0 ita . -i.so. viotti. Ot.

...tr. al tom. '<ll il «i u .'.I. i.ii.y i S-. lUSBRy Josi.-uhc.fiA l.'mu. iioi^. SI aU.