Contoh : The girl is beautiful, isn’t she? I am blogger, aren’t I? The students were in the class yesterday, weren’t they? The girl has been at the office, hasn’t she? The boys have drunk some fruit juice, haven’t they? The boy had eaten some rice, hadn’t he? The boy will swim, won’t he? They would come here, wouldn’t they? We go to market on foot, don’t we? The dog ran into the garden, didn’t it? We have lunch in the dining room, don’t we? They had dinner in the restaurant, didn’t they? Question Tag untuk kalimat perintah, melarang, dan permintaan adalah “will you”. Contoh: Drink my tea John, will you? Be Patient please, will you? Don’t drink my tea, will you? Never use my flash disk, will you? Have the coffee, will you? Let me see your gadget, will you? Question Tag untuk kalimat ajakan adalah “shall we”. Contoh : Let us go to the movie, shall we? Let us run in the jogging track, shall we? Apabila subject dalam kalimat menggunakan somebody, nobody, someone, noone, anybody, anyone, maka apabila dicari question tag-nya akan menjadi “They” Contoh: Somebody is in the office, aren’t they? Someone has eaten my cake, haven’t they? No one is in the office, are they? Apabila pada kalimatnya terdapat “never, seldom, rarely, hardly, few, litte” maka kalimatnya dianggap sudah negatif, sehingga question tag-nya harus positif. Contoh: The girl never speaks to me, does she? The seldom come to my office, do they?

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Contoh :The girl is beautiful, isnt she?I am blogger, arent I?The students were in the class yesterday, werent they?The girl has been at the ofce, hasnt she?The boys have drunk some fruit juice, havent they?The boy had eaten some rice, hadnt he?The boy will swim, wont he?They would come here, wouldnt they?We go to market on foot, dont we?The dog ran into the garden, didnt it?We have lunch in the dining room, dont we?They had dinner in the restaurant, didnt they?Question Tag untuk kalimat perintah, melarang, dan permintaan adalah will you.Contoh:Drink my tea John, will you?Be Patient please, will you?Dont drink my tea, will you?Never use my fash disk, will you?Have the cofee, will you?Let me see your gadget, will you?Question Tag untuk kalimat ajakan adalah shall we.Contoh :Let us go to the movie, shall we?Let us run in the jogging track, shall we?Apabila subject dalam kalimat menggunakan somebody, nobody, someone, noone, anybody, anyone, maka apabila dicari question tag-nya akan menjadi TheyContoh:Somebody is in the ofce, arent they?Someone has eaten my cake, havent they?No one is in the ofce, are they?Apabila pada kalimatnya terdapat never, seldom, rarely, hardly, few, litte maka kalimatnya dianggap sudah negatif, sehingga question tag-nya harus positif.Contoh:The girl never speaks to me, does she?The seldom come to my ofce, do they?Few stafs are in the ofce, are they?a few stafs are in the ofce, arent they? (bedakan dengan contoh sebelumnya)Kalau kalimatnya terdiri dari dua clause, maka clausa yang dibelakang yang berhak mendapatkan Question Tag.Question tag adalah pertanyaan singkat yang sering terdapat pada akhir sebuah kalimat dalam suatu kalimat. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, question tag bisa diartikan kan?/bukan?/ya?/ yuk?.Beberapa ketentuan dalam membuat question tag, yaitu:1. Jika kalimatnya positi, maka question tag!nya negati."ontoh: #oyong is smart, isn$t she? %on Bin and &im are making a bo'l o noodle, aren$t they?"atatan: Jika question tag!nya negati, maka not harus disingkat."ontohnya : isn$t he? bukan is not he?(. Jika kalimatnya berupa larangan atau perintah, gunakan 'ill you untuk question tag!nya."ontoh: Don$t be noise, 'ill you? Don$t make me upset, 'ill you?). Jika kalimatnya negati, maka question tag!nya positi."ontoh: #oyong is not smart, is she? %on Bin and &im are not making a bo'l o noodle, are they?*. Jika kalimatnya menggunakan kata ker+a ,-erb., maka gunakan do/does atau did."ontoh: #inta buys /manda "akes in Bandung, doesn$t she? Ja0k ound the key on that desk, didn$t he?1. Jika sub+eknya I am, maka question tag!nya aren$t I. 2amun, bila sub+eknya I am not, maka question tag!nyaam I."ontoh: I am not rude, am I? I am diligent, aren$t I?3. Jika kalimatnya menggunakan modals, maka gunakan modals untuk question tag!nya. 4husus untuk modalsha-e to, gunakan kata bantu do untuk question tag!nya."ontoh: &aeyeon 'ill be 0ome ba0k soon, 'on$t she? Ja0k 0an$t dri-e a 0ar, 0an he? &hey ha-e to make a ilm no', don$t they?5. Jika sub+eknya somebody, e-eryone, someone, e-erybody, no one dan nobody, maka gunakan they dalam question tag."ontoh: 6-erybody 'ent to the restaurant, didn$t they? #omebody brought the guitar to my studio last 'eek, didn$t they?7. Jika kalimatnya mengandung sebuah kata dengan arti negati, 0ontohnya nobody, hardly no one, rarely nothing, seldom, barely maka gunakan question tag positi."ontoh: 2o one 0ome to my house, do they? #he ne-er seems to 0are, does she?8. Jika sub+eknya something, e-erything, dan nothing, maka gunakan it dalam question tag."ontoh: #omething is mo-ing, isn$t it? 6-erything should be ready, shouldn$t it?19. Jika kalimatnya dimulai dengan let$s, maka question tag!nya adalah shall 'e."ontoh: :et$s orget it, shall 'e? :et$s dra' the good pi0ture here, shall 'e?