B16 Software Engineering Dr Ian Reid 4 lectures, Hilary Term http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~ian/Teaching/B16 Object Oriented Programming

B16 Software Engineering

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B16 Software Engineering. Object Oriented Programming. Dr Ian Reid 4 lectures, Hilary Term. http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~ian/Teaching/B16. Object-oriented programming. Introduction to C++ c lasses m ethods, function and operator overloading constructors, destructors p rogram organisation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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B16 Software Engineering

Dr Ian Reid4 lectures, Hilary Term


Object Oriented Programming

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Object-oriented programming

• Introduction to C++─ classes─ methods, function and operator overloading─ constructors, destructors─ program organisation

• Data hiding ─ public and private data, accessor methods, encapsulation

• Inheritance─ Polymorphism

• Templates─ Standard Template Library; Design Patterns

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Learning Outcomes

• The course will aim to give a good understanding of basic design methods in object-oriented programming, reinforcing principles with examples in C++. Specifically, by the end of the course students should:– understand concepts of and advantages of object-oriented design

including:– Data hiding– Inheritance and polymorphism– Templates

– understand how specific object oriented constructs are implemented using C++

– Be able to understand C++ programs– Be able to write small C++

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• Lipmann and Lajoie, C++ Primer, Addison-Wesley, 2005.

• Goodrich et al., Data structures and algorithms in C++, Wiley, 2004

• Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, Addison-Wesley, 2000

• Meyers, Effective C++, Addison-Wesley, 1998

• Gamma et al., Design Patterns: elements of reusable object-oriented software, Addison-Wesley, 1995

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Top down design

• Revisit ideas from Structured Programming• Want to keep in mind the general principles

– Abstraction– Modularity

• Architectural design: identifying the building blocks• Abstract specification: describe the data/functions and

their constraints• Interfaces: define how the modules fit together• Component design: recursively design each block

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Procedural vs Object-oriented

• Object-oriented programming: – Collaborating objects comprising code + data– Object encapsulates related data and functions– Object Interface defines how an object can be

interacted with

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Object Oriented Concepts

• Object/class─ Class encapsulates related data with the functions that act on the

data. This is called a class. An object is an instance (a variable declared for use) of a class.

• Information hiding─ The ability to make object data available only on a “need to

know” basis• Interface

─ Explicit separation of the description of how an object is used, from the implementation details

• Inheritance─ The ability to create class hierarchies, such that the inheriting

class (super-class) is an instance of the ancestor class• Polymorphism

─ The ability of objects in the same class hierarchy to respond in tailored ways to the same events

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• C++ predefines a set of atomic types─ bool, char, int, float, double

• C++ provides mechanism for building compound data structures; i.e. user-defined types─ class (c.f. struct in C)─ class generalises the notion of struct─ encapsulates related data and functions on that data

• C++ provides mechanisms so that user-defined types can behave just like the predefined types

• Matlab also supports classes

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• A class (struct in C) is a user-defined data type which encapsulates related data into a single entity. It defines how a variable of this type will look (and behave)

class Complex {public:

double re, im;};

• Don’t confuse with creating an instance (i.e. declaring)

int i;Complex z;

C++ classes

Class definition

Create a variable (an instance) of this type

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• Represent current state as, say, a triple of numbers and a bool, (position, velocity, mass, landed)

• Single variable represents all numbers─ Better abstraction!

class State { public: double pos, vel, mass; bool landed;


State s;

Example: VTOL state





state thrust

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Accessing class members

State s;

s.pos = 1.0;s.vel = -20.0;s.mass = 1000.0;s.landed = false;

s.pos = s.pos + s.vel*deltat;

Thrust = ComputeThrust(s);

• In Matlab introduce structure fields without declaration

s.pos = 1.0;s.vel = -20.0;…

Thrust = ComputeThrust(s);

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• In C++ a class encapsulates related data and functions

• A class has both data fields and functions that operate on the data

• A class member function is called a method in the object-oriented programming literature

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Exampleclass Complex {

public:double re, im;

double Mag() { return sqrt(re*re + im*im); }double Phase() { return atan2(im, re); }


Complex z;cout << “Magnitude=“ << z.Mag() << endl;

• Call method using dot operator• Notice that re and im do not need z.

z is implicitly passed to the function via thethis pointer

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Information hiding / encapsulation

• Principle of encapsulation is that software components hide the internal details of their implementation

• In procedural programming, treat a function as a black box with a well-defined interface ─ Need to avoid side-effects─ Use these functions as building blocks to create programs

• In object-oriented programming, a class defines a black box data structure, which has ─ Public interface─ Private data

• Other software components in the program can only access class through well-defined interface, minimising side-effects

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Data hiding example

class Complex {public:

double Re() { return re; }double Im() { return im; }double Mag() { return sqrt(re*re +

im*im);}double Phase() { return atan2(im, re);


double re, im;};

• Access to private members only through public interface

Complex z;cout << “Magnitude=“ << z.Mag() << endl;cout << “Real part=“ << z.Re() << endl;

• Read only access: accessor method

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Data hiding example, ctdclass Complex {

public:double Re() { return r*cos(theta); }double Im() { return r*sin(theta); }double Mag() { return r;}double Phase() { return theta; }


double r, theta;


Complex z;cout << “Magnitude=“ << z.Mag() << endl;cout << “Real part=“ << z.Re() << endl;


Internal implentation now in polar coords

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• If we can no longer sayz.re = 1.0;

How can we get values into an object?

• Whenever a variable is created (declared), memory space is allocated for it

• It might be initialised─ int i;─ int i=10;─ int i(10);

• In general this is the work of a constructor

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• The constructor is a special function with the same name as the class and no return type

Complex(double x, double y) { re = x; im = y;}


Complex(double x, double y) : re(x), im(y) {}

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Data hiding example

class Complex {public:

Complex(double x, double y) { re = x; im = y; }

double Re() { return re; }double Im() { return im; }double Mag() { return sqrt(re*re +

im*im);}double Phase() { return atan2(im, re);


double re, im;};

• Interface now includes constructor

Complex z(10.0, 8.0);cout << “Magnitude=“ << z.Mag() << endl;cout << “Real part=“ << z.Re() << endl;

• Declare (instantiate) an object of type Complex, setting its value to 10 + j 8

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Data hiding example, ctdclass Complex {

public:Complex(double x, double y) {

r = sqrt(x*x + y*y);theta = atan2(y,x);

}double Re() { return r*cos(theta); }double Im() { return r*sin(theta); }double Mag() { return r;}double Phase() { return theta; }


double r, theta;


Complex z(10.0,8.0);cout << “Magnitude=“ << z.Mag() << endl;cout << “Real part=“ << z.Re() << endl;


Internal implentation now in polar coords

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Copy Constructor

• The copy constructor is a particular constructor that takes as its single argument an instance of the class

• Typically it copies its data into the new instance─ The compiler creates one by default that does exactly

this─ Not always what we want; need to take extra care when

dealing with objects that contain dynamically allocated components

Complex(Complex& z) { re = z.Re(); im = z.Im();}

Complex(Complex& z) : re(z.Re()), im(z.Im()) {}

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class Complex {public:

Complex(double x,

double y)…

Complex(Complex& z)…double Re() …double Im() …double Mag()


Phase() …private:

double r, theta;


Data hiding – summary

class Complex {public:

Complex(double x,

double y)…

Complex(Complex& z)…double

Re() …double

Im() …double

Mag() …double

Phase() …private:

double re, im;


Cartesian Polar

• Interface to the program remains unchangedComplex z(10.0,8.0);cout << “Magnitude=“ << z.Mag() << endl;cout << “Real part=“ << z.Re() << endl;

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C++ program organisation

• Complex.h

class Complex {public:

Complex(double x, double y); double Re();

double Im(); double Mag();

double Phase();

private:double re, im;


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C++ program organisation

• Complex.cpp• Scoping operator “::” makes it explicit that we are referring to

methods of the Complex class

#include “Complex.h”

Complex::Complex(double x, double y) {re = x; im = y;

} double Complex::Re() { return re; }double Complex::Im() { return im; }double Complex::Mag() {

return sqrt(re*re+im*im); }double Complex::Phase() { return atan2(im,re); }

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• An object (variable) can be declared as const meaning the compiler will complain if its value is ever changed

const int i(44);i = i+1; /// compile time error!

• It is good practice to declare constants explicitly

• It is good practice to declare formal parameters const if the function does not change them

int foo(BigClass& x);


int foo(const BigClass& x);

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• Why mention this now?─ In C++ const plays an important part in defining the class


• Class member functions can (sometimes must) be declared as const─ Means they do not change the value of the calling object─ Enforced by compiler

• Notice that as far as code in a class member function is concerned, data fields are a bit like global variables─ They can be changed in ways that are not reflected by the

function prototype─ Use of const can control this somewhat

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class Complex {public:

Complex(double x, double y) { re = x; im = y; }

double Re() { return re; }double Im() { return im; }double Mag() { return sqrt(re*re +

im*im);}double Phase() { return atan2(im, re);


double re, im;};

const Complex z(10.0, 8.0);cout << “Real part=“ << z.Re() << endl;

• This code will generate an error

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class Complex {public:

Complex(double x, double y) { re = x; im = y; }

double Re() const { return re; }double Im() const { return im; }double Mag() const { return sqrt(re*re +

im*im);}double Phase() const { return atan2(im,


private:double re, im;


const Complex z(10.0, 8.0);cout << “Real part=“ << z.Re() << endl;

• This code should now compile

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Function overloading

• C++ allows several functions to share the same name, but accept different argument types

void foo(int x);

void foo(int &x, int &y);

void foo(double x, const Complex c);

• The function name and types of arguments yield a signature that tells the compiler if a given function call in the code is valid, and which version is being referred to

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Function overloading

• We can define exp for the Complex class

#include <cmath>

Complex exp(const Complex z){

double r = exp(z.Re());Complex zout(r*cos(z.Im()),

r*sin(z.Im()));return zout;


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Methods versus functions

• When should we use a member function and when should we use a non-member function?

• exp(z) versus z.exp()

• Consider carefully how it will be used• Does it modify the instance?• Which presents the most natural interface?

• In this case I would go for exp(z)

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• Arithmetic

• Relational

• Boolean

• Assignment

• I/O streaming << >>


+ - * / %

== != < > <= >=

&& || !


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• Suppose we want to add two Complex variables together

• Could create a function:

Complex Add(const Complex z1, const Complex z2) {Complex zout(z1.Re()+z2.Re(),

z1.Im()+z2.Im());return zout;


• But it would it be much cleaner to write:

Complex z3;z3 = z1+z2;

• Boolean

• Assigment

Operator overloading

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• C++ exposes the definition of the infix notation a+b as a function (prefix notation)


• Since an operator is just a function, we can overload it

Complex operator+(const Complex z1,

const Complex z2) {Complex zout(z1.Re()+z2.Re(),


return zout;}

• Hence we can writeComplex z3;Z3 = z1+z2;

Operator overloading

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• z3=z1+z2• We have assumed that the assignment operator

(operator=) exists for the Complex class. • Define it like this:

Complex& Complex::operator=(const Complex& z1){

re = z1.Re();im = z1.Im();return *this;


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• Defn of operator= is one of the few common uses for the “this” pointer.

• z2=z1 is shorthand forz2.operator=(z1)

• operator= must be a member function• The left hand side (here z2) is implicitly passed in to

the function• Function returns a reference to a Complex. This

is so we can write z3=z2=z1;z3.operator=(z2.operator=(z1));

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• C++ does no array bounds checking (seg fault)

• Create our own safe array class by overloading the array index operator []

Operator overloading

class SafeFloatArray {public:

…float& operator[](int

i) {if ( i<0 ||

i>=10 ) {cerr <<

“Oops!” << endl;exit(1);

}return a[i];


private:float a[10];


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• Putting it all together: program to calculate frequency response of transfer function H(jw) = 1/(1+jw)

• Three files, two modules─ Complex.h and Complex.cpp─ Filter.cpp

• The first two files define the Complex interface (.h) and the method implementations

% g++ -c Complex.cpp% g++ -c Filter.cpp% g++ -o Filter Complex.o Filter.o -


Complete example

Compile source to object files

Link object files together with maths library (-lm) to create executable

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// Complex.h// Define Complex class and function prototypes//

class Complex { public: Complex(const double x=0.0, const double y=0.0); double Re() const; double Im() const; double Mag() const; double Phase() const; Complex &operator=(const Complex z);

private: double _re, _im;};

// Complex mathsComplex operator+(const Complex z1, const Complex z2);Complex operator-(const Complex z1, const Complex z2);Complex operator*(const Complex z1, const double r);Complex operator*(const double r, const Complex z1);Complex operator*(const Complex z1, const Complex z2);Complex operator/(const Complex z1, const Complex z2);

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#include <cmath>#include <iostream>#include "Complex.h"

// First implement the member functions// ConstructorsComplex::Complex(const double x, const double y) : _re(x), _im(y) {}Complex::Complex(const Complex& z) : _re(z.Re()), _im(z.Im()) {}

double Complex::Re() const { return _re; }double Complex::Im() const { return _im; }double Complex::Mag() const { return sqrt(_re*_re + _im*_im); }double Complex::Phase() const { return atan2(_im, _re); }

// AssignmentComplex& Complex::operator=(const Complex z){ _re = z.Re(); _im = z.Im(); return *this;}

// Now implement the non-member arithmetic functions// Complex additionComplex operator+(const Complex z1, const Complex z2){ Complex zout(z1.Re()+z2.Re(), z1.Im()+z2.Im()); return zout;}

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// Complex subtractionComplex operator-(const Complex z1, const Complex z2){ Complex zout(z1.Re()-z2.Re(), z1.Im()-z2.Im()); return zout;}

// scalar multiplication of ComplexComplex operator*(const Complex z1, const double r){ Complex zout(r*z1.Re(), r*z1.Im()); return zout;}

Complex operator*(const double r, const Complex z1){ Complex zout(r*z1.Re(), r*z1.Im()); return zout;}

// Complex multiplicationComplex operator*(const Complex z1, const Complex z2){ Complex zout(z1.Re()*z2.Re() - z1.Im()*z2.Im(), z1.Re()*z2.Im() + z1.Im()*z2.Re()); return zout;}

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// Complex divisionComplex operator/(const Complex z1, const Complex z2){ double denom(z2.Mag()*z2.Mag()); Complex zout((z1.Re()*z2.Re() + z1.Im()*z2.Im())/denom, (z1.Re()*z2.Im() - z1.Im()*z2.Re())/denom); return zout;}

// end of file Complex.cpp

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#include <iostream>#include "Complex.h"

using namespace std;

Complex H(double w){ const Complex numerator(1.0); const Complex denominator(1.0, 0.1*w); Complex z(numerator/denominator); return z;}

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ double w=0.0; const double stepsize=0.01; Complex z;

for (double w=0.0; w<100.0; w+=stepsize) { z = H(w); cout << w << " " << z.Mag() << " " << z.Phase() << endl; }


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Object-oriented programming

• An object in a programming context is an instance of a class

• Object-oriented programming concerns itself primarily with the design of classes and the interfaces between these classes

• The design stage breaks the problem down into classes and their interfaces

• OOP also includes two important ideas concerned with hierarchies of objects─ Inheritance─ polymorphism

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• Hierarchical relationships often arise between classes• Object-oriented design supports this through inheritance

• An derived class is one that has the functionality of its “parent” class but with some extra data or methods

• In C++class A : public B {…};

• Inheritance encodes an “is a” relationship

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class Window

Data: width, height posx, posyMethods: raise(), hide() select(), iconify()

class TextWindow

Data: cursor_x, cursor_y

Methods: redraw(), clear() backspace(), delete()

class GraphicsWindow

Data: background_colour Methods: redraw(), clear() fill()

class InteractiveGraphicsWindow

Data: Methods: MouseClick(), MouseDrag()

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• Inheritance is an “is a” relationship─ Every instance of a derived class is also an instance of the

parent class─ Example:

class Vehicle;class Car : public Vehicle { … };

─ Every instance of a Car is also an instance of a Vehicle─ A Car object has all the properties of a Vehicle

• Don’t confuse this with a “contains” or “composition” relationship.

class Vehicle {Wheels w[];


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• Polymorphism, Greek for “many forms”• One of the most powerful object-oriented concepts• Ability to hide alternative implementations behind a

common interface• Ability of objects of different types to respond in different

ways to a similar event• Example

─ TextWindow and GraphicsWindow, redraw()

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• In C++ run-time polymorphism invoked by the programmer via virtual functions

class Window {

…virtual void redraw();


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class A

class B class C

• Consider simple hierarchy as shown

• A is base class

• B and C both derive from A

• Every instance of a B object is also an A object

• Every instance of a C object is also an A object

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#include <iostream>using namespace std;

class A { public:

void func() {cout << “A\n”;


class B : public A { public:

void func() {cout<<"B\n"; }};

class C: public A { public:

void func() {cout << "C\n"; }};

void callfunc(A param){


int main(int argc, char* argv[]){

A x;B y;C z;



return 0;}

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machine code

global variables


local variable m

local variable 1return location

return value n

return value 1

parameter x

parameter 1


Activation record

Passing derived class objects into functions

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Passing derived class objects into functions

class A

class B class CB y;callfunc(y)

local variable m

local variable 1

return locationparameter (y|A)

callfunc activation record

void callfunc(A param){


• Callfunc takes a value parameter of class A• It expects an object of the right size to be on

the stack• The call above is legitimate but only the bit of y

that is an A will be copied onto the stack• Once “inside” the function the parameter can

only behave as an A

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RTTI and Polymorphism

#include <iostream>using namespace std;

class A { public:

virtual void func() {cout << “A\n”;


class B : public A { public:

void func() {cout<<"B\n"; }};

class C: public A { public:

void func() {cout << "C\n"; }};

void callfunc(A& param){


int main(int argc, char* argv[]){

A x;B y;C z;



return 0;}

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Passing derived class objects into functions

class A

class B class CB y;callfunc(y)

local variable m

local variable 1

return locationparam (&y)

callfunc activation record

void callfunc(A& param){


• Callfunc takes a reference to an object of class A• A reference is just a memory address• The call above is legit because objects of type B

are also of type A• Dereferencing param leads to y• Y can identify itself as being of class B, and so

can behave like a B if we want it to• Declaring func() to be virtual invokse this



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• A virtual function called from an object that is either a─ Reference to a derived class─ Pointer to a derived class

• Performs run-time type identification on the object that invoked the call, and will call the appropriate version

class A

class B class C

If the object is of type A then call A’s func()

If the object is of type B then call B’s func()

If the object is of type C then call C’s func()

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Abstract Base Class

• If class A defines func() asvirtual void func() = 0;then A has no implementation of func()

• class A is then an abstract base class ─ It is not possible to create an instance of class A, only

instances derived classes, B and C─ class A defines an interface to which all derived

classes must conform

• Use this idea in designing program components─ Specify interface, then have a guarantee of

compatibility of all derived objects

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Abstract Base Class

#include <iostream>using namespace std;

class A { public:

virtual void func()= 0;};

class B : public A { public:

void func() {cout<<"B\n"; }};

class C: public A { public:

void func() { cout << "C\n"; }};

void callfunc(A param){


int main(int argc, char* argv[]){

A x;B y;C z;



return 0;}

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Another example

• Consider a vector graphics drawing package• Consider base class “Drawable”

─ A graphics object that knows how to draw itself on the screen─ Class hierarchy may comprise lines, curves, points, images, etc

class Drawable {…virtual void Draw() = 0;

};class Line : public Drawable { … };

• Program keeps a list of objects that have been created and on redraw, displays them one by one

• This is implemented easily by a loop for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {


Must implement Draw();

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Abstract base class: example

• An abstract base class cannot be instantiated itself• It is used to define the interface• Consider spreadsheet

class Cell {virtual double Evaluate() = 0;


class Spreadsheet {private:

Cell& c[100][100];};

• By specifying the interface to Cell, we can implement Spreadsheet independently of the various types of Cell.

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Abstract base class

• Recall Euler’s method in “Structured Programming”

• Can achieve similar abstraction in a clean way using an abstract base class and polymorphism

class Euler { public:

Euler(Func &f);void Simulate(double x, double step, double time);

private:Func fn;


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Abstract base class

Euler::Euler(Func &f) : fn(f) {};

void Euler::Simulate(double x, double step, double time){

for (int t=0; t<time; t+=step) { x = x + step*fn(x,t); cout << x << endl;



XdotPlusX y;Euler e(y);e.Simulate();

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Abstract base classclass Func { public:

virtual double dx_by_dt(double x, double t) = 0;};

class XdotPlusX : public Func { public:

double dx_by_dt(double x, double t) { return –x;


class XdotPlusX2 : public Func { public:

double dx_by_dt(double x, double t) { return –x*x;


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• Templating is a mechanism in C++ to create classes in which one or more types are parameterised

• Example of compile-time polymorphism

class BoundedArray {public:

float& operator[](int i) { if (i<0 || i>=10) {

cerr << “Access out of bounds\n”;

return 0.0;} else {

return a[i];}


float a[10];};

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template <class Type>class BoundedArray {

public:Type& operator[](int i) {

if (i<0 || i>=10) {cerr << “Access out of bounds\n”;return Type(0);

} else {return a[i];


private:Type a[10];


BoundedArray<int> x;BoundedArray<Complex> z;

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template <class Type, int Size>class BoundedArray {

public:Type& operator[](int i) {

if (i<0 || i>=Size) {cerr << “Access out of bounds\n”;return Type(0);

} else {return a[i];


private:Type a[Size];


BoundedArray<int,10> x;BoundedArray<Complex,40> z;

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Design patterns

• Programs regularly employ similar design solutions• Idea is to standardise the way these are implemented

─ Code re-use─ Increased reliability─ Fewer errors, shorter development time

• An array is special case of a container type─ Way of storing a collection of possibly ordered elements.─ List, stack, queue, double-ended list, etc

• Templates in C++ offer a way of providing libraries to implement these standard containers

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Standard Template Library

• C++ provides a set of container classes─ Standard way of representing and manipulating container types

─ eg, methods insert(), append(), size(), etc

• STL supports─ Stack (FILO structure)─ List (efficient insertion and deletion, ordered but not indexed)─ Vector (extendible array)─ others

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STL example: vector

• std::vector<Type> is an extendible array• It can increase its size as the program needs it to• It can be accessed like an ordinary array (eg v[2])• It can report its current size

─ v.size()• You can add an item to the end without needing to know

how big it is─ v.push_back(x) #include<vector>

int main() { std::vector<int> v; for (int i=0; i<20; i++) v.push_back(i);

for (int i=0; i<v.size(); i++) std::cout << v[i] << std::endl;}

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STL vector

• To create a new STL vector of a size specified at run-time

int size;std::vector<Complex> z;

std::cin >> size;z.resize(size);

z[5] = Complex(2.0,3.0);

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STL vector, continued

• To create a two dimensional array at run-time

int width, height;std::vector< std::vector<int> > x;

x.resize(height);for (int i=0; i<height; i++)x[i].resize(width);

x[2][3] = 10;…

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STL vector, continued

• The vector class implements a number of methods for accessing and operating on the elements

─ vector::front - Returns reference to first element of vector.─ vector::back - Returns reference to last element of vector.─ vector::size - Returns number of elements in the vector.─ vector::empty - Returns true if vector has no elements.─ vector::capacity - Returns current capacity (allocated memory) of vector. ─ vector::insert - Inserts elements into a vector (single & range), shifts later

elements up. O(n) time.─ vector::push_back - Appends (inserts) an element to the end of a vector,

allocating memory for it if necessary. O(1) time.─ vector::erase - Deletes elements from a vector (single & range), shifts later

elements down. O(n) time.─ vector::pop_back - Erases the last element of the vector, O(1) time. Does

not usually reduce the memory overhead of the vector. O(1) time.─ vector::clear - Erases all of the elements. (This does not reduce capacity).─ vector::resize - Changes the vector size. O(n) time.

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Iterators• A standard thing to want to do with a collection of data

elements is to iterate over each─ for (int i=0; i<v.size(); i++)

• Not all container types support indexing─ A linked list has order, but only relative order

• An iterator is a class that supports the standard programming pattern of iterating over a container type

std::vector<int> v;std::vector<int>::iterator i;for (it=v.begin(); it!=v.end(); it++) …

• An iterator encapsulates the internal structure of how the iteration occurs

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Concept summary• Classes

─ Encapsulate related data and functions together• Interface

─ Clearly define mechanisms for how program can interact with an object of a given class

─ Minimise side-effects─ Hide private data, const constant data and functions

• Inheritance─ Class hierarchies─ Use of abstract base class to create a generic interface

• Polymorphism─ Ability of objects in the same class hierarchy to respond in

tailored ways to the same event• Templates

─ The ability to create generic code that is type agnostic until instantiated at compile time

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Complete example

• Design a program to compute a maze─ User-specified size ─ Print it out at the end

• Algorithm─ Mark all cells unvisited─ Choose a start cell─ While current cell has unvisited neighbours

• Choose one at random• Break wall between it and current cell• Recursively enter the chosen cell

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Design data structures

• Maze class─ Compute method─ Print method─ Two dimensional array of Cells

• Cell class─ Accessor methods─ Break wall methods─ Wall flags─ Visited flag

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Cell class interface

class Cell { public: Cell();

bool Visited(); void MarkVisited(); bool BottomWall(); bool RightWall(); void BreakBottom(); void BreakRight();

private: bool bottomwall; bool rightwall; bool visited;


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Maze class interface

class Maze {public:

Maze(int width, int height);void Compute(int x, int y);void Print();


int Rand(int n);int H, W;std::vector< std::vector<Cell> > cells;
