B5F Stanislavski

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  • 7/22/2019 B5F Stanislavski



  • 7/22/2019 B5F Stanislavski


    Constantine Stanislavski

    Born in Moscow, Russia in 1863.

    An actor and moved on to become a director

    and teacher.

    He developed a new approach to acting.

    It took years of experimenting to get to what

    is now known as the Stanislavski System.

  • 7/22/2019 B5F Stanislavski


    Stanislavski's System

    As an actor, Stanislavski saw alot of bad acting - what hetermed as artificial.

    He wanted actors to work oncharacters from the inside(instead of the outside) andthus create more of a "true" or

    "real" (i.e. not artificial)performance.

  • 7/22/2019 B5F Stanislavski


    What is it?

    The Stanislavski System is

    an intense character

    development process that

    strives to make a

    performance "real" andnot artificial by:

    1. Bringing an actor's

    experiences into the role.

    2. Expanding an actor's


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    Stanislavski believed that in orderto make a character true, thecharacter must be approachedfrom the inside. That meansdrawing on the real inside life of

    the actor, most specificallydrawing on memories. The actoralso has to create the inside lifeof the character: the characterhas to have inner thought, backstory, beliefs, and so on, just as a

    real person does. When the actoranswers questions about thecharacter, they should speak inthe first person. "I am..." "Iwant..."

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    Given Circumstances

    The given circumstances are

    the character details in the

    script - the facts the

    playwright gives the actor.

    What has the playwright

    told us?

    Location of the play?

    Time/period/year it is set?

    People in the play?

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    Units (of action) & Objectives

    Break the script down intounits (sections).

    A unit (aka beat)is a

    portion of a scene thatcontains one objectiveforan actor.

    There can be more than oneunit that occurs during ascene.

    Every unit has an objectivefor each character.

    An objective is expressed

    through the use of an activeverb.

    Not necessarily what

    happens, but this is whatthe character is striving for

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    Super Objective

    The Super Objective isthe main theme of theplay.

    The subject of the play.

    Everything drives

    toward the SuperObjective.

    When all the objectivesare strung together in alogical form, a throughline of action can bemapped out for thecharacter.

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    Stanislavski insisted that anactor was either driven byemotions or by the mind tochoose physical actions.

    This in turn aroused thewill of the actor to performthe given actions. Thus, thewill became activated

    indirectly through eitheremotions or the mind.

    The will or motivation is inthe subconscious.

    Motivation becomeimportant in realism, it isbased on the subtext andany hidden meanings.

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    Subtext refers to themeaning lyingunderneath the text/dialogue.

    The subtext is notspoken, but is

    interpreted by the actorthrough, gesture,posture, pauses orchoices in the action.

    There is a clear

    relationship betweenSubtexts & dialogue andbetween subtext andobjective

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    Magic If

    In Realismwhere the aim of theactor is to create the appearanceof reality or truth on stage.

    Your character is in a specific

    situation. The Magic If answersthe following question: "Whatwould I do if I were in the samesituation?

    The "If" is very important. Thisabout your real life experiences,in combination with yourimagination.

    The situation is not real, and thesystem doesn't assume you haveever been in that situation. Butknowing yourself, what wouldyou do? How would you act?

    Take the imaginary situation andmake real life decisions as to howyou would behave.

    It's crucial to determine the "do"in the question. What actionwould you take?

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    Learning to divide the roleinto sensible units that canbe worked on individually,

    and developing the ability todefine each unit of the role

    by an active goal desired bythe character rather than asan entirely literary idea.

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    Motivation or will, as Stanislavski called it, was part

    of a triumvirate, the other two

    members being feelings and mind.' In his earlier

    techniques, he considered these three to be

    masters or impelling movers in our psychic life

    Stanislavski insisted that an actor was either driven

    by emotions or by the mind to choose physical

    actions. This in turn aroused the will of the actor toperform the given actions. Thus, the will became


    indirectly through either emotions or the mind.6 The

    implication here was that the will or motivation was inthe subconscious. Stan would ask questions of

    WHO? WHAT and HOW? to make a character treat it

    as a journey

  • 7/22/2019 B5F Stanislavski


    Stanislavski Circles of Attention is a

    theory devised by Stanislavski to helpactors feel less tensed on stage. It

    comprises of three circles that an actor

    can focus concentration on. An actor issupposed to focus on a small circle,

    extend focus to the medium circle and

    eventually extend focus on the largercircle.

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    Name of technique Questions Your answers

    Magic if If I was this character, what

    would I be thinking, what

    would I do if I was involved?

    The given circumstance What time is it set


    The story of the play


    Conditions of life


    Journey of motivation Where?

    What u want?

    Where you going?


    After achieving?

    Visualisation Look like, age, height,


    Obstacles Whatsin the way?