BA-Fashion Design Portfolio Marleen Peters University of Applied Arts Pforzheim

BA Fashion Design Portfolio - Marleen Peters

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B A - F a s h i o n D e s i g n P o r t f o l i o

M a r l e e n P e t e r sU n i v e r s i t y o f A p p l i e d A r t s P f o r z h e i m

V i t a


03/2014 - present University of Applied Arts Pforzheim Bachelor of Arts Fashion

2000 - 2013 Freie Waldorfschule Wangen im Allgäu (Rudolf Steiner school Wangen, Germany) schoolleavingcertificate:diplomafromGerman secondary school qualifying for university admission or matriculation


08.02.2016 - 19.03.2016 Wood Water Films costumers assistant cinefilmproduction„Schneeblind“

03/2015 - present chairwoman nonprofitassociation Cafe Roland e.V

03/2014 - 03/2015 second chairwoman non-profitassociation Cafe Roland e.V

09/2013 - 02/2014 internship fashion designer JungDesignDistributionStuttgart

Marleen Peters23. Januar 1994 in Wangen im Allgäu, GermanyTel: 0049157/39611753Email: [email protected]

14.03.2011 - 01.04.2011 internship psychiatric institution WeissenauRavensburgGermany care and instruction of clients 10/2010-10/2011 Projectwork-„Artwear“-wearableartor unwearablefashion theory:skilledwork praxis:eightoutfits mentoring:WandaKnüpfer

06/2010 - 08/2010 internship costume cineproduction„Weilichschönerbin“ Filmgalerie 451 Berlin, Germany

05/2010 internship fashion Mimi - textile Antiquitäten Berlin, Germany studio, sale, rental, shootings

05/2009 internship goat farm Carrus, south of France working at the farm and the cheese dairy

10/2007-10/2008 projectwork:demonstrationofhumansinthe history of art theory:skilledwork praxis:artisticcontention mentoring:ElisabethSauterleute

01/2007 - 08/2013 Student school of arts Sauterleute Leutkirch im Allgäu, Germany

Languages German native English Goodunderstandingofbothwrittenandspoken French basicknowledge

Russian basicknowledge

EDV- knowledge PowerPoint,AdobeIllustrator,AdobePhotoshop, AdobeInDesign

W o m e n s w e a r P r o j e c t

M o o d :

m e t a m o r p h

m u l t i f a c e t e d

u n c o n t r o l l e d

c o n s c i o u s

P e r s o n :

f e e l

m o v e

a b s o r b

a d a p t i v m e t h a m o r o p h o s i s

C o n c e p t :

t r a n s f o r m a t i o n

i n f l u e n c e s

p o s t u r e

m e t a m o r p h o s e

s t a g e s

l a y e r s

i n s i d e - o u t s i d e

p o i n t o f v i e w


shapes. Adaption, an assimilation at changed circumstan-ces of the natural environment any self regulated system.

Thecollection„adaptivemetamorphosis“takesthesetopics and links them to the human conditions and the resultant expression of posture.

Humans have to assimilate and deal with every aspect that bothersanddisturbsthem.Someaspectsareknowinglyexpressedwhileothersarebeingtriedtohide.Everytimewe shut ourself, we involuntary open an other side of us. As a result we have displacements, overlays, closure and opening, and with this a transformation of our posture.

Thecollection„adaptivemetamorphosis“includesadapta-blegarments.Atfirstsightthetransformationisn‘treallynoticeableandseemstobeinexplicable.Aslowtransfor-mation from a collar to a cowl, from short to long, from covered to uncovered, from folded to unfolded, from ope-ned to closed or the other way round.

s i l h o u e t t e

m a p p i n g

d r a p i n g

d r a p i n g

d e s i g n






d t




l d




M e n s w e a r P r o j e c t

i n s p i r a t i o n

IwasbornonanstreetinChina,onastreetinthemiddleofnowhere,onastreetthatcombinesthemountains and the cities. On a street where passing carsraisedupdustthattoldstories.Storiesaboutmy,to me unknown ancestors and how they lived, stories aboutthefuturehowitseemedasvagueasthesun-lightthatbreaksintheswirledupdust.

Peculiar mysterious sounds, hidden shapes slowly risingaboveancharmingaswellasperfectlystagedplayofcoloursburningintomyspirit.Itresemblesaharmonious symphoniy that went right through me and manifests itself here and now in a composition wichcombinestheunknownancestorswiththefuturethat seems so vague to me.

A symphony that gave me the strength to accept my unknownancestryaswellasmyunknownpathtofindmyselfandacceptmyselfthewayIam.Itaccompa-nies me from this day on, grows and develops itself to my concert, the concert of my life.

d i s c o v e r e d b e t w e e n t w o w o r l d s




d b


k d










d s










s h o r t p r o j e c t t e c h n i c a l a n a l y s i s m e n s w e a r

i l l u s t r a t i o n

f r e e d r a w i n g

thank you for your t ime!