Babes With Vibes a.k.a. Terri’s Slumber Party

Babes With Vibes a.k.a. Terri’s Slumber Party. xxx Babes With Vibes: Terri, Angie, Helyn, Sherry, Denise, & Angela

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Babes With Vibes

a.k.a. Terri’s Slumber Party


Babes With Vibes: Terri, Angie, Helyn, Sherry, Denise, & Angela

Terri served us yummy food AND delectable dicks!!


Goodies Galore!!


Every girl needs one of these!

Our Hostess Lisa explains her “merchandise”

… and she has the group’s full attention!

What if I can’t

remember what to do

with it?

…she’s a

typical blonde


Inquisitive minds want to know…

Are these things really


I can’t believe I

know these women!

… just what the hell…

I thought this was a

Tupperware Party!!

Like I’m gonna

use that!

I’m really going to hell now… Hail


When can I see what’s in

the bag?!?

… they were doing here!

Is it too late to tell

Angie I don’t want the job??

I wonder if it’s too late

to go to church

tonight? …Hail Mary…

I wonder which of

those products you can put in a sippy cup??

Was it left arm

lickey and right arm

sniffy? I’m



Any more questions before I


…And the hands-on fun begins!


Sara and Helyn examining the “tools”

…hmm a variable speed model!

Do you have to plug it in???


Angela and Sharon with “King Tut”

My gosh it’s big!!

I bet I could find all kinds of uses for


Helyn models the “tongue” …

I’ve always wanted a

tongue like this!

… but Terri shows us how it’s REALLY done!

They didn’t know that I used to be a

sword swallower for

Ringling Bros.!

… and then it was Angie’s turn!

I haven’t had this much fun since the hogs ate my little


Terri adds a little “tasty” fun!

Open wide! All good vibes need a little “cream” to make them

taste better!!

Are you sure this is whatI’m supposed to

do with it?!?

Terri explains the proper hold.

Listen up girls! I’m telling

you…. It’s all in the way you

grip ‘em!

Then it was time to order!

…I’ll take 12 of


They actually

sell these?!?

Lickety stiff…

hmm… …and Terri

thinks SHE’S the wild one!! 1

chocolate, 2 wild


Should I use my

real name…

I wonder how many free toys I

can get tonight???

Helyn asks questions before she buys

…and what exactly do you use it


And this is what we call a butt


Duh, Helyn! It’s for gassy partners! And everyone thinks I’m the dumb blonde!

Angela and Denise show off their favorite vibes!

Move over Vanna… here cums Helyn!

Gives new meaning to the term “Dick head” doesn’t it!!

What every hostess needs!!