VOL. XL-NO. 121. NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. 9 IXJESpAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 23, 1875. PRICE THREE CENTS. subscriber offersforsale a, fall $tQck of Men's, Youths? iinfl Buoys' course aiid fine BOOTS, suitable for Fall and Winter wear. These goods are of excellent quality, lia¥ing been made .specially to order* and, coming direct from the manufac- turers^can be sold at the lowest pos siblei figures. Alsbi, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Buttoned and Laced Boots of air varie- ties, special care having been taken to get goods ftiat will wear well. :of all kinds.; ; " General Engraver Also Dealer In Bank, Rubber and Steel Slumps. Tli following articles EnRrsvod in first-class styJe: tillvur ware. Dour Hato*, Wtddlop and .Vlaltlng Qards, Coffin Plates, flue btenclls for LUtep.oud laBcrliiUnn I'latc of ilUlridi.- Wood HngravUijtau'd Jett done In flrutclsss order.- ••> '••'• ••••<i KIMBALL, 35 DUN NIB ! . New Brunswick, P 2 ACE ;; ; STBE : ET, jaew ; Brunswick^ ))' /yiOPPOSITE' TUB POST-OFFICE, J ;./ "-.;, ':,X ... . ..•: OF ETC,, 1 AT* NO. 4 li IN.G B : 'JL. O CK t ' ,i ; -;> ..;Now ready tlio ; ...,-.. Broadway Style of'Gents'.Silk ; Hat, ,, ;•.,.;,;, :; ; &ents' Stiff and Soft Felt ;Hat,s Of all tho latest Btyles ami qualities, and at prices to eult all who favor them with a call. Gent's ftrnisMiig Goods, Umbrellas, Canes, Gloves^ ; Etc. Agents for the GLOVE-FITTING SHIRT. 'Also Agent's for tlio Sihger Irriprbved .Sewing^Machines ^UNeedJes for all Sewing Machines. mis-aim • • " : •- — • ; ^Dissolution of Partnership. Tho firm herctoiotc dialing under the! name of FRANKENSTEIN. & SICHEL has thiB day*#ecn diasolYcd liy mutual consent. An early Bettlemt'iit of all nccounta due the firm itf respectfully requested, ami all claims against tlio firm should likewiBO be pre- sented for pigment. ! i p The business of the. late firm will ho Continue^ at the Old Stand, by; tie uudprHl(viic(l; : wlio, thnnkfu) for tho llbcrnl share of patronngo -extended to ibis UOUBO heretofore, hopes to be nblo to merit a couUmiuliou of ftiyor. . KL&IER No. 11 Peace Street, New Brunswick. Je32-5m I •c . • . - .• , . , v^ GEITKEIi, • •. ;.:;-v REPAIRER' AND GRINDER OF , RAZORS,ANIVJSS, SQIS- SOUS, Etc?,'Etc.','"''' ."'• ' NO. 43 NEIL3ON BUtDIT. QrdcrB-pro'triptly attended to.' ' - myl7-ly Josteri & TAILO;RS,: .WO; 32 AXBANYSTH.EET. \ A fresh supply of Imported Clotlm, Cassi- meroa, etc., on hand, which will'benmde up In tlio latest style. ' rfcuuriiig.i Clfaulng and He- lairing VllI bo carrieilou an liCretolofe. "* *' \ (jcuiltimcu'ij owuMaterial cuttuuil made lo order."" '•'• ' '•' '*• • niyll-ly TUNER;/ Orders left at PROF.• SCnNEEWEISS' Georgo 6treet? ftcd at my Residence, 23 Albany Street, , will bp promptly atteutled to. . .. . 8eU-1ywCimio& • - J OIIGUTOS, * ' ' Failor and I&cetalor Clothe* Vleuucr anil Repairer. Assortment of £ocoud-haud Clothing. '.Veck-tion, gollurB, Etc., Etc. 3i, XJennis r3tr©et| ' . -. One Door from corner" of Uiram street' ' apli-ly . ..-•. ; ...- -. SOMETHING- NEW. MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES CLEANED, XtJUPAlHED AND RESET. - , Fences Reset nnd Painted.' All work n'cai- ly doiio and warranted, . . \ • I ..,.,• Addrea N. S. M., New Brunawlck P. O. A New p AT THE OLD STAJND, COR. DENNIS and 1IIHAM STS. The OYSTER and DININGSALOON will bo continued. Linuort of all kinds. Traf t's Lagiir on draught.. Boiml(u£ aud I^odg- lug lor man aud homo. C. SCI1ICK. mult-ly , Titus' Express and P & l'aBBcpgeTB or Bi_ ol the city, ut ubq/t Erotica.', ,\ . - Also, liaggatftf chocked to f •20 hoiucraot Street; FNMussinan, Steam Dyer &Scourer, NO. 93 CUUBCII bTREKT, -- BaiO-dir —.---—-New Drunawlck,- N. J. : The New Jersey Fxpress Company havo removed their oiiicb from tliu corner ol Church und Uennis Rlrcuts to ' ' I\<>. HO AJ,H,vr\Y ri'l'ICHIVf. .'•:•• W. II, B1LBEE, Ag.ait.,, J. II. AUKERMAK, au])'t. joi-Om 1 The Havana Five- Cent Cigar in ami fnc tu red at No. 24 Hiram street; and all other kinds of Cigars, domestic aud luipuilud. BXaOJtXNCl AMD OHBWING TO- BACCOS by (tic 1b. und iii packages. . A general assortment uf Plpea mid Tobacco BOXUB, and other urifalGs in our-linu. my8-ly JOHN 0. WIKOFF. Opening fbr tlie Wmter 1 PEEPAftE FOR , IM : WINDER !• For Ibo coming season we havo agaio rUBde, special srrrnigct'ncrits. whicb, togetlior With Btrict attention to our business; aiid our' practice tj BUYFOIS CASH, will give our customers full assurance that we bayeldoked to their interest'as .well as ours, and COF1FJ3ES, direct from theiiinportera, at"2B, 80, 8B, 38Conta per lb.;,•;. .-• ' XJEA S , by tho'Invoicoprlcei at40, BO,;p.0,70,.80 cents, best. •,.'.., New Valencia Raisins, 12i CtsJb. Currants "9b. per 115; Best Citron '^Scj'lb. . CA'NVJBD G O O D S , under special arrangements, lo.vror thnn ever. . . Choiceat ncwFrench 'PRUNES at H cents per lb. f " ' * ' ' ' '•.'•' SOAP at manufacturers'prices. ; ;• '; . • BUTTER, BUTtER, BUTTER, Headquarters for best Orango'County Butter;' at wiioleaalc nnd rolail. . Being the direct agents tor Iheso Dairies,wo will sell at first coat, tiicreby making only tt small commission from the producer. We are also dealers in ' .. u . , ' • , . . ' , .;. . | ...• i- , , ' •,. "Wltoicsalo nnitriiot«}U'i . ' ' . . ••:-.'• ' " , . . ' • ! Come to this old and reliable Firm, and'aatiBfy^yotirsUf as to oar Roods. ' No in- ^uceuicut except ONE LOW PRICE for the best :Groceries. .. .••... , WEINSTOGK &: ;KAUFMANN, ^ 'Street,' SUCCESSOU8 TO PROF. GARLAND Mis si c Sto re. Masonic THK LEADINO I'OI'ULARM ,. J..& 0. FISCHfR ana other PIANOS. Loring & ! Blake's Celebrated Organs. PRINCE i CO:S SWEET.rONED OROANS: ANDMEL0DE0N&. Pianos, Ograns and ONLY.' Wlelodeohs to Rent OR SOLD ON MONTHLY 1 INSTALMENTS. Musical instruments of Every description: -Violina, Aceordeons, Guitars, Concertinas, Flutos, Ilarmonlco'ns, Piccolo's, Tainliorincs, 'lageoliils,,Bonca, Banjiis,:Drums, Fifes,: 1 Triangles, Pitch Pipes; Tuning Forks,..lew's Harps, MiiBieBoxesV Violin Blrliiis, Guitar Strings, Banjo glrhiKs. ' -• • HEETi• M;TJ^IG~-fhe; largest'Collection ..e'yer kepp ia this city. !* ChcnpiMiisical Publications, JLHolff.s Cheap Classical . !; Music, Ilitclicock's Dime and Half Dime Music. MUSIC BOOKS of every acscHptioa, for SnhSajj', Public anaPrivate Schools; Pianos.Orpnns andMelodeons Timed by an experiencedjTnnerfromJNew York. Frisbie'-. & -Fklier's General Music Store, W I i W ( i hli B i k N J HOIMIHY1.T WIa8onic 1 hlisw Brunswick, N. J. A largo nnd.Cdiuplolc (lock of. PDRN1TUUE cohstMitly on band. I would respect- fully invite attention tomy stock of Parlor and Bed Boom Furniture, which 1 nt low prices. Call nntl uxnmine, NO. 27 ALBANY STKEET, New llrunswick, N. ,T. - , ]cill ly i. H. Armstrong MAHUFAUTUUEU OS 1 STO YES, •tel 111, Til a i i C o i p Ware, Mot Air Furnacefi, Hiingea and Ualtlmoro Ileat- ur», iMttuibiiig, (ian anddtuuiu Fitting, No. S King Block, Now Brunbwlckj N. J. MAKHLE AND MAUBLKIZEDBLATE MANTLES, Urucket Sliclvca, Ilurcaii Tops, Jlcarths, Floor Tllcu, UoollBijSlate, «tc. I would cull tho At'.<;iitUin of Architects, DutMuri} and huUBcilteuuerrt to my (W. II. Arm- strong's) Patent Hot Air lUngo, ihnt will fur- nish llot Water, through'the building, lloilr IJuko, Hoaat iui^ Warm tho House, with tlio siirno tlr6. t'lfty'uf thc.io bcuuttlul HIUI^OB in ojivrution iiithhciiy, ivnd uveryone giving t-n- llru Biitiftfuctlon. . >•., Jt'4 FINE LARGE Building Lots and Villa Plots, AT FUIVATE SALK AND ON KABY TJEUMH, AT )tlilil|iw< Cimiily, N. J,, on tlio linn of tlio Now York nnd l'Mliulolplilii Jtnlttuiui, Only nun mlln noulli went fiiini Now lliui»wli:k city, lining ujum I.lvliipilon nvcniin nnd other flno tvouuet, 'I'lui [JII\JI vnry III iloplli from I no fret tn 'Jon frat, nnd linvn W) lo 100 foul front, ()»!,/ono tMnl fWi required. 'Ilie raynlmlt.r upon lioml am! morli/tiffe, payuhfo in 1'irenynirn 'Jf(/,, A Run i,|,t'iilug fur aranlui;» innkcr null nlivulwilj'.lrl, fur i\ Inililicr, liiikr^TJiiinli innknr nlo. A Warranty |)I.<'(1 will ti 'f VVWiVlt II0IIHK.1 *in iillM.lj' Mrc(cil. 'I'wo IH'IIHIUIHK lut niilwritirr «l)l Ini mild un Illif ral t«ttun. HBNRY K. HQW, ,l'M<'ii0litii vbiti—, Wtw IIIIIII.BI, W, nj J, At |HOW'P Nurseries, Jdl-Ounllimw sters in Every Style. INCREASED FACILITIES. IVIi?s. J. H. cccc oooo o 3 C c;cco o ItRURR n : O 'lt : " ; R o o 0 O' 0 o o 9000 •It '''"••I R H It imrin " it u it it it R It , R NN N N N EEEEEE L N E N 'N N N N ;N-..'.M..-' E- - • . E ' . EI5EEE N N E L L .L L L L •L It It N N N E 1, NN E L Ii L L NN EEEEEE 1X.LLL LLLLL Respectfully Informs her numerous Customers and the public in general that she has recently fitted up, in addition to her commodious Ladies' and - Gentlemen's Refreshment Rooms, THREE LARGE ROOMS, For the accommokation of LADIES and PRIVATE PARTIES, which are recwhed by a private entrance, thus obviating the necessity of passing through the main &aloo)i. . . . - , . . . . . . . She has secured the services of a <FIRST-CLASS BAKER and ORNA- MENTER of FANCX OAJCI1. " ' . ; •PARTIfiS. AND WEDDINGS SUPPLIED.' FAUtS AND FM87WALS 8UVPLIMD WITH 1I1K JSMS1 ICE viWAM-A'j. xbiPiyr OMNTS. \AH . , » » . ! r- , > THE N. B. DAILY TIMES, Published Every Evening, in VENTS A WEEK JVflEN DELIVERED IVY OAltlt/Ji'M OK SEVEN i)oriiiAim A YMAR IN ADVANUH. ()(n- JcWllUNO OFKIOK, iiftor ixgrout outlny, m now mm o( Ilia mnnt> Odin |iluU'ly I'liriiinliitil In tho KiuU-, Ko that wu unit oxotmto (ivory kind of work in lli<ilii|>liwlHly)i)<>rtliM,iirl, \V« iwk un niriimuliun ol our HIVIII|>U>'H um" li'ul ourtuin that our priciM will ho found rumiumitilo. Tlio.DAILY TIM1M in rend l.y HIIIIOHI, ovcry Inmlly In Now llrutiflr/lck IHIIIIH rogiirdod on a miaommry mli|uiiot to lliu uiwilurt ol » lioiwaliolil. Hotli of thijKo |m|itii« Imvu n. lurgo nnd dully immmnlnir olrouliillon nnd urn ryitd hy ftll ( i l y n ol'tjii) nomtnnnH.y. •_ ^ ^ N OTICK. In luiiulijr «l»iiii llml (Jnuriio W riiniiln i.r llio tiiwimlil),,,( llnHtmi In Hi. !'"" l ?"/ ?"' W '""'» *f«W--W Nw J«l«* un, NK*r,, i DENTIST, tlO, l,H!IVINK»TltKKT, |.III*I*I(IIU mr ut IIIK ri«ui,,,t,i«| *a.|,p«>*iii»|. iaHI\i l IMllelll uf til. tmilltiirv, MMI th.t On mtlil ltiirn tinml imtillilt lli»lr rMncmlv, vlm lh HIllli>lll^ iiftilcnmlh BHIrlii» ' k • ' ' K.T, 1»,MlA Dutml Niiiciiiuiir In, 11170, EDUCATION] ELiOCIJT MISS KA.TJE S . . will resume her instruction l! aiid STUDY.OF SHE aud private puplls/on MONI r. "t-T^w - - - [ON. IA.MX.IN ELOCUTION ABE, to clwiun AY, SEPT. 27. A'ddreio'P.. O. Box i Scburemaa.street.: >>. , o- coll at'No. lit lTad SCHOOL. Rutgers, College Grammar School, BUSINESS, 0M8SICAI,, uplla received at any tim Kev. ABUA7IAM TIIOMP bN, Vnr. I). T. UEILKVi Aa« . J, A. M, Rector, late Iteclur. - . . PRICES XIIE VERY I )WEST at Sveiy Article ifpirf IE VERY. ] *§' .. . BlfJMSTQRE, NO. 19 rj3J.CE S BOOKS; FnotofrimrdhSl.:, ail23l»»8m - i MEET, , UBrunswick, H.J BABG^INS •NTS. Lord •& VINU'PUKOIUBED THE EWIIlE IIAV , OP ALEADING,IMP0BTE Black Gashme WILL OPfSli ON ASD-A] rEKNo'y.4i 300 I'lUDUN ,VT LKSN 'r ,, ,. .. .PF.IraPOIMfA^ION, HOODQUALITIES AT 67 l-2o . i. . . Alsn, COLOUED Bll ies 1 Suits aul Over Dresses. ; A LAK0E LOT OPOVElt"l BESSES-'lNALT.' 'aylor 3 BALANCE 'S BTOOK OP :e .Silks, THAN COSf 1 and (.1.25. •I,. TBIdALS'' AT »S, : 8lij; ••;'-' SAME, WITH BLACK DltliSS, »55 FOR THE BITIT. CAMKI/BIIAIKBUlTd, cod OASIIMKMi 8BIT5, at ISO. ALL THIMMKI) IN THEM Also, MI83K3' and HOYS' 8U1 jt\A upwardi at equally AH tbo Fanhlnnablo Ely or Camel's ICO ami «10. f. CAMEL'S IIAIK IIT. BHMEKE 0VEP. ' At VERY LOW P, SEAW IN OKKAT VAKIKTy. BBOM A fa WltAI ELEGANT nnd IMMENSE BT( OUILUilEN'a UNUKIiWE LE93T1IANC >loto, anil BLACK mrr STYLES. ,8, Irom ^wo yoaxa Aw pricoa. ' d Shades of lair I..O-D-S- ;iOEb. &•-•'-• $1,000 INDIA TO LAUIK8' ELEGANT J'REN SI10K9 AT SO. WOKTII 80. LADIES'PINE PEUBLK00 AT (8 AND (I. CHILDREN'S GOOD FITTI SCHOOL SHOES AT 42, WORT .IIADi:. UOUUI 15 I!XTIin»IONl lilLLIS SoLIi. 1 * .IX Ii FlllCKS. -LIGHT WARM OVF.RSIIOJ! mado oxiircssly for tills hou P11ICE9. BLANKETS. FLANNELa. CO THE BEST QUALIT1K3 O . QyODfl nnd DOMF.STIO " PUIOES THAN OTIS'llRO'B'RAILWAYKL , STANT U8E TO UITI Broadway, cor, 201 Only ono block wo.it of f Grand Street, cor, Onu Uocl£ east of nolo-tDtat LEIPZ1GER No. 235 Peace ^VDOLPH STAHB JOSEPlA Newark Lager Beer , , , 1 1 5 , 1 8 . . TIIENOU, OKHMAV, ESGLI8U Hi AMBU10AN wM.iasa JACKETS »t to,» , tn, i ' Also, PUBLINED and FUR-T Seal Sacques at $10) IILACK 8ILK 9UIT3 AT »M, BLACK BILK DRESS, WIT OVER DRK38, »C5 FOR THE IUMED CLOAKS. and $110. 0KorLADIE3'and R.al COST and 3T. HI KID BUTTON T BUTTON SHOES' O AND DURABLE IIJ8.W . „ and SIN«LF. and IDAIC- l LUU i, tn great variety, o, Af POPULAR FOET3 AND.ALL HOUSEKJiEP- AT LOWER :VKR, :VATORS IN CON- JJ 1X00K3. Street, N.Y. urtb ETonuo. < hrystlc, N.Y fowery. Street, Proprietor. rnnen AND FREE LUNCH from 0 t< I.1QU0K8 OP BEST QUA] hiiiiil. ARNOLD, CONiJT Broadway,cor. IDth St., N. Y., scison, tbo Latino lit . :. • KOKMKh rhl<JKH, 53. .t33ctintji, trortli 40. i.VW " " WACO will Bull, for the'rcmnlmlAt-Af t ' at their fttool OREAT REDUCTIONS 1'itO: Dress G )od Plalil and Btil|i«l Mlxnl (l<md< tin. ilo. di,. Kntokurhockci. n( 41) w n t a , \vi Calnur» Hair, Hnow Klaku and h Black Silks •an US in ttri'iHioi', ritiiai j'oil! •IK. 1W " " fllm. Tl.. •,.;'..IklMol.rllaVfl till, l-OI.uRKIIHlI.Urt, In all til luallllitB, at altrnctlva prlwa, 1 at tlidr ; Broohe S lawls In Hi" N.» ftlylea an.l C. l.itlM Ixiruiiiptiiry and fltrl|«lamlrial'lll«Trr,Olt Bt Rnmt rmlurtlim. uipntN anil itl tli« Ni>wi.Kl Htrl<> HKAMtlUN .MI'KHIrl. M an.l kili...r.i ry Iii full nxBorlununt, at «>lti<m« Arnold, Oonst Nutlro In Alii N OTIOIO Utinnhy nlv. tanhiiiont liituboniifo t'tiUCtfiirt uf tliflii'xiut/ ti mluif MnHlii It, C.MIHIM el mot', nwnlupt tht'Hotnln Hint (irmlltlt. 11i(ll!*«V" I'H'l Cl (.moiiliiorJoliiiir rndoii, iiiiHrioii i))0 cn«n nit iihiiiilft iliton liuinliffl hit'l futirlnui ml, A! II. OHAIti, KH II IIOOKH, I'AMI'lll.ll Ittti,, tii'diiy, WMHWJ iiml (ilii!»|>ly ilM on Draught, COOL. 113 o'clock'a. m. [TV conttftutly on BLE & CO., mer |>rtct) |3.!i5, I<in Hhtrioi, in t\ lunVn.1 i:ti hi litK' 1 Mnurt Kb ANI> I10AH, llt iWo & Co. cliiminl, tint wilt nf ni ' (ink d( 111" Oil- ' '., »l tin A. lUuh II s I'lmttnlt, Huh[i Inr tlm .mil ul MI iiiimlinii mul i. 1111,1,, Olr'tk. •H, OAIIKH. ! KtlllHlllltltlallr < Illfd ! FALL AND WINTER We invite our friend and patrobs to caU and exnmiu'e' '•' '-" : - * •- - ; ' ( '. L >•'••' -On- '>*.•'•• : Our preasQ^ods Depatimant, in which: we iiotfe flljo- l&rtrcBt. stock,'pf ,th'o. tateat novelties mX»^JiSS FABRICS evei ex. hibited iu tiio city; tbnBiatiDg of extensive iihil rarledasfloj-tjflenta^l! / " GamePa Jlairs, .-.StiUeefu, op .' Cashmere^ Empress Cloths. . ".,'',' . Iiuetrca, etc.," ' "; '" pf o'yory grade, in ail new, da k, desirable Bhadeft, as iS'ayy^lllue.'Pluin, Bejl llrown^ Gar-- npt, pUiruGri!oiit,pt.c. ,. , - ., .*...; . We uliioollur, at extremely low prices, ' ' PliAlDSIOF'EVEUY DKSuiai^'nON—Oaah- . wore I'laids, CatnerB; IIuir l'laida.Roubatn 'tlaitfB, Poplin Plaids, Tartan Fluids, Sanla liana Fluids,''Uroltte • Melange •flld 1 C I K t 1'ld D)i Flld liana Fluids,'Uroltte Melange •flalda, CroIseKnot 1'laids, Dc)jeigQ Flalds, Parm- ma 1'hida—in till now deaigniB, colorings aiid mixtureb, 1 ' ' • : • ; i : >. i '••ivi O k f L K aiid mixtureb, : . i ii Our stock of, BLACK 0O0.DS. is also, com-, loto, iDoludiiig thobiat makes of- Caslimcrej Merinos; EmnrCBri Cloths,-TamlneBv licnricita Cloths, Fppllns,. jBriHiantines, Mpbalru, Al- pacas, eto. Wo are also'eelllug Black'Silk at il.BO. worth ?3; Of our Gloth.and Oaaaimcre, Uomcatfc, Hoaioiy, Notion anil Trimming Do- partuionts ii ts nttcdleBH to'upcak, aa the pub- lic may feel assured that they can ilnd. all classes pf goods at our Btoro belo\v NowYork price's,-"Cull aud-examine ' 197 Bur net Street . ;• (UNDER A. Bloodgood, Jr. WHOLESALE and HH^AVL PISH and t may Btili be fpunfl ul Uje oldatiirtd, /3i Hir?.^ Street, ho keeps a full UBrjorttneut of everything that coinea out pf the water. ' Oysters,'Hard'C.amfl,'Soft Cliims, Lo'bs'terB, Crabs, Scollops and'Fish'of alllilnda re- celred daily direct fropj. Prllicess Bay . &nt\ eL/pped'to d,eulora in aJl purls of tl>e State. ;. Panic Prices. Large oyaters opencdj fresh from Amboy, oft hla beds cTcry-'day. at So cents per quart, of the old stand. Conloon?, coinu all. •. , . ; Families, Hotels aud Boarding Houses sup piled with O/flt«rs—opened or lu tlio shell—at prices to suit tliu times. ' " '' . " I'craoiiK BO dofllrlng may have tho wagon sent three times.a week to their' residences to take orde:s. ; ...... ,. - : -fj0r= All goodft sold out -of- hla waeon with his name on It will bo wfirrimted FRL3U. No: 6 Church Street Formerly at'iO5Bnrnct»treo|., Now Brunswick, Slaughter of High Prices a?At the above pkico will bo found a cholc aortutcnt of Fresli Meats, LIST OFPlilCES. C '• Pcrter Houso !Steak.... .,1.lfic. per lb. Hlrloin ^teak^v^rtT.' We. " ' Itound Steak/y ..... ;.l)Jc. " - Itoust Beef :J. 10 and ICo.*'" Muttoii7h'Ind-qunrtcrs....,-. lUc. '' - , . Mutton, foru-quiirtcra...... 6c. " Vegetables, Fnilts; etc., und we Ruarantecto give more Bttisfactlou for less money than any other establishment In.this city. OYSTERS 25 CENTS PER QUART, Call and examine our stock* ..- . N. B. Tliatmy Krench Kid Tttit. ' ton Gutter, for style, stock, > .work,ami wear,. Kant- B -Beet P. S. '^t Cure* UmiUKHH JUBI in, tliruct, from, tho inaiui- fanturrra—Krcat viiiiu'y. U'llus' N»Miy Nfoultur, Alligator Riul jniro Omn ' Itoota, Huow Kicliuttir*, t All tffloi at thf) Pooplo's Boot & Shoo Stoio OhMfamer, lliraniaml fiennt* tit re New }truniiwli}/>\ iV. iA H. P. IIAKT. _lllllll (lllW ' ' In «:iiuiii'nr) «f Ntw Jor«i j T il WILLIAM KRKIItt, HK.'IIMII) VV. H 1IKW0.N, A.KWIH IIUKHT, HAMUKI TOOKKIl untl IIAIUUICT M>'l'OOKK.n, 111 wlfo: lly llrlllnuf mi (M.l..f nl llm (Innrt tit (Jtinn Miry of Nnw JftriBjr/niftilii on ihotiny of tin ililto lmr(i<if. In it raiiHr. wlicr^ln .Ivnitiilali 11. Vnil Uvvullii.r la uiMn|il«lllullt Hint /Oil mill ultiura Rifi lUifiMiliiilt'H, you Ator>'|iil(i'*l in H|I |iiiur Itllit |ili'rtil, at)ittv(ir or iltMnur tn the Mil <> aalil iMinitliilnitiit, on or lirfotn tlis tw.ntv novrhtli IIHV uf Oniiainlmr unit, ui- tlm nail Mil will li? {liken nN (iitttfnaMiiil atfatnKl j'tiii. 'lliii >|||<I I.Ill I. Illeil 10 In<'(li'>ll Im.ilKiijM «l>iiii bv William M»«'.ir mid wH" t" (Inrtm Q flfdlurf mi lumU In llm l'i»»"lilp ill Hiiiilli w"ill»ili'lt|(| l |i«|'l'lllili«riH<'.ll.ll'«l»(ili«ilill.ii«|i Hu-al, »in lilnMf ilii/iimlftnl 1 * hvi'tttif' jf'itl lii'M filDlliiil^a'XH'' 1 'Ut t*ld InmUl K"'l y"Ui Hniiulol TiiiikO'' K^o lllft'l* ilcfi'li'litnt lii'vauaii ut llm lima (if Illlild Mid Mil Ji"l| •• »|i|i««"»l >>) Um refliini, wita Ihrtowliftf uf BttMI mud., lie lontr turn tli»roiif| IwlnllorwBnla mild llio •»(»», «lnl •« Imlil mi iiiioiKiiliraliii-) "It «»lil lfimU| mnl mi lUnict M, TiHik^ff *rf> miMic <l(if«>iii1i>iii ..pt.»U<q TO" »f(' Hi» *ll» uf Mill lUinilM tiu.k t>r, mid at llm tlfi^o uf flllittf "MI'I "'l> IIN <I mi In lnnt« ilulil"' ili>«" In mid l«mt«. BtjniAM*JA<JM<.>N, •'"JI'IMII.>il'«.l.j'l»ln'liflil, W. •>. ,.'' O0h<o>' ! .iiUynur nww ln>«l IIIWIIM* Hii«»lli*yniil " '." '"." I l!ill"H *«<» •> "" 'HMKO I'liiitfin Rvua.1 THE TIMES. From the N. V. Tribune. A WUDI Supplied. •< •'•;•• The Auierlcau, mind' is active. It ,baa Slvm us books of fiction for the 'sentlmen- talist, learned. buoka for tlio scholar (tDd - professional student,' but/em bookt'fortfie Tjeople. : A. liook;'/9r ilie;people must re- * latO| to a Bubject of uuivarsul interests Such i subject is the.puyBici)l.man, and such «... Dook "THE PEOPLE'S COMMON SENSE MID- ' !O*i. AoviBEii,;' oC9py of which has been recently ldia 6a our table:' Tue'hl^u : pro-' ; fefeloDal altalnmeate of Its author-^-Dit.*R.' ,VY PiEttOB of Buffalo, ^N. Y.^-ond : lho ad- yitutagos, derived by, uun from an oxtenBive . [iiuctico would.'alono liiiure for his \y6fk i ' cordial reception. Bflt khCBo. r are nOt'the''• merits' for which it claims our attention. .; ,Tho Author ia a man of. the people. Ho,,; synipathizea with i them ,in, all^helr nfliic- Uptia, efforts aud altalnmcntB. Ho per-'' ceives their want—o knowledge of -them-"' selves—and believing tuut oil truth should- :bd inade'aB uuivel-si)! asOod's own sunlight, .froth his ftttitlof learni'pijaml'expefieflcehe " has produced, a,,work 'in .which he" gives them the '-benefits of liia' labored' In it ho . considers (iian in-evcry phase of blsoxlst- euctyfroni thomomontheemerges.»."from a raylcss atout, too dltnlQutlve for the sight, ur^il, ho gradually ovolves^ to tho maturity " of, those Conscious' Powers, the exercise ' of which furulslics EUbjectiVo evidedco of our immortality. 1 ' Pidceeding upon tho Jhqory that every fact of mind Jias a phys- ical antecedent, he has (tivon an admirable tieallae on Cerebral PhjBiology, and shown ' the bearings of- the 1 facts thus established upon individual aud social welfare. The., Author hplieveawitU fipcnc.er,) that.-;'!.as ", vigorous health, and its accompanying TiltJh/.' spirits aro larger elements' of hiippincsa than ' any other things ivbalover, tlio teaching/; how to maintain them ia a teaching, th'af. yieldsIto no other whatever^",,apd-accbrd- iugly lias Introduced an cxteiiBivc discussion of thomethods by'which we may preserve the integrity of tho eystem and ofttimes prevent 'tho onset of diseaso.', iDomcatic remedies—thoir..-prcpa^ratiou, uses ,and,,ef- fecla—form A-propinerjt featureJof the work. The hygienic treatment, or nursing' of tho sick, ia an; itnportarit 1 '~BliTi]oct, and ; receives attention: commensurato with Us,, impnttance.; Ncarly.allditcusca ".to which flijsb.ia hcu: V arc described,.their symptoms, und causes'-'explained, ana" proper domestic treatment'suggested. ' To 'reciprocate tho ; inauy favors i bestowed upon him by a.gen- crouB public, the Author, olfcrs his book at n;[)rice.(^l.C0) littlo exceeding the coat'of- publicatiD.it" Our leadei-s'utui obialn this' practical a'ad valuable work by addressing t h o a u t h o r . : ' ' : • : :: ;•• ;•;.- . BIIUKSWICK l'OST OFFICE. OPFIOK.Houus FEOH 7-.A* w. TO 8 p. M. . BDSDAIS »ROM 0TO 10.30 A. v. , TIME OF 0LO81NO.' ' ' •' KowVork, Nortli, Eut mid T?c»t. 10 a. m., 9.30, i.ld and 8 ii. m. . . , Trentou, Phlladolphla, Baltimore aiid th© 8outll t 8,0.1&a. m. and4^01>. m. , ; Middloljush, Mlllstoiie, Qarlltigoii, ' OrlggBtOTni, Blawcuburg, atoutaburgh, UopovreU, Wpodvtllo aud "ouuiugtuu, 2.S0 j>. in. Houtli Jllvor,12.«i)' ) M' lUlltowii, lla. m. ..•. I'rfuiiotou, Jionlt'ntovn, Qurllogton,- Camdrn and way, Sa. nj., 4.60 p.lu. , : ;•.,.., '.^rmikUii Park, 8 B. m. ' ".'' ' •• "" ' ,10«. m., 2.50,0.15, 8p. m. : ;•..•'. DELIVEBV. ' -- ' ' •** New York, North, EaBt aud West, 7, 9, 9.27, lla .ra..fiana 7p. in, "'........ _._ Jersey Oily, Newark, Elisabeth ana Babway, N«w Jersey way, 0 a, in, aud 6 p, m. PbiUdcliihin, Ualtlmoru. Waabiugton and Sontb, 0 a. in., 4.'J0 and 7 p. iu. ' ' Pblludel[ihiaaudtho West and CaraJon and Am> boy.way..ll4i.jiuaiiil.Ip.io. ~ ... . -- »•- Stiddlebusli, WiUatono, IlarllngfU, Grlggfltown, Blawouburg, Stoutsburgb, Upjiowell, Woodville mill rennJngtou, 10,16 a. ni, South lllvor, 10.10 a . m . ' ' : FkliI»kU FraninIark,;Ua.w. >tllttowu, 10 n. m. Foroign, 0 a, in. and Tj), m. Momnouih Junction, Kingston and Rocky /Hill, 11 a, tn. and7p.m. > .' . ; .JOSEPH F. FISHEU, P. M. Theo. Diesenreiter's Furniture Store And first- class Upholstering Establish' ment, corner of ALBANY & GEORGE STREETS, New Brunswick, N. J., ' Manufacturer aud. Dealer in Parlor at(3 Libra- ry ballies, Bofufl, IJOUJIKCS imil phairs, of my own make nnd trim mo U in tha btiat auil la toot Btyle. . . •', ' - -•. Ltimbreqiitii* anil Looso Covers tiiade. Mat- trcaaoa made and remade, rillows and liol- ^'.ers, Furnlturo Kepaircil, ; Ke-covcrcu und Vamlshed, -Allkinds of UpholaturlHg'duueln tho best manner. 1 '• > .. • Soliciting your patronage, I am, Tery re- apectfully yourtt. ; mhlH-ly TIIKODOBE 131E8ENRK1TKR. WHERE NOW? JAS. tt. lOREIOUSE'S, 1NO. 27 UI11A3I 8TUHET. WHAT FOR? To buy llonts and Sljons for tlin chitdrvn. Can ViHi ilaliiittcr tlierbt Yen. Whut in tikes you Hitnk HOT Why, i lime trlrO tUern, and I toll yi)u tn tlioao llincB. when monoy and work uro mi Hearcu utid hunt to i^t, it ntmUln oVcry innii In liimtl who IIAA ii ftiinlly td buy nlionn fur, tu look arouiiil und "t'o wlurti lio vtin dotlin best., unit 1 iiml tlio Mlllu boot uml fliou Btom 'roiiinl tliu carnoc (iK-xt t<i Uulturd'i (Irucury) thu |)lncn to buy clu-aji uomls, Tlioru nil kinds, ilirliiillnic Mm vrrjr UU'Hl stylos of Men'itj WiM' Ml' dCllld Boots, Sloes, Gaiters, Slippers, lite. (J|»« lilm A onll. rxiiliiinc tlm unoiln nml * •frt IMIIP ttlioTtt |xnot .mo, __^il. { !l llirf FOR SALE A FINE Building" Lot, lit Ilia t i l i n g of AIIBI.B (tuiir mllr. BiMllliqr lila «lty, on r<iil|i.yl»auU Kallicla.l), aUil.U.I m»r III. l>e|i»t. WlUiUKHUIil) V1CIIV I,OWI'OIUMHII, of •felta.iig.it roreltjr |in>,i«it; or «o»d«, lilrfia "IArt," nm of Him TIWI», l»w llfiiiianilck, M I, \\j\1im

BABG^INS - digifind-it.com · VOL. XL-NO. 121. NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J.9 IXJESpAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 23, 1875.PRICE THREE CENTS. subscriber offers for sale a, fall $tQck of Men's, Youths?

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Page 1: BABG^INS - digifind-it.com · VOL. XL-NO. 121. NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J.9 IXJESpAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 23, 1875.PRICE THREE CENTS. subscriber offers for sale a, fall $tQck of Men's, Youths?


subscriber offers for sale a, fall$tQck of Men's, Youths? iinfl

Buoys' course aiid fine BOOTS, suitablefor Fall and Winter wear.

These goods are of excellent quality,lia¥ing been made .specially to order*and, coming direct from the manufac-turers^can be sold at the lowest possiblei figures.

Alsbi, Ladies', Misses' and Children'sButtoned and Laced Boots of air varie-ties, special care having been taken toget goods ftiat will wear well.

:of all kinds.; ; "

General Engraver

Also Dealer In Bank, Rubber and Steel Slumps. Tlifollowing articles EnRrsvod in first-class styJe: tillvurware. Dour Hato*, Wtddlop and .Vlaltlng Qards, CoffinPlates, flue btenclls for LUtep.oud laBcrliiUnn I'latcof ilUlridi.- Wood HngravUijtau'd Jettd o n e I n flrutclsss o r d e r . - ••> '••'• • ••••<i

KIMBALL, 35 DUN NIB! . New Brunswick,

P2 ACE ;;;STBE:ET, jaew ; Brunswick^) ) ' / y iOPPOSITE ' T U B P O S T - O F F I C E , J ;./ "-.;, ':,X

... . ..•: O F

ETC,,1 AT*

NO. 4 l i IN.G B :'JL. O CK t ', i ; - ;> . . ; N o w r e a d y t l io ; • ...,-..

Broadway Style of'Gents'.Silk ;Hat, ,, ;•.,.;,;,•:; ; &ents' Stiff and Soft Felt ;Hat,s

Of all tho latest Btyles ami qualities, and at prices to eult all who favor them with a call.

Gent's ftrnisMiig Goods, Umbrellas, Canes, Gloves^; Etc. Agents for the GLOVE-FITTING SHIRT. 'Also Agent's for tlio

Sihger Irriprbved .Sewing^Machines ^UNeedJesfor all Sewing Machines.

m i s - a i m • • • " • : • - — •

; Dissolution of Partnership.Tho firm herctoiotc dialing under the! name of FRANKENSTEIN. & SICHEL

has thiB day*#ecn diasolYcd liy mutual consent. An early Bettlemt'iit of all nccounta duethe firm itf respectfully requested, ami all claims against tlio firm should likewiBO be pre-sented for pigment. !

i p

The business of the. late firm will ho

Continue^ at the Old Stand,by; t i e uudprHl(viic(l;:wlio, thnnkfu) for tho llbcrnl share of patronngo -extended to ibisUOUBO heretofore, hopes to be nblo to merit a couUmiuliou of ftiyor.

. • • K L & I E RNo. 11 Peace Street, New Brunswick.

J e 3 2 - 5 m I •c . • . - .• , . ,

v^ GEITKEIi , • •. ;.:;-v •


SOUS, Etc?,'Etc.','"''' ."'•

' NO. 4 3 NEIL3ON B U t D I T .

QrdcrB-pro'triptly attended to.' ' - myl7-ly

Josteri &TAILO;RS,: •

.WO; 32 AXBANYSTH.EET.\ A fresh supply of Imported Clotlm, Cassi-meroa, etc., on hand, which will'benmde up Intlio latest style. ' rfcuuriiig.i Clfaulng and He-lairing VllI bo carrieilou an liCretolofe. "* *'\ (jcuiltimcu'ij owu Material cuttuuil made loo r d e r . " " '•'• • ' '•' '*• • n i y l l - l y

TUNER;/Orders left at PROF.• SCnNEEWEISS'

Georgo 6treet? ftcd at my

Residence, 23 Albany Street, ,

will bp promptly atteutled to. . .. .8eU-1ywCimio& • -

J OIIGUTOS,• • • * ( : ' ' •

Failor and I&cetalor Clothe*Vleuucr anil Repairer.

Assortment of £ocoud-haud Clothing.'.Veck-tion, gollurB, Etc., Etc.

3 i , X J e n n i s r3tr©et | ' . -.One Door from corner" of Uiram street' '

apli-ly . ..-•. ; ...- -.



Fences Reset nnd Painted.' All work n'cai-ly doiio and warranted, . . \ • I ..,.,•

Addrea N. S. M., New Brunawlck P . O.



The OYSTER and DININGSALOONwill bo continued. Linuort of all kinds.Traf t's Lagiir on draught.. Boiml(u£ aud I^odg-lug lor man aud homo. C. SCI1ICK.

mult-ly ,

Titus' Express andP &

l'aBBcpgeTB or Bi_ol the city, ut ubq/t Erotica.', ,\ .- Also, liaggatftf chocked to f

•20 hoiucraot S t r ee t ;

FNMussinan,Steam Dyer & Scourer,


-- BaiO-dir —.---—-New Drunawlck,- N. J. :

The New Jersey Fxpress Companyhavo removed their oiiicb from tliu corner olChurch und Uennis Rlrcuts to ' '

I\<>. HO A J , H , v r \ Y r i ' l ' ICHIVf.. ' • : • • W. II, B1LBEE, Ag.ait.,,

J. II. AUKERMAK, au])'t. joi-Om1

The Havana Five-Cent Cigar

in ami fnc tu red at No. 24 Hiram street; and allother kinds of Cigars, domestic aud luipuilud.

BXaOJtXNCl A M D O H B W I N G T O -BACCOS by (tic 1b. und iii packages. .

A general assortment uf Plpea mid TobaccoBOXUB, and other urifalGs in our-linu.

my8-ly JOHN 0 . WIKOFF.

Opening fbr tlie Wmter1 PEEPAftE FOR , IM : WINDER !•

For Ibo coming season we havo agaio rUBde, special srrrnigct'ncrits. whicb, togetlior

With Btrict attention to our business; aiid our' practice t j BUY FOIS CASH, will give

our customers full assurance that we bayeldoked to their interest'as .well as ours, and

COF1FJ3ES, direct from theiiinportera, at"2B, 80, 8B, 38Conta per lb.;,•;. .-•

' XJEA S , by tho'Invoicoprlcei a t 4 0 , BO,;p.0,70,.80 cents, best. • , . ' . . ,

New Valencia Raisins, 12i CtsJb.Currants "9b. per 115; Best Citron '^Scj'lb.

. CA'NVJBD G O O D S , under special arrangements, lo.vror thnn ever. . .Choiceat ncwFrench 'PRUNES at H cents per lb.f " ' * ' ' ' ' • . ' • 'SOAP at manufacturers'prices. ; ;• '; . •

BUTTER, BUTtER, BUTTER,Headquarters for best Orango'County Butter;' at wiioleaalc nnd rolail. . Being the directagents tor Iheso Dairies,wo will sell at first coat, tiicreby making only tt small commissionfrom the producer. We are also dealers in ' .. u . , ' • , . . ' , .;. .

| . . . • i- , , ' •,. " W l t o i c s a l o n n i t r i i o t « } U ' i . ' ' . . • • : - . ' • ' " , . . ' •

! Come to this old and reliable Firm, and'aatiBfy^yotirsUf as to oar Roods. ' No in-^uceuicut except ONE LOW PRICE for the best p£:Groceries. . . .••... ,

WEINSTOGK • &: ; K A U F M A N N ,^ 'Street,'


Mis si c Sto re.Masonic THK LEADINO I'OI'ULAR M

,. J..& 0. FISCHfR ana other PIANOS.Loring & ! Blake's Celebrated Organs.


Pianos, Ograns andONLY.'


Musical instruments of Every description:-Violina, Aceordeons, Guitars, Concertinas, Flutos, Ilarmonlco'ns, Piccolo's, Tainliorincs,

'lageoliils,,Bonca, Banjiis,:Drums, Fifes,:1 Triangles, Pitch Pipes; Tuning Forks,..lew'sHarps, MiiBieBoxesV Violin Blrliiis, Guitar Strings, Banjo glrhiKs. ' -• •

HEETi• M;TJ^IG~-fhe; largest'Collection..e'yer kepp ia this city.

!* ChcnpiMiisical Publications, JLHolff.s Cheap Classical. !; Music, Ilitclicock's Dime and Half Dime Music.

MUSIC BOOKS of every acscHptioa, for SnhSajj', Public ana Private Schools;

Pianos.Orpnns andMelodeons Timed byan experiencedjTnnerfromJNew York.

Frisbie'-. & -Fklier's General Music Store,W I i W ( i h l i B i k N J


1hlisw Brunswick, N. J.

A largo nnd.Cdiuplolc (lock of. PDRN1TUUE cohstMitly on band. I would respect-

fully invite attention to my stock of

Parlor and Bed Boom Furniture,which 1 nt low prices. Call nntl uxnmine,

NO. 27 ALBANY STKEET,New llrunswick, N. ,T. - , ]cill ly

i . H. ArmstrongMAHUFAUTUUEU OS1

STO YES,•tel 111, Til ai iCoip Ware,Mot Air Furnacefi, Hiingea and Ualtlmoro Ileat-

• ur», iMttuibiiig, (ian anddtuuiu Fitting,

No. S King Block,Now Brunbwlckj N. J.


Urucket Sliclvca, Ilurcaii Tops, Jlcarths, FloorTllcu, UoollBijSlate, «tc.

I would cull tho At'.<;iitUin of Architects,DutMuri} and huUBcilteuuerrt to my (W. II. Arm-strong's) Patent Hot Air lUngo, ihnt will fur-nish llot Water, through'the building, lloilrIJuko, Hoaat iui^ Warm tho House, with tliosiirno tlr6. t'lfty'uf thc.io bcuuttlul HIUI^OB inojivrution ii i thhciiy, ivnd uveryone giving t-n-llru Biitiftfuctlon. . >•., Jt'4

FINE LARGEBuilding Lots and Villa Plots,


)tlilil|iw< Cimiily, N. J,, on tlio linn of tlio Now York nnd l'Mliulolplilii Jtnlttuiui,

Only nun mlln noulli went fiiini Now lliui»wli:k city, lining ujum I.lvliipilon nvcniin nnd other flno tvouuet,

'I'lui [JII\JI vnry III iloplli from I no fret tn 'Jon frat, nnd linvn W) lo 100 foul front,

()»!,/ono tMnl f W i required. 'Ilie raynlmlt.r upon lioml am! morli/tiffe, payuhfo in 1'irenynirn 'Jf(/,,

A Run i,|,t'iilug fur a ran lui;» innkcr null nlivulwilj'.lrl, fur i\ Inililicr, liiikr^TJiiinli innknr nlo.

A Warranty |)I.<'(1 will ti

'f VVWiVlt II0IIHK.1 *in iillM.lj' Mrc(cil. 'I'wo IH'IIHIUIHK t» lut niilwritirr «l)l Ini mild un Illif ral t«ttun.

HBNRY K. HQW,,l'M<'ii0litii vbiti—, Wtw III I I I I .BI , W, n j J,

At |HOW'P Nurseries,Jdl-Ounllimw

sters in Every Style.INCREASED FACILITIES.

IVIi?s. J . H .cccc oooo

o3 Cc;cco


• n :O ' l t : " ; Roo0O'0oo


• I t ' ' ' " ••I R

H Itimrin "it uit itit RIt , R





;N-..'.M..-' E- - •. E ' .EI5EEEN




It It N


Respectfully Informs her numerous Customers and the public in general that

she has recently fitted up, in addition to her commodious

Ladies' and - Gentlemen's Refreshment Rooms,THREE LARGE ROOMS,

For the accommokation of LADIES and PRIVATE PARTIES, which arerecwhed by a private entrance, thus obviating the necessity of passing throughthe main &aloo)i. . . . - , . . . . . . .

She has secured the services of a <FIRST-CLASS BAKER and ORNA-MENTER of FANCX OAJCI1. " ' . ;


ICE viWAM-A'j. xbiPiyr OMNTS.\AH • . , » » . ! r- , >

THE N. B. DAILY TIMES,Published Every Evening,



()(n- JcWllUNO OFKIOK, iiftor ix grout outlny, m now mm o( Ilia mnnt>Odin |iluU'ly I'liriiinliitil In tho KiuU-, Ko that wu unit oxotmto (ivory kind of workin lli<ilii|>liwlHly)i)<>rtliM,iirl, \V« iwk un niriimuliun ol our HIVIII|>U>'H um"li'ul ourtuin that our priciM will ho found rumiumitilo.

Tlio.DAILY TIM1M in rend l.y HIIIIOHI, ovcry Inmlly In Now llrutiflr/lckIHIIIIH rogiirdod on a miaommry mli|uiiot to lliu uiwilurt ol » lioiwaliolil.

Hotli of thijKo |m|itii« Imvu n. lurgo nnd dully immmnlnir olrouliillon nndurn ryitd hy ftll ( i l y n ol'tjii) nomtnnnH.y. • _ ^ ^

N OTICK. In luiiulijr «l»iiii llml (Jnuriio Wriiniiln i.r llio tiiwimlil),,,( llnHtmi In Hi.

! ' " " l ? " / ?" 'W ' "" '» *f«W--W N w J « l « *

un, NK*r,, i


|.III*I*I(IIUmr ut IIIK ri«ui,,,t,i«| *a.|,p«>*iii»|. iaHI\il IMllelll uf til. tmilltiirv, MMI th . t On mtlilltiirn tinml imtillilt lli»lr rMncmlv, vlm

lh d» H I l l l i > l l l ^iiftilcnmlh d» BHIrlii»

' k • ' ' K.T, 1»,MlADutml Niiiciiiuiir In, 11170,



will resume her instruction l!


aud private puplls/on MONI

r."t-T^w - - -

[ON.I A . M X . I N


ABE, to clwiun

AY, SEPT. 27.A'ddreio'P.. O. Box i

Scburemaa.street.: >>. •, o- coll at 'No. lit

l T a d

SCHOOL.Rutgers, College Grammar School,


uplla received at any timKev. ABUA7IAM TIIOMP bN,Vnr. I). T. UEILKVi Aa«

. J, A. M, Rector,late Iteclur. - .


Sveiy Article ifpirfIE VERY. ]

* § ' .. .BlfJMSTQRE,NO. 19 rj3J.CE S


FnotofrimrdhSl.:,ail23l»»8m - i

MEET, ,UBrunswick, H.J




Black GashmeWILL OPfSli ON ASD-A] rEKNo'y.4i


' r, , ,. .. .PF. I raPOIMfA^ION,HOOD QUALITIES AT 67 l-2o. i. . . Alsn, COLOUED Bll

ies1 Suits a u l Over Dresses.; A LAK0E LOT OP OVElt"l BESSES-'lN ALT.'

'aylor3 BALANCE


:e .Silks,T H A N COSf

1 and (.1.25.• I , .


8 l i j ; • • ; ' - '




jt\A upwardi at equally

AH tbo Fanhlnnablo Elyor





A fa WltAI



>loto, anil BLACK

mrr STYLES.,8, Irom ^wo yoaxaAw pricoa. '

d Shades of



& • - • ' - •

$1,000 INDIA TO




.IIADi: . U O U U I 15I!XTIin»IONl

• l i l L L I S SoLIi.1* .IX IiFl l lCKS.-LIGHT WARM OVF.RSIIOJ!

mado oxiircssly for tills houP11ICE9.




Broadway, cor, 201Only ono block wo.it of f

Grand Street, cor,Onu Uocl£ east of


LEIPZ1GERNo. 235 Peace



Newark Lager Beer

, , , 1 1 5 , 1 8 . .TIIENOU, OKHMAV, ESGLI8U Hi AMBU10AN

wM.iasa JACKETS »t to,» , tn, i'





and $110.

0KorLADIE3'andR.al COST and3T.




and SIN«LF.and IDAIC-


i, tn great variety,o, Af POPULAR



Street, N.Y.urtb ETonuo.

< hrystlc, N.Yfowery.



rnnen ANDFREE LUNCH from 0 t<

I.1QU0K8 OP BEST QUA]hiiiiil.

ARNOLD, CONiJTBroadway,cor. IDth St., N. Y.,

scison, tbo Latinolit . :. •KOKMKh rhl<JKH,


.t33ctintji, trortli 40.i.VW " " WACO

will Bull, for the'rcmnlmlAt-Af t' at their fttool


Dress G )odPlalil and Btil|i«l Mlxnl (l<md<

tin. ilo. • di,.Kntokurhockci. n( 41) wnta, \viCalnur» Hair, Hnow Klaku and


Black Silks•anUS

in ttri'iHioi', ritiiai


1W " " fllm.Tl.. •,.;'..IklMol.rllaVfl till,

l-OI.uRKIIHlI.Urt, In all tilluallllitB, at altrnctlva prlwa,

1at tlid r

; Broohe S lawlsIn Hi" N .» ftlylea an.l C. l.itlM

Ixiruiiiptiiry andfltrl|«lamlrial'lll«Trr,Olt

Bt Rnmt rmlurtlim.uipntN anil itl tli« Ni>wi.Kl Htrl<>

HKAMtlUN .MI'KHIrl. Man.l kili...r.i ry

Iii full nxBorlununt, at «>lti<m«

Arnold, OonstNutlro In Alii

N OTIOIO U tinnhy nlv.tanhiiiont liituboniifo

t'tiUCtfiirt uf tliflii'xiut/ timluif MnHlii It, C.MIHIMel mot', nwnlupt tht'HotnlnHint (irmlltlt. 11i(ll!*«V" I'H'l Cl(.moiiliiorJoliiiir rndoii,iiiiHrioii i))0 cn«n nit iihiiiilftiliton liuinliffl hit'l futirlnui

ml, A! II.


IIOOKH, I'AMI'lll.llIttti,, tii'diiy, W M H W J

iiml (ilii!»|>ly i l M

on Draught,COOL.

113 o'clock'a. m.[TV conttftutly on

BLE & CO.,

mer |>rtct) |3.!i5,

I<in Hhtrioi, in t\


i:ti hi litK'1 Mnurt

Kb ANI> I10AH,l l t

iWo & Co.c l i i m i n l ,

tint • wilt nf ni' (ink d( 111" Oil-

' ' . , »l tinA. lUuh

II s I'lmttnlt, Huh[i

Inr tlm .mil ul

MI iiiimlinii mul

i. 1111,1,, Olr'tk.

•H, OAIIKH. !KtlllHlllltltlallr <Illfd — • !


We invite our friend and patrobs to caU ande x n m i u ' e ' ' • ' '-":- * • - - ; ' ( ' . L >•'••' - O n - '>*.•'••

: Our p r e a s Q ^ o d s Depatimant,in which: we iiotfe flljo- l&rtrcBt. stock,'pf ,th'o.tateat novelties m X» JiSS FABRICS evei ex.hibited iu tiio city; tbnBiatiDg of extensive iihilrarledasfloj-tjflenta^l! / "

GamePa Jlairs, .-.StiUeefu, op.' Cashmere^ Empress Cloths.

. ".,'',' .Iiuetrca, etc.," ' "; '"pf o'yory grade, in ail new, da k, desirableBhadeft, a s iS'ayy^lllue.'Pluin, Bejl llrown^ Gar--npt, pUiruGri!oiit,pt.c. ,. , - ., . * . . . ;. We uliioollur, at extremely low prices, ' 'P l iA lDSIOF 'EVEUY DKSuia i^ 'nON—Oaah-

. wore I'laids, CatnerB ;IIuir l ' la ida.Roubatn'tlaitfB, Poplin Plaids, T a r t a n Fluids, San lal i a n a Fluids, ' 'Uroltte • Melange • f l l d 1

C I K t 1 ' l d D ) i F l l dl iana Fluids,'Uroltte • Melange •flalda,CroIseKnot 1'laids, Dc)jeigQ Flalds, Parm-ma 1'hida—in till now deaigniB, coloringsa i i d m i x t u r e b , 1 ' ' • : • ; i : • >. i '••ivi •

O k f L Kaiid mixtureb, : . i i i

Our stock of, BLACK 0O0.DS. is also, com-,loto, iDoludiiig tho biat makes of- Caslimcrej

Merinos; EmnrCBri Cloths,-TamlneBv licnricitaCloths, Fppllns,. jBriHiantines, Mpbalru, Al-pacas, eto. Wo are also'eelllug Black'Silk atil.BO. worth ?3; Of our Gloth.and Oaaaimcre,Uomcatfc, Hoaioiy, Notion anil Trimming Do-partuionts ii ts nttcdleBH to'upcak, aa the pub-lic may feel assured that they can ilnd. allclasses pf goods at our Btoro belo\v Now Yorkprice's,-"Cull aud-examine '

197 Bur net Street. ;• (UNDER

A. Bloodgood, Jr.


t may Btili be fpunfl ul Uje old atiirtd,

/ 3 i Hir?.^ Street,ho keeps a full UBrjorttneut of everything

that coinea out pf the water. 'Oysters,'Hard'C.amfl,'Soft Cliims, Lo'bs'terB,

Crabs, Scollops and'Fish'of alllilnda re-celred daily direct fropj. Prllicess Bay .

&nt\ eL/pped'to d,eulora in aJl purlsof tl>e State. ;.

Panic Prices.Large oyaters opencdj fresh from Amboy, oft

hla beds cTcry-'day. at So cents per quart, ofthe old stand. Conloon?, coinu all. •. , . ;

Families, Hotels aud Boarding Houses suppiled with O/flt«rs—opened or lu tlio shell—atprices to suit tliu times. ' " '' . "

I'craoiiK BO dofllrlng may have tho wagonsent three times.a week to their' residences totake orde:s. ; . . . . . . , .-:-fj0r= All goodft sold out -of- hla waeon withhis name on It will bo wfirrimted FRL3U.

No: 6 Church StreetFormerly at'iO5Bnrnct»treo|., Now Brunswick,

Slaughter of High Prices

a?At the above pkico will bo found a cholcaortutcnt of

Fresli Meats,LIST OFPlilCES. C '•

Pcrter Houso !Steak.... .,1.lfic. per lb.Hlrloin ^teak^v^rtT.' We. "

' Itound Steak/y. . . . . ;.l)Jc. "• - • • Itoust Beef :J. 10 and ICo.*'"

Muttoii7h'Ind-qunrtcrs....,-. lUc. ' '- , . Mutton, foru-quiirtcra...... 6c. "

Vegetables, Fnilts; etc., und we Ruarantec togive more Bttisfactlou for less money thanany other establishment In.this city.

OYSTERS 25 CENTS PER QUART,Call and examine our stock* ..- .

N. B.Tliatmy Krench Kid Tttit.

' ton Gutter, for style, stock, >.work,ami wear,.

Kant- B -BeetP. S.

' t Cure* UmiUKHH JUBIin, tliruct, from, tho inaiui-fanturrra—Krcat viiiiu'y.U'llus ' N»Miy Nfoultur,Alligator Riul jniro Omn

' Itoota, Huow Kicliuttir*,t

All tffloiat thf)

Pooplo's Boot & Shoo StoioOhMfamer, lliraniaml fiennt* tit re

New }truniiwli}/>\ iV. iA

H. P. IIAKT._lllllll (lllW ' '

I n « : i i u i i i ' n r ) « f N t w J o r « i j


TOOKKIl untl IIAIUUICT M>'l'OOKK.n, 111wlfo:

lly llrlllnuf mi (M.l..f nl llm (Innrt tit (JtinnMiry of Nnw JftriBjr/niftilii on iho tiny of tinililto lmr(i<if. In it raiiHr. wl icr^ln .Ivnitiilali 11.Vnil Uvvullii.r la uiMn|il«lllullt Hint /Oil millultiura Rifi lUifiMiliiilt'H, you Ato r>'|iil(i'*l in H|I|iiiur Itllit |ili'rtil, at)ittv(ir o r iltMnur tn the Mil <>aalil iMinitliilnitiit, on or lirfotn t l is t w . n t vnovrhtli IIHV uf Oniiainlmr u n i t , ui- t lm nailMil will li? {liken nN (iitttfnaMiiil atfatnKl j ' t iii .

'lliii >|||<I I.Ill I . Illeil 10 In <'(li'>ll • Im.ilKiijM«l>iiii bv William M»«'.ir mid wH" t" (Inrtm Qflfdlurf mi lumU In llm l'i»»"lilp ill Hiiiilli

w"ill»ili'lt|(|l|i«|'l'lllili«riH<'.ll.ll'«l»(ili«ilill.ii«|iHu-al, »in lilnMf ilii/iimlftnl1* hvi'tttif' jf'itl lii'MfilDlliiil^a'XH''1 'Ut t*ld InmUl K"'l y"Ui HniiulolTiiiikO'' K^o lllft'l* ilcfi'li'litnt lii'vauaii ut llmlima (if Illlild Mid Mil J i" l | • • »|i|i««"»l >>) Umrefliini, wita Ihrtowliftf uf BttMI mud. , lie lontrturn tli»roiif| IwlnllorwBnla mild llio •»(»», «lnl

• « Imlil mi iiiioiKiiliraliii-) "It «»lil lfimU| mnlmi l U n i c t M, TiHik^ff *rf> miMic <l(if«>iii1i>iii

..pt.»U<q TO" »f(' Hi» *ll» uf Mill lUinilM t iu .kt>r, mid at llm tlfi^o uf flllittf "MI'I "'l> IIN<I mi Inlnnt« i l u l i l " ' i l i>«" In mid l«mt«.

• • B t j n i A M * J A < J M < . > N ,

• ' " J I ' I M I I . > i l ' « . l . j ' l » l n ' l i f l i l , W . •>. , . ' '

O0h<o>' • ! .iiUynur nww ln>«l IIIWIIM* Hii«»lli*yniil" ' . " ' " . " I l!ill"H *«<» •> " " 'HMKO I'liiitfin Rvua.1

THE TIMES.From the N. V. Tribune.

A W U D I S u p p l i e d . •< •'•;••The Auierlcau, mind' is active. I t ,baa

Slvm us books of fiction for the 'sentlmen-talist, learned. buoka for tlio scholar (tDd -professional student,' but/em bookt'fortfieTjeople. : A. liook;'/9r ilie;people must re- *

latO| to a Bubject of uuivarsul interests Suchi subject is the.puyBici)l.man, and such «...Dook " T H E PEOPLE'S COMMON SENSE M I D - '!O*i. AoviBEii,;' o C9py of which has beenrecently ldia 6a our table:' Tue'hl^u :pro-' ;

fefeloDal altalnmeate of Its author-^-Dit.*R.',VY PiEttOB of • Buffalo, ^N. Y.^-ond :lho ad-yitutagos, derived by, uun from an oxtenBive .[iiuctico would.'alono liiiure for his \y6fk i 'cordial reception. Bflt khCBo.rare nOt'the''•merits' for which it claims our attention. .;,Tho Author ia a man of. the people. Ho,,;synipathizea with i them ,in, all^helr nfliic-Uptia, efforts aud altalnmcntB. Ho per-''ceives their want—o knowledge of -them-"'selves—and believing tuut oil truth should-:bd inade'aB uuivel-si)! asOod's own sunlight,.froth his ftttitlof learni'pijaml'expefieflcehe "has produced, a,,work 'in .which he" givesthem the '-benefits of liia' labored' In it ho .considers (iian in-evcry phase of blsoxlst-euctyfroni thomomontheemerges.»."froma raylcss atout, too dltnlQutlve for the sight,ur^il, ho gradually ovolves^ to tho maturity "of, those Conscious' Powers, the exercise 'of which furulslics EUbjectiVo evidedco ofour immortality.1' Pidceeding upon thoJhqory that every fact of mind Jias a phys-ical antecedent, he has (tivon an admirabletieallae on Cerebral PhjBiology, and shown 'the bearings of- the1 facts thus establishedupon individual aud social welfare. The.,Author hplieveawitU fipcnc.er,) that.-;'!.as ",vigorous health, and its accompanying TiltJh/.'spirits aro larger elements' of hiippincsa than 'any other things ivbalover, tlio teaching/;how to maintain them ia a teaching, th'af.yieldsIto no other whatever^",,apd-accbrd-iugly lias Introduced an cxteiiBivc discussionof tho methods by'which we may preservethe integrity of tho eystem and ofttimesprevent 'tho onset of diseaso.', iDomcaticremedies—thoir..-prcpa^ratiou, • uses ,and,,ef-fecla—form A-propinerjt featureJof thework. The hygienic treatment, or nursing'of tho sick, ia an; itnportarit1'~BliTi]oct, and ;

receives attention: commensurato with Us,,impnttance.; Ncarly.allditcusca ".to whichflijsb.ia hcu: V arc described,.their symptoms,und causes'-'explained, ana" proper domestictreatment'suggested. ' To 'reciprocate tho ;

inauy favors i bestowed upon him by a.gen-crouB public, the Author, olfcrs his book atn;[)rice.(^l.C0) littlo exceeding the coat'of-publicatiD.it" Our leadei-s'utui obialn this'practical a'ad valuable work by addressingt h o a u t h o r . : ' ' • • : • : :: ; • • ; • ; . - .


OPFIOK.Houus FEOH 7-.A* w. TO 8 p. M.. BDSDAIS »ROM 0 TO 10.30 A. v . ,

TIME OF 0LO81NO.' ' ' •'KowVork, Nortli, E u t mid T?c»t. 10 a. m., 9.30,

i.ld and 8 ii. m. . . ,Trentou, Phlladolphla, Baltimore aiid th© 8outll t

8,0.1&a. m. and4^01>. m. , ;Middloljush, Mlllstoiie, Qarlltigoii, ' OrlggBtOTni,

Blawcuburg, atoutaburgh, UopovreU, Wpodvtllo aud"ouuiugtuu, 2.S0 j>. in.

Houtli Jl lvor,12.«i) ' )M'lUlltowii, l l a . m. . . • .I'rfuiiotou, Jionlt 'ntovn, Qurllogton,- Camdrn and

way, Sa . nj., 4.60 p . l u . , : ; • . , . . ,'.^rmikUii Park, 8 B. m. ' ".'' ' ••"" ' , 1 0 « . m . , 2 . 5 0 , 0 . 1 5 , 8 p . m . : ; • . . • ' .

DELIVEBV. ' -- ' ' •**New York, North, EaBt aud West, 7, 9, 9.27, l l a

.ra..fiana 7p. in, "'........ _ . _Jersey Oily, Newark, Elisabeth ana Babway, N«w

Jersey way, 0 a, in, aud 6 p, m.PbiUdcliihin, Ualtlmoru. Waabiugton and Sontb,

0 a. in., 4.'J0 and 7 p. iu. ' 'Pblludel[ihiaaudtho West and CaraJon and Am>

boy.way..ll4i.jiuaiiil.Ip.io. ~ . . . . -- »•-Stiddlebusli, WiUatono, IlarllngfU, Grlggfltown,

Blawouburg, Stoutsburgb, Upjiowell, Woodville millrennJngtou, 10,16 a. ni,

South lllvor, 10.10 a .m. ' ' :F k l i I » k UFraninIark, ;Ua.w.>tllttowu, 10 n. m.Foroign, 0 a, in. and Tj), m.Momnouih Junction, Kingston and Rocky /Hill, 11

a, tn. and7p.m. > .' . ;.JOSEPH F. FISHEU, P. M.

Theo. Diesenreiter's

Furniture StoreAnd first- class Upholstering Establish'

ment, corner of

ALBANY & GEORGE STREETS,New Brunswick, N. J., '

Manufacturer aud. Dealer in Parlor at(3 Libra-ry ballies, Bofufl, IJOUJIKCS imil phairs, of myown make nnd trim mo U in tha btiat auil la tootBtyle. . . •', ' - -•.

Ltimbreqiitii* anil Looso Covers tiiade. Mat-trcaaoa made and remade, rillows and liol-^'.ers, Furnlturo Kepaircil, ; Ke-covcrcu undVamlshed, -Allkinds of UpholaturlHg'duuelntho best manner.1 • '• > .. •

Soliciting your patronage, I am, Tery re-apectfully yourtt. ; •mhlH-ly TIIKODOBE 131E8ENRK1TKR.



WHAT FOR?To buy llonts and Sljons for tlin chitdrvn. CanViHi ilaliiittcr tlierbt Yen. Whut in tikes youHitnk HOT Why, i lime trlrO tUern, and I tollyi)u tn tlioao llincB. when monoy and work uromi Hearcu utid hunt to i^t, it ntmUln oVcry inniiIn liimtl who IIAA ii ftiinlly td buy nlionn fur, tulook arouiiil und "t'o wlurti lio vtin do tlin best.,unit 1 iiml tlio Mlllu boot uml fliou Btom 'roiiinltliu carnoc (iK-xt t<i Uulturd'i (Irucury) l» thu|)lncn to buy clu-aji uomls, Tlioru nil kinds,ilirliiillnic Mm vrrjr UU'Hl stylos of Men'itjW i M ' M l ' dCllld

Boots, Sloes, Gaiters, Slippers,lite. (J|»« lilm A onll. rxiiliiinc tlm unoiln nml *•frt IMIIP ttlioTtt |x not .mo, __^i l . { ! l l l i r f



Building" Lot,lit Ilia t i l i n g of A I I B I . B ( tui i r m l l r . BiMllliqr

lila «lty, o n r<i i l | i .y l»auU Kallicla.l), aUi l .U . I

m»r I I I . l>e|i»t.


of •felta.iig.it roreltjr |in>,i«it; or «o»d«,

lilrfia "IArt," nm of H i m TIWI»,

l»w llfiiiianilck, M I, \\j\1im

Page 2: BABG^INS - digifind-it.com · VOL. XL-NO. 121. NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J.9 IXJESpAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 23, 1875.PRICE THREE CENTS. subscriber offers for sale a, fall $tQck of Men's, Youths?


r.Deatli;>f Vice PresidentWllsen,


OFFICE NO. 22 ALBANY STREET.D I : L I Every Afti>moon--WEi!m.T on' : • • • > • . • v

WKEKLT—Invariably in advance, tl.DO ayear. ^Qlu^aof, ten or py<p, $1.25 each,with n copy for the getteriipi Of: the olub.

• The" fate to Subscribers residing outside tub

county is $J.7Op<;r annum, .DAIL*—Fifteen cents aweek,whonBerved

by "carrier, or $7.(10 a year, In j advance,w'uenBent by,n)aiL,,• ,,, ! 4 1 , . . ; , .

'Co!pmunlcal|onB;'.,pf.. wUatexer.,.iptyn,

must be addressed to m:S ;i ;..;,.?..',! *u „.,.

; ..•• i. ii -. • - A . B . « o i i » « ? i .

WaehiugtcinV D." G.,'Monday morning n'tT.lfi o'clock. His death took place iu tboVice President's'room, adjoining tbo Sonatocbunjber In tho Capitol. Ho rcBteU welltlio preceding uight, and when bo awoko iit7 o'clock a. ni.'oxpfessod "himself as feel-ing' .bettetff ' H e then oat up. in .bed, tookaqnie Weclisine lij-om \tne nurae,^ lay downupoa his loft Bide, and,,expired In a fewmonients-wUbput a struggle. jjTue. burstingof a blood T.esjeX;In, ,iho^bralp .i| aupposbdI Ho

BlttmstylCK, N.'.Ji:

; i875.

Ttie diith; of iHenry, W ilaop; was, iiarflly i' BurpHso 'td tuoVat- a .distance i from iitue

Ca'pilai.'eudilon' as it finally^was; for,thoiigh|tho ,'ph'yBicians^ ipUetinp'about himhave- from .thQbeglnuipg' had anappareutlyb,opl;'ful Viowof •lhl»i.oaae,tho iaolB whichth6y!liad:it(>' ilat<j:'cphtradlctc(l, In mostoiou,V ininils;'' Lhe'.cpucliisiou^' llio over-siin-

1 gnino..idoctQt9,':"ipui itforlU., It';ia. Bald thewonf/arid lntrlguo:.'and defeat of, tho last

.two'.'^enr'B "were "the liiriato causes pf bis

dayaago.tboflni'ur'p.pf biB ambition and liiiplans hcwaamalclng'to accomplish hiBiowinomination anil election'to tho Presidency;anil'.'.wff poiutcd "oOi'{b'e folly of them1 Inviewot his, state 'flfXli'caltb.. Our, .words!took1 but short tiino forlcotifjrrnatioi!.,...

Xjiyirig aside, thcrbfdrV, liis" position' Ittlto.'-xsry peculiar.'"unu^fj-jJurTeat .partjsaiBtrugKle3' io£.-to-day^ there fa ;no doubt that

•Henry Wilson's <ieitth will bo .mourned: by' tl(e iyhole^^cqjild,-' regiinllfei iof! parly, as

the dcatU'ipf .feV:.others o£' ciiir pub• lic,!iineu.: HQ .wa8>).th.Q einbodtuieut, o.

tlie'l'A'mi'rican1 .system..'iii 'hia own life—tb'e't'noBt Blriklug living einiiiplc of the frospacu that1 is .before .|lic!^yuuliiii'lAiiieflcaii..o,wbutewr. class.of,life'..uJ'ow could,.jl'ayibeen burn'lowcr than Henry; Wilson (., Ianreadli' a' hifjlier placb' "hi' thd American "Gov Jeminent', ;.Barii iu'sucii'^.pwly "B^rround.iiiga, of eucii a liiinibip'fn'mily.'ihal;. ho !\viashamnl' of 'lil» name and clumped.it,-toWilBon/by'becam.o^VicfrPresldour of theTjmteil^tntes. !| '^p ,nibrb Btriklng Illustra-tipa of, llio itrUjO jmpaniug. pf our.institutioncan bu given.tbanhia career. ;Ilia lifo also,ia the apt Illustration! of tho certain rewardWhich comes .to' a 'youth; ^ybelhbr'he hoveBpec'iat'.intellect or7u6t,' who IndiisirioiislyBlrivcs after "a certain object with, a singlepWrpBsa'ih 'vluw. * "MK- Wilson- waa-not •• arudntif Specialtalenls, aS|WOfon>ar,ked,iri:arecent article; But-before ho was 21working on'the'rafiui bo hail Tend !a tbousand ho'oks( aud Svben he transferred himself to the shoemaker's bench, he still pursued literature .with . unwamiug devotion.Fluout iii;6p[;cch aud.wcll read nniong hisfellows.tuq early and.iinuiature'condition ofthe country yavo him a place- in Alaasacbu-1

Belts politics. Getting,a'foothold here he'mudo tho. future .securo' by- clingingto and never leaving hia 'Binglo idea—thefreedom of the American .'slave. He wasconstantly at conventions; alwayB introduc-IUK resolutions Into tl'e Legislature ; taking

....the.cilUoralilp...nf:a.Bii3ton: ncwapapotaadpushing the subject there; deserting .llioWhiij party because that was too. conserva-tive on the subject; turning bis back on theAmerican party almost a8 soon ns ho joinedit because the lodges refused to.bo,,rftdical

. ou tho subject of slavery ; and eagerly join-ing the present Uepubllcan party with thatobjective point. Reaching tbe Senate 20years ago and remaining,there until his pro.rnotipn to the .Vice Presidency, he waspresent during ita most stormy history andwas a .promiueut. figure in the struggleswhich led up to the War.- Tho war.break-ing put, ue-gave:'bia o,uly sou aa bis, sacrl-

. rice,-uud he blniself • ou the military com-mittee of the Scuatc did 'work which! is.pro-nounccd herculean aud. always faithful.But when at last the slave.wua free and/the

—war-pyur, -Henry \Vilsoii,-llko -so -manyothers of tlie anll-slavcry .period, wus.already an historic tlgure, and his' occupationwas gone, lio was not a statesman; hew.ia not lilted or, , prepared for tliitasks_ of. reconBtructibn, and he followedobediently'''the-•-• radical -lines;- ^uUIlater in the hardly less.important Held othe present ho bad" become a lay figuro.His timblliou vini wrapped up Iu tlie,partyat whose birth he attended uu'd wiioso1 for-tunes bu faithfully followed. Ho sawj Igoing lo pieces and bo longed-to restore it.JIo lind not.th'o health,' thu energy, 'nor'per-baps the talents to go Into tbo struggle andsave It. Ho Baw, noue 'moro'c)carly,','th»tthe'present innuiigemunl of tbe party IB ru-inous; and tluit Urant, in using il as thestcppiiig' stone of his own vaulting ,"unibltioii, ia' ertiubiug it 'to pieces beneatd bisheavy step. Mr. Wilson as much as saidw>. ,Ue bna been Blenirning tho currput^ for»wrf jenriJrtitiiUll •hia' tulylit •Jsc-sk'liijt. togitther tho pieces into which the pnrty tinsfallen rind weld tliom liignthor; -mid hilooked upon -himself fas. tho one man In

, wlipso .cat|diilnoy.,thliitijight bp\louo,J Hobaa iniide the Houth and tho Mb«rnls nbjeetu of his.spiicial attention.' Alwaysbay-Ing prerworkctl iilih»elf it has bcou Imieuilpitecuia to see bliu Mruggle for life, endeilvnrini; with nil his might to keep uji appearuucea of recovery, Blrlvlng to bring togetin) elmtteml elumuntu of party and com-blnu thi'iii fur iiuotlier PrealdoiilllU victory,If be was tint i-initio' of hln own ambillonho way h« piintonvil for a lautlablu nnihillun. ; Hut he was not iquiil lo the task

. phyulcnlly or Intcilliu'.luiilly. llo wus un|.viiranlly Invril mid ri'Mpt'Ctod, hut ho Innnot llii' ('(IIII|>IIM of bl» own di'Hlrii. It wasn suil «li;lit I? »<!(> hbu nud iblnK of himIlls ImutuVw wcri) liuuiwin'nrt nl'urily. Wbnvp novi'r nltni'lunl bin Integrity—111Credit Moblher »I-JIIIII.I1 ti<ilolii:d but ilid uolrlitavo lo bli nkirl^. Ho WIIH not a potbound |>i> 1111 < 1:111. lio WIM lint nt tlui nidiof men who arn ruling bia party, but Iiwn'i nol of llio iinl'^r of ini'ii whom wo iun\iiiiiul to rule thlH f:i»uotfy.". (Id Ijiut tljo populnr khVctlun, Iwrniwp, Iiy blnVwn Imluntry, tin ronn fnnn thr linvhritt lo Urn bi ',placn, tm did Jitcltmiu nml Viui Milieu HIMlilitrolii ami nialiy nf lint iii'ml iimv ({'ilifjnnd iKn'it'mo BiiiiTiiH did nut riiiiupl, Hiwa* ft ([IKK! mid mi boiit'fit nud u, fiilthfulpublln M-rvnnt.

have been the Immedlato cause bL^...-...-,,.--.;, Preslde'ntJGrani wnshn^tiflodpf 'tfie.VicoPxesidonOs deatt at 9 n. •n)Mana lin-uicdlatcly called a special meeting of theCabinet ,«t IOJ.30, • at, whjeh. time all; thepieinborB yen ,pr^8«nt"1.eiqept Secretary.Hpb'esonj! wta'tvas kbseht from the:clty.Cii When the Supremo Court asfletnblod as

upua! at nbon[l tho.Cuipf Justica' • afinpujncodt|iat in consequence of the death of theVice President i no 'busine'aa ' would botransacted, .and Uioroupou, ( declared^ tho(iouit'adjpuruej'uutli'Tuesday. All theJustices5 -then' prooeededitgkfheSenoto -; ,wingif the'Ca|)ltol to pai-tlcipate intbe;< meeting.

Tho illlllniUy biitwcili lint ICII/nl.rlh' niltl.inlll'M nml tho Hui 0<inl|ni>y n

innni mirluim dully, nml II U I'tpi'dnl Hinttliu ruittrtwt with tltiit lyimpitriy fur It^htlngtlm »lh'i'tn will mmii In) fiiuiiill.'i], It la mi• I«i»l9i»l tliit H now i!ii|i||iniiy It hpln

.fiiriiiml, ntiil n ilnirlrf will Im n|i|illnl (n, nUi> u^ai IIM'CIIIIK of tho l^'gUtatiirc.

Ae aDLoiiticea ' la': TIMEB,Ae t yHepry. Wilson- pf '.|ld6fiacuUB6tti,: Vies


tho fuucrul. Amqng tbo-others assembledwere Sona\om Tburraa'n;j Sargent,' Wlndoin).Edmunds, iiIoVrell.' (Vt!iPatteraou, DennlB, Jones' (Flu.), McDonaldand Sherman.. Also Bocrqtary. Flab, Post-;mostor. General .Jewell, Attorney' GeneralPiorrepouty ex-Attorney , Generali<\Vlulamaand yarious. personal .'ftjends pt! 'tbe VicePresident... Chief. JuBlico '..'felVo • wasBflle'cted ns Chalrniiirfbf fbo in'eoting.| The proper arrangements. wero..mado .forthq'.'fil|leral,by tb6'meeiin'j{.';',-AU,tIio publicand many private ibuildiugs inrAVas'bington,—a« well asln bther'localitiis^-had' the na-.tional ilag' Buapended at:liiit;'raasi».::.iTlieTaripu's'cK'partmentawcrd, clsaed'nrKV.'otbeisuitable marks of. respect aboiyu1. lo tliomemory of the' deceiiBed.' :'Tiio';bijdy waslaid out in tho Vice President's -room! andbiaV bratrVwan'ifdijiud {o:';WcigU f49jjq|incesjnci aii oJtahifn'ht'ion'sh'Jwed thaHhiri) were

cancerous deposits at the baso of the brain,A. plaafercast.df the bead-.WU3:taken,. A.

Thla Is tbo second instance in the historypf tho Unlted:StdleSiwlier6 a TICo'Preaidenthas died durjpjj IIIB .term of office—VicePresident Klnffii.wUOJ.died-.'.aC.Ciifiai hgiogthe first, although two Presidents jiave dieda natural jeath'anil'oue beeri muixlered dur-ing their Urujsotoplce.... . , . . , , . a j o ;

Tbo/ori|;ina! namo of tho lato V^e Presi.dent was Henry Colbnijh, and he was bornat FartniiiKlou, New 'Hampshire, oil tho16th of.February, 18|2. . Hence he wasbbly nbouf'OS'years ol "ago. HIS parentsbeing jibor he was"' apprenticed; when onlyten years,old,, to ft'farmer'(iu"tho vjphilty ofbis birth-plnco) named iWilson, whoeij namoho assumed and'with1 whom lie continued11 yeiirs, duriug wblch period ho Was sentto school at frroguhir Intervals, amountiugin alt lo , about , 12 months. i.'Ho earlyformed a'tdsto'fpr'-reuding; and from aprivate lihroiy; in ..tho, ,nelfrjibprhood bor-Tuwed nnd read-on Sundnys-nud iu the even-.iiiK by firelight nnd moonlight In the course-'of bis npprenticeahlp:-uearly' 1,009 volumes,chiefly Of' history dud blbgraphy.^OdVat-;tajning bis . majority he, quitted'.;.Piir.ni-'ington, and,; with all, his ,. pixsa'ssio[ia .ina pack on bis back, walked to".Natlck,Masa-j^vbcrcho ..hired.himself..to a-shoiiimaker until ho bad learned his trade, atwhich he worked for- two years, when,having accumulated - Boino money, ho ro-turh«l;tprUe'iv Jjampshbe,'and'studied fora" while in l\i£ aciideiiilcs nt'btiiffora.Woirs;borough nud Cpn,cqrbY^ His plau of educa-tion was cut short by the insolvency of tlioiei-Qoq"-(o.*w|i9qi bq liad!fntrU31Cd."bls 'flav-ngs, and ho returoed to katick'aiVd resumed

work, as a; shouuiakori in !1838.'v. In ,18-10lie lookan' acttve parf'in "tue iVcsidentfutcanvass and made upwards of OOBpcccbcsinbehalf of Gen Harrison, tbe Whig canUI-date ,fbr President.- "He.served three; yprs ,from 1810 to 18;13, inclusive, ui! iho il(is#a>.chuaetls Houso of HcpreBcntntivcs^'nnd thetwo yeah* 'foirowing In t he Senate.' <Fronitbo beginning .he was an earntBt opponentof;Slavcry, and when in 1848 the NationalWhig Convention rejected anti-slavery res-olutions,-be withdrew and took.Autivo.,'pnrtIn the organization,'of .the FroS Soil partyand at that time purchased aud edited thoISoslnnlttpMUean.' •• > \ r-'- '-

Every.step tended upward. Iu 1851and18f»ff bo was President of the JlassncbiitctlsHen»Ie,'in 1852he wa.i President of, thoNational . Free , Soli. Couvention at P,itts-burf, and the Free Soil can'dldalo for Gov-ernor of his State. Tnl85B, Uy!:a;well-hundltid poalitlon. bet ween the Kepublicausand' Americans, -he , was..elected UntiedStales Senator, iu which position he. re-mained uutil. March 4,. 1873.. when he tookIIJB seat[us -Vice PresiUtiut/'.Pf. .the-"; TJoilcd8ta(cs.";- ':"-' ' " ''•' •* ''. •? • ''"' '•''

When Mr. Lincoln called the 'Tliirty-clgUlti Congress^ together, In 160');. Air-Wilson had beeu._six ycft'rs a'..Beria|or. unitwas mode Cbair.man of jba ; Cn'minittcu oilMilitary Afjnlra;-^ Ho sWtts.i'gally poseessedof all the secrets of the War Department,consulted, on'every Importaut- occasion,and the confidence full in his informationaud judgment carried through ninny im-portant measures of those troubled times.After tho warMie w,as continued at tbethe bead of tbq anme t:(>i»inll[i-t', but; tl e.Work WQB easier • and> lie turned Jiia.ihiqd tppolitico-biatorieal literary worlta upon thewar nnd Us .antecedents. - Ills finishedworks arc : " History ofthc Anil-SlaveryMeasures of tlm'lliirtyJOiglilli and Tblrly-Ninlh Uuited States CongresBiB, 1HU0 to1804," a work wlifeh appeared 111 1804;" Military'Measures of tho United StalesCongress,'1! 1800.; " Testimonials of Auiurl-can SliUrjfiiitii aud Jurists lo thu Truths ofChristianity,1'" 1807; "History of tho Uo-cbnstruction Measures of the Thirty Ninthnud Fortieth Congresses, 180IS-B," 18118;" History of the Part which Con[;r<'&Ml'lnyi'd In llio War to Suppress the Hebelllou^'1 Sincu then |io|ba» bfen busy, ,w|i(;.i)-eVdr1 bfs physicitt'na |itiVrnittoil lluvrnry orother labor, on bis still unfinished work," A lllntriry, of. tlit>' PIBO Mill -'1'IIH of Bin-very In the United HlaU'n," n Work so farluiYitnccd that A litllo longer, term of \\hwould liavo ctnnplt'led lt.r "' I '.

In 1S7U ho was eli'ilcd"Vico PiT.ililmil oftbo llnlteil Htntiio on tbo ticket with I'rral-dautUratit, ividl look bin plain! jM 1873 HHPrt'»J>l™t,of thb NfuH«.;. ' l l i o oflWu l« nollahotliilii nfiil'lt lir'uMin'l'to' (julfgntd !n: Jiirgripint iit Itn ilullos. 'Mr . 'Wi l son pushiAl ohlilrt literary liitiurn with tbu unuic uiilhiK^IngziinlrUiitU'llnalty hu bad nouio [iluil uf a'iilioiiU'/'lho' <:hftrn(!i(*r of which wm foriinii|iy frnflonn kept, In'rdicirvp, but (In! (lid-!

' ••' of liuiini rent, IIIHUIIUIII'(|ulot nrul'from luhor tnld tho stoiy of u

Hhnrp nttni'k ou lira brnlii. Afln nimiyinunllm be nppnrtuilly rrrovfri'd nlid IM-KIIvrurU n^ulu n« luird M over, and IIID nlplniiivtmi'iiilH iibdiil tlm mjuillry Ui!lniyi!illUi'voiiHM-BllrKiiiuii'i yvlilch liuilnl III, At nH.ililli'i'n Hntinlon fi-irnlly m llrttllnlmin,Vchiliiiit, ho htil linotlii-r nllniili, liul It ivmircwfOKUl by vlgoroUii i'iilihlu(( unit fmMml Iinir tlfjilly. Ho wail , on tu WiiMi1ii||lon,iinrlly for rnoiimtlon, but.tliu nntkulmiibi'illiliu. Tbd lilfjlit bfiorn bin lunl unlwrc, In-rcmnrknl Hint Ii* nn iwi noil ox i'V«r mnlwlillii Hi HahlliMii llml (Mil nbln to wi ik IUliutir* it liny. TlWi'liml d»y iwiitli«lli:li'(lthat Imllof. • r

It t«ivt n'prfxttalnil ini.Hiiiiilnr nlulit thaiMr, Wllmiil I IW III/ linii-li lm|.l-iivr.| llitl ln-wmili) I* nliln I'l'.'N'iiVU for tlui N'lilli Hu'

tilt ili'nili ncm jiniriiiiiit ii | iili*lk^'iiiboiimirptlu »• (tl«r, On , HnuliJn/ jaiflie

seemed to bo s great deal bellej'lliuo at-ipytime, duriog hie latev«i';)j(jet«, (iud wasvisited by a number 'of liie. frieiids. Hewt-uf to ted at an early bpiu'op Sundayevening and slept tolerably well^uriDg thenight. In bis waking intervals lio asked•f^rwater. About midnight begot up .'and"walked about his room, thon noing.tohistable ho took up a little book-of poeina en-titled "Tlio Changed Cross," with tbomotto: "Not as 1 will, but^as Thouwilt," and read three verses from it, one ofwhich Is as follows:' ••". . •• i•>Help us, Ol Lord, with patient love, to bear each

olhcra1 faults,: To Buffer with truo moaknPUf.-.Help QB each olhera1 Joys snd grlefB to sliaro,; llot letua Urn to Theo ulonu ID weakness.'1

; Othbr iypreeB had been ma_rked In -thebook, omnig tiiein tho "following :'7

... i ''WifltVf poor.sinQerRP4ui]t thj-grlef- «. -L ; ,The/eigQ or an ufichnatendtl will;

" / .•: n d who aa glvo tliy floul relief • :,-'.. . , ,. . . Knows tbat tbou arl Bubuiiaslvo allll."

'• This' vbiumii f'b'eloh'god to his wife,1 andcontained'a pbbtbgraph1 Of her and theirBbnj both deceaBcd. ..He trousured it beyondyalue' and1 always inudoithls compuuion,from wblcb he ..derived much comforl.^.fter readinB.'.tte yeYses ho Bpoko withgratitud.0 of tlie kindness of bis friends dur-ing Jlls^Blckuesa'. and of ::tbe widespread,sympathy in his behalf. ' lie tiiou felurnedtp bed.|n a,happy mpod and Blept,...,..,.I At threo" o'clock Monday morning he'awoke complaining of a pain in the atom-ach; -One of .the attendants -rubbed it,when, being thus relieved, up' agaiu;fellasleep, At seven oVlock be awoke) ia-marklDg tliat1 lie-felt1 brighter and,, bettor^ha'n^t Ijinit tfiiie previous. , IIq &nid;tiiiit bewas going to ride''out to-dayj hs hiB pbyBi-ilan, Dr. Baxler, advlsoil him. lo do BO, if.,iho weather was fair. But iu less than 15nilhuli's boAvas dead;! ; ' . ' • j .

' Tbo deathof'Vice. Prpsldeut SVilsouleaves thei President pro tvjn. of the- Sen-ate, Hon, Thqinns W'Ferry of Michigan,-to fiU the place." Tho'CpuBtitutlon providestKat tLe -Souato shall-ctooao " a prenide'ntliro tempore, i ia1tbo ;ahscnee;o£-the VicePresident,'or whan lie shall exercise, tlie of-fice of Pieaideht of tlie_Uuitcd Slates." .It Iiusual for 'llio yjco President,' lit an iiarly jie

orl iu'tliij'sesaiou,' lform thaBcouto ofinf

io vacate the chair urnbls'absaicc. Th'eieup

bu the Secretary'of the'Scua'te calls 16 orderand reads n letter..-. to: the effect thattho Vice,: President ,wil l ,he. absent.Tbls waa done on tho.'18tb:nf March, 1870Vico President Wilson vacated tlie chairaud..tlio Senate eleclcd-Hon. Thomas W.lY'rfy. .o(\:jlli!Ll|!au to.the vacant phicu:•This inakca Mr. Ferry da facto Vice President .of the United Stales, liud Prcsidcut: i:the event of the death of Gen; Grant.

nieblin'g^of Congress Ion the first Weducsdaiof December, when,Mr. Perry will call, tbLb — ' - to order,| and n now eleclidii "Nviii bo

of tlio'Benate."

in ouo iirataiicoat least

j Mr. Ferry*'was tlu'c'ttd at tu'o lastwith this'contingency in VlcW, and' tho pos-sibility of' Mr. Wilson's df'atli''-was thenopenly discussed iu the "press, a fact which.looks toward llio probability of his" ra-electiori. :Mrj Ferry waB born' jut Mackinac It1827, was electeil,to.the .Michigan House ol(liqpresc'utiiti«cs,",lh 1850, and to the. StallSenate In :i8ft0. Uo.wiis.cleciijd Buccetsiye'

•to ..tbp,39\h, 4Uth, 21st and,.'42d 0on-a. jssss, but did not servo' (IJO: latter .term,having beeu elected United | States Seuulor5n 187-lv.to.succeed Hoit Jacob Jl,-Howard..Hjs .lerni expires. March 8, 1B77.

l'lli: $30 ,000 CoutetttSlu C i i l l l u o

•jTuere is miicii.feuliiie; among tiirfmeu ii]New York city over.the. uiftnuer,.iu w.bich,tho$St),O(J0 California nice has beenajjed. . It-is vnrinusly eHlimiitcd that from'$75,000 to'$120,6ti» is loclied lip in thedirTe'rent' (Jool-Coxcs, nnc),:;asido from the

-• iu tliu coudllious of ibeTiice' which.........-Jo to. result frpiii^ the Jong postpnne-

Inicn't to Thanksgiving Bay, betting nieii arcimpatient nt Mug di'prive'l of the use oftheir mouo/.1 • Pool-selU'rs deny that in themeantime tlicy aro muklng anything out of

short time, andiiUv a wiiiiugntss

to declare beta utT if iLuothct postponementoccurs. Tlicrc:ia a elilllculty, however, indoiDg.tliis. It ia a rule nfi the Natiou.ilTroHiil[! -AeBotiiatiou .that.It a rnci-docs nottako place williin live days of the!nio- -first 'anubunecd, ' iill: bels are off.

[But' the' 'rules,:pf. tiio Aiiiufimn JockeyJlub provide tliat in easej of jiostpoiieinent

nt all"bctsiBliall:fbllov tliu race, unless thoconditions of. the nice | shall be. changed.Tlicre is Eomc ambiguity jn ilie last clause.Since the flfat postponeniciit of tho Califor-nia, race, \yild Idle, Springbok and Hulbcr-(itiliiavc alternately been the fiivorite? iu

Oaliforuia/aud the inference.would-'bcjliiiteither tlio delay has been disadvautngeous tosoine of'tile horses oi| tliat!cxp(.'rieiioedturfmen are entirely " at sea " und bellingut random. It i9 thought that tlioro is soumtruth in both assertions, fipoculallvo in-terest in the flice i's dcad"for llie present,but will probalily.nivivu njriin on Weduia-ilay ulglit, if tlicwenlhoofcpiirt froinOa!!-fornia bb fttvomble. 'A^ tirst -there was asuspicion; tlmt .persbus'lijiil iionjjlit up tl|o'iU:c:wilb'a view of swindling betloi-n, biitt Is now generally admitted Ibat'lbo heavysettingi among- uien-viulerested directly-. Intho horses' has beeii too Vuiicd to iniiko'acombiuatioil possible; nnd tliat Wild Idle,UriiusU'iul and Katie Pense will certainlylie run to win. Home liiffmeii of undoubt-ed fairness think the bets ought to bo de-clared off. Others, who me directly intun-Hied, and who are favored seemingly bytiiu 'dciay, object strongly to a' return oft|io .puol inoiiuy. 'I'lio postponement ti>TliiinkByiying Uiiy is considered'n plan oftiio inanngiirs to Increase tlie amount ofgale money. '• ' v'' : ' '

Tlio American Jodiy Olub is consideriiiLtbp feasibility of olTeriugagrand Centt'imial('urea of fnim'JIB.00O tu.$30,M(i, for agreat race to he run at Jcroino Park nextseitson. If-alargo puiBo.wcrc oltiTL'd it istliougbt tbat two or three English nim-suoiild be unloicd for the eonti-sl, whichwould be,made open to all comers withweight fur a^e. Aiiiciica|i owners liaveconlldcncc cuougli In tlioir stock to iu-vit^nll'tbe eonipctilhin! tbu 15|tgl|Hh turfciiu ' offer. L.ftlcmller8[ of : the'- JuclcyClub; ssy that: llio Hilre of thewill*

pin' ; tl_n» • «idp _

thoy mny receive -iroui lioteli Hml mil-wayB, whieb will.have uipectmliiry Interestiu uu event of tlila chiiraolur. Tbe (luruewill not, ut all cvenla, hiji made, up on theprinciple* yi»'vointiitf tbo California ^30OUUprinciple-gnvc'inliiu tho CaliforniapurBe, wboiu tlio ontrancx) fet'ti, HI por cent.of tlie purM), go luU) tlui hands of the hinii-ngeru. An there are nluo cnlrli's InIiondlnu Ciirllfurulii. raci', $27,UUI) of thnpuiBO Is pnlit by OWUITHJ of tliti bniiHO rnteli'd. Tho illiiiii<-o n oniiy for thin. pr(fposed Cfulciuilat PurHO will h»> aikled to.ptho Hlnken oven If ttitt

g d to imtko up theits own UK-niiN. I

illuimm of wltlni

y Club \HO cnUicly uiil of

political iiffidrK, who luw Just rrlunifd froutlin We*!, tepottivlluit Mr. Morlmj It alinom

II to Imvo thn united vutiiuf lndlann furtho Prenkliintliil iininliintliiii In llm next Itn

Niitlnim.l t'Oiivcillljtii. Hotnotlilniof mi illuhiM'iiiii'llt In nullluK (((rfiltmt tilo

but il will llnl 111) Ntiull 4i||nflf(ll tollni'K olllnldn nf tlui II hi In. Timnun MW ii'i otii- In llm Went wholi:d lllMI. (Ililllt'll IMIlillitill!)' fin |i

•l lrii term I'liullilo. ,'J'liu . linllmia Deiun-ttin fi'iiiio' ailtlinrlty,

will pniini.t tbo niiinii n'r lli'iidili'lin lothnneil Ili'iniirrulln rjnlliiiiiil OollVI'lillfill,Tim mlijci-i >vt Hi" diili'hry Iw nn'w muiovvldnly ilkifiilAncd unions IhO |K'iiphi nf tin'VYtfit limn i|l imy I'li-vliiiin lluiii, mnl IHIIII

rn|fi'('}'i)ly In linlliiiin. inn mi' nt llm Itnpiililli

pilltli'n rit|fWI}'i)ldlvl<t<-<i iipuit | l ,h'lnu im nt limitnity In llio Upniiit P'tityi

ConflUM! <-lliiilnyt'rn of llm lhilnw«ii'(Ii'trkitwiitinit i\nil ^Vi'fttrrii, H-illrmid ('uitipuny, who VM'in pulil fur wink nt IIMI nnwtnniil'l on MiiliinlnJ, wf-i.iufi,nii,| mnl Mii.-.If o em Ii Iiy JIHIKO Hivi« on Mninlity tmiHttliK tlfutik anil llK'lllnit< .liinim lliri 'y•ml JmiiM Ulni'il wcry llwd f;i) eurli (urbollitf tlio ilDitlfiii1«tf. , :

, "Tbc YtLitfiiu has Ft'nl a Btc-ict note toBpiln.' ' . • • • : • ' ' •' i

The British troops liavo captured t)iroitockodes at Pei-ak. :.'.

Eit-tiupcrvlaor :McDonnld was convicted)u all l|io counts against him in St. EiouiB.'

Gen. Slierpian reconimeuds postlnp].troopsin auioug^tbe Indians on tucii reservations.

GuiUord's grave has beeu declarcd,uncon-secrated ground by (Jio lilohop pf Jlpntreal.

It is -very, probable_tbat .oxGovernorJames E.'English will ho appointed UntiedStates Beniitor, to fill tlie vacancy caused bytho death of Hon. O. S; Ferry. / ;';•

Mr. F-dWard A.. Lovey, Cashier if tiiiDoVoe Oil- Works in'--Beared street; NoivYork, abot himself through the heart Mon-day morning at Jiis residence, 114 Madisonstreet,- Brooklyn." Deceased was a singleman. <

Tho explosion, of] a boiler In Jainea R.Dyo'fl poudretle factor^; on'tbo HaekenBack

.River,', ou Friday night, seriously InjuredJacob Meyer, .the -engineer, aHd lllchae!DoiVncy,' the fireman.' 'Downby lias sincedKd frdrii hia injuries.' '• "1 , i ; ., • • :•: 'Peter Brandt,- a-Kfiwark . horse jockey,while driving acrtss.tbe.tr.acHs of tbo New-ark aud Hudson Railroad at Grant avenue,opSnturday, was.run.Into by a locomotive.His liorscwas killed nud: biB b u g y badlydainageui, whlleho-cscapqd'.without.injuryii An old wiijow lady, a Christian' by pro-,feasion,. wlib diejl j-c'Qontly" In Liverpool, hascaused somet.liing of a^eiisntipn by bequeath-iug'S'20,000 .to'il)i\ .Ilefiuaun Ban-,' formerlya liJbtui-er In a'Jowa^': Sypagogue iu Liver-pool, aud" nott^ ai^Hebrew. teacher iu Now.Orleans, and. tho leBt of licr foitiuo to aJewish bospUaljn Joru§Qle|h.._- HirreliillvcBthreaten to contest tbe will.

The Jersey City Journal sayB: Thereis no dispute whatever betweon tho heirs oftbo lato Dudley S: Gregory relative to thowill of the Uec'ehjed; -A'portion of tho willis.-obseure in^its mending und the ChancellorIs iiBked by the , executors ,to glvo bis de-'ciBion'ou'It.''-.Tue Cbbnceryadvertisemenlis1 merely il part 'Of tlio " red -tkptt ".' requiredby luw, and tho proceedings aro necessary,to help tbo executora. in their work.

; Piiii.iiBBLraiA, Nov; 20. —A':gr6at miiiiystatements bnve got into tho newspapers ofInto about Mr. liandiill Hint inlgM'occasio'nmcrriiuept toihis;frltndaThy reason of Ihojabsiird ferrors tbe'y'cnnt'aln, if f'tiiey did nottend to.do bliu.scrluus Injustice pu\ werenot deaigncd to', cripple;lijmj.n hiB'rft'ce for;tbo Sjieukersliip. One of these, statementsis that hu is au Inflntlonlst. " Tlib'curreu'cythis report has had ia ii food illustration ofhow readily,pooplu.forget tbo'rccords oftheir public';men'; 'nnd:bpw a runioror afahiicslld'n started -for'political elTeci wl 1'often outweigh the votes aud.apecqlics pflOjjyears. For a year or two' aflerjlic uatiluof Bull Hun the uofinlry nnd tbo'nruiy be-lieved tbat Qou.-McDowell, was-drutik on'tblit occasion, wliiloltie trillli was tbat uu>vns then and hadbcen all bis life a totalabetincut of the -sturdiest 6or't,, and tho solofoundation for;tlio rcpoTrwas thnt'duringthe uight retreat,he was seen to nod in Illssaddle from extreme fatigue as be rode

• a l o n g . ' • • . ; • ' i : : . - - , , ; • • . . . . , . . ' , . : , , • . ,

- Tbo foundation for llio atory about l l r .UandiilrB.favn'r.iu'g ifafliitlotf-js just.nsifliin-sjft His pnrty in Pennsylvania ran cm yafter tue' Ohio nu>-baby; inithc'lalocnuVm ,;iud therefore, it. is.iirgued, hp must t»e au'lufliitioiii'st."' Tlio1 'ttutU.'W'-JIr'; Handiill 'Isand baa tilwnys been an^enrnesl, consistentntlvocnto of a curreuoy.based upou.gold andsilver, aud.no iuun in Congress bus a morektralghlforwnrd record oil tlio queslloii thanhi?. None of the sciieniea ,of , the linth'rsmid Kcllryg to rilh tlie cdiiulry off tbd roadto I'esuiuption. aud pluuge_it into a bottoin-lesi Blouali of. imper mimcy ovBjVgot nnycouiiicunnco'froni biin. In 1874 ne wentto the Sliile. L'oiircniliMi of uiB' party, atPillBburgli, and, "willi1 Buckiifow nud otberf,hud a platform adopted that contained tliomodttel'so-and—uueiiuiviical-declaration-iufavor of a return tbspcclo^thal' emannledFrom nny convention that year, .This yeurlie went to ICrie aud:work"ed hard lo kerptbo - party truo to Its : ancient failll.Afrcf"\vmiimg-ii-vlcir.ry;ld--,tlicJCommIticcon- Ucsolulious .hp wua-beilen by.trickeiyin tlie Convention! ' 1 . '

They -iiaTO 'also a story.' In 'Washingtonthat tho jobbers waut'to liuve Mr. liandall'elected. All tbe okl; members know thatfor 12 years tlio House has had no more un-relenting o|iponeiil of btnd grants, subsidies',the innutiierahlc jolis tbnt slink, into appro-priation bills, 'and tho tnultifiirm steals thatgeueruto--iu. Mho. lotibyrliko.-bllgs under astone, than Sr.muerj.]Uaiulidl. • Perhaps inmaking a list uf;I)t;iuocr!ifs-moro distin-guished for hostility to all kinds of cs-truvaganci) and•: jobbery, tliii 10111116 of Mr.lioliutiu of Indiana might be placed first,hut Mr, llolninn, is a universal objector,seeking' lo.'pnre" down all appropriations'Inthe Binuo ratio, and opposing .every project, -good or bad, which needs money to onrry-lt-<(u ; while .Hi.. Jtniidnll, tukes thu harderpnrt of iuvustigaiiiig a u d discriiniu'ating.The story about the frieudslilp of the lobbyfor Mr. ltaudall started in a Washingtonnewspaper, whuso editor hud _a linger in ainotli-prevonlive for nriny clothiilK whichtook $7f,00O a year fnnn the Treasury forwhat army ollkera said—vvaa: not worth$5,000;'until Mr. Ritulall got afler the joband killed It in an appropriation bill.

Mr. ltaudiill's vl«ws in reference to thefinancial course l«j be riurdtied by theDeuioc-ratti in Congress are .Well1 knownhero. JIo believes In strengthening thocredit ' uf tlie nation by strict' econ-omy ifr nil 1|B departments." Tho ' annualiip||i»ptiiitlnm can, lie iliinkfl, 'be cutdown ri0,O00,O(K>, arid taxes'rnllnxil totbe. •xleut of. $40,000,0(10. He woiildiouve a margin of > {10,000,000 ' be-tween the total of the expenditurescurtailed and thnt of tbu taxes reduced,hi onle'r to U'IVO llio Administration no,room for coiuplalut thdt the) IJemocralsuro scckldij to embarrass it by refusingHUllleicnt means to carry on Mm Guyern-ni'ut. Ho favors a scarcblng scrutiny into

cvury linn in llm volumouf ratlmali's.Where oxlravagnnt appropriations real up-lU-olil" Uwa •hp'wm|ltlvrepoitl, niiu'Wliun)

they,depend upon llio will uf Congress fromyear to year, lliaf will's'liuuld Iw oiorcli-ed.In llie direelioii of leirciicbnu'iil. In abortlu> ;pnipom«, that, tlio . llciraicr'qtic < UliusijHlioiild allow llio Hepulilit-AU Adlnlnlstra-lion funiiH eunuch id run tlio (lovornincntrcHunctiibly, Inn wltli im tnarKln. fur ulrnl-hit;/ An li|t«'tbii oirrmc-yv (jiiiatioo, Mr.Hilndall Is linkrfttoiiir t.o favor ii' sli>w undlure pio^H'ss in Uie dlicctlon ot Hpei'le,with nn steps linckvVard. ' ' '

Mr. Hiiinlair« fricndA say tlmt be will hoivi'r Ufi votra iiliiail of tlm next hlghi'slriuiilliliilu nn Iho flint lnillol, nml Unit thelnunli-tnlkoj-of ctnulilmiHon nuulnst lilnf Iuniirfnulblii. Tlieyfir l ronllili'iit nf binIliilllllllllliill on llio I'lrninl nr Ihlld hallnl,'I'lmy ciiiiiit nn 711 vi'tt'H for him ut thn

No now innr) (tun 1H) brought out,Ihny finy, wllh nullli'lent ntreii);lli In iiinkoliimil llKimiHt him. Mlllnli Hljlrr uf Ohiol» nut ifijuubil n« n( nil fonnhlublo. K«-(Inv, Walker of Virginia I'liiinot gi't I1I11own ileli pillion to support I1I111. licnrllly,lluiii Ini-iuii'i.lilniilllliil with llio' IntliiilimIllilVelnellt when limy tnolt Illll Hllliup furII|>V, Alll-ll III llhln. Tlm iffnltnf I II! ufllm (Vallmr brlined \Vi-«lein rni<-ii)iiiii>y nixiilo litltiK out it iniiti of tbi'lr (iwn uxlieniiivlnwi firowit ilnbiiy III tlm atniiiiplMMii ofWii«hlii||liin, under thn Inlllii-lliw uf llio(\niiirnriitlvii IniilriH of tho imrly.-• -f 'ttrni-

•mulnwi) N. V, Trl/nmr,

Mauler your I'IIIIKII u l nl>i'» wllli IliilnVuiiey of Iliiieliniiiid nml 'I'tii- 1-lvriy nf-ml lint i;f ll/M luiiKi^iliciit or Ihli'iU ti'iullni!

In i'iiiiNiiiii|iiiiin in nut only ri'lliived billnbnoliiliily iilillli!uiln| Iiy | |i |n wmiilirfiilViwnlnhlii imllillilllii. H11I1I Iiy nil IIIUKKIHIII,

I'llin'l ' l imllmrlm | l i n | » mii« III 1 nilinlln,

l lmniimn * <!(i.,ilili((gljl». New Vnik,ni•' 1iitni.liiilp.ir, Inln ll.li imniihy ){|ipl«)f')i(iilolirnd1!! Mixllcnli'il Wli l iky, for Ilinntri*if IMn*llln|ill<i|| nuil nil |ii|hiioiiul.y illinvw ».

rlttn HilvnitWiniMit, Holil tljr «kll (l|iitf|(l(ilii.

I STOCKS— hj KpV/JM KLTiKU&OH fc 00., Eunttri

_u^ Hj/pik iirokere, cor, Ckutch und tivitav HirW'tnTJ«ii,,J .50 p, ui,, Movoiubw Si/.

GOVJEHKMJi«T8.OoW • , - I U ! /U.B,C'fl 31, Coup.... '....-. ':\l'\nii

' &20 Coup..' ;5J* :"•'•'•:"'"•"'"•», .; U4,y

i< " fo7..,*i*Jiirimiii"! *• iSSv" " .'US '. i.»2^'

10-10 Ee« : . . - . . . . . . . . . ; ; • ; • nc'»*Curreucv'fl'a... , .' '.'.,'," V&}}

'. '-•^Np'W YOBK 8'iuUKS.- '"Canton.;...-...•:..•.-.'„ . . . ; . . . . s rI'udllo pf MJsauuri... .,',, .*...., ; lawWestern Onion..'......" " ' "" ''',oj>Qulckailvor ..'.'.'.'. \i%

• " - I 'referred. . . . . . . . . . ..,, 23Paclllo Mai] 40Now York Centra l , . , . . . . . , \\ I.*.*.' 1 a\Krie. i . , . , . £ . . ; . . ' . . . ; ; , . . - ; . . ; •.. :•....... . JUH m i a o n . . . ^ , • ; . ; ." . . , . '•. / •;"*•. ",' ' V l i i i JvU a r l e i a ; , . . . - .• • • 103'.Michigan Central. . , . , .'....\..:-, U •t i f t k o fcJ'1^1.*^^ • ,1 ' - ' .41* . i

North Wea't.'.".'..'..'.'.'.'.'.'.*.',*/.V.l.Vi'*'..'.'.*.•' •'Profarrua. i.i''.-.I'I

un. ami at.'paui";!'.'.^*.'.!!"'.!"!:*.!!'.!!!"" " Prcferrea . . . . .

Toledo »na Wabaahrt-Wayuo... „ .Ohio aud MlH«WBii)pi... ' -•-'.' '• 'p . u m l A J t o i i . . . . . , . . ; . . , ' , .' "•'' " " P r t r e r r e d . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . ].

Uulou Piipldo .'..'.'.'.,,'.'..'.'.'.'.','.'.','.'.'.',


'• -:j8sj' «7

105, 105

aua.......;..:. . . ; ; ; . .Del. Lack, u d Western ;':Atlantic and Pacific TeleyraiihO. Qi rad iLd. Central..... ' ; . . . . ' -Hanniballlud St. JOHOph./.....-. . ,Ne\yJcreoy SoutUoru,...... ,.,-,

" PHttADELMIIA BT00K8.Peunaylvaiila H. 11,. . ; ,.Uendiu)/. .•.......;•....... :;'.v,. . . " ' ;I'lillodelphla aud Erie ' ' 'Lolil(jbNavi({atfpu..'....^... -..t(:

" Vulloy .;.. ' - "United It. 11. o JN . J . ..' " "OilOreok.. ••••.••.— :

Unrkot dull . ' " • ' •.••;•••;•••.


l7iAlbany; Street.

Interest commences the FIRST or EVEKYMONTIt. • - ; •' .•'• , V,,.".-J, ., •'-fntorbstcredited-pMho 1st 5ay'6f,Januaryand July of caoh'yenr.' l . ! .-

lutercb't^t tl t f Si ^f

yio rate of Six per con^ pi

uum, free.froiatax". ; .' . . ' '


BRirjSSWICK, N. «T.- , n Dally>dhrin|;'bnillieA hours, i nnd on

^lonilay and. .Saturday oveiilnga from 7 to 8b ' o t o e k . : ••••- ' • ' ' -_.l)opo»lt!i received from ton cents to thous

anflB oidollan."Interest allowed on Doiioalts from tlio

r' Firat'or Kv ry Mouth.- Interest credited on tho FIK8T days of'ANUAlWanO JULY." " - ^AtlTHUlrGrOSJEBT," TfoiiuforV'nn!4-lvdaw •


Mrs.! Parks' Beniiiiaiy;.22.

Pupils charged from tljn ^ of entrance to endof the jcar. Young ladles who defjre selectedstuijle^ may e;i!er unyol the cla:

Holiday Presentsft Just Arrived.

on and You Will See

'• ' PilOPltlKTQR OK THE \

Cli^ap Cash Store,wo. 13 anunon BTBBST,

Takes pu^tioular pleuBiiro in directing attentionto .hia urestMit stock of Now Goods. Thosugooila uru all ufleruil iit prices aeMom equaled.


BOO ptccpsof SKAL HltOWN PLAII1 Dress Uotida,In tbo moat deu'rablo flbttdai, at ISc, wortli 87..1-2 daCi'tiio and fbspect ibeio (fovdl. Tbcy aro unique.

••iUA8,'.B|jtck,-!Je, worth <0c, and told I'lio-attholatUrilfiiirn. 1IIIMEUBS, Ulack, 41, M, 00, 7Qc unil J l - ve ry

iltiu. K»nilt)a. It will wu'l rop»y yuu.

Ladies' Clotli SaccLtiesUKADV-MADK, In tho latest style, $J and ujtuarda.

fa aro Belling one or tin*

Best $1.00 p d aioyesTTBT INTUUHUCKD.IN 'i'lUS CITY..

Ijidlt'31, Clllldroii'a ainl G.'iita' UndVrwtaf In grt fttTarHty. at iirlt;oS nuriirlNliit'ly low.1 -. -•• >,•, • .•

Clilldrii'B VhHtd HIM t.'A.N'rrf. 0$c ill)." IJIJIP**Vent mul Vinta, ii,;4,M,,'<u[>, G«ciU' Vestami 1'anU, 4ft, tiO, OH, V "l>- •. ' t • i

Eiuiltf'1 t»nJ Uwiitft' 'lIAN'liKKnOIIIICKS, w*rm\itoilall linen, 10 tu l'io.' Iiifnnti' Knbtia, Ol^nki ntw| Kanoy Uri^sn*.

Ij.rifo ituck (rf I-utllfi" WKAri'KItS i.r ovi-ry kiriil.HI1AWLH, HMNKKTtl, Kl.ANNKLS, OLOl'lia,


1*U 1STS, ill fust colonifc-iviii aw»y UL floyard,J I'lllCXl ONLY.

Eng'lisli Food.., , A r.Wl] Nunrlililif i)lol fur

Horses, Cattle and Poultry.ri,.dur,.« li.,!l|iy >'l»li. llmio and Mii.rto. i:,,>»«

Hv,. a niiAiii>i MiiiiKO!.' it mil M I L K I I A I L V ,S^v^s oiitlum 111 tlie ntrtt \>t rt'iulliiK.

uuiity Dutliira per Ton lens thanany Mlinllai' rood

flonil for prutlinilnrfl, , , '

W. H. CURTIS, flciicralnnpor in V»NH

. l 'lllI.ADKU'HlA.,

f fT" Wlioinnnln AtjFiit* Mnntt«! lure.

F.W. Fakhiiiann & Bro303 OANAI nntniiT, N.'Y.

llKMIl AT (II1IUTI.V UKIllKllil) I'ltlclliil


LCOJEIITH; nnTi), n»NnB, inc.,r i l l ! IIIH.IIiAY I'llKHICNTll.

A I . . , « H » . uf mi.VNH A it i n n.i; i, .,,ii.i,i,, i,,,Niri . « i r l i» i , . l Hdiut'l.

tvr|]iaiNIMll,VI<ll MAI-KIM ItlN<11 f,mull hin|i|»h>l Ht l l l l ' KNIVICtU.lnwM II «fl,

I , , , , J,.,,ii,il I HII.VKK Tl.ATKII WA IIII K I H - I , KniilH. n|'ll|i|(!l, (1AM I'DIOI, IIAHKI. IK.Inl HiMiiy hmv Nrlli>l<'« Hi Vi-r/ I'lW |,iln««. Trl|,l»|<U1«<| ||IIMIII||P#<I, ,

lllllisV.Kn nl'Klll'AIH.IM, IVI; i l l . j n n n i ui ' !KIIAIII,M«J!ll tHr.,llii,al Uwi.t I-,..11,In ,',,|.,,.

II..,11!.,, |',,(.H.H|»rl..,|.. 1.1,1, |H Wl. 'An l»>|»«ll,n «r*HMIwi M,,IMld.l, i,,,M |wn

irnrniM In 4Wall• l l ' . l ,,A.II . | , . I.In t'Uhinx. A I I« t l llk1

kid lilUMti Of W»ll HKM ;" ••)Half>lntf .fnry

tflf-'F i"'\H )II«KM»II * w ,

J.1 rri^,1"'.r" «wl Mrnkni* n

Shoe Department

• JUkJLUXUj V/\. KfVlXUl


GOOPYEAR'S WELTED SHOEAt the prices clia gel by retailers lormacliibe-s e w ' e d s o l i i s . " ' • ' • : • , : •"" .

ITS ADVANTAGES ..Arc* NO NAILS, or IUJBED THREAtis toHurt th» bottom of tbe foot i ' . . ,,, It bun no Wnxud TUreade ,to Boil tho stock-

i o g a . . . ' • ; . . . • , '


We Gtaaraptif a; Perfect Fit.NEW PAIHS OWflK AW47 ALL

' THaTni

Childr(ears_8cho6l Shoes.Boys'and Tauihs' Shoes.,

^309, » l l , 31 IlGraiid St.,60. 63, CD, 02, 01, 08, 09 ANP 70rALLENSTIUJIiT,

Fifth Block EasMrom the Boweiy.FOR SEL2--MEASUUKHENT 8I2NT BY MAIL

ON AI1 PLICATION. ; .... ...Cnra from tho UostiroBabs-Btri'ot Forry pnsa tb*

<>or. Tho Coitrtlnndt oad^Griunwlchl8treot carsConnecting with llio Liberty strict, Chamburs atrocfind ltiirclay-fltruot I'Vrrios, phSs witbin two blocks ofIbo Btom. Leave cars at (Now) ICJaunl nnd Allen*tc.oct*, ituvf York, ' noW

f\ A rALOQUHorNflwlto»ltfl on I\ j i \ \ fru«. U1CKNELL k CO.,- - - i t . ha'--« • *York.

21 Warren»o25-4 WD

0 , KLKGANT OIL 0UHOMO9.mountsil, al« 9r t. Tot $1, or 120 fm

$-lj for Holldayiil'reflt.f.U. NATIONAL OHUOMOLU, I'tilli, 1'Q. .. . BO25-4R-I

tlie bust and fmt"ntANlLII..? oii l a (f l0,& e v r r (,ub.

llnlied. Bend lor drculnin'mi'l our extra torma toA H NATIONAL I'UBHaUlNQ CO., I'liMailel

25 4

Puts! L $100rs our. [>or

' Kitilarin

_ , . . , . . „ , _ . jouj-htao'ij BoIiVty us on.. tho tltock. 1'JtoiiB^g1-'- -• W i'give all .'ordersBonftl ottentlou and Rtioranted Batlaftictfoti.' rtory rmuiihlot Bent freo. TUMBhUJGIi.Js -.CO.Bankers und Urokerfl, No. 2 Wa" strojt, Now York,

Spreads? $200 Straddles!


A flranhla It is tor/ of llie Il^orlo Epoch of AirfrloaaorJcr t,|r,.. IU lirlllli^' coKUlota of K<xl mid White

foes; . Kicillng' Adventnre*. ' OafiUvitles, Forays,Booatu, I'lonotT women anrt boya. Imlion war na Hi aOamp Life und' Srioru. -' A1 took Top Old arid YoungNot a dul ,pai;-». No compo Ion. Kiioriunun salouAgoDta wanted overywliero. Circiilarflffco. AdtlreiJ- O.McCtJUDY|4; [00 , 2fi fl.BcventU Bt., Plillftdcli>hla, I'o. _ - - ' ' in)25-4\»

UK(HH\N & CO., N. v.aro Introtlucluff Into tillcoumrv Kl'-I'LEV'S ibrnted MoJ-Icalcd WhlBk,for Iho euro o

Biipcro^iiiiu unu. AM'olizor. JlufoiniHtnaci tvnrraily bylho tnedloiil fitctilty. It In pleasant to tbo tasto,K»d is universally proooiincod 'ho HRHTTHINU of tUk'nd ovor tlTeroti hi Urn ir. a. Wn InYllo nil l>hyalclnnoto examine it.._H'lM..onIy_by ilrat.clasl druirijlata.

R. H. MA&Y & CO.,MA \4tfi nt. and Gth Avc,, JV, Y. CTMA Tli» largest)in(>ort"ra and retail TB In Amerl OYMA^CirnflJoUfliToyttaiul I'liiicy UOIXIH, eultublo OVMA fortho Holiday trsdp. We occupy tlio wholo OYM.V block ^lrougti from 14th tc l,«lli atreot, and OYMA (or]7 years liaTtiiaado H"Hi]ajHGoodBBH[io- OYMA clalty. \^~ UnlalogiieBiind OYMA flluiulnatcdCentonnlalCflplBBtiiiL fide to any OYMA ad'nttH Ordorsftttcn k'<lto wfthrtncclalcari'. OYMA01*.,MA0Y MAOY MAOY .MAOY MAOt

tiu.5'4wn • ' '

Miss /Sawyer's £alve.If cT«ry family know tli" Tftluoof MlfliBanyfr'u Baive

nuuo wonid bo wlthou. i t . ' ' • ~' :

SoldbyailD/uggi tsAND COUNTRY STORES

"A+ 5O Cents per Box,DP254wD

For sale at the (itiB Works. Dolivcrcil Inuuy part of tlio city,

JOHN W. NEWELL, Superiiitemlcnt.lKI-iJ 1\T

I I .

NO. 41 DENNIS STREET,Whoicaalo ami Itatail (lonlor In all kinds ofFftJJn'3 unil V (JKTAIJLKS111 ili«Ir geaHon.

r ' Horiienlowii Fruit Furiu Minct*: . ' . . , . .•

ri dellvuroil to all pnrte of the city.


GF.NEHAL UllANCHES.IIOl'S1 C'/.J.S.S nrry ,,,,,r,,l,,u „[ yo. 1S1

.Mttuaiuo Hull.

Pupils n'celvoil at. imy thnti. VrlVnte I.e foliasrci[uh-i!d. AihlreBs 1'. O Dos 42. nol8-Iiv*

Thanksgiving!A Proclamation

Tlio iimlornlgiH'd (nkeii pli UHIITC ' ;In n i imn indm; tll« (>\<l thnt hr liii.i :

now <m Imiiil tliu liii'^i'iit mid h<-ritntock uf Tmko}'it, (Jlilckri.ri anilDucks to tio found in thin ci ty, '

• n ' . ' • '

Jii>UHCKCO]iurd urn rci|ui:H(c<l tocall anil seo IIIH linnu'iiriii tiUplny

lin linn intulti ut-nitiLtmiiiMiU IDk.'i 'p uy hlHHtiK'k uiilll ultur t in 'lldlhltty*, mnl \t\n prin'ri wt.l Im m>

\u\i I lull all CUM liny.

Iliin't b» ulmlil of thn iiinti, an

hlnror iMuru^Ut i i i iUvvl l l iDDiupt- .l/ 'ftlU'UlHo Illl Otill'M. ' - - - ,

S. (X Balliu-d's


TIIIIIT nml lln|iiilrnr nf l'lmun, Ori;,in, l l m |I tul ' l l l l HUH, llle Jl It VIIILT Illllltl COIi l i i i lml w | | | ,I'nif. (l i irl i imlfiir thn i i n i j i w r l m »(.«r* ",'«|ii'iil.fiilly Inf iirim h!» rtliinil« HIKI IOIIII. I' naIliiiin Hint nil mili 'M IHI n|. l-'il.l, n ,1 | . | , ( I n ' , ' ,MIKIII Hl.in., iiuilur M.Kimln | | « l l , will l,o|iriini | i l l ; iilliinili.il I,.. i u i l » . | m


Tlil. kinim linn !,„.„ ,,,,llr..l)r i,.|,iiv»l,i,l „„)inriiiiilitiiiil, II , | , | , , , j(i , , t i .).(„ H | |

l y i l U i i i j n i o . i ) l l n t | I M U U M tlyil Uiiijni o.,i)li.ln.Tli« ll.tr II MUit|>ll«dli|i»nf«, »l««r., . 1 .

win,!tjll tmd


A iving Supperwill bo given by tbo lad'oft of, tbo Pitman ME. Churcl), on fhursdayvEvenlng, \a tho lec-turo-room o' tbo cliurch. • • •

Hupper will be ready at 0 30 o'clock, andcau ha obtaiutul at any time theruufter diir'tigtbo.CTeniiiy;

lco'Crenpi and otber refrealimonta CRII biobtained aim.

Price of flupper-25 ccuts. Tiiu ladies deeJretiio nrosence ahd icttroua^o ot all their friends



Friday, November 2 6

With" a B R I L L I ^ T COMi'ANV,: ini'a'nowand originul Sluslcul aud Dramatic Noveltv,entitled the * - •

esAdmi'sBioQ 86, 60 andTS^dnta, ; •'•-

Rivei'veil .Eeata ma^.bo'efcured.drugstore without exirafcliargo.. ,':.;

o23-H,... , . . , .TCM...8. HIVING;

Opera House.

Jrand H^fe'.Utidor.thc dircctioif of.-JH'T STEPHEN

- ; L : ' :

' . - I ' l S K K1 • • • :

Thanksgiving, Night,; NOVEMDEB JJ5, /

Only nppcarauco of tho BtcrllDgoctor, d ramu. 1st and putit, ... ; - .

Mr. JOHN BROUGHAM• who wilt'appear In his b»n suc

comedy, entitled

I In which lio will bo supportcil by a.'.. stroug cast/rod . • ;.

Daly's 5 ill Avo. Tlieak

' Brix Ofllce open on Monday foraalc of seats; Doiii.tit'- v :; V?\ f"<- - •


*' AND H(3 .

Dsrivallefl Concert— Company,POSITIVELY FOR ONE NIQUT ONtLT,

Monday Evc'g, Nov. 29, 1875

\ Theodore Thomas'

; : Otily »iipeiirauo)6r:thi) i'lobrAted Coutralto,

; M B . Antoinette Sterling,1 ' wltli tho '

GJ-rand Qrchcstra,' " ' nnd oilier1 ' ' ' '


NO EXTRA CHARGE FOB 12E-Adnilsalon to Ooliery, GO ctnta"t-nch. Thoeiilo'ol

lteetTvwl Beata wlil enmnicnco on Wi-tlDnpiliiy uiwrn.Inn. Nov. SI, ut Clus. C. Welli'Drng Blorc. Ma»(liliHall, \ : • ..' ' . i , jig-JU'iluir Id






TICKETS FOR THE COURSE, withReserved Scat - " • . @I.!i5.

TICKETS FOll THE COURS/'J, ad-.mUtiny to the Jlalconi; • 5O vcntn.

TICKETS IVO'H BINOr.re LECTURES •Biilcony. UJ cenre: DrL'Btt Cl'clo(\vlth ltcHervuiiSent), itO cuiitb; OrclieBira Circle und' t'lmirfi(with Kedcrvcd Scat}, 75 cents; Uenttinl Ad-mtsslon, 50 cisiita. .

Tickutsj with , seats, secured at tho BoxOtllco on MONDAY, NOV. •£!, ul J oMock p.

.—urt(?i\viirdrt at Wells' Drug Store.uut:l-3w i

Again,Favorite bran-la at roJucod prices. Several

IIOVI'HKH Juat recolVid ut

Rust/s Drucr Storesii(jr» d a w • > - .•• " ^ , i

Tlifjnidoratunod HAtl KKMOVKI) lil>

3BAK.ERYFiom mo Ilnrnot Btrcut to

No. 2 Bayard St.,NBAn iimi.noN.

GEO. KING.n o l l m


l.nlo of M Ilnrnot ntru<>t,

Have Roxnovod! • • ' T o

No, 209 Burnot Sliroot,Nonily i)|i|iii«ltn I ' m t Olllun,

\V» | i ru |nwl td 1iiHiifj<<lnli< our t«l | l rui i ' i i l iliir lii'W i|iiiirli'in Iiy nirnrliiK ( « ' Imlui nil

II pilloliiKi'ln. All,.nil.in HI >|>i'i ln | l ( ml l r . l I,ulr IjUi'.ii i*li»vk of

Childron's Curriaj^os

Mats&Mitting,•< Oil Olotliti.

Almi *l l

A l m *u l n « A n n i r l f t i n M l u f l l n i f f i H illl«llllll|lllliiil«, Kmillllitt IlllplMll-lllK, WIlM-lwH||lila' Itllll lllMllllllltht' Maturlitli, «!<•,

( J J d


TAMES €. HiihTOS, • ' T


. 1 1 l?atorson Street.ftUG-lyu

E. Wl i l l l , ] i \

(gAiley & Qrim&ead'a.Building),

D.J2. Williamson,


.^BUILDING, I1 ATEKSOH STREET- i 4 . : • • -r ' v •'•' ••'•" ' : , ' • . - : , . - % i • i : - , - - , / . -

" New BrUnSwicfc "•'' dall-lT

.; . ARCHITECT : '


Office, 141 Georgo street; GrQver'tf Building.'

CvtVBL, UiMCIMJERIiVO, E T C , •^ - 1 3 1 Guorge M. New-l l rn i iBwlc lc ,

City lotl And forma! smrerod and- [ilotti'di land ftroasklcuUtdd, also oontelita or all forma or nurlacea »>d

guilds; lamia laid put,divided up SDd-partlUonud oil.S".1!1"0 ?"d.'f'WWli'efl oiii™ ' l'taafohilnioj lor


A t N o . 18V; •'. •'" c-' "'• -'- . .. '••• C H U H O U B T R E B T - - . - , -. , . ; CAN BE FOUSD AFUi.L i :..


A T••: Hi E D V'C E D P R I C E 8 . •'Also a flue assortment of llio Birnilnghom

Ouileal Company Bpoctaclea, manufactured atlMrmlnghain, Conn. . , '





All work executed promptly and In a workInaullke manner by .

JOHW A. yieus,Practical WatchniaKer,

delO ..(Lato with Elian Baker).

__. . ' . .

REMITTANCESEngland," * ' '

ireland,and Scotland.

issued for £\ and upwards, payublo in any partKuglaiu), Irolaud mid Scotlmul. Also

Passage Tickets! to

orlfrom Europeby oil the nrst-clasa Lluea of 'Steivmsniiis, atlowest rule:*.

For d lefl of nailing and ratea of passage, or•ending money lo thu Old Country, apply to

Edwin Elberson & Co.,


Cor. Georgo and Church Streets,

»e20.3m ' NEW BRUNSWICK. 'l~.

PETTE & BURTON'SGeneral Music Store,

2 3 Albany Street,Whore can ho fonnil ercry article In tho musl.fill line,



Haines ' ros. PianosAND

& Ilamllu Organs,




Real Estate and Stock Brbter.OKflOK AND BALKHltOOM,

Odd F.llow.1 nail , N.ilaon Utr..l.

'l HE I

IN run vrrr..lltNon hand IQUIQ of th« ' ,

Vest rropcr(y In the CityFor InrDHlliiolit, ' *

All kind! ol IIIIDIII r o o t l e d la ba toltt .1 I'll.'Alt HAlfl or I'ublia Auollon,

KfMkl K.Ul" »nd lllo.ik houtflil «•.! m\i.MIIIIBJ liomied oil llflAAOllftult tttin*.

No DiimitilMlon lll.i.l«nJ>J' «>lll ••!«• « •iiliBiiliinifttfid,

AnotlKD IUIn» »ll"inl".l ' • In «Hr or tounlrjr.I'HNNKitA llohitl* am! 'Irftlla •••Id 1<* Mil Imrlq 01

In. imuiitrr | « i> l l »U t

(NiUMIMti l IM4.J 1 •' ••



C«ll Hljliu mm rn>1f, Hlirul.llf . ,(Ill lnlalil-*'.",l< , " " ' I ' " ' 1 1 " * «' Will* b l Hit h . wil.lkwl, MI.VIIIK IIIMII H tn«l til mil b»lr, 411iiuJa n i m i u U i i t i i T i n i i i | , l

Page 3: BABG^INS - digifind-it.com · VOL. XL-NO. 121. NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J.9 IXJESpAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 23, 1875.PRICE THREE CENTS. subscriber offers for sale a, fall $tQck of Men's, Youths?

y * I •.•M-vjr



Temp'erntnre of tlic Wonther,AT BOUT & SONS' DltUQ STOKE, 1 PEACE 8T.

MOVKHUKU, 1875. »7 A.M. 12 M. 'i P.M. G P.M.d 1 7 / . . 3 2 86

Thuraday,Friday,Saturday,Uuntlaj, .Tuemluy,

K ,', 17

18 . . . .»





Minor Matters.••— Rutgers College will be closed to-mor-

row. • '..- :,•.',,-':".' , ,.'„ . \ ' "r—Tlie wet o!nd slippery couditlou of our

itreots-and pavements' tula morulug madetravel difficult. ..;

. —Special services were held nt St. JamesGhiirch list- evening. Itev.' E., Wilsou, tb<pastor,, preached. ' ,y.i_Tligre; will to an important biiBinesi

meeting of-tlic raeinbierB of the First BaptistCriufch to^morrtiw'oyeuing. . .

' - .Tlie (iftuannual-Boireo 6f,Raritan HqsiConipany, No. 4,-will be given 111 Ureer'iHall:ies.t "yew—Jlouday evening,. J in . 24,1870; ' I1''-;;''-''.". ! • ' - • • . • '

rr-JjatOjlasi, night; for diuukc"Dnes8, thtarrest; of'Dilyid'TjioTno was effecled by0,'liieers.BqiidlnotVaBcl Van A-radalc, nml h(jrus lod'ged la jail (hree days. . -. ,! -fnXhero will buiu- fft^chfjae at. Old Bridg

on Tlittpksjrivlnfr Day, particulars concernIJBg. >yljic!xiiiay,bc ascertafucd at L. W.Bjfeileer'B Hotel at tlie plaeo... .^-This city will wake up to the fact one

Qf-tlitJse'dayath.ata city, lock-up hits beenneeded .these uiauy years, and . tho realiza-tion wlil'.bfl made more' forciblo by its cost-ly-character. ' . - . , i.< • . .' -iiTliU cunrilable Bpcietiea pf this city arenow-making atrong. efforts .{ox tlie procure-,meut'of ; fiiudfl to relievo tlie \yanta of thoneedy -.poor deserving .relief: during thofo'uilng'yyinter'.''.-'. '; •; ' ' : ' " ' ' • ;;; ^-FolUwlng tho Fiftu-aveauc Companywill come BueriShn aid Stack's cpinblpatlpiof talent, iji their popular variety enterjaiu-ineu't, p.n. /.Friday; nigiij. Reserved Beatsmay bo, had at'' Wells': Pharmacy, Masonic

n!'exchange states that about 25students- of" IJrincetojij. .College, j whohavo beeu members .of tho Greek letterfraternities,-coptrary to, tho -college, laws,lftwe- beou recently 'd Ismlsflcd.-.. Tiio.J fculiugiu college is intense, somo [approving audulbera' dc'iiotiuclog the action of theF a c u l t y . — '

: ' " '"••. • '.'. . . . . ,'•' .'

""—Mr; 'NVllllam'Berryi editor of tho Car-pet, Trade. Journal; Brooklyn, made a(our'.of_ the Oarpot.'Mllls in thiscity y'csto'r-d&y, with a view of writing a'Sketch-ofthat ..institution, whicb lias 'graduallyworked itself luto such prominence as oneof the leading carpet manufacturing esUb-lisliiuentsin the country." '.' , :••• —Tiio Now York Jlerald says: "AnEliznbeth. pedestrian named Judo Decker,J. Fenul.'.uud William Olark, ttio chnmplonpedestrian' of -. New Brunswick, will - walkfur tbo champion's, belt of How Jerseyfrom the Jersey City ferry to. the depot atElSzidietu.!''. ,T!io' New Brunswick cham-pion* recently denied in o communicationthat he was'to.crigngo iii said race.'

—The Htar lecture, course will no .doubtbe as well patronized this1 season as at atiy

- -previous "-season.--Tho-reserved-scats aro-boing rapidly secured. The dilatory willfard-tho worst. '..Tho saiuy; seat 'can bo

. Becured for tlic—cntiro-course The lirat-lecture will b'e.by'.Mr, John B. Gough, on

""December 3,—subject,' "Hiundcra."'. r—*Tlie; Jali'Comniittco'niot in the CourtHouse Saturday to decide who was entitledto tin) reword of $200 for the arrest ofJames Lewis1 Hamilton for murderouslyassaulting Joseph Hchlouuiuj:..: Tho coui-inltlec;' In order , to give tho ' respectiveclaimants au opportunity to compromise,adjoiirped iililil next Saturday without de-ciding in the matter. . : ' • : - . - '

'—In'ftiBrilng arrangements for enjoyingThauUsgivlug Day.and evening do not for-get to Include'V.vtolt to ijio lecture-room ofthe' P i tman i t . E. .Church, in which theladies of the church propose to give aThnukagiving supper, charging • only thomodest Buni of 20 cents in oacli case, andiluvollng the proceeds of their enterprise tothe church. •

—It Is a noticeable fact that our most'suc-ccssful husluess uicu are always those whoare judiciously the most liberal advertisers.We refer.'otir.readers, to our advertisementcolumns to Bcoau'Illustration of this fact,nnd when. they..wiiat'io make' a putfjlinsothey can rest tesured" to make better bar-gins, be, most courleoiisly' treated, anil BCOthe largest' stock of novelties iu such con-cerns, ' ; ' , . ' , ' ...••'—Tho Thanksglyiug-torkcy of many apool'family tills year will bo but a crual ofbread. Present a turkey to each poorneighbor whom you kiitnv la uiiablo Io .iii-dnlgo in such a luxury at his or herexpense, opd, you will ,,contribulo muclitoward making tho day one of Thanksgiv-ing In fact, as it is Iu name, and ubowtraof blessings will descend upon yourhead from lieattH full of p;ralitiiilo for BUchtimely kindneps. . "

—Tlio young persons who wlinro recentlyI'ljurctl by being thrown from it enrriuyoattached to a. runaway how, iil.lho' cornerof Commercial nvciiuo nnrf Iiuniet tl'rcct,aro piogrt'ssing favtrably. 'J'ho youngnmn, Cluulcs llolcoinbu- llupklnn, iiovera]of whoso rlba wcro broken, IH now nblt; toinnvo about hifl homo. The- young i;Irl,Harnh Ann Hopkins, who Is tho j'oim^inftn'« ulster, anil wlmto log iv«n frnciural.Is allll ciiiinucd to her bid.

Tho wiinlher, which Ingrowing foUtornnJcolder, nuitgi'iilii nflMllntliu fur nml woo

'undurclutlirti doiinrtinmit of 11. KidlryHoin, nl (Iranil uud Alliu Hlrc«t«, Now Yorki-ily, mid IhoiiMaiidn arO ncllng un tho H(•cBllon, lllnln am fi-lt In every full of thothcrnumietcr llmt tlietu nro warm wiv|ir»of rlwnteruf nil «l/.ui lluil wmilil lio wiO-fomu nt thin ncnwni I nml lh<'» nillolcit mi?Ill •biiniliuiiifl at Illilli'y A Huna', nml »ro

t l w n j H rl irn,! , nilil <i«]•'•< Inlly mi tliln r -n

Tho bow iilioti il(!|initiiMMit of !(!i]|i<y A, 8<nnIn filial wl |h n liugii nml <•>!>> i >t< (<• n tmk olitillni'. hilifuin' uud dilltlroiiV nhixiii, uf nlnl/.i'ii. 'l'lirmi |;oinln niu made in tin; Imi•lyli ' , I ' / "I'll of "lir Icmllng inmnifai'luifiHRitd thn •linplfl fni't Hint th ry nr« mild niuKiiiiniiiti'.il l.y Klilloy .V, Hmm l» |ir...,f tlm

tlio (TIHHIH will IMI fulllid Jllnl Uhill Iliny till

rlin«-» III Nnw Vi.rk wiml'l (In wil l Io fit'I belli n rnll.

Mr, I'lMilirr, ii,o nK,,m fnf Tli«>' t ' h i i inw' ciM'iiMil, linn imul.i mrKliC'iJirnl

' f t ) r ' ' • »|*('li(l tinlu In l.v'Kn | l ,u i l ly (ortitw Vi'lll'nl till) l'l'>"» <i( llm iui i i t i t uiKiiiliUy Hvn\uti I IPII .


Michael uLyous,'i *83.75; ' Jblin- Blrcb,$20; nobeiV. bash , , ? i ;> : Henry. Wilson,1,3.50 ;;*>., f2-tl25.; ' ;•_• • , • "


J . C . Weston, &U.75;. 'Commissioners'or assessing .beileSts.in.'opouiiig Hiramitreet, 1(100. - • ;'••.. '.' •' • , ,

Tho Fiuanco Committeo reported that it>ad examined.the report,b£. tbV.Commis-ilouorsof Streets and found th'O sajuo cor-•ect, after comparison with" thO' books and>apcrs. .. :. . . .


By Aid. Van Anglon: . ',•—That the easterly line of Donnia street

as laid down with' red liuo on qap filed- Iutho County Clerk's office, as presented tohe Common Council by JntncB O. WeBtou,Dlly Surveyor, bo and is hereby adoitted as:ho true easterly line of Dennis street, and:hat said street1 be hereufter mode to con-form to said established line 49 fcet.wido;herefrom, as originally laid out In 1804;

Major'A. JI. Way, and Justico Agnewwere appointed a committee to examine theCity Collector's accounts. Tho latter gen-leman was appointed at tho request of

Jd, .McSpaileu^ .;...;. j ; :: : : ..The Board then adjourned. .

^ Heard of jldermim.There wsf a tpedaL meeting of Comroorj

Council held last evening, President De-Ilart in the chair, and the following mem-

bers present: ™' Brower, Cronk, Con-fjver, Inalec, Mulford,' Oliver, Sullivnn andVan Anglen. .i President Dellart announced the ohject\a calling tho meeting was to consider thelino of Denuis street and for tho trausac;

tlon of such other business as might ho in-troduced. . , :

Tho minutes of tho regular mectlug ofNov. 4 were read and approved. - - ... ..

The City Surveyor, Mr. J; C. "Weston,being present with a map of Dennis street,was called upon to explain in reference tothe 'survey recently made by him ad..therequest of Common Council, for the pur-pose of finding1 the street line so as to erectthe:new engine houso accordingly.. Hsaid that, the width, of Dennis streotpresent varied from 40 foot 8 inches to,feet 9 Inches, the average width being47 feel, instead of 49 feet, as the originalsurvey made In 1804 calls for. Thereonly one Bpot In -Dennis street where thoBtreet is'in its, original'width, and'that Isopposite. Ziinmormnn'e, at1 the corner ofHlrnm Btreet. Tho Btreet is narrow at.thicorner of Church street, widens, to thiproper width nt tho corner of .Hiram street,aud then narrows to Richmond -street,thenow engine house, to bo crcctodDenulB.street, be erected on the'proper linojit will.Bet sotnr. back as to,somc\ybat maiits appearance. An adjournment of 10minutes waB taken to. examlini the map.The-Board 'dually concluded to adopt thipropor line, aud In its regulaf order passeda resolution to that elfccl.: •

A petition for a streot-gas lamp Jo boplaced in Schuyler'street, midway betweenNew-and Bayard streets; was presentedfrom-property-holders in.that vicinity; readand referred . to, the Gas and Lamp Com-mittee with power. , ->* .-

Tho committee t» whom, was referred acommunication. from Jacob Bylcr, rcmonstrating against an award.mndo for.propoi tytaken iu opening Bclluyler', street; reporteda favot of having tho award remain uu-:hauged.J .The report was accepted' audidopteii. ... •

••• Jfol Recovered.U rumor that a I

froia ilarilan Bay a few daya ago,\vas at Middletown,6, L, awaiting identificatioD, induced several friends,of I bo latiMorris,. McDonald, all tho request of .himother, to leave this.city nud BOO if- thiremains were, those _pf her flon," They returned last eveuiugi The report of the repovcry of a bodV uppoared in a New Yorlpaper, and they.,declare.that i( was erxo

Bailroad Changes.Ofllcial notico of tho changes in tiio ratl-

oad~t!ine tableTeferr«lnd"EOvernl*dayB ago~as received at this oflbjo to-day, and thoIterations which will .be published in themo tablo to-mon-ow are as follows:Tho 10.45 a. m. fast liue for Cincinnati

'ill run parlor cars to AUoona, inBtead oflttsburg, aa hitherto. Tho 10.2J, p. m.

,raln for Washington now leaves at 10.80.New. York thq ,7.20 a. m.-has been

ihanged to 7.15; tho 0.03 to 9.02; tho1.60 "p. m. to 3 ; the B.'SB Is withdrawn and

C.25 put on, the latter also to run'Sun-iaya. A 4.02 a. ra. is announcod to runundays. Tho 7.15 aud 9.02 a, m. andhe 3 and 0.25 p. m. stop at Uahway, Ellz-ibetli and Newark. Tho 7.87 for Rahwayma been withdrawn. For West. I'hiladel-hia tho 1.43 p. m. ia changed to 1.42 andho 0.59 to 0.09. For East Millstone tho32 p. m, la now 12.35 in,': The 1.42 will

lop at Princeton and connect for Borden-jwn,and Wost Jeraey. Inatcad of. forjoug Branch, Squlin' and Kcd Bank, the1.22 a. m. and 3.23 p. m. will run to

nlngdalo and Squaii.' From Neiy York,'or this city the 9 a. m.-wlllileavo at 8.40,.he 12 noon at 11 a. m. and tlio 4.C0 p, in.it 5 p. in. These chaugea.wenl iuto effectaat Sunday.

Iiampai/eous Trumps.Philip Cunnom aud Patrick' Sweeny yes-

crday were prowling about the' upper partif French street, stopping at the residencesuid begging for food. Their decidedlyrepulsive appcaranco caused thoso whom;hoy naked to refuao, oud tho men thero-

pon Bhauiefully abused tho women whocfuned them. .Offlcur Allen was called,.nd in attempting to arrest tho lncn he wiuiittackcd by Bweony. Special Olllcer Way:amo to the asaiatanco- of tho olllcor, andiy their united otorllons Buccccded iu ur-cstlng Patrick. Connors meanwhile hadaciipcd. Hwoisuy wiu, taken boforq He-lonlcr Lylc, who conmiittcd him to jaM for10 duya. t)ubsei|uvnlly Ofllocrs Allou and

an Armhilo captured Conuoni, who wartcut to jail for 20 days I.IKO.

IVlilcn Church Ntrcet,nrrcBMiry, rnthcr than yield to thonniida of Bomo croakera tlmt morchanta

Ilko Mr. 1'otnr Ward alioulil not ho |>cnult-IH! tu Unloiul thelt' unlvAla of now goodn )i|nintot ttinlrntrim. What If thonldinvalk

IIAH boon hlockmlotl for tho pint low daysy Jlr. Wnnl'ii hoxna and IWICH, nun

lYhlcli wulyhoil M0 poundi. ThU IAf good triulo "'Hi lively tlwifi, nml

" W.I,I, I'.'l-r. Hi,, ifimt, i.r ilrjr (,,pll Ik. Km,'

IVI a Inoiil pout linn ilubbetl him), Isinly making piqmiulloim fur th<) \niny voiwhich lliu hullil.'ija will Ijrlllir. . i'ui" a ilr-

'-rl|ill<ni "f llm TOiitontn of thi'»o lioxi.'n sr«U now nilvi'rlliHHni.'lit elwiwhoru.

T h U oinlnniit n d u r In iiiiuiUK'i'd to nppimi

At tlio Opttllt llnilhn oil Tliftflllifilvlllfr, t l l^hi

Wo I.™ by lhi« I n n ulimt r.t WdlU1 I ' lmr

in'jy, Mtisi'iilc Hal l , Iliiit i|idtu n i m p r c l

Ills iiiimlii'r of nrntit litivn htnii m^lrclcil,

nd wo think tli'tro In Hill" piuluililllty nf i

" u l l i l l " nllliil'I'WiH "ll 111" lil|';lll(if t in ' p«r

f i i i nnn i " . M r . {linAulinWl will .IH.I l i l t

"ulaV'1 ut'xtm tiVCnlnif uf 'Voiii«f,''lml;1itwill M ni|>|u>t|i d by »'nno nf tlm I«.|IM

llnnmil fimil HIM Klflli-BViuiiln l)imi|i

nlmiiKi wi>ll hmmn lii'io, tMiiuild Ibxy H;iM'fnl mi Tliumlny nlglit wo trntf li

to «<•< llii>m agnlii,

\A I - ' o t a l X o o l U ,John HAHallockof Plalufield had on u

and went to a New YorlMedical Cj{l!ege to ,be operated upon. ThiProfessor found him suffering with necrosis«f|tbo left superior maxillary, or rottennessof tho left up)>er jaw, auD decided that ;lluiust bo removed. Mr. JJallock' was ac-cordingly: put.nuder the influence of etheiand tho Professor was operating upon him,when ho wai1 found to be dying, aud 6o6after expired. The- Profeifsoi' said tu,"patient was vory nervous with "feebleaction .of.-the boart.. He.came to the. hos-pital, wns subjected to :the lufluenco ofother, '.not more -than 'two ounces and aqnorlof. being UBed, and put upon'tbe 'oper^ating table.' Two physician!), assisted me,ono marking Mr. Hallogk's. pulsationand the , othor administering; the ether,I had parted Mr. llallock^ loft .upper lipaud taken'cut severalT teotu, wbibh'almoelfell out at my touch, when 1:6aw that hisfacq was'.'purple, the.uipst prominent indi-cation,, of 'asphyxia. Wo ;trled artilichvrespiration, friction, Inversion,'and the gal-vanic battery, Io vain. Two ounces.nmlquarter of ether is a vory-small quautlty toadmlqlstyr. Ihavo often given a inttii-iit,hi tho courso of an operation, ,'a'prjuM. Aman or woman.addicted to the.freQ^usc ,bflcoholic liquors incurs a far greaterrisk'in

taking an auoiathetic than one who is not.":Prof. Jiclanith's version of the case was

supported .by tho testimony, of Drs. Uiland Thompson; at the post'mortqm. Dr.Finn'oll, one' of ' Coroner -*' Wollmnn'Bphysiciuns, informed the jury . that ' 'Mr.Hallock'tfdcath] was djio to tiio,action ofether.on an unusually small. and unnaturalfat heart. The verdict swas.iu accordancbwith Dr.-Flhnell'a information.. • . •

Necrosis may proceed from a decayeitooth, a particle of a tooth that has beenleft in tho jaw by an unskillful dentist, or aserious injury to tho jaw. Ulcerntion la itsfirst form, and thia, .if uuintcrfcrcd with,ordinarily develops Into tho rnrely-curetnecroals, which destroyed its victim in afow weelts.. Tho removal of the dead boneis a now operation, .and: has hecb essayedonly seldom in New York, j, , : . , _•

'• The'Evening Post, having special refer-inco totue'piactice of insurance cbrhpunlcsif expending largo Bums-of money in adver-Lisiug by means of pamphlets and circular^aiakesthe following sensibleremarks:

'Probably tho" most, wasteful of allkinds of adverliaing ia a largopart of- thatwhich Is dono, through perlQ^cals.which\ro devoted to special trado and tjusinceslutcreata. These "periodicals nro hot - 6cony tho phblic, and; all advcrlisenicnbB in

.bom which do not especially interest tho)orson directly conniictcd with -'the branchif business . which they, represent are aseffectually concealed aa if they were lockedip in the deska Of the writers." " • •

One Insertion of a good advertisement iiiwell-circulated newspaper will securo

ore rcadersthau tho printing of a thousand>f theso pamphlets or circulars. Tho true,vay to advertise is to, put your advertise-nentB in tho papers that people read.—Jcr~<cy City Journal. • •.-. .',,..

Don'Ofail to Examine ourNew Housekeeping, Depart- 'went, with daily arrivals fromEurope of Fancy Goods, on the .Jlasenictit Floor, heforelleaving.

'i- the Establishment;,". t . -• , ••• SI'KUtAU ATTKai'lON tXVITKD

: o o u u • . • •


B o t S ' SD1TS'>'*2.5O, SSi S3.50.roouuLadies' <t Misses' Cloaks,SaciJues,Suil.

OUAND EXUlBITldN'O^ ' '• '

NOVBLttES.h- A 14X1.0* i!dXb v u J ^ £JUX **1I1J l o l l ill r.W 1«





CITI IT i;,us.

The beBt collar ever mndo, is the- Elm-ood. It fits bettor arid looks hotter than

iijy otller. For sulo ut"Mrs; P. Walling's,No. 1UC. iSeilsou street, between Patcrsouiind-Ghureh BtreelSi —jylU-Gm •


Dn. MOKMB' SYKUI' OF TAI^ "WILDillllHuy" and IIORKnotTND 'baa' never nccn

ato - Coughs, Colds, Croup, Wboopiug/'ough, nor. any diseases of .the respiratoryirgans —uud it does it too at once ! It islot necessary to take it for a long tune be-'oroynu can discover its beneficial effects,.ts salo in this community is immense, andts popularity universal. Jt should not be;lusscd with cumpouuds i>ut up by .incx-icrienccd hauils. It IB positively guarau-.eed to bo composed of the purest and bestlaterials, and proparcd in a scientific mau-?r and to always give satisfaction. Do not

ail to give this great and potent remedy arial. It will not and cannot disappoint*ou. Try It once. Ask for Dr. Morris*iyrup of Tar, Wild Cherry aud llorchound,',ud take none other. Trial size, 10 centalSold by C. C. Wells and II. Q. Vau Pelt&Co. _ . de22 ly

"HOUSE" BLANK3.Huch as— . . ' " ." This Houso For Sale.""House for Sale.""Rooms to lic't."For salo at Tun TIMES OIIlcc, 22 Albanyroot. . '

REMEMBUIt THIS.Now is tho time pf tho year for Pncu.

nohia, Lung Fovor, Coughs, Colda, aud'atal resultB of pa'dlBposition to ConBump.ion nnd other Tluoat aud Lnnc; Dibeatit-eJ.loBcheo'e Herman Hyrup had beeu UBed inIlls .neighborhood for the past two or thrco

s without 11 single failuro to euro. Ifou have not used this medicine yourself,;o to your Druggist, Van I'elt Co., Rual,ha Deureoo and Wells, nnd ask. them ofIs wonderful success among their cuato-ners. Two ;doses will relievo the woist

. ^ If you hnvo no faith in any medi-:iue, just buy a Sample Buttle of Bnochco'itlenuuu Byrnp for It) cents and try it,[tegular size bottle 75 cents. Don't ucgriect a cough to save 7S cents.

Administrator's SaleREAL

rursnmt t.t «n or.Ior nf tlity or Mlilill lII..1 i<7n, tin

ESTATE.Orphans' Court of tlt#r u r s n m t t «n r r m O r h n s Cou M

unity or Mlilill.iAi.il, lna<l.i on thu Hist ilar of Auifimt,I I 1 i<7n t i ) •uliRcrll.or, ftilnil'.Utrittirr or 1'vlrr

ill ll t bl lll KO!I ut jmbiln auction, on


it 3 o'cWk 1». in-, at UieOlty llottil, nil Hint corUloid lulof Imul ufwiilnli tlio nald THUT Mi\Ui^h

In) Bi<li<M.,altiiil(t mi tlm B«mtlit!rly sUIa uf CuninnT-»| nvmntt', near Mvniuml itr«*-i, Iu th« dly of NowirutistVIck; (jeli'K '1$ tyuL /runt »uJ rcitr and abuut

(Juuilltluii* niailit kjiuwn on tli* iluy of unl". < 'K. ir.|l.fll'A.|>Kltt

AdmlnlntriiLor. 'l)»t*J rHn|it. 0, 1 'ijft. ' x-V-.'intmH i

'ninaLtYfl oftlo »Uiifliift<li»iiTii«i> HUlliHATUIlllA V,,>KU. *, Ht cunn* hioir KIHI jilnoi",

K, T, il. Hi'ADi:II, AilmlfiUimtnr.N.vr. W, 1HS. _ ^ nii'2J.(»»w H'l

Atluoliiuoiit NuUoo.

NOTtCK In liiinib)' nlvon Hint on ifin llfl r rn lhduy uf Hfliituinbvr, Vtfb, on »t '

ml out uf thu (Jlitnilt tjutirl. <if Hii»f MMilttihnij i.'luriikl.U un Ltm llflh ilnj ofDutohoi*. INYft, uu>ilnnt lint ratutt ' , rl^htH UIII|mnlltrt, inttn>7Hiunl t-lliiotrt, K(|IK1 utul i;I.MUlrtMH.riiunl innmiK'itlR tit llnnry II, Willy mid

lt«l>rtt !.• Witty, pftrtnrr* in tra.l.i HA It . ItWilly A Ummmoy, Rt Uio null <.r . luhMl^n KIlll. fur lliu HUtu (ifoUht l.tmilri'i] ili>llnr«.

OIIAItliKLi H, l l l t . l . , (Jkrk. !II. It. l . iNlnur, Attorney,OiituWriJil, if*7ft. _ ^ _ u>-jttt nn\vtii«

l<]xnmlniillon of TmrhorH iiwl

'Mm ('utuity Hitaiil uf r.xnnitiw# nfHFII t'ltiltity will in en I fur tlm omnitnullun •>nuiilidiiln. far iKicimrft' Mii l l l l^ t"- , In tl«"UT«nl "Ir^t-t ..-lu.nl |(iif|.||uK. Ntm I run) ' 'm HATHUMAV, NOV. w , . l u « m.

Ti t i 1\*<Inn»' AMOCiniltitl will ct In th«Mum |ilHt<rt un MATUltlMY, DKi1, 4 Tlit>tiMiitii n».th:!^« ut Dm A««.':!«lluu will MtMlilltlM), tflil RtlllrfDlVII (Ml HIllliH^U Kitlni. 'f»U <UllYt*r»<l l>y thn M U U tiiifivfittlmill llM' f'tiipfilliilnn^iiU of ml|1)|..|i|Rcn>Milip»,All If drhc.M til ll>ff MiVillc ht'liiHitN ut UiK *mutt' urti ^ijipetwi to W iiit>«nht,

2 OAaKB at $1.25, J.Co! l.IB. 2.00, ?.»5 upANOTIIKIiLOTOl'TUE

OEUiunATED OUOWH VELVET,SoldKgularlyftom»lto.$».



T, r-

Black Sil¥Mnntilla

AT *BJ5, 4.oO, 6.00, 6 M, e.80. ', BEAL LYONS, (1 i.OO, 11.00 arid 12,00.

Black Dresu 8jlk8AT 85. 95c, (1.00,11.25,1.60,1.H, 8.00, 2.25-GBEA'U A U O A I N B i •'• "• • • '•••••• - ,

Hats and BonnetsLargest Stock in America

TEX1V HATlt. 10. SO. Xfa. , • . . • : • • - . . i .WOOt. FELTS, EYEUY aUAPB, «8o; Ias(>o6lt

prlcoHOc,'- '• • ' : • • » - : . / ; .? VHEAL FIlENOn FELTB. 65, 76, 85 and 05c.UE9T FELT UATB, OTTEU"BIUM3Y HX>, H.O0,

1.S5, 1.60,-l.TC. • • • ' , -VKLVET1IAT8, 50, 76o anil 11.00. . :

SILK VELVET J1AT8, *1 95,1.60,1.73; a.00.

OltOB GRAIN CABU, b inoli, 0 Inch, 7 Inch,- 8 Inch,it-48, 59,'oil,ona'.7to, ALL OOLOItfl. . • . :\

SOVOD and Eight Inch UOMAK BABU at 76 an.

8 i c' -

: !- -

: . • ' : • ; - , • - ' • , • • ; ' • . ' i ' . i . / n . • . , . • • ' •


?lowors nnd FoathorB — Immoneo. . . . ' : ". Vnrioty.: . ' . ' ; , . . ; .;


'1 V '•-•' I

37 Church St.,-11 %-y :?•:-•;, ; \

NEW BHUN3WICK, K. j ; . ' "

We are receiving our great Invoices of,

reduco Block to make room for them. We

following1 month wo shall offer Extraord


Enormous reductions In.. Ribbons. : ;

•inch Sash Ribbons, 2Gc. yard.•Inch blacK'groa-ijrain Sash Ribbons, OQc.

yard. " -. " '•• • •-Inch all Bilk gros-grain Sash Ribbons,

69c. yard.•Inch all Bilk gros-graih Sash Rlbboue,

76c yanl.1-inch all Bilk gros grain Sash Ribbons,

85a yortl.^1 ' ' • !• • ' •

The above ribbons can bo had in all thowwjst shades.' " ' ' • ' ' . '

All silk gros-gralii Ribhona. every shade,ittT, 10, IB, 10 and 21c. ' •'• ' "

60, M,,l»,6a,l!), 00, OS A J0.AI..LES-BT.

ifilf;?iflqk EasHronithe 'Bowery.AKDliEWg TATKNT KLEVATOH8.CON8.tANT-


Cpis i'roiir.tlioVliealffwiflefl-Btrcct'lrcrry papa theoor. Tbu Oourtlaiitltftud Qreuuwlcli wtrctit" cftra,;

ounecifng witli tho Xlborty atreCt.-uiiainbcr.streetmJ Barclay Btroct Ftirrlea, jmen »*ltblu two blocks ofthe utoro. Lcavo aira »t ' (No«) Caual ami Altontrcpta, NuVYork. ; ; ;' \' ' ; ' a^a-'Jt


;. Only 0I:5D per Annum.:

'(contains a carefully.selected resum.'

of all the news of the week, parlieii-

, larly that which relates to bur

City and County. It also

contains Stories axtd".

Articles both In- •

siruclive and


fie Clifiapesi Weeilj Paper MIN TUB COUSTY.

In Cliuncery vf l\viv Jvrtity,


By vtrtuo of un order of tlid Court of Cban-ery of Now Jeraey, made on the duy of Hit'late hurt of, tn u cause whordu the Waaliiji^-on butlditig and Loan ABttocIuliou uru com-iltiinantd und you urn defendants, you are re-ulmd to uupuar nud plead, answer or d e m u r

o tbe Bald bill of comiilulnt, on or be Tornie FIRriT day of D K C I S M B E H next, o r theLid bill trill bo tuken as cODfeflsedagulnat you.Tim said bill U tileil to forocloaurc n tuort-

;u(jo nmdu mid j ; lwn by Mlllio X>, Powers andCUwurd J . 1 uwurt), her Imaband, t u U u u r g o l t .Vestern, On lands it| tbo township of sowiUkmboy, Middlesex county, Nflw Jersey, dated'obriiitry 17, lH7v. wlilch tiuiil nnr tgngo in noweld by thy Wutttitngtoti Buildliij; nud LoimLbHoeiatiou; and you uro tnacto part ies ile-indaiit betiausi] you inudu tho mortgage utidlaitu to be thu ownum of said land. -

J . RANDOLPH APPLEUY,Sotldior , WftBhlugtoii, B. K. t N. J .

BcptombcrW, lH7d, • , , ,- ^ i H H l f 1 *

T h e T i m e sSTEAM

Printing House22 Albany Street,

NOW imuNBWioa. \

fcfcpocial JKLttontlon

IH OAl.l.ltl) TO OIIK


tot ll» .i.outl.n .1



;PP- .V p p ' oo&Pi~^~S*tP^ 0 0tfp " pp* '001'PPPPTI'P 00'PPPl'PPl'l'- 00PI- 00r« • oopp ooJPP

• ooooo ioooooo'



•oooo -oooo


ATB83883 sNN H»




88. , 898838838SB88B

EEEEKKKE EBEKRP.EKEEEBEE E S E B E B EEE BK • Bit ,KE • •: lilt1 ••-. lilt . ' , - SB .•'.:KK KU" ' EU BB • - 'KKKEK 1UCGBRUU HSBSSBSKUEEE P.UP.Ulil'.K BB83SSBKE ." i Kit .- KK ' ' -SBEE - BB ' ' ' Hi, b3KE lilt I'.U ' BB B3


DiessJ Trimmines.i i i : L £ ; O ' " '"•• "'

.00 pieces of Ducat Qaipnro- I<acea from 20c... ,yard up,00 pieces blncU Yak Lacca from 10c yard

up-000 pieces of Beaded and Plain Gimps in

every width, 10c. ynrd up.00 pieces ot black Silk aud Head Fringes

from 19c. yard up.Voratcd Fringes iu ull colors.

We Unve an inunenuc Btock of tbo abovojoods, nnd are closing thuni out at leas tliauimporters' prices.

HOSIERY.We nro offering cxtniordlnnry imiuco-

iciita iu (his deparUnont, as will bo foundu exaniliiulloa. >•• *: - -

ladles' aBa-Oenia1 - UH -Jiose- and -HOBC nt8c., He.,- Uud extra licnvy at 10c. aud12c. a pair. Sniped at 10, 15, 20c.pair Up.

'lilldrcn's Slripcd Wool 'Hooe nt 4, 0, 7,aud 10c. up.

' , . : < : \ . - . . • • . ^ ^ - ' ; -

Cblldren's.Unilerjvear.of every descrip-on at prlct'B that defy'comp'otitlob;

Ladles' VcstB, good quality, 4Cc.LMlea' Mcrijlo . Veata, "fnBUloned," at

Oc. aud up.' ''Youth's - and" Genta1 • Undervcats nnd

irawcrBat.2.5c, 05c. and up.

E X A M I N E i; ,-jBargains in. U ambnrg

FELT SKIRTS.10.000 Uuibosscil Felt Skirls.nt 08c, 75c.Hiliidsoinoly ttluiuiuj Kelt Skirls nt $1.00,,.e« aud up. ;

Children's Felt Skirts, neatly trimmed, nt

Corsets.French Woven In whlto and colored

.arkod d»wn to 48o. each.i!U-lH)iio bund-madii Coratts In.whllo aud

ulorcd at 3Gc. cneh, >Our Bkiiletoiillttlurr hapd-mulc 40-boni)

oruct ot 70a. cannot l« found at miy otheritablliihiuuiit.

Oiur ConwU nro nil warranted pure wlinlc-orlc.. • • '

Sweeping Reductions


•Pl'I'P <lll(l IWH U N KKKK Itltltn" PUNI'l I) H l II MU l I " H HI'l lIMII ' l l

T I T <l<lO

U N KKKK Itltltn PUNI) H rl II MU ll It" H H(IB UNN M i II 11'II H<l B N N N |{ II ll '(I.<> B N Hit HliKK HUH HII H .N N N K It II IIIII) H N NN K It It B HI I H H N I N K It H H h

ll ill lillil U N KKKK It It HIM


37 Church St,?' ' • ' • " • • . " • ' . . • - • • • - 1 :V> . T

'"• NEW BRDN8WieK,-:;N.'J.

Holiday Goods, nnd we are compelled to

reduco stock by reducing-prices, and for the

lary InductmontB in every department. ': ;

pLQTS FQJEtin"ADASI3 ' ' and the village of UvinK«toii

jPurk (adjoining thia city);. Will bo sold cii'oai

!pr.caah;;:or exchangdd for othor real or per-

sonal proporty. '•- " ' :. ,Also a EOT ijn French Btreet. '•'.'" '

'• ' A p p l y t o ' -. -.-' ••• •;. ' - - -

EdwinElberson & Qc).,'Corner of George and Chitrch Streets

jeai-da-wlf .

The largest stock in tlie Btatg.: •

Best .-Felt--Hals, owry. BUape aiid color,at 45 couts l - ' ' ' '••

Best French Felt liate, iu every shapoanil color, at 75 cents. '

•••••W'l^N.-G S

New York



, Juat received nuotbor largo-lot of (ViugsIn overy color at 2c. each.

Two cases of Coquo-Plumo Wuigs Iuevery color at 25 cents..

:Oue;case flnp colored -Birds nl; COci;: TPlpHn nil 'colors to match." ~ " - ! ' • " ' - , '

Mtlier "'• Trimmings,



Kid Gloves.500 dozen in black, 2, 3 and i Buttons,

it $1 npair. " •-:-. 1,000.dozen of our " Diiclicss," in drabind browu, nt 75c u pair..- ;/. ' ,

Our. " UoulovunlVi' 2 iBnttbos, in. ijvery:olor, $1 pair, the.bCBt Glove in the marketit the price.

FURS;Wo manufacture- nil our own FiirsTnii

:r.u warrant every article, even tho chenp.:st, to glvo satisfaction, iu every reBpecLNo misrcpn'sentatlons. Every articlemarked In plnta flcurea. An examinationwill prove our prlcea the cheapest in tlieState. . ' - . , . '

Ladles' Seal Skin Caps, 75c. up..Seal Sets, Hurt nnd Boa, at $7, $10,

$15, up. . .Real Mink Sela, Muff and Boa, at $9,

$10, $12, up.Frencli Lynj: Beta, Muff and Boa, at

J1.60, JO and?8. . : . . . . -French Mink Sets, $5.50, $0.Children's Furs at roniarkably low'prlccs.Children's Coney Caps at 40c.Children's Coney Hooda neatly trimmed

at 75c. nnd 85o. ':OUUdren's Sets, Muff anil Boa, nt 75c.

l e t . • - • - - . . . •"<•


Bargains in Ladies' Silfc Ties.

Gents' Famishing Goods.!acntlcmen will find it to their direct ad-

autago to Inspect thla department. '

Gents' Dress Shirts at 7C, 85c. up.



Large, variety in Riichlngs, LinenCollars and CtiJl'e, Collarettes, etc.

N 0 T 1 0 N S.This dcpAitn.L'nt. which In ucknowli't!gcd

tho ]ur£Ctjt In Ilia Utntu, 1ft nhvitya ri-plotowith thu nowr^t novcltk'fl. . \

Sweeping Rodtictions

Evorv Dopartment

T IKKI Him H N KI!I;I; llitult '1 Rim,1' O II H ll N N K li K '• H rlI' II II I! II NN N K It It • II HI--o ii n w NN v; ii I H t\

I'li* o o M N M N r.i'r.i^ itiiuit IIII II H N NN K It It H

1' II , II H II N UK I! II It H H(I II II II N " N I'. It It M II

r iKiii IIHII N N I:IU^I>; it it nun

New York




: Propeller Celerity•"••.•-••.'POR S i l B . -'- -•-- -

| Will be gold atlho bottom figure, tor ca«]prpurt'oaih.'. Apjpljr to:*.

.E. ELBER&ON & CO.,'• ' corner ofGeorgo aua Church Btroetiinol l -Oainf ; • - ' . • • ••

For Sale Cheap.

[Light Spring Top "Wagonsuitable for grocers' or mllimon'a u«e. Apply''HO;.* r««8 street, Nen'Braiisrfick.

n o l i l w * • - • ' • ' • • • , - • . : , i - .

House to Let,MNE B00HS.

Will bo rented from December 1, 1875, to

lay 1,1870, at avory low rent.. Inquire of


SO Shares'State BankNeiojirwiswlcl:CO " . ConsoUdq-tedFruitJarHtoc/:

-i20.i i "..--tMsw MttnswickJtubiicrCo.5500 llon&MoutclairIt. It of-N.iT.,lst.$509 ."••'::.Chesapeake and\Ohio,\st. ,?1000 >':;St, Joseph & Uenvtr C'ity^st,

.' A p p l y tt> ' ' .. ' I ' • ' • ' ' • ; " ' • " : • '

E; EjLBERSON,&;CO' -'OoitsSit GKOIIOB AKD 'Uiiunoii STB. .'"NowlB>iuislwli<kl.NoTi'10, ,. .. ,'.'HtyiiW

ATWfl'S'jii.'mllv-'HuclilnQ was'ithq'.'ani liiirpducni Into

tho houflL-hola foV^choral "UBO. (Ind 'Wr'ntorO thhrt 20•earli faai 8 W M ; M J (t'stlll stand o.t/H at VALtKii fur hm-

Uy u»6 BDii llflll iiianufacturinfr, whuti ur -hi (dot orn.*m m>w.-r,, More.tlwa ^Ooqfl3p9f.tho,VfUe|or &•Wilaon Kamlly Hov/\ i l l ) h l U diro now in u a—ft number fur oxocodlug'>1 any other machlnii dcnicuudrut tho ha

The Now Wh'elor it WllB*n KamlIy89...MOconiblocB-wltU thebic9lloatjfiu»Ut!ea or tbo orlglnauiai-iiino pM tljofniprovomoutrj suggested by inor« llmu20 yisara ol tixperlonco and aoviutftl by tho filgbL-at aic-chanlcal genlUB ariu atlll. ' ' "

Wheeler ;^4OPFiOB 64 CHURCH ST.

: Co»

NOTICE:The Jail Committee of t to Board of Frco-

oUcrB, at a moettng Held at the Court Housu•londay onornoou, Nov. 10, adopted the fulowing resOlutiou " .: «( •;;, ^ . • •

Jtisolved, Tlmt we rcBdnd all oilers of re-ard beretoforo nmdofor tlie arrest mid cou-

iction of cHmluala or escaped nriBonerH, ex-sept in the casu of Jnme8 J* Ilamlltun, u6wmder con alii oration by this committee.

JAMP8 BISSETT,•";.• M. H. ACKEN, - '

D. M. VEHKiKE,_ " JOHN "• INSLEK,nolfi-lmdSmw : '.".' "Jiiil CdmmlltcbV"

Umbrellas.A 1 irge and yivrled aaaortmont of my own

muke. • . .

Furs, Satchels, Trunks, CanesUmbrellaB covered, ropalred and made to

order. ' •-'••' •


j . w, coosr,NO. 7 CIIUJICII STREET.

myl6-ly .- •'•..' '-• - >


Boot and, Stye Store,SOUTH-EAST COIiNER Oil'. ,




ltCl'MltlNIi done ncally and quicklj.

J. CROWELL.lydtr

New Music Store.Mrs. Garland

wifliinn to announce tliat sh4, haai opeueil a newM i t s i q t j t o r a u t • . - . ••_:. .

' . , ' , ' ! . ' . . . . • - . • . . • . ' • '

wq.ii ujtvnar STREET,

For tKe (aloof- •

Plan08, Organs, Sheet

Music and Books,Hunlcttl ln»tri||noiitn, TrliiiiiiliiK*. IHc.

r i A N n OltllANH I'ur u | n on I11.1UII-luantri •mUiir HUNT.

l.KHHONII KI">U US IMiviio liy A I . K ( I K I ) O I( I A H I J A N I I . _ iioj.3in_.


GEO0E1UES,Isaac L. Martin| M V « i n t i l for i l l tfl» ]lllhll(! t t l |Ht . l l f t l lHI

O V I v I l t l l l i U • I ,

i»,IJ(illihi(! ll>" iil.'l l laiii i , wlM-r», Wlili lliorrt.r.1K|il>{l|IHrM>lUU0IIH, llVt U HtlAlllKlf III llltM't IhtKltlt.n»ni)» IMKIIO !>/ u Ufial/liMMiinil Inxln.

T»*H AND oorrnna IMTun MAnunr.

ttfo. 77 Oh\n:oh Streot

33 Churcli street. 33! : ' : • • • • ' • • • ' . . • ) •


' .'..'. liari.i/uUllntol

Readv-^lade; Clothing

• . •• . A . M B • • ' '. •

Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods

The Custom Department

"'.". °.lvi;»)rp cpntW a choice lolectlon 'of tho ~:

lost Seasonable G^s ,if-hicH win hi m>da up to order in tho moat n-p r o r n i s t j l o . . ' ••. . • . ".

•:.::!! J. ... ,7?

'''.":••'• M A D E , T O \ O R D B R ;



ELLAS BAKER,YV'ATCnSIARERS & JEWELERS,bare just replenished their already well-select-ed slock of fcbodB.; which tho.v OXQ} selling atprlcea to suit tbo tloicB, consisting of

n^e GOLD WATCHESboth Key and Bicm Wlndors, of 'foreim andAmerican manufacture, for lttdiea' ana geuta'uso. . .- . .

Fine Silver Wat ohesboth Swiss aud Amoricau,-. A One assortmentO ( . . , : > . . . . • • . - . . ,

Clocks of allDescriptionsSterling Silver foods,

In,,ca8ca suitable for presents. Also TeaSpoons,. Forks, Cups, UoBsert and Talilo 'Ipoous, Naplln Kings, Frull Knives, etc.

Silver-Plated Ware,coiiBlstlnr; of Tea Sets,'EpergncB, CaBton,Cake Basket", Kulviji, Forks, Spooas, NapkinKings, Flower ViiscJ, Card Stands, etc.

All the leading stylos la FIccvc Buttons andstuds. Fine Cameo Sftta.

Lockots, Necklaces, Cliarmp, otc. Ladles'.nd Oenla' Clialue, both gold aud plated.

Hair Jewelryand plain Rings mado to qrdor at abort notice.

A largo stock ot plain and Stonb Kings con-'""ituntly on hiind.

Solo agenlB for tho celobrated Arundcl,.luted and P|amond

Spectacles and Eye-Glasses,Set In gold; Bllyor, steol and shell frames.

MONOURAMS, Old English and pialny En-;raving tklllfully.fiecutcd. . •

All goods sjfd eugfaved frco of charge. '•. •ES-HpcclaTattenlion Klven to the Repairing,

if Vino Watches, French Clocks, Jewelry audill light articles. '

Opera Olaasca for aalu and.lor rent.

Conversation Tubes for tho deaf.







Manufactured >t

NfO. 82 CHURCH ST.Btorca, Balooim, Kzcurolona and I'ictilci AII[><

Mod at Bliort nolico,

I>ollvnrc«l to »ny part of tho city,AIHO Donlur lit

Tbbaoco, and Oigars.lI 'lLll JAH. W._irotJHKU..__

ivw IlruuNirick Transfer to .


l lnra l l » «iolu»l!» prWIIiwi) to n|,aok ll>g-'i(«Ko at lintals ur jirW.ta tunldonoca to tiuliit4Nurlh, Houtli, Kattl and Wonl,

Unltra r«o«««il M l)«i>«l, 78 Oburoli atrtot,r 17ft NOIINOII Hlrool, (f|U roooiro proiopt kl>•utlon. • *••

l'rt«iniiiKpr« cnnvpjr^d l o any purl nf the elly,nt enttwl fur liylt'iirliij onli ' ia a<* miuTr),noU-l r JAM, KKKdimilN, Mnn»«rir.


WiHiNi' in, it'ilWiMllfA Ma., N. )J

AIIUIIIKIIIII, Mil . I tiliil.l,,,,,,)i

HK« OUlt HIKOIOt Mildly iiitimifw) .lull

Page 4: BABG^INS - digifind-it.com · VOL. XL-NO. 121. NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J.9 IXJESpAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 23, 1875.PRICE THREE CENTS. subscriber offers for sale a, fall $tQck of Men's, Youths?

• r f - . i'.* -\ ". ' . V. •u. ••- • ' . ' , -

THE DAILY TIMES.New Jersey l.eK>»aature—187<1 •

. ' " ' " . ". . TUB SENATE. ' , '•,, ' Term expires!

Atlantic—Win.' Madden V.. 1878Iicrgen—Qco. Dnytou : . . . 1878BatllDgtou—Barton F. 1'homc.... .1877Camdeu— Win. J. &ewcl(.. .-.. .1878

. Capo May—Bichard I''. Learning... 1877Cumberland—/. Howard Willetts.. .1878Essex— Wm. II. Kirk.....:...';.. .1879Gloucester— Thou. Mather. .* . . . .1870Hudson—Leon' AMrett ' . . . .1878Huiiterdoh—Fred. A. JPotts..: 1877Mercir—Jonathan UrBluckwdl 1878Middlesex—Lcvi if. Jarranl....:.. 1877MoUnioutb—Win. H. Ilepdrickson... .1879'Morris—John Hill:. 1878

• Ocean—John S. ScJiultze.. / 1878PoBsaic—John Hopper : 1877Salem—J, Plummer:••. 1879Hbnierset—C. IS. Moore 1879SUSBOX—Sara'l T. Smith .1877Union— Wm.J.Magic..........;.. '.1878Wiirren—Win. Bllvertborno. .' 1879

Republicans 12; Democrats 9 ; Republi-can majority 3. Republicans in italic.


Atiantic—Leonard II. Ashley:Uorgen—J. H. Winant, B. N. Ferdon.Burlington—Daniel L. Plait, E. Mat-

ihevtn, Samuel Tai/lor, John W. Cdvileer?. Camden—Alden C. 6covcl, Oliver C.

Lu)\d,. Richard N. Herring..;.' <.,Oitpo'Muy— Win* T. Stevens, ' ; ;

Cumberland—iaaliib W. Ktclimnn, GeorgeJV. Panne. V , :. •'-.

Essex—A. D. Traphage1i,Xia.i\i Dodd,Tnmois K. llowell, S. V. O, VanJlemat tier, JamesM. Patterson, CharlesM. }Iarrison,-JHkanah Drake, MarcusS. Jiivhants, Philip .IK- Cross.

Gloucester:—Thomas B. Lodge, C. Moore.Hudson—Wm. A. Lewis, TboB J. Hau-

nnn, J. D.L'arseallvnvIIenry Brauliyam,John J. 'Ibffcy, T. C. Brown, RudplpURutie. Alexander Jacobus.

, JUunterdou — James-.-. Bird, \Vm.Swayze. ' < ' .

Mercer-^Enocli H. Drnkc, J. HartBrewer, JioberlL. JIutahinm'n. ,.'- .-:

IJiddlosex—J«aii!/t Ilolfe, Cliarlos A.. Cniupbellj panic! Z. Martin. . . . ,"

Mounfouth—.Tnines L. Rue, C. D. lion-dric.ksonj Wni'.V.iCoiictver. ^. .;•

rtorria—Jafiies. C.. Yoimgblpod, EiDJ/a(«cj?EliasMSkfllin^er ' ' ; »

Ocean—Epliriara V. Erapsou. • :

iPasaaic—JohnW. Qriggs, Johd.Smi-der'son, Jos, L. tiunnlripham. I • :

Sti\em—Iiichmond Cole, QuintonlCeas-b o y i .:.•;.•• • . . ...-:',•'•' • . ! ' , . . ' . . ; •

ijomorset—Jos. H. Voprhees, James J.trgen ' ' " ' ' ';Bussqx—,Wm. Owen. . , • ?.' ". •.•'. .tJnion—.lo'hn Egan> -Moses JF, Cory,

Bcnj.F. Vail- . , .•/' • , ; i, AVarren-^iyin. Carpenter, B. J. Maokey.'Republicans 87;.Democrats"33; Republi-

cin_"niujotily. Hi. Rcpublicnna.in italic. '


.. o r a6jiE;or-TB« <~j \ f •, '•' •;


Carda taBCrlcil fn tills column (1M!I? ond Weekly)lit the rato uf 112 per ununin^ jtayabla qunrterly InAtlTlUlCO.

' Confectionery.'"'KTjmOK'S BAKKltV,.OOKFJ!CTipNEI'.V.4I<?i U->«|il Slloiih « qiiimili' utrool; J'jirU,

lliu^a furnished with every requisite.

China and Glass Ware. ;TAMKS rioUMBY, DK4LEK IN OIIINA, 0LA33

,. c i .mid. Eurthunware, i.nui[>«Cutlt!ry, finoon W deii aiid;J»i*n Warp(No.26Hlra)ii atreot. .

Clothing/ ^ A I X A a i l A N * ItAOEItTT, SO. 55 CdirKOH\j titrett, Deatoni lu UuAiIy-mAde C'lothlag, dents*PurulehluR Good^ Clutlia, CiLeAlmeres, etc.

r | 1 . -MUltUAY,- MEUOHAJCr- TAILOR; -Mo,--JJ1 A fl {JXlUl&tJXl STltKKT. Gentlemen c&u brrc b6 oup]>llcd with tho moat stylish and heat ufclutlilng. .

Tobacco juid Cigars..;V6sR!>ir A.surDAU, miAtKit i.v iiOME8ticV ftinl Havana Olgara, Chewing and Smoking 'IVbaccn.Kiiuir, Lie, 'JIlUi'orKi' Rtnut, air. Liberty.

Furniture.r r i lEO; IlrK3KNUi;i'rElf3 FUItXJTUltE STOliKX and tlim-duss U|.liol»ti.'Hnj$ EsulilUlimmit, wrAlLany nnd U.'«rn« em-el*. Fvrnllilro rpp.ilr.xl.

' Harness and' Saddlery, J •T 8. 1UUNES.SAI DI.EAKDIIAUXE33\iA,\l>

tj • facturor, wholi- ftlo ami rvt<tl, Bur&ol .trteotTrunkd, \VM|.B, OoHa . uhdBadcllos.

Hair Work.

H B. ZIMMKBMAN, lllPOltTKU OF UUMANHair, and manufacturer, of ilmilaallulr OuudN

of oyorj deaerI|>Uoii, 80 Church street. Eelab. l b « .

Jewelery, Eto,

JOHN SCIINKIDKlt, PEACT1CAI. WATCH.mukL'r and Manufacturer uf Jewelry, !iy l'«act>

•trvot, tiuttvoun Albany and OUurob strouta.

Lumber.1 J O L F E 4 SON, STEAM SAW HILL Jt LOMBKbXV Yarti. 143 Uurnct street. Pine, Oak und Uew-lock .Timber, t ips and Uyjim, ShlnftleaJ: i: * 3 •' '''

HOWBLL,D«MOTTiCO.,Lnlmr:i! DJJALKI1H,201 llurnet atteot. All kiuOl it Lumber anil

TIUIIKT, drfsscd and undrMscd, In nil lu vwielleft.


D CLAKK'B ri lOTOUltAl 'U OALI.KRY, «KIMG• Uiock. Coiiiint:rpu Bquaru, milt dour tu tbe

l'oil Offlco. ESUbllehed In 18W.

Q C O T T B CIALLEIIY, u TKACK BTBKET. I E TO lilin (jet you \l|i oao of thi>»o Finely KlnliliedI'liot..|{ru|ilia or I'urceUIn Miniature, of youraolf.


UU1I MnKKAO, I'KACTIOAT, n.UMIlEltUAS and .tTl'.JIM FITi'KK, *J Aiuaitf • towliliunuwlck, N..I. ... it.

New Carriage Factory!McCrelis Bros.,


liave rucenlljr (ltilBli<yi 4 lar^u and common!l' bullilin^ for thu iimiiiirHclurt! nnd eiliUjitluuuf

I'iirrtit^cp vt orcry dwcriplluif, / i h ' r y )iv.v\) aII111! nrti.ufitiifiit or vclitcU'fl.con^tiiuti/ on timidin tlmlr K<!]>oHit.nry. . As lliorin i>re ol Llmirdwiirnuki!, mid t I'tht' Irt'nt inutcritil, tlimr oxu.ilrtK'oi» alnuy<i miiirantccMl, Vrlilclt'i* ol nil il««i:rlp-,ilgi.H aro unite to urtlor ut »ln>rt notice. ]to-Iiairm^ uf «7i>ry vnrloty m donu with i.cHt.ii'fnunit dvuputch, m\ well nn tu a cubntttntitit ntkiinvritiiil ut. n-uHitnitldii ll^tirca, /

iil .ACKriMlTHINO iAilo.u, hy tlirm In all ItaIHHIICIJ'HJ kllnln-d lu tlicit- tiUNliirnri. »hil iu Dm.ii(>*t rt|iinuvt'il itud WDi'kiiiiuitlkc tintiiitur,

liikviti^r t'li^ii^ud Mr, AlHlAlUM Cong, y/]n>for t)i« uuftt tdk VrHlH tmn bnvn in. tttu Hnploy of Mr. 1.. Van NuU HA )tAt..fnrUi| llnl 'her ,til 17 fiicl (imlliitiit Ihat tlmy can nimrunlLM-Htiiiorlor wiirkiiiiih«l.i]>.

11/ i l r n u i U t i : W tl t h e i r i i h i i i i / t u i i l i ' d u l i t i i v riDIM t>nlt>HM>^n ui | |n , i u l , ! , ' .

w « ]11/ iiulrunuiUK tin-i

()i)i)i)drni ol their htully

JMUN McOUK.l.lH, l»r:i»KNKI.I(JH It.

111f'.I rliivv

li.»k flir V'Wli nr liH.fm.. p| . .wl^r# 4hll| f / t I'.*.it.NrunJ M],At »»» "R"F' " nnKU.ll A V.t., IVf I....I,

Q K N I I V «. |i> II I'. IKiWICM, A I*I I , N«* Yr>rl<O fi-^ It,**.!, (tin), ...tillMii, ,..4t|«l»Miu l l . l . i t f «,Mx,

Public Notice|< 11.-r>.I.T gltr i i Ihiil, 111 m'wii1«i» i' oIKi • i ': l-"l u l l . . ( 1 | M i » . m | t iy I I . .1 M M , i n l , , f l > f i n l i . , l . | r l l o (M 1,1.11.., * 1 K r « ' 11" ir.»t IP,.mm mH.tii,,,,ho "lillnt lor Inlitti, miittiiliil itr *ti|i|tll«i» r<it<nUlinl . , IJ .NII IMI •I l l l ir i imflnr liu l i lM Inn

• U'#« putll Ittli'ir. nintffi|»l IM piijijiIlM "ftftll h«*<!h**U 'Mtl*iip.| fit M"! »l>|>nit>M4l< (loii.llitllp^• ml Urn bil l i w l t i M l l.v micli l > i n i i i | i t i . f :

JAMKMDli.-I.ir t.f Ilimlil Mf

On and after Sunday, AUgast

0.46. A. Jf. F.wt.Mnfi. W>XtiIfiSP!''S1w*lly>fo

Harriaburg, .Pittsburg, Olevolut^d aadj tbW t itli P l l Ffllaoa C ilrougl

"VVe Invite the attention1 of the jniblic to oxamino our

NEW STOCK OFaK-iirPioilioiBipWiii dMjVfcr llirtBbirK;Pittsburc, OlQTelaad, and the Wea>, with Pulltnoii }'»laxx Ourrtdrongh .witlimjt oblQg'o, loP i U b < » t l i j P t \ V ) p hGonneots'at PbiiadelpKiA wuti b elorErioi--- - ; ~ y

For llaltiin'pre, ^tntilnj(t<j» and; \ht Sooth, e.eeA..U, diiilj except Bundu^ ' wllu heir PullmanPurlpr.UETBl4Il)i41*", M.wl\o vflw PuUiQuD^ur.or: "and*.j iilltrtipio'tf • HJftrB/' bud- lPiSi'.Jr,' 11.

dfttlz yfitti new Puumau Palace Bleoping&ma t t w t a i d j ' • ' " • " • ' • " ' " ' • - ' • < • ' • • • > ' • • ^ "

for: Neirlrk. »nd' NOB- :York,: SJ)B,' 4.1.3/6,£26.8(1, 7,.2O| 8.(15, ll.VS^ 9,52,10,8?, 11.56 A. 11.;

daytrains,B.V8, fiSSunU 10.85 A. to.; 6.85 aud

8.05, 8.08. »!Biid.»5.11.66 A. M.;',12.66, a!c»!

HunduT trauuVoS. 4.6», 6,8a, W.85, A. M.j6.85, 9.00 PJU: ' • I " • : - ' ' .V ' '•i'-'V •• •"

6\>r, R i d y w , <f.8O, 7,20,; 7.87, .8.06 8,13; .10.35,lr.65 L M. j11.60, li.05, 7.26, ».00 V. It. Buh:

duy trains, 10.85 A. »Li andWip.^H.. , ii ,..or West I'liiladelllUia; ,1,4?,- ,8.2i,8i32,,,S.(i«,

'10.45 Ajll.: 1.48, 4.08,:6.1i»,,JS.S9, :Jl,iSB. SUudoj trains, 8.28, '».*&,' iO.?t r\ li.

ForKilat MUf»t<inor1.82,:4.1^,0.8^Pi ^jl, r, •>For tambertvijle «iia:Fleiiiliigtonl'l0,4B 4.11:

andS.jaj1 . JJ-. , i,; .. ... •; . , •,,?or ftU'puint^ob .Meroor and Somerset Roil'

road at-4.10 P. M. • ' : , . : ! •.•<tor Puillil'Kburi; and Uolriijore, (0.45 A. M.

a n d 8 . 2 8 t..H. .- ,-{ t \ j 'liFor UordentovVn', Burlington and Gamdon, 8.22

mid ,10.48 ,.i, K.;°)..it,f<tllk:6,Zil 8.28

f-orVroetoia, 8!a2.i.M.'j..«.2Sa'lid'S'.MP. M..for Princeton, a.22, U.56 A.'.M.j 1.4S, B.a8,

b.i», alSJii*. i t - ! ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' " • • • • ' • • ' -folWort Jurtoy l t R . ' , ! 4! P . M . • "for tor ig Bfandlli -Biiban ihi Kt'd Bank,

Loaro Now York for Now UrunlvrlDi, 7.00, i 8.0()».0O 8.30 A.. M.i I'J noon, v2.O0, 9,00, 8.10,4.00, 4.10, 4.60, 6.20, 6.10,7.<K', 8.80 aud S.tlOP. 11., and 12 night. Sunday, 7.00, 0.80 jiud9.00 1". M. , ., _..: „ .. ,FHNNSTiVAHlA it. K.—AMBOV piyiS.lQHjTrains betwonn Iliglitstbwn ami' Soiiih Am-

boy loaro. Uiglitatowu 6 40, a 84 «, m.| 4 oil,ii 31 p, m. . . . - . ' ' • '

Oranbury, 6 4T, 8 39 a. m.; 4 07, 6 37 p. m;Jatuiab'urg, 0 68, 8 48 a. m.; 515, 8 00 p. tn,Spotswood, 7 12, 924 a.m.; 628, 8,20 p. m.Arrivp a t South Amboy, 7 a7, .10 a. tn."j 6.4%

»;o6 p.; m. ( . 5 •.. •;; : y .y / , j | ; ; ; •,, ^

Loavo South Amboy 625,;830, ll 'Oi a.m.

ilSpolBivoid, 860, SiOa.m^'lSoB, !5'23ip. m.; Jamesbunr, 7 00, 9 07 a. m.; W 50, 6 16p. |uv

' Crahburyf7 10, V 11) a. in':; • (lTj 6 Stl p . m ' .Arrive atHign.tiilowb.-71U,::!> 21 a. lu ) I 90

flMp.ra. . ".;:•. ".. "'.•:' .v'irt"'."-. , , : . ' . •For rurtberinr6tmatioDBOa.tlcnotaM68,Trhloh

tan bo lia'd at Ui«Tiok6t Office. '.- :K1UNKTHOU8OM, ". U..' M.U0TD, Jr . , .

• ' • (Jtntroi \[a,nnsiMi . it*ti - Hut . i,*,

F . W . J A O K S O N i 1 • '••• . : ' • • •, atn'l8\nt.U.lt.S.otli\J.[Hv.'

QKOttUE W. BAUKUll, i* Uupt. N, r,JJiv: •


NO. 234 BUllXE'l'

(orfo'dln okeM'a n i t t ) , • .

i • IB now oflerlug a • - , • *

infe Btoek; of Furnitfrf.A< JlOiluoed P r l n e t .

And Baliolts *ihe "pablla to

C A L L A N D K X AM I N K ) - ,

Ilia aBBortmcnt, which ia n« lar^o DB nny (fNew UninsH-iflc. 1 call jiarticulnr oitentiou («; ' my .stock coaqtatinfr o(

Painted, ClHistnui, Walnut and

Muhogauy Suiks,

Whloh I aui -MUIDK ot.Q VEftV LOW J

(haTe coaaiuntly on band ^"

& 0 F A S , . . =• • : . - • . .'--••



Ol my own make.

n tho beat manner and warranted ad ' J* I'leane c»U and eismlna tho stook ol

lure in our Bpacioua showrooms.nolO-da i r .T • : : . . - . .• • ;• ;


Opllcian Biul Otullst, will Ln ' t t JOIINRON'SItAlI.HOAD JIOTKXNcw Urumwiok, N. J.,

From "VYrdnrsdiiy, Nov. 3 , tw Friday, Nor, l>.

' Rev. Dr. W. II. Campboll,Preildent e( llutRers (lolleire, M«w Hrante

wiok, N. J, ,

. I'iot. Goarse «l. «!i>«h,' '1 [latteri! Ooll8K(i, vNcw^ j\ran"w)okt N.^J,

itlr. J o l i i l i o n I.lil»<»ll, 'Ex-Clot. I'nrUur

freshnM, N, J.f iinyo no Poiilara or Agnnlfl. del4-daw


VHCHMIIDIB;Practical Watcliinakor,

. . . . 1 , . *

M a n \ i r i u ^ l m v r u f . l i ^ T < » < r y ,

onf'Iry ;uitl MIMIC IIUKHI tUntly rfinilf-'l finj i i r m i t n l , Alununi 'mn* hii<lKii|(ruVlM^ l u u l l y

I'litin O11M l( inc« nt nun h i m r ' n i i n l l r s ,I'lTxiitm K-Rldinir out , uf tlt« r l t y t'liii <>t\\ r

n(i<U inuilu Kh,l tiik» ( l i t lu *S\ nj \ h o HhKitt {

13LI0KMi;i! iSf»i ;» , l i i n i ' i r t i f , i M i c l i . f r A r .

l l i ' M I I A i ' . I N K r i , I ' M I ' l l K n n I I U K K I I / . H f . l t l l I ;t I A M K I . ' r i I I A I I I , r A M I I H K I l P . I l l : I I I K I N K ,

• HIII.I.IANI'INM, AI.I'Alltn, MullAiltri,

BLACK SILKS,H i H I | - | r . A N | ) l i . A I H n i l K H * N l t W I ' » . |

| ( j H I I A W I . ' I , I I M A P I W U H , M 1 I I H , ( I V K l l

IOIIRir win. ituutiLr

B. -BiatR i|> nt »TII A *fcU! II {k.,. UK, it Rlivr rOIIR,

ii Ih.ii'rl Hi- l*it nuwtH1"™^ **' Irlt'imlnt" #"•!|.f-.»t!illi« |.»H«fi.l"i <" IMr>.>fiik)nf *^ t Hlll'»rrriII ., Irlwii—I M>f> "i' l ll>»«<i". J I I ^U I I , "kil l*

n;..i7-|i.jr W....I-11\ <\ *i. , 4 A«*II «!«•»rnVi» III J<«|»^l|'«- KmV'fii'i'M <»'• •ll«nWni»f

. , „ , *.•.. ,!•«*•(, r»ilH"H< <o.| f.n-r M-i.i«t 1 -

V jWplljijaaiJe, an^Ut very low pricou.

Fine Custom Triad© a Specialty.va^id, eatiflfactioli guarautebd. A large stock of llney .; ' . . '


r iWn BFIHTB ylADP TO OHPSH. _ ael4-ly

YoufhV Ready-Miido tlothlng,

jFufn i ture ,&Beddi i i a ; ,Tho whole of which, imvInjfixHjn mai-fted at cxlr inely

w iiricos, they we enoblea to oBVr *t, . ,

Decided Bargains.Otlfl Bfoa1. Improved PatentsH. R. Pa'«0nff0rElnva.

or (the la'go.l In Ihi U11 t 'J Btito.) will oouvny Ou«-

a a»nt free* to' all j>arU ol tlio• ' "

LORD & TAYkQR.255 to 801 Grand B t , & Droaiiwoy Oor. !0lh 8 1 , N. Y,

oolft-dawlUvrli * ; r ; r " ' - •

• . ' • ' !


tCITY; 1 ,OOb,OO!o En.y;el0pes per' Day!

Actually Making•• -aud :SKLLING, NowV irotu Flyo. to Seven

. hundred Thousand, per flay,

:. ' . Wo can make KNVEtOPfiS'olioWr tlm

York/ViiaMre, bccmiBO of our 1MPROVED PASf V

••M-'AemNES' (bur (jwii'-irimitiohy,''biir LIGHTER l';

'•'EXPENSES ta\itli'o'.IMjIlKNSEnumbbrjre make. •

Special toducemeiifcs'; to Ca^- •Piiroliaseis.,• Call anijl exjirajno ^he quality nnd prices. •

W e enn lurnish theuo Envelopes, with card

'•'"•' prinicd tliereoii.Toi7 a'tvilii""SBovi!''riie"uTu51 price of

the Kn

1. W o k i w p liui'O t l io l i ' l u l i n ^ B l y l « s i ini l p iz 'H, a m i

• cel l U i t m ; t t i : tctory. .prici)H.: .• . ; : ' . . : ,' " • . • • • ' . • • • " i '• > i - t •.. I " " • . :


iintymmt. .A d j o u r n e d Mier l l i ' s

N CbanoorV; of New ^Jersey.—Between Ira. .C* Vpprhees,, CoiJUJlaiiiuut, And Jacob

yaiidorveer,J C^leb''1J. Yundo;vcer),i(it al. I)e

. :;OOaHJEB80tbBT.; . .Having mndo1 Lar^o improVcinen's nnd Additionsi their ustubllahmeat, Invite tho ut tent Ion of j>ur-meerB to tkolr ImmepetJ Block, consisting of

(oiuers (o ettg

Ooodo andcountry

A goat a fur the beat eul\lug1'j 1 ' k t / | h e,1fjii) 1aokBgp, t p / | h eworld.' It cuntilns IS

. : ' • ' : , nh^L-ta payer. , 15 i tnvel-opcB, Golden Pen,Pen,Ho!4er , P^ficH, t'atoht V i dfih>ftBur<' and a pleco vf Jewelry. Single packtigu willi,

it'U«ant I'rlro, i-oalpald, 25o. Circular free, KUIDHfa CO., W Urpadyay, N, Y. .' , r •' . 'noUAwu

WlPfc-.NIBf.i18.By.-AWW-. ELIZA

BrljUimi YoUn's'f; ltobt>iU6i<o Wlfo.

W - ' tiio only ooinploto rinbse of'oli tbo BECBET8|(, mi lOHAM'a U i U E M over " r l t t m . Horn In"

MonnunlHm, ANN KL1KA now oKixiiK-a tu thu wurlil,AS NO OTUHU WOMAN CAN;' thu SlCCliliTO,MYSTEUI&l ami ClilMKJ of tho ho.Tlblo »y«tHu ofFolrpiuiy, from the;vpfy ,bf({liinlrtll. .Nearly. liOO II-Inatratlona hcauilfy tho work. I t la lliu beal ni'lllngbook vubllplicil. l(l,00(} more men and women canhftvu O!ii|jloyiiifut and malc» from t!> lo $10 daily. AllJ.IVB AUBNTO ua ,wrUl ig for Uluatralod OlrculorWllli LA1IQ I! TV.KUS': Bcnl. fr. o. Dii nol delay, bumldreis UUBTIM, O I L M A N * C0.,Ilartf6rd, Conn


Freeman &" (Bucceftsors to IfoVort'Fl-eomnjI it Co.),

No. 45 Mttii Second "Street

. , , ManufjoturiTB and Dealers la .

WELL-MADE, v , , , . ., , (

, SEL1ABLF. V" ,• ; i.V

• ' - • : • : • • . : • and SVB/ZTANTIAJ

ID (Ut thVUtaitftikil Vii'st fishlonnblD Joa'gun, InchidI Air tho .coltbratflfl KABTJ^AKIJ «ml MKlUAKV.ABtyjeit vf. Parlor, Ltfirary, Oliambof, Hail aiid Dlall i o i i h S u i t e s , 1 • • • • • ' • . . . • L , . .

Cottn)c*> tiultoa and low-prlccd TVftlnut'Kunttturoand MattrcBBfH can be h id (Vom us as cheap us fromniiy oihtr lidiiia In lUo eltyV. • I

An lii8[MCtlon elicited, and all.work iWnrrstrictly as ruproiontrit.- - '• • .

V1CBEUAK St. MIT-LEU,' * > N i S i d ; B r B

FIRE-PLACE HEATERTho Intoat, Hondaomost,-and Bert in

t h o C o u n t r y . ' " • •

TULLER, WARREN & CO,.33U Wate r Slrect. WwarYorlt.


Economy, Beauty, Cleanliness, ami

A . •.PMiZ:'ik E:QT.;UJO XtJlFT. "„ ,.

£3olcl yOvoi-y w h o r e

Mainfactiirea by COItnUGATED ELBOW CO. orTj. 5., C3 Cliff Siroot, Jf. !I.: 45&17 Kaco Stroot,'Oiuoinlioti, 21D.t'J17 Ijiko Stroot, Chlfcogb. " '

1B loTllBd to .

A). Wdlf^on's

Grj&tal Clothing Sttiitfl^a ooraiaanoB BQUARII,

r • . ,j_ . ; . r » r,; - . ,-.stoek and the la tes t slyjeu of


Roady-mpde & J a d e to Order.suitablft for Men. Youths' and Uoji ' . ui price>that defy competition.

Urent attekitioa lit paid to ( \ Dioiner Workwhlob it tMhion»bty cot I17 tb vraoat •,

v Artiwtic Outtorand well mnilfl. ALj » npleudid arjuoriment oUenLlemen'o Farniuhlu^ Goods of all Icinrlg.

Hpeolul uttentioD h o»H«d to tho

Mftuututurcd by the Mow Uruii^wlck <anNoifolk Uoaiery C l

$T W»lnTll«jron lo C»M und'eiMiilliB

ope by fair ttoallnfti, tn a till n t iu tnlu IIIL-Itbo I'utillo.Kill tt«i> l.wii linrnVilnr* l.fitit old rellitue




BAVARIANWino& Lagor Boor Saloon

v/:ir 'JIUI.I.'N'III:M> IIOTKI,,

HI It HI N'l'JIIlll'l'.

FIUC1). SCIIICKSMCI^miuinmrflllnlth filnnln Hint |if lim ;

(>|>9n^dn' rfmtwIn.B PHIIIHII tiitiltfp Ihil j

I'lil K>iillllin li.ll. I,., I,, I,|a l|,| IMMI MW

Wiho and La^or 6obrMA I.OOIN, !

r.|/i|i(ini'r(i'if Ai>-\,\tyr,> i/nln At, '

IlillNK AND OTNKIl" \ V | N I M |

AUI» ti!i^irt<*<t «iiil D ' H I H I I I I Ol(«»#« iMllll 111 | |rilii.«, .

''('IIA\'it,f:.S'/(iXfKk.^'^'r. •

.1820. ! Old -tstalJUBUmeut. = 182(1,HOOD, RKLIAM.K, .. i

I'AHI.OU.l.mitAr.y,'•« '.' ' . IClIAMIlKUand blNINfl FUltNITOKK)

All of the noivoat littles anil jiatliTQa eclllng at costu redjico stock.

Wrtrj; H. Lee, J jill!) Kullon St., li-ar (.Tiurcli, and !I7 Coiml St., 1 :dooi!

eftot of Bruadwur, Now Vork. : :liollwti.

FOR COUGHS, COLDS, HOAjJSfNtKS;and all Tbroat UiBeospj^iuaa , |

WELLS' CA^BjOUC TABLETS;Put up only In BLUE Iloioa. ;

i TH1MD AND BTTItn R B » I B D T |1'or nulu lj/l)|UKslala grnornlltr nnd JOIINJ

ani.y iiui,t.oWAt & uO.;pirJiuioipiiin, i ' J

- "L" - - * ——— :—-———. 1" [ • ) BYCIIOMANUV, or SOUL ClIAKMINn.'i

1. llnw illhir tvx may lanclliatn ami talu tlwInveaud air.L'tliiila oi1 liii)"li«r((6u thoy cliu^M Instanij

friut liy lihitl for "J5p., tiiift'llii-r with a marrlaL-n uuldii'Kryrlha (Iratlo. Ilroa lllnla lo'LaillM, W.'iVilIni;NltflilMiln, M e A i|U.or liwli. ' AUrtM Ti Wll.

FULLER, WAK1U5N & CO.,33O'\Vntcr utruut.ot'Zll w

r n t l i g Aienla wanted.-' Qoort-cljiiiKr nimmklu,

l U t t l . ) u t ,1.110 in .i-llliiK our Tram. 'IJU-rnl c mmlnMons. Herd Itir UTIIIS. 1*. O. Uuxfi.CtJl. UKEA'

" ,.?Ur,''!»...Vcaoj(.>ln:iil,

WANTED. IMMEDIATELVXTiiro Yoiinir Mon li» > a r n 'Tylrgrnphy. IGood Bltuatlona guarant ied . Address, wjth |

ilamii, Sui.cclnlcndcnt UNION TKLKOUAI' l l CO.Otarl ln.Oli lu. \ •••. . . , , . . ,ooU3S

n r r T Al homo, malo or fonialu: (35 ripW O r l t w c i ' t day or criming. No Cai iul

J ? ^ . * . «« l l ^ ' " aft"d Taliublti pnekago ol tfooda bI O X * R i l m a l l [mo. AddrMi.'witli «lx rent roturn atainp, M. YOUNO, 17H Oroouwlcli alrt-'ft. NoYork. pots iv,

Short CutWealth.

nnil Kt'inalc Aj/onts arOanvnsstirB. Vrce "Ii

— . — »_ forma1 f on and frcilaniplaa with evt'ry order. 1 .0 . l lox 6,301). JULTOis c o , ir • *" • . . . . . . . _. .

y rdr . 1.0.10lea Worth ativot, Ko\y York. 3c2d-4v

New York and ChinaTeai

This lontc and well cetubllshod hnitoc Is now aolllt

NEW. CROP,solvctod by lUulr own agcutn, In Ctilra uoil Jnpan,

At Prices to Suit the Times. "

TTTyyKKa Sro utemn ruiBtt'd fri'«h tUil/. Ttilind Ciilfcfa sold by t,i« Cbusl, l'nckut'j und Poum

MtlK'rH «>Iil hi n'tlmtr*' iirlo'9. AH urdi'rt Mo iiumtnallj-atiemi&dto. M H.MOHlii A.Crt., 1'n.jirlL-ton77, Ttf, tfl ,BUud tiG-Viwi) street, uutiualta Wuftuni

• no-lSwo


ilrnulj-wilil. I h n ihrillliiK itory ul llm i.ulilit 11 lu liIm w.ldktmlor tilt. Nllii mymury, Oplilrrt (liilil. tilll.tnim' l.rvlr nml ml llinin uf nii|ior>tlliimn (»'lngslrrt|tlilrt itorM'H[>tl«uin, •|il»'iitilil Illilnlrntloiii.1 MlUlom•viitit It. Wt' wntil ntti'id* 'tulf-klr ; i-roflU Itlir. H<-i<«,tiirlKinm. l l l l l lHAKh HUurt,, l'u).IUbrrH, "

REAL 13 STATE]My v i r t u e o f n ' * o l d e r « r (!»• O r p l n u m ' C m t r i <>r tl>f>

o u n t y o r M i d t l U r k , i . m i l r t>h t h . . I l l - l i l . y l ( f A ^ ' tIho y n i r , , f , , i i r l/>r<t Ai"> l l x . u ^ n d t ^ l t t I H I I I . I

nl r...v<'ii'y 1IVK, I hn niiliticrHuT, mi HiliiilnMlrnt'-rJ.ilirt l ^ l l n y , ht>< ti! t h f t n i l i i l y o r MliMliuK, .1> tw,i<Mill « . | | ni I'm.Ii. ' ViiiiiliiK, »ti

TV KM) A V, A'Ol'KM ///;/, ' if, Ja,r liMIr ..T IWi. .<V|..rV !r( | |i t Himni'. in ih« el y »f Ni wi r !) t l J l l ! / I K H l

»Ftrk,! III F. . , ,. mil ' (Tinnli ,

HI wlijt'tl Hi* wil l .ll-llB l^'ll 'V rtU") nii|»,f(.hTI/.! ' '' !>( . t-iU itf Imxl In Dm rltf of Now llruimwlo^

Ml>1 Ji'rTi r ,ty KIHI Hluln of N e « .)nu<y : Ktrrf

iMniit Iro.ii Iliis .U..iihiKlinii.O id tu.rtliVnr , ; tholiol-in liPrijF Hlori|{ l!i- tvn*t ullit or .'>»'><> olrivt fi I*

nrtt.Pily ill iljilit iniijt * toln«l m,uri!i|Hi ftK'lj'ilH'iifiiMrily !•• (li» |iliii'iM.r ("'KIIIIIII^. Kit.-iillnif out i r

iL-nl tUXfii M i , W, IliiW, W o h t i i l ' tn MhlillinfJi'I,,It'll t.Mii'ii In l,.)i'V It'l, |<»t(f> IK t. fr.foti.l lot fbv.-ii.l.l.M.f I*.tir.1 nit«•!, hiuliiiilntfnt <li« fiMitlli mot"i M I i,! ft I.H (i-Mimily tr*-l- (t tn^r Mi-li'liti |li<nuU, nnij^ . I I M H K U In Iti.l.xrl Ailimiii (ho • v i n f r l y HI»II |.)• llni" (1 i /•*., iiiun> or l"«i, tit llm H<HI11I Vf, m ruili<>>f liU t i t [ Untiri) H'liilll' rl/ I'ltiKiiltlH IhtJiMiRlVi' Ofllijt•lit <d,il\o\l4 | tn* '.ft /tint, |t%i»rft Ul' lul", 'f't, ttjttlli »imiliumS I ii" I lln IM'« m«|- it/ iilijiitf tnlil iMiiiliFini'k

•"'1 l " l ' r ll>M,IV Ui<* lH'||IIUllH|r, i n tVHIff I t l l AH>1n Mi" (I'Mitli i i l t l - f i t i i u I't-Hfn u l t M ' l t-i (lilt it>nr •>! l l i | -

fi/imAMVTiiiW'^ArftuiSfiU'iir, Aa. '

( )

TkfireatAJlaBUB&facificTeaCo.• U K A n Q t U U f ICKB S.r>\t 81 VKSKV ST., N. V.

Impbrting Teas

.UUK ; - a II nw (thri'u iiuiinil} |>lcluri>, ntmu:lively aklriiiUh between baby mi'l fill jn-t ilojf fo[Kisfi'Milon of ftaolU j|t La ai> lull of nmrliitf Inn ti(ID ilcncrljitlon ma loll tin* | lory f« well nn tin. t-liutltlciif tlio Aitlnt. Tlw' bnttlo In JIINL Mti nml Tiimid muni lio BWII to bo »]>|.n'.-liitnl. Now muly

177 Burnet Street,

NIITICI:.' [ H I E Dlrrolnr (if tho Ilimril (.1 Olmiirn KrroJi. Illllllcrrt Of Mfllllll'llOX I'llllllty I'llll III) HI'Clj

wl tin) (Jdilnty ('(ilUiL'tcir'fl ollleo on tlut micomjlwl Tourtli Hnturilfty^ of vm-ll mouth at ttrti'ildiiK p. In.I'unli.lllci: HIIIIITHH: Hnuth lilvur.


COAL.My I h*i «.'iu'(io oi1 tin* Ton.

GRAIN, FLOUR,FEEDj,' i Straw, Salt,

(<hiNN Nixiils und I'V

Aln nml Iliitull.

EUai? Rpny^pn & Son 8

Central Coal Yard,:n*nxy'<-


aiidorveer, C^leb1J. Yundo;vcer),(it al., I)emdantB.—YU Ka., ole,, ou ioroclo^ua*. .-Dated,.u«u8t:i», 18Y6.'i ho-aal6 uudur the above Htated writ, atiimjH

rdjpurnbd to :« • . . , . , , .XUESPAY, November SOj 1876,. ' "

,t2 o'clock p m . , at the Sheriffs oQice, In theily oi'NijW Brunswick, New Jeraoy..•';-;• .

'M. M. LUPAKDUS, SlieriQ.JumcB H, Vaii.CjeeO Solicitor ol -Coin^luln-

iii3. • -" ' • , ' nu4-td '

- A d j o u r i

J;N Cluxucery, or^New Jerpoy.—Betneen-Tho... < ODimissiontra of tU« 'hlukliij; "Fuud ot

fNcw Jersey,'Oomplaliiaulu, and Artier ti. Run-onat ux. et.al.| Dateudaots - Vi,, li'fl-. otc>'ri foreclosure; ' Dated July 14, *875.Tlm aalo uudor the abovo atutotl writ stand

, d j o u i i j e d V( ' "'•'•' •' '. • 'TUESDAY, November 30.1675,-

it2o'Clock>..m., tttthtifeherinvOOlye, iutliiitj oi'Ncw IlruiiHWlck, New Jersey.. •. :: ;••

G. D,AV. yVwum,, Solicitor of (Jpmplainun't!f

( OcpUans* Court,

On the duplication of Jumos DcIIort, ndmlr lutra-rttf WUHiUii A^Wiluiuit* decfWjd,;fur an otMcrti.1 lands to pay dobts.—Uult) to i Low CJIUHCTliHuald wlmlni&lrutor having exhibited, onoatli, a

iiatflud true account of tho jroru-jiiul cpiaw oftLi) HBICIcccaBQd, und of tho debts, OA far lib can dlecorer tinaino, by which It appoard thi>t tbe porauiiu! tBlito o

tho said docensud'lB inBuflldcnt to iiuy'LiH flebta; therefore, on application of tbo euld wiuilnletrntor Bpttlpgurth that Uio tsiitd .WiHimii A. Wllmurt dlud Bolzt-d otcat ostata In thii county of MiddkBux, and praying tinId ol thin Court In the [iremlm'H:lUsordeivd by the Court,.Ttmt nil per«on8 lnlrr,ted In: Uioreat fritote of Bsltl decreed do aniiea

K<iur« tbls Court ou TUiitiUAY , tho HKVENT1lay. of DECEiinsa, "1OT5,1 a t . ten o'clock In thebrtnooii: at the Oiiuri Ilotfse, In ibis county,-tu i':a'uao, if any thov:bavd, why tho uatd' TM fulftt:bo B«ld di.'tuoBod| nr;Ko fuucli ihoroof.'nu thall be no»Bsary fur tho pnyniPiit or debts and oxiionsea yet an-

WHXIAM I{EILKV.Jr. ,0icrk.>or8V,187&."' . • - , oo7.6tw

^ < l l rcu l l C o u r t ; "

jmiiOMAS NUQEfiT'.ynJ Louis,f}l Bertram,4- ,,V1««, ,Vincent and (Jliarlcs A.'.'W.

iJacquetle—In1 case ou atldchment. Judfilnentsutl'reilJauuary 4, A. D.!iiy75. 7 \''C. h. Oorbin, Attorney. !' '. ., .*tiulo uuder: tlioiatiovo; atatod judgment

ttanda Bxljourncd.to . . . . •- ".TUESDAY, Novtulber 311, A.Dll to , 1

af the Court Ilouae, In t)le city of New.Bnma-

• ' .,, ' H.J/ .k VAND.YCK, Auditor.'Patcd.Octelifrli.lA.D: 1875. ocf-dlivSW

SIiorMPK. Sale.

IN 01iauecrj-o£Ncw"iJ<jrBo.v.-rBctwcoii (Jlar-onoe (.^.iAiitch^ll.iUomijlainunf, uud Mil-

tUlau Vafm ot,ula , I)cfc»jiant5.—Fi. Faiietc.; oiroreclodure.1 'Dulod Vuly'22, 1875.

Theealo under tlio above a-atud writ standadjouruod t« < " . . • . : : .

r| TUESDAY^-NoVembor SO, 1875,' ,at.S o'clock ii. m:, ut tliu Shurlft's Offlce', In tii(i.ty'of Now BruUBwiok, Now'Jcrsoy.r.:;0 ...-.• , , M. SJ. LUL'A^PUfi, SlicrllJ ,

Job^CMpiwopd, apIiphor.pt'Uouiplamaiit,.

A i l j o u n i c d s l i e» i i r» h u l e .

IN Chancery of New JerBoy.-^BeUvom V.'!l' 'liiunCnnipboI, Coinplainant, and Mary J,

IVrveil tit u)., liofondanw.—i'i. Fu., etc'.,pforeclosure. Dated Ju|y 23,1875, . ,

The H uio undor.tb'e abuv« utated writstandiijourneilto " " ' : !( -:

1 ' -TUBBDAYj Noiembor TO, 1&Y5, -i:at 3'o'clock pi ni., at tKe"Shor{lPHOincCji&it1iicity of Nuw iJruimwick, Nuw Jersey. , : ,;

••».•• .: • SI ILrLUWlKDUS, SI'or;lioiley & GriinBtead,ltialiclU>.raor Ctmii

a n t s . • e ''.-.',' '. . . .•> , . ' 1104-td

JtlERlKK'S 8AL10;—In OliaheerO of N«w .lerBey^Botwcuu THE .HUNTEli


Ui, Dufrndante,™Fi: F». on forecloauro. JBBUC,i |Rust6,'lB75.' " ' ' •' •"" r • • " ' •I3y \1rtue of tho above-Atiitud writ, to up 'llrwtcd,

'111 oxposo to Balu at public' vonOue, on, .


fttSo'cltqk p. m^nt thfcfilnfrlfTf OfUco, tn the city olNow BrUMowlck, New Jureoy : '" ' r

All tbst tract ur parcel of. lafiU uud promises hcro-iiafter nai-tlQiilarly lieBcribed^eltuuto, lyiuy mid be-ng tii the city of l'ertll Aiub6>',li»tliooouutyo£ Ultl-WQUOX nud mute of New Jer^uy, on tbo westerly eidt

of lljgli'Direct,'Wwc'eif Bhillb tutruot aud filurkiflqunro.: Ilegiapiug«,t tho dhHuiiqaof tlilrty-HvofcHoutherly ulonfj; tbo westerly Hiio of Iflgh Htroet frOilh§houtherly liuo of duittlintteot; nuu from thorn,"ruunliig -eoutburlv tliirty-tlirto (Rl) /cut, more oilean, Cotho northerly lino 6f.land oI-iloKliuj Ii.' Fprd,ln^ltltli'lulruutmiiitliDeai;io lu, thb rear,, uud ex-touilliirJ from lligli street 'westerly by tlui inorthcrljlino ofVosbaa1 B. JFor,d' uud tbe'doutlierly Uuo ol- l of BUIII Jacob L. MuLliu,.at right angles,'or iiea, BO; to Uiffli Htro<;t,!Boveuty-foiii tiiatiUvo iocliefl

(7.4 U-12), cnrrylpg tjie wltllh tlironghout tho entire1

depth; bouuaou ou tho north1 umVun' tUo'wcbt1 b;uud at; Hiiid Jacob IJ, Mitrtin, on the- .cant by IHifiitreot, aud ou tlie south by lahil of Jobhua B.' !ror

being the tame- lot conToytd totfuii) >Icuuiu K. Hartby William l'ateiaon, 3d, August, 1HJ2 ; recorded ibook 135 of deciia for tho cuUiity of Mkkileaei, 0page ICtf, etc., and cpuuruiiHl to correntoriiir thoro

a aotb March, 1614.' ' " '• ' •, : 1 •, ;Together wlUi ull undtilnpular tho righta, Ubortloi

privileges, h^rtiill anioi'itsami a]jpurtuiiuuccsthcr.untbttluugtng ur In uiyvibtL'Apiit.-r.tiilnlDK- - i ' '•

M. M. LUVAUDyS/Sborlff.1 JoiW T. IlittD/Bollcltor.' • ' • >r- •• \' nted ^ct. 7,1375. . . uoU 81

, A d j o u r n e d Mier l i lN ;

IN CliMicery of NAw.'Joraey.-i-BcW'con /The.Wafiliington Li(»^i)surai.co OoiHpupy, Coin

plalnhnts, aod .Saroli1Cx Siiiitb. ct a*.,:. Defendants.—FI Fa, ,etc.i'oa iorecloBure. J)utccJ u I y 9 ; i 8 7 S . ' • ' ' • ' " ' •••• • " ' • ; '' The sale uudcr the above stated;Writ standadjourjied to / , .. r .'

. TUESDAt^Decembor U . i ^ ' s , ' ; ' ' :

a t 2 o'clock p. in,, at tUo Court Uouao, In thcity! of Now iiruiiBwlvlv, New Jersey. • - =, . • i.., ., ; . Jj[. Al- tUpAKDUS', Slicriff.

II, M. Luinmis, Solicitor of CompUtlnaulH.

?Fv?S SAM.—InofNowJlTPOy.-BotwwnOATUAklNE.A.PUO

VO3Ti and A1IUAUAU lM'JtOVOsT. |ier butb^mCvui|>{ftln&nts. and LOISA 1»; tiTKLLK and i>AVIl>: 6THLLi;, hf r huhbH»<lt ot A!.(- DefondaDta.—J1. Fion forocloaiiri^. Istun-d Oo*r)bcr 0, lp.T^. , •

IJy vlrluo of tho abovo-fltftlwl writ, to uio directed,will expose tuealO*'o't public vcbilue, on ' ""

iSDAV, DEOKMlifeff 14. 1875, " 'at % o'clock p. in., at Uio SlieruTs OIllco, in thq cityNvw Brmiswlok, New.TtT*uy:r " • '•

All thuau thrfttilots or pureu'a of land slluato, lyingand bt'lnft In tlii) towunblp of PfttctiUiway, In U)u couti-tyjjf-Mlddleoo^ aiiii rjuito of Now Jcreuy.: .

LutNd^ 1. ili'B'nnlnff aEthoBoutn westerly corner oAbraham N. Conovur's lot, on .tha easterly flfdo of tbiroad leudlii(j[-froui-thti-Laiiiliag brldh'o to ItournlIlrook; aud from thened i-unnlng aloiiL' tbe Uuo of enConovor's land and blmllii)? on. tha -sauio noreighteen degrees and thirty minutes vast, four ctmiiuud thirty link* to anutber corner of enld Conuvcr1

land and to tbe lino of Ad rot n Vertnuto' » larui ; thencrutmlog along tho line "of ithil said YtTtimla'B lamAnd bludlu^ on thu aaina.iiurth eoyfinty-two ilegrco:>ytsat, ihieo chain- 'and roventy ;tigtit links to ' t innorth oast corner of a lot belonfjlug tiTJohn A. Poola

snino Bouth twenty, ui^ilt degrees and lorty iniiTuteweat, four olialua aud t\vcnty-llvi> links, to tlio niurasaid road; thuncu tanning BOULII u^teHy along-iho salrood four otialna und rorty-ttireo links tu tbo place ibt'Klnnti'g, &)HliilnlnK ono acrdnud dcventy-llva huidri»Uli» of an nan) mure or U-es.

Lot No. i. Bltualuasnf'irosnld on the simtli VTI-Bcrly Bido of Uio'road itforvsaid : ' lleglunlh'n; Bt'thi

A, t?(»olu ; Uienco runnlng tthjng lila lino and b'lidlntou tho nanib aoutli tlilrly-roiir ui'ifrcos ami thlrtnilnutcB-wpBt, fourteen cbuins to luw water mark d

-tlio lUrltAnltivvr;ili0nctMto>viktli>; Bflldnrertlicrwvtuol cotira^B then;«runtil,it )s oupoallo tlio line uT wbiil:wiis lately .Mtll'B 0. BUIUU'G lot; tli<?nt'e runiilnff udrtltwonty-twod-(Jrocs i-oat, aeveu chilnaand- iiinuti*n\)links t t th^.ILt) of. Abrahuiii N. ,(;uuovor'a land o:uiuailuw lot ; thencAiunnln^ olting fluid lot 'uiid bindIn^ on tUb Bailio Ui.rtli ci^tity tjirto Jt'giikia wen , 'chains and sixty links; llienco norUi.,th[rty-twuIfriM'saud thirty uilnuU'suaat, uivuu chains amHityJilyuoven llnkn to thditlrAfafor'.-sald'rolid; thcnCu riiniituiirnrth Beviinly two dt-grcca weal, two chains ar.nirjuiy-aix links to tho pta&u of bt-glunlog, conUlultlourtwn ncrffi and a half, mom or Ii<ba : ' :

And also the rli,'h(. u< way tlirough tlio e&id lot lately of Miles C. Smith, and Uio ri^ht of iliblng in froplof wild lot of Wiles (J. titiiUh, which waa recurved

Tho third traot or lot Is altualo asflforeBald and ad-Jouiiflf; thp two beforo -uacrlbod lota: . lti'Kinn|ng otiliu Boutherly ildo of tho road loading ffotn tho Lutid-Injr brfilgu to Iluuud Urook, at a corner of thu last dw.ncrlbul lot, add now by tlieae picaentH ounvuydl tutill' Pljfty of thuat'conq part; aud iroin ihvnco runnliig noiith .thTJty-lurt'O lUigrues w.iat,-*«oven chsjcianil Dlghij-four llnka to anothur corner- of ttald lottb'.'iicu olong the Uuo of eo d lot and binding ouithiBuino south floveuty-thriw dtgrew and thirty "utuit en&t, Um chains and feixiy links to tho northcorner ol land lately belonglntf lo tlio ftald MiUsu Oauillh, and U al&o a corner of iho' lanl bolon^iu^ tiAdraln Veruiula; thouco north (Qlrtj-thret) .|t*£ree:east,lhlrUU'n ubaliiB and ftUly links to other lands otLoaforusoid Vennulo; thuucu nor th : t lg luy ono' dogrooa wtBt, llvocnitliiB and llfteen llnki w tli» uurUeasterly corner uf tliu afurcaald Abraham N." Co'novor's land (la(i ly Mlulntel (iarrish'e); Ibfnce snutforty-uino ilegrees 'ami thirty ' mluiitca west, tlrclialus and nlnmy llnka tp a ^tonu lu ilia loulburl&ldtt ol thu n'ort'uiuntluned ruad ; thouco running almithu Buutl.prly ij'lde ol itahl, .road ;oml binding v'l thkatuoiiortl) «'Vunly-l.w(* ilt>i;rr't;n west, ibriie chaintnd ninety links t" ;(ht) beginning, contnlnlng fljovoicrcB'anil ulntity-ihriXJ, buotirwlttn of an ucru, uior«iir le(Hi( ti'liigHie BJIIII-.1 lotHol Ini^l which were coiiiveytidT'i' eiitil JLoisii P. ntello by Atirabam If. Oono«vor, by iltHMl da i-d April I , A. 1). 161W; mcordod InMlddUxiPX Uoauty VWtii's ulllco, In bpuk 110 of UIHKI,

And u!«u nil Iboso two certain lots of t-iml nuproniiaus •iiTelnafU'r d( acrlbod ai follftwa, vie': '• LotJSu, t, ttltiinU', lyUiKflnil bulti); 1<* LuO tuvti

ship or 1-lscatAwity, In liio cuutity or Mlddk-sox uiiMUtuuf NoW'Jtrut'y, (in thu hurth alrlu ol thu rtialiisilln^' from tlinlanillntf brldgu to liouml llruuk, andi'tcrlbed In ft deed Irum l'htllp I'IITBOU, dt'ceesul, 1tlm lato Mlehaul OurrUh, dt'ei-uacd, bearing duiii Jut:16, lbt», and recorvted in .MMutofltix-County UlitrkullkWi In book 1> BofdoiJa, lullo -Wi aiu\ 4'J.i, ns tuluws, viz.: iteglnuliigat llm soutli v»'S» corrmr of thbntiao now ou tlm (irtimlil-s, turtnorly t!ii> Bouih v/ctcorner of Uio hotuo beltHiglntr to Francis lluiuru

i ino nuiiBO ueitiiiging lo rrancis uu/v rUDBlnu iiortti slxtuuu tlngrct* »ud thirtyeast, tlirue-chalnu and twvnty ono links Uif Jmii'd Ulubuiontl'n (now .Adraln Verm

it, fviir cUiiiri aud thlrU-i


In. UJmncor

rfrjijiLlUtfl.il ^V'lrjJIUIKU.l., alUU J AM XllAr OAi£LANt ' tux. ofal . , Uoreiidanla.—FI. V*. ;.iT'

By,vlrluo of tbt) aboycratated writ, to iuo dlrecI will txpuqo to uttlo'tit'iiublld Yurldue, oh • ' -

TUESDAY, t h i ' H t h day ot DEOEUUlJtt, A. Vf. 187B

i t i u'cloukp. ui., nt tlidSlioHirs 01H<x', to tbo cityNew Brunswick, Now Jenwy-:

All tho following described par«ol of land and preinleos. vU.J; All;t|mV,tiacf or parcel pf la»U and liix'inIflfo bqrolnafter particti'arly doacriwid, Bltuato, lyl

of Ml' dU'&ox and 8tatu of New Jcreoy: Beginningthu iuterseutlou of the BuUthcrly line of Bonner itrcami th" easterly llnaofJj'trBttTpnuu ;i||mnco runnislonx.luE) said easterly linu of Klrui ay en no soule6venttii-n;dy^i'iJL'3elist, onij htindnU land'llity. fo»-thence ,nt rlirht anglta to HB|U .First ave^uu rjmrallel Wltn thoBhlu' B^nner 'str^t- 'north ' t- t iwii .ihrt'o deirro-a cast, two humlrod. (200) foGt;',tticn<parallel with the Hecond aveiitiu"nonb tuVoutoi-h igreca WUBI, onahundrodamliiirtT leet : ito ibo eouerly lino of Monner s t reet ; thence along tjie Bputbelino b'f IVhncr'Btreel'>BontU st«vciity'tlir*a &i'g'nwcst,iuvo hundred feot to tha pla&u of tK'glnrjul),', 1liigilic euuiu lanlis conveyel lo tun aaid Jiiuus Oland by deed from Buld Ainunda Qusckeubuili nUlraui A. QimckeiibuBh, her husband.ii Thin inonga({6 hfgtvcn to ifouro poymciat prii >of tbo purchusy moiioy In wild deui uxproas^l; t'-•••' '-- 'nark c'oiiV*y«'d'BiitJfct'tn all r^i'octa o

pirilcuiurfi-io.il\u-irnirislofiB"nnil ideed cutitafncH] mill ex^rcdecd.

,nd, singular .tlio rights, liberlfiinvinfjL-s, m.Tcimann-al8 aud apimrluntincus thcruuicloiiglug or in miywltjo apnertainlii^. :

,, . . . M. M. LU^AJU)UH,SlierUr.0. T, C»WKNUOV«8, Solicitor,]>&tod Oct. U. 1315. : : • - . ' . , - ; 5l\vn6J

SIIKRlirF'S \y'ALK—In 'Ohaiice' o f ' N o w 'Jcrflpy!—IletM-ceii THK UN'H

]HJILt>tNQ TiOAN ASSOOIATr'OMOl' NKW" BtlOlWICK, OoiUpla4muH!. nml <JKQWK .ft'lILTK «t ie). ul., I)efemlu»ta.—i'l." Is'a. for, Halo of moriyapIiiemiaua. leati^d Uijlolwf i, 1S75. - ' ' • ' ' • ••

liy virtue uf . tbn abonv-atatud writ, lomodirpatI wilU'Wwpo nalu nt j'.uhlic ycnilup, ou

at 2 o'clock p- ui.,: at the fiherlira OfllcP, lu tlio city•New Brunswick, New Jftreey: '., All those <;prlalli tpui: lota of lai)il, with tho bulinua and imiirovemeuta thereon, tUtiiuto, lying ahclu^ in the city-'of fltiwUruuBwihk, In tliu cuuiof Mlddlceex oudatato of New Joraey, mid knound distiuguialied upori a cerluln uiap nlod'id tClork'B oliicu of Middlesex couuty aCoretvilil. t'litlt" A map of "dertttiu mi l cbtatii lu tho First Wardthe city of Now JinniBwick, In tliq.cuuiity of Midi!HOS,"~oil'tli(rBUtitU"i'aatei''ly Hldo'of"tliu"Truiituti niuuo, formerly of. Abraham' Siiydaai, P^jq.,' iiuil ft-oyod by him with other property to Jiunea Lorin

itlnty-two-OjUlijyMUt. twolTC'lmndrcrtiud»l«y-tu1,^0.1). i<> liarcul uuiubur twcnty-l>vo;iii5), bclug IBamo preuiiritli'whicli AVfl-o conveyed'tu tlio nUtortzv WliUu \y Juiuija WJilto u u d w i r o , \>y dt'idutu.f Jauunry 13.- 1604 -'ncorduil i n Mi.fdleiliCounty Ulerk's oilloo, in book yj of.decda, l>agoeto, , , ,1 ' TogctlierAvlUinllnnd Btnyuljir tile rliflitu,' lltiei'tli)irivile^t'tt, liureditaiuentB und ai>imrtepiiiiccs hunto buiougingOr lu any\vln6 aptiertiliiiiitf.

. •• • .•. • VM. .1 I . LUtAIUJUH, Hbprttt.HEII.ET & QiHMHTKAl), SullcitOlB.l>attfcl Oct. 6, 1H70. :' • ' '•••> '> po l l fltw

and thirty uilnutt-a inst, fs>|ir cUitif. and thlrU-eu i^ik,lu^nuinll run nf w.U-r; th'hcu nKmg naltL i-'.u nwater (is tuveral cnurnus ncu'tt, for:i>i\r(i dtgrWiwfst, Olio chain and tlltifn llnka i'-»ouri<;t» uniuhilVidtgrues wont, f lxtytwu links; lliciico "south iwt.niyHlr (lt^rDun wi'Ht, uluttty-tlirvu lluKa; lbcuco.Buiullllty-our Jogruua mid IH'y uilnuli'.-i wi'«L, iwo Chiilmmid tlilny-llvj links to tliu HIIIIUI i-utt cuntor (• tbtshop on tliu nnrth ildo of rutld ruiul; tin lie* alm,^ turOIK! north Iwiuily-uiin di^reeN ami fuily tn i,n(,rwi>Bt, ono chulii an I Ihlrly-iilno lltiks In tbn pltico nIH'Khilling, containing uuu ut-nNitid «mu liuiidr>d>h ulnil sciv, strict iiiitasiirij.

IM No, «. HllimtP, lylntf mid 1-t-lng tn * "

i j i ! • i i m i j i r i I T i i i i * k n M I K I . . * I « > I I I I I I I 1 1 • • • o I I I I I Y I I I T v \ l

Hitlil i.nlhft I1. Htt'llti liy AtTftiiinii N.O.uiovin, by (d n t t d Apr i l Hint. A. It. iHUn nntl nvur> cd lit Slidnot Comity Vlurk'H OIIICK, In bonk 1 IU of <|'H'il«, I,Jill * '

,.ty V,

, • M. M. l.lil'AKIHIB, Hlirrltl.mm nil OK rlTH()N[i,.)ollrlt<ir.PI) Oct. 1, lnlb, Out no 11

-luilK'O)') '

ivlnftnrtKiirli uf viiici'iiuiiilltik. dstwun^t, L'unitstDMil.-MIIII.IIMIN V. (J((NOVi:il ul.Bl,, VHvm\i l ^ - l f l . jr*.. itn fi>m;lonur|>. , lummtl Urtolnu; t\,

Hy vlrtuo vt tlio ftliovf-idnln.! writ, to inn tiliN-lWill iii)>*>»i| (u/ti>le "t l»ihU<) UIUUW, mi

TUKriDAV, J)l,(JHMIti;il 11, 1«TB,

at 3 u'nlimk i*. m,, nt tliu HIIKIUPM (Hllit*. In (ho I'lty oil

All lli»»l l«jf tirVflCfl nt Uii'l *>lt\lst.>, lylnu niiil ImII In Mm tify Uf New IinihHwIrlr.' Ill lint ?onufy u |

ttlildltmiix mill Htdlunr Now Ji'imiyi lU-j|iitnliIH n |Immnnli MtilwiitiPr t.f A hi tol lull,I hoi-vtnfuid H»l<t

MiilmmiiiBii nlifMit j llit'iii'it rutit

* M » k i ; t l iHi in H f t l i iy iiilinit '1- i»»*i, Uil i iy] tli(tliit(!»i>nlli WtMii-Httu f i 'd lmut Hi) (il(ibir« uf

j l l " Miirtyw t l

itr<«l lo thp,lpy(ti!injiH iici | IH, Iii'ltiff tint Nifiiirt i'r,in.<-* iHtrivoyrll iu uW wniil Awflttil AMU VMII tn>htir\

llftl HrtVHr.ltlW *, I'O't, till* lllll||(|flj|l| l>rilll(t'a|*K^

'i'oi^imi't.vim'nll MHI •fn«iiUrjhrtHijlildi lllcHlfri,

1 ' • ' ' " H I M , Ull'AnUUir, H|n»rl(t, IWiM.AitnI' VonnunM.MnJIoHw, •- l

pkltd Ofli, f, I W , null tlw

OTIEHIFF'S SALli.—Ill ClianoolyD 'of tiaw J'erfley.1--^Uotvrfen WILLIAMCONOVKIletal. . executors Pf Jacob Jolmuoii. (cteifcfil,- Co*in})laluauty; lind UILiltLEs' II. UUK1

pre'uiiseH. IBStied Oe'toUr i, 1871• Ily vlrluo of tha above-«tat«(l writ, to ma dire<jt<

X will oxpoflo to eulo i t public vuudue, ou

TUESDAY, DEOK.MBlilt u, 187C,

at 2 o'clock p . iu.. at tlio SherifPa Ollico, In tho cityNew Urimswicki'Naw Jersey j '-•' ; > • i—Allthnb-tract-or-:i!an;i)l pf hurt".' and jiroiulehereinafter iiartfauhirly* described, Bltante, lying niLutini( In t\\a- towuslilp of. Viiat Itri|ii8\viok, lu tcounty uf MldilleBei and Btate or New Jeraoy, beiitho fanuundproper ty conveyedio the party of tfirst iia,rt by Abratiam^ipcrliug ami wlft-, by dnodMarckSlJ WCti; aud In thus illucrilwid In noid d(.e<I'ogiiiuiiiK at a largo whitu oak tree nt tho north weCorner of tu6 farm lato Hetijahiiu Uallurd'B, iiuii tflyiitb;ciiB( coriior'of Il^bert Tjunibt^rt'B furni; Lhtjnby cuursoH with the tr'uv meridian (1) su'n'lh thruoigrt-en cwrt, cightociu chaiiiB ajult-tgbt links to & poiitwo links uortb of & utouejilauteil fur a corueisnid Uftllatcl'Hfanu; ttienco (U) south-eigbly-ono tiegreen auU Uiirty mlnutca ^veat,-, twenty.iiluo cbolmand niuety-flvu links to euvoril stouta jilautPtarotiud u stako; Uwu^o,(.t) nor th .one degi-oo iiuforty-two inluuteB weal, eight etiainfl and (wonteight liiiki*; thuncu (-1) nurth llvo Oegiiv* gad Ilft«iuUutiU'MWi'At, tweiity-tlvi) chaliift autl twuntly Hiilto LawK'nce'H Jlniok, btrlkfiiR 11 -Iiirgu'whUi)1 plitrio twenty Hubs from tlm brook ; thtuca down mbrook iiorlli t-aatorlj- ten chaliiH and sl i ty-t l«ht linknioro or lesa, to the llu« or corner of laud of DtiiiliMcLuury j ' t l ieue^ nlong Ills lino south fifty degreeami tl/ty-fqiir inluiitiis eawt, DUeeu vbaiuH aud tuirllilika [ theiicw HOIIIII Iltly-threo dogreca amlfor t jtwi^jiiimitui oaal, tlilrUjeu vlmlut) and tmvuu\f-\\\links to tho plui-u uf bi-glunlt^, LuntiilnliiK iiinfljono acie« andneyou hui|dredtlid uf m acre, strl'

And alflu all tb i i tWtalu btrlp bf laud for a foml, oiod in width, IVIOUK the \hw ut said lund fociut-rly Buiamin UulhrjVM, ha conveyed in the' dtt'd to tutmrtj ot thv IIra( l'lll't afortsald ; ruaor'.lug out ot lh<

Ihrit dencribt'd tract thu right ol way for u ruml outi-od in «idUi Blonjr tho flrBt<K*cril)M linear vldlitectihaliiBuiidduht lliikH In length,; .iml ttlmi IIILTI,;!.>f way orcr tlio arw»i'« dtncriU'il rrtUil Hi Hut hi^liviiy ufpuu rud t" 'wid th ,u long iivia land formurl;

- Topetluir with ull anil alugnlur tha rlglid. llbprtii'irlvllegeti, heieiUUiutiitu and ajipurieuuiic-rn tlur.into belonging tit lnAnywUu upiiortitlning. '

M.'fcC I.IU'AUUUU, Kheriff.

>TS SATJC—In Clifint:*»rKJ or NuW.leiHi-V.~-Hrfwtl'n OflAHUU OI.AUK(,'oiiiiiliiii.uul, nml HANNAH Ii. IIOUDON, 1IKM1V. UtUthON ut ill., lWfitiUiilH.—FI. l'u. qn foilukiHili . \ liihtiivd tiniitl'iuU'C 20,- 1H7J,

Hy virtue ul ibo nbovr-Htul'dd will, to niu illiectnlI nill etpuHo tu wulf BL public vi'iidiif, nu

Wi:UNi:yi>AY, the 6th day of I>KCi;MJU',Il, IS75,

Ki.'Jg'uliu'kii.iu., ot Iho inn ami i»v»Tii kri>t bHlmml Ihiyilt, fa the towiiDhlp or Mu'dlHOu, (uuiil

All Hint <et-lulu tmr tof lunil whichivanrdnveyoilftlio HAtd .fMiin<4 V. (luidun liy cl'iid from Auiltow JIU>K« slid wllo ditliit llm Unity-fourth diiy vt MutA J i ; I'M", n.il<| <lMK<iibM Iht'iVlu BH followrt I llunii'.ill llmt o i t i ln Kn ur liui-1 lHii<L.t>»(U<r t»vin imilhn(iii'lv (li'tu'rllhul, Hilllitti', lyfnu [tud brlnff In Hoiill

('tuiiily «»r MtilOWi.K mi.) Hta t .^ . (Ni '# , l ' i 'm 'yI 'VSa pi.rtlou ol lli^ |met, known an ll.i.M.O.ivliWml.irin

(im.l Mount l'l«M«aiVtl(AlH(>"lh Ai!tl»th nMhqitMt'i'

Duvhl Hull, lihij,, iltwuBtid (lliuitnTti/n i u r i t i n l t l lhy A..I, JllNliiuw AlullH. A. 1), 110(1(1), nli|nH

Jl/ l0 lium Bulil Hull lium nml tilndliiM mi tin- munti Hoiillt'li(|ity-nlni> ilcufetit vrrtl, Uilrly 0|m OIIHIIIM HH,Mtuotr HnhH lu tm> KOIIMI runt IOHIIT nr ii K.I nr trudII )>*.{ of HAU nddftVlHou Ctnii (III* iUy n(>nv»jHt

(•J) Riliiiil f i ld (tl.ilt'M f.'»t lii.tlll J t«i ' , i(y. | iU Viili'iLomit, vt(|llt ehtliiH m»il Utt)- nyn Jink* (,• H1t|«i i'.Uri'ttii»tlli mitt nil HIT ; Ihi'iim (H) Ui niHlilf.nliii* U.vtft«;i-i>iiit, IWcnlrBli rhkliiN >iid m i i j ilnhn io »

tWH Ri'id"^!'•!"*in^il!iIL'i.«BV)r!'i"(111 U p " ' ) " H ' ( l 1

iVtl •«!»'!«( "ttlvt flU'^IIVO. ,' • -, iT«i|i<tlit>r'with'nil Bint *ltV«iil*r ihtt VIHIIIH, tMw<i tl<»t,

itvllt'K«>*t li"HMll|iiiiii)rit(i HitiliHi-liiiitfinuiv^.llivinli) IKIIHUUMIK t'flit mi;wl«(iftt.j.1!itnlnlii|(,

Mf M. I I V I ' A U I ' I I M , Ulitirirr,

FORTUNE SHh ntlt»i Mimlkr Hi|ii|t, _«IH (•«»•! In (oil W Ui* WJ(mil* JM'«rXi frlil«kUiwn<lu(>iHl l y twntu«i>lnmU-

inf« . ' lil'tiidH^ tintwitiH* \Wt k.id Ihiih nr *Uh tn-'iH'i><VW>M t'f" • '11'iW'ti | l «ivh. 1 t-t l \ *h H>f 4Hi':ittWtut'wilNhtillHltiriiMlwfi"(VrtlW / - * 4M.HINE

A ( O , Jtsxtnit A|"H#, If H M I M •lf**».

REAL ESTATE.In tuo matter of the appllcatloli'ot'John VY;ainpU'-ll, Edward 8. Campbell. Huauu, H./-. Camphfcll, Gimrdjau Ql'OewrgeB. Cuuipbell,minor, Mary K. Caioiihtll.a miuor, and Jun-

iio H, Campbell, a u|luor, und Suenu H. Camp-Jtill, widow, ou order to sell;

Pursuant to an order 61 tho OrpbauB1 Court( the county of Middlesex, in?4n on tlic %Htlay of October, A. I), 1876, the subscribers, ilunnnlrjaloners in partition, will sell ut-jjublli:endue, on .

SATURDAY, JAN. 8,18?6,t 2 o>/I6ck p. m"'at flie CHy Hoto',in Iho el'y>r Now. Bruuawick,Mho lollowing-descrlljedual estate, situate in tbo couuty of SIlddleaoKtnd atatu of Aew- JerBej, whereof David F.JJarapbelLlutcly died seized, njud more, parfjcilarly described as tuUovrB, to wit:

Ut. AH tliut. certainhoUae and lot of groundituatfl, lying aud bclu^ iu tlie^HjoZ Nevr.irunaw ck, county .of.Middlciiex aud Stai? ".of*(ew Jireoy, beginning ou the northerly ''aideit : Albany street, at CUB BoutU.wcatcrly cornarif a lot .formerly belonging to Cornelius L..lardcnbergli. lately occupied by Mrs.-Julia;.udtow, iu tlm alley; tJniitct^yniAiufJ^^stcrlyI1,ODI» Bald Albauy atreet, 3B leet ti Inchen lo »ot lOrmrly of John Uucdcr's.' now or lalo he-'

nging to tlie- heira.of CprueliHB y^nNeflto.cursed ; ihence along tbo lino of that lot*

jrtlinrlv lliH Tee1, 8'ii cheH,mbro or''.lees toMatthew ilcCoruiicV* ljt.t; ;thevce 9a^t^ly,along lit^ UDO, iimal'el irith, .Waabluston Btrpct,J8 t iitB inches, more or le<s td' lUo ihlddlj oreald a1 ley, mid Him of Mrs. Ludlow'e lot; thoocoloi^tlicrly along tbe ^aii^e,.l,4l feet, fouriuobesnorc'orless to the pla'co of beginning; beingiho • siinio proujIflCB iconvfyctt' ,\Q • David iVt-i,'nmi>b<ilHn hh hfetimo, Uy Peter Coupvor und'.vife, by 'heir due'd; dated May' let, A.;D;,'186u;'ma refolded in Book 83 oi: Det^u, page:SUi£r

2d.' All Vhat certain dllierl-i't, piece or parcel •if' land,1 situate, lying and being In lUe city of.^cw UruiiB>vick. in tuo county of Ki^dl'esox,'li'tl Stiite ot "Nbiv* Jtrfley, b-lnjj butted, aodJOUtitled as follows, tq wi t : Beginning on thesouth Bide of Albauy Btreet, at tho norihwest:orner of the libu-<6 mid lot of laud "formerly'wncd'iind occupied by braliaiu Blauvelt,leoL-ased; thence runniug souther y along tholine furmoHy1 of the said'Abnihuq lilauvolt, 103.lout to tbo, rear [Him of Jbo lots fronting ouChurch street j'lhoiico westerly along the rearUtiu of Hidd lots so fronting on Churob street,aud parallel wllh Albany street aforesaid, 40*eut, to a lot of John Van Nulao; thence ridrth-srly ii'ottg tlie linu of the Biid John-Van NuiflB^

10a feet to Albany Btreet aforesaid; thencealong said Albauy strwrt, easterly, iO (act to .thu place of bcglniiiuj', being the sauio prem-la'efl conveyed to David F. CamphoU In h& life-time, by JoBeph W. Scott, by his deed datedOctober Uth.vA. D lv&i. &M recorded in Mid-dlesex, County Clerk's Oflice, in Book 104 ofD e e d s , ' p a g a 103, e t c . • • • • > • •

Turma uiude.kuown on tbq day of nalo hyi .' KH08EN T. B.SPADEU,

XEWia'APPLEOATE.. ' , ';-. = , DANIEL M: VAIL, •

" ' Commissioners.George C. Ludlow, Proctor.•DutedNorenibur 1,1876.

-A.d.ministratoi '_j Wale

Uy vlrtuo of an order of the Orpuana' Court of th?^ouitty of Mlddh'uux, inatlb ou tho I2tb. day of Octo-ber, A. D. 1875, tho Bnb_eriber, admlnlstnttor, «W.»of Edward Diuii), d1.-9.aBcd, will sell a^public Veil-d u o o u " • • ' ' ' - ' " • < • ' • •of Edwaduo, ou"

A; D. IR75, at tho hour of 2 o'clock La tho mftornodti,t th.o City,Holellriutln) city of Now Druuuwick, luaid' couuty, all tlio following dcBcribcd Hfado &ud

pccmlHeH of vrhlch.thu B^dlid>varu ljium, ilo^etmed,died seized, viz.: ' " '.' All iho following described lots or ptfcolv of land,Hitmitp. lylug uud IXSIIIK In thu city of Now Bruns-wick, lu the county of-Mlddlouux and Btatq; of NcvrJersey : Uo^fnulng in Jolm atrect, fifty feet fr»intho corner of llaseitrt'ati.-t aud JoUnstroot;:Ithouconiuniugi Bouthitwpnty-Hvo.eot totbo comer of lotnumber forty-four Ui] 6A 'said fttruiit*;1' thouco

t h d d f o t t l tU t t &b y U]

c i f i u e hundred foot; tlicueo ^ortU, twpntyr&ft>ot; thoiico ciiBt 6110 hundred feet to tho pl»_o ofbeginning, being lot nmnlior foHy-tbrcp: [4'J] ou.,»map uf lund kuuwn an itichuioud1- bleadowe,

-Alflo all that cortain'houso aui) lot of land In thecity 0/ New.Urumwlos. ui tbajuuuty of. Middlosoxand Stuto of Now Jorsoy, and deslgUBtod na lot*num-ber forty-three [4a] and forty-four|[14J'on; a ,iuap ofland known aa lllchuiond'BMeud.WB: llegluultig1 onJohuBtrtut.fifty fctt ironi..the icoruw af'UafuurtBtroet and John Btreut; aud theuco' running southiifty foot on fluid B(rCiit; thonco west 0110 hiiudredfeet; thence north Hfty feet; theuco eaat ouo hun- •drxjdfetit to theplacaof Ijeaianlng. ;: '. 1 .

Cuudilionti nmilo kiiov-n ou day of sale.• WILLTAMllOVLAN, "

AdtuInUtrntor, e tc . nf .Edward IJunn, dOctolHT 'A 1875. ' ' i

Commissioners' Sale:O F . : ,. •

REAL;.5BS-T ATE.-. Pursuant to au order,of the,Orpliana' Court

of the county of M.fdd!t;Boxvmaileou tbocl^litliday of Beiitember, A. D. lti74rtheBUb8cril>et_,coinml-Si<Jiii:rs iu urtitlou, will ttelt nt pubHu'vonQuc. bu ' : . • :

TUESDAY, 5th day oflOCTOUEH, ., :.

A. D. 1875, nt (wo o'clock p. a*, at the CourtHouse iu Kew Uri)«»wi(;!t;, iu. tbp said (jouuty,ull ilio laud and real cstatoVhereof AniLrd&o

malloy; lately dipd- eolzcd,-situated ,in th»li f P l t t f Middl.towQship of Placataway, county of jMiddlusox

and State of New Jersey, described'as'follow6:Lot No. 1, ou tho stagO'lvaU-leading; ftom

Duoellou tu,Bouud Brook, about ono: milefrom Dunellcn, being the Honicatiiad Farm otBatii duccused, 'uOQltuiilug one hundred andiunacttis of liiuU; also u lot adjoluiug said farm,oontaining'iiU-lOu ofacrea of Uud, Q-orenyieas;tlao another lot adjoining- said farm, coutalu-ug lUb2:i00 ucr,es: also u lot containing^ 3-10idjolning above j tlie whole conip'rlalng a »'ery'_l e ^ l r H U l u f a r i r i . " "•-"-•' '•'"" " • •. •"••-.: ~ •

Lot No. 'J, ttbputono mile from NOIY Market,on tho road leading from Harris lane to N«WBrunswick, aud adjoining land of Istiacfimalloyand I'eter Clarksuii, bufug a lotoi 6 1IMV9ucrcs of land on tho road leadlug' from

[luilley's houfw to Peter ClarkBOo's,about onoIlv from thu Hotne&tead above described.Lot iNo. 3, containing 4 4-100 acres, inore or

.lean heing.onthoaluresaidfijaj. .,;,..-• . . .Lot Np. 4, containing U7 ll-lOO acres, adlolja

Ing lands iiow or idto'Peicr ClarkBOn'a. ; . 'Lot. No 6.coutjlos about V acres of lapd ad.

lining Lot No, 4,.de3t*ri.bud;.Lota Nijs. 'J,!), i 'nnd 6, above men tin had

being the premises icouroyed to said Ambrose .&ma|ier, dect'nfieJ, by deed of lsaao Btualleyand wife, dated April S, I860, recorded In Mid [tjlesex Clerk's oflice, lu .Book 110. of Leotli,mii'O 151; and Lot No, 1, ubovo mentioned,b lug thu eamo prom I sea conveyotl to'da I uAmbraiiu t-mnllcy by two deed* of Jeane VUHDuventer and otuoro, tirst dated Maroh 1,1867,recorded in said L'lerk'a ol!!ce.!n Book 73 ofueflila, page 08; Bectmtl dated December 10,IHSti, receded In Hook 76, page 7 ,

Conditions in rule kuoWn On day of Balo.Dated July Ji7. l«fl. , .-• . •


Bo3-ltdltw _. Coiunilaatoners.

The Bain UIMUT tho above itated order stand.dtuunu'il tu T U K U U A Y , OOTOHEK VS.lWft,t two o'clock p. in.; at the Court llou*u luhi; i-lty of Now I'niiiftwlek, New Jtreuy.

Nuw Kruudwlck, Oet fi, 1H75.AUltAIIAM riMAI.LlCY,j-ji»Tip Ariiir-UAib,,DAVip A. STOItKIt,

<)('T-;H\T • UummlsflUnisrA:Thu abovo nulo Blunds udlouruetl tu

/Kl)NKril>AY, DKC^MUKK 1, 1876, a \ llmunu tiiim and plucu, 'Now llrunawlck, Oct. StVlEftfi.


i/AViu A. aroittCoiniuiHfl'ionerii.

UTS SAIiK.-rIn .<^) uf Now Jmury . - Jl*'twren TUK NK^V (lltUNH-Wl!K llIIH.lUNtt AND LOAN AHH0(!tM'l0N OK:ilK i 'lTV UF NF.W UlltlNhWlllR. N. J , I.'uui-liilfinntu, ami HAMUI'.T, I'Ani.TON ct m . c t » l . , H».niiliitklH.^-Jr'l, l'», <III (nr^liifiiru, IHMIUII OCIOIKT, 1H7.1. '[ly virtu*uf ttinntKiv(wtiit|tl| w r i ( , to ni*air#rlnl , I

III .Minimi lu nulu »t imblio vi'inlftc, on

AU i h a t " * ui'n tioint^' ITJ i'»t «>r Una »tt«i t>tNniM^liliiU', I j i n n ain] l iulnj In U\» <lly uf Nxw llriin*-Irk, t 'otinly or MMIII IKKK mxt HUlt. lttK*+ i-'H»0f 1

l^ lmi l i i l l t.u llm WIHI uliitiyf l i i i rnr t aln>«t, »t t Uo t u t r «if Mum H WIINu'a l(>t: t l i^ tnn flmuliitf tmHli-r lyi i lonif HuriU't Rttn^t Ih lHy f«i<l •» l h » tiorune t>tiHMritll kf l t ' . ' t ; Uil'lUll WU»L«(I> «lull|f ll«MMllll i t l f l ' tl i ty . fn i i i i«*ft, iiturtiix1 i tM, (if Jtttm MM>nttj'n i<f<;

• l i n n ; bllil tlii'ii"«> en«\r\ ly al<.uu till Him « U l r -i~t>t, UHTf in' !«««, i4i Ilif) )i|*na of II-I | IU'JM)H.

. hy aMIl

fUHIMI, II , MiiHi», I

Kl- . l Oc tMiK.r f>. Wh ftti<1 l r -lli.tmlv Ul. ' tk'n i>m(-i>t III Ixxik

iiitll»r Dm \tu\iln, MI)frl|M,» " *I

NCIm'm^tyof NunJt'fufty.- )lMwK«nMrlUAdrtilt nml nl . (^MIIUIXIIUIIIA, HU<| Jmwi.

Hrli.'iirkmnlnl"., Mcfmitlttnlii. f'l KH , , !« ,ii r«>r*Miti*i»ro. IM»" l^ i | y yit..Uttn,Tli.t^»iifMiprMhd«hoVw.tt*lM m i l *\n\M

<l<,'<\"»k u. . I I , , » I M ' « Ml^tl l t 'nOnit t t .h ' llt«y t>f Ntiw Ihtinnwlttk, Nww >UU^y,

I* ti-|l.| ' 1 -.:•'••