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The first loincloth came from the caveman in 200 BC. The very first loincloth came from a wooley mammouth. The caveman would kill and skin the wooley mam-mouth to make the loincloth.

Hollywood and society has been inspired by the movement of the loincloth. Movies such as Tarzan where based on the caveman where such things with the loincloth happened and started a trend.

Egypt is one of the most populous countries in Africa and the Middle East, and the 15th most populated in the world. The great majority of its over 82 million people[4] live near the banks of the Nile River, where the only arable land is found, in an area of about 40,000 square kilometers.

The large regions of the Sahara Desert, which constitute most of Egypt’s territory, are sparsely inhabited. About half of Egypt’s residents live in urban areas, with most spread across the densely populated centres of greater Cairo, Alexandria and other major cities in the Nile Delta.

Ancient Greece was home to the first Olympics. It was said that the athletes ran naked because it feel off during a race and the athelets can run more freely and faster nude.

Do you know how to tie your loincloth? It’s your time now to see if you can or not! This is what the cavemen wore daily and they would tie them with no problem.

Sumo wrestling originated from Asia in the 1800s. The sumo wrestlers only wear a loose loincloth in the competition. They are ties tightly and it is rare for a loincloth to fall.

Sumo wrestling is not a part of the Olympics but they have their own competition every 3 years based in Japan.

World War II was home to the first Olympics. It was said that the athletes ran naked because it feel off during a race and the athelets can run more freely and faster nude.

This shows the mind of a thief. A thief that would break into houses only to steal clean underwear. Before he was caught he went through about 50-70 upscale homes.

Streaking is a lack of underwear. Technically, it originated from the Ancient Greek Olympics. Now however, it is an illegal act.

“I don’t have any friends that wear underwear anymore. It’s too tideous with today’s fast-paced lifestyle.”

Everyday is an adventure when it comes to finding new uses for your unused underwear. Recently in year 2050, America just landed on the moon with the underwear flag.