International Journal of PharmTech Research CODEN (USA): IJPRIF ISSN : 0974-4304 Vol.4, No.3, pp 1192-1214, July-Sept 2012 Bacteria aided biopolymers as carriers for colon specific drug delivery system: A Review Patel Parul K. 1 *, Satwara Rohan S. 1 , Pandya S.S. 2 1 Babaria Institute of Pharmacy, Vadodara-Mumbai Nh # 8,Varnama , Vadodara-390240,Gujarat.India 2 B. Pharmacy College, Rampura, Po. Kankanpur, Taluka –Godhra, Gujarat, India. *Corres. author: [email protected] Mobile No. : 9824026930 Abstract: Biopolymers are promising materials in the delivery of drugs due to their compatibility, degradation behaviour, and nontoxic nature on administration. On suitable chemical modification, these polymers can provide better materials for drug delivery systems. Biopolymers like natural polysaccharides obtained from various sources are being extensively used for the development of solid dosage forms for delivery of drug to the colon. The rationale for the development of a biomaterial based drug delivery system for colon is the presence of large amounts of polysaccharidases in the human colon as the colon is inhabited by a large number and variety of bacteria which secrete many enzymes e.g. β-D-glucosidase, β-D-galactosidase, amylase, pectinase, xylanase, β-D-xylosidase, dextranase, etc.. A large number of polysaccharides have already been studied for their potential as colon-specific drug carrier systems, such as the polysaccharides, from algal origin (e.g. alginates), plant origin (e.g. pectin, guar gum, locust bean gum, khaya gum, konjac glucomannan) microbial origin (e.g. dextran, xanthan gum) and animal origin (Chitosan, chondroitin, hyaluronic acid). The ability of these natural polysaccharides to act as substrates for the bacterial inhabitants of the colon together with their properties, such as swelling and film forming has appeal to area of colon specific drug delivery as it is comprised of polymer with large number of derivatizable groups, with wide range of molecular weight, varying chemical composition, biocompatibility, low toxicity and biodegradability and a high stability .Various major approaches utilizing biopolymers in modified or unmodified form, for colon-specific delivery like fermentable coating of the drug core, embedding of the drug in biodegradable matrix and multiparticulate formulation of drug-saccharide conjugate (prodrugs) are discussed. Keywords: Colon specific drug delivery system, biopolymer, polysaccharides. INTRODUCTION The ability to deliver drugs to the human colon in a specific manner has become feasible in the last decade. The necessity and advantages of colon specific drug delivery systems have been well recognized and documented. Colonic targeting has gained increasing interest over the past years. A considerable number of publications dealing with colon targeting, colon-specific drug delivery, and absorption from the caecum and other colon sections indicate a growing focus of research activities in this area. Targeted delivery of the drugs to the colon has attracted much interest for treatments of local diseases of the colon like ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and colon cancer. Generally colon is not as

Bacteria aided biopolymers as carriers for colon specific ...sphinxsai.com/2012/july_sept12/pharm/pdfpharm/PT=41... · Colon specific drug delivery system relies on exploiting a unique

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Page 1: Bacteria aided biopolymers as carriers for colon specific ...sphinxsai.com/2012/july_sept12/pharm/pdfpharm/PT=41... · Colon specific drug delivery system relies on exploiting a unique

International Journal of PharmTech ResearchCODEN (USA): IJPRIF ISSN : 0974-4304Vol.4, No.3, pp 1192-1214, July-Sept 2012

Bacteria aided biopolymers as carriers for colonspecific drug delivery system: A Review

Patel Parul K.1*, Satwara Rohan S.1, Pandya S.S.2

1Babaria Institute of Pharmacy, Vadodara-Mumbai Nh # 8,Varnama ,Vadodara-390240,Gujarat.India

2B. Pharmacy College, Rampura, Po. Kankanpur, Taluka –Godhra, Gujarat, India.

*Corres. author: [email protected] No. : 9824026930

Abstract: Biopolymers are promising materials in the delivery of drugs due to their compatibility, degradationbehaviour, and nontoxic nature on administration. On suitable chemical modification, these polymers canprovide better materials for drug delivery systems. Biopolymers like natural polysaccharides obtained fromvarious sources are being extensively used for the development of solid dosage forms for delivery of drug to thecolon. The rationale for the development of a biomaterial based drug delivery system for colon is the presenceof large amounts of polysaccharidases in the human colon as the colon is inhabited by a large number andvariety of bacteria which secrete many enzymes e.g. β-D-glucosidase, β-D-galactosidase, amylase, pectinase,xylanase, β-D-xylosidase, dextranase, etc.. A large number of polysaccharides have already been studied fortheir potential as colon-specific drug carrier systems, such as the polysaccharides, from algal origin (e.g.alginates), plant origin (e.g. pectin, guar gum, locust bean gum, khaya gum, konjac glucomannan) microbialorigin (e.g. dextran, xanthan gum) and animal origin (Chitosan, chondroitin, hyaluronic acid). The ability ofthese natural polysaccharides to act as substrates for the bacterial inhabitants of the colon together with theirproperties, such as swelling and film forming has appeal to area of colon specific drug delivery as it iscomprised of polymer with large number of derivatizable groups, with wide range of molecular weight, varyingchemical composition, biocompatibility, low toxicity and biodegradability and a high stability .Various majorapproaches utilizing biopolymers in modified or unmodified form, for colon-specific delivery like fermentablecoating of the drug core, embedding of the drug in biodegradable matrix and multiparticulate formulation ofdrug-saccharide conjugate (prodrugs) are discussed.Keywords: Colon specific drug delivery system, biopolymer, polysaccharides.


The ability to deliver drugs to the human colon in aspecific manner has become feasible in the lastdecade. The necessity and advantages of colonspecific drug delivery systems have been wellrecognized and documented. Colonic targeting hasgained increasing interest over the past years. A

considerable number of publications dealing withcolon targeting, colon-specific drug delivery, andabsorption from the caecum and other colon sectionsindicate a growing focus of research activities in thisarea. Targeted delivery of the drugs to the colon hasattracted much interest for treatments of localdiseases of the colon like ulcerative colitis, Crohn’sdisease and colon cancer. Generally colon is not as

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suitable a site for drug absorption as is the smallintestine, because water content in the colon is muchlower and the colonic surface area for drugabsorption is narrow in comparison with the smallintestine. The colonic region however is recognizedas preferable site of absorption of protein andpeptide drugs, because of less hostile environmentprevailing in the colon compared with stomach andsmall intestine. Also Colon-specific drug deliverycan improve the efficacy and reduce side effects byexerting high drug concentrations topically at thedisease site. Drugs that are destroyed by thedigestive enzymes and metabolized by pancreaticenzymes are minimally affected in the colon. [1] Fortreatments of colon cancer, drug targeting not onlyreduces the dose to be administered, but also reducesthe incidence of possible adverse effects associatedwith these chemotherapeutic agents.Based on literature review, the following differentcategories of drugs are suitable for colon specificdrug delivery.1. Drugs used to treat irritable bowel disease (IBD)require local delivery of drug to colon e.g.sulphasalazine, Olsalazine, Mesalazine, steroids likeFludrocortisone, Budesonide, Prednisolone andDexamethasone.2. Drugs to treat colonic cancer e.g. 5-fluorouracil,doxorubicin, and methotrexate.3. Protein and peptide drugs - Proteins, peptides andoligonucleotides composed of large molecules canbe easily absorbed through the gastrointestinalmucosal wall.[2] The colon is also known to be richin lymphoid tissues where ingestion of antigens intothe colonic mucosa stimulates the rapid productionof antibodies, thus promoting this route as a meansfor vaccine delivery.[3] e.g. Growth hormones,Calcitonin, Insulin, Interleukin, Interferon andErythropoietin.4. Colon targeted drug delivery could be used toachieve chronotherapy for diseases that aresusceptible to circadian rhythms, in other words theyhave peak symptoms in the early morning, such asnocturnal asthma, angina, hypertension and arthritis.[4-6]

5. Some lipophilic vitamins, as well as bile salts andsome steroids that undergo enterohepatic circulationhave been known to show satisfactory colonicabsorption. [7]

Colon specific drug delivery system relies onexploiting a unique feature of the intended site andprotecting the active agent until it reaches that site.[8] Colonic drug delivery may be achieved by eitheroral or rectal administration. Rectal dosage forms(enemas and suppositories), are not always much

effective due to high variability in the distribution ofdrug administered by this route and the drug do notalways reach the specific sites of the colonicdiseases and the sites of colonic absorption.[9,10] Todeliver the drug in colon, the last part of thegastrointestinal tract, it must first of all pass throughthe stomach, the upper part of the intestine and mustuse the characteristics of the colon to specificallyrelease the drugs in this part of the digestive tract.Because of the distal location of the colon in thegastrointestinal (GI) tract, an ideal colon-specificdrug delivery system should prevent drug release inthe stomach and small intestine, and affect an abruptonset of drug release upon entry into the colon. Thisrequires a triggering mechanism built in the deliverysystem responsive to the physiological changesparticular to the colon. However, the physiologicalsimilarity between distal small intestine and theproximal colon presents very limited options inselecting an appropriate drug release triggeringmechanism.Since it is virtually impossible to treat the ascendingcolon via the rectum, oral treatment is the onlyreliable method of delivery. Currently, severalstrategies are being used for targeting the drugspecifically to the colon viz. systems that are, pHdependant, pressure controlled, prodrugs,bioadhesion, colonic microflora activated and thosebased on biodegradable polymers (enzymecontrolled). [11-13] Colonic delivery via the oral routerequires control of four factors: time of release, siteof release, extent of dispersion, and modification oflow flux across the absorptive epithelium. Certaincomponents provide specific mechanisms by whichcolonic targeting may be achieved. Generally themechanism of colon targeting can be grouped asfollows.

A. SPECIFIC1. pH-sensitive polymers, which will dissolve at thepH associated with the cecal metabolism ofpolysaccharide (soluble fiber)2. Azoreduction of polymers containing bonds thatcan be cleaved by reductive scission3. Fermentable biopolymers in which the glycosidicbonds are broken by simple cleavage or morecomplete breakdown to short-chain fatty acids

B. NONSPECIFICThe other group of trigger mechanisms are fairlynonspecific, at least in terms of relying on thebacteria triggers, and may avoid premature release inthe upper gastrointestinal tract by:1.A combination of enteric coating and conventionaltime-dependent barrier coat dissolution.

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2. Swelling systems that may eject or burst.3. Eroding systems.4. Those using slowed transit in the colon (pelletdosage forms) to release the majority of the drugwhen trapped in the ascending colon.

Every approach has pros and cons over eachother and is more or less affected by the changes indiet, environmental conditions and diseased state.Colonic bacteria aided delivery systems areconsidered to be preferable and promising since theabrupt increase of the bacterial population andassociated enzymatic activities in ascending colonrepresents a non-continuous event independent of GItransit time and pH. The critical component inbacteria aided systems is a series of polysaccharidessuch as xanthan gum, amylose, dextran, starch,chitosan, chondroitin, pectin, galactomannan whichevade enzymatic degradation in the small intestineand are predominantly metabolized by colonicbacteria.[14]

The primary focus of this article is to review colon-specific delivery systems based on bacteria aideddegradation of biopolymers . A brief description ofphysiological parameters of the colon relevant tocolonic drug release, microflora of colon and variousbiopolymers that have potential to be used as acarrier, in unmodified or modified form, alone or incombination with other polymers, for colon specificdrug delivery system, is also discussed.


In GIT large intestine starts from the ileo-caecaljunction to the anus having a length of about 1.5 m(adults) and is divided into three parts, viz. colon,rectum and anal canal. The colon consists ofcaecum, ascending colon, transverse colon,descending colon and sigmoid colon. The successfultargeted delivery of drug to colon via gastrointestinaltract (GIT) requires protection of drug fromdegradation and premature release in stomach andsmall intestine and then ensures abrupt or controlledrelease in the proximal colon. This necessitates atriggering element in the system that can respond tophysiological changes in the colon. Overall, thephysiological changes along the GI tract can begenerally characterized as a continuum, withdecreases in enzymatic activity, motility, and fluidcontent and an increase in pH. In normal healthysubjects, there is a progressive increase in luminalpH from the duodenum (pH = 6.6 + 0.5) to theterminal ileum (pH = 7.5 + 0.4), therefore, adecrease in the caecum (pH = 6.4 + 0.4), and then aslow rise from the right to the left colon with a finalvalue of 7.0 ± 0.7.[15] These gradual changes in

physiological parameters are not suitable fortriggering elements to effect a sudden and dramaticchange in the performance of a delivery system inorder to obtain colon-specific delivery. However, thepresence of specific bacterial populations in thecolon and an apparent transient, small reversal in theotherwise increasing pH gradient are the exceptionsthat have been extensively explored as triggeringcomponents for initiating colon-specific drugrelease. Formulation of drugs for colonic deliveryalso requires careful consideration of drugabsorption from colon, dissolution and/or releaserate in the colonic fluids. The mucosa of the largeintestine exhibits a much smaller surface because ofa much smaller number of folds and villi relative tothe small intestine. As a result, the absorptionconditions are less favourable. In addition, theconsistency of the intestinal contents becomesincreasingly solid as the material flows in thedirection of the ascending, traversing, anddescending colon, until the normal consistency offaeces is obtained. Clearly, the absorption of drugswill be greatly influenced by this consolidation anddecreasing diffusion rate. Because the large intestinemembranes have a much smaller surface area, manyinvestigators have postulated porous or permeableareas in the colonic membrane, like Peyers’ patchesto explain the surprisingly good absorption for somedrugs. Peyers’ patches are defined and anatomicallydiscernable lymphatic folliculi aggregates. Inaddition to absorption through such permeable areas,it cannot be entirely excluded that absorption ofwater-soluble drugs is also facilitated by theconsiderable colonic dehydration flux. Blood flowto the colon is less than to small intestine, and theproximal colon receives a more prolific supply thanthe more distal regions. The nature of the drainagefrom the colon determines the fate of a drug takenup from this region. The drainage from the uppercolon appears distinct from that of the more distalregions of the large intestine, where the former isdrained by both the hepatic portal veins and thelymphatics and the latter is drained predominantlyby the lymphatics.[16] Introduction of drugs in to thelymphatic, on the other hand, has been considered ameans of improving oral bioavailability, becausedrugs could potentially passage from the lymphaticin to the blood circulation before reaching to theliver.[17] Generally, the dissolution and release ratefrom colonic formulations is thought to be decreasedin the colon, which is attributed to the fact that lessfluid is present in the colon than in the smallintestine.[18] The poor dissolution and release ratemay in turn lead to lower systemic availability ofdrugs. These issues could be more problematic when

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the drug candidate is poorly water-soluble and/orrequire higher doses for therapy. Consequently, suchdrugs need to be delivered in a presolubilized form,or formulation should be targeted for proximalcolon, which has more fluid than in the distal colon.In Spite of physiological barriers of colon somedrugs have excellent bioavailability from this regionand in some instance higher than that seen in smallintestine. The colon also offers the advantage oflower efflux transporter level and lower metabolicenzyme levels which improve the bioavailability ofsome drugs. Local delivery to the colonic mucosaremains a valuable therapeutic option. New therapiesthat target inflammatory mediators could improvethe treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, andold and new anticancer molecules could, whendelivered topically, prove to be beneficial adjunctsto the current systemic or surgical treatments.[19]

Colon may also provide favourable site for proteinand peptide absorption due to significantly lowerlevels of proteolytic enzyme as compared to smallintestine and longer transit time for drugabsorption.[20]


Practically no problems exist in developing saliva-or gastric-resistant dosage forms. They can bedesigned on the basis of the considerable pHgradients between saliva and gastric juice andbetween gastric and intestinal juice, respectively.However no such reliable and sufficient pH gradientexists between the small and large intestine,alternative suitable gradients must be found. Themost promising gradient in this regard is the vastdifference in the microflora (i.e., in the bacterial

counts between the small and large intestine). This isdue to a retardation of movement of the contents orsubstratum within the gastrointestinal tract as aconsequence of the widening of the intestinal lumenat the transition from the ileum in the caecum andthe subsequent ascending first colon segment. Also,peristalsis is continuously decreasing from the smallintestine to the end of the large intestine. These factsand the bag shaped nature of the caecum make thissite a favourite region for microbial settlement. Theintestine is adapted to bi-directional host–floraexchange and harbours a diverse bacterialcommunity that is separated from the internal milieuby only a single layer of epithelial cells. Residentbacteria outnumber human somatic and germ cellstenfold and represent a combined microbial genomewell in excess of the human genome.[21] Theintestinal microflora in the caecum is highly active.Collectively, the flora has a metabolic activity equalto a virtual organ within an organ.[22] Althoughbacteria predominate in gut, achaea and eukarya arealso represented. Acid, bile and pancreatic secretionshinder the colonization of the stomach and proximalsmall intestine by most bacteria. However, bacterialdensity increases in the distal small intestine, and inthe large intestine rises to an estimated 1011–1012

bacteria per gram of colonic content, whichcontributes to 60% of faecal mass. In addition tovariations in the composition of the flora along theaxis of the gastrointestinal tract, surface- adherentand luminal microbial populations also differ [23], andthe ratio of anaerobes to aerobes is lower at themucosal surfaces than in the lumen. In colon andfaeces, the number of anaerobic bacteria is veryhigh.

Figure 1 Bacteria density increases in the jejunum/ileum from the stomach and duodenum, and in thelarge intestine. [Adapted from: Ann M.O’Hara1 & Fergus Shanahan. The gut flora as a forgotten organ:Review. EMBO Reports 7(2006) 688-693]

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Table 1 The most commonly found intestinalanaerobic and aerobic bacteria

The human colon is a dynamic and ecologicallydiverse environment, containing over 400 distinctspecies of bacteria [24] consisting mainly of non-sporing anaerobic bacteria. The genera bacteroides,Bifidobacterium, Eubacterium, clostridium,peptococcus, peptostreptococcus, and ruminococcusare predominant in human beings, whereas aerobes(facultative anaerobes) such as Escherichia,Enterobacter, Enterococcus, Klebsiella,lactobacillus, proteus, etc are among thesubdominant genera. There are in addition a host ofminor components of the flora includingveillonellae, bacilli, peptococci andpeptostreptococci, clostridia, Strep faecalis, andcoliform organisms other than Esch. Coli (e.g.,Klebsiella spp, Proteus spp). A major metabolicfunction of colonic microflora is the fermentation ofnon-digestible dietary residue and endogenousmucus produced by the epithelia. Most bacteria

inhabit in the proximal areas of the large intestine,where energy sources are greatest. Fermentation ofcarbohydrates is a major source of energy for thebacteria in colon. Non-digestible carbohydratesinclude large polysaccharides (resistant starches,cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, and gums), someoligosaccharides that escape digestion, andunabsorbed sugars and alcohols. The metabolicendpoint is generation of short-chain fatty acid.[25]

For this fermentation, the microflora produces a vastnumber of enzymes like1. Reducing enzymes: Nitroreductase, Azoreductase,N-oxide reductase, sulfoxide reductase,Hydrogenase etc.2.Hydrolytic enzymes: Esterases, Amidases,Glycosidases, Glucuronidase, sulfatase,Glucuronidase, xylosidase, arabinosidase,galactosidase etc. There is certainly room forinnovative approaches to carry and release drugs inthe colon based on the metabolic capabilities of thecolonic microflora.[26]

However, only two or three enzyme systems havebeen exploited in this area: Azoreductase andGlycosidases (including Glucuronidase) fordevelopment of colon-specific drug deliverysystems. A summary of the most importantmetabolic reactions carried out by bacterial enzymesin colon enzymes is summarized in Table 1.[27]

Table 2 List of bacterial enzymesEnzymes Microorganism Metabolic Reaction catalyzed

Nitroreductase E. coli, BacteroidesReduction of aromatic andheterocyclic nitro compounds

AzoreductaseClostridia, Lactobacilli,E. Coli

Reductive cleavage ofazo compounds

N-Oxide reductase,sulfoxide reductase

E. coliReduce N-Oxides andsulfoxides

Hydrogenase Clostridia, LactobacilliReduce carbonyl groupsand aliphatic double bonds

Esterases andAmidases

E. coli, P. vulgaris,B. subtilis, B. mycoides

Cleavage of esters orAmidases of carboxylic acids

Glucosidase Clostridia, EubacteriaCleavage of ‚ β-glycosidaseof alcohols and phenols

Glucuronidase E. coli, A. aerogenesCleavage of ‚ β-Glucuronidaseof alcohols and phenols

SulfataseEubacteria, Clostridia,Streptococci

Cleavage of O-sulphatesand sulfamates

Aerobic genera Anaerobic generaEscherichia Bifidobacterium

Enterococcus ClostridiumStreptococcus Bacteriodes

Klebsiella Eubacterium

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The caecal bacteria in the right side of the colonlargely control the characteristics of the lumen.Complex carbohydrates are fermented by thebacteria to small- chain fatty acids and carbondioxide, the gas travelling to the transverse colonand being expelled through the lungs. The averagebacterial load of the colon has been estimated at justover 200 g (equivalent to approximately 35 g dryweight). Water available for dissolution is maximalin the ascending colon and 1.5–2 L enters from theterminal small intestine each day. The amount ofwater present varies, being maximal in the period 4–8 h after ingestion of a meal. In the morning, thecolon is often empty, and any material remaining inthe ascending colon is slowly cleared. In the uprightposition, the gas produced by fermentation travels tothe transverse colon and may limit access of thecontents to water. It would be expected that the lowwater–high gas environment of the transverse colonlimits dissolution of materials. It also limits ingressof water into impermeable devices. In thedescending colon, devices become impacted into the300 g of faecal contents. The surrounding materiallimits diffusion and provides a nonabsorbingreservoir. Therefore, unless the contents are cleared,there will be no absorption in this region. Thustargeted delivery to the large bowel should bedirected toward the proximal colon. The ascendingcolon provides some water for dissolution. Inaddition, contents at the base of the colon will bestirred by the arrival of additional fluids from the gutas meals and accompanying secretions. This areaalso provides two cues that can be used for targeting:the change in pH and the unique nonmammalianmetabolic profile provided by cecal bacteria.

Bacteria aided colon specific drug deliverysystem

During the past decade, a large number of deliverysystems were developed with an intention of colon-targeted drug delivery. However, the majority wasbased on pH- and time-dependent concepts withlimited in vivo evaluation. As the similarity in pHbetween the small intestine and the colon makes pH-dependent systems less reliable. For time-dependentformulations, the location of initial drug releasepredominantly depends on the transit time of thesystem in the GI tract. Despite the relativeconsistency of transit times in small intestine [28], theretention times in the stomach are highly variablethat will result in a spread of initial release sites inthe distal GI tract from time-dependent systems.Accelerated transit through different regions of thecolon has been observed in the patients with theirritable bowel syndrome[28], the carcinoid syndrome

and diarrhoea[29], and the ulcerative colitis.[30]

Therefore, time-dependent systems are not ideal todeliver drugs colon-specifically for the treatment ofcolon-related diseases including ulcerative colitis.Furthermore, when designing systems for thetreatment of such diseases, it will be desirable thatthe drug is released in a bolus fashion upon entryinto the colon. [31] Colon microflora has gainedsignificance as a preferable triggering component inthe design of colon-specific drug delivery systemssince the abrupt increase of the bacteria populationand corresponding enzyme activities in the colonrepresent a non-continuous event independent of GItransit time. A large number of polysaccharides areactively hydrolyzed by colonic bacteria leading tothe possibility of using naturally occurringbiopolymers as drug carriers. In addition, Etheralsulfate prodrugs or carboxylated prodrugs may bemetabolized in the colon to the parent drug leadingto local delivery in the colon. Azoreductasesproduced by colonic bacteria play a central role in anumber of delivery systems, most notably incatalyzing the release of drug from a variety of lowmolecular weight polymeric prodrugs, polymericcoatings and crosslinked hydrogels.. The reductionof azo-bonds is an oxygen sensitive reactionapparently mediated by low-molecular weightelectron carriers with Eo = -200 to -350 mV.[32] Thebacterial group responsible for beta-glycosidaseactivity in colon are lactobacilli, bacteroides andBifidobacterium. Colonic glycosidic-bond degradingenzymes are involved in the local metabolism ofnatural laxatives into their active moieties. Anumber of natural plant glycosides have been foundto be delivered selectively to the colon, where theyare metabolized to the aglycone and the sugarmoiety.[32] The cathartic agents cascara sagrada andsenna are both mixtures of glycosides. On hydrolysisby colonic bacteria, they yield biologically activeaglycones which have cathartic activity. If theaglycone is administered orally, there is little or nocathartic activity, indicating that it may beinactivated in the upper GIT or absorbed beforeexerting its effect locally on the colonic mucosa.[33]

Another recent approach to colonic drug delivery isbased on the ability of colonic bacteria todepolymerise certain polysaccharides. It is wellknown that many plants and animal polysaccharidesare not absorbed from the GIT and that humans donot produce enzymes capable of degrading thesepolysaccharides. Pectin, guar gum, alginic acidchondroitin, dextran and carrageenan are allexamples of polysaccharides that are capable ofpassing intact through the upper GIT. Thesematerials are degraded by gut bacteria and, hence,

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can potentially be used to carry drugs to the largeintestine; release of drugs occurs as these polymersare hydrolyzed. [34] These polymers shield the drugfrom the environments of stomach and smallintestine, and are able to deliver the drug to thecolon. On reaching the colon, they undergoassimilation by micro-organism, or degradation byenzyme or break down of the polymer back boneleading to a subsequent reduction in their molecularweight and thereby loss of mechanical strength andrelease of the drug entity.[35]

Colon specific drug delivery based onactivation by colonic microflora

A. Drug-saccharide conjugatesThe unique luminal metabolic activity of colonmakes it possible to direct drug-saccharideconjugates for topical treatment of inflammationprocess confined to its epithelium. Release of activemoiety from the prodrug depends on specificenzyme or a specific membrane transporter. Theenzymes like galactosidase, xylosidase, glycosidaseand deaminase are mainly targeted for colonic drugdelivery. The Drug-Saccharide conjugates aresuccessful as colon drug carriers if they arehydrophilic and bulky as it minimizes theirabsorption from the upper GIT. Once it reaches tothe colon, it is converted into a more lipophilic drugmolecule that is then available for absorption.However prodrug will be considered as newchemical entity from regulatory aspect. So far thisapproach has been limited to drugs related to thetreatment of Irritating Bowel Distress (IBD).

i) Glycosidic conjugatesThe drugs can be conjugated with different sugarmoieties to form glycosidase linkage which due totheir bulky and hydrophilic nature cannot penetratethe biological membranes upon ingestion and arepoorly absorbed from small intestine, but once theyreach colon, they can be effectively liberated bybacterial glycosidases to release the free drug andfacilitates the absorption by the colonic mucosa.Free steroids when administered orally are almostabsorbed in small intestine and less than 1% of theoral dose reaches colon. Glycosidic prodrug ofdexamethasone (dexamethasone-2-glucoside) andPrednisolone (prednisolone-2-glucoside) wereprepared and evaluated for delivery of the steroids tothe colon .[36] The narcotic prodrug naloxone-β-d-glucoside also passes the small intestine unabsorbedand is enzymatically biodegraded after reaching thecaecum.[37]

ii) Glucuronide conjugatesSimilar to glycoside conjugates are the glucuronideconjugates containing corticosteroids [38, 39]

. Theyalso show improvements in the therapeutic effectand in the reduction of side effects.

iii) Dextran conjugatesThese are synthesized by direct attachment of a drugwith a carboxylic group to dextran. They remainunchanged and unabsorbed in the gastrointestinaltract until they reach the caecum. Once there,dextranases of the colonic microflora cleave theester bond, converting the prodrug to the effectivedrug. A series of drugs of various pharmacologicalclasses were linked with dextran and modifieddextrans and tested in animals. The results indicatethat the breakdown of the conjugated prodrugs ismainly mediated by the colonic microflora. Aninstructive example is the prodrug naproxen-dextran.[40] Budesonide-Dextran conjugates weresynthesized as prodrug of Budesonide for oralcontrolled delivery of the major part of the drug tothe colon without needing to coat the pellets. Invivo-efficacy was evaluated against acetic acidinduced colitis in rat. Data indicated thatBudesonide-dextran conjugate is effective inimproving signs of inflammation in experimentalmodel of colitis through selective delivery of thedrug to the inflamed area. [41]

B. Biopolymers as matrices or coatingThese biodegradable swelling polymers are normallyof natural origin and are degraded by the colonicmicroflora. These materials are fermentableoligosaccharides or polysaccharides. Themetabolism of plant polysaccharides by microfloraof the large intestine, and especially the fermentationof non-starch polysaccharides, have beenextensively investigated.[42,43] The colonic microflorasecretes a number of enzymes that are capable ofhydrolytic cleavage of glycosidic bonds. Theseinclude β-d-glucosidase, β-d-galactosidase, amylase,pectinase, xylanase, α-d-xylosidase, and dextranases.The polysaccharide which is polymer ofmonosaccharide retains their integrity, because theyare resistant to digestive action of GI enzymes,matrices of polysaccharides are assessed to remainintact in physiological environment of stomach andsmall intestine, as they reach colon they are actedupon bacterial polysaccharidases and results indegradation of the matrices. The ability of naturalpolymers i.e. the polysaccharides, from algal origin(e.g. Alginates), plant origin (e.g. pectin, guar gum,locust bean gum, khaya gum, konjac glucomannan)microbial origin (e.g. dextran, cyclodextrins,

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xanthan gum) and animal origin (Chitosan,Chondroitin, Hyaluronic acid ) to act as substratesfor the bacterial inhabitants of the colon togetherwith their properties, such as swelling, film forminghas appeal to area of colon specific drug delivery asit comprised of polymer with large number ofderivatizable groups, with wide range of molecularweight, varying chemical composition,biocompatibility, low toxicity and biodegradability,yet a high stability.The biodegradable polymers are hydrophilic innature and may have limited swelling characteristicsin acidic pH. However, these polymers swell in themore neutral pH of the colon. Although the rate ofdrug release is governed to a limited extent byphysical factors such as diffusion and drugsolubility, the major mechanism of drug release is bymatrix erosion produced by enzymatic or microbialinteraction with the polymers. To makepolysaccharides less hydrophilic, hemi synthesisoperations (acetylation and methylation) have beenconducted to create macromolecules. Thesemacromolecules can be crosslinked to reduce therelease kinetics of the drug entrapped.The biodegradable polymers can be employed (a) inthe formulation matrix, or (b) as a coat, alone or incombination. Many of these polymers have limitedrelease control properties owing to high watersolubility. Hence, they are employed in formulationsin the following ways: (a) combination withsynthetic non biodegradable polymers, or (b)synthetic modification such that solubility isdecreased without compromising on their specificdegradation in the human colon. The modification isnormally done by introduction of groups by: (a)covalent linkages or (b) reversible complexationprocesses. The various biopolymers that have beenstudied for colon specific drug delivery are asfollows:

a. Starch polysaccharidesi) STARCH

Fig 2 : Chemical structure of starch

Starch is a polymer, which occurs widely in plants.In general, the linear polymer, amylose, makes upabout 20wt % of the granule, and the branchedpolymer, amylopectin, the remainder. The α-1, 4-link in both components of starch is attacked byamylases and the α- 1, 6-link in amylopectin isattacked by glucosidase. The hydrophilic nature ofthe starch due to abundance of hydroxyl groups, is amajor constraint that seriously limits thedevelopment of starch-based material for industrialapplications. Chemical modification has beenstudied as a way to solve this problem and toproduce water-resistant material. It may behydroxypropylated, acetylated, carboxymethylated,or succinylate. Starch has been evaluated for colon-targeted delivery as enteric-coated capsules byVilivialm V.D. et al.[44] The use of resistant starchwas studied for the improvement of gut microfloraand to improve clinical conditions related toinflammatory bowel diseases, immunostimulatingactivities, and protection from colon cancer. Theadministration of probiotic bacteria with optionallymodified resistant starch as a carrier and growthmedium to alter the gastrointestinal tract microbialpopulations has resulted in a number of significantadvantages, such as protection, of probiotics, and asa carrier to deliver economically and efficiently tospecific sites. The enhancement of a residentmicroorganism population in a selected site of theGIT and suppression of an undesirable microbialpathogen are the other claims made by the usage ofthese formulations containing modified resistantstarch and a probiotic. Other applications includereducing the incidence of colorectal cancers orcolonic atrophy.[45] Adriano V. Reis et al synthesizedand characterized starch modified hydrogel whichshowed potential to be used as carrier for colonspecific drug delivery. The hydrogel was preparedby cross linking polymerization of modified starchusing sodium persulfate as initiating agent.[46]

Mahkam et al. modified Chitosan crosslinked starchpolymers for oral insulin delivery. Increasing theChitosan content in the copolymer enhanced thehydrolysis in the SIF and thus led to slower releasein intestinal pH. [47]


Fig 3 : Chemical structure of amylose

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Amylose is a linear polymer of glucopyranose units(α-1,4 d-glucose) linked through α-d-(1,4)-linkages.The molecule usually consists of around 1000–5000glucose units. Amylose is resistant to pancreaticamylases but is susceptible to those of bacterialorigin. It possesses the ability to form films whichare water swellable and are potentially resistant topancreatic-amylase (Leloup et al., 1991) but aredegraded by colonic bacterial enzymes. [48, 49] Alone,the biopolymer becomes porous on hydration.Addition of ethyl cellulose produces a polymermixture suitable for colon. Organic solvent basedamylose–ethylcellulose films have also beenevaluated as potential coatings for colonic drugdelivery.[50] These films were found to be susceptibleto digestion by bacterial enzymes in a simulatedcolonic environment. The extent of digestion wasdirectly proportional to the amylase content in thefilm. Amylose–ethylcellulose films were alsoevaluated by Siew et al for delivery of 5-ASA pelletsto the colon.[51] Drug release from the coated pelletswas assessed under gastric and small intestinalconditions in the presence and absence of pepsin andpancreatin using dissolution methodology, and alsowithin a simulated colonic environment involvingfermentation testing with human faeces in the formof a slurry. Wilson et al explored the utility of thecoating for colonic targeting of single unit tabletsystems of 5-ASA. Drug release from the coatedtablets was assessed under pH dissolution conditionsresembling the stomach and small intestine, and alsoin conditions simulating the colon using a batchculture fermenter inoculated with human faecalbacteria. Drug release from the coated products wasassessed under pH dissolution conditions resemblingthe stomach and small intestine, and also inconditions simulating the colon using a batch culturefermenter inoculated with human faecal bacteria.[52]

Results of various studies based on amylose–ethylcellulose films indicate that the colon-specificity can therefore be achieved using suchsystems by judicious choice of the appropriate ratioof amylose to ethylcellulose and coat thickness.b. POLYSACCHARIDES FROM BACTERIAL

SOURCEi) Dextran

Fig 4 : Chemical structure of dextran

Dextran is a polysaccharide consisting of α-1,6 d-glucose and α-1,3 d-glucose units. Dextranhydrogels are stable when incubated at 37°C withthe small-intestinal enzymes amyloglucosidase,invertase, and pancreatin. [53] However, they aredegraded by dextranases, which is a microbialenzyme found in the colon. Hovgaard and Brondstedprepared dextran hydrogels by cross-linking withdiisocyanate.[54] These hydrogels were characterizedby equilibrium degree of swelling and mechanicalstrength. The dextran hydrogels were degraded in-vitro by enzyme dextranase and in-vivo in rats andhuman colonic fermentation Release of entrappedhydrocortisone was found to depend on the presenceof dextranases in the release medium. In absence ofdextranase drug release was observed to be based onsimple diffusion process. Thus it follows thatdextran hydrogels are dextranase sensitive and mayhold promise as carrier for colon specific drugdelivery.ii) Cyclodextrins

Fig 5 : Chemical structure of cyclodextrin

Cyclodextrins are cyclic oligosaccharide thatconsists of 6-8 glucose units. The cyclodextrinsconsist of six, seven, or eight glucose monomersarranged in a doughnut-shaped ring, which aredenoted α, β, or cyclodextrin, respectively. Thespecific coupling of the glucose monomers gives thecyclodextrin a rigid, truncated conical molecularstructure with a hollow interior of a specific volumeThey are known to be barely capable of beinghydrolyzed and only slightly absorbed in the passagethrough the stomach and small intestine, and arefermented by colonic microflora into smallsaccharides. An anti-inflammatory drug biphenylacetic acid (BPAA) as a model drug was selectivelyconjugated onto one of the primary hydroxyl groupsof alpha, beta and gamma cyclodextrins through anester or amide linkage and was studied for in vivodrug release behaviour in rat GI tract by KunihiroMinami et al.[55] The investigation revealed thatcyclodextrin prodrugs were stable in rat stomach and

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small intestine and negligibly absorbed from thesetracts. Three to six hours after oral administrationmost of the prodrug had moved to colon and caecumreleasing BPAA which appeared in blood after 3 – 6hrs. An anti-inflammatory drug 5-ASA wasconjugated onto the hydroxyl groups of α-, β- and γ-cyclodextrins (CyDs) through an ester linkage, andthe in vivo drug release behaviour of these prodrugsin rat’ s gastrointestinal tract after the oraladministration was investigated by Mei-Juan Zou etal.[56] The study concluded that the 5-ASAconcentration in the rat’s stomach and smallintestine after the oral administration of CyD- 5-ASA conjugate was much lower than that after theoral administration of 5-ASA alone. The lowerconcentration was attributable to the passage of theconjugate through the stomach and small intestinewithout significant degradation or absorption,followed by the degradation of the conjugate site-specific in the caecum and colon. The oraladministration of CyD-5-ASA resulted in lowerplasma and urine concentration of 5-ASA than thatof 5-ASA alone.

iii) Xanthan gumXanthan gum is high molecular weight extracellularpolysaccharide secreted by the micro-organism

Xanthomonas campestris. Xanthan gum is soluble incold water and solutions exhibit highlypseudoplastic flow. Its viscosity has excellentstability over a wide pH and temperature range andthe polysaccharide is resistant to enzymaticdegradation. Xanthan gum exhibits a synergisticinteraction with the galactomannan guar gum andlocust bean gum (LBG) and the glucomannan konjacmannan. This results in enhanced viscosity with guargum and at low concentrations with LBG. At higherconcentrations soft, elastic, thermally reversible gelsare formed with locust bean gum and konjacmannan.[57] Thiruganesh Ramasamy and colleaguesdescribed colon targeted drug delivery systems forAceclofenac using xanthan gum as a carrier.[58] Inthis study, multilayer coated system that is resistantto gastric and small intestinal conditions but can beeasily degraded by colonic bacterial enzymes wasdesigned to achieve effective colon delivery ofAceclofenac. The Eudragit coated system exhibitedgastric and small intestinal resistance to the releaseof Aceclofenac. The rapid increase in release ofAceclofenac in simulated colonic fluid wasrevealed as due to the degradation of the xanthangum membrane by bacterial enzymes.

Fig 6 : Chemical structure of xanthan

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c. Plant Polysaccharidesi) PECTIN

Fig 7 : Chemical structure of pectin

Pectin is a polysaccharide found in the cell walls ofplants contain α- 1,4 D-galactouronic acid and 1,2D- Rhamnose with D-galactose & D-arabinose Sidechains. Pectin is polymolecular and polydisperse. Itcontains a few hundreds to about 1,000 saccharideunits in a chain-like configuration, corresponding toan average molecular weight between 50,000 and150,000 Dalton. Pectin is completely fermented incolon by microflora with low esterified pectin beingfermented faster than high esterified pectin. Itappears that only a partial degradation is possible atthe pH 2 to 4 conditions of stomach via side chainhydrolysis and at pH 5 to 6 conditions of smallintestine via β-elimination of main chain or de-esterification.[59] Amol Pharia et al formulated andevaluated Eudragit (S-100)-coated pectinmicrospheres for colon targeting of 5-fluorouracil(FU). Eudragit was used as protective coating on themicrospheres makes them able to release the drug atthe particular pH of colonic fluid. A combinedmechanism of release was proposed, whichcombines specific biodegradability of polymer andpH-dependent drug release from the coatedmicrospheres.[60] The experimental resultsdemonstrated that Eudragit-coated pectinmicrospheres have the potential to be used as a drugcarrier for an effective colon-targeted deliverysystem. Nonetheless, pectin is an aqueous solublepolymer. The matrix made of pectin is prone toswelling as well as erosion in aqueous mediumleading to premature drug release at uppergastrointestinal tract and thereby defeating its abilityas colon-specific drug delivery vehicle. Thisdrawback can however be adjusted by changing itsdegree of methoxylation, or by preparing calciumpectinate. Usually low methoxy pectins (LM pectin)that have more free carboxylic group can be cross-linked with divalent cations (e.g., calcium, zinc) toproduce a more water insoluble pectinate gel whichhas the potential to be an effective vehicle for drugdelivery.[61] Pectins with low degree of

methoxylation can also undergo amidation ofcarboxylic acid groups. Furthermore, amidatedpectins are more prone to form a rigid gel structurewith divalent cations than non amidated pectin [128].

Therefore, amidated LM pectins allow the formationof a more compact Ca- or Zn-pectinate network thannonamidated and/or high methoxy (HM) pectins.Munjeri and colleagues reported entrapment ofIndomethacin and sulphamethoxazole insideamidated pectin, gelled in the presence ofcalcium.[62] The drug-containing core was coated bya Chitosan polyelectrolyte complex to obtain thedesired release pattern in simulated intestinal media.Calcium pectinate, the insoluble salt of pectin wasused for colon targeted drug delivery ofIndomethacin by Rubeinstein et al.[63] Sriamornsakand colleagues[64] coated Theophylline pellets withcalcium-pectinate and reported a pH-dependent invitro release in 4 h. A review by Tin Wui Wong andcolleagues[65] on Pectin Matrix as Oral DrugDelivery Vehicle for Colon Cancer Treatmentsuggests that multi-particulate calcium pectinatematrix is an ideal carrier to orally deliver drugs forsite-specific treatment of colon cancer as (a) crosslinking of pectin by calcium ions in a matrix negatesdrug release in upper gastrointestinal tract, (b) multi-particulate carrier has a slower transit and a highercontact time for drug action in colon than single-unitdosage form. Surajit Das et al[66] developed adelayed release formulation of resveratrol asmultiparticulate pectinate beads by varying differentformulation parameters.. The effects of theformulation parameters were investigated on shape,size, Zn content, moisture content, drugencapsulation efficiency, swelling–erosion, andresveratrol retention pattern of the formulated beads.The results indicated that Zinc-pectinate beadsexhibited better delayed drug release pattern thancalcium-pectinate beads.

ii) Guar gum

Fig 8 : Chemical structure of guar gum

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Guar gum is a galactomannan polysaccharide (β-1,4d-mannose, α-1,6 d-galactose) having (1→4)linkages. It has a side-branching unit of monomericd-galactopyranose joined at alternate mannose unitby (1→6) linkage. It has low water solubility buthydrates and swells in cold water forming viscouscolloidal dispersions or sols. The viscosity of a guargum solution incubated with a homogenate of faeceswill be reduced by 75% over 40 min. [67] It issusceptible to galactomannase enzyme in the largeintestine. Wong and colleagues reported theevaluation of the dissolution of dexamethasone andBudesonide from guar-gum-based matrix tablets.The presence of low-grade HPMC (Methocel E3) orhigher-grade HPMC (Methocel E50 LV) indexamethasone formulations altered the rate of thematrix degradation.[68] Krishnaiah et al.[69] describeda Scintigraphic study using technetium-99m- DTPAas a tracer, incorporated into tablets to follow thetransit and dissolution. Scintigraphic scans revealedthat some tracer was released in stomach and smallintestine but the bulk of the tracer present in thetablet mass was delivered to the colon. Results ofpharmacokinetic studies of guar gum based colontargeted drug delivery system of mebendazole and 5-Fluorouracil in healthy volunteers indicated thatguar gum based colon targeted tablets of did notrelease drug in stomach and small intestine butdelivered the drug in colon resulting in slowabsorption of the drug and making the drug availablefor local action in the colon.[70,71] Rubinstein andGliko-Kabir [72] reported cross-linking of guar gumwith borax to enhance its drug-retaining capacity.Guar gum as a film coating material for colonspecific drug delivery of 5-Flurouracil was evaluatedby C.M.Ji and colleagues.[73] The guar gum basedmulti unit system was prepared by coating guar gumand pH sensitive polymer Eudragit FS30D arounddrug loaded cores. Eudragit was used to protect thesystem against gastrointestinal environment havingpH less than 7. The in vitro results indicated thatguar gum is a feasible coating material to achievetime and enzyme triggered 5-Flourouracil release.Laila Fatimaali Asghar et al[74] assessed thesuitability of guar gum with pH sensitive polymermatrix bases for colon specific delivery usingIndomethacin as model drug and EL 100 and ES 100as Ph sensitive polymers. The study concludes thatmixed polymer matrix with pH modulated propertiescan serve as an alternative to coating technologywhich although has commercial feasibility, yetsuffers from the drawback of inconsistentperformance in vivo. A pH and time controlledmatrix system can offer a suitable platform for colontargeting purpose with minimum drug loss during

upper GI transit and maximum drug release in thecolon. Mohini Chaurasia et al [75] has evaluatedcrosslinked guar gum microspheres for improveddelivery of anticancer drug methotrexate in the colonfor treatment of colorectal cancer. Results of releasestudies demonstrated that microspheres are capableof retarding the release of MTX until it reaches thecolon, an environment rich in bacterial enzymes thatdegrade the guar gum and allow drug release tooccur at the desired site.

iii) Inulin

Fig 9 : Chemical structure of Inulin

Inulin is a naturally occurring Glucofructan andoccurs in plants such as garlic, onion, artichoke andchicory. It can resist hydrolysis and digestion in theupper gastrointestinal tract but is degraded bycolonic microflora. Inulin, with a high degree ofpolymerization, was formulated as a biodegradablecolon-specific coating by suspending it in EudragitRS films. The films withstood gastric and intestinalfluid but were degraded by faecal media.[76] Vinylgroups were introduced in inulin chains to formhydrogels, by reacting with glycidyl methacrylate.[77]

Enzymatic digestibility of the prepared hydrogelswas assessed by performing an in vitro study usingan inulinase preparation derived from Aspergillusniger. Equilibrium swelling ratio and mechanicalstrength of the hydrogels were also studied. Basedupon the mode of swelling it was concluded thatinulin-degrading enzymes were able to diffuse intothe inulin hydrogel networks causing bulkdegradation [78] Inulin derivatised with methacrylicanhydride and succinic anhydride produced a pHsensitive hydrogel by UV irradiation that exhibited areduced swelling and low chemical degradation inacidic medium, but it had a good swelling anddegradation in simulated intestinal fluid in thepresence of its specific enzyme, inulinase. [79]

iv) GUM KARAYAGum karaya is a complex, partially acetylatedpolysaccharide obtained as a calcium and

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magnesium salt. It has a branched structure and ahigh molecular mass of approximately 16x106 Da.[80]

The backbone of the gum consists of a-d-galactouronic acid and a-l-Rhamnose residues. Sidechains are attached by 1, 2-linkage of β-d-galactoseor by 1,3-linkage of β-d glucuronic acid to thegalactouronic acid of the main chain. Furthermore,half of the Rhamnose residues of the main chain are1,4-linked to β-d-galactose units.[81] The chemicalcomposition of gum samples obtained from differentSterculia species and from different places of originwas found to be quite similar.[82] The solubility ofgum karaya in water is poor. However, the gumswells up to many times its own weight to givedispersions.[83] Baljit B Singh et al modified sterculiagum with methacrylic acid to form hydrogels whichwere evaluated for release mechanism usingranitidine hydrochloride as model drug.[84,85] JitendraR. Amrutkar and colleague has described study of anovel hydrogel plug prepared using isolated rootmucilage of sterculia urens for colon specificpulsatile drug delivery of Indomethacin. Pulsatiledrug delivery was developed using chemicallytreated hard gelatin capsule bodies filled withEudragit multiparticulates of Indomethacin, andsealed with different hydrogel plugs (root mucilageof S. urens, xanthan gum, guar gum, HPMC K4Mand combination of maltodextrin with guar gum).The formulation factors affecting the drug releasewere concentration and types of hydrogel plug used.In vivo gamma Scintigraphic study in healthy rabbitsproved the capability of the system to release drug inlower parts of the gastrointestinal tract after aprogrammed lag time 86] The results suggest thatgum karaya has otential for drug targeting to thecolon. But till date not many drug delivery systemshave been investigated utilizing this gum fortargeting to colon.

v) Locust bean gum

Fig 10 : Chemical structure of locust bean gum

Locust bean gum (chemical structure is shown inFigure 8) also known as Carob bean gum is derivedfrom the seeds of the leguminous plant Ceratoniasiliqua Linn. This gum is widely cultivated in theMediterranean region and to a smaller extent also inCalifornia. The brown pods or beans of the locustbean tree are processed by milling the endosperms toform locust bean gum and it is therefore not anextract of the native plant but flour. Locust beangum consists mainly of a neutral galactomannanpolymer made up of 1, 4-linked D-mannopyranosylunits and every fourth or fifth chain unit issubstituted on C-6 with a D-galactopyranosyl unit.The ratio of D-galactose to D-mannose differs andthis is believed to be due to the varying origins ofthe gum materials and growth conditions of the plantduring production. Locust bean gum is a neutralpolymer and its viscosity and solubility are thereforelittle affected by pH changes within the range of 3-11.[87] Various significant works have been carriedout in combination with the other polymers to makethe formulation sustained and targeted The colonspecific drug delivery of mesasalazine based onpolysaccharides; locust bean gum and Chitosan indifferent ratios were evaluated using in vitro and invivo methods by Raghavan CV et al.[88] The in vivostudies conducted in nine healthy male humanvolunteers for the various formulations revealed that,the drug release was initiated only after 5 h (i.e.)transit time of small intestine. These studies on thepolysaccharides demonstrated that the combinationof locust bean gum and Chitosan as a coatingmaterial proved capable of protecting the core tabletcontaining Mesalazine during the conditionmimicking mouth to colon transit. In particular, theformulation containing locust bean gum andChitosan in the ratio of 4 : 1 held a better dissolutionprofile, higher bioavailability and hence a potentialcarrier for drug targeting to colon.

vi) Konjac glucomannan (KGM)

Fig 11 : Chemical structure of KGM

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Konjac glucomannan (KGM), a water-soluble andhigh molecular weight polysaccharide, is extractedfrom tubers of the Amorphophallus Konjac plant, amember of family Aracea found in East Asia.It consists of 1,4-linked D-mannose and D-glucosein the ratio of 1.6:1, with about 1 in 19 units beingacetylated. This soluble fibre has high water holdingcapacity, forming a highly viscous solution. Inrecent years, KGM gel, as a drug delivery matrix,has shown promising applications. Strong, elastic,heat-stable KGM gels can be formed with heatingand mild alkali[89,90] and can be used as a drugcarrier.[91] Hydrogel systems of KGM cross-linkedwith trisodium trimetaphosphate were prepared forcolon targeting drug delivery.[92] KGM unmodifiedand in combination with xanthan gum has also beenevaluated as carrier for colon targeting. KangWANG et al[93] have described experimental andtheoretical evaluations of Konjac glucomannan andxanthan gum as compression coat for colonic drugdelivery of Cimetidine. Diffusion of Cimetidinefrom compression coated tablets was investigated byrelease experiment in vitro. 0.22U/mL β- mannanasewas applied in the mimic colon solution. Theexperimental results indicate that the polysaccharidemixtures of KGM and XG as the compression coathave a great potential in the application of colonicdrug delivery systems. The synergistic interactionbetween XG and KGM reduced drug loss in themimic upper gastrointestinal solution. At the sametime, the coat maintained a good response todegradation due to the hydrolysis of KGM. Alvarez-Manceñido F. et al studied release of of a typicallyhighly water soluble drug Diltiazem from sugarmatrices tablets prepared using binary mixture ofKonjac glucomannan and xanthan gum , in presenceof A. niger beta mannose (used to mimic colonicenzyme). Drug release from these tablets remainedzero-order, but was accelerated (presumably due todegradation of KGM), in the presence of A. nigerbeta-mannanase at concentrations equivalent tohuman colonic conditions. However, markeddifferences between Japanese and Americanvarieties of KGM as regards degree of acetylationand particle size led to significant differences inswelling rate and drug release between formulationsprepared with one and the other KGM: whereas aformulation with Japanese KGM released its entiredrug load within 24h in the presence of beta-mannanase, only 60% release was achieved underthe same conditions by the correspondingformulation with American KGM. the results of thisstudy suggest that sustained release of water-solubledrugs in the colon from orally administered tabletsmay be achieved using simple, inexpensive

formulations based on combinations of KGM andXG.[94]

vii) Khaya gumKhaya gum is a polysaccharide obtained from theincised trunk of the tree Khaya grandifoliola (familyMeliaceae). It is known to contain highly branchedpolysaccharides consisting of D galactose, L-Rhamnose, D-galactouronic acid and 4-O- 60methyl-D-glucuronic acid. The colon specificity ofKhaya gum was investigated in comparison withguar gum by Prabhakra Prabhu et al usingBudesonide as drug core. The tablets were coatedwith Khaya gum or Guar gum followed by furthercoat or Eudragit L 100 for both. X-ray images weretaken to investigate the movement, location and theintegrity of the tablets in different parts of gastrointestinal tract in rabbits. Dissolution modelsemployed revealed colon specificity of both thepolysaccharides however, Khaya gum or Guar gumalone can not be used either for targeting the drug tothe colon or for sustaining or controlling the releaseof drug.[95] Khaya and Albania gums were evaluatedas compression coatings for target drug delivery tothe colon using Indomethacin (a water insolubledrug) and paracetamol (a water soluble drug) asmodel drugs. The core tablets were compression-coated with 300 and 400mg of 100% khaya gum,100% Albizia gum and a mixture of khaya andAlbizia gum (1:1). Drug release studies were carriedout in 0.1M HCI (pH 1.2) for 2h, Sorensen's buffer(pH 7.4) for 3 h and then in phosphate-bufferedsaline (pH 6.8) or in simulated colonic fluid for therest of the experiment to mimic the physiologicalconditions from the mouth to colon. The resultsindicated that khaya and albizia gums were capableof protecting the core tablet in the physiologicalenvironment of the stomach and small intestine, withAlbizia gum showing greater ability than khayagum. The results demonstrate that khaya gum andAlbizia gum have potential for drug targeting to thecolon. [96]

d. Polysaccharides of animal origini) Chondroitin Sulfate

Fig 12 : Chemical structure of chondroitin

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Chondroitin sulfate is a soluble mucopolysachharideconsisting of β-1,3 d-glucuronic acid linked to N-acetyl-d-galactosamide . In the human colon, thenatural sources of Chondroitin sulphate are sloughedepithelial cells and dietary meat. Chondroitinsulphate is utilized as a substrate by the Bacteroidesthetaiotaomicron and B. ovatus in the large intestine.Natural chondroitin sulfate is readily water solubleand may not be able to sustain the release of manydrugs from the matrix. However modification ofchondroitin sulphate by cross linking reduces itshydrophiliocity and prevents early release of thedrug. Rubinstein and co-workers [97] have reportedthe use of cross-linked chondroitin sulfate as acarrier for Indomethacin specifically for the largebowel. Since natural chondroitin sulfate is readilywater soluble, it was cross-linked with 1, 12-diaminododecane. The cross-linked polymer wasblended with Indomethacin and compressed intotablets. There was enhanced release on incubationwith rat cecal contents. Jitendra R. Amrutkar et al [98]

prepared polyelectrolyte complex of Chitosan andchondroitin and studied its potential as colontargeted carrier by preparing matrix tablet ofIndomethacin. The study confirmed that selectivedelivery of Indomethacin to the colon can beachieved using cross-linked Chondroitin andChitosan polysaccharides. The dissolution dataindicated that the dissolution rate of the tablet isdependent upon the concentration of polysaccharideused as binder and matrix and time of cross-linking.R. Thiruganesh et al [99] used a combined approachof Ph dependant polymeric coating (Eudragit L 100and S 100) and microbially degradable Chitosan todevelop a single unit site specific matrix tablet ofAceclofenac. The coating polymers were includedfor protecting the drug from releasing from the corebefore reaching the colonic region.

ii) Chitosan

Fig 13 : Chemical structure of Chitosan

Chitosan is a fiber-like substance derived fromchitin. Chitin and Chitosan have similar chemicalstructures. Chitin is made up of a linear chain ofacetyl glucosamine groups, while Chitosan isobtained by removing enough acetyl groups for themolecule to be soluble in most dilute acids. Thisprocess is called deactivation. The actual differencebetween chitin and Chitosan is the acetyl content ofthe polymer.[100] Chitin is widely available from avariety of source, among which the principal one isshellfish waste such as shrimps, crabs, andcrawfish.[101] The degree of de acetylation ofChitosan ranges from 56% to 99% with an averageof 80%, depending on the crustacean species and thepreparation methods.[102] Chitin with a degree of deacetylation of 75% or above is generally known asChitosan.[103] Chitosan is a non toxic, biodegradablepolymer of high molecular weight, and is very muchsimilar to cellulose, a plant fiber. The onlydifference between Chitosan and cellulose is theamine (-NH2) group. However, unlike plant fiber,Chitosan possesses positive ionic charges, whichgive it the ability to chemically bind with negativelycharged fats, lipids, cholesterol, metal ions, proteins,and macromolecules.[104] It is a poly (2-amino 2-deoxy d-glucopyranose) in which the repeating unitsare linked by (1–4) β-bonds. It dissolves in theacidic pH of the stomach but swells at pH 6.8.Chitosan can be biodegraded by colonic microfloraand has been evaluated for its potential as colon-specific drug delivery in several forms such ascapsules, matrices, hydrogels and microspheres.Tominaga and colleagues prepared a composite fordelivery to the colon comprising an active core, aninternal layer comprising Chitosan, and an externallayer, coated on the internal coating layer,containing zein.[105] Zein protects the contents bybeing acid resistant but undergoing proteolysis in thesmall intestine. Chitosan in the internal layerprevents the elution of the active ingredients in thecore in the small intestine. However, in the largeintestine the Chitosan film breaks owing to thecombined effect of microorganisms and osmoticpressure. Hideyuki Tozaki and colleagues[106]

conducted a study to estimate colon specific insulindelivery with Chitosan capsules. The intestinalabsorption of insulin was evaluated by measuringplasma insulin level and its hypoglycaemic effectafter oral administration of Chitosan capsulescontaining insulin. The hypoglycaemic effect startedafter 8 hrs of administration of Chitosan capsules.The findings of the study suggest that Chitosancapsules may be useful carriers for the colon specificdelivery of peptides including insulin. The pH-sensitive multicore microparticulate system

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containing Chitosan microcores entrapped intoenteric acrylic microspheres has been reported byM.L. Lorenzo-Lamosa et al[107] Sodium diclofenacwas efficiently entrapped within these Chitosanmicrocores and then microencapsulated intoEudragit L-100 and Eudragit S-100 to form a multireservoir system. In vitro release study revealed norelease of the drug in gastric pH for 3 h and after thelag-time, a continuous release for 8– 12 h wasobserved in the basic pH. A microbially triggeredcolon-targeted osmotic pump (MTCT-OP) has beenstudied by Hui Liu et al.[108] The gelable property ofChitosan at acid condition and colon-specificbiodegradation of Chitosan were used to produce theosmotic pressure, formation of the drug suspensionand formation of in situ delivery pores for colon-specific drug release, respectively. These resultsshowed that MTCT-OP based on osmotictechnology and microbially triggered mechanismhad a high potential for colon-specific drug delivery

iii) Hyaluronic Acid

Fig 14 Chemical structure of Hyaluronic acid(HA)

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a carbohydrate, more spe-cifically a mucopolysachharide, occurring naturallyin all living organisms. It can be several thousandsof sugars (carbohydrates) long. When not bound toother molecules, it binds to water giving it a stiffviscous quality similar to “Jello”. It consists of N –acetyl-D glucosamine and β -glucuronic acid.[109] Itis present in the intercellular matrix of mostvertebrate connective tissues especially skin where ithas a protective, structure stabilizing and shock-absorbing role. It is found in greatest concentrationsin the vitreous humour of the eye and in the synovialfluid of articular joints .[110] Commercially producedHA is isolated either from animal sources, within thesynovial fluid, umbilical cord, skin, and roostercomb, or from bacteria through a process offermentation or direct isolation. The molecularweight of HA is heavily dependent on its source;

however, refinement of these isolation processes hasresulted in the commercial availability of numerousmolecular weight grades extending up to amaximum of 5000 k Da.[111] The hydrogen bondformation results in the unique water-binding andretention capacity of the polymer. It also follows thatthe water binding capacity is directly related to themolecular weight of the molecule. Up to six litres ofwater may be bound per gram of HA. HA solutionsare characteristically viscoelastic and pseudoplastic.This rheology is found even in very dilute solutionsof the polymer where very viscous gels are formed.The viscoelastic property of HA solutions which isimportant in its use as a biomaterial is controlled bythe concentration and molecular weight of the HAchains. The unique viscoelastic nature of HA alongwith its biocompatibility and non-immunogenicityhas led to its use in a number of clinical applications,including the supplementation of joint fluid inarthritis,[112] as a surgical aid in eye surgery, and tofacilitate the healing and regeneration of surgicalwounds. More recently, HA has been investigated asa drug delivery agent for various administrationroutes, including ophthalmic, nasal, pulmonary,parenteral and topical. In mammals, the enzymaticdegradation of HA results from the action of threetypes of enzymes: hyaluronidase (hyase), β-d-Glucuronidase, and β-N-acetyl-hexosaminidase.Throughout the body, these enzymes are found invarious forms, intracellularly and in serum. [113] Ithas been shown that the HA level is elevated invarious cancer cells.[114] The higher concentration ofHA in cancer cells is believed to form a less densematrix, thus enhancing the cell’s motility as well asinvasive ability into other tissues[115] and alsoproviding an immunoprotective coat to cancer cells.It is well known that various tumors, for example,epithelial, ovarian, colon, stomach, and acuteleukaemia, overexpress HA-binding receptors CD44[116] and RHAMM. [117] onsequently, these tumorcells show enhanced binding and internalization ofHA. It has been shown that the over expression ofhyaluronic acid synthases increases the HA level,which leads to the acceleration of tumor growth andmetastasis.[118] On the other hand, exogenousoligomeric HA inhibits tumor progression mostlikely by competing with endogenous polymericHA.[119] HA can be coupled with an active cytotoxicagent directly to form a non-toxic prodrug.Alternatively, a suitable polymer with covalentlyattached HA and drug can be used as a carrier.Direct conjugations of a low molecular weight HAto cytotoxic drugs such as butyric acid [120],paclitaxel,[121] and doxorubicin[122] have beenreported. It has been shown that these bio conjugates

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are internalized into cancer cells through receptor-mediated endocytosis, followed by intracellularrelease of active drugs, thus restoring their originalcytotoxicity. Hyaluronic acid–coupled Chitosannanoparticles bearing oxaliplatin (L-OHP)encapsulated in Eudragit S100–coated pellets weredeveloped for effective delivery to colon tumors byAnekant Jain et al.[123] The in vitro drug release wasinvestigated using a USP dissolution rate testpaddle-type apparatus in different simulatedgastrointestinal tract fluids. In therapeuticexperiments the pellets of free drug, and hyaluronicacid–coupled and uncoupled Chitosan nanoparticlesbearing L-OHP were administered orally at the doseof 10 mg L-OHP/kg body weight to tumor-bearingBalb /c mice. In vivo data showed that hyaluronicacid–coupled Chitosan nanoparticles delivered 1.99± 0.82 and 9.36 ± 1.10 μg of L-OHP/g of tissue inthe colon and tumor, respectively after 12 hr. Thesedrug delivery systems showed relatively high localdrug concentration in the colonic milieu and colonictumors with prolonged exposure time, whichprovides a potential to enhance antitumor efficacywith low systemic toxicity for the treatment of coloncancer and thus indicating its targeting potential tothe colon and tumor. Although being used sincemany years this interesting biopolymer needs to beexplored as carrier for microbially triggered oralcolon specific drug delivery system.

e. Polysaccharides Of Algal Origini) Alginates

Fig 15: Chemical structure of alginate

Alginates or alginic acids are linear unbranchedpolysaccharides found in brown seaweed and marinealgae such as Laminaria hyperborea, Ascophyllumnodosum and Macrocystis pyrifera. These polymersconsist of two different monomers in varyingproportions, namely β-D-mannuronic acid and α-L-glucuronic acid linked in α- or β-1,4 glycosidicbonds as blocks of only β-D-mannuronic acid or α-L-glucuronic acid in homopolymers or alternatingthe two in heteropolymeric blocks. Alginates havehigh molecular weights of 20 to 600 kDa.[124] Thegelling properties of alginate’s glucuronic residues

with polyvalent ions such as calcium or aluminiumallow cross-linking with subsequent formation ofgels that can be employed to prepare matrices, films,beads, pellets, microparticles and nanoparticles.[125]

Crosslinked alginates has more capacity to retain theentrapped drug and mixing of alginates with otherpolymers such as neutral gums, pectins, Chitosanand Eudragits have been found to solve the problemsof drug leaching. The sustained release profiles ofsingle and dual crosslinked gel beads of Alginate-Chitosan loaded with bovine serum albumin (BSA),a model protein drug, were investigated in simulatedgastric fluid (SGF), simulated intestinal fluid (SIF)and simulated colonic fluid (SCF).Alginate-Chitosan(ALG-CS) blend gel beads were prepared based ondual cross linking with various proportions ofalginate and Chitosan. The dual cross linkageeffectively promoted the stability of beads undergastrointestinal tract conditions compared to Ca2+

single crosslinked beads, from which BSA releasedfast and the cumulative drug release percentageswere about 80% of all formulations in 4 h, the BSAtotal release from dual crosslinked gel beads was nomore than 3% in 8 h. In SIF and SCF, Ca2+ singlecrosslinked beads were disrupted soon associatingwith the fast drug release as compared to the dualcrosslinked beads, which suggested that the dualcrosslinked beads have potential small intestine orcolon site-specific drug delivery property. [126]


Targeting drugs and delivery systems to the colonicregion of the gastrointestinal tract has receivedconsiderable interest in recent years and bacteriaaided biopolymers appear to be promising agentsfor obtaining colon-specific drug delivery systems.A successful colon specific drug delivery requiresthat the system responds only to those physiologicalconditions prevailing in colon. A variety of deliverystrategies and systems have been proposed forcolonic targeting. These generally rely on theexploitation of one or more of the followinggastrointestinal features for their functionality: pH,transit time, pressure or microflora. Coated systemsthat utilise the pH differential in the gastrointestinaltract and prodrugs that rely on colonic bacteria forrelease have been commercialised. Both approacheshave their own inherent limitations. The use ofnatural biopolymers for colon specific drug deliverysystem remains attractive because of theirabundance in nature, good biocompatibility, andability to be readily modified by simple chemistryand most distinctive property of colon that isabundant microflora. The biopolymers described

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above and their degradation products are non toxicand are already used as pharmaceutical excipients.The colonic microflora does not appear to presentmany modifications and remains qualitativelysimilar from one individual to another. Chemicalmodifications like chemical linkages with syntheticbiopolymers; surface coating of pellets, micro- ornanospheres with biocompatible synthetic polymers;Crosslinking with different physical or chemicalreagents; Hydrophobization through alkylationreactions, made to biopolymers make it possible todecrease the water solubility of biopolymers andcontrol the lag time of drug release. Needs forchemical modification concern mainly theimprovement of mechanical properties,biocompatibility, solubility, control ofbiodegradability and manufacturing and shaping.Although offering an attractive tool, bacteria aidedcolonic delivery systems using biopolymers sufferfrom the constraint of premature release of theirdrug load to a certain extent in the upper segments

of the GI tract. This early discharge is inherent andassociated with the swelling of the carrier, a crucialprocess, which allows cleavage by colonic enzymes.For that reason, most enzymatically controlledcolonic drug carriers cannot function optimallywithout the aid of a protective coat (primary carrier),whether pH-dependent or depending on the erosionof a physical barrier. Combinations of naturalbiopolymers with pH dependant synthetic polymershave been studied for colon specific drug delivery,which are based on erosion and swelling of filmcoating all along the gastrointestinal tract andmicrobial triggered degradation of polysaccharide. Itis, however, necessary to obtain more knowledge ofthe bacterial flora and to develop and validate adissolution method that incorporates thephysiological features of the colon, particularlyenzymatic degradation and yet can be used routinelyin an industry setting for the evaluation of colon-specific drug delivery systems.


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