Bai Tap Day Them Anh 7 CA Nam

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  • 8/12/2019 Bai Tap Day Them Anh 7 CA Nam


    s 1- Anh 7

    I. Chn mt t khng cng nhm vi cc t cn li.

    1. February Saturday December June

    2. nervous worried happy moment

    3. third twelve fourteen twenty

    4. tell see will go

    .directory sometimes calendar distance

    II. in gii t v!" ch# t$ng.

    1. !ai lives .......... his aunt and uncle ............ "3 !oang !oa #ham Street.

    2. !er birthday is ............. $ay% 1&th.

    3. 'ur party will be ..........1& o(cloc) to half past eleven ......... the morning........


    4. !anh will have a party ........... her birthday .......... home.

    . *(ll wait .......... you out side the stadium.

    III. Chn %& n th'ch h(& %) h"!n th!nh cc c*+ s,+.

    1. * .......... to a party tomorrow night. +ould you li)e to go with me,

    a. going b. will go c. go

    2. !oa is very ........ about her study at the new school.a. worry b. worried c. worrying

    3. !ow old will you be ............. your ne-t birthday, a. at b. in c.


    4. #hursday is ........... day of the wee). a. the five b. the fifth c. a


    . ........ is it from your house to 0an(s house, a. !ow far b. !ow many c.!ow much/

    . $anh ......... to school every day. a. go b. goes c. going/

    . * don(t have ......... new pens. a. some b. many c. lot of/

    ". ....... you have a test tomorrow morning, a. +ill b. Do c. re/

  • 8/12/2019 Bai Tap Day Them Anh 7 CA Nam


    . +hat(s your ................., a. birthday b. day of birth c. date

    of birth/

    1&. +e will ........... our old friends ne-t Sunday.a. to meet b. meet c.


    I. Chi, %ng t t$"ng ng"c.

    1. ............................... you be/ ............................ free ne-t Sunday,

    5 6o% * and my brother visit/ ........................... our grandmother.

    2. #rang not be/ ............................. in her room at the moment.

    She coo)/ .............................. in the )itchen.

    3.+ould you li)e have/ ............................. brea)fast with eggs% 7hildren,

    4. 0iennot go/ ................................ to the movie theater tomorrow. She stay/

    ................................. at home and watch #8.

    . ............................ you li)e/ ............................... your new school% $ai,

    5 9es% :ut *(m unhappy because * not have/ ............................ many


    . /0m l#i s,i $i s2, li ch" %3ng.

    1. +ould you li)e seeing a movie with me tonight, 5; .......................................

    2. !a(s birthday is in $arch 1&th

    . 5; ........................................3. !oang doesn(t have a lot of friends in her new school.

    5; .......................................

    4. $ai will goes to !a 6oi tomorrow afternoon. 5; .............................................

    . !ow old !oa will be on her ne-t birthday, 5; ..............................................

    I. c %"n v4n s,+ $i t$5 l6i c*+ hi.

    !ung is a new student in class . !e is from !ai Duong. 6ow he lives with

    his brother at12 !ang Dao Street in !a 6oi. !ung is 13. !e will be 14 on


    pril 1"th. !e will have a party for his birthday. !e will invite some of his friends

    in class . #he party will be at his house. *t will start at half past seven in the

    evening and finish at half past nine. t the party they will eat birthday ca)es%

  • 8/12/2019 Bai Tap Day Them Anh 7 CA Nam


    drin) fruit

  • 8/12/2019 Bai Tap Day Them Anh 7 CA Nam


    5; ......................................................................................................................

    3. #raveling= train= slower= but= interesting= traveling= plane.

    5; ......................................................................................................................

    4. $iss= !ue= ta)e care= sic) children= same hospital= mother.

    5; ......................................................................................................................

    . +hich= most= suitable house= $r 0am= and= family.

    5; ......................................................................................................................

    . ?ncle= farmer= and grow= lot= vegetables= his farm.

    5; ......................................................................................................................

    . *t= difficult= find= apartment= !7$ 7ity.

    5; ......................................................................................................................

    ". :ra@il= most= succesful= soccer= world.

    5; ......................................................................................................................

    . +ho= the=fat= person= your group,

    5; ......................................................................................................................

    1&. 0essons= this year= long= and= more difficult= those= last year.

    5; ......................................................................................................................III. Chi, %ng t t$"ng ng"c.

    1. * need call/ ..................... my parents today and tell/ ....................... them about

    my new apartment.

    2. #hey can(t call me because they not )now/ ........................ my new telephone


    3. *t rain/ ........................ . s soon as the rain stop/ ........................ *(ll wal) down


    4. $r #hanh be/ ........................ a doctor. !e wor)/ ...................... in a hospital in

    the city center. Avery day he catch/ .......................... the bus to wor).

    . +hat your sister do/ ......................... now,

    5 She coo)/ ........................ dinner in the )itchen.

  • 8/12/2019 Bai Tap Day Them Anh 7 CA Nam


    . +e not go/ ......................... camping ne-t wee). +e visit/ ........................ the


    . $iss 8an is a

  • 8/12/2019 Bai Tap Day Them Anh 7 CA Nam


    1. +hy is !oa writing to 0aura,

    5; ...............................................................................................

    2. !ow is !oa(s grand mother,

    5; ...............................................................................................

    3. Does !oa(s father wor) hard,

    5; ...............................................................................................

    4. +hat does !oa thin) of her mother,

    5; ...............................................................................................

    . +hat does !oa want 0au@a to do,

    5; ...............................................................................................

    s =- Anh 7

    I./0m mt t c cch &ht *m khc vi cc t cn li.

    1. sunny under student lunch

    2. when who why where

    3. modern hot order favorite

    4. find miss live thin)

    . rela- snac) area atlas

  • 8/12/2019 Bai Tap Day Them Anh 7 CA Nam


    . receive score scout comic

    . rehearse hour household horrible

    ". teenager together guess regular

    . chic)en coach orchestra change

    1&. meat read overseas reali@e

    II. Chi, %ng t t$"ng ng"c.

    1. * eat/ ...................... lunch at the cafeteria right now.

    2. +hat be/ ...................... your vacation plan,

    5 * spend/ ...................... two wee)s on a Cree) island.

    3. *(m tired * can(t wait get/ .............. home. fter * get home. * ta)e/ ...................

    a hot shower and go/ .................. to bed.

    4. nn not often drin)/ ........................................ tea. She li)e/ ........................


    . 7an you give/ .......................... $inh a message for me,

    5 Sure% * probadly%see/ .................................... him at the meeting this


    . *t(s ten o(cloc) in the morning. +e stay/ .......................... at home. *

    play/ ................... video games and my sister read/ ............................ a boo) in her room.

    . !ow many boo)s ..................... your library have/ ...........................% 0ien,

    5 *t have/ ...................... a lot% about one thousand.

    ". *n 8nam% there be/ .......................... no lessons on Sunday.

    . !oa(s brother go/ ....................... to the library every afternoon. !e

    li)e/ ...................

    reading science boo)s% but he not li)e/ ............................ history and geography


    1&. !ow we find/ ................... a boo) in the library,

    III. /0m l#i s,i $i s2, li ch" %3ng.

  • 8/12/2019 Bai Tap Day Them Anh 7 CA Nam


    1. 6am is more strong than his friends. ....................................................

    2. #his 0ibrary contain over 1& million boo)s of all

    )inds. .................................................

    3. #he teacher says to his students E 9ou must ma)e all the homewor)

    before you go to school. ..................................................

    4. !uong is best student in our class. ......................................................

    . +hat an awful restaurant is * won(t come bac) here% *

    promise. ......................................

    . 6ever * play computer games in the

    morning. .....................................................

    . #here aren(t no good movies showing

    today. ...................................................

    ". For teenagers% listening to music is one of the most popular

    activitiy. ..............................

    . 9ou should attend young organi@ation such as scouts and

    guide. ......................................

    1&. !ow much classrooms does your school

    have, .........................................................I. Chn %& n th'ch h(& %) h"!n th!nh cc c*+ s,+.

    1. $y father is a doctor. !e ta)es care at= of / sic) children.

    2. *t(s easy to find= finding / an apartment in !a 6oi.

    3. #here have= are / twenty classrooms in my school.

    4. $y mother ma)es= does / the housewor) and she helps on the farm.

    . #hey are studying= study / science at the moment.

    . +hat time does #rung have= is #rung has / music class,

    . +e have four ten5munite= ten5 munites / brea)s each day.

    ". #hese shelfs= shelves / on the left have dictionaries and literature in


    . +e can have a picnic either on Saturday and= or / on Sunday.

  • 8/12/2019 Bai Tap Day Them Anh 7 CA Nam


    1&. *s volleyball a= an / unpopular after school activity.

    . c %"n v4n s,+ $i t$5 l6i c*+ hi.

    #his is Adward !orsley. !e(s called #ed% for short. !e(s a pleasant young man. !e

    is a good5 loo)ing% and he has got many friends of his own age. !e has a good ?@ vi;t th!nh ch cc s thB t s,+.

    1. 1st..................................... 11. 21st .......................................

    2. 2nd.................................... 12. 22nd ......................................

    3. 3rd .................................... 13. 3&th ......................................

    4. 4th .................................... 14. 44th ......................................

    . th .................................... 1. 2nd ......................................

    . 11th.................................... 1. 3rd .......................................

    . 12th.................................... 1. th........................................

    ". 1"th................................... 1". "th........................................ 1th.................................... 1. th........................................

    1&. 2&th.................................. 2&. th.......................................

    II .>?@ ghD& s %iEn th"i F ct A vi cch %c cG, ch3ng F ct H

    A H

    1. " 3 1& a. eight three double one si- seven two.

    1. ..............2. " 2 1 b. eight two five eight oh seven three.

    2. ..............

    3. " 311 2 c. eight two five oh five one four.

    3. ..............

  • 8/12/2019 Bai Tap Day Them Anh 7 CA Nam


    4. " 2&" &14 d. eight three five si- one nine oh.

    4. ..............

    . " 2" &3 e. eight two si- nine five si- one.

    . ..............

    . " 2& 14 f. eight five si- eight nine one seven.


    . ". " 1 g. eight two oh eight oh one four.

    . ..............

    ". " 234 h. eight si- eight nine double two one.

    ". ..............

    . " " 221 i. eight four double seven two three one.

    . ...............

    1&. " 4 231 ?@ %in mt gii t th'ch h(& v!" m#i ch# t$ng s,+.

    1. School starts ............ o(cloc) ................ the morning.

    2. * usually go swimming ................. #uesday.

    3. $y father will return from his trip .............. Saturday afternoon.4. * always go and see her ................. her birthday.

    . #hey usually come and stay with us ................ the summer holidays.

    . #he bell rings ............... the end of the lesson.

    . +e(ll move to our new house .............. 'ctober 2&th.

    ". #here will be more people on our planet .............. 2&1&.

    . $y father(s birthday is .............. February 1th.

    1&. !er house is far ............. her school.

    I. Chi, %ng t t$"ng ng"c.

    Dear !oa.

    0et me tell you about a day in my life. * get up/ ...................... at o(cloc) every

    morning and * have/ ......................... brea)fast with my dad. !e

  • 8/12/2019 Bai Tap Day Them Anh 7 CA Nam


  • 8/12/2019 Bai Tap Day Them Anh 7 CA Nam


    5; ........................................................................................................................

    I. t c*+ hi ch" &hLn %(c gch ch*n.

    1. .................................................................................................................

    5 +e can ta)e a bus.

    2. ...................................................................................................................

    +e(ll meet at my house.

    3. ....................................................................................................................

    5 #he film starts at " p.m.

    4. ......................................................................................................................

    5 &4 "21 &".

    . .......................................................................................................................

    5 !e lives at 33 Bham 6gu 0ao Street.

    . .......................................................................................................................

    5 $ai is worried because she doesn(t have any friends.

    . ........................................................................................................................

    5 $y birthday is on pril twentieth.

    ". ........................................................................................................................

    5 $y brother will be in !ue on $ay 3&th

    .. ........................................................................................................................

    5 !e lives with his aunt and uncle.

    1&. .......................................................................................................................

    5 6am will be 14 on his ne-t birthday.

    II. 2, l#i s,i t$"ng cc c*+ s,+.

    1. Do you still miss your frienfs in !a 6oi,5 9es% *

    miss. ..........................................

    2. * have lot of friends in 6ha

    #rang. ..........................................

    3. * don(t have many friend here. * am a

    newcomer. ..........................................

  • 8/12/2019 Bai Tap Day Them Anh 7 CA Nam


    4. !ow you go to

    school, ..........................................

    . * go to school by

    foot. ...........................................

    . !ow far it is from your house to

    school, ...........................................

    . *t(s is about &&

    meters. ...........................................

    ". *s your new school large than your old

    school, ...........................................

    . * phone you tomorrow

    morning. ...........................................

    1&. $y friend best is

    6ga. ...........................................

    III. /$5 l6i cc c*+ hi s,+.

    1. +hen is 6ew 9ear(s day,

    5; ...................................................................

    2. +hen is +omen(s day,5; ...................................................................

    3. +hen is 7hildren(s Day,

    5; ...................................................................

    4. +hen is $ay Day,

    5; ...................................................................

    . +hen is #eachers( Day,

    5; ...................................................................

    . +hen is our 6ational Day,

    5; ...................................................................

    IM. /hng n!" cN

  • 8/12/2019 Bai Tap Day Them Anh 7 CA Nam


    1. twenty5 eight days,

    5; ...............................................................................................

    2. thirty days,

    5; ............................................................................................................

    3. thirty5 one days,

    5; ....................................................................................................



    s = Anh 7

    I.i;t t'nh t s" snh hOn v! s" snh hOn nht cG, cc t'nh t s,+.

    d< 7omparatives Supalatives
































    ....................................II.i;t Png s" snh t'nh t hOn nhQt ch" cc t'nh t s,+.

    1. #his is .................................. building in the world. big/

    2. #his is .................................. chair in the living5room. comfortable/

    3. !e(ll buy ........................................ flowers in the shop. e-pensive/

    4. * thin) she is ............................................ singer in the group. good/

  • 8/12/2019 Bai Tap Day Them Anh 7 CA Nam


  • 8/12/2019 Bai Tap Day Them Anh 7 CA Nam


    . #he days are very cold. 5; ....................................................

    ". #he ca)es are very delicious. 5; ....................................................

    . #he mountain is wonderful. 5; ....................................................

    1&. #he people are very friendly.

    5; ....................................................

    .>?@ nh0n thng tin F t$Rn S $i vi;t mt %"n v4n ngJn

    .&& get up

    .& do morning e-ercise

    .2& eat brea)fast

    .& go to school

    .&& L 11.&& study at school

    12.&& have lunch at home

    2.&& L 4.3& do homewor)

    .&& have dinner

    .3& L .&& watch #8

    .& go to bed #rang lives with her parents in !7$ 7ity. She studies at a high school near

    her house. Avery day% she gTts +&

    at ........................................................................................................










    8*. !My dNng tO gPi Q R viTt thnh cUu hon chVnh.

  • 8/12/2019 Bai Tap Day Them Anh 7 CA Nam


    1. #ra = the = good = student = our class.

    5; .........................................................................................................

    2. >efrigerator = ne-t = closet = and = front = dishwasher.

    5; .........................................................................................................

    3. #raveling = train = slower = but = interesting = traveling = plane.

    5; .........................................................................................................

    4. $iss = !ue = ta)e care = sic) chidren = same hospital = as = mother.

    5; .........................................................................................................

    . +hich = most = suitable house = $r 0am = and = family,

    5; .........................................................................................................

    . ?ncle = farmer = and = grow = lot = vegetables = his farm.

    5; .........................................................................................................

    . *t = difficult = find = apartment = !7$ 7ity,

    5; .........................................................................................................

    ". :ra@il = most = successful= soccer team = world.

    5; .........................................................................................................

    . +ho = the = fat = person = your group,

    5; .........................................................................................................1&. 0essons = this year = long = and = more difficult = those = last year.

    5; .........................................................................................................

    II. Chi, %ng t t$"ng ng"c.

    1. $r #hanh be/ ............................ a doctor. !e wor)/ ............................ in

    a hospital in the city center. Avery day he catch/ ....................................

    the bus to wor).

    2. +hat your sister do/ .............................. now,

    5 She write/ ........................... in her room.

    3. +e not go/ ......................... camping ne-t wee). +e

    visit/ ........................ the museum

  • 8/12/2019 Bai Tap Day Them Anh 7 CA Nam


    4. $iss 8an is a

  • 8/12/2019 Bai Tap Day Them Anh 7 CA Nam


    I. J& K;& cc t s,+ %*@ th!nh c*+ h"!n ch

  • 8/12/2019 Bai Tap Day Them Anh 7 CA Nam


    5 6am will be 14 on his ne-t birthday.

    III. 2, l#i s,i t$"ng cc c*+ s,+.

    1. Do you still miss your frienfs in !a 6oi,5 9es% *

    miss. ..........................................

    2. * have lot of friends in 6ha

    #rang. ..........................................

    3. * don(t have many friend here. * am a

    newcomer. ..........................................

    4. !ow you go to

    school, ..........................................

    . * go to school by

    foot. ...........................................

    . !ow far it is from your house to

    school, ...........................................

    . *t(s is about &&

    meters. ...........................................

    ". *s your new school large than your old

    school, ............................................ * phone you tomorrow

    morning. ...........................................

    1&. $y friend best is

    6ga. ...........................................

    I. 9ng c*+ c5m thn %) vi;t li nhng c*+ s,+W

    1. #he movie is very

    interesting. ..................................................................

    2. #hese beds are very

    comfortable. ...................................................................

    3. #hat car is very

    fast. ..................................................................

  • 8/12/2019 Bai Tap Day Them Anh 7 CA Nam


    4. #he dresses are very

    beautiful. ..................................................................

    . #he tests are very

    difficult. ..................................................................

    . #he weather is very

    nice. ...................................................................

    . #he boo) is very

    thic). ..................................................................

    ". #he pictures are very

    e-pensive. ...................................................................

    . #he yard is very

    large. ...................................................................

    1&. #he boys are very

    friendly. ....................................................................

    8**. !My dWch cXc cUu sau sang tiTng nh.

    1. $Yt bMi bin mZi R[p lm sao 7h\ng t]i s^ RTn R_ vo dWp h`.


    .....2. 7uYc sng I thnh ph n o hn nhng th\ vW hn cuYc sng I n]ng




    3. ! 6Yi l thnh ph R[p nht 8it 6am.



  • 8/12/2019 Bai Tap Day Them Anh 7 CA Nam
