'3lmn9fmrnt«. ACADEMY OF Ml>l(.-IE roULIOor I MARTIRL ____. Mile. nOOOVMl*. JAMW KU». BTBAKOSCII «TAI; A" pJlBA, I.AST »» I ¦ * Or Mlt. REASON i-:vj'.. ( not or ii. 1-oi.m o> i maruhi. (The Martyr.. . IBÜT MIGHT IN AMERIC a. Wmm »1W-1 utDNESIlA.. May 23, ii ...'». I ir. .. 7'age- (>r- I».*,.. i .«.*-¦ IL POM I fO. MLLK. FICCOLOM IN ' I LAST NICHT IN AMERICA (but mm an,* p^r.T-!:.!.*.ä CL, in, A /- " * .; SI* Bar!''...'' ' n.Or»'«*illl»pri«.ii(.il«i'.i *._._ MAONlhlENT ENSEMBLE. NEW AM» SPLENIUI» s( ENER'i PaiatM «apte*»:> fo; ll-i v. «A by Si/L-.r CALiO, 1' '"kP.W AND CHARACTERISTIC COSTUMES. In the Fu* A£.R10R 0_ a<_| CATACOMBS. fn llf fb-.<_d Ai t _, «... , .Thar Tti mphal Entree ai SI '. I R1 S lato M P OKtM. ARI DE TtlOMPHE. f PIX MIMTAItV BAND ON TUE STAOE, 11 addition to |M aaawa-ruov. OR AND ORCHESTRA. Mr. APTOMMAS. ib< .elebtated llaiput, u.i been eugag- d far tat nteompaainient* on bi. iuatram l Or.nit toiti.. Wir*at M'. /IO and Mr. STRAKOSCII. A CARD The Ma;.Ig : RtAtjarrat »tii*t. .i,,n in produci:)'. f(He r'>*e «t Mür. PICCOLOMINIS Ai mu eng igement*.thli 1-lng thai**' week of aar tajaara la tin tailed 8:*'.o«.BaataafctfthaR po:i, the graud tragic opert, IL POLIITO. FRIDAY, LAST NIGHT OF PICCOMIMINI IN AMERICA I oder Mi. Btl.V»-h'i V.iaaanaeat, and EAST N'fJHT tiP ii. «lUtf.it 111. SATt'RDAY, THE I.ast PICCOLOMINI GALA MATINEE, With Mnrart'* lioatMtal maaterwurk, DON GIOVANNI. hi/i, at.i be pr»d>tr*d »i'h th* tame powerful eat* and paM are iM.'owet upon IIa prrvio.i* representation. flOCOLOMINI POR THE LAST TIME IN IIek MOST CELEBRATED AND I'NRI VALED CU AR AC TER OP ZERI.INa T MATINEE will earn Ii de u Ith the latt *. t el LUCIA DI I. A MM ER MOOR. tfllair CORA DE WILHORST a*.. .LUCIA. Rtr. HEHRY SQUIRES at.EDOARDO. cao_my~ of Ml'isic.- HAYDN'S GRAND ORATORIO, THE CREATION, NEW-YORK HARMONIC SOCIETY In ait »' I ho fand, of tho Yot'NO MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Pirat app~arai.ce In Oratorio Madame CORA DE WILHORST. TUESDAY EVENING. M.y St lt». Tl.e Oratorio will be given on in -ame ac&le of grandeur which thai acuri zed tue performan.»« of the Society at tne Academy bat aMBaa> By parti, ilor reque.t of numoroua triend* of the 8-e catty, m ho art'dcairoua of aaathi| our gritted countrywoman iu tDratorio, Madame CORA DE WILHORST a io *in( tl.e f r«t acprano part. Tlie iMkva lad eu,inert Artii>» will alto ai.il'.: Mi** RH EMM IS, H. R. THOMAS. ERNEST PENIN«, MALRICE STRAKOSCII, And a PULL ORCHESTR V. O P. BtllTOW.Conductor. TirbeU Fifty- (leu*, to all part, of the bouac.to le- lud at Hall .V BoaY No. Ml Broad w ay Brenaiug'*. No. 701 Broadway Si bell'* -.Act OtRce, No. 12 Wafi-aL and at tho door on the evening of the pelIu;ruaii(r. No re.ei»« d a.-at*. Door, open at 7 o'i btah ha commence a*. 8. C1RAND rural festival. concertmai i PIC-NIC 1) lb. NEW-YORK MUSICAL MUTUAL PROTECTION AhSOClATION in Doatiaaotk- with the AM1UIH AN MUSIi AI. PI NU SOCIETY, IN JONES'S tVOOD, On MONDAY and TUESDAY. .Inno C and 7. GRAND CONCERT IN THE OPEN AIR TWO HUNDRED INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS. Daucin.ot four largo Platforma, e*. h provided wlrh a fill Fand. C, idu toia THOE. EUtPKLD and II. B. DOD- AVORT4- The entue murfcal arrangeru. at* under the diie- "on of THEO KISFELD. The u iiole to i omlodo on tho *ecoud <i'TWl A BRILLIANT DISPLAY OF PIREWORKS. AdaiLwIoo SS eta. Fur full particular* tavt future advertitc- ataatl U. C. HlLL, Chaini.au. D. BCNaaa, Secretary. CAIlEMY ok music. FIRST APPEARANCE In ORATORIO of Madam* CORA DI WILHORST, TO-MIOHT. tfa_M.Fif v 0*aaa NO RESEKVKI) skats. rpHEATRE FRANCA IS. JL MARDI, 2tih Mai, lS.">y. T la dt mi. rc UM et a la tt nantde generale, LA GRACE DE DIEL'. Dr*ii.* V andev ille en & a. .. , M LAURENCE CHEVALIER remplira le role de Mario. Mile. EUG. SEN, cchit de.Cbonchou. Inceaaaroeut l.-*d.bu'*de Mr F.MII.K CHEVALIER. kamf.DI. £1 Mai. L HONNELK KT 1/ARGENT, (t le 4e aota.de la FAVORITE, eu bnauaia. pour hi bcueiioe do Mr. BERTRAM»_ ACAOEMY OK td ÜSIC. FIRST APPEARANCE In ORATORIO of Madame CORA DK WILHORST. TO-NIGHT. Tiohctt.Fifty Cruav NO RESERVED HEATS. NIBLO - (.ARDEN. SECOND NIGHT of Anber-a opera. LA BAYADK RK. 8IGNORINA GALI.KTTA, the beauulul Italian D«. * LUCY ESCOTT a* the Stiiging Bayaitefe. Mr. MIRANDA a* tbe Uiiimwu. GRAND CHORU4 AND CORPS DE BALLET. BEAUTIFUL DANCING AND SINGING. Drra* Circle, 60 ra-nt. Family Circle, «¥» eeuia w WAELACE» theater. DooraiT*n at 7; torommeure at 71 o'clock. BENEFIT of Mr DYOTT. THIS (Tueadav) EVENING, May .'I. THE RIS ALS. To (Oiii ludo «it. THE BOARDING SCHOOL. Mr I^wt.r Walltet, Mr. Bioi.gham. Mr. W..1, >t, Mr. D] It, Mr S.oaj Mr. Banga, Mra. H. ey. Mi*. Vrru.-u. kliai Gaouou, Mr*. Moan. Ac, Ac ill *pp. ai Iu the above uiecea. NOTICE- r V THE NEW COMEDY, MEN OF THE DAY, haa made a great i*u> iti iu. Mr. WALLACK It Itiducivi to tep"«t It TO-MORROW W EHNESiMY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY. WEDNESDAY-MKS UF THE DAY. THURSDAY.BENE'it . I Mr. W HKATI.KIOH. MEN Or' THE DAY. To ron lud. v, n a MODEL of A W ife. Mou. Rouaefoi, Mr. W'ba _tl.-itli. PRIDAi M>N ok THE DAY SATURDAY.BENEFIT OF M . Hof Y A rariety of etr.«rtainm«uta (Boa II.«'k now open.) TTvallack" theater. f f THURSDAY, May *.. BENEFIT of MR C WIlKATLEIGH The eoirbrated ronredy of MEN of THE DAY, v.ithothercn- tertaiumrnt. ft,.a Book now open. LAURA KEKNE'" THEATER. LAURA kf.FNE'S THEATER. LAURA KEFNE'S THEATER. SIXTH SIXTH SIXTH and LAST WEEK BI T ONE- LAST WEEK BUT ONK LAST WEEK HUT ONE, PORITIl ELY, FORI IT* ULY, positiv ELY, of the !:. v IF1 L BHAR8P1 ari AN COMEDY Bl AI TIKI L SHAKflPEARlAM COMEDY, BEAUTIFUL SHaKSPEARIAN COMEDY, at A MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM. A MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM. A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DRE.VM. AVli.1. muat |BM bt ptnaauti tl> withdrawn. Iu COtrpliauco with t c.meto . r> <jn-«ta t the PATRONS of this THEATER, THE ORCHESTRA, I Bl .! IR* iifeatiou nl tte du rill and eatabliahed Cor.dootor, Mr THOMAS tIAKEB, W ill ic bm i'e perl ra aj ,. tatat. leuce *eU> tiom of POPULAR KNTBE'ACTR MUSIC, W hl'-h htvt rer dei.d -Jtv MuttC 1», partm.-n' of thit eatallUb- tmut tc juatlj celebrated. Drea* Circle aeati may U> te.-t red TEN DAY'S in adranoa. IKvra open at 7 o'clock, and to < ommeuoe at 7] preciioly. M ElK't»l*OLTTAN THEATER. (Late Buroi.'i, r.tid. i tin- Lafarge Boata.) CC kauae Lea** and Manager.F. B. CONW \Y. Dai. opeuat > '> look aa awttoaal <l ptirlaa»j. SECOND APPEARANCE IN AMERICA Of th diaOuguiabed Atnateiir, C*pt MORTON price. And Ml.CATHARINE LUCETTE. TUESDAY. May M, WaR The elegant comedietta called _ DELICATE GROI ND. To ba foilowed by the op. rtU . ntttl.-d. ALL'S FAIR IN LOY R AND W \R. To poiwbide with »he comedy of FAINT HEART NFV'KR WON FAIR LADY. Boa Bank im» open Pi^a.kar twite* luililif N^£NiidH.TH^ Chat_mat.-Drea. 4nP& ^*^Mt. tl-.Uk,: Bea-a In Privv* Bant S****»_ . V A..ei. I De Bv-uvrlt.J. M Ward *_f»' .. -J**" *1}?^*t\Jl4m* Margin ri»e..Mr. Au."a Flora TEMKLK and KTHÄN ALI K\ FASHION COURSE TR<mIN>A Ll'hN ~ _Afw*-af MMB will K_ «t* m»mi Rt by the above-named Srwe»>-m... beata, but S lu A. to w^oaa-ovvr tho ab,ve , V'FBDAY' Ut> 3I' M> tr-eJjraak, *.»? ' tbr paiaengep. by a epe.-I»l tr.|. 'rum Hunter'. J»o_*. PUt .Hd.ce v.ill bo given in the dail, pap»r.T».S umm the traili tUta Piaaengera giiogo. tbta tratu wdl crew. rlrwr oa the ferry boat at Mrh *t A'ao. a regular traia will le« e Can the arrival of the at. amlW, v. bleb l«ave* Fulton Mwätt ilia A; 1 -' .tck p m N B -Th' Cli b ataml reaerv.-d fi r ladi-a. D ( GRINNF.LU I ... A a ;»;, BAIIN KM" AMERICAN MUSEUM. TBE FRUOWIBO AlTB-tENOES ¦ .. > r- .(¦» bei, f i-ngajp met t tk*a» astonishinglypotn;i.4Jj] artistes. little COIDELU HDWAIP Avu HI ¦ Pali ...» .. Mt. am M 0 C HOWARD. hv.. r. . .f'I.e nar.agcnvei in'oa .)¦ V MiR SIX DAYS ONLY TUKBDA1 1 BING »t W o >;.*.-LITTLE KATV. . Tu Hot-Coax Ol>l m Nr* Voft. I.r-le Cordeli*. a* Ritt, M I. ( II I S-rtlM Mr. O C.Hotrmrd. Edward L- AFTERNOON at .' n i. aso Yot vc a Ba Paoita* Clover i, by Lfftie Corrleli i, tl 4 time Orv*M th Vatcniv aVfBBlia, U_,.pv r ii I' . .rv Gallery. Lc. all fern- yr* Adn.ifiiif. » ' CbJJaTrB uidet l<; LScouU, ParfuaW Beat*. IScrata additinrt'.. WOOD" MINSTRELÄ, Not «I itji M BROADWAY. THE 01 0E«.T ana LARGEST COMPANY h .>¦¦ WORLD. L A 1 (i II I ER AND A p r LA IS r- OPEN RA I It A EVENINO. BELEt T NEGRO minstrelsy. Tor' lea .. IF ti I W'Er.K) a an* Comic Sp.. tar -_x Put B.B B, i r.ti'li d THE GENII OP THE LAKE. With tew »od £ 7(> ouj (ceuery. Area**-*, propeniea, trantfbnna- Raaaj A''. D<»>ri open at 6J; to eommenea at t ttclock. Tv k>»a 55 cut. Children undar !0 yeura, L2 coot*. NOTlt E -Or, SATURDAY NEXT, A ORAND A1TEBNOON performance, eotr.mei.. ha] at »j o'. lurk; ad_u*aio3 at oaoaL UN I 0 N ASSOCIATION.- FIRST DAT. Tb- Eir.« Rh-» Mail Ina oier the Eclipae Courae arflj com. n-:.ee WEDNFSM tV. »he If of Jtne, art- The Jan a -. - rot -hree-year old..#lv nitric*. After « Lieh, Th* Union Jo key ( lab Handicap, tot till age*.eleven entrie*. Alan, a aXVp.r«, two-mile beat a. SECOND DAT...Jar 1 The Unloa Fov. Suaki.four-mile hea- t.fr. eatri a SAME DAY. Union S.Hin«. Stale*. THIRD DAY....JI-. TI mile heat*, for a aura* of »l.»w. SAME DAY. j i k,a %n em b, RAW added aitlal . *. fi ve ei.trie*. same day. T'' E -a IflBlaBBBl, for ail hortet bat tea d.ibr tl.e I e. 'ing. BlC,»'-fi'Y-'» tot the meeting, admitting a i»r.'!»nii.'! a t ladiev, an he bad ad 'he Club Rooma, No. 717 Rmaiway, and .'. B i arlacaaaJ Hotel» k tbit rity. * " C DICKINSON, BVr*Ury. VATIONAL ACADEMY of DESIGN..The 11 Jim ANM AL EXHIBITION iaNOW OPEN dally from I a. ii. to 10 p. ft-., at the Oalleriet iL |i»h at. uear Brotdu ay. T. ADDISON RICHARDS. Corrrapondint Se«'y N. A. STRANGERS ahould Dot fail to n«t the chief at'rvion of the rity.the famoua DÜSSELDORF GAL¬ LERY OF PAINTINGS. O, :. day and *% ...:«- No. bid Broadway. Adu.U«ion2ö oeuta. HE CHEAT DI'SSELT/ÖRF GALLERY of PAINTiNOS.Op.n DAY and EVENING No. 51« Bn-td- Admiuion J> lenta. Now via;tea by cruwdt of ciazent '.rantert T IUI ßoatb anb Boome. \fAGNET HOTEL, No. Ann tt., c^ar i»| Btr idway.-*t to t,:, p. r for good BOARD DOWN TOWN. N< alj-Funiiahi'd Single Roo<.ia. Ointlert,.!. w,.l find tl;l< faint and rupee'able boute, at economkai ratet. Trastienl Board a>L BOA RDING NEA K VI II A \ I o He LET JiIetiH- a: ROOMS on te< n.d aud third Sot ra, auitahie for married ai lontlcaoea, with til the OOatfnrtaef a private family. Bath.A.e. LocatAaa very reutral and cotivenien». Stagi-a patathe door, To partaaoeirl hoardera they would be l«t on .. ;.. R. l> tei .. . reunited. Apply a'. No. 79 9th-tt., Dear >.b av. BOARD..A GentleiTiHri and Wife and a fear Sit tie Gentl*men an find auperior ACCOMMODA FION8 f..r BOARDING at N AAVe.t mith at., in the iintrndiate viel; By of MadlaoteiarR 1 lie rooma an Urge and airy, and 'he term* will I* n taoaabkt, R'feren'.e. . irhti.ged. BOARD is LONDON..Miii COXON, No. 6 Ideu-aquare, Regent-at, will receive Ladie* and Gmtlo- aien vi» 'g Lcndon, either for the day or week. Her h- ,.ae la In a aaatnJ a and offen eapeiial advanugea to tiaoa* who wlab a quiet, genteel home, and economical charge*. rVTEATLY El KNISHED ROOMS to LET.In Xa anew at b- 'it a al and drtirahh for Summer, togeu- tl' a aal]. u: ItlÜ 13:f at. Near cart aud a-\eral lines of »ttg.-a. ßnmmcr firirtata. «RÜMMER HOARDING at SARATOGA..Kami- kJy Rat dc.iring Private Board may find auperior aecomnn da tiona, apaci' at, cool aud quiet rooma, ample and .haded play- groii; at !. aot jlile täte«, two rnmatW walk from Coiigre.t Ü hv ippt]in immedia'elyat TEMPLE GROVE HOURR, Baut |* fcpri g«. Niu Yoik,. WIN8LOW HOUSE, ST. ANTHONY, Min¬ nesota, J. F. darrow', Superintendent .ThU la Uie la-/i «t aud matt elegant furnkthed Hotel In the North-weat, and ia now open for the accommodation of g.. It ii dealra- bly located, being oeutral to the buaini'M part of the city, and Co'u.n .V.JU g a full tight of the Fi.i'.i of St. Anthony, and it. Ob- aerratory and Baloouiea afford the Cmtt vi*w* that can be cbtala. ad ol the clliea of St. Anthony and Mlrjarr poll*. Thia Houae ii Jiiat completed, at a coat of * 11","*' aad ' - it-t¬ ad In prim', ly ttyle, at an additional expeoae of aS",""". The oeii brated Palli of Mimie-Ha-Ha. (Laughiig Water), ara bra-att d aboat rour mile* diatant fn m th* VS . w Houae, in a aouthcrly din-etion. They are appro*/ brd by *n aaoeltaat mad from the Hotel, and at an object ol pruotdnent beauty and roman¬ tle batatatti thry never fall to excite the admiratioa of the t ..mi. Tt-.board BS per day. The table* are funiuhcd wi'h the graa'-at vt-i- -r aod tha eboiee*t the marko afforda; and no attention ia wauling to mak* the guvava of the W iualo w th* friend* of the House. O. W. McLEAN. Proprietot. tlonsce to let. C OUNTRY RESIDENCE to Let Kurniehed «f fog Sale, tt Fordham, Writ' heiter Co., the re*id-nc» t, mtij o. cipled by Dr. Walah, ntilaiUng S] acre*, aid ha.l a mile from Fordliam Station on Harten- Railroad For full do- tcaAptioa at* advertiacuieut In TTie T.u-.ea. Apply to A R. WALSH, No. SU Pearl at., or to Dr. WALSH 11 the preuiuea. HOUSE on STATEN ISLAND to"KENT.. Ti.i-i" 'v am "pied by Mr. a F. Btiidiilab. B n. at tt.' Mat -r Road, tt\fbliihrig tha realdetace of Mr .i i jewed .it' at I aaib ftota P rt Bbraiaoad Tat Hoaaaia Ooaaaaaaona! aud the Ground* ample and wt .l laid out. Will be rented pariallyfunilihed, if detired. AppWtoJ. E HADDKN, M IMTRaoadwayierI w a OELLATLY.at BaabtaMha, Br^a. AC. Be, kriau and William ata. STEAM POWER to LET at Elizabeth Port, N. J.-A large two *«nry brick FACTORY, 1U0 fc*t by s». with a Steam Engine of horte p wet. Pocaeaakn (.in be had tmnualiri'ely. Apply to A. BA1Z, No. 179 Paar.-at., or at Elija- both Port._ SCHOOL ROOMS to LET in the BIBLE HOUSE, Aator place.. A atil'e of rooma well adapted forth* purp'w... and ox cupten for the laat aia yeara by a fir»t-< aat *cbooL OFFICES to LF:T in tue aame building, whi< h are very deal- rahlc. Apniy at th* Traaaurt t Office, ki tha B.bl* Houae, a> trance ou VI. *v. rTM) LET.A M1LLINEK~Y STOKE and A dw ULLI no. No ¦ rniittaa ii An old ataal and a tan l^ittion. Pott a 'tllatelv Appiv to _ 0EO.0 HAJ.I.Ot'K, No. ;iSuffclk*t. IX) LEASE.The UPPER PART of tRS tVaton white marble BUILDING, No. 5A5 Broadway. Apply to W ILLI AM TAYLOR, No. boo Broadway i ot to JOHN TAY¬ LOR. No 3uo Bnadway. ^O LET.The three-atory and baaeuaeot HOUSE No. ltja Bullltta at Haa be n recently paluu d pttad, F. s. TALLMAl'GE, No. 51 McDoigai it. and 50 AVal!.{__ rW*U LET.To a n-j.f.-t.ible American family. A f.. SECOND-STORY Boaatttjafaf twa pcrlor* and a pa*- aage, tviih pa-itiie* and 11-aet-: one r.aim in third atory, other naijn, II required in the baaeii" i.', t.on»e No. 191 Ea.t iJd-.f. W ater, gai and flat urea. No children u»>a- in Iba boute. Apply a. above. T> LET at FLUSHING, L. L, a m-it COT- TAGE, with large garden, pit laantly il: iitid and piilttallj beallhy. < mmunic.ti. n with the utr almoat hourly by boa* or cara. Time, one hour from the City flalL Rem low. Apply Ii R W II.I.IAMS, .No. 107 Cbanibeia-at. LE T.In a pood location for a firat-claaa A bi-a-i<«-aa, a front ROOM on a..ond fl.-air, aultable for a tailor, milltnrr. del tiat. Ac. A light WORK ROOM mav alao be had, if r urvd Applv a*, 'he booA.'.onr, No. fTvJ Boadwav. be¬ tween I h and I'Hh »ta 1>0 ? I Hnll-a uitle from theItairnnTtTDepot at Pc.rdl.-M. B f t.v.nient COTPAOE. STABLES. OAR-. DEN, a A te« ot LAND, i-oa'.aiuing an abjudanoo of gTyahTiae*aadBarabbery. Will be rented for *i.\ or twihe montha, hc.ip. Apply to Dr. HORSEFIELD, Drug Store, Pordha.n. , r CHARLES H 11INNAU, Recorder'* officc. No. 11 A bamberi-it. TO SHIP and STEAMBOAT BUILDERS.. TO LET.The itaajlitt SHIPBUILDING YARD, tt- baobed totAv " PRtalt W...J Bending AA'orkt" at Greenp at) on the prvi'iiaei there it every poaaible oouvenience, Includina St. am Saw Mill and Blackainith Shop. Applv to JOHN 81LSBY, No. . South WUiiaiu tL; C. L BURGESS; ci at No. 19 Bn-ad at N. B Ship or other Tln-bcr beat to any c arve, a'.tbort aotica. Apply a: t'ae Wu.-ka. rrn LET.HOUSE No. 7ti Erank'ir. «t.. neVr JL Bnadvvty; wc-.ild alter lower rwrt for a aore it dtairod. Applv : , SHELDON. HOYT a Co., BJa, lb Warreu-gt. tjouors anu /arms iTJant-fb. \\\\\TED to KENT.a ROOM about 1«. by 10 TT Rat tl .1 v:.d It I 15 feet high, with a »kylight, t lit- abb- to paitt a pie'.ure in. The attic of I private familv would be pref ired, on or near fth or 6tb-av.. between3(th and Priacw- »tree»«. Addreaa d. C. W., Na l**? Troy »free*. A Bait meat R out. I»feet high might auffice. _ aaCQi getote for golr._ rVaKttCl STaVTEN ISLAND PROPERTY for 2r BALF. -Beaurifai 8,..-« for VUla* and Ca-uutry BW*. A Jt .-y nVairabl,, and bea ,tifuUy located prop- rty for arivato rrai- ¦#*J**_ ¦* "J* offered awtala, a at h for q,i»iit» of land, eaceflenc* or vi. w aud pr vioikty to the ferne* It un.-.rpa**ed. It ia in the imme liatr v,.mn y of the New Brighton and Quarantine landing*, aaty of aeem. agreeably .ttuated, very healthv, md *ülba*oid at n.w.r pnrea, to abole ot in parta, Una.'icy Uiiatt tir*t-ca»** pr..prr»y of the **me gnvc, on 'he i..»- .< JJjPdr* «4 ROBERT HESLEW'OOD, caar tbt Oyiaraat Cm FROpf- RTV ir EXCHANGE far COUN¬ TRY..Wanted, a reo»!-. eHo* t HOUSE, wi'bfnvtr J«.. Jt rite' LAND. !<--*.ed are Railroad (>. t-'.i.w HwMor* oil"rrt free* tiiU rH\. The preprety c ff-rrd in ear hange ft aieeta cd" ant.! cUeeUeuar* la tnit ritv, BB)u>| x haadenme ixtereat. Aid.- « W. w. TrttaiV o«. £ EVERY MAS HISOWN EANDEORD-Ly*o in* pUr of T. E. Ti uilitux. the pirrheeer to hire (be I bm at a retJt Iba wW «. tne intereae 01 pnrrhaec Be'.< v Bi d »V < hrriee. and rlalou no the piep« ilj, «cd te be «redited i.pon iL« ptrrh**- u^ti; wi-A tin eac-ee .ver inter* .t, reeaare, Ar. Pel f-rb'i parti' aktra, appiv t< II MFRR1TT. No V at FOR SALE.A TBjttable FARM, amBaaSRSj Itf a. n-« ifiBnlil Lend. t^fr-Ler wl'b the STOCK aid F iRM INO IMPLEMENTS, ai" at.<! thr-. trlle* eo**t>-weet of N>w- borg) ( p t " Bt*, N. 1 11«. a ( d .irw af the rtvwaad . bdingcooatry Tiir imprcemeu'a U Lai«: of a I»r«», gal b' :lt Dwr.-iua'. TeLent-houer. Hay-hc-..ee. Barn. Carriage-h. nee. Stable, A Hub lareo Apr* Orchard a^d a groat variety of ¦thee r'. ¦* ,ce Fl rt m Be pr>r.-i*ee. Poeeeeeloi. ran be bad im- mediete.y Appiy t GEORGE CLARK ISewb'.ift., N. V. FOB 8ALE kl I <)N KEKS.An eletjtnt brie* f Ol'NTRV hit! f IS r -r. s I.: - fipn.tturw, c«m.«e-bo..er and etaMa, and too ei»i«hi'f aerraof l»i... »etna led »ritt fniit and ahrubhrry. AVer ltd hTORK and DWELLING, corner of Broadway and Veeflear., u-ö located f r bn>ii.r<a Auto, a genual Rl'SI- DENCE of 14 rootn« en Warbcrtoo «c, Tbr owner, gnini \v. .. ui. leO lea la ¦ pn-u.pt borer. TaeCeaatrj Set. e-.i ke i t »i.ed, for the Bumdmt Foaea-eeiiaa immediately, Apr to 8. EDDY a, Co., No. 51 Liberty at. F~" OR ¥ÄLE or EXCIUNGE in the VILLA~GB of JAMAICA, L I-A PLOT of TWENTY-SIX ACRES. ta»- ., of v ...'/¦ Back Bone, a. the moat beautiful prlrc« of Wood Land cn the lalaad. It will beaold luv er mm riexred for a medi'-Tx-atred dwellnx in a plr«aent part of the dtp. App.y hi E. U. LL LLOW A «X.. No. 14 Fine at. FlRSALE..Nett -York-sv., Brooklyo- CitranJ Coantry combined. Larpe and aub^untlUa built MOCSE ou Dean and Bert»-ii-ata.. «cd N. Yorfc-er., about 4* feeteqnare, ari'h an lodi'i. n of 17x25frtt, built by prraent mum and (.ri.pei-d l v i. replete aritn every eonicuiem r for a Urn faml.y, and in Partei t ataW, met cloeeta, hath, «aa, water, hot and cold, ra: ae«, furnare, b, IIa. »peakii» tube*, he. With i ieht or mote LOTS of CROI'NI) t'.. a--«.d oitn hoireet Fruit«. Bee- rice, Av Ten:ia ea«v AI«o. f: fine Bt'ILDINO EOTS or H«h «r .. t,d. in pif,.« ,4 » to Id tech. Apply to JOHN V. COLE, No. «6 Sooth at. FOR BALE.48S Acre* of h«?avi r timbortad LAND, ir. Hirkin.<r Ccttnty. In a food farminj dietriet. Will rirhaape, and giee Per: in reek f- r a Beaw and Lot in a (t'-f-o Uca itv and unei. un.berrd. in Brooklyn or WuUianiahurfii- AppW to R. H. RICHARD. No. ¦ Naaaau at._ 0ME8 for ALL..For SALE-FARMS At SI 2.r Par arre, iL Ylrri'iia, Ten.w^aae., Kenrnckr. and Miaeo- H. by the AMI RICAN EMIORANT AID AND HOME¬ STEAD COMPANY. No. 146 Broadaray. ORANGE CO. FA KM lor SALE..1»» sere a. »iMi »pa. ' le.-.d-: r< al lea I and apri:.« v»i heart if .1 (ua.i: j diatrlet, a fee. m.lea' lid.- fiom Ce-ar-er. M»f<. B4 artth a EDD. A Co.. No. 51 L berty-et, SPLENDID BUILDING BITB-Oa fte Em( R.-.1-, tpparlle .'¦8,Je.t.. arlth* front of -Ik' feet, tic a »- well and fiab pond, atet!*, and 3*3 lot«, for the price of . etagta let Bp ..< »;. MILES a, BETTS, R»«: Eata'e, No. 77 Cedar et,. N Y. Jnstrnctiott. .* A MI r. SCHOOL INöT." x\ StlmeLl WppUrd v 1th c"mpetert Tei. hen. a'-o « Ith I' aid Tea. her. uiili pmitior.«. (Pem.:« eaapBed et I * enlere «ntnlbunaly.l Ref.rvrrea: Amhtrat Col Haa Theo- Ki yeen, et at SMITH, WOODM ANA Co.,34» B'de ay. D EN VIELE BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL f. r YOI NO LADIES, rear M rri.«..« t, N. J two ho ra ftvjta Nev. Yc rk. Thia 8. o-lnary it a branch of D >u Bernard't Inetttote, tfe. 1 Weel I'lth-v.. laaeteea r f Broadway and 5th- at.Nen Y.rk. Madam« HON BERNARD «iil take charate ut the Free sk Deaartaenii r..rir.« July and Aubu«*.. rer ehrtaet Inf raeetlos apply at both bW-minariee. I^LOCLTION.. A Mr. 0. VANDENHO'F, Re, 9 Eaat 1Ith et. ath-ae ÜTÖER8 FEM/Vi.E iNsxnirfiOöaT«^ i»ti and 1Kb Madlaon-at..The 7!>tfc Term opena Nor. 23, Plaplla leceii .-d into the fairily of tl.e Frit p«' The lu-titute atacea (on vi y p ptia reaiiiiua In di-taiU eectiona ot the city t-> eud from achooL HENRY M PIERCE, A. M. FnnclpaL JOHN M. KREBS, D. D., Fre»id. nt. ~~CHOOL and_l IObIE EDUCATION..Private Fti u h and Eniliah Claeaica! School, with fine Playerpund and Oym-.aa. mm, t><+. V aid i" W ea' Mth-it , between Broad¬ way Bad b:h av. Mr. ERNJ>T .... < charfe of a Utnlu-d :. .t -r of Br y«._ ASHLAND INST. and MUSICAL ACADEMY, Catekt'J MonnUina. Both 1.1 AKTER 'aexea. St.d.eta received any tim» F<4 rtfCOkn a. the Rev. HENRY J. FOX, A M AaiiUnd. Y.. or D. U. HCBBARD, Eeq., No. Al Broaduay. s .325011, PER CH ARTER ' aai c iUnsical Justrnmrnlo. LARGE STOCK of BARMOKE'" eej^brated Frrmi'tm FIANOS, pronomeed cttfirale'l ht the beet ji.d«.-a, and a-im-.t.'J in all rvepecte, et thtir Manufactoty and \\ arer.wm, No. 34t Blee« ker-at. Our prtnea make It an otHect tor all to examine before pnr< hating. O. A H. BARMORE. 8PLENDID ASaM)RTMJENT tjc* FUMOB, w4 A [iperior tone, and fully warranted, w.ü be odd at go < bar pn-La. t.. . ia an excellent opportunity to net a go*4 Piaea) V«*/ low geuaa. Ktouud hand Piance taken in ex. hange. ALBERT A'r Kit manafe"nrer, IV. XVm Broadway, gear Oaiaal at. ToFpp-.t aeert c A Kl IA KT A Nh'.KDHAM'S MKL0DK0N8 Can be bootht or rented at Jt :>8<>N 4. Ml SOER S No 7;-: Broadway CH I C K E RING A SONS, M»i«t*»cTtike«i or GRAND, SQUARE, and L'FRIOHT FIANOS, \\ areroouia, No 694 Hr.adway. C. A SONS here been awaidad ThlTT-fiva Pr. -e Medali f r the (upeiiority of their man .fa. t. re for the laat year*. Al.o. Fob Sal.R: MASON A HAMLIN*S Sl'FERtOR MEL0DEON8 and HARMONIUM fot Pari ra, Ch'tr. bee. Vea-ii>e and Lvdgre, a' Vv; -.»... and Retad. PMNOS TO R> NT. J.0LD MEDAL GRAND nr.d MUARE PI- Jl ANUS .STEINWAY A SONS, No. Bi end «I Walk-t. near Broeawiy, New York, have ahraft r.C 'ired the tirat pnioium vh'-re *Ld wr-rnevei In e mpe'itio'., u Rh ttjo beat Baaken »f Boat l, New Vork, Philaaelphia and Baltimore E-.-ry PlaaowaiiaigedBartateey/eera, PH»-. moderate. UXlEET, DAVIS Ac Co?7 grand~paX LOR GRAND, and SQl'ARE PIANOS.The heat Ptaaoa mad.-. sit Plaroa, made by Gilbert, Chtakrring, Hal- let, 11 . A Co. Prut-t u, SJO to e. meeooeon8 eery low. Flam a «ud Meü.deon« to rent T. B. BERRY, No. 45C Brtadway. cor. Grand at marble b .liding. ARPs.-REMOVAL. II J. F. BROWNE, manufacturer,heg« tolnLrtn hie friend* and the prilraiion that he haa remcrnd hi* harp warerooms to No. 7fto Broadway, i ear the N, * Vork h.deL Strii:g«, Mt.aic, and trcry reauiaite fur the Harp. HALLET &~(7UMSTON'¦ tvlebrated BoataiD PIaNOS, in n< kit; can.d, molded and plain raaee. at the lowret faatory pricea Setlaf«cti..n gnaranu^d. New and «e.-or,d- hand PUi.oa «_d Mrlodcoua tot Re leg aipl. dii p reheead. Sole agency,_A. M. KANOC8E, No 43£ Broadway HA /. I .ETON BROS. Pia^KÖTttT MittifaT. turera, No. 2°t» C.'.tre-at. offer a fine eaaertrntot of bri! llant and full-lo-ed PlA.NOS, at the loweet rate* Each Pier, werten'., d to giti eattiff.ctiou. and guaranteed thri-e yv-ara. LIGHTS at BRADB1 RVS. No. «1 Mroome-it., near Broada-.ry, hare a epb-ndtd a«e..rtment of their CELE¬ BRATED PI AMI FORTES, iuel.etyiea. conatrue rd wtth the Peti-Lt Arcb rrat Plenk. Th.je. in waut of a e iperior inet: vi Ua r'.ud it I. r theft ad a anlagt* t> -ail. L~ÄDD^SÜPERB SOUARE PUNOS~" Can be I ajal or reu'ed at _JLDSON A MCNGER S No.721 Broadaray. MAirON A HAMLIN » MELODEONS a..d HARMONIUMS OF ALL KINDS, Raring In pt-e ^rr. «60 I »450, rgua'ly adtptet fet the Chun a. \ retry. Scbixi-room. Lodg» room, eg Parier. Mratr* CHlCKEfclNOA SONS aro toe a le A.. . ' .Up. rh r Inetxuxncu-a Rag the State of New-York. WiacaooKi. N.^ b94 Broadway, BW-fefk. Dreier« «ttppüed a: rtgt-iar fa :. ry price*. Dt. caul f a »rat a;.p.:. tt. PIANOS and MELODEONS.. Fire* -claae PIANOS, laSf warranted, pitta or rladatp I atiowxsT nut... PIANOS and MEI/IDEONS to LET rra.li on hutalWo-*. J. M PELTON, No*. 141 and tit Br.adway, N. I. PIANOS, MELODEONSTand ALEXANDRE ORGANS, of «uperiee make, at great t .-«*.. a aerooeV band Pixr a a*, extremely low pricea, razaging fr. at S25 to flSO one of the largeet CataJofnae of Mcetc in the United Statra; Ma- .JeaJ InetratneLte at.d M *«ic»: mcrchandUe of ail kindi. et the k'Weat poealbi.* rate«, Pianoa and Melodeona for rent, and renl allow C .: j L_«.d c- p«yr.eu-a eiied f.r P.aaaeand Meiodtrxu* Horace waters. a«,-nt, _ No. 3J3 Broadaray. LA1>D S PARLOR GRAND PIANO Can be twi«bt at _JVDSON A Ml NOERTHo.7aBread*raf. PEARL-KEVED PIANO FORTES, tlie Leet and i hearer, in the city. Alao, aevert! PiaBaa to L-. at t So. f I Si and *>tj a tu.':, b, an-! : Si.- a. » a re. h. Pun. a ti.red eud Mi.eic tau«ht bv a . a no *tnj ia a tew leee.ua. by Prof Dl MSDAY, No. 30P Grand at. THE DRIGGS PATENT PIANO-iORTja. Or, THE violin PIANO. 1 It i* bo£! apon an iron frame or bed plate, entf .->ly < {rent, thr raae tbua reBiTtng the eocnd boaxdf and every part of the IraTament fr m the atraix. 1- will remain in Tl NE f : MANY MONTHS. Bad, vmi the ttringi arcarrtiod. even Lr yesa. It haa convex «t undin: b> tnta abor*, aad b-ioae. like the Violin, which arr conntcted tog the: in the aaois ma r er, tk the mi'izt iueuvuxrnt a vibratory aheli Ithaigr-e: r d-pth atd full-jeaa of U na. and ha '.»-».¦ er aowrr of «uataitiag the ten*, haa never area eq-ialod, i by lEJtnimetitt of tie violin riaea. It IMPROVES W ITH AUE and t'SE. becoming tcare «faa> toiy and the tone p-rer and more araorooe- It it the BEST PIANO-KORTE EXISTTNO." and la recwa n- ;.- by GOTTStUALJi, THALBERO, and =x*ay odeer art Ir* and prof-eeora. lala AgeL-a, WM HALT. A SON. No. fal BneJwny. benrrez Spna* aad P.-... - eta THE EXCELSIOR SEAR BLACKING pr<v dtn ^* a perfe, * pcJjei. ever ei! er g- w preerrvea the lee'ker e ft aad piiible. n»»r'r doubling it* d ..^biMty. Wc otih eaa .u ti a Bi'J ai'i retail utaptt.'w If c.a e ..»d r»prieeuW. A RANDALL k Co . Ra. IX ¦'. aaTge, N. X. B A v Mia« tft-, A txmmm Y BANG*« M ERWIN a Ct P. *-.\, N<- lAP*rt . w. Trvi^-8AAt Ol HONDA V AIT! KNOON Mtr ». K t rVUrfc, «jd PITI rtx.i"v\ ma iMTjr , h - TV eatL- PRIVATE I. HRARV ef tat It a Bat Rat . vv Orw-.t ld, D. D Li. D .T-j I.ihrarj f. ir.j 9_ f i'ra...-1 b rj roller*ie-r of ra*e c »I M tbil <. R..<ta. it neer.yfv'y depe.'-»ee.\ pur; mth c |'.e-rv ai-4 Bioarv f if .i u* and rr. <!r,- a. J i. Ctvil and Fl« ttBatattral flM .ting many that an- ¦.ery r hot,. «...1 » are* r-uii u t A3.'rv <. A:- . tr y P tinted B-k. A , gatl ~ > ce-t.r: J rii gmxi.y yeara, a-.J ocpri'i:; a ra»* variety of Ira- b B-.k*. Cl*a>r* cay W tad ^ *?;>... i ^ a; ¦¦Im 3.4 MOND IY AFTrRNOoS. M,y BOa4 ? , h CHOKE PRIVATT t.IHRARY-Ot rare ,al rurfoae B bataaBaaLiterature, .u.br». :.x aiao ¦» tttBtatftv tarkat* of »af abk R«A* it .*rly Ameri.an H.rfory, Pc-try, Bi' rr*p'y, «t «I Trav» U. At bo. Catalin a aje r.ow \ t .'.NEsDAY ai.oTHl RSHA1 AfTERM* ..V> Jcr* I «cd 1 at 4 .' -bark. AI TOf.RAPH LETTERS M AM SCRIPTS. IVSCRIP TI"NS PRINTED CTTUOaWlTJ S he..Tha fnmmtf af a BtHlB v: '1 iifbeepd d nux m*;.y v ».-t *t Urar B i n.l'ia. .: « A'- .*I - ¦' S'h'.tmeo, Cnmn »i..|r». Rcya' Per- ¦aajaajM* A'.'.bi n. Arn*'». Dramm«*., BtaawraMaa, D'v me*. Pay- aii-.oo«. kr., auny of thro are of gr> a' fci**oric*l inpoi-aore and intrrett Theroller*ion aL*o embrace* a v»r»'y of Book. m-Rb Ai.'"graph !uar::puou», ir.tereeritg, printed CurVaitie*. A'. Catalotte* n ay be had, on application, j: the a»le-.roocn. F.nw-aao H Ltrpiow, Am tioneer. HANDSOME* household FURNITURE, decant SILVERW ARE Raw at AUCTION..R II LI 0 LOW AO aril toil rat tnatttaaa aa WEDNESDAY, May St. at II c !.<». at N<>. .71 Brevoort p!a.-»,!"*h-»t :.ra: L i r. . r.ttv place.th* f. 'ire FURNITURE contained in aaid l.ou*< .o.lJi'hi of hand- aotne roaetrood Parlor Pornirure in maroon piiith, in rrimaoo and I* d tarin; caned rr«-w«<i Rroiph o and V, Itaire Chain; nm- wood Etaaerea; Center and S, A TaMea, French Mantle Ciocka; Candelabra*; ha^aai n e Wiidow Ccrtaina. Siri»« Tiblf. B«i- tteada. Wardrobe«, Bureaut and Dreaain« Table*; vairet. Brua- aei* and inxrait. Carpet*; bandaome Frt acB Coina Darter. Dn> arrt and Tea Sau. Ai*o. a large q'ianti'tr af bee SILVF.R WARF. ronri«*u.g of T'Pen«. Butter »rdOraey B'ata largo I'm. Water Pitcher, Milk Puchen, Cake Baaketi. silver Ratrra, Fork*. Sp«,r,», A,. Caralot^e« are c< w rcidt a' the adR a f th» A-i'iot'era, No. It Pine.(. The Fund att and Silver W., can b-- aeen oitil the aa> by a permit fn*n the Auctioneer*. J W P.'»t t a A-., tl in. IMPORTANT AUCTION NOTICE.ELE- 1 CANT HOUSEHOLD PI ItSITl RE..C.w2!t ro*ew.»»d Piano-Forte, «uuerbly caned, double rouud, pearl key». rieb r*rv-d leg*; "olid roaewood Parlor k.iriu;..;e. en «Ute: heavy Frraebplan M*»>.*. and Pier Mirtora, Ac Ac.-THIS D\Y, May 24, a; I': a/eloek agaelaaly, at Iba d.i ie No. .'ii? We,t Utb I rcativ Fun.ii'ire cintaintd therein, ronaUtiug In part M ta r lewaod Pkai Forte*; eleaant Parlor awReti Etag>n**; Cta- ler aad orhar Tabkaai Laea Curtaiat; laraa Mlrnan; Oil Paint- - .. it NuB'-d. R.-d* tad Bed dm hair Mit tiiaatl i'*-*Aood »ud mahogaiy B-de.-aia, marble-top Bu r* j* .. waatirtanln Toilet Set.. Carp-ta; flaatiir¥laa Ware Sil\er Ware; Cut Olaa* Ware; Cutlery. Te» and Diet- | Pi blea. Alao, a large quantity of other valuable F'nruiturr. S*. paaRfBa, AT AUCTION. .I'EK'EM P- .RY BALE .Tue auk* rfbet wU »eile* p blir venue, at 11 oV !.> k a. BL, ^xh mat., hi* new and beau i- f 1 pi*, e af riritaart at Fi.hkill. half a n tle from IfalaiB Riv Railn ad Deo-- Tirm. att*. Ten per ten- EDO AR BRETT. 85,000 . Til fnachmfTTj. i SHCROrr*9 (Bounli.n; (sTEAII GAUGES. 1 Perfectly reliable, haodaomtly made, and WARRANTED, very 1 a tatea C U f oPELAND. No. 66 Bn<adtr*y, N. T. FIRE ENGINES. Several new Firt. F".rglr.»a of th» beat male ar.d wnrrautcd. BBttab cu leaefnabie term* by JOHN II. SICKELS, No. t Lafayette-place, New Y -xk. QTEAM-ENT;INES fö7~SALE" O One pair of Bl.owivc E!»c.inbi, complete, .rite Biller* of ample capacity for the target iaa* of BLasr Fi aaacr*. K u and pajei ud h»ud Sti am Evni.vr.s, from four to cite ban- drrd fa one*'power; alto, LotoMorivLa, Flce, M.vaiM. and Cvi isüi m BoiCkRa. Appiy to CHAR. W. COPELAND, vr' No. «« B.-oatiway, N. T. Cntlerg, Qaiötuiue, Src. 11 TLEKV, plated WARE, / Amerie.n and Engliah ivory-handled Kni\t* and Fotka, Rnive.oT.lv, Be, f ar.d O.me Carver,. Table Kteota, Sliver plated Fo.ka, Spui tit, Cutteri, Ac., Japanned Tea Tray* and Waltert Ii. great variety, and a larre *-»0RTvtrvT or HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE, Foraaloby CHARLES S LITTLE A Co., N .110 Broadwny. DONT Scold your SerTaata Ivr PuooRixig Uoiot in the Refrip-rat. r It cannot b. avoided if you u«e the com- mon Ice Pick, or Mullet, but buy one of Gifting, or Rowe'« pat¬ ent ICE BREAKERS, which will aoor. tave Bt eatt la 1 Ml and will be foui d a mo**. coLVenietit article. For Sale by all Hani wa-e Dealer.. Mauulaetured by F. STEVENS, ZD Pearl-at., up attira fTTDL'" Patent GRIH'j^G^vi^CHT, Rj Gtbba'a Patent Ben« b Clamp, our new Di. r Spnnga, Ratch¬ et Bed Key*. To>.l Ombl eoutaluiiui ? Tool*, weight 9 oi., aur" Uuae Card*, cheap and g< <>d. at » h.de*a!e. by GRAY BROTHERB, No. 69 Beekrran I_NGOT COPPER, speltes, ÜANCA un ANTIMONY, LEAD, SPELTER SOLDER. PIO IRON. For aale ry JOHN W. QL INC'Y A Co., No. 9* William at ÄMEtTa SON^lintlVELS aud 8paoe& a F r aale by JOHN W. QU1NCY A Co., No. 9d WlUlam-at. FflQ" "cXnal^sTT" iijq lUtF LEWIS'S WM»baa**aad RauüHardtrar» Alia/ 6tor», 2d U<-< k from Bower) toward Broadway A general at tortmetit M Shelf Heavy tad Homekeepen' Haid ware now opening. Cut Nail*. Carpent.-n' beat Tooia alwayt ou hand o /nrnitnre. ENAMELED BEDROOM FURNTTURE, in all i. '.. rt '* peiior and w»:ra*.'.a mat fu-fnrn. BaaaVai in .and*, ape fre*, o, fn.lt and R>u-ort, at H. P. FARR1NOTON R No Son Canal at., cpp,«it« W, o»»er. EatahlUhed IH46. CHAMBER EURNITURE.ENAMEEElT"and GRAINED in all Co ban *nd Sivlea; warranted to give en¬ tire aatuta. Baa, BPKING BED BOTTOMSuu hand and BED¬ DING of every deaenption made to order by E. C. WOOD- BRIDGE, No. 6 Sullivan atrect, near Canal. E~ NAMELED CHAMBER SUITES of Fl'RNI- TL'RE, in all colon and (trie*, whadeaala or retail, At RS aud upward. a!e> MATTRESSES aud PAILLASSES WARREN WARD, No 277 Caatl BU, Four door, oaat of Broadway, N. Y. Ir-AGEE-ENAMELED FURNTrTBE~MA\ I J FACTORY. 6M Broadway.5 Batonabwrt Uara R.er.e'*.. E.e.ant Chamber Sui'et, grained and ornameuied in all atyle* and lolon.from B2Sopward. Uou*e* in city or c )unl.-y are uot coo.id- i red t rr.lahed wi uoiit thl* beautiful Furniture. Spring Beda Rj I" R()N Bed8tead8, IRON HAT-RACKS, IRON STORE STOOLS .Stool* nit up In ttorat free of t- a.a CimtUan aen- on taaatat. Liberal term* to the trade. JAMES SCOTT, No. lot Centre at-, corner of Canal at. PaIent" extension tables, (New Impn'Vemei . I WILLIAM HEERDTS Man-factory and Warerooma, No. and V* W'lXJSTER ST., N. Y. A Urge at*ortnaentaiw*ya uu baud. qcbool FURNITURE MANUFAC kVIWi) <J and for SALE by ROBERT PATON, No. 21 GroVo rt. Clr- 3ulart *eut ou appln-tttoa. Rcmooals. II ENRY V. SCHKNCK, W Btdtaala D. aler iu FISH, ha* ramov-J from No. IOC Wett No. Ill Mumy-tt., rm I of W'e*tat. REMOVED..Mitt SHEPPARD tn-it to in- form bar friend* and ladie* generally that aha ha* RE¬ MOVED to No. 10 lOth-at., bit*>Baa >h ani rJth ava., where an* can b* ccu*nltod in tie . where the Hair it Thin, Bald, or he- Ci.mit g Oray. _ REM 0 V AL..DEFIANCE «SAlaAMANDER SAFE DEPOT REMOVED .': a No. 192 P**rl-ai, u tS M irray-st. nomar College place K Paints, (Dil*, ©lass, «fcc. e R O s e n~e O l l 3 NOTICE. The Erkrgetnent of the KEROSENE WORKS being zrm ooir.p'.e'rd. we give uotic* that all order* from tha Trade will bt ¦Raj pr. .-nutly. at New Tarif Price*. KEROSENE OIL. oa examinati- n, arm be fousd to K- eh* ooiy parfrat Coal Oil yet offered, and to bur", £i per oeut longer tbaa any f the imitation* in market. _M. T. KEROSENE OIL Co.. No. 98 PeaH-tt, N T. MINERAL OIL, made from t&e bt>at CAJTOEL CO.AL . Thi* Oi! ia «.rpa*» d by nocecthi-r Iu mjrij.. * I r punty, fine oi.r, and brilliancy la burning; being uniform in ?uali:y, low iu p: ice, and having all the bet*, propart ie* of to* ne»t Gal Oil*, it Leave* not.M t to be BtaBTtd bt the pat imer. Warranted ft.w from aay mixture w-aaiever. Barre,«, about At gallon*. Agentt. JOHN VV. QUINCT A Co.. Wlllivm *t rpALLOW OIL. EXTRA REFINED. A LARD OIL. Ratal Refined. Thra. OILS are made frou, the ba >t eock, and ar a irpaiac i by none other of tbe kind in the marke', tadaa Baaerloi OtlaRit bi ts t, ruing auJ maihuK ry. Mar.ufact .red and for aale by MAYHF.W k DE kORKST. No. Maiden Lu e, N. T. .¦..^e..a....¦. _jgligicllartfong._ pTRNI'TURE BOUGHT for READY MONEY. A .A fair value gives fir Pttir-ture, CaraeU, Bot.aa, Ac., at No. IS ath-at., between 9th and tfltb ata t|tOUB SECOND-HAND SAFES.Wilder7! aial Herring'* Pttet t: alao. two Jewe'er a SaJJe*. Larj* and taiali *ize« for aale low at No. at Maiden-Late, N. Y. HOUSEKEEPERS V.Ü1 nnd^ÜBÄ^E^ TR-ACTS I r FLAVORINO the cbeapert and bei* hnpartiL * *h. Baton] Ba'- r of frilta bo all kindt A Parry, Caket, Paadisx*. Jeliiea, CoatarJa, I -e Cr- am*. Ac. Sold by grocerg and «rufgU-a HAL'., BUCKEL A Co Proprirtura, No. 211 Greenwich-tt. l\rE ad- itf thoao uttsf SolutioB. Citratt* of Ma£- f v netta. Saratoga or Miueral Water*, to try ROGERSa fitrtte of Mtgoer.a hi Powder, a very cooling and r-fre*hir,g Brisk. Lara* nottea **uy 3C reuta fu» fur by ad drogftet*, aclitdipW(Wvat< waixy "Javi*. D"po». Ko. UU Spcmj tk »1 iRtTWTir.rf jZaTwparift. VTVALUVK IVMimMVL COM PAN i or til* VOBJL. OFFICE No. if BROADWAY". 4)47AKT? P:.Y ST K~r T of ... iff* ' f'> KIT.* U Mf>: IMSI RANCE COMPANY OF RIV1 «ORK. Ar toe U ar.er rndi-j »iL Aprt .S.V. Amt« si- .'«wn, lit*, p*- fteprart .faAlSAKS 49 L< .* p*:i C : lui fv: I vie ItU. ... S?.*M .? T u:...: t>i>4 n RECEIPTS IK RING Tilt «l ARTER. Far Pm aaa,. »SS»-*-*' .. r.t lataci ... .v- ter.vi n t mi..* . m m DISBURSEMENTS. Pe'J In Claim« by Deeu. i aJ .. tkxji. »:::.°is Paid fef fhtireadglBii Fi Uciai. ll^J 54 Paief* Ar:r i:i.... s.is» 9t Fa i fa] c. Bjiajaj. ii,'*» jj Paid for Ti are. Medical Kuaur. it* r.e, A .'"«:: x. Paajtaaa, La* 1 .;» a*-. Salari.*. Prnting end > er>. Re;.-. P. .. Ac" Ac. 1«,» Po- IM.II5 71 Caah Aeee'i If M.y, I*-'*.A.SJAJM » Which ar> ii.Träte.4 aa I .lou . C«ab ci. hand tad b> Hank. .It&J O 64 Ami":.: iateated u. Bouii and ftfst> gar... 5,<et,t!5 W Amorx: 4-e feat* A4*uta. le.lJb' Ft.4\J*R 'M W Amoral at above.t>j,2C3.V.: 49 A M ir.tervv. ac« med and WM d- e. 110.40« 00 Deferred pr. mir- . (.-timatej». ItS.MV 00 D ¦ Ag.nl* f>.r P:<mi. ir.» (in courtr . ! tr*aaaueek.n>. «VO.üfaJ ft> T *«!.4>o.54V*I c\ ¦ ..*.'-i . Number of PoUriee Is forceÜat January, rv«. If*,0*! le.Lt J duriig the a>eilei. A* Total. 11.4« Ded'ctfr forfeard, .>. reader, d, ....-clod, expticd end died. m p..a. i.. kg f. e Ug May. IM. 11.«0 Of ¦ hirh KVT are for Mat *> balg Rf Ofwbi u 'J6"»ri Fv.-i.w-n»-- IV. :>¦». Ot v. u.i h 4:1 arc Ten:: Poll 10*. Met lurwge» M the qu*r-«t b p- tteAei. «OT Via; lu Life Filielea. STf EfAevvaeat Pi.:: :-t. n Tfa!.1« Decreaae Id Term Pivlri-1. St. 261 Average amount of Iaeuraucu for each p-lu j ot In¬ en aae. g)S,l Vt 39 I Uav . ^».^lU;cd the above atatemeut. aui believe the aao.r u. be aatrghA SIMTPARD HOMANS, A ..uy. BOARD OK TRUSTEES. FRKDi-RICK S WINSTON, Lit II S ROBINSON, JultN v L FRtTYN, W HV\ ITH BKHUN, \t lU !AV MOORt, RICHARD PATRICK. JObK.FH BLUMT, wiu.HM H pvpiiaM. ROBERT H M'CiriDT, LYCL'ROL'S EDOERTON, ISAAC OBJ EM PEAABON, l/.R t UHKKLER. JOHN H SWIFT, CEPHAS H NORTON, \\ 1ll1am J. llt'NKER, UAMLIN BLAJaX WILLIAM BETTS. IAMI EL D BABCOCK. JOIINP U.IAF.RTON, M ' I I. ARK HI.I.MOKE. JOHN W ADSWOKTH, DAVID HOaDLKY, ALFRED EDWARDS, HENRY A SMYTHE, NATHANIEL HAY DKM. WILLIAM V BRAUY, JOHN M STUART. W. E DODOR, OK.OROE R CLARK, OEOROI s COR, .AMCEL E SPROl I S W M K. STRONG hAMl EL M. CORNELL. ALEX. W HIUDFORD, FREDERICK 8. WINSTON P at, Btva-tarv, Iattc Abbatt Actury. Surrraao Ho.naAa. Midi. al Examiner, MiNTt aa Poir, M. D. VKW-KN0LAN1) MlTl'AL LIFE INS.~i'0T, 1* B.*ifti. Captlaland aeevmr'ated Premiima, Sl.'VSO.SiSZL Pajtag caah diwdecd of 36 p. r tog baall the iuaured. P(u.jh- t.-'a, Reporte, Ac, tumUhrd grada Ji'HN HOPPEIl. Aaetrl and Att. raej for 'Ae Co., No. U*' Broadway. N Y. (Topartnfroljif. IBJOTtCE OF DissoLi 1ION OF COPAST- ll NERSHIP -The CVp»nuer»hip In je'ofoie exittlt g b«- twei tlie i.L.leraigued, uuder the name or finu of 1'. W SCHMiVLE A Co., <. thla day diaaolved by mutual r maec» Th.< unM-ttled biaineaa of the lato firm »IM "be eettled by BERN HARD MA ASS, at No. Ali end »38 Molberry at, wid Mae » pay Irnt all the debta againat aaid tirm. t Dat. d May 18, ltd). F. W. SCHMALE, _BERNHARD MA ASS. NOTICE of DISS^ilTION "oT CÖPÄi^iT- NERSHIP..The Copartnerauip hfre'ofore eilatbig be¬ tween flu» undenlnned, ander the name cr firm of WINSLÖW LANII-.R A Co., ii Uiii day diaaolved by m .t lal eonaeut, Fj.-berd H W u.alow retiring from b iaiu. ee. The uneettlrd buaiueee ot the late tirtn will be aettled by either of tue uuUeiaigued, et Na. W Wellet-Dated April 39,1V3 RICHARD H WINSLOW, J. F. D. LANIER, RICHARD H WINSLOW having rertr 4 from the Ann ol WINSLOW, LANIER A Co., tue tindeiel4ned have f -oed a Copartnerahip, and will continue tb,< buiineea of that tirm uudAf the aaxne name..New-York, April «», 1BÖ9. J. P. D. LANIEA M C. MORGAN Professional Notices. Offl. e f. r p-TK-urlr g ^MLRICAli end 1.H'.LiCS PATENTS. J. P. PIRSSON, No. 5 WAliti-RT., 1ST. Y. A pamphlet of Information eeat tree hp aaatL AK I E jT ~4k itt Y L E~lV, lOVJli SIGN, aid FRESCO PAINTERS, No. 40 HL DiON-SIREET, DE8IGNS FL'RNISUED PUBLIC BL'ILDINOS, LIBRARIES, LODGE-ROOMS, aba BlIKK A LORD, SHORT HAND WRITERS, No. li'JNa-tau-it, Otficial Re>K,ivci Ii V- S. b.>u»to Done 1848 t* ltM. "H OME {~c7r INVALIDS," J 1 eetabliehed in 1817, by E. E. DENNISTON, M. 1) at Spriugdale, Northampton. Maea. Number iiri.itaad to for.y. Rirtrttxcia..Roeton.J M. «VaiNS, M. D Ja. -b B'««- low, M. D. John W are, M. D In New- York-Wiilard Paraer, M- D.; Theodore Sedgwtck ani F. W. Wurth, aeo/a. Northampaoo, April *V, lajg). ST" PÄSSPORT8 iggutnl throiiKh j. b. a NONES, Notary Public, No. 362 Broadway, corner of Warrene'.. Naturalued oitizena re produce certlncelee. B Groceries, ßrooisions, &z. ALLAN a rose, No. 228 Waahlnpton at, NltW- V OAK, WHOLESALE DEALERS iu FISH aa.l SALT, offer at Baa hawaat aah pncee, No. i Mackerel, Pickle-1 SaJmoe, Herrinaa. Had.be k, 8. ale-Aah, Btuofieh, Abed, WhiU hah, r kwd ( -.t. .. George'e Bank (' ... he. City and crntty dealer* invited to call. CASH CAPITAL $',0,(H0. IMPORTANT TO EVERYBODY. THOMAS R. AGNEW aeila Tie, VS.xri, HaAM'f a Gxocretri x.vn Paoviito!«* cheaper than any other man In N.-w York. Cxllt^dee« for your*, .ee. Good, delivered tree of charge. THOMAS R. AGNEW, Importer of Winea and Brandiea. Grea . r. Flour and Tea Dealer, whole-tale, and retell, _No. »WOreeuwi. h et. and No. «9 Murray-et ALLAN A ROSE, No. 22« Waehington-et., WHOLES!LE DEALERS la KiRST-CLASS PROVISIONS, effer at the low. at market priree Meat Pork, Thin Meae Pork, Butt and ( leer Pork, Saaalad llama, Suo iUera, Beef, Hava, Toi.»i'«, Lard, Freeh Dairy Butter, Rich and Mild Checae. D. ahw* iu Provlaioue in vita d to pffi LENEIELD PATENT STARCH, USED IN QCEEN VICTORIA'S LALNDRT. AND PIlONOL'NCED BY HER MAJESTY'S LAI'NDRESS TO BE THE FINEST STARCH SHE EVER CSEU. Sold by all CeMaaTJare, G". re, Ac. ISAAC BUCHANAN A Co., No. U William et, Sole Agent* for the UBated atatea. A~Llan~a bose^ r Mo. Waahlngtoa-it, WHOLESALE DEALERS^ la FIRST-CLASS GROCERIES, offer at 'be very iotreat eiarket ( a largt* k ei* M iliaeea, Siruie, New-Orieana and R.-Iiaeu Sugari Oreaua aad B.a.a Ba*Aj Rice. C'oSet a. he. City and co-iutry dealer* InrH-d to ral). H.AVANA CIGARS.In b .Ld for 'export, or in atore, duty paid, by SRRAJTON, 8ANFORD A Co., No. 5* Beaver-at., corner Vt'illianB, gBtp. rter. opp«ei> Deluaonicx/e. 1^0WH8E*ffD, CLINCH A DIKE" Noa. 67 and 69 Fto\ r o , Oft ER KIR SALE: TEAS.Green and B'ock of every varicy of | » y >._d 1 e rip- rton of pa. kaae. COFFEE.Mocha, Java and o<her F.«*t India. 8PICES.Sumatra and Skliaiaiira Fepjer, Jamale« Fi-nen'->. NutDM-ge and Mace, Caaota, Caaata \ era, Ciunaaiotj, CVrree, Ginger, ai d oth-r Spi- e«. [.*.;. .," V or I MADDER.Duuth Ombro. aSonse-Ztrrnisljing (Sooös. MASSER« FIVE-MINLTE ICE CREAM PR EE/EES, aa imprned fag MW, ejrtkh Stamped Iron Cover*, and B- f oine Turned..The only Frecrer known whit b ie cotiatriA-ted on trueecieatahc principle*. Thai cheepeat, beet end) aaoat economical, reouir; ug le ae lea and leae labor theevaay ether, being at the eame time tie- n* at d. -able In atrnrtare and mnei aettein iu It, uperati. oa. Bole Agen'. f..r raa L'nrtad State«, E. KETCH IMA C Manofacturere of Jappaned a^d PUn^bed Tin W are, No. -JUS» Peart v. N. V SUMMER STOVES. C - Aju« Stovaya, Retr^ara- tort, and a very barg* evack of Hoan» -fumühlng Gooaa, foe .ale very *, at No. 9 Carnrine-a:., aboea Bteeck«er. WILLIAM CLARKE. Soring Beb*. 84 50,, tu« beet 8 PR TN BED la 86 50 b^AlSTENCE. at ho *r?» Brr--»r!w»; N. Y Exaaun- it. or a* dreeetln ELLIPTIC 111.!> ,-iI H' S'j ( ... fot thalr aWer.-lptta* Cu^bleVf. BpecialUd^rjvr^gtv'Jitu^gaVuAl^ B«. Auctiaa*»r. V SIMEON DRAPE R. .Regular Avemm Utk* u> No. St Pmc-a; , EV RRY OAT. Stock* and aVante tVn gi>< lud onld M rrni» hale sai.f this ratm i<y(^«. So c*t*-><..», Taeaavata'j 0*n a lluda a River A B~T* No. Warna * N « faaa, at*y A, la* I TITE 8U0L Tranafer Bm af faif Co«-*,/ wdj f. .lafjp avc-i THt'RSDA V. taettta, la*-, till Ma m. ... Tl ESDA 1". J.» leto, the aay afire the an-cai *f Ptreet.:»._C C CLARKC Traeavea*. Ti:r M«Tioro*,iT*t Fret laavaaaca Co«**,** a N«. l<* Broadway. New Vor«. Mar 1*. M6A. J V0T1CE u hrrtbj Kirrn th-4 the Dtnwtora af 1/T H « f aurj har. tl 1 d«y dr-lan-d a SF.MI-ANWAÄ, DIV1 (»END of SIX rER CENT oi. to* Capua. S»»tk t threat parable vo anal after tar SBth day of Mav lue"., um »t»e*4a> tar Tranafer RotAe an- eaeaei K A. kTTAjaBBCBT, bVe*» Clivitavo i»r> T.n »tv Kattaoau Coatraat'.i Optici Ci > >.! O.MajSf. 1MB. 1 rflHE ANNEAL MEETING of the> STOCrT- 1 HOLDERS of TDK tLKVELt.NO ANP tOLF.Da) RAILROAD b. ELECTION rf NINE DIRECTOR* aaa) tie tr«. .*. «;. . .. 'her apprupnatr buatcraa, wi« a* arid at taa Cmraia'* 0«lce. u. the CM] of Ctrv,lai d. S-a'e , f Ott», as WEDNESDAY, too IJta day of Jar.*, I**, 'he p . I* be or»i . d a: I. !> k p at Th«- Trauafer R.«*» wtlt wed aa VV r DNFSDA1 Iba Let da> f Jlo* aud rraaau. riooed uli afW tb* tV.-twn. By * ol taa Board. IL C LLTE. Sreretarf. in. Coaraatxi 1> Oi. 11'. Eiaaai DaaaattteaT, I Mil wai v, >. Wi... May 13. I*5* I THE INTEREST C0LTON8 a* MIT.WAO- Kl t Cm BONDS Uaiird for MUNICIPAL P' RPOwKR» d .e on r before the Irl day of Ji.ue pcoalnao, arid b* P»*d aa raaataUn the Amertee* F«.rn*Eg. Bank ¦ the Cap j of New» rfc, oa the In dav af June reai. The I:.1.rial CouaatM of tl-e ah..\e R.aida »i*l h -~aiter a* paid at m* nty. HERMAN L PAOe,. May»r E I. ll OARDINTR. CoatToOar, HERM AN I. SCHU ARTtNO. Treaaar-*-, Tru.'ia a (4 the Siuhioa Euaat On 1.¦» 01 tiir Ct «¦» ans ( tl iMi Itoa Coxraav, t Coaaaa Ol Ba.nal.wav >\i> Walt vT \ Nim Yoaa. Mat 3. laA*. \ THETRAN8FER IHH»KS,.f thia t t'Ml'ANT »U he t LOSEDfnwn Mat .f t TheANM VI. MEKTINO t la* bTOCKHOLDKRSwBJ. at h. Id at tab .nY- MONDAY, tbi-orh day of Jm.*, at if oa. By order. RICHARD U. PIMPF*. Sei ret art JEEFEKS« >N VIELE KAIEUOAD OO.. Holder* of Brat UMutaaae Bind* mi IMl Company are r*. «leatedt. atlradaaierl aoa W FDNF.SDAY. the Rtto* May, ». ... k in, a'the etfi. .. of Haiatrd A Oilman, No. ft Ka- i hanar-plai -. S^TÖirrTCLEWS A MASON, So*, ll N**aaR and LI Pine at N V b i] a: u aal MERCANTILE PAP»-R, STOCKS. BONDS ai d EXCH ANGE, and tra-ee.'. a BtaiAlag buaii .-aa atttl rally. Refer to Dm an. Sherman A Co., WU»>ti O BbaM A Cra. M.*e* Taylor. e*q., N. Y., Erta'ua t^rt_a4.,r**]., Alban. i Jaaba K. Thayer A Rfx^, Borton._ AND EATIEIC KAJLU0A» ECTION NOTICE..Notlr* U !. itven th»t 01. MONDAY tbaBtbefJ WaatA . el vnooaW .even Dire» t<>r» of *ald Üompai y »rill be held at tneiroaVwM Dub-M|ur.-May 2, l<# JAMES McbUNLET. Beaaatarp. J~~b H N M"U N'KOE dV Ct., AMERICAN RANKERS. No 5 ri E DE LA PA1X. paris, And No. 8 WALL-ST NEW YORK, GRANT LETTERS (if CREDIT for MERCANTILE PUR¬ POSES Aiao, ClRCliaAR LETIEKS OP CREDIT on at ta* ¦rini ipl* t«w..a aud t'lti.tof KRan'iE. BELGIL'M, 'VLJla,. ORRAi Britain, bpaim germant, IRELAND, PORI'I OA!.. RLttSIA, UOLLAND, BW ITZ1 BLAND, BW ADLN, Auw oa ATHENS, CONSTANTINOPLE, ALFX tNDBIa, CAIRO, BEYROL'T. JERUSALKfJJ, Ar., A.-. BILKS ON PARIS ar.i Sterunj Rillt, at abort er S* iiyV«laM, toraaloln taatt to aatt, ALL kintla of HTÖI KSTbONOS, tie., RtJRfU at d told It BROKERS' HOARD o, pnvate aale by THOMAS DENNY A Co, No n W .11 *f DD B u g u E COMPANY..ELE» (Dcfuti ßteamerw, &t. ROYAI.'ISaTl STEAMSHIP PERSIA far I.IV ERPIMil. -Tin PERSIA. C II V. Judatna. .-..nitnaa- d. r. willaall(V m the .tr.nm on Vt EDNESDAY u.<at. txk iota. A ateuinboat will pl\ between the Compvny'a »h»rf, at Jerarp City, ami Uu P. r-m, Coin f-Mkt 11:10a. m., lo eaur, puiaa tvtt and bagf'ijre on beard. The ASIA will aal! oi. tlw tth af June. R. CL'NARD, No. 4 Bewuna-areea. IT 8. M AI L^la^iTjnh^p-VAN I )ER IM LT, "fcr / . Havre, via Southampton, will a«l, from Pier No. A, NertB River, pre.-ia, ly at n a.n, SAD RDAY, Juno I alto Paaa. ajrea, Mailt tnd Spea'te t. r Ei rope. Several exerileut r aiina yet db> eu«a«.d. D, TORR VM F., Nn 5 B.w !m« Oreru, New Y«rb. Tba liltatlblp ARIEL will aall June if. _ INTERESTING t4. (1A EIEO R NIA S111PPESS OP PREK1HT SPECIAL ARRANUE MEN T A a'earn'rof "T. e New Liue" will have New Y.«k aa at about the iiMhof Jim«, WITH FREIOHT ONLY, to t with the atearJRr le'ivinf Pai.ama about the loth ol July. BATBI or i ki '..oi Pr, m New Ti rk 'e Aaplnwall, aaraabb! Ro FriiuN.w fori i.. Hau Pranolaro, inukidina Uitu-at tra ta'ioti via P jiaiua Railn«d, £2 Mper rubb foot Through Bill, of Lading will be furntahed to »hipper» oa aaxAV cation to thi. oifi, e. .Vi fnithct luioama1. -a U mit f D B. RLLP.M, A*T«.t. no. B ,a g Oiara. 11HE ISIW* LIN'FfiTr CaLWÖh1TiaZ~ GREAT RF.DCCTION OP BARR. The favori'* Steamahlp NORTHERN LIGHT,Cap* Tioaap paugh, will leave from Pier NY. a Ninth Riv*i. k.-.da/. J-n- R at Jo'ckx-k a. m., «on-.ee ting, via Panama Raiir ad, with Stefi thin I'NCLE SAM. Apply at the only offi.'e of tha LI:. \ No SBowtf't G'natu D 1 A 1,1.1 S A -td. N. B .All peraor.a a-« f rbll tr-atlug aRy Oft* on acatoaat at the above ablpa or owi.oi .. r% 1HE NORTH-GERMAN LLOYD" tWli\mV A SHIP WESER, J It OAET/EN, 0- ..- i- «.L.t. oactf- RM the L'. 8. Mail, wil. aail j> ailivela. oa BATLRDAY, May 2», at IS n.. BREMEN via SOUTHAMPTOei, taking paeaenger* far LONDOSt. HAVRE, SO ITTH AM PTON aud BREM Kit, at the foliowiuf ra'et; Ptrat Cabin, RlOe); aVr. :.d Cabin, Rdu, Su«er**», RdA Preigat or Pa*«age, apply to OELpCKK, KELTOEM A re I (MELT, _ No. 81 Bi-wJwajV. rpilE ( EASG0W and NEW-YORK STEAJI- 1 SHIP COMPANY In'end aailiug their aew and poeedM Steamer* Irom NEW .YORK dir-.-to ULASUOW, a* follow*! EDINBLROH, Cumnaug, W»due*iuy, Juue 1, *l || . VaBBR noou. GLASGOW, I.. n WEDNESDAY, '¦*.*¦ .; v ua* no->n. Rtrra or Patttei f. m New Tork, Philadelphia or B^ua t<i Glaaaow, Liv.-rp.ad, B. lfait, Dub'iu r Londonderry: FkaV ci***, R75, aVerage, found »Ith an abundau. » ol caeiAed ftt> viaiun., R Jit. bor freight or peaaag* *pplv to _ROBERT CitAIO. No 21 '!. .,-wmf. GREAT REDUCTION.-THE VANUKJV BILT PI-ROPE VN LINE of L'NITED STATE* klAJR BTEAMSHiPS, VAN DERI! ILT.. .Capt. Leferr*, I ARIEL, Capt Ira G< LAN Qt-'EEN. C«pt Seabrny, | NORTH STAR, will form a rotTMuim > Line between Naw-Yoxa. SowTOaat- roa and Havan, nndei mail contract. Iravlna tale tide i ternate »». it, atd the other aid* eacb a.1 .at* Wi til; VANDERBILT. ARIEL. rr m aataa aso tovreaarraB rea v- * ..<«*. VV'edn.aday, Ja VVedue»jtay, Wedueaday, W edneaday, AA'rduecdar, Aua Wedi.,*rl.|, Aaf,r ¦). j.i23*xa> iffl »r. A* K taoM .. . r r a roe. aoutHamctoxI akD Htvxr. Saturday, June i.. Saturday, June 18.. OCEAN UUE EN..., Saturday, July t... vanderbilt. Saturday, July 16.. ARIEI. Saturday, July 9*.. V AIV Dp: RBI LT.ISaturd»y, Aug 13. The*,- st, an..hlp* have wattr-tlgat «ompartiuanta. Carry able Surgeon*. Paicx or Pataisx.BJpfBBB war rat taut.Vit: Per VaaoaaaiLT.Puat Cabin, Rl«« and 01**; B*otaai(wV to, Ri«. Per Axicl.Pint Cabin, RM; Second Calla. RAA. Per (>.,.*» Uct>.a -Fir.t Cabiu, B1% and A W. Saa.oad OaV Ba, RJB. Ccanr<caTr.t la, '. of ptttage fr.as Europa. Bp, ie delivered In L i,don and Pari*. _D. TORBANCE, N*. S R wlhvg Orarc, Nav fa\_ NOTICE..In future, ttu> Stotjnen of to,a URB wiUco'Iat CORK. Ireland, M Und and ivvwie* I. BAM aal paaa. « Steam LiV ERPC OL. aaUing at CORK, ani eat Live:,.ul f LONDON, gl \SOOVV, mad til the p i.. i_*Jtown* la ORE AT BRITAIN and IRELaN^D, at g- ,.'. t..i e/ mum. -The LIVERi'O' ' W'.YORK a .d PHlLADELPbS STEAMSHIP COMl'ANl'S «piendld Clyde-bull» Irx. mamm aAaaaaaBtpi air u,**ud<d ta aall a* fon wt; ttnai axw roaa. CITY OF BALTIMORE.SATURDAY. J me t CITY OF WASHINOTON.SAT; KUA1. Ju*»lA. RANGARGO.SATE BOA Y.July R At U o ciook, toon, fron Pier No. M North Ratac BaTKI or .t Cabin frrm New Tork and PniLadelpBaa.e.4w> Tblrd-eLa** from New Yc^k to aap oftbe abor« ttaäXHw *i*o«a £ Retur. Kb x.-*a, availatle for etx month*. R> Paatei^er* forwarded to Havre, Pari*, liar , vu/g. Brauen, Aatk weep, and a.l parta of the Continent, with.a-t delay. Notice..Three ateamm are provided with *»«ey iMaAtBaka a tlr laaaa harm the Immediate aaahaaabxi ol Ire, and the It enforced *>i*b r ga. c b tba aae of light*. Pavergrra bt I. .d by tkU Line »... .j ILm rVak and gr<a*g Af teatioa of cahrag at Bt JoAuj. a* the ateauam fxoceed u> CwR dire. t. Pot *ralgii» or paeaage. app y at the ofAe* of tba Ox.pary, J01LN G DAI>.. N v 15Broadway, New Yo-kiLga«t tkJUM la Ureraool. to WM. INavAM, T we, Bevida 'TEAM to IKELAND DIRECT, twi.kl.-l-* 7 Lhr.rpool, New York and PhiladrhaAU BtiiMikkp .*¦» apirtdid a^d poweifu; etetuachip* tr* In- aoerl to takh .Yj**. b !X**t and Cork.V-JOO» At. tad Ath of BLwy. j CITY OP MANCHESTER, ia« 71 Jd of Jawa Pica, N«w York tc Cork and Liv-rya i-V Ii e(). Mth May CITY O* MANCHESTER. Ctk of rmm Karat or fw.w.; Ca'dn. from New-York to Cork auf Ltvnrpeaal.*. Bteerage, U ai N«W York to Cork * 1 LlVeipool.... kB latUt^ia* aa uiduaivrd allowam. * cf the bea', bed pxnkawM aabicA a if be terved by taw Coupaay** ate wataa. .. . Pttaengera by thj Lua avcM th* i .«* ana are*? «.<«n"*aj* eaih, . at Han tax a^d SV John'*, a* to* a»e*aaui> aall dwelt* Cork. For frvdabt ar ^ft-J^gy* ^ ,^ y^^m^ 1 C W. D SEYMOUR A Co.. Cork, at 1 la PhPide'.pl at pad New York at tat Comp* 'P '' Da) V%»^.-i f... rula-iriphat, aud No. !S Buad ¦ray._iWw-»-- JOHN 0 DAU, *#FJ* WM. IN MAN, Aft', N^a. «3 a*i »3 T.Brat B-iiiauga. t*W aooL rartiifr ttilacrt alll AffV ***** UnmfmmmWaft

BAIIN IVMimMVL Avemm ACADEMY B JAMW EVERY TITE · TirbeUFifty- (leu*, toall part,of the bouac.to le- lud at Hall.V BoaYNo.MlBroadway Brenaiug'*.No.701Broadway Sibell'*-.ActOtRce,No

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Page 1: BAIIN IVMimMVL Avemm ACADEMY B JAMW EVERY TITE · TirbeUFifty- (leu*, toall part,of the bouac.to le- lud at Hall.V BoaYNo.MlBroadway Brenaiug'*.No.701Broadway Sibell'*-.ActOtRce,No




i-:vj'.. ( not or ii. 1-oi.m o> i maruhi.(The Martyr..

. IBÜT MIGHT IN AMERIC a.Wmm »1W-1 utDNESIlA.. May 23,ii ...'». I ir. .. 7'age- (>r-I».*,.. i .«.*-¦ IL POM I fO.


an,* p^r.T-!:.!.*.äCL,in, A /-


SI* Bar!''...'' '

n.Or»'«*illl»pri«.ii(.il«i'.i *._._MAONlhlENT ENSEMBLE.NEW AM» SPLENIUI» s( ENER'i

PaiatM «apte*»:> fo; ll-i v. «A by Si/L-.r CALiO, 1'

'"kP.W AND CHARACTERISTIC COSTUMES.In the Fu* A£.R10R 0_ a<_| CATACOMBS.fn llf fb-.<_d Ai t _, «... ,

.Thar Tti mphal Entree ai SI '. I R1 S lato MP OKtM. ARI DE TtlOMPHE.

f PIX MIMTAItV BAND ON TUE STAOE,11 addition to |Maaawa-ruov. OR AND ORCHESTRA.Mr. APTOMMAS. ib< .elebtated llaiput, u.i been eugag- d

far tat nteompaainient* on bi. iuatraml Or.nit toiti..

Wir*at M'. /IO and Mr. STRAKOSCII.A CARD

The Ma;.Ig : RtAtjarrat »tii*t. .i,,n in produci:)'. f(He r'>*e«t Mür. PICCOLOMINIS Ai mu eng igement*.thli 1-lngthai**' week of aar tajaara la tin tailed 8:*'.o«.BaataafctfthaRpo:i, the graud tragic opert,


I oder Mi. Btl.V»-h'i V.iaaanaeat, andEAST N'fJHT tiP ii. «lUtf.it 111.


With Mnrart'* lioatMtal maaterwurk,DON GIOVANNI.

I» hi/i, at.i be pr»d>tr*d »i'h th* tame powerful eat* and paMare iM.'owet upon IIa prrvio.i* representation.


OP ZERI.INaT MATINEE will earn Ii de u Ith the latt *. t el


cao_my~ of Ml'isic.-HAYDN'S GRAND ORATORIO,


NEW-YORK HARMONIC SOCIETYIn ait »' Iho fand, of tho

Yot'NO MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.Pirat app~arai.ce In Oratorio


Tl.e Oratorio will be given on in -ame ac&le of grandeur whichthai acurized tue performan.»« of the Society at tne Academybat aMBaa> By parti, ilor reque.t of numoroua triend* of the 8-ecatty, m ho art'dcairoua of aaathi| our gritted countrywoman iutDratorio,

Madame CORA DE WILHORSTa io *in( tl.e f r«t acprano part.Tlie iMkva lad eu,inert Artii>» will alto ai.il'.:



And a PULL ORCHESTR V.O P. BtllTOW.Conductor.

TirbeU Fifty- (leu*, to all part, of the bouac.to le- lud at Hall.V BoaY No. Ml Broad w ay Brenaiug'*. No. 701 Broadway Si bell'*-.Act OtRce, No. 12 Wafi-aL and at tho door on the evening ofthe pelIu;ruaii(r. No re.ei»« d a.-at*.

Door, open at 7 o'i btah ha commence a*. 8.

C1RAND rural festival. concertmaii PIC-NIC 1) lb. NEW-YORK MUSICAL MUTUAL



TWO HUNDRED INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS.Daucin.ot four largo Platforma, e*. h provided wlrh a fill

Fand. C, idu toia THOE. EUtPKLD and II. B. DOD-AVORT4- The entue murfcal arrangeru. at* under the diie- "onof THEO KISFELD. The u iiole to i omlodo on tho *ecoud<i'TWl

A BRILLIANT DISPLAY OF PIREWORKS.AdaiLwIoo SS eta. Fur full particular* tavt future advertitc-

ataatl U. C. HlLL, Chaini.au. D. BCNaaa, Secretary.CAIlEMY ok music.




tfa_M.Fif v 0*aaaNO RESEKVKI) skats.


T la dtmi. rc UM et a la tt nantde generale,LA GRACE DE DIEL'.

Dr*ii.* V andev ille en & a. .. ,

M LAURENCE CHEVALIER remplira le role de Mario.Mile. EUG. SEN, cchitde.Cbonchou.Inceaaaroeut l.-*d.bu'*de Mr F.MII.K CHEVALIER.kamf.DI. £1 Mai. L HONNELK KT 1/ARGENT, (t le 4e

aota.de la FAVORITE, eu bnauaia. pour hi bcueiioe do Mr.BERTRAM»_ACAOEMY OK td ÜSIC.




Tiohctt.Fifty CruavNO RESERVED HEATS.

NIBLO - (.ARDEN.SECOND NIGHT of Anber-a opera.


the beauulul Italian D«. *

LUCY ESCOTT a* the Stiiging Bayaitefe.Mr. MIRANDA a* tbe Uiiimwu.


Drra* Circle, 60 ra-nt. Family Circle, «¥» eeuia


WAELACE» theater.DooraiT*n at 7; torommeure at 71 o'clock.


THE RIS ALS.To (Oiii ludo «it.

THE BOARDING SCHOOL.Mr I^wt.r Walltet, Mr. Bioi.gham. Mr. W..1, >t, Mr. D] It,

Mr S.oaj Mr. Banga, Mra. H. ey. Mi*. Vrru.-u. kliai Gaouou,Mr*. Moan. Ac, Ac v» ill *pp. ai Iu the above uiecea.NOTICE-



haa made a great i*u> iti iu.


THE DAY. To ron lud. v, n a MODEL of A W ife. Mou.Rouaefoi, Mr. W'ba _tl.-itli.PRIDAi M>N ok THE DAYSATURDAY.BENEFIT OF M . Hof Y

A rariety of etr.«rtainm«uta(Boa II.«'k now open.)

TTvallack" theater.f f THURSDAY, May *..

BENEFIT of MR C WIlKATLEIGHThe eoirbrated ronredy of MEN of THE DAY, v.ithothercn-

tertaiumrnt. ft,.a Book now open.







AVli.1. muat |BM bt ptnaauti tl> withdrawn.Iu COtrpliauco with t c.meto . r> <jn-«ta t the


I Bl .! IR* iifeatiou nl tte du rill and eatabliahed Cor.dootor,Mr THOMAS tIAKEB,

W ill ic bm i'e perl ra aj ,. tatat. leuce *eU> tiom ofPOPULAR KNTBE'ACTR MUSIC,

W hl'-h htvt rer dei.d -Jtv MuttC 1», partm.-n' of thit eatallUb-tmut tc juatlj celebrated.Drea* Circle aeati may U> te.-t red TEN DAY'S in adranoa.IKvra open at 7 o'clock, and to < ommeuoe at 7] preciioly.

M ElK't»l*OLTTAN THEATER.(Late Buroi.'i, r.tid. i tin- Lafarge Boata.)

CCkauae Lea** and Manager.F. B. CONW \Y.Dai. opeuat > '> look aa awttoaal <l ptirlaa»j.SECOND APPEARANCE IN AMERICA

Of th diaOuguiabed Atnateiir,C*pt MORTON price.


The elegant comedietta called_ DELICATE GROI ND.To ba foilowed by the op. rtU . ntttl.-d.

ALL'S FAIR IN LOY R AND W \R.To poiwbide with »he comedy of

FAINT HEART NFV'KR WON FAIR LADY.Boa Bank im» open Pi^a.kar twite* luililif

N^£NiidH.TH^ Chat_mat.-Drea.4nP&^*^Mt. tl-.Uk,: Bea-a In Privv* Bant

S****»_ . M« V A..ei. I De Bv-uvrlt.J. M Ward*_f»' . .-J**" *1}?^*t\Jl4m* Margin ri»e..Mr. Au."aFlora TEMKLK and KTHÄN ALI K\


_Afw*-af MMB will K_ «t* m»mi Rt by the above-namedSrwe»>-m... beata, but S lu A. to w^oaa-ovvr tho ab,ve

, V'FBDAY' Ut> 3I' M> tr-eJjraak,*.»? ' tbr paiaengep. by a epe.-I»l tr.|. 'rum Hunter'.

J»o_*. PUt .Hd.ce v.ill bo given in the dail, pap»r.T».S ummthe traili tUta Piaaengera giiogo. tbta tratu wdl crew.rlrwr oa the ferry boat at Mrh *t A'ao. a regular traia will le« eCan the arrival of the at. amlW, v. bleb l«ave* Fulton Mwätt iliaA; 1 -' .tck p m N B -Th' Cli b ataml reaerv.-d fi r ladi-a.

D ( GRINNF.LUI ... A a ;»;,


¦ .. > r- .(¦» bei, f i-ngajp met t o» tk*a»astonishinglypotn;i.4Jj] artistes.

little COIDELU HDWAIPAvu HI ¦ Pali ...» ..

Mt. am M 0 C HOWARD.hv.. r. . .f'I.e nar.agcnvei in'oa


Tu Hot-Coax Ol>l m Nr* Voft. I.r-le Cordeli*. a* Ritt,M I. ( II I S-rtlM Mr. O C.Hotrmrd. EdwardL- AFTERNOON at .' n i. aso Yot vc a Ba Paoita*Clover i, by Lfftie Corrleli i, tl 4 time Orv*M th Vatcniv

aVfBBlia, U_,.pv r ii I' . .rv Gallery. Lc. all fern- yr*Adn.ifiiif. » ' CbJJaTrB uidet l<; LScouU, ParfuaWBeat*. IScrata additinrt'..


THE 01 0E«.T ana LARGEST COMPANY h .>¦¦ WORLD.L A 1 (i II I ER AND A p r LA IS r-


Tor' lea .. IF ti I W'Er.K) a an* Comic Sp.. tar -_xPut B.B B, i r.ti'li d

THE GENII OP THE LAKE.With tew »od £ 7(> ouj (ceuery. Area**-*, propeniea, trantfbnna-Raaaj A''.

D<»>ri open at 6J; to eommenea at t ttclock.Tv k>»a 55 cut. Children undar !0 yeura, L2 coot*.NOTlt E -Or, SATURDAY NEXT,

A ORAND A1TEBNOON performance,eotr.mei.. ha] at »j o'. lurk; ad_u*aio3 at oaoaL


Tb- Eir.« Rh-» MailIna oier the Eclipae Courae arflj com.

n-:.ee WEDNFSM tV. »he If of Jtne, art- The Jan a -.

- rot -hree-year old..#lv nitric*. After « Lieh, Th* UnionJo key ( lab Handicap, tot till age*.eleven entrie*. Alan, a

aXVp.r«, two-mile beat a.SECOND DAT...Jar 1

The Unloa Fov. Suaki.four-mile hea- t.fr. eatri aSAME DAY.

Union S.Hin«. Stale*.THIRD DAY....JI-.

TI mile heat*, for a aura* of »l.»w.SAME DAY.

ji k,a %n em b, RAW added aitlal . *.

fi ve ei.trie*.same day.

T'' E -a IflBlaBBBl, for ail hortet bat tea d.ibr tl.eI e. 'ing.

BlC,»'-fi'Y-'» tot the meeting, admitting a i»r.'!»nii.'! a tladiev, an he bad ad 'he Club Rooma, No. 717 Rmaiway, and .'.B i arlacaaaJ Hotel» k tbit rity.* " C DICKINSON, BVr*Ury.

VATIONAL ACADEMY of DESIGN..The11 Jim ANM AL EXHIBITION iaNOW OPEN dally fromI a. ii. to 10 p. ft-., at the Oalleriet iL |i»h at. uear Brotdu ay.

T. ADDISON RICHARDS.Corrrapondint Se«'y N. A.

STRANGERS ahould Dot fail to n«t the chiefat'rvion of the rity.the famoua DÜSSELDORF GAL¬

LERY OF PAINTINGS. O, :. day and *% ...:«- No. bidBroadway. Adu.U«ion2ö oeuta.

HE CHEAT DI'SSELT/ÖRF GALLERY ofPAINTiNOS.Op.n DAY and EVENING No. 51« Bn-td-Admiuion J> lenta. Now via;tea by cruwdt of ciazent



ßoatb anb Boome.\fAGNET HOTEL, No. Ann tt., c^ari»| Btr idway.-*t to t,:, p. r for good BOARD DOWNTOWN. N< alj-Funiiahi'd Single Roo<.ia. Ointlert,.!. w,.l

find tl;l< faint and rupee'able boute, at economkai ratet.Trastienl Board a>L

BOARDING NEAK VI II A \ I o He LET JiIetiH-a: ROOMS on te< n.d aud third Sot ra, auitahie for married

ai lontlcaoea, with til the OOatfnrtaef a private family.Bath.A.e. LocatAaa very reutral and cotivenien». Stagi-apatathe door, To partaaoeirl hoardera they would be l«t on

.. ;.. R. l> tei .. . reunited. Apply a'. No. 79 9th-tt.,Dear >.b av.

BOARD..A GentleiTiHri and Wife and a fearSit tie Gentl*men an find auperior ACCOMMODA FION8

f..r BOARDING at N AAVe.t mith at., in the iintrndiate viel; Byof MadlaoteiarR 1 lie rooma an Urge and airy, and 'he term*

will I* n taoaabkt, R'feren'.e. . irhti.ged.

BOARD is LONDON..Miii COXON, No. 6(« Ideu-aquare, Regent-at, will receive Ladie* and Gmtlo-

aien vi» 'g Lcndon, either for the day or week. Her h- ,.ae laIn a aaatnJ a and offen eapeiial advanugea to tiaoa* whowlab a quiet, genteel home, and economical charge*.

rVTEATLY El KNISHED ROOMS to LET.InXa anew at b- 'it a al and drtirahh for Summer, togeu-tl' a aal]. u: ItlÜ 13:f at. Near cart aud a-\eral lines of»ttg.-a.

ßnmmcr firirtata.

«RÜMMER HOARDING at SARATOGA..Kami-kJy Rat dc.iring Private Board may find auperior aecomnn dationa, apaci' at, cool aud quiet rooma, ample and .haded play-groii; at !. aot jlile täte«, two rnmatW walk from Coiigre.tÜ hv ippt]in immedia'elyat TEMPLE GROVE HOURR,Baut |* fcpri g«. Niu Yoik,.

WIN8LOW HOUSE, ST. ANTHONY, Min¬nesota, J. F. darrow', Superintendent .ThU la

Uie la-/i «t aud matt elegant furnkthed Hotel In the North-weat,and ia now open for the accommodation of g.. It ii dealra-bly located, being oeutral to the buaini'M part of the city, andCo'u.n .V.JU g a full tight of the Fi.i'.i of St. Anthony, and it. Ob-aerratory and Baloouiea afford the Cmtt vi*w* that can be cbtala.ad ol the clliea of St. Anthony and Mlrjarr poll*.Thia Houae ii Jiiat completed, at a coat of * 11","*' aad ' - it-t¬

ad In prim', ly ttyle, at an additional expeoae of aS",""".The oeii brated Palli of Mimie-Ha-Ha. (Laughiig Water), ara

bra-att d aboat rour mile* diatant fn m th* VS . w Houae, in a

aouthcrly din-etion. They are appro*/ brd by *n aaoeltaat madfrom the Hotel, and at an object ol pruotdnent beauty and roman¬

tle batatatti thry never fall to excite the admiratioa of the t ..mi.

Tt-.board BS per day.The table* are funiuhcd wi'h the graa'-at vt-i- -r aod tha

eboiee*t the marko afforda; and no attention ia wauling to mak*the guvava of the W iualow th* friend* of the House.

O. W. McLEAN. Proprietot.

tlonsce to let.

COUNTRY RESIDENCE to Let Kurniehed «ffog Sale, tt Fordham, Writ' heiter Co., the re*id-nc» t,

mtij o. cipled by Dr. Walah, ntilaiUng S] acre*, aid ha.l a

mile from Fordliam Station on Harten- Railroad For full do-tcaAptioa at* advertiacuieut In TTie T.u-.ea. Apply to A R.WALSH, No. SU Pearl at., or to Dr. WALSH 11 the preuiuea.

HOUSE on STATEN ISLAND to"KENT..Ti.i-i" 'v am "pied by Mr. a F. Btiidiilab.

B n. at tt.' Mat -r Road, tt\fbliihrig tha realdetace of Mr.i i jewed .it' at I aaib ftota P rt Bbraiaoad Tat HoaaaiaOoaaaaaaona! aud the Ground* ample and wt .l laid out. Will berented pariallyfunilihed, if detired. AppWtoJ. E HADDKN,M IMTRaoadwayierI w a OELLATLY.at BaabtaMha, Br^a.AC. Be, kriau and William ata.

STEAM POWER to LET at Elizabeth Port,N. J.-A large two *«nry brick FACTORY, 1U0 fc*t by s».

with a Steam Engine of horte p wet. Pocaeaakn (.in be hadtmnualiri'ely. Apply to A. BA1Z, No. 179 Paar.-at., or at Elija-both Port._SCHOOL ROOMS to LET in the BIBLE

HOUSE, Aator place..A atil'e of rooma well adapted forth*purp'w... and ox cupten for the laat aia yeara by a fir»t-< aat *cbooLOFFICES to LF:T in tue aame building, whi< h are very deal-

rahlc. Apniy at th* Traaaurt t Office, ki tha B.bl* Houae, a>trance ou VI. *v.

rTM) LET.A M1LLINEK~Y STOKE andA dw ULLI no. No ¦ rniittaa ii An old ataal and a tan

l^ittion. Pott a 'tllatelv Appiv to


0EO.0 HAJ.I.Ot'K, No. ;iSuffclk*t.

IX) LEASE.The UPPER PART of tRS tVatonwhite marble BUILDING, No. 5A5 Broadway. Apply to

W ILLI AM TAYLOR, No. boo Broadway i ot to JOHN TAY¬LOR. No 3uo Bnadway.^O LET.The three-atory and baaeuaeotHOUSE No. ltja Bullltta at Haa be n recently paluu dpttad, F. s. TALLMAl'GE, No. 51 McDoigai it. and 50

AVal!.{__rW*U LET.To a n-j.f.-t.ible American family.A f.. SECOND-STORY Boaatttjafaf twa pcrlor* and a pa*-

aage, tviih pa-itiie* and 11-aet-: one r.aim in third atory, othernaijn, II required in the baaeii" i.', t.on»e No. 191 Ea.t iJd-.f.W ater, gai and flat urea. No children u»>a- in Iba boute. Applya. above.

T> LET at FLUSHING, L. L, a m-it COT-TAGE, with large garden, pit laantly il: iitid and piilttallj

beallhy. < mmunic.ti. n with the utr almoat hourly by boa*or cara. Time, one hour from the City flalL Rem low. Apply

Ii R W II.I.IAMS, .No. 107 Cbanibeia-at.

LE T.In a pood location for a firat-claaaA bi-a-i<«-aa, a front ROOM on a..ond fl.-air, aultable for a

tailor, milltnrr. del tiat. Ac. A light WORK ROOM mav alao behad, if r urvd Applv a*, 'he booA.'.onr, No. fTvJ Boadwav. be¬tween I h and I'Hh »ta

1>0 ? I Hnll-a uitle from theItairnnTtTDepotat Pc.rdl.-M. B f t.v.nient COTPAOE. STABLES. OAR-.

DEN, a A te« ot LAND, i-oa'.aiuing an abjudanoo ofgTyahTiae*aadBarabbery. Will be rented for *i.\ or twihemontha, hc.ip. Apply to Dr. HORSEFIELD, Drug Store,Pordha.n. , r CHARLES H 11INNAU, Recorder'* officc. No. 11A bamberi-it.


baobed totAv " PRtalt W...J Bending AA'orkt" at Greenp at)on the prvi'iiaei there it every poaaible oouvenience, IncludinaSt. am Saw Mill and Blackainith Shop. Applv to JOHN81LSBY, No. . South WUiiaiu tL; C. L BURGESS; ci atNo. 19 Bn-ad atN. B Ship or other Tln-bcr beat to any c arve, a'.tbort aotica.

Apply a: t'ae Wu.-ka.

rrn LET.HOUSE No. 7ti Erank'ir. «t.. neVrJL Bnadvvty; wc-.ild alter lower rwrt for a aore it dtairod.Applv : , SHELDON. HOYT a Co., BJa, lb Warreu-gt.

tjouors anu /arms iTJant-fb.\\\\\TED to KENT.a ROOM about 1«. by 10TT Rat tl .1 v:.d It I 15 feet high, with a »kylight, t lit-

abb- to paitt a pie'.ure in. The attic of I private familv wouldbe pref ired, on or near fth or 6tb-av.. between3(th and Priacw-»tree»«. Addreaa d. C. W., Na l**? Troy »free*.A Bait meat R out. I»feet high might auffice.

_aaCQi getote for golr._

rVaKttCl STaVTEN ISLAND PROPERTY for2r BALF. -Beaurifai 8,..-« for VUla* and Ca-uutry BW*. AJt .-y nVairabl,, and bea ,tifuUy located prop- rty for arivato rrai-¦#*J**_¦* "J* offered awtala, a at h for q,i»iit» ofland, eaceflenc*or vi. w aud pr vioikty to the ferne* It un.-.rpa**ed. It ia in theimme liatr v,.mn y of the New Brighton and Quarantine landing*,aaty of aeem. agreeably .ttuated, very healthv, md *ülba*oidat n.w.r pnrea, to abole ot in parta, Una.'icy Uiiatt tir*t-ca»**pr..prr»y of the **me gnvc, on 'he i..»- .<

JJjPdr* «4 ROBERT HESLEW'OOD, caar tbt Oyiaraat

Cm FROpf- RTV ir EXCHANGE far COUN¬TRY..Wanted, a reo»!-. eHo* t HOUSE, wi'bfnvtr J«.. Jt

rite' LAND. !<--*.ed are Railroad (>. t-'.i.w HwMor*oil"rrt free* tiiU rH\. The preprety c ff-rrd in earhange ft aieetacd" ant.! cUeeUeuar* la tnit ritv, BB)u>| x haadenme ixtereat.Aid.- « W. w. TrttaiV o«. £

EVERY MAS HISOWN EANDEORD-Ly*oin* pUr of T. E. Ti uilitux. the pirrheeer to hire (be

I bm at a retJt Iba wW «. tne intereae 01 pnrrhaecBe'.< v Bi d »V < hrriee. and rlalou no the piep« ilj, «cd te be«redited i.pon iL« ptrrh**- u^ti; wi-A tin eac-ee .ver inter* .t,reeaare, Ar. Pel f-rb'i parti' aktra, appiv t<

II MFRR1TT. No 4» V at

FOR SALE.A TBjttable FARM, amBaaSRSj Itfa. n-« ifiBnlil Lend. t^fr-Ler wl'b the STOCK aid F iRM

INO IMPLEMENTS, ai" at.<! thr-. trlle* eo**t>-weet of N>w-borg) ( p t " Bt*, N. 1 11«. a ( d .irw af the rtvwaad. bdingcooatry Tiir imprcemeu'a U Lai«: of a I»r«», galb' :lt Dwr.-iua'. TeLent-houer. Hay-hc-..ee. Barn. Carriage-h. nee.Stable, A Hub lareo Apr* Orchard a^d a groat variety of¦thee r'. ¦* ,ce Fl rt m Be pr>r.-i*ee. Poeeeeeloi. ran be bad im-

mediete.y Appiy t GEORGE CLARK ISewb'.ift., N. V.

FOB 8ALE kl I <)N KEKS.An eletjtnt brie*f Ol'NTRV hit! f IS r -r. s I.: -

fipn.tturw, c«m.«e-bo..er and etaMa, and too ei»i«hi'faerraof l»i... »etna led »ritt fniit and ahrubhrry. AVer

ltd hTORK and DWELLING, corner of Broadway andVeeflear., u-ö located f r bn>ii.r<a Auto, a genual Rl'SI-DENCE of 14 rootn« en Warbcrtoo «c, Tbr owner, gnini\v. .. ui. leO lea la ¦ pn-u.pt borer. TaeCeaatrj Set. e-.i ke

i t »i.ed, for the Bumdmt Foaea-eeiiaa immediately,Apr to 8. EDDY a, Co., No. 51 Liberty at.


ta»- ., of v ...'/¦ Back Bone, a. I« the moat beautifulprlrc« of Wood Land cn the lalaad. It will beaold luv er mmriexred for a medi'-Tx-atred dwellnx in a plr«aent part of thedtp. App.y hi E. U. LL LLOW A «X.. No. 14 Fine at.

FlRSALE..Nett -York-sv., Brooklyo- CitranJCoantry combined. Larpe and aub^untlUa built MOCSE ou

Dean and Bert»-ii-ata.. «cd N. Yorfc-er., about 4* feeteqnare, ari'han lodi'i. n of 17x25frtt, built by prraent mum and (.ri.pei-d l v

i. replete aritn every eonicuiem r for a Urn faml.y, and inPartei t ataW, met cloeeta, hath, «aa, water, hot and cold,ra: ae«, furnare, b, IIa. »peakii» tube*, he. With i ieht or moteLOTS of CROI'NI) t'.. a--«.d oitn hoireet Fruit«. Bee-rice, Av Ten:ia ea«v

AI«o. f: fine Bt'ILDINO EOTS or H«h «r .. t,d. in pif,.« ,4 »to Id tech. Apply toJOHN V. COLE, No. «6 Sooth at.

FOR BALE.48S Acre* of h«?avi r timbortadLAND, ir. Hirkin.<r Ccttnty. In a food farminj dietriet.

Will rirhaape, and giee Per: in reek f- r a Beaw and Lot in a

(t'-f-o Uca itv and unei. un.berrd. in Brooklyn or WuUianiahurfii-AppW to R. H. RICHARD. No. ¦ Naaaau at._

0ME8 for ALL..For SALE-FARMS AtSI 2.r Par arre, iL Ylrri'iia, Ten.w^aae., Kenrnckr. and


ORANGE CO. FA KM lor SALE..1»» sere a.»iMi »pa. ' le.-.d-: r< al lea I and apri:.« v»i

heart if .1 (ua.i: j diatrlet, a fee. m.lea' lid.- fiom Ce-ar-er. M»f<.B4 artth a EDD. A Co.. No. 51 L berty-et,

SPLENDID BUILDING BITB-Oa fte Em(R.-.1-, tpparlle .'¦8,Je.t.. arlth* front of -Ik' feet, tic a »-

well and fiab pond, atet!*, and 3*3 lot«, for the price of . etagtalet Bp ..< »;. MILES a, BETTS,

R»«: Eata'e, No. 77 Cedar et,. N Y.

Jnstrnctiott..* A MI r. SCHOOL INöT."x\ StlmeLl WppUrd v 1th c"mpetert Tei. hen. a'-o « Ith

I' aid Tea. her. uiili pmitior.«. (Pem.:« eaapBed et I *

enlere «ntnlbunaly.l Ref.rvrrea: Amhtrat Col Haa Theo-Ki yeen, et at SMITH, WOODM ANA Co.,34» B'de ay.

D ENVIELE BOARDING and DAY SCHOOLf. r YOI NO LADIES, rear M rri.«..« t, N. J two ho ra

ftvjta Nev. Yc rk. Thia 8. o-lnary it a branch of D >u Bernard'tInetttote, tfe. 1 Weel I'lth-v.. laaeteea r f Broadway and 5th-at.Nen Y.rk. Madam« HON BERNARD «iil take charate utthe Free sk Deaartaenii r..rir.« July and Aubu«*.. rer ehrtaetInf raeetlos apply at both bW-minariee.

I^LOCLTION..A Mr. 0. VANDENHO'F,Re, 9 Eaat 1Ith et. ath-ae

ÜTÖER8 FEM/Vi.E iNsxnirfiOöaT«^i»ti and 1Kb Madlaon-at..The 7!>tfc Term opena Nor. 23,

Plaplla leceii .-d into the fairily of tl.e Frit p«' The lu-tituteatacea (on vi y p ptia reaiiiiua In di-taiU eectiona ot the city t-> eudfrom achooL HENRY M PIERCE, A. M. FnnclpaL

JOHN M. KREBS, D. D., Fre»id. nt.

~~CHOOL and_lIObIE EDUCATION..PrivateFti u h and Eniliah Claeaica! School, with fine Playerpund

and Oym-.aa.mm, t><+. V aid i" W ea' Mth-it , between Broad¬way Bad b:h av. Mr. ERNJ>T .... < charfe of a Utnlu-d :. .t -r

of Br y«._ASHLAND INST. and MUSICALACADEMY, Catekt'J MonnUina. Both

1.1 AKTER 'aexea. St.d.eta received any tim» F<4rtfCOkn a. the Rev. HENRY J. FOX, A M AaiiUnd.Y.. or D. U. HCBBARD, Eeq., No. Al Broaduay.


.325011,PER CH ARTER ' aai

ciUnsical Justrnmrnlo.

LARGE STOCK of BARMOKE'" eej^bratedFrrmi'tm FIANOS, pronomeed cttfirale'l ht the beet

ji.d«.-a, and a-im-.t.'J in all rvepecte, et thtir Manufactoty and\\ arer.wm, No. 34t Blee« ker-at. Our prtnea make It an otHecttor all to examine before pnr< hating. O. A H. BARMORE.

8PLENDIDASaM)RTMJENT tjc*FUMOB, w4A [iperior tone, and fully warranted, w.ü be odd at go < bar

pn-La.t.. . ia an excellent opportunity to net a go*4 Piaea) V«*/ lowgeuaa. Ktouud hand Piance taken in ex. hange. ALBERT A'r 1» Kitmanafe"nrer, IV. XVm Broadway, gear Oaiaal at. ToFpp-.t aeert

cA Kl IAKT A Nh'.KDHAM'S MKL0DK0N8Can be bootht or rented at

Jt :>8<>N 4. Ml SOER S No 7;-: Broadway

CH I C K E RING A SONS,M»i«t*»cTtike«i or

GRAND, SQUARE, and L'FRIOHT FIANOS,\\ areroouia, No 694 Hr.adway.

C. A SONS here been awaidad ThlTT-fiva Pr. -e Medali f rthe (upeiiority of their man .fa. t. re for the laat 3ö year*.


MEL0DEON8 and HARMONIUMfot Pari ra, Ch'tr. bee. Vea-ii>e and Lvdgre,

a' Vv; -.»... and Retad.PMNOS TO R> NT.


near Broeawiy, New York, have ahraft r.C 'ired the tirat

pnioium vh'-re *Ld wr-rnevei In e mpe'itio'., u Rh ttjo beatBaaken »f Boat l, New Vork, Philaaelphia and BaltimoreE-.-ry PlaaowaiiaigedBartateey/eera, PH»-. moderate.

UXlEET, DAVIS Ac Co?7 grand~paXLOR GRAND, and SQl'ARE PIANOS.The heat Ptaaoa

mad.-. sit Plaroa, made by Gilbert, Chtakrring, Hal-let, 11 . A Co. Prut-t u, SJO to e. meeooeon8eery low. Flam a «ud Meü.deon« to rent T. B. BERRY, No.45C Brtadway. cor. Grand at marble b .liding.

ARPs.-REMOVAL.II J. F. BROWNE, manufacturer,heg« tolnLrtn hie friend*and the prilraiion that he haa remcrnd hi*

harp wareroomsto No. 7fto Broadway, i ear the N, * Vork h.deL

Strii:g«, Mt.aic, and trcry reauiaite fur the Harp.

HALLET &~(7UMSTON'¦ tvlebrated BoataiDPIaNOS, in n< kit; can.d, molded and plain raaee. at the

lowret faatory pricea Setlaf«cti..n gnaranu^d. New and «e.-or,d-hand PUi.oa «_d Mrlodcoua tot Re leg aipl. dii p reheead.Soleagency,_A. M. KANOC8E, No 43£ Broadway

HA /. I.ETON BROS. Pia^KÖTttT MittifaT.turera, No. 2°t» C.'.tre-at. offer a fine eaaertrntot of bri!

llant and full-lo-ed PlA.NOS, at the loweet rate* Each Pier,werten'., d to giti eattiff.ctiou. and guaranteed thri-e yv-ara.

LIGHTS at BRADB1 RVS. No. «1 Mroome-it.,near Broada-.ry, hare a epb-ndtd a«e..rtment of their CELE¬

BRATED PI AMI FORTES, iuel.etyiea. conatrue rd wtth thePeti-Lt Arcb rrat Plenk. Th.je. in waut of a e iperior inet:vi Ua r'.ud it I. r theft ad a anlagt* t> -ail.

L~ÄDD^SÜPERB SOUARE PUNOS~"Can be I ajal or reu'ed at

_JLDSON A MCNGER S No.721 Broadaray.



Raring In pt-e ^rr. «60 I »450, rgua'ly adtptet fet theChun a. \ retry. Scbixi-room. Lodg» room, eg Parier.

Mratr* CHlCKEfclNOA SONS aro toe a le A.. .'

.Up. rh r Inetxuxncu-a Rag the State of New-York.WiacaooKi. N.^ b94 Broadway, BW-fefk.

Dreier« «ttppüed a: rtgt-iar fa :. ry price*.Dt. caul f a »rat a;.p.:. tt.

PIANOS and MELODEONS..Fire* -claae PIANOS, laSf warranted, pitta or rladatp I

atiowxsT nut...PIANOS and MEI/IDEONS to LET rra.li on hutalWo-*.

J. M PELTON, No*. 141 and tit Br.adway, N. I.

PIANOS, MELODEONSTand ALEXANDREORGANS, of «uperiee make, at great t .-«*.. a aerooeV

band Pixr a a*, extremely low pricea, razaging fr. at S25 to flSOone of the largeet CataJofnae of Mcetc in the United Statra; Ma-.JeaJ InetratneLte at.d M *«ic»: mcrchandUe of ail kindi. et thek'Weat poealbi.* rate«, Pianoa and Melodeona for rent, and renlallow C .: j L_«.d c- p«yr.eu-a eiied f.r P.aaaeandMeiodtrxu* Horace waters. a«,-nt,

_No. 3J3 Broadaray.

LA1>D S PARLOR GRAND PIANOCan be twi«bt at

_JVDSON A Ml NOERTHo.7aBread*raf.

PEARL-KEVED PIANO FORTES, tlie Leetand i hearer, in the city. Alao, aevert! PiaBaa to L-. at

t So. f I Si and *>tj a tu.':, b, an-! : Si.- a. » are. h. Pun. a ti.red eud Mi.eic tau«ht bv a . a no *tnj ia a tewleee.ua. by Prof Dl MSDAY, No. 30P Grand at.


It i* bo£! apon an iron frame or bed plate, entf .->ly <

{rent, thr raae tbua reBiTtng the eocnd boaxdf and everypart of the IraTament fr m the atraix.

1- will remain in Tl NE f : MANY MONTHS. Bad, vmi thettringi arcarrtiod. even Lr yesa.

It haa convex «t undin: b> tnta abor*, aad b-ioae. like the Violin,which arr conntcted tog the: in the aaois ma r er, tkthe mi'izt iueuvuxrnt a vibratory aheliIthaigr-e: r d-pth atd full-jeaa of U na. and ha '.»-».¦

er aowrr of «uataitiag the ten*, haa never area eq-ialod, i

by lEJtnimetitt of tie violin riaea.It IMPROVES W ITH AUE and t'SE. becoming tcare «faa>

toiy and the tone p-rer and more araorooe-It it the BEST PIANO-KORTE EXISTTNO." and la recwa

n- ;.- by GOTTStUALJi, THALBERO, and =x*ay odeer artIr* and prof-eeora.

lala AgeL-a, WM HALT. A SON. No. fal BneJwny.benrrez Spna* aad P.-... - eta

THE EXCELSIOR SEAR BLACKING pr<vdtn ^* a perfe, * pcJjei. ever ei! er g- w preerrvea the

lee'ker e ft aad piiible. n»»r'r doubling it* d ..^biMty. Wc otiheaa .u ti a Bi'J ai'i retail utaptt.'w If c.a e ..»d e« r»prieeuW.

A RANDALL k Co . Ra. IX ¦'. aaTge, N. X.

BA v Mia« tft-, A txmmm

Y BANG*« MERWIN a CtP. *-.\, N<- lAP*rt . w.

Trvi^-8AAtOl HONDA V AIT! KNOON Mtr ». K t rVUrfc, «jd PITI

rtx.i"v\ ma iMTjr , h -

TV eatL- PRIVATE I. HRARV ef tat It a Bat Rat . vvOrw-.t ld, D. D Li. D .T-j I.ihrarj f. ir.j 9_ f i'ra...-1 b rjroller*ie-r of ra*e c »I M tbil <. R..<ta. itneer.yfv'y depe.'-»ee.\ pur; mth c |'.e-rv ai-4 Bioarvf if .i u* and rr. <!r,- a. J i. Ctvil and Fl« ttBatattral flM

.ting many that an- ¦.ery r hot,. «...1 » are* r-uii u t

A3.'rv <. A:- . tr y P tinted B-k. A , gatl ~ >ce-t.r: J rii gmxi.y yeara, a-.J ocpri'i:; a ra»* variety of Ira-b B-.k*. Cl*a>r* e» cay W tad ^ *?;>... i ^ a;¦¦Im 3.4

MOND IY AFTrRNOoS. M,y BOa4 ? , hCHOKE PRIVATT t.IHRARY-Ot rare ,al rurfoae B

bataaBaaLiterature, .u.br». :.x aiao ¦» tttBtatftv tarkat* of»af abk R«A* it .*rly Ameri.an H.rfory, Pc-try, Bi' rr*p'y,

«t «I Trav» U. At bo. Catalin a aje r.ow

\ t .'.NEsDAY ai.oTHl RSHA1 AfTERM* ..V>Jcr* I «cd 1 at 4 .' -bark.

AI TOf.RAPH LETTERS M AM SCRIPTS. IVSCRIPTI"NS PRINTED CTTUOaWlTJ S he..Tha fnmmtf af aBtHlB v: '1 iifbeepd d nux m*;.y v ».-t *t Urar Bi n.l'ia. .: « A'- .*I - ¦' S'h'.tmeo, Cnmn »i..|r». Rcya' Per-¦aajaajM* A'.'.bi n. Arn*'». Dramm«*., BtaawraMaa, D'v me*. Pay-aii-.oo«. kr., auny of thro are of gr> a' fci**oric*l inpoi-aoreand intrrett Theroller*ion aL*o embrace* a v»r»'y of Book.m-Rb Ai.'"graph !uar::puou», ir.tereeritg, printed CurVaitie*.A'. Catalotte* n ay be had, on application, j: the a»le-.roocn.

F.nw-aao H Ltrpiow, Am tioneer.


LOWAO aril toil rat tnatttaaa aaWEDNESDAY, May St. at IIc !.<». at N<>. .71 Brevoort p!a.-»,!"*h-»t :.ra: L i r. . r.ttv place.th*f. 'ire FURNITURE contained in aaid l.ou*< .o.lJi'hi of hand-aotne roaetrood Parlor Pornirure in maroon piiith, in rrimaoo andI* d tarin; caned rr«-w«<i Rroiph o and V, Itaire Chain; nm-wood Etaaerea; Center and S,A TaMea, French Mantle Ciocka;Candelabra*; ha^aai n e Wiidow Ccrtaina. Siri»« Tiblf. B«i-tteada. Wardrobe«, Bureaut and Dreaain« Table*; vairet. Brua-aei* and inxrait. Carpet*; bandaome Frt acB Coina Darter. Dn>arrt and Tea Sau. Ai*o. a large q'ianti'tr af bee SILVF.RWARF. ronri«*u.g of T'Pen«. Butter »rdOraey B'ata largoI'm. Water Pitcher, Milk Puchen, Cake Baaketi. silver Ratrra,Fork*. Sp«,r,», A,. Caralot^e« are c< w rcidt a' the adR a f th»A-i'iot'era, No. It Pine.(. The Fund att and Silver W.,can b-- aeen oitil the aa> by a permit fn*n the Auctioneer*.

J W P.'»t t a A-., tl in.

IMPORTANT AUCTION NOTICE.ELE-1 CANT HOUSEHOLD PI ItSITl RE..C.w2!t ro*ew.»»dPiano-Forte, «uuerbly caned, double rouud, pearl key». riebr*rv-d leg*; "olid roaewood Parlor k.iriu;..;e. en «Ute: heavyFrraebplan M*»>.*. and Pier Mirtora, Ac Ac.-THIS D\Y,May 24, a; I': a/eloek agaelaaly, at Ibad.i ie No. .'ii? We,t Utb I

rcativ Fun.ii'ire cintaintd therein, ronaUtiug In part M tar lewaod Pkai Forte*; eleaant Parlor awReti Etag>n**; Cta-ler aad orhar Tabkaai Laea Curtaiat; laraa Mlrnan; Oil Paint-

-.. it NuB'-d. R.-d* tad Beddm hair Mit

tiiaatl i'*-*Aood »ud mahogaiy B-de.-aia, marble-top Bur* j* .. waatirtanln Toilet Set.. Carp-ta; flaatiir¥laa WareSil\er Ware; Cut Olaa* Ware; Cutlery. Te» and Diet- | Piblea. Alao, a large quantity of other valuable F'nruiturr. S*.paaRfBa,

AT AUCTION. .I'EK'EM P-.RY BALE .Tue auk* rfbet wU »eile*

p blir venue, at 11 oV !.> k a. BL, ^xh mat., hi* new and beau i-f 1 pi*, e af riritaart at Fi.hkill. half a n tle from IfalaiB RivRailn ad Deo-- Tirm. att*. Ten per ten-


85,000. Til

fnachmfTTj.i SHCROrr*9 (Bounli.n; (sTEAII GAUGES.1 Perfectly reliable, haodaomtly made, and WARRANTED,very 1 a tatea

C U f oPELAND. No. 66 Bn<adtr*y, N. T.

FIRE ENGINES.Several new Firt. F".rglr.»a of th» beat male ar.d wnrrautcd.

BBttab cu leaefnabie term* by JOHN II. SICKELS,No. t Lafayette-place, New Y -xk.

QTEAM-ENT;INES fö7~SALE"O One pair of Bl.owivc E!»c.inbi, complete, .rite Biller* ofample capacity for the target iaa* of BLasr Fi aaacr*.

K u and pajei ud h»ud Sti am Evni.vr.s, from four to cite ban-drrd faone*'power; alto, LotoMorivLa, Flce, M.vaiM. andCvi isüi m BoiCkRa.Appiyto CHAR. W. COPELAND,

vr' No. «« B.-oatiway, N. T.

Cntlerg, Qaiötuiue, Src.11 TLEKV, plated WARE,/ Amerie.n and Engliah ivory-handled Kni\t* and Fotka,

Rnive.oT.lv, Be, f ar.d O.me Carver,. Table Kteota, Sliver platedFo.ka, Spui tit, Cutteri, Ac., Japanned Tea Tray* and WaltertIi. great variety, and a larre


Foraaloby CHARLES S LITTLE A Co.,N .110 Broadwny.

DONT Scold your SerTaata Ivr PuooRixig Uoiotin the Refrip-rat. r It cannot b. avoided if you u«e the com-

mon Ice Pick, or Mullet, but buy one of Gifting, or Rowe'« pat¬ent ICE BREAKERS, which will aoor. tave Bt eatt la 1Ml andwill be foui d a mo**. coLVenietit article. For Sale by all Hani wa-eDealer.. Mauulaetured by F. STEVENS, ZD Pearl-at., up attira

fTTDL'" Patent GRIH'j^G^vi^CHT,Rj Gtbba'a Patent Ben« b Clamp, our new Di. r Spnnga, Ratch¬et Bed Key*. To>.l Ombl eoutaluiiui ? Tool*, weight 9 oi., aur"Uuae Card*, cheap and g< <>d. at » h.de*a!e. by

GRAY BROTHERB, No. 69 Beekrran


For aale ry JOHN W. QL INC'Y A Co., No. 9* William at

ÄMEtTa SON^lintlVELS aud 8paoe&a F r aale by JOHN W. QU1NCY A Co., No. 9d WlUlam-at.

FflQ" "cXnal^sTT" iijqlUtF LEWIS'S WM»baa**aad RauüHardtrar» Alia/6tor», 2d U<-< k from Bower) toward Broadway A general at

tortmetit M Shelf Heavy tad Homekeepen' Haid ware now

opening. Cut Nail*. Carpent.-n' beat Tooia alwayt ou hand



ENAMELED BEDROOM FURNTTURE, in alli. '.. rt '* peiior and w»:ra*.'.a mat fu-fnrn. BaaaVai in

.and*, ape fre*, o, fn.lt and R>u-ort, at H. P. FARR1NOTON RNo Son Canal at., cpp,«it« W, o»»er. EatahlUhed IH46.

CHAMBER EURNITURE.ENAMEEElT"andGRAINED in all Coban *nd Sivlea; warranted to give en¬

tire aatuta. Baa, BPKING BED BOTTOMSuu hand and BED¬DING of every deaenption made to order by E. C. WOOD-BRIDGE, No. 6 Sullivan atrect, near Canal.

E~NAMELED CHAMBER SUITES of Fl'RNI-TL'RE, in all colon and (trie*, whadeaala or retail,

At RS aud upward. a!e> MATTRESSES aud PAILLASSESWARREN WARD, No 277 Caatl BU,

Four door, oaat of Broadway, N. Y.

Ir-AGEE-ENAMELED FURNTrTBE~MA\ IJ FACTORY. 6M Broadway.5 Batonabwrt Uara R.er.e'*..

E.e.ant Chamber Sui'et, grained and ornameuied in all atyle* andlolon.from B2Sopward. Uou*e* in city or c )unl.-y are uot coo.id-i red t rr.lahed wi uoiit thl* beautiful Furniture. Spring Beda Rj

I"R()N Bed8tead8, IRON HAT-RACKS,IRON STORE STOOLS .Stool* nit up In ttorat free of

t- a.a CimtUan aen- on taaatat. Liberal term* to the trade.JAMES SCOTT, No. lot Centre at-, corner of Canal at.

PaIent"extension tables,(New Impn'Vemei . IWILLIAM HEERDTS

Man-factory and Warerooma,No. 1« and V* W'lXJSTER ST., N. Y.

A Urge at*ortnaentaiw*ya uu baud.

qcbool FURNITURE MANUFAC kVIWi)<J and for SALE by ROBERT PATON, No. 21 GroVo rt. Clr-3ulart *eut ou appln-tttoa.


II ENRY V. SCHKNCK,W Btdtaala D. aler iu FISH, ha* ramov-J from No. IOC Wett

No. Ill Mumy-tt., c« rm I of W'e*tat.

REMOVED..Mitt SHEPPARD tn-it to in-form bar friend* and ladie* generally that aha ha* RE¬

MOVED to No. 10 lOth-at., bit*>Baa >h ani rJth ava., where an*can b* ccu*nltod in tie . where the Hair it Thin, Bald, or he-Ci.mit g Oray.



tS M irray-st. nomar College place

KPaints, (Dil*, ©lass, «fcc.

e R O s e n~e O l l 3NOTICE.

The Erkrgetnent of the KEROSENE WORKS being zrm

ooir.p'.e'rd. we give uotic* that all order* from tha Trade will bt¦Raj pr. .-nutly. at New Tarif Price*.KEROSENE OIL. oa examinati- n, arm be fousd to K- eh*

ooiy parfrat Coal Oil yet offered, and to bur", £i per oeut longertbaa any f the imitation* in market._M. T. KEROSENE OIL Co.. No. 98 PeaH-tt, N T.

MINERAL OIL, made from t&e bt>at CAJTOELCO.AL .Thi* Oi! ia «.rpa*» d by nocecthi-r Iu mjrij.. * I r

punty, fine oi.r, and brilliancy la burning; being uniform in

?uali:y, low iu p: ice, and having all the bet*, propart ie* of to*ne»t Gal Oil*, it Leave* not.M t to be BtaBTtd bt the pat imer.

Warranted ft.w from aay mixture w-aaiever. Barre,«, about Atgallon*. Agentt. JOHN VV. QUINCT A Co.. 9« Wlllivm *t

rpALLOW OIL. EXTRA REFINED.A LARD OIL. Ratal Refined.Thra. OILS are made frou, the ba >t eock, and ar a irpaiac i

by none other of tbe kind in the marke', tadaa Baaerloi OtlaRitbi ts t, ruing auJ maihuK ry. Mar.ufact .red and for aale by

MAYHF.W k DE kORKST.No. 1» Maiden Lu e, N. T.


_jgligicllartfong._pTRNI'TURE BOUGHT for READY MONEY.A .A fair value gives fir Pttir-ture, CaraeU, Bot.aa, Ac., atNo. IS ath-at., between 9th and tfltb ata

t|tOUB SECOND-HAND SAFES.Wilder7!aial Herring'* Pttet t: alao. two Jewe'er a SaJJe*. Larj*

and taiali *ize« for aale low at No. at Maiden-Late, N. Y.

HOUSEKEEPERS V.Ü1 nnd^ÜBÄ^E^TR-ACTS I r FLAVORINO the cbeapert and bei*

hnpartiL * *h. Baton] Ba'- r of frilta bo all kindt A Parry, Caket,Paadisx*. Jeliiea, CoatarJa, I -e Cr- am*. Ac. Sold by grocerg and«rufgU-a HAL'., BUCKEL A Co

Proprirtura, No. 211 Greenwich-tt.

l\rE ad- itf thoao uttsf SolutioB. Citratt* of Ma£-f v netta. Saratoga or Miueral Water*, to try ROGERSa

fitrtte of Mtgoer.a hi Powder, a very cooling and r-fre*hir,gBrisk. Lara* nottea **uy 3C reuta fu» fur by ad drogftet*,aclitdipW(Wvat< waixy "Javi*. D"po». Ko. UU Spcmj tk

»1iRtTWTir.rf jZaTwparift.


OFFICE No. if BROADWAY".4)47AKT? P:.Y ST K~r T of ... iff* ' f'> KIT.* U


U ar.er rndi-j »iL Aprt .S.V.Amt« si- .'«wn, lit*, p*- fteprart .faAlSAKS 49L< .* p*:i C : lui fv: I vie ItU. ... S?.*M .?

T u:...: t>i>4 nRECEIPTS IK RING Tilt «l ARTER.

Far Pm aaa,. »SS»-*-*' ..

r.t lataci... .v- ter.vi n

tmi..* . m mDISBURSEMENTS.

Pe'J In Claim« by Deeu. i aJ ..

tkxji. »:::.°is f»Paid fef fhtireadglBii Fi Uciai. ll^J 54Paief* Ar:r i:i.... s.is» 9tFa i fa] c. Bjiajaj. ii,'*» jjPaid for Ti are. Medical Kuaur. it* r.e,A .'"«:: x. Paajtaaa, La* 1 .;»a*-. Salari.*. Prnting end >

er>. Re;.-. P. .. Ac" Ac. 1«,» Po- IM.II5 71

Caah Aeee'i If M.y, I*-'*.A.SJAJM »Which ar> ii.Träte.4 aa I .lou .

C«ab ci. hand tad b> Hank. .It&J O 64Ami":.: iateated u. Bouii and ftfst>

gar... 5,<et,t!5 WAmorx: 4-e feat* A4*uta. le.lJb' Ft.4\J*R 'M W

Amoral at above.t>j,2C3.V.: 49A M ir.tervv. ac« med and WM d-e. 110.40« 00Deferred pr. mir- . (.-timatej». ItS.MV 00D ¦ Ag.nl* f>.r P:<mi. ir.» (incourtr . ! tr*aaaueek.n>. «VO.üfaJ ft>

T *«!.4>o.54V*I *»c\ ¦ ..*.'-i .Number of PoUriee Is forceÜat January, rv«. If*,0*!le.Lt J duriig the a>eilei. A*

Total. 11.4«Ded'ctfr forfeard, .>. reader, d, ....-clod, expticd enddied. m

p..a. i.. kg f. e Ug May. IM.11.«0Of ¦ hirh KVT are for Mat *> balg RfOfwbi u 'J6"»ri Fv.-i.w-n»-- IV. :>¦».Ot v. u.i h 4:1 arc Ten:: Poll 10*.

Met lurwge» M the qu*r-«t b p- tteAei. «OTVia; lu Life Filielea. STf

EfAevvaeat Pi.:: :-t. n

Tfa!.1«Decreaae Id Term Pivlri-1. St. 261

Average amount of Iaeuraucu for each p-lu j ot In¬en aae. g)S,l Vt 39

I Uav . ^».^lU;cd the above atatemeut. aui believethe aao.r u. be aatrghA SIMTPARD HOMANS, A ..uy.


FREDERICK 8. WINSTON P at,Btva-tarv, Iattc Abbatt Actury. Surrraao Ho.naAa.

Midi. al Examiner, MiNTt aa Poir, M. D.

VKW-KN0LAN1) MlTl'AL LIFE INS.~i'0T,1* B.*ifti. Captlaland aeevmr'ated Premiima, Sl.'VSO.SiSZL

Pajtag caah diwdecd of 36 p. r tog baall the iuaured. P(u.jh-t.-'a, Reporte, Ac, tumUhrd grada Ji'HN HOPPEIl.

Aaetrl and Att. raej for 'Ae Co., No. U*' Broadway. N Y.

(Topartnfroljif.IBJOTtCE OF DissoLi 1ION OF COPAST-ll NERSHIP -The CVp»nuer»hip In je'ofoie exittlt g b«-twei tlie i.L.leraigued, uuder the name or finu of 1'. WSCHMiVLE A Co., <. thla day diaaolved by mutual r maec» Th.<unM-ttled biaineaa of the lato firm »IM "be eettled by BERNHARD MA ASS, at No. Ali end »38 Molberry at, wid Mae » payIrnt all the debta againat aaid tirm. t

Dat. d May 18, ltd). F. W. SCHMALE,_BERNHARD MAASS.

NOTICE of DISS^ilTION "oT CÖPÄi^iT-NERSHIP..The Copartnerauip hfre'ofore eilatbig be¬

tween flu» undenlnned, ander the name cr firm of WINSLÖWLANII-.R A Co., ii Uiii day diaaolved by m .t lal eonaeut, Fj.-berdH W u.alow retiring from b iaiu. ee. The uneettlrd buaiueee otthe late tirtn will be aettled by either of tue uuUeiaigued, et Na.W Wellet-Dated April 39,1V3


RICHARD H WINSLOW having rertr 4 from the Ann olWINSLOW, LANIER A Co., tue tindeiel4ned have f -oed a

Copartnerahip, and will continue tb,< buiineea of that tirm uudAfthe aaxne name..New-York, April «», 1BÖ9.


Professional Notices.Offl. e f. r p-TK-urlr g


J. P. PIRSSON, No. 5 WAliti-RT., 1ST. Y.A pamphlet of Information eeat tree hp aaatL

AK I E jT ~4k itt Y L E~lV,lOVJli





BlIKK A LORD, SHORT HAND WRITERS,No. li'JNa-tau-it, Otficial Re>K,ivci Ii V- S. b.>u»to Done

1848 t* ltM.

"H OME {~c7r INVALIDS,"J 1 eetabliehed in 1817, by E. E. DENNISTON, M. 1) at

Spriugdale, Northampton. Maea. Number iiri.itaad to for.y.Rirtrttxcia..Roeton.J M. «VaiNS, M. D Ja. -b B'««-

low, M. D. John W are, M. D In New- York-Wiilard Paraer,M- D.; Theodore Sedgwtck ani F. W. Wurth, aeo/a.Northampaoo, April *V, lajg).

ST" PÄSSPORT8 iggutnl throiiKh j. b.a NONES, Notary Public, No. 362 Broadway, corner of

Warrene'.. Naturalued oitizena re produce certlncelee.


Groceries, ßrooisions, &z.

ALLAN a rose,No. 228 Waahlnpton at,


offer at Baa hawaat aah pncee, No. i Mackerel, Pickle-1 SaJmoe,Herrinaa. Had.be k, 8. ale-Aah, Btuofieh, Abed, WhiU hah,r kwd ( -.t. .. George'e Bank (' ... he.City and crntty dealer* invited to call.


THOMAS R. AGNEW aeilaTie, VS.xri, HaAM'f a Gxocretri x.vn Paoviito!«*

cheaper than any other man In N.-w York.Cxllt^dee« for your*, .ee. Good, delivered tree of charge.

THOMAS R. AGNEW,Importer of Winea and Brandiea. Grea . r.

Flour and Tea Dealer, whole-tale, and retell,_No. »WOreeuwi. h et. and No. «9 Murray-et

ALLAN A ROSE,No. 22« Waehington-et.,

WHOLES!LE DEALERS la KiRST-CLASS PROVISIONS,effer at the low. at market priree Meat Pork, Thin Meae Pork,Butt and ( leer Pork, Saaalad llama, Suo iUera, Beef, Hava,Toi.»i'«, Lard, Freeh Dairy Butter, Rich and Mild Checae.

D. ahw* iu Provlaioue in vita d to pffiLENEIELD PATENT STARCH,



ISAAC BUCHANAN A Co., No. U William et,Sole Agent* for the UBated atatea.

A~Llan~a bose^ r

Mo. 2» Waahlngtoa-it,WHOLESALE DEALERS^ la FIRST-CLASS GROCERIES,offer at 'be very iotreat eiarket ( a largt* k ei* M iliaeea,Siruie, New-Orieana and R.-Iiaeu Sugari Oreaua aad B.a.a Ba*AjRice. C'oSet a. he.City and co-iutry dealer* InrH-d to ral).

H.AVANA CIGARS.In b .Ld for 'export, or inatore, duty paid, by SRRAJTON, 8ANFORD A Co., No. 5*

Beaver-at., corner Vt'illianB, gBtp. rter. opp«ei> Deluaonicx/e.

1^0WH8E*ffD, CLINCH A DIKE"Noa. 67 and 69 Fto\ r o ,

Oft ER KIR SALE:TEAS.Green and B'ock of every varicy of | » y >._d 1 e rip-

rton of pa. kaae.COFFEE.Mocha, Java and o<her F.«*t India.8PICES.Sumatra and Skliaiaiira Fepjer, Jamale« Fi-nen'->.

NutDM-ge and Mace, Caaota, Caaata \ era, Ciunaaiotj, CVrree,Ginger, ai d oth-r Spi- e«.

[.*.;. .," V or I

MADDER.Duuth Ombro.

aSonse-Ztrrnisljing (Sooös.

MASSER« FIVE-MINLTE ICE CREAMPREE/EES, aa imprned fag MW, ejrtkh Stamped Iron

Cover*, and B- f oine Turned..The only Frecrer known whit b iecotiatriA-ted on trueecieatahc principle*. Thai cheepeat, beet end)aaoat economical, reouir; ug le ae lea and leae labor theevaay ether,being at the eame time tie- n* at d. -able In atrnrtare and mneiaettein iu It, uperati. oa. Bole Agen'. f..r raa L'nrtad State«, E.KETCH IMA C Manofacturere of Jappaned a^d PUn^bedTin W are, No. -JUS» Peart v. N. V

SUMMER STOVES. C - Aju« Stovaya, Retr^ara-tort, and a very barg* evack of Hoan» -fumühlng Gooaa, foe

.ale very *, at No. 9 Carnrine-a:., aboea Bteeck«er.WILLIAM CLARKE.

Soring Beb*.

84 50,, tu« beet 8PRTN BED la 86 50b^AlSTENCE. at ho *r?» Brr--»r!w»; N. Y Exaaun- it. or a*dreeetln ELLIPTIC 111.!> ,-iI H' S'j ( ... fot thalr aWer.-lptta*Cu^bleVf. BpecialUd^rjvr^gtv'Jitu^gaVuAl^

B«. Auctiaa*»r.V SIMEON DRAPE R. .Regular AvemmUtk* u> No. St Pmc-a; , EV RRY OAT. Stock* and aVante

tVn gi>< lud onld M rrni» halesai.f this ratm i<y(^«. So c*t*-><..»,

Taeaavata'j 0*n a lluda a River A B~T*No. 6« Warna * N « faaa, at*y A, la* I

TITE 8U0L Tranafer Bm .« af faif Co«-*,/ wdjf. .lafjp avc-i THt'RSDA V. taettta, la*-, till Ma

m. ... Tl ESDA 1". J.» leto, the aay afire the an-cai *fPtreet.:»._C C CLARKC Traeavea*.

Ti:r M«Tioro*,iT*t Fret laavaaaca Co«**,** a

N«. l<* Broadway. New Vor«. Mar 1*. M6A. JV0T1CE u hrrtbj Kirrn th-4 the Dtnwtora af1/T H « f aurj har. tl 1 d«y dr-lan-d a SF.MI-ANWAÄ,DIV1 (»END of SIX rER CENT oi. to* Capua. S»»tk tthreatparable vo anal after tar SBth day of Mav lue"., um »t»e*4a>tar Tranafer RotAe an- eaeaei K A. kTTAjaBBCBT, bVe*»

Clivitavo i»r> T.n »tv Kattaoau Coatraat'.iOptici Ci > >.! O.MajSf. 1MB. 1

rflHE ANNEAL MEETING of the> STOCrT-1 HOLDERS of TDK tLKVELt.NO ANP tOLF.Da)RAILROAD b. ELECTION rf NINE DIRECTOR* aaa)tie tr«. .*. «;. . .. 'her apprupnatr buatcraa, wi« a* arid at taaCmraia'* 0«lce. u. the CM] of Ctrv,lai d. S-a'e , f Ott», asWEDNESDAY, too IJta day of Jar.*, I**, 'he p. I* beor»i . d a: I. !> k p at Th«- Trauafer R.«*» wtlt b» wed aaVV r DNFSDA1 Iba Let da> f Jlo* aud rraaau. riooed uli afWtb* tV.-twn. By * ol taa Board.

IL C LLTE. Sreretarf.in. Coaraatxi 1 > Oi. 11'. Eiaaai DaaaattteaT, I

Mil wai v, >. Wi... May 13. I*5* I


d .e on r before the Irl day of Ji.ue pcoalnao, arid b* P»*d aa

raaataUn the Amertee* F«.rn*Eg. Bank ¦ the Cap j of New»rfc, oa the In dav af June reai.The I:.1.rial CouaatM of tl-e ah..\e R.aida »i*l h -~aiter a*

paid at m* nty. HERMAN L PAOe,. May»rE I. ll OARDINTR. CoatToOar,HERM AN I. SCHU ARTtNO. Treaaar-*-,

Tru.'ia a (4 the Siuhioa Euaat

On 1.¦» 01 tiir Ct «¦» ans ( tl iMi Itoa Coxraav, tCoaaaa Ol Ba.nal.wav >\i> Walt vT \

Nim Yoaa. Mat 3. laA*. \

THETRAN8FER IHH»KS,.f thia t t'Ml'ANT»U he t LOSEDfnwn Mat .f t

TheANM VI. MEKTINO t la* bTOCKHOLDKRSwBJ. ath. Id at tab .nY- MONDAY, tbi-orh day of Jm.*, at if oa.


Sei ret art

JEEFEKS« >NVIELE KAIEUOAD OO..Holder* of Brat UMutaaae Bind* mi IMl Company are r*.

«leatedt. atlradaaierl aoa W FDNF.SDAY. the Rtto* May,». ... k in, a'the etfi. .. of Haiatrd A Oilman, No. ft Ka-i hanar-plai -.

S^TÖirrTCLEWS A MASON, So*, ll N**aaRand LI Pine at N V b i] a: u aal MERCANTILE PAP»-R,

STOCKS. BONDS ai d EXCH ANGE, and tra-ee.'. a BtaiAlagbuaii .-aa atttl rally.Refer to Dm an. Sherman A Co., WU»>ti O BbaM A Cra.

M.*e* Taylor. e*q., N. Y., Erta'ua t^rt_a4.,r**]., Alban. i JaabaK. Thayer A Rfx^, Borton._


itven th»t 01. MONDAY tbaBtbefJ WaatA . el vnooaW.even Dire» t<>r» of *ald Üompai y »rill be held at tneiroaVwMDub-M|ur.-May 2, l<# JAMES McbUNLET. Beaaatarp.


No 5 ri E DE LA PA1X. paris,And No. 8 WALL-ST NEW YORK,

GRANT LETTERS (if CREDIT for MERCANTILE PUR¬POSES Aiao, ClRCliaAR LETIEKS OP CREDIT on at ta*¦rini ipl* t«w..a aud t'lti.tofKRan'iE. BELGIL'M, 'VLJla,.ORRAi Britain, bpaim germant,IRELAND, PORI'I OA!.. RLttSIA,UOLLAND, BW ITZ1 BLAND, BW ADLN,

Auw oa


Ar., A.-.BILKS ON PARIS ar.i Sterunj Rillt, at abort er S* iiyV«laM,

toraaloln taatt to aatt,

ALL kintla of HTÖI KSTbONOS, tie., RtJRfUat d told It BROKERS' HOARD o, pnvate aale by

THOMAS DENNY A Co, No n W .11 *f


(Dcfuti ßteamerw, &t.

ROYAI.'ISaTl STEAMSHIP PERSIA farI.IV ERPIMil. -Tin PERSIA. C II V. Judatna. .-..nitnaa-

d. r. willaall(V m the .tr.nm on Vt EDNESDAY u.<at. txk iota.A ateuinboat will pl\ between the Compvny'a »h»rf, at JerarpCity, ami Uu P. r-m, Coin f-Mkt 11:10a. m., lo eaur, puiaatvtt and bagf 'ijre on beard. The ASIA will aal! oi. tlw tth af

June. R. CL'NARD, No. 4 Bewuna-areea.

IT 8. MAI L^la^iTjnh^p-VAN I )ER IM LT, "fcr/ . Havre, via Southampton, will a«l, from Pier No. A, NertB

River, pre.-ia, ly at n a.n, SAD RDAY, Juno I alto Paaa. ajrea,Mailt tnd Spea'te t. r Ei rope. Several exerileut r aiina yet db>eu«a«.d. D, TORR VM F., Nn 5 B.w !m« Oreru, New Y«rb.Tba liltatlblp ARIEL will aall June if.



SPECIAL ARRANUE MEN TA a'earn'rof "T. e New Liue" will have New Y.«k aa at

about the iiMhof Jim«, WITH FREIOHT ONLY, to t

with the atearJRr le'ivinf Pai.ama about the loth ol July.BATBI or i ki '..oi

Pr, m New Ti rk 'e Aaplnwall, aaraabb! RoFriiuN.w fori i.. Hau Pranolaro, inukidina Uitu-at tra

ta'ioti via P jiaiua Railn«d, £2 Mper rubb footThrough Bill, of Lading will be furntahed to »hipper» oa aaxAV

cation to thi. oifi, e..Vi fnithct luioama1. -a U mit f

D B. RLLP.M, A*T«.t.no. B ,a g Oiara.


The favori'* Steamahlp NORTHERN LIGHT,Cap* Tioaappaugh, will leave from Pier NY. a Ninth Riv*i. k.-.da/. J-n- Rat Jo'ckx-k a. m., «on-.ee ting, via Panama Raiir ad, with Stefithin I'NCLE SAM.Apply at the only offi.'e of tha LI:. \ No SBowtf't G'natu

D 1 A 1,1.1 S A -td.N. B .All peraor.a a-« f rbll tr-atlug aRy Oft* on acatoaat at

the above ablpa or owi.oi ..

r%1HE NORTH-GERMAN LLOYD" tWli\mVA SHIP WESER, J It OAET/EN, 0- ..- i- «.L.t. oactf-RM the L'. 8. Mail, wil. aail j> ailivela. oa

BATLRDAY, May 2», at IS n..

BREMEN via SOUTHAMPTOei,taking paeaenger* far

LONDOSt. HAVRE, SOITTHAMPTON aud BREMKit,at the foliowiuf ra'et;

Ptrat Cabin, RlOe); aVr. :.d Cabin, Rdu, Su«er**», RdA R»Preigat or Pa*«age, apply to

OELpCKK, KELTOEM A re I(MELT,_No. 81 Bi-wJwajV.

rpilE ( EASG0W and NEW-YORK STEAJI-1 SHIP COMPANY In'end aailiug their aew and poeedM

Steamer* Irom NEW .YORK dir-.-to ULASUOW, a* follow*!EDINBLROH, Cumnaug, W»due*iuy, Juue 1, *l || .VaBBR

noou.GLASGOW, I.. n WEDNESDAY, '¦*.*¦ .; v ua*

no->n.Rtrra or Patttei f. m New Tork, Philadelphia or B^ua

t<i Glaaaow, Liv.-rp.ad, B. lfait, Dub'iu r Londonderry: FkaVci***, R75, aVerage, found »Ith an abundau. » ol caeiAed ftt>viaiun., R Jit. bor freight or peaaag* *pplv to

_ROBERT CitAIO. No 21 '!. .,-wmf.


BTEAMSHiPS,VAN DERI! ILT.. .Capt. Leferr*, I ARIEL, Capt IraG< LAN Qt-'EEN. C«pt Seabrny, | NORTH STAR,

will form a rotTMuim > Line between Naw-Yoxa. SowTOaat-roa and Havan, nndei mail contract. Iravlna tale tide iternate »». it, atd the other aid* eacb a.1 .at* Witil;


rr m aataaaso tovreaarraBrea v- * ..<«*.

VV'edn.aday, JaVVedue»jtay,Wedueaday,W edneaday,AA'rduecdar, AuaWedi.,*rl.|, Aaf,r

¦). j.i23*xa>iffl»r. A* K

taoM .. . r r a

roe. aoutHamctoxIakD Htvxr.

Saturday, June i..Saturday, June 18..

OCEAN UUEEN..., Saturday, July t...vanderbilt. Saturday, July 16..ARIEI. Saturday, July 9*..VAIV Dp: RBI LT.ISaturd»y, Aug 13.

The*,- st, an..hlp* have wattr-tlgat «ompartiuanta.Carry able Surgeon*.Paicx or Pataisx.BJpfBBB war rat taut.Vit:Per VaaoaaaiLT.Puat Cabin, Rl«« and 01**; B*otaai(wV

to, Ri«.Per Axicl.Pint Cabin, RM; Second Calla. RAA.Per (>.,.*» Uct>.a -Fir.t Cabiu, B1% and A W. Saa.oad OaV

Ba, RJB.Ccanr<caTr.t la, '. of ptttage fr.as Europa.Bp, ie delivered In L i,don and Pari*._D. TORBANCE, N*. S R wlhvg Orarc, Nav fa\_

NOTICE..In future, ttu> Stotjnen of to,a URBwiUco'Iat CORK. Ireland, M Und and ivvwie* I. BAM aal

paaa. « Steam .¦ LiV ERPC OL. aaUing at CORK, ani eatLive:,.ul f LONDON, gl \SOOVV, mad til the p i.. i_*Jtown*la OREAT BRITAIN and IRELaN^D, at g- ,.'. t..i e/ mum.-The LIVERi'O' ' W'.YORK a .d PHlLADELPbSSTEAMSHIP COMl'ANl'S «piendld Clyde-bull» Irx. mammaAaaaaaBtpi air u,**ud<d ta aall a* fon wt;


At U o ciook, toon, fron Pier No. M North RatacBaTKI or .t

Cabin frrm New Tork and PniLadelpBaa.e.4w>Tblrd-eLa** from New Yc^k to aap oftbe abor« ttaäXHw *i*o«a £Retur. Kb x.-*a, availatle for etx month*. R>

Paatei^er* forwarded to Havre, Pari*, liar , vu/g. Brauen, Aatkweep, and a.l parta of the Continent, with.a-t delay.Notice..Three ateamm are provided with *»«ey iMaAtBaka

a tlr laaaaharm the Immediate aaahaaabxi ol Ire, and theIt enforced *>i*b r ga. c b tba aae of light*.Pavergrra bt I. .d by tkU Line »... .j ILm rVak and gr<a*g Af

teatioa of cahrag at Bt JoAuj. a* the ateauam fxoceed u> CwRdire. t.Pot *ralgii» or paeaage. app y at the ofAe* of tba Ox.pary,

J01LN G DAI>.. N v 15Broadway, New Yo-kiLga«ttkJUMla Ureraool. to WM. INavAM, T we, Bevida

'TEAM to IKELAND DIRECT, twi.kl.-l-*7 Lhr.rpool, New York and PhiladrhaAU BtiiMikkp .*¦»

apirtdid a^d poweifu; etetuachip* tr* In- aoerl to takh.Yj**. b !X**t and Cork.V-JOO» At. tad Ath of BLwy. j

CITY OP MANCHESTER, ia« 71 Jd of JawaPica, N«w York tc Cork and Liv-rya i-V Ii e(). Mth May

CITY O* MANCHESTER. Ctk of rmmKarat or fw.w.;

Ca'dn. from New-York to Cork auf Ltvnrpeaal.*.Bteerage, U ai N«W York to Cork * 1 LlVeipool.... kB

latUt^ia* aa uiduaivrd allowam.* cf the bea', -« bed pxnkawMaabicA a if be terved by taw Coupaay** atewataa. ...Pttaengera by thj Lua avcM th* i .«* ana are*? «.<«n"*aj*

eaih, . at Hantax a^d SV John'*, a* to* a»e*aaui> aall dwelt*Cork.

For frvdabt ar ^ft-J^gy* ^ ,^ y^^m^ 1C W. D SEYMOUR A Co.. Cork,

at 1 la PhPide'.pl at pad New York at tat Comp* 'P ''

Da) V%»^.-i f... rula-iriphat, aud No. !S Buad ¦ray._iWw-»--JOHN 0 DAU, *#FJ*

WM. INMAN, Aft', N^a. «3 a*i »3 T.Brat B-iiiauga. t*WaooL

rartiifr ttilacrt alll AffV 1» ***** UnmfmmmWaft