n s 1t t it r n t oI t 1 C- i THEBRECKENRIDG E NEWS ALL THE NEWS THATS FIT TO PRINT VOL XXXIII CLOVERPORT + KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY JANUARY 20 1909 8 Pages NO 28 I i t i J e- a ClI + I I c a i it fy L t I j tI ii j i i a i u y I 1 1I IRVINGTON a Miss McGavock And Mr Bandy Married Marriage Of Miss Pike And Mr Lamkin Solemnized I uMr and Mrs Harrison of Korea will deliver Addresses from the Method istchurch Ihfc fifth Sunday Irvington will be particularly interested in them 1Jecausctheynre related to Post Master Woods of Louisville Mrs julia Clarkson left Monday for Minot North Dakota to spend the winter with her daughter Mrs A M1 HardawayMiss McGavock and Mr James Bapdy fyfero quitely married Tuesday afternoon at 5 oclock at the homo of the brides father Mr Tom McGavock living hear Webster The ceremony was performed by the Rev E W Graves Only a few relatives and friends being present and immediately after the wedding the young couple left for their new home in Webster to Mrs Forest Van Meter of Atlantis Georgia arrived last Monday for an indifinite visit to her parents Mr and Mrs J F Claycomb Miss Mary Henry left for Ekron last week to ba the guest of her sister Mrs Richardson Mrs H B Head leaves today for Garfield for a visit to Mrs A A Rich ¬ ardson Mr H H Kemper who has been away for the past ten days on a pros- pecting ¬ tour through the West home Friday Mr Kemper returnedI much pleased with his trip but he was glad to get back to old Kentucky Quite a number from here attended the HendersonLyddan wedding at Webster on Thursday afternoon Mr Tony King has made a number of trips to Louisville in the interest of the McHines damaged suit against the street railway company Mr King be- ing ¬ the chief witness in the case King Nevitt shipped a car of stock to Louisville one day last week The snow that has been with us the 1 past several days may be alright for young wheatbut hard on the people and especially the business people The interest in the private school still continues and quite a number have been added since the holidays with the prospect of more to follov A change in the firm of Ashcraft Ashcraft took place on last Thursday January 14 Mr Davis Ashcraft hav ¬ ing bought Mr George Ashcrafts in ¬ terest Mr Ashcraft will continue the business at the same stand on Main street and will conduct a much larger business which will he quite a help to our town He is an experienced and through business man and we bespeak for him much success We understand that Mr George Ashcraft will not en 00ii ii o Q PAPERS ONE Q YEAR FOR n 250 gage in any other business on account of ill health Mrs J B Herndonwho was danger ¬ ously hurt at her home on last Mon ¬ day is much better and it is thought she will be able to leave her room in a short while + A most interesting meeting of the Ladies Aid of the Baptist church was held on last Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs Matt Payne The Railroad people are always mak ¬ ing improvements which the citizens of our little city are glad because they are quite an addition tq the town They are putting in a large pair of Fairbanks Scales near the depot for the purpose of weighing the cars R S Bandy bought of Dr L B Moremen two lots one fronting Main and the other on Caroline street Con- sideration ¬ 21- 0MrJames Smith who recently moved here from Oklahoma has moved his family on a farm belonging to H L Bell near Guston Mr Smith will en ¬ gage in agricultural pursuits for the yearR S Bandy purchased of Ashcraft Ashcraft the Black Smith shop and scales and put his soninlaw Clarence Penick in charge of them The marriage of Miss Rosa Pike and Mr Floyd Lamkin was solemnized at the Catholic church on Tuesday morn ¬ ing at 9 oclock The Rev Father Hollerand officiating attendants Miss Annie May Knight and Mr Logan Hardesty Dr Beeler of Louisvillo spent a few days in town last week doing some dental work Hon John Haswell of Hardinsburg spent Wednesday here on some legal businessMiss Maud Smith who is teaching school at Basin Springs was the guest of Miss Evelyn Herndon Saturday and SundayMr Mrs Will Headof Lodiburg were visitors of relatives here last week Judge Baskett of Brandenburg was in town Thursday MR HA1MAN Goes to Lexington to Accept a Lucrative Position as Foreman Information has been received that Harry J Hamrnaq who for some time has held a position at the Big Four shops in Louisville has gone to Lex ¬ ington where he will be foreman of the nndIEastern of this city are delighted to hear of his success and hope that he and Mrs Hamman and their little son will like their new home Always have Kennedys Laxative thelchlldnn maple sugar It cures thrcold gently moving the bowels through byI laxative principle and at the Tame clby ing as good Sold by all druggists I HARDINSBURG Alfred Eskridge Died In Louisville Sunday Land Transactions and Other Items Alfred Eskridge who was born In Hardinsburg July 27 J8S1 died of pneumonia at his homo in Louisville Sunday morning after an illness of one week He had been for twenty years an employee of the L N Rail ¬ road Company He did the finishing work upon many of the rooms in the elegant new office building of the L N at Niuta and Broadway The de ¬ ceased was a Mason an active member of the West Broadway Methodist church a man n ted for his good works and Christian deeds The wife and two sons survive His brothers are Atty Morris Eskridge and Roscoe Eskridge of Hardinsburg James and Henry of Louisville and Melville of Owensboro His only living sister is Mrs John P Haswell Sr of Hardinsburg The en termrnt took place at Vine Grove MondayEvangelist Will J Harney is con ¬ ducting a meeting at Kingswood Mrs Joel H Pile was in Louisville TuesdayMrs B Reeves is visiting her sister Mrs George Wolfe in Louisville Marvin Beard was in St Louis last weekV v Morris ESl ridge went to Louisville Saturday to see his brother Alfred Roscoe Eskridge was called to Louis ¬ ville Sunday on account of the death of his brother Gid Squires goes to Oklahoma this week to look out a hew home Tom Gannaway who has spent the year in Oklahoma returned to this county last week to relocate in his na ¬ tive county Mr Gannaway formerly lived at Falls of Rough Lewis Payne on the Leitchfield road has sold fortyoneacres of land to Jas Teaff of Daviess county for30anacre Mr Teaff who formerly from here will move to his new home within the next two weeks MaryE and Jack Alien have sold two tracts of land of CO acres each at the Long Lick ford of the Glemleane and McDanlels road John R Slaugh- ter ¬ of < xtel paid 1000 for one tract and Ben F Hinton paid 100 for the other The Board of Supervisors reassemble next Monday to hear complaints from those who object to the proposed raises of their property lists Tom Moore accompanied Mrs Al ¬ berta Drury of Bewleyville and Mrs Mary Walls of Hardinsburg to his mothers near McDaniels Saturday I where they visited until Monday morn- ing Mrs Geo M Moss of Louisville is the guest of Dr and Mrs Arthur I f I Mather I Jack and Nelse Jolly and W D Wit I Hundreds of our readers take a city daily paper as well as ours in order to keep fully abreast of the news of the world There is no better daily paper at any price to be had in the State of Kentucky tnan THE LOUISVILLE DAILY HERALD It is a clean fam- ily ¬ sheet allowing no objectionable advertising of any kind to be published It hits tho finest ° local newts service of any daily paper in the State It has the Associated Press telegraphic IInews of the world it has amusing pictures from its own cartoonist every day splendid half o is received at our office not later than January 80 1909 Positively U will be accepted at less than regular price if received in envelope later i j O son of McQuady and Luther Wilson of Irvingtonwere in Louisville Sunday to see Hon Tice Jolly who has been for six months in the hospital He is so improved that he hopes to be at home it > two or three weeks Dr push will be in Hardinsburg Jan 2526 and 27 Three days only AT MACAULEYL Polly Of TheI Circus Will Be Seen Next TuesdayEdithT- aliaferro The Star Erederic Thompsons Polly of The Circus with Edith Taliaferro in the title role will be the attraction at duringthe Polly a young circus rider has been spent under the round top and in the circus car She knows no world not covered by canvas nor did her mother When the play bogies the circus tents are pitched on the commons adjoining the church and parsonage in a small town This causes scandal in the burg and the pillars of the church gather at the parsonage to protest to the minister injuredby caucus is carried into the ministers homeThe culmination of the love affair which comes up between the circus girl and the parson can be learned at Macauleys this week I A HARD STRUGGLE Many A Cloverport Citizen Finds The Struggle Hard With a back constantly aching With distressing urinary disorders struggleNo upDoans youG Ky says My trouble was lame back or lumbago Atnimes I could hardly stand erect after sitting or stooping and the pains shooting through the small of my back on making any quick movement were excruciating I was also subject to frequent headaches and was troubled more or less with dizzy spells Learning of Doans Kid ¬ ney Pills procured a box and they strengthened my back and felt like a different man I do not think I have had a backache since and give the credit to Doans Kidney Pills For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents FosterMilburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United StatesRemember the name Doans and take no other Mr Fraize May Take Another Vacation Mr and Mrs Frank Fraize are ex ¬ pecting to leave the last of this month to spend the remainder of the winter in Florida Mr Fraize undoubtedly be ¬ busbI whichhe spent in California in 18Q4 3 a 11 1 4 Pure made from of Made from A of Pure Food Resigns Position With L A R R and goes to Las Vegas New Mexico Mr Vivian Pierce has resigned his position as Chief Clerk to Mr H R Smith G F P A of the Louisville Atlantic R R Co and will leave the last of next week for Las Vegas N Mex where he goes to take a position with the Sante Fe Hallway system Mr Pierce is a capable young railroad man and during his two years residence inI Versailles he has been very popular both in business and social circles His departure will occasion much regret Mr Smith has appointed as Mr Pierces successor Mr James Botkins who entered upon his duties Monday morning Mr Botkins has been in the employ of the Southern Railway Co here fqr some time as telegraph operator and assistant agent He is bright en ¬ ergetic and courteous and his friends feel that in appointing him Chief Clerk Mr Smith has made a good selection Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach tho diseased portion of the ear There Is only ono way to euro deafness and that Is by constitutional remedies Deafness Is caused by un Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tubo When this tuba Is inflamed you Lave rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing and when It is entirely closed Deafness is result and unless tho Inflammation can bo taken out and Mir tube restored to its normal condi- tion ¬ hwirtiij will bodestroyed forever nine cnscixmtot ton aro caused by Uaturrh which txfuithlnjc but un inflanied condltlou of mucous surfaces We will give Ono Hundred Dollars for any easy ot Deafness caused by catarrh that cannot bo cured by HaWs Catarrh Guru Send for circulars free KJ OHENEV t CO Toledo O Sold by Druggists 75c Take Hulls Family Illls for constipation Will Go To Dr and Mrs J D Bate whove re ¬ sided in Hawesville for a dozen years and who have so successfully conducted the Hawesville House during that time will go to Louisville where their four daughters now reside I mn I 0I JII I II I ODOODOB1ZFCKENIZIDsE Bargain Subscription Offer t q no the Uio r II L Stader Sells Fine Mules and Horses to Dealers GOOD Rod Warfield of Elizabethtown a leading mule dealer in Kentucky was here last week and bought 13 mules and two driving horses fromL Stader The mules were beauties and in fine condition There were several other buyers here to look at stock among them Judge Baskett of Meade County Mr Stader and Jim Masterson return ¬ ed home on the train Monday night They drove the mules to by the way of Big Spring- It is said mules from fifteen panda and over are worth 180 up and there is active demand for them Stader al ¬ ways has the best on the market Many requests from Catarrh sufferers who use atomizers have caused us to put up Liquid Cream Balm a new and convenient form of Elys Cream Balm the only remedy for Catarrh which can always be depended on In power to allay cleanse the clogg ¬ ed air passtfgesto promote free natural breathing the two forms of Cream Balm are alike Liquid Cream Balm is sold by all druggists for 7ri cents Including spraying tube Mailed by Ely Bros 56 Warren Street New York The Farmer The News takes pleasure in recom ¬ mending to its readers The Kentucky Farmer whlth hasjust recently succeed ¬ ed The Kentucky Farmer and Breeder of in your subscriptions for this excellent farm journal to L B Shropshire Louisville Ky C H Lane of will be in Cloverport Friday Jan 22 to buy good mules from four to six years out 14 12 to 10 hands high sound and fat For particulars see H L Stader 1 HID Q o Q I ONLY UNTIL JANUARY c h I I I The Louisville Daily Regular Price year Breckenridge News Regular Price Total nIf subscription subscription postmarked rogistoredO IMKIN POWDER lbrolutely The Only Baking Powder Royal Grape Cream Tartar Grapes Guarantee Healthful Delicious VIVIAN PIERCE a Louisville employmentHancockClarion 11 THIRTEEN MULES Elizabethtown BRING PRICES Elizabethtown inflammation Kentucky LedngtonSend Mules Wanted Hopkinsville mooTWO PAPERS ONE YEAR FOR 250 IGOOD 30 1909 Herald 11The tone pictures showing local and world events and a fearless independent editorial page al ¬ I ways fair and interesting oven to those who differ politically with the editorialopinin The regular price of the Daily Herald is 3 a year by mail and the regular price of our n paper is 1 a year by mail By a special arrangement we are able to make the wonderful U offer ofo Both for 250 un u January 30 1909 or one year from the date at which present subscriptions expire If you n have paid up your subscription for our paper you may send 2 for subscription to The Herald U alone SEND IN YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW O THE BRECKENRIDGE NEWS CLOVERPORT KENTUCKY I o OIJ I t L10JIV 0 JUc > 1111 t 0 7I1t0 > 11 IOIDlCIOr I Ior 11 QOD II QO JUcIOr M QOL7 I IOI QOL ror 0 n n i1 1 i 0 0 It t t e n a- t t C1 r C q td- l Y < = 0 tL n L L L t J < y- r J1Vp t n s r y lt lt- tie ltr fst r aBel at 2Ii Iif f 1r J M i r f V 0 I

Bargain Subscription IGOOD UNTIL JANUARYnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt77h41jjd0b/data/0023.pdf · and the parson can be learned at Macauleys this week I A HARD STRUGGLE Many A Cloverport Citizen

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Page 1: Bargain Subscription IGOOD UNTIL JANUARYnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt77h41jjd0b/data/0023.pdf · and the parson can be learned at Macauleys this week I A HARD STRUGGLE Many A Cloverport Citizen

n s1ttit r n

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j i









Miss McGavock And Mr Bandy

Married Marriage Of Miss

Pike And Mr Lamkin


uMr and Mrs Harrison of Koreawill deliver Addresses from the Methodistchurch Ihfc fifth Sunday Irvingtonwill be particularly interested in them1Jecausctheynre related to PostMaster Woods of Louisville

Mrs julia Clarkson left Monday forMinot North Dakota to spend thewinter with her daughter Mrs A M1

HardawayMissMcGavock and Mr James

Bapdy fyfero quitely married Tuesdayafternoon at 5 oclock at the homo ofthe brides father Mr Tom McGavockliving hear Webster The ceremonywas performed by the Rev E WGraves Only a few relatives andfriends being present and immediatelyafter the wedding the young coupleleft for their new home in Webster


Mrs Forest Van Meter of AtlantisGeorgia arrived last Monday for anindifinite visit to her parents Mr andMrs J F Claycomb

Miss Mary Henry left for Ekron lastweek to ba the guest of her sister MrsRichardson

Mrs H B Head leaves today forGarfield for a visit to Mrs A A Rich¬

ardsonMr H H Kemper who has been

away for the past ten days on a pros-


tour through the Westhome Friday Mr Kemper returnedImuch pleased with his trip but he wasglad to get back to old Kentucky

Quite a number from here attendedthe HendersonLyddan wedding atWebster on Thursday afternoon

Mr Tony King has made a number oftrips to Louisville in the interest of theMcHines damaged suit against thestreet railway company Mr King be-


the chief witness in the case

King Nevitt shipped a car of stockto Louisville one day last week

The snow that has been with us the1

past several days may be alright foryoung wheatbut hard on the peopleand especially the business people

The interest in the private school stillcontinues and quite a number havebeen added since the holidays with theprospect of more to follov

A change in the firm of AshcraftAshcraft took place on last ThursdayJanuary 14 Mr Davis Ashcraft hav¬

ing bought Mr George Ashcrafts in¬

terest Mr Ashcraft will continue thebusiness at the same stand on Mainstreet and will conduct a much largerbusiness which will he quite a help toour town He is an experienced andthrough business man and we bespeakfor him much success We understandthat Mr George Ashcraft will not en





n 250

gage in any other business on accountof ill health

Mrs J B Herndonwho was danger¬

ously hurt at her home on last Mon ¬

day is much better and it is thoughtshe will be able to leave her room in ashort while


A most interesting meeting of theLadies Aid of the Baptist church washeld on last Tuesday afternoon at thehome of Mrs Matt Payne

The Railroad people are always mak ¬

ing improvements which the citizens ofour little city are glad because they arequite an addition tq the town Theyare putting in a large pair of FairbanksScales near the depot for the purposeof weighing the cars

R S Bandy bought of Dr L B

Moremen two lots one fronting Mainand the other on Caroline street Con-


21-0MrJames Smith who recently moved

here from Oklahoma has moved hisfamily on a farm belonging to H LBell near Guston Mr Smith will en ¬

gage in agricultural pursuits for the

yearRS Bandy purchased of Ashcraft

Ashcraft the Black Smith shop andscales and put his soninlaw ClarencePenick in charge of them

The marriage of Miss Rosa Pike andMr Floyd Lamkin was solemnized atthe Catholic church on Tuesday morn ¬

ing at 9 oclock The Rev FatherHollerand officiating attendants MissAnnie May Knight and Mr LoganHardesty

Dr Beeler of Louisvillo spent a fewdays in town last week doing somedental work

Hon John Haswell of Hardinsburgspent Wednesday here on some legal

businessMissMaud Smith who is teaching

school at Basin Springs was the guest ofMiss Evelyn Herndon Saturday and

SundayMrMrs Will Headof Lodiburg

were visitors of relatives here last weekJudge Baskett of Brandenburg was

in town Thursday


Goes to Lexington to Accept aLucrative Position as


Information has been received thatHarry J Hamrnaq who for some timehas held a position at the Big Fourshops in Louisville has gone to Lex ¬

ington where he will be foreman of the

nndIEasternof this city are delighted to hear of hissuccess and hope that he and MrsHamman and their little son will liketheir new home

Always have Kennedys Laxative

thelchlldnnmaple sugar It cures thrcoldgently moving the bowels through byIlaxative principle and at the Tameclbying as good Sold by all druggists



Alfred Eskridge Died In Louisville

Sunday Land Transactionsand Other Items

Alfred Eskridge who was born InHardinsburg July 27 J8S1 died ofpneumonia at his homo in LouisvilleSunday morning after an illness ofone week He had been for twentyyears an employee of the L N Rail ¬

road Company He did the finishingwork upon many of the rooms in theelegant new office building of the LN at Niuta and Broadway The de ¬

ceased was a Mason an active memberof the West Broadway Methodist churcha man n ted for his good works andChristian deeds The wife and twosons survive His brothers are AttyMorris Eskridge and Roscoe Eskridgeof Hardinsburg James and Henry ofLouisville and Melville of OwensboroHis only living sister is Mrs John PHaswell Sr of Hardinsburg The entermrnt took place at Vine Grove

MondayEvangelistWill J Harney is con ¬

ducting a meeting at Kingswood

Mrs Joel H Pile was in Louisville

TuesdayMrsB Reeves is visiting her

sister Mrs George Wolfe in LouisvilleMarvin Beard was in St Louis last

weekV v

Morris ESlridge went to LouisvilleSaturday to see his brother Alfred

Roscoe Eskridge was called to Louis ¬

ville Sunday on account of the death ofhis brother

Gid Squires goes to Oklahoma thisweek to look out a hew home

Tom Gannaway who has spent theyear in Oklahoma returned to thiscounty last week to relocate in his na ¬

tive county Mr Gannaway formerlylived at Falls of Rough

Lewis Payne on the Leitchfield roadhas sold fortyoneacres of land to JasTeaff of Daviess county for30anacreMr Teaff who formerly from herewill move to his new home within thenext two weeks

MaryE and Jack Alien have soldtwo tracts of land of CO acres each atthe Long Lick ford of the Glemleaneand McDanlels road John R Slaugh-ter


of < xtel paid 1000 for one tractand Ben F Hinton paid 100 for theother

The Board of Supervisors reassemblenext Monday to hear complaints fromthose who object to the proposed raisesof their property lists

Tom Moore accompanied Mrs Al ¬

berta Drury of Bewleyville and MrsMary Walls of Hardinsburg to hismothers near McDaniels Saturday I

where they visited until Monday morn-


Mrs Geo M Moss of Louisville isthe guest of Dr and Mrs Arthur


fI Mather


Jack and Nelse Jolly and W D Wit

I Hundreds of our readers take a city daily paper as well as ours in order to keep fullyabreast of the news of the world There is no better daily paper at any price to be had inthe State of Kentucky tnan THE LOUISVILLE DAILY HERALD It is a clean fam-


sheet allowing no objectionable advertising of any kind to be published It hits tho finest° local newts service of any daily paper in the State It has the Associated Press telegraphic

IInews of the world it has amusing pictures from its own cartoonist every day splendid half

ois received at our office not later than January 80 1909 Positively

U will be accepted at less than regular price if received in envelope lateri j


son of McQuady and Luther Wilson ofIrvingtonwere in Louisville Sunday tosee Hon Tice Jolly who has been forsix months in the hospital He is soimproved that he hopes to be at homeit > two or three weeks

Dr push will be in Hardinsburg Jan2526 and 27 Three days only


Polly Of TheI Circus Will Be

Seen Next TuesdayEdithT-

aliaferro The Star

Erederic Thompsons Polly of TheCircus with Edith Taliaferro in thetitle role will be the attraction atduringthePolly a young circus rider has beenspent under the round top and in thecircus car She knows no world notcovered by canvas nor did her motherWhen the play bogies the circus tentsare pitched on the commons adjoiningthe church and parsonage in a smalltown This causes scandal in the burgand the pillars of the church gather atthe parsonage to protest to the ministerinjuredbycaucus is carried into the ministershomeThe

culmination of the love affairwhich comes up between the circus girland the parson can be learned atMacauleys this weekI


Many A Cloverport Citizen Finds

The Struggle Hard

With a back constantly achingWith distressing urinary disordersstruggleNoupDoansyouGKy says My trouble was lame back

or lumbago Atnimes I could hardlystand erect after sitting or stoopingand the pains shooting through thesmall of my back on making any quickmovement were excruciating I wasalso subject to frequent headachesand was troubled more or less withdizzy spells Learning of Doans Kid¬

ney Pills procured a box and theystrengthened my back and felt like adifferent man I do not think I havehad a backache since and give thecredit to Doans Kidney Pills

For sale by all dealers Price 50cents FosterMilburn Co BuffaloNew York sole agents for the United

StatesRemember the name Doans andtake no other

Mr Fraize May

Take Another Vacation

Mr and Mrs Frank Fraize are ex ¬

pecting to leave the last of this monthto spend the remainder of the winter inFlorida Mr Fraize undoubtedly be ¬

busbIwhichhe spent in California in 18Q4

3 a11 1 4


made fromof

Made from

A of PureFood

Resigns Position With L A

R R and goes to Las VegasNew Mexico

Mr Vivian Pierce has resigned hisposition as Chief Clerk to Mr H RSmith G F P A of the Louisville

Atlantic R R Co and will leavethe last of next week for Las Vegas NMex where he goes to take a positionwith the Sante Fe Hallway system MrPierce is a capable young railroad manand during his two years residence inIVersailles he has been very popularboth in business and social circles Hisdeparture will occasion much regret

Mr Smith has appointed as MrPierces successor Mr James Botkinswho entered upon his duties Mondaymorning Mr Botkins has been in theemploy of the Southern Railway Cohere fqr some time as telegraph operatorand assistant agent He is bright en ¬

ergetic and courteous and his friendsfeel that in appointing him Chief ClerkMr Smith has made a good selection

Deafness Cannot Be Cured

by local applications as they cannot reachtho diseased portion of the ear There Isonly ono way to euro deafness and that Isby constitutional remedies Deafness Iscaused by un Inflamed condition of themucous lining of the Eustachian Tubo Whenthis tuba Is inflamed you Lave rumblingsound or Imperfect hearing and when It isentirely closed Deafness is result andunless tho Inflammation can bo taken outand Mir tube restored to its normal condi-tion


hwirtiij will bodestroyed forever ninecnscixmtot ton aro caused by Uaturrh whichtxfuithlnjc but un inflanied condltlou ofmucous surfaces

We will give Ono Hundred Dollars for anyeasy ot Deafness caused by catarrh thatcannot bo cured by HaWs Catarrh GuruSend for circulars free KJ OHENEV tCO Toledo O

Sold by Druggists 75cTake Hulls Family Illls for constipation

Will Go To

Dr and Mrs J D Bate whove re¬sided in Hawesville for a dozen yearsand who have so successfully conductedthe Hawesville House during that timewill go to Louisville wheretheir four daughters now reside I



Bargain Subscription Offert q





II L Stader Sells Fine Mules andHorses to



Rod Warfield of Elizabethtown aleading mule dealer in Kentucky washere last week and bought 13 mules andtwo driving horses fromL Stader

The mules were beauties and in finecondition There were several otherbuyers here to look at stock amongthem Judge Baskett of Meade County

Mr Stader and Jim Masterson return ¬

ed home on the train Monday nightThey drove the mules toby the way of Big Spring-

It is said mules from fifteen pandaand over are worth 180 up and thereis active demand for them Stader al¬

ways has the best on the market

Many requests from Catarrh suffererswho use atomizers have caused us toput up Liquid Cream Balm a new andconvenient form of Elys Cream Balmthe only remedy for Catarrh which canalways be depended on In power toallay cleanse the clogg ¬

ed air passtfgesto promote free naturalbreathing the two forms of Cream Balmare alike Liquid Cream Balm is soldby all druggists for 7ri cents Includingspraying tube Mailed by Ely Bros56 Warren Street New York

The FarmerThe News takes pleasure in recom ¬

mending to its readers The KentuckyFarmer whlth hasjust recently succeed ¬

ed The Kentucky Farmer and Breederof in your subscriptionsfor this excellent farm journal to L BShropshire Louisville Ky

C H Lane of will bein Cloverport Friday Jan 22 to buygood mules from four to six years out14 12 to 10 hands high sound and fatFor particulars see H L Stader










The Louisville Daily Regular Price yearBreckenridge News Regular Price Total

nIf subscriptionsubscription postmarkedrogistoredO

IMKIN POWDERlbrolutely

The Only Baking PowderRoyal Grape Cream Tartar


GuaranteeHealthful Delicious













Mules WantedHopkinsville




IGOOD 30 1909


tone pictures showing local and world events and a fearless independent editorial page al ¬ I

ways fair and interesting oven to those who differ politically with the editorialopininThe regular price of the Daily Herald is 3 a year by mail and the regular price of our n

paper is 1 a year by mail By a special arrangement we are able to make the wonderful U

offerofoBoth for 250un u

January 30 1909 or one year from the date at which present subscriptions expire If you n

have paid up your subscription for our paper you may send 2 for subscription to The Herald U



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