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Seeds of Power and Peace(Einstein Publishes his Theory of Relativity)

Albert Einstein was one of the greatest scientists of all time. He is most famous for his Theory of Relativity, which he first advanced at the young age of 26. Einstein had a brilliant mathematical and philosophical mind. He was once quoted saying, The sign of true intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

Einsteins inquisitiveness had been given life when at 5 years old he was shown a compass by his father. He was intrigued by the way the needle always pointed to the same direction wherever he turned. He remembered feeling and thinking back then something deeply hidden had to be behind things.

Einsteins revolutionized scientific thinking with his conceptions of time, space, mass, motion, and gravitation. He treated matter and energy as identical and not distinct from each other. In doing so, he laid the basis for releasing energy fromthe atom. Einstein had been affected by other scientists like Isaac Newton but his work was extremely different. His universally known formula E=mc2(energy=mass x velocity of light squared), became the building block for the development of nuclear energy.The German born philosopher and scientist hadother distinguished works as his Theory of Special Relativity and his theory of General Relativity for which he was bestowed the title father of modern physics.

In 1933, he fled Germany to escape the Nazis and subsequently settled in the United States. In 1939, World War II had started to begin and on August 2, 1939, Einstein wrote a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt explaining that it might be possible to build an atomic bomb. He entreated the president to provide governmental help for the study of the release of nuclear energy. His letter helped set the United States on a long and costly path towards building the atomic bomb that was subsequently deployed over Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, obliterating the two cities to nothing but dust. The bombing of the two cities brought World War II to an abrupt end.

The advent of the nuclear/atomic bomb sprouted into a nuclear arms race among nations. The more atomic bombs a nation had the more secure it felt. The phenomenal power of the atomic bomb to eradicate life from earth forces nations to think of a more peaceful alternative means to settle their differences. Albert Einstein in his true genius finally paved a way towards peace by laying the basis for building the ultimate weapon of mass destruction.

Anyone care for a ride?(Rollout of the Model TFord)

Before 1908, motorized vehicles, or horseless carriages, as it was first known, can only be afforded by the rich because of its costliness. But on September 27, 1908, a pioneering product of ingenuity was introduced the T Ford.It was the first mass produced car in the world.It provided ordinary people the chance to own a motor vehicle without burning a hole in their pocket.

Henry Ford, born in 1863, wasintriguedwith the machinations of clocks and watches, which later evolved into a flair for fixing locomotives. He researched and experimented with the design and construction of automobiles that eventually led to the formation of the Ford Motor Company, in 1903. The company developed a series of models that ultimatelyevolved into the final production of the Model T.

Tin Lizzie, as it was called then, was the fruit of labor of three engineers Childe Harold Wills, Joseph A. Galamb and Eugene Farkas. The Model T was easy to keep and driving it was a breeze. In preparation for its release to the market, Ford established dealers from coast to coast in simultaneous with a wide advertising campaign.

Production was moved to Highland Detroit in 1910. After some adjustments were made to the assembly line, a car was produced for every hour and a half by 1914. It was not long before Ford was outselling all of his competitors combined. Due to increasing production, the Model Ts cost decreased annually.

Any customer can have a car painted any color so long as it is black, Henry Ford stated. Black was the only color the car was available in because it is the fastest drying color. Although the Model T enjoyed a significant period of popularity, it was not long before rivals began to come out with more comfortable and elegant looking cars. Due to Fords failure to adapt to the masses constantly changing tastes, it wasnt long before Ford Company lost its leadership in the automobile industry.

Although Ford Company never regained its leadership in the industry, it will never lose its place in history as the first to provide affordable cars to ordinary people. This innovative move shaped the nation and the lives of its people.

I will build a car for the great multitude. It will be large enough for the whole family, but small enough for the individual to care for. It will be constructed with the best materials, by the best men to be hired, after the simplest designs that modern engineering can devise. But it will be so low in price that no man making a good salary will be unable to afford one and enjoy with his family the blessing of hours of pleasure in Gods open places. Henry Ford.