Basic Information - westmifflinmoritz.com Nations/2012-2013 Power Point... · Punjabi, Thai , Iban , and Kadazan. Geography : Western Malaysia ... replaced by the baju kurung. •Women

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Basic Information Student Resource Center Junior

Capital City : Kuala Lumpur

Anthem: Negaraku (TO LISTEN) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNKhr_o5wUA



Languages Student Resource Center Junior

• Malay is the national language in Malaysia.

• Most Malaysians are bilingual or multilingual.

• Languages spoken include :

Tamil, Telugu, Chinese ,

Punjabi, Thai , Iban , and


Geography : Western Malaysia Lands and Peoples

• Most of Western Malaysia is covered by thick swampland &

forests • It makes up about 40% of Malaysia altogether. • Pahang River is the longest river in Western Malaysia , starting

near the top of Mount Tahon and flowing out into the South China Sea and is navigable nearly the whole way.

Eastern Malaysia Lands and Peoples

• Mostly made up of swamps, rainforests, and

mountain ranges.

• Only about 18% of Malaysia’s population lives in Eastern Malaysia.

• The Crocker Range (mountains) run through Eastern Malaysia

Cuisine ABC-CLIO World Geography

• Most meals in Malaysia consist

of nasi (rice).

• Some popular dishes include:

Satays (shown in last slide)

Nasi Lemak

Nasi Degang



Etiquette ABC-CLIO World Geography

• Must take shoes off before entering any houses or places of worship

• It is considered rude if you point the soles on your feet toward anyone

• It is disrespectful to cross your legs in front of anyone , especially your elders.

• Older people aren’t addressed by their given name. They are usually called “Aunty” or “Uncle” to show respect.


Holidays ABC_CLIO World Geography

Chinese New Year – January 23-24

Mouloud(Muhammad's B-day) – February 4

Labor Day – May 1

Vesak Day – May 17

Muharram – November 14

Feast of Sacrifice – October 25

Housing and Buildings Lands and Peoples

• More modern buildings are found in larger & more populated parts of Malaysia.

• In villages , people usually live in houses that are elevated by small posts to protect themselves from wildlife & floods. These houses are cheap & can be constructed quickly.

Government Student Resource Center Junior

• Malaysia's government is a constitutional monarchy.

• Every 5 years a new king is elected by the Council of Rulers.

• Malaysia has a bicameral legislature consists of an appointed Senate and a House of Representatives.

• Their judicial branch includes the Federal Court, High Court of Borneo, and the High Court of Malaya.

Fashion ABC-CLIO World Geography

• Men will usually wear the baju melayu. • Women used to wear the kemban, but that has been replaced by the baju kurung. • Women will also wear a shawl or headscarf with their outfits.

Natural Resources ABC-CLIO World Geography

Malaysia produces & exports : Bauxite Feldspar Gold Kaolin Mica Tin Natural gas Domestic oil

Religion ABC-CLIO World Geography

• Malaysia’s official religion is Islam , more than 60 % of the population practices the religion.

• 19% of the people in Malaysia are Buddhist.

• 6% of the people in Malaysia practice Hinduism.

Education Student Resource Center Junior

Lands and Peoples

• Required to go to school for 9 years.

• Compulsory education is free.

• Many children get sent to college on scholarships or government loans.

• Literacy rate of 92%.

Tourism Student Resource Center Junior

• In 2003 there were 10,576,915 tourists that visited Malaysia.

• 114,380 hotels in Malaysia. • Best hotels are in Kuala Lumpur. • Recently though tourists have been told

to avoid the east coast of Sabah because its been the scene of kidnappings and terrorist attacks on foreign visitors.

Music ABC-CLIO World Geography

• Malaysian music is influenced mainly by forms of Chinese, Indian, and Islamic music.

• Most music centers around percussion & wind instruments.

• Malaysians listen to forms of folk music like dondang sayang & ronggeng.

Transportation Student Resource Center Junior

• Roadway system has 61,342 miles of roads

• 118 airports , but most international flights leave through Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

• 4,533 miles of waterways

• 1,149 miles of railroads

Climate Student Resource Center Junior

oHigh humidity

o Temperatures range from 73°F to 88°F all year round.

oHeavy rainfall

oAverage of 100 inches of rain every year.

Labor Student Resource Center Junior

• In 2005, an estimated 10.67 million Malaysians were employed.

• The working age is 14.

• In 2012, the government set a specific minimum wage.

• The minimum wage is set at $297 per month.

Plants Student Resource Center Junior

• 59% of Malaysia is tropical rainforest.

Western Malaysia :

-camphor, ebony, sandalwood, teak, & palm trees.

Eastern Malaysia :

-400 species of tall hardwoods & semi hardwoods.

-buttercups, violets, and valerians.

Animals Student Resource Center Junior

Western Malaysia :

-malayan bison, deer, wild pigs, tree shrews, honey bears, forest cats, civets, monkeys, crocodiles, huge lizards, and snakes.

Eastern Malaysia :

-large butterflies, colored birds, and a great wealth of other insect and bird species.

Currency Student Resource Center Junior

• A ringgit in Malaysia means dollar.

• Each ringgit is divided into 100 sens or cents.

• There are 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, & 1 ringgit that are coins.

• Ringgits come in 1’s, 5’s, 10’s, 20’s, 100’s, 500’s, & 1000’s.

• 1 U.S. Dollar = 3.78 Ringgits

Sports Student Resource Center Junior

• Some sports Malaysians like to play are : -volleyball

-field hockey







• Badminton is a favorited sport in Malaysia, they even compete in the World Badminton Championships.

Marriage Student Resource Center Junior

• Close friends and family arrange marriages, but the couple must still give full consent.

• Boys are expected to marry by the ages 25-28.

• Wedding feasts are usually attended by all villagers.

• Weddings are usually held in hotels or large community halls.

Traditions ABC-CLIO World Geography

• When a Malay Muslim dies, the body is placed on a bed facing the mecca.

• Malaysians shake hands when greeting eachother.

• The women can only nod and smile when greeting a male.

• You are usually offered a refreshment when going to a guests home.

Defense Student Resource Center Junior

• Total number of people in : Army = 80,000

Navy = 15,000

Airforce = 15,000

• In 2005, Malaysia helped in 10 United Nations peacekeeping missions.

• That year the defense budget was 2.47 billion.

Technology Student Resource Center Junior

• In 2002, all of Malaysia’s research & development cost $1.5 million.

• In that same year 58% of manufactured exports were high-tech.

• Some technology research buildings in Kuala Lumpur include the Malaysian Institute of Microelectronic Systems (MIMOS), and the Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia.

Environment Student Resource Center Junior

• Malaysia produces over 1.5 million tons of waste on average annually.

• In 2007 there was an estimated 911 species endangered in Malaysia.

• Discharge of oil by vessels in Malaysian waters is prohibited.

• Malaysia has also passed many environmental laws, including the Environmental Quality Act of 1974.

Natural Disasters Student Resource Center Junior

• In December 2004 , a tsunami hit Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. Less than 100 people in Malaysia were killed.

• In August 2005 , smoke covered Kuala Lumpur due to some forest fires that 8 out of 10 Malaysian companies had caused.

Ethnicity Groups Student Resource Center Junior

• Malays - 50.4%

• Chinese - 23.7%

• Bumiputras - 11%

• Indians - 7.1%

• Other groups - 7.8%

Media Student Resource Center Junior

• Malaysia’s telecommunication system is government owned.

• In 2001, Malaysia had 35 AM and 391 FM radio stations.

• In 2009, there were 15.3 million Internet users in Malaysia

• Most of their technology is modern and up to date.

Agriculture Student Resource Center Junior

• 16% of people in Malaysia have a job in agriculture.

• Also, 8.6% of export earnings were due to agriculture.

• In Malaysia they produce crops such as oil palm, cocoa, pineapples, and rice.

Dependencies Student Resource Center Junior

• As of now Malaysia does not have any territories or colonies.

Energy & Power Student Resource Center Junior

• Malaysia has a lot of oil & natural gas making it a key part of the world’s energy markets.

• In 2002, energy production was about 67 billion kWh.

• It produces coal & exports liquefied natural gas.

Forestry Student Resource Center Junior

• 33% of the forest area is located in Western Malaysia, 22% in Sabah, and 45% in Sarawak.

• In 2004, exports of timber made up about 4.1% of total exports.

• Because of the National Forestry Policy of 1978, exports of sawn logs are being reduced.

Fishing Student Resource Center Junior

• Fish is a primary source of nutrition in Malaysia.

• In 2003, exports of fisheries products were valued at 435.1 million.

• Freshwater fishing occurs in paddy fields & irrigation ditches and only account for 2% of the total catch.

Health Student Resource Center Junior

• High standard of health

• 3 main hospitals:

- Subang Jaya Hospital, General Hospital, and Penang Adventist Hospital.

• Their tuberculosis death toll has been going down since 1961.

• 80% of the population has access to health care.