Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary Basics of Wave Propagation S. R. Zinka [email protected] Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering BITS Pilani, Hyderbad Campus May 7, 2015 Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Basics of Wave Propagation - Arraytool · 03/05/2015 · Time Harmonic FieldsHelmholtz Wave EquationLossy MaterialsPoynting VectorReflectionSummary Basics of Wave Propagation S

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Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary

Basics of Wave Propagation

S. R. [email protected]

Department of Electrical & Electronics EngineeringBITS Pilani, Hyderbad Campus

May 7, 2015

Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary


1 Time Harmonic Fields

2 Helmholtz Wave Equation

3 Lossy Materials

4 Poynting Vector

5 Reflection

6 Summary

Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary


1 Time Harmonic Fields

2 Helmholtz Wave Equation

3 Lossy Materials

4 Poynting Vector

5 Reflection

6 Summary

Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary

Complex Notation

Any time-varying field such as~F = F (x, y, z) cos (ωt + ψ) a

can be written using of Euler’s identity as,

~F = Re[F (x, y, z) ej(ωt+ψ)

]a = Re

[F (x, y, z) ejψejωt

]a = Re



Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary

Let’s Re-write Maxwell’s Equations in Complex Form

∇ ·(~Dsejωt

)= ρe,sejωt

∇ ·(~Bsejωt

)= ρm,sejωt


)=~Je,sejωt +



=(~Je,s + jω~Ds



)= −~Jm,sejωt −



=(−~Jm,s − jω~Bs


Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary

So, Maxwell’s Equations in Complex Form are ...

∇ · ~Ds = ρe,s

∇ ·~Bs = ρm,s

∇× ~Hs =~Je,s + jω~Ds

∇×~Es = −~Jm,s − jω~Bs

Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary


1 Time Harmonic Fields

2 Helmholtz Wave Equation

3 Lossy Materials

4 Poynting Vector

5 Reflection

6 Summary

Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary


The wave shown in the above diagram can be represented as

F (x, t) = sin (βx− βvt) = sin (βx−ωt) (1)

where,ω = 2πf = βv. (2)

Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary

Wave Equation

Simple 1 - dimensional wave equation is given as

∂2F∂x2 =



Using the complex notation, the above equation can be simplified as


∂x2 =



(jω)2 Fs = −β2Fs

⇒ ∂2Fs

∂x2 + β2Fs = 0 (3)

Using the theory of linear differential equations, solution for the above equation is given as

Fs = Aejβx + Be−jβx

⇒ F = Re[(

Aejβx + Be−jβx)

ejωt]= Re

[Aej(ωt+βx) + Bej(ωt−βx)

]. (4)

Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary

Now, let’s prove that time harmonic electromagnetic fields exist inthe form of waves ...

Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary

Helmholtz Wave EquationIn a source-less dielectric medium,

∇ · ~Ds = 0

∇ ·~Bs = 0

∇× ~Hs = jω~Ds = jωε~Es (5)

∇×~Es = −jω~Bs = −jωµ~Hs (6)

Taking curl of (6) gives


)= ∇×


)⇒ ∇

(∇ ·~Es

)−∇2~Es = −jωµ

(∇× ~Hs

)⇒ ∇

(∇ ·~Es

)−∇2~Es = −jωµ


)⇒ ∇2~Es = ∇

(∇ ·~Es


⇒ ∇2~Es =~0−ω2µε~Es (7)

Similarly, it can be proved that

∇2~Hs = −ω2µε~Hs. (8)

Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary

Finally, Let’s Analyze the Helmholtz Wave Equation

Let’s compare general wave equation (3) and Helmholtz wave equation (7).

∂2Fs∂x2 + β2Fs = 0 ∇2~Es + ω2µε~Es = 0

From the above comparison, we get,

β = ω√

µε. (9)

But, we already knew that

v =ω


So, from the above equations, we get

v =1√



µrεrc (10)

where c is the light velocity.

Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary

Solution of Helmholtz EquationVector Helmholtz equation can be decomposed as shown below:

∇2Exs + ω2µεExs = 0

∇2~Es + ω2µε~Es = 0 ∇2Eys + ω2µεEys = 0

∇2Eys + ω2µεEys = 0

Since all the differential equations are similar, let’s solve just one equation using variable-separablemethod. If Exs can be decomposed into

Exs = A (x)B (y)C (z)

then substituting the above equation into Helmholtz equation gives

∇2Exs + ω2µεExs = 0

⇒ ∂2Exs

∂x2 +∂2Exs

∂y2 +∂2Exs

∂z2 + ω2µεExs = 0

⇒ B (y)C (z)∂2A∂x2 + A (x)C (z)

∂2B∂y2 + A (x)B (y)

∂2C∂z2 + ω2µεA (x)B (y)C (z) = 0

⇒ 1A (x)

∂2A∂x2 +

1B (y)

∂2B∂y2 +

1C (z)

∂2C∂z2 −γ2 = 0

Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary

Solution of Helmholtz Equation ... Cont’d

⇒ 1A (x)

∂2A∂x2 +

1B (y)

∂2B∂y2 +

1C (z)

∂2C∂z2 −γ2 = 0

⇒ 1A (x)

∂2A∂x2 +

1B (y)

∂2B∂y2 +

1C (z)

∂2C∂z2 −γ2


z = 0 (11)

The above equation can be decomposed into 3 separate equations:

1A (x)

∂2A∂x2 − γ2

x = 0

1B (y)

∂2B∂y2 − γ2

y = 0

1C (z)

∂2C∂z2 − γ2

z = 0

It is sufficient to solve only one of the above equations and it’s solution is given as

⇒ ∂2A∂x2 − γ2

xA (x) = 0

⇒ A (x) = L1eγxx + L2e−γxx = L−eγxx + L+e−γxx (12)

Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary

Solution of Helmholtz Equation ... Cont’d

So, finally Exs is given as

Exs =(L−eγxx + L+e−γxx) (M−eγyy + M+e−γyy) (N−eγzz + N+e−γzz) (13)

⇒ Ex = Re[(

L−eγxx + L+e−γxx) (M−eγyy + M+e−γyy) (N−eγzz + N+e−γzz) ejωt]


with the conditionγ2

x + γ2y + γ2

z = γ2. (15)

Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary


1 Time Harmonic Fields

2 Helmholtz Wave Equation

3 Lossy Materials

4 Poynting Vector

5 Reflection

6 Summary

Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary

Complex Permittivity

∇ · ~Ds = ρe,s

∇ ·~Bs = ρm,s

∇× ~Hs =~Je,s + jω~Ds = σ~Es︸︷︷︸conduction current

+ jωε~Es︸ ︷︷ ︸displacement current

= jω


1− jσ


)︸ ︷︷ ︸



∇×~Es = −~Jm,s − jω~Bs

• From now onwards, we will be using complex permitivity εs = ε(1− j σ


)instead of simple

ε when ever possible.• Another important definition is that of loss tangent:

tan θ =σ


Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary

Propagation Constant

So, from the previous slide, for lossy dielectrics, εs is a complex number and is given as

εs = ε(

1− jσ



Then propagation constant γ is given from the equation

γ2 = −ω2µεs

= −ω2µε(

1− jσ


)= −ω2µε + jωµσ. (16)

From the above equation, γ can be written as γ = α + jβ. Now, we need to find out the values of αand β. We have

γ2 = (α + jβ)2 =(α2 − β2)+ j (2αβ) (17)

Comparing (16) and (17) we get,

α2 − β2 = −ω2µε

β =ωµσ

2α. (18)

Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary

Propagation Constant ... Contd

Solving the set of equations (18) gives

α2 −(ωµσ

)2= −ω2µε

⇒ 4α4 −ω2µ2σ2 = −4α2ω2µε

⇒ 4α4 + 4α2ω2µε−ω2µ2σ2 = 0

⇒ 4ξ2 + 4ξω2µε−ω2µ2σ2 = 0

⇒ ξ =ω2µε



1 +( σ


)2− 1


⇒ α =√

ξ = ω

√√√√ µε


[√1 +

( σ


)2− 1

]. (19)

Similarly it can be proved that

β = ω

√√√√ µε


[√1 +

( σ


)2+ 1


Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary

Skin Depth

Skin Depth:The distance δ, through which the wave amplitude decreases by a factor 1

e is called skin depth orpenetration depth of the medium, that is

E0e−αδ =E0


From the above equation,

δ =1α


Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary


1 Time Harmonic Fields

2 Helmholtz Wave Equation

3 Lossy Materials

4 Poynting Vector

5 Reflection

6 Summary

Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary

Poynting Vector

One Vector Identity:

∇ ·(~A×~B

)= ~B ·


)−~A ·


)From the above vector identity,

∇ ·(~E× ~H

)= ~H ·


)−~E ·

(∇× ~H

)= ~H ·

(−~Jm −


)−~E ·

(σ~E +




(~H ·~0− ~H · ∂~B



σ~E ·~E +~E · ∂~D∂t



(−µ~H · ∂~H



σ~E ·~E + ε~E · ∂~E∂t


= −(

µ~H · ∂~H∂t

+ ε~E · ∂~E∂t

)− σ~E ·~E = −


∂(~H · ~H


+ ε12

∂(~E ·~E


− σ~E ·~E

= − ∂






∥∥∥~E∥∥∥2)− σ


Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary

Poynting Vector ... Cont’d

⇒ ∇ ·(~E× ~H

)= − ∂






∥∥∥~E∥∥∥2)− σ


⇒˚∇ ·

(~E× ~H

)dv =

˚ (− ∂






∥∥∥~E∥∥∥2)− σ



⇒‹ (

~E× ~H)· ~dS︸ ︷︷ ︸


= − ∂


˚ (µ






dv︸ ︷︷ ︸Rate of decrease of stored Energy



dv︸ ︷︷ ︸Ohmic power dissipated

Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary

Poynting Vector ... Physical Interpretation

~P = ~E× ~H =∥∥∥~E∥∥∥ ∥∥∥~H∥∥∥ sin θk (22)

Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary

Instantaneous & Time Average Power

Instantaneous power corresponding to the above set of voltage & current is defined as

Pinst (t) = v0i0 cos (ωt + φ1) cos (ωt + φ2)


2[cos (ωt + φ1 + ωt + φ2) + cos (ωt + φ1 −ωt− φ2)]


2[cos (2ωt + φ1 + φ2) + cos (φ1 − φ2)] (23)

Time average power is defined as

Pavg =1


ˆ T0

0Pinst dt =


cos (φ1 − φ2) (24)

Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary

Time Average Power - Complex Notation

vreal = v0 cos (ωt + φ1) vcomplex = V = v0ej(ωt+φ1)

ireal = i0 cos (ωt + φ2) icomplex = I = i0ej(ωt+φ2)

Pavg =v0 i0

2 cos (φ1 − φ2) Pavg = 12 Re (VI∗) = v0 i0

2 cos (φ1 − φ2)

Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary

Instantaneous & Time Average Poynting Vector

~Pinst = ~Einst × ~Hinst

~Pavg = Re[


(~Es × ~H∗s


Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary

Plane Wave in Free Space ... Poynting Vector

Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary

Free Space / Uniform Dielectric Medium Impedance

In source-less medium,

∇×~Es = −jω~Bs

⇒ ∇×(E0e−γzzx

)= −jωµ~Hs

⇒ ~Hs =j













[∂ (E0e−γzz)





)Exsy =










σ + jωε.









For loss-less case (i.e., α = 0 and σ = 0),










Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary


1 Time Harmonic Fields

2 Helmholtz Wave Equation

3 Lossy Materials

4 Poynting Vector

5 Reflection

6 Summary

Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary

Reflection of Plane Wave at Normal IncidenceElectric fields on both sides are given as,

~Es,i = Eie−γ1z zx,

~Es,t = Ete−γ2z zx, and

~Es,r = Ereγ1z zx.

Similarly, magnetic fields on both sides are given as,

~Hs,i =Ei


z zy,

~Es,t =Et


z zy, and

~Es,r = − Er


z zx.

From the boundary conditions (at z = 0),

Ei + Er = Et, andEi

η1− Er



η2. (25)


From (25),

Γ =Er


η2 − η1

η2 + η1, (26)

τ =Et



η2 + η1, and (27)

1 + Γ = τ. (28)

Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary


1 Time Harmonic Fields

2 Helmholtz Wave Equation

3 Lossy Materials

4 Poynting Vector

5 Reflection

6 Summary

Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad

Time Harmonic Fields Helmholtz Wave Equation Lossy Materials Poynting Vector Reflection Summary


Course Outline RF & Microwave Engineering, Dept. of EEE, BITS Hyderabad