Bay of Pigs Invasion Shqip

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  • 7/31/2019 Bay of Pigs Invasion Shqip


    Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Pushtimi i Gjirit t Derrave ishte nj veprim t pasuksesshme nga CIA-te cilet trajnuar azilantekuban pr t pushtuar Kubn jugore, me mbshtetjen dhe inkurajimin nga qeveria amerikane, nnj prpjekje pr t prmbysur qeverin e Fidel Kastros. Pushtimi u nis n prill 1961, m pak se

    tre muaj pasi John F. Kennedy mori presidencn n Shtetet e Bashkuara. Forcat e armatosurakubane, t trajnuar dhe t pajisur me armatime nga kombet e Bllokut Lindor, mundi lufttartpushtues brenda tri ditve.

    Nderhyrja kryesore e pushtimit u krye n nj plazh me emrin Playa Giron, e vendosur n grykne gjirit. Pushtimi sht emruar sipas Gjirit te Derrave, edhe pse kjo sht vetm nj prkthimmodern nga spanjishtja e Cochinos Bahia. N Amerikn Latine, konflikti sht i njohur shpesh siLa Batalla de Giron, ose vetm Playa Giron.

    Political background

    Ne 17 Mars 1960, US PresidentDwight D. Eisenhowermiratoi nje document te pergatitur ngaKomiteti 5412( I njohur ndryshe edhe si "Groupi Special"), ne nje takom teUS KeshillitKombetar te Sigurise(NSC). The stated first objective of the plan began as follows:[5]

    Nje program I aksioneve Covert kunderegjimit te Kastros1. Objektivi: Qellimi I ketij programi eshte te nderrohej regjimi I Kastros me nje regjim tjeter teperkushtuar tek interesat e verteta te qytetareve kuban dhe me te pranueshme per U.S., ne njemenyre te tille qe te shmangej dukja e nderhyrjes amerikane.

    Ne 18 Gusht 1960, Presidenti Eisenhower aprovoi nje buxhet prej $13 milion per kete operacion.By 31 October 1960, shume infiltrime guerrilase dhe supply drops te drejtuara nga CIA ne Cubakishte deshtuar, dhe zhvillimet per strategji te metejshme guerrile u zevendesuan me plane pernje sulm te demaskuar, me nje minimum 1,500 burra. Ne 18 Nentor 1960,Allen Dulles( Drejtori CIA) andRichard Bissell(CIA Zv Drejtor per Planin) si fillim informuan Presidentin esapozgjedhur John Kennedy rreth planit. Duke patur eksperience ne aksione si ajo e1954Guatemalan coup d'tat, Dulles ishte mjeaf konfident qe CIA ishte e afte te rrezonte qeverinekubane te drejtuar nga kryeministri Fidel Castro, qe prej 16 February 1959. Ne 29 Nentor 1960,Presidenti Eisenhower u takua me shefat e CIA, departamenteve te Mbrojtjes, te Shtetit dhe teThesarit per te diskutuar kete situate. Nuk pati kundershti te shprehura, dhe Eisenhower e miratoiplanin, me qellimin qe John Kennedy do e ndiqte kete plan. Ne 8 Dhjetor 1960, Bissell preantoi

    planin tek " Groupi Special " duke kundershtuar dhenien e detajeve ne forme te raportuar.Zhvillime te metejshme te planit u realizuan, dhe ne 4 Janar 1961 they consisted of an intentionto carry out a "lodgement" by 750 men at an undisclosed site in Cuba, supported by considerableair power.[6]:9-19

    Ne 28 Janar 1961, President Kennedy u informua shkurtimisht, bashke me te gjithadepartamentet e tjera ne lidhje me planin me te fundit (code-named Operacion Pluto) I ciliperfshinte 1,000 njerez, te cilet do te hynin ne token kubane nga nje anije neTrinidad, Cuba,,_Jr.,_Jr.,_Jr.,_Cuba,_Cuba,_Cuba,_Cuba,_Jr.
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    rreth 270 km (170 mi) jug-lindje teHavana, ne rreze te maleveEscambray Mountainsneprovincen eSancti Spiritus. Kennedy autorizoi departamentin perkates te vazhdonte te raportonteprogresin e bere. Trinidad kishte mundesi shume te mira pe tu pushtuar fale akdsesit nga deti,ishte afer per shume aktivist anti revolucionar, kishte nje vije bregdetare shume te lehte per tumbrojtur, dhe ofronte nje rruge dalje per ne malet Escambray Mountains. Kur kjo skeme u

    refuzua nga Departamenti I Shtetit, CIA vazhdoi te propozonte nje plan alternative. Pra CIA eshiti mjaft mire planin e vet fillestar, duke formuluar me shume zgjuarsi nje sere opsionesh.Agjensia e vendosi pushtimin midis dy kllapave-alternativave te papranueshme, procrstinatingose disbanding brigaden. Ne 4 April 1961, Presidenti Kennedy ne keto kushte miratoi planin eGjirit te derrave (e njohur ndryshe edhe si operationi Zapata), pasi kishte nje fushe aviacioni ecila do te ishte e nevojshme nese do te nisnin operacione bombardimi, dhe e kishte ate shume melarg nga zona e civileve sec e kishte plani I Trinidad, sikurse ishte edhe me pak e zhurmshemushtarakisht, cka do te bente me te besueshme mohimin e perfshirjes amerikane ne kete pushtimne nje moment te meonshem. The invasion landing area was changed to beaches bordering theBaha de Cochinos (Bay of Pigs) inLas Villas Province, 150 km south-east of Havana, and eastof the Zapata peninsula. Hyrja do te behej nga Playa Girn (code-namedBlue Beach), Playa

    Larga (code-namedRed Beach), and Caleta Buena Inlet (code-named Green Beach)

    Ne Mars 1961, CIA ndihmoi azilantet kuban ne Miami te krijoninCuban Revolutionary CouncilKeshillin Revolucionar Kuban (CRC), I drejtuar ngaJos Mir Cardona, ish kryeminister iKubes ne Janar 1959. Cardona u be lideri de facto in-waiting of the intended post-invasionCuban government.[11]


    Plani prfshinte:1) krijimin e nj opozite t prgjegjshme dhe t unifikuar kunder regjimit kubanez te Kastro, tendodhur jasht Kubs2) zhvillimi i nj mjeti pr komunikim masiv pr popullin kuban, si pjes e nj ofensivpropaganduese t fuqishme3) krijimi dhe zhvillimi i nj intelegjence t fshehta dhe t organizimit e veprimit n Kube, e cilado t prgjigjet pr urdhrat dhe udhzimet e opozits ne mrgim, dhe4) zhvillimin e nj force paraushtarake jasht Kubs pr veprimet guerile t ardhmen.

    Kto qllime ishin pr t'u arritur "n mnyr t till q t shmangej shfaqja e ndrhyrjes

    amerikane."Marrdhniet zyrtare diplomatike u thyer n janar 1961, nnt muaj pasi plani ishte miratuar.Operacioni erdhi n jet, kur Eisenhower miratuar nj buxhet fillestar prej 4.400.000 $. Buxhetiprfshinte 950.000 $ pr veprime politike, 1.700.000 $ pr propagand, 1.500.000 $ prparamilitare dhe 250.000 $ pr mbledhjen e informative te fshehta. Pushtimi reale, nj vit mvon, do tu kushtonte taksapaguesve amerikan mbi 46.000.000 $.
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    Reason for the Bay of Pigs Failure

    Ka nj numr arsyesh pse pushtimi I Gjirit t Derrave dshtoi, duke prfshir:

    Pushtimi nuk ishte nj surpriz - Qeveria kubane ishte shum i vetdijshm pr veprimet eqeveris s Shteteve t Bashkuara. Duke ditur se SHBA po planifikonte t sulmonte lejoiqeverin kubane pr t ndrtuar ushtrit dhe furnizimet pr nj kundrsulm.

    Nnvlersimi i prgatitjes kubane - Kjo prgatitje nga Kuba ishte nj surpriz pr Shtetet eBashkuara q nuk mendoj se ata duhet t jen t prgatitur pr prmbysjen e qeveris kubane.Kshtu, shum nga veprimet q Shtetet e Bashkuara kishin ndermarr pr t prmbysur qeverinkubane u kundrveproa vazhdimisht nga forcat kubaneze n nj nivel m t lart, t papritur dheper qeverin e SHBA.

    Mungesa e ndjenjs anti-Castro n Kub - N prgjithsi nuk ishin te shuma ndjenjat anti-Kastro n Kub pr t ndihmuar Shtetet e Bashkuara per t prmbysur qeverin. N fakt, CheGuevara i bri thirrje revolucionare kubanve pr tu mbledhur s bashku n nj prpjekje pr tmbajtur SHBA nga prmbysjen e regjimit kubanez.

    Ekzekutim joadekuat dhe jo efektive - duhet t shihet n metodat taktike t Shteteve tBashkuara. Shum njerz e atribuojn dshtimit e pushtimit tek pajisjet ushtarake dhe furnizimet pamjaftueshme dhe t paefektshmerise se taktikave ushtarake.

    Existing anti-Castro resistance in Cuba

    Pas suksesit te Revolucionit Kuban ne Janar 1959, rupet anti revolucionare groups u shtuanmjaft, sidomos ne malet Escambray Mountains, ku lufta kunder guerrileve vazhdoi ne menyresporadike deri ne 1965. Perpara se te pushtohej, CIA mbeshteti dhe I ofroi armatime dhe mjetete tjera shume grupeve, por keta nuk u perfshine ne planin e pushtimit per hir te shqetesimitlidhur me sigurine e informacioniot. Ne 11 Mars 1961, Jesus Carreras dhe AmerikaniWilliamAlexander Morgan(nje ish aleat i Castro) u exekutuan pas nje gjyqi dy ditor.

    On 3 April 1961, a bomb attack mbi garnizonin neBayamovrau 4 ushtarak, dhe plagosi 8 tetjere. Ne 6 prill, fabrika e sheqerit Hershey ne Matanzas u prish nga sabotimi. Ne 14 prill 1961,guerrilasit te udhehequr nga Agapito Rivera luftuan forcat qeveritare kubane afer Las Cruces,Montembo, Las Villas, ku disa trupa qeveritare mbeten te vrare, dhe shume te tjere u plagosen.Gjithashtu ne 14 prill 1961, nje avion linjeCubanau mor peng dhe u fluturua ne drejtim teJacksonville, Florida; resultant confusion then helped discovery of the staged 'defection' of a B-26 and pilot at Miami on 15 April.[16][17]:245,_Florida,_Florida,_Florida
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    Preparation and training for invasion

    N prill 1960, CIA filloi t rekrutonte te mrguarit kuban anti-Castro n zonn e Miami. Deri n korrik

    1960, vlersimi dhe trajnimi u realizua n Useppa Island dhe n vende t ndryshme n South Florida, t

    tilla si ferma-shtpi AFB. Trajnimi per specialist guerile u zhvillua n Fort Gulick, Panama dhe n Fort

    Clayton, Panama. Pr numrin n rritje e rekrutve, trajnimi i kmbsoris u krye n nj baz t drejtuar

    nga CIA-me emrin e koduar JMTrax pran Retalhuleu n Sierra Madre n bregdetin e Paqsorit,

    Guatemala.Grupi I azilanteve e quajti robri veten Brigada 2506 (Brigada Asalto 2506). N vern e vitit

    1960, nj aeroport (me emrin e koduar JMMadd, aka Rayo Base) u ndrtua n afrsi t Retalhuleu,

    Guatemala. Qitje artilerie dhe fluturime trajnimi t Brigads 2506 aircrews u kryen nga personeli i

    Alabama ANG (Air National Guard-Mbrojtja Kombetare Ajrore), duke prdorur t paktn gjasht

    pushtuesi Douglas B-26 n shenjat e FAG (Fuerza Area Guatemalteca- Forca Ajrore Guatemale).Nj

    shtes avionesh 26 B ishin marr nga rezervat e ushtris amerikane.trajnim hedhje ishte n nj

    baz nofkn Garrapatenango, pran Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. Trajnimi i paratrupave ishte n nj

    baz me nofkn Garrapatenango, pran Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. Trajnimi pr trajtimin ebark dhe hyrja ne toke ne forme amfibe u zhvillua n Vieques Island, Porto Riko. Trajnimi me

    tanke u zhvillua n Fort Knox, Kentucky dhe Fort Benning, Georgia. Rrnimi nnujor dhe

    trajnimin e infiltrimit u zhvillua n Belle Chase n afrsi t New Orleans.

    CIA prdori transportin Douglas C-54 per t derguar njerez, furnizimet, dhe arm nga Florida gjat nats.

    Curtiss C-46s u prdorn edhe pr transport mes Retalhuleu dhe bazes se CIA-s me emrin e koduar

    JMTide (Lugina e Gzuar), n Porto Cabezas, Nikaragua. M 9 prill 1961, personeli i Brigades 2506, anijet

    dhe aeroplant filluan transferimin nga Guatemala pr Puerto Cabezas, Nikaragua.

    N fillim t vitit 1961, ushtria e Kubs posedonte tanke T-34 dhe IS-2, SU-100 vetlvizs tank

    'shkatrrues ", 122 mm obus, artileri t tjer dhe arm t vogla te tipit Sovjetik, plus 105 mm obusitalian. Forcat e armatosura ajrore Kuban ne inventarin e tyre prfshirinin edhe sulmuesit Douglas

    Invader B-26, Anije lufttarake Hawker, dhe avion Lockheed T-33, t gjitha t mbetur nga Fuerza

    Area del Ejrcito de Cuba (FAEC), forca ajrore kubaneze t qeveris Batista.

    Duke I paraprire nj pushtimi, Che Guevara theksoi rndsin e nj popullsie civile t armatosur, duke

    thn se "t gjith njerzit kuban duhet t bhen nj ushtri guerile, do kuban duhet t msojn si

    funksionon dhe nse sht e nevojshme ti prdorin armt e zjarrit n mbrojtje t kombit."


    US Government personnel

    Rekrutimi i azilanteve kubanez n Miami u organizua nga oficert e CIA-s E. Howard Hunt dheGerry Droller. Plani I Detajuar, planifikimi, dhe trajnimit I operacioneve ushtarake jan kryernga Jacob Esterline, kolonel Jack Hawkins dhe kolonel Stanley W. Beerli nn drejtimin eRichard Bissell, dhe zvendsi i tij Tracy Barnes.

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    Cuban government personnel

    Tashm, Fidel Kastro ishte i njohur si, dhe adresuar si komandant i prgjithshm i forcave t armatosurakubane, me nj baz n "Point One" n Havana. N fillim t prillit 1961, Raul Castro u caktua komandanti forcave n lindje, i vendosur n Santiago te Kubes. Che Guevara komandoi forcat perndimore, te

    vendosura n Pinar del Rio. Major Juan Almeida komandoi forcat n provincat qendrore, te vendosuran Santa Clara. Ral Curbelo Morales ishte kreu i forcave ajrore. Sergio del Valle Jimnez ishte DrejtorShtabi i Operacioneve n pikn nj. Efigenio Ameijeiras ka qen Shef i Policis RevolucionareKombtare. Ramiro Valds Menendez ishte Ministr i Brendshm dhe kreu i G-2 (SEGURIDAD delEstado, apo t sigurimit t shtetit). Zvendsi i tij ishte Comandante Manuel Pieiro Losada, i njohuredhe si "Barba Roja". Kapiteni Jos Ramn Fernndez ishte kreu i Shkolls s Udhheqsve Milic(Kadett) n Matanzas.

    Komandantt e tjer t njsive gjat konfliktit t prfshinin Major Raul Menendez Tomassevich, MajorFiliberto Olivera Moya, Major Ren de los Santos, Major Augusto Martnez Sanchez, Major Flix Duque,Major Pedro Miret, Major Flavio Bravo, Major Antonio Lussn, kapiteni Orlando Pupo Pena, KapiteniVictor Dreke, kapiteni Emilio Aragons, kapiteni Angel Fernndez Vila, Arnaldo Ochoa, Orlando

    Rodriguez Puerta.

    Kshilltart spanjolle te trajnuar ne bashkimin Sovjetik u solln n Kub nga vendet e Bllokut te Lindjes.Kto kshilltart kishin mbajtur poste t larta n ushtrine sovjetike gjat Lufts s Dyt Botrore, dhe ubne te njohur si "Hispano-sovjetike, duke qndruar gjat n Bashkimin Sovjetik. M i lart i ktyreishin veteran spanjolle Komuniste t Lufts Civile Spanjolle, Miguel de Francisco Ciutat, Enrique Lister,dhe Kubani Alberto Bayo. Ciutat de Miguel (alias kubane:. ngel Martnez Riosola, zakonisht i referuar siAngelito ) ishte nj kshilltar pr forcat n provincat qendrore. Roli i agjentve t tjera sovjetike n atkoh sht e pasigurt, por disa prej tyre fituan fam m t madhe m von. Pr shembull, dy kolonel teKGB, Vadim Kochergin dhe Victor Simanov u pane n Kub rreth shtatorit te 1959.

    Prior warnings of invasion

    Aparati i siguris kubane e dinte se pushtimi po vinte, me an t rrjetit t tyre sekret t zbulimit,si dhe t folurit nga antart e brigades (rrjedhje info), disa prej t cilave u moren vesh n Miami,dhe u prsrit n raportet dhe gazetat SHBA dhe t huaja. Megjithat, ditt para pushtimit, aktete shumta t sabotazhit u kryen, t tilla si zjarri El Encanto, nj sulm me zjarr n nj supermarketn Havan m 13 prill, q vrau nj puntor te dyqanit. Qeveria kubane edhe ishte paralajmruarnga agjentt e lart te KGB Cabrera Osvaldo Sanchez dhe "Aragonit", te cilet vdiqen ne menyret dhunshme para dhe pas pushtimit, prkatsisht. Popullsia kubane nuk ishte i informuar mir,me prjashtim atyre qe degjonin radion e financuar nga CIA- Radio Swan . N maj 1960,pothuajse t gjitha mjetet e komunikimit publik ishin n duart e qeveris.

    M 29 prill 2000, nj artikull t Washington Post, "Sovjetikt e dinin Daten e Sulmit te Kubs "njoftoi, se CIA ka t dhna q tregojn se Bashkimi Sovjetik e dinte pushtimi do te ndodhte, dhenuk e informuan Kennedy. M 13 prill 1961, Radio Moska transmetoi nj lajm n gjuhnangleze, duke parashikuar pushtimit "n nj komplot I iniciuar nga CIA" duke prdorur"kriminel"t paguar, brenda nj jave. Pushtimi ndodhi katr dit m von.

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    David Ormsby-Gore, ambasadori britanik n SHBA, deklaroi se analiza e inteligjencs britanike,sic u vu n dispozicion t CIA-s, tregoi se populli kuban ishin kryesisht prapa Castro, dhe se nukkishte gjasa pr dezertime n mas apo kryengritje.

    Prelude to invasion

    Sulmet ajrore n pista (15 prill)

    Gjat nats s 14/15 prill, nj ulje diversionary ishte planifikuar n afrsi te Baracoa, OrienteProvince, me rreth 164 rebel kuban komanduar nga 'Nino' Diaz Higinio. Anija e tyre amtare, equajtur La Playa apo Santa Ana, kishte lundruar nga Key West nn nj flamur Costa Rican. Disashkatrruesi US Navy ishin vendosur n det t hapur n afrsi Guantanamo pr t dhn pamjene nj flote pushtimi afrt. Anijet e zbulimi u kthyen n anije , pasi ekipet e tyre u zbuluan nga forcataktiviste te milicis kubane prgjat bregdetit.

    Si rezultat i ktyre aktiviteteve, n agim, nj Force Ajrore Kubane zbuloi msymjen mbi zonnBaracoa dhe u nis nga Santiago e Kubes. Kjo ishte nj FAR T-33, pilotuar nga LT OrestesAcosta, dhe ajo u rrzua fatalisht n det. M 17 prill, emri i tij u citua n mnyr t gabuar si njspiun n mesin e gjithe informacionit disinformues qe qarkullonte n Miami.

    M 15 prill 1961, n lidhje me kohn 06:00 me oren locale Kubane, tet bombardues InvaderDouglas B-26b n tre grupe n t njjtn koh kan sulmuar tre aeroporte kubane n San Antoniode Los Banos dhe n Ciudad Libertad (i emruar m par Campo Columbia), dy pran Havan,plus Aeroporti Ndrkombtar n Santiago te Kubas, Maceo Antonio. B-26-at ishin prgatitur ngaCIA n emr t Brigads 2506, dhe ishte pikturuar me shenjat e FAR (Fuerza Area

    Revolucionaria), forca ajrore e qeveris kubane. Secili ishte i armatosur me bomba, raketa dhemitraloz. Ata kishin fluturuar nga Puerto Cabezas n Nikaragua, dhe kishte ne ekuipazh pilotn mrgim kubane dhe drejtuesit e vetquajtur Fuerza Area de Liberacin (FALForca Ajroree Clirimit). Qllimi i veprimit (me emrin e koduar Operacioni Puma) u tha t shkatrroninshumica apo t gjith avionet e armatosur t FAR n prgatitje pr pushtimin kryesore. NSantiago, dy sulmuesit shkatrroi nj transporti C-47, nj anije fluturuese PBY Catalina, dy B-26s , nj avion civil DC-3 sikurse edhe avion t tjer civil. N San Antonio, tre avion sulmuesshkatrruan tre FAR B-26s, nj Flote Detare dhe nj T-33, dhe nj avion sulmues devijoi nGrand Cayman per shkak t karburantit t ult ne serbator. N Ciudad Libertad, tre avionsulmues shkatrruan vetm avion jo operacionale t tilla si dy P-47 Rrufe. Nj nga kto avionsulmues u dmtua nga anti-aircraft fire dhe ra rreth 50 km n veri t Kubs, ne te cilen humben

    jeten ekuipazhi Daniel Fernndez Mon dhe Gaston Prez. Avioni B-26 shoqrues i saj, gjithashtuI dmtuar, vazhdoi n veri dhe u ul n nje fush ne Boca Chica (Naval Air Station Key West),Florida. Ekuipazhit, Jos Crespo dhe Lorenzo Prez-Lorenzo, iu dha azil politik, udhetuanmbrapsht per n Nikaragua t nesrmen nga Miami me fluturimin e prditshme C-54te CIA ngaOpa Locka-Aeroporti n Porto Cabezas. Avioni I tyre B-26, I vendosur numrin 933 qellimisht, enjjt me t paktn dy avion te tjere B-26 ate dit pr arsye dezinformimi, u mbajt deri n fund tdites se 17 prillit.

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    Deception flight (15 April)

    Rreth 90 minuta pasi tet B-26s ishte nisur nga Puerto Cabezas pr t sulmuar aeroportetkubane, nj tjetr B-26 u nis pr nj fluturim mashtrimi q e ndermori at n afrsi t Kubs, poru drejtua n veri n drejtim te Floridas. Ashtu si grupet bombardues, mbante shenja e rreme FAR

    dhe t njjtin numr 933 t pikturuar n t paktn dy nga avionet e tjer. Para nisjes, cowling nganj prej avioneve u hoqen dy motor nga personeli i CIA-s, qlluan mbi t, pastaj e ri-instaluanpr t dhn pamjen e gabuar se avioni kishte marr zjarr nga toka n nj moment gjatfluturimit t tij. N nj distanc t sigurt n veri t Kubs, piloti feathered motorin me vrimaplumbash te para-bera n te, beri nj telefonat me nje sinjal ndrkombtar fatkeqsie dukekrkuar leje t menjhershme pr tu ulur n Miami International Airport. Piloti ishte MarioZiga, ish pilot i Forces Ajrore kubane, dhe pas uljes u maskua si "Juan Garcia ', dhe publikishtdeklaroi se edhe tre koleg te tij e kishin dezertuar FAR. T nesrmen atij iu dha azil politik, dheat nat ai u kthye n Porto Cabezas nprmjet Opa- Locka.

    Reactions (15 April)

    N 10:30 m 15 prill n Kombet e Bashkuara, Ministri i Jashtm kuban Ral ROA u prpoq takuzonte Shtetet e Bashkuara pr sulme ajrore agresive kundr Kubs, dhe at pasdite zyrtarishtparaqiti nj krkes n Komitetin Politik t Asambles s Prgjithshme t OKB . Si prgjigje,ambasadori amerikan n OKB Adlai Stevenson tha se forcat e armatosura amerikane "ne asnjemenyre" nuk do t ndrhynin n Kub, dhe se SHBA do t bj gjithka n fuqin e saj pr tsiguruar se asnj shtetas amerikane nuk do t merrte pjes n veprimet kundr Kubs. Aigjithashtu theksoi se t larguarit kubane kishte kryer sulmet at dit dhe ai paraqiti nj foto UPIte B-26-es se Ziga me shnja kubane n aeroportin e Miamit. Stevenson u zu ngusht m von

    pasi kuptoi se CIA kishte gnjyer at dhe Sekretarin t Shtetit Dean Rusk.

    Presidenti Kennedy mbshteti deklaratn e br nga Stevenson:. "Un kam theksuar m par sekjo ishte nj luft e patriotve kubanez kundr nj diktatori kuban. Ndrsa ne nuk mund tfshehur simpatit tona, ne e kemi br t ne menyre te prsritur te qart se forcat e armatosura tktij vendi nuk do t ndrhyj n asnj mnyr. "

    M 15 prill, policia kombtare, e udhhequr nga Efigenio Ameijeiras, filloi procesin i arrestimitt mijra individve anti-revolucionare t dyshuar, dhe mabjtjen e tyre n vende t prkohshmet tilla si Teatri Karl Marksi, hendeku i thell i Fortaleza de la Cabana dhe Kalaja Principe t

    gjitha n Havan, dhe ne fushen e baseball n Matanzas.

    Phony war (16 April)

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    N natn e 15/16 prill, Grupi i Nino Diaz dshtoi n nj perpjekje t dyt ulje diversionary nnj vend t ri pran Baracoa. [23]

    N 16 prill, Merardo Leon, Jose Leon, dhe 14 vet t tjer organizuan nj kryengritje t armatosur

    n Las Delicias Estate n Las Villas, me vetm katr t mbijetuar. Leonel Martinez dhe tre ttjer morn fshatin.

    Pas sulmeve ajrore n aeroporte m 15 prill 1961, FAR arriti te prgatiste pr veprime tarmatosura t paktn katr T-33s, katr Flota Detare dhe pes apo gjasht B-26s. T tre llojetishin t armatosur me automatik pr t luftuar ajr-ajr dhe pr te sulmuar anije dhe tobjektivave ne toke. Planifikuesit CIA kishte dshtuar n zbulimin se SHBA-kishte ofruaravion T-33 te cilat kane qen t armatosur me mitraloz M-3. Tri lloje t mund t mbaninbomba, pr sulmet kundr anijeve dhe tanket.

    No additional air strikes against Cuban airfields and aircraft were specifically planned before 17

    April, because B-26 pilots' exaggerated claims gave the CIA false confidence in the success ofthe 15 April attacks, untilU-2reconnaissance photos on 16 April showed otherwise. Late on 16April, President Kennedy ordered cancellation of further airfield strikes planned for dawn on 17April, to attempt plausible deniability of US direct involvement.[10]

    Nuk ishin planifikuar sulme t tjera ajrore kundr fushat e aviacionit dhe aviont kuban prpara17 prill, pr shkak se pretendimet e ekzagjeruara te pilotve te B-26 i dhane CIA besimin e rremn suksesin e sulmeve t 15 prill, deri sa disa foto m 16 prill tregoi ndryshe. Von m 16 prill,presidenti Kennedy urdhroi anulimin e sulmeve ajrore t mtejshme t planifikuara pr neagimin e 17 prillit, n prpjekje pr mohimin e mundshem t prfshirjes se drejtprdrejt tSHBA-s.

    Von m 16 prill, Brigada 2506 e CIA flota pushtuese konvergoi n 'Rendezvous Point Zulu',rreth 65 kilometra (40 milje) n jug t Kubs, duke lundruar nga Puerto Cabezas n Nikaragua,ku ishin ngarkuar me trupa dhe materialeve t tjera, pas kishin ngarkuar arm dhe furnizime nNew Orleans. Operacioni i marins amerikane ishte koduar Bumpy Road (Rruga Gunga), qsht ndryshuar nga emir Crosspatch m 1 prill 1961. Flota, e emertuar 'Forca e ekspeditskubane ', prfshinte pes anije mallrash 2,400 ton (pesha bosh), t pajisur me pas me arm anti-aeroplan. Katr nga keto anije, Houston (kodi emri Aguja), Rio Escondido (kodi emri Ballena),Caribe (kodi emri Sardina), dhe Atlntico (kodi-emri Tiburon), ishin planifikuar pr ttransportuar rreth 1.400 trupa n shtat batalione dhe armatimet n afrsi t plazheve te synuaraper tu pushtuar.

    The fifth freighter,Lake Charles, was loaded with follow-up supplies and someOperation 40infiltration personnel. The freighters sailed under Liberian ensigns. Accompanying them weretwo LCIs (Landing Craft Infantry) 'purchased' fromZapata Corporationthen outfitted with heavyarmament at Key West, then exercises and training at Vieques Island. The LCIs wereBlagar(code-nameMarsopa) andBarbara J(code-nameBarracuda), sailing under Nicaraguan ensigns.
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    Anije e pest, Lake Charles, ishte ngarkuar me pajisje mbeshtetese dhe me personel te infiltruarte mbiquajtur Operacioni 40. Anijet e mallrave udhetonin nen shenjat Libaneze, dheshoqroheshin nga dy LCIS (Landing Craft kmbsorie) 'bler' nga Zapata Korporation pajisurme armatim t rnd n Key West, dhe ishin ushtruar dhe trajnuar n Vieques Island. LCIS ishinBlagar (kodi-emrin Marsopa) dhe Barbara J (kodi-emri Barracuda), q lundronte nn shenjat

    Nikaraguas. Anijet CEF u shoqruan individualisht n pikn Zulu nga shkatrrues te MarinesAmerikane Bache USS, USS Beale, USS Conway, USS Cony, USS Eaton, USS Murray, USSWaller.

    Nj task force ishte mbledhur tashm jasht Ishujve Kajman, duke prfshir edhe aeroplanmbajtese USS Essex me ne bord komandantin e Task Force Admirali John A. Clark, helicoptermbajtese USS Boxer, shkatrruesit USS Hank, USS John Weeks W., USS Purdy, USS trumcak,dhe nndetse USS Cobbler dhe USS Threadfin. Anija komanduese dhe kontrolluese USSNorthampton dhe aeroplan mbajtesja USS Shangri-La ishin gjithashtu aktive n Karaibe n atkoh.


    Bahia de Cochinos 1961

    Invasion day (17 April)

    During the night of 16/17 April, a mock diversionary landing was organized by CIA operativesnearBahia Honda,Pinar del Rio Province. A flotilla of small boats towed rafts containingequipment that broadcasted sounds and other effects of a shipborne invasion landing. That wasthe source of Cuban reports that briefly lured Fidel Castro away from the Bay of Pigs battlefront


    At about 00:00 on 17 April 1961, the two CIA LCIsBlagarandBarbara J, each with a CIA'operations officer' and an Underwater Demolition Team (UDT) of five frogmen, entered the Bayof Pigs (Baha de Cochinos) on the southern coast of Cuba. They headed a force of four transportships (Houston,Ro Escondido, Caribe andAtlntico) carrying about 1,400 Cuban exile groundtroops of Brigade 2506, plus tanks and other vehicles in the landing craft. At about 01:00, theBlagar, as the battlefield command ship, directed the principal landing at Playa Girn (code-namedBlue Beach), led by the frogmen in rubber boats followed by troops from Caribe in smallaluminium boats, then LCVPs and LCUs. TheBarbara J, leadingHouston, similarly landedtroops 35 km further northwest at Playa Larga (code-namedRed Beach), using small fiberglass

    boats. Unloading troops at night was delayed, due to engine failures and boats damaged byunseen coral reefs. The few militia in the area succeeded in warning Cuban armed forces viaradio soon after the first landing, before the invaders overcame their token resistance.[18]:161,167[23]

    At daybreak at about 06:30, three FAR Sea Furies, one B-26 and two T-33 jets started attackingthose CEF ships still unloading troops. At about 06:50, and 8 kilometres (5.0 mi) south of PlayaLarga,Houston was damaged by several rockets from a Sea Fury and a T-33, and about 2 hourslater captain Luis Morse intentionally beached it on the western side of the bay. About 270,_Cuba,_Cuba,_Cuba,_Cuba
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    troops had been unloaded, but about 180 survivors who struggled ashore were incapable oftaking part in further action because of the loss of most of their weapons and equipment. Atabout 07:00, two invading FAL B-26s attacked and sank the Cuban Navy Patrol Escort shipElBaire atNueva Geronaon theIsle of Pines.[23][39]They then proceeded to Girn to join two otherB-26s to attack Cuban ground troops and provide distraction air cover for the paratroop C-46s

    and the CEF ships under air attack.

    At about 07:30, five C-46 and one C-54 transport aircraft dropped 177 paratroops from theparachute battalion of Brigade 2506 in an action code-named Operation Falcon.[44]About 30men, plus heavy equipment, were dropped south of Australia sugar mill on the road to Palpiteand Playa Larga, but the equipment was lost in the swamps, and the troops failed to block theroad. Other troops were dropped atSan Blas, at Jocuma between Covadonga and San Blas, andat Horquitas between Yaguaramas and San Blas. Those positions to block the roads weremaintained for two days, reinforced by ground troops from Playa Girn.[18]:206

    At about 08:30, a FAR Sea Fury piloted by Carlos Ulloa Arauz crashed in the bay, due to stalling

    or anti-aircraft fire, after encountering a FAL C-46 returning south after dropping paratroops. By09:00, Cuban troops and militia from outside the area had started arriving at Australia sugar mill,Covadonga and Yaguaramas. Throughout the day they were reinforced by more troops, heavyarmour andT-34tanks typically carried on flat-bed trucks.[18]:195-196 At about 09:30, FAR SeaFuries and T-33s fired rockets at theRio Escondido, that 'blew up' and sank about 3 kilometres(1.9 mi) south of Girn.[19][23]

    At about 11:00, Premier Fidel Castro issued a statement over Cuba's nationwide network sayingthat the invaders, members of the exiled Cuban revolutionary front, have come to destroy therevolution and take away the dignity and rights of men.[45]

    At about 11:00, a FAR T-33 attacked a FAL B-26 (serial number 935) piloted by Matias Fariaswho then survived a crashlanding on the Girn airfield, his navigator Eduardo Gonzales alreadykilled by gunfire. His companion B-26 suffered damage and diverted to Grand Cayman Island;pilot Mario Ziga (the 'defector') and navigator Oscar Vega returned to Puerto Cabezas via CIAC-54 on 18 April. By about 11:00, the two remaining freighters Caribe andAtlntico, and theCIA LCIs and LCUs, started retreating south to international waters, but still pursued by FARaircraft. At about 12:00, a FAR B-26 exploded due to heavy anti-aircraft fire fromBlagar, andpilot Luis Silva Tablada (on his second sortie) and his crew of three were lost.[21][23]

    By 12:00, hundreds of militia cadets from Matanzas had secured Palpite, and cautiouslyadvanced on foot south towards Playa Larga, suffering many casualties during attacks by FALB-26s. By dusk, other Cuban ground forces were gradually advancing southward fromCovadonga and southwest from Yaguaramas toward San Blas, and westward along coastal tracksfrom Cienfuegos towards Girn, all without heavy weapons or armour.[23]

    Three FAL B-26s were shot down by FAR T-33s, with the loss of pilots Ral Vianello, JosCrespo, Osvaldo Piedra and navigators Lorenzo Prez-Lorenzo and Jos Fernndez. Vianello'snavigator Demetrio Prez bailed out and was picked up by USSMurray. Pilot Crispn GarcaFernndez and navigator Juan Gonzlez Romero, in B-26 serial 940, diverted to Boca Chica, but
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    late that night they attempted to fly back to Puerto Cabezas in B-26 serial 933 that Crespo hadflown to Boca Chica on 15 April. In October 1961, the remains of the B-26 and its two crewwere found in dense jungle in Nicaragua.[39][46]:313-317 One FAL B-26 diverted to Grand Caymanwith engine failure. By 16:00, Fidel Castro had arrived at the central Australia sugar mill, joiningJos Ramn Fernndezwhom he had appointed as battlefield commander before dawn that



    On 17 April 1961, Osvaldo Ramrez (leader of therural resistance to Castro) was captured inAromas de Velzquez, and immediately executed.[47]The CIA was unaware or unconcerned atsuch repression's effects on the planned operation.[14]

    At about 21:00 on 17 April 1961, a night air strike by three FAL B-26s on San Antonio de LosBaos airfield failed, reportedly due to incompetence and bad weather. Two other B-26s hadaborted the mission after take-off.[21][42]Other sources allege that heavy anti-aircraft fire scaredthe aircrews, the resultant smoke perhaps a convenient excuse for "poor visibility".

    Gjat nats s 16/17 prill, nj ulje t tallen diversionary u organizua nga operativ t CIA-s pran BahiaHonda, Pinar del Rio Province. Nj flot anijesh t vogla e barka t vogla trheq barkave q prmbajnpajisje q transmetuar tinguj dhe efekte t tjera t nj ulje pushtimit shipborne. Kjo ishte burimi iraporteve t Kubs q shkurtimisht joshur Fidel Kastro larg Gjirit t Derrave battlefront zons [16] [18]:.183 [23]N rreth 00:00 m 17 prill 1961, dy t CIA-s LCIS Blagar dhe Barbara J, secili me 'zyrtarit pr operacione't CIA-s dhe nj ekip Underwater Demolition (UDT) e pes frogmen, hyri n Gjirin e Derrave (Bahia deCochinos) n bregdetin jugor t Kubs. Ata kryesuar nj forc t katr anijeve t transportit (Houston,Rio Escondido, Caribe dhe Atlntico) mbante rreth 1.400 trupa toksore kubane ekzil i Brigads 2506,plus tanke dhe automjete t tjera n mjet zbarkimi. N rreth 01:00, Blagar, si anija komand betejs, tdrejtuar ulje kryesore n Playa Giron (me emrin e koduar Blue Beach), t udhhequr nga frogmen ngomone ndjekur nga trupa nga Caribe n anije t vogla alumini, pastaj LCVPs dhe LCUs. J Barbara, duke

    Houston, n mnyr t ngjashme zbarkuan trupat e 35 km n veriperndim t mtejshme n PlayaLarga (me emrin e koduar Red Beach), duke prdorur tekstil me fije qelqi anije t vogla. Trupat eshkarkimit gjat nats u vonua, pr shkak t dshtimeve motor dhe anije t dmtuara nga shkmbinjnnujor koralesh papar. Disa milicis n zonn e pasur sukses n paralajmrim forcat e armatosurakubane nprmjet radios menjher pas zbarkimit t par, para se pushtuesit mposhti rezistencn etyre simbolike [18]:. 161.167 [23]N agim n rreth 06:30, tre LARG Furies Detit, e B-26 dhe dy T-33 aviont e filluara sulmuar ato anijetCEF ende shkarkim trupa. N rreth 06:50, dhe 8 kilometra (5.0 mi) n jug t Playa Larga, Houston ishtedmtuar nga disa raketa nga nj Fury Deti dhe nj T-33, dhe rreth 2 or m von kapiteni Luis Morseqllimisht beached at n ann perndimore t gji. Rreth 270 trupa ishin shkarkuar, por rreth 180 tmbijetuar t cilt luftuan n breg ishin t paaft pr t marr pjes n veprime t mtejshme pr shkak

    t humbjes s m t madhe t armve dhe pajisjeve t tyre. N rreth 07:00, dy pushtuesit FAL B-26ssulmuan dhe u mbyt Kuban marins Patrol Escort anije El Baire n Nueva Gerona n Isle of Pines. [23][39] Ata pastaj vazhdoi t Giron pr t'u bashkuar me dy t tjer B-26s pr t sulmuar trupat kubanetoksore dhe t sigurojn ajr t mbulojn humbje pr hedhje C-46s dhe anijet CEF nn sulm ajror.N rreth 07:30, pes C-46 dhe nj C-54 aeroplan transporti rn 177 trupa parashutiste nga batalioni iBrigads 2506 parashut n nj aksion t koduar Operacioni Falkon. [44] Rreth 30 burra, plus pajisje trnda, u trhoqn n jug Australia i mulli sheqerit n rrugn e Palpite dhe Playa Larga, por pajisjet ishtehumbur n knetave, dhe trupat e dshtuar pr t bllokuar rrugn. Trupat e tjera u ra n San Blas, n
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    Jocuma mes Covadonga dhe San Blas, dhe n Horquitas mes Yaguaramas dhe San Blas. Ato pozicione tbllokojn rrugt ishin mbajtur pr dy dit, t prforcuar nga trupat toksore nga Playa Giron [18]:. 206N rreth 08:30, nj Fury LARG Detit piloted nga Carlos Ulloa Arauz u rrzua n gji, pr shkak t zvarritjenapo anti-ajrore zjarri, pasi ndeshi n nj FAL C-46 kthehen n jug pas rnie trupa parashutiste. Nga,09:00 trupat kubane dhe milicis nga jasht zons kishte filluar mbrritjes n Australi sheqerit mulli,Covadonga dhe Yaguaramas. Gjat dits ata ishin prforcuar nga shum trupa, forca t blinduara trnda dhe T-34 tanke kryer n mnyr tipike n banes-krevat kamion. [18] :195-196 N rreth 09:30,LARG Furies Deti dhe T-33s raketa qlluan n Rio Escondido, q "shprtheu" dhe u mbyt rreth 3kilometra (1.9 mi) n jug t Giron. [19] [23]N rreth 11:00, Kryeministri Fidel Kastro lshoi nj deklarat nprmjet rrjetit mbarkombtar Kubsduke thn se pushtuesit, antart e para revolucionare kubane ekzil, kan ardhur pr t shkatrruar trevolucionit dhe t heq dinjitetin dhe t drejtat e njerzve. [45]N rreth 11:00, nj LARG T-33 sulmoi nj B-26 FAL (numri serik 935) piloted nga Matias Farias i cili mpas shptoi nj crashlanding n pistn ajrore Giron, navigator tij Eduardo Gonzales tashm t vrar mearm zjarri. B-26 e tij shok psuar dme dhe shmangen n Grand Cayman Island; pilote Mario Ziga('spiun') dhe navigator Oskar Vega u kthye n Porto Cabezas nprmjet CIA C-54 m 18 prill. Me rreth11:00, dy t tjert freighters Caribe dhe Atlntico, dhe LCIS CIA-s dhe LCUs, filloi trhequr n jug n

    ujrat ndrkombtare, por ende nga avioni ndjekur tani. N rreth 12:00, nj LARG B-26 shprthyer prshkak t zjarrit t rnd anti-ajrore nga Blagar, dhe pilot Luis Silva Tablada (n msymje e tij t dyt) dheekuipazhi i tij e tre ishin t humbur. [21] [23]Duke 12:00, qindra e kadetve milicis nga Matanzas kishte siguruar Palpite, dhe me kujdes tavancuara n jug kmb drejt Playa Larga, vuajn shum viktima gjat sulmeve nga FAL B-26s. Ngamuzg, forca t tjera kuban e par u gradualisht prparon n jug nga Covadonga dhe n jugperndim tSan Blas Yaguaramas drejt, dhe drejt perndimit s bashku gjurmt bregdetare nga Cienfuegos drejtGiron, t gjith pa arm t rnda apo forca t blinduara. [23]Tre FAL B-26s u qllua posht nga FAR T-33s, me humbjen e pilotve Ral Vianello, Jos Crespo, OsvaldoPiedra dhe drejtuesit Lorenzo Prez-Lorenzo dhe Jos Fernndez. Navigator Vianello e Demetrio Prezbailed dhe u kap nga USS Murray. Pilot Crispin Garca Fernndez dhe navigator Juan Gonzlez Romero,

    n B-26 940 serik, Boca Chica shmangen pr t, por von at nat nuk u perpoq te fluturonte prsri nPuerto Cabezas n B-26 933 serial q Crespo kishin fluturuar pr Boca Chica m 15 prill . N tetor 1961,eshtrat e B-26 dhe ekuipazhi i tij jan gjetur dy n xhungl t dendur n Nikaragua. [39] [46] :313-317Nj FAL B-26 shmangen n Grand Cayman me dshtimin motor. Duke 16:00, Fidel Kastro kishte ardhurn mulli Australia qendrore sheqer, Jos Ramn bashkuar Fernndez t cilin ai e kishte caktuar sikomandant betejs para agimit at dit [18]:. 168M 17 prill 1961, Osvaldo Ramrez (udhheqs i rezistencs rurale t Castro), u kap n Aromas deVelazquez, dhe ekzekutohet menjher. [47] CIA ishte n dijeni ose t shkujdesur n efektet erepresionit t till n operacionin e planifikuar. [14]N rreth 21:00 m 17 prill 1961, nj ajr natn grev me tre FAL B-26s n San Antonio de aeroportin LosBanos dshtuar, thuhet se pr shkak t paaftsis dhe t motit t keq. Dy t tjera B-26s kishte ndrprermisionin, pasi t marr-off. [21] [42] Burime t tjera pohojn se t rnd anti-ajrore zjarr friksuar

    aircrews, tymi rezultante ndoshta nj arsyetim t prshtatshm pr "shikimit t dobt".

    Invasion day plus one (D+1) 18 April

    By about 10:30 on 18 April, Cuban troops and militia, supported by tanks, took Playa Larga afterBrigade forces had fled towards Girn in the early hours. During the day, Brigade forces

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    retreated to San Blas along the two roads from Covadonga and Yaguaramas. By then, both FidelCastro and Jos Ramn Fernndez had re-located to that battlefront area.[18]:207

    At about 17:00 on 18 April, FAL B-26s attacked a Cuban column of 12 civilian buses leadingtrucks carrying tanks and other armour, moving southeast between Playa Larga and Punta Perdiz.

    The vehicles, loaded with civilians, militia, police and soldiers, were attacked with bombs,napalmand rockets, suffering heavy casualties. The six B-26s were piloted by two CIA contractpilots plus four pilots and six navigators from Brigade 2506 air force.[23][39]The column later re-formed and advanced to Punta Perdiz, about 11 km northwest of Girn.

    Me rreth 10:30 m 18 prill, trupat kubane dhe milicis, t mbshtetura nga tanket, u Playa Largapasi forcat Brigads s ishin larguar n drejtim Giron n ort e hershme. Gjat dits, forcat eBrigads trhoq n San Blas prgjat dy rrugve nga Covadonga dhe Yaguaramas. Deri ather,si Fidel Castro dhe Jos Ramn Fernndez kishte ri-vendosur n at zon battlefront [18]:. 207N rreth 17:00 m 18 prill, FAL B-26s sulmuan nj kolon kubane t 12 autobusve civilekryesor kamion q transportojn tanket dhe forca t blinduara t tjera, duke lvizur n juglindje

    mes Playa Larga dhe Punta Perdiz. Automjeteve, i ngarkuar me civil, milicia, policia dheushtart, u sulmuan me bomba, napalm dhe raketa, vuajn humbje t rnda. T gjasht B-26sishin drejtuar nga pilott e dy kontrata t CIA-s plus katr pilot dhe gjasht drejtuesit e Brigadss forcave ajrore 2506. [23] [39] Shtylla e von ri-formuar dhe t avancuara pr t Punta Perdiz,rreth 11 km n veriperndim t Giron.

    Invasion day plus two (D+2) 19 April

    During the night of 18 April, a FAL C-46 delivered arms and equipment to the Girn airstripoccupied by Brigade 2506 ground forces, and took off before daybreak on 19 April.[48]The C-46also evacuated Matias Farias, the pilot of B-26 serial '935' (code-named Chico Two) that hadbeen shot down and crash-landed at Girn on 17 April.[44]

    The final air attack mission (code-namedMad Dog Flight) comprised five B-26s, four of whichwere manned by American CIA contract air crews and pilots from the Alabama Air Guard. OneFAR Sea Fury (piloted by Douglas Rudd) and two FAR T-33s (piloted by Rafael del Pino andAlvaro Prendes) shot down two of these B-26s, killing four American airmen.[14]

    Combat air patrols were flown by DouglasA4D-2NSkyhawk jets ofVA-34squadron operating

    from USSEssex, with nationality and other markings removed. Sorties were flown to reassureBrigade soldiers and pilots, and to intimidate Cuban government forces without directlyengaging in acts of war.[39]

    Without direct air support, and short of ammunition, Brigade 2506 ground forces retreated to thebeaches in the face of considerable onslaught from Cuban government artillery, tanks andinfantry.[19][49][50]
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    Late on 19 April, destroyers USSEaton (code-named Santiago) and USSMurray (code-namedTampico) moved into Cochinos Bay to evacuate retreating Brigade soldiers from beaches, beforefiring from Cuban army tanks caused Commodore Crutchfield to order a withdrawal.

    Gjat nats t dats 18 prill, nj FAL C-46 dorzuar arm dhe pajisje pr airstrip Giron pushtuara nga

    Brigada 2506 forcat toksore, dhe u ngritn para se t gdhir m 19 prill. [48] C-46 evakuuar edheMatias Farias, piloti e B-26 serik '935 '(me emrin e koduar Chico Dy) q ishte qlluar posht dheprplasje, u ul n Giron m 17 prill. [44]E fundit sulmi ajror misionin (me emrin e koduar Flight Mad Dog) prbhet pes B-26s, katr prej tcilave jan drejtuar nga amerikane ajrore t CIA-s ekipet e kontrats dhe pilott nga Garda AjroreAlabama. Nj Fury LARG Detit (piloted nga Douglas Rudd) dhe dy LARG T-33s (drejtuar nga Rafael delPino dhe Alvaro Prendes) shtn posht dy nga kto B-26s, duke vrar katr pilott amerikan. [14]Patrullat ajrore luftarake u drguan nga Douglas A4D-2n avionve Skyhawk t VA-34 q veprojn ngaUSS Essex skuadron, me kombsi dhe shenja t tjera t hequr. Fluturime u drguan pr t siguruarushtart e Brigads dhe pilott, dhe pr t friksuar forcat kubaneze e qeveris, pa prfshirjen edrejtprdrejt t akteve t lufts. [39]Pa mbshtetje ajrore t drejtprdrejt, dhe t shkurtr t municioneve, Brigads 2506 forcat toksore

    trhoq n plazhet prball sulmit t konsiderueshme nga qeveria kubane artileri, tanke dhekmbsoris. [19] [49] [50]Von m 19 prill, shkatrruesit USS Eaton (me emrin e koduar Santiago) dhe USS Murray (me emrin ekoduar Tampico) u zhvendos n Cochinos Gjirit t evakuojn trhequr ushtart e Brigads nga plazhet,para se t gjuajtur nga tanket ushtarake kubane shkaktuar kapiten Crutchfield t urdhroj nj trheqje.

    Invasion day plus three (D+3) 20 April

    From 19 April until about 22 April, sorties were flown by A4D-2Ns to obtain visual intelligenceover combat areas. Reconnaissance flights are also reported of DouglasAD-5Wsof VFP-62and/or VAW-12 squadron from USSEssex or another carrier, such as USS Shangri-La that was

    part of the task force assembled off the Cayman Islands.[23][39]

    On 21 April,Eaton andMurray, joined on 22 April by destroyers USS Conway and USS Cony,plus submarine USS Threadfin and a CIAPBY-5A Catalinaflying boat, continued to search thecoastline, reefs and islands for scattered Brigade survivors, about 24-30 being rescued.

    Nga 19 prilli deri n rreth 22 prill, fluturime u drguan nga A4D-2Ns pr t marr inteligjencn vizualembi zonat e luftimit. Fluturime zbulimi jan raportuar gjithashtu e Douglas AD-5Ws e VFP-62 dhe / oseVAW-12 skuadrilje nga USS Essex ose n nj tjetr transportues, t tilla si USS Shangri-La q ishte pjes eTask Force mbledhur jasht Ishujt Kajman. [23] [39]M 21 prill, Eaton dhe Murray, u bashkuan m 22 prill nga shkatrruesit USS Conway dhe USS lepur i

    but, plus nndetse USS threadfin dhe nj PBY-5A anije CIA Catalina fluturuese, ka vazhduar pr tkrkuar, bregdeti shkmbinj nnujor dhe ishuj pr t mbijetuarit Brigads shprndara, rreth 24 -30sht shptuar.


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    Aircrews killed in action totaled 6 from the Cuban air force, 10 Cuban exiles and 4 Americanairmen.[21]Paratrooper Herman Koch Gene was killed in action, and the American airmen shotdown were Thomas W. Ray, Leo F. Baker, Riley W. Shamburger and Wade C. Gray.[23]In 1979,the body of Thomas 'Pete' Ray was repatriated from Cuba.[51]In the 1990s, the CIA admitted tohis links to the agency, and awarded him theIntelligence Star.[52]114 Cuban exiles from Brigade

    2506 were killed in action.


    The final toll in Cuban armed forces during the conflict was 176 killed in action.[B]Other Cubanforces casualties were between 500 and 4,000 (killed, wounded or missing)[C]The airfield attackson 15 April left 7 Cubans dead and 53 wounded.[16]


    "Havana gleefully noted the wealth of the captured invaders: 100 plantation owners, 67 landlords of apartmenthouses, 35 factory owners, 112 businessmen, 179 lived off unearned income, and 194 ex-soldiers of Batista."


    On 19 April 1961, at least seven Cubans plus two CIA-hired US citizens (Angus K. McNair andHoward F. Anderson) were executed in Pinar del Rio province, after a two-day trial. On 20April,Humberto Sor Marinwas executed atFortaleza de la Cabaa, having been arrested on 18March following infiltration into Cuba with 14 tons of explosives. His fellow conspiratorsRogelio Gonzalez Corzo (alias "Francisco Gutierrez"), Rafael Diaz Hanscom, EufemioFernandez, Arturo Hernandez Tellaheche and Manuel Lorenzo Puig Miyar were alsoexecuted.[13][15][18]:46[37][54]

    Between April and October 1961, hundreds of executions took place in response to the invasion.They took place at various prisons, including the Fortaleza de la Cabaa andEl Morro Castle.[37]Infiltration team leaders Antonio Diaz Pou and Raimundo E. Lopez, as well as undergroundstudents Virgilio Campaneria, Alberto Tapia Ruano, and more than one hundred other insurgentswere executed.[9]

    About 1,202 Brigade 2506 members were captured, of which nine died from asphyxiation duringtransfer to Havana in a closed truck. In May 1961, Fidel Castro proposed to exchange thesurviving Brigade prisoners for 500 large farm tractors, valued at US $28 million.[17]:713 On 8September 1961, 14 Brigade prisoners were convicted of torture, murder and other major crimescommitted in Cuba before the invasion, five being executed and nine jailed for 30 years.[3]Threeconfirmed as executed were Ramon Calvino, Emilio Soler Puig ("el Muerte") and Jorge KingYun ("el Chino").[13][19]On 29 March 1962, 1,179 men were put on trial for treason. On 7 April

    1962, all were convicted and sentenced to 30 years in prison. On 14 April 1962, 60 wounded andsick prisoners were freed and transported to the US.[3]On December 21, 1962, Cuban PrimeMinister Fidel Castro and James B. Donovan, a US lawyer, signed an agreement to exchange1,113 prisoners for US $53 million in food and medicine, sourced from private donations andfrom companies expecting tax concessions. On 24 December 1962, some prisoners were flownto Miami, others following on the shipAfrican Pilot, plus about 1,000 family members alsoallowed to leave Cuba. On 29 December 1962, President Kennedy and his wife Jacqueline
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    attended a "welcome back" ceremony for Brigade 2506 veterans at theOrange BowlinMiami,Florida.[19]

    Aircrews vrar n aksion arritn 6 nga forcat ajrore kuban, 10 mrgimtart kuban dhe 4 pilottamerikan. [21] Paratrooper Herman Koch Gene u vra n veprim, dhe airmen amerikane qlluan ishinThomas W. Ray, Leo F. Baker, Riley Shamburger W. Bush dhe Wade C. Gray. [23] N vitin 1979, trupin eRay 'Pete' Thomas ishte riatdhesuar nga Kuba. [51] N vitet 1990, CIA-s pranoi lidhjet e tij me agjencin,dhe i dha atij t Inteligjencs Star. [52] 114 merguar kuban nga Brigada 2506 u vran n veprim. [D]Numri prfundimtar n forcat e armatosura kubaneze gjat konfliktit ishte 176 t vrar n veprim. [B] Ttjera forcat kubaneze viktima ishin midis 500 dhe 4000 (vrar, plagosur ose t humbur) [C] Sulmet ajrorem 15 prill majt 7 kubant t vdekur dhe 53 plagosur. [16]T burgosurit"Havana gleefully vuri n dukje pasurin e pushtuesit kapur: 100 pronart plantacion, 67 pronart eshtpive t banimit, 35 pronart e fabriks, 112 biznesmen, 179 jetuar jasht t ardhurat e pafituara,dhe 194 ish-ushtarve t Batista."- Revista Jeta [53]M 19 prill 1961, t paktn shtat kubant plus dy CIA-punsuar shtetas amerikane (Angus dhe Howard

    K. McNair F. Anderson), u ekzekutuan n provincn Pinar del Rio, pas nj gjyqi dy-ditore. M 20 prill,Humberto Sor Marin u ekzekutua n Fortaleza Cabana de la, pasi u arrestua m 18 mars pas infiltrimitn Kuba me 14 ton eksploziv. Komplotistt e tjer Rogelio Gonzalez Corzo (alias "Francisco Gutierrez"),Rafael Diaz Hanscom, Eufemio Fernandez, Arturo Hernandez Tellaheche dhe Manuel Puig Lorenzo Miyaru ekzekutuan po ashtu [13] [15] [18]:. 46 [37] [54]Midis prillit dhe tetor 1961, me qindra ekzekutime u zhvillua n prgjigje t pushtimit. Ata u zhvillua nburgje t ndryshme, duke prfshir Cabana Fortaleza de la dhe El Morro Castle. [37] Ekipi i infiltrimitudhheqsit Antonio Diaz Pou dhe Raimundo E. Lopez, si dhe studentt nntoksore VirgilioCampaneria, Alberto Tapia RUANO, dhe m shum se njqind Kryengritsit e tjer u ekzekutuan. [9]Rreth 1.202 antar t Brigads 2506 u kapn, nga t cilat nnt vdekur nga asphyxiation gjattransferimit n Havana n nj kamion i mbyllur. N maj t 1961, Fidel Castro i propozuar pr

    shkmbimin e t burgosurve t mbijetuar Brigads pr 500 traktor ferm t madhe, me vler US $28.000.000 [17]:. 713 M 8 shtator 1961, 14 t burgosur Brigada u dnuan pr vrasje, tortura dhe krimet tjera t mdha t kryera n Kuba para pushtimit, duke u ekzekutuar pes dhe nnt burgos pr 30vjet. [3] Tre konfirmuar ekzekutuar si ishin Ramon Calvino, Emilio SOLER Puig ("el Muerte") dhe JorgeMbreti Yun ("el Chino"). [13] [ 19] M 29 mars 1962, 1179 njerz u vun n gjyq pr tradhti. M 7 prill1962, t gjith u dnuan me 30 vjet burg. M 14 prill 1962, 60 t burgosur t plagosur dhe t smur uliruan dhe t transportohen n SHBA. [3] M 21 dhjetor, 1962, kuban Fidel Castro kryeministri dheJames B. Donovan, nj avokat amerikan, nnshkruan nj marrveshje pr shkmbim 1.113 t burgosurpr US $ 53.000.000 n ushqim dhe mjeksi, me burim nga donacionet private dhe nga kompani tpresim koncesione tatimore. M 24 dhjetor 1962, disa t burgosur u drguan n Miami, t tjer n vijimPilot anije e Afriks, plus rreth 1.000 antart e familjes t lejuar t largohen nga Kuba. M 29 dhjetor1962, presidenti Kennedy dhe gruaja e tij Jacqueline mori pjes n nj "t mirpritur prapa" nceremonin e Brigads 2506 veterant n Orange Bowl n Miami, Florida.

    Political reaction

    Robert F. Kennedy's Statement on Cuba and Neutrality Laws, 20 April 1961
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    Eisenhower kishte br n Guatemala n vitin 1954 pas pushtimit dukej sikur ajo ishte kolaps.[57 ] Presidenti Kennedy u zemrua me dshtimin e CIA-s, dhe deklaroi se dshironte "tshkputur CIA-s n nj mij copa dhe ta shprhap n errat." [58] Kennedy komentoi pr mikune tij gazetar Bradlee Ben, "kshilla e par q jam do t jap pasuesi im sht pr t pargjeneralt dhe pr t shmangur ndjenjn se, sepse ata ishin njerz ushtarake opinionet e tyre mbi

    shtjet ushtarake ishin me nj vler t damn. "

    Later analysis

    Maxwell Taylor survey

    On 22 April 1961, President Kennedy asked GeneralMaxwell D. Taylor,Robert F. Kennedy(Attorney General), AdmiralArleigh Burkeand Allen Dulles (Director of Central Intelligence)to form the Cuba Study Group, to report on the lessons to be learned from the failed operation.On 13 June, General Taylor submitted the report of the Board of Inquiry to President Kennedy.

    The defeat was attributed to lack of early realization of the impossibility of success by covertmeans, inadequate aircraft, limitations of armaments, pilots and air attacks to attempt plausibledeniability, and ultimately, loss of important ships and lack of ammunition.[10]:324

    CIA report

    In November 1961, CIA inspector generalLyman B Kirkpatrick, authored a report 'Survey of theCuban Operation', that remained classified top secret until 1996. Conclusions were:[10]:99

    1. The CIA exceeded its capabilities in developing the project from guerrilla support toovert armed action without any plausible deniability.

    2. Failure to realistically assess risks and to adequately communicate information anddecisions internally and with other government principals.

    3. Insufficient involvement of leaders of the exiles.4. Failure to sufficiently organize internal resistance in Cuba.5. Failure to competently collect and analyze intelligence about Cuban forces.6. Poor internal management of communications and staff.7. Insufficient employment of high-quality staff.8. Insufficient Spanish-speakers, training facilities and material resources.9. Lack of stable policies and/or contingency plans.

    In spite of vigorous rebuttals by CIA management of the findings, CIA Director Allen Dulles,

    CIA Deputy DirectorCharles Cabell, and Deputy Director for Plans Richard Bissell were allforced to resign by early 1962.[8]

    In later years, the CIA's behavior in the event became the prime example cited for thepsychology paradigm known asgroupthinksyndrome.[23]

    In mid-1960, CIA operativeE. Howard Hunthad interviewed Cubans in Havana; in a 1997interview withCNN, he said, "all I could find was a lot of enthusiasm for Fidel Castro."[60]
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    M 22 prill 1961, Presidenti Kenedi i krkoi t Prgjithshm Maxwell Taylor D., Robert F.Kennedy (Prokurori i Prgjithshm), admirali Arleigh Burke dhe Allen Dulles (Drejtori iInteligjencs Qendrore) pr t formuar Grupin Studimi Kuba, pr t raportuar mbi msimet enxjerra nga operacion t dshtuar. M 13 qershor, gjenerali Taylor paraqitur raportin e Bordit tHetimeve t Presidentit Kennedy. Humbja u atribuohet t mungess s realizimit t hershme t

    pamundsis s suksesin me an t fshehta, avion i paprshtatshm, kufizimet e armatimeve,pilott dhe sulmet ajrore n prpjekje deniability bindse, dhe n fund t fundit, humbjen eanijeve t rndsishme dhe mungesa e municioneve [10].: 324Raporti i CIA-sN nntor 1961, CIA inspektori i prgjithshm Lyman B Kirkpatrick, autor i "Monitorimin ioperacionit Kuban 'nj raport, q mbetet e fsheht t klasifikuara t lart deri n vitin 1996.Konkluzionet ishin: [10]: 991. CIA tejkaluar aftsit e tij n zhvillimin e projektit nga mbshtetja guerile n veprim hapur tarmatosur pa ndonj deniability mundshme.2. Dshtimi pr t vlersuar realisht rreziqet dhe n mnyr adekuate t komunikuarinformacione dhe vendimet brenda dhe me drejtort e tjera qeveritare.

    3. Prfshirja e pamjaftueshme e liderve nga t mrguarit.4. Dshtimi pr t mjaft t organizoj rezistencn e brendshme n Kub.5. Dshtimi pr kompetenc t mbledhur dhe analizuar t zbulimit n lidhje me forcat kubane.6. Menaxhimi i dobt e brendshme t komunikimit dhe t stafit.7. Punsimit t pamjaftueshme t cilsis s lart t stafit.8. Spanjisht-fols t pamjaftueshme, objektet e trajnimit dhe burimet materiale.9. Mungesa e politikave t qndrueshme dhe / ose planet e t paparashikuara.N dritn e prapsimet e fuqishm nga menaxhmenti CIA-s e gjetjeve, Drejtori CIA-s AllenDulles, Zvends Drejtor i CIA-s Charles Cabell, dhe Zvends Drejtori pr planet RichardBissell ishin t gjith detyrua t jap dorheqjen nga 1962 e hershme. [8]N vitet e mvonshme, sjellja e CIA-s n rast u b shembull kryeministr cituara pr paradigmpsikologjia e njohur si sindroma groupthink. [23]N mes t 1960, CIA operative E. Howard Hunt kishte intervistuar kubant n Havan, ". ... Tgjitha un mund t gjej kishte shum entuziazm pr Fidel Kastro" n nj intervist me CNN1997, tha ai, [60]

    Invasion legacy in Cuba

    The invasion is often recognized as making Castro even more popular, adding nationalisticsentiments to the support for his economic policies. Following the 15 April air attacks on Cubanairfields, he declared the revolution "Marxist-Leninist".[24]After the invasion, he pursued closer

    relations with the Soviet Union, partly for protection, that helped pave the way for the 1962Cuban Missile Crisis. Castro was then increasingly wary of further US intervention, and moreopen to Soviet suggestions of placing nuclear weapons on Cuba to ensure its security.

    Bay of Pigs Memorial inLittle Havana-Miami,Florida.
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    In March 2001, shortly before the 40th anniversary of the invasion, a conference took place inHavana, attended by about 60 American delegates. The conference was titledBay of Pigs: 40Years After, co-sponsored by theUniversity of Havanaand the US-basedNational SecurityArchive.[61]

    There are still yearly nationwide drills in Cuba during the 'Dia de la Defensa' (Defense Day), toprepare the population for an invasion.

    Invasion legacy for Cuban exiles

    Many who fought for the CIA in the conflict remained loyal after the event; some Bay of Pigsveterans became officers in the US Army inVietnam, including six colonels, 19 lieutenantcolonels, nine majors, and 29 captains.[62]By March 2007, about half of the Brigade had died.[63]

    In April 2010, the Cuban Pilot's Association debuted a monument at theKendall-TamiamiExecutive Airportmemorializing the 16 aviators for the exile side killed during the battle .[64]The

    memorial consists of anobeliskand a restored B-26 replica aircraft atop a largeCuban flag.[65]

    Pushtimi njihet shpesh si Kastro e br edhe m popullor, duke shtuar ndjenjat nacionaliste nmbshtetje pr politikat e tij ekonomike. Pas sulmeve t 15 Pri ajrit n aerodromet kubane, ai deklaroirevolucion "marksiste-leniniste". [24] Pas pushtimit, ai ndoqi marrdhnie m t ngushta me BashkiminSovjetik, pjesrisht pr mbrojtjen, q ndihmuan t hap rrugn pr raketave kubane 1962 krizs. Castroishte ather gjithnj i kujdesshm pr ndrhyrje t mtejshme t SHBA, dhe m t hapur prsugjerimet sovjetike pr vendosjen e armve brthamore n Kub pr t garantuar sigurin e saj.

    Gjirin e Derrave Memorial n pak Havana-Miami, Florida.N mars t vitit 2001, pak para 40 vjetorin e pushtimit, nj konferenc u mbajt n Havana, ku mornpjes rreth 60 delegat amerikane. Konferenca u titulluar Gjirit t Derrave: 40 vjet m pas, bashk-sponsorizuar nga Universiteti i Havans dhe me baz n SHBA Kombtare Archive Sigurimit [61].Ka ende strvitje vjetore n mbar vendin n Kub gjat "Dia de la Defensa '(Dita e Mbrojtjes), pr tprgatitur popullatn pr nj pushtim.Trashgimi pushtimit pr robri kubaneShumica e atyre q luftuan pr CIA-s n konfliktin mbeti besnik pas ngjarjes;. Disa Gjirin e Derraveveteranve u b oficer n ushtrin amerikane n Vietnam, duke prfshir gjasht kolonel, 19kolonelt toger, nnt diploma, dhe 29 komandant [62] Deri n mars 2007 , rreth gjysma e Brigadskishte vdekur. [63]N prill 2010, Shoqata e Pilot kuban t debutuar nj monument n aeroportin Kendall-TamiamiEkzekutiv memorializing 16 aviators pr ann mrgim t vrar gjat betejs. [64] prkujtimore prbhetnga nj lapidar dhe nj restauruar B-26 avion kopje n maj t nj flamur i madh kubanez.

    Playa Girn today

    Hawker Sea Furydisplayed at Museo Girn.

    Little remains of the original village, which in the 1960s was small and remote. It is still remote,with just a single road to the village and out again, but it has grown markedly since the invasion.
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    Few people there today were residents at the time. The road from the north is marked by frequentmemorials to the Cuban dead. There are billboards marking where invaders were rounded up andshowing pictures of their being led away. Another at the